#green bim
rbrooksdesign · 2 months
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"DMT_27," digital + acrylic, April 29, 2024, Reginald Brooks
DMT = Divisor (Factor) Matrix Table
Ah, the color purple -- or is it violet
The green before informs it all,
Or does it? Just look at that orange.
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lostcybertronian · 8 months
Hm hm...there is never enough love for these two guys together soooo how about "you wont like the truth" with bingiplier and the host perhaps ?
Egotober - Day 24
Prompt: Fire / "You won't like the truth."
They sat in a loose group at his feet, hanging on to every word as the most captivating story yet drifted through the warm, book-smelling air, floating like they didn’t hold the weight of the grotesque. 
“The subject stole the Author’s machete, thoroughly ruining the story he’d written. He swung it wildly in the Author’s direction, forcing him to back up, to shout. Then he turned and ran into the woods. The Author searched and searched, picking up his trail like a bloodhound with a scent, but he never did find his subject again.” The Host sat back in his wooden chair, its rickety legs creaking under his weight, and crossed his arms, dipping his chin to his chest. Sitting on the floor next to him was Dr. Iplier, leaning his head against the Host’s leg. He wore a thick, cable-knit sweater, and was clearly half-asleep. Still, he said, “I remember. It took you two weeks to get over that.”
From the back of the group, Google Red piped up, “I’m detecting a falsehood.”
“The Author rarely lost his subjects.” Green added, and Blue supplemented with, “And you’re arrogant enough to refuse to tell us such stories.”
“What’s the real story?” Bing asked, leaning forward and draping his arms over his folded legs. Bim nodded in assent. “You can’t hold out on us, bro.”
Dr. Iplier sat up a little straighter, suddenly looking more awake. He glanced at the Host; they both knew the Author had caught his subject. He’d then set the subject on fire and left him in the middle of the forest to burn.
The group waited, but the Host only shrugged. “You wouldn’t like the truth.”
Then, before anyone could protest, he launched into another story.
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yobuddybing · 8 months
NAYKT Season 2 - Update 2
Tag List: @mightnightmooon @thelittleautisticgirl
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The bus station cafe is way too busy so they head across the road to some fast food place and place two orders of food for the humans. They sit at a table together, Bim and Bing opposite each other, with Green next to Bim and King next to Bing.
“So no sign of Silver yet?” Bing asks between bites of his burger.
Bim shakes his head. “Not yet. The Colonel and JJ are…doing something.” His words are weighted with disappointment as he avoids looking at any of them, picking at his fries. Honestly he’s not all that hungry. “They’ll figure it out.”
Bing glances to Green who shakes his head. Bim’s been moping like this for months. They’ve tried to help cheer him up but he doesn’t seem to go for it at all. Better to leave it be.
“So what else have I missed?” Bing asks instead.
“The Jims are out of sync.” King’s getting restless, leg bouncing beneath the table, avoiding looking at anyone or anything in particular. The lights, the air, and the din of humanity bustling around them is slowly burrowing its way under his skin. The only thing keeping him half-sane right now is the gentle scrape as he slides the salt shaker between his hands on the table. “They think we haven’t noticed but we have.”
“Out of sync?”
King pauses, shuffling in his seat as he thinks.
“You know how they would always say everything at exactly the same time, no matter what it was and it was so annoying?”
“You’re the only one who finds it annoying.” Bing chuckles.
“He’s not.” Bim mutters.
“The point,” King cuts in, “they aren’t any more. They go to say something but one’s always like a second too early, or says something completely different.” He remembers the first time it happened. The way the Jims’ eyes just went wide and they immediately ran.“It’s weird.”
It’s definitely weird. For longer than Bing’s even known the Jims they’ve always worked as one. They’ve moved, acted, thought, decided as a single person and while yeah it’s weird, you get used to it.
“Do we know why?”
King snorts, going back to sliding the salt back and forth.
“They’re the Jims, who knows why they do anything?”
“Be nice.” Bim reminds him.
It’s no secret; King has never gotten along with the Jims. They’re extroverted, over the top, and reckless at the best of times while King is more reserved, introverted, and generally hateful towards humanity. Still, that’s no reason to be rude.
“We don’t know.” Green finally answers, “They refuse to acknowledge it.”
Damn. If a Jim doesn’t want to talk, there is no known force in the universe that can change their mind. They’re not allowed outside the building so they know every nook and cranny where they can hide away. Once they stayed hidden for two months, only surfacing to steal food from the kitchen, just to avoid being questioned about who broke something in the clinic.
Taking another bite Bing wonders what could be going on with them when he spies a sly glance from Bim aimed at King. The cyborg looks over; King’s not looking but his brow is furrowed and he shakes his head. Bim raises his eyebrows pointedly.
They startle, eyes going wide as they realise he saw them. Bing frowns. That’s totally not suspicious or worrying at all.
“Seriously guys, what?”
“Mad moved in.” Green’s blunt in his answer, the others turning to him and trying to hush him. Bing just stares in shock, a fry half way to his mouth suddenly forgotten.
“He what?”
“So much for breaking it gently.” King mutters, sinking into his seat.
Bing shakes his head. “I thought he was staying at the warehouse?”
A lot had happened while Bing was out of it and since then there’d been weeks of trying to sort it all out. Some people chose to leave, some wanted to stick around, and Dark offered for Mad to move into the building if he wanted. An invitation that the madman made stupidly clear the lot of them could shove where the sun doesn’t shine. Even after Natemare took the offer, Mad just said to lose his number and leave him alone.
“That was the plan.” Bim starts.
“Then what the heck?!”
Bing’s fist slams down, rattling the table and drawing the attention of several people nearby.
Bim looks between the cyborg’s fist and his face, not looking amused. “Feel better?”
The cyborg uncurls his fingers. His right hand. He keeps forgetting it’s stronger since his upgrade. Luckily he didn’t leave an impact on the table
“I’m fine.” he mutters. He clearly isn’t.
Green shifts, leaning over while making sure to keep his hand on Bing’s suitcase by his side.
“The warehouse burned down. Mad needed somewhere to stay and honestly we need his help with our processors.”
His voice is low, stern, very matter-of-fact. A clear indication that this is the end of this conversation.
Bing bites the inside of his lip. In Goog’s emails he’d said they were working on new emotional processors for the other Googles, now that they knew they had a limited life-span before they burned out too. Given the extreme circumstances Goog’s new one was made under, they wanted to fine-tune it before making a new one for the others.
Sure that would be easier with Mad’s help, after all no one knows anything near what he does about robotics, but that doesn’t change what a colossal self-serving buttwipe the guy is. Not to mention that he’d probably betray them all at the drop of a hat if it suits what he wants.
Bing drops the fry onto his plate and slumps in his seat. He’s not hungry any more.
Bim’s stopped eating too, and King’s clearly overstimulated. Green stands up, looking between them.
“I think it’s time we went home.”
“Agreed.” Bim nods.
“Finally.” King all but leaps out his seat, shaking away his discomfort.
Bing absently nods in agreement as he stands. At this point he just wants to be home.
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NAYKT: Season 2 - Update 1
Summary - Several months have passed since they defeated the Author but the victory feels uneasy. Mark is still out there planning who knows what, Silver's soul is still missing, and some of them suddenly find themselves in possession of power they have no clue what to do with.
A new enemy is lurking, and the stakes have never been higher. Everyone is looking for something, but will they be happy with what they ultimately find?
A/N - this is the first part of the main plot of season 2, a sequel to Not As You Know Them: Season One. You don't have to have read s1, but I recommend it if you don't want to wind up completely lost. - This is the second attempt at Season 2, the first having been moved to a non-canon archive on AO3 and removed from canon.
Tag list: @mightnightmooon @thelittleautisticgirl
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The bus station is awful.
To one side of the waiting area, King is sitting (and I use that term loosely) upside down on a plastic chair. His legs are going up, leaning against the wall while his head and shoulders are dangling from the chair where a normal person would put their legs. His hands are folded on his chest as he watches the people go past.
“What the hell delays a bus for an hour and a half?”
“You can always go back and wait with the others.” Bim offers.
King snorts at that. Not be here? That’s funny.
Bim is seated beside King, casually flicking through a magazine and wholly unbothered by the dryad’s unusual sitting position. King has never been patient, and being in such an artificial environment can’t be helping.
Green approaches in silence, nervously fidgeting with his fingers as he takes the empty seat on the other side of King. Bim glances over with a chuckle.
“I tried to warn you.”
“What?” King looks between them.
Green shakes his head gently. “Nothing.”
“Seriously what?!”
Bim turns the page of his magazine as he turns his attention back to it, “Bus station bathrooms are not a safe place for data collection.”
“Green!” the dryad grimaces, looking to the droid who very purposefully avoids his look. It’s a good thing the Googles are not equipped to blush in embarrassment.
They fall into an impatient silence that seems to amplify the noise going on around them. A steady murmur of people chatting amongst themselves, figuring out where it is that they need to go, the loud beep from the nearby convenience store, and the distant honking of cars along the pick up tunnel.
The air con blasts cool air but it’s stale and dry and lightly scented. King can feel it crawling all over his skin as only artificial air can. Since he recovered his trees, King finds himself sickened by anything less than pure outdoor freshness, and frankly being in here is making him queasy, though that could be the blood rushing to his head.
The dryad winces as a nearby speaker fritzes into life and a bored-sounding monotone voice murmurs through it. He strains to listen but it’s impossible to make out a single word. All mumbly and garbled with an undercurrent of the electronic whine that accompanies everything in this place.
Bim gently tosses his magazine onto a nearby table, “That’s the one, come on.”
Green nods in agreement and they both stand and move while King looks in utter confusion at them.
“You understood that?!”
King kicks away from the wall, rolling off the chair backwards and somehow landing gracefully in a crouch before straightening up and hurrying to catch up
Around them, several people are rushing past, dragging heaving suitcases along with them, not even stopping to acknowledge when they bump into someone. More than once King gets knocked and he says nothing but he's cursing internally pretty loudly in their general direction.
The large see-through wall of the gate lets the waiting people see every bus as it arrives and leaves, interspersed with built-in automatic doors at each gate. An easy way to control the flow of passengers while making sure no one can run out in front of the buses.
By the time they can see the gate, the bus has already arrived and the doors are already open. It’s a mess of people, some pushing through the doors, some coming through, while several are milling around waiting for their luggage to come free from storage.
“I don’t see him.” King huffs impatiently.
“Be patient.” Bim says calmly.
“I’ve been patient!” he snarks. “I just want-”
“There!” Green interrupts pointing towards the bus.
Sure enough, just this side of the doors stands Bing. Scruffy overgrown hair, sneakers, worn jeans, black t-shirt, and Google’s old royal blue zip hoodie half zipped up. There’s no one else in the world that could be.
Before anyone says anything, King’s running. Bim shouts after him but sod Bim. It’s been months. months, since Bing left to stay at Ed’s ranch. Months of only having the Jims to keep King company. Sure they’ve grown on him after everything that happened but they’re still loud and obnoxious and very extroverted, and very much not Bing.
At just the right moment Bing turns and sees him, beaming that lopsided grin of his and shifting his stance, arms raised, feet shoulder width apart. He knows what’s coming and he’s not going to stop it. The pair collide with force, Bing skidding across the ground from it before King practically lifts him off his feet.
They’re smiling, laughing, holding tight as they stand, not caring if anyone is staring at them.
“I’m guessing you didn’t forget me then.” Bing chuckles.
“Never.” King puts him down.
The others soon catch up, Green giving Bing an equally tight, if somewhat less airborne hug while Bim glances over the heads of the people around them.
“Where’s Ed?”
“He changed his mind.” Bing shrugs over Green’s shoulder. “Something about having had enough of our crazy shenanigans and it being safer at the ranch.”
- beep beep beep beep -
Shrill beeping pierces the air and Bing winces, covering his left ear, “What’s that?”
Bim taps at his watch and the beeping stops, “Don’t worry about it.”
Green takes the handle of Bing’s suitcase, glancing towards the TV host for a moment before turning to Bing, “Let’s get you something to eat.”
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craftartz67 · 2 years
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Abe the Detective
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WELCOME back everybody, I'm sure you're all here for one thing! To...
Find out.. Who is the best Ego.. featuring..
OR, atleast you SHOULD be. Just sayin'...
Plz follow and DM your votes/Reblog and TAG your votes.
Anyway let's get into it. WE HAVE OUR MATCH UP!
From the acclaimed Danger in Fiction, series..
AND From "Google gets an Upgrade"
We have Our Match up!
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conservesolution · 1 year
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BIM Consulting Services, Architectural Structural and MEP Design and Detail Engineering, Plant and Process Engineering- Conserve Solutions
Conserve Solution is the leading BIM Consulting Services. We provide Architectural, structural and MEP design and detail Engineering. We also offer detail engineering services for process and oil and gas industries
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indovance · 1 year
Green Buildings Solutions with BIM Modeling Services
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Green Buildings or Green Architecture can preserve or raise the standard of living in the area in which it is situated thanks to their design and features. Achieving a high level of efficiency is necessary to accomplish because it minimizes pollution by using less energy, water, and other resources.
Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a 3D model-based process for planning, designing, and constructing buildings that can help in planning an eco-friendly structure.
Building Information Modelling (BIM) can be used to reduce energy consumption and the environmental impact of a building. BIM provides specific workflows and modeling tips to make a building a ‘Green Building’.
Learn here how can BIM modeling services help green building design.
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mattostrom · 1 year
Watch "Governor Hochul Announces the Completion of Plug Power’s Manufacturing Facility in Albany County" on YouTube
I helped make this possible. 😌 It is cool to see my 3D design in the background when the video pans out! 😃
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rdttech · 2 years
How can BIM improve Green Building Projects Effectively?
For an ever-changing and advancing world that constantly seems to be moving ahead while leaving the environment behind, the phrase “The new age is pursuing green architecture” seems suitable. While numerous causes contribute to climate change, buildings are a major contributor.
Research shows that buildings and construction account for 36% of global energy consumption and 27% of the global carbon footprint. Thus, green construction is a response to this coming threat.
Major contributors to global warming include urban heat islands in rapidly expanding cities, industrial pollution, and carbon emissions from buildings. To that end, green buildings have a notably less environmental footprint.
According to a leading report, green buildings have the potential to reduce energy consumption by 50%. On the other hand, Micro-level energy savings for buildings have been validated by the IGBC and LEED at 40-50 percent and 20-30 percent, respectively.
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What are the Factors that make a Building “Green”?
Reusable and Local Materials
Green buildings are those that make creative use/reuse of previously used materials, minimize the use of resources that have a direct impact on the environment, and recycle the remnants of previously constructed structures.
The Building Factors
Green buildings can be made with the help of materials, tools, and methods that minimize the need for large amounts of electricity and resources. Also, in order to lessen their global environmental impact, green buildings should be assembled on-site instead of in a factory.
Better Energy Efficiency
The installation of green-rated appliances, which use less energy and load, reduces the need for HVAC and electrical energy overall. Sustainable architecture also makes use of alternative energy sources like solar panels.
Optimal Water Management
Water treatment and Rainwater harvesting solutions that recycle water for use in green buildings are prime examples. They would also leverage water-saving appliances to control consumption levels.
Read More about it
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doctordiscord123 · 3 months
Double Crossing
Bim works for the Byrnes, has for years. What is he hiding from them?
Commission Info | Buy me a ko-fi
Bim Trimmer laughed where he sat in the lounge of the Byrne family’s main headquarters, drink in hand and leaning against the one and only Marvin the Magnificent. Marvin, who was currently entertaining the gathered group with animals made of fireworks, racing around the room and popping in peoples’ laps. A bright green fizzing cat had landed in Jackie’s lap, and the poor boy had nearly jumped out of his skin. Something that was the current subject of Bim’s laughter, as Jackie pouted and waved a hand at the creature, making it dissolve into popping sparks.
Marvin chuckled, wrapping an arm around Bim’s shoulders, and flicked a wrist. Robbie clapped his hands in utter delight as a purple eagle soared over head, its screech a series of firework hisses, before it collided with the ceiling and exploded in radiant sparks. “You know, Bim, I would’ve done this much sooner if I knew how much you’d like it~”
“I know~” Bim shifted to throw a leg across Marvin’s lap, and pulled him in with a gentle tug of his hair into a sweet kiss. Jackie made a gagging sound in the background, and Bim let go of Marvin’s hair to flip him off before parting.
Read the rest on Ao3!
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lostcybertronian · 1 year
For the Angst Prompts: ❛ oh, now you care? ❜ with Host (or Author) and anyone else of your choosing. Thank you! ☕
Prompt: “Oh, now you care?”
A small space had been carved out from the shelves, adorned with the occasional candle, flickering, dripping wax onto the worn wood and casting soft halos of light over carefully patched spines. Of course, no book would dare catch fire. It was the rule.
Scattered on blankets and in overstuffed armchairs were: the Jims, without their camera this time; Googles Red and Green, listening intently; Bim, wearing pajama bottoms and a dress shirt; and Bing, who looked half-asleep. Dr. Iplier was running late. 
“The Author was bleeding, but not badly, from a gash on his forehead.” The Host sat at the center of this gathering on a simple, wooden chair, elbows propped on his thighs, his fingers steepled. It felt like he was staring at every single one of them at once, though he had no eyes to see. “Even half-blind with blood, he was still able to navigate his woods quickly and efficiently. They were his, after all, and they led him to Edward. He was just a medical student at the time, and he was terribly lost in the woods, injured, and running from one of the Author’s plots.”
“Is this how you met?” Bim asked, suddenly more interested. He sat up straight in his armchair, adjusting his glasses.
The Host’s head tilted toward Bim. His teeth were tinted slightly red. “Yes,” he said.
“Is that so?” Dr. Iplier said, interrupting the Host. He emerged from the shelves still in his scrubs and lab coat, a mask dangling from one ear. “If I recall correctly, I rescued you.”
That caught everyone’s attention. Even Bing looked alert.
The Host frowned, offended. “Of course not.”
Dr. Iplier strode across the small space, jabbing one finger at the Host. He was half-grinning; clearly they’d had this discussion before. “Oh, so now you care about the details? At the time, I don’t remember you being such a stickler. You were the one who got lost. I was the one who found you.”
The Host stood up, towering over the doctor, who continued to stand his ground. He fired off a retort, and they dissolved into silly bickering. Meanwhile, the assembled group sullenly got up, one by one, and filed out. With luck, they’d make it out of that labyrinth before the morning.
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maranull · 8 months
Hiyooo !
Im off to read your stuff now and I'm just wondering
What would everyone's profile pictures be in the demigod groupchat?
Stay silly fren!!
Bim! Hi, hi!
Right, so I imagine the interface in their chat app to be kinda like a mix of viber and discord. They have rounded pfps, but they also tent to use IRL pics, not avatars.
Melina Generally has a pic of her doing the peace sign at the most random locations you can think of. From skyscrapers to mountaintops to jungles. Though as of chapter 8, her pic is just her holding a tiny and kinda messy bouquet.
Miquella He has a kid's drawing that depicts him and Malenia doing their humanitarian work. It was given to him during one of their first times doing that work, and the kid gave it to him after Miq helped save its mother. He is never changing that pfp.
Malenia A blurry picture of her practising her sword techniques. It looks like a flurry of metal with the occasional red hair appearing in there. You wouldn't know it is her in the image if it wasn't for her username.
Radahn A picture of Leonard. The pic changes every single day and no pic has ever been used twice. Sometimes the pfp changes twice in a single day.
Blaidd Only his back is shown in his pfp, and he is overlooking a green valley from the top of a hill.
Ranni A Picrew chibi version of her. It has a pretty angry face but due to it being a chibi, it just looks cute.
Tiche A perfect portrait shot of her working at her office. The most pristine and high quality picture out of everyone.
Rykard A family picture that was most certainly not meant to be used as a tiny pfp. He is standing next to Tanith and he is holding a bundle of clothes, with a baby Rya hidden somewhere inside. At the background of the shot, Sniffy's enclosure can be seen.
Godwyn Him waving a polite hello with a gentle smile.
This was harder than I thought. :P
And thank you for the ask! I hadn't thought about their pfps at all, so it was pretty fun trying to figure them out!
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a-vamp-and-a-half · 26 days
“She-she’s exaggerating!” Evan yells quickly, fearful of how the crowd gobbles Ferox’s words up as he meets Neora’s stricken expression “Its just-just friendly squabbles!”
“Oh folks he’s humble” the host coos into the mic “So very modest indeed. They’re always so shy before their first show aren’t they?” He says teasingly as the crowd chuckles
Many were wearing holding masks, flipped currently to show Comedy, with a few lingering on Tragedy as they impatiently waited for the show to start
The host simply chuckles seeing them, brushing a thumb against his lapel “Not Archie tho, bless his soul. That barbarian rushed right in and left no survivors with that baritone! Ah to think how big he’d have made it” the host almost sighs along with the crowd
“But yes. Rules! Rules our dear Archie did not listen to, eager as he was, boring as they are!” The crowd laughs
“Betting may commence right now! Prices may be promised to our dear contestants upon their victory, and blessings for their performance. However! Remember none may transform their nature given skills” the host laughs
“Start the betting! And shout your favours in turn!” He cheers, and in the back Neora could be seen rapidly talking with someone
The betting among the crowd seems to be mostly in Evan and Bing's favor for doing well, a few extra bets on Evan because of his costume.
"FEELING REALLY GOOD ABOUT THE FUN OF SINGING!" calls out a voice in the crowd. The lights focus on Bim, who seems to have come in a different entrance than Green- and who seems to be quickly tucking something that looks suspiciously like his Tome into one of the layers of ruffles in his maid's skirt.
"WH- DOC?!"
One by one, every member of The Fam calls out their presence. Ferox leaps to her feet in her seat, searching for them in the crowd and applauding, cheering, and pointing at each of them.
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heraldofcrow · 10 months
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*hits you with that reverse switch*
Idek if you did the bingo thingy, but I demand things about Luther
(this is a threat)
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Luther…Bloody Crow…my cherished son…
Ok @bimbomcgee prepare for my rambling as well xD (YOU SUMMONED THIS!!)
Man, I really just turned him into an OC, didn’t I? His in-game lore implications are great, but let’s be real, we have no clue what his character is and the wide fandom interpretation of him being a blood-drunk Annalise simp is probably the closest thing we’ll get to a somewhat canonical character.
But omg I love him. I love his design, his potential…his unnatural strength in the game and his possible links to other characters. I love characterizing and writing him despite his mystery.
Though I’ll admit, sometimes I feel like my design for him is just like:
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LOL. Could this be the secret formula??? Hear me out!
He has the classic silver-haired, green-eyed, katana-wielding, anime villain with the black wing (s) vibe all over him + he is simping for a powerful inhuman queen/goddess and he’s…also completely out of his mind?? This one isn’t entirely my fault though because I’m sorry but Miyazaki is about as subtle as a brick with his external references.
But Jinx from Arcane is, oddly enough, a huge bit of inspo for me personally. I love her. She is a modern video game character that very accurately depicts psychosis and mania in a way that makes perfect sense, and when I decided that Luther was gonna be someone that descended into insanity…I found Jinx to be a fabulous reference. Plus, we have the sibling drama, the adoptive parent drama, and the unhinged gunslinging thing going on so…yeah.
Luther is also just his own character at this point too though. I can’t control the bastard. He just keeps getting weirder and gaining layers. I get to develop him by exploring his relationship with Maria, sometimes with Eileen more-so, and with Annalise as well….but my boi just keeps turning into this crazily overwhelming character in my head.
Just trying to plan out his transformation from a sweet, sensitive kid that is eager to please and looks up to certain people in his life with massive affection to someone that is manic, unbridled and hateful towards humanity in general is incredibly daunting, but I love the challenge.
I have to dig through the layers of his twisted psyche and make. it. make. sense. His downfall has to be perfectly woven into the canon territory and something that would actually fit with FromSoft’s style of writing. It has to be an absolute gut-punch, but also I want his Bloody Crow persona to be so villainous and cruel that we know he is truly long gone by that point.
It’s so fun and dramatic. No wonder he rots my brain 24/7. I am studying a villain arc with some pretty serious dedication.
And I wish, I wish, I wish the fandom would not just focus on how much they hate his fight all the time or characterize him as a petulant loser or a cliche vampire villain shnjdhnjs but hey, he did piss everyone off quite a bit and I get it. I just love heartfelt takes on him when I find them and I need moreeee.
I guess in the mean time, I’ll just keep screaming about him from my corner xD
But Bim!!! The fact that you like him and my propaganda for the stabby lil guy makes me so happy!! YOU ARE A REAL ONE M8!
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carrotcakecrumble · 1 year
A (near) comprehensive list of the tops and bottoms of tc:
(A pre-warning bc, I took this too seriously I even formatted it n’everything dgdjdhk)
Andrew: hear me out but, top, the way he wrenched that oxygen tank like okay we get it you’re a himbo hunk
Bunny: just, every position imaginable
Alec: the man invented versatile he’s the biggest vers to ever walk upon England’s mountains green
Sandy: waiting till marriage ofc💍 (acc just made to sleep on the sofa every night)
Bim: I know all the evidence points the other way but, I just feel top (he’d bottom for Ralph tho ofc)
Charles: if Laurie would have given him a chance he would have topped the shit outta him
Hazell: Bottom duh (freaky wid it too)
Carter: idk but he’s a cuddler
Dave: bearded bear top
Andrew’s gay-ass dad: twink femboy bottom
That one northern soldier bloke that tries to convince Laurie he’s straight whilst simultaneously coming onto him: bottom but strictly lights off and he closes his eyes
That one officer that makes a move on Laurie: bottombottombottombottom
That guy at the party who’s getting cheated on with absolute riff-raff: vers, he seems like a man who knows how to put his foot down yknow
Henry (or is it Harry?): idk but he grosses me out a bit so i don’t wanna think about it
That little waiter guy at the wedding: ex-bottom but now mostly just lonely
Toto: ain’t never been a more bottom name than toto
Charlot: I don’t have an answer for Charlot but I leave him out a lot and I feel bad he’s cute
and finally, controversially, Reg: I feel like he would engage in a few tugs in the right context (he gives ‘a mouths a mouth’ energy)
Oh and since we’re on the topic, straike likes to keep his vicar collar on
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