#greenie the home
PSA (Sorry that it's so long)
As everyone knows, today (at least in the time of me making this post) is May 5th, aka Greenie's bday. That being said, she recently had her purpose reworked to where she actually travels into decaying AUs and she would pollinate flowers and what not to restore the outdoor environments of these worlds at least. In some cases, where the damage is really bad, she'd temporarily have to root herself into the ground and go into her sentient greenhouse building form. That being said, her object head form and her puppet form still has butterfly wings. I decided that she's still based on a greenhouse as well, that being said, press keep reading so that I can get to the PSA.
In honor of Greenie existing for approximately one year, I have decided that starting today, I will hold a contest for her new design, just make sure to include the features about her that I mention below. And don't worry, you guys will have longer than a day, you'll have precisely a week at least, so like next Sunday. Her object head form will likely be the new pfp, so the winner of that would have their drawing of object head Greenie as the new pfp, and they'd be credited in the new pinned post, of course. The winner of building form Greenie would have their picture of that as the background, again, with credit. Also just to let you guys know, you don't HAVE to do a full body pic, just the neck and head, and if you want to, the chest works if you can't do the rest for her object head form. Now onto the features that I would like included:
~Object Head form~
-Her head is in the shape of a normal Home, but it is made of glass and wood, basically looking like a greenhouse material wise
-Which means, most of her body is windows, so her eyes wouldn't have windows over them, but they'd still be where normal Home's windows are if that makes sense
-Basically, reference the current pfp if you're stuck, but maybe make the reds, blues, and yellows more pastel looking
-As I said above, she has butterfly wings on her back, you may decide what butterfly the wings represent although if you are curious: in her original concept, she had pink glass wing butterfly wings
-She wears some sort of dress with vines on it, vines are also growing up her neck a little
-The goop on her body is clear colored, so like whiteish-gray or something idk how ya'll would do that but it forms her complete lower body, even the hands
~Building form~
-Basically, a bigger version of her head on the ground
-This form of her's is covered with a lot of vines usually
-No wings in building form, this form isn't able to move really
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agrumpylonelyhome · 6 months
Hermit how is everything?
[Stressful] -just finished setting up a nest for ms. byte made out of material that wouldn't cause her to overheat and hooked her to the charging port, now he's carrying a tiny greenhouse figure and going to sakura's room to tell her goodnight-
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homeoftone · 11 months
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2023 Gibson 'Greeny' Les Paul Standard reissue
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greeniscosmic · 1 year
insane things from the vent app that have been ingrained into my brain:
kin currency
kin being part of an emotion set
the sans kinnie being drunk on ketchup
hot takes group > gray area > scottcourse
the N*ZI KINNIE??? fuck that guy fr wtf was that
jamie killing the app
reblog with more if you can think of anything else!!!
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forestduck · 2 years
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I'll hide,when you try to find me. I belong where you don't. I am me when you are gone.
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blunderpuff · 3 months
my stupid cat and i are having such a stupid battle of wills:
i buy a veritable smorgasbord of different flavors+brands of cat foods
she eats about 1/2 of the 2.5oz can (the stupid little cans) with enthusiasm
later in that day, she'll ask for her dinner, and i'll put that food on her little painted dish (holla at my Terror girlies iykyk)
fatal mistake! she no longer likes that food, and in fact, will not even LOOK at it on her plate
so i leave it on her plate bc there's still half a can of Turducken For Cats
so now it's 11pm and she's honking sadly but incessantly outside my door, begging for food bc she hasn't eaten since 2pm and she's HUNGRY
there's food on the plate
she won't look at it, and certainly won't eat it
so from my point of view: this prissy hairbag is wasting food and wasting my money and wasting my time by being the kind of asshole who only eats 1/2 of a flavor of cat food, and then never eats it again
and from her point of view: i present to her an incredible meal, so tasty and wonderful, and then when she asks for it again, i give her the same meal but somehow evil and terrible now, and i won't give her any Good food, so now she must starve
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aktieshop · 6 months
"Indoor Plants: Transform Your Space with Greenery, Health, and Style!"
Indoor plants have become the go-to solution for bringing nature indoors, enhancing aesthetics, and improving overall well-being. These green companions are not only trendy decor elements but also offer a myriad of benefits that elevate your living space to new heights. Read more
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greeniism · 1 year
got my gallbladder and or forbidden bag of dice taken out yesterday- fun times lol
i have an owie in my everywhere
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parents are like. surely lectures and shame and threats will make our disabled child become a straight a student. this is perfect and will definitely not tank the little motivation he has left
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sugarlywhispers · 5 months
ex!b.katsuki x reader ; m.izuku x reader — bakugou cheats on his gf, with midoriya's girlfriend.
☆– warnings; ANGST. mention and description of panic attacks, swear words, cheating (bakugou to reader; uraraka to midoriya), description of a fight. But it ends in fluff~ c;
☆–a.n; honestly, i don't know if i'm going to add another chapter... i still have a bit more of ideas for this, but i don't know ._.
in the meantime, i hope you liked this new part! <3
also, i hope ya'll have a wonderful beggining of 2024!!! may this new year bring lots of good thing for everyone, lots of love and adventures, new amazing things and wonderful people to your lives!
love ya'll so much, wish you all ALL the good things life can bring; no more tears, except happy ones. <3
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A few weeks go by, and Midoriya and you keep in touch, texting almost everyday. Talking about random stuff, important stuff, whatever the mood is. But it's mostly cute, random stuff, getting to know each other kind of feeling. It's funny how you both have been around each other for so long and did not actually know one another. 
The texting was cute. Like a picture he sends one afternoon, when his shift is calm and almost finished, when the sun is setting, taken from up high in a building. A beautiful sunset picture that you use as a lock screen wallpaper on your phone. Or that one selfie he sent when he shared patrols with Hero Shoto; you remember thinking how cute he looked posing next to the hot and cold Hero, with two fingers of one of his hands pulled up on a peace sign. Or a picture of a little puppy Hero Deku found on a rainy morning shift. He took it to the closest vet so they could help the little animal, and you find that so fucking heroic it makes your heart jump from the cuteness.
"I wonder… who has you smiling like that? Oh , I know… Mister Greeny," Mineta mocks, his eyebrows shaking up and down suggestively.
"Shut up," you bark and hit him on the upper arm strongly. He simply laughs.
Three months pass faster than you actually realize. You're better, you feel better. You haven't had a single panic attack since Midoriya Izuku entered your life. Which is good… it means good.
He is good.
Since that first Friday you grabbed coffee together, you both decided to make it your day. Each and every Friday morning, Izuku and you would go to grab coffee at that same shop you went to the first time; then he would walk you home as the gentleman he is.
It's Friday and you're waiting for him, it's a bit late already, but you know he is coming. He had a night patrol but he insisted to not break the new tradition - his words. You found it cute, so you didn't protest.
But now you're worried, because it's almost 30 minutes since you have been waiting and he hasn't come yet. Then it becomes 40, 45, 50 minutes. You feel your neck itchy, but you try to ignore it, looking at your phone. Waiting for a notification, waiting for Mid‐ Izuku to contact you. But nothing.
It's already been 1.10 hours long and no sign of him. You sigh and decide to go home, it's been more than an hour already. Probably he had something coming up at the last minute, or he simply forgot. He probably had a rough night and he didn't have time to meet you. You're not as important as his job, obviously.
You grab your things and exit the place, the kind girl behind the counter smiles sadly at you and waves her hand as goodbye. You smile, or at least try, in her direction and leave the coffee shop.
You feel itchy all over. This… This is… weird . Why are you feeling like this? You have no right to feel… disappointed, hurt . He's a Hero. He's freaking Number One, pro hero Deku. His job will always come first. But you can't help it. It's like…
You're not my priority, Y/N. Understand that you'll never be. I have to concentrate in my job if want to fucking be Number one.
You haven't heard his voice in your head for a long time now. And hearing it again is… painful. Hurting. Choking .
Every sound around you feels a hundred times louder as you walk, every light blinds you and you don't realize you're bumping into almost everyone around. The pressure on your neck is getting stronger and you can't breathe. You can't think. Your vision is turning black, like that night at the ramen shop with Mineta. A panic attack . You're having one in the middle of the street. How embarrassing . How pathetic . 
You want the blackness to finally evolve you, and don't let go.
And then you see it, you feel it. Green eyes and strong hands grabbing your shoulders. You know those green eyes, you have seen them before. He's moving his mouth but you can't hear his voice. He looks worried; why is he worried? You feel rough hands that grab your face as softly as he can, and they are cold. You aren't used to the cold, but you like it. It's refreshing.
"...hear me? Y/N, please breathe, okay? Breathe with me," his voice is comforting, so you follow him, you breathe with him. "That's it… You're okay. We are okay."
The sight around you starts to clear, the blackness dissipates and you see clearly. His face is the first thing your eyes find. You know him. "Izuku?"
" Yes! Yes, it's me… Hi, love," he smiles relieved. You look around realizing you're in the middle of a circle, with him. People are watching, some worried, some annoyed. Embarrassing .
You realize then that Izuku's hands are around your face, holding you with no intention of letting go. "Izuku…"
He blinks, realizing then probably your surroundings and nods. "Yes, come one, let's go…"
Izuku helps you stand, his arm surrounding your waist pulling your weight on him so he helps you walk. Everyone starts clapping, clearly recognizing hero Deku even in his civilian clothes.
He walks you to your apartment in silence. Until you walk into the building, "There's no elevator?"
"No, it's been broken since before I got here," you know your voice sounds throaty, and the expression on his face says it worries him.
He sighs looking at the long stairs ahead. He knows you live on the fourth floor. "Okay, then," he says before picking you up, bridal style.
"Izuku! I can walk!"
"No, you can't. You have been putting your weight on me the whole way here."
"Still, I…"
"Shut up. Let me help," his tone it's so authoritative you have no other option than to do that. Shut up and let him help, because you know you wouldn't be able to climb those stairs up on your own even if you tried.
On the way up, you can't avoid watching him. He looks… angry . You have never seen him like that, or better said, you have never experienced his anger, you have seen him angry on the TV, fighting villains.
"I'm sorry," you say, and he stops midway, his eyes traveling to your face.
"You're apologizing for having a panic attack?" He's frowning, his tone incredulous, but serious. It makes tingles run your body.
"I'm… Yes, it's embarrassing ," you feel your voice crack a bit, and you hate that.
"Y/N, it's not embarrassing. It's a trauma response. And it's okay to go through it. But you need to heal…"
You look away from his face, tears already burning your eyes. You can't help but hear his voice again.
Having panic attacks in public is embarrassing, Y/N. You have to control them. Don't be fucking weak.
" He said… he said they were embarrassing."
You know you shouldn't be saying this to Izuku, but you said it even before you could actually think it.
" Who said-…" Izuku stops mid sentence. Takes a deep, deep breath, and continues climbing the stairs in silence. You don't dare look up. He's so tense and angry, you don't really have the courage to witness that right now.
When you arrive at the fourth floor you signal him which one is your apartment. And even when you are in front of the door, he doesn't put you on the ground. He stands there, waiting patiently, as you search for the key card on your bag and when the door is open he enters with you in his arms. He of course takes his shoes off at the entrance and walks inside.
He doesn't say anything as he sits you over the small couch and sits next to you, his arm touching yours and taking almost all the space around you. His smell is around and you like it.
His face is even closer to yours when he asks, worried, "When were you going to tell me you have panic attacks?"
"I… I don't want to bother anyone with them." You tell the truth. You can't lie to him.
"That's what he told you? That they are a bother?" You simply shrug, not really wanting to answer. "Y/N, I'm not angry or feel like this is a bother. I'm worried, you need help."
"I am going to therapy. I've been going since I'm five, Izuku. I had a handle on them, they weren't recurrent until…"
"Until he left you," he finishes for you, slightly shaking his head and you nod.
Izuku sighs, standing up and you watch him. Is he going away? Is he embarrassed and going away, deciding not to involve or do anything with your broken self?
"Do you mind if I make us both tea?"
You shake your head rapidly in answer. He smiles and walks towards the kitchen. You follow his every move, being a small apartment it's easy to do it.
Izuku is… staying . For tea. He's not leaving. He's not leaving you alone after a panic attack. Like Mineta. But he's your best friend, Mineta has always been there; like you have been there for him even after the war he had to be part of at such a young age and he tried to push you away. Izuku doesn't have that obligation. Izuku… is your friend? Well, that's how you like to think of him since you got to know him this past months. But the category of best friend was not there for him yet. You were just getting to know each other. So, why is he here? Why does he stay?
"It's ready," he suddenly says, sitting back next to you with the two mugs of tea. He gives you one and you accept it a bit startled.
The sudden smell of lemon with honey tea that invades your nose as you bring it closer to drink immediately relaxes you. You smile after taking a sip.
You look back at him and he's watching intently at you, like he's waiting for your reaction.
"You remembered," you say and you really want to cry now.
He smiles, a hand flying to the back of his head to scratch it nervously, "You said it was your favorite."
You did. On a text message, when the topic was favorite drinks . But the fact that he remembered that you said it, it is… overwhelming.
Silence again. On your part it's more relaxed, but you can feel him a bit anxious. You decide to give him space, time to say whatever it is that it's inside his mind.
Until he does.
"You're not the only one… struggling still… with all that happened." He says as he sets his mug on the little coffee table in front of you. It's very small, mostly for decoration. Only space for the two mugs you're using at the moment. Izuku then lays his elbows over his knees, fingers fidgeting in the middle clearly showing his nervousness. "I have nightmares. Very bad ones, since the war. Uraraka used to help a lot, she was always there for me when I needed her."
This is the first time he talks about her this willingly, so you just keep silent and give him the space he needs to say whatever he wants.
"I was finally getting better… and then… she wasn't there anymore…"
"The nightmares came back?" He simply nods. You can't help yourself but to direct your hand towards his shoulder in a form of comfort, which he accepts with a small smile.
"I guess… we are two broken people, trying to pick up the pieces left. Aren't we?"
His eyes shine with tears he refuses to set free, probably also what your own looked like. He smiles sadly at you, before patting your hand that still holds his shoulder.
You both stay in silence for a little while before Izuku breaks the silence again.
"I'm sorry about today. I had…" He sighs. "I had a discussion with a partner."
Partner? You know Izuku doesn't have many partners. One is Hero Shoto, who also is his best friend. You doubt he had a discussion with him, you couldn't actually see Shoto in a heated discussion at all. And the other one is… Oh .
"What did he do now?" You don't even have to mention his name. You and Izuku know who you're talking about.
The green-haired man rolls his eyes. "We have been civil. For the sake of everybody around us. And if I'm being honest, we work well together. In fights, we understand each other perfectly. So we decided to just be professional and not bring up anything that happened."
You know this. Izuku had already told you this once, when he called you on his lunch break to talk to you about a cute little butterfly that he would send you the picture of when he was less busy and you heard Bakugou's voice on the back calling for Izuku. They had been on a mission together.
"Until…" Izuku continues, "Until this morning, when he decided to bring up our Friday morning's coffee."
" What?! " You frown. How did he know? Nobody knew, besides Mineta and probably Shoto on Izuku's side. Nobody else knew… unless…
"Paparazzis discovered us. I don't know how. I'm always careful when meeting you. I take a lot of turns and I disguise myself the best I can so they don't recognize me. But they found out." He sighs, a hand sliding his green and black curls back. "They released an article yesterday. About us."
Izuku takes out his phone, searching for something before showing it to you.
Yes, my readers, this is apparently what it looks like. A young, pretty lady like this caught the attention of the Symbol of Hope quite fast, if you ask for my humble opinion.
We don't have much information about her, sadly. Only that this lady has our favorite Pro Hero on her clutches... Look at the way he looks at her in the following pictures!
Isn't it cute? Let me be honest, as a fan of Deku myself, I can't avoid feeling a bit heartbroken, but I also think that this man deserves all the happiness anyone can give him. Don't you agree? And after that sudden break up with Pro Hero Uravity that caught everyone by surprise, makes me think… Does this lady have anything to do with it? Did she catch Pro Hero Deku's heart from before, causing the break up? Mmm, so many questions, readers, that we don't have the answers yet! But no mind, we will try our best to find them! Be patient, and in the meantime, show a bit of support for our favorite Number One Hero.
You feel like vomiting. Your picture, clear as day, has never been on the front page of a magazine. Bakugou has always protected his privacy so meticulously, and that included you. The media and his fans knew he had a relationship, but he never let anyone get a glimpse of it.
And here you are now, on the front page of Go-zzip Hero magazine, the picture showing you sitting in front of Izuku in that coffee shop, talking so close to his face it practically looks like you're kissing. Oh, shit . You do that? You actually speak that close to him??
You swallow thickly, looking back up at Izuku.
"I am so sorry, Izuku, I didn't know."
"Of course you didn't know. None of us did. But I'm sorry I wasn't more careful…"
"Don't be silly. This is not your fault."
"Yours either."
You both smile shyly at each other. This is… chaotic. Being involved with him is… OH, SHIT.
"What? What is it?" He asks as he sees your eyes open wide in fear.
"Your fans are gonna kill me..."
"No, they aren't…"
"Yes, they are! Oh my God!" You stand, after putting your mug over the table next to his, a bit wobbly on the legs which makes him react fast to hold you if you fall, but you don't. You start walking one way to the other of your small living room. "I'm so food for the fishes… they are going to kill me!"
Izuku chuckles. "No, they aren't, Y/N…"
"Don't laugh! Yes, they are! Especially after what that journalist said! They even hinted that probably I was the reason you broke up with Uraraka!"
"Which is not true. I'll call my manager and PR team and ask for an interview with the magazine and clarify this. You don't have anything to worry about. Neither does Mineta. I'll clarify that we are just friends…"
That makes you freeze in place, frowning. "Mineta? What does he have to do with this?"
Izuku frowns too, looking confused at you. "Aren't you… Isn't he… Aren't you dating ?"
"WHAT?!" By Izuku's flinching, you realize you raised your tone a bit louder than you intended. "Sorry…Mineta is my best friend, Izuku. He's like a brother to me."
Izuku looks so confused, "But… But you always speak about him. He cooks for you, he is… he is here almost everyday for you, and he did all that stuff to piss off Bakugou for you, like a…"
"Like a brother would." You smile. "I do think that somehow our souls are connected, because I know I could leave apart from anyone, except him . He's that annoying sticky thing you get used to living with and don't want to unstick, because if you do something will miss. Because he's my brother. I wouldn't be able to live without his annoying ass." Izuku laughs with you. You walk back to sitting next to him as silence comes back. Then, you keep talking, "Mineta has been there when I had no one. Even when we were five years old and my parents died in a car accident, provoked by a hero-villain fight." Deku tenses, but keeps his attention on you. "We used to play heroes when we were kids and fantasize about how we were going to be Number One. Both of us, together. And then the accident happened. I was left alone. I didn't have much family around, only my old great-grandma that was barely suitable to raise a child. So I was given to the state. I went to an orphanage."
You don't know why you're baring your soul to Izuku like this. This was a painful, very intimate part of your history nobody knew but Mineta. Not even Bakugou knew. He never insisted for you to tell him. He simply accepted that you were Mineta's best friend, end of sentence. He never questioned anything. Now you wonder if that was a good or a bad thing.
"That's when your panic attacks began?" He asks a bit timidly. You nod.
"It happened that same day, when I was given the news about their deaths. A kind lady had been there with me, explaining what it all meant. She was kind, but she didn't have much experience. Imagine walking into a room as a kid where your parents are lying dead in two stretchers and being told these are your parents and you're not gonna see them anymore ." Izuku flinches again, a chill clearly running down his back. "A few hours later, I had my first panic attack. I lost consciousness for almost an hour. It was the longest one I ever had and doctors were worried not enough oxygen had gone to my brain, considering that even when I woke up I wasn't talking to anyone."
"Until Mineta and Auntie Asiki came to see me at the hospital. The second Mineta lay down next to me in the hospital bed, I started crying, and he held me. We were kids, not knowing anything about life, and he still understood that I needed him. Auntie Asiki offered to bring me home with her and Mineta, but the forms to the orphanage had already been filled and accepted. It would take a lot of money, lawyers and procedures to let her, a single mother, take my custody. And while her heart and intentions were hugely appreciated for even thinking about it, it was impossible."
"I didn't know Mineta's mom was a single mother." Izuku frowns, probably guilting himself about it, because of everything they, as class A, had been through their years at UA.
"He doesn't like speaking about it. He really has to trust you to tell you about it."
Izuku nods, instantly respecting that decision. He then scratches his neck again. 
"So, you and him are not…"
You chuckle. "Not even if he was the last man on Earth." Izuku laughs too.
" Ouch , that wounds me so deep, bun," Mineta's voice is heard from the entrance as he walks inside your apartment.
Shit , you haven't heard him at all. The worry on your face is visible, because you have been talking about him, about his private life, and you hadn't consulted him before. You feel so bad, so worried he'll get mad at you.  
Mineta sees you and simply shrugs, "It's okay, bun, I trust Midoriya." He then winks at you and you feel the worry disappear completely.
"Thank you, Mineta. I promise I won't speak about it to anyone."
"It's okay," Mineta answers Izuku, pulling his thumb up in his direction. You smile watching their interaction. "I'm not here though to have this conversation." Your best friend gets closer to where you are, a worried expression on his face. "I was told you had another one, in the middle of the street.." You sigh, looking down at your hands that lay in your lap. "Was it because of him again?"
You nod and Mineta is the one who sighs this time.
"About Bakugou?" Izuku asks then, frowning.
You nod again. "My therapist is helping, but yes, they appear after I remember something, random things he once had said to me."
"Why it doesn't fucking surprise me…" Izuku barks as he stands from the couch and walks, just like you had moments ago. Mineta opens his eyes wide, watching amused at Izuku's reaction.
"He's such a fucking jerk… But we already knew that, didn't we?" 
Izuku immediately agrees with Mineta.
"I should have punched him harder," Izuku's comment makes you choke on the tea you were about to swallow.
"You what?!" Both you and Mineta speak at the same time. You look worried about the whole situation, the discussion clearly hadn't been a simple one if there had been fists involved. Mineta looks like a kid given the awaited present on his birthday.
"What really happened, Izuku?" You ask, worry clear on your tone.
"He saw the article, clearly. I came back from night patrol and was changing in the locker rooms, the whole night shift was there preparing to go home at the same time the morning shift was getting ready to start their patrols. And he started making comments about you and me, about how I apparently like his leftovers, about how you are a gold digger and now went for me."
"He did not fucking say that!" Mineta stands up, ready to beat some ass, Bakugou's, specifically.
"He did! I couldn't not do anything. I tried to be civil and only told him to stop talking about us, that he didn't know anything. And I told him to stop playing the victim, because he was none. The only victims in this story are you and me," Izuku looks at you like he's assuring you, "They don't have the right to even comment on this." 
"Hell yeah, Midoriya!" Mineta cheers, raising his hand for Izuku to high five him, and the green-haired does, animated. You shake your head trying to hold your smile back. "What did corn-head say then?"
Izuku laughs at Mineta's nickname for Bakugou, bumping his fist again with the man in agreement.
You roll your eyes. Jesus , men are such idiots with nicknames. 
"He then said that… I don't know if I should repeat it…" Izuku and Mineta both look at you, Mineta already intuitively knows.
"He talked… he talked about our sex life, didn't he?" You ask after a minute of silence.
Izuku nods.
"Tell me you did punch him hard though…" Mineta is fuming, you can see the smoke coming out his ears, metaphorically. 
"Of course I did. Twice, before someone pushed me away."
"Well done, man." Mineta high fives Izuku again.
"You shouldn't… you didn't have to…"
"I won't let him or anybody speak about you that way, Y/N. Now that I know all you've been through, I won't even give them a chance to."
You move before you think, again. One second you're seated on the couch, and the next you're hugging Izuku. Arms around his neck strongly, as your face hides in your arm and his shoulder. It takes him a second, but he reacts by hugging back, strong arms surrounding your waist as delicately as he can, but also firm and securely.
You heard Mineta walk out of the living room towards the kitchen to entertain himself with anything.
And you feel… safe . You feel so safe in Izuku's arms, it's so comforting and nice.
You feel him take a deep breath over your head, as if your smell was comforting to him. You like that idea. That at least in something so insignificant like your smell, he finds comfort and peace. Relax and ease.
"Thank you, Izuku," you whisper only for him to listen.
He shakes his head, "You have nothing to thank me for."
"I do, though. Not only for those punches," you say backing away just a bit so you can see his face. He smiles proudly at the mention of the punches. "But because you helped me with my panic attacks… Twice."
"Twice?" He asks confusedly, but you nod.
"The first Friday we went to have a coffee, remember?" He nods, "I was waiting, and because it was my first time out of my apartment without Mineta I was feeling overwhelmed and… and then you appeared at the door. And all I felt was relief… I felt safe with you there, so it stopped even before it began."
You are looking at his eyes, and you can see the emotion in them as you speak. He then rests his forehead on yours and takes a deep breath, clearly pushing his emotion back in so he can speak.
"I'll be there for you… I want to be there for you, if you want me…"
"I want you," you immediately answer, "I want you to be here."
"Then I will."
"I also want to be there for you," you scratch the back of his head softly, as he bites his bottom lip, taking a deep breath. He looks like he's trying to control himself from doing something then and there, and that makes you smile.
"I want you . I want you to be there too." He repeats your exact same words, making you feel tingles all over your body as you feel his fingertips caress lightly, timidly, the bit of skin showing at your waist.
"Then I will."
You feel him moving, his nose caressing yours in a cute manner. Slowly getting closer, lips barely touching and…
"Sorry to be a cockblock, but your phone is ringing, Midoriya."
The bubble is popped , so you both back away, clearing your throats and fixing your clothes out of nervousness.
"Oh, yeah, ummm…" Izuku walks back towards the kitchen to search for his phone. "It's Shoto. He's probably heard already about the fight this morning. I should pick this." You nod, signaling to your room for his privacy and he thanks you as he walks there.
Your eyes follow him until the door is closed, and then they go towards the kitchen, where Mineta is standing, hip against the counter and a bowl of snacks in his hands he found somewhere, eating them slowly as he looks at you accusatory. A knowing smirk in his face.
"Shut up."
"I didn't say anything… yet."
You roll your eyes. "Spit it out." You walk towards him, picking some of the snacks on the bowl and eating.
"I have nothing to say, Y/N."
That's impossible, he always has something to say. 
"Or should I call you Ms. Midoriya from now on?" 
Ah, there it is.
You punch him in the arm and he laughs out loud.
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Greenie's Hibernation
-She has been moved into a regular greenhouse like building and has been placed on a comfy bed with a floral themed blanket that was also heated, and she got left some plushies to cuddle with. The pillows she was resting her head on were also flower shaped. There was some white noise inside of the building in order to ensure that she remains asleep. Although her new purpose and such is yet to be revealed, one thing is certain: she looks more peaceful and relaxed than she has ever been before.
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drakaripykiros130ac · 21 days
More and more I see people questioning how the Blacks didn’t outright win and destroy the Greens in one go with all the advantages they had.
The answer is simple: The Greens were protected by plot armor.
GRRM gave the Blacks almost everything they could ask for (thereby favoring them):
1. The best allies (the Winter Wolves, the Lads, Cregan Stark, Jeyne Arryn, etc.)
2. The most Houses supporting Rhaenyra’s cause (53)
3. The largest territories (the North, the Vale and the Riverlands)
4. The largest and best fleet (commanded by the Velaryons)
5. The Velaryon fortune
6. The most dragons
Normally, with all these advantages, they should have won the war with their hands tied behind their backs. The Greens only had home-field advantage (King’s Landing) and Vhagar. That’s pretty much it.
But of course, GRRM wanted it to be a more balanced war, and despite giving the Blacks plenty of advantages, he protected the Greens so the story can actually take place.
1. There is just no way that Aegon the Usurper could have survived everything he endured (Rook’s Rest, and then battling with Baela etc.) In my opinion, he was one greenie who was definitely protected by plot armor.
2. Daemon using B&C to only kill one of Aegon’s heirs instead of eliminating everyone in that tower is also kind of plot armor for the Greens. There is no way that he wouldn’t have taken advantage to have everyone in that tower killed. It would have weakened the Greens considerably (not to mention that Alicent was the “brains” behind the operation).
3. Then you have Rhaenyra sparing Alicent after she took King’s Landing (the woman who bullied her as a child and stole her throne) for some dumb reason like “My father loved you so I am doing this for him”. Yeah right…With how much Rhaenyra hated the woman, she wouldn’t have hesitated to chop her head off.
4. For some reason, Rhaenyra decides to go to Dragonstone after the storming of the Dragonpit, instead of the Vale. Another plot convenience for the Greens. The Vale was obviously the best place to go. The Greens wouldn’t have been able to touch Rhaenyra there. The Arryns would have protected her and her child, until Cregan Stark arrived and dethroned the usurper. Happy ending, the end. But yeah, it’s Asoiaf. There are no happy endings, and GRRM had to give Rhaenyra a tragic end.
All in all, the Greens survived as long as they did because of plot armor. No, they were not politically savvy (believe it or not, that’s Daemon. He managed to convince the Red Kraken to side with the Blacks and didn’t really offer him anything in return).
Otto was a terrible Hand who got fired twice, Criston Cole was another terrible Hand who was all muscle and had no political intelligence (or any kind of intelligence), Alicent was a manipulating and greedy shrew hiding behind her sons, Helaena was completely useless, Aegon didn’t know what the hell he was doing or why he was doing it, and Aemond was a brainless psycho on the biggest dragon in existance.
Oh, and there’s also Daeron the Forgotten, who after torching Bitterbridge, managed to get himself killed by a fallen tent.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
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↳ Minho has always been cocky and self-assured. That is until a girl arrives in the Glade. A girl he's had some interesting dreams about.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Just some headcanons about our favourite Runner.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Minho finally agrees to teach you how to fight after weeks of pestering him. Though, things take an unexpected turn.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ After you narrowly escape the vicious actions of another Glader who couldn't take no for an answer, you find refuge in Minho's hut - and his arms.
Contains references to sexual assault but there's nothing explicit.
↳ After the Greenie Day celebrations leave you a little bit intoxicated, Minho takes care of you and keeps you safe.
↳ You're training to be a Runner and, as the Keeper, Minho is made to look after you. Though, things take a dramatic turn as Minho is forced to save your life.
□ PART 1 | ■ PART 2
↳ Somehow, you end up giving your best friend a massage. Things go about as well as expected.
Basically porn with plot. 18+
↳ You miss out on the Bonfire to stay to help Minho with the Maps. Unfortunately, he's a little distracted.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Joining the group from the scorch, the Gladers take a blow after losing Newt to the Crank Palace. So, you help cheer Minho up.
Book-based fic. Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ You try to spend as much time with your boyfriend as you can. So, when he finishes his long day of running the Maze, you decide to join him in the shower.
More porn with very little plot. 18+
↳ Despite your feelings for one another, you and Minho have decided it's best to stay friends. But, after you nearly lose him to the clutches of the Maze, and he says some choice words to Gally - you decide enough is enough.
Book based fic. Some suggestive themes.
↳ Minho has always had you by his side. He doesn't know how he'd cope without you. Well, now he might have to learn how.
Bro, you die. Rip.
○ PART 1 | □ PART 2
↳ You are an undercover agent for The Right Arm working behind enemy lines in WCKD's headquarters. Your simple intel gig ends up being the least of your problems as you're suddenly put on the front lines of a rescue mission. It doesn't help that the boy you're pretending to keep prisoner is pretty cute.
↳ You're obsessed with your boyfriend. It's just so hard to keep your hands off of him - even when he's working.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Despite never seeing Minho before, you swear you recognise him. That's why you're always staring. Well, and the man is fine. Now in your place of refuge, the Safe Haven provides you with a home, and a new sense of freedom. A bit of flirting can't hurt, right?
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ You were immediately attracted to Minho when you met him in the Scorch. Now, after six months and many losses, you're reunited.
↳ Your dream of becoming a Runner is crushed time and time again. But that doesn't stop you from running out into the Maze to help Minho and Alby. Though, that doesn't mean you're the only one willing to risk your life to protect those you care about.
↳ A friendly game of capture the flag turns heated thanks to yours and Minho's competitive spirit.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ Soft, sweet and caring; you're the mother of the Glade.
↳ Your's and Minho's first time.
Some fluffy smut. 18+.
↳ Minho has a crush on you. You're oblivious. He's losing his mind.
↳ You're from Group B. Meeting someone in the middle of a prison break is one hell of an introduction.
↳ High school AU. Minho is popular and sporty. You're quiet and smart. It's a stereotypical high-school romance, except Minho is the one tripping over himself for you. And, well, you don't believe him.
Contains suggestive content and spice. Minho won't accept your rejection.
↳ Everyone in the Glade is sick of watching you and Minho dance around your feelings for each other. So, they decide to do something about it. Well, they attempt to, at least.
↳ Song fic based off of "Die for You" by The Weekend.
○ PART 1 | ○ PART 2 | ○ PART 3
↳ You were put in a Maze all on your own, with nothing but your dog. The isolation is one thing, but what'll happen when you finally escape?
↳ Minho is used to being the tough guy; but he doesn't know how to react when he meets someone tougher than him.
↳ You're from one of the many alternative Mazes - and yours happened to be full of water. Though, you only realise how weird your Maze was when you reach the Safe Haven, and meet a certain Runner, who feels weirdly familiar.
↳ You're a new Runner, and a disobedient one. So, when you get stung, Minho is left to play saviour. And doctor. Though, as he looks after you, he starts to think you might not be so bad.
↳ Getting bitten by a crank is never fun. But, you're from a Maze, so, you'll be fine... right?
↳ In an attempt to comfort Chuck, you confess an embarrassing secret about something you did back when you were crushing on Minho and before you started dating. Unfortunately, your boyfriend isn't as heavy of a sleeper as you originally thought.
Contains mild suggestive content and spice.
↳ Now in the Safe Haven, the sexual tension between you and Minho has turned into a twisted game of restraint. Though, it's hard not to break when you finally catch a glimpse of Minho's lightning scars.
Contains suggestive themes and spice.
↳ You can't stop staring at Minho's arms.
Contains suggestive content and spice.
↳ The first time you ever met Minho in the WICKED facility, and the corrupt childhood you briefly spent together before things take a wrong turn.
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moonydustx · 2 months
Hii, i was wondering if you would like to write something about zoro being jealous? Just that haha :) btw i love your writing!
Hi Hi Hi! First, thank you for the request and the compliment, they really make my day. And second, sorry for the delay in writing, I ended up getting stuck with some work deadlines. I loved the idea and although our little greenie has a tough exterior, I think he would be one of those jealous people who refuses to admit it, you know? I think I ended up going on a more protective side with this one, but I hope you like it.
A not so friendly friend
Roronoa Zoro x F!Reader Warnings: Zoro is jealous and a little protective of his girl, he and F!Reader have a kind of secret relationship. A little smut at the end, nothing super explicit. Summary: The Straw Hats arrive on one of the islands where you lived for many years and, to your delight, you meet a long-time friend. Someone in the crew doesn't seem that happy.
requests open | one piece masterlist
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It was almost impossible to keep your euphoria contained within your body. You hadn't set foot on that island in years and finally, you could spend a few days there - even if it was just long enough to record the Log Pose.
"Someone seems anxious to me." Usopp leaned next to you as the Sunny finished docking in the small port.
"Right after I left my home island, I spent a few years here, I believe I can still find some friends."
"I hope they're nice people."
"They sure are!" the two of you quickly turned your attention to Luffy, who was shouting that everything was ready to disembark. The two quickly walked towards the group, this time Franky would be responsible for taking care of the ship.
"We're finally here!" Robin joined the two of you. "From what you told me, there's a big library around here."
"Yes, I'll take you there, we also have great restaurants…" you listed. "Wait, how are we going to split up?"
"Well, from what you told me, it's five days until Log Pose finishes recording and since it seems to be an important island for you, we can do most of the things together." Nami explained and waited for the others to agree. "We've already distributed everyone's money, but today we're going after…"
"Food!" Luffy interrupted her and immediately felt Nami's hand slap him. "But you promised to take me out for that delicious pie." he turned to you.
"Yes, we will. Let's go down first, shall we?" you asked and everyone immediately agreed.
Like many other times, you watched Zoro go down first and almost automatically stretch out his hand for you to support yourself and go down. That gesture didn't go unnoticed by your crewmates, but they knew your personality well enough not to question it.
The group continues calmly to the island's central square. New stores, old schools, even some salespeople were the same and seemed to have recognized you when you waved, your cheeks already hurt from the fixed smile.
"I remember in that bar over there one time…" you commented and heard something in the background.
Everyone immediately turned towards the voice that called you as they watched you become a figure as you ran towards the blonde haired boy.
"Leo!" recognizing your former friend immediately, you threw yourself into his arms, allowing the man to lift you off the ground.
"Seems like she's well liked here." Robin chuckled as he watched you practically spin around.
"Is he also a pirate?" Brook analyzed him. "What do you think."
"He seems like a nice guy." Chopper replied smiling
"Kitten?" Zoro practically groaned when he heard the nickname, muttering under his breath.
Even with the man's hands on your waist, squeezing you tightly and your laugh being heard from afar, the way the word had come out of the other guy's mouth made it clear that Zoro wouldn't like his stay there in that city.
"Guys, I need to introduce him to you…" you pulled the man by the hand, bringing him closer to the gang. "This is Leo, he was one of the best friends I had here."
"I went?"
"Still one of the best friends." you laughed, being pulled into a side hug by the man. "Let me introduce my friends, Straw Hats."
You made a point of introducing each friend one by one and again that seemed to bother Zoro. Friend? His little rationality reminded him that you had never made anything clear about the implicit situations between the two of you, but the small bad feeling - which he refused to name - bothered him.
"Come on, I'll take you to our base." the man continued holding hands with you and guided the others.
"Wow, how different you look." "So, how has it been exploring the sea?" "I bet you haven't found anyone as good as me."
Every time the man opened his mouth to praise you, Zoro felt his hand grip tighter against the sword in his sheath. Just one of the three and he would do all the damage that crossed his mind. It was a strange feeling, watching you there with someone else, even if they were talking. Something that stirred any butterfly that might exist in his stomach, that made his eyes turn red, his hands itch to get him out and take that Leo's place. Zoro hated this new feeling that came over him.
"Hey Zoro." your voice woke him up from his trance. "Did you know that Leo is also a swordsman?"
"Interesting." His tone of voice was almost cynical, going unnoticed by you.
"This one is the executor." Leo pointed to the sword in his sheath. "It was supposed to have another name." the man turned suggestively to you.
"I would never let you use my name for that thing." you grumbled, turning back to Zoro. "He's one of the best swordsmen on the island."
"What's your bounty?" the provocation was implicit in the cynical smile that adorned Zoro's lips and this time, it had reached your eyes.
"I don't have one." the man replied calmly, reassuring you.
"Interesting." Zoro repeated and followed in silence.
The others seemed distracted, talking amongst themselves, but your eyes started to turn around a few times, following the green-haired man who started to walk further behind the group.
The afternoon passed quickly on the island. You met up with some other friends who didn't seem to be as close as Leo and when night fell, everyone decided to go to a bar. Everyone except one person.
"Zoro, can we talk?" you asked, moving away from the group that entered the place full of drinks and noise. "What is happening?"
"About what?"
"You barely spoke to me today and now you're refusing to drink?" you stood on your tiptoes, to touch his forehead. "Are you sure you don't want me to call Chopper to make sure you're not sick?"
"Everything is fine." he responded directly, even if he wasn't harsh, his eyes made it clear that something was wrong. "I'm going to go back to Sunny, take advantage of the free time to train."
"Greenie, please." the nickname you used so much to irritate him came out sweeter than he expected from your lips. That made it even harder for him to deny any of your requests.
"It's okay sweetie." his hand touched yours and the memories of watching you all day arm in arm with Leo made him pull away. "Your friends are waiting for you, go."
You watched him leave and even though your body almost involuntarily wanted to follow him, you let Zoro return to the ship.
The remaining four days felt like an eternity to Zoro. Something told him not to move away from you and on the other hand, with every laugh you gave Leo's direction, it was as if he was hurting himself. Why did he have to feel this way? It was just a friendship, wasn't it?
He managed to control himself, many times he managed to control himself. Seeing you have lunch next to him, watching the man carry you from one place to another, the stupid gifts he insisted on giving you and even Leo daring to say he could train you with swords.
Zoro didn't know if there was a god or something, but he thanked the heavens when the last night began to fall. The next morning, you would set sail and he would no longer be forced to share his attention with the idiot who called himself your friend.
The tall bonfire at the edge of the small forest was surrounded by members of the Straw Hats, Leo and some other friends. Drinks and food piled up, as did stories and songs that Brook made a point of singing. Your lips no longer smiled so much, especially when your favorite swordsman met your gaze. He was distant, it had been five days since you had barely been able to speak to him and when you did, he seemed to be as dry as the Alabasta desert. On the other hand, these days you had met a much clingier version of Leo, even uncomfortable and you didn't know how to get away - and apparently the person who could help you with this, didn't seem to be so worried.
"Kitten?" Leo bent down, stopping at your ear level. "Can we talk alone real quick?"
"Why?" you asked, seeing him find the question strange.
"We need more booze!" the man ignored what you said and said it out loud. Pretending he wasn't already talking to you, he nudged you. "Come on, help me, kitten."
Zoro watched the man say something to you and your expression changed, sulking. Leo repeated the gesture again, ignoring that he had already spoken to you. Something possessive took over Zoro - something was wrong and he wouldn't sit still until he found out what it was. Leaving the sake aside, the swordsman stood up and, following a more hidden path than yours, accompanied you to the back of the warehouse - which was the supposed base that Leo had presented a few days ago.
"What is this, Leo?" you stopped in front of him, seeing that they had taken a different direction than you expected.
"I know you're leaving tomorrow, but… Why wouldn't you stay here?" he asked and you immediately shook your head, before your lips could even say it.
"They're my family now. I still adore you, everyone here, but I'm going back to the sea." Your answer seemed to disappoint him. "You know it's always been my dream."
"I know it's selfish of me." the man approached, holding your wrists and, more gently than you expected, he guided you against the wall. "I like you, I always have. If you want, we can go to the sea together, we can form a family, we can…"
"I have a boyfriend." Leo laughed in disbelief, still keeping your arms tied to his, in an even tighter grip. "Leo, you've always been my best friend. Let's not ruin that."
"Friends? You've been missing for years!" he growled, slamming your fists against the wall.
For a few seconds Zoro chose to just watch, hatred was in his eyes and if it weren't for your presence there, Leo would already be just a memory in this world. He knew you weren't a lady in distress and that if you wanted to get out of there, you would get out easily. But there was something written in your eyes, something he saw very few times in battle - fear.
Before the man repeated the gesture, you watched Leo's face get closer and when he was millimeters away, he stopped. His eyes immediately widened and before you understood what the glow was on the side of his neck, you saw a small trickle of blood appear on the man's jugular vein.
"Get your filthy hands off my girlfriend…" Zoro's low tone was even more threatening than if he had been shouting. "Before I take them out of your arms."
"So it's him." Leo muttered, frustration clear in his voice. "I should have suspected."
"I'm sorry." you whispered, without even understanding why you were apologizing.
"I could kill you right now and believe me, I'm still debating whether to do it." Zoro approached, now allowing Leo's entire neck to be covered by the blade. "But I'd hate to ruin the banquet."
"Don't worry about that." Leo threatened to pull his sword, but this time it was you who held his hand.
"Just go back there Leo, let's pretend this didn't happen." you asked and Zoro could now notice how stressed you looked, but at the same time relief appeared on your face.
"She's right." Zoro muttered, moving even closer to the man. "Let's pretend none of this happened and maybe tomorrow you won't wake up just to choke on your blood and die."
"Zoro!" Your voice sounded like a warning to him, who lowered his sword and let the man leave.
For a few seconds, the two of you just watched each other. It was good to be able to have your boyfriend there, finally within walking distance of you.
"How are you feeling?" Zoro took the initiative and held your hands, as if analyzing where the man touched you. When you felt them trembling, he placed a quick kiss between your fingers. "Did he do anything else?"
"No, he just wanted me to stay here." you let your body lean against the cold wall. "Why just now?"
"What do you mean by that?"
"All week I've been trying to reach you, bring you with me, integrate you with my friends here." you huffed, feeling Zoro get even closer to your body.
"I wanted to give you space." he lied and saw you laugh. The sound - which this time was exclusively for him - made Zoro's ego inflate.
"I didn't know you were the jealous type." a moan of relief almost escaped you when you felt his arms wrap around your waist.
"Not jealous, just protective."
"What's your bounty?" you imitated him, laughing again. "Isn't that jealousy?"
"No, kitten." this time, he let a soft laugh escape his lips.
"I am sorry dear." you sank into his chest, letting his hands slide down your back. "I was excited to see everything again and I didn't understand Leo's real intentions."
"And why didn't you defend yourself?" your eyes met his and then Zoro realized his mistake. "I mean, I'll always defend you, but I've seen you get out of worse situations."
"I know." Again you cuddled up, the cold wind sent shivers through your body. "It's just that he was a friend, you know? He saved me many times and I guess I didn't expect to have to fight with him. He was never a threat." The sound of Zoro's heart against your ear was comforting, it was like going back to any of the crows nest nights, where you would stay tangled up for hours. "I found his behavior strange, he was never like that, clingy. But I didn't know who to ask for help."
"I imagine it would be difficult." Zoro murmured, letting his lips touch the top of your head. "Sorry I didn't show up sooner, kitten." he teased you, getting another laugh from you.
"Time to stop this kitten."
"Are you sure, kitten?" he said again, but Zoro's voice came out a few octaves lower, his provocation took a new turn.
His hands that had been caressing your back found themselves on your waist and pressed you against the wall. One of them went up to your chin and held you steady, looking into his eyes, but not for long. Eliciting a moan, Zoro took your lips intensely. No time for little kisses, or any affection that could come first. His lips brought longing and the taste of sake, mixed with the sweetness of your lips.
One of his legs fit between your thighs, the hands that held your waist forced you against the fabric of his pants, moving you like an incentive. While the assault on your lips didn't stop, the heat in your intimacy began to accumulate and form a knot.
"Zoro, please." a strangled moan left your lips, trying hard to contain the noise and not attract the attention of anyone nearby.
"I'm here, love. I got you, just give it to me." his lips that bordered the sensitive spot below your ear took your lips and held all your moans just for him.
Zoro held you there for some time, sweat accumulated on your face as you were still panting. It was a version that didn't appear that often, but you loved it when Zoro lost himself caressing your face, letting his lips slide delicately across your skin.
"Zo, I think we should go back." despite yourself, you moved away from him a little. "By now, Leo should already have contact for everyone."
"Great, at least for one good thing this good-for-nothing will do." upon noticing your lost look, Zoro continued. "I was tired of hiding it."
"Are you sure?" his hands cupped your face, placing a chaste kiss on your lips.
"I love you woman, how can I not be sure of that?" the confession brought a huge smile to your lips.
"I love you more greenie."
Zoro took the lead and with his hand tied in yours, he guided you back to the fire. It was as if nothing had happened, everyone was still talking and drinking. Still feeling your legs weak from the little time you and Zoro had, you sat down and let him go get drinks.
Upon returning to his place, Zoro saw that even without saying anything, Leo was still staring at you, practically on the other side of the fire. With his chest puffed out in ego and relieved to finally have you back in his arms, Zoro sat behind you, so that you were between his legs and when he handed you your drink, he placed a kiss and a light bite on your neck. You were his and from now on that would be very clear.
"It can't be! It's too bad luck all at once!" Sanji's tearful voice attracted the attention of both of you and made you laugh out loud when you saw that the blonde was complaining precisely about the little scene between you two. "What does this mosshead have that I don't?"
"I knew!" Nami screamed and ripped Chopper's hat off. "You can go give me your money, you idiots."
"You guys bet on us?" you asked indignantly and to Nami, Usopp and Franky's joy, apparently they were the two winners.
"This world needs to end…" you laughed even harder when you saw Sanji handing the money to the navigator.
"That's it, now there are two idiots wanting what's mine." Zoro pulled you even closer to his body. "Only mine."
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ateotd-izzy · 11 months
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maroon | thomas x fem!reader
“the burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me”
during his first night in the glade, thomas (quite literally) bumps into a girl.
“and how the blood rushed into my cheeks, so scarlet, it was maroon”
as more time passes, thomas becomes closer with y/n (very close), but that changes after they escape the maze.
“the mark you saw on my collarbone, the rust that grew between telephones”
warnings: it’s bad, kissing, maze runner, swearing and whatever (i never know what to write here)
“the lips i used to call home, so scarlet, it was maroon”
“our med-jacks, clint and jeff.” newt introduced to the greenie as he showed the boy around. “and this is— woah, watch out.”
the greenie hadn’t been watching where he was going and bumped right into you as you walked past, spilling the drink he had been holding all over your shirt.
“oh, god, i am so…” he paused as he met your eyes. a girl? “sorry.”
you looked down at your soaking wet shirt and a few boys around snickered.
“thanks.” you smiled sarcastically and turned on your heel, heading towards the small hut that sat not far from the homestead.
“nice one, greenie.” newt clapped him on the back. “i think you just ruined her day.”
“who was that?” the boy asked, watching as you disappeared behind the door of the hut.
“y/n. she’s one of the runners.” newt answered. “also the glade’s only girl.”
inside you were changing your shirt, muttering in annoyance as you did so.
your favorite shirt (out of the five or so you owned) was now covered in gally’s foul-smelling drink thanks to that greenie.
after changing, you went outside to join the party again, only for it to be declared over moments after the greenie remembered his name.
“uh, hey.” he jogged over to you as you walked back to your hut. “i’m, um, i’m sorry about before. is your shirt okay?”
“it’ll survive.” you shrugged. “i guess.”
“so, you’re a runner?” he asked, walking with you. “you go into the maze with that minho guy?”
“yep.” you glanced at him. “are you just going to follow me the whole way?”
“oh, sorry.” he slowed down. “um, i’ll go now.”
“okay.” you stared.
“see you around, y/n.”
you furrowed your eyebrows. “right. see you around…”
“see you around, thomas.”
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while it may not have seemed like it, you and thomas became pretty close friends over the next week or so, and you felt dumb to admit that you even had feelings for him.
he was in the same boat. except thomas was head-over-heels in love with you.
you kissed once. when the glade was being attacked by grievers, he kissed you before the two of you split up.
so after your group escaped the maze, the two of you did your best to stick together.
the two of you sat on the floor of the room your group had been forced into after being ‘saved’.
your legs were stretched out to sit in his lap, and his hands sat on top of them.
the rest of the group was around, all full after eating more food than they’d ever seen in their lives.
you couldn’t focus on the conversation that was going on between teresa and the boys, because all you could focus on was how thomas’ fingers drew small shapes on the bare skin of your leg where your pants had rolled up a little.
you wanted to tell him how you felt. you wanted to kiss him again. but everyone else was around, and the thought of being in front of everyone made you uncomfortable.
you had no clue how thomas did his whole leader thing.
when the door to the room opened, everyone jumped up and ran over, eager to know exactly what was going on.
the man who had opened the door introduced himself as mr. janson and led your group through the compound.
thomas held your hand the whole time.
“first things first, let’s do something about that smell.”
the boys were being taken to a different room to you and teresa. just before your hand slipped from his, you kissed thomas on the cheek. simple enough.
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that night you properly kissed again and he asked you to be his girlfriend, and despite all of your worries, you said yes.
it wasn’t long after that when your group had to leave the compound with another boy, aris. you still hadn’t escaped wicked.
you stuck by thomas’ side the whole time, or until you were separated again.
you didn’t even know if he was alive, but jorge was confident he and brenda were fine.
it took a few days until you reached what jorge called marcus’ place.
you got into the party and the first thing you spotted was thomas and brenda.
then they pulled apart, thomas said something and brenda wandered off.
thomas seemed to spin around the room until he yelled out and collapsed.
your heart was broken.
you were separated for just a few days, the longest since you had met, and he was kissing a girl he barely knew.
you couldn’t even say anything to him because he was out cold. instead you had to help minho drag him upstairs and act like nothing happened.
then, after he woke up, your group was on the run again, searching for the right arm.
in the car, thomas reached his hand over and tried to take yours in his, but you pulled yours back. you didn’t let him.
he looked at you. he was confused.
you didn’t answer his look. you just turned your head away from him and looked out the car window.
he had no clue why you were suddenly ignoring him. not the entire drive to the mountains, not when the were taken to the right arm camp, not when brenda collapsed.
it was only when he was in the tent with her later, just after brenda woke up, when it clicked to him why.
you had seen brenda kiss him.
everything seemed to click into place at that moment, and he jumped to his feet halfway through his conversation with brenda.
“you okay?” she asked.
“yeah. yeah, there’s just something i need to do.” thomas looked down at her. “i’m sorry, i’ll be back later.”
then he ran out of the tent.
the camp was large, and thomas had no clue where he could find you. or any of his friends for that matter.
it took about ten minutes of searching until he found you.
you were sitting alone on a rock, looking down at your feet and mumbling something to yourself.
you looked up and thomas realized you had been crying.
there was a twinge of bitterness in your voice, and thomas frowned. it reminded him of how you had spoken to him the night you met, when he had splashed his drink into you.
“you okay?”
“i’m fine.”
he knew you weren’t, and he ignored the obvious signs that you didn’t want him around when he sat down beside you.
“what do you want, thomas?” you asked.
without another word, he simply wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his chest.
at first, you thought about trying to pull away. but you didn’t.
“why’d you kiss her? brenda?” you asked eventually. “do you like her better? because, you know, i’ll back off or whatev—”
“no, no, no, y/n.” he pulled back so he could look you in the eyes. “i could never like anyone better than i like you.”
“then why—?”
“she kissed me.” thomas told you, cupping your cheek with one hand. “we were drugged, okay? i…”
thomas winced slightly at the memory of brenda’s face after his words.
“i thought she was you.” he admitted. “whatever that marcus guy put in that drink had me seeing the weirdest shit.”
“are you calling me weird shit?” you teased and thomas’ eyes widened.
“what? no.” he shook his head. “that’s not what i meant.”
“i know. i was kidding.”
you grabbed his hand and interlocked your fingers.
“i’m sorry.” he apologized.
“don’t be. i get it now.” you shrugged.
“yeah, but i could’ve said something sooner.”
“when?” you asked. “when you were passed out? or when we were almost shot by mountain people?”
he chuckled. “okay, maybe not. but—”
“tommy, i get it. don’t worry.”
the feeling of freedom and happiness that evening was short lived, and soon became a nightmare.
teresa betrayed them, wicked burned the camp to the ground, and multiple people were taken.
sonya, aris, minho and you.
thomas had lost you. he had lost the battle. but he was determined to get you and minho and everyone else back.
he would do anything he could. he would do whatever it took to get you back.
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taglist: @brvceyamada
a/n: why don’t these ever turn out like they sounded in my head LMAO
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