#greg loades
wearethekat · 1 year
June Book Reviews: The 30-Minute Gardener by Greg Loades
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Picked this book up at the library completely on a whim. One of my rare forays into nonfiction (usually my nonfiction reading is pretty exclusively limited to skimming crafts books, and I don't count things I don't read to cover to cover.) This is a meditation on the beauties of gardening, of going out every day and puttering about and building something bit by bit. It's about watching the seasons turn and taking five minutes to deadhead every day and admiring the dewdrops on the grass. (taking you by the shoulders and rattling you very gently) IT'S ABOUT THE MIRACLE OF THE BEAN SPROUT, THAT EVERY TIME IT EMERGES FROM THE SEED AND GLORIOUSLY UNFURLS-
Ahem. Anyway. This book was very serendipitously timed to catch me in early summer in the mania of planting when everything is just getting started and I'm battiest about gardening. The practical advice included in this book was almost comedically irrelevant-- he's from the north of England, I've lived my whole life in a dry mild Mediterranean climate. Lots of information about winterproofing things for hard freezes and protecting against soggy ground and suggestions for plants that wouldn't work here. But in everything else, this man is precisely exactly on the same wavelength of how I feel about gardening.
This is far enough off from my usual reading that I can't exactly recommend it to you all, but I'll say I had the time of my life reading it.
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frost-queen · 1 month
Tired of giving you all of me (Reader x Rodrick Heffley)
Requested by: me Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @alex--awesome--22, @ellie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve , @queen-of-books , @glimmering-darling-dolly , @denkisclown , @wildieflower , @meyocoko , @justanothercoco, @subjecta13-thefangirl , @m-rae23 , @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr , @swampything07, @melsunshine , @panhoeofmanyfandoms , @venomsvl , @the-uncoordinated-house-cat , @rosecentury , @imagines-by-her, @evilcr0ne , @vviolynn , @niktwazny303 , @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 , @markive-m
Summary: You've had a crush on Rodrick for a while now, you finally dared to go ask him something. When Rodrick seems to invite you more for bandstuff. It takes you a while to finally see he was just using you for his own good. Rodrick realizing it too late that he can't think of anyone else. [idk if this will even be popular or that there is still a demand for, but ever since I saw the movie again I needed to get the idea out, so if this is only for me, so be it] - (N/Y/N stands for not your name)
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You were very nervous. Very nervous about approaching him and asking for a shirt. Rodrick Heffley stood by his locker with two of his band members. Laughing and goofing around with his drumsticks. Pretending to punch the guitarist in the stomach whilst laughing loud. Collecting all your courage, you got in motion.
First hesitant but then you were already walking, it would seem idiotic to turn on your heel and leave. Only having to endure your poor decision. Heart thumping loud as you clutched the book in your hand a bit too hard against your chest.
Your feet stopped behind him as he still had no clue of your presence behind him. Taking a deep breath, you went to tap him on the shoulder. Rodrick stopped laughing, taking a half spin toward you on his heels. His eyes widened briefly before they settled with boredness.
"Yes?"- Rodrick said with a hard stare it made you want to crawl away. -"Hi Rodrick... I...I was thinking if I could get a shirt?"- you asked with all the confidence you could find. Which wasn't a lot. Rodrick scratched the back of his head confused with a drumstick. -"From your band."- you flapped out.
Swallowing nervously afterwards. -"How much are they?"- you then asked when he remained silent. He looked over his shoulder to his bandmates before letting his arm rest against the lockers. -"N/Y/N right?"- he said totally getting your name wrong. -" It's Y/n actually."- you corrected shyly.
Not that he was listening. -"Look our shirts are practically sold out."- he told you with a cool attitude. -"Really?"- you questioned, so gullible in believing it. Rodrick puffed loud, waving his drumstick down. -"Yeah."- he said as you saw his drum mates snicker behind him.
"But if you really must have one."- Rodrick spoke unbothered. -"I think I can find a spare one at home."- he let you know. -"Okay cool."- you responded with a shy smile. You turned around, feeling as hot as a stove. Rodrick puffed sarcastically, lowering his elbow from against the locker. Turning back around, he grabbed the guitarist by his neck, pulling him low to give his head a good rub. 
Counting the cash in your hands, you walked up to the Heffley household. Unsure how much Rodrick would charge you for a shirt, you came prepared. Ready to spend to one hundred bucks just for a shirt from him. You hated how expensive your crush on him was getting. Tugging the money away, you rose your hand to knock. Three firm knocks, making you take a step back. From behind the door you heard commotion.
Making you plaster up a smile. -"I'm already going."- a voice said whilst opening the door. A young boy answered the door, looking you up and down. You figured it must be Greg. Rodrick's younger brother. -"It's a girl."- he shouted to someone to the right. There was a loud gasp as you felt a bit uncomfortable.
The door got opened more as mrs. Heffley pushed Greg aside with a surprised look. -"Hello mrs. Heffley. My name is Y/n, I'm in Rodrick's class. Is he here?"- you introduced yourself. Greg started laughing as his mother nudged him hard in the elbow.
Her eyes seemed to lit up as she held her finger up. Almost trying her best not to smile so over exciting. -"Rodrick dear, there's a girl to see you."- his mom called out at the foot of the stairs. Greg kept staring at you questionable. -"What did he do?"- Greg asked curious. 
"Nothing."- you replied, moving your hands behind your back to occupy them. -"He paid you right?"- Greg assumed. -"Nope."- you anwered with a shake of your head. -"No way a girl wants to talk to Rodrick willingly."- Greg let out laughing. -"Rodrick!"- His mother called out again, more annoyed now.
You heard a door slam followed by loud thumping. -"What?"- Rodrick called out annoyed, scratching his hair. -"Rodrick."- his mom made clear with a nudge to you at the door. Rodrick's gaze went to you. He then immediately rushed back upstairs. -"Rodrick"- His mom yelled out as his behavior.
"Auch."- Greg said to you, walking off snickering. Waiting here for a shirt made you feel scammed. Like you were waiting for nothing, only to be fooled and laughed at. Lowering your gaze, you were about to turn back when there were more loud stomps. Rodrick rushed down the stairs, walking up to the door.
"N/Y/N right."- he was wrong again. -"Y/n."- you corrected him with a polite smile. Rodrick puffed unamused. -"Got my money?"- he said as you immediately grabbed for your money. -"How much is it?"- you asked as Rodrick's eyes widened on seeing the money in your hands.
He plucked the cash from your hands. All of it. Too bothered with the money, he threw the shirt at your face. It blinded you as a second later you heard the door slam. Taking the shirt down, you took a look at it. It was an ugly grey shirt with löader diaper written on it with a marker.
"You could've given me a nicer color!"- you shouted at the door. How ripped off you felt. Sighing soft, you went down the driveway back to your bicycle. Placing the shirt in the front basket, you started cycling home as the sun had already set.
Thinking about how Rodrick clearly had no interest in you and ripped you off by taking all your money, made you cry. Wiping your eyes constantly to keep your vision clear. All that for a boy you like. Something you were never daring enough to do something about it. 
The next day at school, you were sitting in class waiting for the teacher to enter. Gaze low on your books till you saw a set of black painted nails set on your desk. Moving your gaze up, you met up with Rodrick Heffley. -"N/Y/N."- he said lowering his head down keep a low voice. -"Y/n."- you sighed out at once again your name being wrong.
"Löader diaper has a gig tonight, can you come?"- he asked, looking over his shoulder if anyone was listening in. Your eyes lit up, curling up a smile. -"Really?"- you replied trying to dim your excitement. -"Yeah income fee is 10 bucks."- he told you. -"Didn't you already took enough money from me."- you pointed out at the hundred bucks he claimed ownership over.
Rodrick puffed loud, looking away. You kept glaring at him to make your point. -"I'm already giving you a fan discount."- he responded tapping on your book. -"You're a leech."- you muttered out. Rodrick smiled tauntingly.
The teacher walked in, dismissing Rodrick to his desk. You could barely pay attention. Constantly thinking of the upcoming gig. Of Rodrick Heffley actually having asked for your presence. Wanting another fan there. Unable to stop yourself from smiling, you were glad Rodrick sat somewhere far behind you. 
For the gig, you had put on the band shirt. Trying to make it as flattering as you could. You arrived at the gig after having gotten the text from Rodrick. Waiting by the entrance for him. You received some looks, all looking at your shirt.
Not the good kind of looks. Jumping back, the white van hit the brakes fast in front of you. The windows were down as the guitarist thumped his hand against the car door. -"Shirt girl!"- he called out. The comment made you roll your eyes, but still it was better than Rodrick giving you each time a different name.
Rodrick had gotten out, opening the side door, revealing another band member laying down with his legs up. Rodrick whistled loud calling you over. You went over to him. He took one glance at your shirt before grabbing a bag and shoving it in your hands.
"This needs to get backstage."- he said shoving another bag in your hands. -"Ro...Rodrick"- you breathed out confused. He gave you in each hand, held by a few fingers two more bags. -" Thanks N/Y/N."- he said getting it wrong again with a pat against your cheek. 
You wanted to correct him, but had slightly enough of it. Rodrick motioned for you to get a move on. Sighing loud, you carefully made your way backstage. Trying hard not to trip. The last few meters you tumbled forwards as the bags plopped out of your hands.
Exhaling loud, you were out of breath. Returning to them, you got handed over more bags and gear. Going back and forth... alone with no help from them. Exhausted and worn out, you made your way to the stage. Needing a moment to see the room was close to empty.
Just some drunks, some weird gathering club that clearly couldn't book another venue and a guy already starting to clean up. You were the only one, who moved to the front of the stage. Looking uncomfortable around. The band got on stage as Rodrick went to sit behind the drums. They introduced themselves as you were the only one clapping.
Rodrick started to slam the drums as they played one of their favorite songs. You tried to ignore the drunks behind you, enjoying their gig. They played a few songs till the guy cleaning up cut the lights, setting them in darkness. He didn't even apologize as Rodrick suddenly stopped playing.
Staring saddened in front of him. Taking his drumsticks, he left the stage in anger. You quickly made your way backstage. Seeing Rodrick scratch the drumstick in his hair. -"You were amazing."- you complimeted them. Rodrick stopped, eyes widening at you.
He than laughed loud. -" Pack up N/Y/N."- wrong again. -"It's Y/n"- you made clear with a glare. -"Whatever." - he answered letting the drumstick twirl between his fingers. Sighing loud, you collected the bags. This time the other bandmates helped out with the heavier gear. Rodrick waiting in the car, behind the wheel.
After the car was loaded, he drove off without offering you a ride home or a goodbye. Sighing soft, you went home alone. Ever since the gig, you got pulled up more and more by Rodrick to do things for him. Charming you each time with something fun till he made you do everything. Basically becoming their roadie for everything. 
Rodrick sat at diner, discussing the upcoming talent show, he wants to join with his band. It could be his major breakthrough. Greg snorted loud, receiving a stomp underneath the table from him. -"Auch."- Greg called out. Rodrick mimicked his pathetic whining as their parents sighed loud. -"So Rodrick... this talentshow... you'll need a lot of preparation right."- his dad started to gear up a conversation. -"Duh."- Rodrick answered with a full mouth.
"I'm so prepared for our breakthrough, I'm making more shirts."- Rodrick let out. -"Oh."- his mother responded intrigued. Rodrick lowered his fork. -"I'm letting Y/n do all the work."- he answered chuckling. His father's fork dropped, clattering against his plate. Staring with wide eyes of shock at his wife. -"Hold up."- his mom began.
"Are you telling me you are using Y/n to do your work?"- she made clear. -"Yeah."- Rodrick replied obviously. His father threw his hands up. -"Wow."- Greg said dramatically. Rodrick looked at everyone not getting what was wrong about it. Rodrick's phone rang as the name popped up on the screen. His mom taking a quick glance at who was calling him. Minion. Rodrick got up, picking up the phone. -"N/Y/N."- he said all smug. He heard you sigh on the other side.
"Are you even trying?"- you asked him at once again calling you wrong. -"How are my shirts?"- Rodrick asked avoiding your question. -"Done... I'll drop them off later."- you yawned loud after your sentance. -"Cool."- Rodrick answered before ending the call. 
You arrived at the Heffley household with two bags full of hand-made Löaded diaper t-shirts. Rodrick opened the door without any acknowledgement to you. He took a bag from you, looking inside. -"How many are there?"- he asked. -"40."- you told him with a smile. Rodrick dropped his gaze at you.
"40? I asked you to make 70."- Rodrick called out. -"No you didn't."- you replied sure you were right. Rodrick sighed taking out his phone. -"There, see."- he showed you the texts between him and you. Your eyes widening at the nametag. Minion. In horror you stared at it, not even caring for the number. -"What?"- Rodrick called out, looking back at his phone.
"Is that what I am to you?"- you shouted. Your sudden loud voice startled him. -"Minion. You're just using me!"- you threw the bag full of shirts at him. It hit him in the chest as he caught it before it would fall to the ground. -"What is the big deal about it."- he answered unbothered.
It pained you to finally see the reality. Having not wanting to see it for so long. Always telling yourself that he liked you. That you were only helping him out cause he wanted to be close to you. Turns out you were wrong. Unable to control yourself, you started crying.
"The deal?"- you called out. -"You're using me to do your dirty work and I stupidely let you. I let you use me because I wanted to be close to you."- you cried out in a state of hysteria. -"Because I'm in love with you!"- you confessed wiping your tears away agressivly. Rodrick staring with wide eyes back at you, unsure what to say.
You threw the second bag of shirts at him as well. Rodrick tried ducking for it, but it hit his shoulder when he ducked to the side. -"You are the worst Rodrick Heffley!"- you shouted wanting to hit him but your hand lingured in the air. Rodrick having turned his head, ready to receive the impact.
Yet it never came. Slowly opening his eyes to you. -"Get my goddamn name right!"- was the final thing you shouted at him before running off. Crying so loud, you had to keep wiping your eyes dry to see something. Rodrick swallowed nervously, entering the house once more.
Greg jumped in front of him all jokingly. -"Ha! You loser."- Greg laughed out, making fun of his brother. Rodrick clenched his jaw, jumping at Greg. Pulling his head under his armpit out of angerness. Greg started calling it out for mercy as Rodrick gave him none.
"Rodrick!"- his mother shouted pulling at his shoulder. Rodrick let go of Greg with a loud huff. -"That's it!"- she called out when Greg taunted Rodrick once more. Rodrick nearly jumping at him to mess with him. -"No talent show for you!"- mrs. Heffley made clear.
"What? But it could be my great breakthrough."- Rodrick answered pleadingly. -"I am sick of your behavior and how you just treated Y/n is beyond how I raised you! You need to learn some respect Rodrick!"- she said as a final. Rodrick stomped up the stairs angered to his room. Slamming the door shut. Letting himself slide down against his wall. Palms pressed deep onto his eyes. Knees to chest as he felt at a sudden loss. 
Rodrick hated that his mom still made him come to the talentshow. He was waiting in the open room before being seated. He looked around, gaze stopping as he spotted you. He made the effort of wanting to greet you or talk to you. You locked eyes with him, giving him a glare. Before he could stop you, you walked off.
"Y/n..."- Rodrick said as it never reached you. Being ignored so obviously. Exhaling loud, he lowered his hand once more. Turning his head, he met up with his mother's gaze. A lot of sympathy in it. Rodrick shrugged her off, heading for the theater. He took his seat next to his mom at the outside.
He had a good view at backstage. Eyes widening as he saw his bandmates and Bill appear backstage. His eyes widened even more seeing you appear near them. -"Be right back."- Rodrick said slipping out of his seat. Making his way down to the stage to find a way backstage. -"What is going on?"- he called out confused. Bill laughed doofily. -"Are you playing without me?"- he asked feeling betrayed.
"Yeah."- Bill answered groovily. -"But I started the band."- Rodrick replied in shock they would play without him. -"That's rock and roll dude."- Bill told him. -"Oh and I took your minion too."- Bill let out. Rodrick's eyes widened with anger. Before he knew it, his fist swung at Bill's jaw. Bill tumbling to the ground.
"You stay the hell away from Y/n!"- he called out as his guitarist had to pull him back. -"Rodrick?"- you said confused approaching. You had left for a second to fetch them some water. Rodrick looked back at you with a gulp. He took as step closer to you, saddened to have being so stupid.
You set the waterbottles down, taking your leave. -"Y/n!"- Rodrick called out making you stop. -"I'm sorry..."- he apologized. You shook your head not wanting to hear it. -"You never are."- you told him. Rodrick ran up to you when you started to distance yourself from him. -"Y/n."- Rodrick repeated grabbing your wrist to pull you to a stop. -"I'm tired of being used by you."- you called out. You wanted to turn around when Rodrick took your other wrist as well, keeping you in place. -"I'm an idiot."- he confessed.
"An idiot for not seeing what was right in front of me. I shouldn't have used you or take you for granted. I'm really sorry about that Y/n but please don't hate me. That is the least thing I want."- he finished. Rolling your eyes at him, you puffed loud, turning away from him. Rodrick pulled you back to him. Lips crashing onto yours.
So caught up with you, he hadn't seen how he was on the stage. The curtains dropping as the kiss was displayed to the entire theater. There were gasps all around and muttering. The guitarist trying to get his attention. Rodrick retrieved his lips, looking shyly around at the peering eyes.
Annoyed, he pulled you backstage. Looking back at you, he snapped his finger in front of you. Seeing how frozen you had gotten from the kiss. -"Must I kiss you to unfreeze you Y/n?"- he teased with a chuckle. You immediately shook your head, hand pressing against his chest. Rodrick smiled moving a hand on your lower back to kiss you again. Not taking you for granted anymore.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!
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divorcedtom · 1 year
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shivroy · 11 months
same deal as last time. minors do not interact. this is my only contribution to the world of succession
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theatrekidsrcool2 · 6 months
Guys… Dear Evan Hansen is just Diary of a Wimpy kid for theatre kids.
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greghatecrimes · 9 months
Assuming the s8 finale takes place in May 2012, In the Dirt picks up mid/late summer 2013. I won’t get to the chapters of the story that take place around Christmas/Holiday season 2013 for a while, but I thought I’d share some holiday headcanons regardless🥰
Neither House nor Thirteen are extraordinarily fond of the holidays. But they agree to at least do something small and try to enjoy themselves in some way during the season, because Wilson and Thirteen’s brother wouldn’t have wanted them to be miserable.
The “something small” turns out to be this: House gets out a menorah and lights the respective candles on each night of Hanukkah in remembrance of Wilson. (The previous year, House & Wilson celebrated a handful of Jewish holidays— including Hanukkah— together before Wilson passed, by his request.) (House also does something private and quiet to honor Wilson on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the fall, but Thirteen isn’t privy to those.)
They agree to “no gifts”, but House being House and always wanting to be contrary, gets Thirteen a (plot relevant, but I don’t want to give away all the spoilers now! 😂) gift anyways. His argument is something along the lines of: “I only agreed to no gifts to throw you off my trail”
The cats keep coming by, and Thirteen discovers that Foster loves playing in the snow.
Christmas itself is a quiet day. They spend it together, silently enjoying each other’s company. Thirteen helps House cook a nonsensically untraditional Christmas dinner and catches him humming to himself a few times.
House pours drinks in honor of Wilson. They do a little "cheers" to him and Thirteen’s brother.
“...Merry Christmas, House.”
“Merry Christmas, kid.”
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tomwambsgans · 2 years
greg always speaking for tom's repressed subconscious/what he's not willing to say himself + tom always accurately calling greg out when he's being fake + their true selves are only ever fully Known through each other, mortification absent
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gregoftom · 1 year
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oh ok
#succession#tomgreg#OH MY GOD THE SCENE IS THIS CLOSE AFTER?!?? i thought i had some time !!! i jqqqqqqq#man. man. mn!!!!aman!!!!man!!!!!!!!!!!!!! man.#matt johnson you would love tomgreg#what the fuck is this scene though i want to die i PHYSICally want to di e Eeeeeeeeeee#he........i .........fkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkmmmmmmmmmmmm#ok. okok. ok . novel tags ok i can think through my absolute fucking grief. ok so basically.#tom giving greg advice about prison. and then greg like basically begs to have tom take the rap for him. but not directly.#he can never say things directly. but tom translates. and it doesn't take him long to say fine. load me up. you piece of shit.#but he doesn't even mean the latter statement he's too sad. and he won't fight. the fight is all gone out of him.#so much for greg being expendable though huh?#look me in the eyes and tell me tom isn't in love with greg at least a little. yall telling me you'd take the rap for someone and go to jail#for them if you didn't love them? ok bestie you do you#i kind of like as well the comparison of the conversation between them and him and shiv like. it's very similar in that him and greg are#saying sentences that are parts of different conversations like him and shiv's convo ALTHOUGH it is still related bc it's to do with jail#she wouldn't even talk about that subject at all. and then it correlates to the whole. nero and sporus thing right. and the dressing up/ring#ALSO THE FACT HE DIDNT WANNA SLEEP WITH HER AND HES OUT LATE AT A DINER WITH GREG I GET IT G IS HIS MISTRESS#but anyway.#and the WAYYYYYYY greg's voice breaks and the way he looks at tom with pleading eyes and it looks like he's about to cry#that's what does it for tom i think. that's what breaks him. he can't bear the thought of greg suffering for months.#which makes me believe that that is why he was so sad earlier when greg was asking for advice. he doesn't like greg to suffer#by other hands of course. if it's by his hands that's another matter BUT THATS ANOTHER CAN OF WORMS#LIKE I KNOW ITS KIND OF AN ASSHOLE MOVE OF GREG BUT AT THE SAME TIME HES LIKE. idk early 20s. 26ish latest???#and i would be fucking terrified i'm 30 and i still don't know what the fuck is going on i don't know how i am still alive so i get it.#and if you have someone who has been taking care of you and has in the past flexed their power and money to give you food and parties#and move you up in a company and give you opportunities you most likely would never get. you kinda. latch. and fall into a pattern.#you assume he has a way out for you#has help. i mean greg probably assumed he wouldn't say yes in the first place so he kinda Has to be an asshole for any chance at all tbh.#he even said quid pro quo. but tom didn't even want anything in return. i mean idk what greg could even give him [lol] but still.
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dbphantom · 1 year
fuck it silly mermaids hour
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simbico · 1 year
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Afterwards, nearly everyone had changed into more comfortable clothing and headed to the afterparty at the fair.
Fern could feel a building connection between her and Jayden the more time they were getting to spend together.
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And I had my FIRST Greg sighting!! As he angrily ran away from the fair as soon as all the teens took over. He wasn’t having any of it. 😆
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valhallgreg · 2 years
Very random ask, but do you have any OCs that you would like to share?
*running footsteps in the distance* *crashing, cat yowls*
HELLO HI YES ok so ig I’ll share my main OC here (for context this is more of a backstory thing and it’s actually part of a whole collaborative story I’m making w my friend): their name is Pyre and they were taken into a government facility as a young child to serve as a test subject. There they met their best friend Goon (I’ll talk about him later) and Pyre brought him their food and sort of kept him company even though he was a massive feral dick. Essentially they both teamed up and tried to escape, but Goon ended up falling through a frozen river they had to get across; Pyre managed to fish him out, but by that time he was dead. Arun, a demon, just so happened to be prowling about that night and went to them, and offered to save Goon if Pyre killed someone for him. They ended up taking the deal and, unbeknownst to them, by killing that man they essentially damned themself to hell. Anyhow, Arun connects their souls so that they feed off of each other’s life energies in order to save Goon, and once he leaves, the two run in separate directions and are apart for now. I haven’t exactly worked out the story between these two points but sometime after Pyre dies somehow and ends up a demon slave, sent to the overworld to harvest souls and bring them down. However, Pyre was not having this, and soon revolted with a small group of others and became a fugitive. I haven’t worked out a motive for it yet, but Pyre needs to find a way to escape hell and get back to the overworld for some reason so yeah.
They’re kinda jaded and they don’t talk much, however they are a force of chaos when they feel like it and at their core are kind and gentle.
They have the ability to manipulate energy and need to consume souls to keep this power going. This means they can create explosions, waves and blades of energy, extreme heat (fire), etc. I’ve been developing this character for upwards of 4 years alongside my best friend @entityxzero, and you’re the first person to ask about them, so tysm and have some pictures of them :D
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
ohhh dilemma dilemma. i had forgotten that i had spaghetti and so made ramen and then remembered but the thing is d'aj made the spaghetti for me and let me take it home but i said yes ill bring the tupperware back monday! which i did plan to do but as mentioned i forgot 2 eat it bc yesterday. sigh. the devil. and today is also the devil i havent gotten to do my laundry yet because somebody has left their clothes in the washer since fucking noon so i cant. do mine. i cant go to bed until my laundry is done so my points r gonna be off to suchhh a bad start. but anyways m going to eat my spoagahetti
#when i say spoeoeghetti you have to read it like brennan u know.#but yas. it isnt rly spaghetti LMAO she didnt have spaghetti noodles so she used farfalle. BUT ITS SO GOODD shes such a good cook#shes used to cooking for her husband who eats like 4 servings worth of food LOL and since hes stationed in japan rn she keeps cooking way#too much. so she was like Ill bring u food.. and tmrw its loaded baked potatos... super super exciting i famously love baked potatos#but yas. she put likee peppers in the sauce and its SO GOOD she said she hadnt ever used peppers before so she wanted 2 try them#shes awesome. and also omgg its so nice to be out to somebody at work... ik im out to greg but hes like one of the big important guys LOL w#usually only see eachother 1-2 times a day. but d'aj has been rly good at like. when were around somebody else she uses kamille she/her#since i explained im closeted at work. but she uses connor he/him when were alone and :] ive been like mostly out for a while so i forgot#how much joy being gendered correctly gives you when youre not used to it...#like i am used to it obviously but work connor (different guy) isnt LOL. so its nice :]]#omg she also got her septum pierced and it looks so awesome i was giving her tips#my biggest tip. septum piercing havers. if you plan on flipping it up Dont fucking get the ones with the pointy tips. Signed guy who cut th#inside of my nose so bad it looked like i was having a severe nosebleed... I DIDNT REALIZE HOW POINTY IT WASS AND I HAD FLIPPED IT UP BEFOR#SO IT WAS LIKE O_O#but yes. she got the ones with the balls which is good. the only reason i had pointy was bc that was all ollie had at the time LOL#and she did my piercing#i also didnt shower today dire dire dire.
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mrsonvsyoutube · 1 year
Reproduction [Spokesman] || Crapshots Ep741
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clueless1995 · 1 year
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mrtheinsatiable · 1 year
I understand why they don't have a tracker on UPS trucks like they do on an Uber, but also my restless ass would love it if they did
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quinnmorgendorffer · 1 year
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