#gregory hirsch x you
wambsgansshoelaces · 5 months
blurb 4 of blurb night eeeeee!!!
Gregory Hirsch x Reader
prompt: “I need some sleepy Greg just enjoying the early morning dare it be the don’t start work till later or even a lil stay in after a night out.!!”
this was so much fun to write!! shout out to the homie mittos, thank u for requesting i love youuuu <3 I hope u love it
Word Count: 690
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Head buried in his chest, legs intertwined with his, arms hooked around his torso. The sheets are warm, he’s warm.
Greg’s fingers dig into your back, holding you to him tightly. Even in his sleep, he can’t let you go. He refuses to. You wake up slowly, blinking away the grogginess. You shift, pulling yourself upward, readjusting to instead tuck your face in the crook of his neck.
His hand comes to the back of your neck, and you feel his lips press to the side of your head.
“You’re up?” you ask quietly.
He grunts noncommittally, his arms going to wind around your waist. His palm smooths over your hip before climbing up your spine, the way he knows you like. His eyes are still closed. His lashes are long, dark, fluffy. His face is serene- he’s at peace with you in his arms.
His hands rub up and down your body, one at your hip, the other at your back. You sigh and readjust again, hooking your arms around his neck and bringing his head to the crook of your neck. He presses a kiss to the skin right under his mouth before turning so that he can nuzzle further into you. Your fingers find his hair, stroking. You scratch gently at his scalp, and his breathing deepens once again.
You’d gone out together the night before, an ‘adventure date’, as he’d called it. You’d walked to and through Times Square, admiring the lights. He’d never been before, surprisingly. He’d attributed it to his initial brokeness and then to the general decrease in time to himself he’d experienced after starting at Waystar. Hand in hand, you’d spent the entire night out at dinner then exploring. The night out had also produced some of your favorite photos of you and Greg- the two of you trying on silly hats in a gift shop, the both of your faces squished together in a mirror out on the street.
Greg had surprised you the night before. He’d taken what feels like millions and millions of photos of just you. You giggling sitting across from him at the restaurant. Your face staring up at him from his point of view out on the sidewalk. You walking ahead of him, surrounded by the Times Square billboard lights, your hand gripping his.
When the two of you had gotten home last night, you’d noticed he’d changed the wallpaper on his phone to a picture of you staring out the window of the restaurant, a giddy grin splitting your face. You remember the stupid joke he’d told- it wasn’t even funny. You’d just laughed because he was giggling while speaking.
Fully awake now, you attempt sliding out of bed, but Greg’s vice grip on you keeps you from going anywhere.
“Don’t leave,” he whines, voice raspy from overnight’s misuse. “Why’re you trying to leave me?”
He pulls you back, and now his chest is pressed against your back. You let out an airy laugh, his lips brushing over your jaw. “I need to pee, Greg.”
“Will you come back fast? Please? For me?”
“I’ll be quick, don’t worry.”
He plants a final kiss to your cheek before rolling over, taking his arms with him. You sit up, leaning over him. You give his shoulder a squeeze, pressing your lips to his neck. He makes a satisfied noise in response, still not opening his eyes.
You’re in and out of the bathroom as quickly as you can. When you pad back into your bedroom, you find Greg sprawled out on the bed, arms and legs askew, snoring lightly. You smile down at him, crawling back onto the mattress. You try fitting yourself back into him, but he’s spread out starfish-style.
It’s as if he can read your mind, though, because the moment your near him, he brings his limbs back into him. In his sleep, he reaches for you, and you fold yourself back into him.
“Mm,” he murmurs subconsciously, pulling you flush against him and burying his face back into your neck.
You pepper kisses into his hair. You suppose you’ll just let him sleep.
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salbei-141 · 6 months
Be honest with me (Roman Roy x reader)
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word count: 1.1k
warnings: 18+, pure fluff and comfort, mentions of verbal abuse
a/n: Inactivity who? A rare update I know lol. Anyway y’all I’m so in love with him - honestly in love with all the Roy siblings, but Romulus got a special place in my heart <3
I love how late I jump onto writing trends for characters, but in my defence I've had this in the drafts for MONTHS. Anyway, hope you enjoy my loves <3
The apartment was silent, it felt too out of character, especially for Roman. The both of you lay in silence on his bed, still in today's clothes.
You move your hand slowly - scared that a sudden movement would cause him to suddenly get up and leave without warning. Tentatively, you inch your fingers onto his own - he said nothing, nor did he move. Gaining more confidence and desperate to comfort him knowing how loud his mind must be right now - you encapsulate his hand within your own. They’re soft and warm - Roman was always warm to touch. You feel his hand squeeze your own back - still no words being said.
You take a deep breath, feeling the need to break the silence finally, but before you can, Roman cuts you off.
“Please don’t,” his voice came out weak - he was usually so quick witted…he just sounded tired.
“Okay,” your voice was soft - a complete dichotomy to the tone he was used to from his father and siblings.
Another 30 minutes went by in complete silence - the both of your steady breaths being the only thing heard. Your hand still lay in his - he hadn't moved an inch unless it was to gently squeeze your hand every so often.
You turn on your side, slipping your hand out of his - he still didn't move. You decided to move closer to him, laying your head on his shoulder and draping your right arm across his chest that rose up and down with each breath he took.
You studied his face - he looked like he wanted to push you off of him, and yet simultaneously he was aching to pull you closer to him. Your touch was the only touch he felt safe feeling - you'd never hurt him, and he never doubted that thought for a second, but he was just so used to being alone and pushing people away.
You were desperate to hear his voice, to understand what was running through his head. You knew he was probably going to say some stupid quip to hide how he really felt, but you'd see straight through him; he knew this and it was the scariest thing to him - that you actually saw him.
"Ro...," you were gentle - a part of him just wanted you to shout at him and tell him he was a waste of space just like his father had - it was all he knew. However, you were just too kind, you actually cared for him, and not in the way his father cared for him - if you could call it that - but in a way that was so genuine and pure that it felt wrong to him, but he craved every second of it.
His gaze moved from the ceiling to your worried face - you looked beautiful he thought, he had always thought you were the most beautiful person he knew. "Yeah," his voice sounded small and tired.
"Are you okay?" the question was stupid, you knew he wasn't, but you wondered if he'd answer you honestly - if for once he'd be vulnerable with you, and truly let you into what was going through his mind.
"What? Pfft yeah I'm fine, real fucking good...just thinking about who has bigger tits - you or Gerri...I think Gerri does," there it was...he couldn't be honest with you for a minute if he tried - he'd rather say some crude shit and hope you'd be weirded out enough like everyone else and just leave him so he could avoid sharing his emotions.
You sat up, leaning on one hand as you stared down at him while he tried to avoid your gaze which was slowly glazing over with unshed tears. "Roman...please I-...can you just be honest with me?" your voice had a slight shake - scared that you were going to push him over the edge and he'd run.
He made eye contact with you, his heart clenching in his chest, no one had made him feel the way you could make him feel, and that scared him. He didn't know what to do - his mind was screaming so many things at him all at once that he couldn't really make a decision, so he stayed silent.
Several minutes passed of you both just holding each other's gaze then he opened his mouth tentatively, "Why do you care about me? Why can't you just call me a freak or a perv and leave?" You watched as his eyes reddened and glazed over as he tried his hardest not to cry in front of you. Had you cracked him? It felt bittersweet that he might finally just be honest with you, but the pain in his eyes was tearing at your heart.
You smiled, giggling softly as you lifted a hand to his cheek and wiped away a singular tear that had managed to fall, watching as he turned his face to meet your caress - he trusted you. "Because I fucking love you Roman".
"But why?" he interrupted you like a child would trying to understand such a foreign concept that you were trying to explain.
"There's no reason - I mean there is, you're...you. I love you Roman." You were so soft with him, it felt alien to him. It broke you that he couldn't fathom the concept of someone genuinely loving him, and in such a pure way too. This love wasn't like the love from his father, nor from his siblings - it was something so foreign that he couldn't understand it, but he liked it...he liked this.
You laid back down beside him, "Come here Ro...please" your eyes had such a soft stare - they were so warm and inviting, he couldn't object to the embrace you were offering him.
Roman inched across the bed over into your arms, wrapping his arm around your waist and burying his face in your chest, while you wrapped an arm around his back, holding him close to you. You fell into a comfortable silence, holding each other without a care in the world - it was just the both of you.
"I love you too, you know?" he muttered it so quietly that it almost went unheard, but a smile spread across your face at his confession. You knew that he had probably been having an internal argument with himself on whether or not he was actually going to say it to you; without any sarcasm too.
You felt your heart fluttering in your chest and you pulled him closer to you, "Yeah I know". You tilted your head down slightly and pressed a soft kiss to the top of his head. He went to open his mouth to say some sarky comment, but immediately shut it - he didn't need to feel defensive around you, not now, and not ever.
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1x2 | 3x9 | 4x10
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shani579 · 1 year
Looking at the “I got you” (aka the last Tomgreg scene Matthew and Nick filmed) again, and I noticed two things: first, Nick’s eyes are very red, as if he’d been crying; both he and Matthew appear to be on the verge throughout the scene. Second, on Tom’s  second “I got you” after putting the sticker on Greg’s forehead, Matthew seems to allow himself to briefly step out of character(his accent slips ever so slightly), so that it’s not just Tom saying it to Greg, but Matthew saying it to Nick. And now I’m getting a lump in my throat. 
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bmodiwrites · 1 year
Hi friends! I'm dabbling in tomgreg, again. Don't worry, though - I'll be back steddieing very soon (there are like... four WIPS on the way!) I thought it'd be fun to dabble with sugar daddy esque Tom. Here's hoping you guys enjoy! Catch a sneak peek of the fic below, then head over to AO3 to read the rest. It's spicy, so minors DNI!
It becomes Tom’s sole responsibility in that moment to fix this glaringly obvious problem.
There’s a little work that goes into the whole thing – while Tom understands himself and his own sense of style, he’s still getting to know Greg. Tall isn’t a measurement that can be used to make someone a custom shirt. Which means there’s no way around being a little creepy to find out Greg’s size.
Of course, the odd touching and weird comments that make Greg bend over enough to see down the back of his shirt give Tom an opportunity to indulge the unchecked crush blossoming further by the day. Their weird connection upon first meeting (that Tom absolutely ruins in his hasty to overcome nerves and the funny feeling of love at first sight) lit something in Tom that’s refusing to putter out into the snuffed out thing it already is. Or, well, should be.
So, Tom indulges himself while collecting the needed data to fulfill his task. After he gets the numerical information, Tom does nothing to stop himself from continuing the arm grazes and long looks. He’s so used to it by now that it’s too big of a burden to even consider. It’s not like Greg does anything about it, anyway. In fact, Tom is almost positive that Greg moves into his touch. Or maybe that’s just the wishful thinking Tom can’t allow himself to put to rest.
Either way, the indulging does not stop.
When the shirt eventually comes in, Tom thanks his tailor for the last minute addition – his usual order is pristine as always, earning Leon a nice tip. Tom can’t wait until he’s home to take a peek at his commission and isn’t disappointed with the result.
The black of the shirt is deep and dark, beautiful because of its shadowlike nature. Tom’s thumb stopped on the example tab while flipping through the palette book thoughtlessly, like the thought of black enhancing the paleness of Greg’s creamy skin is an everyday thing. Sadly, it probably is.
Either way, Tom is happy to note the buttons are thick and durable, even at the cuff. Greg is a clumsy nuisance who’s like Bambi on ice at his best. Providing him with a garment that’s both pretty and made to last is Tom’s way of showing care. He hopes to see the soft, obviously high quality fabric of this shirt for a long time to come.
He’s meticulous in the way he packs it later that night. It came in a nondescript black box but Tom is hoping to impress. He buys a fancy gift box and folds it like he’s seen his own shirts a billion times before. It looks professional and classy – just like the man Tom wants Greg to be.
Despite being stoked about researching for and buying the gift, Tom can’t stand the thought of being there when Greg opens it up. He’s got this stealth plan that frees him from having to experience Greg’s reaction first hand. It’s so good, the plan that is, that Tom is cheery and upbeat throughout the entire day. People give him a wide birth but that’s just as well – not having to mop up other people’s bullshit adds a yummy cherry on top to a pretty good day.
After waiting until he’s almost certain everyone is gone, Tom sets things in motion. He sends a text to Greg about getting him a coffee for the road. When he hears the squeak of Greg retreating to do Tom’s bidding (just like the very good boy that he is,) Tom pulls out the box and makes quick work of putting it on Greg’s desk.
He’s seconds away from being in the clear when the intoxicating sent of tobacco infiltrates Tom’s senses. Greg is back and Tom is still there, lingering around Greg’s desk. The perfect day is quickly flying downhill at a terrifying speed. There’s nothing he can do to salvage the situation, so Tom does his best asshole impression, instead.
“Took you long enough, Gregory,” Tom says, turning around to snatch a nonexistent coffee cup from Greg’s hands. “What happened? Where’s my coffee?” The exasperation in his voice is real, though it’s not Greg’s fault.
It is a convenient excuse, however.
Greg looks flabbergasted, stuck between staring at Tom, his empty hand, and the obviously out of place box amongst his things. Tom, because he’s close to a breakdown already, is having a hard time not laughing it all. Karma is speaking loudly to him now, heckling Tom ruthlessly for his attempt at being a good person.
Thankfully, Greg’s broken up speech brings Tom back from the edge of a very embarrassing spiral.
“I uh – what’s that?” Greg asks, bypassing all of Tom’s questions in favor of honing in on something shiny and new. It’s the exact reaction that Tom wants, though there’s mixed feelings churning in his gut because he’s here to see it. His imaginings aren’t nearly as good as the real thing – that spells trouble for Tom, he can already tell. Being here, seeing this – Tom’s not sure he can recover.
Read the rest on AO3!
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succontheside · 2 years
i have a vision
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starlightscythe · 4 months
Raining in Manila
Greg Hirsch x f!Reader
Also includes an instagram!AU (idk what it's called but I added some insta interactions)
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Plot: you're the Chief of Financials at Waystar Royco and also Logan's Goddaughter, tasked to go with Greg to the Philippines to check up on the xerox business, not knowing some budding feelings will grow along the way.
Warnings: stressed!reader, will add more later.
P.S: purely written for Greg. Fuck Nicholas Braun, man. What a prick.
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"So you're half Filipino? All this time?" Greg asked, trailing you from behind. Pushing your heavy baggage cart as you walk with hands free, clutching your phone with your right hand.
"I am 1/4th Filipino, Greg. My grandma, Nerie is the Filipino. Lucky wife to my Grandpa, Victor whose a European." You explained, steps hasty as you walk towards the exit of the NAIA airport.
Greg tried to catch up with you as best as he can with his long legs, pushing the heavy cart with force to walk side by side with you.
You were sent here by Logan to check the Xerox copy machine side business and to evaluate the profit and if it's still considered to be operational by income standards. Waystar is apparently looking to cut their losses even if it means a thousand people would lose their job just to pay off Peirce.
"That's interesting. So you speak the language? B-because you know, what if we got lost and none of us speak the language? Google Translate isn't exactly eh- exact?" He pushes his hair back, adjusting the sleeve of his suit, "Is it normally this hot here?"
"I told you to lose the suit dumbass. It's a tropical country- and you know what-" You paused, stoping by a souvenir shop a saw an English-Tagalog Dictionary, "learn the language while we're here."
Quickly purchasing the book and throwing it at him which he catches clumsily mid-air.
The ride to your hotel was short, doesn't help that Greg was complaing about the tropical heat and how he's sweating underneath his suit.
"Honeymoon?" The Uber driver asked. Smiling at you and Greg from the rear view mirror.
"Uh- oh- no. No. Just work- work mates. Happy workmates" He laughed, "here for work."
"On valentines day?" The driver raised his eyebrow.
"Yeah, unfortunately." You replied, pulling your lips in a tight line as you message an unresponsive Roman about the hotel reservation.
Exiting the Uber and going straight to the hotel lobby whilst Greg was left alone to unload your bags from the trunk. A couple minutes of waiting for him, he finally emerges besides you, tapping your shoulder lightly.
"Oh, took you long enough. Show them the reservation." You spoke, returning your attention to your phone.
Greg stood there confuse, pushing his hair back and wiping his sweat from his forehead, "What reservation? I thought Roman sent it to you?"
"I thought he sent it you?!" You whispered to him, "well, call Kendall and have him sort this out."
"Is there a problem?" The receptionist finally arrived in front of you.
You quickly turned to her and smiled, "no. No. We're all good. He's just sorting out the reservation paper. Such a klutz, this one."
"Well, Ma'am if you just have a name for the reservation and an I.D I can verify it even without the papers." She assured you.
Rummaging through your bag as Greg tried calling Kendall behind you. Taking out your Waystar employee I.D and showing it to her.
"Can you try, (Y/N) Abberdon? I think my collegue might've put it under my name."
The receptionist typed for a bit and shook her head, "we don't have that name in the system Ma'am. Is there any name? Maybe under the name of your collegue?" She gestured to Greg.
Grabbing the man by the I.D which dangled from one of those laces with the retractable strings. "What- hey!" Greg exclaimed, hand still on the ringing phone.
"Try Gregory Hirsch?" You desperately looked at her. The woman did the same thing only to looked up at you once again and shook her head.
Mentally punching Roman in your head at this point, "Ok well, we don't have his I.D but, Roman Roy?"
"I see a Roman Roiland but no Roman Roy, miss. I am sorry."
"Oh my god," You backed away from the reception desk, "I am sorry- just give me a minute" Excusing yourself. The woman nodded her head and returns to her work.
You grabbed Greg by the arm and dragged him away from the desk, looking up at him for an answer.
"They won't call back. I tried Kendall, Shiv, and Roman." He panicked, "I could try Tom?"
"Then try Tom." You deadpanned, "I am going to call Roman. But keep calling whoever is in that flip phone of yours Greg or I will throw that ancient thing in the trash."
"No need to be stres-"
"Don't tell me what to do." You suddenly flipped out at him, making him flinch, "I am- I am sorry. I am just stressed, you're right. This is not big deal. If we can't reach out to any of them we'll just have to book it ourselves."
Greg nods, "yeah. Ok. I'll keep trying to call Tom."
A couple more minutes of you guys looking like anxious rats on your phone trying to contact everyone. Greg finally got a hold of Tom over the phone.
"Tom! Oh thank God. Listen I am- we- yes me and (Y/N)- we're stuck in the Philippines- yeah- can you just- Is Roman with you?- oh- right- uhuh- well, here." Greg hands the phone to you.
You took it out of his hand, "Jesus I forgot how these things work," Fiddling with the flip phone for a bit, "Hello? Tom? What the fuck is going on? Where the fuck is everyone?"
"Enjoying your vacation with my assistant? That you stole by the way. How dare you?!"
"We're not on vacation, dipshit. What's happening over there? We can't get a hold of everyone and we're stuck in another country with no hotel reservation."
"Oh yeah, well. There's been an emergency and Shiv just told me you guys might be stuck in there for another week or two because they're using the private jet to go to the bahamas."
"What the fuck?!" You exclaimed, quickly returning back to your normal tone, "well can you atleast have Roman call me b-"
The phone suddenly crackles and Roman's voice was heard though the phone, "hey god-sis. Yeah listen, I did an oopsie and I kinda forgot to put in a reservation..."
"What's happening...?" Greg tried to ask but your head was running a million miles per minute.
One thing you hated was when plans didn't go as planned and mostly being stucked in another country where you barely speak the language and your American Express might not work.
You raised your hand out of frustration, an attempt to throw Greg's phone onto the ground. But he was quick to catch your arm with his tall physique, snatching his phone out of your hand.
"He-hey. Ok. How about you sit and calm down. Ok?" He tries to comfort you, "I'll handle this. I know you're stressed out so just relax. Ok?"
You nodded, sitting by the nearby sofa of the hotel lobby. Frantically typing into your phone whilst running a hand onto your hair out of frustration.
"Yeah- ok- I can manage that. Ok. Thanks- bye" Greg ends the call and sat on the couch parallel to yours, "ok so, we'll book a hotel and have it on the company card. Shiv said we could do whatever we want for the next two weeks as an apology for your distress and inconvenience. So...there you go. Don't stress ok? Cause youre kinda freaking me out too."
Slowly nodding as you bit your lip, preventing yourself from laughing at the distressed Greg as he sighed and lean back onto the white sofa, putting his earphone on to calm himself down. You sneakily took a picture of him and posted it on Instagram.
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"Well I'll just see if they have a spare room available." You pull a tight smile , touching his shoulder as you move past him. Greg gives a nod in response.
"Hey," You greeted the receptionist again, "looks like my collegue might've missed it in his brain to book a reservation, is there a room available for two weeks? Two room separately...preferrably for me and him" Pointing at Greg behind you.
The receptionist tuts as she tapped at her keyboard for a bit, looking appologetic up at you, "sorry, looks like we're all fully booked at the moment. That's normal for valentines Day- oh wait- we have an opening for a honeymoon suite... I am afraid that's the only room available."
"Oh..." You scrunched your face. Scratching the back of your head in frustration, "is there like...another hotel?"
"Well you can try the love hotel from across the street but at valentines week I am afraid all of the hotel right now are fully booked too, miss."
Glancing at your watch, it reads 6:37 pm. And the jet lag was getting to your system. Not really wanting to go out there and dragging Greg around the block you were forced to weigh your options.
"Does it have a couch atleast?"
"Yes ma'am. But I am afraid it only has one bathroom."
"That's fine." You sighed, taking out your business card, "just do it. We're way too tired."
The woman apologized again as she took your card before handing you two keycards for the room. Telling you that your bags will be delivered in your room shortly.
Dragging your feet back to where Greg was, you handed him the other key card by shoving it in his face. Greg took it and read;
"Honeymoon suite?" He asked, looking up at you with wide eyes
"Yeah, not alot of options at valentines day, buddy." You scoffed at him, "you're welcome to run around the block for a new hotel room. They're all fully booked apparently. and I am too tired to argue for separate room. So either suck it up or get out."
Greg grunts in annoyance, standing up and following you anyways.
You turn back at him, "there's a love hotel full of jizz across the street. You're welcome to that"
"Uhuh, and if I get sick because of it, you'd have to be Tom's assistant for as long as it takes."
"He wishes, Greg"
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silly4sillypoll · 1 year
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(I’m aware this is kinda a mess but I promise it’ll get neater as time goes on)
please let me know if anyone is either misspelled or goes by a different name than what I put down
And please send any pictures you may have of your sillies here! It not only makes my job much easier but it also spreads propaganda >:)
Polls will begin Afternoon 4/19
vvv Lineup in text form underneath here vvv
Sweet Cap’n Cakes (DELTARUNE) VS Sans x Toriel (UNDERTALE)
Jevil x Spamton (DELTARUNE) VS papyrus x Mettaton (UNDERTALE)
Sonic x Espio VS Sonic x Knuckles (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Doctor Robotnik x Agent Stone (Sonic the Hedgehog) VS Vanessa Carlyle x Wade Wilson (Deadpool)
Roger x Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) VS Daffy Duck x Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
The Joker x Batman (LEGO Batman Movie) VS The Joker x Pinkie Pie x Rainbow Dash (mlp)
Spider-Ham x Spider Noir (Spider-man: Into the Spider-verse) VS Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich (My Little Pony)
Troy Bolton x Sharpay Evans (Highschool Musical) VS Junkrat x Roadhog (Overwatch)
King Bowser x Luigi VS Princess Daisy x Princess Peach (Mario)
Lord Zuko x Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender) VS Bolin x Korra (Legend of Korra)
Kamishiro Rui x Tenma Tsukasa (Project Sekai) VS Normal Oak x Harmie Unworthy (Dungeons and Daddies) 
Questionette x Borbra Luddington (Smile For Me) VS You x Your Blorbo(s) (Your Shows)
Diamond x Pearl (Pokemon Adventures) VS Ethan/Hibiki x Lyra/Kotone (Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver)
Luz Noceda x Amity Blight VS Edalyn Clawthorne x Raine Whispers (The Owl House)
Dave x Jack (Dayshift at Freddy’s) VS Dr Bubby x Dr Harold Coomer (Half-Life: but the AI is Self-aware) 
4 x X (Battle for BFDI) VS Light bulb x Test tube (Inanimate Insanity)
Sportacus x Robbie Rotten (Lazytown) VS Bill and Ted (‘s Excellent Adventure)
Monkey D. Luffy x Zoro (One Piece) VS Seahawk x Mermista (She-ra)
Harry Du Bois x Kim Kitsuragi (Disco Elysium) VS Link x Prince Sidon (LOZ: Breath of the Wild)
Puss x Kitty Softpaws (Puss in Boots) VS Scar x Grian (3rd Life SMP) 
Jessie x James (Pokemon) VS Puyo Puyo x Tetris (Real life???) 
Fubuki Tenjoin x Jun Manjoume (Yugioh GX) VS Kakashi Hatake x Maito Gai (Naruto)
Josuke x Okuyasu VS Jolyne x Foo Fighters (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Soldier x Zhanna (Team Fortress 2) VS Vash the Stampede x Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Koichi Zenigata x Lupin III VS Daisuke Jigen x Lupin III (Lupin III)
Redson x Mei Dragon x MK (LEGO Monkie Kid) VS Spongebob x Patrick (Spongebob)
Zagreus x Hypnos (Hades) VS Aziraphale x Crowley (Good Omens)
Shiver x Frye x Bigman (Splatoon) VS Apollo Justice x Klavier Gavin (Ace Attorney)
Kim Wexler x Jimmy Mcgill (Better Call Saul) VS Dr. Gregory House x James Wilson (House)
Tom Wambsgans x Greg Hirsch (Succession) VS Troy Barnes x Abed Nadir (Community)
Terezi Pyrope x Vriska Serket VS Dave Strider x Karkat Vantas (Homestuck) 
Equius Zahhak x Nepeta Leijon VS Gamzee Makara x Tavros Nitram (Homestuck) 
Last edited 4/19
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kencoded-kengirl · 11 months
does kendall roy listen to taylor swift? was willa ferreyra actually sighted at the eras tour? why did stewy hosseini post “STREAM SPEAK NOW TAYLOR’S VERSION” on his instagram story last night? these are all questions that have haunted the minds of succession fans since the show’s creation. you might not know who the biggest swiftie in succession is, but that’s okay, because i do. jesse armstrong informed me personally, and i will now relay this vital information to all of you: from most devoted fan to the most casual of listeners, here are the top ten swifties of hbo’s succession.
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kerry loves taylor swift and listens to her unironically almost constantly. she thinks that the last great american dynasty was written about her. she abuses taylor swift music in order to romanticize her relationship with logan. she got bangs to be more like taylor. no other deserves the title of most avid swiftie at waystar.
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sophie is technically a bigger fan than kerry but she is way less sick in the head about it. she’s just a little girl who loves taylor whose rich deadbeat dad got her eras tour tickets for her birthday because he can’t remember any of her other interests. (rava and iverson roy honorable mentions, they went to the eras tour together.)
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ebba is convinced that taytay wrote would’ve could’ve should’ve specifically about the fact that her ex will not stop sending her frozen bricks of his own blood. sometimes, if you’re hanging out with her, she’ll ask if you want to watch something, and then she’ll put on the all too well ten minute version music video like it’s a movie. feels a sense of devastation over the fact that taylor doesn’t have tour dates in sweden until 2024.
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in season four when kendall said that his relationship with naomi was a “carnival of mindfuck,” he was referring to the fact that they were once texting and he let it slip that he “doesn’t know why taylor keeps rereleasing albums” and that he’s “just going to keep listening to the originals because they’re better,” and then naomi blocked him on everything and they literally haven’t spoken since.
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willa also thinks the last great american dynasty is about her. she listens to taylor’s music religiously but doesn’t actually care about any of the relationship drama or even the politics. she was super excited that taylor was in the cats, though, (it’s her favorite musical) and genuinely defends the movie’s quality.
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greg is a social swift listener. he definitely likes her music and has playlists, but, frankly, he mainly just likes understanding tiktok discourse. it’s his life goal to get rich enough to run in the same social circles as her, meet her, and live out a taylor swift x yn fanfiction fantasy in real life. also, he is pretty sure the last great american dynasty is about tom. or himself.
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this started as a joke because the old guard have been colleagues and waystar employees for 30+ years and there comes a time when you need to branch out to make your work background playlists nonrepetitive. gerri started putting taylor songs on their playlist mainly because her daughter, peti, said that she should, and karl slowly but surely became a huge fan.
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make no mistake, stewy does not like taylor swift. he would sooner die than be caught with a taylor song on a playlist he actually listens to. however, if stewy is 1 thing in this life, that thing is a male manipulator. as a result, he has cultivated an extensive swiftie persona complete with favorite songs, albums, and knowledge of discourse, which he uses to pick up swifties at bars. he has 1 taylor swift playlist that he sends to people like “i made this about us 🥺💕” but he actually just renames and reuses it every time he meets someone new. he has cried while listening to folklore once on accident.
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roman also does not organically listen to taylor swift. he is trying the male manipulator false swiftie strategy as well but he cares less and is exponentially worse at it than stewy, because he has never in his life been attracted to a taylor swift fan. he tried it on tabitha and she earnestly threatened to break up with him if he was a real taylor swift fan. he tried in on gerri when she wasn’t really paying attention and she said, “what is this? i think my daughters listen to this,” which gave roman such a severe ick he never brought it up again. he tried it on matsson as well, but it made him think of ebba and he ghosted roman for a week.
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shiv thinks the last great american dynasty is about her. she’s not necessarily invested but she knows the songs that play on the radio. shiv has actually personally met taylor and they don’t get along. she also actively believes that taylor dating matty healy was worse than taylor’s private jet usage qualifying her as a climate criminal. she has used word-for-word quotes from getaway car while arguing with tom.
DISCLAIMER: this list was not made by a swiftie. if it seems like bullshit, that’s because it is.😄👍
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hbosucc · 6 months
Greg Hirsch x Reader: Chapter 7
Hi babes I'm back with another chapter! This chapter ended up being super long so I'm cutting it in half and just posting the first half now.
Also! Kendall, Shiv, and Tom finally make appearances in this chapter hehe.
This chapter is 18+!! Minors dni. Link to previous chapter (also 18+) here
Content Warnings for this chapter:
Sexual content (Tom being a creep/harassing reader)
Alcohol consumption
Drug use
Chapter 7: Meeting the Fam, Part I
I smoothed my hands over my dress, a fitted emerald green number that Greg had bought for me. He’d left the price tag on—by accident, I was pretty sure—so I knew that it was way too expensive. But then, I supposed that considering the occasion, it was appropriate. I’d even splurged on a mani-pedi earlier that day, and had tried my best on my own with my hair and makeup.
          Looking myself over in the mirror, I was fairly pleased. My hair was behaving for once, and the jewelry I’d picked out went well with my dress. I had gone for a subtle but polished look, and I felt I’d accomplished it, for the most part.
          Greg texted to let me know he was there with the car, and I buzzed him in quickly to get his opinion before we left. I opened the door and let him in, taking a step back so he could see the full look.
          “Wow! You look great, oh my God.” He said, looking me up and down. “Give me a little…yeah, give me a little spin.”
          “I look okay?” I asked, doing a slow spin on one heel. He gripped my hips and pulled me in, giving me a long, deep kiss, his hands moving down over the silky fabric to squeeze my ass. I giggled and pulled back, my arms wrapped around his neck.
          “That would be a yes.” He gave me another quick kiss before helping me into my coat.
          “Are you sure?” I bit my lip, taking one last look in the mirror.
          “Hey, hey,” He wrapped his arms around me from behind. “Are you still nervous?”           I nodded. “A little, yeah. Are you sure I—”
          “You literally look incredible. Okay?” He spun me around so I was facing him and pressed a kiss to my forehead. “If you don’t want to go, like, if you want to cancel and stay in, you just say the word. I mean, it’s just some stupid gala.”
          “No, no. We can go.” I took a deep breath and nodded.
          “Okay.” He smiled and took my hand, and we walked down to the waiting car together. It wasn’t a limo—that would’ve felt a little too prom—but a black town car of some kind, with a bottle of chilled champagne and two flutes in the back. We popped it open on the drive, and it helped to settle my nerves, though only slightly. Greg’s presence helped as well; he seemed surprisingly at ease, which made me more relaxed as well.
          By the time we pulled up outside of the event, I still felt like I was walking into a lion’s den, but at least I had a glass of champagne buzzing through my bloodstream. The driver came around to open the door, and Greg stepped out first, taking my hand to help me out.
          We walked up to the entrance, and I was surprised to see what seemed to be paparazzi on either side of the carpet going up to the building entrance, held off to the side by velvet ropes. Their shutters clicked and flashed as I took Greg’s arm, holding my clutch in my other hand. The staff inside the door marked us off on their list as Greg gave them his name, then we checked in our coats and headed into the main event.
          “Okay, first things first: do you want a drink?” He asked.
          “Yes. I think that would be a great idea.” I followed him over to the bar and he ordered for us, getting me my usual gin and tonic. As he ordered, I surveyed the room, leaning back on the bar. I didn’t recognize anyone at first, though that didn’t surprise me. I knew what some of his family members looked like, but other than them, I hadn’t been sure who would be at this event.
          “Gregory Hirsch!” A voice boomed, and a man I recognized as Greg’s boss, Tom, appeared on Greg’s other side.
          “Hey, Tom.” Greg said, handing me my drink and taking his. I peeked over his shoulder and met Tom’s eyes, which widened in surprise.
          “And you must be the girlfriend.” He extended a hand, and I took it.
          “Y/n.” I supplied for him as we shook. He looked me up and down, his eyebrows raising.
          “Well, Y/n, it’s nice to finally meet you.” He side-eyed Greg. “How much is he paying you?”
          “Excuse me?” I almost spit out the sip I’d just taken.
          “Tom, c’mon, man.” Greg hissed, his arm around me tightening.
          “Gregory, I’m only kidding.” Tom laughed, unshaken. “No one’s going to believe that this beautiful creature agreed to go out with you for free, though, I’m just warning you.”
          “Just because that’s how you find women, Tom, doesn’t mean it’s the same for everyone else.” I cocked an eyebrow at him, holding his gaze. Tom’s straight face broke, and he let out another booming laugh, clapping Greg on the shoulder.
          “You’ve got yourself a feisty one, huh, Greg?”
          “I—I guess?” Greg said, looking over at me apologetically.
          “Well, good for you.” Tom looked me up and down one last time. “I’d better go find Logan, but, Y/n, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
          With that, he walked off, and Greg and I exchanged a look.
          “Well, that was Tom.” Greg sighed.
          “Jesus.” I laughed, shaking my head. “I don’t know how you deal with that all day.”
          “Neither do I, sometimes.”
          “Shoot,” I said, opening my clasp and searching inside for my phone. “I think I left my phone in my coat pocket, I’m gonna go grab it really quick.”
          “Do you want me to come with?”
          “No, that’s okay. I’ll be right back.” I gave him a peck on the cheek and hurried back out to the lobby, giving my ticket to the coat-checker and explaining the situation.
          As I waited for my phone to be retrieved, I felt a presence behind me and turned around, coming face to face with Tom again.
          “Didn’t mean to startle you.” He smiled. He wasn’t as tall as Greg, but I still had to look up at him, even in my heels.
          “No worries.” I shrugged.
          “So, you and Greg, huh?” He asked, his eyes dipping, then coming up to meet mine again as he leaned in, lowering his voice conspiratorially. “How much is he paying you, really? You can tell me.”
          “Tom.” I folded my arms. “Please tell me you’re not actually this thick in the head.”
          “I’m not, I’m not, I’m just trying to understand.” He laughed. “What is it about Greg that does it for you? He’s just so awkward and…and goofy, and you seem so lovely and poised. It’s not making sense to me.”
          “I don’t know what to tell you. I like him. He treats me really well. And besides that,” I smirked. “he’s incredible in bed.”
          “Now that, I don’t believe.” He chuckled.
          “You don’t have to.” I shrugged. “I’m enjoying myself, that’s all I can tell you.”
          “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
          “Well, you’re not going to. See it, I mean.” I turned to grab my phone as it was held out to me, then back to Tom, my face flushed. I had to stay composed. There was a weird chemistry swirling between us, and I was trying to keep my mind on Greg and ignore the fact that his boss was attractive, in a silver-fox kind of way. “Did you follow me out here just to pester me about Greg?”
          “No, no, not—well, not just that.” He followed me as I walked back to the door leading into the main room.
          “What, then?” I stopped, my heart pounding in my throat. He was standing too close, his expensive cologne sharp in my nostrils.
          “Well, let’s just say…if you ever get tired of climbing that beanpole,” He looked across the crowded room, our eyes landing on Greg at the same time. He was now in conversation with one of his cousins, nodding intently. “You should…let me know.”
          “You’re married.” My eyes narrowed, and I went to walk past him, but his hand on my arm stopped me.
          “My marriage is...not strictly monogamous.” He said in a low voice, his bright blue eyes locked on mine.
          “Well,” I started, stepping back, moving my arm out of his grip. “Good for you.”
          “It could be good for you, too.” He shrugged, his hands in his pockets. I was about to walk away, and he could see it, because he spoke quickly. “By the way, if you happen to mention this conversation to Greg, I’ll make sure his career at Waystar is over.”
          I took one step closer to him and looked him in the eye again. “Fuck off.”
          Leaving it at that, I walked back into the crowded ballroom, weaving through the well-dressed elites until I’d reached Greg. He was talking to the cousin I recognized as Kendall, and he introduced us.
          “Nice to meet you.” Kendall said as he shook my hand with his sweaty one. His eyes never landed on mine, instead scanning the crowd over my shoulder, nervous energy surrounding him like a cloud.
          “Shiv!” Greg said, stopping a woman in her tracks as she was about to walk past us. “Hey, Shiv, I wanted you to meet my girlfriend, Y/n.”
          “Oh,” She said, joining our circle for a moment. She’d seemed to be on a mission, looking for someone, but her eyebrows raised. “Girlfriend?”
          “Hi,” I took her hand when she offered it. “I love your dress, by the way.” I did—it was a deep blue velvet, floor length, and perfectly fitted to her curves.
          “Oh, thank you.” She gave me a quick smile, tucking some of her short orange hair behind her ear. “Have any of you seen Tom?”
          “No, not in a while.” Greg shook his head.
          “Fuck.” She sighed. “I’ve gotta find him.” She paused before resuming her speed-walk through the crowd. “Nice to meet you. And, uh, congrats, Greg.”
          “Why’s she looking for Tom?” I asked Greg, trying to keep my voice even.
          “Oh, I thought I told you, Shiv and Tom are married.” He said, his arm around my waist once more.
          “Oh.” I said. “No, you didn’t.”
          “Yeah, well, but on the down-low, I don’t think things are going so well.” He said in a low voice.
          “That’s juicy.” I took a sip of my drink. Kendall’s eyes finally met mine, and he seemed to snap out of whatever trance he’d been in.
          “Hey, uh, Greg, could I talk to you for a sec? Like, in private?” He asked, looking up at Greg, who looked down at me.
          “Well, does it have to be, like, right now?” Greg asked.
          “It’s fine. I’m getting another drink.” I said, turning on my heel and heading toward the bar, draining my glass on the way. I ordered another g&t, putting it on Greg’s tab. I slid onto a barstool and checked my phone, figuring Greg would text or come find me when he was done with Kendall. It was most likely work stuff, or family stuff, and I had no desire to get in the middle of any of that.
          “Mind if I join you?” I looked up, saw Tom, and sighed.
          “You’ve decided to stalk me for the evening, huh?” I asked, taking a sip of my drink. “Is that what rich people do for fun?”
          “No, no, I’m just surprised that Greg let you out of his sight again.” He said, feigning innocence. “I’m keeping an eye on you for him.”
          “He didn’t ask you to do that.” I said, but it came out almost like a question.
          “Maybe not.” He leaned in. “Are you bored out of your mind yet?”
          “What do you mean?”
          “I mean, by all this. It’s not like you know anyone else here, and everyone’s talking shop.” He raised his eyebrows. “I’d be pretty bored if I were you.”
          “Yeah, well, what am I supposed to do about that?” I rolled my eyes.
          “Do you want to go do drugs?”
          I barked out a laugh, covering my mouth with my hand. “No, thanks.”
          “Are you sure?” He prodded. “Come on. I can see it in your eyes, you kind of want to.”
          “You’re crazy.” I scoffed, but my resolve was wavering, and I knew he could see right through me.
          “You know you want to.” He sing-songed. “Come on. You know I have the good stuff. This might be your only chance, ever, to do really high-quality coke.”
          “Oh, my God.” I sighed. “If I were to say yes, where would we even do it?”
          “I’ll show you.” He stood up.
          “Fine. Jesus Christ.” I followed him out a side exit, up a staircase, the crowd thinning more the further we went. “Where are we going?”
          “It’s a secret.” he said. We reached a heavy oak door, he knocked, then pushed it open when there was no response. I followed him into a large study-like room, lined with tall windows and bookcases, a chandelier lit above us.
          “What is this?” I asked, taking it in.
          “This is a private meeting room.” Tom pulled a small baggie of white powder from one of his pockets, shook it, and opened it, taking a seat at the long, gleaming wooden table in the middle of the room. “Come here.”
          I took the seat next to him, crossing my legs as I watched him cut a few lines with a credit card.
          “You know, I knew you would say yes to this.” He pulled out a short glass straw and put it to one of his nostrils, making two of the lines disappear, then sniffing and leaning his head back.
          “Yeah, okay, right.” I said, taking the straw as he handed it to me. “How?”
          “You just have that coke-whore gleam in your eye.” He looked at me smugly, and I lowered the straw, keeping eye contact as I snorted a line, then handed the straw back.
          “Well. I can’t say I’ve heard that one before.” I held the back of my hand to my nose and sniffed, making sure it went all the way to the back.
          “I’m like a bloodhound for these sorts of things.” he said. He did one more line, then handed it back to me. “Here. You do the last one.”
          “If you insist.” I said, and then the last line was gone, vacuumed up into my nasal cavity. When I opened my eyes and looked up, I saw Tom’s phone in his hand, the lens trained on me. “What’re you doing?”
          “Oh, nothing.” He lowered the phone, then held it out so I could see the video he’d taken of me snorting a line. My face was only visible for a moment at the end, but it was, undeniably, me.
          “Why…” I started, swallowing as the coke drip filled my mouth with the familiar bitter taste.
          “Well, Y/n,” He bent in, lowering his voice as his phone disappeared back into his pocket. “When Greg told us he had a new girlfriend, we had to do a little background check. So, I know which school you work at.”
          “But why…why the video?” My heart thudded in my ears, and I could feel the color drain from my face.
          “Come on, Y/n, you’re obviously a very smart girl, you can put it together.” He leaned in, tilting my chin up and forcing me to look at him.
          “What do you want from me?” I tried to keep my voice steady as I searched his eyes, panic rising. Why, why, why had I agreed to go anywhere with this insane man? I heard my phone vibrate in my clutch and turned towards it, but his grip jerked me back.
          “You know what I want. And…” He whispered. “I know you want it, too, just like I knew you would follow me up here. You just need an excuse to let yourself do it. And I’ve just provided you with one.”
          “What do you mean?” I pressed my lips together in an attempt to keep them from trembling.
          “It would be…a real shame if my thumb happened to slip, and that video was sent to Greg. Or, to your principal’s email address.”
          “And if—” I swallowed. “If I fuck you, or whatever, you’ll delete it?”
          “Who said anything about fucking?” One of his hands trailed down, sliding one of my dress straps over my shoulder.
          “Tom, come on,” I said. My head felt light, and I knew the coke was starting to hit my bloodstream.
          “We’ll see.” He said, rising from his seat and pulling me up with him. He pulled me flush against him by the hips, and I bit my lip, determined not to make a sound. “This doesn’t have to be so difficult, you know.”
          One hand climbed to the zipper of my dress, and he slowly pulled it down, my dress falling open in the back.
          “What if someone walks in?” I asked, looking over his shoulder at the door.
          “They won’t.” He said, his lips next to my ear.
          “Tom, I—” I started, and he stopped my lips with his finger.
          “Listen, if you really don’t want to do this, by all means, just say the word.”
          “I…” I started. My phone buzzed again, and Tom grabbed my wrist before I could reach for it.
          “Hey, hey, Y/n, look at me.” I met his eyes, and he continued. “I’m just fucking with you.”
          “What?” I choked out. “What do you mean?”
          “I’m just fucking around.” He chuckled, turning me around so he could zip my dress back up.
          “You’re—you mean—”
          “I wasn’t going to make you fuck me, Y/n,” He said incredulously. “You really though I would do that?”
          “Tom, what the fuck,” I balked. “But…the video?”
          “Oh, come on, I was never going to send it to anyone.” He held his phone up so I could see the screen, and pressed delete on the video he’d taken. “Just a bit of razzing the new kid, okay? That’s all.”
          “You’re fucked in the head.” I spat, grabbing my purse and stalking past him towards the exit.
          I could hear him laugh as the door closed behind me, and I sped down the stairs, heading towards the women’s restroom. I locked myself in a stall and sank down onto the toilet, letting out a sob. The coke coursing through my veins was not helping things, I knew. My heart felt like it was going a million beats a minute. I pulled out my phone to see missed texts and a call from Greg.
Greg: So sorry about that! I’ll meet you again in a few
          Can’t find you, where’d you go?
          Are you okay?
I texted back: Sorry, got sick. I’m coming back in now.
I sniffled and took a deep breath, trying to collect myself. I closed my eyes and took a few more deep breaths, in and out, before leaving the stall. Crossing the room to check my face in the mirror, I looked a bit blotchy, and it was clear I’d been crying. I dabbed at my under-eye makeup, then put on a coat of the lipstick I’d brought in my purse. Smoothing my hair, I took one last deep breath, nodded at myself, and left the restroom.
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pastelwell · 2 years
Somebody else
Rating: E
I’ve written something new! It’s a premise I was sent on Twitter involving this video. Essentially it’s now an alternative first meeting for Tom & Greg. This is the first chapter of four 💕
Trapped in an open-marriage agreement he never wanted, Tom decides to play the game in an effort to win back his wife. What he doesn't anticipate is part-way through, he wants a different prize entirely.
“You looked good up there,” he says in lieu of an actual greeting, “Does it pay very well? Groping yourself on stage in front of dozens of people?”
Tom’s feeling bold. He’s channelling his wife’s energy and it’s coming out of him in words he doesn’t overly recognise. Across the room, Shiv catches his eye and something shifts in her expression, like her curiosity has sparked. He turns away from her, rolling out his shoulders.
The guy - who he has discerned via the programme is named Greg - splutters a little, and Tom smiles in a way that he hopes doesn’t seem too predatory.
“Uh, I mean, insofar as it’s paid my rent for maybe like… The upcoming 2 months? But I’m not sure what the barometer is here exactly…”
Tom nods, sliding one hand into his pocket as he extends the other, “I’m Tom. Wambsgans. Willa’s brother-in-law. Sort of.”
“Oh, cool,” Greg says, trailing a finger thoughtfully down the bridge of his nose before reaching out to take Tom’s hand and shake it, “Gregory Hirsch.”
“The cousin,” Tom says, “Cousin Greg. It said Greg on the programme. Are you a Greg or a Gregory, by birth?”
“I’m sort of experimenting with Gregory?” Gregory replies, and Tom can feel his brow crinkling.
“Sounds kinky. Anyone else you’re experimenting with?” Tom says, biting his tongue between his teeth.
Read the rest here x
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wambsgansshoelaces · 5 months
As always I’m here to provide Greg prompts hc for cheering up Greg or maybe HC of greg about his childhood and traits that carried to adulthood :00
I’m sorry this is so short :( I still hope you like it <3 love u mittos
comforting greg
ᝰ he comes home from work one day zoned the fuck out
ᝰ “hi, y/n,” is all he says when he sees you
ᝰ usually he’s all golden retriever and he gives you a big, giddy kiss when he gets home
ᝰ “something wrong?” you ask
ᝰ “nothing…”
ᝰ he literally deflates into the couch next to you
ᝰ “you know you can tell me anything, right?”
ᝰ “I don’t want to put it all on you…”
ᝰ “I want to help, greg.”
ᝰ you pull him close
ᝰ “I don’t know, I just have so much work, and the days are so long, and I’m pretty sure I’m getting sick…”
ᝰ “tell me about it.”
ᝰ “well, tom gave me all of these important looking papers, told me to hide them…”
ᝰ you let him rant
ᝰ he needs it, and you love him
ᝰ all of this doesn’t sound entirely legal
ᝰ but you’re not going to say anything
ᝰ you scratch at his scalp and he shifts so that he’s entirely in your arms
ᝰ he sighs contentedly
ᝰ he doesn’t know why he even let himself get that upset
ᝰ he knows you’re at home waiting for him
ᝰ and you’re all he needs
ᝰ he looks up at you and plants an awkward kiss on your mouth
ᝰ he steals your Nintendo and plays animal crossing on your island
ᝰ he runs around terrorizing the villagerswith a net
ᝰ “why hasn’t someone murdered the capitalist dictator racoon?” he asks, deadass
ᝰ gives his character a mustache and the anime eyes
ᝰ “feeling better?” you ask after a while, still raking your fingers through his hair
ᝰ “huh?”
ᝰ he’s forgotten why he’s upset
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The 22nd Annual Bryan Awards - Acting Races
Nominations Announced July 18, 2022 Guest Acting Winners Announced on September 11, 2022
Lead Actress in a Drama Series: KILLING EVE - Jodie Comer as Villanelle (BBC America) KILLING EVE - Sandra Oh as Eve Polastri (BBC America) THE MORNING SHOW - Jennifer Aniston as Alex Levy (Apple+) OZARK - Laura Linney as Wendy Byrde (Netflix) THIS IS US - Mandy Moore as Rebecca Pearson (NBC) YELLOWJACKETS - Melanie Lynskey as Shauna Sadecki (Showtime)
Lead Actor in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Bob Odenkirk as Saul Goodman (AMC) OZARK - Jason Bateman as Marty Byrde (Netflix) SQUID GAME - Lee Jung-jae as Seong Gi-hun (Netflix) SUCCESSION - Brian Cox as Sterling Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Jeremy Strong as Kendall Roy (HBO) THIS IS US - Sterling K. Brown as Randall Pearson (NBC) Supporting Actress in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Rhea Seehorn as Kim Wexler (AMC) EUPHORIA - Maude Apatow as Lexi (HBO)  EUPHORIA - Sydney Sweeney as Cassie Howard (HBO) OZARK - Julia Garner as Ruth Langmore (Netflix) SEVERANCE - Patricia Arquette as Harmony Cobel (Apple+) SUCCESSION - J. Smith-Cameron as Gerri Kellman (HBO) SUCCESSION - Sarah Snook as Siobhan Roy (HBO) YELLOWJACKETS - Christina Ricci as Misty Quigley (Showtime) Supporting Actor in a Drama Series: BETTER CALL SAUL - Jonathan Banks as Mike Ehrmantraut (AMC) BETTER CALL SAUL - Giancarlo Esposito as Gus Fring (AMC) THE MORNING SHOW - Billy Crudup as Cory Ellison (Apple+) SQUID GAME - Park Sae-hoo as Cho Sang-woo (Netflix) SUCCESSION - Nicholas Braun as Greg Hirsch (HBO) SUCCESSION - Kieran Culkin as Roman Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Matthew McFadyen as Tom Wambsgans (HBO) SUCCESSION - Alan Ruck as Connor Roy (HBO)
Guest Actress in a Drama Series: THE MORNING SHOW - Marcia Gay Harden as Maggie Brenen (Apple+) OZARK - Jordana Spiro as Rachel Garrison (Netflix) SQUID GAME - Lee You-mi as Ji-yeong (Netflix) SUCCESSION - Hope Davis as Sandi Furness (HBO) SUCCESSION - Sanaa Lathan as Lisa Arthur (HBO) SUCCESSION - Harriet Walter as Lady Caroline Collingwood (HBO) Guest Actor in a Drama Series: THE MORNING SHOW - Martin Short at Dick Lundy (Apple+) OZARK - Tom Pelphrey as Ben Davis (Netflix) SUCCESSION - Adrien Brody as Josh Aaronson (HBO) SUCCESSION - James Cromwell as Ewan Roy (HBO) SUCCESSION - Alexander Skarsgard as Lukas Matsson (HBO) THIS IS US - Dule Hill as Kenny (NBC) Performance by a Cast in a Drama Series: Better Call Saul (AMC) Bridgerton (Netflix) Squid Game (Netflix) Stranger Things (Netflix) Succession (HBO) This Is Us (NBC) Lead Actress in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Quinta Brunson as Janine Teagues (ABC) THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT - Kaley Cuoco as Cassie Bowden (HBO Max) HACKS - Jean Smart as Deborah Vance (HBO Max) INSECURE - Issa Rae as Issa (HBO) THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL - Rachel Brosnahan as Miriam Maisel (Amazon Prime) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Selena Gomez as Mabel Mora (Hulu) Lead Actor in a Comedy Series: ATLANTA - Donald Glover as Earn (F/X) BARRY - Bill Hader as Barry (HBO) BLACK-ISH - Anthony Anderson as Andre Johnson (ABC) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Steve Martin as Charles-Haden Savage (Hulu) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Martin Short as Oliver Putnam (Hulu) TED LASSO - Jason Sudeikis as Ted Lasso (Apple TV+) Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Janelle Jones as Ava Coleman (ABC) ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Sheryl Lee Ralph as Barbara Howard (ABC) HACKS - Hannah Einbinder as Ava Daniels (HBO Max) THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL - Alex Borstein as Susie Myerson (Amazon Prime) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Kate McKinnon as Various Characters (NBC) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Cecily Strong as Various Characters (NBC) TED LASSO - Juno Temple as Keeley Jones (Apple+) TED LASSO - Hannah Waddingham as Rebecca Welton (Apple+) Supporting Actor in a Comedy Series: ABBOTT ELEMENTARY - Tyler James Williams as Gregory Eddie (ABC) ATLANTA - Brian Tyree Henry as Alfred ‘Paper Boi’ (F/X) BARRY - Henry Winkler as Gene Cousineau (HBO) THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL - Tony Shalhoub as Abe Weissman (Amazon Prime) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Bowen Yang as Various Characters (NBC) TED LASSO - Brett Goldstein as Roy Kent (Apple+) TED LASSO - Brendan Hunt as Coach Beard (Apple+) TED LASSO - Nick Mohammed as Nathan Shelley (Apple+) Guest Actress in a Comedy Series: THE FLIGHT ATTENDANT - Sharon Stone as Lisa Bowden (HBO) GRACE AND FRANKIE - Dolly Parton as Agnes (Netflix) HACKS - Jane Adams as Nina Daniels (HBO) THE MARVELOUS MRS. MAISEL - Kelly Bishop as Benedetta (Amazon Prime) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Jane Lynch as Sazz Pataki (Hulu) TED LASSO - Harriet Walter as Deborah (Apple+)
Guest Actor in a Comedy Series: ATLANTA - Alexander Skarsgard as Alexander Skarsgard (F/X) CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM - Bill Hader is Igor, Grigor, & Timor (HBO) ONLY MURDERS IN THE BUILDING - Nathan Lane as Teddy Dimas (Hulu) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - Jerrod Carmichael as Host/Various Characters (NBC) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE - John Mulaney as Host/Various Characters (NBC) TED LASSO - Anthony Head as Rupert Manion (Apple+)
Performance by a Cast in a Comedy Series: Abbott Elementary (ABC) Barry (HBO) black-ish (ABC) The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (Amazon Prime) Only Murders In The Building (Hulu) Saturday Night Live (NBC) Ted Lasso (Apple+)
Lead Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series/Movie: THE DROPOUT - Amanda Seyfried as Elizabeth Holmes (Hulu) INVENTING ANNA - Julia Garner as Anna Delvey (Netflix) SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE - Jessica Chastain as Mira (HBO) THE STAIRCASE - Toni Collette as Kathleen Peterson (HBO Max) A VERY BRITISH SCANDAL - Claire Foy as Margaret Campbell (Amazon Prime) WOMEN OF THE MOVEMENT - Adrienne Warren as Mamie Till-Mobley (ABC) Lead Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series/Movie: DOPESICK - Michael Keaton as Dr. Samuel Finnix (Hulu) THE LAST DAYS OF PTOLEMY GREY - Samuel L. Jackson as Ptolemy Grey (Apple+) SCENES FROM A MARRIAGE - Oscar Isaac as Jonathan (HBO) THE STAIRCASE - Colin Firth as Michael Peterson (HBO Max) UNDER THE BANNER OF HEAVEN - Andrew Garfield as Detective Jeb Pyre (F/X) A VERY BRITISH SCANDAL - Paul Bettany as Ian Campbell (Amazon Prime) Supporting Actress in a Limited or Anthology Series/Movie: 1883 - Faith Hill as Margaret Dutton (Paramount Plus) IMPEACHMENT: CRIME STORY - Edie Falco as Hillary Clinton (F/X) THE WHITE LOTUS - Connie Britton as Nicole Mossbacher (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Jennifer Coolidge as Tanya (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Alexandra Daddario as Rachel Patton (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Sydney Sweeney as Olivia Mossbacher (HBO) Supporting Actor in a Limited or Anthology Series/Movie: THE DROPOUT - Naveen Andrews as Sunny Balwani (Hulu) THE FIRST LADY - O-T Fagbenle as Barack Obama (Showtime) IMPEACHMENT: CRIME STORY - Clive Owen as Bill Clinton (F/X) THE WHITE LOTUS - Murray Bartlett as Armond (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Jake Lacy as Shane Patton (HBO) THE WHITE LOTUS - Steve Zahn as Michael Mossbacher (HBO)
Performance by a Cast in a Limited or Anthology Series/Movie/Special: Dopesick (Hulu) The Dropout (Hulu) The First Lady (Showtime) 1883 (Paramount Plus) Impeachment: Crime Story (F/X) The White Lotus (HBO) Lead Actress in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Jacqueline MacInnes-Wood as Steffy Forrester (CBS)DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Marci Miller as Abigail DiMera (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Cynthia Watros as Nina Reeves (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Laura Wright as Carly Corinthos (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Amelia Heinle as Victoria Newman (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Mishael Morgan as Amanda Sinclair (CBS) Lead Actor in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Thorsten Kaye as Ridge Forrester (CBS) THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - John McCook as Eric Forrester (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - James Reynolds as Abe Carver (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Maurice Benard as Sonny Corinthos (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Peter Bergman as Jack Abbott (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Jason Thompson as Billy Abbott (CBS) Supporting Actress in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Kimberlin Brown as Sheila Carter (CBS) THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Naomi Matsuda as Dr. Li Finnegan (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Stacy Haiduk as Kristen DiMera (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Sofia Mattsson as Sasha Gilmore (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Kelly Thiebaud as Dr. Britt Westbourne (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Susan Walters as Diane Jenkins (CBS) Supporting Actor in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Aaron Spears as Justin Barber (CBS) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Nicholas Alexander Chavez as Spencer Cassidine (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Robert Gossett as Marshall Ashford (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - James Patrick Stuart as Valentin Cassidine (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Bryton James as Devon Hamilton (CBS) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Robert Newman as Ashland Locke (CBS) Younger Performer in a Daytime Series: DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Lindsay Arnold as Allie Horton (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - William Lipton as Cameron Webber (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Eden McCoy as Josslyn Jacks (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Sydney Mikayla as Trina Robinson (ABC) Younger Performer in a Primetime Series or Limited Series: AND JUST LIKE THAT - Alexa Swinton as Rose/Rock Goldenblatt (HBO Max) BLACK-ISH - Marcus Scribner as Andre Johnson Jr. (ABC) LOVE, VICTOR - Michael Cimino as Victor Salazar (Netflix) STRANGER THINGS - Millie Bobby Brown as Eleven (Netflix) THE WONDER YEARS - Elisha E.J. Williams as Dean (ABC) YOUNG SHELDON - Iain Armitage as Sheldon Cooper (CBS) Guest Performer in Daytime: THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL - Ted King as John Finnegan (CBS) DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Marla Gibbs as Olivia Price (NBC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Jane Elliot as Tracy Quartermaine (ABC) GENERAL HOSPITAL - Jeff Kober as Cyrus Renault (ABC) THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS - Telma Hopkins as Denise Tolliver (CBS)
Performance By A Cast in a Daytime Soap: Beyond Salem (Peacock) & Days of Our Lives (NBC) The Bold and the Beautiful (CBS) General Hospital (ABC) The Young and the Restless (CBS) Late Night Host: THE DAILY SHOW - Trevor Noah (Comedy Central) LAST WEEK TONIGHT - John Oliver (HBO) THE LATE SHOW - Stephen Colbert (CBS) REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER - Bill Maher (HBO) Talk Show Host: THE DREW BARRYMORE SHOW - Drew Barrymore (Syndicated) THE KELLY CLARKSON SHOW - Kelly Clarkson (Syndicated) LIVE WITH KELLY AND RYAN - Kelly Ripa & Ryan Seacrest (Syndicated) TAMRON HALL - Tamron Hall (Syndicated) THE VIEW - The Hosts of The View (ABC) Game Show Host: CELEBRITY FAMILY FEUD/FAMILY FEUD - Steve Harvey (ABC/Syndicated) LET’S MAKE A DEAL - Wayne Brady (CBS) PRESS YOUR LUCK - Elizabeth Banks (ABC) THE WEAKEST LINK - Jane Lynch (NBC) WHEEL OF FORTUNE - Pat Sajak (Syndicated) Reality Show Host: LIZZO’S WATCH OUT FOR THE BIG GIRLS - Lizzo (Amazon Prime) MAKING IT - Amy Poehler & Nick Offerman (NBC) QUEER EYE - The Hosts of Queer Eye (Netflix) RUPAUL’S DRAG RACE - RuPaul Charles (VH1) SHARK TANK - The Hosts of Shark Tank (ABC) TOP CHEF - Padma Lakshmi (Bravo)
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#Insane Behavior
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shani579 · 1 year
The fact that the wasabi scene doubled as a whole ass La Croix commercial!  😭 😭 😭 😭
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tomwambsgays · 2 years
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Greg mostly gets sandwiches for Tom, but it's more complicated than it sounds, because there's like 5 kinds of bread now, and his boss has a refined palate
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