#gregory’s parents
juniperarts · 6 months
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Even 7ft animatronics gotta embarrass their kid 😂
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ruubesz-draws · 1 year
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Monty would be the feral uncle
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starsforlimbs · 1 year
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kittenlittle24 · 2 months
Career day
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GIF not mine, comment, like and reblog!
You were in the middle of a meeting when your assistant knocked on the door and gave you a note that your daughter’s kindergarten teacher was on the phone. Checking the time, you frowned, it was exactly pick-up time, meaning your husband still had half an hour to be considered late and if she was sick it was close enough for a parent to arrive that she wouldn’t call to update you about it.
You apologized to the present in the room and exited to take the call.
Thanking her before hanging up, you turned to your assistant, “Could you please clear the rest of my schedule? I have to pick up my daughter from the hospital after this meeting.”
Nodding, “Is she alright?”
“She is, her father won’t be for long.”
Stepping out of the elevator you marched straight to the glass-walled office. You saw your daughter sitting in the conference room, at the head of the table with the team surrounding her and the department head making a drink in the kitchenette, his back facing you. She was her dad’s spitting image, brunette, with light blue eyes and, a gorgeous bright smile, as opposed to him though, her smile rarely left her face, whereas he had a permanent scowl.
“Mommy!” The young girl called excitedly which made House turn sharply and grimace.
You entered the office and embraced your daughter who ran to you. You kissed her temple and told her to go wait in the adjacent office.
You stood up and crossed your arms, “You didn’t think her teacher would call me when a strange man comes to pick her up?”
He sat down at the table next to the blond doctor, “Chase isn’t a stranger. Wilson was busy so I couldn’t ask him.”
“Smartass, you’re her father, you are the one supposed to pick her up!”
Sighing, you shook your head before you went to your daughter. You grabbed her backpack and took her hand in yours. You were about to leave when he called after you, “That’s it?”
You turned to him, “I’m not in the mood to argue in front of your team.” You stated before you walked out.
You drove home with your kid in the back seat, you looked in the rearview mirror and smiled at your daughter.
She was staring out the window humming some tune from a cartoon her dad showed and you disapproved.
You were in the midst of making dinner when you heard the front door open and your daughter run to greet her father. You smiled slightly but lowered your head to hide it.
House walked into the kitchen, and opened the fridge to grab a bottle of water before he leaned against the doorway, “Are you still mad at me?”
You put your hand in the air to indicate a little bit before turning to take the food out of the oven and taking it to the table.
You both sat down in your usual seats, you and him across each other and your daughter between you, sitting at the head of the table.
She gave a piece of paper to House, who paused eating and asked “What is this?” With a mouthful.
“I have a career day tomorrow, I want you to come.”
Swallowing hard, he put down his fork and sat back in his chair.
“Don’t you want your mom to come?”
She shook her head animatedly, “Mommy’s job is boooring.” She replied stressing the o and making you chuckle.
He drew in a long breath, “No, now eat your dinner.” He stated as a matter of fact and continued eating.
She lowered her head before mumbling she was full and rushing to her bedroom.
Ignoring you, he picked up the plates and took them to the sink.
You stood up and followed him, putting your hands on your hips as you watched him place the plates in the dishwasher.
He turned to face you and leaned against the counter.
You pointed your finger at him, “You need to start acting like her parent. You don’t pick her up, you spend endless hours at work. I love you and I love being married to you, but if you don’t start being a father to that girl, we’re done.” You warned and left him standing staring after you.
You entered your daughter’s room and sat down on the edge of her bed, stroking her hair and kissing her temple.
“Maybe Uncle James would like to come to career day, he’s a doctor too. I can call him now, he’d be so honored if you ask him. ”
She sniffed and shook her head, “I’m tired.”
Nodding, you kissed her forehead softly and wished her good night.
You shut the door quietly behind you, looking towards the living room, you saw him sitting on the couch, legs up on the table and a glass of bourbon in his hand. You sat down to him, took his glass, and downed it before dropping your head back on the backrest.
“She doesn’t need the kids picking on her for having a crippled dad.”
You turned your head to look at him, “She needs her dad to act like he gives a damn.”
He took the empty glass from you and picked the bottle from the coffee table and poured another finger.
“She doesn’t care about your leg, she idolizes you.“
And it was true, your daughter was convinced that House could do nothing wrong, he was her hero, ever since she was a baby, she was a daddy’s girl.
“She shouldn’t.” He whispered and drank his drink.
You sat up and rubbed his back, “But she does. So please, don’t screw up.”
You leaned to kiss the corner of his lips before you went to bed, he puckered his lips to kiss you back but didn’t turn his head, distracted by his thoughts.
The next morning you got up to make a quick breakfast and wake your daughter up, your husband stayed in bed which wasn’t unusual for him since he never went to work before ten am.
You helped her pick her clothes and get ready, brushed her hair, and braided it.
“I called Uncle James, he’s so thrilled.”
She sighed and nodded, making your heart clench.
You walked together to the kitchen to see House eating a bowl of cereal, wearing a suit.
You raised your eyebrows in surprise at seeing him awake but didn’t get the opportunity to question it before a knock was heard on the door.
House beckoned the little girl toward him with a quick hand movement while you went to open the door.
Wilson hugged you as he entered, he walked straight to the kitchen in search of the girl he considered a niece.
House pushed his bowl with the half-eaten cereal to his daughter and handed her the spoon before he stood up to greet his friend.
“Good Wilson, you’re right on time to drive us.”
Holding onto his thigh, House limped a few steps towards the two of you, “You’re taking the car, you don’t like it when I drive her on the bike and I definitely can’t walk with her to school; bum leg.” he stated and pointed to his leg as if you didn’t know about it.
Wilson sighed and moved to take a seat next to your daughter. You crossed your arms across your chest, eyebrows raised and lips in a straight line.
He closed the gap between you, kissed your cheek, and murmured in your ear, “Relax, I’m not going to screw this up.”
You grasped his bicep before he got the chance to pull back.
“Wilson stays in the class with you and makes sure you don’t get into trouble.”
He nodded, “Deal.”
Smiling you kissed his lips before you called, “Daddy is doing career day!”
Cheering, she jumped off the chair and ran to hug him.
You looked at Wilson who was smiling at the sight before looking at you, you signaled with your pointer and middle fingers in a V turned at you then at House in a watch him gesture.
He dropped his smile and nodded.
Upon reaching the classroom, the kids took their seats, House and Wilson sat in the back with the rest of the parents.
House leaned to whisper to his friend, “This is your last chance to steal my identity.”
“You don’t think your daughter will notice?”
The teacher called his name and with a frown at Wilson, he made his way to the front of the class.
Tapping his cane anxiously before centering it in front of his body, “I’m Dr. Gregory House. I’m the head of the diagnostic department at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital and most proudly,” he paused his introduction to look fondly at his daughter, “I’m this ankle biter’s dad.”
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bxnnie-bxwl · 11 months
"Too dangerous for Gregory"
That child would commit arson over a bowl of Lucky Charms. I believe that Bonnie is actually too safe for Gregory to be around
KSDGFSD YEAHH gregory is a menace...a true troublemaker...BONNIE is not safe around gregory-
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does anyone wanna speculate on wilsons parents situation with me because i am obsessed with it
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chipistrate · 1 year
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Scared and Alone
(Click for better quality) Dr. Rabbit is officially my second favorite fnaf character(right next to Gregory) He's just such a little shit I love him<3
Anyway- me when I'm luring me and my coworkers therapists to their death and my coworker is annoyed at how much cleaning she's going to have to do afterwards
No text version below cut(has silly dialogue):
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Screen transcript:
(Dr. Rabbit) >Girl I stg why are all our therapists soooo ass
(Vanny) >You're like >10 >Can you say that
(Dr. Rabbit) >Not like my "parents" can stop me
(Vanny) >Jesus Christ dude
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spaghettiandart · 1 year
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I have no idea how to feel about how this turned out to be honest
Anyways movie night! Movie night! Movie night!
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papertowness · 8 months
admittedly one of my favorite things about house ( that also drives me up a wall ) is that something Really Big happens and then the next episode they like loosely mention it like wow wasn’t it crazy that that happened . anyway haha
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thankstothe · 1 year
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juniperarts · 5 months
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Don't worry Freddy, he's just taking a nap 😴
Part 2
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heph · 2 months
House's tendency to rationalize feelings away and being frustrated at himself for still feeling them. It's hurting me 😢
At the end of 05x04 Birthmarks he did a paternity test... And even after it turned out that John wasnt his father, he was still drinking his whiskey, because it didn't mean anything that John wasn't his biological father, because things are still the same.
He's still sad, he's still depressed. The dipshit of a man passing still made him sad. And the thought that he can't even rationalize it away as hatred upsets him. And so he drinks.
And to that Wilson said no one can choose their parents... Because House rejects John as his paternal figure and yet deep inside, House still called him his dad.
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legaylos · 1 year
Wilson climbing out of a window to avoid Cuddy is so other woman of him
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kittenlittle24 · 3 months
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GIF not mine, comment, like and reblog!
Rushing to the hospital after your son woke up from a nap crying from a stomach ache and fever, you went to Princeton-Plainsboro knowing only there are doctors you can trust.
Your son has been complaining about stomach aches all morning, your husband already left for work, thinking it was just a bug you let him stay home and rest. However when he woke up screaming and crying and with a fever you made the decision to go in.
A young male doctor greeted you. One you never met before nor heard of.
He asked him to lay back but you stopped him before he could examine him.
“I want you to page Dr Gregory House.”
Sighing and rubbing his head, “Miss, Dr. House is very busy and he doesn’t treat kids with belly aches.”
Crossing your arms, “He will treat this kid. Page him or I will march straight to Dr. Cuddy.”
Still crying, your son tugged on your shirt, his other arm wrapped around his stomach, “I want my daddy.”
You hugged him and stroked his hair, while the doctor left the examination room.
You tried everything in your power to calm him down, though nothing helped.
Around 20 minutes later the door opened and the same young doctor entered the room. Standing from your seat, “I told you I want Doc-“
“Yeah, yeah, doctor House is here,” a voice interrupted from the doorway.
He limped inside, once he saw who it was that demanded his presence, a serious look set on his features. Gently he maneuvered your son to a lying position to examine his stomach.
He looked up at him, “Daddy, my tummy really hurts.”
The young doctor froze in shock, mouth gaping open.
“I want complete blood and urine tests. Also, get an X-ray and ultrasound of the abdomen and chest,” he ordered the doctor before he turned to you, “Seems like Appendicitis, a surgeon will operate to take out the infected appendix. This is called an appendectomy. Usually, surgeons make 3 small cuts in the belly and use a small device called a laparoscope to remove the appendix. He’ll probably get to go home today.”
Leaning down he kissed the top of the boy’s head and moved to hug you, he whispered words of comfort and encouragement, saying you did good by bringing him. He stayed close to you the whole time, only leaving to monitor the tests are doing properly and keep your son calm.
A brunette doctor sat next to you and handed you a mug of coffee. Thanking her you took a big sip and put your hands around the warm mug.
“So you’re house’s wife?”
Shrugging, “We never married but I think it’s as close as it gets.”
“And he’s his son?”
You both looked up upon hearing a hard fake cough interrupting her interrogation.
“If you’re done grilling her Dr. Cameron you could make yourself useful anywhere else.” He told her and took her seat after she left the waiting room.
Putting his arm around you, he pulled you to lean on his chest. About a torturous hour later a surgeon came out to say the surgery went well and your son is being moved to a recovery room.
Letting out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, you let yourself collapse into House’s arms, finally feeling the stress leave your body. He kissed your temple and rubbed your arm, “He’s fine, probably going to demand unreasonable amounts of ice cream for being brave.”
Laughing you turned to kiss him, “He can have it. Thank you,”
Scrunching his eyebrows, “Are you thanking me for doing my job or being his dad?”
You shook your head, “For putting up with me.”
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oldmanffucker · 7 months
I think that the most bald faced, closeted lie that Wilson tells it that he doesn't like opera. he names La Boheme then backtracks and goes "and I don't even like opera!!" but I don't believe that!!!!!! have you seen that man??? he loves opera!!!
and i believe the same of House!!! I even think that he would canonically, explicitly like opera. I say this bc even tho some people might argue that opera is soft (not me but some people), we know that he cultivates a very holier than thou untouchable persona in public, and i think he would use to his advantage the fact that many lay people find opera to be inaccessible and out of touch. but i also think that as a skilled musician (and composer!), House would have a huge appreciation for the technicality and beauty of opera (very much I am imagining that Loustat scene where they're at the opera and lestat is grinding his teeth at the flat tenor). plus he speaks like a million languages and would be able to appreciate the original translation of the libretto in real time. also there are soo many silly dumb overly confident men who House would love in a very dudes rock way. Wilson would like this too but as he's less of a musician and more of a pisces, i think he'd love the drama, the beauty, the humanity, and the grandiose nature of opera. and and House would love opera for different reasons but i think nonetheless they'd have a stellar time at the opera and probably also fuck nasty about it when they get home
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sholmeser · 11 months
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the crime scene photo for gregorys death is just so chilling to me because its such a stark contrast to everything else we get in aa1. we witness cindy and mia’s deaths in full color, almost like we’re watching a movie. jack hammer’s death doesn’t quite look real; the expression on his face is quite unnerving, but the impact of it goes away when you notice his costume and how the unrealistic piercing wound in his chest just makes him look hollow inside. it’s leaning more towards what you visualize when you think of a murder scene, but falls short because of the stylization applied.
and i think this was deliberate because when you get to turnabout goodbyes and you see this photo. man. it hits. the way gregory’s eyes are hidden from view. the way he’s slumped over. the way we can’t quite see the wound but blood soaks his entire chest. how the illustration is framed, him in the corner, almost like an afterthought. the way he’s presented as such a normal person, looking just like any other businessman you could run into on the street. it rips ace attorney away from its largely-unbelievable themes—spirit mediums, three-day-long trials, witnesses whose last names are puns—and sends it hurtling back into our world. it’s just so striking and sticks with you for so long after you finish turnabout goodbyes
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