#grey circle
mindmojis · 2 years
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< - - !! - - > ​ CIRCLE MOJIS ! - - > black circle - - > grey circle - - > white circle - - > red circle - - > orange circle - - > yellow circle - - > green circle - - > blue circle - - > purple circle - - > pink circle ​ < - - !! - - >
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sarcasticscepticles · 8 months
Raphael is the funniest antagonist in the game to me, he's a powerful devil trying to steal your soul and speaks to you in rhymes that he probably practices in the mirror, he has his own incubus that says he's a bottom only and bad in bed, and then you can call him out. You can go and rob him blind and then kick his ass in his own house.
You can ask some guy he had you kill if he wants to help you kick his ass, and if you convince him he'll go 'yeah sure I bet you'll win' while Raphael is standing right there.
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yaralulu · 3 months
I think i’d enjoy rhysands character a lot more if sjm just embraced the fact that’s he’s a little evil.Like this man has questionable morals and he’s a little fucked in the head and that’s interesting or it could’ve been if sjm didn’t try to paint him like this angel who could do no wrong all the time.
This is why book 1 rhys remains superior because he did what he had to do and didn’t sit there trying to explain how he’s actually a hero and a good person who didn’t do anything wrong.He had good intentions while still being unapologetically awful and that made him interesting 🗣️!!This is a morally grey man who sjm so desperately wants us to believe is a good person.She should’ve leaned into his morally grey-ness instead of backtracking and trying to rewrite what happened in book 1.
Sjm has the same screwed perception on the IC and rhys that feyre has and that means we’re never gonna see any real character development from any of them because they’re already perfect in her eyes 👎.
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d-iorpjm · 4 months
𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫.
칠일 ﹙ 𝗰𝗹𝗼𝘀𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂. ﹚ 𝖻𝗒 𝗃𝗎𝗇𝗀𝗄𝗈𝗈𝗄.
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docisnie · 9 months
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seulreinaz · 2 months
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   ∿    .  ˚    🧛🏻‍♀️
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۫ 𖨂 𓈒 🦇 ۟ ៹ 𓂂
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albino-parakeet · 8 months
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Skytober Day 9 Moth (Eoraptor)
My other Skytober drawings
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postnuclearwar · 1 month
Dragon Age!Dungeon Meshi au where Marcille is just a straight up blood mage
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jayaxer · 1 year
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Axer Veicht, dragon alchemist
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fruitiermetrostation · 4 months
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In Da Club stock vector. Illustration of icons, dance - 1715989
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eldrtchmn · 2 years
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The Hero of Ferelden 
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nestarcheronmommy · 1 year
I miss when enemies to lovers wasn't abuser an victim.
When you were slowly discovering that the enemy was not really bad, that he was another victim or when the situation in the story changed and the characters had to work together until they realized that the other was not so bad.
In today's books the abuse is romanticized. The love interest abuses the main character, then there is a monologue where he apologizes and victimizes himself and the main character forgives him, then they fuck and happily ever after. That's not love. That's not romantic. That's bullshit. And honestly, I think anyone who likes to read those kinds of relationships has a problem in their head.
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nightlyteaandpaper · 8 months
Please stop calling them Morally Grey, they are just dickheads
No one from the Night Court is morally grey. Their actions are horrible, the narrative justifies them.
Feyre destroys The Spring Court, leading to the destruction of the Summer Court, and the only two people who say something against this are the HLs of those courts, but even then, they don't put up much of a fight. Tarquin, after being disrespected in his home, goes to the HL's Meeting and says "Well, the Night Court were the only people who came to help," as if the High Court wasn't the reason his people were attacked. The narrative does not allow Tamlin any breathing room to make his point, right or wrong, instead, the rest of the people on page opening disregard his opinions (which is insane to me because they were his friends longer than Feyre had been alive, and they just take what Feyre says at face value.) Instead, no one speaks when Rhysand magically violates Tamlin's autonomy and shuts him up. No one spoke when Feyre and Azreal were whooping people's asses, despite the NC saying they wouldn't do it before the meeting, and the literal HL of Dawn putting wards on the room for no magic use (which, again, how were they able to use magic to attack people).
Feyre scrambled the minds and implanted thoughts in the heads of the guards in the Spring Court to destroy it and she never looked back on it for more than three seconds and went "huh, that was weird. It wasn't smart to do that because the wall is literally pressed against the Spring Court's ass..." No, everyone pats her on the back for her work. Lucien brings up briefly his discomfort being used as a pawn in Feyre's game and that she single-handedly destroyed his friendship with Tamlin, that older than Feyre had been alive, and the narrative doesn't even have her linger on that thought for more than one second. The narrative is quick to call out people who treat Feyre and the rest of the IC poorly, but never calls out them treating everyone else poorly. The narrative justifies the pimping of Feyre and her physical abuse by Rhysand (twisting her arm to make her agree to the bargain) as a necessary evil but does not extend the same grace to Tamlin, who did what he did as a necessary evil.
Trauma is understood when the person traumatized is the Night Court but never with anyone else. They constantly go back to dogpile on Tamlin, and the narrative doesn't have a single person stop and say, "Yeah, we should leave him alone." In fact, during FAS, after Rhysand tears into Tamlin, he goes back to Feyre, and she says, "You are always a bigger man" I refuse to say male. This is after Feyre writes to him and says, "Thank you for your help, I hope you find happiness too" and it is known that this man is so depressed that he is in his beast form. He does not have a kingdom anymore. Also, no one told Rhys to go to the Spring Court and harass him. One could say that the things the IC did could be from the perspective of Feyre and thus justified, but when we move to Nesta and Cassian's perspective again, nothing is challenged.
Nesta says that the only reason she hates Rhysand is because he is smug, not because of how he treats her. Nesta was threatened because she, albeit not in the kindest way, told Feyre that she was going to die in childbirth, and while Feyre said it wasn't right, there is nothing longer than a paragraph about the whole situation. It was just over as soon as it started. Nesta gets locked in the house for God knows how long (which, again, doesn't make sense because if she could get down the steps, get tired, and come back up, she should be able to make it all the way down the steps. Walking down the steps isn't what tries people out, it the coming back up because you are going against gravity) and no one thinks, "Hmm, that is exactly what Tamlin did to Feyre." They both locked someone in under the guise of protection. Cassian sees how the IC is treating Nesta, and while he tries to say something, he is always shut down.
And I will close on this. In an interview a few years ago, SJM said that Rhysand was a gift to her and that he could basically do no wrong. She also mentioned that the reason why Nesta was mad at Feyre and Rhysand was because she was jealous of their perfect life. This, my friends, is not how you write a story. This is an example of Authorial Fiat. You may say, "it's just a fantasy story" and I will say "Shut up, we know. I don't know how told tell you this, but: stories have to make sense."
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docisnie · 7 months
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hee-blee-art · 7 months
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the prince and his knight, caught up in the grey circle of fate
[image ID: a digital illustration with various detail crops and alt versions meant to look like stained glass. the piece features prince sebastian, a thing young man with pale skin, dark hair in loose curls to his chin, dressed in a silver jacket and black hooded cloak; and sir konstantine, a tall buff knight with tan skin, long red hair and a short beard, dressed in silver armour, black gloves, and a red cape. they stand invert and back to back, sebastian gazing up as his chin is lifted by the point of a scythe coming down from a skeletal hand in the clouds, and konstantine looking forward as he clutches his sword in both hands. there is a sun with the image of a helmet in it haloing konstantine and a moon with a skull in it haloing sebastian. next to sebastian are a castle on a hill and heavy storm clouds, and around konstantine are chess pieces and a pair of bloody hands held over rippling water. the first crop shows a close up of the hands; the next image is an inverted version of the entire composition; and the final two images are crops of each of their faces. end ID]
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bad-moodboard · 1 year
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Rollright Stones, Vintage Postcard
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