#grief personified
oc posting (long post warning)
working on their designs atm but heres what i currently have written for two new OCs of mine
(cw: mentions of death and things related to it)
The Lord of Death / Lord Death / Death / The Reaper 
Real name: ?
Non-binary Man
Race: ?
Skeletal humanoid with a megaloceros skull, cervicorn pole moose antlers, and deer hind legs
Job: Harvests souls of the dead. May lead a soul over to the afterworld if the soul can’t find their way for some reason. Does not usually harvest souls of beings that aren’t dying yet, but can kill beings before their due date (either by accident or on purpose). 
Personification of death (duh). Seen following dying beings, and anyone who will die soon (if someone’s dying in a week, they may see Death sometimes. As the date grows closer, they may see her more frequently). 
Carries a huge scythe. The scythe is heavy to anyone except Death. It can gravely hurt any undead being.
Pet: Ghost cat (no skeleton shown). Ghost cat lives in a jewel attached to Death’s necklace. It can come out at any time, and usually stays on Death’s shoulders. Can stretch itself and fit in any container. Ghost-like abilities like floating and going through physical matter. Can turn into a physical form and retain all its abilities. May attend a lost soul in their way to the afterworld or help lead Death to one. Cannot be hurt, unless it’s in the jewel and the jewel is somehow damaged.
Summonability: Can be summoned. Might show up on cue. If summoning arrangements aren’t already put away, it can still show up even after the summoner’s desired meeting time. If summoning arrangements are put away, might just show up anyways. If offerings are wrong (intentional or not) she will not show up and won’t be summoned by the summoner until they make it up or until 36 days pass.
The Ravenous Grand Duke / The Roaring Prince / Grand Duke Misery / The Mourning
Real name: ?
Race: ?
Skeletal humanoid with a north american lion skull, hind legs, and paws
Job: Harvests the tears of mourners. Must harvest frequently. Does not have to kill, but will if he is low on tears (though this doesn’t usually happen).
Personification of thrill/sudden strength gained from near-death experiences, and those lingering feelings after someone dies (ex:despair, loneliness, anger). Frequently seen at funerals, and sometimes stays long after everyone’s left, especially if it’s raining. Follows crying despairing beings around. Can also be seen as brief glimpses when someone experiences a particularly ‘exciting’ near death situation.
Carries a cup. How the cup looks differs from person to person. Cup drains quickly.
Pet: Crow. Said crow is deeply interested in the occult. It can regularly be found making a summoning circle or communicating via ouija board with some random demon/ghoul/etc. Crow either lurks in the prince’s cloak or perches on his shoulder. If the crow is annoyed at its owner, it will continuously peck at his skull (mostly the top of his head).
Summonability: Can be summoned. Mostly shows up on time. If summoning arrangements aren’t put away, might show up if at least one person is near the area. If summoning arrangements are put away, he won’t show up. Will appear if someone gets his offerings entirely wrong.
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cw : grief, loss
i had been walking with the grief, side by side, hands intertwined
my first encounter with grief was when he wandered the hospital aisle, humming a song in a melody i couldn't remember, looking at me dead in the eyes; he smiled at me and said a warm hug is good for the living.
my grandfather had been sleeping for quite long time in the room that smelled like amphetamines. during that time, i saw my grandma moving on autopilot mode. she woke up way too early, made breakfast for two, no sign of tears, with a void stare that can't be masked with repertoire.
"the doctor said, grandpa is in a deep sleep forever." she said one day, hastily after spending a couple minutes on her phone, trying to call her kids. "i have to go to the hospital."
afterwards, she quickly left my room, and i didn't even get to ask why i wasn't invited. i am his first grandchild. wasn't i supposed to know? did i have to be involved? i was grandpa's favorite baby, yet i didn't get to take care of him the same way he used to coddle me. i understand that in the tapestry of family relationships, there are often threads of mystery and unspoken truths, woven into the fabric of our lives. yet, i still felt a clear ache in my heart, wondering why i wasn't invited, why i wasn't entrusted with the care of beloved grandpa as he had also used to cradle me to sleep.
i finally realized years later that her decision to leave me alone in the house was an effort to keep her standing still. deep sleep and death hold two different meanings. deep sleep didn't mean death. it could mean anything, but she surely wished it was anything but death. grandma's decision to leave me was not an act of abandonment but an act of self-preservation, a desperate attempt to keep herself anchored, to prevent the torrential waves of darkness from consuming her fragile being.
that was the first time i shook hand with grief. he was wandering alone at the hospital aisle like a lost voyager. between the hushed corridors of the hospital, amidst the sterile scent of antiseptic and the muffled sounds of footsteps; he decided that we should walk side by side, hands intertwined.
at first, i hated how he smelled like an oakmoss and labdanum. i hated how he always followed me everywhere while pointing at the most useless things possible--- the acacia near an abandoned lake, the forgotten plushie in the corner of my room that used to lull me to sleep, the moon and arcturus. and his annoying blabber was the most obnoxious thing ever: "you want to be a red dwarf and that's not fun", "you should go out more," , "you need to adjust the sugar in the dough" and so many more. he is a bullshitter with polished white, sparkly smile. yet, for some obvious reason, i can never get rid of that despicable pain in the ass.
when i had no more energy to get rid of grief, we started to build a routine we silently agreed on. i let him use the couch to sleep and he got to turn on the tv whenever he wanted. i got to wear his hoodie and he had to bath with my delight scented vanilla soap. my grocery list has expanded a lot because of his presence. we liked different brand of instant noodle; he preferred the mild, brothy one while i liked mine spicy and dry. we also had different opinion on snacks; i preferred salty and sweet chips, and he liked dark chocolate cookies. our shopping basket would be full of assorted treats, a mix of our contrasting passions, reflecting the dichotomy of our existence together. it confused me so much how i didn't mind, how i never questioned his taste, how i felt unbothered by the discordance that lay before me.
we also eat dinner together. he didn't like egg benedict but i kept making it for our dinner anyway. i preferred lattes but he poured me almond milk everytime. the tv was on, we both liked the same show, probably the only time when we were on the same page. sometimes as i looked at grief while he was reluctantly banishing his dinner, i realized how much of a nuisance his presence was in my life. but we still shared meals, conversations, and the occasional laughter. our encounters were marked by contrasting opinions and tastes, but i think it was precisely in those differences that our connection grows stronger.
he once asked me about the painting on my wall, commented about how it didn't really match with my aesthetic. how the color is too dark and muted while the whole house is varnished in bright beige, how it's standing too contrast to the polished brightness of the rest of the house. his comment lingered the air, highlighting incongruity between those artworks and my chosen aesthetic. well, it was a valid observation. i turned to him, meeting his gaze with a mix of uncertainty and enigmatic stare, "you're right," i admitted softly, "it was my grandpa's painting." a piece of him that had found its place in my home, a tangible reminder of his presence in my life. grief nodded, a glimmer of love and pity forming in his peculiar gaze. he hugged me warmly and i found solace in unspoken understanding that lingers between us.
after what felt like an eternity of walking hand in hand with grief, the time came for us to part ways. it was a bittersweet moment, filled with both relief and a bit of sadness. grief packed his favorite cup, his favorite hoodie, and a vinyl of trois petites liturgies de la présence divine. as a parting gift, i gave him my blender because i thought it would be useful for making almond milk. with a nod of understanding and a heartfelt goodbye, we embraced one last time. grief carried his belongings, tangible reminders of our shared experiences, and embarked on his own voyage.
and so, i stood there, watching as grief faded into the distance, carrying with him the memories, the lessons, and the melodies of olivier messiaen's masterpiece.
after that, i go to work as usual, i make my dinner the way i know how, and i let grandpa's paintings as it was. grief will sleep well even if it's on an unfamiliar couch, or bed. we'll wish each other well and i'll get rid of the dark chocolate cookies.
occasionally, grief would make a fleeting visit, like a gentle breeze that rustled through my thoughts. but now, instead of entwining our hands and walking side by side, i greeted him with a nod and acknowledged his presence without letting him interfere my space.
life resume its familiar rhythm. the journey continue, and i am ready to navigate its twists and turns, drawing from the reservoir of strength that he had helped me discover.
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 6 months
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Okay, but like, what if the reason Claw Noir seemed perfectly fine and mobile after getting cataclysmed, was because he sustained so much nerve damage from using the miraculous incorrectly, that he actually couldn't feel it
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 1 year
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It’s a complicated relationship and it’s going to be long and difficult to navigate and understand, but eventually you come to terms with knowing that you don’t want to hate SunMoon anymore,,
(song is ‘Community Gardens’ by the scary jokes it’s so short n good 10/10 pls listen it’s good and it fits this reader insert well)
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the-unfortunate-ly · 3 months
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grief & longing,
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angelsdean · 5 months
writing out all the plot points and character arcs and themes and things i wanna address in this fic like setting out my paints and brushes and pencils and references like ok here's what we've got to work with
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aparticularbandit · 2 months
themes often found in bandit's writing:
unreality in the form of: hallucinations grief personified
memory loss the pain of remembering a person you once were the pain of not being - or not wanting to be - that person when you remember them
the naming of things character name changes for any of a variety of reasons
second person treated as third person you used as a name place-holder, not as a point of view
identity issues usually combined with the naming of things and second person treated as third person occasionally combined with memory loss
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vivanightcity · 5 months
talking RP makes me miss my little idiot who larps as a human from a regency era novel but has no fucking idea about anything at all.
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effervescentdragon · 1 year
Holy shit that Ramonda scene w Okoye hooooly shit
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obaewankenope · 2 years
I am sadness personified
Given skin, flesh and bone
I nestle in your muscle and sinew
Spread poison through your veins
Steal your vitality with every beat
Of your own toxin filled heart
Until you're choking for breath
Kidneys, liver, and all the rest
Giving in to the inevitable
I am sadness personified
A murderer you welcomed through the door
With memory and love and loss
I am sadness personified
Don't worry, I'll close the door after I'm gone.
- K.C. Sadness Personified
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par-slayyy · 1 year
Burning hill but it's my relationship to my passions and burn out
#mitski#i love taking 'you' and 'him' in mitski songs as personified versions of concepts and experiences in her life#happy is personification of joy#burning hill (as i interpreted) is about her passion for music and also disassociation (im watching myself burn but i cant stop or step in)#remember my name is lonliness despite bearing your soul and the discrepancy btwn being a celebrity and a human#pearl diver is reaching within to find a 'pearl.' for something more. but in doing so youre straining and hurting yourself for it#shouldve been me (to me) is masking and realizing you gave people a version of you but they want to see the real you#afraid to be truly vulnerable without an ironic front is a challenge and the regret that comes from it#i think it's interesting she mainly ever addreses 'you' 'him' and 'me' and to have that third person be a man in a relationship with her#fireworks is literally depression when youre at the lowest point but youre still feeling everything. so youre hoping things will either get#magically better or they become worse and you finally dont have to feel anymore#but also once youre there; theres a desire to *feel* something. youre in so much pain you cant cry anymore but it's getting too much#cry cry cry almost as a plea; begging yourself#francis forever is about her music and desire to be seen/validated by fans/industry but needs to prove herself by constantly creating#a lot of her music is about her music and self destructive tendencies she has with it#giving her all. feeling isolated and lonely. not being enough. fighting with herself. list and horniness. loving herself. feeling at the top#the loss of control over your life and feeling aimless despite needing to continue#the idea of being used to fulfill your sense of purpose. to have a reason to do something#it's a wide range of emotions of grief and relief. a sour orange you cant stop sucking on#laurel hell really summarizes the whole journey tbh#im still wondering who/what her 'husband' is
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jamiemarsters · 2 years
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Pics of the Day: @jamesmarstersof summing up the title of this short film, #Grief, in all his shots 2019 #JamesMarsters #Almost100ScreenshotsFromThisShortFilm #AndAllOfThemAreJust #GRIEF #Personified #SomeoneGiveTheManADamnHugAlready https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg5osrquF-i/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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brokenhardies · 5 months
fun jane hc to go away from the grief;
they constantly refer to past companions of the doctor as their 'girlfriends'. they do so even if they are male and the doctor is not male. so we get this brilliant moment from power of the doctor;
jane: ...are these your girlfriends?
ace & tegan: *indignant exclaiming of denial*
thirteen: ...yes. yes they are.
ace, mortified: professor!
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basicallyjaywalker · 7 months
The part of me that is saying I can't do three OC focused whumps in a row vs. the part of me that wants to explore Twyla's motherhood for day 17
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stealchain · 11 months
tw pet death (rat)
id love to put this under a read more but idk how to do it on mobile anymore 😭😭
my rat almond passed yesterday (he was 2 1/2 and was suffering from hind leg degeneration) amd while we were expecting it its still been kinda hard.... i look over to the cage and remember hes not there and will never be here again.... all the rats are taking it kind of hard too.. meatball and parsnip seem the saddest i think and rui seems sad but not as sad as i thought he would be considering they were littermates and very bonded... but rui is just a naturally happy rat anyway so ig he might just cope better.... been giving them all extra attention anyway bc they all just seem rlly sad....
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lucyvsky · 1 year
someone great lcd soundsystem is really the song of all time ... very few other songs have the ability to make me sob and dance and stare at the wall at the same time
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