#grimm legacy au
caiti-creative-corner · 10 months
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Aaron Grimm from Complicated
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bluegekk0 · 11 months
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the exiled god and the old light
au lore below the cut:
the sibling gods who guarded the dreams and nightmares of mortals. in the past, they were united in the dream realm, but grimm's fondness towards the mortals, and the radiance's obsession with living up to their father's legacy brought conflict upon them, and the resulting battle ended with grimm's defeat and exile from the dream realm
grimm has always been a rebellious type. unlike his sister, he did not care for worship, and instead found pleasure in mingling with the mortals. he watched over their nightmares, but was no stranger to causing them on purpose and feeding on their essence for his own enjoyment. however, he was just as fascinated by the arts created by the mortals, and grew fond of theatre in particular. unfortunately, his actions did not go unnoticed by his sister, which caused conflict between them, eventually resulting in a battle that he lost. he was exiled from the dream realm, and weakened after the fight, he was forced to flee to the nightmare realm, now split from the plane of dreams. he continued to guard and feed on the nightmares of bugs, but in order to sustain his physical form, he became a slave to the endless cycle of death and rebirth, as the nightmare heart was unable to support the body indefinitely and needed to recycle the flame. he had the choice to burn the physical form and remain in the nightmare realm, and yet, over the years, he gained a certain fondness for the mortals, a fondness which eventually turned to envy. he saw them create bonds, fall in love and make the best of their short lives. he craved a deep connection with someone, but feared getting attached, as he knew that he would outlive any of his loved ones. the troupe, which he formed soon after his exile, was the closest he had to a family, though it wasn't enough: he was still lonely. he tried to distract himself with the pleasures offered by the mortal plane, he drank wine, he made love, and yet it still wasn't enough to fill the hole in his heart. he wouldn't find true happiness until he met the king of hallownest, whom he would start a relationship with following the latter's hibernation
the radiance despised her brother's affinity for the mortals. unlike many gods of the dream realm, she did not possess a physical form. she believed in the old ways, where the worship received by the lower beings was the only acceptable relationship with them. she saw grimm's actions as betrayal of their father's trust, and believed that he was not worthy of the powers given to him. after grimm's exile, she remained in the dream realm, unwilling to follow in the footsteps of the other gods. what she did not realize was that the mortals, while easy to intimidate, worked in simple ways. with many of the gods residing in their plane, they gravitated towards believing in what they could see and touch, and over time abandoned the radiance. watching her followers slowly leave her terrified her, but her breaking point would not come until later, when the moths abandoned their ways and chose to follow the pale king. she felt nothing but disdain for him from the moment he arrived in hallownest. she knew he was not born a higher being, that he was a false god, and yet he would still slowly gain followers, a fact which infuriated her. over time, she was almost entirely forgotten, and in a desperate attempt to regain her worship and preserve her father's legacy, she began to infect the mortals' dreams, breaking their minds and forcing them to follow her. however, while the infection claimed the lives of many and lasted many years, it was eventually brought to an end by one of the pale king's vessels. she died overwhelmed the void united, an ancient enemy, the same being her father sacrificed himself to defeat and seal away down in the abyss many centuries prior
(note: the details of their backstories might still change, as i'm actively thinking of new ideas and trying to piece together the chunks of story i have in my head)
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allykatsart · 10 months
Howdy! Is there a recommended way to read your Mortal Radiance comic in sequence?
Sequence is a little hard... Because the first comic I made was in the middle of the story, and also I wanted to give credit to the fic I was inspired by. So right now they're organized (mostly) in the order I posted them in. However, here's the comics as they are in sequence!
Consider this the Mortal Radiance AU Masterpost!
Main comics, in Chronological order
Vile creature
Pathetic prison
Instructions unclear
Seer ref (and sketches)
Radiance isn't the only one with a penance to serve
Dig until you are covered in mud and dirt, then pray that only the wyrms find you
The first nightmare of many
Fate...a peculiar thing
Grimm appearances
Nightmare come to visit
Given some time you might just make things right
His legacy ends here
The world will burn, and where will you be to stop it
Can gods truly die?
Or can they only be devoured?
And time marches on
Should have buried his mouth too
Little light, the old shadow has come for you at last
The ballad of prayer
Sit with mourners, know their pain
And understanding blossoms
Sentimental notions of an old god
Come sweet soul, rest your weary head, for sloth is only a sin of the living and we are in the land of the dead
A candle to never be relit
A debt to never fully be repaid
And another graveyard to be dug
Other items!
Radiance Reference Sheet
Height Chart
Random Radiance Picture
Sad Cat Radi (cursed)
Rotating Radiance
Hollow & Grimm Dance
Tentacle Grimm
Up you go
Hornet, Protector God
Other beings of power
Comic Retrospective
What comes after?
Are you a lesbian?
Of Mortals and Mystery
Pride Bugs 1
Pride Bugs 2
Pride Bugs 3
The Pale King and his Lady
Dubs! (By @sassinapaperbag @phoenixvitae @mimikiplovesgaming )
Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Bloopers 1
Bloopers 2
Bloopers 3
Bloopers 4
Bloopers 5
Animated bloopers!!!!
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cf8wrk4u-us · 2 months
Transformers Prime X Grimm Crossover (RESCUE BOTS EDITION)
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To set the stage in this AU, it relates to my previous TFP X Grimm Crossover featuring Agent Fowler and Miko as Grimms and June, Jack, and Raf as Wesen (mythical creatures)
In this part of the AU, what makes Griffin Rock so special is that it's the only island community of its kind where Wesen and humans live together peacefully. The later being aware of the formers magical status for generation and agreeing to keepmit secret for the safety of the islands citizens. So you could day that's a benefit to the Bots, the people of Griffin Rock know how to keep a secret.
Along with that a special Rescue Team, run by a family of Lowens (lion Wesen) helps keep Griffin Rock safe.
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But their something particular about the Burns family, this pride of Lowens, that being the Grimm Curse.
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Back at the founding of the settlement that would become Griffin Rock, Horace Burns (a Lowen) fell in love with a mysterious woman named Bertha who washed ashore on the beach. She was a Grimm as he would later learn (and a pirate, a fact he never know) and despite his people misgivings over her kind he still chose to help her and nurse the female Grimm back to health.
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Bertha was a Grimm, a human with the ability to see past the glamour most Wesen wore and reveal them as the creatures they were. Most of Bertha encounters with Wesen had been less than pleasant and the fact no one believed what she saw made her a periah to society. Which led to her becoming a pirate, robbing and looting across the seas and killing any Wesen she came across.
She regarded them as monsters, but through Horace and his families kindness her whole video changed in an instant. She gave up her pirating ways to marry Horace, much to the shock of most of the townspeople. They didn't approve of a Grimm, an ancestor of their peoples killers, marrying one of their own. But given Horace status as both a Lowen and one of the founders there was little they could do to stop him.
So Horace and Bertha were married and created a family together. But later came what the future generation would regard as the Grimm Curse. That within the Burns family, once in a few generation of Lowens, a Grimm would be born.
Despite the change of times, the dark legacy of Grimms was still present in the Wesen community on Griffin Rock and especially in the Wesen tourist who visit the island expecting a safe refuge for their kind only to be met with the face of their centuries long enemy. It didn't inspire many guest to continue coming. So for the sake of tourism and maintaining Griffin Rocks status as a "Haven for Peaceful Wesen" members of the Burns family born with the Grimm Curse to peacefully leave the island.
So for generations, Burns who were born with the Grimm Curse were pressured to leave the island. Charlie Burns himself had to see how his brother was basically forced to leave their home when he was legally an adult, not that Woodrow minded so much. He had always been a free spirit and used this chance to finally explore the world.
Charlie Burns didn't think him and his children would suffer under the curse. But unfortunately the unfortunate fate of their family has fallen onto his youngest, Cody.
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Now Chief Burns has to decide between his loyalty to the community and the love he has for his child.
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grimmdeltarune · 2 months
Hallow one and all! It seems like only yesterday I hit one hundred posts and made some art for the occasion of my golden girl, Sketchit. But now, a new milestone has been hit. I'd like to take this occasion to share with all of you the Tumbal Retake, news for the blog, special thanks, and of course. . .
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Wall of Text Below:
Firstly, I'd like to take the time to detail Tumbal's backstory has I have not delved into it all that much on the Blog. The story starts with a pre-Secret Boss Tumbal as an optimistic actor ready to put their best foot, or root in this case, forward. He eventually got a role as an Outlaw in a western, which was the first project that good ol' Mr. Rook Action was directing. All went well until the day of shooting, where a freak accident occurred. Tumbal was shot with what the crew thought was a prop gun. As the shot rang out through the set, the cast and crew ran out, ignoring the body of Tumbal in the process. That is where he found himself, a bullet through his heart on his deathbed with no one to remember his legacy. . .Until a figure appeared to Tumbal. He told him that his time was not over just yet, as well as a new way of seeing the world, as a performance put on to entertain the higher beings. . .After that, Tumbal was left alone in that set for years, rotting into what he is today. He now uses any props he can scavenge as puppets to lure in Darkners to make friends with them, before brutally tearing them apart. This is the state The Fun Gang finds Tumbal in on their journey through Homewood. . .
Secondly, as I did with Sketchit, I'd like to explain how WALL-BREAKER would sound as a song. Of course, the song would use motifs from Battle Against a True Hero and Your Best Nightmare as well as using the Freedom Motif. The song would have a very frantic feel to it, shown through the pacing and use of the instruments. Throughout the song, some sort of banjo or guitar would be played over the track, being used for the beginning and even the Freedom Motif. The song would also reference the lietmotifs of Tenna and Rook's battle themes, in reference to his backstory. Near the end, the song would basically go insane and lose all rhyme or reason and eventually end with the sound of the banjo used in the song being smashed to pieces as an ominous voice laughs in the distance.
Next, I would like to discuss a few posts that will be made in the near future and changes to a few of my Secret Bosses. Firstly, Pocket Sand will be continuing containing the one and only Rouxls Kaard as well as Sketchit! This will be out around next week, or whenever I have time to write it. Secondly, I will be moving a few of my bosses to a group I like to call the Misfits. These bosses are ones that are basically the only part of their AUs, which will include people such as Funn N. Gaems, Fredde-E, Rustflare, Inkwel, and the other Chapter Three Secret Boss takes I made that one time. This will not mean that they will disappear, only that they have a new group name and could potentially be moved out of The Misfits if I find their stories interesting. . . Thirdly, as always, The Ask Box is wide open for anyone to throw questions, suggestions, or anything else at my characters and myself. You can literally ask any of my Deltarune based characters. The sky's the limit.
Finally, I want to give a huge round of applause to all of the people who have helped me along my journey as an artist and as a member of the Secret Boss Fandom. @mercair , you bring so many wonderful ideas and designs to the table and your characters are always a delight to draw and design for. Rest assured, you're not getting rid of my System or our nonsense at your expense any time soon. @creepa-b0t-inc , you have been an amazing part of this community, working on so many amazing projects yet still finding time to help smaller creators, such as myself. I am so glad that I know someone such as yourself and it's been amazing knowing you. @glitch-the-artist , you are an amazing traditional artist that I have adored for so long. Your work and dedication to your craft has inspired my own work and my own aspirations to get better at art. @almightyaxolotlz , I want to give you the most sincere "thank you" I could possibly muster up for being the voice of Sketchit. Thank you so much for caring about this character as much as you do and not letting Chapter X fall to the wayside. @mrchaosman , you have so much potential and so many great ideas. You're honestly an unsung hero of the community and you deserve a lot more respect for the dedication you bring to the Secret Boss Community. @petra-creat0r , you're one of the most talented artists I know and never fail to bring a sincere smile to my face. Your love for your characters and this community is inspiring and I can't wait to see what you do next. Any to everyone I did not mention, I just want to say, thank you. Thank you for inspiring me to continue being a member of this community and for allowing me to get where I am now. Thank you so much, all of you. Now, I should probably get to replying to some posts right about now. . .Goodfright to you all!
-Best Regards, Jackal.
Thanks for everything.
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aikoiya · 1 year
My DP Character HCs Masterlist
This is just a bunch of hc stuff for DP characters. It might take a bit to get it all on here.
Interesting Idea for King Danny
Engineer Danny
Frost Phantom
The Christmas Gift
The Source of Danny's Anger At Christmas
Anti-Gravity Phantom
Secret Identity
Ghost Hunter AU
Fenton Bias
Jack & Maddie's Perspective on Ghosts
Neurodivergent Fentons
Neurodivergent Jack & Maddie
Neurodivergent Jack
Dani's Obsession
Halfa Jazz
Fenton Preferences
Family Legacy 1
Family Legacy 2
Phantom Family AU
The Walker Family
Vlad Masters:
Ugly Crying Vlad
Vlad Struggling With NPD
Vlad the Methyphile
Vlad's Romantic Profile
Vlad's Sexual Profile
The Origin of Clockwork
Clockwork Through the Multiverse
Full Prompts & Story Ideas:
The Bell Tolls For Amity
The Curse of the Seven Sins
Timeless Journey
Vlad vs Dan
Broken Future AU
Lady Nightshade AU
Purification & Aftermath
Nocturn (My Style)
Dash After High School
Rebel Alliance
Ember's Lement
Head Butler of Manson Manor
Lunch Lady
Vlad & the Supernatural Trio
MRA Tucker
Team Halfa
Dan Insults Vlad
Realistic Danger & Casualties
Valerie's Powers
Dan Likes Greek
Sam's Thoughts on Lionfish
More Jewish Sam
DP Confessions
Plants Rights Lunatics
Whimsigoth Sam
The Haunted Jukebox
A Better Pam
HCs I Accept:
Danny Hollis the Cultural Gastronomy Gremlin
DPxDC - Ship Names List
DPxDC - Psyche Talk
DPxDC - Anger Management
DPxDC - Anger Management & Those Who Think It's Wrong
DPxDC - Grimm Romance (Anger Management)
DPxDC - Superman Isn't a Clonophobe & Backup
DPxDC - Bruce the Burdened
DPxDC - Elder Wayne Return
DPxDC - The Lazarus Pits & Jason Todd
DPxDC - A Bird in Amity
DPxDC - The Black Cat
DPxDC - Bell Above the Box
DPxDC - Jazz as Altair the Bluebird of Gotham
DPxDC - Duul Aman Thal
DPxDC - Green Lantern Danny
DPxDC - Vlad As a Lantern
DPxDC - Villainous Full House
DPxDW - Danny & the Doctor
DPxMCU - Saving Private Vision
DPxMH - Calamity Park
DPxIV - Viltrumite Kryptonite
DPxSU - GemHaunt
DPxMHA - Hawks' New Life
DPxN - The Ghost Shinobi
DPxMLP - Cutie Mark
DPxDB - Death Comes For All Eventually
Other Phans' Stuff:
Heaven & Earth & the King On His Throne
Other DP Masterlists:
Ghost Zone Masterlist
DP Ask AU Masterlist
DP Phantom Twins AU Masterlist
Other Useful Masterlists:
Aikoiya's Writing Tips Masterlist
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channoticedmeuwu · 1 year
txt's taekai as . . . EVER AFTER HIGH CHARACTERS !
! ✧彡 ˵ ୨ ⁠ ’ 📷 ⑅⁠ ꒱⁠ ˖⁠♡ દ ☆ 👣
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p — TAEKAI × FEM!READER | g — fluff, eah!au | w — eah terms used, fate&destiny talk + not proofread
a/n — bc choi line got a lot of good feedback !! + oh em gee I finally found a parent for hyuka I was seriously considering giving him goldilocks but rapunzel suits him sm betterrr
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taehyun was special in his own way—an unhealthy addiction to be the best dressed, and unfortunately, cursed to be either too late or too early to any event. it was tedious, waking up hours before to not even catch a glimpse for the dawning streaks of light in the sky, all his animal "buddies" sleeping soundly and muttering things in their sleep which only royals like him could understand.
so imagine your surprise when you walked into the gigantic gymnasium of Ever After High, carrying endless supplies to decorate for this year's thronecoming and saw taehyun sitting there—evening light peering through the ceiling glass, casting shades of blue iridescent all over him and the floors around. you were assigned by headmaster grimm himself to decorate the entire gymnasium all by yourself, which you wouldn't have taken if he didn't offer you a grade boost.
you stared at taehyun, blond hair curled to rest around his eyelashes, glitter decorating his cheeks and shards of crystal-like blue in his eyes. you could swear you muttered a soft wow to yourself as you watched him clear his throat, epaulettes of his navy blue suit making his shoulders look broader as he walked towards you, his ears turning red with slight embarrassment. “cursed,” he just shook his head as he snapped his fingers and summoned multiple birds, which took the banners from the box in your hand to lay all over the walls. “guess you don't have a date either, y/n.”
you snapped out of your daze when he said that. you and taehyun never really interacted outside from accidentally bumping into him in the halls or chasing him down to do locker inspection, which he always avoided desperately. but seeing him, all dolled up and pretty, sitting here alone for god knows how long because of a stupid curse, made your intestines tie themselves up from pity.
“yeah, you guessed right,” you just returned, biting your lips as you set down the box in your hand and turned to another, before he stopped you, a clap from his hands calling a dozen other animals.
“y/n,” you can't remember the last time taehyun actually tried to make conversation with you. he desperately tried to rush everywhere, his mom's curse must have set the road for destruction for any of her future descendents to come, and taehyun was no rule breaker. but you didn't know that there was another reason taehyun was so fidgety whenever you were nearby; a reason that caused his speech to slur whenever you'd beam at him in the halls, a reason that would make his fingers tremble, a reason that would turn him into a royal mess. hours he'd spend, day and night, blood pumping uncontrollably fast and feeling his heartbeat chatter his teeth, picturing you being able to spend time with him and actually talk to him. but how could he ever talk to you, when he could hear every click of the second needle on every clock nearby, and constant reminders that time was never his friend?
“sit with me.” but right now, all taehyun had was time on his hands before he could see you wearing a dress representative of your family legacy, secretly wishing he could be the one to hold your hand and guide you into the gymnasium, shocking the school.
“would you like to go thronecoming with me?”
☆ BONUS ! — taehyun was best friends (forever after) with sons of snow white and sleeping beauty. the three of them, yeonjun, soobin and taehyun himself, made up an unforgettable trio— untouchable royals that roamed the lands of Ever After, their presence shaking the earths and attracting commotion from not only humans, but also animals, chitter chatter here and there. their feet allowed grass to curl about, bright green, and plants to bloom like it were spring. a touch across an open wound, and it would heal twice as fast. untouchable royals, leaving everyone on their knees as they'd walk by, a sprinkling hue blessing them from the skies above.
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the boy had magic hair, if it wasn't obvious enough. brown and gold glowing locks curled around his collar, freckled cheeks blushy and eyes glittering with curiosity— it wasn't a surprise that hueningkai was the spitting image of his mother. he wasn't too keen about his fate, either, a trait which was ironically similar to the rebellion of his mother. to be locked up in a tower, yearning for something out there that he knew was meant to be his, but never knowing when, or even if, he'll be able to have a grasp on it. it just didn't sit right with him that he were to suffer the same fate, sitting around and writing poetry and painting pictures (which wasn't really his favorite, either.)
so what was it about him, was it the naive, mischievous twitch of his nose, or the perk of his eyebrows when something would catch his attention? you didn't know what had you hooked, seeing hueningkai laugh with the children of the town as he handed them flowers, or trying to convince taehyun that a bit of mud on his shoes wasn't going to ruin his ever after.
and, fuck, maybe he did have the prettiest smile in the sun, and maybe he did sometimes tear his clothes climbing trees, and maybe he did have the bottom of his feet completely blackened from the mud—but did you really care, especially when he'd look so prim and proper in his white and gold uniform for the Tri-Castle-On? every morning and every evening, he'd practice in the field, hair combed to the side and streaks glowing as he muttered songs underneath his breath to calm his nerves, fingers shaking as he clutched his bow, archery being his weakest point.
hueningkai would watch you from the corner of his eye, focussed fingers crossed in front of your mouth, watching with furrowed eyebrows. you weren't that hard to miss, if he was being honest. and after letting an arrow go, he'd let out a breath he'd held in for so long, relaxing his shoulders and turning to you, soft smile on his lips as the glow from his hair dulled. sometimes he'd wave at you, and sometimes, if he was feeling extra cheery, he'd whistle while he skipped, shooting you a playful wink.
there was no way this boy was about to leave his fate behind a locked tower.
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txt — masterlist
main taglist (hmu to get added!) — @koishua @navyhyuck @allegxdly @daystiny  @kdyism  @neotism  @bluejaem  @radiorenjun  @sleepylixie @oifelixcmerebrou @mrkcore @imdamnconfused  @sicluvz @abhirami20 @tyongishs @emvrd @brxght-world @1921choi
I’d appreciate if you’d give me a little feedback on the drabble if you read, whether it’s an ask, a reply or in the tags of the rb! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!
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hollyethecurious · 4 months
Six Sentence Sunday (2/11/24)
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This week's SSS is from my upcoming @cssns CS Grimm AU... with a twist.
While Grimms only existed through birthright - a new one obtaining his or her powers when the previous Grimm in their family line died - not all creatures were born wesen. Some were made. Which, in the Grimms’ eyes, was one of the reasons they were so dangerous, even if created, or gemacht, wesen were typically outcasts, and not favorably looked upon within wesen culture. Some creatures had the ability to curse humans with a bastardization of their form, giving them the worst of their traits. Gemacht wesen were typically hunted by Grimms and wesen alike, considered by both sides to be an abomination, therefore, little was known about them, but there were some records within the logs kept in Grimm families, if one cared to look. Killian Jones, however, had no interest in looking, or knowing, or learning, or indeed, having anything to do with his family’s Grimm legacy.
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zacs-of-rwby · 2 months
Cool Running Themes in RWBY AUs Across the FNDM
I spend most of my fandom time on the AU side of things because it's more flexible, like a giant sandbox, and I just think it's really cool that we all use some of the same ideas in such different and creative ways so that it's recognizable as a RWBY AU. Some of my faves include
Oz/Salem divorce and/or falling out
The "Beacon (and the other academies) is something else" subgenre of RWBY fics
Ozma having some kind of legacy (passing down a title, magic, or something else)
Team RWBY stay a team (even in modern settings or "the academies are different" types of AUs)
Raven still left
Summer is still dead/missing
The Branwen Tribe still exists (but it's different!)
The Grimm are still there (but they're different!)
The White Fang still exists (but it's different!)
Weiss is still Ice Queen (whether literally or figuratively)
This is an incomplete list please feel free to add more
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athena-xox · 3 months
Hi! I've been wanting to send asks for a while but couldn't think of a good question until recently.
I have three questions (or perhaps I should say headers).
One: How's your rewrite progressing? At what stages is cannon altered? Are there going to be concepts/characters ignored entirely?
Two: I've seen your (humorous) plea for long/multi chapter eah fics what are some of the favorite's you've read already? Any chance you have an idea of your own outside the rewrite? long or short (chances are yes, for literally anyone in this fandom but it bears asking).
Three: What fairytale(s) would you
A: Like to repeat
B: Could functionally thwart if you had to live through it.
C: Die in, or flee the land to avoid at all cost's.
Omg love the questions. I will admit I’m a bit to brain dead to fully comprehend all the questions so if I answer I different question that what you intended feel free to correct me.
With that being said, the first chapter of my rewrite is done and basically fully edited I believe it’s around 6000/7000 words. Chapter two hadn’t been edited but it’s kinda a weird one so it doesn’t really need to be edited and it’s only around 2000 words.
Chapter 3 I’ve written a bit of it and it’s also a short and I have a layout for it. And chapter 4 is going to be on the longer side probably 6000-10000 words. But after those are done and edited hopefully I’ll publish the fic!!
So that’s the progress, for what parts of canon are being altered, I think a lot of characterization. Bunny, Alistair, Crystal, Milton Grimm, Snow White & EQ are all characters who were either portrayed as good or morally grey that I’m going to make evil (whoops spoilers) and then also kitty isn’t really going to have a redemption arc like she did in spring unsprung, she’s just going to continue to chaotically be herself.
And then just every plotline / character will just be slightly more mature and in depth. And it depends on how you see canon because the rewrite is going to be a mix the tv series + the books which vary a bit on canon. And then obviously a lot more queer representation.
I wouldn’t necessarily say that the epic winter arc is being disgraced but it’s going througu many changes. I’ll probably get ride of the whole through the woods concept because it doesn’t really add anything to the plot (although I am adding a musical that doesn’t really do anything for the plot except allow be to geek (theatre kid) out and give us some cute dizzie moments).
I really want to include her but I don’t think there’s going to be any room for Bella sister. Other things from canon that I’m not including is darise, Meeshell being a horrible singer, DARABELLA, Maddie having visions, the snow king, cupids crush on dexter, the revealer rays, probably lots more but I can’t think of them.
Onto the next question I definitely have some fic recs. I’ll probably make a separate post for it but my top 2 are rewrite ignite restart and a legacy of brambles and thorns.
I think the reason why I’m actually commuting to the rewrite is because it’s really the only eah fic I want to write since I plan to hopefully cover all the characters and ships I like. In my past fandoms I’ve had like 20 different fics I wanted to write but I never got a around to all or them.
Oh wait actually I guess I have one idea but I doubt I’ll ever write it since I want to focus on the rewrite. But during my transition stage from the mlb fandom to the eah I was thinking about an au. Either the eah characters with miraculous’s in the real world or mlb characters at ever after. 
Okay and for the last questions im assuming you’re asking which fairytales I’d like to 1. Be a part of 2. Don’t want to be a part of and I could stop it 3. Would have to run away from ?
1. When I was little I had the yearbook thing that had you create your own eah character and I always wanted to be a princess so I made myself goose girl
2. Definitely wouldn’t want to be like Jack in the beanstalk so I just wouldn’t take the beans
3. Sleeping beauty was my fav when I was younger so I definitely wouldn’t want to have Faybelles destiny. Or be an ugly sister, that would kill my self esteem (no wonder Bella and Brutta ran away)
For the last 3 questions I wasn’t sure if you were asking all abt me or if any were for my rewrite.
Anyways tysm for the ask !!
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stars-owls-musicals · 9 months
Sanders Sides and Ever After High Crossover/AU
So, I am a huge fan of both Ever After High and Sanders Sides and have had brain rot thinking about a Sanders Sides EAH au.
So I was thinking about what fairytale characters each Sanders Sides character would fit as the child of, and then I got to thinking...
What if they were the younger siblings of certain EAH characters?
Because then, there's fun character and sibling dynamics galore.
So... here we go.
Virgil: Son of the Evil Queen, younger brother to Raven
Logan: Son of Snow White, younger brother to Apple
Patton: Son of Cinderella, younger brother to Ashlynn
Janus: Son of the Dark Fairy, younger brother to Faybelle
Roman and Remus: Twins, sons of one of the Charming's, cousins to Daring, Dexter, and Darling
All of our sander sides friends are first years, so while they are there for the Legacy Day shenanigans, they are not participating in Legacy Day themselves.
Also, I figured that their "destinies" would all work similar to the Charmings from EAH, namely that they are set to fill spare destinies. For example, Logan, Patton, Roman, and Remus would fill spare prince charming destinies, while Virgil and Janus would fill spare villain destinies.
Now, let's get into a few basics about the story that I want to establish.
Dorm assignments:
Logan and Virgil: After asking the Headmaster to have Raven and her room together for their Legacy Year, Apple also gets their younger siblings a shared room. Because I just feel like she would.
Roman and Patton: Before their first year at Ever After High starts, they're already friends, so they request a room together at school.
Remus and Janus: I don't plan on having them be close friends at the start of this story, but that changes quickly because I love their dynamic.
Relationships with their siblings:
Virgil and Raven are really close, and share some of the same tastes in music and fashion. Also they both like purple. They both also aren't big fans of their mother and prefer to not have her brought up in conversation. Neither of them want to be evil.
Logan and Apple do care about one another, but they aren't really that close. Some of it boils down to Logan feeling ignored in favor of Apple and her destiny as the next Snow White. There's other stuff piled into that whole thing too, but anyway. The two of them do both enjoy learning new things, and are able to bond over their shared interests in that regard.
Patton and Ashlynn, similarly to Raven and Virgil, get along really well. They both act like the parent of their respective friend groups. When they don't feel like they can bring something up with their friends, both Ashlynn and Patton seek out the other to express their frustrations about something or vent their feelings.
Janus and Faybelle used to get along when they were younger and really don't anymore. This is in part due to Janus being a rebel, as Faybelle sees it as him rejecting their villain heritage. Janus' actually reason for rebelling is hating Headmaster Grimm and the system of destinies. Faybelle doesn't listen to him though.
Roman and Remus get along probably better than they do in Sanders Sides cannon. They also are close friends with their cousins, Daring, Dexter, and Darling, because I think that would be fun. That being said, Roman is really the only one out of the two of them who gets along with Daring. Remus, Dexter, and Darling bond over not being total fans of their predetermined paths due to their Charming heritage.
So far, the only romantic relationships I have planned for this au include Prinxiety, Dexter x Raven, Apple x Darling, and Ashlynn x Hunter (and other background Ever After High ships as well).
At the start of the school year, Janus and Virgil are friends, having both been pushed to the side by their classmates for having a villain heritage.
Roman, Patton, Logan, and Remus are a friend group as well.
During the beginning part of their first year (so basically, before Legacy Day) the six of them end up as one friend group by means of dorm room assignments, shared classes, and introductions.
Royal or Rebel?:
Virgil, Janus, and Remus are all rebels.
Roman and Patton are royals.
Logan isn't sure what he is.
They all end up on the rebels side eventually.
Anway yeah that's what I've got for now. Feel free to send asks about this au!
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caiti-creative-corner · 10 months
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Kenny Grimm from Complicated
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bluegekk0 · 5 months
Feeling inspired, so here's a post about the Dirtmouth school idea for the AU (though it's mainly about Lewk).
Quirrel would be the teacher for the children, continuing Monomon's legacy and making sure her work isn't forgotten. There's only one class, since the number of kids in Dirtmouth is very small, just a few children old enough to attend his lessons. I imagine they gather in an old house now renovated into a small classroom with a chair and a few pillows in front of it, so that the little ones can sit comfortably while listening to him.
Lewk is one of his pupils, and a very attentive one. He doesn't want to miss a single lesson, and he's always really excited to go there. He wakes up first, hops on his dads' bed and then sits right in front of Grimm or FPK's face until they awaken (and often spooks the lattee). After waking up and eating breakfast, they pack his favorite crayons, a little sketchbook and some lunch into a small bag that he takes to the lessons. The way to the school is safe, it's only a few houses away, but he insists at least one of them walks him there. He misses them a lot during the lessons, and he's always overjoyed when they come to pick him up and walk him back home. Grimm and FPK sometimes take Asta and Milo and join the lessons, so that the little twins can listen, even if they don't understand Quirrel's words. Whenever that happens, Lewk tries to be brave and sit with his friends, but he really, really wants to run to Grimm and FPK and stay close to them. But he stays where he is, he's not a little baby anymore, he thinks. Though he still looks at them from time to time, slowly blinking at them with love, and continues listening to Quirrel after they blink back.
When the lesson is over and they're back home, he spends the rest of the day sitting next to the twins and babbling about what he learned (the twins can't understand him and just watch, sometimes trying to repeat some of his words). Grimm and FPK have to gently nudge him towards his bed so that he doesn't keep the twins up. He's too excited to sleep, so one of them sits by his bed and reads him a story, and then gently tucks him in. He needs to rest before morning, he wouldn't want to miss tomorrow's lesson.
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rosesonapond · 29 days
My Rwby AUs
R&J Au
Hogwarts Au
Bittersweet Au
Crossover AUs
(CD + NG Au and Bittersweet AU are both going to have next gens)
Reverse Human/Faunus AUs
Fairytail AU
The Owl House AU
The Amazing Digital Circus AU (not planned)
Spy x Family AU
Team Swap AU (not planned)
‘No Name’ AU
Celebrity AU
Grimm Adam AU
I Woke Up as a Villain in a Parallel World (for lack of a better name, it’s an ok name I guess)
Persona 5 AU (not planned)
Acting AU
Arranged Marriage AU #1 Courtship Battles (I think my original idea was to have many suitors vying for one person)
Arranged Marriage AU #2 Power based Match Ups
Hunger Games AU (not planned)
Villain/Hero Swap AU (not planned)
Earlier Period Era AUs (not planned)
Canon, Canon Divergent + Next Gen Aus
Black Lotus verse
White Lotus verse
Silent Love verse
Envy Zinnia verse
Canon verse
Black Rose Lotus verse
Sunflowyr verse
Bittersweet verse
Reverse Human/Faunus verse
Arranged Marriage AU# 2
Poly NG AU (might make a rule in legacy challenge poly next gen aus, have to find lovers outside their respective universe and go into another)
Crossover verses
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windydrawallday · 1 year
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"My father worked at the city's lighthouse, as did my grandfather and my grandfather's father. All the male children in my family were expected to inherit the place and title, of a lighthouse keeper. Even when the site became another simple point of tourism today. At first, I was excited by the idea of ​​being part of such a legacy. And my father encouraged me with stories of his experience… and fantastic ones. His favorites included sea monsters."
"He said that all the lighthouse keepers in my family not only guided ships to the coasts of the city, they were also night watchmen who, with the light from the lighthouse, scared away creatures that were part human and part fish that came out at night to roam the coasts, looking for anything to drag into the depths of the water and devour it among the waves."
"Over time when I grew up, I stopped believing in those fantasies but also I started to see through them: my father was just trying to brainwash me so that I would continue the tradition and put aside my preferences and personal goals that I now had as an adult. The pressure of being his only child wasn't helping. Then one day I decided to leave him on a very bad note, never to return."
"I don't believe in destiny, but I do believe that life is cyclical like the phases of the moon, and what once illuminated must go out, and that's what happened with my father. In the most fateful way possible: he died from a fall in the area of ​​that damn lighthouse. I was not only going to have to see him again in the most unwanted way possible, but also to face that construction that now legally belonged to me, even though I only saw it as a gigantic hindrance in my life."
"These events have not only upended my routine and overwhelmed my mind in ways I once thought I could control: since I've been around the lighthouse (and even before), my dreams have been invaded by terrible images and a feeling of constant suffocation."
"But I have hope that this will end soon, that the moon will hide again and the lighthouse will go out. Although now I fear more than ever, that when that happens the monsters of my dreams will come true." - P.
HERE WE GO! Snippet + Illustration as a sort of introductory teaser to give you all a taste of this collaborative story-concepts I share with my buddy @nine-tailed-grimm and ALL OF THIS STARTED FROM-- a transformers merfolk AU BAHAHA coff
Anyways, I don't want to extend this more but long story short: in this AU we have fun creating scenes with a horror-gothic flavor, mostly inspired by the Cthulhu mythos (specifically the Deep Ones)so there's a lot of mystery veiled between everyday moments balanced with a dash of wonder at the strange creatures the human cast will face during the progress of the story.
I'm pretty excited to share this, I'm not gonna lie!!!
In the next few days, I want to share more about it! All will be tracked under the tag #tf au the lighthouse if you prefer to check later, I got quite the bulk of material, refs and silly doodles so, hope you all enjoy it while it lasts!
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lesbianjackies · 2 years
Would you be able to do a steve harrington x reader ever after high au?
He's obviously a royal and reader is just... weird(like maddy hatter??)
idk, i would like to see what you do with it
No pressure or rush to do it though!! <3
yessss this is amazing. steve is just yet another charming and y/n can be maddie's sister i suppose (adopted ofc- it's established in the eah universe that adoption doesn't really change the flow of destiny so)
word count: 551
warnings: fem!reader, slight angst, mild family issues
taglist: @gg-is-a-loser @yesshewrites1
Steve Charming had only one year of peace before his family's expectations for him started weighing painfully on his shoulders. His brother Daring was born on April 2, a year and seven months after Steve, and that very day was the day Steve's life began to fall apart.
Steve was your average Charming - handsome, heroic, exceptionally athletic - but compared to his younger brother Daring, he was simply never good enough. He was the eldest child but treated more like the middle one, in between Daring's excellence and his other younger brother, Dexterous's, failure. Daring was given the expectation to fill the role of Snow White's Prince Charming, the most highly regarded fairytale in all of Ever After, while Steve and Dexter were expected to wait till Legacy Day to figure out where their destinies led.
Steve had been plopped into the role of Cinderella's Prince Charming a year ago, destined to one day marry Princess Nancy Ella after dancing with her once at a ball. Nancy was a nice girl, he liked her well enough, but he didn't love her, a terrible truth that has haunted him since the day he signed the Storybook of Legends. He really had his eye set on you, (Y/N) Hatter, daughter of the Mad Hatter of Wonderland and Steve's very best friend.
Oh, destiny was a cruel thing, wasn't it?
Your bright, bubbly voice jerked Steve out of his thoughts, and he turned to you with a forced smile. "Yeah, (Y/N/N)?"
"Why don't we just ignore our destinies?"
Steve blinked. The question was so specific to his thoughts he was half convinced you'd read them.
"I can't read thoughts, silly." You giggled. "The narrator just said that you didn't wanna marry Nancy and that you liked me instead. And I say: why don't we just ignore our destinies? I like you too, and my sister's best friend didn't follow her destiny and nothing happened to her, so why don't we just do the same thing?"
Steve gaped, unable to form a single sentence.
"Well, that's easy, Stevie. You just open your mouth and say words, like this: the spotted cow jumped over the bright blue moon. See?"
Steve shook his head, and when he spoke, his voice was hoarse. "It's not that easy, (Y/N). How do we know that Raven hasn't just not disappeared yet? It's- Destiny is all we've ever known. Who are we to just turn our backs on it?"
"Who is Headmaster Grimm to tell us who we are?" you retorted, not unkindly. "Maybe destiny doesn't have to be set in stone. Maybe it can be something we can choose. I don't know about you, but I'm willing to see where following our own destinies - the ones in our heart - takes us, if it means I get to spend my Happily Ever After with you."
Steve remained silent for a moment, then took your face in his hands and kissed you, like he'd never kissed anyone before. "I'm a Charming," he whispered after you broke apart, resting his forehead against yours, "which means I need to be brave. I think I can do that, (Y/N/N). So you know what? Call me, Steve Charming, the rebel."
You beamed up at him and he kissed you again.
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