#grunge never died
ghost-mafia · 11 months
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stashbythesea · 3 months
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good things are coming!! i feel it!! im so happyyyyy cx
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moodboard-d · 8 months
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6nocturnal6nymph6 · 6 months
"𝐼'𝑑 𝑟𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑒 𝑎 𝑟𝑒𝑏𝑒𝑙 𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑛 𝑎 𝑠𝑙𝑎𝑣𝑒 𝑡𝑜 𝑠𝑜𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑡𝑦'𝑠 𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠."
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damien-devil-art · 3 months
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jarofalicesgrunge · 1 year
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Mike Starr, Layne Staley y Jerry Cantrell [1992].
📸 Jill Greenberg.
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the-needle-witch · 11 months
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A standard issue (us?) military can-opener- the kind that comes from the food bank, on the neck of my friend, Runyoun (Daniel)
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fatalebridget · 2 years
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🖤Prince of Darkness⛓️
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alarisblake · 2 years
Is gatekeeping really that bad? Because after lots of times of sharing interests with friends and they not giving a frick up until it becomes a thing and then suddenly they love it and mansplain you the whole thing that made up your personality and having a superficial grasp on it but saying they adore it…
I’m seriously rethinking gatekeeping now.
Don’t get me wrong I love that anime became a big thing, self published poetry books, sketchbooking, y2k, kpop, and all of those thing that make up my Pinterest board, I love that they grow bigger in audience. I truly try to get anyone I talk to into what I love and most of these things are already big to begin with.
It’s just that when I do it it’s geeky, quirky, nerdy, distateful or “it only works for me because I’m not ashamed of anything” it’s the subtle microaggressions that basically undermine my taste in anything but later on it becomes a mainstream thing and suddenly I’m being told that Jensen Ackles looked hot in the Boys when once upon a time I was talking about seeing him up close in SDCC and the same people told me whatevs who dat 😑
So this is my trigger warning for no one really cause novody reads this, it’s more like manifesting since I’m a total blabbermouth and it will keep on happening but it’s just me saying it out loud ‘cause I ain’t got the money for therapy, and my New Year’s resolutions will be to hold less grudges 🤙🏽
🎵Jingle bells jingle bells, gatekeep all the way,
Stay in tumblr ‘coz Twitter’s dead
Guess it’ll be mainstream once again hey! 🎵
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artisticbabe2002 · 1 year
"You give love a BAD name" 🎶
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z1ggyst4rdusts · 2 years
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thrifting ♥️
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mediumsizedpidegon · 1 year
Another avenue I want to explore in an Amity Park is Weird scenario is all the niche sub-cultures going on.
There is absolutely NO WAY there isn't a thriving goth community in Amity Park. They're holding picnics every full moon. They're holding crafting sessions in their friends' basements. They're adopting ghost animals left and right: eight-legged dogs and blob-cats, skeletal fish and neon bearded dragons.
There's a young man called Raphael who performs live music every week at a dance club with his band: he's got a myriad of shiny piercings, and a phone camera roll full of his rabbits, Morningstar and Salem. Perhaps those ghosts are bad business like the Fentons say, but the club's never felt more alive.
The scene and emo kids are multiplying at a rapid rate. The punks and grunge folks are doing shit with textiles that makes every quilting grandmother in a five mile radius swoop in to pass on their skills. Josie and Betty, old friends who periodically upload photos online of their handmade lace, suddenly gain an influx of young folks who want to learn how to make their own ghoulish patterns.
There's a new group peeling off from the goths that dress like the embodiment of Halloween– all bones, pumpkin orange and lengths of costume jewelry.
The historical costuming community is alive and well in these times, and they fall upon the few ghosts from times past willing to share knowledge like starving wolves. Their minds are full of patterning-math and fabric prices, and their excitement is, quite literally, infectious.
A revolution starts up in food service: a great many restaurants closed or moved to follow the many people who left Amity after the ghosts first came. A pair of brothers open a restaurant that has the best Polish food around: people politely don't comment on how the owners are dressed in clothes a century out of date or how their eyes gleam. Two cat cafes open, one space themed and another with loose definitions of what counts as a "cat." Assorted coffee and tea shops dot the landscape: some serve donuts, some have cupcakes, and others have breakfast wraps, sandwiches or savory hand pies.
People that can't afford to open a restaurant sell food out of their homes, advertised by cardboard signs with phrases like CAKES FOR $10, and BARBEQUE RIBS FOR SALE painted on them in gigantic bright letters. High school students bring in bags of cookies they made the night before and completely sell out of stock before the day is done. One woman's house has no signage and yet is known by word of mouth to be a herbalist, selling tins of homemade tea blends, flowers, assorted plant clippings, and cough drops.
Someone down the street of Casper High sells small batches of eco-friendly soap at a nearby corner store.
During summer time, lemonade stands are everywhere. Some of the lemonade is made with the strange fruits from one of the parks: no one dies, so it's fine.
The Farmer's Market has gotten... intense.
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They really put Travis through the wringer on this show, like put yourself in his shoes for a moment. You’re a teenage boy who’s dragged along by his shitty, neglectful father to a soccer tournament you really don’t even want to be at. The plane crashes on the way there and you have to watch your father’s bloody, mangled corpse fall from a tree.
Now you’re stranded in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of teenage girls, a one-legged gay guy who’s slowly going insane, and your little brother who you now have to take care of. You lash out because you’re deeply grieving and traumatized and don’t know how to show it because your brain is filled with 90s era gender roles. Now you have to dig up your father’s corpse to get a ring for Javi to make it up to him. Then you start a thing with a pretty grunge girl but you’re too insecure and not ready and don’t know how to express that because, once again, 90s gender roles.
Then you go to a party in the woods, get drugged with shrooms, lose your virginity, and get sexually assaulted by like 10 girls who proceed to hunt you down, tie you to a tree, and try to kill you. Then your brother gets lost in the crossfire and you’re trying to find him all while still feeling the guilt of cheating on the girl you love and the shame of what all of those girls did to you. You spend months looking for your brother in the snow and you know he’s probably dead but you can’t bear the thought that you were supposed to protect him and failed so you live in denial. Then your girl fakes Javi’s death, you begin to properly grieve, and you cannibalize the girl you lost your virginity to all in the same day.
Then, just as you’re coming to terms with Javi’s death he comes back but he’s all fucked up and won’t talk to you and you realize your girl lied to you so now you’re more alone than ever. Now you’re all starving so you do a card draw to see who you’re all going to eat next but the girl you love draws the card and you try to save her by sending your brother out there to help her. She lives but your brother dies instead (and you know he would have lived if you hadn’t sent him out there) and you sob over his body until the girls take him away to cut him up. Then you have to eat your brother to survive. And the girl you love who let your little brother die in her place is being crowned queen and you’re going to have a lifelong, complicated, drug-filled, resentful relationship with her. When you’re rescued, you’re going to have to return home and tell your mother that her husband and son are dead but you can never tell her, or anyone, what really happened.
I’m going to cut him some slack, guys.
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foone · 2 years
Don't get me wrong, I'm as much of a slut for period costuming as the next girl, but you know what'd be a fun twist on the immortal/vampire movie?
Don't start it NOW and flash back to show their life over the centuries... Start it now and then flash forward to show their life over the coming centuries.
There's just as much future as there is past. Why do we need to know what a vampire was doing back in the 1700s? What about what they will be doing in 2300 during the Mars Wars?
Like, a couple of Future Guys with cybernetic implants in silver jumpsuits fly their hovercar to go to visit The Count to find out if the rumors he's really 400 years old is true, and they gossip about how he supposedly dresses in ancient clothing. They open the door and he's standing there, dressed in flannel and jeans with holes in the knees. He's holding a skateboard. He got turned into a vampire at the age of 15 in 1993, and grunge never died. Not for him.
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steddieas-shegoes · 8 months
Things I’ll never write because I lack the time to devote to it:
Corroded Coffin makes it big in the early 90s, and sure they get mistaken as a “grunge” band occasionally, but if it puts them in arenas then they’ll be grunge sometimes
Steve, of course, goes on tour with them because why wouldn’t he follow Eddie across the country (eventually the world)?
They have groupies falling all over them after every show and Steve just laughs about it because Eddie is so ridiculously in love with him he doesn’t even notice the women half naked in front of him in the autograph line
But he does notice that Gareth is just as avoidant, blushing when any attention is on him, but never does anything beyond a polite smile and autograph
Eddie tells him it’s because he’s never even kissed someone before, that he’s always been a romantic at heart who thinks the first time should be “special” (insert fond eye roll here) and Steve actually feels bad for him
Because how will he find that on the road? He has women coming up to him every night, but none of them would be “special”
Steve thinks for weeks, and Eddie knows something’s up but doesn’t ask. He knows Steve will come to him when he’s ready
And then after witnessing an especially awkward encounter between Gareth and two fans, he finally pulls Eddie aside and asks “what if we could make it special for him? Get it out of the way?”
It’s a hard sell at first, and Steve knew it would be
That’s one of Eddie’s best friends, they’ve been best friends for nearly a decade
And he’s so protective of his relationship with Steve, of their dynamic, possessive in a way that would probably be unhealthy if they hadn’t literally almost died together
But he realizes that Steve’s right, Gareth will never make a move on someone until he’s sure they’re right for him and that won’t happen on tour
And Steve was perfect for their first time. He’s patient and gentle, even now, even when they’re in a rush on the bus before everyone gets back
Eddie offers and Gareth just laughs, but it dies out when he realizes he’s serious
He asks a lot of questions, and he takes days to decide, avoids them both so he can make the right decision for him
But he knows they’re right. They’d be perfect for his first time. He knows it’s stupid to put so much weight into something like sex, but it’s just that he wants it to mean more than rough fucking on the couch of a bar’s back room
So he agrees
He agrees as long as they’re both involved and it doesn’t just turn into one of them fucking him or getting fucked by him. He can’t deal with either of them getting jealous or being mad at him
So they agree
And the next time they get to stay in a hotel, Gareth skips getting his own room so he can have the first time he’s always pictured, even though it’s definitely not who he pictured it with
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Clear ups and headcanons on the Big Three Kids + alternative subcultures(by an alternative person who's autistic and has Pjo as a lifelong special interest)
Nico isn't emo.No i'm not joking,he's too optimistic to be emo and i'm not joking on that explanation either because once you stop taking his edgy front at face value,you see he's actually a very hopeful and soft boy.Nico is goth-Dark aesthetic,dower attitude and macabe traits heavily dealing with death and the darker supernatural
Hazel is goth too as an even grimer child of death and there's nothing more gothic than dying and getting ressurected to haunt your own narrative.Hazel shows a preference for light femininity so she would most likely be pastel goth specifically if she took up the aesthetic
Percy is the ultimate punk and it has nothing do with vague mentions of him skateboarding.Percy is punk because he fufills every requirement for being part of punk culture-He's a gender nonconformist who does direct action against a corrupt system as his entire motivation as a hero,hates the rich and talks shit to authority figures,performs activism in both his worlds,grew up a bully beater so hardcore he got kicked out 6 schools by 12,an intersectionalist that looks out for all his fellow minorities including the 'villains' of the franchise that got ropped into it against their will and even took in Nico and Hazel as his younger siblings and pseudo-kids for a double whammy as a huge part of punk is children's rights,textually an anarchist('the sea does not like to be restrained'),literally psychologically incapable of selling out as confirmed in a Tkc crossover short story and implied to listen punk music on multiple occasions.And sorry but Percy'd never be into grunge-It's too boring aesthetic for him and grunge as a music genre isn't Percy-coded at all and the only reason it's said to be is he's a 2000s kid and people are basic.Percy gives solarpunk and metalhead
Hazel is canonically punk for the same reasons Percy thanks how alike they are but also an additional reason is she is canonically darkskin black and punk culture is black culture as we created it.Percy is afrolatino-coded so he should be potrayed as such in punk!Percy or else you loose a big chunk of what makes him so punk and Nico may've been described as white but nothing should stop you from potraying him as black too as it's better writing for all three of the Dead Sea Siblings to be black and black Nico makes sense as he's got a lot in common with 'the black sunshine softboy who's also a little shit' characters(Gus Porter from The Owl House is just Nico di Angelo as an animated character down to his design tbh).Nico's physically disabled as he canonically has chronic fatigue and probs would develop chronic pain at this point so combined with his closeness to Percy and Hazel he realistically would go goth punk
Also not joking again:Percy is the My Chemical Romance obsessed one,not Nico.He's a millenial from New York with undiagnosed autism that was bullied at his schools with no friends and transfem bigender so Mcr is Percy-coded and he grew up on it along with Korn and Paramore for an alt trifecta.He introduced Nico and Hazel to it as bonding and punk mentorship and refuses to let them go to Hot Topic or even hear about it in favor of diy lessons and family thrift store trips with Sally.They still love Domo though(including Percy when i say this ofc)so that's how they get their Domo goods
Thalia is explicitly goth punk.Her style is described as a mix between the two,Green Day is a goth punk band and her attitude and actions match up the ideals of goth punk people,including that like Percy,she is gnc but in the opposite direction-She's a girl but masculine presenting and uncomfortable in traditional femininity.There's some pretty good hints that tie to trans lesbian Thalia even without her being butch and with her being black now it all comes together WITH an even better addition that there's a black version of Riot Grrrls called Sista Grrrls(Riot Grrrl for those who don't know is lesbian feminist punks and music)that Thalia would absolutely be one of,especially with the similarities between The Hunters and Riot Grrrls
Percy harrasses Poseidon for money for Nico's mobility aids and chronic pain meds,Hazel collects Blythe dolls and mixed media is her favorite artform to do and she runs a supernatural based bussiness website her brothers help her out on,Thalia cooks cosmic brownie edibles and Sally and the Dead Sea Siblings run a family bussiness called 'Familia Jackson Beach Shack' and Sally put the ball in the court of Percy going solarpunk with her love for the sea she passed down to him manifesting in a deep care for enviormentalism
Piercings:Percy has an eyebrow piercing,forward helix on both ears,a spider bite and a tongue ring,Nico has angel bites,a septum and snugs,Hazel has stacked lobels,double cheeks and a pink nose ring and Thalia has a nose ring,snake bites,ear gagues and an eyebrow piercing on the the opposite side of Percy's.Percy did Nico and Hazel's piercings for them and Thalia did her own and had them paper clip lookin' earrings in Ttc
Hair:Percy has long locs and his gray streak faded to white and he dyes his hair the mermaidcore style,Nico had an afro he occasionally put in afropuffs or an afro ponytail until he turned 17 and now he has slightly past the shoulder dreads with a loose bun in the back,Hazel is just like Percy yet again with a different hairstyle in each book as she had star-shaped afropuffs in Son,cornrows in Moa,twists in Hoh,sisterlocks in Boo and butterfly locs onwards and Thalia started with bantu knots before upgrading to an afrohawk
Perce has the caution tape on this bedroom door 2000s older brother requirement,Nico and Hazel attend the Special Ed school Percy was supposed to but melted down so badly over when he overheard Sally planning it when he was 9 she never brought it up again and he convinced them to go out of remorse and grief at what could've been and Nico is known as the outspoken activist nerd boy(affectionate)and Hazel is the IT Girl everybody loves and looks up to for her self-love of her weirdness and helping others feel the same and Thalia likes hanging out in abandoned places but never on her own as it brings up bad memories and rather takes Reyna with her so they can do it as dates to reclaim it and show her how much she loves her enough to trust her with that
Percy takes his siblings/kids to basement/underground shows and charity/community service on the regular and protests/riots too once they get old enough and they're all big into video games but only play secondhand,indie and free games on anti-capitalist principal.Their game nights go hard and they do graffiti and skatepark visits are every other day and Percy's sporting lipstick and eyeliner tears whenever he feels up for doing his makeup,either black or glittery blue(for both)and Nico looked up tutorials for tradgoth makeup to do and Hazel came up with pastel punk makeup styles all on her own to test her artistic ability and as a baby transfem confidence boost.Not an alt thing but it's very important to me they also got to the local cat cafe often and are the only reason it's still in bussiness🙏🏼
Thalia keeps things secret not because she wants privacy but because so many things she does break multiple realms' laws and she's got a gnarly tattoo sleeve.She's the loose canon fanon thinks Percy is and Percy still lives at home with Sally but before that,he revolutionized the greco-roman mythos world after graduating from Goode High,a year after Hoo and it lasted 4 years in 4 books in the sequel to it Tales of Dead Seas aka Tods
And Percy is heavy on sharks while Nico is batkin and Hazel has catlike aspects as a side effect of her ressurection and Thalia developed an unnervingly sturdy body structure from being a tree.Percy and Hazel are real into energy drinks and Nico perfers weird flavor sodas and Thalia loves crushing cans on her head after downing the whole thing and burping as long as she can
Percy is also 'I'm Just Your Problem' from Adventure Time-coded but the Ashe cover specifically and Hazel has a pair of pink skull headphones she's always wearing to listen to her authentic Lo-Fi Beats(read:by black artists),breakcore and nu metal songs and writes them in her digital diary too and Nico curiously enough enjoys trappunk the most.Thalia's been mistaken for Edith Victoria so many times she's started lying and saying she is her for the bit
And i said Hobie Brown is Percy-coded?I'd be objectively right
Also i just wanna say as the send-off:Normie/'Prep' Jason's not real.That's an entire black biracial man who's character was outgrowing his militaristic and golden child upbringing to befriend queer people and poc and definitely has wolf/werewolf therian shit going on seeing as he was raised by Lupa herself and is only not autistic and transmasc if you're illiterate.Jason's not punk but he follows the beliefs and listens to indie pop and dad rock and dresses like a faggy 80s horror movie jock and eats whatever weird food combo he can get his hands on on impulse and deep dives into lost media and has a lightning bolt fade and studed ears.Jason's not punk but he's a weirdo and a freak and he rides for and with us so we(Dead Sea Siblings + Thalia + irl alts)ride for and with him
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