er3mo · 7 days
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the exam invigilator looking over my shoulder and watching me tap five multiple choice questions in a row to the beat of eenie meenie miney mo
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usbotthrills · 1 year
I’m finally finished with my exams after a month of doing them!! I’d personally like to thank free science lessons on YouTube, Vector from despicable me, not my history teacher (fuck you Mr Marshal, I don’t care if you’re hot, you can’t teach) and my cats, for their fluffy emotional support 😌
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p4rt13-p01s0n · 8 months
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Nothing abt this is "recycled robot" but there r robots in killjoys sooooooo
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bucksboobs · 11 months
I’m the anon from the post before and I understand what you mean! I guess I just took differently when I watched the show. I don’t think Charlie or Nick was upset about Ben being closeted I think they (especially Charlie) we’re just upset how Ben treated Charlie the entire. Also I’m not saying this to be rude or start anything this is just how I saw it:) I think Charlie was angry (as he should) about how Ben treated him through out the relationship they had and not about him being closeted. Because I do believe if Ben just communicated better and treated him better and didn’t treat Charlie the way he did it could’ve worked out. I’m just saying that I didn’t see them bashing Ben for being closeted only bashing him for treating Charlie the way he did without acknowledging how it felt for him.
Yeah I don't think Charlie or Nick is mad about Ben being closeted but weirdly I think the narrative is and that's what irks me. All his issues and bad behaviors are because he's closeted (you said yourself that it's because he's closeted that he treats Charlie the way he does) but the story doesn't seem interested in exploring that so much as punishing him for it by having both Imogen and Charlie yell at him and then throwing him out of the series before he can improve at all.
And when this show is so renowned for it's love and celebration of queer experiences and identity it will always feel out of place that Ben was left out in the dust seemingly because he and his experiences were too complex.
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73647e · 1 year
do you ever look at someone and think "oh my god I can hear the british accent" because I can
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ughgoaway · 5 months
Omg I voted for the wrong one!!! I meant Teacher au!!!!
dont worry bestie, I will switch your vote over!! I didn't get a C in maths for nothing 🫡
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kanacozmez · 5 months
so that girl in the mv is the one from HARROW.. what happened why did Kotoko start being so cold to the lass?? I need to rewatch it right now with my analysis goggles on
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hygieneburnsarchive · 6 months
A little bit late to the party, but have my 2023 art summary!
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charlotte-of-wales · 10 months
just out of curiosity, how common is it to fail your GSCE? 😭 I know nothing about them but all over tiktok people are mocking that Rosie girl from Ellen for failing like 3 of them
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wren-kitchens · 2 years
I absolutely love learning about history, but especially the stuff that you wouldn’t ordinarily learn about 
for instance, there’s this awesome docuseries called victorian farm and, as the name suggests, it’s about victorian farms, but not in the way you’d expect. basically, the three people (ruth goodman, alex langland and peter ginn) have to live, dress, eat and do everything like victorian farmers would
I have learnt so much about simple home life in the victorian era (for the working class obviously, everything depends on your class in this era) that you just wouldn’t learn in a history lesson, such as:
• laundry takes 3 days to complete — first for wash, second for rinse, third for dry — and you have to get up at 4am (some women would get up at 2am) every day of the laundry. this is a weekly job
• when on their periods, victorians would have small cloth bags that they’d fill with something absorbent (eg, moss) to use as pads. they were reusable and would be cleaned and refilled 
• farmers believed that there was a powerful spirit that lived in big crops (like barley), and as you farmed it, it had to retreat into the crop still in the ground. they would leave a small amount of crop still in the ground, and it would have to be harvested blindfolded or from a distance by throwing objects at it. this was often made into a game 
• christmas was commercialised in the victorian era, and decorations became what we still use today. fake snow (salt) would often be glued onto the edges of holly leaves, and peas would be dipped into red paint to resemble berries 
anyway my point is I absolutely love learning that kind of history and I think we should be taught this kind of thing in class as well as the big stuff (like cmon i’ve learnt about ww2 at least 7 times since primary school)
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puppidy · 11 months
People complain about Christians stealing pagan culture like they forget that the early Christians were in a pagan dominated culture and that the people who were becoming Christians willingly early on were of those cultures.
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p4rt13-p01s0n · 8 months
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Mousekat/partypoison/thedirector collage and ideas to make the head from my art gsce
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smilerri · 2 years
there is a fine line between goncharov and gorbachev and my brain is incapable of distinguishing it 
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dashuisofanubis · 2 years
I found an aftermath fic for HoA s2 I started writing waay back in 2017 and I actually still enjoy it so I thought I'd share some of it, and I might revisit it when i rewatch s2
The gist of it was the mystery and the exhibition are wrapped up and done, Rufus and Senkhara have been banished never to be seen again, but there's still seven weeks left of term! Featuring exams, coming to terms with your kidnapping/sort of death/sort of murder, washing up and summer plans!
Some highlights from it include:
Eddie trying to convince Patricia to dance with him
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The woes of washing up (there was an entire chapter plan consisting of fabian trying to get people to help him with chores)
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Jerome having a funky good time
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Joy having a funky good time
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Vera's farewell
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Then this was the last sentence written and I'm dying to know what I was going to write next 😅
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So yeah, a look into the mind of someone who was doing their gsces and binging HoA to cope 😂
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gingernut8931 · 2 years
Joe lycett is such a troll he was so funny and it was amazing! Unfortunately there’s too much too tell and I cba but Mind you, I didn’t like how someone brought a 12 year old to a 16recommended show
Today was good, geography field trip again to cobalt business park, except for the rain dampened it a fair bit 🙂. Was nice walking all around doing some shit tho and then nothing in the afternoon except some basic stuff we finishing tomorrow.
Speaking of which I have a homework for that for tomorrow as well as German, which is gonna be annoying to do at like 10 11pm
Before that tho I’m watching yet more heartstopper, probably 1 and 2 before putting my dogs to bed and doing the homework and watching some more. I have the house for myself till Saturday lunch so they are my responsibility meaning I can’t do Jack shit basically till then.
Can’t wait for season 2 like it’s gonna be lit!🔥
And I still haven’t read solitaire again yet lol
Also, pray for Iran’s Women, Ukraine and the silently resistant in Russia
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roses-and-elixir · 2 years
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