#guacamole market size
businesspointnews · 6 months
United States Guacamole Market Size, Share, Demand and Business SWOT Analysis 2023-2028
The latest report published by IMARC Group, titled “United States Guacamole Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2023-2028”, offers a comprehensive analysis of the industry, which comprises insights on the market share. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis, and contemporary advancements in the market. This report can serve as an excellent…
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slippinmickeys · 2 years
Le Comtesse de Saint-Germain
(TW: major character death)
The basement office was cold, dusty and had a smell redolent of the dry bones of long-dead animals. There were reams of paper, dot-matrix printouts, binders of old expense reports, an antique brass microscope. There were coffee rings on the desk, a paper clip wedged into the roller on one of the drawers, an adjustable date rubber stamp that didn’t go past 1999 sitting in an old styrofoam cup. In one corner, near the floor, a sunflower seed husk had been painted over and was stuck to the wall. A thick layer of dust lay over all.
She moved into the room, leaned forward to observe a picture of the two of them that had been tacked to the wall with a pushpin; glossy, moody, the two of them in FBI windbreakers wearing masks of concentration. It captured something peripheral about them, about their relationship, though she couldn’t put her finger on what. She realized how they had once looked to outsiders; they were cliquish, the two of them. Insular and subterranean. They worked best in the dark.
There was a clearing of a throat behind her — the agent who’d let her in had come to collect her. She had called in several favors for the privilege.
“Right,” she said, and picked up her briefcase. It was light and contained a single file which was probably still classified. She was committing a crime by taking it. She paused and turned back, pulled the push pin out and slipped the photo into her pocket.
“Excuse me,” said a voice, and she was so in her own head that she didn’t register that it was talking to her until it repeated itself. She looked up to see a handsome man smiling at her with brows raised in friendly anticipation.
“I’m sorry?” she said, looking up from where she was standing, somewhat cemented in place in front of the peaches in the produce aisle at her local market. Mulder had said peaches were the only thing that sounded good.
“I’m wondering,” he said somewhat shyly, “if you have any idea how to tell if an avocado is ripe?” She looked at him a little blankly at first, her head still on the fruit in front of her. “I got voluntold to bring guacamole to this party I’m going to tonight, and I haven’t the foggiest idea how to tell if these are ready.”
“I think the premade stuff is over in the deli,” she said, trying to be helpful, but really not wanting to engage.
“I’m trying to defy expectations, here,” he smiled. He was maybe forty, with dusty blond hair and a strong chin. Wide set eyes. His hands were big and tan where they gripped a medium-sized avocado. She took pity on him and shook herself a bit, put on a friendly smile. Overhead the canned sounds of an oldies station blared Vampire Weekend.
“The stems,” she told him.
“The… stems?” he said, looking a little lost.
“Yes,” she said, walking over the few steps to where he stood. She picked up an avocado and levered her thumbnail under the stem. “If you can get your fingernail under the stem and lift it a little, the color underneath it will tell you whether or not it’s ripe. If it’s brown, it’s likely overripe. If it’s green, it should be good. If the stem won’t lift, it’s not ready yet. This one’s okay.” She handed it over to him, and he accepted the fruit, his palm smooth and warm.
“Huh,” the man said, delighted by the information. “Would you look at that!”
She gave him a small smile and turned to go when he reached out and grabbed at her sleeve. Gently, just a little tug. He let go immediately when she paused.
“Thank you,” he said, genuinely. His eyes, she noticed, were a deep brown, and his gaze was soft. He smiled again, a little flirty. “How did you get to be an avocado queen, anyway?”
“Years of experience,” she said ruefully, and then turned away once more.
“Hey,” he said, and she knew his game – tired of it years ago – but he was nice enough. “You look familiar,” he went on. “Did we go to school together by any chance? Bulldogs, class of ‘25?” he finished, giving the air a little punch.
She wanted to outright laugh, but gave him a forgiving smile instead. “Have fun at your party,” she said as she walked away.
In the hallway outside Mulder’s door, around a blind corner, she almost collided with an older gentleman. When they both regained their footing, she seemed to recover from the surprise of the moment before he did. The man, well into his seventies, with thinning hair and a paunch that hung over his belt, continued to look at her with a kind of mute shock.
“Sir?” she said, reaching out a hand to steady him. He recoiled slightly, his face still registering mild astonishment. Concerned he may be having some kind of cardiac event, Scully bent toward him. “Sir, are you all right?”
“Uh,” he started, shaking his head as if to clear it. “Yes, thank you.”
They both stepped around each other and he gave her one more odd look before continuing on down the hallway and to the elevator.
It only occurred to her as she inserted her key into Mulder’s lock that the man had to have been coming from her old partner’s apartment. Mulder didn’t get many visitors these days, barring her.
“Mulder?” she called once she had closed the door and had set down her suitcase and coat.
“In here,” he called back, and she made her way to the bedroom.
“Hey,” he said to her with a smile when she walked in, scooting up in the bed.
“Hi,” she said, moving to his side to help him adjust the pillows. “How are you feeling?”
“Like the dog’s breakfast,” he said with a smile. She sat down on the bed next to him and ran her fingers through his hair.
“At least you seem happy about it,” she said.
“Nah, I’m just happy to see you,” he said with a sigh. Scully let her fingers linger in his hair for a beat or two and he went on. “Did you get the file?”
“I did.”
“Is it in the bag?”
Scully turned to look at the small paper bag she’d carried in and left on top of the nearby dresser.
“Oh, no.” She turned back to him. “I got you some peaches.”
“Ah. Thank you.”
“Do you feel up to eating?” she asked hopefully.
He shook his head. “Wouldn’t mind seeing the file, though.” He gave her as much of a puppy dog smile he could muster, and she mussed his hair affectionately and stood to get her briefcase from the outer room.
When she came back in, she settled into the chair beside the bed and handed the file over.
“You do know they have digital copies of these Mulder,” she said as he swiped it out of her hands. Getting the file seemed to animate him a bit, and he scooched back in the bed energetically, settling in to read. “They wouldn’t let me sign it out. I had to…” She gestured with her hands, not quite able to bring herself to admit to stealing something out loud.
“Ah, but asking you to commit a felony has always been our thing,” he said, his rapscallion smile bringing about one of her own. “Anyway, I think better when I’ve got something in my hand.”
He opened the file and she watched as his eyes scanned the pages. After a few quiet minutes, she spoke.
“There was someone leaving here when I came in,” she said. Mulder hummed what might have been an affirmation, not looking up from the file. “Who was it?”
He didn’t answer for a long time, eventually setting the file down on his lap. He then turned it slowly toward her and pointed to something on the last page. She stood from the chair and leaned in to look, following his finger with her eye.
Agents of Record, the file read, Dana Scully and Peyton Ritter.
Mulder’s finger stayed on the second name.
“Peyton Ritter,” she read off out loud, and then realization dawned on her. “That was Peyton Ritter in the hallway?” she asked. “Peyton Ritter was just here?”
Mulder nodded silently, his rheumy eyes seeking hers. A low feeling of unease began to wind through her, starting low in her belly where Ritter’s bullet had lodged itself all those years ago.
“Mulder, I’ve been indulging some of your more kooky requests for a while now because you’re-” she fumbled, unable to finish the sentence. From the bed, Mulder gave her a look of tender sympathy, his eyes crinkling with affection. He reached out for her, the skin of his hands liver-spotted and thin as paper. She looked down at her own, smooth as glass, ripe with collagen, and she swallowed thickly, steamrolling ahead. “But you need to tell me right now, why did you want this file? Why was Peyton Ritter here? What are you up to?”
He began coughing before he could answer; deep, rattly hacks. Scully sat forward quickly and grabbed a glass of water that had been sitting on his bedside table, holding it to his lips. Mulder sipped at it and then pushed her hand gently away. The headboard creaked when he leaned back into the pillows.
“Scully,” he said gently, imbuing her name with a thousand different sentiments.
“Mulder, no.” A tear dropped onto her cheek and ran hotly down her skin.
“If I can figure out how Fellig did it-” he started.
“Mulder no!” She stood up quickly, her voice shaky and thin as tissue paper.
“It’s a burden, Scully,” he went on, seeming to have no sympathy for her at all, and yet his every word was suffused with tender understanding. “Your youth–your life will become a burden I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. If I could take it from you… If I could carry it…”
Another series of coughs wracked him and Scully sat back down on the bed, futilely watching his body double over with each seal-like bark. When he finally stopped, he was stooped, his head hanging down, and Scully reached out to pull him to her tightly. She held him there, tears rolling down her cheeks and dropping one by one into his thin white hair.
“I would do anything for you, Scully,” he said, his voice muffled by her body.
“Including living – forever – like this?” she hissed, leaning back so he could sit up, and pointing at him, at his wizened condition.
His smile was weak. “Yes,” he said simply.
He leaned back once again into the pillows. “Being this close to death,” he said, and Scully felt her lower lip wobble with emotion. “There’s a clarity that comes with it. An understanding of what really matters. All the pieces of your life get a bit fuzzy as your focus shifts and narrows.” His eyes softened as they rove over her form. “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love,” he quoted to her, his finger touching her hand gently with each of the three words he cited.
She had to look away from him so her heart wouldn’t break right there in front him. Her immortality wasn’t something they talked about often — they had joked about it in their youth, but as the years passed and it became more and more glaringly in their face, she would shut down when he brought it up. She had accepted her fate. She didn’t think she could take it if he refused to.
Everything in the room took on an indelible importance suddenly. The second hand of the clock in the corner snicked the seconds by and she reveled in the warmth of his hand on hers. The way the sun hit the pill bottles next to his bed and turned them a glowing copper. The loose slippers next to the door, one turned on its side to reveal a tread worn down by his supinated step. Dust in a sunbeam. The whistley sound of his breath.
“The greatest of these is love,” she whispered back. He squeezed her hand and released it, flipping the file closed.
“If I can save you, let me,” he said gently.
“I can’t do that,” she said, sticking to their script.
When he fell asleep, she took the file and laid it where he’d be able to reach it. In her pocket, she felt the crinkle of stiff paper. A pinprick hole in the top where it had been stuck to the wall, she pulled out the rumpled old photograph of the two of them, hale and hearty, a remembrance of a time before she stalled out in Death’s blind spot. She set the photo on top of the file.
He died that winter, and she buried him in the spring.
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
It’s so weird seeing them try and make the Super Bowl a thing in Germany.
With the streaming events and lil grocery store events of “here, buy Everything American Right Now!!”, because surely you want to make... guacamole to enjoy during the Super Bowl and eat Hot Dogs and have BBQ Chicken pizza with stuffed crust and [enter other American ThingTM]...
I don’t know, this just feels super embarrassing to me like who the fuck cares about the Super Bowl??? I have never in my life heard anybody in real life talk about American football at all, but the way they’re trying to make this A Thing here now??
I do understand capitalism is a thing and that this is an opportunity to Make Money off of something, but... why do they think they can? Because what about this seems marketable?
Sure, sports sell, but the Super Bowl isn’t some big sports event, it’s some super niche lil* American thing that only US Americans do?
* I am aware the United States are big in size and citizen numbers. However, on the overall scale of the world, the USA are one country and when it comes to sports events, the size of a sports event is usually measured in how many countries participate, i.e. the Soccer World Cup is a huge event because the world participates
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organicfennel · 2 years
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Please excuse the windowsill— my apartment is old and crappy, but look at this cup!!!!!
I bought this cup from the 99¢ store, it came in a pack of 4. They're great for keeping you on track with your water goals, it holds about 20oz of water. It's just incredibly cute too!!
My best tip; use cute cups, plates, cutlery, etc to eat with. It gives you a seratonin boost and makes you feel good about the food you're eating.
I'm thinking of picking up some kids plates because they're cute, but also because they're smaller. I eat most my meals off this full sized hello kitty plate I bought at world market years ago
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Breakfast today was a lot but yummy:
1 serving of egg whites: 25cal
1/2 serving kimchi (for gut health): 8cal
1 kirkland guacamole pack: 80cal
1 slice of Kirkland thick cut bacon: 70 cal
2 cups of coffee + unsweetened vanilla almond milk: 10cal
Total: 193cal
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dbmrrmarket · 22 days
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adamgant · 3 months
Healthy Trader Joes Shopping List
Healthy Trader Joe’s Shopping List https://ift.tt/bnBCMaO Sharing some of my favorite healthy products from Trader Joe’s! Hi friends! How are ya? I hope you’re having an amazing day! I have some calls this morning, and then am getting a massage… can’t.wait. For today’s post, I wanted to share some of my favorite healthy finds from Trader Joe’s! During the time-that-shall-not-be-named, the Pilot did all of our grocery shopping because he was “out in the world” and the girls and I were at home. We also got a lot of grocery delivery from Whole Foods and Thrive Market. It kind of stuck around for years after that, until I realized that I actually love grocery shopping and had missed it. So now, we alternate, since we both like going to the store in person — you find so many more fun things that way! Trader Joe’s has some amazing things, and here are some of my favorite healthier finds. While I believe that ALL foods should fit into your lifestyle, this is a list of things that have less ingredients and offer more on the nutritional front (with a few of the soul-hugging must-haves in here, too). Here’s the list! Healthy Trader Joe’s Shopping List PRODUCE/COLD: – Organic fruit: we go for berries, bananas, grapes, apples, and anything seasonal and exciting, like cherries, melon, stone fruits, or rambutan – Organic veggies: sweet potatoes, zucchini, celery, carrots, bell peppers, squash – Edamame – Root vegetable hash – Cold-pressed green juice – Mirepoix (makes soups and casseroles SO easy) – Onions, garlic, and ginger – Medjool dates – Organic guacamole – Salsa! We love their pico and their Salsa Especial BEANS, SPICES, PANTRY STAPLES: – ALL organic beans: each week, I get white beans, kidney beans, black beans, and garbanzo beans – Organic chicken broth – Organic jasmine rice – Organic pasta from Italy – ALL the spices! We love their oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary, garlic powder, and Everything But the Bagel seasoning – Canned tuna, sardines, anchovies – Almond butter – Organic peanut butter – Organic raspberry or strawberry preserves – Chocolate chips – Maple syrup – Oatmeal – Canned tomatoes – Olives – Artichokes BARS + SNACKS: – Date and Chocolate bars – Trail mix – Chomps jerky – Organic dried fruit and fruit leather DAIRY + EGGS: – Kerrygold unsalted butter – Almond milk – Full fat organic Greek yogurt – Organic cheese sticks – Raw or aged cheeses; their parm is amazing – Organic pasture-raised eggs (I prefer the Vital Farms eggs from Whole Foods but these work in a pinch) FROZEN + SWEET TREATS: – Hold the cone! Vegan mini ice creams. These are SO good and the perfect size for a sweet bite – Gone Bananas or Gone Berry Crazy ; fruit simply covered in chocolate and frozen! – Organic frozen berries mix; perfect for smoothies – Cauliflower rice; love this for soups, smoothies, and scrambles – Almond flour chocolate chip cookies mix BREAD + TORTILLAS: – Corn tortillas – Sourdough bread for sandwiches – A sweet treat! They often have gluten-free dessert options with fairly simple ingredients MEAT: – We typically get all of our meat from Butcher Box and Whole Foods, but I do like Trader Joe’s organic chicken thighs and organic deli meat I think that’s it! I just wrote that list off the top of my head with things we always buy! Do you have any Trader Joe’s faves? Where do you get most of your groceries? Here’s a list of my Favorite Trader Joe’s products. Have a great day and I’ll see ya soon! xoxo Gina For more healthy meal ideas and recipes, download my free meal plan and recipe pack for busy friends! They’re all quick and healthy meals you can make in a snap. The post Healthy Trader Joe’s Shopping List appeared first on The Fitnessista. via The Fitnessista https://ift.tt/lSzK674 March 05, 2024 at 12:55PM
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dbmrnewsreserach · 4 months
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businesspointnews · 10 months
Mexico Guacamole Market Size, Demand, Growth and Forecast 2023-2028
IMARC Group has recently released a new research study titled “Mexico Guacamole Market: Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2023-2028”, offers a detailed analysis of the market drivers, segmentation, growth opportunities, trends and competitive landscape to understand the current and future market scenarios. What is the demand for guacamole in Mexico? The Mexico…
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innubhat · 5 months
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ankit2396 · 8 months
Prescription Dermatology Therapeutics Market Segmentation, Research Methodology And Revenue Growth Forecast Till 2030
The Prescription Dermatology Therapeutics Market report analyses the market performance of the key competitors in a number of different geographic areas, as well as their business profiles, growth projections, CAGR, and market development possibilities and difficulties. The research offers insights into potential market trends that help businesses achieve their goals through a review of internationally accessible information pertinent to the present and anticipated Prescription Dermatology Therapeutics Market conditions. Key Word Industry experts and analysts offer precise future projections that help businesses make decisions and stay competitive. The research is a great resource all around.
In-depth analysis of the past, present, and outlook for the Prescription Dermatology Therapeutics Market is provided in the Prescription Dermatology Therapeutics Market Report 2023, along with information on market trends, drivers, and barriers. Meanwhile, it provides details on the regulatory landscape, significant players, and the strategies that individuals implement.
Browse More Details On This Report at - https://www.businessresearchinsights.com/market-reports/prescription-dermatology-therapeutics-market-105041 
Who are the leading players in the Prescription Dermatology Therapeutics market ?
Johnson & Johnson
Eli Lilly
LEO Pharma
Bausch Health Companies
Sun Pharmaceutical
Aclaris Therapeutics
The Prescription Dermatology Therapeutics Market Report provides in-depth information of :
Market size and growth potential
Market segmentation
Competitive landscape
Industry trends and drivers
Market dynamics
SWOT analysis
Market forecasts
Investment opportunities
Challenges and Opportunities
Market outlook and recommendations
The following is a list of this report's conclusions and suggestions :
The analysis suggests that the market has a major development potential, driven by increasing consumer appetite, prosperous economic conditions, and new market trends.
Businesses could take capitalise on this growth by putting money into research and development, growing their product range, and identifying new market niches.
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priyanshisingh · 11 months
Plant Based Spreads Market Share and Demand Analysis with Size, Growth Drivers and Forecast to 2030
The latest market report published by Credence Research, Inc. “Global Plant Based Spreads Market: Growth, Future Prospects, and Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2028. The global plant based spreads market has grown steadily in recent years. It is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.8% between 2023 and 2030. The market was valued at USD 0.6 Billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 0.8 Billion in 2030.
The global plant-based spreads market has witnessed robust growth, and its momentum is projected to continue over the coming years. Factors such as rising vegan and vegetarian populations, concerns over the environmental impact of animal agriculture, and the increasing prevalence of lactose intolerance have fueled the adoption of plant-based spreads.
Plant Based Spreads Market Drivers are the key factors responsible for the growth and success of this rapidly expanding industry. With increasing awareness about health and sustainability, more consumers are opting for plant-based alternatives to traditional spreads. The rising number of individuals adopting vegan or vegetarian lifestyles is another significant driver, as they seek nutritious options without sacrificing taste and texture. Moreover, concerns regarding animal welfare and environmental impact have led many consumers to shift towards plant-based products.
Key Market Segments: Exploring Diverse Product Offerings:
Nut Butters: Almond, peanut, cashew, and other nut-based spreads have gained immense popularity due to their rich flavor profiles and nutritional benefits. They are an excellent source of plant-based proteins, healthy fats, and essential vitamins.
Seed Butters: Derived from sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, and other seeds, these spreads are an excellent alternative for individuals with nut allergies. They offer a unique blend of flavors and nutritional advantages.
Legume-Based Spreads: Made from chickpeas, lentils, and other legumes, these spreads are not only nutritious but also contribute to sustainable agriculture practices by fixing nitrogen in the soil.
Fruit-Based Spreads: Avocado, coconut, and other fruit-based spreads offer a delightful twist, providing a creamy and luscious texture that complements various dishes.
Browse 220 pages report Plant Based Spreads Market By Source (Pulses, Vegetables, Oils, Nuts, Seeds, Grains) By Type of Spreads (Lard, Margarine, Nut Butters, Legume-based spreads, Veggie Pâtés, Pestos, Guacamole, Hummus, Vegan Cream Cheese, Vegan Herring Salad, Jam, Others) - Growth, Future Prospects & Competitive Analysis, 2016 – 2030)- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/plant-based-spreads-market
Regional Analysis: Exploring Lucrative Geographies
North America currently dominates the global plant-based spreads market, owing to the high adoption rate of vegan and vegetarian diets, along with the presence of major industry players. However, Asia-Pacific is expected to witness substantial growth during the forecast period, driven by an expanding vegan population and increasing awareness about the health benefits of plant-based diets.
Future Prospects: Paving the Way for Sustainable Growth
The future of the plant-based spreads market looks promising, with untapped potential in emerging economies and continuous advancements in product formulations and distribution channels. As consumers prioritize health, sustainability, and ethical values, the demand for plant-based spreads is poised to witness significant growth.
Why to Buy This Report-
The report provides a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of the global Plant Based Spreads Market by segments, current trends, drivers, restraints, opportunities, challenges, and market dynamics with the historical period from 2016-2020, the base year- 2021, and the projection period 2022-2028.
The report includes information on the competitive landscape, such as how the market's top competitors operate at the global, regional, and country levels.
Major nations in each region with their import/export statistics
The global Plant Based Spreads Market report also includes the analysis of the market at a global, regional, and country-level along with key market trends, major players analysis, market growth strategies, and key application areas.
Browse Full Report: https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/plant-based-spreads-market
Visit: https://www.credenceresearch.com/
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gmr2 · 11 months
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avocadomonthly · 11 months
California Avocados: A Taste of Sunshine and Goodness
California avocados, also known as Hass avocados, have earned a reputation for being among the most flavorful and sought-after avocados in the world. Known for their buttery texture, rich taste, and numerous health benefits, these green gems have become a favorite addition to a wide range of culinary creations. Let's explore the wonderful world of California avocados and the reasons behind their popularity.
Origins and Growing Regions: California avocados  are primarily cultivated in the coastal regions of California, USA, where the climate and soil conditions create an ideal environment for avocado trees to thrive. The state's diverse microclimates allow for year-round cultivation, resulting in a steady supply of fresh avocados throughout the year. The majority of California avocados are grown in the southern regions, such as San Diego, Ventura, and Riverside counties.
  Hass Avocados: The Iconic Variety  The Hass avocado is the predominant variety of California avocados, and it is famous for its distinctive pebbled skin that turns from green to purplish-black as it ripens. Its creamy texture and rich, nutty flavor have made it the avocado of choice for guacamole, salads, sandwiches, and countless other dishes. Hass avocados are versatile and add a luscious touch to both savory and sweet recipes.
Nutritional Powerhouse: Beyond their delectable taste, California avocado  are a nutritional powerhouse. They are rich in monounsaturated fats, which are heart-healthy and can help improve cholesterol levels. Additionally, avocados contain essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins K, E, C, and B-6, as well as folate and potassium. These nutrients contribute to overall well-being, supporting everything from cardiovascular health to cognitive function.
  Promoting Healthy Skin and Hair: The nutrients in avocados also benefit our external appearance. The healthy fats and antioxidants found in  avocados help nourish and hydrate the skin, keeping it supple and radiant. When applied topically, avocado oil is renowned for its moisturizing properties and is often used in natural skincare products. Moreover, the presence of biotin in avocados promotes healthy hair, making it a favored ingredient in hair care products. Sustainable Farming Practices: California avocado growers are committed to sustainable farming practices, aiming to protect the environment and conserve natural resources. Water efficiency, soil conservation, and integrated pest management are just a few of the strategies employed to ensure the long-term health of avocado orchards and surrounding ecosystems.
Year-Round Availability: One of the unique aspects of California avocados is their year-round availability. Thanks to the diverse climates in different regions of California, the harvesting seasons for avocados can span from January to September. This ensures a continuous supply of fresh, delicious avocados for consumers to enjoy throughout the year.
  Certification and Quality Standards: California avocados are subject to stringent quality standards. The California Avocado  Commission oversees the certification process, ensuring that avocados meet specific size, appearance, and ripeness criteria before they reach the market. This commitment to quality guarantees that consumers consistently receive the best and tastiest avocados. Versatility in the Kitchen: California avocados are celebrated for their culinary versatility. Beyond classic dishes like guacamole and avocado toast, they can be used in smoothies, salads, soups, and even desserts. Their smooth, creamy texture makes them an excellent substitute for unhealthy fats in recipes, offering a healthier alternative in various culinary delights.
In conclusion, California avocados are a true delight for the taste buds and a nutritional powerhouse that benefits our health inside and out. From the iconic Hass variety to sustainable farming practices, the state's avocado industry takes pride in producing high-quality, flavorful avocados for people around the world to enjoy. Whether you're a culinary enthusiast or a health-conscious individual, California avocados are a must-try addition to your diet. https://avocadomonthly.com/
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finsterhund · 1 year
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DON'T FUCKING BUY Naturally Imperfect Avocados!!!!
I fucking mean it! Biggest mistake of my life
I read about how most grocery stores don't accept any avocadoes from farmers that aren't a very specific size and weight which sucks because a lot of the really good ones (at least for Hass variety(?) or whatever) are the ones that are really big or really small. And that sucks. So when I see this bag of "fucked up looking or whatever the marketing is trying to convey" avocados I think "oh boy! I can get avocados for cheaper than usual AND they're probably going to be better!"
I don't even know if this is one of the varieties they typically sell in the store. Something is fucking wrong with them. I can't tell until I actually try to cut them open. For some reason it's just not working. I cut a circle around the outside then twist. Nothing. What in the fuck? It's like they don't have a pit!
Newsflash! They have these tiny fucking pits that meant I had to fucking caveman rip one open before I figured it out and then cut deeper into the next one. At first I was like "oh wow smaller pits. That means more flesh!" but what in the fuck because these bastards do NOT want me to scoop out their flesh. Like at all. I am fucking struggling over here. It's like they were removed from the tree way too early. The pits are tiny, the flesh isn't ripe, even though they are the correct black-ish ripe color. Wow wtf. So of course mashing them is a FUCKING NIGHTMARE. I'm sweating so bad I got sweaty balls from fucking MASHING GODDAMN AVOCADOS IN THE SUPPOSED COMFORT OF MY OWN HOME. Then I actually fucking make my guac and it TASTES LIKE ASS. BRUH. I COULDN'T EVEN FUCKING FINISH IT. YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW FUCKING MUCH I LOVE AVOCADO!? AND I COULDN'T FINMISH MY FICKING GUACAMOLE. i AM SCREAMING.
I am grieving. I am crying and shaking. FUCK YOU.
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brianmillerstuff · 1 year
Guacamole Market was worth US$ 1.78 billion in 2022 and is anticipated to reach a valuation of US$ 3.02 billion by 2027 and is predicted to register a CAGR of 8.92%
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