fragmentosdebelem · 4 months
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Bar Azul, 1996 / Instagram de Luiz Braga
"É na risada histérica que pula do espelho quando me olho pela manhã, mas tem que ser esse espelho enferrujado, que vejo todo o Guamá. Existe apenas esse espelho, essa posição, essa luz, esse horário, esse quarto e essa garota órfã no mundo, em nenhum outro momento ou lugar essa combinação se repetirá. Só assim poderei evocar e invocar o meu Guamá, esse de tantas memórias profundas.
(...) Cada amanhecer fazia da vovó nossa protagonista, tudo era mais brando perto dela, não que fosse uma pessoa que nos mimasse, mas era uma mulher que preenchia qualquer vazio, o vazio que faz eco, engana. Mas ela conhecia a gente em tudo. Vinda do Acará, uma cidade no interior do Pará, chegou no Guamá quando o bairro estava explodindo de gente do Nordeste ou dos interiores ao redor. Nessa época, os próprios moradores abriam ruas e faziam melhorias no bairro, não mudou muito.
(...) Não lembro de ter ido muito longe do Guamá, sempre moramos aqui. Era meu continente, meu planeta. Uma trama de casas de alvenaria e madeira, de um andar ou dois, vendas de todo tipo, um crescimento desordenado como as ideias da minha cabeça.
(...) Vovó tinha a cara do Guamá, desse que vejo no espelho antigo.
Monique Malcher ~ Flor de gume (2020)
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galleryyuhself · 1 year
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GALLERYYUHSELF - JANUARY 9th 2023 GUAMA TV DOCUMENTARY FILM go online for FREE viewing on our youtube channel - subscribe here so you don't miss it: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXZ3PIPXKu2xuMJUusZqAPg
The OFFICIAL VIP screening will be held in Barbados first before it gets posted online. 
GUAMA the 22-minute TV Documentary version tells the tale of the often unsung hero - the Great Cuban Taino Chief Guama, and leaves you wanting more,
Hatuey (Supreme Taino Chief in Cuba in the rebellion against the Spaniards in 1512)Caonabo & Mayneri (the destroyers of the first Spanish settlement of La Navidad in Hispaniola)Mabey (Hispaniolan Taino leader who fought Spaniards in Cuba)Luquillo (one of the last Taino Chiefs in Puerto Rico to wage war against the Spaniards)Guayacayex (Taino Chief in Cuba who successfully massacred the Spaniards in 1510 in a revenge attack for Spanish atrocities) Guatiguana (the first Taino Chief in Hispaniola to organize a rebellion against the Spaniards)Guarocuya (Enriquillo - leader of a Taino rebellion against the Spaniards in Hispaniola)Agueybana II (leader of the Taino Rebellion of 1511 in Puerto Rico)
 Instagram also @firstnationsproductions - the ONLY grassroots Caribbean 100% owned and operated Indigenous film company.
Also, visit our website at www.eagleclanarawaks.com to learn more about all of our unique and unprecedented local, regional, and international Indigenous actions and enterprises.
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apopcornkernel · 2 years
oooh 4 and 17 for the ask game 👀 ?
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
there are a ton but now that u ask my mind is blank 😭 uhhhh let me see. ok my mom sometimes calls me an iguana bc a lot of my home clothes are green. just yesterday i told her abt our school hosting a spirit week, with day 5 being "wear as much violet as you want" and she was like "if the color was green..." and we burst out laughing at the same time
17. name 3 things that make you happy
singing, reading, sleeping deeply for more than 10 hours undisturbed in a quiet, dark, cold room and wrapped in a warm blanket
ask me some random questions!!
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thedogsleg · 8 months
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climatecalling · 8 months
Brazil’s government has begun removing thousands of non-Indigenous people from two native territories in a move that will affect thousands who live in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The Brazilian intelligence agency ABIN said in a statement that the goal was to return the Apyterewa and Trincheira Bacaja lands in Para state to the original peoples. ... “The presence of strangers on Indigenous land threatens the integrity of the Indigenous [people] and causes other damages, such as the destruction of forests,” the agency said in its statement. It added that about 1,600 families lived illegally in that region with some involved in illegal activities such as cattle raising and gold mining. “They also destroy native vegetation.” ... Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has begun rebuilding environment protection agencies and created eight protected areas for Indigenous people. Soon after the beginning of his administration, his government expelled thousands of goldminers from the massive Yanomami Indigenous territory in the northern state of Roraima. State and federal authorities this year also dislodged landgrabbers from the Alto Rio Guama territory. They threatened forcible expulsion of those settlers failing to leave, and pledged to eliminate access roads and irregular installations. Nearly all of the illegal residents departed voluntarily.
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nthspecialll · 2 months
I believe Javier was on Arthur and John's side, at least he would have been if he had understood the situation. Javier likes Dutch due to the fact that he saved him, clothed, fed, gave him a job and a family, but Javier isn’t really friends with Dutch, he is more of an employer than anything. This differes from John and Arthur who also sees Dutch as a family member, someone to spend their free time with, someone they talk to a lot, they chit chat with him and they are there during planning of heists, Javier is not.
Javier is never there during the plannings, he doesn’t talk to Dutch, he just joins when another gun is needed, because of that he never notices that Dutch is slipping, he might just see a string of bad luck leading to unsuccessful jobs but not that Dutch isn’t doing right.
Javier obviously sees that John and Arthur is acting up but he doesn’t understand why. Like when a child is crying, you know they are trying to communicate but you might not understand what they are trying to tell you. Some gets angry at the child, others gets fustrated because they want to understand but they don’t. I believe Javier is the second, he isn’t angry, he doesn’t hate John or Arthur, he is frustrated because he doesn’t understand why they are acting up because he doesn’t see Dutch like they do. And like when a child is throwing a tantrum you might side with the parent because you are confused, if you knew why the child was crying you would help feed or put them to bed, you would stop the screaming, you would side with the baby, but when you don’t, you side with the one you can communicate with, the one you understand, the familiar one, the parent, in this case Dutch.
I am sure that Javier was confused when Dutch left John shot and Abigail kidnapped which might be why he was set as a lookout because he acted up too, he confronted Dutch about how wrong it felt, and Dutch knew to separate him from the rest.
We see Javier asking Arthur "what happened to loyalty?" in camp and I think this is more him trying to find out what is going on than him blaming Arthur.
In the final stand off he was, as said, lookout, he wasn't there when it began, all he saw were people pointing guns at each other and although there was a crack in the trust he had towards Dutch he most likely still believed that Dutch would have a plan, a plan to fix everything because until then he had had one. When Javier was trapped on Guama, Dutch did come to help (I believe it to be because he knew he needed Javier), meanwhile both John and Arthur had experienced Dutch leaving them to death, something that Javier did not see.
When Javier comes to see the stand off, he sides with Dutch, because again, he trusts Dutch, Dutch is familiar, and he doesn’t fully understand why the other two are acting up. I have heard some discussion on if Javier pointed his gun at the others or not, I believe he did not, and I believe it to be because he did not see a reason to turn on the others, he doesn’t dislike them, he in fact still likes them he is just confused and annoyed.
I think that right after the two groups parted ways Javier finally exploded on Dutch and asked for an explanation as to why he had turned on Arthur and John, but didn’t get an explanation so he headed back for Mexico.
I think that he never developed a hatred towards John or Arthur, he genuinely still saw them as family but when he saw John's obvious aggression towards him in rdr1 he first tries to escape, but when he realises it isn’t going to work he does spit some verbal aggression as well to defend himself and in a way get back at John for the anger.
That is what I believe and as a thank you for reading all that, here is some low quality Javier.
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haveyouatethisfruit · 8 months
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Also known as guama or ice cream bean
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cadavezr · 2 months
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In this photo taken with a long exposure, girls dance during an afternoon ritual on the second day of the Wyra’whaw coming-of-age festival in Tenetehar Wa Tembe village, located in the Alto Rio Guama Indigenous territory in Para state, Brazil, on June 10, 2023. AP Photo/Eraldo Peres
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bluebellhairpin · 2 years
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Arthur Morgan X Reader
A/N: It’s only taken me a year to write something for my most favorite cowboy ever so hopefully it turns out good. - Nemo
Summary: Tension in the Van de Linde camp had been a long time coming. When that tension turns to a division at Beaver Hollow, you make your choice to stand with Arthur. For better - or worse. 
Warnings: Gore, Guns, and Blood. Character death. Language. Angst with no happy ending. Spoilers for the game, if you haven’t played yet. 
Listening to: ‘The Chain’ by Fleetwood Mac - “I can still hear you saying you would never break the chain.” 
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You’d known Arthur Morgan for a very long time. 
The both of you were very young when you’d been picked up by Hosea and Dutch, evidently joining the small, growing Van der Linde gang. 
Life of an outlaw wasn’t easy, and the times you wanted to give it up and go hide yourself away in some cabin were more than you could count on your fingers. But you stayed. These people were your family, your friends. You wouldn’t give up on them, no matter how difficult some of them made it to stay. 
But the person that kept you with the Van der Linde gang the most, was Arthur. It was always Arthur. Sure, others nestled into the care of your heart - Ms Grimshaw, Marybeth, Lenny, Abigail and little Jack - but he took up residence in that space long ago. 
Lately, though, that single tie keeping you with the gang was straining. Not because of Arthur himself, not really, but because tensions were rising in camp. People started disagreeing with the leadership - though never mentioned aloud - and everyone was so tired. 
Dutch said he had a plan, but even you were starting to wonder if he ever had one to begin with. No matter where you went, trouble followed. Laying low barely kept you safe for a few weeks - let alone long enough to gather enough money for Dutch to believe it was enough. 
Would it ever be enough?
With everyone pitching in - thefts; robberies on banks, coaches, trains, homesteads; hunting; errands; actual honest work - money should’ve been flowing into camp. But it wasn’t. You were never safe enough, and there was never enough time. Time was one thing Dutch kept seeking more of. 
Time, money and faith. 
But your faith was wearing paper-thin. 
Blackwater felt like the last straw, but it turned out to be the first part of the last straw. You didn’t know what you were waiting for, you were practically itching to leave it all behind, to actually start anew - without everyone else - but something always stopped you from following through. 
Loyalty, perhaps.
It surely was not Dutch’s speeches. 
But then more people died, and the wedge in the camp’s division pushed in further. It became clear some people wanted to leave - yourself included - while others kept belief in Dutch. For you, the turning point was the Saint Denis bank robbery. 
It went awfully wrong, and led to not just Lenny dying, but Hosea too. Once news returned to camp about the historical failure, Sadie sprung into action with Charles and moved everyone away from Shady Belle, but you decided to simply move away. You’d spoken to Charles before you left, leaving word with him about what to tell Arthur when - or if - he returned. What to do if he came back. 
Eventually they did come back, and Charles sent word to you about the return of the lost men. Guama they’d been, and returned acting different. Strange. The concept and idea of someone betraying the gang was on Dutch’s mind, and a finger was pointed at you when he returned and found you missing. Arthur, as kind-hearted as he denied being, was one who defended you, and after the Pinkerton attack on their camp you were no longer under question. 
You didn’t even know where their camp would’ve been to send the agents to. 
Word travelled to you continuously, bless Charles, and so you found out about the gang’s second move to Beaver Hollow. When word stopped, that’s when you got worried. Was Charles okay? Was the gang okay? 
So you packed a bag and left. To go back. You were met with your old friends, old family, hoping to find good news, but instead found them pointing guns at each other. 
“What the hell are you fools doing?” you yelled, walking cautiously towards the group. “I know you all have your differences but we’ve never gone about shooting each other for it.” 
“And you’d know? You left!” 
And so guns were pointed at you. As quickly as they all turned, they all scattered. In your confusion, you simply followed your gut. So you followed Arthur. 
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“I’ve killed for you, Arthur. I’ve killed protecting you.'' You said, “If you think I’m going to stop doing that because you want to be a hero and send both of us away then you’re wrong. I’d do anything for you, and that includes staying here. Right now, you need me more than John does.” 
“Then you're sick.” he said, “No, insane, that’s what you are.”
“Yeah I’m insane. You’ve taken all the sickness for yourself. Look at you Arthur, barely standing on your own - say how fast do you think you’d react if Micah pulled a fast one on you, huh?” 
You could tell Arthur was trying to block out your arguing, wanting you to leave with John rather than stay, barely paying you any attention until you mentioned his draw skill. 
“Are you doubting me?” he asked, turning from the rocks to you. 
“Yes.” you said, bowing your head in earnest, “And that doubt will continue until this is over, or you drop dead. I’d rather it be the former than the latter, which is why I’m staying with you.” 
“No, you ain’t.”
“You can’t stop me!” 
“You’re gonna get both of us killed.”
“The only way I'm going down is if they get me in my sleep, and I don’t intend on sleeping for a long while yet.” You turned away to reload your revolver. “So quit acting heroic, be a sad bastard for once, and stop arguing with me about this.”  
“I’ve always been a sad bastard.” You smiled at him.
“No, you ain’t.” 
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You’d never seen so many Pinkertons in one place before. You’d never killed so many before either. The whole stand-off/fight was going rather well in your opinion, all things considered. 
All up until you got shot. 
Once on your front.
Once in the back. 
You stumbled back, tripping over your own feet. The first thing you saw when you turned to fall was Micah lunging at Arthur. Then gravity kicked in, pushing you over the cliff face and down onto the ledge below. 
Half the reason Arthur was holding so well in this gunfight was because of you, in a fistfight in this sick state he’d die. You knew that much. Even with the burning in your chest, ribs - heart - and the warmth seeping onto your shirt, you knew that Arthur would be a dead man without your help. 
You’d started a long walk - but no that was too painful - a long crawl back to where Arthur was, only for both him and Micah to tumble down to the ledge, not five feet away from where you first landed. Leaning up against the rocks, you fumbled at your side for your gun, only to realize you’d dropped it back before you fell. 
You had no way to help unless you got in and made a nuisance of yourself. 
Micah always said you were more trouble that you were worth. 
Watching them tussle, you reached down, wincing at the stretch of your wounds, and pulled a knife from your boot. If you aimed right, you could throw it at Micah and give Arthur the chance he needed. 
You could feel the energy drain from your body with every drop of blood that stopped running through your veins. If you didn’t act soon you’d be too weak to get in a good enough throw. So you pushed off the wall, standing straight, took in a deep breath, and threw the blade right into the side of Micah’s right thigh. 
It didn’t stick, but went through with a clean cut. A viable enough distraction for Arthur to break away and sock his opposition right in the jaw. 
Unable to see past the blurring of your own eyes, you sunk to the floor, legs turning as weak as twigs under your own weight. You clutched your front, legs kicking out in front of you, and your head nodded down so you could watch yourself bleed out between your fingers. 
You could barely tell what was going on anymore, with such a heavy head and your ears starting to feel like they’d been stuffed with cotton, and everything was feeling too hot. You only shifted after you saw someone approach you, giving you a wide berth to move towards the two men. 
“Enough.” He said. It was Dutch. “That’s enough.” 
You’d have spat on him if you could. It had been enough a long time ago. Nothing he could say could reverse what had been done. Stopping this feud now was practically pointless. It wouldn’t give him his money, or bring anyone back from the dead. 
You hoped, as he walked away without a glance at you, that he’d never forget this day. That if you died here and now, that you’d get the chance to haunt him. Even if only for a short while, before you went to burn in hell. 
A hand landed on your leg.
“Arthur,” you started softly.
“Don’t talk,” he rasped, coughing as he pulled himself to lay next to you. “You’ll hurt yourself.”
“Says you.” 
“I knew you was a fool, staying.” He said, finally settled. “Didn’t think you was so big of a fool to get yourself shot. Twice.” 
“I knew I was.” Both your voices were getting weaker. Quieter. You were both on the precipice of death and you both knew it. 
“I knew if it wasn’t Father Time, that got me, I’d end up dying for you, Arthur.” you turned, taking in his beaten and sickly face. “I may not have known it, but I guess I’d vowed a long time ago, to stick to you, ‘till death do we part.” 
“You deserved better than this.” You let go of your wounded stomach, taking his hand in yours and holding onto it with all the might you had left. “I’m sorry, I didn’t realize sooner. I’m so, so sorry.” 
“I’m not.” you said. “There's few things I’d change, about how I lived my life, but sticking to you, Arthur, ain’t one of them.” You heard his breathing go shallow, even though his hold on your hand tightened. 
A moment's silence passed, and he shifted his head to look past you instead of at you. Now too weak to speak, his eyes told you to look instead. 
As you turned, your own eyes miraculously clearing one last time to let you see the rising sun, you felt his grip on your hand go slack. Cold fingers growing colder. 
You were tired. 
You’d known Arthur Morgan for a very long time, and the times you wanted to give up the life of an outlaw to go hide yourself away in some cabin were more than you could count on your fingers. 
But you stayed, because you didn’t really want that life. 
Not unless you had Arthur with you.
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makarronik · 7 months
Es bueno tener amigos como ellos, porque de guamas y churros se forman los momentos bellos.
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cry-for-noone · 1 year
q ganas de tener una moto para pasar x mi ruco y afuera de su canton tronar el claxon asi al pedo y gritarle CAMARA AMMOOOOR YA ES BIEN PINCHE TARDE, y que salga bien emperrado, y me diga CAMARA PORQUÉ ME GRITAS, y yo decirle TSSSSS no te claves papito ten te traje tu guama, y que se vaya chingando su caguama agarradito de mi cintura mientras vamos camino a Tepito en búsqueda de licuachelas y cuando estemos llenos de chamoy me diga TSSS MI PRINCESA MOTOMAMI NADIE COMO Tú y yo besarlo mientras escuchamos bellakeo del bueno
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davidsoto666 · 9 months
Uso de cargas
PALO AMARGO: este palo es usado para protección y para tener victoria sobre enemigos. Amarre tres palos amargos pequeños con un hilo rojo y guárdelo en su bolsillo como un amuleto.
PALO VENCE BATALLA: este palo es usado en hechizos de destrucción. Haga un polvo con este palo y rocíela sobre la foto de sus enemigos. Encienda una vela negra por nueve días consecutivos.
PALO JINA: un palero (Tata) usará este tipo de palo para protección o en amuletos mágicos. Entierre una pieza de este palo cerca de la entrada de su casa.
PALO NAMO: este palo es usado para abrir los caminos de las oportunidades. Haga un polvo con este palo y rocíelo en su camino diariamente.
PALO DULCE: este palo es usado en hechizos de amor o para dominar a una persona. Escriba el nombre de la persona cinco veces en un pedazo de bolsada papel marrón. Coloque el papel en un plato y rocíelo con un polvo hecho de este palo. Encienda una vela roja por cinco días consecutivos.
PALO HUESO: este palo es usado en hechizos de dinero y prosperidad. Úselo para vestir velas verdes.
PALO JABÓN: este palo es usado en fuertes hechizos de limpieza y protección. Haga un polvo con este palo, mézclelo con aceite de oliva y unte su frente con esto antes de ir a dormir.
PALO GUÁSIMO: un palero usará este tipo de palo para eliminar chismes o para atar la lengua de una persona. Escriba nueve veces el nombre de sus enemigos en un pedazo de papel de bolsa marrón. Coloque el papel en un plato negro y sobre éste, nueve piezas de este palo. Encienda una vela negra por nueve días consecutivos.
PALO MUERTO: es un palo muy fuerte usado en hechizos de muerte o para poner fin a cualquier situación. Ate la foto de la persona con una pieza de este palo, use para ello hilo negro. Haga un paquete y colóquelo dentro del caldero.
PALO ACEITUNO: este palo es usado para dominar a las personas. Haga un polvo con este palo y rocíelo sobre la foto de la persona. Encienda una vela roja por siete días consecutivos.
PALO RAMÓN: este palo le dará al palero la habilidad de comandar espíritus oscuros en sus hechizos mágicos. Taladre un hueco en una pieza mediana de este palo e inserte en un collar hecho con cuentas púrpura. Use este collar cuando esté hechizando.
PALO UÑA DE GATO: este palo es usado para hechizar a una persona. Tome tres (03) piezas de este palo y entonces quémelo junto con pelo de perro y pelo de gato negro. Luego pulverice y esparza el polvo cerca de la casa de la persona.
PALO GUAYABA: este palo es usado en hechizos de justicia divina o venganza. Haga un polvo con este palo y úselo para vestir velas, las cuales deben ser rojas y arder por siete días.
PALO PINO: este palo es usado en hechizos de daño. Envuelva nueve (09) piezas de este palo con una foto de la persona en una bufanda de seda negra. Entiérrela sobre la tumba de una persona que haya muerto por muerte violenta.
PALO JOBOVAN: este famoso palo es usado en hechizos para juicios en tribunales o para liberar a alguien de la cárcel. Haga un polvo con este palo. Rocíelo sobre la foto de la persona. Encienda una vela roja por nueve (09) días consecutivos antes de la audiencia.
PALO CAMPECHE: este palo es usado para revertir hechizos mágicos. Haga un polvo con este palo y úselo para vestir velas. Las velas deben ser blancas o de cualquier tipo de vela para revertir hechizos.
PALO OJANCHO: este palo es usado por los paleros para causar conflictos entre la gente o para separar amantes. Queme una pieza de este palo con pelo de perro y pelo de gato negro. Pulverice y rocíe el polvo en la casa de la persona o sobre su foto. Encienda una vela negra por nueve (09) días consecutivos.
PALO GUARAMO: este palo es usado para protección y dentro de amuletos fuertes y sobrenaturales.
PALO GUAMA: este palo es usado para abrir las puertas del infierno o del plano espiritual. Haga un bastón con este palo y úselo cuando invoque los espíritus. Cubra el bastón con cuentas rojas y negras.
PALO COCUYO: se usa para controlar las fuerzas de la naturaleza; queme este palo como incienso durante rituales.
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growninhaiti · 2 years
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In less than 2 years, our guama machete aka ice cream beans are already flowering! Seriously can’t wait to share these with the kids. Not only are these trees nitrogen fixing, they provide tons of nitrogen rich biomass as well as a delicious edible fruit. Some days it taste like ice cream but to me, they taste like sugar cane without all the fiber. How many of you guys tried these yet? #growninhaiti #ingaedulis #icecreambean #guamamachete #nitrogenfixing #regenerativeagroforestry #regenerativefoodsystems #foodforest #abundance #glowering #plantedfromseed https://www.instagram.com/p/CiNpVODOasf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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polarhoid · 2 years
El oso
Eh, compa, hazme un paro, ¿no?, yo nomás venía a ver a mi morra, pero unos putos se me fueron de baño.
El vatillo tenía medio cuerpo metido en el barandal de mi casa. Unas líneas de sangre le escurrían desde la greca revuelta y le coloreaban de rojo su playera hecha garras. Lo revolcaron, pero alcanzó a correr y ahora estaba ahí, enfrente de mi porche.
¿Qué onda?
Ei, déjame escondo, unos pinches jotos me andan cazando, pero me les voy a desafanar. Nomás un ratillo, compi, en lo que me sordeo.
Le pensé, pero abrí la reja. El vato entró casi a gatas y se recargó en una de las llantas traseras de la camioneta de mi papá.
Eran tres y me agarraron de bajada, pero, neh, si me hubieran cantado un tiro de frente de perdido a uno sí lo bajaba de un vergazo.
Han de haber sido Los Pachecos, esos gueyes andan regándola un chingo.
Y, sí, al minuto escuché las carcajadas del Sotaco y las del Mikima y el Diego. Cruzaron Martín de Zavala: el Miki y el Diego, con los torsos desnudos, tirando presencia; el Sotaco y sus tramos arremangados para lucir los convers rojos y los chamorros rayados. Barrieron la cuadra con la mirada, inflados como palomos de la Alameda. El Sotaco me vio y echó una escuadra con la mano derecha para saludar.
Quihubo, Chinillo, ¿onde anda el Chino o qué?, tengo un resto de no ver a tu jefe.
Ahí anda el vato, tirando barra, como siempre, ya sabes que no batalla.
Ah, pinche Chinillo curado. Mejor págate unas guamas, culo, y deja estar tirando tanto rollo.
Sobres, ta bueno, yo le digo.
Les dije. Y así como apareció la tríada de panchitos, desaparecieron cuando se dejaron ir por 16 de septiembre rumbo al callejón que era su central de opreaciones malandras.
Yo no soy cabra, camarada, si fuera acá, uno contra uno, me la fleto, pero esos ojetes son bien baños. Solos no pueden, valen queso.
Se levantó con la espalda encochinada de tierra y aceite de carro. Parecía aún más madreado que cuando llegó. Fue cojeando directo al grifo de agua, abrió la llave y metió la cabeza debajo del chorro. Un charco color rojizo le remojó las suelas de los tenis. El vatillo se quitó lo que le quedaba de playera. Se secó el cuello, los brazos. Luego hizo una bola malhecha con la tela sanguaceada y la tiró a la banqueta.
Eh, presta una lima, ¿no? Una ya viejilla si quieres. Es que si me voy así va estar bien banderoso.
Salí de la casa con una playera percudida de un candidato del pri. El vatillo se chupó los dientes y se la puso al revés pues porque ya no le quedaba de otra.
Deja le caigo.
Y abrió la reja y se asomó la calle para tantear la escapada.
Ahí en la esquina en 5 de febrero pasa el 17, enfrente de la primaria; y si no, en Morones puedes agarrar el 202.
Si sí sé morro, orita tomo el 17, ya con llegar al centro la armo.
Aguas con esos gueyes porque se juntan en el callejón, ahí por la parada. Mejor rodea por América y espera el mionca en la carnicería.
¿Le doy por esta calle de arriba?
Sí, es más, deja te encamino.
Eh, pero si te tuercen conmigo también te van a querer putear. Mejor tira a león, no hay pedo.
Nambre guey, yo saco a estos vatos, si se dejan venir yo les digo que eres conocido, que le calmen, no creo que ya te hagan nada.
Pos al cabo ya qué si ya me pusieron, ¿va?
Pues sí.
En la carnicería casi no cotorreamos. Él estuvo alerta mire y mire a la esquina de por el callejón para que no nos sorprendieran, pero la pasó tranquilo, como si no lo hubieran acabado de madrear tres locotes. Yo andaría nervioso, lo menos y de perdido, pero este vato se mantuvo sereno hasta que vimos al ruta 17 rumbando cerca.
Eh, y si un día andas por Sanberna y te quieren apañar, namás díles que conoces al Oso, de la 123. Díles pa que veas que no te van a hacer nada, allá todos me respetan...
Y el Oso se subió al 17, todo madreado, con su vergonzosa lima del pri, pero como si nada porque ya la llevaba de gane.
El camión dio la vuelta en la Pio X y yo también me quedé tranqui, sosegado: porque si un día me quieren apañar en sanberna, pues no hay pedo, tengo pase libre. Que me prendan al cabo y que conozco al Oso de la 123. Y ahí en ese barrio a ese vato todos lo respetan.
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materialgifspng · 1 year
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Assistência à população indígena foi uma das prioridades durante a pandemia de Covid-19; conheça as ações.
Detalhes no texto abaixo ⬇️:
Verdade sobre as fakes News da ESQUERDA nojenta ..sobre indígenas YANOMAMI
De 2020 a 2022, foram realizadas 20 ações de saúde que levaram atenção especializada para dentro dos territórios indígena.
Os cuidados com a saúde indígena são uma das prioridades do Governo Federal. De 2019 a novembro de 2022, o Ministério da Saúde prestou mais de 53 milhões de atendimentos de Atenção Básica aos povos tradicionais, conforme dados do Subsistema de Atenção à Saúde Indígena do SUS, o SasiSUS.
Um marco está no enfrentamento da pandemia entre os povos tradicionais. O Plano de Contingência Nacional para Infecção Humana pelo novo Coronavírus em Povos Indígenas é o legado de um planejamento que atendeu os 34 Distritos Sanitários Especiais Indígenas (Dsei) e englobou diversas iniciativas a partir de 2020. Assim, foi possível ampliar 1,7 mil vagas no quadro de profissionais na saúde indígena e a contratação de 241 profissionais.
Outra medida inicial foi a adoção do protocolo sanitário de entrada em territórios indígenas. Tanto no ano de decretação da pandemia quanto no seguinte foram produzidos informes técnicos de orientação aos serviços de saúde sobre diagnóstico, testagem, prevenção, controle e isolamento. No mesmo período, foram implantados os Centros de Informações Estratégicas de Vigilância em Saúde (Cievs) nos 34 DSEI.
De 2020 a 2022, foram realizadas 20 ações de saúde que levaram atenção especializada para dentro dos territórios indígenas, especialmente em locais remotos e com acesso limitado. Foram beneficiados mais de 449 mil indígenas, com 60 mil atendimentos. O Governo Federal encaminhou 971,2 mil unidades de medicamentos e 586,2 mil unidades de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI), totalizando 1,5 milhão de insumos enviados para essas operações.
Essas operações, além de combater a Covid-19, possibilitaram a oferta de consultas especializadas à população atendida, tendo em vista as limitações que a média e alta complexidade, a cargo de estados e municípios estavam enfrentando. Assim, além de clínicos gerais, as missões contaram com médicos infectologistas, pediatras e ginecologistas. Ante o alto índice de zoonoses, o Ministério da Saúde também enviou médicos veterinários para as missões.
As 20 operações contaram ainda com parceria do Ministério da Defesa, além de outras organizações governamentais e não governamentais. Foram atendidas localidades dos seguintes distritos: Alto Rio Negro, Vale do Javari, Leste de Roraima, Yanomami, Amapá e Norte do Pará, Xavante, Araguaia, Mato Grosso do Sul, Maranhão, Alto Rio Juruá, Kayapo do Pará, Guama Tocantins e Alto Rio Solimões.
Paralelamente às missões deflagradas para atender indígenas em áreas de difícil acesso, de 2020 a 2022, equipe de saúde da Secretaria Especial de Saúde Indígena (Sesai), composta por médicos, enfermeiros e técnicos de enfermagem, apoiaram os atendimentos de atenção primária e de enfrentamento à Covid-19.
A atuação dessa equipe volante beneficiou os seguintes distritos: Maranhão, Leste de Roraima, Potiguara, Amapá e Norte do Pará, Litoral Sul, Mato Grosso do Sul, Araguaia, Xavante, Xingu, Kaiapó do Mato Grosso, Yanomami, Interior Sul e Alto Rio Juruá.
O Ministério da Saúde também firmou parceria para a formação dos pontos focais e bolsistas dos Cievs Dsei na especialização do Programa de Treinamento em Epidemiologia Aplicada aos Serviços do Sistema Único de Saúde da Secretaria de Vigilância em Saúde (EPISUS - Intermediário).
Durante todo o período da pandemia, foram divulgados boletins epidemiológicos, que detalharam semanalmente a situação a partir dos indicadores de morbidade e mortalidade. Outra providência adotada foi a implantação do Comitê de Monitoramento de Eventos (CME) da Saúde Indígena.
Fonte: https://www.gov.br/saude/pt-br/assuntos/noticias/2022/dezembro/assistencia-a-populacao-indigena-foi-uma-das-prioridades-durante-a-pandemia-de-covid-19-conheca-as-acoes
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orogolddreams · 1 year
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