#guess I'll find out
fantasy-nerdddd · 3 months
I need to acknowledge the master shipper of the caraval trilogy
Scarlett's gown was playing matchmaker the entire time. And it's even funnier when you consider that her gown was in reality Queen Azane, that was transformed into a gown. I mean, if I was a magical gown that had the power to turn into the sexiest dress of all time, I would be matchmaker too. But it's weird, the gown was literally the first Scarlett x Julian shipper. I don't even know if a single person in tumblr will read this, but I couldn't leave her devotion to the cause of getting Scarlett married to anyone but the count. Imagine Azane's thoughts tho in that scene were Scarlett wore the dress at first.
"Alright alright, another contestant! Let's see what I can do with her"
"Ohhhh there's a hot guy here. He ain't looking, which is a green flag but also means they aren't together."
"Do we go for revealing? Or something more modest? Maybe something that turns heads. A red? A blue? Red is her colour. Yep, he wants her now. Mission accomplished."
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telethrutime · 3 months
good to see Billy Butcher is just a regular guy with [checks notes] tapeworms
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clonerightsagenda · 5 months
I was thinking that people saying Marcille's relationship with Falin is the driving force of so much of Dungeon Meshi were overselling it a bit, since Marcille's original desire driving her to the dungeon (and eventually becoming its lord) is equalizing the races, but even if she noticed tensions between human species before, iirc Falin was her first real friend, so that's probably the first time Marcille really had skin in the game (besides the loss of her father, but he's already gone). So it does come back to Falin after all, and it's even more appropriate that Marcille makes it to the bottom of the dungeon chasing her.
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cartoonsbyandie · 6 months
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God this is a deep cut
So I've been on Tumblr for uhhh a long time. My first fandom was the Blazblue fandom, and my first blog was an RP blog for these uhh. "Joke" characters? They started off as jokes, but the longer I played them the more I wanted to write them seriously, it was weird. I was going through my old blog for the first time in years and it made me a little nostalgic. I knew some really cool people back then, I miss a lot of them, and god how did any of them put up with the cringe I was putting out it's so painful
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boombox-fuckboy · 2 years
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The Last of the Time Lords - 'Cupid' by Jack Stauber
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multifandominfj · 2 months
Idk how I feel about jealous Fina yet. I mean, yes it will be an interesting dynamic between her and Marta, knowing about her secretary. But also, at the same time…the jealousy trope really isn’t my favorite thing.
Guess I’ll just have to wait and see. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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solarmorrigan · 2 years
Dustin barely remembers his dad.
This isn’t his dad’s fault, of course; he’d died when Dustin was pretty young. His mom had been too broken up about it to even think about dating for a long time, and after a while she’d just started telling Dustin that he’s the only man she needs in her life (this declaration is met with either a smile or an eye-roll, depending on the day). And that’s perfectly fine, Dustin isn’t trying to push his mom into anything she doesn’t want, it’s just that it left him without any kind of older male figure in his life for pretty much his entire childhood.
And it’s not like his mom didn’t do a perfectly good job raising and providing for him. He loves her and wouldn’t trade her for anything. It’s not that she isn’t enough – it’s just that there are certain things that dads are better applied to, that’s all.
Things like bullies.
Sure, if Dustin’s mom learned that he was getting bullied, she’d probably march right down to the school and badger the administration until they agreed to “do something about it,” but that would amount to almost nothing, because teachers (and Dustin says this with all the fondness in the world for Mr. Clarke) are kind of useless. Being able to yell something like If you don’t leave me alone, I’ll get my dad to beat you up! would have been way more satisfying.
(Dustin gets that this isn’t a bulletproof plan. Mike had tried this once, hoping to bluff his way through, since his dad is unlikely to do much more than tell him to go ask his mom for a bag of frozen peas if he comes home with bruises, but it had resulted in pretty much the normal amount of being beaten up. Dustin’s not saying it’s effective, just that it would be satisfying.)
But then, the second time the Upside Down rears its faceless-yet-ugly head, Dustin is granted an unexpected boon: Steve Harrington.
The Dustin of the pre-Mindflayer days would be disgusted with himself, but that Dustin can suck it, because present-day Dustin now has a friend who’ll help him hunt monsters, and who has a car, and who gives him tips on how to do his hair and how to pick up girls (and maybe they’re not really useful tips, but it’s still part of what Dustin has always wanted), and who’s pretty cool, actually.
A big brother is almost as good as a dad, right? Big brothers are definitely supposed to fight off bullies for you.
Except, Dustin realizes with disappointment as he thinks back, Steve isn’t exactly a fighter. Like, not a good one. In fact, he’s pretty sure Steve has never actually won a fight in his life.
So, no, he’s probably not Dustin’s best bet for fighting bullies off.
But that’s okay, Dustin likes him anyway (even if this does leave him back at square one). Steve’s good for other things.
Other things that apparently involve rolling up in front of the school with almost unrealistically good timing just as Dustin, Mike, Lucas, and Will are getting out of AV club (Max has refused to join because it’s “too nerdy” for her, which Dustin figures is her loss) and are being followed by a couple of hecklers – Donny and Ken, this time. El might’ve scared off James and Troy, but middle school bullydom is a power vacuum that will always draw some new asshole to the top.
It's nothing they haven’t heard before. Comments about their being nerds and freaks, stuff about Will’s “resurrection,” stuff about Dustin’s condition. Maybe they’re getting a little meaner, because there’s a little more homophobic shit in there than there used to be, a little more racist shit, but it’s not like they’re going to let themselves be rattled by a couple of bullies, not after everything they’ve faced together.
But it is… annoying.
(Fine, it’s hurtful. Words still hurt, apparently, even if you’ve fought literal extradimensional monsters and won, which Dustin feels is a flaw in the design of the human brain.)
Donny and Ken do slow up a little when they spot Steve’s car, but so do Dustin and the rest of the party, because they have no idea what Steve is doing there.
Steve, entirely oblivious to everyone’s confusion, gets out of the car and smiles and waves at them. It’s only because Dustin is watching in bewilderment that he sees the way Steve’s attention flashes just for a second to the boys standing behind them, but he’s not sure if he’s imagining the way his eyes narrow a little, or the way his smile suddenly seems a little sharper.
“Hey, Steve,” Dustin waves back, because this is kinda weird, but it’s not like he’s unhappy to see his friend. “What’re you doing here?”
Steve shrugs. “Wasn’t busy this afternoon, and I remembered you mentioned having your club thing tonight. Thought I’d give you a ride.” He strides forward, holding out his hands. “I’ll put your stuff in the back and we can get going.”
“Is this a kidnapping?” Mike stares at Steve suspiciously, even though Dustin, Lucas, and Will are already shouldering off their bags.
“No, it is not a kidnapping,” Steve snaps. “See if I ever do a favor for your rude ass again, Wheeler. You want a ride, or not?”
Mike sighs and rolls his eyes, but hands his backpack to Steve anyway, and with all four bags in hand, Steve rounds the back of the car and pops the trunk.
“Just gotta make some room,” Steve says, leaning in and pushing some things around. One of those things comes tumbling out of the trunk and hits the pavement with a clatter of wood and metal.
The nail bat.
And despite Steve’s reasonably convincing mutter of “Whoops, that wasn’t supposed to happen,” there’s no way it could have been anything but intentional, because Steve usually keeps the bat safely stowed at the back of the trunk, since he wants to avoid being arrested or otherwise under suspicion for carrying something that is very obviously a weapon.
He pushes their backpacks into the trunk and then picks the bat up, gives it that twirl that Dustin still can’t quite figure out the purpose of (does it actually help, or does it just look cool?) and props it up on his shoulder. When he looks up, he looks past their little group and pretends to spot Donny and Ken for the first time, where they’re still skulking curiously at the edge of the parking lot.
“Oh, hey.” Steve takes a few steps forward, grinning amiably, reaching out with his free hand, as if he’s completely forgotten he’s holding a baseball bat full of nails in his other, and offering it to the two of them to shake. “Sorry, didn’t see you there. I’m Steve. You two friends with my guys?”
(Dustin likes the way Steve says that: my guys. Like he’s adopted the whole lot of them and is going to stand between them and hell, because they’re his – but they’re not just kids, they’re guys; like they’re equals. Dustin likes it a lot.)
Pale and wide-eyed, neither Donny nor Ken manages more than a sort of uhh noise before Lucas pipes up.
“Not exactly.”
It’s then that Steve lets his posture change, shifting from the comfortable and approachable one Dustin’s gotten used to, and into something squared and solid.
“Not exactly, huh?” Steve says, looking between Donny and Ken, his voice gone a little sharper. “You wanna clear that one up for me, boys? I mean, you don’t give my guys here trouble, do you?”
“No!” Donny chokes out. Ken shakes his head quickly.
“No?” Steve asks.
“Nah. No, in fact, we were just heading home,” Donny says. Ken has become a bobblehead.
And then they do just that, practically running home with their tails between their legs.
“Huh,” Steve says, turning back towards the car with a smirk, giving the bat another lazy twirl before stuffing it safely into the back of the trunk. “Wonder what got into them?”
Dustin, Lucas, Will, and even Mike barely stop laughing the whole way home.
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jdetan · 1 year
A Gentle Touch
Link thinks about his relationship with Zelda as he lies in bed with her. Little does he know it's about to change forever. For the @zelinkcommunity weekly prompt: Gentle.
Link lay across from Zelda, quietly watching her sleep. Her chest softly rose and fell, she’d issue soft snores every few minutes, and if his position shifted, she’d reach over and pull him back in towards her. It had been a year since the Calamity, and Zelda lived with Link in their cozy Hateno house. Link wasn’t sure why Zelda wasn’t looking for a home of her own– she was well loved across Hyrule as the Princess who vanquished the Calamity. She could live anywhere she wanted… but she stayed with him, steadfastly refusing  any offers that came her way of alternate housing or even a different bed. The bed itself was small: big enough for one person, but with two people sharing, it necessitated contact. Link had offered to get a new bed or even make one, but Zelda had just smiled and said “This is perfect, Link.” before climbing into bed and gesturing for him to join her. They’d been sleeping together since the end of the Calamity– well, that was TECHNICALLY accurate, but they hadn’t so much as kissed. They shared the bed and held each other, each helping to fight off the other’s nightmares. Not that Link didn’t want more, of course: Zelda was so gorgeous it left him breathless: he looked at her like the goddess made flesh that she truly was. “Mmm…” Zelda groaned lightly, shifting her position slightly. “Link… you’re going to be just fine… please don’t die… I…” Tears began to well in her eyes as she began dreaming of the worst day of her life. “Shh, it’s ok. I’m here.” Link gently ran a hand along her cheek, a motion he’d found would calm her down- and brought him sheer joy, getting to lay a gentle touch on this perfect woman. “Mmm…” Zelda nuzzled against his hand, smiling softly. “Thank goodness, you’re alright…” She pulled Link in closer, resting her head against his chest. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you…” Link rubbed the back of Zelda’s head softly, smiling happily. He loved her– of course he did, she was, after all, perfect– he could only hope she had any feelings for him. Little did he know that he was about to find out. Zelda’s eyes fluttered open, her beautiful emerald eyes focusing on him as she woke up. “Hey.” She said, quietly, smiling at Link. “Hey.” Link replied, still gently stroking her hair. “Are you feeling ok?” “Yeah.” Zelda didn’t sit up, still staring at Link happily. “I had a nightmare, but it faded.” She yawned lightly. “How about you?” “Slept like a log.” Link chuckled. “Hopefully I didn’t wake you by snoring.” “You don’t snore. You sleep like a Sheikah.” Zelda's face was inscrutable as she scooted a bit closer to Link. “Hey, Link? You trust me, right?” “Of course I do. More than anything in the world.” Link answered, immediately. “Good.” Zelda said, and pulled him into a kiss. Link’s eyes went wide for a moment, until he decided to let a good thing happen and returned her kiss, running his hand along her back. After several seconds, they broke apart. “I’ve had feelings for you since before, Link, and… I can’t ignore them anymore. I want us to be more than just friends… if that’s alright with you.” Zelda looked away, blushing furiously. That had taken all the courage she had within her. “Zelda.” Link whispered her name, like a prayer. “Kiss me again, please.” Zelda turned back towards Link, smiling happily. “Nothing would make me happier.” Their second kiss was much less gentle than their first.
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aidoxl · 4 months
I really hope the creator of Amazing Digital Circus was a fan of Sword Art Online then grew up to realize, "hold on, there's some incredibly untapped Eldritch horror potential in here"
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inverse-problem · 1 year
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"into the blue again"
ultrakill sketch request from anonymous - mirage dressed as ena (from the webseries of the same name)
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nancyheart11 · 24 days
The moss has been in this treacherous place called school (2nd week started yesterday hahhhfhahhfjshf) dying inside school takes away moss’ happiness fae wants to play sky gamemememem
also that was definitely not a devious face fae has absolutely nothing planned >:3
ah school, my semester hasn't started yet, but it gets sooo much better when you get to pick what to study and also take classes from the funny professors.
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I'm sure you'll graduate from your knight academy with flying colors (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠✧⁠*⁠。
Hmmm that isn't suspicious at aaaallll
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handsomecleverandrich · 2 months
shut up about the moustache you guys are not being serious
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yekokataa · 1 year
i'm playing night in the woods and i hate the guitar minigame so much that i never practice and mae completely botches it every single time the band gets together. feels narratively meaningful.
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vdrawsrobots · 4 months
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Hello!!! I have not been on this website in ages so bear with me while I figure out how to use it again. Here is a temporary intro post :)
I am more active on twitter (also as vdrawsrobots), I'm planning on using this to be an art/writing portfolio of sorts, but who knows.
If you like my art, I've got commissions open: https://vdrawsrobots-comms.carrd.co/
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tara-fantastico · 7 months
Being an adult is fun because if I don't want to go to my doctors appointment tomorrow I can cancel it. But. There might be. Consequences.
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