#guitar romantic search adventure
getwallowed · 2 years
• 'my life's going by, but it's just begun.'
• 'all the times that feel like everything, when nothing really happens at all.'
• 'all the things you don't wanna let go, you wanna look back on in the cold.'
• 'there's a time you'll seek out a disguise, when you think people hate you the most. and it gets worse before it gets better, that's one thing that i've come to know. just so you know.'
• 'you've turned into someone that i never knew.'
• 'pick up the pieces, finding a place in the world to be.'
• 'when shit gets hard, don't worry about me.'
• 'laugh when i hit the ground.'
• 'we were wanting to grow up every weekend, now we're watching the moments as they're leaving.'
• 'don't let them take away all the games we've played; go on and take a bow, 'cause it's over now.'
• 'we can get up and try to feel ok again.'
• 'you & i, we grew up in the suburbs, now you're gone, the city's done a number. it is not the same without you around.'
• 'am i so thin that you can see through?' the fact that such a hit of a line comes from one of their most batshit crazy songs is so funny to me
• 'thought i saw your shadow under the door - just a trick of the light i've seen before.'
• 'what age would you call your prime? we've been at this for a long time.'
• 'i can't make up another drawn-out vague excuse.'
• 'is my silence deafening you?'
• 'i hope you're happy with the things that you've got, and i'll still remember all the bright parking lots.'
• 'heart on my sleeve, i just can't believe that i wasn't doing enough.'
• 'let's invite your friends for a backseat drive.'
• 'it's not a crime if you take what's given - it's just a crime if you're paying for it.'
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slowdive1994 · 3 months
making plans for both of us to go on a!! guitar romantic search adventure!! will we ever get to go?
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badpoetrybymee · 2 years
Guitar romantic search adventure- Wallows
Turn up your volume
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astridiguess · 2 years
Gonna start going song of the day because why not. This is today's :)
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lyricallymnded · 1 year
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guitar romantic search adventure // wallows
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meropegaaunt · 2 years
Billy Dunne x reader
Implied eventual Graham Dunne x reader
Summary: The love between two best friends toes the line between platonic and romantic.
Warnings: Kid on kid violence, fighting, angst, alcohol, and attempted kissing
Word Count: 2,359 words
© Meropegaaunt 2023
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GRAHAM DUNNE (lead guitar, The Six): Growing up, Y/N and Billy were, like, best friends. I mean, God, they were close, so close you never saw one without the other.
You, Y/N L/N, grew up in a small suburb outside of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Said suburb was small, quaint, filled with red-brick houses and white picket fences. The kind of place where everyone knew everyone. The rich thrived, having two or three properties in their name and far too many zeros in their checking accounts, but the majority struggled to make ends meet, to even keep a roof over their heads. You were part of the majority, but your father, F/N L/N, did everything in his power to ensure that you lived in blissful ignorance, unaware of the struggles that weighed so heavily upon his shoulders. He had two jobs, one as a music teacher and one as a bar manager. Endless hours had been spent slaving away at those jobs in an attempt to ensure you were given every opportunity to succeed, and luckily, you were.
Truth be told, you had not the faintest idea of your dire living circumstances, because your father showered you in love and affection, making everything, even the most mundane tasks, seem like an adventure. He had a way with people, a way that he passed on to you, which was why at school, you got on well with your classmates. You got on best with Billy and Graham Dunne, though, two brothers that shared your true love: music.
(Your friendship did not have an easy beginning, though. Not by a long shot, because even at a young age, Billy had trouble letting people close. Your first encounter with him was in passing. Names had been exchanged, but there was no inkling of what would bloom between the two of you. That inkling did not come until a boy two years older than you and Billy and four years older than Graham came around looking to give Billy a hard time. He found Graham instead, who became his victim of circumstance. You happened upon the scene just in time to see the boy deliver a harsh kick to Graham’s ribs, and that sight alone was enough for you to see red and abandon all common sense. It mattered not that he was your superior in both age and size. All that mattered was that Graham, who had only ever shown you kindness and civility, was frightened and bleeding and needed help, which was why you threw caution to the wind, ran forward, and thundered, “Hey, that’s my friend you’re kicking!” In an instant, you two were on the ground, grappling violently atop the dirt path. The boy pawed at your face, pulling at your locks while you pressed on his throat. His efforts broke your skin and knocked your nose askew, yet your hold stayed firm, just as F/N had shown you. You hunched forward, pale with rage as he writhed about, trying futilely to get free. Each action made his throat tighter, though, so his attempts hastily slowed down. He gasped, his eyes growing hazy from the wild thrumming of the blood in his head. It was only after oxygen escaped him for a beat that you lessened your grip and retreated with Graham, though, your feet flying over the earth until you found Billy. That day, covered in blood and dirt, he deemed you all right.)
Seeing your love for music, your father found and salvaged an old guitar for you, a Gibson Les Paul that had seen far better days. It had suffered much hurt and misuse, but he searched out alternatives for each decaying piece, eventually returning it to its former glory. You basked in its glory, showing it off to the Dunne brothers with stars in your eyes and a smile that rivaled the sun in intensity. They had an old Silvertone guitar, so the three of you began learning how to play, going through much trial and error before discovering what worked and what did not.
Your musical range evolved as you entered your teenage years, especially when Billy and Graham’s mother, Marlene, bought them an old Strat. Armed with three guitars, you delved into songwriting, thus laying the foundation for what eventually became one of the world’s most beloved rock bands.
You were there at the nanscene of the Dunne Brothers band, long before its first additions — drummer Warren Rhodes, bassist Chuck Williams, and rhythm guitarist Eddie Roundtree — were brought on. You did not have a designated title, though. Instead, you played whatever part was needed, whether that be a singer, guitarist, or keyboardist. The band worked whatever gig it could, whether that be at house parties, seedy bars, or dance clubs.
Around that time, you had noticed that you had physically changed, had grown into your own. Your friends had, too, but you did not realize until one of the nights when the band had played at a seedy bar. There had been various acts of violence committed at said bar, but this particular night, a man who was out of his mind on drugs had started swinging. Hands had been thrown, landing hits upon bar attendants, but then, he had come for you . . . You had not seen it coming, too engrossed in your music, which was why there was no time for you to react, to defend yourself. Your eyes snapped up, catching sight of the fist flying your way, but it never made contact with your face. Before it could, Billy collided with the man, hitting him with enough force that he was sent crashing to the ground.
You blinked once, twice, thrice, pure, unfettered shock keeping you rooted in place. It was only when a warm, familiar hand landed upon your shoulder that you snapped out of it, the shock wearing off. “Thanks, Billy,” you breathed, your eyes rising to meet his emerald ones. “I owe you one.”
“It’s nothing,” he shrugged, a mischievous look flitting across his face. “Couldn’t let him take you out before I do.”
“Ah, that’s not happening,” you remarked, unable to conceal your amusement. He had tried to sweet talk you before, had even gone as far to use his go-to pick-up line: If you let me take you out I’ll write a song about you. The pick-up line had not worked, though, for you had shot back: No, thanks, Dunne. If I want there to be a song about me, I’ll write it myself. “The day we start dating bandmates is the day the Dunne Brothers is over.”
Perhaps if he was being serious, you would consider going on a date with him, but you truly believed that he was not, that he was simply being his typical coquettish self. Despite this, in the future, you will think that this perhaps was the moment when you first realized that you loved him, that you were in love with him . . .
─── ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ───
BILLY DUNNE (lead singer, The Six): We got hired for this wedding. It was a big deal. A wedding meant we were gonna be heard by, you know, a hundred people. I think I was nineteen.
We had auditioned for this couple with our best song. It was this slower, folkier song Y/N and I had written called “Nevermore.” Just thinking about it makes me cringe. Truly. I was writing about the Catonsville Nine and things like that. I thought I was Dylan. But we got this gig.
And about halfway through our show at this wedding, this fifty-something guy catches Y/N on a water break and pulls them onto the dance floor. I see and think, Does this guy know what a creep he looks like? And then I realize it’s my dad.
GRAHAM: Our father was there, all over Y/N, completely unaware he was making them uncomfortable. I realized it before Billy, I think. Recognized him from the pictures our mom kept in the shoe box under her bed.
Y/N L/N (singer, The Six): I didn’t originally know it was Mr. Dunne that had pulled me onto the dance floor that night. I mean, plenty of older men go after younger people. It’s not great, it’s just how it is. Not wanting to start a scene, I danced with him until Billy came down off the stage and pulled me away. Afterward, he told me who he was, and it just . . . made me sick. Mr. Dunne looked right at Billy, his son, and didn’t recognize him. How is that possible? How is that fair?
BILLY: I couldn’t believe it. He’d been gone ten years by that point. And he was supposed to be in Georgia. The asshole was just standing in the middle of the dance floor, no idea his sons were up onstage or that he was dancing with their best friend. I put an end to that. I got off stage and pulled them apart. Y/N was confused as hell, but I explained who he was.
GRAHAM: Billy asked a few people at the wedding about him. Turns out our father had been living a few towns over. Friends with the bride or something. Y/N was furious, saying, “You know what, fuck him. You guys are the best. If he can’t see that, that’s his problem, not yours.” They were right. He was a drunk asshole anyway. So good riddance to him.
Seeing the response — or lack thereof — from Mr. Dunne infuriated you. He had laid eyes upon his sons for the first time in a decade, and there had been no recognition, no remorse. He had helped bring them into the world, had raised them for five and seven years respectively, but then, when given the opportunity to reconnect, he treated them like strangers, like they meant nothing.
Your father had loved you dearly, had done everything in his power to protect you, which was why such a poor excuse of a man was hard to wrap your head around. You tried, though, even going as far as to snag a bottle of whiskey in an attempt to lessen your inhibitions, to think outside of the box. Unfortunately, the whiskey did not offer any answers about Mr. Dunne, but it did cause your budding feelings for Billy to spill out, to make themselves known.
He too had taken in alcohol, had consumed beer after beer, but Billy, for a reason you did not know, held his alcohol better. That was why when you took a seat next to him with a half-empty bottle of whiskey in hand, he looked relatively put together. You, on the other hand, looked simultaneously attractive and disheveled. It was paradoxical, but the sight of you, with your warm cheeks and wild hair, lit a fire within him, a fire whose flames threatened to consume him, to devour him whole.
“Billy,” you breathed his name, leaning through the dark so that your faces were mere millimeters apart, causing your breaths to mingle. “Your dad is a real prick, but I’m — I’m glad you’re not like him. You’re a real great guy. The best.”
“I’m not,” he refuted, knowing that your tongue had been loosened by the alcohol. When sober, you were generous with your words, but not like this. Not to this degree. “I’ve made some dumbass decisions. You know that better than anyone—“
“And yet, I still love you,” you cut him off, leaning impossibly closer. You had contemplated kissing him a handful of times since that night in the bar, but had yet to work up enough nerve to do so. Now, when you were feeling brazen, it would be so quick, so easy. All you had to do was bridge the gap between your faces . . . You made to do so, to press your lips to his, but he pulled away, moving out of your range. A mixture of hurt and confusion crossed your features then, followed by uncertainty. “Do you not want to—“
“Not like this,” he shook his head, because even though the flirtatious comments sent your way held truth, he would not allow you to make such a drastic move when drunk. Not with him. “If you remember this tomorrow, we can figure things out, Y/N.”
In a perfect world, you would remember this conversation the next day. You and Billy would communicate and sort out your feelings together, but this world was not perfect. In this world, you did not remember your advances on Billy, which was why when he met the foxy, dark-haired Camila Martinez, he pursued her . . .
─── ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ───
WARREN RHODES (drummer, The Six): In the summer and fall of ‘69, we were all really starting to get laid, man. And Billy was taking himself off the market. We’d all be with chicks and he’d be sitting there, smoking a joint, having a beer to keep himself busy. I came out of a girl’s room one time, zipping my pants up, and Billy was sitting on the sofa, watching Dick Cavett. I knew Y/N loved Billy. Hell, by that point, I think everyone except Billy knew. So I said, “Man, you gotta ditch that girlfriend.” Don’t get me wrong; we all liked Camila, she was foxy and she’d tell you your business right to your face, which I liked. But c’mon. Y/N isn’t the sort of person you want to miss out on an opportunity with.
Y/N: I wanted to hate Camila. It would have been easier that way, if she was terrible to Billy, if she made him unhappy, but she didn’t. She grounded him, made him a better version of himself, so there really was no choice but for me to take a step back, to put some distance between Billy and I.
GRAHAM: It killed Y/N to give Billy and Camila space, but they did. Because they loved him, and that . . . that took a lot of selflessness. I think, maybe, that might have been when I started falling in love with them.
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vermutandherring · 4 months
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Gottlieb Miura for @aniraklova Bachelorette Challenge
Gottlieb was born and raised in a small town near Tartosa, which was famous for breeding fighting bulls. As a child, he often teased these powerful animals for fun, pitting his agility against their strength. But one day he was unlucky, after which young Gottlieb was left with a glass eye and scars. But this incident did not weaken his fiery nature. A dreamer with the soul of a rebel, he could not obey the will of his parents, who saw their son as the successor of their business and a successful entrepreneur.
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In search of himself, Gottlieb dropped out of college and went to try his luck. Playing guitar in a garage, working as a bouncer in a strip club and as a millwright on a rolling mill, a carpenter's assistant and even a florist - he seemed to have tried everything, but nothing appealed to his nature, which yearned for something truly big, worthy of his temper.
One day his girlfriend, a girl from a rather religious family, persuaded Gottlieb to join her at an Easter service. It seemed that on that day, the Holy Spirit really descended on his unbelieving head: among the gray heads of the parishioners and the sweet singing of the choir, Gottlieb finally found what he was so attracted to. The ghostly and powerful voice of the pipe organ captured his mind.
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Numerous educational institutions, the Philharmonic, exams and, finally, the first concerts - he spent a lot of time to master this majestic instrument. It seemed that he had everything in his life: business and romantic trips, his passion and various forbidden and not so good things. But these 10 years of training turned the windy Gottlieb into a terrible perfectionist, who is ready to explode with rage if something does not go as he would like.
Turning back, he saw how many girls he had broken the heart with his fickleness, his lack of attention, his sometimes unbearable character. Or maybe he just didn't meet a person for whom he would be willing to change?
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This thought crossed his mind as soon as he saw those big eyes staring at him from the neon screens of the big city. "Yasmine…" he drawled, and then sighed. Those eyes really looked like one solid problem, their opaque depth looked too dangerous. It seems that he has never felt such adrenaline, even looking into the bloodshot eyes of a bull and seeing death in them.
"Dating show? Does anyone still make them these days? Being on a show…" No, he wasn't used to being a test subject. This whole idea is one big scam, and most likely the young lady wants to grab another piece of fame. But isn't he the same - an adventurer who is willing to leave everything to find what he really wants? Even if everything is determined in advance, he will not lose the chance to try himself. And let his success not be determined by his own luck this time: he is ready to compete with Yasmine's luck.
Privat DL
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gamesofmuggles · 2 years
warren and june.
a little image.
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summary : june, billy's and graham's little sister is a part of the band in her own way. she told us in exclusivity how she found the inspiration for all the most successful songs!
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Billy's little sister, Graham's little sister, The Dunne Sister. In the background, discreet, calm, sweet as honey. The secret ingredient that not many people know of regarding Daisy Jones and the Six.
Interviewer : You’ve been secretly writing most of the band songs over time without people knowing about it. Why?
June : (chuckles) well not everybody wants the spotlight.
Interviewer : The most beautiful lyrics, the more remembered, the critics' favorites are songs with a common factor: love. Where does everything start for you?
I agreed to come to the house in LA, of course. Graham was so pushy about it, I think he was afraid that I would get bored without them and that ill wouldn’t write for them anymore. Billy, oh Billy was just happy to be my big brother and protect me. I was the first fan you know, and I will be the last. I remember there wasn’t enough room in the house, but Graham and Camila urge me to accept the nicest room. « To keep her mind fresh,» said Graham before dropping my suitcase on the bed. « I’m coquette too you know » I heard Warren say to Graham after he closed the door.
Warren: I slept in the bathtub for a while.
June: Karen arrived a few days after, finding Graham, Warren, and Eddie fighting in the living room. I was on the couch supervising the points, it was my first encounter with her. She asked « is it always like this » with a raised eyebrow. « Most of the time » I answered. Then I show her her room.
Warren: I wore her hoops back then, I looked fabulous in them.
June: I said to Warren I needed the hoop back. But he did look fabulous in it. To return to the question, my inspiration, well all the nights at the Filthy Mc Nasty, in the back writing while smoking and listening to the band play, alone except for the barman sometimes with more crowd. All the hangover brunch near the beach. The movie nights on a dusty screen. The fighting was because nobody -especially not women- wanted to clean those boys' mess. The adventurous meal cooked with cheap cans. Yeah, that was the inspiration. « June, how is your mind so powerful? » Graham asked me one day reading some of my last work. « can’t recall some of the highest heights / but I’ve memorized you, yeah we need to use this in the future» he added. Lyrics that were used for Midnight, I’m very proud of this song. I remembered I tried to hide blushing, cause every writing was always easy when I was thinking of Warren.
I had found the perfect spot in the Filthy McNasty so I could have an eye on him behind all those men on stage. I knew how he liked his eggs and his beer. His taste in movies. The curve on every one of his hair. I watched him a lot, a writer needed a muse you know? But also what a muse if he didn’t know he was one. Cause I never wanted to meddle with the band whatsoever and wished to keep my feelings very private, except when I wrote the songs of course. Every flirting interaction Warren may had have with me was pure imagination, it must be. Also, Warren was always a flirty guy.
Warren: It was no imagination. We were all clueless, awkward, and well, a little bit high back then. Every time I thought about it, I had to go out and smoke some. The small idea that everything could go to shit because of a tiny crush was frightening. But how could something could go wrong with June, sweet June who makes my eggs, perfect eggs every morning she can. Who went to search for the best curls cream for my hair. Imagine how someone could be this important that no matter the numbers of tits fans show you, you only want one?
June: He said that? How romantic. Where was I?
I remembered one night. We were on the beach, Graham and Billy playing guitars. Eddie Karen, Warren, and I are in the waves. Eddie wanted to fight, he’s such a fighter sometimes. He picked up Karen on his shoulder, Warren did the same with me. I was on top of his shoulder alarmed to move after the sudden physical touch. I was no prude and it was the 70s there was no secret but yeah. Karen took my hesitation for a win and pushed the both of us in the waves, Warren's hands still holding onto me. He asked if I was alright. Yeah. He had brushed my hair away from my face, a big smile on his. I remembered, ok. I need to have this smile in my life forever.
Billy: Are you asking me If I knew my little sister had a crush on Warren? Well, Ringo Starr was always her favorite so take a guess. Graham: I knew of course. Karen: Graham is gonna say he knew but he was clueless. They were pretty damn secret at first. But Warren was taking too many drugs to keep his mouth shut you know? Daisy: June still sends me Christmas cards. She was what glued this band I can tell you that. Eddie: I still can’t believe Warren scored this well.
June: I was scared of Billy’s reaction. Nothing happened at this point but I kept thinking about it. We were at a diner, the band suffered from the lack of notoriety while working their ass off. I wanted to comfort him. At least the band had a shiny new name.
Eddie: About damn time!
Warren: That night, I was ready to join that couch as always. Breaking my back. When June ask me to meet her in her room after everybody was asleep. So I did. At 2 am, I knocked and enter. She was wearing Billy’s old Black Sabbath tee shirt, writing on her stomach. Man oh, man.
June: I was very nervous, but It was time I also lived a little bit. Also whatever occurred it would have been good materials for the band you know (chuckles). He entered and he was wearing his flannel pant. I nearly jumped out of bed and I ran to his side, practically smashing him against the door and I kissed him. I (blushing) I never was nearly as adventurous as Karen, or Camila. It was a bold move for me you have to know that.
Karen: I heard a bang, yeah. Thought it was the ghost of my room. Or a bird.
Warren: Man oh man, I can’t tell you more about that night.
June: You have your answer, but you knew about it don't you?
Warren: You just wanted the sweet story to cover the bad ones don't you?
Interview : (smiles) sunshine after the rain, and by the way congrats on your 10th anniversary.
June: thank you.
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daphartwood · 9 days
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[DAPHNE HARTWOOD. 27. CIS WOMAN. SHE/HER] is here! They’ve lived in Asbury Park for [FOUR YEARS] and are originally from [CHICAGO, ILLINOIS]. They are a [MANAGER AT CINEMARK ASBURY 12] and in their downtime love [VISITING PARANORMAL BOOKS & COURISITES] and [GETTING TATTOOS AT BLACK LOTUS TATTOO]. They look a lot like [GRACE VAN DIEN] and live in [MEADOWLARK APARTMENTS]. The song that makes people think of them the most is [TEENAGE DIRTBAG BY WHEATUS]
FULL NAME: Daphne Hartwood
SEXUALITY & PRONOUNS: Pansexual (She/Her)
BIRTHDAY: April 1st, 1997
ZODIAC: Aries, Virgo Moon
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Hufflepuff with Slytherin tendencies
PETS: Pomeranian puppy named ‘Chewy’
HOMETOWN: Chicago, Illinois
CURRENT LOCATION: Asbury Park, New Jersey
OCCUPATION: Manager at Cinemark Asbury 12
ROOMMATES:  Just Chewy.
PARENTS: Trisha Rivers, Trever Hartwood
TATTOOS & PIERCINGS: tattoo of a small moon on her right wrist, different horror tattoos on her left arm, both ears pierced, and her left ear has an industrial piercing.
MUSIC INSPO: teenage dirtbag -wheatus, bad chem -sabrina carpenter, dirty thoughts -chloe adams, the remedy ( i won't worry) -jason mraz, the kill -thirty seconds to mars, samurai -lupe fiasco, the hell song -sum 41, the drugs -mother mother, flowers -miley cyrus,
alcoholism tw, bad parenting, child abandonment tw,
Tracy met Trever Hartwood one night while she was attending one of his concerts. Trever was a rock and roll lover to the very core of his heart. While Tracy was a doe eyed beauty with a smile that lit up any room. What was supposed to be a one night stand ended up turning into fourteen years of living with a regret. Much to Trever's dismay, his daughter, Daphne Hartwood entered this world one fine Spring day in 1997.
At first it seemed as though he had begun to turn his life around for his little girl but all of it came crashing down shortly after Daphne's second birthday. Her father couldn't give up life on the road, the music, girls, drugs, and chose to give her up instead. The moment he left her mom had never truly been the same. She was lucky that her mother was a strong person who picked her chin up and refused to ever let her daughter see her cry. Something Daphne admired greatly.
She inherited her father's love for music, as well as all things horror related, and it was certainly something her mother often tried to push back on. She eventually did cave, in hopes of growing a stronger bond with her daughter. When Daphne was fifteen she joined a punk band with a group of friends, offering her skills on the guitar, and she even got her first piercing; it was an industrial, and her mother was beyond pissed. Her mother eventually gave in and allowed the piercings that followed. Daphne was growing up quicker than her mother could keep up with, being the social butterfly she was, she figured it was better to simply go along with most of the stuff she threw her way.
The older Daphne got it became clearer and clearer that her mother was not okay. She began to notice how see how much her mother drank. Even taking care of her mother on mornings she woke up feeling sick. At the age of seventeen, Daphne was forced to move to Miami and finish school off there at an aunt's house while her mother focused on getting back on her two feet.
That never happened and Daphne hasn't seen her mother since. She eventually went back to Chicago in search of her but always came up short in the end and eventually accepted that she just didn't want anything to do with her.
As of four years ago, Daphne settled into Asbury Park, New Jersey. She works as a manager at Cinemark Asbury 12 and she loves it. She things it's one of the coolest jobs, even if she can't remember the last time she's had a free weekend.
loves true crime, horror movies, fantasy, gaming, and overall, Chewy, her dog.
she's always ready to go on an adventure. seriously, she hardly sleeps.
she's always looking for some new friends to party with and do random things with.
constantly blasting some sort of music through her earbuds.
she doesn't really believe in leaving things on bitter terms with exes. she may not get along with all of them but doesn't see the point in wasting energy harboring bitterness towards someone.
she loves pumpkin spice anything all year round.
fully believes there is a man in a blue box traveling throughout space and time.
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faboth · 23 days
When you’re in a really fucking good song competition and this is your competitor
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amafsgaphos · 1 year
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the fabelmans (2022) dir. steven spielberg // guitar romantic search adventure played by wallows
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justasillylilguyyall · 8 months
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"life's going by but it's just begun" - Wallows
The Future
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loveoffthefloor · 6 months
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matthewanon · 7 months
Ground - @kittenanon
Especially You - Theo (new Scream oc)
At The End of the Day - Ameara
Ice Cold Pool - Rose
Only Friend - Casey
What You Like - Wes
Sun Tan - Steph
Uncomfortable - Gwen
Marvelous - ETHAN!!!!!
That’s What I Get - Carrie
Pulling Leaves off Trees - Mindy
Scrawny - Steve
Pictures of Girls - Ariana
I’m Full - Quinn
Talk Like That - Violet
Coastlines - Lydia
OK - Chad
Drunk on Halloween - Jessica
Treacherous Doctor - Tara
Hurts Me - Matt
These Days - Eeva
Pleaser - Rhea
Trust Fall - Ryder
Quarterback - Tommy
Virtual Aerobics - Anika
I Don’t Want to Talk - Wren
Hard to Believe - Ambrose
Just Like A Movie - Maxine
Dig What You Dug - Wendy
Are You Bored Yet? - Daniel
Another Story - Oliver
1980s Horror Film II - Brooke
Nobody Gets Me (Like You) - Georgia
Sidelines - Jessica
It’s Only Right - Jennifer - another new OC
Guitar Romantic Search Adventure - Hazel
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dreamsister81 · 1 year
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The day I saw Jeff Buckley. Was living in Italy. Pretty penniless at the time. Saw an announcement in the papers for a gig in Correggio, a town about 3 or 4 hours away in the train. I think admission was 25,000 Lire at the time. About a tenner. Can't remember what the train cost, but I literally scoured the apartment for coins and asked friends for a few and then went on my adventure alone. It was called Festa De L'Unita, and like most small music festivals at the time, it had a distinctly socialist vibe. Perfect for a broke 20 yr old immigrant. I felt shy but curious walking around when I got on the grounds. A girl with shocking pink hair and her friends caught my attention when I saw them chatting with what turned out to be the sound engineer. At the same time, I saw Michael Tighe walking by, Jeff's guitarist. I stopped him and we chatted about music and some questions I had about influences and recent performances they had done. I told him I would see him later (un mot de dire). Then the girls came over and were so friendly. They could see I was a lone bird and shy, and were immediately inviting and welcoming. They shared some food with me. Then they said that, after having made friends with the sound engineer, they were gonna watch the gig from the sound board and invited me to also. There was a romantic light rain, that seemed so appropriate as it played with the initial show lights and smoke on the stage and the first notes of Jeff's signature reverb-drenched guitar sound. Then he started singing. Lawd. I think it was Dream Brother he opened with. As the gig went on, I thought it best to go down into the crowd at a certain point. That was when I heard the first few notes of "Lover". I was scolded by a girl standing in front of me whose ear I was singing into. She pointed out that she came to hear Jeff sing , not this bag of bones. The gig was amazing as you can imagine. However, I'll report that I had a disconnect with it musically at times when the wild re-interpretations and embellishments distracted me. Jeff had a compulsion to be searching when playing live.
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Courtesy of Colin Smith on IG
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beachyserasims · 1 year
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(With a soulful and introspective tone) Hello, everyone. My name is Elliott, and I'm on this incredible journey to find my missing half. To me, life is an extraordinary tapestry of experiences, encompassing not only the grand and beautiful moments that take our breath away but also the beauty that lies hidden in the darkest corners of a person's soul. It's about embracing both sides and finding fulfillment even in a world that can be cruel and dark.
Growing up in the heart of a mining community has made me keenly aware of the importance of being conscious of Mother Nature and our impact on her. It might have given me a gloomy side, but it's also shaped me into someone who seeks solace and expression through creativity. I find refuge in writing poetry, and sometimes I'll even strum the guitar, letting my emotions flow through the melodies. It's my way of capturing the duality that resides within my soul.
You could say I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic, but at the core of it all, what I truly desire is to find someone to walk through life's hills and valleys with, both metaphorically and literally. I yearn for a deep connection—a love that transcends the surface and dives into the depths of understanding and compassion.
This journey is about more than just finding a partner; it's about finding someone who can embrace the beauty in both the light and the shadow, someone who appreciates the poetry in life's contradictions. I'm ready to open my heart and share my life with that special person, creating a love story that's as profound and enchanting as the verses I pen.
So, if you're out there, searching for a love that's as deep and meaningful as I am, let's embark on this adventure together. Let's explore the intricacies of life and love, hand in hand, and discover the magic that awaits us in every corner of this beautiful, complex world.
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