fcuky0urself · 5 years
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So in New Zealand, today is gum boot Friday. This means that there has been encouragement to wear gumboots to show your support for youth suicide rates.
It was said that having depression feels like you’re walking through mud, as much as I hate to say it I disagree with this statement. Depression feels different for everyone. For me depression felt like I was drowning, I felt like I was getting deeper and deeper into a puddle of water and I was suffocating and couldn’t breathe.  I do however believe that the cause they are trying to raise awareness for needs more attention. I was 8 when things started to go “downhill” as the doctors put it. I didn’t have a great childhood and most of my issues with my mental health are genetic unfortunately but what didn’t make trying to find happiness any easier was getting bullied. All through school I got bullied – Lame excuse to get depressed I know but hear me out for a second.
I went through primary school without a single friend, I had people that pretended to be my friend because I was “rich” and had really cool things like motorbikes, game consoles and a swimming pool. Things got worse as school progressed, I started self-harming, got really good at hiding it. One day I tried reaching for help with the school nurse, who told my parents. Now don’t get me wrong, my parents had no idea how to handle this stuff, took me to a counsellor and then told me I was fixed. I tried playing the perfect daughter for so long, I pretended and pretended until everything got to me again, I started getting hate comments on Facebook, comments like “we should kill her, cut her up and feed her to her family” – “We should rape this bitch with a rake” this time I didn’t self-harm. I attempted suicide. Woke up in a hospital and the crisis team told my parents to take me home and let me sleep it off. Oh, wait they also said take all the sharp objects out of my room. Unfortunately, I attempted numerous more times after that – in all forms and types yes it has screwed my life up pretty bad. Thankfully now I have three amazing people in my life, who even when I’m having a shitty day can make me smile, three amazing people who have helped me in more ways than I can count.  (If you guys end up finding my Tumblr and reading this, and you will know who you are Thank you so much for showing me life is worth living, even on the bad days!!!)
Youth suicide has increased so much over the last few years and it’s actually really sad that these kids felt like they couldn’t reach out and get the help they needed, or they just slipped through the cracks. Statistics say that only 1 out of 5 people get the mental health services they need.  Please it doesn’t take much to notice a couple of signs and it may be the hardest question to ask when someone tells you they are struggling but do ask “have you thought about suicide” – In no way will it encourage suicide, it will give you a better understanding, you know these people you can judge their response! Get help! Don’t let another person take their life. We are all human, we all deserve love and happiness, please just reach out and make a difference to someone’s life. Youth mental health needs more awareness, not just in New Zealand but world-wide.
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For many, having depression is like walking through mud every day; put on your gumboots, give a gold coin and help provide free counselling to any kid in need. Last year, 137 young New Zealanders killed themselves and about 3500 attempted suicide. Need to talk? Free call or text 1737 to talk to a trained counsellor.
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luigicappel · 5 years
RT @TwoPaddocks: Blue skies- it's #GUMBOOTFRIDAY at Two Paddocks today. #Mentalhealth day, and every day. Remember with #depression and #anxiety you are not alone. There is no shame. There is always someone to help. In #NZ e.g. #Lifeline 0800 543 345 #DepressionHotline 0800 111 757 #GumbootUpNZ https://t.co/aQYXcRyQlu
Blue skies- it's #GUMBOOTFRIDAY at Two Paddocks today. #Mentalhealth day, and every day. Remember with #depression and #anxiety you are not alone. There is no shame. There is always someone to help. In #NZ e.g. #Lifeline 0800 543 345 #DepressionHotline 0800 111 757 #GumbootUpNZ pic.twitter.com/aQYXcRyQlu
— Sam Neill (@TwoPaddocks) April 5, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/BluesBro April 06, 2019 at 02:23AM
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