#gundam merch stuff
kishigunpla · 2 months
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In celebration of Gundam's 45th anniversary, here's some pictures of Gundam related books and magazines I own from 1979-1982.
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kasumikoujou · 5 months
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chicinlicin · 1 year
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hello my very hastily put together catalogue for SMASH this weekend. come see me and @kishi-san :D
i have several new arts. maybe more. a few perhaps.
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qan-t · 1 month
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taylortruther · 1 year
Barbie to me is just a hot pink confection for enjoyment, where I’m pleasantly surprised they were able to squeeze a bit of empowerment narrative out of it. We’ll see how I feel once it’s out.
that's how i feel too. i understand why people do not want to interact with the criticism, especially when you just want to enjoy the movie as entertainment. i get it, i really do. and also i'm sure there's a lot of critics out there being superior about how ~you can't call yourself a feminist if you watch the barbie movie~ or something (i don't agree with this take, for the record.)
but personally, i do find it interesting to place barbie - as a doll, and a societal icon - in context of the world we live in. it has a pretty distinctly non-feminist history given the body proportions and how they represented an 'ideal' female form - mattel has responded in the last 10 years by releasing other body sizes, but they still don't represent the average american woman (and i believe the same can be said about ken.)
i think the saddest reaction i've been seeing is that it's misogynistic to point any of this out. there's that kinda viral tumblr post going around about how no one criticizes the marvel movies this hard but like... marvel films being military propaganda is discussed quite frequently, maybe not by npr, but like, for sure on other parts of the internet.
and this is what i mean by half-baked discussions because if you aren't clued in to anti-imperalism then maybe the marvel discourse never found you. but if we want to talk misogyny and patriarchy, then imo we'd be better off discussing why society talks more freely about women's body image re: barbie, but not men's body image, which is also negatively impacted by action figures and marvel actors 'roiding up and acting like they gained their figures with exercise.
like if you find the barbie criticism uncomfortable, and maybe chewed on why that is, and thought about what the criticism should actually be... i think all of these conversations would be way better.
i don't think you need to chew on the criticism to simply enjoy a film. but idk if you're gonna critique or critique the critiques then i wish it was all a little more fully baked, i guess.
anyway this post was pointless i just felt like talking lol
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the-eeveekins · 6 months
I know a lot of people who stopped buying Gundam and Bamco stuff in the wake of the "Up to Interpretation" statement and I 100% stand by those that do.
I ultimately decided I want to keep buying stuff from G-Witch, especially the Sulemio merch. This show was so popular and was cited as the main reason Gundam had record sales numbers last fiscal year. But because of the fact it stumbled at the finish line and "Up to interpretation" (both of which I blame on the same group of people), it really feels like there's a push within the fandom to write the series off as unpopular and a failure and see it buried. And honestly it wouldn't surprise me if there are some within Bandai who feel the same.
So I'll keep buying G-Witch and Sulemio if for no other reason than to help keep sales strong so Bandai can't possibly ignore it. I won't let the sexist and homophobic pockets of the fandom bury the fact that G-Witch was a massive financial success that was one of the most popular Gundam series ever, and Sulemio played a major part of that.
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gotjacobian · 30 days
Travel journal-type posting, just describing some of the stuff I've gotten to do in Japan.
Day 1: Got off the plane, got through passport control and customs with minimum issues (I fucked up my entry date bc time zones and had to hold up the line while I fixed it whoops). Took the subway to Yokohama, also screwed that up because I was hopped up on benadryl and still only managed to sleep for 2 hours at a time max on the plane. Unscrewed it up with the help of a very patient attendant, made it to the hotel. I bought takoyaki and a highball from a place across the street from the hotel, which reminded me that I don’t actually like takoyaki. It’s too mushy. Then passed out.
Day 2: This was my full day in Yokohama before the conference. I beelined for a 7-11 to get the canned coffee I like and can only get here (and some pastries), then went to a park by the baseball stadium to eat it. Then I took off to try and at least see the (closed :( ) gundam factory exhibit. There was a triathalon in the way, so I spent awhile wandering through parks to get around it and get close enough for a picture. There were tons of beautiful gardens, and lots of people taking photos of their costumed dogs there? Like, 3 dog photoshoots for every presumed child/romantic partner photoshoot. They all seemed very happy to chill in the flowers and get fussed over.
In general Yokohama is really well suited to my kind of travel wandering - going along the harbor coast takes you through a couple different gorgeous parks and past a few museums, and also gives you a great view of the water. I ended up going into the doll museum, and immediately learned I had vastly overestimated the amount of english they’d have on the exhibits based on their website. I speak basically no Japanese, so used an image translate app a lot. That’s wasn’t an option the last time I was in Japan in 2019 - it was really useful! I drained my battery using it on basically every single plaque in the museum. The style of the exhibit captions felt different than I’d expect from a US museum. They were often more anecdotes from an artist or curator than they were descriptions. I’m curious to what extent that was cultural or was something lost in translation? The translations I got definitely weren’t perfect, and seemed to get worse the more anecdotal or conversational the material was.
The exhibit that attracted me to the doll museum was called “Why do we create objects that look like humans?”. It had exhibits of historical dolls and sculptures, as well as installations from modern artist and dollmakers. A lot of it touched on an inherent alienation in recreating the human in the nonhuman, and the ways all depictions of the human form are exaggerated in ways we sort after the fact into “beautiful” or “grotesque.” I liked it, but honestly wanted it to be more like, embodiment philosophy-y. Very much a me problem.
On the way back, I stopped by Yokohama’s Chinatown. I feel like it was much more of a tourist attraction than the equivalent in Boston or SF - lots of street food stands and people hawking specific restaurants or palm-reading services. Lots of panda-themed merch. It was VERY crowded. I bought a single pork bun for lunch, wandered through a few stores, and then ditched to try and find somewhere calmer.
A friend recommended that I check out Kaganecho, the arts district about a half an hour walk along the canal from where I was staying, so I went that way. I immediately saw a lot of signs advertising an “Art Bazaar” that was supposed to be happening in the area. There were people wandering around with tickets and brochures. It took me an hour to figure out how to get one - I was saved by stumbling on a performance piece that was part of the exhibit, a woman playing a song by hitting a series of bowls with wooden mallets, that just happened to be scheduled right then. It was right under the train line, so you got the loud rumbling drowning her out every few minutes, and also the ambient city sounds of bikes and children and wind under her playing. When she finished, I stalked some people who were watching with me and finally found the office that could sell me a ticket.
The “art bazaar” is a yearly exhibition in a series of apartments converted into studios in the few blocks around a particular train station. You’re given a ticket and a map where some of the buildings were marked. You wander around to find them, go in, and there’s Art there. I’ll probably post separately about this, honestly. It was one of the coolest gallery experiences I’ve ever had. The theme of the exhibits was “The world through no art”, and a lot of the material directly engaged with the history of the area - a neighborhood that housed a lot of bars, brothels, etc starting from the US occupation in the city post WWII, which were forcibly evicted in the 2000s, then later replaced with the studios as part of a city initiative to ‘rejuvenate’ the area. I went to every single exhibit that was open and stayed until I was about to pass out from the combination of walking and art feelings. I chickened out of going to a restaurant alone when I was already exhausted, and instead grabbed a katsu sandwich from 7-11 to eat in my hotel room.
Day 3: Start of the conference. It was raining horribly, and I have big fears about walking in the rain with my laptop, so I skipped the first couple hours until it calmed enough that I felt okay buying and using an umbrella. The conference was in this giant exhibition hall on a peninsula in the city that was all fancy hotels, shopping centers, and an amusement park. My maps app kept trying to get me to walk THROUGH the amusement park to get there, which was a kind of ominous experience when it was empty and raining. I met with some friends and labmates, we got Singaporean food for lunch (chicken and rice), and went to some of the afternoon talks. There was a welcome banquet where a guy performed with Kendamas (japanese toy/prop with a wooden ball attached to a wooden thing with cups and a spike). He did a bunch of poi tricks with them, and seemed to be having the time of his life. They also opened the expo, where I discovered they did at least have the gundam head from the gundam factory exhibit left over (still cannot believe they would close it a month before the robotics conference). Me and one of my former labmates got dinner at a katsu place that claimed to be the oldest in the city. We had to split from the group to get it, since there weren’t any vegetarian options there, but it was really good. I discovered that my hotel is like 1/10th as fancy as any of the other conference hotels, idk what happened. Very jealous of the main venue hotel people who had a room overlooking the harbor.
Day 4: Got there in the morning, did some conference stuff. We got sushi for lunch in this giant mall right next to the venue. I ditched for half an hour in the afternoon to wander through a different park by the harbor, which was also very pretty. All the greenery is very green and the water is very blue. I took another break to try and work some on my paper, since I feel bad for not doing more of that, but finding a place with decent wifi is hard. I meet back up with my labmates to get dinner, at a nearby ramen place with vegan options. I got their signature yuzu shio ramen, which was good, but I still prefer the pork-based styles.
Day 5: Is the day I’m helping present. I go to my coauthor’s presentation and then stand with him at the poster session, and get to talk to a few people. I’m surprised how fast the paper comes back to me, even though I haven’t really thought about it for at least a year at this point. I get lunch with another labmate at a milk-themed restaurant in the mall. I’m weirdly charmed that in Japan, “milk” is a flavor? And that there are prefectures proud of their local milk? The restaurant has both western-style food with cheese or cream as ingredients, and a milk and cheese bar where you can get bread, spreadable cheese, and toppings. I run back to the hotel before the conference banquet, get lost in the other hotel the banquet is in, finally arrive and realize all my labmates are either ditching or got a different banquet venue, so I sit with a very nice person from the university of edinburgh I met at the poster earlier that day. I talk about firespinning and mugs because I’m incapable of not doing so. Every one of the venues has a different style of food and performance - ours performance is actually a lion dance, which is notably… not japanese, put on by students from a school in the local chinatown. It’s still really impressive, especially given that they did it between the tables people were eating at. Like, I’ve attempted to be a base for a cheerleading toss once, and it was hard for 3 people to hold one up - these performers were jumping on each other’s shoulders the whole time, while puppeting the giant lion. They kept having it pretend to eat the heads of the people it walked past, it was a good time.
I spend an hour or two that night on my Quest, which is that I saw some kind of peach jelly drink in exactly one vending machine early in the trip and didn’t buy it. Now I want it, so I’ve been wandering through the city inspecting vending machines to try and find it again. Tonight I wander up and down this shopping center street that has a lot of them, in the rain, but no dice. I buy peach flavored ice cream at the 7-11 instead and reaffirm my mission.
Day 6: I wake up feeling bad, in both a stress and a physical way. I stay at the hotel and work on my paper, then go to a nearby cafe and try to work on my paper, but they don’t have wifi. I go back and end up sleeping, which I feel bad about, but probably needed - I can get disconnected from my own tiredness levels when I’m doing extended crunch time for a project, and I’m trying to be more aware of that. I don’t go to any of the conference stuff, but do leave at one point to get the local kind of ramen from a place I saw recommended online. The style is called ie-kei, and is an emulsified mix of pork broth and shoyu with chicken oil, served with pork, seaweed, short noodles, and spinach on top. I redeem myself by ordering and eating in the restaurant alone. It’s good in a comfort food way. I go back to the hotel and alternate working and sleeping, and end up skipping dinner with my labmates because I still feel gross.
Day 7: I feel better when I wake up, but have already committed to skipping this day of the conference because I’m going to Osaka. I find another cafe that actually has wifi, and eat there to do some work in the morning. Tangent - people really go nuts for the egg salad sandwiches here, and I don’t get it. I tried one and thought it was tasteless and had that bad cooked egg yolk texture. Super not for me.
I check out of the hotel and take the subway to Tokyo station. I get there an hour early because I forgot when my train was, so wander around the station for a while. It is SO crowded and there are SO MANY stores selling train bento, souvenirs, boxes of desserts to give as gifts, etc, and every single one has a designated salesperson shouting into the void. It is the most sensory-overloading, maze-like place I have been in my entire life. I take great pride in managing to eventually actually find the internet-recommended places to get ekibento for the train. I buy one with more traditional food, and one kids one that comes in a fake JR train freight container, because I really want the fake freight container. I also get an apple-custard pastry and a crepe with cream and melon ball topping. And then I am exhausted, and still too early for my train, so I stand by the platform and am extremely confused when someone asks me for directions (correctly assigned english-speaking person who knows where the ekibento are at the tokyo shinkansen station, I guess).
I do get on the train eventually, and eat one of the bento (I save the second because I am worried the person sitting next to me is gonna judge me for eating 2 bento, one of which is definitely meant for children, but I will eat it eventually). I said I was gonna do work but instead I’m writing this and watching out the window of the train. I feel like everyone has their travel fixation - my grandparents laugh about how when my mom and brother would go on trips as kids, they’d get disposable cameras. And when they developed the photos, all of them were of ponds, lakes, coastlines, because they grew up in the west texas desert. I grew up in the flat, flat Texas plains, and now I’m like that about mountains. This train goes straight through them, and right past Mt Fuji. It gets to me how distinctive the landscape in japan is - I’ve looked at a lot of traditional japanese art as like, a precursor to modern styles in comics, because I find it interesting. And I feel like I looked at some elements of that style - atmospheric perspective, depth through stacking flat layers of scenery, the specific abstract-seeming way Mt Fuji gets drawn - and assumed it was entirely an artistic choice. But like… Mt Fuji just looks like that. The landscape just looks like that, with the fog and the layered mountains. The green is such a specific shade of green, and the blue is a specific shade of blue, and the buildings are all such a particular faded palette in a way I feel like must make Japan instantly recognizable on geoguessr, a game I am very bad at. I love looking at the cities and buildings, too - I wish I knew the words to describe the specifics of the style and design. I feel like I'm getting increasing city architecture obsessed these days, despite not having that language. Getting to see it is the bit of travel that really makes me feel like I'm experiencing something I couldn't anywhere else. I'm gonna find my hotel in Osaka once I get there, hunt down some food, then will probably try and do some more work before bed. Then tomorrow, in theory, Osaka castle and whatever else seems compelling.
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bunnymajo · 9 months
Top 10 pieces of Keroro merch?
Keroro Plush (Any)
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All Keroro plush are valid but I recommend getting a larger one both to hug and to use their giant squishy heads as pillows.
2. Messenger Bag (Any)
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I used one of these in college to carry stuff. Very roomy, will repel unwanted attention, do recommend
3. Keropla (Gundam model kits but it's Keroro)
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very fun & easy to assemble, lots of room to modify if desired. Baby's first foray into figure mods.
4. Keroro nano Figures (Megahouse)
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These came packaged with the 17th volume of the manga in 3 different editions. I like the nano figure line so I've been wanting to hunt down the Pururu one at least for ages
5. Mystic Heroines Prize figures (Megahouse)
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Natsumi, Aki, Mois & Koyuki all got these nice prize figures but Mois here is my favorite but she loses points for falling apart over the years. Still think she has a really nice sculpt for what she is though
6. Keroro Platoon figures (Kaiyodo)
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these figures by Kaiyodo are really decent quality for an interchangeable figure similar to Nendoroids. watch out for bootlegs though.
7. This snowglobe
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Made to promote the 3rd movie, I just think it's neat it exists
8. Nazca & Dark Keroro figure
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Also made to promote movie 3. Nazca's design was recycled from Mine Yoshizaki's doujinshi days so I think it's neat that she got a figure.
9. Keroro Dragon & Shion figure
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made to promote the 4th movie. Kinda weird but Keroro's dragon form is cool so I think it's worth having
10. Keroro Blu-Ray discs now available from Discotek, Wow!
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I still can't believe this shows in print again here, you should support Keroro's invasion efforts by owning him on home video. the 3rd & 4th seasons got released this week as a matter of fact!
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raccooncityriots · 4 months
Current Figure Pre-Orders
Posting this to remind myself that I have enough on order and I do not need to order every merch set they release for gundam seed freedom. Also with wonhobby soon I’m like 👀👀 and I need to not.
Wondering Witch - Elaina - 1/7 Scale
I LOVE Elaina’s design. I swear I’m gonna cosplay her one of these days just as an excuse to wear a giant hat. She has a ton of figures and I ended up going with this one because of the base. LUCKILY she’s already paid for. Thanks, past me.
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GUNDAM SEED - Kira, Lacus, & Athrun - Figuarts mini
I was between these and their Nyandam set for a long time, but I ultimately went with these. I love the nyandam stuff, but man I find it hard to justify the price on ‘em. I do wish Athrun and Kira looked a bit happier but I still think it’s a cute set.
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Lycoris Recoil - Chisato & Takina - Nendroid
I’m so glad I didn’t order their original nendroids, the cafe versions are so cute!! I’m so excited for these.
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Tian Guan Ci Fu - Hua Cheng - 1/7
He is also paid for. I have no idea where I’m going to put him, I have no space on my MXTX shelf for him. I really hope they put out a different Xie Lian scale to go with him since I’m not a huge fan of his “he who pleases the gods” figure. Like, come on give me any other outfit.
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Amnesia - Shin - Nendroid
I wish he came with more accessories. If I’m remembering right, he really just comes with his card. Other than that I’m pretty happy with the prototype.
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Amnesia - Toma - Nendroid
I really said when I saw the nendroid announcement, “I’m just going to get Ukyo and Shin, I don’t need to buy all of them” and then they gave Toma the fucckin’ cage. I’m dying.
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Fushigi no Kuni no Alice - 1/6
I cannot get over how cute she is!! One day I want a whole shelf of my cookbooks and all my cafe themed figures/standees
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And that’s it as of now. I just ordered some of the SEED x Sanrio stuff, but none of those are figures exactly.
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haropla · 1 year
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my ax02023 haul!! aka it’s a good thing flying by myself to other cons scares me a lot so I can’t empty out my wallet elsewhere!! (also includes freebies like the proseka cards, stuff bought from the relatively close by anime merch stores like the kamen rider shikishi and the meteora nendoroid, and also quagsire bc I brought it with me to the hotel from home)
when it’s all laid out like this, I’m happy!!! I think the purchases I’m happiest with are complete victory gundam soundtrack on CD since that’s my favorite gundam ost. and the ruby/sapphire pokemon adventure bundle. my entire favorite arc for just $40! and it came with a poster!!
but also I… didn’t realize I bought that many penguins. penguin expo…
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kishigunpla · 6 months
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Matching shirt, underwear, and socks sets for you and your arch rival
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circlique · 1 year
Theoretically, if I opened an online store, which fandom would you be most interested in merch for? (prints, stickers, charms, etc?)
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shot-by-cupid · 5 months
I am sick again. This is really negative and super weird so feel free to not read ^_^ I’m going fucking bananas !!! If you see this post. No you fucking do not and I’m actually SO normal and there is nothing wrong with me.
I am not. À jealous person.
Okay actually I am lying I am the most jealous person you will probably ever meet. And it is so ugly btw.
I’m not sure if I even wanna post this because it feels awful to admit but like. Having a popular f/o can realllly suck. It can really suck so hard. Too many people like him and it’s driving me mad.
And this is about him btw. It’s always about him. It’s never not about him.
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Like on one hand. I’m so glad that I can go anywhere and there’s a 90% chance I’ll see him at a store, merch is easy to find, he’s in so many games, he’s in movies and tv and videos and art. I see him everywhere. I take him everywhere I go. I’m so glad people are passionate about the same thing I’m passionate about.
But I also can’t stand it. Not at all. I’m so protective of my interests. He’s always been such an important part of my life, from when I was just some hopeless little girl he was all I had and he’s all I have now and he’s so important to me you can’t take him away from me. it feels like You are touching my stuff and you will NEVER understand him the way I do and I literally have no right to feel that way and I’m sorry. But he’s mine. He’s mine and I can’t help it.
I’ve just been feeling so awful recently and it’s like I can’t get away from these ugly feelings and I’m so sorry. But I’ve been so angry. I’m so angry at everyone who likes him and I can’t help it and I’m so sorry. I bite.
I do not expect anyone to get it. I’m not well I’m not healthy and there’s something wrong with me. Blame it on the misfortune of my birth (gundam quote because even when I’m depressed and losing my mind I have to be funny as fuck)
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I was wondering if you could maybe do some Kenny high on life headcanons if you haven't already
yes ofc! im also gonna take the time to say feel free to send asks + hc requests whenever bc ill most likely get around to it even if it takes me a bit to think of things. just nothing abt the comic yet bc i'm still working on getting my copy :3c
he/him polysexual demiaroace
Big on collecting, had a huge collection of geeky merch back at home and he'd love to build that back up again asap
huge weeb huge nerd duh
Very very glad general space culture is a bit more open to the sort of things he's interested in and very very glad the Bounty Hunter is also a huge nerd
exaggerating a liitle bit of how much space loves anime but he's not far from the truth
Loves Akira and NGE. Also big on Gurren Lagen and Gundam.
Gunpla builder. glad BH, Lizzie and Gus have hands to help with this. Gene DGAF so he don't count
Likes fruit flavored candy a lot. Like anything from hi-chew to juicy drop n peach rings n stuff
More than a little impulsive and impatient. Gets restless easily.
Trusts easy, kinda gullible especially before the events of the game. Easily fell for spectacle/face value assumptions.
Generally just. doesn't read the fine print. not as observant as he could be. should be.
But also very curious very excited to learn and see new things he needs his enrichment. take him to aquarium take him to library take him to museum
Wanted to be an astronaut when he was a kid
Likes those glow in the dark stars that you can stick to walls.
Went to trade school, good with mechanical work.
In a human au he’d wear headphones with lil antenna attached
Chill with knifey if concerned by his perpetual bloodlust. Tried to get him into Chainsaw Man and Akira.
If he ever meets Harper I think things would be more than a little awkward but they would end up getting along really well. Like besties well
BUT she would kick his ass/spray him with the hose on the highest power setting in the back yard first. It's only fair.
I don't say this as "ew icky kenny must suffer" i have the idea in my head that they mutually agree to something like this since harper has repressed so many of her emotions that something weird and cathartic like this would be the only way to work through it and Kenny just decides it's better to get it all over with in this kind of self flagellating manner than deal with someone else being mad at him for years perhaps in a moment of weakness he instantly regrets but it ends up working out.
Maybe he'd feel slighted at first?? Or insecure about it?? But Harper being so buddy buddy would make him slip back into place more and feel more like it's alright in the end.
And also anime buddies. We can make this happen. we don't have to fight. peace and love
that being said...
More below the cut but warning it's all abt the whole G3 thing and uh warnings to mentions of character death, manipulation and mentions/implications of suicidal ideation.
I think Rel was taking advantage of him but it wasn't like. 100% trying to play Kenny like a fiddle. It's just that he definitely cared more about infinite ammo, a mechanic, and quirky commentator for his exploits 3-in-1 than Kenny as an individual and had no qualms about bringing him into his shady, dangerous lifestyle.
Kenny definitely let a lot of information slip to Garmantuous and the G3, under the impression that maybe they would just cooperate with the Gatlians and it would be a mutual helping sort of thing. He didn't know the extent of the G3's crimes or what they would really do to Gatlus.
I think Garm and/or Nipulon mostly pressured/ encouraged him to talk and he figured at worst they’d be pushy or get some folks on Gators into hot water
Escaped from their clutches for a while only to be recaptured. Rel became much crueler to him as a result of the attempted betrayal.
Conflict-averse, when it comes to actual social disputes.
Creature forgave him quickly. Gus and Sweezy had to gradually warm up to him and it would never really be the way it was before.
Kenny felt pretty distressed by this. didn't they know he lost everything too? Couldn't it just. be over now?
I mean. Let's be real here. Yes Kenny was manipulated and his worst crime was mostly just running away and trusting the wrong person. But when that mistake leads to something so big? Ofc it's gonna make people mad. Esp with a vague, rushed confession instead of really being able to speak his peace
And I think not wanting to tell people, only being prompted to in order to tell the story first, and that whole "you mean i didn't even have to tell anyone ermwhat the sigma!!" bit really do seem. pretty selfish. i'll admit it irks me more than just a little.
Granted I'm sure no one's thinking straight when their whole planet's been wiped off the census and I think general survival and trying to keep a stable group came before most else in Kenny's mind. And in general he wanted to get out into the world, really see it, and prove himself only to fuck up more in the end. but it's a principle sort of thing to me.
But I like to think (and definitely want to write/draw a little something about this) that he eventually managed to really talk things out and reach a slightly better middle ground. Because everyone else really suffered for his fuck up and ofc they can't just "oh it's okay" it all away. But at the same time changing the trajectory of the galaxy's politics and wellbeing as a whole, getting entire planets destroyed because of one wrong move would break anybody down.
And I think they were getting somewhere before he. well. vanished off the face of the Earth
I read that reunion with Lez as a sort of reconciliation but I'm not sure if Kenny ever forgave himself for fucking up his friend's life like that.
I think Lezduit is relatively lucid if a bit dazed + confused, just unable to speak verbally. At the very least he's got a general idea of where he is what's goin on etc. And I think he did forgive Kenny but I'm sure if / when he is/was still aware of everything he'd still feel grim about stuff. If he could he'd totally just tell Kenny it would be better to be honest
And I think when Kenny first confessed everything Lez really wanted to tell him he could have been honest about all his doubts. Lezduit never thought he was a fuck up after all.
I'm honestly interested in the idea that maybe the Bounty Hunter didn't drop him, or that that was only half the problem; maybe he let himself fall or wriggled out of holster/grasp during a bout of guilt and doubt to just say fuck it and start over.
Or maybe not to start anything new at all and just. end it. That's dark but after everything maybe during a stressful mission it just all got to him and he freaked out and make that knee-jerk decision.
Though I'm sure he's survived and in my mind he's currently trying his damndest to make his way back to the Bounty Hunter.
i still like my prediction, as contrived as it may be, that Lizzie ends up finding him now that she's off on her own, too, and you end up reuniting with them both.
I mean. they're still using him for promo shit. there's no way he's GONE gone, they're probably just looking for a new VA and making sure the story fits together now.
And he is missed. By Creature definitely, by Gus yes even though he's not quick to admit it, and totally not Sweezy nooo why would you think that nooo why does she get kind of quiet and solemn when she goes to make fun of him and remembers he's not there noooo naur ahaha wtf are you talking about.
Knifey has also been like "Man i miss that blue bugger shame he's probably dead' and freaked everyone else the fuck out for a little bit
Lez doesn't know he's gone but I'm sure if/when the news reaches them it would be a small bout of mild panic (read: Major, major panic covertly expressed as " :O uh oh") but as much as they worry they'd kind of also just be like "eh he'll turn up somewhere". Happened before, and he's sure the Kenny he knows will tough it out. Not necessarily or primarily denial, mind you. I mean a real, genuine faith here. Lezduit knows his friend.
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cheeriochat · 9 months
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I LOVE GUNDAM!!!!!!!!!!!
my dad managed to get tickets to go up during a full show so that was awsome and man theres so much merch I wanna buy. Im a huge Witch from Mercury fan, as well as being a fan of the original series (other series' not so much? Ive never really thought of watching them, but maybe I will now.). I've built a couple gunpla sets too
But this thing is huge huge. Like totally large gigantamungous. I haven't done the other things here yet but I did a little bit of shopping (thanks dad for the $55 dollar shirt) and I am 120% going to do some more (Suletta figure here I come!!!!)
I'll reblog or edit or whatever once I've done everything and add on stuff
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youreaclownnow · 3 months
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The anime boston 2024 haul
Despite the mass quantity of gunpla kits available, there was next to no other gundam merch. Which while surprising, I suppose suited me alright. as much as I was hoping to get a new char for the shrine, I'm plenty happy with the other stuff I found.
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