#guns n roses fan fic
thesmokingguns · 4 months
Witches w/ Izzy STradlin
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Super fluffy piece I wrote around Halloween <3
I feel like you never see Izzy written as a family man and I can just picture him with a whole ass family
Izzy was beat.
His head ached. His body ached. And all he needed was to be curled up with the four ladies in his life to feel better.
He had only been home for one night and had to do some work at a local radio station today, which lead to a recording studio trop he hadn’t expected and finally he was headed home for some quality family time.
As soon as he entered the quiet house he know that there was trouble.
“You be quiet, Tara.”
“Shut up, Tessa.”
“I’m going to tell Mama you said Shut up.”
“Don’t be a tattletale, Toni.”
The three little voices were coming from his bedroom making Izzy smirk as he kicked off his shoes, heading to the bedroom where he knocked on the door getting a chorus of ‘shhh’ from behind the wood.
“Can I come in?” He waited a second expecting three squealing tots to throw themselves in his arm and cover him with kisses as they searched his pockets for whatever treat he bought for them.
But instead he heard them whispering together some more in whatever secret they were locked into.
“Darlings, your daddy asked to come in.” He couldn’t help the smile at his wife's voice, her soft reminder to her daughters about his knock.
But all he heard was more whispering before finally, Tara , his oldest at seven, opened the door looking at him with his own eyes staring back at him, her lips in a serious pout as her chocolate curls sat untamed under a pointed black hat.
A bit of jostling and the two other pointed hats of Tessa, age five, and Toni, age four, poked their heads out looking at Izzy with the little girl pouts that he didn’t expect.
“Why the long faces, little witches?” That got a google out of Toni who was promptly shh’d by her sisters and a fierce whisper between them went off.
“You can’t come in here anymore. You’re not allowed near Mommy.” Izzy’s eyebrows raised and he caught sight of his wife in bed looking at him with the same sort of confusion that he was sure was on his face.
A soft cry made him look at the baby in her arms. At just seven months their youngest daughter, Tilly was latching onto her mothers breast, unaware of the battle her sisters were embarking in.
“Darlings let daddy in.” She gave him an encouraging smile but he saw them all put their heads together before Tara was once more looking at him, her hands on her hips as the cape his wife made her with little crescent moons fluttered behind her.
“You can come in, daddy. But you need to undo it.” She crossed her arms, elbowing Tessa who mimicked the motion that her older sister was doing as Toni lost interest twirling around in her pink cape with gold sparkly stars, giggling at the material.
One witch down, two to go.
“Undo what?” He was crouching down to their level opening his arms as Tessa smiled, leaning in to get hugs from him.
Tessa was the one who always wanted snuggles. She was the one who liked physical touch and Izzy knew he was exploiting it but he wanted to give all his little girls hugs.
“The watermelon curse, daddy.” She whispered, getting a glare from Tara.
“He knows what he did.” Tara was upset as her sister ran off, the green cape with orange pumpkins flying in the wind she had created from rushing away.
Tara turned to Izzy, hand on her hips as she kept him from entering the bedroom still. Obviously she was upset about something.
“What is going on, Tara? What did I do?” Izzy wanted to just curl up with them all, eat pizza in bed and watch a movie. He would even watch a princess movie if it meant they all were happy.
Anything for his family.
“You put a curse on Mommy. You come home and you give her a look that makes her look at you all goo goo and then her belly grows from the watermelon seed and there is another baby. There are four of us now, daddy. Five is too many. That’s greedy.” Izzy blinked, swallowing the smile on his lips as his wife kissed Tilly’s head.
His other two had crawled on the bed, petting their baby sister as they watched their mother nurse,giving her all the cuddles.
“Tara, babies are gifts.” He reached for her but she shook her head, not being lured into his arms as he sighed out, sitting cross legged, “Do you want to tell me what’s going on little one?” She looked back at her sisters, realizing that they weren’t paying attention she moved closer, arms wrapping around Izzy.
Her little hands tugged at his dreads as her hat jostled from bumping into him as she whispered in his ear.
“If you have more babies you’ll have less love for me.” The softness of her voice, worried made Izzy’s heartache as he held her close, rubbing her back as she sniffled trying to be the strong older sister.
“Oh Tara, mommy and me love you all so much. Can’t you see how we love you all?” she nodded her head in confirmation but didn’t look at him, “Do you love your sisters?” she looked at him, cheeks a little flushed as she shrugged.
“Sometimes. But sometimes Tessa has hot dog farts and Tilly always is sucking on moms boobies and Toni takes long showers where she sings so loud.” Izzy smirked at her little grievances with her sisters. “But Toni always shares her candy with me and Tessa gives really good snuggles when I have bad dreams and I like the way Tilly smiled at me first.” Izzy nodded in understanding.
“And just how you love all your sisters we love you.” She nodded her head in understanding, pulling away as she stuck out her pinky at him.
“Promise you’ll love us, no matter how many you have?”  Izzy chuckled, nodding his head as he entered the solemn vow with his daughter, “Okay, daddy you can come in now.” Izzy stood up, taking Tara with him. Glad that she wasn’t complaining that she was too big to be held.
Finally he was in bed with all of the, snuggled up as his wife looked at him, her eyes on him as Izzy stroked the girls hair getting them arranged for movie night.
“Are you alright?” he asked, leaning in and stealing a kiss as well as the baby from her arms. He took over burping as his wife snuggled closer, leaning in for just him to hear.
“I feel pretty good for swallowing a watermelon seed.”
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misswhiskeyheart · 2 years
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He pressed Y/N against the glass window of a record shop, hips knocking against hers. His wild mane of blonde stood on end, now coloured by the red and yellow neon of the store window. He smiled; that eye sparkling, mischievous, boyish smile that made Y/N's heart skip everytime. One hand rested low on her waist, the other held her jaw as his thumb softly touched the apple of her cheek. Y/N could count every callous on his palm and fingers, every hour of rehearsal and shows. His hands upon her brought sparks each time, sending her fizzing into the sky.
MissWhiskey_Heart on AO3.
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unknownperson246 · 20 days
guys send more fic requests
I have a bunch of Izzy ones but I have no requests for any other people yet!! I am writing for any band thanks!
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ascendthisday · 1 year
By The Time I Knew I Truly Loved You
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Pairing: Steven Adler/Reader Word Count: 800~
Info: No Smut, Fluff, Happy Ending, Emotional, Mentioned Drug Use, Post-Stroke, /reader in a way that you can imagine just about anyone as the narrator its VERY vague
Summary: The month I knew I truly loved you was cold. It was 1996, sometime around October, but after the stroke, every day seemed to blend together. I begged with God, pleaded that you'd wake up and remember how to live; to function.
Authors Note: another old one from ao3 because i have a bunch of shit i never reposted!! this was the first gnr fic i posted so yay for that, hope it isnt TOO corny
The month I knew I truly loved you was cold. It was 1996, sometime around October, but after the stroke, every day seemed to blend together. I begged with God, pleaded that you'd wake up and remember how to live; to function. I prayed that you'd remember to speak overnight. Everything was so hard now. We- you, communicated grunts and grumbles of vague words to which I would sob over in the middle of the night. We slept in different beds. Other people were always in our home because you needed caretakers, and yet I convinced myself to hold on. 
The week I knew I truly loved you was hectic. You were frantic for God knows what reason, clawing at floorboards and yourself. I watched your mop of hair get more and more matted day by day as you adamantly opposed brushing it. You smelled of musk, a smell I once relished and showered myself in by wearing your clothes while you 'recovered' in the hospital. We had five different caretakers quit that week, so I had to resort to begging in the newspaper. Eventually, I found someone new, but what would have happened if I hadn't? One day, I realized you wanted your stash. You still had something, left forgotten in the floorboards, and you were determined to find it even though you had no memory of where it may be. We had to rip our home apart, piece by piece, to make sure you didn't find that stash- if it even existed, and yet, I convinced myself to hold on. 
The day I knew I truly loved you, we had let the sunlight waste as we spent the whole day 'fighting', if you could even call it that. It was like arguing with a stubborn child, even though I knew you didn't mean to be childish. We sat at the dinner table; you at one end with a stack of blank notecards and a pen, me at the other with only my voice and frustrations. You had taken to writing so much better than you had to speaking. So far, this was the only way we had somewhat fluent conversations since the stroke. It was horrible. I missed the silly way you poorly serenaded me with love songs. I missed the joking debates we held together, arguing on why one superhero was wholeheartedly superior or something along those lines. I missed when I didn't have to monitor everything on the TV because your therapist told me anything could set you off into another relapse.  I missed when it was just us in the house with no needed caretakers, and yet, I convinced myself to hold on. 
The night I knew I truly loved you, I stormed away and sulked in what used to be our bed. You had knocked on the door at two in the morning. I groggily opened it to ogle at your disheveled form. You stood there; pajama pants barely hanging onto your skinny hips, a broken hairbrush outstretched in your hands, hair tangled to your ears with another restless night, and a quivering lip paired with the glossiest eyes I had ever seen. My eyes had pricked with tears when I saw you, really saw how scared, lost, and small you were. I spoke not a word, simply let you crawl into our bed. I needed no more convincing, I chose to hold on and never let go for as long as I could. 
The moment I knew I truly loved you, I had just finished brushing out every knot and tangle from your mane as you sat between my legs. You turned toward me and stared for a couple of minutes before beginning to climb out of bed, but I stopped you. I needed you. You needed me. So, I simply held you. I held you for hours. Then, with as much force as you could muster you muttered three words that changed me. 
"I love you." 
The moment after I knew I truly loved you, I shrieked and sobbed so loud I swore the neighborhood shook. I tried to steady myself with the burst of pure joy that overwhelmed me, but I was over the moon. I wept and wept as I held your head to my chest and repeated how much I loved you, too. Those were the first words you spoke to me for months. Finally, you pulled away and I was met with your beautiful smile. It was so different, though. It was no longer a smile that showed for when you got your high, it was a show of love and gratitude. God, I was so lucky to have held on.
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being-worthy · 2 years
A bed, a puppy, and a ring
This is something that I wrote for myself to help lift my mood during this day. It took me longer than expected since I'm not used to writing these stories anymore and much less to write for Slash.
The end is probably too abrupt and sucks, but another thing that I struggle with is putting things into words, especially, dreams.
Enjoy or not.
As the first rays of the morning sun peeked between the curtains on the big bay window, I was jarred out of a peaceful slumber by the insistent rays of the sun, but I had to get up early if I wanted to surprise my girl on her birthday.
Tilting my head down I see her with her head laying on my chest. I’m not a morning person by any means and I would love nothing more than to spend the day in bed with her, but I needed to check on the surprise I had for her in my studio downstairs and make sure the room was still in one piece. Carefully, I remove her head slowly from my chest placing it on the pillow next to me and turning to the side of the bed to find my pants. I spot them laying on the floor next to the bed and before I can even reach for them, a pair of arms and legs wrap around me like a koala bear and I hear a faint breath saying, “don’t go”. I can’t help the chuckle escaping me at her words.
I caress her arms around my neck my voice still laced with sleep, “I need to check on something. Besides, I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed, birthday girl”. “Nooo~ it’s too early and it’s my birthday and I want you to stay here in bed with me and just lay and enjoy each other and have some mind-blowing orgasms”, letting out a full belly laugh at the last bit. My breathing started speeding up when I felt her placing butterfly kisses on my shoulder moving to my neck and licking my earlobe before taking it between her teeth making me release a groan pressing her bare body to my back wasn’t helping either, and I could feel my restraint slowly slipping away and wanting nothing more than to ravish her again and again; she surely knows how to play dirty. This made me remember how far we got as a couple, especially her as a person making me feel so proud of her and love her even more. The first time I met her she was reserved and had a difficult time expressing herself and trusting others, but it turned out she just had been starved for love and touch for a long time because nobody showed her how she should be loved properly and what it felt like to be loved truly and unconditionally.
I turn my body to face her and engulf her in my arms and kiss her on the lips “I’ll be quick, love, promise” placing another kiss on her sensual lips which had turned into a cute pout. I got up and put on my sweatpants not without hearing a whine which made me turn around give her a grin and made my way out of the bedroom and went downstairs. I quickly went to my studio to check on our new addition to our little family. I had checked on him every couple of hours since I brought him home yesterday evening which wasn’t easy as my girl always knew when I was up to something and it was difficult to keep surprises from her.
Approaching the doggy playpen I prepared for him the night before, I could see he was fully awake, giving small barks away and wiggling his butt and tail non-stop, clearly ready to have fun and get all the cuddles. “Hey, little buddy. How are you this special morning? Ready to meet your mommy?” I ask him while scratching behind his ear and receiving a cheering yip from him. Taking the puppy into my hands we go outside and let him do his business. Once he was done, he comes running back and goes straight to me where I had put some food and changed his water. The food was devoured in no time. I took him into my arms when he was done and started talking to him again, “listen, before we go upstairs to meet your mommy, I need you to be on your best behaviour and be extra good with her, ok?”, the puppy just wriggled from excitement playing with my fingers. “She’s had a tough life and needs lots of love and reassurance. In return, she’ll give you the world, she’ll go to the end of the universe for you, and give you so much care and love that you’ll wonder how you managed to land such a great, wonderful, and breathtaking woman. Okay?” I got a lick across my cheek in return, “I’ll take that you agree with me and will show her your best side. Let me put one last detail on you and we’re ready to go upstairs to meet her”. This was easier said than done since he wouldn’t stop moving but nonetheless, I managed to add a red ribbon with a small box attached to the side of his collar and we made our way upstairs. When we entered the bedroom, I saw she still hadn’t moved from the bed and was still sleeping while clutching my pillow tightly to her chest and face.
The puppy in my arms grew excited the moment he saw another person to play with and wouldn’t stop squirming and barking in my arms, “seems you already fell in love with her, can’t blame you, buddy”. I gently place him on the bed and let him approach her on his own and watch the scene unfold in front of me. The little guy didn’t waste any time and got to her in an instant eager wanting to play with her. Tiny barks came from him and he pawed at her arm to get her attention. She started to squirm around pressing her face further into my pillow, “uhhh… 5 more minutes”, hearing her whine. He tries harder after not getting the desired reaction from her. “Why are you being so persistent this early, Slash?” Another bark directed at her comes out of the dog, this one a bit louder and more insisting and I can see her eyes are slowly opening and getting rid of the last remnants of sleep and take in her surroundings. Once her eyes are fully open and focused in front of her, she makes a move back and sees it’s not me who has been trying to wake her up and get her attention. “What?” was the only word coming out of her mouth and seating up while clutching the sheets to her stark nude body to get a better view of the scene in front of her. “Slash, is there a puppy in our bed?”, she asks me. I can’t help the big smile and reply “surprise, happy birthday, baby girl”.
Reader POV:
“Surprise, happy birthday, baby girl”, I hear Slash say. A puppy. He got me a puppy. My boyfriend got me a puppy! Tears make their way to my eyes and I can’t contain them when I grab the puppy and hug him to my chest while placing kisses all over the puppy’s snout. “I hope those are happy tears, love”, I hear him ask. “Happy? I’m all over the moon! I’m holding a puppy and not just any puppy, but the cutest and fluffiest puppy in the whole wide world! You’ve always given me the most extraordinary presents, querido, even if I don’t need them but only you”. I crawl on my knees to his lap as best as I can with the puppy in my arms feeling Slash’s big and warm hands find their place on my hips making sure I don’t fall and bringing me closer to him without crushing our new family member. I place a kiss on his forehead followed by two more one on each of his cheeks, another kiss on the tip of his nose, and another longer one on his full lips. We must’ve been kissing longer than expected since the puppy started barking at us and mouthing at my arm not liking the fact that he currently wasn’t being the centre of attention. “Awww~ no need to be jealous, little one. I’ve got kisses for you too” and started to give him some kisses too. “Maybe I didn’t think this quite through. I don’t want to be cockblocked by a dog in my own bed in my own house”. “Too late. Geralt is already a family member and cannot be taken away from me”.
“Geralt? Really?! Not only do you’ve to thirst after the character in the show, but name the dog after him too?” tossing his head back and groaning in mock annoyance. “You know you’re the only man I thirst for, querido”, I seductively whisper into his ear earning the reaction I was hoping for when I feel him gradually growing beneath me and placing kisses on his neck and leaving hickeys here and there. Before things could escalate, I feel something drop on my lap breaking away from the kiss, I direct my view towards the object in my lap. I gently take the box and examine it, “what’s this?”. Opening the box, I see a ring inside and two words are written on the inside of the top lid that said ‘marry me?’. My eyes were the size of saucers looking straight at his and my heart was beating so fast I thought it’d jump out of my chest. “Sweetheart, I know this is usually done after a romantic dinner and I’d get down on one knee telling you how special you are to me, but I can’t wait anymore and we don’t have to get married right away, I just want you to know that I want to spend forever and ever with you by my side”, I couldn’t hold my tears back anymore and was already sobbing so hard that he looked at me with a worry expression on his face. “Love, you’re starting to scare me”. “Do you… do you really want to marry me?” A full teeth smile makes it across his face, “every day for the rest of our lives”.
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pumpkinbxtch · 26 days
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★ CONCEPT: rockstar!au
⋆.˚✮ rockstar!leo valdez x fem!reader (masterlist)
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general content: rockstar!leo valdez x reader (sometimes he can change his role within the band) general warnings: language, angst, cheesiness, I read probably being an idiot at times, sexual innuendos (if there is anything nsfw I'll put it directly next to the title) a/n: surprise, surpsie! This is something that I have been wanting to do for a long time, so welcome to this section where this boy is a rockstar and there will be varied stories and NOT necessarily serialized
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seneak peek
— oh, honey — he said, strumming the guitar repeatedly without a specific rhythm. His eyes were shining but hooded, almost hiding the lovesick look he was giving you. you looked at him, tilting your head slightly with a confusion that he could barely notice, you left the paperback book on the seat next to you while you watched your boyfriend approach the edge of the stage. Leo got excited looking at your eyes on him and started bouncing on his toes. — Just look at you! — he said as jumped high and knelt down dramatic— you look like... he shook his head back moving his fingers along the strings and you recognized that fragment of that solo, because your father was a fan and he loved guns n' roses. sweet child o' mine. and it was only halfway through the solo that he jumped off the stage to kiss you. — you look like this fuckin solo, so fuckin stunnin, so fuckin perfect, so fuckin everything.
| FICS |
★ my american boy (soon…)
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samantitheos · 4 months
Tag Game Wednesday
Thank you @juliakayyy @jrooc and @skylerwinchester for tagging me. <3
Name: sam.
Age: older than cam, younger than noel—that perfect sweet spot.
star sign: capricorn.
your first language: english.
second language: the education system (and my parents) failed me. i can kinda read latin,  i guess.
favourite lip product: blistex or maybelline baby lips.
the best food dish you can make without a recipe: sicilian meatloaf or this bacon-wrapped chicken breast dish with cream cheese filling.
If you drink tea, what kind?  black tea with a bit of honey.
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? medium.
favourite thing to watch on youtube right now:  nothing? tho i do use it to play the lord of the rings trilogy soundtrack or best of hans zimmer when i’m working. 🤓
favourite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: guns n’ roses music videos probably lol.  
favourite item of clothing right now: since starting to work from home, definitely my mint green sweatpants and fuzzy slippers.
favourite item of clothing in 2012: based on my pictures from that year i wore this electric yellow tank top A LOT.
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[please enjoy the super grainy quality and raging phallic energy]
three movies you recommend: life as a house, gladiator, the girl with the dragon tattoo (original swedish version with subtitles).
your favourite concert: i’m gonna cheat and say warped tour 2004.
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? lmaooooo the great mickey crop top controversy of 2019 (yes).
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? i’ve only really been involved in the shameless fandom, but hearing about the fans in other fandoms (e.g., ofmd) has discouraged me from trying to get involved in them.
the best tv show you watched last year: daisy jones and the six, interview with the vampire, ted lasso.
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? would loved to have seen tom hardy as james bond and would still love to see cam in a live-action hercules.
a ship you’ve abandoned: well this is before i knew what “shipping” was, but kate and sawyer on lost (he deserved better—and got it).
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? “ok, but just let me explain…”
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?) no, and if i got anything i would want it to be very subtle. i’ve thought about getting a serif dash on my left middle finger…
what fandom do you wish was bigger? i don’t really wish the shameless fandom was bigger, but i do wish the fic writing community was as big as it was a few years ago.
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? how i met your mother. absolute trash ending.
have you…
swam in an ocean? yes! and scuba certified. i did underwater archaeology for a few years. ever been vegan/vegetarian? no. gone skinny dipping? once. gone skiing? yes, but not since high school. been to a convention? only the boring academic kind.
Tagging @astaraels @crossmydna @deathclassic @darlingian @ian-galagher @krysmiss @lonelygallavich @palepinkgoat @sickness-health-all-that-shit @transmickey @heymrspatel @stocious @callivich @gallawitchxx <333
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cas-coding · 1 year
everytime i read a fic where jack loves 2000s female pop and dean also enjoys it im like… hmmm, not sure that’s realistic… and then i remember that my dad (big acdc and guns n roses fan) knows all the words to bejeweled, antihero, and lavender haze by taylor swift and then im like,,, okay,,, so dean definitely sings along with jack,,,
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lost-in-the-80s · 10 months
I need to talk to you guys....
Hey guys!
I'm here to say thank you and I'm sorry.
Some of you have been following me since the beginning of this blog in 2020, when I was depressed and found peace and a new purpose by spending time here, writing some fics and making new friends.
I met some incredible people in here that have proven to be great friends, helping me through thick and thin, and I love you guys so much 💖💖
As time passed by, my work load started to grow more and more, and it reached a point where I didn't find any inspiration in myself to write anything, which led a long hiatus.
On top of that my interests changed a bit, don't worry, I'm still an avid Guns n Roses fan, and Axl is still my alter ego haha... but my center of attention changed directions and I finally found myself writing again, but for anime this time (I know, who'd see this coming lol?)
It was during a short period of time and then another wave of depression hit me again and I lost all my motivation for writing.
I hadn't logged in this account for months, and I assure you I am fine now, but who went through this knows that its unpredictable and we never know when its going to hit us again, but when I logged in and saw all the messages in my Ask box it really put a smile on my face.
You guys have been here for so long and I feel like I failed you for having disappeared. For which I am really sorry!
I'm not promising to be back as frequently as I was once, but I'll try my best to be around, to talk to you guys and maybe start writing again someday.
So thank you to everyone for having so much patience with me and showing me so much love! I love you guys ❤️❤️
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thesmokingguns · 11 months
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Beauty and the Beast
a/N: wrote this for patreon
“I fucking hate you.” I turned, trying to slam the bathroom door but a foot had shot out, blocking me from fully closing it.
Shit. Shit. Shit.
I kicked at the boot, pulse racing as I tried to make the monster stop his intrusion but in full horror movie fashion his hand slipped through the crack and the door was yanked forward, pulling me right into him.
Izzy sneered in annoyance, his hand coming for my throat as he pushed me back into the en suite bathroom I had tried to retreat into. He squeezed, enough pressure that made me gasp for one last breath before he cut off my airways, dragging me up by my neck so I hoovered on tiptoes, hands on his as I tried to pry his fingers from my throat.
All this did was get me a smile from the sick fuck.
“What don’t you understand about being mine, pet? Hmm? Do you like when I punish you? Does that get you off? Does it get you off when I force you to your knees and make you take my cock inch by inch into that slutty little mouth. Do you have a kink for destruction?” He speaks to me slowly, even toned like he isn’t choking the life out of me.
Fucking psychopath.
He squeezed my neck, looking at it like his fingers were expensive jewels and him choking me was an accessory.
“How are you going to repay me? Are you going to give me that mouth of yours? Stick out that little pink tongue for me.” His eyes shifted from my throat to my mouth, eyes expectant.
I’d rather swallow my tongue than give him the satisfaction of seeing my tongue unfurl like a red carpet. I’d bite his dick off if he even tried. The sick fuck would probably get off on my teeth gnawing at his dick.
The way he smirks, having already expected that I wouldn’t listen to him. At least he knew that I wasn’t going to give in easily to him.
“You want me to use your cunt then?” The teasing tone he is using is dangerous, deadly. But everything about Izzy is dangerous.
From the predatory look in his eyes to the way he uses his body like a deadly weapon. Wielding himself like a glint of steel. Every wretched thing he does is an act of war. The way he strikes me down and pillages me as his spoils. He’s the worst type of tyrant.
“Fuck off.” The way his eyes narrow as I barely squeeze out the words. Instantly his hand tightens, blocking any chance of speaking again.
“Filthy mouth of yours, pet. Absolutely fucking filthy.” And then he lets my throat go.
The shock of it as I drop down, my knees jerking as they try to catch my balance and fail. But Izzy had expected that, anticipated my body that he was tuned into. He catches me, spinning me so my hips dig into the sink, my forehead smacking against the mirror. Eyes stuck watching him pin me from behind.
I could scream but who would hear?
“Stop.” The one word makes him chuckle at me and I feel small, stupid. We both know he isn’t going to stop.
His hands slide over my shoulders, tugging the silky fabric of my nightgown, the fabric pooling at my feet and I’m blushing as my panties are yanked down, following them. Darker than my nightdress because the dampness of my pussy stains them.
I was turned on. Achingly so and he could tell.
“Stop?” His lips are against my ear, his eyes watching me too closely in the mirror as his hands deep between the traitor between my legs. His fingers slip into the pools of glistening wetness. The wet sound as he smears my own cum up over my clit, teasing it as I groan in pleasure before pulling back to my other howl, teasing my ass with his finger tips. “Your body doesn’t want me to stop, pet. Your body is a good girl and knows exactly what she wants.”
I think he’s going to use my ass as punishment. I mentally tell myself to breathe but forget how to as three fingers stretch my cunt and my knees wobble. If Izzy didn’t press into me, supporting me with his body I would collapse and were both well aware if that fact.
His fingers are suctioned into me. My Pussycat greedily wanting more as I think of words of resistance that come to my lips and get lost in the moans my mouth makes. My brain completely over ridden with the base, primal pleasure only Izzy can elicit from me.
His fingers move, twisting inside my wetness as I think of smashing my head against the mirror. There’s such a thing as too much pleasure and Izzy always flints that line with recklessness that I don’t understand.
Can one die from orgasming because as he bends his fingers and my body completely gives up on trying to have any thought of its own. I cum hard on his fingers. Feeling his lips on the back of my neck.
He’s saying something to me but I’m warm all over and my eyelids are tired as the bliss sucks every ounce of energy from me.
One of my thighs is lifted up, my body a right angle of limbs as I blink, the pressure of his cocks head against me. The entrance to my cunt makes a wet popping sound as he teases his head against my hole. My body wants him, wants to drag him into my cunt and he knows it. That’s why he won’t give in.
“Beg me.” He knows I want him but he has the patience when he teased me to make me wait. Both of us know if the roles were reversed he’d kill me for teasing him. “If you want my cock, pet, you’re going to beg for every fucking inch.” His eyes look darker and if I could I would look away but in transfixed.
“Fuck me, Izzy. Please. I need your cock.” He smirks, one thrust and he’s Inside me so deep I get a stomach ache. I’ll be sore after, feel thoroughly used and filled but in the moment my eyes roll back and I appreciate him splitting me open.
His hands are on my hip, nails digging in and I’ll have a constellation of fingerprints marking my skin for the next few days. Something to trace in the shower and think of him.
“Oh god, Izzy.” And he smirks at my words, pleased with the statement.
“Careful with calling me your god, pet. You’ll have to spend a lot of time on your knees worshiping me if you give me that power.”
But his threat just sends a zap through my body. The thought of being on my knees, his weighty cock shoved in my mouth as I look up at him as I worship, turns me on more than it should.
He can feel my oussy clenching around him at the idea and I might as well have signed over my rights to stand. He’ll keep me on my knees because he knows he can. He knows he owns me, heart, body and soul.
“I’m going to cum so deep in this pussy you'll be drooling out my cum. Open that pretty mouth pet. That’s my girl.”
His finger slid me over my tongue, my mouth closing as his fingers fuck my mouth. Closing my eyes for a second as I hum around them. I’m shocked when his hand leaves between my lips and he smacks my face. My eyes flashing open as I look at him in the mirror.
“Eyes only on me when I fuck you, pet. On me.” He demands the attention and I nod. Heart bouncing in my chest as I squeeze around him, my orgasm shaking through me as izzy groans.
He’s so close. And he’s right I can taste him.
His pace picks up and I watch him in the mirror as he fucks me. He’s ruthless with my body, having trained it to take his cock. Taught my body how to cum around him every single time.
“Look. At. Me.” My head turns but not fast enough. Izzy holds my chin as he makes me look over my shoulder at him. “This is my fucking, cunt. You understand that? This is mine.” I nod, accepting his ownership.
He cums inside of me, the warm feeling of him flowing through me. His cock twitching inside of me as he rides out the waves of his pleasure. Only pulling out when he starts softening.
I don’t move until he slides my leg down, hand going around my waist as he drags me towards him, kissing me as his cum starts to slide down, over my thighs. A cum trail running down my knee.
“I should clean up.” But Izzy is pulling me towards bed.
“I’m not done using you, pet. No need to clean up when there’s going to be a bigger mess.” My stomachs in knots at his words but I want it.
I want him. All of him. Even these feral beast moments. Everything needs to be balanced and every beauty needs her beast
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punkslovepoints · 1 year
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After his friends come out one by one, Steve settles comfortably into his new role as an ally. He moves to the city with Robin, joins groups, attends protests, even takes a gender studies class. 
Then in 1991 Eddie comes crashing back into his life.
If you'd have asked seventeen year old Eddie Munson who he imagined he'd name as his best friend when he grew up, prissy Nancy Wheeler wouldn't have appeared on the longlist, let alone at the number one spot.
But living with her they had developed a friendship unlike any he had before.
It had taken a while. She wasn't the most forthcoming person, she was hard around the edges, something built up from years of grief, loss and having to be the smartest, most capable person in the room, but he kinda loved that about her. She suffered no fools. Yet she respected him, Eddie, who grew up feeling like an idiot, repeating senior year three times, Nancy Wheeler liked him for his intelligence, for his conversation.
They had started hanging out almost by necessity. Robin and Steve still committed to going on dates once a week, leaving the loft and heading off on adventures together. Sometimes it was as simple as a coffee, but often they'd come back covered in paint after attending a protest of some kind, or return with tales of how Robin had attempted and failed to steal a monkey from Indianapolis zoo, a story he never really got to the bottom of.
Their weekly adventures left Nancy and Eddie at a bit of a loss without their natural buffers. Nancy, being the more organized of the two had come to him with an offer. They'd try out their own dates. One to begin with to see what they actually had in common, beyond the obvious, then more in the future if the first one worked out.
They agreed to start small with a coffee date.
Nancy met him there from work, sat down opposite him, spine straight, hands clasped in front of her, her purse to her side. “I thought we could play twenty questions.”
Eddie laughed, "Jesus, Wheeler. Is this a date or an interview?"
She smiled a sly smile at him, "There's a difference?"
He laughed again. “So what are the rules of this date-slash-interview?”
“We ask twenty questions between us, ten each. You can’t ask what you’ve been asked and no follow-up questions.” She paused, then pointed at him, ”And we get increasingly personal the longer we go on.” Eddie grinned. This could be fun.
Nancy started. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Not black?”
“No. No follow-up questions. Favorite musician?”
“Blondie. What book have you read that stayed with you?”
“March 3rd 86 edition of Newsweek,” he joked. Nancy threw him a look. He put on a voice and quoted, “The Devil has come to America, ” then laughed, "I mean, obviously it's Lord of The Rings. Favorite contemporary musician”
“I dunno, Guns N Roses” Eddie raised an eyebrow and she shrugged. “What did you want to be when you grew up?”
“A firetruck.”
“Like a fireman?”
“No, just a firetruck. Spent weeks on end running around wailing at the top of my voice. No wonder my parents got rid of me.” Nancy winced, but no follow-ups.
“What did you want to be?”
“No repeats. You’re breaking the rules of the game already.”
“What can I tell you, I’m not a fan of authority. Answer the question.”
“A journalist. Unsurprisingly, I’m pretty single minded. Do you think your life would have been different if you'd graduated the first time round?"
"Yes. I'd never have met Chrissy."
"Yeah. What did you like the most about Barb?"
"That's a nice one.” Nancy took her time to answer. “She was always watching out for me even when I wasn't watching out for myself. Do you still dream about it"
"The Upside Down? Of course. Do you wish it had never happened?"
"Of course," she responded immediately and then thought for a little longer, "Some parts of it. Maybe not others."
"Which parts?"
"No follow up questions," she smirked. "Would you have done anything differently if you could do it again?"
"No. I don't think so. Running back to fend off the bats bought you more time. Sad I missed out on the finale though. Do you think your mum had an affair with Billy Hargrove?"
"Low blow, Munson. I know there were rumors. No, I don't think she did. I do think she wanted to. What happened with your parents?"
Eddie shrugged. "They didn't want me, Wayne did. How old were you when you lost your virginity?"
"Sixteen. Steve Harrington."
"Shut up. When did you realize you were gay?"
"Probably about fourteen, Magnum PI."
"Tom Sellek?"
"No follow up questions."
"That's not a question, I'm just surprised."
"What made you fall in love with Robin?"
"No one thing. She's just Robin."
"Cop out answer, but accepted."
"Next question. Tom Sellek?"
Eddie laughed, "It was the chest hair. I'm a sucker for overt masculinity. Question eighteen. When did you stop loving Steve?"
She smiled, "Romantically, probably a few months before we broke up my junior year. But I'll never stop loving him, not properly. We weren't right together, and what I have with Robin now is obviously so much better in every way. But he'll always be my first love. That means something."
Eddie smiled at her, stirred his coffee, "Your question now."
"When did you?"
"When did I what?" He knew what she was asking but he wanted to buy himself a bit of time.
"When did you stop loving Steve?"
“I thought repeating questions was against the rules.”
She smiled, “I think we've both broken that one."
He considered lying, considered asking surprised, asking what she meant. Despite how many questions he'd answered already, this one was different, this one wasn't in the past. Then he realized he'd left the silence to hang for too long. That was an answer in itself. He looked at her.
"Even now?" She asked. She didn't sound all that surprised.
He shrugged, "Even now."
"That sucks. I'm sorry."
Eddie laughed, "It's fine. It really is. You said, right. You're never going to really stop loving him? Maybe nobody does? Maybe once Steve Harrington finds his way under your skin he just stays there."
"Like a parasite."
"God, the hottest parasite I've ever seen." Nancy's laugh was a little snort. Cute. They watched each other for a beat.
"Final question. The most personal question in the world. What would win in a fight, a badger or a baboon."
Nancy laughed again. "Are we talking European badger or Honey Badger here?" She asked.
It was Eddie's turn to laugh this time. ”There’s a difference?”
They continued their dates. Any time Robin and Steve set off on their adventures, Nancy and Eddie would head for coffee, or something a little stronger. Their conversations would mostly revolve around asking each other increasingly perplexing questions about life, the universe and everything, but every once in a while, Nancy would ask about Steve. Check how Eddie was doing. He appreciated having somebody to talk to.
Badges in the image credits:Buffalo State Activist Pin & Button Exhibit [c. 1970-2018] and The ArQuives Artifacts Collection
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unknownperson246 · 20 days
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ascendthisday · 1 year
That Time
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Pairing: Duff McKagan/Steven Adler
Word Count: 4,600~
Info: No Smut, Fluff, Happy Ending, Boys In Love, Drug Use, Overdosing, Songfic, Teeth, Smoking, Blood, Nosebleed, Kissing, Almost death
Summary: “Duff! Look at this!” Steven squealed, his blond mop of hair shaking with his exaggerated nodding as he pointed at the pavement with excitement. He had run a few yards ahead of the other man, so Duff had to jog to catch up with him. Duff’s obnoxiously loud chained belt jingled against his leather pants every thickly soled step he made. “Huh,” He hummed as he stared down at the concrete, touching hips with the drummer, “that’s weird.”
Authors Note: been a busy busy bee lately, sorry for not posting! getting back into the general glide of things though, so expect more in the next few weeks!! this is old, but good nonetheless
Hey, remember that time when I found a human tooth
Down on Delancey? 
      “Duff! Look at this!” Steven squealed, his blond mop of hair shaking with his exaggerated nodding as he pointed at the pavement with excitement. He had run a few yards ahead of the other man, so Duff had to jog to catch up with him. Duff’s obnoxiously loud chained belt jingled against his leather pants every thickly soled step he made. “Huh,” He hummed as he stared down at the concrete, touching hips with the drummer, “that’s weird.” On the ground sat two yellowed human teeth. They were wedged in the crack between the sidewalk's concrete panels, surrounded by weeds and grass that had managed to shimmy their way into the crevice. It was almost as if they had been pulled directly from the root with their long prong-esque legs still attached. Steven folded himself in half, his leather jacket sliding up his shoulders and his wild mess of hair curtaining around his face, and swept the teeth into his hands. 
      “Ew, man! Gross!” Duff groaned as Steven tucked the teeth into the back pocket of his jeans. “Hey, you never know when you might need some teeth. Maybe they’ll be my good luck charm- or something like that.” He giggled as he stared at himself in the reflection of the bassist's sunglasses. “Maybe, or they’ll give you AIDs.” The taller man retorted. Steven frowned, pulling the usual grin he sported off of his mouth immediately. Duff knew how he felt about those jokes; his history, why would he say that? The tooth discussion didn’t linger on much longer, though. Instead, they walked back to their home, the ‘hell house’ in all of its glory, clouded by an awkward aura of- well- something indescribable.   
Hey, remember that time when we decided to kiss anywhere except the mouth? 
      That aura tugged down on their shoulders until they wandered into Steven’s rather unclean bedroom. It wasn’t disgusting- more so an organized mess. Things were piled up in thick hills along the floor, but had you asked Steven to bring you even the tiniest pin, he could find it in seconds. He was just special in that way. “I’m sorry,” Duff mumbled as he wrapped himself around the smaller man. His warm body heat seeped through his own t-shirt and Steven's layers of leather and cotton. “‘s okay,” Steven murmured back as he took a handful of steps toward his mattress, twirled himself- and Duff around, and fell backward on top of the lanky man. “Oh!” Duff huffed as the wind was knocked out of him. He sputtered out stringy waves of blond and lightly shoved Steven off of him. The drummed grinned and rolled himself onto his side, propping his head up onto his hand. 
     “I’m bored. Let’s play a game!” Steven whined and playfully batted his eyelashes at the man. “Whaddya thinkin’ of?” The bassist responded as he pulled off his sunglasses and placed them atop his head. “Kiss me. Kiss me anywhere except my lips.” He grinned. Duff gave him a little smirk, pushed Steven over, threw his lanky legs over his waist, and began to assault him with kisses while straddling him. He kissed along his shoulders. Then, pulled up his shirt to pepper soft pecks against his fishnet-covered ribs. Next, his navel. As he slid lower and lower down the drummer's body, his kisses trailed onto his jeans and down his thighs. Floaty giggles echoed around the room as Steven relished the feeling of Duff’s chapped lips against his ankles. “Don’t- Don’t kiss my toes!” Steven yelped between flurried hiccups as Duff got closer and closer to the skin that was concealed in his dirty Converse.  
Hey, remember that time when my favorite colors was pink and green? 
     Duff obeyed and kissed his way back up Steven's body, trailing directly on top of the previous kisses he had left just mere moments ago. Unlike his previous endeavors, Duff kissed past his shoulders and danced his way down his arms, one at a time. He placed sweet little pecks to the respective heart and drumstick on each shoulder when the time came. Steven let out soft little puffs of air as his heart dramatically thumped against his ribcage. Sure, they were intimate in a lot of ways, but something about this was different. It was almost romantic. Duff trailed through his downy arm hair and to his thickly decorated wrists. “Pink,” Duff whispered, holding one of his thin wrists in his palm, “and green.” He pulled both wrists together and held the colors side by side. “Our favorite!” Steven cheekily smiled at the bassist. 
     Duff blushed, remembering that the thin twine bracelets had originally been a matching set shared between the two of them, but the thread was too itchy for Duff, so Steven settled on wearing both of them. The jewelry was originally bought by Slash, a gift that he had justified with a snarky remark along the lines of 'If you guys wanna act like a couple so much, you should go ahead and be part of a pair,’ which was backhanded yet sweet. A lot of things Slash said were like that, twisted in some way or another. Duff didn’t even really like green that much, but he knew Steven loved pink, so he compromised. Since then, Steven had been convinced that green was his favorite color ever. He never complained. The bassist grinned back at him as he placed a final kiss on Steven's fingertip. Then, he pulled away and sat upright, just for a moment. As soon as he was fully up, he was back down with his lips centimeters away from Stevens. The drummer squeaked and blinked his eyes. Hard.  
Hey, remember that month when I only ate boxes of tangerines? 
So cheap and juicy! 
     “Do you think I’ve earned a kiss on the mouth yet?” Duff hummed as his breath ghosted against Steven's lips. “Your breath tastes like oranges- no, tangerines! Are you doing that thing where that's all you eat again?” Steven let out a nervous chortle as he jokingly licked at the air. Duff dramatically threw his head back and groaned. “That was one time, man!” He hissed as his sunglasses slid off of his head. “Damn it.” The older man groaned and awkwardly grasped around the area behind him. Unfortunately for both of them, the area behind Duff happened to be Steven's waistband. “My dick!” he yelped, shooting forward at the sudden pain that raced through his torso. Duff didn’t have time to react to his sudden screech Steven lurched forward and smacked his head straight into his nose. 
     “Fuck!” Duff exclaimed and slid back while desperately holding his nose. Big tears bubbled over his waterline immediately. “Oh- baby, shit. I'm sorry. Let me see.” Steven rambled as he sat up and pulled away his worn hands. Duff nervously combed his fingers through his blond hair, smearing red through his gold and black mane. “Is it bad?” He whimpered. “No, it’s um, it’s fine. You’ll probably just have a little bump or something.” Steven desperately stumbled over his words. He knew Duff’s nose would most definitely leave with more than ‘just a little bump,’ but that wouldn’t make anything better. His hands shakily wiped away the blood from his upper lip. “It’s fine,” Steven reassured him and wiped a little bit of crimson away and onto Duff’s shirt. His tears puddled into dark spots on his already black shirt. It didn’t even hurt that bad! He wasn’t sure why he was crying. The bassist nervously wiped his clammy hands onto his leather slacks, leaving a trail of wet condensation on his thighs.  
Hey, remember that time when I would only read Shakespeare? 
     “It’s not bad, I swear. It’s kind of silly!” He awkwardly chuckled and held Duff’s head in his palms. “Silly? Kind of like your Shakespearean phase?” Duff grinned through his soft tears and bloody nose, a little bit of both haphazardly dripping into his open-mouthed grin. Steven nodded and pressed their lips together. His calloused fingers swept away his blubbery tears before loosely intertangling his fingers to the roots of his black-streaked blond hair. Duff let out little puffy moans into his mouth, occasionally shaking the both of them with little hiccuped sobs. Copper, iron, and whatever other metallic tastiest were out there flooded Steven's mouth. It was gross, but so were they! Their tongues lightly teased against either one, not fighting for dominance but simply prodding against each other.  Steven pulled away with a sweet slightly rust-colored smile. 
     “Exactly. Just like when I would only read Shakespeare.” Duff smiled back and let out a shaky sigh. The bassists’ palms found themself lightly rested upon his chest, running through his coarse chest hair through his fishnet top. The drummer chuckled at the contact, shivering at his warm hands against his cold skin. His slightly dirty fingernails drew deep swirls along his skin. Steven sighed and pulled off his leather jacket, throwing it off into the mess that was his room. It smacked against the carpet with a thick thump. They sat there, staring into each other's eyes. “I think all the blood loss is making me stupid,” Duff murmured, “stupider.” He pushed his head into the crook of Steven's neck. “Hey! If anyone here is the stupid one, it’s me!” Steven chuckled and placed a kiss on the side of Duff’s mouth, lightly pulling his head away from his neck with a fistful of hair. The crusted blood on his upper lip awkwardly began to dry and crack as Duff became more talkative, but he still looked gorgeous. He never looked bad, not to Steven at least.  
Hey, remember that time when I would only smoke Parliaments? 
     “I need a smoke.” Duff sighed. “Oh! Oh- I’ve got you, man.” The drummer grinned, shoving the lanky man off of him. He scrambled toward the headboard of his bed- or where it would be, had he had one. Steven shuffled through the gunk shoved between the wall and his mattress before triumphantly pulling out three different cigarette boxes and a baggie. “Take your pick.” Steven placed his assorted white boxes- and bag into Duff’s lap. He hummed back and stared at the random smokes.  “How did you end up with such a variety?” He snorted, picking up the Parliament lights first. The light blue stared back at him as he knocked back the top of the box. “Oh- every time I hook up with a chick at her place when she goes to piss, I hunt for cigarettes and whatever else I can find. Normally, they don’t say nothing!” Duff fished his lighter out of the pocket of his slacks and plucked out one of the white tubes. Tucking it safely between his teeth, Duff flicked his lighter one, twice and successfully inhaled a lungful of smoke. 
Hey, remember that time when I would only smoke Marlboros? 
      Sour grey fled from Duff’s lips as he exhaled. Steven leaned over and pulled out the red-dipped Marlboro box. “Lemme see your light.” He grunted, putting out a flat palm toward Duff and grabbing at the air. Duff chuckled and dropped the piece of purple translucent plastic into his hand, exhaling little puffs of smoke. “So, what's in the bag?” Duff questioned, holding the opaque plastic up and giving it a little shake. “Huh. I dunno!” Steven shrugged and lit the cigarette held haphazardly between his lips. The orangeish filter peeked out from his mouth. “How the hell do you not know? Can I look?” The older man spewed questions at him, already tugging off the rubber band that kept the baggie closed. 
     His sudden wonder at the drummer's baggie of secrets made him want to get up and bombard the bassist with every ounce of love he had, but for some reason, he wanted to come off as cool. He didn’t know why. Duff had seen him at his absolutely dorkiest moments. Steven just nodded, pulling the cigarette from his lips to puff smoke at Duff. “C’mon, it’s a surprise! Don’t play bored, you wanna know what's in it just as bad as I do.” He giggled and waved the accumulating cloud of smoke away from his face. Stevens' cooled facade broke at the bassist's ever-so-sweet chuckle, making him also burst into ever-so-familiar giggles.  
Hey, remember that time when I was broke? 
I didn't care; I just bummed from my friends
Bum bum bum bum bum
Bum bum bum bum bum 
      Duff finally got the stubborn baggie open and was instantly excited by what he saw. A loose mixture of random cigarettes and joints freely blended among each other. “Oh! You know what, that’s where I put all of my random shit. Most of it is like- hand rolled and homegrown and all of that organic shit.” Steven explained as he snatched the bag from his hands and pulled out a rather pathetic looking joint. “Some of our peers cannot roll for shit! Not saying who but his name may or may not rhyme with uh- Paxil Hose.” The drummer giggled and placed one of the tan, thinly rolled joints in Duff’s palm. “Oh, damn. That is plain sad, man.” He mumbled as he examined it between two fingers. Haphazardly, he ashed his cigarette on Steven's mattress, to which he groaned but remained wordless, and placed the joint between his now empty lips. The paper was ever so slightly unraveling on the side, so Duff licked out a small line against the rolling paper. Steven grinned at the thin smell of weed that hazed around the room as Duff brought his lighter to the twisted tip of the joint. 
    Duff inhaled a thick gasp of smoke and held it in. One, two, three. Then, he exhaled a small handful of coughs. “Shit. This shit is… Jesus! Nasty.” He sputtered and placed the blunt between Steven's v-shaped fingers. The drummer pulled the cigarette from between his lips and carefully slotted it between Duff’s lips. He gently and carefully enclosed them around it. The familiar, safe tobacco clouded his mouth as he inhaled. Steven took a thick mouthful of smoke from the joint. Duff was right, it was like- putrid. God, what the hell kind of dank did Axl have in his possession? “Fuck! Ew.” He coughed and groaned while ruffling his hands through his wiry mane. The slowly burning joint inches just a centimeter too close to his hair and burnt away a few hairs before Duff noticed. “Steven- Steven!” Duff yelped, swatting at his hair. “You’re gonna fuckin’ catch yourself on fire, man.” He chuckled, wiping away at the singed hair near his temple. 
Hey, remember that time when you OD'ed? 
     “Fuck. Is it cold in here, or is that just me? It’s like- I dunno- I can’t breathe. Somethin’ on my chest.” Duff slurred, flexing his quickly numbing fingers. “You okay?” Steven questioned, spitting it out. A thin sheen of sweat licked across Duff’s clammy skin. He felt as if his brain was leaking from his ears. “Duff?” Steven questioned and grabbed his face with one hand. “Dude- speak to me here. You’re freaking me out.” A big nervous smile crept up upon his lips as he gripped Duff’s shoulder. Duff didn’t respond. Instead, his head just lolled off to the side. When the fuck had he passed out? “Duff!” He hissed. “Duff, get up. This isn’t fucking funny.” He smacked the side of his feverish cheek, desperately waiting for his eyes to flutter open. But, they didn’t. He was still breathing small shallow breaths. His heart was still thumping under Steven’s palm, which had snaked down to his left breast to feel his heartbeat because, well, Steven didn’t know where the hell a pulse point was!  
     “Axl! Slash! One of you get the fuck in here! Get the damn phone!” Steven screeched, his brain finally catching up on the fact that Duff had overdosed. It was weird because Steven wasn’t overdosing. Had he not taken the exact same shit? He felt fine, barely even high. So what the hell had happened? He truly didn’t know. Finally, Axl skittered down the hallway, dressed only in a big graphic shirt, his red boxers, and tube socks with their shared janky Motorola DynaTAC in hand. “What? What? The hell is happening?” He groaned, sleep-laced voice croaking mid-sentence. His fists rubbed at his eyes for a moment. “Oh. Shit.” He cursed, taking in Duff’s slightly blue drool-coated lips. It’s almost as if he was snapped away. Axl feverishly punched in ‘9-1-1’ into the phone as he muttered under his breath. 
    This freaked Steven the fuck out, more so than he already was. Big fat tears rolled down his rosy cheeks as he held the bassist to his chest. “If you die, I’ll kill myself just to kill you again.” He hiccuped into his blond hair while Axl grumbled out their address to the operator on the other end of the phone. “Hey, Stevie, roll him on his side, will ya? Thanks.” Axl barked as he shoved himself into a pair of jeans, the phone still propped up to his ear with his shoulder. “No- no not you, my roommate. Why would I tell you that?” He groaned at the phone, his voice becoming quieter and quieter as he receded into the other end of the house in search of his sneakers. Steven sat there, silent. Simply waiting. Luckily for him and Duff, when the men plucked out their home from the many selections they were given they chose the one closest to the local emergency room. It doesn’t hurt to be prepared sometimes.  
Hey, remember that other time when you OD'ed for the second time? 
      The door was opened and Duff was gone before Steven could think about it too much. He saw the paramedics. He knows they flashed a light in his eyes and murmured something about ‘fentanyl' while ushering him onto a stretcher. He knows that he told them too much about Duff- like that he had seven siblings and that his favorite color was green while frantically showing these strangers his bracelets. Axl had come mid-rant and told Steven to go put on his shoes- despite him already having them on so that he could actually give them Duff’s information. During this, Steven ran circles around the house, desperately looking for something- anything to do. Then, it clicked. Paper. He licked the paper. Steven wasn’t sure he had ever run so fast. “Axl- he- the paper! Duff licked it.” He blubbered, grabbing the ginger man by the shoulders. Axl grunted and placed his hands on Steven’s shoulders, mimicking his pose. “I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about. Slow down, calm yourself and tell me in the car.” The vocalist spoke, rubbing Steven's shoulders. This was probably the nicest he had ever been to Steven. 
     The drummer scrambled to get in Axl’s janky Chevrolet Cavalier. The two of them rushed to the car. Though Steven was quicker in his movements, Axl moved with just as much urgency. Axl didn’t bother to get buckled. It was a short ride and hell, they were already going to the hospital anyways! With the speed he rushed to get buckled, Stevens' fishnet shirt got buckled in with him, the belt interlacing between the wide diamonds of thread. He ripped the shirt out of it, leaving a wide hole next to his ribs. The car was technically new, yes, but the thing was a fourth of the original price because half of the parts had already been stripped for cash. So, it barely sputtered to life. They weren’t quite sure how it was still running. Axl drummed his palms against the wheel as he backed out of their driveway.  
     “Okay. Spill.” He sighed out, pushing softly on the gas. The car couldn’t go a mile over 30, or it’d die on them. “So- um, y’know that one joint you gave me a few weeks ago?” Steven nervously wrung his hands. “Excuse me? The one that went fucking missing? You asshole! You told me you didn’t touch that shit when it went missing!” Axl screeched. “Okay failure on my behalf to mention that. Oops. Anyways- um do you know where the weed- or the paper came from?” He sheepishly continued, staring at Axl’s clenched jaw. “I dunno- some chick. Sophia or something.” He groaned, sensing that he knew exactly where this was going. “Okay well, Sophia was out to get you or something because it was starting to unravel in his hand n’ then he licked it and- I think he felt fine when he took a hit, and then he was all hauled ass up!” Steven rambled as the car screeched to a halt. The parking job was shit, neither of them had even really realized they had gotten to the hospital yet. “Shit. Shit. Okay- fuck! We’re here.” Axl hissed as he backed out of the car, Steven shortly following suit. 
Well, in the waiting room while waiting for news of you
I hallucinated I could read your mind 
They didn’t talk during the walk inside, nor did they talk while Axl explained their situation to the sweet old receptionist. Thick honey-like tension dripped from both of them. Not only was Duff quite literally in the hospital, but Steven also had sticky fingers! In his defense, he didn’t mean to steal it. Sometimes, you’re just a little absent-minded. It happens to like- everyone. No Biggie. “What the hell is wrong with you?” Axl finally spoke with a heavy sigh. “I dunno,” Steven replied as he picked through the handful of magazines on a side table. Truth be told, he could care less about whatever celebrity drama was happening right now, but what else could he do? They were quite literally sitting ducks. The receptionist had told Axl that she’d call out his name as soon as she knew Duff was conscious and visitable, but for now, they should just wait. For a while, sitting down was fine. 
     Then, this dull poking sensation in Steven's buttocks got unbearable, so he stood up and fished whatever it was out of his back pocket. “My teeth!” He grinned, holding the yellow enamel in his palm. “What the fuck!” Axl yelped as he stared down at the two teeth that sat in Steven’s palm. “Me n’ Duff found ‘em earlier. I think they’re lucky.” He smiled, giving them a small shake. In reality, if they were anything, they’d be unlucky. How else could he explain that his best friend overdosed mere hours after they discovered them? It’s fine. Axl didn’t need to know that! “You’re fucking gross.” He grumbled, throwing himself down onto one of the hard plastic waiting room chairs. It was Steven’s turn to get up and pace back and forth. He rubbed the teeth around in his palm as he burned a hole in the tiles. Occasionally, his converse would let out a grotesque squeak which was followed by a large grey scuff across the floor and he’d mutter out a sheepish apology. His feet never stopped moving. With his teeth in hand, Steven prayed for the first time in years. Unfortunately, his mind wandered too often to have a focused prayer session. 
     ‘God if you hear this, can you get Duff out of this god-awful place already? It smells so fake- sterilized? Is that a word? Thanks. Could you imagine if I could read Duff's mind? That’s crazy. I bet he’s dreaming about screwing some broad or something. I wish I had arm candy as often as he did. I want candy. God- please grant me the wish to have even just a dollar in my wallet. I want a Snickers bar, dude! I’m tired. Anyways- back to Duff. When he gets out of here, you should give us some cash to go to Burger King or something. Hide it under the couch, if you’re even listening. Thanks, God.’  
     That was Stevens' exact thought process. Thank God for simple-minded men, such as Steven Adler.  
And I was on a lot of shit too, but what I saw, man, I tell you it was freaky 
      “Michael Andrew McKagan? Is there someone here for a- uh, Michael Andrew McKagan?” A nurse in polka-dotted scrubs questioned. Axl raised his hand, got out of his seat, grabbed Steven by the wrist, and led him through the white hospital hallway. “Doctors, man. They make me so nervous.” Steven hissed, using his free hand to wipe his hair out of his face. “Oh, I can tell. You’re soaked in sweat.” Axl grinned back, just as sardonic as ever. He sputtered. Steven wasn’t actually sure how Axl knew where to go. Either Axl could actually read people's minds, or Steven had just zoned out on the part where the nurse told them where to go. It’s probably the latter. That vague, sad crying noise that every hospital seemed to have echoed around the stark halls as they reached the door. The drummer felt nauseous but, hey, someone else in the facility probably felt worse! So, he didn’t feel as if his situation was all that bad after all. I mean, unless you count almost killing your best friend as bad, Then it was horrible. 
     “I’ll let you have your little sappy moment, try to make it quick, though. On the way home, we can grab fast food or something.” Axl coughed, standing outside the door like a guard dog. Maybe God had listened, after all. Steven stood still for a moment as he grasped the cool metal doorknob, just gazing at himself in the reflection. He looked like a mess, at least he did from the awkward angle that the silver knob was at. The slightly burnt spot in his hair looked more obnoxiously obvious. He shoved the teeth back into his pocket. Finally, he pushed the door open. Duff looked- well, better than expected, but still rough. “Steven!” He croaked from his spot in the bed, raising his IV’ed arms at him. The idea of a hug from the bassist was ever so beckoning, but terrifying at the same time. “I’m not gonna break, probably, c’mon man!” He grinned. Steven mimicked his beam and rushed at the man. A blur of blond hair, denim, and fishnet stormed across the floor impossibly fast. The two of them giggled as they became entangled with each other. “Are you crying?” Duff mumbled into his wild hair.  
     “Man, shut up, Michael.” 
     “Don’t call me that! Asshat.” Duff teased. Steven didn’t even know his name was ever anything other than Duff, he didn't look like a ‘Michael’. “You look like shit, sorry about y’know,” Steven paused as he stared up at him, “everything.” Duff just smiled down at him and reassuringly rubbed his back. Whoever had cleaned him up had wiped away the crusted blood on his upper lip. His lips were more red; properly colored. He looked alive, once more. “It’s whatever. I was already a little wasted when we left the house, anyways. Whatever the hell was in that joint did not mix well with the shit I had already taken.” He giggled, resting his chin on top of Steven’s head. 
     “Axl’s here, y’know? He cried a little bit, I think.”  
     “Oh, like this is the first overdose he’s witnessed in this band!” 
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appetite4savage · 2 years
Hi! I’m Laken + I’m 22
my favorite bands are Def Leppard and Guns N’ Roses, but there will be an occasional reblog of other bands and topics I love.
Find me over on wattpad where I’m currently writing a Sav fan fic :)
one shot requests: closed for now!
one shot master list
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ao3feed-thor · 2 years
Sweet Child O’ Mine
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/z0LfxQ4
by CNWrites
A legacy can be a gift. A legacy can be a curse. The choice is yours.
In which Axl Heimdallson struggles with the legacy of his father and the powers that he was left with. He also struggles with the fact that Thor asks him to watch after his… daughter? niece? It does not matter; or at least, it will not matter if Axl cannot get them both back alive from hunting down a literal sea monster.
Where do we go now?
Words: 6430, Chapters: 1/6, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Thor (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Axl Heimdallson, Love (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Sif (Marvel), Heimdall (Marvel), (heavily mentioned) - Character
Relationships: Axl Heimdallson & Love (Marvel)
Additional Tags: Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Compliant, as in I accept the canon thus far and ignore any possibility of future canon for the moment, sibling dynamics, Bonding, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Expectations, I took an extremely minor character and made up a story for him, a story in which he and thors adopted daughter go and kick mythological butt, thats it that’s the fic, Marvel Norse Lore, References to Norse Religion & Lore, Post-Thor: Love And Thunder (2022), Thor: Love and Thunder (2022), Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) Spoilers, Guns N' Roses References, Song: Sweet Child O' Mine (Guns N' Roses), References to 80s music that could be considered offensive to 80s fans, because the author knew maybe one 80s song before writing this, so I’m sorry
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/z0LfxQ4
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nikossfwfics · 7 months
Please. Please! PLEASE! PLEASE!! send me requests for fan fictions.
I write mainly for Guns N Roses, but i can also write for Motley Crue, Metallica, Hanoi Rocks and Nirvana <3
I don't really write f/m or fem!reader stories mainly because I'm MLM and it makes me uncomfortable... so yeah!
i have another blog with just NSFW fics, so check that out if you want :)
Please, send in requests and I will reply to them as fast as possible. 😫
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