#guy n a girl is shown together in media? oh BOY time to read them being besties and shit
amaranthdahlia · 3 years
yall dont know how very happy id be if uramido never becomes canon.
finding a healthy and strong male-female friendships is so hard these days, especially if the guy is the main boy character and the girl is the main girl character.
medias majority of the time have the same damn "he was a guy, and she was a girl" problem, like lord. can a boy and a girl be friends for once and dont expand anything more than that 😭 they dont even have to be lgbt, i just want them to be FRIENDS.
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ddaengtae · 4 years
see you around || jjk
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pairing: jeon jungkook x reader
genre: college, strangers (idiots) to lovers, fitness instructor! jungkook, fluff, smut
word count: 13.9k
summary: you know those beautiful strangers that you admire from afar and obsess over with your friends, but know there’s about a one percent chance they’ll ever talk to you or even know who you are?  that’s precisely what jeon jungkook was to you; a piece of delicious eye candy that you could daydream about all you wanted, but had to accept that it was too unrealistic to ever happen.  or so you thought.  after an embarrassing accident at the gym that makes your worlds collide, maybe you had been wrong about your chances all along.
a/n: when i came up with this idea in my head, i guessed it would be around 5k words.  guess my hands slipped.  this is only my second bts fic, but after getting good feedback for my first one, i decided to give it another try and this is what happened.  i tried to edit closely, but there may be a few types so i’m sorry!  thanks for reading & pls lmk what you think. :)
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Another week, another million reasons to be stressed.  It really seemed like that was the never-ending pattern of the college lifestyle.  The weekend was never long enough to truly allow yourself to unwind.  Sure, those two days were great, but how was two days enough to destress from the agony of multiple all-nighters to keep up with the shitload of work that all of your professors always deemed it acceptable to assign?  There was no way for you to prove it, but you believed in a conspiracy theory that all of the professors would meet up at the beginning of each semester and choose to make all of their huge assignments due on the same days just to fuck all of their students over.  There could be no other explanation for the hell that was midterms season.
While during your first two years of college you would barely be hanging on by a thread during the busiest weeks of the semester, you were now a junior and had at last adopted a regime that helped you burn off some steam when the tension became all too much.  Somewhere along the way, you started to realize that inhaling mozzarella sticks and Red Bull at two in the morning the night before an exam did very little to make you feel better and that it would probably be a better idea to take up a healthy lifestyle and better time management skills sooner rather than later.  In the process of getting your life together, one Tuesday evening in the spring of your sophomore year, one of your roommates had convinced you to accompany her to a group fitness class at the gym on campus.  To your surprise, you fell in love with it and the feeling of adrenaline and accomplishment that came along with making it through the hour.  From that day on, you vowed to yourself to make it to the gym most days of the week.
There was something about group fitness classes that made you feel much more comfortable than going to the gym and working out on your own.  Perhaps most glaringly, the classes were dominated with like-minded girls who just wanted some peace of mind for an hour.  Most of the instructors were girls too, except for a few guys who seemed to understand why a lot of women chose to avoid the rest of the gym.  It was quite unsettling to work out by yourself on the main floor and be surrounded by conceited guys who always seemed to either be undressing you with their eyes or judging you because, god forbid, you couldn’t squat three-hundred pounds like they could.  The whole place just always reeked of toxic masculinity, or so that was what you had thought until you found out about the group fitness classes that the facility also held.  They seemed to be a sort of heavenly escape from the rest of the place that resembled a fraternity initiation ceremony.
That was precisely where you found yourself this Monday evening.  In dire need of a break from studying, you found yourself sitting on the floor of the group classroom surrounded by your equipment and waiting for your favorite instructor to arrive.  The concept of a high-intensity circuit training class had initially terrified you when you first decided to try it out last semester, but it had quickly become your favorite class and one that you attended every week without fail.  It was incredibly satisfying to track your progress and watch your body evolve as you adapted to be able to lift heavier weights and make it through the cardio outbreaks without feeling like you were going to drop dead every second.
Taking a long sip of your water, your eyes remained down on your phone as you heard the door of the room open and close again.  As it was still ten minutes before class, you didn’t think much of it and assumed it was probably just more people piling into the room and rushing to get their equipment ready.
“Uh, hi guys!  The usual instructor for the class is unfortunately sick so I’m filling in for her tonight,” an unfamiliar-- but yet also eerily recognizable-- male voice echoed through the room.  “I was just recently certified so this is actually the first class I’ll be teaching here.  I promise I’ll try to live up to her hype.”  The unknown source let out an awkward laugh, which was met with relative silence from the rest of the room.
The moment your eyes moved up to fall upon the new instructor, your breath hitched in your throat, causing the water you had been attempting to drink to flow down the wrong pipe.  This wasn’t just any unmemorable college boy filling in to instruct the class.  There at the front of the room stood none other than Jeon Jungkook.  The breathtaking Jeon Jungkook was going to be leading the class and you were supposed to be able perform-- let alone breathe-- properly?  Oh no.
You and Jungkook were not friends by any means.  Hell, it was highly likely that the boy didn’t even know who you were.  You know those beautiful strangers that you admire from afar, yet know there’s about a one percent chance that they will ever know who you are or ever speak to you?  The ones you tell all of your friends about and you go out of your way to use your FBI-level stalking skills to find their social media in hopes of finding out more about them so you can daydream about your nonexistent, fantasy future together?  The ones you’re always hoping you’ll cross paths with while walking to class because even a glance of them will make your day a little more exciting and give you something to talk about with your friends?  That was what Jungkook was to you.
Jungkook had become known as ‘hot coffee shop boy’ amongst your friend group after you had noticed him studying in the same coffee shop as you one day in the fall of your sophomore year.  As you always chose to study at the least favorite and therefore least populated coffee shop on campus, it was shocking the first time someone as beautiful as Jungkook sat down at one of the tables across from yours and settled in to do his homework as well.  His presence offered you a paradox; while seeing him looking like a model wearing his oversized clothes and sighing at his laptop screen was certainly a distraction at times, it also served as a form of motivation to force you to focus because you didn’t want him thinking you were slacking off.  He seemed to enjoy the quiet ambience of the specific shop because after that first day, he began to frequent it almost as often as you, always sitting at the same table by the third window.  On some occasions, one of his friends who always seemed to be changing hair colors would accompany him.  After some research completed by your enamored friend Jennie who sometimes accompanied you, she discovered his name was Park Jimin.  He quickly became known as ‘iced chai’ after that seemed to be his regular coffee order.
It was an exciting day amongst your friends on the first day of classes in the spring of your sophomore year when Jungkook happened to enroll in the same Earth Science lecture as you to satisfy the science gen-ed requirement at your university.  Rocks and rivers weren’t exactly interesting, but the back of Jungkook’s head from the row in front of you certainly was.  The group chat really blew up the day he spun around in his chair and asked you if he could borrow a pen.  They were right that it would’ve been easier for him to just ask one of the people next to him, but you were smart enough to not think into it too much.  Maybe you just seemed like the type of person to carry around an abundance of stationery materials (you weren’t, and you ended up not taking any notes that day after giving him the only pen you had).
So here you were, practically choking on your water as Jungkook started to set up his own equipment at the front of the room.  How dare he invade your safe space?  You suddenly felt as if you barely remembered how to do a jumping jack, let alone have the facilities to pick up a weight.  
After organizing his weights at the front of the room, Jungkook’s eyes began to scan the participants in the room, likely counting how many people had shown up.  The moment his eyes met yours, your whole body froze in place.  Oddly enough, his seemed to do the same.  His doe eyes became wide and his mouth fell into an ‘o’ as he looked at you for a few seconds too long, and you swore there was an expression of recognition on his face.  Before you could convince yourself that anything of the sort had truly happened, Jungkook was blinking rapidly and shaking his head at himself before his eyes darted away to scan and count the rest of the room.
“Alright everyone, we’re going to get started in a minute here,” Jungkook announced a minute later, looking down at his phone as he connected his music and began blasting it through the speakers.  “Just remember to follow my lead and please don’t hesitate to wave me over if you have any questions or are struggling with form.  I’ll try to keep an eye on all of you and come over to help you out anyway.”  His eyes crinkled into crescent moons as he offered the class a big bunny smile.  Oh god, you were going to pass out.  “We’re going to be starting with a pretty intense cardio circuit here to bring those heart rates right up and set the tone for the rest of class.”  Great.  Your heart rate was already accelerating through the roof just at the sight of him.  “Try to keep up, but if you need to grab some water or take a break at any point, please don’t hesitate to do so.  We’re going to get started in 3… 2… 1… Go!”
To your surprise, you were able to make it through the first couple of circuits without too much trouble.  You made it your mission to zone in on each of the exercises you were doing, and that every time you were forced to face forward you would fixate your gaze on the back of the girl in front of you.  It was shockingly easy to forget about the beautiful man in front of the room while you were gasping for breath after numerous rounds of burpees and mountain climbers.  The goal was to look calm and fit without calling attention to yourself.  Outside of your heavy breathing that was likely being drowned out by Jungkook’s loud music, you could say you were succeeding.
About twenty minutes into the class, Jungkook signaled a transition into an upper body circuit.  While you were delighted to get a break from cardio and to allow your heart rate to calm down for a bit, following the exercises now required you to face forward and watch for his cues.  This would be fine as long as you didn’t focus on his gorgeous face that was currently glistening with sweat in the most pleasing way possible, right?
“Alright, we’re going to start off here with some overhead shoulder presses for the first minute.  I’d recommend something on the lighter side, but make sure you’re challenging yourself.”  With a slight nod of his head, Jungkook picked up his own weights and counted down the class to begin the first exercise of the circuit.
Shoulder presses weren’t bad.  You could do this.  Inhaling a deep breath, you made an attempt to wipe your sweaty palms off on your leggings before picking up your dumbbells and getting in position to begin your shoulder presses.  After the first few reps, you quickly fell into a rhythm that was both comfortable yet challenging, feeling that delicious burn in your shoulder muscles.  At the halfway mark through the minute, your eyes had remained glued to the same girl in front of you.  You finally felt a sense of peace.  One look at Jungkook couldn’t hurt, right?
Against your better judgement, you decided to shift your eyes to the front of the room and take a good luck at a combination of both Jungkook’s back and the reflection of the front of his body through the mirror before him.  
The string of events that occurred immediately after that moment was a blur.  As Jungkook pressed his set of dumbbells above his head, his baggy shirt slid up his body, exposing his sweaty, toned abs that looked as though they were sculpted by the gods themselves.  What was likely an audible gasp escaped from your lips as your eyes remained frozen on the sight in front of you.  It was unclear if it was your mesmerized state, your sweaty hands, or a combination of both, but seconds later, the dumbbell in your right hand slipped out of your grasp and quickly went crashing downward.
“Oh my... Fuck!” 
There was a moment of dissociation before you realized that the loud cry had, in fact, come out of your mouth, and that the dumbbell that had glided out of your hand had, in fact, come crashing down onto the big toe of your right foot.  Your head was spinning as you began to process the throbbing feeling radiating throughout your entire foot, as well as the weight of what had just occurred.  Within moments, the eyes of all of the participants were on you, as well as the eyes of the one person whose attention you really did not want in such an embarrassing moment.  No, no, no.
“Oh my god, are you okay?” Jungkook’s panicked voice echoed throughout the room as he spoke into his headset and he quickly dropped his weights on the ground.  “Um, okay, the rest of you can keep going!  I’m going to get someone else to come in within a few minutes so I can help her.”  Within moments, he was shoving his way through the room until he was right in front of you and pulling the microphone away from his mouth so the rest of the class wouldn’t hear your interaction.  “Are you alright?  Oh my god, you shouldn’t be putting pressure on it.  Let’s get you out of here and get some ice.”
You genuinely thought you were going to pass out.  It had little to do with your toe, and a whole lot to do with Jungkook’s sudden closeness.  His concerned face was just inches away from yours as his eyes scanned yours for any sort of explanation for what had just unfolded.  His presence was intoxicating.  You could smell the combination of his cologne and sweat, and you had yet to tear the image of his gleaming six-pack out of your mind.  Oh my god.  That had really just happened.  The first impression you made on Jungkook, AKA hot coffee shop boy, was you making an absolute fool out of yourself and possibly breaking your toe while doing a simple exercise.  You were never going to live this one down.  You were going to throw up.
When you hadn’t responded to Jungkook within a few seconds, he took it upon himself to drape an arm over your shoulders and pull your body against his side.  “Here, lean against me so you’re not putting weight on it.  I’m going to bring you to the first-aid room and get you some ice…  At the very least.”
It was quite possible that your brain had chosen it was better to black out the memory as Jungkook began to pull you out of the room, yelling to one of the workers at the front desk to quickly find someone else to take over the class.  Your legs felt like jelly as they moved beside his, only functioning out of muscle memory rather than true volition.  Here you were, body pressed against that of the guy you had admired from afar for over a year.  In any other circumstance, this would have been like a dream come true.  Instead, you wished the ground would swallow you up and put you out of your misery.
It wasn’t long until you were pulled into what was likely the first-aid room and instructed to sit on top of the counter by a very stressed Jungkook.  The more you thought about it, the more horrible you felt.  Not only was this the Jeon Jungkook of your fantasies, but it was also the Jeon Jungkook who had informed the class before it had started that this was the first class he had ever led.  You had quite literally ruined his first class, and had set an appalling example of what he would expect going forward.  If your toe hadn’t been throbbing, you would have seriously considered running right out the door.
“Okay, if you don’t mind, just take off your shoe and sock while I try to find an ice pack,” Jungkook commanded as he nervously raked a hand through his already-messy hair, frantically rifling through the cabinets.  Your eyes watched his back as you followed his instructions, guilt filling your entire body.  He seemed stressed.  Nervous, even.  It made sense, if you thought about it.  Your foolish accident had just become his responsibility, and he was a new employee.  You would be nervous too.
“Found one,” he breathed out, hitting it against the counter a couple of times to activate the coldness.  As he turned around to face you, his eyes wandered down to your exposed toe.  “Oh no, that looks pretty swollen.  Does it hurt really badly?  Are you okay?”
“It doesn’t feel great, but I’m okay.”  No, no you were not okay, but you needed this to be over.  Meeting his eyes, you realized those were the first words you had spoken to him since this whole debacle had unraveled.  He probably thought you were crazy.  Taking the ice pack from him, you chewed on your lower lip.  “I’m… I’m really sorry.”
Jungkook furrowed his brow as he looked up from your foot to meet your gaze, tilting his head to the side.  “Huh?  You have no reason to be sorry.  Accidents happen.  I get it… I’m pretty clumsy too sometimes and have hurt myself much worse than this for much stupider reasons.  Really, don’t worry.”  He was rambling, and if you hadn’t been so distraught, you would have perhaps realized just how nervous he really seemed.  Offering you a shy smile, his eyes averted away from yours as his cheeks flushed a shade of bright red.  Redder than they should have been from just working out.
Looking down at your foot, you placed the ice pack on top of it and shook your head.  It was difficult to form words with him so close, but you knew you had to if you wanted to redeem yourself at all.  You already had created a mental plan to avoid him at all costs and hide from him whenever that wasn’t possible, but this was the least you could do.  “No, I’m really sorry.  You said at the beginning that this was your first class and I… I kind of ruined it for you.  I’m sure you were really excited about it.”
Jungkook remained occupied with your toe as he moved the ice pack to the side, feeling around the bones and moving it gently in various directions to see how bad the pain was.  “I don’t think it’s broken.  Definitely pretty swollen, but not broken.  However, I’m clearly not a doctor so you might want to get a second opinion.”  Standing up straight, he offered you a warm smile.  “But seriously, don’t worry about it.  There’s always going to be more classes for me to teach and I wasn’t just going to let you suffer there.  I’m happy to help.”
God, not only was he gorgeous, but he was also this friendly?  It was possible that he was just being nice to keep you calm and keep his job, but regardless, he just seemed so perfect.  So perfect that you feared being so close to him, for your endless flaws felt as if though they were being magnified.  Clearing your throat, you forced yourself to return the smile.  “Thanks.  I really appreciate it, but I’ll be fine.”  You needed to escape.  You needed to get out of there so you could cry to your friends about just how mortified you were and how you now really never stood a chance with hot coffee shop boy.  “I should probably get going.  Don’t want to hold you up any longer.”
“You’re not holding me up at all, I promise,” Jungkook responded a bit too quickly, but yet again, you were too focused on your own embarrassment to notice.  Crossing his arms over his chest, the tall man tilted his head to the side.  “How are you going to get back to your dorm?  Do you have a ride?  You definitely shouldn’t be walking on your toe.”
Fuck.  He had a good point.  Regardless of the pain flowing through your foot, you were willing to walk on it just to escape this situation.  However, you knew you couldn’t tell him that.  “I, uh, one of my roommates has a car and I was going to call her to pick me up.”
“I have my car here.  I could drive you.”
Wait, what?  Had he really just offered you a ride?  If you had met his gaze, you would’ve seen that he looked just as surprised that such an offer had slipped out of his lips so casually.  Instead, you stared down at your lap as you attempted to process his suggestion.  If the situation had been even slightly less humiliating, a car ride with the Jeon Jungkook would have sounded like one of your fantasies come to life.  However, at the current moment all you could imagine was the intense awkward silence that would likely fill the car as you contemplated how to successfully fling yourself out of the window.  That would not do right now.  You were not in the right headspace to muster up any coherent form of small talk.  The offer was likely just extended out of pity anyway.  He was a good guy and deemed that that would be the righteous thing to do.  No need to burden him and actually make him follow through with it.
“No, no.  I wouldn’t make you do that.  I’m going to text my friend right now,” you assured him, weakly smiling as you moved the ice pack to the side to retrieve your removed sock and shoe.  “You have a workout to finish anyway.
“It wouldn’t be any trouble,” Jungkook insisted, watching intently as you carefully put your sneaker back on and tied it up at lightning speed.  When he realized you had no plans of speaking again, a defeated sigh pressed through his lips.  Why was he so set on helping you?  “Okay, okay.  As long as your friend is coming soon, that’ll work.  I can walk you to the lobby though.”
Realizing he wasn’t going to let you just run out of the room alone, you forced yourself to nod your head in agreement.  You were being dramatic.  You could handle one more minute in his presence before you imploded.  “Sure, thanks.”  The response came off a bit snappier than you had intended, but did that really matter at this point?  You weren’t going to be able to show your face around him ever again to begin with.
Once you pushed yourself off of the counter, Jungkook encouraged you to lean most of your weight against him as he led you out the door.  As you were already on the first floor of the facility, the walk to the lobby luckily didn’t take too long.  Upon arrival, you plopped down in one of the plush chairs by the door, fishing your phone out of the pocket of your hoodie and pretending to draft a text.  In all honesty, the moment Jungkook disappeared, you intended to wobble your way back to your dorm by twisting your foot to the side to avoid putting pressure on the big toe.  You were well aware that you were going to look ridiculous, but nothing could be more mortifying than what you had already experienced.
Jungkook stood over your chair, rubbing the back of his neck as he rocked from side to side on his feet.  Something about him just exuded nervous energy, and it was making you feel even more on edge.  “You’re sure your friend is able to come soon, right?”
Nodding your head in response, you lifted your hand into a thumbs-up that you regretted the second your hand formed it.  God, you might as well have hit him with some finger guns.  Could you be any cringier?  “Yes, don’t worry.  She’s on her way.  Really, thank you though.”
Shoving his hands into the pockets of his athletic shorts, Jungkook’s eyes scanned your face one last time.  It was almost as if he was searching for any hint of a lie, but if he had been, he wasn’t able to find it.  “Okay, okay… If you insist.  I’m sorry this had to happen to you.  I hope it heals quickly.”  His lips stretched into that signature bunny smile you had witnessed so many times while seeing him with his friends in public, but it almost looked a little more… Bashful.  “I’ll see you around, okay?”
No, no he would not.  You weren’t even sure that he had recognized you from being at the same coffee shop so often, but regardless, you had already planned to avoid the location at all costs.  You couldn’t stand the thought of him possibly approaching you out of pity to check and see if you were okay.
Instead of expressing any of these concerns, you twisted your lips into a small smile and nodded your head at him.  “Mhmm.  See you around.”
After lifting his hand in a wave, Jungkook smiled at you once more before turning on his heel and slowly starting to make his way back toward the main area of the gym.  You watched as he began to disappear, as you planned on rushing out the door the moment he was out of sight.  Right before he rounded the corner, his body twisted to face you once more.  If you hadn’t been so fixated on your own embarrassment, maybe you would’ve noticed the way his cheeks flushed a deep shade of red before he nervously laughed to himself and rounded the corner quickly so he was out of your line of vision.
The moment he disappeared, you gathered your belongings and rose to your feet a bit too quickly, immediately noticing how you forgot to avoid putting pressure on your toe.  Fighting through the pain and fighting to maintain any sense of pride you had left, you began your walk-- or rather, wobble-- home.
God, you needed some wine.
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The rest of the week passed by without much trouble, but maybe that was due to your advanced avoiding skills.  Due to having three midterms throughout the week, most of your time was spent holed up alone studying.  While you usually would do most of your studying in your favorite quiet coffee shop, you made it a point to steer clear of it at all costs.  You were well aware that Jungkook also spent a lot of his time in that specific location, and you weren’t ready to show your face to him if it could be prevented.  He had been right; your toe wasn’t broken, but instead just badly bruised.  While your toe may have been fine, your ego certainly wasn’t.  After stumbling home after the incident on that Monday evening, your roommates had a laughing fest at your expense over a few too many bottles of wine.  They attempted to convince you that what had happened really wasn’t that embarrassing, that Jungkook seemed to be really sweet about it, and that such a chaotic event would be ‘the most epic story to tell people about the start of your relationship at your wedding.’  Although you indulged in their pipe dreams for the time being, you were going to stick to your plan: avoid Jungkook at all times possible until enough time had passed that he likely forgot about your humiliating catastrophe.
After a week of cramming for exams and perfecting your evading abilities, you were beyond ready to take a night to unwind and destress. That was precisely why you found yourself out at one of popular college bars by your campus with your friend Jennie on Friday night.  The pair of you weren’t exactly the type to go out and let loose very often as you tried your best to prioritize your studies, but once you allowed yourself to get dressed up and had a few vodka-crans running through your veins, you understood why a lot of college students went out so often and remembered why you used to so much during your freshman year.  The sensation of being tipsy and laughing with your friends was truly therapeutic and a much-needed antidote to counteract the toxic environment of never-ending stress.
Having been at the bar for over an hour, it started to get quite crowded.  As you twirled your straw around in your half-empty drink, you watched as Jennie began to look around at all of the new faces in the bar before freezing and pursing her lips. “Okay, not to make you freak out or anything… But hot coffee shop boy AKA sexy fitness instructor boy AKA Jeon Jungkook is here,” she whisper-yelled at you as she leaned toward your ear.  “He seems drunk… Like really drunk.”
Blinking rapidly as you tried to process this new information, you pulled back from her and began to shake your head.  This certainly was not what you needed to hear right now, but the alcohol in your system calmed you down at least a little bit so you didn’t immediately book it out of the place.  “So what you’re telling me is that I need to hide in the bathroom for the rest of the night?”  Despite your fears, you really wanted to get a glance of him.  Although the bar was quite large, you told yourself it would be too risky.  If experience had taught you anything, it was that even one glance at him could be fatal for you.
“Stop being ridiculous,” Jennie scoffed, shoving your shoulder before taking a long sip of her drink.  Her gaze remained set on the area of the crowded bar that you refused to look toward.  “He’s…” She paused for a moment before her eyes widened.  “Okay, I might be a little drunk, but I’m almost positive he keeps looking over here.”
“Maybe because you’re staring at him and drawing attention to us,” you scolded, narrowing your eyes at her.  “Please stop before I jump over the actual bar and hide behind it.”
Jennie laughed at your dramatic suggestion, eyeing your nervous persona up and down.  “Relax, relax.”  She looked over your shoulder yet again.  “Oh, wait.  He’s on the move now so I don’t think you have to worry.”
Letting out a sigh of relief, you took an extra long sip of your drink.  “Thank god.  I don’t need to relive my earlier trauma on a night out.”
“Wait, fuck.  I think--”
“Ah, is that toe girl?!”
Your whole body froze as you heard the close proximity of a very familiar male voice behind you.  You wanted to believe that your initial guess of what was occurring wasn’t true, but the mixture of shock and amusement on Jennie’s face as she looked over your shoulder at the sight behind you confirmed that your worst nightmare was, in fact, true.
Sucking in a deep breath and downing the rest of your drink before placing it down on the bar, you gave yourself a mental pep talk before slowly turning on your heel to face the source of the voice.  If there hadn’t been a decent amount of alcohol in your system, you were quite certain that you would’ve passed out right then and there.
There before you stood Jungkook with a cheeky grin spread across his lips and arms crossed over his chest as he stared down at, unfortunately, you.  He was sporting a pair of tight, ripped black jeans and a matching black t-shirt.  The clasping of a beer bottle in one hand and the way his arms were folded made his bicep muscles protrude in a manner that had you ready to start drooling.  Jennie had been right; his face was glowing a bright shade of red, likely due to a great deal of alcohol consumption.
Clearing your throat, you forced your lips into a shy smile as you folded your hands together in front of you.  You wished you hadn’t finished your drink so you had something more natural to do with your hands.  It felt as if though your heart was going to explode through your chest, but he was here now and there was no escaping.  “God, is that really what I’m known as now?”
“I mean, kind of.”  Jungkook let out a loud laugh, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he did so.  How was he so fucking gorgeous?  And why the fuck was this beautiful man going out of his way to talk to you on a night out?  “But I won’t call you that anymore.  It’s Y/N, right?”
Your brow furrowed as your mouth opened in surprise.  Wait, what?  Jungkook knew your name?  It felt like your mind was moving at a million miles a minute trying to process just how that could be possible.
A hand reached out from behind you to squeeze your shoulder, Jennie stepping forward and revealing herself after you had forgotten about her existence for a minute.  Her lips were twisted upward into a mischievous smile.  “I see a couple of my friends from one of my classes.  Gonna go say hi to them.  I’ll meet up with you later.”  After not-so-discreetly wiggling her eyebrows at you, she mouthed what appeared to be “good luck” before sauntering off.
“Looks like you’re stuck with me now.”  Jungkook chuckled quietly as he watched Jennie walk away before setting his eyes back on you and smiling warmly.  You were convinced that his smile was going to be the death of you.  “Hopefully you won’t try to run off as quickly as you did the other day.”
“I did not run off!” you scoffed immediately, crossing your own arms over your chest as you feigned offense.  Once again, thank god for alcohol, for you were well aware that this conversation would not be happening without it.  He was right, but you hadn’t realized he had noticed your urgency in escaping that day.  ‘I… I wasn’t even aware that you knew my name.”
“Suuure you didn’t.  You couldn’t get away from me fast enough,” Jungkook teased, leaning forward a bit to nudge his shoulder against yours.  The area of skin he touched immediately felt like it was on fire, as did your cheeks.  “But of course I know your name.  We had Earth Science together last year and you’re always studying at the same coffee shop by North campus that I do.  You’re kind of hard to miss.”
You?  Hard to miss?  Not to mention, the Earth Science class was a lecture with over one hundred students in it, and the professor hardly ever took any form of attendance.  Sure you could say the same thing about you knowing his name, but that was only because you had gone out of your way to find out who he was after becoming captivated by him upon seeing him at the coffee shop.  This didn’t make any sense.  Were you dreaming?  Hallucinating?
Raising an eyebrow at him, you decided to keep your response simple.  “You’ve never talked to me, though…”
“I know, I know.”  Jungkook unfolded his arms and clasped both of his hands around his beer bottle, staring down at his fingers as he tapped them against the glass.  Maybe it was the dim lighting in the bar, but you could’ve sworn his cheeks darkened as he avoided your eyes.  The aroma of cologne and beer coming off of him at the close proximity had you feeling light-headed.  “I’ve always wanted to.  Planned to talk to you at the coffee shop this week, but you were nowhere to be seen.  You just… I… You’re really pretty and you’re always smiling and I kind of freaked out when I saw you taking that class on Monday.  I’m pretty shy and not exactly the most confident person so I have no idea why I’m saying this right now… Definitely all of the beer I’ve drank… But I probably shouldn’t be overstepping or saying any of this anyway since I’m starting to realize that you’ve probably been avoiding me or think I’m weird or something.  Sorry for offering to drive you home the other day… I realized after that that probably seemed creepy coming from a total stranger.”  He looked to the side as he began to nervously tap his foot against the floor.  Something that sounded like a nervous laugh pressed through his lips.  “Fuck.  This is why I barely ever drink.”
Your body remained frozen as you stared at the side of his face, fully aware of the fact that your jaw had dropped and you were visibly gaping at him.  No.  There was absolutely no way that those words came out of his mouth and he meant them.  It had to be the excessive amount of alcohol in his system, right?  Or maybe he was just sweet talking you to try to get laid.  That had to be it, right?  You weren’t sure if you were going to throw up, pass out, or do both at the same time.  The vodka taking over your own system was preventing you from being able to form any sort of coherent thought.  Still, he deserved a response.
“What?  I don’t think you’re weird at all,” you reassured, chewing on your lower lip as you tried to read the expression on his face.  God, you really could have come up with something better than that.
Jungkook’s doe eyes at last met yours again, a disbelieving look in his eyes.  “Then why’d you lie and say your friend was picking you up and end up walking home on a possibly broken toe instead of letting me drive you home?”
Oh my god, he had seen you do that?  You were certain he was completely out of sight when you had dragged yourself out of the building.  To be fair, you hadn’t taken into account the fact that the place was covered with windows that would have given anyone access to see outside the front of the building, but why would he have been looking anyway?  Just as you thought that day couldn’t have gotten any more embarrassing, it did.  
The mix of alcohol in your system and your heart pounding in your chest was quickly becoming too much to handle and making you lose control over your faculties.  Maybe that was why you blurted out, “I-I don't know… You make me nervous.”
“You make me nervous too!”
Before you could even begin to comprehend the weight of his words, another male figure popped up beside Jungkook and draped an arm over his shoulders.  His bright pink hair made him easily identifiable.  It was iced chai, also known as Park Jimin.  If Jennie had noticed he was there, she certainly would have been freaking out.
“There you are!  I’ve been looking for you.  You just disappeared on me,” Jimin informed Jungkook, his gaze quickly moving to set on your distraught form.  If you hadn’t been so out of sorts, perhaps you would’ve noticed the look of recognition in his eyes as they set on you.  “I’m sorry, is he bothering you?  He never usually goes out with us and gets drunk like this, so I’m sorry if he’s a little chaotic.”
Shaking your head at Jimin, you offered him a comforting smiling.  You could feel Jungkook’s concerned eyes burning a hole into the side of your face.  “No, no.  He’s not bothering me at all, don’t worry.”
“Oh, thank god.  I was worried he might do something stupid.”  Jimin let out a sigh of relief, looking between the pair of you.  Could that ‘something stupid’ be what had just occurred?  At last, he gave Jungkook a firm pat on the shoulder.  “We have to get going right now.  Hoseok thought it’d be a good idea to down five tequila shots in a row after all of the beer we drank back at the dorm.  He has his head down on the bar with his eyes closed and I want to get him out of here before he starts puking everywhere.  Afraid you might end up in the same state if you keep drinking at this pace too, dude.”
“I’m fiiine,” Jungkook snapped back at him, rolling his eyes as he shrugged Jimin’s arm off of his shoulder.  He peered at you for a quick second before his eyes averted downward, the nerves that had been there before refusing to go away.  After taking a few moments to ponder what his friend had just told him, he let out a defeated sigh.  “Fine.  We can go.  Only because it’s Hoseok though.”
“I’ve already requested the Uber so we should head outside now,” Jimin urged, glancing over toward where Hoseok likely was sitting at the bar.
“Um.” Jungkook at last forced himself to look at you, his lips curving upward into the slightest smile.  It seemed forced though, and you knew it was because you didn’t have the opportunity to elaborate on and finish the conversation you were having before Jimin butted in.  You also felt as if though you were about to self-implode and needed some time to comprehend what had just unfolded.  “Sorry.  I have to get going, I guess.  I’ll see you around though, okay?”
Nodding your head in agreement, you allowed yourself to return a reassuring smile.  “Okay.  I’ll see you around.”  This time, it was possible that you meant it.
After he gave you one last anxious look, he turned on his heel and followed Jimin’s lead, disappearing out of your sight.
Where the fuck was Jennie?
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After scoping out Jennie in the corner of the bar, you had convinced her that it was absolutely necessary to immediately take an Uber home to debrief on what had occurred.  Within half an hour, you had managed to arrive back safely to your dorm and had replaced your uncomfortable clothes with pajamas and your vodka crans with a bottle of wine.  Although your mind felt quite foggy from trying to piece together everything that Jungkook had said, you were able to provide Jennie with at least the majority of the details.
“Wait, hold on.  Let me think about this.”  Jennie threw herself back against your bed, staring up at the ceiling after her head hit the pillows.  “So basically what you’re telling me is that you are to Jungkook what Jungkook is to you?  Like he pretty much admitted to admiring you from afar and being too afraid to talk to you all of this time?” she questioned, eyes wide in amazement.  “God damn, why can’t shit like this happen to me?  This is like some fairytale shit.  You’re so fucking lucky.”
Taking a big swig directly out of the bottle of cheap rosé, you let out an exasperated sigh.  “I don’t know.  It seems too good to be true.  Like, what if he was just really drunk and didn’t know what he was saying?  You even said he seemed really drunk.  Or like, what if he was just being nice because he was trying to get laid?”
“Y/N, don’t be ridiculous.  I know this all seems so unreal because we never thought something like this was possible, but the things he said to you were way too specific to just be a fluke.” Jennie sat up straight again and pulled the bottle of wine out of your hands, taking a sip herself.  “Besides, I was watching you guys from across the bar.  He looked absolutely smitten with you and ridiculously nervous, drunk or not.”
“Fuck, I’m so much better at just daydreaming about guys than actually knowing how to talk to them and attempting to form actual relationships,” you groaned out, closing your eyes and resting your head on Jennie’s shoulder.  “What am I supposed to do?”
“I hate to break it to you since I know this is very out of character for you, but you’re going to have to make the next move.  He laid his cards on the table, and now the ball is in your court.”  Jennie allowed her head to fall on top of yours and passed the bottle of wine back to you.  “Based on what you explained to me, you didn’t really provide him with a whole lot of reassurance that the feeling was mutual and he’s probably feeling super embarrassed right now… Like, definitely more embarrassed than you felt after the whole gym incident.  You have to let him know that you’re interested in him too.”
Letting out a huff, you tapped your fingers against the glass of the bottle of wine.  Jennie did have a valid point, as much as you hated to admit it.  Regardless of Jungkook’s intentions and just how drunk he may have been, he had seemed incredibly flustered after rambling on and exposing what he had to you.  As much as there was still a part of you that was convinced that he hadn’t meant what he said, there was a bigger part of you that was excited about what this could possibly lead to if you followed through with it.  You would have to throw away your nerves and muster up the tiny bit of confidence you had if this was ever going to happen.
“Okay, so what’s the game plan?”
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The plan you and Jennie had concocted ended up being a lot more difficult to follow through with than you had initially imagined.  The original scheme involved you approaching him at the coffee shop you both always studied at, but despite the numerous occasions you dropped by and spent hours studying there over the next week, he was nowhere to be found.  It was almost as if he had adopted the same avoiding technique you had the week prior after being embarrassed at what unfolded at the gym.  You weren’t exactly surprised, but it was making this whole thing a lot more complicated for you.  Furthermore, the longer it dragged out, the more anxious you got that maybe this was all a bad idea and that you had misunderstood what he said at the bar.
After a week with no luck, Jennie had convinced you that maybe it would be a better idea to try to track him down at the gym.  Despite going almost every day and keeping your eyes peeled for him, he was nowhere to be seen.  It wasn’t until a few days later that it dawned on you that the group fitness class schedule was posted online, and that it was possible that he now had some classes that were officially assigned to him.  Sure enough, upon checking the recreation website, you quickly discovered that he did have a couple classes that he was set to teach.  While this information certainly was helpful, it was quite unfortunate that every class he led happened to be at the ass-crack of dawn.  God, were you really interested in the type of guy who gets up extra early to work out?  Apparently so.
So that was precisely how you found yourself rolling up to the gym at 6:45am on a Tuesday morning, eyes heavy with exhaustion as you searched for the room the class was being held in.  Your heart was pounding and your palm was sweaty against your water bottle, but you were too dedicated to turn around at this point.  You had spent over a week trying to track him down, and you at last had.
When you entered the room, Jungkook had not arrived yet.  There were already quite a few girls in the room setting up their equipment, so you followed suit.  As most participants were often too intimidated to take the spots up front and center in front of where the instructor stood, you took it upon yourself to do the honors.  Of course you knew this would make Jungkook want to run the other way, but the thrill of making him as nervous as you were that last time was too exciting to turn down.
The door of the room opened and closed once more, and you didn’t even have to look up to feel his presence.  Here we go.  “Hi, everyone!  Welcome to class.  My name is Jungkook and I’ll be your instructor toda--” His voice cut off at the end of his statement, and when you finally allowed your eyes to set on him, he was already looking at you with wide eyes and tinted cheeks.  Within a millisecond, his eyes found the ground and he apprehensively took his spot directly in front of you.  The poor guy didn’t have a choice.  “U-Um, if you guys have any questions before we get started, please don’t hesitate to wave me over!”  You had a very strong feeling he was praying you wouldn’t wave him over.
The plan you had created before arriving was to wait until after class was over to ask him if he could talk for a few minutes.  You knew it wouldn’t be fair to put him on the spot before class, and you didn’t exactly feel comfortable confessing your feelings for him in front of twenty other girls who were probably drooling over him as well either.  
You managed to follow through with the plan, not communicating with Jungkook at all before and throughout the class except for a few soft smiles and some attempted eye contact.  The eye contact thing didn’t go over so well though, for whenever you did manage to get Jungkook to lock eyes with you, he’d immediately turn bright red and force himself to look everywhere but at you.  His nervous stammering through the microphone when giving instructions was almost too cute to handle.
When the class finally did come to an end and you were a sweaty mess, you sucked in a deep breath as you watched the rest of the participants start to put away their equipment.  Setting your eyes on Jungkook, you smiled slightly.  “Hey, can we talk?”
Jungkook looked up from his phone, eyes wide and clearly panicked.  He scanned your face carefully, almost as if he was trying to guess what your intentions were.  At last, he swallowed the lump in his throat and shoved his phone into his pocket.  “U-Um, sure, I guess.  Let’s just wait until everyone clears out.”
Nodding in agreement, you sat back and watched as the rest of the participants put their materials back in the closet and slowly began to file out of the room.  With each person that left, you could sense Jungkook getting more and more anxious.  He seemed to be mindlessly checking things around the room, his eyes darting back and forth between the door and any part of you that wasn’t your eyes.  By the time the last girl exited, your heart was pounding in your chest as well.
Clearing your throat, you watched as Jungkook walked to the front of the room to shut the door, seeming to take as long as humanly possible to pull it closed.  Just as you were about to speak the pitch you had practiced in your head and to Jennie numerous times over the past week, he opened his mouth.
“Look, I’m not sure exactly what’s going on here and I know that I might have been a bit overbearing when I was drunk last week, but if you’re just here to make me nervous and make fun of me and my awkward self for having a crush on you, you can just leave.”  He at last whipped around to face you, a sad expression taking over his features as he began to pace back and forth, running a hand through his sweaty hair.  He resembled something like a wounded puppy, and the longer you stared at him, the more you noticed just how exhausted and agitated he looked.
That definitely was not what you had expected and you felt awful that he had spent over a week thinking that you were probably teasing him with your friends for what he had said to you at the bar.  Furrowing your brow, you pushed yourself up to your feet and crossed your arms over your chest.  The planned speech was not going to do in these circumstances.  You would have to cut straight to point.
“I dropped that weight on my foot because I’ve been ridiculously attracted to you for over a year and got embarrassingly flustered at the sight of your shirt riding up during class.”
Jungkook stopped dead in his tracks, clasping both of his hands behind his head as he at last allowed himself to look at you.  His eyes were wide in shock, his head tilted just slightly to the left.  “Wait, what?”
“I didn’t want you to drive me home because I was already so embarrassed and was so nervous that I would’ve only embarrassed myself more trying to talk to you without making a complete fool out of myself.”
As you spoke again, Jungkook hesitantly took a couple of steps in your direction.  It seemed as if though his expression was slowly softening, and what almost appeared to be a small smile was fighting to form on the corners of his lips.  “I asked you to borrow a pen that one time in Earth Science with plans to work up the nerve to talk to you at the end of class when I had to give it back, but instead I just kept it and ran out of the room because I got too nervous.”
Unable to hide your own smile now, you allowed yourself to take a step toward him.  The closer you got to each other, the more the tension in the room built.  “I lied and said that I had an extra pen that day, but really I gave you my only one and just didn’t take notes that whole class.”
At last, that familiar bunny smile stretched across Jungkook’s whole face, his chest bubbling in laughter as he threw his head back.  “I once tried to ‘accidentally’ drop a book near you at the coffee shop in hopes that you’d pick it up and talk to me, but instead I just dropped it and tripped over it.”  Another step forward.
Giggling quietly, you chewed on your lower lip as you advanced forward.  “My friends and I have collectively referred to you by the code name ‘hot coffee shop boy’ ever since the first time I saw you there.  Also, ‘sexy gym instructor boy’ since last week.”
Jungkook’s eyes were boring into yours at this point, his body inching forward just slightly as his toes finally bumped against yours.  The tension-- not just from what was happening at the moment, but also from a year of pining after each other-- was so close to bubbling over.  “My friends and I know you as ‘hot coffee shop girl.’  Also, ‘toe girl’ since last week.”  The warm smile on his lips had twisted into a sort of mischievous smirk.
Leaning your head forward the slightest bit, your breath hitched in your throat as you could feel the warmth of his breath against your lips.  “If I haven’t made it clear yet, I’m extremely into you.”
Jungkook’s eyes-- which had darkened quite a bit over the last minute-- flickered down to your lips, his own head leaning forward an inch.  With this movement, the tip of his nose brushed against yours.  “And if I haven’t made it obvious yet, I’m extremely into you too.”
Before you could utter another word, Jungkook closed the minimal space remaining between the two of you by crashing his plump lips into yours.  His hands moved up to cup your cheeks, one moving along the back of your head to tangle into your hair.  Your own hands gripped to the front of his shirt as you stumbled back a bit due to the impact, your back bumping against the mirror in the front of the room.  The tension that had previously been building had popped the moment his lips met yours, but as his fingers tugged on your hair and his tongue found its way between your lips, you felt it resurfacing, this time between your legs.  You felt a bit flustered getting turned on this quickly by him, but when you put it into perspective, you had been waiting for this moment to unravel for over a year.  As your hands slid up the front of his shirt to rest on his defined core, you were certain you could feel his length getting hard against your thigh.
Pulling away after a minute, Jungkook rested his forehead against yours and stared deeply into your eyes as he breathed heavily.  There was a playful smirk on his lips as he dropped the hand from your face and rested it on your hip.  It was nice to see that he had finally let his guard down.  “So, I have to ask.  Are you more for sex first or a fancy date first?  I’m happily offering both, but we’re both kind of coming off a bit impatient here.”
Biting your tongue to hold in your laughter, you couldn’t ignore the way that the heat in the pit of your stomach was quickly sinking down lower between your legs.  “You know, if you hadn’t been so difficult to track down this past week, I may have taken you up on that fancy date first.”  You ghosted your fingers over his stomach, eliciting a surprised jolt out of him.  “But after you made me wait so long, I think you just might have to fuck me first.”
Jungkook’s eyes widened in surprise at your lewd words before he smirked and pressed his body against yours a bit harder, leaning forward to kiss a trail of wet kisses down your jawline.  “I’m happy to be at your service, but we’re kind of out in the open here.  I could drive us back to my room, that is if you’ll actually get in the car with me this time.”
Rolling your eyes at his teasing comment, you shoved at his chest.  Regardless, you couldn’t deny the fact that you were feeling incredibly impatient and weren’t sure you would be able to handle the wait while he transported you across campus.  Chewing on your lower lip, your eyes scanned the room.  “Equipment closet.  It’s spacious enough, it locks, and there’s no windows.”
“Jesus Christ,” Jungkook muttered under his breath, eyes searching your face for any hint of a lie.  When he didn’t find any, he smirked and pulled back, grabbing your hand in his.  “You know, I had planned on doing a lot of things today, but fucking in an equipment closet at the ripe hour of eight in the morning certainly wasn’t one of them.”
“Get used to it, hot coffee shop boy.”  Smirking to yourself, you allowed him to drag you towards the closet, pressing your back against the door after he closed and locked it behind you.  “Are you complaining?”
Rapidly shaking his head, Jungkook leaned forward and peppered kisses along your neck and collarbone, only pulling back to tug your shirt and sports bra over your head.  “No, no.  Just concerned you’re going to be the death of me before I even get started with you.”  Taking a step back, he pulled his own shirt over his head before allowing his eyes to rake up and down your body.  A combination of lust and admiration filled his eyes as he stepped toward you again.  “God, you really are so beautiful.”
Despite the fact that you had both been completely open with each other and the current situation being far from romantic, you felt your cheeks heating up at his compliment.  Shaking your head, you poked him in the stomach.  “Speak for yourself.  That’s the reason why I almost broke my toe.”
Throwing back his head in laughter, Jungkook stepped forward and wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting your body up and placing you down on top of a few stacked crates full of equipment.  “Mmm, I can make it up to you right now.”
Leaning forward, you pressed a few kisses along the corners of his lips and his jaw.  “And how are you going to do that?”
“Shhh, patience.”  Jungkook grinned as he bent down, slowly kissing a trail down your neck and collarbones.  When he reached your breasts, he slowed down his pace, carefully taking one of your nipples between his lips and softly sucking at the skin.  Once he established a rhythm that he was satisfied with, he lifted a hand and latched it around your other breast, kneading the skin between his fingers.
Letting out a soft moan, you threw your head back in pleasure and closed your eyes.  Your hands fastened around his neck, gently tugging at the hair on the back of his head.  The longer his lips and hands worked at your breasts, the more the heat between your legs throbbed.  “How am I supposed to be patient when I’ve waited so long for this?”
Jungkook’s eyes flickered up to meet yours, his lips making a popping noise as he removed them from your breast.  “You make a fair point.”  Kissing down your stomach, he urged you to lift your hips as he tugged your leggings and panties down your legs and allowed them to fall into a pile on the floor.  Kneeling down on the floor, his lips trailed their way up the inside of your thigh.  “Mmm, so wet already and I’ve barely even touched you.”
Whimpering softly at the feeling of his lips so close to where you needed them, you bucked your hips upward in an attempt to feel any sort of friction.  “P-Please.”
Chuckling quietly, Jungkook’s dark eyes remained on yours as he ghosted his lips over your dripping pussy.  The shy, insecure boy that he claimed to be earlier was nowhere to be found.  Instead, he was now indulging in the power he held over you.  “Who made you this wet?  Tell me.”
“You, J-Jungkook.  You did,” you whined out, attempting to push down on the back of his head.
Jungkook flashed you a satisfied smirk, nodding his head.  “That’s all I needed to hear, babe.”  Without another word, he gripped his hands around your thighs roughly and lifted your legs to drape over his shoulders.  Leaning forward, he closed the remaining space and attached his lips to your pussy.  Rather than making you wait any longer to have the tension relieved, he immediately went to work on your throbbing clit, gently sucking at the sensitive bundle of nerves.  Once he was pleased by the moans leaving your lips and the clenching of your thighs, he pulled his lips off and replaced it with his tongue.  Expertly circling his tongue on your clit, he reached one hand down and, without warning, began to pump one of his fingers in and out of your pussy.
“F-Fuck, oh my god, Jungkook,” you moaned out loudly, pulling harshly at his hair with one hand and reaching the other up to pinch at one of your nipples.  “R-Right there.”
“Mmm, need to get you stretched out and ready for my cock,” he murmured against your heat, quickly inserting another finger and curving them at the perfect angle to hit your g-spot with every pulse.  After circling your clit with his tongue a few more times, he encircled the bud with his lips yet again, this time humming against it to add an extra feeling of friction.
The sensation of his tongue and fingers working on your pussy and the sight of his glistening face was quickly becoming too much to handle.  With every movement, the bundle of nerves in your core was getting closer and closer to snapping and sending you into that blissful state you so longed for.  Biting down on your lower lip roughly, you closed your eyes tightly.  “I-I’m close.”
“Open your eyes.  I want you looking at me while you cum all over my tongue,” he rasped out after pulling back slightly, only leaning back down once you obeyed his command.  After a moment, he wet two of his fingers on his tongue before quickly beginning to circle them on your clit, moving his tongue in and out of your cunt at the same speed.
“F-Fuck, Jungkook!” you yelled out, forcing your eyes to remain open and fixed on his as you were quickly sent over the edge and into a state of ecstasy.  Your walls spasmed around his tongue as your vision became blurry and filled with stars.  The feeling was only prolonged as Jungkook kept moving his tongue until you couldn’t take it anymore and reached forward to push his head back slightly, left completely breathless as you stared at him.
Getting off his knees and onto his feet, Jungkook stared down at you in awe, leaning forward to press his forehead against yours.  The sight of your release on his lips that he refused to wipe off had your core already begging for more.  “God, that was so fucking hot.  You’re so fucking beautiful.”  Letting out a deep breath, he pecked your lips a couple times.
“How are you so fucking good at that?” you muttered against his lips, blindly reaching forward in search of the tie on his sweatpants.  Once you found it, you tugged roughly at it, sitting up straighter to urge both his pants and boxers down his thighs.
Chuckling to himself, Jungkook assisted you and pulled the articles of clothing down the length of his legs, stepping out of them once they reached the floor.  “I’d like to think that I’m a gentleman in the streets and a freak in the sheets…” His eyes wandered around the room for a moment.  “Or in the gym equipment room, apparently.”  
Rolling your eyes and giggling at his joke, you pulled him forward again to peck his lips.  “You know, if you moved to the side and let me get up, I’d happily return the favor.”  Your eyes wandered down the front of his body until they set on his hardened cock resting against his stomach, the sight of it causing you to clench your thighs together.
Shaking his head in response, Jungkook flashed you a shy smile.  God, how could he be so sexual yet so cute at the same time?  “As enticing as that sounds and as much as I would never turn that down on any other occasion, I’m afraid I’m not going to last if I don’t fuck you right now.”  Stepping forward, he looked down before cursing under his breath.  “Fuck, I don’t have a condom on me.  We don’t have fuck to if you’re not comfortable.”
“Wow, you didn’t bring a condom with you to your 7am fitness class?  How irresponsible of you,” you joked, shoving his shoulder before pulling him closer to you.  “I’m on the pill and I’m clean, so as long as you’re clean it’s fine with me.”
“You know, you’re going to regret teasing me,” he warned, laughing softly as he nudged his nose against yours.  “But yes, I’m clean too.”
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you raised a mocking eyebrow at him.  “Oh yeah?  And why am I going to regret it?”
Without another word, Jungkook reached down and grabbed his cock with one of his hands.  Rather than pushing it right inside of you, he instead slowly started to rub its angry red tip up and down your folds.  His eyes remained on yours, a teasing smirk tugging at the edges of his lips.
Biting on your tongue to suppress your whimpers, your eyes wandered down to the area between your thighs.  “W-What are you doing?”
Pressing his lips against your jawline, he let out an amused chuckle.  “Nothing until you tell me what you need.  Use your words, sweetheart.”
Reaching around him, you dug your nails into the skin on his upper back.  It wasn’t in your character to beg during sex, but the sight of the tip of his cock glistening in your juices from your first orgasm was enough to make you give in.  “P-Please fuck me, Jungkook.”  You forced yourself to lock eyes with him, hoping that the desperation you were exuding would be enough to make him cave.
Grinning in amusement against the skin of your neck, he nodded his head.  “Good girl.”  Sliding his cock down your folds one last time, he slowly slid it inside of your entrance once he reached it, a loud groan escaping his lips as he pushed all the way inside of you.  “F-Fuck, you’re so tight.”
Moaning out in pleasure at the feeling of fullness, you whimpered as you watched the sight of his cock disappearing inside of you.  The spectacle alone was enough to make the heat in your core reemerge, and your body was pleading for him to do more.  “M-Move.  F-Faster, please.”
Grabbing one of your legs, he extended it upward and propped it over his shoulder.  After getting a good grip on it, he quickly began to thrust in and out of you.  “Yeah?  You like that, babe?” he breathed out, his eyes screwing shut in pleasure before he buried his face into your neck again.
Dragging your nails down his sweaty back, you were sure you were going to leave some marks behind.  It only took a few moments for the feeling of overstimulation to wash away, and a new, deeper pleasure to replace it.  With your leg hanging over his shoulder, his cock managed to hit you at just the right angle with every thrust.  Using your grip on his back to press your body closer to his, you took the opportunity to wrap your free leg tightly around his waist.  The new position made it so his cock brushed against your clit every time he pulled it out of you, the feeling nearly having your eyes rolling to the back of your head.  “O-Oh my god, right there.”
Jungkook’s half-lidded eyes remained fixed on yours as he lifted one hand off of your thigh, pressing his index and middle finger together and moving them toward your mouth.  “Open.”  Once you complied, he inserted his fingers into your mouth.  His teeth dug into his lower lip as he watched the way you closed your lips, swirling your tongue around his digits a couple of times before sliding your lips back up and releasing them with a loud ‘pop.’  There was a mesmerized look in Jungkook’s eyes as his thrusts slowed for a moment.  “J-Jesus fuck, that was hot.”
A cocky smirk initially tried to spread across your lips, but it was washed away the moment he began to circle his lubricated fingers over your clit, his cock pounding in and out of your pussy at a pace that had you ready to unravel at any second.  “I-I’m close.”
Letting out what sounded like a combination of a groan and a whimper, Jungkook leaned forward and brushed his lips over yours.  “Cum all over my cock for me, babe.”
“J-Jungkook, f-fuck!” The sound of his raspy command and the feeling of his cock inside of you was all it took to push you over the edge again.  Your second orgasm hit you even harder than the first, a sensation of rapturous bliss overtaking your senses as your toes curled and your thighs were left convulsing around his body.  While your mind went foggy for a few seconds, the strain that was left in the back of your throat suggested that you had yelled out in pleasure quite loudly.  The euphoria was dragged out even longer as Jungkook had yet to reach his own high, his thrusts becoming sloppier as you stared up at him with hazy vision, gasping for breath.
“I-I’m close too,” Jungkook whimpered out, eyes screwing shut as your walls continued to twitch around his cock in the aftershock of your orgasm.  “W-Where do you want me to cum, babe?”
Coming back to your senses, you blinked a few times until your vision returned back to normal.  Finally processing his request, you used quite a bit of your strength to push him back a bit, ignoring the confused look on his face.  Using the space in front of you, you pushed yourself off of the elevated surface before getting down on your knees.  “My mouth.”  Reaching forward, you grasped his shaft in one hand, pumping his length a few times before leaning down and capturing his tip between your lips.  After circling your tongue around it a few times, you hollowed out your cheeks and began to bob your head up and down.
“O-Oh my… F-Fuck, Y/N.” Jungkook quickly adapted to the new sensation, his hands reaching around your head to tangle into your hair and urge your head down his cock further.  He locked eyes with you from above, his legs trembling around your head.  Taking notice of just how close he was, you forced your mouth down further to accommodate the rest of his cock in your mouth, swallowing around his length at the bottom.  The motion and the feeling of the tip of his length hitting the back of your throat was enough to make you gag, and that was all it took to push Jungkook to his climax.
Jungkook was a groaning mess above you as he released his load down your throat, unconsciously thrusting into your mouth further a couple of times to ride out of high.  After a few more spurts of his hot cum filled your mouth, you worked your mouth back up his length.  Once your lips popped off of the tip of his cock, you pulled back and swallowed thickly, the salty taste of his release lingering in your throat.
After taking a few moments to catch his breath, Jungkook reached down and grabbed your hand, pulling you up onto your feet in front of him.  Despite the crude nature of what had just occurred, the smile stretched across his lips seemed so… Innocent.  “Well… That happened.”  He reached up and pushed the sweaty hair that was sticking to his forehead out of his face.
Laughing softly at his words, you bit your lip and crossed your arms over your chest.  “I mean, that’s certainly one way to work out at the gym.”
Jungkook’s whole body shook as he erupted into laughter, leaning down and beginning to grab all of your discarded clothing articles off of the ground.  He sorted through them and handed you back yours, beginning to redress himself after.  Once he was dressed, he grabbed a towel out of one of the crates and made sure the area was clean.  “Don’t forget we worked out before too.  That’s two whole workouts.  We’re going to need to fuel up with some electrolytes or coffee or something.”
Forcing your damp leggings back onto your sweaty body wasn’t exactly the easiest or most enjoyable thing to do, but you managed.  Once your shirt was back on, you looked back over at him and feigned an exaggerated amount of excitement.  “Oh my god, am I going to be able to get coffee with hot coffee shop boy?”
“Only if hot coffee shop girl would be so willing to accompany him,” Jungkook jived, nudging your shoulder with his before unlocking and pulling open the door of the closet.  To your relief, the room was still empty and there seemed to be no one lurking outside of it.  Grabbing his backpack at the front of the room, he slung it over his shoulder.  “It might be a good idea for us to shower first, though.  I have a strong suspicion that we probably smell prettttty bad.”
Grabbing your own bag and water bottle, you laughed in amusement as you followed him out the door of the classroom and into the main area of the gym.  “I have a feeling you’re right.  Should we shower and plan to meet up after?”
Walking through the lobby, Jungkook held open the main door for you before following you outside.  It was much brighter out now than when you had arrived at the facility almost two hours prior.  Time really does fly by when you’re having fun.  “I feel like we can’t really be trusted with the whole ‘see you around’ thing and going our separate ways just yet after the shit we both pulled avoiding each other the past couple weeks.  Plus, I’m not quite done with you just yet.”
Snickering at the reminder of your past dramatic behavior, you nodded your head in agreement.  “So what did you have in mind?”
Stopping in his tracks, Jungkook turned to face you.  “So first, I was thinking you could come back to my place and we could both shower there.  I could provide you with some clothes for the time being, but if you need to change later, I can bring you back to your place.”  The corners of his lips began to twitch upward.  “However, that would require you getting into my car with me, and history suggests that doing so ‘makes you nervous,’ or something like that.”
“Hmm, I’m pretty sure I remember something about me making you nervous too.  I think some weird drunk guy told me that.”  Scoffing at his flirtatious teasing, you playfully shoved his chest.  “Anything else planned?”
“Hey, that ‘weird drunk guy’ is the reason we’re here today,” he scoffed, grabbing one of your hands off of his chest and lacing his fingers with yours.  “Then I was thinking we could go to our favorite coffee shop.  But… And I know this is kind of a wild idea... I’m thinking we sit at the same table for the first time instead of dropping pens and books to try to get each other’s attention from across the room.”
Squeezing his hand, you began to follow him as he led the way to what you assumed was going to be his car.  “A bold suggestion, but I’m into it.  Might have you drop a book at my feet and I’ll stare at you across the room longingly just for old time’s sake.”  When you reached a shiny black SUV, Jungkook unlocked it and walked around the passenger side, opening the door for you.  “So I’m guessing these plans involve us skipping classes today?”
“Well, obviously.”  Jungkook flashed you a bright grin as you climbed into the car, shutting the door gently once you were in the seat.  He ran around the front of it and quickly hopped into the driver’s seat, leaning over to look at you once inside.  “And then once the evening comes, as I suggested earlier, I would still love to take you out to dinner, if you’d let me.”  Despite everything that had just unfolded and all of the confessions you both had shared, there still appeared to be a glimmer of nervousness and hesitation in his eyes.
Leaning to the side, you reached over and placed your hand on top of his.  Your lips formed into a reassuring smile.  “I would love to.”
Jungkook lifted your hand that was over his to his lips and pressed a gentle kiss against your fingers.  “Good.”  Turning to face forward, he started the car and began to back out of the space.  As he looked at the pathway in front of the gym, he directed a mischievous smirk at you.  “Remember that time you walked back to your room on a swollen toe to avoid getting into my car with me?  Good times.”
Letting out a groan, you covered your flushed face with both of your hands.  “If you don’t shut up, I’m about to hit you with a ‘see you around’ and roll right out of the side of your car while it’s moving.”
“Okay, okay.  I’m sorrrry,” Jungkook laughed to himself, grabbing the wrist closest to him to pull your hand off of your face.  “As compensation for your shame, I will make another embarrassing confession.”  He knitted his brow together as he thought for a few moments before chuckling to himself as a memory came to mind.  “I once accidentally liked one of your Instagram pictures that was like… 72 weeks old and almost considered moving to another country and changing my identity.  I unliked it right away and you probably didn’t even notice, but I was stressed.  There.  Does that make you feel better?”
Gnawing on the inside of your cheek to hide your smile, you glanced at the side of his face.  “Mmm, a little bit.  I think I’m going to need you to keep going.”
Jungkook scoffed as he placed your hand that he was holding down on his thigh, shaking his head in disbelief.  “How is that fair?  I think I deserve some form of payment if I’m going to keep exposing myself too.”
“Fine, fine.”  You gently squeezed his thigh, your mind sifting through all of the embarrassing things you had done in the past due to your embarrassing infatuation of the boy who was now sitting beside you.  “I tried to order you, like, a sort of secret admirer coffee on Valentine’s Day, but the barista ended up giving it to the wrong guy and I ended up leaving the shop because I was so mortified.”
“Aw, I’ve always wanted to have a secret admirer,” Jungkook teased, parking the car in front of his building.  “God, we really could go on forever with these embarrassing stories, huh?”
Nodding your head, you reached your hand up and playfully poked at his dimple.  “It sure seems that way.  We’re kind of the worst.”
Unbuckling his seatbelt and hopping out of the car, he met you at the front of it and draped an arm over your shoulders.  “Good.  Just gives me another reason to keep you around longer.”
And while ‘see you around’ hadn’t been a promise that either of you kept before, keeping you around from then on certainly was one that he fulfilled.
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morningstarwriting · 4 years
College AU
So this was an idea that popped into my brain and I had to write it. I don’t know if this has already been done, but if it has oh well. I had a lot of fun writing this as it was my first time writing for Obey Me! I hope that you enjoy it! 
「 Lucifer 」
This man will be a lawyer
Don’t argue with him
He’s always right
Mainly cause he’s majoring in psychology
But he’s not stopping there
He’s actually double majoring
Psychology and History
And it ALSO doesn’t stop there
He’s getting a minor in philosophy
This means that he’s going to school for five years instead of four though
He’s so insanely intelligent though
He psycho-analyzes his brothers all the time
The only ones who don’t really care about what he has to say are Belphegor and Satan
They regularly plot against him
He always knows it
He blames it on daddy issues
This just means that even when he’s with his brothers, he’s constantly working
Always doing his schoolwork
He’s also the Vice President position of Student Government
He was beat out for the President position by Diavolo
And forced his brothers to join in the other positions
He’s also an Admissions Representative
He’s the perfect person to look at applications and determine if people are suited to attend his school
Diavolo also has this job with him
They spend countless of hours together all the time
And he knows that people ship them
He knows
There is one thing he refuses to take part in on campus, though
The only Greek life you’ll catch him in is an Honor Society with Greek Letters in the name
He isn’t the biggest fan of Greek Life
Or parties
However, he was convinced to go to a party by Asmo once
Never again
The biggest perk for his brothers is that he’s so ridiculously busy
That he can’t really constantly be on their cases
At least that’s what they think
He finds his ways
He finds a lot of ways
「 Mammon 」
He went into school as an accounting major
Big Miss Steak
He… wasn’t the best at it
He didn’t necessarily hate it
But he wasn’t thrilled about it being his major
Lucky for him
He was required to take a fine arts course
He decided on photography
And boy oh boy
He fell in love with it
Taking pictures was a Big Yes from him
He was really good at coming up with poses for his models
And most times the people in his class would ask him to model for them
And that’s when he started getting into modeling
And he loved that even more than photography
So naturally
He googled what he should do to become a model
And he found out you don’t necessarily need a degree
But Lucifer would NOT let him drop out
So, he saw that a few majors would help
Luckily for him
Photography was on there
But there was another that caught his eye
Fashion Merchandising
And here we have it
The brother who everyone sees as a dumbass is a double major
Who would have thought?
Not his brothers
Now don’t get me wrong
He barely passes his general education classes
But his major classes?
He loves them
He has shown up to class many times hungover, though
That’s what happens when you’re in a frat
Our boy Mammon
Is in a frat
He’s in the frat that puts on the best parties
They don’t let him spend money on anything anymore
They learned that the hard way
He’s also in Student Government, courtesy of Lucifer
He’s the Director of Public Relations
He considered running for treasurer
But all of his brothers reminded him of all the things he’s spent money on
And bet money on
And lost money on
He decided against treasurer
When it comes to partying
Mans goes hard
Doesn’t give a fuck
Does it all
Except hard drugs
Only that one time
Thank God Lucifer was there
「 Leviathan 」
If you think he would major in anything other than video game design you’re wrong
He went in looking to be a general programmer
And then he saw the words “Video Game Design”
He changed major immediately
He’s perfectly happy with just Video Game Design
But he is getting a marine biology minor
He’s always been fascinated with the ocean
And the creatures in the ocean
So he decided a minor would be a neat idea
He could also totally use his knowledge to design a dope ass underwater themed game
Which high key may be his thesis project
He really doesn’t get out much
He stays home the majority of the time
Watching Anime
Reading manga
Lucifer literally scolded him for always staying in his room
Never going out to do anything with anyone
Levi tried to tell him playing games was basically his homework
But Lucifer was having NONE OF IT
So, to shut him up
Levi looked at the clubs the school offered
He nearly screamed when he realized there was a Japanese Manga, Anime, and Gaming Club
He quickly became the president of that
He’s also a part of Student Government with the rest of his brothers
He’s the Media Representative
He runs all the social medias for the Student Government
And he’s damn good at it
He’s frequently on his phone during meetings
And he’s the only one who’s allowed to do that
And he may use it to his advantage
He needs to know what happens in the next episode of the anime he’s watching
He doesn’t have time to listen to Lucifer and Diavolo preach about things damnit!
He also doesn’t have time for
Just the thought of going to a frat party makes his skin crawl
What a normie thing to do
Sadly, for him
He’s frequently forced to attend them
Thanks Mammon
He just follows Mammon around like a lost puppy
He gets flustered any and every time anyone talks to him
One time, Mammon thought alcohol would make him feel more confident
…Mammon should not have provided Levi with alcohol
Too many things happened
Things the two never speak of to this day
He apologizes to Ruri-Chan every day for his mistakes on that night
「 Satan 」
Almost bit Lucifer when he reminded him, he’d have to put down animals too
Lucifer then proceeded to call him an animal
But seriously
Satan wants to be able to help animals in any way he can
He’s well aware he will have to put some animals down
But he knows he won’t have to do that unless it’s absolutely necessary
He’s also going to be a whole ass doctor
Fuck off, Lucifer Esquire
Here comes the DOCTOR of the family
Literally took up a job just to get away from Lucifer
He works as a librarian
He loves it
He’s constantly reading
And I mean  c o n s t a n t l y  r e a d i n g
He’s the nicest librarian ever
Don’t talk too loudly
Or destroy a book
Or do anything stupid
Because he will go off
He doesn’t tolerate stupidity
Not in his safe space
He’s on track to get a certificate in writing
So please
Do not interfere with literature
He’s also on track to get a certificate in Women and Gender Studies
So do not interfere with women’s rights or equality in front of him
He will not be happy
And he’s horrifying when he’s angry
Same thing goes in Student Government
He’s the Parliamentarian
And he does the job well
You either follow the rules
Or you get a talking to from Satan
Nobody wants a talking to from Satan
The only person who isn’t necessarily afraid of him is Lucifer
But Lucifer never breaks the rules so Satan can’t pop off on him
Satan might watch him like a hawk just to see if he messes up eventually so he can yell
He never catches him doing anything wrong
He catches Mammon doing plenty wrong, though
Constantly on his case for staying out too late
Mammon always blames it on his frat
And Satan always rolls his eyes
Similar to Lucifer
The only “frat” he’s in is an honor society with a Greek name
He considered joining the “smart” frat
But he decided against it seeing as Mammon was in a frat
He didn’t want to be associated with him
He can’t escape it
Every party he goes to
Mammon is right there
Satan doesn’t understand how he does it
To avoid the feeling of dread he just
He drinks as much as possible
He doesn’t party often
But when he does
The amount of times he’s gone out with his brothers and then disappeared only to come home after some crazy shit happened to the rest of them?
So many times
He doesn’t have time for their foolishness
He parties to get away from them
You know sometimes he just needs a break from his family dynamic
Even though when he gets drunk, Lucifer usually gets a voicemail
And… it’s soft
Satan has no idea those voicemails exist
Lucifer keeps them for blackmail
He also just keeps them to remind himself that Satan has a heart and isn’t a fucking dick to him all the time… don’t let the insult fool you, he actually really cares for Satan and hearing him be nice is pleasant
「 Asmodeus 」
He is a fashion design major
He’s known what he’s wanted to do since he was a child.
He’s been making his own clothes for years
People always stare at him because wow he looks good
He also decided to minor in music
Specifically focusing on his voice
Boy can sing
And sing he does
Sometimes Belphegor tells him to shut up
To which Asmo responds with
“I can’t hear you over my Grammy Award worthy voice! Did you say something?”
Before Belphegor can respond
Asmo is singing again
It’s futile
He never stops
That helps him in his Acapella Group though
He loves singing with them
Invites his brothers to every performance
Actually, gets happy if they show up
He’s the treasurer of Student Government
He’s actually very good with his money
He basically runs his own mini fashion business after all
He not only creates clothes for himself
But other people too
And don’t even get me started on his make-up looks
He’s literally an icon
He walks into a room and people know exactly who he is
He also has a YouTube channel
Focusing on fashion and beauty
He’s decently popular
And he loves it
He’s the other one in a frat
His frat is the most popular on campus
Everyone knows it
Everyone knows the people in it
And he loves the attention
So many girls and guys on campus throw themselves at him
And he loves that too
He always treats whoever he decides to bring home with him like royalty
Even though he’s had several hook ups and one-night stands
People don’t mind
Because he’s
He knows it
And he is not afraid to show it
He parties every night
Like actually
If he isn’t partying, it’s concerning
He’s one that believes that college are the best years of your life
And he isn’t letting that slip away from him
No matter how much Lucifer yells at him to stop partying all the time
Of course, partying is also an excuse for him to ignore some other things
So, he does it a lot
When he’s with someone else is when he’s happiest
So, he always makes sure to be with another person
「 Beelzebub 」
Bet you think he’s gonna major in culinary science
That’s his minor
His major
Is Family and Child Science
He wants to help people so bad
Especially children
He wants to do everything in his power to make sure that children live happy lives
So, his main goal in the end is to either be a school counselor or a crisis counsellor
He’s very serious about what he does
And he holds some past trauma
So, he wants to make sure people have someone to talk to when bad things happen
Of course, he also loves making food
He loves eating it more, though
But honestly
He’s a student athlete
Of course, he needs food
He’s always moving
He’s the captain of the American football team at their school
If he wasn’t going into child services
You’d best believe he was going into the NFL
Mans can PLAY football
It’s also really nice to have him in Student Government
Because the student body actually respects them because of it
He’s the secretary
It’s always nice when Lucifer asks Beel for the notes they took that meeting
He hands them over
Super detailed
Perfect, even
He always pays attention
He’s great at listening
And he knows how much it means to Lucifer
So, he never disappoints
He isn’t in any other clubs other than student government
But that’s because he’s on teams
Like I said, one hell of a football player
And if he’s not home making food or doing schoolwork
He’s at practice
Or just at the gym
He’s always bettering himself
And he’s certainly a campus heartthrob
It’s always fun going out with him
because he is the heaviest of all the heavy weights
His record for taking shots is twenty-one
That should have KILLED HIM
It didn’t kill him
That’s definitely his limit
That was an interesting night
Beel is just happy that his brothers happened to be there
He wasn’t too happy when he realized Mammon did something even more stupid than taking twenty-one shots
Lucifer made sure they were both okay though
Which Beel appreciated
He just… avoids vodka as much as possible now
Too many bad memories
At least from what he can remember
「 Belphegor 」
Like Beel
Belphie really cares about the mental state of people
Not children specifically
Just people in general
He’s just
Not cut out to be a counsellor
He doesn’t have the personality for that
He needs to do something that can actually take his sarcastic ass and allow him to use it for the better
He does some research
And something catches his eye
Rehabilitation Coordinator
Specifically Rehab for drugs and alcohol
He’s no-nonsense enough to enforce the rules of the facility, but still be able to care about these people
And become one
He needs to go to nursing school
This is difficult for him
He really enjoys sleeping
And this whole getting up early for clinicals thing?
Not ideal
After talking to his advisor about it
And by talking
I mean just straight up telling him he’s nocturnal got severe insomnia and waking up early is a no go
He gets put on the night shift
And that does wonders of good for him
The brothers barely see him
He’s either in class, asleep, or at the hospital
The only brother he ever really makes time for is Beel
They’re twins
Of course, he’s going to make time for him
A lot of the time, Belphie will return home around the same time Beel wakes up to go on a morning run
So, they have breakfast together
Because of his chaotic schedule
The only club he’s in is Student Government
And he did his best to snag the easiest position
The Reporter position
He just
Submits stories to the papers in the area
That’s it
He loves it
It’s so easy
Lucifer has to remind him to do it sometimes, though
He doesn’t mean to forget
He’s just got a lot going on
He needs to memorize he human anatomy, Lucifer
Some things are more important
He rarely goes out
He isn’t fond of parties
Even though he’s a night owl and enjoys the occasional drink
There are too many people
The main reason he goes is to make sure Beel doesn’t get too wasted
Not after that one time
But he did party a little hard when he found out he passed a test that he needed to get higher than a C on to stay in his major
He celebrated
Sleeping was the last thing on his mind that night
He was so hungover in the morning
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More Than Friends ||
Chp. 35
CEO!Jaehyun AU x Reader
College Student!Jaemin AU x Reader
Summary: After a complicated relationship with the infamous CEO, you want nothing more than to live your life as a normal college student; however, Mr. CEO just can’t let you go.
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Slowly tearing your eyelids open, you found yourself wrapped up in Mark’s bed. A bead of sweat began to roll down the side of your face. The heat aggravated you, so you flung the bedsheets off you. The first thing your mind went to was your phone. You found your bag on the bedside table and dug desperately for your device. 
A numerous amount of notifications flooded your screen when you turned it on. You saw all the texts your friends sent filled with concern, but you couldn’t help but scroll through the many hate comments on your social media. A wave of online news mentioned you and Jaehyun, most of them containing harsh and negative criticism. 
Your eyes began to water, suddenly, a stream of tears fell down your face. Sadness and insecurity took over you, feeling helpless as a heavy flood of tears soaked your skin. 
Gold digger
These words repetitively hit your eyes and shot at your heart. You didn’t understand why everyone hated the two of you together. The more comments you read, the more useless you felt. 
You did this to Jaehyun. You turned a perfectly fine man into a scandalous bachelor and crushed his life. 
The dizzy feeling started to come back to you and you felt like you were surrounded by mirrors in a bathroom all over again. You thought to yourself: No, I can’t do this anymore. I’ve ruined everyone I love. My parents, my ex-boyfriend, and now Jaehyun.
More tears fell down your face as you read the texts Jaehyun sent. You battled with your emotions and logic, and finally, you took the courage to officially end both of your pain. Typing your final words to Jaehyun, you pressed the send button.
I won’t let anyone get hurt because of me anymore. Just like the others, it’s only right to let Jaehyun go as well. I’m certain. But why does my heart feel this way?
You shook your head, ignoring the aching of your heart. Gently moving your limbs, you tried to touch the slippers lying on the hard floor beside you. The bed creaked and almost immediately, Mark zoomed pass the door and offered you his help. 
“Watch out little girl. You just fainted, stop trying to move so much,” he warned you with concern.
You smiled weakly as you stood up.
As soon as Mark made eye contact with you, he knew something was wrong. He asked with worry, “Y/n what happened? Did you cry??”
Turning away from Mark, you wiped your tear-stained face. You told him softly with exhaustion evident in your voice, “It’s nothing...”
Mark walked you to the living room couch and sighed as he went to grab a glass of water for you. The room was dead silent, the only noise was the water hitting the bottom of the glass cup. You turned towards the kitchen and stared at Mark, waiting for him to say something. Handing you the glass, he hesitantly said, “Jaehyun and Jaemin found the culprit, and the reporters bombarded Jaehyun,” he let out a huff of exhaustion and continued, “including the chairman of Starship.”
His final words sent a sharp dagger towards your heart. Guilt started to eat you out alive. You chewed at your bottom lip and mumbled towards the floor, “I really did ruin everything for him...”
Mark caught your words and glared at you, “Are you serious right now, y/n?” He started angrily lecturing you, “After all that you went through, you’re still thinking about others? Don’t you see that none of this was your fault?? You need to start thinking about what’s good for yourself, how great of a person you are, and how you do not deserve to be put on the spot like that.” He shook his head and chuckled a bit to himself, “Shit if liking each other is a scandal, then more than 80% of the world is scandalous. Society is dumb, and you need to understand that your relationship did nothing to harm him or you. If anything, the relationship made both of you a better version of yourselves.”
He sat down next to you and grabbed your shoulder, “Listen here dummy, I don’t want to ever see you cry like this. Seeing you in this wrecked up state kills me too.” He then looked down at his feet, softly saying, “So just know whatever I do is because I want you to be happy, ok?”
Completely ignoring Mark’s question, you asked him, “Who was the culprit?”
He scoffed, “Did you even hear anything that I just said?”
You asked him again, this time with more seriousness, “Who. Did. This.”
Taken aback by your reaction, he replied, “That rich chick, Emily Ahn.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, “Are you serious...what is wrong with her?”
Mark looked at you with confusion, “You know her?”
Laughing, you replied, “Oh yeah. She made out with Jaehyun and then poisoned me.”
He looked at you as if you were crazy, “Wait and you’re still alive, how? And you’re so calm about this, why?”
“Becaus-” Suddenly the door opened and you both turned around to see who the guest was. 
When you saw the familiar, wavy brown haired boy, you looked at Mark with shock. 
“Oh my god, y/n. You scared the shit outta me. Are you ok?” Your brother dropped his luggage and ran in the direction of the couch, enveloping you into a tight hug. 
“I-I’m fine... Why are you here? Weren’t you in LA?” You asked him, startled by his sudden appearance.
Mark confessed guiltily, “I was worried about you and Xiaojun was freaking out on the other end, so I had to tell him. Sorry...”
Your brother replied sarcastically as he unwrapped his arms around you, “As if I’m going to stay there when the media is bashing on my baby sis.”
Mark sighed and told Xiaojun, “Hyung, she just woke up. Just give her a break before we dive into the haters' situation.”
Your brother’s eyes softened when he looked at you, “Do me a favor sis and don’t look at your phone, yeah?”
You rolled your eyes, “Dejun, really? You don’t have to baby me, I get haters from my photography job all the time. Plus, you guys are a bit too late.” You waved your phone in the air and sighed, “I’ve seen everything there is to see.”
He sighed and gently placed a hand on your arm, “Are you ok sis..”
Mark tried his best to cover for you, knowing your brother gets too overprotective of you. He stood up and assured Xiaojun, “Please, do you actually believe your sister is that weak? She’s the strongest person I know, those haters don’t affect her. You got nothing to worry about.”
Even though you noticed Mark sounding a bit off, you gave him a small smile. You were grateful to have Mark on your side. He may be blunt at times, but no matter what, he always supports you and lifts you up at your lowest points. It’s been hard finding someone other than your brother to be there for you, especially since he’s always moving all over the world.
However, Xiaojun wasn’t dumb. He knew his little sister all too well. He also had Soyeon fill him in on everything that he missed. He knew that his sister acted tough and cold-hearted, but in fact, she is actually the kindest, most soft-hearted person in the world.
It might have seemed that he had always carried out his duty as an older brother, but supporting himself and you, his little sister, at the young age of 6 was nearly impossible. He wouldn’t have made it out sane if you hadn’t shown such consideration to his mistakes and personality.
Your brother was a person who likes to constantly move around. Never had he stayed put in one place, ever. Despite his tendencies, you followed him and supported him in everything he did. That’s how you discovered your passion for photography. You wanted to document every place you’ve been to and every memory you shared with him.
Xiaojun sighed as he thought of all the torment you been through. Yet, you still stay strong for him. He didn’t deserve you and he knew that, but it was his god-given gift that he could make sure you lived a life without worries. He got up and told you, “Let’s go sis. We’re getting far away from here.”
You chuckled a bit, missing your adventurous brother, “Ok, where to?”
He pulled you up and pushed you towards the front door, “First, we are revisiting our special place. Then, we are going to your house to get your belongings and passport.”
Stopping to turn towards Mark, he shouted, “Bye lil bro! I’ll keep you updated!”
Mark let a chuckle of relief, “Have fun, you two.”
You felt a wave of relief wash over you after leaving the playground that you’ve both often visited as children. Catching up with Xiaojun and his adventures made you realize why your brother does what he does. At times, you wished you could live like him. Whenever he felt upset or unhappy with himself, he’d look for self-improvement and content by visiting other countries and meeting new people. It was his way of coping with the abandonment of your parents.
But you were different. You always longed for stability. Yes, you wanted to live independently and free from commitments, but the longer you got to know Jaehyun, the longer you realized that stability can be offered even through the horrors of commitment. He made you realize that maybe your parents were just lost. They couldn’t offer you stability because they didn’t understand it themselves.
You felt stable with Jaehyun. You felt like everything bad in the world would disappear as long as you’re with him. However, you were afraid he wouldn’t feel the same way, especially after last night’s debacle.
Water started to fill the brim of your eyes as you closed your suitcase and headed to leave your apartment. You made Xiaojun wait in the car and hurriedly left, afraid you might bump into Lucas.
Your heart felt heavier and heavier as you got closer to the airport terminals. A part of you wanted to stay and run back to Jaehyun, but the memories of the ballroom and the media made you walk faster towards the gates. You told yourself that you can start over if you just follow Xiaojun. You can meet new people and start a new life where it doesn’t involve ruining the career of the man you love.
• This was rather short but still angsty. This isn’t soft hours, it’s sad hours *cue the evil cackling* •
• Stream BOOM 💥 •
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feelthepainofdodick · 5 years
Love For Hire - Ch. 3 - (D.D. x Reader)
Summary: David hires you to be his fake girlfriend for a month to get the diza stans off his back. This experience is the craziest thing that has ever happened to you and the emotional consequences that ensue are something you never expected.
Notes: I know Carly and Bruce just broke up but I just basically finished editing as they announced so if yall don’t wanna read and just wallow I understand but the next chapter of Love For Hire is here for yall when yall are ready. Also! Thank you to the people sending in requests! its so exciting. Thank you all truly. Im going to start writing them asap. Should be up by tonight or tomorrow. One last thing, this series truly is a slow burn. I have a million ideas for this series so there will be a lot of chapters. Hope yall love a good slow burn because that is exactly what this is. Much love, Julie
Word Count: 1775
“DDDDAAAVVVIDDDDDDDD!” You hear someone yell from inside the house as Natalie opens the glass door to their home. You follow behind them as they walk in taking off their shoes, you do the same. 
This tall, multi-hair colored man hugged David and looked in my direction. He let go of David and said with a grin, “Well, David who did you bring home?” Looking at me from top to bottom. He walked over to me and gave me a big bear hug. “Hi. I’m Zane.” You struggled to breathe as the hug was very tight. David hit him on the side making him let go of you. “Don’t suffocate her dumbass.” He says to Zane, making him let go. “This is (Y/N).” 
“And how come I’ve never met (Y/N), David.” He glared at David while putting his arm around your shoulder walking over to the living room where other people you didn’t know were sitting.
“Because I just met her about thirty minutes ago.” He said as we all sat on the couch. You are now sitting in between Zane and this boy with blonde hair and many tattoos. 
“Ummm? What? Who are you (Y/N)?” Zane says with his full attention now on me.
“Well… I’m (Y/N) and I’ve been hired to be David’s fake girlfriend for a month.” You say casually. Multiple gasps come from people you have yet to meet but Zane just starts laughing. So hard that it makes the others start laughing.
When he finally stops, he looks over at David. “Couldn’t get a girl to date you so you had to hire one, huh?” He says beginning to laugh again.
David looks around, cheeks flushed, “you know I’m not looking to date anyone Zane. You all know how hard its been to be Liza’s ex boyfriend. I have a lot of press coming up within the next month so I’m giving everyone a distraction. (Y/N) is everyone’s distraction.” He says gesturing towards you like a shiny toy. The rest of the group nods in understanding.
The rest of the night is filled with music, jokes, meeting everyone, and many cameras. You were able to introduce yourself properly to the rest of the people there. You met Matt, Heath, Scott, and Joe. They were all extremely nice and took to you as a little sister type. They all felt so comfortable and homey. You then met the girls there; Carly, Erin, and Corinna. You instantly clicked with them. They were a perfect mix of funny, girly, down to earth, but also had a slight edge to them that made them not feel like superficial girls. It was a little surreal hanging out with the vlog squad after doing so much research on them in the plane but you just clicked with them just like you hoped you would.
Slowly one by one people started leaving David’s house to go home. First Corinna, to go stream. Heath next to go back to his girlfriend Mariah. Carly and Erin next to go to their respective apartments and boyfriends. Then Scott and Joe to also go back to their homes and girlfriends. Then lastly, Zane and Matt to go back to the house they shared. When everyone was gone, Natalie showed you to your room, when you did some light unpacking, you went out to the living room to find David on his computer and Natalie lying on the couch scrolling through her phone. You casually sit on the love sac across from them. “So are you guys ready to talk details?” You say trying not to be too forward but wanting to know details because this was, in fact, your job.
Natalie looks over to David and nods. Natalie sits up. “So, the main objective we were hoping to accomplish with hiring you is to distract people from David’s ex relationship for press. Do you know about David and his youtube?” She questions.
You nod. “I did my research during the flight, I have a general idea of who you all are.”
“Okay great! I’m sure you’ll learn smaller things to make the fake relationship more believable as you continue hanging out with us. So we need you to be a subtle affectionate kind of girlfriend. We do have cameras on nearly all the time. So just hang out with David as if you two are best friends and throw in some touches, some kisses on the cheek, overall general closeness. You’ll attend any events he has to do, but we all attend them so it’s not just you alone. You will have to act the part of a lot of the time. How does that sound? Am I scaring you?” She asks concerned.
“No! No no. I’m fine. Just a lot of information at once. I just want to make sure its not weird. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable David.” You said now looking over to David who was still looking at his laptop. “Because I’m completely willing to act the part but obviously we are not actually dating and I don’t want things to be weird.” David is now looking at you. He sighs, pushes his laptop over to the side, and sits closer to Natalie to face you. 
“I don’t think it’ll be weird. I think the only thing I’m hesitant about is that I just don’t know you. I want to know you so I can act normal around you, so I can act like a fake boyfriend. The fans know when I’m doing anything off. They can smell lies through the screen. But if we are actually friends then I think we can fool them, especially since they don’t know you so they haven’t learned to tell when you’re lying.” He smiles softly.
You smile back. “Well I’m an open book! Either of you can ask me anything that will make you feel more comfortable with me.”
David and Natalie look at each other then back at me. “Why are you an escort?” David asks nervously.
You smile solemnly at them. “I’m broke, is the short answer. I went to college for marketing but couldn’t get any job after it. I would apply to every PR firm in Boston and the state but nothing ever happened. I didn’t have the connections I should of made in college. My dad died during my junior year so I was super withdrawn during the prime time for internships and networking. When I finally graduated, I was jobless and homeless. I couch surfed for a while and that’s when I started escorting. I was objectively pretty and I needed money. It was definitely dark at first because I was so desperate for money that I did every job I was offered. When I finally got enough money, I got a tiny studio in Boston, was able to get a shitty deli job, and survive off only doing not sketchy escort gigs every once in a while. This escort job gives me the time to apply and try and catch up on the things I missed out on to further my career. So here I am, pretending to be your fake girlfriend for a job but also the whole social media thing intrigued me. Thought it could help me learn from experience about PR and stuff. Just thought I’d be up front about that.” You finally finish, sighing a long sigh, and looking over their faces. You could tell they were sympathetic but there was no pity in their eyes. You were grateful. “Oh god, enough about my sob story. The real question is, are there actually ghosts that love only Natalie in this house? Because I think that may be a deal breaker.” You say sarcastically.
They both laugh. Natalie nudges you lightly. “You really did do your research.”
The rest of the night is spent getting to know each other. You learn all about them. How they grew up together. David’s start in the social media space. Natalie moving to LA to be his assistant. The empire he has built for himself. In turn they ask you all about yourself. Living in Boston, your family, college, high school, ex boyfriends, your best friend, and your opinions on the most random stuff. That’s definitely something you and David connected on, going on random tangents about the wonders of the universe. You didn’t think anyone else thought like that but here he was. 
It was nearing 3AM and you all needed sleep. They told you they had some plans to film at a friend's house the next day. You left the living room, into your room, excited for the next day. You felt connected to Natalie, David, and even the other vlog squad members in a way you couldn’t explain. It felt like you connected a puzzle piece correctly to the puzzle that is your life. It has been a long time since you felt that way. You drifted off to sleep with a smile on your face.
You woke up to no alarm, just the sound of chatter in the living room. You woke up and got ready for the day. As you walked into the living room you see Natalie talking on the phone, you wave, and make your way over to the kitchen. As you look through the fridge Natalie walks up behind you and says, “Hey, don’t worry about breakfast. I just postmated a bunch off breakfast stuff from IHOP.” You smile, going over to sit at the kitchen island, “sounds great, thank you Nat.”
When the postmates comes in and it set up on the kitchen island is when David decides to come out of his bedroom to eat everything. It’s nice and comfortable eating with them. Some light witty banter, lots of shoving food into mouths by David, and just pure ease as you all eat. The second we finish eating, David wipes his mouth with his sleeve, and says, “Okay! You ready to go” Looking at both Natalie and you. Slightly startled you just nod and within seconds you are in his Tesla riding somewhere. His camera settled in the car so all three of you are shown. You came to the conclusion last night that if a camera was on and near you that you had to play the part. This was your first go, and you were ready to embrace this job for what it was, so you looked at David and smiled sweetly with a look of love for the camera to see. This was the official first day of being David Dobrik’s real fake girlfriend.
Tags: If you want to be tagged let me know... @duh-dobrik @live-awkward @roxyedobrik @duhdobrik 
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tingleparker · 5 years
I want it, I got it.
Tom Holland x Fem!Reader
Requested?: Yes, actually. Thank you to everyone who has shown part one love 💓
•Warnings: S M U T be warned, Y/n is sadistic :))
•Summary: The release of your new song had sparked a riot but it's just what you wanted. ;))
•Word count: 3.4k
A/n: This is fiction! Also no hate to Zendaya, its for story purposes only. This can be read as a stand-alone but was written as a continuation of BUWYGFIM which you can read -> HERE
Tumblr media
Breaking News
Superstar couple Tom Holland and costar Zendaya have announced a split after a short time of dating?!
Get the inside scoop right here.
The marvel costars started dating back in late January, fans were ecstatic with the news. The couple has been spotted out in various dates but has been keeping the PDA on the down low. Though none of the parties have spoken about the reasoning, stating that it was a mutual and friendly break. Various conspiracies have spiraled from the reasoning of the breakup, fans connecting musician Y/n into the story.
You wish you could say you were sorrowful about the new information plaguing your social media but you would be lying if you did. Scrolling through copious amounts article, tweets, and posts about the undoing of the famous couple but you in a good mood in a sadistic way. You knew that at least a little part of the reason all of this was going down was all because of you.
The rumors were going around as well, causing articles like:
‘Diva Y/n Y/l/n is a homewrecker?! ’
‘Tom Holland cheats on short term girlfriend with who??’
Or one of my favourites;
‘Swiper no swiping? It seems like singer Y/n Y/l/n steals Zendaya’s boyfriend.’
Yes, this tarnishes your reputation but who has the proof to prove all of these assumptions. Tom never cheated on Z and you never forced him to break up with her; so who are they to ruin you. Fan’s were vigorously trying to find some evidence of anything about the breakup. Leaving behind a path of hate in your way; comments, posts, accounts all despised you at the very moment, hating on you for destroying their one and beloved ‘ship’. Though with hate, there was love; you had some support on your side and you were grateful for all of them.
‘Rumors? Thank u, next.’
💬 5,279 ⇆ 10.8k ❤114k
User 1 [replying to @Y/n]
Tom Holland [replying to @Y/n]
Preach it.
User 2 [replying to @Y/n]
Tom just replied proof that Y/n is a homewrecker!
Tom replying definitely did not help the situation but you were glad he was still there with you. The two of you had been texting constantly still, flirty texts here and there but usually it was just a good chat. Through the drama, it was good to have somewhere there to talk to when you needed. Speaking of the handsome brunette, you had ‘planned’ to go out to a party, and by planned Tom had slyly mentioned he was going and hinted at you to join. You played it coy, making it seem not too desperate but you knew your night had been set. You did not know whose party it was but you sure as hell know you're only going there for one thing; Tom.
You sift through your whole closet, making a mess on the floor of clothes as you try to find the right dress. Digging through the depths, you finally find your favourite; the dress you feel your best at. You wore matching undergarments, bumping up your self-confidence and notch, though no one else saw it, you hoped one person would. You add touches and fixes as time drew closer; there was no set time to be there but you had decided that going in late would be better. Deciding you were ready, you grabbed the necessities and went out the door. You pulled up the address sent from Tom a few conversations ago, hopping into the cab.
Was this a stupid plan? Yes.
Were you going to do it anyways? Well, Yes.
You felt a whirlwind of emotions, butterflies fluttering in your tummy as you thought about finally seeing Tom again. But all of those emotions dropped when you finally spotted him. You had just walked through the doors of the house, music already booming and people already scattered out on the front lawn. Walking in you expected to spot Tom fairly quickly, hoping that he saw you as well but you were greeted with the sight of him surrounded with other girls. Sat up on the couch, he had a drink in hand and another on the waist of some random girl; others surrounded like he was a king. You walked over to the drinks table, you were already here and you didn't want to waste any time. Chugging down a cup before refilling it and making your way out onto the large living space that had been turned into a dance floor for the night. Bodies pressed and bumped against one another, you squeezed through until you got some free space for yourself to just let loose. You swayed and danced to the music, you just wanted to have fun as the alcohol started to kick in; ever so slightly. Before even a whole song finished you felt someone press against your back, quickly turning your head to see a guy around your age. He looked pretty decent, not too shabby. You continued dancing like he wasn't even there until he grabbed a hold of your waist pressing you up against him even further. You started grinding back onto him, what was the harm right? You were just trying to enjoy yourself and this attention was semi-working. What you didn't realize was Toms glaring eyes were glued onto you, from when you walked in, to when this douchebag decided he could dance with you. Tom had enough when he saw the guy tug you around to face him, your arms snaking around the randoms boys neck as you both swayed to the music. Tom shook the girls off of him, of course, he wouldn't get with any of them when all he had his eyes on was you. You didn't see Tom storm over to you and you were surprised to feel someone grabs your arm. You got pulled by this person who you saw was Tom for only a split second because he had pulled you straight into a kiss. Your lips molded together like puzzle pieces, you had wanted this for the longest time now. You had completely forgotten about the guy you had been dancing with, throwing your arms over the actor you had your lips on. Pulling away Tom leaned in closely to your ear, bot of you almost out of breath from the intense kiss.
“What do you say we head upstairs love?” The nickname made you melt as you almost instantly agreed, giving him a peck on the lips as you couldn't get enough of him.
You let Tom lead you upstairs towards his room, people around you too busy with the party to notice and you were to busy with just being excited to be with Tom. You had to admit that in the beginning, this was what you always wanted, going up to his room but now you wanted more than that but maybe he didn't feel the same; oh well you were just going to enjoy tonight as it comes. Tom nudges you into the darkly lit room, locking the door once the two you were in. Instantly your back was pinned to the bedroom door, a gasp emitting from your lips from the contact.
“You were doing that on purpose right love? Dancing on somebody else, when all you want was me?” Tom huskily asks, lips brushing against your ear.
Bodies pressed up against each other, your heart beating at a fast rate. You wrapped your arms around his neck, trying to be even closer to the attractive man in front of you.
“I don't know what you're talking about.” You answer, playing dumb; hands now running down his back
“Is that so?” Tom leant closer in, faces only centimeters apart.
The tension became too thick and you couldn't take it, pushing forwards and pressing your lips to his. Lips finally meeting each other, your back pressed further into the door as the two of you kiss. The kiss was full of lust and passion, their want for each other finally being granted. During the kiss you flipped the pair of you around, Tom complying easily and he pressed against the wood. Your hands move to the bottom of his shirt, playing with the hem before he got the idea and pulled away from your lips to lift his shirt above his head and throw it somewhere in the room; before dashing forward to capture your lips again. Your hands ran down his body, feeling every inch of skin, you pulled your lips off his. Kissing down his jaw to his neck, leaving small purple marks in your wake. Small breathy moans sounded out from Tom, you clench your thighs together to get some friction. Moving even further down you pressed kisses down his chest, eventually ending up on your knees; lips ghosting the top of his pants.
“You say I danced with other people when you were surrounded by other girls.” You say mockingly, trying to get the upper hand.
“Jealous?” Tom asks cockily looking down at you.
You place a cheeky kiss on the clothed but obvious bulge, causing Tom to buck his hips. His hands dropped to unzip his pants, rushingly stepping out of them as you reached out to play with the top of his boxers, slowly pushing them down.
“Stop being a tease darling.” As he finally steps out of his underwear, his length on show for you. You lick your lips at the sight, he was above average for sure, the fiery red tip already leaking pre-cum. You place your hands around him, Tom’s head instantly leaning back from the contact. You leaned in, kitten licking the tip; tasting the salty substance on your tongue but you didn't mind it. Toms' hands threaded through your hair, groans falling from his lip as you took more of him in your mouth. Your eyes flicker up to see the best view possible. His head thrown back in pleasure, lips parted with arousing moans leaving them; mixed in with the faint bass from the music downstairs; with that alone more arousal shot in between your legs. Before you could go even further, he slowly dragged you off of him; your lips pouted sadly as he does. Tom leans down, thumb brushing over your bottom lip before pushing it ever so slightly in your mouth just as his dick had been. Getting impatient he grabbed you, lifting you up and carrying you over to his bed; plopping you down onto it. He crawled up to you, body on top of yours. His hands dragged down your body, stopping at the hem of your dress and just as you had done to him; he slowly pushed it up your body, revealing you to him one part at a time. You pushed it over your head, also tossing it somewhere in the already messy room.
“Fuck you're so hot. ” Tom says before attacking your lips into another kiss.
Hands feeling each other up, his going behind you to unclasp your bra, before moving even further down. Your hands grasped onto his shoulders as he moved your panties down your legs; the cool air hitting your wet core. His fingers trailed in your inner thigh, a small moan escaping your lips. The rough pad of his finger trailed up to your clit, tingles shot through your whole body at the action. Your hands tangled into his lovely curls as he played with your nub in circle motions, explicit moans fell from your lips out of the pleasure. Suddenly a finger pushed into you, your hands tugging at his hair now and back arching at the intrusion. Before instantly sliding it out again, and in seconds his head was in between your thighs. Without another second to waste his mouth lapped at your pussy. Gripping your legs and spreading them further. His name fell from your lips like a chant at this point, toes curled as he continued devouring you.
“God, you taste so good, love.” Tom whispered as he lifted off you for a second before diving back in.
You tugged and pulled at his hair, his tongue working wonders, drawing little figure eights on your clit. Then his hands joined back into the mix, two fingers pushing to you as you almost lose it. The coil in your stomach growing tighter, as Tom curled his fingers; your body begging him to go faster.
Go his finger...his mouth, your breathing erratic.
“F-fuck I-I’m gonna-”
“You're gonna what love?” he asked when you cut yourself off, a cocky smile on his face as he stared at you from in between your legs.
It was obvious what was going to happen, and you hated that he knew it but being the cocky bastard he is wanted you to say it. Your body started moving in time with his fingers, trying to get more, you were so close.
“Tell me or else I'm going to take my fingers out.” Tom threatened, his pace evidently slowing down.
You let out a moan of disapproval, trying to get him to speed up again.
“I- Oh my god- I’m gonna-”
Your words cut off once again as you feel his pace speeding up, his long digits going in and out at such a good pace and your breath hitched as his mouth latched onto your clit again.
Your back arching off the bed, legs shaking as you couldn't hold it in anymore. His name fell from your lips as you released, your head thrown back as you saw black for a second. Tom watched as you crumbled in front of his very own eyes, he continued to slowly finger you drawing out your orgasm. Eventually, Tom slid his finger out, your chest heaving but a pout on your lips as you felt empty. You wanted him, all of him.
“Please. Please fuck me.” You practically begged as he hovered above you with lust filled eyes.
Tom got a hold of his dick, guiding himself to your core. He lets the tip run over your folds; letting it slicken up with your arousal before pushing into you. A loud moan from the both of you went around the room, revelling at the feeling of each other. You feel your wall stretch to accommodate him, your breaths shaky as he slowly slid further in. Slowly but surely he bottoms out, hips meeting each other as you adjust to his size. Fuck you loved it already and he hasn't even moved. You let out a needy ‘please’ before trying to push forward yourself trying to get him to move. He pulled out halfway before thrusting back in, more moans escaping and your hands found his back grasping onto his shoulder blades. His thrusts started slow, easily sliding in because you were so wet.
‘F-faster, please’ you begged as Tom listened picking up his pace.
His thrusts became rougher causing you to leave red, burning scratches down his back.
His hands held tightly onto your hips; surely leaving a bruise but you didn't care. The room filled with moans, grunts and the background music from the thumping songs downstairs. You didn't care how loud you were, and honestly, you didn't care if someone heard you because all you wanted was Tom and now you had him.
With a powerful push, Tom hit your sweet spot, you back arched as you let an extremely loud moan at the immense pleasure. A smirk grew on his features as he knew what he had done, angling himself to specifically hit the same spot over and over again. Holy shit, his cock filling you up so perfectly; you loved it. Without warning, Tom snaked his hand down thumb circling your clit, causing your legs to shake; you couldn't take it.
“I-I’m so close” You admit as you hang onto him for dear life, toes curling as your second orgasm approached.
“Fuck, Cum on my cock.”
His words pushing you to the edge as your body pressed closer to his, the feeling of release rushing through you. You were seeing stars as your whole body shook, Tom stopped his movements as he releases into the condom; his eyes closed at the feeling.
Heavy breaths fill the room, Tom slowly pulls out; your pussy clenching on nothing as you feel empty. Your chest heaved as you laid on the bed, watching him throw out the condom; waiting for him to return; you just wanted cuddles and sleep. But you watch as the brunette scans the room before heading to where the thrown pieces of clothing were. You silently watch as he starts to put back on the clothes, your eyebrows furrowed in confusion on what he was doing. Maybe he was just putting on his boxers to sleep? You question to yourself but that idea goes out the window when you see him struggle to pull up the tight jeans he was wearing.
“W-Where are you going?” You ask, hating that you seemed desperate and vulnerable.
But maybe this was just a one-time thing, maybe he wanted this to be casual, maybe he doesn't actually like you; overthinking the situation. You curled up into yourself, of course, you felt hurt but you weren't going to show him that, he hasn't even answered yet.
“Just gonna go back downstairs,” He says, tugging on his shirt over his head.
He was just going to go back to the party, the party filled with people who fall at his feet.
Ouch, guess you misread the situation, your confidence from the beginning drained and you turned into this mess of emotions. You sit up in bed, legs hurting but you know you had to get out of there as soon as possible.
“Where are you going love? You're free to stay here. You must be tired, take a nap” Tom suggested, stood near the closed door but turned to look at you.
You had a surge of confidence, it was now or never to find out what you wanted and worst case scenario he would open the door to the booming music and walk downstairs and completely forget about you; not bad right?
“Only if you’ll join me?” You ask you didn't intend it to be sexual; you did actually want sleep but you also wanted Tom.
The gears turned in his head so much that you could almost see it physically, as he contemplated what you were asking. Without another moment, Tom pulled out his phone from his jean pocket and started texting someone. What was this man doing? Well, he was texting Harrison about shutting down the party for him. But you were utterly confused, you laid back down, turning to your side not even looking at him anymore; you wanted to sleep and you were going to do just that with or without him. A minute passed before you heard some fumbling, pieces of clothing falling back onto the floor as Tom lifted his shirt over his head once again as well as removing those uncomfortable jeans. The bed dipped as he climbed in behind you, Tom slid his arms around you, pulling you closer to him. You snuggled into him, feeling his body warmth; making you even more drowsy.
“Thought you didn't want me like this love.” Tom explained, saying it so quietly you barely heard.
“I’ve always wanted you, from the beginning,” You say, voice laced in sleep as your eyes slowly blinked in tiredness.
“Well, I’ve always wanted you from the first time I saw you. But go to sleep love, we’ll talk about this in the morning.” Was the last thing you heard as Tom placed a light kiss onto your temple, eyes closed as a peaceful sleep consumed you.
Waking up that morning hurt your head from the hangover but you were over the moon happy cause you got what you wanted.
[Photo of your hand resting on Tom’s bare chest]
‘I see it, I like it, I want it, I got it.’
TomHolland2013 and 652,910 other people liked this
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ayearofpike · 6 years
The 2010s reprints, all at once
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So if Simon & Schuster is going back to the well for Pike’s vampire books, what’s stopping them from bringing back other stories from their one-time best-selling young adult author? Form factor, perhaps. It’s the twenty-first century now, and no self-respecting teen would be caught dead reading a pocket-sized paperback. We need something big and beefy to show that we’re Serious About Literature even as we read about murderous insane girls. Fortunately, he’s written more than a couple continuations that will link together into a handy packaged bind-up. But a lot of these books were originally written twenty years ago or more, when the absence of technology and communications wasn’t something that needed to be addressed to explain why these bastards weren’t better informed. Indeed, new audiences (the ones we in education call “digital natives”) might not even understand the characters’ rationales for action without being able to step back in time and forget what they take for granted.
Is it worth rereading these new editions? How different are they from the originals? Lucky for you, I’ve decided to find out.
Remember Me
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Compiles Remember Me, The Return, and The Last Story Simon Pulse, 2010 789 pages ISBN 978-1-4424-0596-7 LOC: PZ7.P626 Re 2010 OCLC: 646299604 Released July 6, 2010 (per B&N)
Since this was the magical bestseller that made Pike who he was in the first place, it shouldn’t be too surprising that not much is changed or updated in this edition. Still, the very nature of the YA market having morphed into the vehicle that allows these stories to be reprinted throws a pretty massive wrinkle (like, even worse than the fact she’s publishing under her white name) into Shari’s expectation that her mom will never read Remember Me. Come on, dude — I guarantee she already read about the vampires. 
The only changes I found through all three stories were giving Lenny the Latino gangbanger a CD player rather than a cassette (because 2010), saving the final story on a jump drive rather than a floppy disk (again, 2010), and swapping Shari’s green pants for blue jeans (I guess to match the outfit Jean is wearing when she falls off the balcony?). One thing that hasn’t changed: Third Book Whitewashin’ Shari is still an asshole. You’re lucky I’m so determined to be thorough, otherwise I would have never reread this shit.
To Die For
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Compiles Slumber Party and Weekend Point, 2010 408 pages ISBN 978-0-545-26432-1 LOC: not listed OCLC: 679759450 Released September 1, 2010 (per B&N)
Little weirdness here, as this is a Scholastic joint rather than Simon & Schuster, but the covers are all coordinated, down to the typeface. Not sure whether the two houses worked together to try to sell their books (at Pike’s agent’s suggestion?) or whether Point saw an opportunity to mine some back catalog and tried to copy the existing presentation as close as possible.
The oldest viable stories (read: not Cheerleaders) must have some major rewrites pending for a modern audience, you’d think, but it’s not that drastic. The main complication would be these kids being able to reach someone outside the immediate group and report problems, so Pike quickly writes around that with a single line in each story establishing the locale as beyond cell service. They also both turn emergency CB radios into walkie-talkies, which isn’t even close to the same thing. It’s a little hinky at times, especially in accepting that Lara Johnson has packed an alarm clock instead of a phone, but it does the job.
Most of the rest of the changes hinge on contemporary references. Slumber Party loses its Richard-Pryor-lighting-himself-aflame-while-freebasing joke, but keeps the kids watching Dr. Zhivago at the first fateful party. Weekend has to adjust a lot more — party music is no longer on record, David Bowie becomes Bono (replacing a ten-year-old reference in 1985 with a ten-year-old reference in 2010), Angie’s Datsun is now a Camry, and song leaders are finally just cheerleaders. At times, he’s just wiped out a reference altogether: gone are Pat Benatar, Ryan O’Neal and Ali McGraw, Fonzie, Michael Jackson, and most tragically the Carpenters, which undoes a joke at Sol’s expense and removes any understandable sense from the passage they once were in. Oh well. At least he spelled “gringo” correctly in this edition.
Until the End
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Compiles the Final Friends trilogy (The Party, The Dance, and The Graduation) Simon Pulse, 2011 846 pages ISBN 978-1-4424-2252-0 LOC: PZ7.P626 Unt 2011 OCLC: 693810612 Released August 30, 2011 (per B&N)
I’ll be honest: I’m not sure what this compilation is doing here. Did anybody clamor at the bit for Final Friends even back in the day? I mean, there must have been some demand to let our boy write a trilogy, but even as a teenager I saw the problems embedded in this tale. Simple time-shifting adjustments weren’t gonna fix those. And this is the beefiest book of the lot, maybe to appeal to young readers who like the huge format and want to show off how much they can read. (I had it in the waiting room of my kid’s doctor this week and another dad said it was the biggest book he’d ever seen.) It’s a lot to plow through for the sake of completeness. Still, we’re committed, right?
I got like 200 pages in and did not see a single change — not even in the computer lab where Bubba is “hacking” into the district grade data bank — which made me worried I was going to just be rereading the same stories over again. And 650 pages later, GUESS WHAT. Literally the only difference is that Jessica, in bemoaning her travails with Bill, says she was “trying to seduce a gay guy” instead of merely “a gay.” Like, even the part about it taking all day to transfer 40 megabytes via modem and filling up a school computer’s hard drive is still there. This was NOT done for new fans. But reading it so fast and soon and smushed together did help me realize that The Rock does indeed have a given name. (I’ll save you the research time: Theodore Gordon.)
Bound to You
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Compiles Spellbound and See You Later Simon Pulse, 2012 490 pages ISBN 978-1-4424-5971-7 LOC: PZ7.P626 Bo 2012 OCLC: 777602521 Released August 7, 2012 (per B&N)
Maybe this is the only bind-up where the two stories could have been anything. (The Point book: those were his only two under Scholastic, so it makes sense.) There’s a back catalog of literally two dozen books not otherwise committed that they could compile. So why these two together? OK, sure, we’re four years away from the phrase “sexy lizard teens” entering the lexicon, but for sure Scavenger Hunt is better paired with Spellbound than a story about nuclear war survivors time traveling out of regret. See You Later seems like a really obtuse deep cut to me, but if he was committed to it why not pair it with The Midnight Club, which is similarly about love lost to inevitable death? I don’t really see the connection, and am too lazy to do any rationale research. But I’m not actually mad at the books — they’ve shown as two of my favorites in this reread. 
Spellbound, being the oldest of the S&S catalog, does need a little reworking, particularly in the racist elements of an African shaman going to a podunk Old West high school. Pike didn’t take them all out, of course, because we have to know what a dick the boyfriend is by his connection of the dude to savage cavemen. However, the lack of cell phones is very glaring in the bits where they’re trying to find the brother/potential murder victim, and Cindy has to sit around the hospital waiting to be paged. In 2012 it’s inconceivable that high school kids wouldn’t have SOMETHING. You tried to reach the brother at his house, at his friend’s, at his girlfriend’s ... did you call him directly? Such a simple fix: “He’s not answering his cell.” It probably would have made the unease even stronger.
See You Later, hinging as it does on the main character understanding a video game, has its own needs for updating, and does it better than the Final Friends remake. Still, it’s a little slapdash. Becky works in an electronics store instead of a record store, but do these places even sell physical media computer games anymore? Even six years ago that shit was all download-only. And Ray STILL works in a bookstore ... do those still exist? Mervyn’s definitely doesn’t; they went bankrupt in 2008. As for the game itself, it requires 12 gigs of RAM rather than the paltry megabyte, which is what my newish machine runs six years later. (At the time I had ... two gigs?) Also, in the original Mark asked who won the 2010 World Series, which isn’t the future anymore in 2012 ... but it’s weird that he’s now asking about 2020, just eight years off rather than twenty. Most unsettling, though, is how the tenor of international violence rhetoric still rings true for the setting of this story, even though we’re not worried about Communists anymore. The Cold War is long over, but we’ve swung through tolerance and hope and are right back on fear.
Chain Letter
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Compiles Chain Letter and The Ancient Evil Simon Pulse, 2013 456 pages ISBN 978-1-4424-7215-0 LOC: PZ7.P626 Ch 2013 OCLC: 852941511 Released July 23, 2013 (per B&N)
Chain Letter was also not originally published by S&S, so it’s interesting that they’ve gotten the rights to print it in this volume. (Though they were compiled in the UK in 1994, so maybe it wasn’t too hard.) By now, though, it feels like they’re reaching, as the teen fiction world shifts yet again to futuristic dystopias and Pike doesn’t really have anything like that. Thirst was on its way out too; the fifth book appeared just before this, and we’ll note that even though Pike didn’t finish the story the sixth has yet to emerge. Curse you, unpredictable teen girls!
Not too much is different from the original editions here. Obviously Pike was throwing in his timely references that had to be cut for understandability (Nastassja Kinski?), but by Chain Letter 2 he’d learned to rein that in. Also, there’s a moment in the first one where Alison yells “Hate you!” at the attacking Caretaker, which always struck me as awkward. This version changes it to “Screw you!” which makes me think Pike originally wrote it as “Fuck you!” and had to bowdlerize for YA. Of course they have to throw some shade at snail mail, too, since that’s how the letters arrive in the first place. 
But the main differences are cassette recorders and phones. Obviously the kids aren’t going to tote around a whole bunch of old-school tools when we are now six years into the smartphone era. There’s some nice cleaning up in The Ancient Evil, writing around the idea that people need to (or even CAN) look numbers up in the phone book, but in lots of cases it just makes things awkward. Like, why is Joan going after the driving controls to turn the incriminating recording off if it’s on Kipp’s phone in the backseat? Why do Alison and Brenda have to sit around the kitchen waiting for a return call? Why is Kipp waiting until he gets home to check his voicemail? Did he seriously leave his phone in his room while he ran to the store and left a seven-year-old sister alone at the house? It just makes less and less sense.
You might have seen somewhere online a mention of another compilation, collecting Last Act and Master of Murder. This book does not actually exist. The ISBN and OCLC numbers associated with the title both lead to a British printing of the second half of Final Friends, by Hodder Publishing. I emailed the house just to make sure I wasn’t missing anything, and they responded that they’ve never printed these two stories together. There’s no record of it anywhere else, certainly not on Simon & Schuster’s Pike page, and reviews I’ve found where people have attempted to buy this collection attest to the fact that they’ve actually received a copy of Final Friends Part 2 But Not Book 2 Even Though the Second Half of Book 2 Is In It.
There also used to be another one named on Wikipedia called Time of Death, which was supposed to compile Bury Me Deep and Chain Letter, but why the hell would they do that when Chain Letter has its own sequel already? There’s not any verifiable record of such a book anywhere online, not even a flawed cross-listing like the first. 
So fuhgeddaboudit. I’m done reading compilations.
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cherylblsom · 6 years
A Phoenix & Her Fire
(A/N): Hey hey guess who’s back with another fic ;) its sadder this time im sorry aah. Part two is currently in the works so dont worry i wont leave you hanging! Hopefully that’ll be up later this week :)
Pairing: Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz
Word Count: 2,176
Warnings: TW; canon suicide attempt, swearing, emotional??
Summary: Cheryl aches to be reunited with JayJay which winds her in the emergency room. ((The attempt takes place later than it does in the show & Cheryl and Toni are already dating at this point))
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1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Cheryl’s fist hits the ice again causing a slight crack but not enough to break it. She lets out a huff of anger and tries once more, determined to break through and plunge into the icy depths of Sweetwater River. Tears stream down her face and freeze to her cheeks in the cold weather. Every inch of her feels numb and frozen but she’s determined to be reunited with JayJay. Her knuckles are starting to bleed as she hits the frozen river again creating another satisfying crack. She hears a faint noise in the distance almost like her name being called, a sob shakes her body as she tries to push away the illusion. It’s not as if anyone would come to save her. But she hears it again and reluctantly lifts her head, a wave of panic hits her when she sees Veronica standing at the edge of the river with Betty, Jughead and Archie behind her.
“Cheryl.” Veronica calls again “just come to the shore and we’ll figure this out together okay? Please”
Cheryl pauses for a second, she knows Veronica cares about her after all that’s why Cheryl texted her goodbye. But the others haven’t shown an inch of caring about her ever and she’s fairly certain Veronica Lodge of all people isn’t going to miss her one bit. Cheryl chokes out another sob as she’s hit with a wave of pain at the thought of Toni, her girl. She lurches forward gulping for air and trying to push her sobs away, her hand smacks the ice hard and she wishes for once things could make sense. The ice unexpectedly caves in under her and she lets out a strained scream as she drops into the icy water below. Her lungs fill with water instantly and for a second it almost feels nice to lose control. Her eyes fly open and maybe it’s just a hallucination but Jason’s body is suddenly reaching out to her. Cheryl’s arms and legs flail in attempt to move away from him which only pushes her further into the current.
Archie is pushing past Veronica and running across the ice the second Cheryl’s body drops into the water. Veronica panics and follows right on his heels, when she reaches Archie he’s frantically sweeping away snow attempting to find where Cheryl is now. He swears and keeps moving around desperate to save the redhead.
“Archie. Here” Veronica yells panicked and within seconds he’s kneeling down smashing the ice above Cheryl and pulling her up. His fist is bleeding heavily but he lifts the soaking Vixen in his arms and stumbles back to the shore. Archie lays Cheryl down and desperately attempts to get her to cough up the water she’s inhaled. Veronica swears while struggling to dial 911 with her frozen fingers which causes Betty to rush to her side and help.
When the group stumbles into the ER in a panic the nurses waste no time in rushing Cheryl to the back. There’s chaos and yelling all over and Veronica stumbles over to a chair trying to take deep breaths. “Someone- someone needs-“ she tries to force out.
“Shh breathe, what is it V?” Betty asks, walking over and soothingly rubbing circles into her best friend’s shoulder.
Veronica lets out another shaky breath “call Toni, she- she needs to be here”
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Jughead curses while fishing in his pocket for his phone. “Why didn’t we immediately think of that oh god. I’m on it guys” he punches in her contact and lifts his phone to his ear. The phone rings three agonizingly long times before she picks up.
“Jones!! You know I’m on shift right? To what do I owe the pleasure?” her voice cheerfully answers.
Jughead swallows the lump in his throat and says slowly “don’t freak out. But we’re at the hospital and you need to get here right away.”
Toni’s heart race increases as her eyes roam the Whyte Wyrm trying to figure out if any of her serpent family is missing. And then it hits her. “Oh god. Fuck. Tell me it isn’t Cheryl. It’s not her right?��� She says frantically, already reaching for her bag and motorcycle keys. Jughead is silent on the other end. “JONES. What the fuck? It’s not her right? Fangs was just messing around again and and...” she trails off as she spots Fangs near the bar, her breathing starts to get harsher.
“Toni... I’m sorry.” He chokes out “just hurry okay? She’s in emergency”. Toni hangs up and throws her phone in her bag while sprinting across the parking lot to her bike.
Toni runs through the door of the ER with such force she practically knocks over the young nurse in the way but swerves around her at the last second. “What happened? Who the fuck hurt her? Who did this?”
“Toni...sit down” Veronica says gently while walking over and guiding the pink haired girl into a seat. She kneels in front and looks up at her.
“Just fucking tell me so I can go after whoever the fuck touched her” she says, she’s visibly shaking and Veronica lays a hand on her knee trying to calm her.
“She- uhm... Toni we found her at Sweetwater River, she was on the ice trying to break through...”
“I... I don’t understand”
“She was trying to drown herself... she said she wanted to be with Jason again.” Veronica says, her voice cracking mid sentence.
Toni freezes, her vision going fuzzy and her head spinning. She grips the arm of the seat and can feel herself shaking harder, she lets out a soft whimper since she’s unable to talk. Veronica stands abruptly, steadying Toni as she sways forward. “Breathe. Shhh. Betty can you get some water? Toni hey hey listen to me. Take a deep breath” she soothes.
“Did- did they say what’s going on right now?” Toni stutters over each word and then looks up at the four expectantly and reaches for the water from Betty.
“They’re trying to stabilize her” Archie says.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Toni bites back.
“Her breathing and vitals I guess” Archie breaks off, swallowing hard. “She ingested a lot of water. I tried...oh god Toni I tried to get her to cough it all up but she was unconscious almost immediately after coughing up the first bit and she was so cold. She was barley breathing when we got her here.”
Toni’s head starts to spin again and she falls back in her seat, Veronica grabs the water from her placing it down and moving closer to the serpent. Toni whimpers louder this time and soon she’s choking out sobs and pushing past Veronica to get to the trash can. Despite there being barley anything in her stomach she throws up and grips the sides so tightly her knuckles turn white. Veronica is beside her again within seconds, and despite not having a very close relationship with the raven haired girl she turns and sinks into her shoulder. Veronica rubs up and down her arm trying to soothe the serpent as her sobs shake her whole body. “I can’t lose her...” Toni mumbles through her sobs.
Veronica lays her head on top of Toni’s and hugs her a bit tighter “I know...” she replies gently. “But she’s a fighter, always has been”. Toni nods slightly in agreement and stays pressed to Veronica desperately trying to find any sort of comfort and hope she can in the situation.
“Is there an Antoinette Topaz here?” A nurse calls out, Toni lifts her head and attempts to stand up but she stumbles into the wall and steadies herself against it.
“Here, I’m here” she says, wiping at her face trying to clear the tear stains. “What is it? Can I see her?”
The nurse sighs and says “Not yet. But you’re listed as Miss Blossom’s emergency contact and we just needed to make sure you’re here. Are you a blood relative?”
“No. I’m her girlfriend actually”
“I see. Well usually we ask for a family member to-“
“Ma’am I assure you that you’re looking at her family right here. If I’m her contact why does it matter?” Toni cuts in, her eyes shooting daggers at the nurse.
“It’s just I’ve never dealt with a case that wasn’t a fami- or uhm relative. But I suppose you’re right. We will notify you when Miss Blossom is in a condition that allows visitors” she nods and walks away briskly as she jots down something on her clip board. Toni leans heavily on the wall and closes her eyes, a sigh shakily escapes her lips.
“Toni?” She hears Betty’s soft voice. “Do you maybe want to go home and change? We could grab some food too.”
“No” she snaps, the word coming out harsher than she meant. “I’m not leaving her.” Toni’s eyes flicker open, making contact with the blonde
“I.. I know you don’t want to. But Cheryl needs you to have your strength. Atleast come put on something warmer you look like you’re freezing.”
“Betty. The only one I’m worried about right now is Cheryl. I’m fine”
“Atleast let the boys go get some coffee and maybe Betty or I can run and get you a sweater” Veronica pipes in.
“C’mon Topaz, you know Cheryl will kill us all if we don’t at least try to take care of you” Jughead says, stepping closer to Toni.
Toni lets out a snort “yeah whatever Jones”
“She really loves you ya know? I don’t think I’ve seen her as happy as she is with you since before Jason died. Even then, I think you bring a light to her she’s been missing for a long time” he says, smiling softly at her.
“Yeah... I know” Toni replies as she fights back her tears “I love her too”
It seems like hours pass before any of them hear anything, Veronica is drifting off laying on Betty’s shoulder and Betty is mindlessly scrolling through her social media when the nurse walks out. She eyes Toni and strides up to her. “Miss Blossom can have visitors now. Room C-141. They’ve managed to stabilize her and get all the water out of her lungs. She should wake up soon.”
Toni is already out of her seat and hurriedly walking down the hallway, the nurse is trying to catch-up with her but gives up after a few more strides and turns back to the main desk.
Toni’s heart just about stops when she walks in and see’s Cheryl with her fiery hair splayed across the bed and a fresh cut trailing from her chin down her neck. Toni marvels at how Cheryl still somehow looks effortlessly beautiful even when hooked up to an oxygen machine. If she’s being honest with herself she expected to be angry. Angry with Cheryl for thinking she could leave this world and Toni behind, angry that Cheryl doesn’t realize her own strength but mostly angry at herself for letting Cheryl get to this point. Instead her heart shatters when she see’s Cheryl lying there with her chest softly rising and falling. She pulls up a chair and reaches for the redhead’s hand. For a moment she doesn’t know what to say, she just takes in the fact that her girl is breathing and alive.
“I’m sorry... Cher I’m so sorry. I- I should have known I should have been there. I don’t know how I’ll forgive myself for this. But I’m not leaving your side.” She says softly, fighting back yet another wave of tears and running her thumb over Cheryl’s bruised knuckles. “You know.. that first day we met at the drag race I really wasn’t sure what to think of you. I mean you strode up there acting like you owned the place and to be honest I’m not sure if my initial reaction was to kiss you or to deck you.” a sad laugh falls from her lips. “And when I showed up at Riverdale High I knew you’d either be hell to deal with or the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” she pauses and looks up at Cheryl. A small smile pulls at Toni’s lips. “But who knew I’d fall so hopelessly in love with a Northside princess?” Toni moves closer to the bed, resting her head beside Cheryl’s arm and pressing a gentle kiss to it. “God. I love you so much Blossom. So so much” Toni mumbles against her as her tears flow freely now. “Please wake up soon. Open those pretty brown eyes so I know you’re safe and sound” she presses into Cheryl’s side trying to breathe in her scent for comfort but it’s all been washed away by the river and masked by the hospital. A sob unexpectedly shakes through her body and she tries to calm herself by taking a deep breath. All she wants right now is for Cheryl to be safe and in her arms. “Please come back to me baby”
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Family Hunt // Jughead Jones
Summary: A hunt brings the Winchesters to Riverdale creating a temporary stay in the town where you become close with a diverse group. Yet the life creates a rift between a certain boy determinded to brand himself a weirdo and you. How can you being the daughter of Sam be with someone so normal…so non jaded by the family business.
Characters: Winchester!Reader x Jughead Jones, daughter!Reader x father!Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, and Betty Cooper
Words: 3963
Disclaimer: I do not own Riverdale or the characters. I also do not own any gifs, images or songs that may appear in this.
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, self-doubt, hunting, monsters, fluff and angst.
Requested: No.
Author: Caitsy
A/N: This is something I’ve been working on for about two weeks and I hope you enjoy this!
Prompt List
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The last name Winchester struck the fear into anyone aware of the supernatural world and it didn’t matter how long a Winchester had been hunting. The name put a target on your back and anyone you cared back usually ended up attacked or dead. You were the daughter of Sam Winchester and a long dead woman. Despite not wanting to place you in the hunting world, your uncle and father had trained you but you didn’t hunt until you were thirteen.
“How do you protect yourself against a ghost?” Dad asked as Uncle Dean drove down the highway.
“Rock salt shots or iron.” You stated looking out the window.
“Good. Do you remember the words to exorcise a demon?”
“Dad.” You said turning to see him, “I’ve been learning Latin since before I could crawl. I know all you’ve taught me. Uncle Dean taught me how to shoot while you taught me how to fight both supernatural and one.  supernatural.”
“I’m sorry baby.” Dad sighed, “I love you kid.”
“I know.”
You didn’t know what town this was going to be other than Dad had found a case while he had been correcting your homework. He had to look up an answer and found out in the recommended news articles about something. Dad had ordered you to pack before heading out on the road.
“Burger.” Uncle Dean grunted pulling into an old fashioned diner with neon lights that were unnecessary at this time of day.
“Dad can I have a milkshake and fries?” You questioned.
Dad had always made sure you ate healthy food more often than what Uncle Dean had always snuck you. You were sixteen and you still followed your father’s rules because if you didn’t he got that sad puppy look with a mix of disappointment.
“Add a burger-“
“Chicken?” You perked up grinning, “Uncle Dean, want to share a sundae after?”
Uncle Dean and you had that typical familial relationship where you got more ease than the rules with you father. Well you couldn’t get anymore ease but it was still less. You saw the smirk of your uncle before he tossed out an agreement if he got the cherry.
Walking into the building was like any other place only this was a little more busy than the diners you had been in. You felt your angel blade in the small of your back with a gun hidden on your ankle in the boot. You settled into a booth near the counter while you Uncle made eyes at the Latina waitress.
“What can I get you?” “I’ll have a chicken burger, fries and a vanilla milkshake.” You said as your Dad glared at you, “Wow okay Dad! Please can I have that meal?”
“No problem.” The waitress smiled, “You guys have an amusing daughter.”
“What? No!” They said together, “We’re brothers!”
“They get that a lot.” You giggled as your family avoided looking at each other. They both mumbled their orders before it was taken to the kitchen.
“I want to talk to you about something Y/N.” Dad said turning to face you, “We’re not sure how long we’ll be here so would you like to be enrolled at the school?”
“Beat any kid up th-“
“Dean!” Dad snapped, “Don’t tell my daughter to go hitting other people!”
“While you two fight, I’m going to go use the bathroom.” You sighed climbing over the back of the booth into one being used by a group of teens.
You all blinked at each other before you got out of the booth with your Dad hissing at you to apologize but really who cares. You did feel the eyes of the other teens watching your retreated back where you’re shirt had raised a little to reveal the knife. You had barely made it into the bathroom when you were slammed into the wall next to the door.
Within seconds you had twisted out of the hold to slam the teen against the wall with enough force to nearly shatter a picture frame on the ground. The others had rallied to push you off before you broke the teens arm leading you to slug one in the face.
“Archie!” The raven haired girl gasped rushing to the fallen red head. You crouched waiting for the next attack before they all sized you up, “What the hell?”
“He grabbed me.” You stated blinking.
“He was getting you off Jughead!” The other female said stomping her foot on the ground.
“Why was this Jughead slamming me into the wall?” You glared leaning down closer to the hidden gun.
“You have a knife! What teen carries a knife!? Like a professional?!” The boy shaking his arm exclaimed.
“What’s a Jughead?” You questioned.
“Are you going to rob the diner?” Jughead asked closing in on you. You shifted reaching to grab a normal knife to hold it in front of you, “Whoa!”
“Betty call the cops.”
“Veronica!” The blonde gasped, “She could have something to do with Jason-“
“What? Who’s Jason?” You questioned. They all shared a look before silently agreeing to quit attacking you.
“Jason was murdered this summer.” Archie said holding his hand to his bruising eye. You had landed a punch that would make your father proud.
“Oh.” You stated, “I’m Y/N Barton. I’m new here.”
You returned back to your booth where your Dad was nervously watching where you had disappeared to, then soon followed by some teens. Dean saw one of the boys, a jock no doubt, was holding his eye that was steadily turning black by the minute. His eye caught your scraped knuckles before he chuckled deeply.
“Looks like your kid socked Raggedy Ann.” Dean grinned. Sam groaned as you stood while the teens congregated around your booth.
“Dad this is Betty, Jughead, Archie, and Veronica.” You said motioning to them, “This is my Dad Sam Barton and my uncle Dean Barnes. They go to the high school that you still haven’t shown me yet.”
Sam frowned unsure why you had given them fake names while silently telling him you would go to the school. You were a smart kid that made him proud ever since you said your first word so young.
“Jughead can show you.” Veronica stated stepping close to Archie while Betty had gently placed a bag of frozen food in the red head’s hand.
“Jughead?” Dean questioned confused. He noticed the boy with a beanie rolling his eyes and he knew that the kid was named that.
“That’s be awesome!” Your eyes twinkled while your uncle and Dad shared a concerned look.
They didn’t care how old you were or how trained you were on protecting yourself they didn’t like boys with you. They were placed in a hard place when you swiftly kissed your Dad’s cheek and raced out of the door with Jughead on your heels.
“I don’t like this.” Sam grumbled as you vanished from his view.
“That kid is a Winchester.” Dean snorted, “She’ll be fine. Besides I’ll kill the boy if something happens.”
Jughead was slouching as he led the way to the typical high school in every movie you had managed to watch. It became easier when you moved into the bunker with your family after years of living in motels and the Impala.
“This is Riverdale High School. Run by Cheryl Blossom like the Blossoms run the town.” Jughead said gloomily.
“I’ve never been in a school.” You mumbled wincing when you remember the hunts that led you into the school buildings. Jughead must of noticed because he was watching you with a small frown.
“You’ve never gone to school?” 
“Dad and I live in a house far from towns and after my mom died, my uncle moved in.” You said keeping your eyes on the building, “My mom was a teacher so she wanted to teach me with the help of my Dad.”
“Oh…well.” Jughead trailed off watching your body language. Something was off and he had a feeling it was going to be interesting with you in town.
“I should head back.” You said pivoting on your foot to head back to the diner, “I’m sure Uncle Dean will be in lecture mode about leaving with strangers and Dad will say something about violence.”
“That was a nice punch.”
“Self defence from my Dad backfired.” You smirked as the seed settled in his mind that you weren’t the evil living in this town.
“Over protective?”
“You have no idea. I don’t even have any social media.” You weren’t faking the sadness in your voice this time. You truly did love life you had with your uncle and dad but with no friends and stability could suck.
“I’m not jok-“
“Y/N Y/M/N Win-“ The purr of the Impala was no match for your father’s raised voice. He was glaring along with Uncle Dean, “Get in the car right now.”
You shared a look with Jughead before you climbed into the back seat where your Dad was already ranting about how violence wasn’t the answer. All you could see was Jughead’s beautiful eyes and you knew right there you were screwed. You had feelings for the odd boy and you sure that blonde Betty girl did too.
A month passed by with you hanging out with Jughead at lunch when he was working on some kind of novel. He had explained how he was writing about the mysterious death of his classmate and how it was a big deal. You tended to stay quiet by reading up on your Latin, it intrigued the boy when you were mumbling in the language as if you had been born in the country.
“Jughead!” Betty exclaimed sitting next to him on the ground. Her eyes twinkling at him and it made you want to punch her in the face but you didn’t need dirt on your record.
“Hey Betty.” Jughead said grabbing one of your fries to stuff in his mouth.
“Wanna go to Pops after school?”
“I can’t sorry. Y/N and I are going. Maybe next time.” Jughead replied not looking up to her. Her face fell before she got to her feet and headed back to the table where Veronica was waiting.
“You should go out with her.” You mumbled looking up from the book in your hands.
“What? Betty wasn’t asking me out, she’s been looking out for me since Archie once again decided females were more important.” Jughead said with a smirk at you. As you stared at him, his smirk faded when the encounter settled in his mind, “She was asking me out.”
“Betty seems pretty into you so I don’t think you lost your chance with her.” You replied looking back down at your book.
“I’m not into Betty.” Jughead slowly said, “She’s not really my type of girlfriend. Besides she was recently in love with Archie and that’s called rebounding.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m into-“ Jughead was cut off by your uncle’s ringtone.
“Oh you finally answered. We found the location of the whore house…I mean witch house and she’s been shacking up with a demon.”
“Are you serious?”
“I’m just about at the school and I need you to be ready to fight.”
“Uncle Dean where’s my Dad?”
“Uh…we got separated and he was taken by the witch.” Dean said slowly.
“Of course.” You said sarcastically before climbing to your feet when you saw your Uncle hustling towards you. You hung the phone up as you ran to meet him.
“He’ll be fine Kid, we’re Winchesters.”
“Wait what?” Jughead asked confused, “I thought you and your Dad were Bartons and your UncIe was Barnes…wait those are Avengers names…”
“You gave a fake name?” Your eyes settled on Archie as he dropped his book bag on the ground.
“Shit. Look my Dad and Uncle are government agents, they take me with them because I’ve been attacked in revenge before_”
“You lied to me.” Jughead blinked, “God how could I be so stupid! My life is a piece of shit so why would anyone want to be near me.”
“Save it. You’re just like everyone else.” He growled picking up his things and storming away.
“I’m sorry Y/N but he’s my best friend, I’m always going to have his back. Good luck with everything.” Archie mumbled before following his best friend at a fast pace. 
“Wait!” You yelled taking a step before you were swung back into your uncles body, “Let me go!”
“No. Think about this. Are you going to go after two boys that can’t know your life or save your dad?” Uncle Dean asked sternly, “You go after those boys and it won’t end well. You know that. We know that. The entire family knows that.”
You hesitated before Uncle Dean began to drag you out so you felt your heart break into pieces. You knew you shouldn’t have fallen for the boy but it was impossible with his snark and mysterious qualities. Betty and him had a greater chance of surviving the fucked up world than with you.
It was a young witch that used the school at night for more power by the atmosphere created by angst ridden teenagers. The witch herself was in her early twenties with a great tie to the demon, it was a vicious cycle, every person in the witch’s history inherited the bond to the same demon.
“Dad!” You exclaimed dropping to your knees in front of a locked at the school. His face was bruised and bloody with a relieved smile at you.
“Y/N!” Both Uncle Dean and your Dad yelled when you were violently thrown into the set of lockers behind you. You body shape was dented into the lockers but from the small movements you made there was no fractures.
However you were disorientated and unsure of everything or if you have blacked out or not. You did see a small movement at the end of the hall. You saw that your family was losing the battle and with the witch preoccupied you slammed your knife into her back over her heart.
“Daddy.” You mumbled collapsing onto your knees in front of your father. His arms wrapped around you in the familiar warmth you had known since your birth.
“I”m okay baby.” Dad mumbled into your hair, “Look at me. See I’m fine.”
“They aren’t.” Dean mumbled as the demon, now showing himself, was close to the group of teens.
“I know him.” You gasped as the demon was on his way to your friends, your Jughead with his odd hat, “Run!”
It seems the Riverdale teens were shocked and mystified at the fight between the supernatural and Winchesters. Not that they knew the life but watching a sixteen year old girl kill someone…well they weren’t overly concerned with who was fleeing the scene scared.
“Are you okay?” Jughead questioned.
“Should we call the police?” Betty said taking a small amount of glee at the rift developing between Jughead and you.
“No! Run!” You screamed running towards the endangered teens before the demon could do harm but it was useless. The demon had used his power to shove Archie onto the wall and up to the ceiling, “No, no, no!”
With the pounding footsteps of your family you dug the demon blade from your boot before tackling the demon. The tackle severed the demon’s concentration with Archie to throw a fist at your face, the punch grazed your temple before you slammed the knife blade into the skull.
You laid there gasping for breathe as Veronica and Betty crouched near a shaken red head even thought there were the same. The body was tossed off you so you finally felt some of the wounds begin to throb.
“What the hell.” Jughead stated as his attention was on making sure you were okay, “You killed someone.”
“Yeah.” You mumbled.
“Were you in Riverdale during the summer?”
“No. We were on…a uh-“
“We just saw Archie get fucked up without anyone near him. That guy, the one you stabbed by the way, lit up orange like a freaking sun.” Jughead exclaimed not taking your bullshit anymore.
“That was a demon.” Your uncle Dean said blinking as he held up your Dad, “The woman Y/N stabbed was a witch.”
“These two…jesus Dean.” You Dad said glaring at his brother when he was jostled too much, “The demon and witch had a centuries old bond via members of the witch’s family.”
“What the hell.” Archie choked out shocked.
“We hunt the things that go bump in the night. The monsters that your parents checked for under your bed and in the closet. The ones you grew to believe were fake and you were safe from.”
“Archie learnt how to throw a football and I learned how to shoot.” You said, “You girls shop and gossip while I studied on how to exorcise a demon and make salt rounds.”
The teens were silent as you continued to rant about how different your life were while your hurt and jealously broke your father’s heart. He had always felt terrible to be unable to provide you a normal life but he tried to for a period of time. It didn’t work, it failed liked his college days of denial and avoidance. You were two when he decided he couldn’t leave the hunting life.
“Baby…sh.” Your dad cooed as you slowed down to take a breath.
“I’m Dean Winchester, this is my brother Sam and his daughter Y/N. We grew up in this world that most don’t know exists. We hunt monsters.”                        
“I think I prefer when I didn’t know you were all crazy.” Jughead muttered heavily. Betty shifted closer in order to console him shuddering at the heavy glare you gave her.
“Crazy? Did you not see what the body did? Or how Archie was pinned against the wall with no one touching him?” You snapped stepping closer. Betty instead got in your face, a little too close for comfort.
Before the blonde’s palm could connect with you face you had a gun inches in front of her. You did care if she was human or not. You were trained to act on instinct and pulling a gun on her was a no brainer.
“Whoa!” Archie exclaimed as he tried to push Betty out of the way.
“Step away.” Dad said slowly. You saw Betty gulp at the sight of something that ended Jason’s life in front of her.
“You need to step a foot back now.” You hissed at the blonde, “Are you stupid? I have the same training and experience, if not more, as law enforcement. Don’t rush me. Don’t try to assault me. A threat is a threat.”
“O-okay.” Betty mumbled stepping back and sighing when you returned your gun to its place.
“Seriously. Just because Raggedy Ann doesn't like you doesn’t mean you should transfer that to someone else.”
“I didn’t transfer. I just didn’t know I liked Jughead.” Betty said huffing again, “You being here made me see that I love him actually.”
“You like Jughead.” Archie said shocked. He may not return her feelings but having someone irrevocably like you was a good feeling.
“There’s something betwe-“
“Betty don’t.” Jughead said clearing his throat. In the short period of time you had known Jughead, he was a closed off person and didn’t like a lot of attention. Betty revealing her obvious feelings was one of those things that made him uncomfortable.
“Chick flick moment.” Uncle Dean grunted as he walked away, “I get enough watching those awful movies you insist on.”
“You like them!” You shouted with a grin.
“Baby, we have to hit the road. There’s a new case in Greendale.” Dad said with a smile at the teens. A rather awkward one as Betty spoke under her breath at the odd boy that caught your attention from the moment you saw him.
“Okay.” You said turning to the group, “Sorry for the problems we brought.” 
“Can’t wait to never see you again.” Betty mumbled with a cold stare.
“You have my number if anything happens.”
“Can we speak alone?” Jughead asked blinking at you.
“Uh. Yeah sure.”
“We’ll load the car.” Dad said kissing your forehead, “Don’t be long.”
You nodded as Jughead ushered you to a room where everyone could congregate during breaks of the day. You would miss the homey room with the worn board game boxes stacked on a counter at the back. When you two sat down Jughead grasped your hands.
“Do you think you could stay for a little longer?” Jughead asked.
“I can’t. It’s for the best too.” You said taking your hands from his, “This won’t end well.”
“You don’t know until we try.”
“But I do.” You said with watering eyes, “Winchesters never get a happy ending. I’m as close to a happily ever after that my Dad is going to get. If we get close to someone they die.”
“I doubt it’s because you’re Winchesters.” Jughead smirked straightening his beanie.
“Everyone my Dad has slept with has died.” You said stonily, “Uncle Dean tried to leave the life and so did my dad but you can’t leave the life.”
Jughead was silent as the words registered in his mind breaking his heart more because he would probably never see you again. He wouldn’t have that same itch to brush your hair behind your ear or fail to not squeeze your hand at odd moments. He would never have the same fight for the cherry on your milkshake or steal the rest of your fries.
“You could stay. With me.” Jughead said. He saw the hesitation in you, the hope that grew before it was blown out.
“I can’t.”
“You deserve to be a kid and happy.”
“So did my family. So did countless people killed. Just by saving people makes up for the childhood I didn’t get.” You said getting up, “I should go.”
Your bag was tossed in the back of the Impala along with the two other bags from your dad and uncle. The teens you had grown to be close with in the duration you had been in Riverdale stood by the car. You carefully looked each one in the eye before coming closer to them.
“If you ever get into trouble give me a call.” You stated to each one, “I’m serious. If you think someone or something is off let me know.”
“I’ll miss you.” Ronnie said stepping up with a small box.
“What is this?” You questioned as you lifted the lid to see a bracelet.
The bracelet had charms on it that didn’t hang too low but they were distinctly related to each of these important people. A guitar with a football engraving correlating with Archie was the first to catch your eye bringing the memory of punching him. The next one was just a tiny pearl that perfectly described Veronica, it was extravagant but simple. The charm describing Betty was a tiny magnify glass that was placed next to a crown with a diamond at the top. The last was simply a milkshake for the place you had all met albeit in a shady way.
“It’s gorgeous.” You breathed.
“Jughead helped.” She admitted stepping to carefully place it on your wrist and hug you, “He loves you. Don’t throw that away.”
With a rather awkward hug with Jughead in front of everyone you stepped into the Impala for next hunt. Maybe life would bring you back to Riverdale but for now you had a hunt to do.
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oltnews · 4 years
Tea is always hot when there is drama among celebrities, and apparently another past feud is suddenly spotlighted. Mark Wahlberg and Leonardo Dicaprio had a fall when the two filmed Jim Caroll's critically acclaimed biopic "The Basketball Diaries". Although Wahlberg has already discussed this long-standing feud with the `` Titanic '' star, it seems like there is more to the story than we initially thought. They have since made amends, but their "friendship" started off quite rocky even though the two were practically on the same boat. In the 1990s, Wahlberg and DiCaprio were both prominent young actors who made it big in Tinseltown and focused on establishing themselves as flawless spies with the few important roles they had played. So we know the two have worked together before, and we could very well add, but we can't imagine that they are bickering even if the media believes otherwise. However, Wahlberg has already visited this subject. He had revealed where he was with Dicaprio and also that the two were basically in the throat of each other in the 90s. Besides their passage in 1995, they were also seen together in "The Departed" in 2006. Despite their ups and downs, the `` Ted '' actor told Extra TV in 2018 that he was ready to work with Dicaprio again. In a 2013 interview with the Hollywood Reporter, Wahlberg revealed in an unfiltered anecdote Dicaprio's exact reaction to his involvement in `` The Basketball Diaries ''. Actors Mark Wahlberg and Leonardo DiCaprio attend the game between the Los Angeles Lakers and the Minnesota Timberwolves on March 26, 2004 in Los Angeles, California (Getty Images) "Leonardo was like," Above my dead f ** king body. Marky Mark will not be in this f ** king movie, "Wahlberg told THR. "I was a little fucked up with him during a charity basketball game. So he said to himself," This f ** king is not going to be in this film. " All of that changed once they started filming, and the two formed a unique friendship. At the 11th annual LEAP conference at UCLA, Wahlberg said: "He didn't want me for the role, and I didn't think he was right for the role. We both had to really learn to respect each other, and we deserved it. " E! has now spilled tea on what really happened between the two when they were young rising Hollywood stars. `` The Basketball Diaries '' has reportedly been in the making for decades, and Jim Carroll's hard-hitting life story was more than ready to be shown on the big screen. However, they needed a bona fide actor to adapt to the role of the old teenage basketball feel on the screen. The police drama was based on the memories of Caroll of the same name, and it described his journey from his days in basketball, his downward spiral towards drug addiction and prostitution, and his subsequent rise in fame as a writer, poet , punk-rocker and an American cultural icon. Leonardo Dicaprio and Mark Wahlberg in 'The Basketball Diaries', 1995 (IMDb) It was a big deal and almost everyone from Matt Dillion to River Phoenix, all of the young talented faces of the 1980s, tried to get the part. However, the project was essentially stalled, with frequent changes of people involved in the project. At the time, Dicaprio's portfolio was rather rare, but the 20-year-old had already been nominated for an Oscar for his role in `` What's Eating Gilbert Grape '', alongside Johnny Depp. His physical resemblance to Carroll and his acting talent ultimately helped him win the role over his competitors. Dicaprio, in conversation with the pre-release of the San Fransisco Chronicle film, said: "With this role, I saw a character who would take a lot of work and require a lot of exploration into something I had never treated before. There were a lot of emotions I had to deal with, and deep down, he was a cool character. " Coming to Wahlberg, who played Mickey in the film, it was revealed that Carroll himself was not too enthusiastic about the actor `` Lone Survivor '' playing his junkie friend on the screen , a sort of demagogue that the writer had based on various people he had met on the street while growing up. At the time, Wahlberg was best known for his modeling of underwear and his rapping career with 'Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch'. But with the encouragement of director Scott Kalvert, Wahlberg finally auditioned with Carroll in the room and conquered him with his prowess. Mark Wahlberg in 'The Basketball Diaries', 1995 (IMDb) "[Kalvert] only said that to three people - Tupac, Will Smith and myself, "Wahlberg told The Huffington Post in 2014." He said, "You should be actors and you will be actors. He called me for the film. Leonardo said, "No way, I'm not making a film with Marky Mark." Like many others. " "We had a strange break-in during an MTV Rock and Jock basketball game," he continued, explaining how the hostility between him and the actor of "The Revenant" began in the 90s. "I was playing in my underwear at half time and I think I had blocked a shot from him. I was a punk. I was a jerk. I was not nice to Leo that day. " And like DiCaprio's disinterest in acting with him, Wahlberg thought that the former was not exactly meant to play the role of Jim Carroll, either. "He was not a New York basketball player," Wahlberg told The Huffington Post. "I was like," I saw this guy playing ball! "So we both had a little bit on the shoulder. But we started to read the scenes - and I looked at him and he looked at me - and I thought," Oh shit. This guy is good. "" Meanwhile, DiCaprio struggled to maintain its public image. Off-camera visuals recovered during his stay in New York in the middle of filming were splashed in various tabloids and he was portrayed in an unflattering light, like that of a real-life bad boy who he said could be far from reality. In 1995, he told the New York Times, "So it looks like I'm going to clubs to destroy myself, to fight, to sleep with all the angry girls over there. It's true that during filming , Marky and I went outside for a little dance, a little socializing, a little flirting ... " "But people want you to be a crazy, uncontrollable teenage kid. They want you miserable, just like them. They don't want heroes; what they want is to see you fall." Mark Wahlberg and Leonardo DiCaprio in the audience during the 79th Academy Awards at the Kodak Theater on February 25, 2007 in Hollywood, California (Getty Images) Despite the initial animosity, the two eventually became quick friends, but the baseless story about them arguing in the middle of filming seemed to have just stuck and Wahlberg only came to clear the air, about 20 years ago. later. Wahlberg also denounced the fact that it was Dicaprio who helped him land the lead role in the cult-classic teen thriller, 'Fear', which propelled him to celebrity status. Director James Foley first approached Dicaprio with the role of Reese Witherspoon's boyfriend (who eventually became his executioner). However, he refused and approved Wahlberg for the party instead. At the end of it all, though `` The Basketball Diaries '' didn't do exceptionally well at the box office and received mixed reviews, it drew a huge fan afterwards. And while many criticized Dicaprio for being misinterpreted for the role, others thought his acting was perfect and perhaps what had propelled his talent to international fame. And for Wahlberg, this was just the start of some of his best work. However, that sealed his friendship with Dicaprio, no matter what the rest of the world thought of them.If you have a scoop or interesting story for us, please contact us at (323) 421-7514 !function(f,b,e,v,n,t,s) if(f.fbq)return;n=f.fbq=function()n.callMethod? n.callMethod.apply(n,arguments):n.queue.push(arguments); if(!f._fbq)f._fbq=n;n.push=n;n.loaded=!0;n.version='2.0'; n.queue=[];t=b.createElement(e);t.async=!0; t.src=v;s=b.getElementsByTagName(e)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)(window,document,'script', 'https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbevents.js'); fbq('init', '430778077119553'); fbq('track', 'PageView'); https://oltnews.com/leonardo-dicaprio-and-mark-wahlberg-did-not-want-to-act-together-in-the-basketball-diaries-meaww?_unique_id=5ea14b2fd7cff
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