#guy trying to be a shot girl whilst his girlfriend and a guy who actually works there watched on
mwydyn · 1 year
I don't really lie except when joking about but I can be good at skirting round the truth and implying something polite
But the other night we were in a club and a woman asked me if I thought her friend was fit
Not as a wingman (or she was shit at it), felt more like she was trying to make him feel better and I was like oh he's fine
But she doubled down and like ...
I'm so sorry but I'm drunk and autistic rn and he is not at all attractive to me what do you want me to say
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melswifeasf · 1 year
Safest in your arms pt 5
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Pairing: Georgia miller x fem!oc
Summary: sophomore sleepover isn’t as lame as Georgia and Samantha thought.
Warnings: (18+) MDNI cursing, drug use, underage drinking, age gap relationships (18 and 30) grooming, sexual themes.
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THE THREE GIRLS walked into school whilst Maxine ranted about how she could maybe go to the dance if she did a couple of chores, all thanks to Georgia. hurray. Georgia is just fucking amazing. hint the sarcasm.
she understood the sentiment of the blonde being an amazing and cool mom but she was still feeling the freshness of their kiss, the aftermath which really wasn't anything other than them avoiding one another but even then, she couldn't hear that name without feeling her chest tighten.
as soon as they were past the doors Samantha broke away from the two teens and walked to the 'blue' hallway where her friends would be. before she could reach them a muscular arm was thrown over her shoulder whilst a more feminine hand was wrapped around her right arm. she didn't have to look to see who they were, Nias strong perfume filling her space mixed with Matthews cologne was answer enough.
"so can we talk about how we're gonna get alcohol" Matthew said leaning his body forward so he can talk lowly without anyone hearing.
"i can get it," Samantha said. she and the rest of them had fake IDs but they always tried to take turns when buying so that they wouldn't get suspicious, although at a certain point the guy who works at the gas station they always went to just stopped carding them at one point. regardless they still made sure to be careful just in case.
"sweet" Matthew said with a huge grin, he pulled his arm off of his best friend and walked up to the bean bags where the other three friends were sitting.
"what are we talking about?" Natalie asked once Samantha and Nia were also there. she was sitting on Oliver's lap on one of the beanbags whilst Jade was sitting on the other, the raven haired girl shot Samantha a smile to which she recuperated happily.
"sophomore sleepover" Nia said.
Matthew looked at them with furrowed eyebrows, "you guys are going to that?"
Samantha nodded, "it's extra credit"
Natalie laughed loudly, "why would they ask you, didn't you guys hotbox Mr Johnson's classroom?"
Nia scoffed, "actually that was your boyfriend and it's probably why they didn't offer either of you it" she said looking between the couple.
Oliver's hand rested on his chin as he looked at the them deep in thought. finally he spoke "that's.. true. huh, i forgot about that"
Samantha nodded, "perks of being quarterback, your pretty much untouchable" she said making Nia chuckle.
Oliver smiled widely, "god you're so right. kind of getting the whole white rich man in america vibes"
"oh my god, don't even" Nia grimaced along with Samantha and Jade. Oliver shrugged with a grin making his girlfriend roll her eyes and lean in to kiss his cheek softly. it was cute how the boy immediately started blushing pink.
"so what are you guys gonna do now?" Matthew asked. the boy was sitting next to - or more like squishing Jade who kept throwing glares at him whilst trying to push him away from the beanbag. clearly there wasn't enough room for two but that didn't seem to effect him.
Natalie smiled brightly, "Jade and i are going shopping" she said glancing at the girl who was paying her no mind, still too focused on the boy practically squishing her.
"and i'm going too.." Matthew said making both Samantha and Nia turn to look at him with furrowed brows. they both knew he hated shopping, even for himself which usually means Nia would pick out his clothes. in all honesty it was the reason the boy didn't dress like all the other basic jocks at the school. "yay" he said smiling forcefully with his hands up in the air as he shakes them dramatically.
the four girls laughed loudly, including Matthew. "fuck dude, who willingly goes shopping with these two?" he said pointing at Natalie and Jade who both turned to glare at him. even Samantha and Nia agreed with him, Natalie never had enough and Jade always had to try on every piece of clothes she bought.
"because if i don't Nat is gonna withhold-"
before he could even finish his last thought Nia immediately held her hand up "don't even finish that sentence"
Oliver raised a brow at her "what?" he said, "i was gonna say movie nights" he shrugged as if her thinking had nothing to do with what he was gonna say.
Nia sighed in relief "oh. okay"
"yeah," Oliver nodded, "that usually always leads to sex so"
the other four teens laughed loudly whilst Nia grimaced "you are disgusting, im disgusted. goodbye" she said not letting him get a word out as she began to walk away. Samantha looked back at her before looking back at her friends.
"looks like i gotta go" she said pointing at her, she short Jade one final smile before turning around and rushing after her friend. she knew for a fact Matthew was following behind without her having to look back to confirm that. pretty soon they fell into a matching step, Samantha in between Matthew and Nia as they all walked to their next class.
Samantha couldn't help but think about the conversation she had earlier. she really wanted her time with her friends to be chill, maybe they could get a bit drunk and bother all the horny teens that would most likely be trying to hook up. instead of that she'd have to be trying to spend most of her night trying to avoid the blonde woman, making sure they wouldn't end up on the same shift or in the same room.
"so i have news," she said not able to contain herself from talking about it anymore, she needed to tell someone desperately.
"what happened?" Nia asked turning her head to look at Samantha. the raven haired girl had her eyes trained in front of her, watching as some teens huddled in groups whilst other couples were walking to class hand in hand.
Samantha didn't seem to be talking fast enough in Matthews opinion causing him to start talking for her. "did you text her? did you guys fuck? are you guys gonna run away together and live your cottage core lesbian life?" he rushed out earning a questioning look from Samantha and a 'what the fuck' look from Nia. he shrugged at the twin.
"uh.. no." Samantha said hesitantly and very confused on why the boy would assume all of that by a simple sentence that didn't even involve the blonde in it. "she's going to be chaperoning at the sleepover"
"damn," Matthew sighed out, "the universe really wants you together"
Samantha rolled her eyes, "she's the one who offered which is so fucking stupid. why would she want to spend her saturday night with horny teens?" she asked annoyed.
"probably cause she's looking for her horny teen" Matthew smirked throwing her a wink.
she rolled her eyes, "oh my god shut up." she groaned. "i'm serious"
"maybe he's right"
"see?" he said pointing at her.
"about the wanting to talk to you, not the horny teen thing. that makes her sound like a perv" Nia clarified.
Matthew made a small noise to show his disagreement. "i mean.. she did technically kiss you the night you turned eighteen"
"really?" Samantha looked at him with a serious expression.
"i'm not saying that's horrible, i'm just pointing out the evidence." he shrugged.
"youre so weird"
"maybe you should talk to her" Nia said.
"i don't think so." Samantha shook her head. "anyway i won't be able to hang today cause Joe wants me to train a newbie"
"really, who?" Matthew asked.
"why can't he do it?"
"i don't know and i offered. he said he'd pay me double if i did" Samantha shrugged glancing at both of her friends.
"damn, he must really hate interacting with his employees" Matthew said.
"he's just not really good with new people. i've been working for him for the past four years and he's still kind of awkward" Samantha said earning a nod from Nia.
"he's cute though" she commented.
"honestly? i'm gay and all but if i weren't, he'd be my turning point" Samantha agreed.
Matthew shook his head immediately. "yeah, i'm out." he said and parted ways from the two giggling girls.
Bad bunny's voice was filling the room from Samanthas television, she was laying stomach down on her bed with her feet in the air behind her. her phone was in her hand as she texted Jade. she was dressed in pajamas, her hair wet from the shower she had just taken. after school she had gone to work where she trained the new girl who resulted to be Ginny. it was awkward to say the least. Samantha was used to making conversation easily with people, almost everyone she met always went from feeling awkward to comfortable in a matter of seconds. that didn't seem to be the case with Ginny.
technically she knew she was slightly at fault, she still had the whole Georgia thing lingering in the back of her head making it extremely difficult for her to talk to Ginny without her wanting to ask about her mom. it was horrible. even then Ginny didn't help much either, she was extremely awkward and Samantha wasn't sure if that's how she was with everyone or just around her. regardless she tried to make it work, she showed Ginny the basic things and anything else Joe had instructed her to do. although things took a weird turn when Marcus came in, Ginny was hostile and cold and even though Marcus was his usual self - trying to get a reaction out of the girl Samantha still saw something weird between them. she wasn't entirely sure what it meant but she did know that she did not want to be informed or a part of it.
after work Samantha had gone to the gym with the twins and Matthew, they spent almost three hours - they did more laughing and talking then actually getting anything done but it was a good distraction.
when she got home she saw Maxine doing laundry, a sight she never thought she'd see to which Ellen explained that it was her way of trying to earn the right to go to sophomore sleepover. smart.
a loud ding got Samanthas attention, she exited out of tiktok and went to the message chain between Nia, Matthew and her.
Sams wingwoMan
watching videos on how to hide a body
omg, i love that. can i be included?
sure, better watch out Matty poo
okay gross never call me that again.
and why am i always the victim?
cus u make urself a victim LMAO
what's up with the booze sitch?
im gonna pick it up tm, have to get some cash
ur parents still check ur bank statements?
unfortunately. at least i'm trusted though:)
ig, are we taking my car, or..?
idk, i think i have to take Maxine
and her friends tm
lmao that's ass
wait, why? don't we have to help set up?
nah, my mom said they'd handle it
plus i'd rather endure that then have to set up
what are you gonna buy?
i was thinking just vodka tbh
can u pick up rillos?
for there? isn't that like a horrible idea?
we could open a window?
or i can just buy a pen
they always give me a bad high
sucks for u ig
idk. maybe. im not smoking though
why? u wanna keep tabs on bootylicious?
ew wtf, we are not calling her that
better then hot milf neighbor
or we can just call her Georgia?
nah, bootylicious is catchy
i hate u
omg i love u more
ha, like you'd ever hear those words from someone
damn, why u gotta do me like that
i like watching u suffer<3
awe u added a heart🤭
gross gtfo and never use that emoji again
Sammy had removed Matty from the chat
Nia<3 has added Matty to the chat
wtf u are so hateful
yeah yeah, anyway. what should i wear?
dressing to impress bootylicious?
idk i might wear pajama pants and like
a crop top or something
okay same then
and no
u sure?
i knew ittt, don't worry, she's prob
already in love with u
i wish
gn dont text me anymore
the girl felt her phone vibrate three more times but she didn't go back into the text chain anymore and instead stood from her bed and walked out of the room. she took her time walking to her sisters room, when she was met with her closed door she knocked twice. a second later she heard a 'what' causing her to open the door to reveal her sister laying on her bed whilst holding her phone up in the air.
"mom said i'm taking you and your friends to school tomorrow" she said and walked inside the room, she closed the door behind her and then threw her body onto the bed and beside her sister.
"it's mang" Maxine said making Samantha snort out a laugh.
"no. it's not"
Max rolled her eyes, "yeah, i guess. your friends won't fit tough"
"Matthew is taking his car" she explained to her sister who nodded and went back to her phone. Samantha moved her body closer to the brunette to see what she was doing, Max didn't seem to care as she kept her phone on the screen with the group chat between her and the other three girls.
"oh wait," Max said turning her head again to look at Samantha. "can you get us alcohol?" she asked bluntly making Samantha laugh.
"what? you know we're just gonna get it either way" Max shrugged.
Samantha looked at her sister, thinking over her options. she had a point, if she didn't get the alcohol then Brody or Press would. she rolled her eyes, "fine. i expect the cash on my nightstand tomorrow morning though" she said and Max smiled brightly.
"yay, okay" she said happily and went back to her phone.
Samantha chuckled silently and shook her head.
Taylor swift played on through the speakers of the car as the four girls practically screamed along to the lyrics. it was Saturday evening, meaning they were on their way to sophomore sleepover. Samantha spent most of her morning helping her mom set up some things for it before she went to go pick up the things her sister and Nia wanted from the gas station. the girl sighed softly and continued to drive, she now remembered why she stopped driving 'man' around during the summer. they were so loud and don't even get her started on their need to gossip about every single person they knew.
she had never let Max take over the radio - the two didn't exactly have the same taste in music but four girls against one wasnt exactly ideal and they ended up annoying her into saying yes. by the second song she was beyond annoyed. when they finally pulled inside the school parking lot a breath of relief left the girls lips and she reached to the radio to turn it down. all girls groaned in annoyance but didn't say anything knowing the screaming and loud music wasn't helping the older girl park correctly.
the door slammed behind her followed by the other three and the four girls walked into the school happily. Samantha sighed looking at the sky, fucking hell now she was regretting having accepted to chaperone in the first place. dealing with four teens gave her a headache now having to deal with over a hundred more? yeah, she'd need some alcohol for the night.
the girl had her tote bag hanging from her right shoulder as she followed the girls into the school, she didn't stop to chat with her mom like the others did and instead walked straight inside the school in search for her friends. they had texted her as soon as they got there, saying Ellen put them on gym duty meaning it wasn't hard for her to find them. brown eyes searched the room then they landed on Matthew and Nia who were standing at the popcorn station whilst talking to each other with smiles on their faces.
Samantha's lips quirked up at the sight. she'd never tell either of them so but she always thought theyd be a cute couple. she had seen first hand how Matthew always seemed to have a soft spot for Nia, whether that meant he'd pitch in for gas when no one else did, the way he'd walk her to class whenever Samantha wouldn't, how he'd make sure to take his time when rolling her blunt or the way he'd make sure to always buy her favorite candy when they'd go to the gas station. she just knew that Nia would never see that, not that she blamed her, it didn't matter how sweet Matthew was with them, he'd always just the the typical jock who slept around and then ditched them as soon as he'd find someone hotter or more attention grabbing.
"what's up losers" she said once she was near them causing them both to look away from each other and at her instead.
"thank god your here, i was getting tired of him" Nia said practically squealing as she brought her friend into a tight hug. Samantha laughed throwing her head back as she hugged her friend back.
"youre so dramatic" she shook her head, "and im pretty sure you made Matthew cry" she said pulling away from the girl so she could see the boy who was looking at them with a dramatic frown.
"i always feel like im the third wheel between you two" he commented with an eye roll.
Samantha chuckled and walked up to him to pat his back in support, "that's because you are. Nia and i are married, im not sure why you're here"
Matthew rolled is eyes, "yeah yeah, whatever. did you get the stuff?" he asked looking at her bag. she nodded.
"yeah, i had to buy shit for Maxine too so remind me to give it to her" she sighed out in annoyance.
Matthew chuckled, "why?"
"because i know that if i didn't she would just be bugging me all night about how i get you guys stuff but never her" she said.
"you coddle her too much" Nia said.
"i coddle everyone too much so i don't wanna hear it" she said holding her pointer finger up to point at each of them. Matthew held his hands up in surrender whilst Nia simply rolled her eyes with a chuckle. she had a point and arguing would just be a waste breath.
the three soon stood behind the popcorn stand, occasionally having to give some to students. Samantha watched as her sister and friends danced from afar. she swallowed dryly as the red head began to dance against her sister playfully - she knew by now that both Nora and her liked to kiss or dance on one another for 'fun' which in her opinion was stupid and insensitive in a way. especially when she heard about how they'd sometimes kiss at parties to get guys attention.
a low whistle made the girl look away from her sister and at the source of it, "what?" she asked confused.
Matthew smirked his eyes trained on someone in the room, "bootylicious is looking oh so delicious" he said in a slight sing song voice causing Samanthas nose to scrunch and her hand to fly down on his shoulder harshly.
"watch your mouth" she warned. Matthew groaned loudly and held the freshly hit spot.
"ouch" he said loudly, "you have jealousy problems" he followed up in a slight murmur as he shook his head.
Nia laughed, "don't hit me but he's kind of right, she's looking as milf as ever" she said looking at the blonde in a slightly dreamily manner.
Samantha rolled her eyes at both of them. "i hate both of you"
"oh, come on. just admit she looks hot" Matthew said bumping her shoulder softly. she didn't respond, just looked at the blonde in question. she did look hot, of course she did, when did she not? every time she saw her she'd be wearing a different outfit and looking like the prettiest girl Samantha had ever seen. god she was getting far too sappy for her liking.
"yeah, she looks hot or whatever" Samantha rushed out and pried her eyes away from the blonde, afraid if she looked any longer the blonde would catch her in the act.
"told you so" Matthew responded.
the raven haired girl didn't say anything in response, simply went back to watching her sister and her friends but the group had seemingly left.
"go talk to her" Nia said grabbing onto her best friends arm. Samantha let out a sarcastic chuckle and shook her head.
"absolutely not"
"why not?" Matthew asked.
"what would i even say?"
"that you want to kiss her again" he said raising his eyebrows suggestively. she rolled her eyes once more, trying her damn hardest to not punch him again.
"i don't" she snapped.
Matthew and Nia glanced at each other, an uncontrollable smile overtaking their features before they bursted out laughing at the same time. Samantha looked at them both confused then it sunk in.
she groaned, "you guys are so fucking annoying. i should've never told you anything" she said with an eye roll.
the two quickly settled down knowing if they dragged it out any longer they would get the attention of the topic of their conversation.
"okay, okay." Nia said putting her arm around her friends waist, "why don't you just talk to her? just to clear the air. Ginny and Max are like besties now and don't even get me started on your mom so it's not like you can just avoid her like the rest of your one night stands" she said.
she had a point, yes, but that didn't change the fact that being rejected sounded a lot worse than simply having to endure a couple awkward encounters a couple days a week.
she shrugged, "i don't know. maybe" she said laying her head on the girls shoulder. Nia smiled at her friend and pulled her in closer.
the three ended up serving popcorn for another hour before Ellen told them they could take a break and look in the classrooms to make sure no one was doing any drugs. Samantha knew Ellen had assigned that to them and not another actual adult because shed rather turn a blind eyes than have to deal with what came after. Ellen knew for a fact her daughter would look for a couple of minutes before giving up and just hanging out in an empty classroom instead.
and that was exactly what happened. Matthew was sitting on a yoga ball that one of their math teachers had in the room, Nia was sitting on one of the desks and Samantha was sitting on the teachers chair. by now she had given Brody the alcohol, not entirely sure where 'mang' was and not interested enough to go look for them.
"i need to get high" Nia sighed out dramatically.
"same" Matthew nodded.
Samantha smirked, "it's a good thing i brought some weed then" she said and held up the small baggy that held three blunts already rolled and ready for them to smoke. as soon as their eyes landed on it, the two teens eyes lit up.
"oh my god, i love you" Nia practically moaned as she reached over the desk and grabbed the bag from Samantha's hand. the raven haired girl smiled in amusement and watched as Matthew and Nia opened the bag and took the three blunts out.
"want one?" Nia asked holding the third one up with her free hand. Samantha shook her head.
"nah, im just gonna drink for now" she said earning a nod from the curly haired girl.
"liquid courage?" Matthew asked with a slight smirk.
Samantha rolled her eyes at him, "im gonna have to update my mother in an hour or so and id rather her not see me high off my ass"
"doesn't that work if your drunk too?" Nia questioned.
"yeah but she's drinking too so i can just say the smell is just her. plus last time i got high at school i had a panic attack and thought i was going to die" she said earning laughs from both teens.
"oh my god, i remember that. you know Mrs Jones almost called an ambulance" Nia said still laughing.
Samantha rolled her eyes with a slight laugh, "whatever. it's not my fault your brother made me smoke two whole blunts"
"why would you say yes in the first place?" Matthew asked with furrowed brows.
"i don't know!" Samantha exclaimed with a laugh.
Nia chuckled at her friend before bringing the blunt up to her lips, once it was securely held she looked at Samantha with her hand in front of her. when Samantha looked at her confused she sighed and took the blunt away from her lips so she could talk.
"lighter?" she said and motioned her hand so that she'd hurry. the raven haired girl groaned loudly and threw her head back against the chair.
"what?" Matthew asked.
"i forgot the fucking lighter" she groaned loudly pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration.
Matthew laughed, "how the fuck do you forget a lighter dude?"
"i don't know" Samantha shrugged exasperated. "Maxine and her stupid friends were being obnoxious the whole ride here and i just wanted to get out of there. i must've left it in the cup holder" she sighed.
"can you get it?" Nia asked earning a head shake from her friend.
"my mom won't let me out without asking a shit load of questions that i don't have the answer to"
"great" Nia said lowly.
the raven haired girl thought about what she could do. if she did go out to her car then she'd have to deal with a bunch of questions from her mom but if she didn't she'd have her friends grumbling about it for the rest of the night. she was the only one from the three that preferred to get drunk rather than get high but that had to do with her anxiety more than anything else. she couldn't think of anything else, maybe Marcus had one but that wasn't likely considering he didn't even want to go to the thing in the first place and him carrying weed with him sounded like something he'd do but also not something she'd ever want him to know that she also did.
nothing else came to mind except maybe, "i got it" she said suddenly jumping up from the seat. "the principles office" she said.
both Matthew and Nia looked at her as confused as ever, "what?"
"come on, there has to be a confiscated lighter somewhere in there" she elaborated and a look of realization flashed through both their eyes.
"damn you're kind of a genius" Matthew said.
"genius - desperate, same thing, right?" she shrugged. the girl quickly fixed herself up and went to the door. "i'll be right back" she said.
"want us to go with you?" Nia asked.
"and lose our spot? no thanks" Samantha shook her head and left the classroom without another word.
Samantha walked down the mostly empty hallways occasionally lecturing a teen or two about being too close. she was a chaperone and had to make her doing the job at least a little bit believable. the girl had on a pink crop top that exposed most of her chest and stomach, she was going to wear pajama pants like Nia but decided not to when she realized 'mang' had the same idea. instead the two best friends wore black cargo pants and matching pink jordan 1's. even Matthew was matching with his shoes.
a low hum rumbled from the girls throat as she approached the principles office. it was dark and as she opened the door she expected the office be empty but instead she was met with the one person she had been trying to avoid the whole. what was Georgia doing there? she couldn't think of any reason.. oh shit.
the blonde turned around quickly but not quick enough because Samantha had seen her pocketing a couple twenties from the cash box. Samantha's eyebrows furrowed as she approached the woman. was she seeing correctly or was she just imagining this?
a thousand different thoughts were running through her head as the sight. Georgia Miller was stealing? why? didn't she have a job at the mayors office and aside from that lived in a huge ass house? she had even heard from her mom at one point that she had been married to a rich man but he had died and Samantha wasn't dumb, she knew that meant she'd most likely received most of his inheritance.
"sorry," Samantha finally mumbled snapping her eyes away from the box and to the blonde. "im gonna go" she said and began to turn around but that damn voice stopped her before she could get far.
"shouldn't i be the one avoiding you?" the woman said with a light chuckle. she was nervous. Samantha could tell by the way her voice broke slightly at the end of her sentence. that also means her making conversation now was just so she made sure Samantha hadn't seen anything which essentially she had. she knew that means Georgia would try to come up with some excuse - one that she didn't need.
"i won't tell anyone" Samantha said, completely ignoring the woman's statement. Georgias smile faltered for a second before it went be to normal, she chuckled softly.
"what do you mean?" she asked still trying to convey confusion and amusement at the same time.
Samantha sighed, "i didn't see anything" she said motioning the blondes hand that was still in her back pocket. "Nia is in charge of the funding, i'll just make it seem like less people came then what we had counted, i don't know" she shrugged hoping that would make the blonde stop worrying as much as she was in that moment.
Georgias amusement fell from her face and was replaced by confusion, "why?" she asked her country accent bleeding through strongly.
Samantha shrugged, "i don't know, why you need that is none of my business but it must be pretty big for you to be doing this" she said.
the blonde shook her head, "but-"
"it's cool" Samantha cut her off. "seriously, Georgia. do you know how much funding we get from the state every year? we seriously don't need any more money at this school, have you seen the budget our drama class has? it's more than most people's monthly salaries" she said making the blonde chuckle softly.
a thick silence fell over them and Samantha could tell Georgia was processing everything. she didn't need to know why, she was curious, sure, like any other person would be but she didn't need to know why she felt compelled to take the money. it wasn't any of her business.
"but why?" she blonde repeated with furrowed brows, still not able to understand why the teen would do this just to protect her.
Samantha chuckled softly, "i don't know" she shrugged, "but what i do know is that im privileged and i've never had to grow up worrying about money which is not something a lot of other people can say. this money won't be missed, not here so just take it" she said firmly.
a dozen different emotions flashed through Georgias eyes, confusion.. amusement.. amongst other things until finally realization. the raven haired girl was trying her best to reassure the blonde, even smiling softly to show how genuine she was being about keeping it a secret. she expected a lot of different reactions, maybe a thank you, not to tell anyone what they just talked about or maybe even anger but what she didn't expect - not in a million fucking years was for the blonde to push herself off from the desk and pull her into a kiss.
if she had paid attention closely enough she would've seen the way Georgias eyes would glance down at her lips as she talked or the way she'd looked at her with pure and utter need when she finished talking. if she had paid enough attention she would've have been surprised when she felt a pair of soft lips on hers.
Samantha gasped softly in surprise, she felt one of Georgias hands circle her waist whilst the other gripped onto her jaw softly. her shock passed as soon as it came, not wanting to miss this when she had been craving it since the last kiss they had shared. instead she brought her own hands up to the woman's arms where she gripped for support.
wet lips clashed against against on another, teeth hitting from the neediness of the kiss and their tongues gliding against another roughly. Samantha was beginning to feel light headed, her hands only gripped the woman's arms tighter. in a swift motion the blonde had turned them around so that Samantha was being pressed onto the principles desk. she whimpered softly at the rough contact against her buttocks but continued to move her lips roughly against the blondes.
the raven haired girl trailed her right hand up until she was met with the back of the blondes neck where she gripped it softly. Georgia smiled into the kiss causing their teeth to clash and the kiss to stop. she was breathing a bit unevenly, a lot better than Samantha was though. the shorter girls chest was heaving and she was trying her best to breathe in and out lowly so that the blonde couldn't hear how much the kiss had affected her.
"why'd you come here in the first place?" she asked lowly, her face still extremely close to the hispanic girl. Samantha glanced down at Georgias lips wanting nothing more than to feel them on her own once more.
"wanted a lighter" she responded making the blonde chuckle softly.
"you thought you'd find that here?" she asked with a raised brow. Samantha shrugged.
"hoped so"
the blonde hummed then leaned back in for another kiss erasing any thoughts that had formed in Samanthas head. she kissed back just as hurriedly and she felt the blonde push her hips up so that she would sit on the desk. the raven haired girl complied, even opened her legs to feel the blonde closer to her. Georgia took a step closer and grabbed one of the girls legs to wrap it around her waist, her mouth still moving hotly against the girls. Samantha could only think about how she'd probably have a bruise after from now hard she was being kissed. not that she was complaining.
that thought exited her brain almost a second later as the door opening earned girls attention. Samantha quickly shoved Georgia off and ducked down under the desk before anyone could see her. the blonde looked at the person who walked in and then glanced at Samantha slyly who was shaking her head rapidly.
Georgia took a step back, "Max?" she asked confused, the sight of the twin with teary eyes grabbing her attention.
Samantha's eyes widened and she cursed silently, of course wit had to be Max. it couldn't have been a completely random person. the girl looked up at Georgia who was trying her hardest not to bring the brunettes attention to her sister who was currently ducked down and hidden in the principals office because they had just made out.
"oh.." Samantha heard Max say lowly. "im sorry, i didn't mean to-" at her tone Samanthas brows furrowed in worry. she sounded like she had been crying. why the hell was she crying? god, if she and Georgia hadn't been in such a compromising position she would've already jumped up and out of her spot to demand answers.
"oh, honey" Georgia said softly and walked up to Max to pull her into a hug. "what happened?" she asked genuinely worried.
"i kissed a girl and .. she didn't like it" Max answered her voice breaking at the end of her sentence.
"oh" Georgia said lowly. she pulled away quickly after, "come on. come on." she said and helped the girl walk to the door. before the blonde could fully leave she glanced back at Samantha who was peaking through door way, she shot her a thumbs up before leaving her alone.
a breath of relief tumbled out of the girl as she leaned back against the desk. fuck. she'd deal with Maxine later but at the moment she had to find a lighter and go to her friends before they killed her.
when morning came and everyone was leaving the school Samantha was walking along with her friends. after her little run in with Georgia she went back to the classroom to her two friends that were a little buzzed. they smoke the three blunts between the two whilst Samantha paced herself feeling the need to be sober in case the two did something stupid. thankfully she did since her mom asked her to help make sure no one was fucking up the classrooms during the middle of the night.
Nia and Matthew both groaned at the light, the two were mixed between still drunk and hung over. they were both wearing sunglasses to shield themselves from the light whilst complaining every once in a while which would earn a lot of confused eyes. Samantha just laughed with a head shake as she led them to where Joe and Georgia were handing out burritos.
she had yet to tell them about the kiss, first they were both too drunk and then too high and now they were far too annoyed and would probably just end up over reacting and getting more attention than they already had. "hey" Joe smiled at the girl who smiled back. she knew Joe would never admit it but she always thought she was his favorite, not only had she been working with him since freshman year but she was also the kind of employee that he could joke around with and yet still wouldn't act as if they were friends outside of work or ask personal question during work hours
"hey, can i get two extra for the celebrities in the back?" she asked pointing at Matthew and Nia who were shielding themselves from the noise and the sun. he chuckled.
"sure" he said giving her two extras. she had tried her best to avoid Georgias eye but she could feel the blonde staring and it was impossible for her to not acknowledge her. Samantha turned to the blonde and shot her a small smile.
she didn't get the chance to see the way the blondes smile widened as she walked away to her friends and handed them each a burrito to which they immediately started praising her.
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authenticmiya · 2 years
Close Enough To Hurt Me - Rafe Cameron x Reader
Summary - Rafe has started an argument with the point blank reasoning being because of JJ Maybank. Who knew having shots with the guy, would end up being Rafe’s worse nightmare?
Words - 3k
Warnings - angst, arguing, mentions of a car-accident, name-calling, swearing, slight fluff
A/N - Enjoy this one! Here’s to my first Rafe imagine🍻
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“You gonna just sit in the corner and not answer me?“ Rafe shouted at you. Your body was close to giving up - against the wall.
“What do you want me to say? That I’m okay with you flirting with other chicks whilst I’m less than two fucking centre meters away from you? Fuck Rafe, I’m your girlfriend, don’t I deserve some respect?” You shouted back, suddenly gaining a huge amount of confidence.
“Respect? You want some fucking respect? How about not downing shots with JJ Maybank whilst I’m less than two centre meters away from you?“ He mocked.
“JJ Maybank deserves nothing more than a friend, especially because of what his fucking father does to him. You don’t get to throw that in my face!” You shoved him away from you, only for him to grip hold of your wrists.
“Oh yeah, what about what my father does to me? Don’t you care about your own boyfriend?“ He questioned.
“So you want to throw that in my face? Rafe Cameron you’re the biggest asshole on this island. You wanna know why? Ward Cameron has used you since you were able to form English sentences. I have been there for you every single day and not only have I been the shoulder to cry on but I’ve been the classic fuck that you’ve taken you’re anger out on.” You were so tempted to smack him out but refused.
“Yeah actually Y/N, you’re right. You have been a classic fuck. A good one yet not up to my standards. Every girl on this side of the island wants my dick and you’re just the tragic whore got that got to it first.” He bellowed. Your jaw dropped in amazement that such horrific words could come out of your ‘precious’ Rafe’s mouth.
You remained silent. He was starstruck at his own words. Disbelief scurried around his mind whilst he tried to think of words that would accustom his apology. But no words could be found.
“If two years of committing to you was a whore move than I guess I better make myself known somewhere else.” You whispered. Tears were pooling your eyes and you didn’t know what else to do.
“Y/N…” Rafe began.
“No, you don’t get to fucking apologise. I defended you through everything and now I’m the whore?” You’re voice got louder as tears flooded your cheeks.
“You’ve made me feel like this weak, pathetic person who can’t live without you for months. You’re not my Rafey anymore.” You whimpered. You prayed to god that no-one in his household heard this argument.
Rafe could practically feel his heart beating out of his chest. He’d been the most horrible person to you within the past few months, yet you still took it. You were still there for him throughout his cocaine addiction, his alcoholic tendencies and his nasty words. Yet here you were, still believing he would change.
“I came to the party for you. You left me alone to go talk to a girl you told me you’d known since pre-school. But hey, I guess girls from pre-school need the up-most love right? They need the flirtatious comments? They need you grinding up against them? Fuck you Rafe! JJ wanted shots and I had shots with him. At least I wasn’t trying to fuck him along the way.” You screamed. At this rate, you didn’t care if the household was awake, you wanted to get your point across and that’s what you were gonna do.
“You gonna leave me then?” Rafe cheekily came out with.
“Yeah, actually I think it’s best for us.” Knowing you had a bag of clothes ready to pack, you pushed him out of the way and headed towards his bedroom. A small part of you had hoped he would follow, but he didn’t.
“Fuck.” You muttered, as tears still streamed down your face. You managed to pack up all of your clothes as well as a secretive hoodie that belonged to Rafe. Once you had gathered your things, you headed towards the front door. Once again, you were greeted with Rafe.
You said nothing as you gathered your keys from the little bowl on the table by the front door.
“It’s meant to storm tonight, you can’t leave.” Rafe mumbled.
“I’d rather die in that storm then the whole of outer banks thinking I’m Rafe Cameron’s whore.” You snapped, before rushing out of the front door. You practically ran to your Range Rover and it was like god wasn’t on your side because Rafe quickly followed you.
“I know you Y/N, you hate the thunder, even more so, you hate lighting. I’m not letting you drive in this.” He shouted as you’d locked yourself in your car. As much as you’d hate to admit it, he was right.
“Leave me the fuck alone Rafe.” You shouted back, the temptation of getting out of the car, leaving your mind. You quickly started the engine and before he could run behind the car to stop you from moving, you reversed. Boy could that kid run.
“You can’t fucking leave!” The whole of Outer Banks must have heard him with how loud his voice bellowed. Ignoring his desperate pleas, you left.
“SO, I WON’T, LET YOU, CLOSE ENOUGH TO HURT ME, NO I WON’T, RESCUE YOU, TO JUST DESERT ME, I CAN’T, GIVE YOU, THE HEART YOU THINK YOU GAVE ME, IT’S TIME TO SAY GOODBYE, TO TURNING TABLES!” Your AUX was on the loudest volume it could be to block out the sounds of the sudden thunder.
Rafe was stuck in the position outside of the house. The whole argument seeming to repeat in his head. You were the girlfriend any guy would die for, and just like a penny falling, he was quick enough to drop you like that. Why did he do it? The thoughts were overrunning his head.
You were to caring for your own good. Why were you doing shots with JJ Maybank? Because he needed an extra friend for support. Were you a whore? Of course you fucking weren’t. Your loyalties had been with Rafe since the beginning of time, yet there he was questioning it.
“Rafe, I think it’s best you come inside.” Rose appeared from behind him. He refused to let anyone other than you remotely see him tear up, so he quickly wiped away the multiple tears that had fallen from his eyes.
“Sarah just be nice-“ Ward was lecturing his daughter but when she saw her not so nice brother, she’d let loose.
“Because of you, one of my best friends is driving around in what’s about to be another big storm. In a car that she probably won’t be able to handle if she swerves or skids across the road.” She screamed at him.
“Easy-“ Sarah cut her father off once again.
“Stop being so nice to him about it! You always go on about how she’s like a daughter and because of him…” She pointed at Rafe.
“She could end up in a ditch tonight, I’m going to find her.” Sarah demanded and nobody could stop the girl, she’d had her keys ready and waiting in her back pocket, waiting to escape.
“Guys you may wanna come see this.” Wheezie announced. Curiously, everyone headed into the living room. There on the news was a Black Range Rover, completely submerged and flipped into the nature of trees. The car was a write off regardless.
“Don’t tell me that’s Y/N’s car.” Wheezie whispered. The front door slammed shut and everyone turned to notice Rafe had gone.
“Baby answer the phone.” Rafe cried out as he kept calling and calling. He could tell exactly where the location was, based off of the ten second video he just about managed to watch. 16 times your phone had gone straight to voicemail. He’d found himself sobbing behind the wheel, if he hadn’t of just stopped his possessive self from starting a fight, neither of you would’ve been in this predicament. What if you were gone forever? Not semi-permanently, but forever. Rafe couldn’t live without you.
Blue flashing lights and the sound of sirens snapped Rafe from his thoughts. He was at the scene of the accident. Caring less about the weather, he rushed out of his truck and ran towards the officers.
“Shoupe you gotta let me through.” Rafe was drenched by now, the weather was really picking up.
“Rafe you need to go home, there’s gonna be a traffic jam here for a while. The roads gonna be blocked until the morning.” Deputy Shoupe wasn’t getting it.
“My girl crashed her car and you’re telling me I need to go home? I, I, I need to see her. Tell me she’s not dead, shit man, she can’t be dead, I need her.” His hands frustratedly went to his head as sobs threatened to escape.
“Y/N never crashed her car Rafe, she was the one who called us.” Rafe’s aching heart was beating twice as fast.
“Wait what?” He began.
“Your girlfriend just saved the life of a young couple Rafe, you should be proud of her. She’s in the ambulance getting warmed up-“ Before the deputy could finish his sentence he was rushing over to the closest ambulance. Abruptly opening the door, the weight was lifted off his shoulders when he saw you wrapped in a blanket on the bed.
“Baby-“ Rafe whispered. Tears threatened to fall down your face. The paramedic moved away from you to let the both of you have a moment.
“I’m okay, I promise I’m okay.” You told him and that’s all it took for him to wrap his arms around you - neither of you caring about how soaked he was from the rain.
“But I thought it was your car, I thought you were dead Y/N.” His anxiety was still through the roof.
“I’m here Rafe. My car is fine, it was just a coincidence that the guys in the other car had the same one. The news and camera-crew were here just as quick as the cops. I had to help them, it made me think of if that was us, I’d wanted someone to have done the same.” You admitted, offering Rafe some of your blanket.
“I am so proud of you, so, so proud of you.” The words didnt fully matter to you, you did what you had to do and that was it. It didn’t distinguish the fact as to why you had been driving in the storm anyway.
“When can she come home? Is she allowed to leave?” Rafe asked the paramedic.
“Rafe, I’m not going home with you.” The words oh so bitterly broke his heart again. His face twisted into a confused expression.
“But, but, I need to keep you safe. I can’t let you be alone after what happened tonight. I thought I’d lost you.” Rafe worriedly told you.
“What I did was nothing, I did what any good person should do. What you did to me before I left, that wasn’t what a good person should do.” Your words sounded completely and utterly petty, but he really had hurt you.
“If I was in your shoes, yeah, I’d come running after to you, if I saw what looked like your truck smashed up on the news, but it still doesn’t excuse what fucked up shit you’ve said and done to me.” The paramedic exited the ambulance for a moment, knowing they shouldn’t be listening in.
“Y/N, you’re not any of those things I said. You’re too good for me, you’re too good for anyone. I have done nothing but be a shitty boyfriend for so long and yet there you were, sticking around hoping for a better change.” He began.
“And I never gave you that better change because all I could think about was myself and make dick decisions. You come to my family home, treat my ass of a dad like a king because you’re so respectful. You fix all my injuries to fights that sometimes I shouldn’t be getting in. You love me with all of your heart and I threw that in your face tonight.” The words he was saying, made tears pool in your eyes - looking up, it was the same case scenario for Rafe.
“I’m sorry for hurting you. I never want you to feel bad in any way. It was childish of me to do that and absolutely nasty for me to talk to you in that way. I never want you to feel scared of me or fearful of losing me. I did that to you tonight and I don’t expect you to forgive me. I just want you to know, I’m sorry.” Apologies we’re very rare from your boyfriend, in fact, sometimes you would forget that ‘I’m sorry’ was in even in his vocabulary.
“You’re more than everything I need, and all I’ve ever wanted.” He whispered to you.
“I’m not your whore though Rafe, every-time you’re annoyed at something, don’t treat me like a piece of dirt off of the floor. I can’t live like that, despite how much I fucking love you.” You admitted whilst anxiously twiddling your fingers.
“You never were and you aren’t. I said that in the heat of the moment and I shouldn’t have let my anger get the best of me. I really am sorry.” Tears were falling from his eyes.
“I know you are baby, I know.” You pulled him into your embrace and cuddled him tightly. After what you’d seen and dealt with tonight, you couldn’t give up on him - on the relationship.
“I love you Rafe, I’m not forgiving you easily because tonight hurt. However, no matter what you do in life, I’ll try my best to support you. It has to be a two way street between us. No more drugs, well at least cocaine, especially if you’re coming back to a bed you share with me.” You told him and he squeezed you tighter.
“I promise I will work on myself not just for me, but for us. You’re my everything.” He pressed a kiss to your lips but was then interrupted by the ambulance door opening.
“Um, sorry to break it up between you two youngsters but you might wanna head your asses home before the storm gets worse. Also don’t wanna have to arrest you for doing the dirty in this vehicle.” Deputy Shoupe interrupted making the two of you giggle.
“What do you say baby? My house?” You questioned.
“I’ll go wherever you go.”
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mountswhore · 3 years
Hey girl, me again 🥺I’ve had this idea in my head for ages 🤔 based off the song ‘Polaroid’ by Liam Payne Mason Mount on holiday with the boys in Mykonos, him and the boys befriend a small group (reader and friends) bassically a holiday fling between reader and Mason but he never actually gets her name or anything just a few ‘Polaroid’ pictures of them both, few months later he’s been trying to find her but can’t and the lads convince him to post it on Instagram with the caption “Instagram do your thing” after a while he notices numerous different people (her friends) tagging the reader in it and turns out it’s her and sends her a message. Thankyou sweet cheeks 😎💙
aaahh bestie this is such a good idea
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 — mason mount
summary: mason can’t find the girl he had a fling with last summer, so he takes to the internet to find you.
notes: my requests are open, ask away!
for @yourmypurpose
Winning the Champions League was supposed to be a feeling like no other, a feeling that you’d remember for the rest of your life. But Mason felt deflated, he felt like the world was closing in on him and he could do nothing but watch it happen. Even his friends noticed his awful mood, they’d gone from watching him run around the pitch with the trophy, with a smile nobody could take away from him, to this; a man not wanting to leave his bedroom, let alone his house. His career was the only thing he was doing well in, his girlfriend left him, he would just train, come home to an empty house, sleep, and repeat. It wasn’t a life worth living.
“It’ll be fun,” Declan pleaded, following his best friend into his living room, “it’ll be the perfect chance to get away from everything, from work, from the UK, from your ex.” He spoke the last part quietly, yet Mason still heard and shot his friend a glare as he sat on the couch.
“I’ll think about it.” Mason mumbled, reaching for his PlayStation controller and turning his console on. Declan was trying to get Mason to come to Mykonos with a few of the Chelsea boys, as a celebratory vacation after winning the Champions League. But he wasn’t budging.
“You say that, but you never do. Come on, if it doesn’t lift your mood, you can take the next flight home.” Declan was trying to reason with his friend, to do anything in order to get this man out of his sweatpants and into some swim shorts. This holiday was all Mason needed to get back into his rhythm, to realise you don’t need a girlfriend to be the best version of yourself, to realise he was Mason fucking Mount.
The look on Mason’s face was completely readable, a smile appearing on Declan’s face. Declan jumped onto his friend, cheering and shaking him vigorously. “You won’t regret this, we’re gonna have so much fun.”
Mason found himself in his plane seat, earphones on, and on the way to Mykonos. Greece had always been one of his dream destinations, it was one of the places he’d planned on going to with his ex. Shaking his thoughts from his head, he’d drowned himself in the music. Waiting for the next three hours to be over.
The villa was lovely, the view from his room was even better. He felt himself smile just a little, hopeful for this holiday. He’d spent the first day enjoying the food of Greece, visiting the beach, taking in the place he was staying. Every time the negative thoughts would try to push in, memories of his previous vacations with his ex, he shut it down. He forced a smile and laughed with his friends, hoping they didn’t see through this façade.
It was tiring. Getting back from a busy day and then being told there was a club in town. Having to force that smile back onto his face once more. He still dressed appropriately for the night ahead, pre-gaming with his friends before heading out to this club. It was only 8pm and it was packed, the place had an outside terrace, which didn’t seem so crowded.
Drink after drink, rounds of shots, drinking games with his friends and a few randomers. It was wild. Mason was finally beginning to let go of it all; his negative thoughts weren’t affecting him right now. It was pure bliss.
“Mase,” Declan called out, gesturing to him on the other side of the bar, “wanna play beer pong? These guys need another group.” Mason just nodded along, looking over to the group he was referring to. It was a group of four, just like them, but he’d locked eyes with you for the first time.
Throughout the game, you constantly had a smile stuck to your face, brighter than anything he’d seen before. It was the infectious type of smile, one that spread to his face too. The drinks had done a number on his movement, almost stumbling to the terrace, where only a few people sat. He took in the cool air, resting his head back onto the wall behind him.
“You good?” You questioned, sitting beside him and placing a hand on his shoulder. He quickly opened his eyes, turning his head to face you. There you were again.
“I’ve had a lot to drink,” Mason mumbled, breathing heavier than usual, “your twin looks so much like you.” You just laughed, understanding how much he’d had to drink. You had also had a lot to drink, but clearly Mason didn’t handle alcohol well.
“Here,” you instructed, holding his hand out for him and placing a cup into his hand, “it’s water, drink it.” You watched as he did so, downing it rather quickly and slamming it onto the table beside him. “Do you remember your name?”
“Yes, it’s Mount. Mason Mount.”
“Well, Mount, Mason Mount, do you remember where you’re staying? I think it might be an idea to get you home.” You spoke, the cool air sobering you up almost entirely. Mason’s head was getting droopy, you’d seen this all before, he was inches away from snoozing on your shoulder. You just giggled at him and stood up, grabbing both of his hands and pulling him up.
“We walked here from our villa, it’s a silly looking one. One with the pool shaped like a love heart.” You hummed, not knowing which one exactly, so his information rendered useless. He was leaning against you as you both walked back into the club, spotting his friends again.
“Hey, he’s had a lot to drink. I was going to walk him home but the only thing he said about the villa was that the pool was heart-shaped.” You laughed to his friend, who you’d learnt was called Ben. Mason was looking around the club, the multi-colored lights making his eyes squint in pain. This was the beginning of his hangover, he knew it was only going to get worse from here.
Ben had been kind enough to give you the villa address, and a key, so you made your way to the location. It was weird how trusting they were, for all they knew, you could be a psycho thief. You’d gotten to the villa, after an awful walk up the hill, and placed him on the couch. You didn’t even want to look at their stairs, let alone take Mason up them.
“I’ll stay here until your friends get back,” you spoke quietly, grabbing the blanket from the back of the couch and laying it over the half-asleep Mason, “night, Mason.”
“You never said your name.” He stated, craning his head to look at you as you sat on the opposite couch.
Declan had gotten back, wanting to arrange another outing together, a bit less boozy than a club. And here you were, on your way to spend the day on a boat. You’d brought your polaroid camera with you, hoping to get some nice pictures with your friends before you go home in a few days.
“You’re back.” You spoke, sitting beside Mason as the boat started to move. He smiled at you, handing you a flute of a sparkly liquid, which you’d taken without complaining. “Having fun so far?”
“Yeah, I’m glad I’m seeing you again. I don’t really remember much from last night apart from your face.” He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. You blushed, hiding it with your hands and reaching for your camera.
“What do you say to a picture? To remember this moment.” You suggested, holding the camera up at the two of you. Mason’s arm slid around your shoulders, pulling you in closer with a smirk on his face. You just smiled your usual, bright smile, and let the photo develop.
The day was spent enjoying the view, jumping off the boat multiple times, finally making your way back to the docks when the sun began to set. Everyone was sitting on the front of the boat, taking in the last few hours of the sun on their skin, whilst you and Mason were at the back together. Away from the sun, completely alone. You laid beside him, your eyes shifting to look at him every few seconds.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” He retorted, poking his tongue out at you as you laughed, shoving his leg slightly.
“Oh, I already have.” You replied wittily, holding the polaroid up to show him. It was quite a creative picture, actually. His skin was tanned, muscles perky, the sun hitting him in all the right places. He was very handsome, you could only imagine the job he had back home.
“Hey, give that,” Mason chuckled, reaching for the polaroid but you’d held it away from him. He leant over to you, hand out to grab it, but you’d both been focused on something else. How close your lips were. You could feel the other’s breathe, it was straight out of a movie the way Mason grabbed your waist and closed the gap between the two of you. He was pulling you down with him, your legs instinctively wrapping around his waist. This was an Oscar-worthy kiss.
You knew you wouldn’t see these boys again, as you didn’t have long before you returned back to the UK. So, as you were grabbing your things, you’d flicked through the polaroid's from today, finding the one of you and Mason.
“Here,” you spoke, holding the polaroid out for him to take, “I thought you’d like it. And it’s a way of remembering your time here, and the most gorgeous girl you’ve ever laid eyes on.” You joked, but Mason really felt that way. You were the most gorgeous girl he’d laid eyes on. He came on this holiday thinking it would depress him even more, but he found fun in you.
“Trust me, I won’t forget a face like that.” He replied, placing the polaroid into his wallet and smiling. “See you,” he whispered against your neck as you hugged, one last time, “someday.”
It had been two months since he’d returned from holiday, back to work, but more importantly, back to his old self. He enjoyed going to work, coming home, and spending time with his friends. He saw beauty in his mundane life again. But he missed you. He never thought he’d miss a two day fling with a random girl on holiday, it wasn’t even a fling, The pair of you hadn’t hooked up, only shared a kiss. But it was a good kiss, an unforgettable kiss.
“Have you searched her name up?” Declan asked, relaxing into the corner of Mason’s couch, rolling his eyes as Mason opened his wallet up for the fifteenth time that day. The boys were round for their frequent game day, a day Mason looked forward to.
Mason shook his head, slightly embarrassed to have forgotten your name, in his defense, he was out-of-this-world drunk. “I don’t remember it, I was hammered. Plus, I’m sure there’s at least a thousand people in this country who share her name.”
“Post the picture on Instagram, people always find people on there, it’s creepy.” Ben added, laughing at the end of his statement. It was a good idea, but was he ready to put it out there that he’d moved on, only for his ex to be mentioned in his comments again? Were you worth all of those nasty comments?
He’d posted the polaroid that evening, with the caption:
‘Instagram, do your thing.’
You had received a call from your brother, just as you were heading up to bed. Strange, you thought, your brother only called if he had some ridiculous news. You’d answered it, sitting on your stairs as he spoke.
“Did you meet anyone on holiday?” He questioned, your mind instantly flicking back to your memories with that man. The kiss on the boat, the horrible walk up the hill, the fighting over a polaroid.
“Why’s that your business?” You questioned, running up your stairs and grabbing the polaroid's from your bedside table and flicking through them.
“It’s my business when I’m scrolling through Instagram, only to find a Chelsea player has posted a picture of you and him.” He mentioned, voice raising in disbelief as he finished his sentence. You furrowed your brows, Chelsea player?
“Chelsea player? Chelsea, as in the football team you follow?” You wondered, opening Instagram to find this man’s account. You’d forgotten his name, curse your horrible memory. “What’s his name again?”
“Mason Mount,” he recalled, and you were kicking yourself for not remembering his silly James Bond introduction. Finding his account, you’d seen his recent post. It was your polaroid. The one you’d given him the last time you’d seen each other, he was looking for you. Your heart was beating rapidly in your chest, scrolling the comments and seeing everyone compliment you. How did you manage to run into this man and not remember his face? Or his name? The amount of times your family had mentioned how A1 he was on the pitch, how happy they were when Chelsea had won the Champions League.
“That’s not me,” you lied to your brother, knowing there was no way of escaping this now, everyone you knew would be able to tell it was you.
“Don’t bullshit me, Y/N,” he laughed on the other end of the phone, as you were frantically shoving the polaroid's back into your drawer, “I don’t know anyone else who uses a polaroid camera.”
“Should I text him?”
“You’d be an idiot not to.”
After ending the call with your brother, you sat in Mason Mount’s inbox for over an hour, unable to send him a message. Was there a right thing to say? Was ‘hi’ not enough for the man you’d left a mark on? Throwing away all of your conflicting thoughts, you sighed and just sent the word, ‘hey’. It didn’t take long for him to get back to you, so over the moon that he’d found you.
Mason: I can’t believe it worked, I actually found you.
Turns out my brother follows you and saw the picture, small world?
Mason: Chelsea fan, huh?
Guess so.
Your conversation lasted until the early hours of the morning, you promising Mason a proper date when you were both free. He had training the next day, but how could he sleep when he now knew you. He now had your Instagram, so he could talk to you, instead of staring at the polaroid in his wallet a million times a day.
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chil2de · 3 years
Hi!! if possible can i please request yuuta having a girlfriend that’s his childhood friend? (So like instead of rika it’s y/n and she doesn’t die) that loves to dote on him cause that boy needs some love. Thank you!! <3
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE THIS MADE ME SO SOFT!!!!! ohmygod!!!! growing up with yuuta would be THE best onshdhfsh thank you sososos much anon this was such a pleasure to write! i don’t know why but the “and she doesn’t die” had me screaming LMFAOOOO
enjoy! no warnings, just old fashioned cute fluff and heart wrenching moments! thank you for giving me the opportunity to write for the best boy mwaaah you deserve eternal happiness! hope no insects bite you during these warm months <3
“okkotsu!” you cried out, feminine and shrill voice ringing in the air. the cicadas chirped melodiously, calling out their delightful songs in the spring air.
the young boy staggered around, losing his balance from spinning too fast. his fragile hands reached out, pulling in small grabby motions towards your innocent and joyous face.
you were always so optimistic, even when you were younger. yuuta could only huff and wail as his caretaker hauled him away from the playground, gesturing it was time for him to come home. thick and messy tears spilled out the corners of his eyes which hadn’t yet endured countless sleep devoid nights.
he was so far away, but that was okay because you knew you’d see him the very next day.
“okkotsu! promise to play with me again tomorrow!” you cupped your hands, exclaiming as much as your little lungs could endure. yuuta could see the tears heavy in your gaze, but even then, you prevailed. you grinned, all for him.
ever since the very start. till ‘death do us apart.
“okkotsu! come oooon, don’t cry, okay? (y/n)’s got your back! see, see?! look! they don’t bite!” you braved a smirk on your features, beckoning the shy and introverted young man over. his face looked uncertain and his lips wobbled as though he could crack at any moment. he took a few cautious steps, maintaining his distance between you and the furry animal on the floor.
“r-really? it won’t bite?” he coughed, reaching his unstable fingertips out.
“eh?! that’s the first time you’ve spoken to me! your voice is so nice! it’s so cool! hey! can i hear it again? pleaaaase? i know you’re shy but i’d really like to hear it! hey, okkotsu, say my name? pretty please?”
“um- i, uh.. it’s okay.. you can call me yuuta.”
“yuuta! you’re going to be late for your first day of junior high! i totally told you to wake up on time too!” you stood with your hands rested firmly on your hips, face stern and tone impatient.
“sorry! sorry- it’s um, my hair. i don’t know how to style it.” he admitted, albeit sheepishly by trailing the last few words off into a murmur. you only gave him a sigh before kneeling down behind him, propping yourself up to take a look at his hair in the reflection of the mirror.
“how on earth are you so tall already? we eat the same food, you know. slouch over a little.” you pinched his cheeks before glossing over his hair.
when you ran your fingertips through his hair, you felt butterflies and anxiety rock your stomach.
that’s never been there before.
you’ve touched yuuta countless times, whether that was accidentally hitting him, holding his hand to cross the street…
so why was it different?
you could feel yuuta’s body tense up and run rigid underneath your touch.
that definitely wasn’t there before.
“relax. it’s me.” you cooed quietly, roughing up his hair into different styles.
“like this? looks like you just woke up, sorta, but i think it’s cute.”
yuuta’s heart rate skyrocketed through the roof and his breath hitched.
“cute?” he reiterated, chewing out the phrase like he’d never heard it before in his life.
“hm? yeah-“
you caught his gaze in the mirror, eyes half lidded and attention averted. the tips of his ears were tainted a deep red with small flicks of blush painting his cheeks.
“eh?! nononono- not like that i’m- i just think it suits you, you know? oh, crap, would you look at the time? okay we gotta go and leave!” you clambered out of his bedroom, thudding the door shut behind you.
yuuta only gawked at you with bewilderment, lips slightly parted and fingertips outstretched in his failed attempt to stop you.
he turned to himself in the mirror, studying his features before running one hand through his jet black locks.
“cute, huh?” he muttered, avoiding his own judgemental gaze.
the bittersweet part about growing up with a childhood friend is change.
for all the time that you’d spent with yuuta, you didn’t realise that your relationship with him was something to not take for granted.
especially with those around you who would kill for what you two have.
you’d always get mundane questions from high school girls who thought they could have a shot with him, “what’s his type?” “do you think he likes me?”
meanwhile you only played along with their charades, laughing inwardly when he was actually extremely introverted.
“so? what’s the deal with you and okkotsu-san? you guys dating?”
“no. we’re just friends.”
“seriously? you guys are always glued at the hip. you know he has a picture of you in his locker, right?”
“yeah? so do i. it doesn’t mean anything.”
“it’s kind of a shame, he’s such a nice young man.. gone to waste like that..”
“what’s gone to waste?” yuuta inquired with an indifferent tone, plopping down beside you with his bento box. the classmate sat opposite you only gave him a phony cheerful temperament, twirling her index finger around her hair.
“oh! okkotsu-senpai! we were just talking about you! how was your da-“
“please leave.”
you could only gape at him in your peripherals, sputtering on your sandwich as you watched the life drain from your classmate at his monotony. yuuta didn’t spare you or the girl a glance as he worked to unpack his lunch, hell the guy even murmured a small itadakimasu as if nothing happened.
“wh- okkotsu senpai?”
“listen.” he let out a deep sigh before proceeding.
“whatever shot you thought you had with me? it’s gone out the window. don’t disrespect (y/n) in front of me like that again.”
“you’re making us uncomfortable, so get up and go.” he motioned with his chopsticks, giving her a dead gaze towards another table.
the girl scoffed, mouth hung wide open as she picked up her bag and stormed out of sight.
whilst your face was as blank as a stone, internally, you were only screaming in the depths of piping hot hell visible from the sun itself.
baby girl? that was when you noticed how fucking fine of a man yuuta grew up to be.
“that was seriously nerve wracking.. my stomach hurts so bad right now” yuuta coughed through a bite of his sandwich, refusing to meet your gaze.
you slapped his back, because, holy shit??? awe painted your face like you just witnessed your own child talking or walking for the first time.
“what the shit? yuuta? are you kidding?”
“oh, huh? did i overdo it or something?“
“no?! are you kidding? that was fucking awesome! i swear! this is why i love you-“
uh oh.
oh no.
yuuta let out a shrill squeak unbeknownst to any human being able to produce such a volume. it was a cross between a floorboard creaking, a mouse sniffing and him choking on his food. the poor boy had to excuse himself to the bathroom, hacking and sniffling in an ugly fit of coughs from the food that got caught in his windpipe.
your blood rushed to your head, veins lit ablaze, bones rattling as you could hear the chatter pound and drill into your skull, scoring you deep and down into your bones.
“did she just say she loves him?”
“i totally knew they were going out!”
“i can’t believe it…”
“do you think he’ll reject her?”
it replayed over, and over, and over. what a fucking fool you felt. did he even feel the same?
that’s why i love you.
i love you.
i love you.
a blob of black clouded your vision and you could hear the glass breaking.
yuuta sat himself back down, excusing himself.
you could hear nothing but the tune of his heartbeat. or was it yours? it sounded too heavy to belong in either of your bodies.
his voice came as a wobble because of his anxiety, but this was the one thing in his life he’d be absolutely certain of.
“that’s okay. i love you too.”
“yuuta? you okay? you’ve been spacing out for at least five minutes. something on your mind?” you lightly shake your boyfriend, grip reassuring but firm. it takes a couple of seconds for his gaze to gloss over as he returns back to reality.
“sorry. was just thinking about our childhood, that’s all.” his voice comes out deep and masculine. it doesn’t have that tremor as it used to before, like he’d break down at any minute.
you can say with absolute certainty as you stare up your entire 5’10 boyfriend that he’s matured well.
his hand snakes around to your waist, pulling you into him for comfort.
some ways better than others, you suppose.
“can we stay home today?” he hums, resting his chin on top of your head,
“same as ever, yuuta, aren’t you? it’s fine, i’ll tell nobara my period’s making me act up. she’ll understand-“
“hm? you’re not due for another week though, right?”
you crease your eyebrows as you type out an apology to nobara for cancelling plans, glancing up at yuuta curiously.
“how the heck do you know that?”
“i’m not supposed to? i’d always count your cycle so i wouldn’t irritate you on the wrong day. besides, don’t you think it was too convenient for you to always find snacks in your locker when it rolled around?”
“those snacks were you?! oh my god! i was trying to figure that out for forever!”
“i know. i remember you ranting to me about it.”
“you just sat there?! yuuta! you’re so cheeky sometimes, i swear!”
“only for you.” he chimes, peppering a soft kiss onto your head. you smile against him, though unfortunately pry out of his familiar and welcoming touch.
“i’m gonna step out for a second tho, ‘kay? i think that’s itadori at the door with my chocolate and painkillers” you snort, giving yuuta a bold wink as you put on your best act, keeling over and clutching at your abdomen as though you’re on death’s door.
“you’re awful.” yuuta chuckles, slumping down onto the sofa to hear the events unfold right in front of him.
you clear your throat and slouch your shoulders as you pry the apartment door open.
“(y/n)-senpai! i came as fast as i could and i brought you some of your favourite sna- oh, okkotsu-senpai! hello!”
“hi there.” he leans his head back, giving itadori a small wave.
“i won’t interrupt you guys so get well soon! and fast! cause i wanna hang out with you! bye!”
you cradle the necessities itadori brought whilst gleaming at yuuta with a wicked grin plastered on your face from ear to ear.
“you want anything?” you cock an eyebrow, showing him the arrangement of snacks.
it’s not the answer you were expecting, but it definitely wasn’t unwelcome. it made you feel warm inside, like eating warm and soothing soup on a cold winter’s day. this, for you, was okkotsu yuuta at his best, stripped clean and vulnerable.
you’re the only one who he can relax around, act like the world is carefree. like he’s young again, prancing around in that dingy colourful playground he met you at.
“i want you to kiss me.”
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widow-maximov · 3 years
It’s You
Pairing: Wanda x Fem Reader
Warning: Language, some fluff and angst, sexual suggestion.
Summary: Y/n thinks she has met the one until she joins the Avengers..
Word Count: 6.8K
Part 1, Part 2
Before being an Avenger, you were practically nothing but some part time vigilante whilst working full time to earn enough that would last you a whole week, you saved a few people from robbers and muggings which made you feel a little bit better about yourself, I mean not that you ever doubted yourself but knowing that you could help others whilst never having that protection during your youth times was rewarding in a way.
That’s how you have met your girlfriend, you saved her from couple of guys trying to rob her when she was working, it was also the time you discovered you had powers, you are able to control peoples minds and rewind time just enough to avoid any injuries.
It feels like it happened yesterday, you went to buy yourself a coffee from a new café that just opened up recently when suddenly there was a gun shot and a lot of screams along with some shouting telling people to get on the ground, you did that and watched the whole event unfold before your eyes.
At first it was them waving their weapons to scare people around them and demand money but as soon as they got what they wanted, they planned to at least kill someone and that was the girl behind the counter, who was scared shitless, she tried not to show it but when he pointed his gun at her and had the most disturbing smirk across his face, how could she not be, he pulled the trigger and you jumped out reaching out to the girl when everything stopped and time went back that’s when you ended up in the same place couple minutes before the men arrive.
You looked around to see if you were dreaming but before you could practically be amazed at your new ability, you jumped into action, running to the front door as the girl behind the counter looked at you funny, trying to stop you but you didn’t listen. You held the door and told her to call the police, you saw those men standing outside looking at you as they pointed a gun at you, you knew they would shoot so you ducked but held the door like your life depended on it.
For your luck the girl called the police and just when you were about to let go of the door and have them shoot you right there and then, the police surrounded all of the men with guns in their hands and with a huge sigh you let go of the door and fell back onto the floor to rest.
They were arrested and after giving your statement to the police, of course you had to lie mostly about how you knew it was going to happen, you said you had a bad feeling and figured something would happen, they were just happy they didn’t have any runners to extend their time on a case that would end up being forgotten.
The girl approached you with a small smile across her face “Hey.. I just wanted to thank you for doing that.. You saved not only me but a lot of people inside too.”
You smiled at her “It’s really not a problem, I’m just glad no one was hurt”
You reached your hand towards her “I’m Y/n” she shook your hand and replied “Olivia”
And that’s how it all started, you came by the café more often just to see her and she was happy to see you either way, she knew your order by heart and always had it ready for you. She liked your company so you stayed until you finished your coffee and was on your way, you gathered the courage and finally asked her out which she eagerly agree to. The first date wasn’t fancy but it was perfect, it was short which wasn’t a big deal and following that you had a few more dates before starting dating, eventually couple years in things started to be more than good, that’s when you decided you wanted to move in with her.
It was all perfect, you felt like nothing could go wrong but that was until you was caught trying to do your part time vigilante work by Iron Man, he dragged you to the Avenger tower to Nick Fury and he offered you a place within the team as he saw potential within you. You was taken back but agreed to join, you rushed back home as you weren’t needed until the team was back since they went off on a mission, and waited for your girlfriend to get back from work, she was an assistant for some big company so she was mostly busy but she always loved listening to your day to take the stress off her mind.
Even though you wanted to tell her everything, she didn’t know you was the vigilante, she knew you helped people out with your powers but you knew her opinion on hero'svigilantes, she hated it but was grateful for them as she felt safer within the city. You knew her intentions were pure but you had a different opinion.
You waited anxiously for her on the couch, bouncing your leg up and down from the nerves, you know her reaction will be something you wont like but this is huge for you. You will finally be able to help without hiding behind the whole vigilante ‘Time Breaker’ nickname the public made for you.
As soon as she walked in, she noticed your anxiousness “What’s wrong” She looked worried but you jumped up with a smile.
“I have news” Joy was practically dripping from you.
“I’m going to be on the team with the Avengers” You exclaimed with so much joy in your tone that you thought this somehow will make her be happy for you.
She dropped her bags and her face wasn’t like yours but with shock “What?”
“Well I helped someone out and Tony Stark caught me and dragged me to the Avenger tower and then I was offered a place in the team and I just took it”
“What?” She repeated herself as if you wasn’t talking in a language she would understand.
You looked at her confused and she finally spoke up from her shock state “You didn’t even think about considering this? You just took it without even consulting with me?”
You wanted to look confuse at her but you knew this would be her reaction “Olivia, come on you know how huge this will be-”
She interrupted you “You should’ve spoke to me about it as well.. We are a couple after all”
She took her bag and walked off towards your room as she closed the door behind her, usually when you have arguments you try to just listen each other out but when she shut the door you knew she didn’t want to listen to you so you just took your keys and walked out to give her some time to think about it and you made your way towards the tower again to meet the whole team.
The whole team was actually very welcoming when they heard about you joining, they all said that they have been watching you do your vigilante work and they were all pretty impressed. They gave me a room which you said you wont need but apparently its for long missions where you would have to be here for.
Everyone was excited to have a new member on their team and they all tried to show off their skills and abilities except this one redhead. You spoke with everyone and they all were chatting amongst each other so you took the opportunity to walk up to the redhead that was not far from yous.
She was sat at the bar, just paying attention to her drink, not really expecting anyone to approach her “Hello” you spoke up which made her jump a little.
She faced you and looked at the group of people who were just having usual banter “Shouldn’t you be over there with them?”
You leaned on the bar as you observed her “Probably but they are too busy with each other to even notice I am here”
She had a small smile across her lips as she traced the edge of the glass with her finger “Why are you here?”
“Well you are the only one who didn’t show what you can do”
She laughed “If I did that, I’m pretty sure the whole room would be upside down”
Something about this girl made you want to stick around, she was interesting and closed off a little which you didn’t mind. She was insanely beautiful and she was around your age which made you feel a little bit at ease to know that you aren’t the only young person there.
The only reason you didn’t know her was because she was new as well, she recently joined as well and felt a little bit left out as everyone in here already knew each other well enough to feel comfortable around them.
An idea popped in your head as you smiled “Pick a person and I will show you something”
She narrowed her eyes as she tried to figure out what you are trying to do “Okay? Steve Rogers”
You looked at him and called out “Steve!” His attention was now on you and you spoke up again “Do a chicken dance”
He looked confused and refused to do that, which you just shrugged your shoulders at and closed your eyes when you opened them they turned white and his too and suddenly he was dancing just like you wanted. The redhead had a smile across her face as she was amazed to what you could do, and so was everyone else in the room. You broke the trance and Steve stood there completely clueless as everyone around him laughed.
You looked at her “Okay now it’s your turn”
She just smirked as she blurted out couple seconds in “Bruce is disappointed as he wanted someone to join them with the same level of knowledge as him so he can have a partner”
You narrowed your eyes at her “How do I know you’re not making that up?”
She turned towards the group and spoke up “Bruce I can’t believe you are disappointed in our recent recruitment”
He looked so shocked “How did you- Get out of my head!” and you both just laughed.
“I’m Y/n Y/l/n” You reached your hand towards her so she could shake it.
“Wanda Maximoff” She shook your hand with a small smile.
Couple hours later
You came back home, it was late and you expected Olivia to be fast asleep but your unresolved argument kept her up. You walked through the door and that’s when Olivia came out from the bedroom worried about you.
“Y/n?” She called out as you walked further into the house and saw her with something in hand.
“Olivia? What are you doing?” You eyed the weapon she had in hand and she sighed with relief.
She shook her head “I didn’t think you would come back today so I thought someone was breaking in”
You knew she still had some PTSD from that café incident so you didn’t think much of it “Of course I was going to come back home.. Why are you up?”
You placed your keys down in your usual spot and walked over to her after she placed the object down near her “I couldn’t sleep”
You reached for her hand and held it tight “It’s okay, I’m here, just let me go toilet and we can just lay in bed until you fall asleep”
Even if you were upset with how she reacted, you loved her and wanted her to feel safe.
She nodded and you did just that, you went toilet and then you both laid in bed after you changed into something more comfortable to sleep in, she was laying on your chest cuddled tightly into your body as if you was going to disappear.
She looked up at you, you could see in her eyes something was eating her inside out “What’s wrong?”
She sighed and sat up, you mimicked her actions and turned on the little night lamp you had so you could see better “I wanted to talk about the disagreement we had earlier”
You nodded and she continued “I know my reaction to what you told me was upsetting but you know how worried I am already when you put your life at risk helping people out a little, I just don’t want to lose you”
She cupped your face with both of her hands “I love you and I don’t want you to think I won’t support you but I’m just worried”
“I know and I’m sorry I didn’t ask for time and told you about it before taking the place. I was just so excited I just don’t want to hide” You played with your ring on your thumb to calm your nerves down.
“I know and now, you can finally be more than just the ‘Time Breaker’ vigilante”
You looked up at her from your hands and she had a small smirk across her face “You knew?”
She nodded “Of course, I knew you would never pass the chance to do anything that could save peoples lives and just so you know I am proud of you”
You hugged her as she giggled from the sudden attack, she hugged you back and you both fell back to your original position and fell asleep couple minutes after.
3 months later
During this time, you and your girlfriend were on good terms but with missions getting in the way you never had time for each other, even if she said she was proud of you for doing what you always wanted, you knew she is still upset about it which caused some arguments and you would usually just spend your days in your room at the Avenger tower watching anything to take your mind off Olivia.
Today was one of those days, you wanted to spend your 4 year anniversary with her before you had to travel to the compound for the mission but she had other plans for that day with her friends so you ended up walking out whilst she was getting dressed and ended up here.
Did she bother to call you? No, were you waiting for her to? Yes, you wanted her to say she’s sorry and that she actually had something planned for you but she was actually at a party because you saw her friends posting stuff on their social media.
You held the phone in your hand, staring at it waiting for it to light up and display an apologetic message from her but there was no luck, even though you was watching something, it just didn’t take your mind of her.
“Are you just going to stare at your phone all day?” A voice appeared from the door way which made you look.
You saw Wanda standing with her arms crossed and she gave you a smile as she walked over to you when you didn’t say anything “What’s wrong?”
You shrugged, you placed the phone on the night stand and sat up, not saying anything which Wanda took as an invitation to sit down near you.
Over the course of 2 months, you two were close friends but were still learning a lot about each other. For example during the team movie night, they all wanted to watch horror movies but you hated them. Of course you were teased for that but Wanda made sure they would choose something else. She wasn’t the only one who stuck by your side.
Natasha Romanoff did as well, she was quick to become your favourite person here, she was hilarious and could easily beat anyone here except Hulk because.. Well that dude is just not her size, though you could argue if it did come down to it. She loved playing pranks on the team and you soon become her partner in crime when it came to that, with your ability to control people’s minds you helped her do a lot of things like make people spill things or add too much spices to their food and watch them choke.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it but I can’t let you look this depressing. Come join me in the kitchen, I’m cooking dinner this time”
You raised your eyebrows at her to tease her “You cook?”
She chuckled and rolled her eyes “Of course I do. Now come on” She grabbed your hand, you took your phone with you and you two walked hand in hand towards the kitchen.
You help the Sokovian out a lot actually, even if you didn’t really had time to cook before but you always knew how to. When you would finish your part, you would just lean and watch her with admiration at how concentrate she was but you would snap out of it, reminding yourself that you were in a relationship.
She brought the spoon up to your face so your attention isn’t turned towards your phone “Here, taste it” which you did and your face lit up at the different taste.
“Good? Am I missing something?” She asked a little worried but you shook your head still trying to process how good her food is.
“No! Its perfect, not only you’re dead ass gorgeous but also an amazing cook” You were too memorized by the food to even think twice what you were saying.
She blushed and before you had time to even correct yourself she quickly changed the subject “So will you tell me what’s wrong?” She looked up from what she was doing at you.
You sighed and looked down at your phone to see nothing and decided to open up “Today is mine and Olivia’s 4 year anniversary but she decided to spend it with her friends instead”
“At least you’re not alone today..” She said with a small smile on her face, trying to light up the mood.
You nodded and she questioned “So what are you going to do?”
You shrugged “I’m not sure but I know one thing”
She looked confused to why you stopped and suddenly, your eyes turned white when Tony barged in with his eyes white, she looked at both of you and within seconds Tony got ahold of flour as he dumped it over the Sokovian witch.
You broke the trance and looked at Wanda who was covered in white from head to toe and Tony who was lost at how he even got here as he held an empty bag of flour in his hand.
You laughed as she used her powers to throw some of the flour on you but you went back in time and avoided the attack which made her chase you around the kitchen “I teach you how to cook a good meal and that’s how you repay me Y/n. You wait”
You knew she was going to do something and you were right, she made you freeze in place and had an egg held in her hand, you knew what she was going to do, she walked towards you with a smirk across her face.
“You have no way out, you can’t rewind or control anyone. The only fate here is the egg to be cracked on your head” The red mist entangled with her fingers controlling your captivity.
Tony was going to just walk out without protesting but she held him as well which made him speak up “What did I do?” He basically whined but Wanda didn’t care.
“For all I know you could get someone to help Y/n, so you’re staying here” She stated which made Tony shake his head “Actually I don’t care-”
She used her powers to stick a cloth inside his mouth so he would shut up, you was laughing at the whole thing but suddenly the egg turned into 10 which were floating in the air and were ready to be thrown at you but she was waiting.
“Come on Wands.. You don’t want to do this..” You tried your luck but she shook her head “Oh but I really do” and with that all those eggs aimed at you, covering you with the egg goo, she walked up closer as she held the last egg
“That’s for the flour” and she just cracked the egg on your head making it slowly run down your head which made her laugh and she let you go.
That was a mistake
What she didn’t notice was that you were planning to give it back to her, and suddenly your body collide with hers, holding her tight making sure she has some of that egg too. That’s when her eyes widen at how close yous are, making yous both blush and you let go off her, that’s when the rest of the team walks into the kitchen that’s covered in flour and egg shells.
“What in the world happened here” Someone exclaimed from the team, whilst Natasha laughed.
The next day
You ended up in Wanda’s room after the dinner, Nat did join yous for a while to watch some sitcoms but she wasn’t really into that, so she left later on when Wanda was drifting to sleep.
Somehow you ended up falling asleep along with Wanda, yous must’ve shifted in your sleep as now Wanda is cuddled into you with her head resting on your chest.
She has been awake for some time but she didn’t want to move, risking waking you up and parting away from her. She enjoyed your company a little too much, she always wanted to be around you, you made her days better, especially when she is having a rough day, she always knows she can count on you and that’s what caused her to fall for you.
When you joined the Avengers, that night you met them all, she was a little sceptic rather than welcoming, she sat away to avoid any interaction with anyone from the team, she was still a lot more closed off than she is now and when you approached her she knew she could trust you, it was a gut feeling.
Finding out you were in a relationship kind of bothered Wanda but she brushed it off, especially since there was nothing she could do about it. The more she got to know you the more she liked you, you were like a golden retriever; Happy, beautiful, smart but if someone pissed you off you was like Natasha which was why Natasha found herself hanging out more with you than the rest of the team.
Wanda looked up from where she was, staring at your relaxed featured, just taking in how calm you looked, her heart melting at the sight of you.
“Watching me sleep creepy lady?” You asked still with your eyes closed.
She tensed when you suddenly spoke up but relaxed within seconds when she rolled her eyes at you “No?” She had a blush across her cheeks for being caught.
You smiled as your hand reached to your face to rub your eyes and stretch out “Mhm sure”
Your raspy voice in the morning will be Wanda’s favourite thing from now on. The only girl you ever had in bed (besides your ex girlfriends), was Olivia and now that Wanda is here with you is.. different. You would be lying if you said that you didn’t like it but you did, her embrace was comforting.
Yous decided it was best to get up and cook breakfast before the whole team wakes up. Well Wanda cooked breakfast whilst you quietly stare at her, drinking your coffee at the same time.
Natasha was the first one up from the rest of the team and ate Wanda’s breakfast, she wanted to spar with you so you agreed, it was a good idea to just get fired up before the mission. She was good and you needed some hand to hand combat skills in case your powers refuse you.
Couple hours later
Travelling to a Hydra base wasn’t something everyone was thrilled about, the whole team was needed for no reason, you and Wanda could just take the whole place down with your powers but this mission was tricky, yous didn’t need to just beat them up but you needed their data and blow their base up, S.H.E.I.L.D. intel wasn’t the best, they barely gathered anything apart that this base had some dangerous weapons that’s why you were needed.
As soon as the whole team along with you jumped out of the Quinjet, you expected agents to be flooding the field but there was nothing. You was instructed to go near the base just in case they flooded out since you could rewind time, so just like that you started to approach the base.
You walked inside and there was no one there, you expected it to be heavily guarded but no one was seen, so you went further inside as you reached to your ear to inform the team, that’s when the guards made their way out and spotted you.
You pressed your ear so the team can hear you whilst you talk down the guards, just in case your powers failed so the team would be informed to help you “Look fellas, I’m here.. you are here. Can we not be buddies?”
You tried but they launched at you and you simply went back in time, just enough before they spotted you. You reached to your ear and spoke quietly “This must be a set up, the guards know we are here they are waiting for us to approach the base, I can sneak inside and just do the work quickly. Just wait for my signal”
The team agreed that you should do it but Wanda protested “No Y/n! Come back and let’s do this together”
“Maximoff, Everything will be fine besides I can rewind if anything goes wrong. It’s okay.” You spoke and started to make your way towards the guards, you hid behind them and controlled one of their minds as you made them fight each other, knocking them out, you pulled their bodies to where you were so other were not alerted. You took their weapons and attached it near the bomb that you was suppose to plant.
You made your way to the core of the base and there was no one but you knew better, you closed your eyes and searched for any soul near you which you did find, you forced them to the centre and pushed them as their body was shot multiple times.
You reached to your ear to let know the team that you made it “Okay, I’m at the core of the base, I have the pen drive, I’ll plant the bomb as soon as the data starts to transfer.”
The team sighed in relief that you were still alive but they were pretty much surprised that the amount of guards. Wanda and Natasha knew something was wrong but they couldn’t go against orders, even if they were your orders they were approved by everyone.
You plugged the pen drive inside the slot and placed the bomb near the weapons, the timer will start as soon as you let Tony know to start it, you started at the huge screen as the percentage increased. You knew it was too good to be true to just leave without being detected.
A sharp sting in your shoulder and thigh occurred that muted the gunshots from behind you as you turned around to see the guard with a gun in his hand and little smoke coming from it, making you aware that you have been shot twice, you looked back you at the screen which was closer to finishing, as you controlled his mind and made him shoot his leg himself and knock himself out.
The focus for the mission was keeping you busy from the pain but as soon as you moved your leg, the pain was stronger which made you groan and limp towards the computer, as soon as it hit 100%, you snatched the drive and slowly made your way towards the exit where you saw about 5-10 guards standing with their guns pointing at you.
You laughed a little and took the weapon attached to your belt as you started to shoot at them, they were shooting at you but they missed as you went back in time but each time you did the less energy you had, it was mainly because you was losing blood and was hit couple more times, you didn’t even notice until you moved from your place to hide behind something.
You reached to your ear, taking a deep breath and speaking “Tony start the timer.”
“On it” He spoke to your ear and soon enough his voice spoke up again “Okay, you have 3 minutes before the whole place blows up, can you make it?” He asked the question he didn’t want to, which he earned a shocking glare from Wanda and Natasha, they weren’t expecting that.
“Yeah, I’m on my way out” As you spoke, gunshots slipped through which made the team be more worried.
“Y/n do you need back up?” Natasha asked and there was no reply, they were about to run inside from the Quinjet but Tony started to fly above. You and him had a plan which the team wasn’t inform off, this way you wouldn’t be stopped, they thought they will be joining you but you was suppose to go alone.
“Tony what the fuck are you doing?” Natasha harshly spoke as she stared at him from behind but he didn’t answer.
Wanda worried stood up “We need to help Y/n!” But she was ignored as well.
You knew you didn’t have time but you hoped this will work out, the reason to why the team wasn’t needed was because that could cause a lot of problems like compromising the mission but they were there in case things went south.
You took a deep breath and with everything you had, started to run towards the exit, with the pain becoming more stronger, which had some guards there but you manged to knock them out with your mind control, you failed to notice that one of them pretended to be knocked out so when you approached the exit, you was shot again, this time nearer to your heart which punctured your lung, you knew this is bad but you went on.. At least tried to, right as you reached the end, you were close to dropping to the ground but that’s when the bomb went off, sending you flying into the air, several feet away from the base and where the Quinjet was.
You was barely breathing and barely conscious to what was happening around you, but one redhead made it towards you. You smiled at whoever was there and started to close your eyelids since they become so heavy.
“Oh my god, Y/n” A shaky voice spoke up, you could tell it was Wanda.
You tried to wave your hand to dismiss it but the pain was too much so you spoke up “It’s fine..”
She covered your mouth with her hand “Shut up and save your energy! You can’t die now”
You was trying hard to stay awake but it wasn’t working and the darkness was much closer than you really wanted, you passed out the second the Sokovian redhead lifted you with her powers.
Long couple hours later
The medical wing wasn’t keen on giving anyone any information about your condition which only worried everyone. Wanda barely left the waiting room in hopes that they will crack and tell her about you but nothing.
She wanted to barge in there and demand answers but she knew better than to delay your way to recovery. Wanda was more than worried, she was terrified, at the thought of your body going limb when she picked you up really scared her.
At the loss of her parents and her brother, she thought she would never open up to anyone but when you waltzed into her life, you instantly melted her walls with just one look, you made it easier to breath when she was around you, that’s why she can’t lose you.
Tony along with Natasha and Steve made their way towards Wanda, they knew she was upset.
she looked up, her blood boiling at the sight of Tony, she stood up with her eyes turning red “What do you think you’re doing here?” the question was laced with venom.
“Are there any news?” Natasha asked knowing that anything could trigger Wanda.
She shook her head but her glare didn’t leave Tony which angered her more, she wanted him out of this hallway, she wanted to see you smile and laugh.. Just be alive but you are in there with no updates.
“Look Witch, me and her had a plan before we went on the mission, she was suppose get out there before the bomb went off but obviously the plan didn’t work out exactly like we wanted, she was suppose to be on the Quinjet before it exploded, she knew it was a set up but she went anyways, we needed that data and now we are able to create better weapons because of it.” He tried to explain the best he could to Wanda, he felt guilty he didn’t let someone else come with you but they both knew it would be dangerous.
“Why didn’t you just let me or Natasha come with her!” She screamed, it made some lights flicker as her powers slowly emitted from her.
Tony took a deep breath “She didn’t want anyone, I tried to convince her to take someone but she said that would rather die than let anyone else suffer”
With his words, Wanda’s eyes turned back to normal as it filled with tears, she was so mad at you for doing such a reckless thing without even talking to her about it. Natasha approached her and gently wrapped her arms around Wanda, she was trying her best to keep her tears in but that was slightly impossible.
Doctor Helen Cho walked out to the scene, she made herself known by clearing her throat, immediately Wanda turned and stared at her, she was dreading this moment but put a brave face.
“This might be hard to hear but Y/n flatlined three times before going into a stable condition. Some of the bullets made their way towards further into her body, especially into her lung, it was difficult to even take it out but we did it and she should be okay, she lost a lot of blood so we put her into a medically induced coma to record quicker but she can easily slip into her own coma from so much trauma so we will be monitoring her for now” She spoke, explaining everything that went on inside that small room.
The only two things that stuck with Wanda was that you flatlined three times but you’re alright. She closed her eyes, trying her best to keep calm, as she sat back down in the chair, they all looked at the Sokovian, it was kind of scary to see her like this.
Natasha took it as an opportunity to ask if anyone can go in and visit you “Is visiting possible?”
Helen nodded “Yes but one at a time, too much people might disturb her”
Wanda stood up with the most dull face you could witness “How many times?”
Helen took a deep breath “She was shot 7 times”
Wanda nodded and just walked inside the room leaving the 3 behind, she needed to be there when you wake up, she knew how much you hated bright white rooms, she never knew the exact reason but she never asked, she wanted you to tell her.
Two weeks later
The air in the compound was thick with tense, especially since Wanda never wanted to leave your side but she was needed in some small missions, now that you was gone she was needed twice as much, you and her made missions seem so much easier but now that you are still in the coma, she was forced to leave you.
Wanda was currently after her mission, she was exhausted but she rushed to your side to be there when you wake up, she had a feeling you would wake up. She was there for hours but still no luck, that’s when there was a knock on the door which her head followed, she saw Vision.
She relaxed and walked outside to see him, he tried to convince her to go shower and rest but she didn’t want any of that, she just wanted to be here, you woke up during that time, your eyes scanned the room that’s when it landed outside the window to Vision and Wanda, you were so high on painkillers that you didn’t even notice any pain.
He was extremely close to her, his hand on her cheek and looked at her so lovingly, she looked sad and his other hand was on her hip holding her close. You wasn’t sure how long you have been out but it must’ve been long since Vision and Wanda are now together (Obviously they weren’t), at the sight of them that close, your heart broke. You had feelings for Wanda for sometime now but Olivia was your girlfriend and you knew you had to bury those feelings, especially now that Wanda is with someone else.
You hated bright rooms so your breathing increased, slowly having a little panic attack when you came to your senses, the heart monitor started to beep faster which caught Wanda’s attention.
She ran inside leaving Vision, to which he just walked away a little disappointed, she held your hand “It’s okay Y/n, I’m here sweetie”
You relaxed at her touch but your breathing didn’t steady “Y/n look at me and follow my breathing”
She started to breathe slowly in and out which you mimicked, you was relaxing, she always had that effect on you, tears started to run down your face which Wanda carefully wiped with her thumb.
You leaned into her touch as you blurted out “Take me home please..”
Your pleading broke Wanda’s heart, she knows how much you hate these rooms “Y/n..”
“Please Wan.. I can’t stay here, its too cold and lonely” You begged her and her grip tighten around your other hand.
“I’m here Детка (baby), and I’m not going anywhere” She spoke as she stared into your eyes.
“I can’t stay here” Another tear slipped down your face, Wanda nodded with a sad smile “Okay.. I will talk to the doctor but for now rest, I will be here моя любовь (My love)”
You didn’t understand what she was saying, for all you know she could call you an idiot but the way she said it, just made you want to listen to her talk all the time.
You nodded and a thought struck you “Wanda…” She hummed as an answer to which you continued “Could you lay with me here until I fall asleep?”
Wanda wanted to just stay in your arms forever but to be asked to cuddle you till you fall asleep because you are terrified of this hospital room, made her even happier, she nodded and climbed next to you as you carefully hugged into her, with her scent filling your nose and her heartbeat you felt safe.
“Do you want to know why I don’t like bright white rooms?” you asked and she nodded.
You wasn’t sure if you should look at her because if you broke down it would be harder to stop but taking a deep breath you looked up and stared into her green eyes, they held this reassurance, she didn’t need to use her words, her eyes said it all
“When I was young, my mother and father decided they didn’t want me so they gave me up for some experiments..” You paused as a flashback of the white room appeared before your eyes, you exhaled shakenly “ All I really remember is the multiple white rooms and the cold empty feeling whilst they did whatever they did”
“So please.. Get me home, I don’t want to be here” Another tear escaped your eyes.
Her free hand cupped your cheek as she wiped the tear and nodded with a smile “You’ll go home, just rest”
It pained her listening to your past, as a little girl to be put through something like that, it must’ve been really scary. Wanda’s hand traced circles on your back, relaxing you, making you fall asleep with her. The red power coursing through her hand near your head as she gave you pleasant dreams.
“Sweet dreams Солнечный свет (Sunshine)”
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queenshelby · 3 years
Birthday Girl (One Shot)
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Fluff and Smut
Words: 3,156
Notes: This one shot is dedicated to @being-worthy…Happy Birthday Love!
It was your birthday today and your best friend Sarah had bought concert tickets for the two of you and set you up on a double date, to which you only agreed reluctantly when you found out.
As you stood in the middle of your bedroom staring at the flowered blouse laid across your bed the voice of your best friend Sarah echoed from the doorway.
"Please tell me you're not wearing that to the concert!" said Sarah with a raised eyebrow.
"What's wrong with it?" you asked innocently.
"It's a rock concert and your supposed to be my wing woman. Can't you wear something a bit more alluring?" Sarah asked and you nodded reluctantly.
Sarah strolled over to your closet and began to fish through your outfits as you looked on with a bit of consternation. You were still feeling a bit nervous about having agreed to this outing. You had been through a painful breakup a few months earlier and you were desperately ready to put it behind you and get back into the dating game but you were scared to try on your own so Sarah had arranged a double date for the two of you.
"How about this?" said Sarah finally pulling a dress from the back of the closet.
The garment she had chosen was one of the few rather racy ones you owned and you had never actually worn it before.
"I couldn't possibly wear that” you said but Sarah nodded eagerly.
“Yes, you can. You will look sexy in it and my cousin will love it” Sarah said.
“Your cousin?” you then asked somewhat shocked as you reluctantly grabbed the dress which is when Sarah confirmed that you were meeting her cousin and his best friend tonight at the concert.
“Please tell me you aren’t talking about your cousin Cillian” you huffed out but Sarah nodded eagerly.
“He broke up with his girlfriend a few months ago and I think he has taken a liking in you Y/N” she said eagerly and you couldn’t believe it. You had a crush on this man for almost a year now and there was no way he would be interested in you, you thought.
You finished putting the dress on and tied it behind your neck with a pair of strings. You turned to look in the mirror, this was certainly a daring look for you with your breasts plainly on display and the skirt barely reaching the middle of your thighs.
"Jesus Sarah, I don't know," started you.
"Absolutely stunning, let’s go” Sarah said.
The concert venue wasn't far and you arrived after a short drive. It was an outdoor amphitheater vaguely bowl shaped with a long lawn that ramped up to a high wall at the back, a crowd was moving inside and you fell in with the rest. The opening act was already taking the stage and you stopped to get beers before you made to stand on the lawn. The first band ran through a quick set of maybe eight songs and by the time they were done, Sarah received a text message from her cousin Cillian, seeing where you both were.
Within ten minutes, him and his friend Daniel had found you and you were surprised when Cillian greeted you with a friendly kiss on the cheek before introducing you both to his friend and wishing you a happy birthday.
Daniel nodded perfunctorily toward you and then immediately turned his attention to Sarah. The two of them got talking immediately which left you with Cillian who looked rather amused when he saw his cousin get flirtatious.
“That was easy” Cillian chuckled and you stood talking for a while.
Daniel seemed very reserved while Cillian was quite warm and funny and to your consternation you found yourself enjoying his company and were no longer nervous about meeting him again as he made you laugh with quick witted repartee.
When the sounds of music began to come from the stage, you realised that the concert was starting up again.
"Looks like things are firing up we best get seats," Daniel commented.
"Let's grab some drinks first” Cillian said and you took the drink Cillian offered you but nearly choked on it, as it possessed way more alcohol than you were used to.
"Yeah, you might want to drink slowly, they can be a little harsh” Cillian chuckled.
"No kidding!" you laughed in response.
Darkness was falling as you made their way back to the lawn and, for the next hour, you enjoyed the music and each other’s company and you found yourself growing closer to Cillian while Sarah and Daniel were already hitting it off.
“Well, that is going better than I had anticipated” Cillian chuckled as he watched them make out with blushing cheeks.
“Yeah, hmm…” you said nervously as you felt Cillian move closer towards you.
“Although I think that, since it is your birthday, you should probably get some attention too” Cillian then said with a warm smile.
“Cillian, that’s a nice offer but I don’t need you to take pity on me” you said, thinking that it was what he was doing.
“Pity on you? What would make you say that Y/N? I’ve been having a crush on you for years and it’s only now that we are both single” Cillian explained.
“Well, I suppose you can give me a little attention then” you smiled nervously, blushing as you did.
Cillian grinned down at you as he wrapped his around your middle pulling you tight to his chest. You were caught off guard both by the move and the fact that it actually felt really nice to be held like this.
“You are beautiful Y/N..." Cillian whispered in your ear and you blushed at the complement just as the band started to play a few slower paced songs.
You glanced over and were surprised at the sight of Sarah looking like she was trying to swallow Daniel's tongue as they locked in a hot embrace not two feet from you. Yet things were about to get even more off kilter for you as you felt Cillian turning you with one hand so that you were facing him.
"I hope this is okay, I don't think I could forgive myself if I didn't kiss you right now," Cillian said.
Whether it was the little bit of alcohol slowing your senses or maybe the attraction you had towards him, you wouldn't have wanted to admit to yourself that you found you could not react to stop what was happening as Cillian leaned down and pressed his warm firm lips to yours in a soft kiss.
For a moment, you did not react but then your body seemed to take on a mind of its own as you slowly slid your arms up around his neck and started to rub your soft pink lips back against his. The kiss lingered for quite a bit of time and you found yourself falling deeper and deeper into it until you even opened your lips slightly and let Cillian slide his tongue just into your mouth adding a bit of sexiness to the contact.
You seemed to feel like you were floating as you and Cillian kissed on the grassy hill and your body started to react even more. Your nipples were hardening inside your dress as blood rushed into your chest and a bit of dampness started to spread between your legs as your arousal grew. For just a moment you felt yourself giving in even further pressing your tongue back against Cillian's and opening your mouth even wider as you started to kiss him with fire and passion until, suddenly, you pulled away.
Going so fast so soon was unlike you and, whilst you liked him for a while, things were moving too quick.  
“Are you alright?” Cillian asked.
"Sure...I just...got a little overheated that's all” you responded.
"Yeah, me too” Cillian replied with a seductive smile and you trembled slightly at the obvious look of interest in his eyes.
Whilst you knew it was too fast and to soon, you resumed where you left off and, when the concert was finished, Cillian, who was the only one who barely had anything to drink, drove Sarah and Daniel and you home.
After he dropped Sarah and Daniel at Sarah’s house, which wasn’t a surprise to you, you arrived at yours.
"I'm glad I met you again tonight Y/N, and I meant it when I said, you're very beautiful..." he whispered and leaned in for another kiss.
You granted him the kiss and this is when the words you never thought you would say left your mouth.
“Uhm, would you like to come up to my place for another drink?” you asked and Cillian immediately grinned.
“I would love to” he said as he put the car into park and, without loosing any time, he followed you upstairs.
As soon as the door to your apartment opened, you saw what was coming and found your mouth covered by his before you got the chance to make a peep. Just like before you had to admit he was a very good kisser and whether it was the alcohol or something else, you found yourself giving into the kiss, letting him gently slide his warm full lips across your soft pink ones.
As time went on, Cillian started to kiss you with greater hunger, his tongue sliding into your mouth as his arms wrapped around your back. With a low moan you opened your lips wider to accept his tongue pressing yours back against his as you French kissed each other.
Your thoughts were in turmoil as Cillian kissed you deep and long sending a wave of pleasure crashing through you. You were getting turned on very rapidly, your nipples hardening into knots on your chest, blood pouring into your aroused breasts as your pussy grew quickly damp if not downright wet between your legs.
You couldn't remember ever getting aroused this fast around a guy before and it left you breathless and the heat seemed to be growing in leaps and bounds between you as Cillian started to move his arms up your back. You could feel his fingertips near your neck and at first you were confused at what he was doing but a second later realisation dawned as you felt him loosening the knots holding your dress on.
"Oh my God...he's trying to undress me...he wants me...oh Jesus!" you thought nervously but, before you could something, you felt your dress sliding down as Cillian pulled the strings free. With no bra to halt the slide it slipped easily you’re your body leaving you half-naked in his arms, your breast free to the night air.
"God you...you're so beautiful...I've wanted you since I first saw you” Cillian breathed and with a quick dipping of his head you felt his mouth wrapping around the soft warm flesh of your right breast.
Your nipples were so aroused that they had darkened from a light pink to a brick red, your silver dollar sized areolas shrunk to roughly the size of a quarter while your rock hard nipples stood well up off your breasts.
You gasped and let out a low groan as Cillian's tongue rolled across your hard nipple and he licked your soft areola before he sucked part of your breast into his mouth pressing your nipple into the roof of it with his tongue and sucking hard on your pale soft flesh.
You felt as if you were caught in a tidal wave of sexual desire, pulled along and helpless to fight as Cillian was sucking your nipples and squeezing them in his hands as he licked, kissed and bit your hard nipples and you were enjoying every second.
Now you were grabbing the back of his head and guiding him from one breast to the other as he worked your flesh. Your whole body was trembling and you were so turned on that your pussy was absolutely soaking, the fluid running down the inside of your thigh.
Between the alcohol and her arousal, you had never wanted to fuck so bad in your whole life and you finally pulled Cillian's mouth back to yours, kissing him hot and hard as he continued to squeeze your breasts.
Cillian seemed to sense your need and he lifted you suddenly in his strong arms and carried you like a child to the couch placing you gently on the cushions. He quickly started to kiss his way down your naked body as you watched in wonder enjoying the feeling of his hot mouth on your chest, your stomach, against the inside of your thighs.
Finally, he reached the wet, warm spot between your legs and he started to roll your panties down exposing the glistening pink flesh of your pussy and giving evidence to just how turned on you really were by what was happening.
You reached up and squeezing your own breasts and pinching your nipples as you stared down at Cillian's handsome face poised just above your wet womanhood. As you watched, he smiled and leaned down running his tongue up your wet slit before pressing into you, into your aroused flesh. The feel of his tongue entering you tore a loud groan from your lips as he proceeded to eat your soaking wet pussy.
"Oh God that feels so good... " you moaned and a part of you couldn't believe you were doing this.
"Your pussy tastes so good...but I want so much more...I want you..." Cillian whispered quietly.
As you watched, your face flushed with fevered lust and Cillian stood and pulled his t-shirt off throwing it on the floor. His well-chiseled body showed not an ounce of fat as he reached down, unbuckled his pants, and let them fall to the floor, he was wearing a pair of grey CK briefs with an obvious bulge and he slowly lowered them to the ground.
You let out a soft breath of astonishment as your eyes fell on Cillian's manhood, he was much bigger than you had anticipated. Fascinated you sat up on the couch bringing your face closer to his girth. Tentatively you reached out and slowly wrapped your small hand around his penis. It felt iron hard in your grip and, as you stroked the thick veiny flesh up and down, you heard Cillian sigh as you jacked his hard cock and you looked up at his smiling face.
"Jesus Cillian...you're so hard already” you managed to choke out.
"That’s just how much you turn me on Y/N” he said.
You leaned forward and gently ran your tongue over his cock head, tasting a bit of the pre-cum leaking from his hole as your tongue slid across the soft yet firm flesh. You gave a low moan as you shifted forward letting the head slide past your lips filling the roof of your mouth as you let your saliva slicken his flesh.
You sucked him in and out of your mouth and he started to moan and groan quietly as you ran your mouth and hand up and down its length. It tasted amazingly good and you found yourself getting even more turned on, almost desperate to feel Cillian inside you. As you sucked his cock you suddenly felt him pressing his finger against your wet slit. You spread your legs and Cillian began to slide two fingers inside you, thrusting in and out of your soaking wet pussy. You licked and sucked his cock and soon you were moving in unison, Cillian fingering your pussy in rhythm to your bobbing head on his pole.
"Fuck Y/N...this feels so good baby...shit!" Cillian cried out.
"I need you inside me Cillian” you huffed out eventually as you looked up from his rigid penis, your tongue still softly running across the swollen purple head. Cillian took his cock from your grasp stroking its slick wet length as he looked down at your naked body. He pushed your flat with his other hand as he moved between your legs still stroking himself.
"I want you...but...I don't have condom, is that okay?” he asked huskily.
In the back of your mind you knew that you should say no, but you wanted him worse than maybe you had ever wanted anyone, your pussy felt as if it was on fire.
"I want to feel you inside me, your bare cock...inside me" you replied.
Cillian moved forward, a second later you felt his cock spreading your pussy lips open and sliding into you as you cried out in pleasure.
“Oh god” you cried out as Cillian pressed forward and, finally, with a last gasp his cock slid fully into you as your flesh gave way. You could barely contain your cries of pleasure as he started to fuck you in earnest, slamming every inch into your tight pussy as you dug your nails into his back and wrapped your legs around his tight ass. You had fucked a few men in the past, but you had to admit it had never been like this with anyone before, this was easily the hottest sex you had ever had and you knew you would not last long as Cillian pounded you deep and hard.
“Oh my god you feel so good…fuck Cillian” you almost screamed as Cillian made hot passionate love to your trembling body.
You pulled Cillian even tighter to you, his chest pressed to your rock hard nipples as you found his mouth and buried your tongue in it kissing him with hot fire as the trembling in your pussy threatened to turn into an explosion. Suddenly like a crashing wave, your orgasm broke loose your pussy spasming hard on Cillian's pounding cock as you lost it.
"Oh god, fuck, I am cuming…Cillian!" yelled you as you arched your back off the couch and creamed every inch of Cillian's cock with your pussy. Cillian was quick to respond in kind as you felt a sudden rush of warmth inside you and Cillian’s cries told you what you already felt, that he was shooting his cum into you, deep into your pussy as his bare cock swelled and jerked.
They quickly collapsed together as Cillian's cock continued to throb inside you and you fought to catch your breath after the hardest orgasm you had ever had.
"Damn you that was so good" Cillian whispered as he kissed your sweet lips again.
"Yeah, it was amazing...we should do this again” you chuckled and Cillian was certainly in agreement with your suggestion.
“Give me ten minutes Love and I am ready to fuck you all over again” Cillian smirked and you couldn’t believe how lucky you had gotten tonight, on your birthday.
 Tag List:
@lilymurphy03@deefigs @theflamecrystal @desperate-and-broken @weepingstudentfishhorse @livinginfantaxy @rosey1981 @atomicsoulcollecto @peakyboyslover @nerdy4itall@elenavampire21 @hanster1998@mariapaiva13 @fairypitou @harry-is-your-sunflower @zozeebo @lauren-raines-x @kasaikawa @littlewierdalien @sad-huffle-nerd @theflamecrystal @peakymalfoyscullymulder @themissthang@0ghostwriter0 @stylescanbeatmyback @1-800-peakyblinders @datewithgianni @momoneymolife @ntmynouis @lilymurphy03 @mcntsee@cloudofdisney@missymurphy1985 @peakymalfoyscullymulder @otterly-fey @janelongxox @uchihacumdump @basiclassy @being-worthy @chaotic-bean-of-smolness @margoo0 @chocolatehalo @vhscillian @ysmmsy @littlewierdalien @crazymar15  @stickyknightflowerbailiff @im-constantly-fangirling @goldensunflowe-r  @tellingyouastory  @captivatedbycillianmurphy​  @namelesslosers​  @littlewhiterose​  @ttzamara​  @ttzamara @cilleveryone  ​
@severewobblerlightdragon​  @ysmmsy​  
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usermoreid · 3 years
what would the unsub maeve story line be like? talk about it!
god im so happy you asked me this. it got so long so it's under a cut but im akfhdh i love unsub maeve arc
okay so she reaches out to spencer because she's been looking for a way to get to the team for a while now, and spencer posting to forums about his migraines was the perfect opportunity. she starts slow - introduces herself as a geneticist, asks to see the brain scans. spencer's so desperate for help he doesn't even ask for credentials, he just sends them to her. what's the worst that can happen, right??
she says she has some ideas, but she needs to talk to him; she needs to get a feel for what sort of lifestyle he's living so that she can figure out the best way to work with it. spencer's immediately overjoyed - someone has an idea of how to help him?? wonderful!! exactly what he needed!! so they start writing letters. she asks about any trauma he's been through in the past. he thinks it's to see if there could be any psychological or physical underlying issues. it's actually so that she can use it against him if need be.
talking about these things just feels so good to him - he's never been able to be so open with someone. but it's for medical purposes, he reasons, meaning that it's not like he's actually talking about it. and then they start talking on the phone. she suggests some vitamins - things she knows won't actually help him with his migraines but also won't hurt. during these phone calls, he pretty much starts using her as a therapist of sorts. and then he learns that she really is incredibly smart and wow she's so funny and oh my god she let's him ramble on and on to his heart's content and oh she's literally perfect.
his headaches become a little less severe. he pins it on the vitamins and the changes in diet and the exercises that she has him doing. he's not necessarily wrong, it is making him healthier. but it's actually due to the decrease in stress. he's not bottling up his emotions anymore. it took a little bit of time but he reaches a point where if he has a difficult case, he picks up the phone and calls maeve, whose credentials he still never asked for because why would he ask for proof when he's literally evidence of her capability himself??
this goes on for a while. spencer partially does actually develop feelings for her, but he mostly just starts associating the lack of pain with her, along with the relief that comes with it. he doesn't realise. she does. it's going exactly to plan.
she tells him about her stalker; says that he's the reason they can't meet; says that it's far too dangerous to get spencer's team involved because i don't want to hurt you and spencer believes it all. why wouldn't he?? he certainly has no reason to believe that they actually can't meet because her plan isn't ready yet, or that the team can't get involved because they'll see beyond the veil that spencer's insecurities have casted and immediately spot the red flags. no, she has no reason to lie to him, why would he ever doubt her?? he loves her, she helps him. and she loves him too, she said so herself. she wouldn't lie to him.
and then one day she gets kidnapped. there's a voice saying zugzwang and she can't answer the phone and oh my god he's going to have to tell the team. so he does. he musters up all the courage he doesn't have and stumbles marches his way into hotch's office, trying to project an air of confidence that's greatly diminished by the overwhelming anxiety coming off of him in waves and he tells his boss everything, from their first meeting to their last conversation.
hotch is skeptical, spencer can tell, but they go through with it anyway. they treat it like a regular case. they think it's the ex-fiance and oh god why didn't she say she was engaged and then they think it's the guy's new girlfriend and they've found where they are, they've figured it out let's go get her!!
and when he gets there he's told to blindfold himself and he does and then he's strapped to a chair and he needs to see her and he finally does and—
i told you we were going to make blindfolds fun again, he hears.
she's standing alone. two bodies in the back - bobby and diane. she had to kill them. bobby was going to expose who she really is and why she really had to disappear from her academic circles and maeve couldn't have people finding out that she was forced to leave after stalking someone to the point of almost getting a restraining order, not after she fought so hard to keep it quiet. and diane - ugh, diane - who stole her boyfriend and wore her clothes without even knowing they were hers. they both had to go.
he stares in shock. he doesn't understand. he came here to save her why is she free why is she stood in front of two dead bodies why is he strapped down to a chair what's happening??
she tells him. she tells him that the bau ruined her life. she tells him that they killed her parents - her real parents, the ones that weren't related to her by blood but through love, the ones who took her in when she was a child who ran away from home. they were serial killers, sure, but they loved her and she loved them. but then the bau came along and ruined their big finale. they didn't get the chance to blow up the people they were meant to, so they blew themselves up. suicide, it technically was. maeve calls it murder. the bau murdered them.
she takes spencer's gun from his hip and fires a shot into the wall, knowing that the team would come running. spencer can't tell them not to, they wouldn't hear him in time. they pile in, seeing maeve holding a detonator in one hand and the gun in the other and they realise, only moments after spencer, that she's rigged the place to blow.
she makes them all put their weapons down and throw them over, as she holds the gun to spencer's head. once the weapons have been dealt with, she throws the one she's holding over with the others and waves the detonator higher, making sure everyone can see it. she tells them that her cells have been dying ever since she returned to her birth parents, never having told them where she was for months and they didn't care enough to ask, because that was the moment she decided she was going to kill herself. she said it happened to her parents too - spontaneous cell death, she called it.
then derek lunges forward. it has such a small chance of working, but it's either this or they all blow up. either way, there's a strong chance they won't make it out. may as well give anything a shot.
he gets the detonator out of her hand by some miraculous luck but before anybody has time to celebrate, she grabs a gun out of the pile and points it to her own head whilst derek's is next to it. if the bullet gets shot, it would kill them both.
it doesn't get shot. spencer's gun does. the one he hides in his ankle holster. the one he grabbed as hotch untied him during the chaos. the one he never told her about because it was such a subconscious act that he never even thought to mention it. he's grateful that he didn't, but not until later. no, right then he doesn't feel anything as his bullet rips through the skull of the woman he loves. or as the gun clatters noisily yet silently to the floor. or as his knees give in and he falls down, staring at the blood pooling from the face he'd never seen in person. she was as beautiful as he had thought. the most beautiful girl in the world. and he had killed her.
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sslow-dancer · 3 years
A/N: In celebration of the Stone Ocean Confirmation this past Sunday, have you a sweet Jolyne one-shot 🦋💚
“I Feel Comfortable With You Too.” (Jolyne Cujoh x Reader)
Warnings: brief mentions of suicide and homicide, rape and self-blame
tags: gender-neutral, gender-inclusive, jolyne cujoh x reader, slight angst, sfw, comfort
Description: You become cellmates with the new girl in Green Dolphin, Jolyne Cujoh. As one of you can’t fall asleep at night, you both decide to speak about your personal lives and further discuss your convictions.
(NOTE: Though prisons in the US are assigned to keep the sexes separated, this one-shot can easily be read by anyone who is not/does not identify as a woman.)
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“FE40332, you got a new roomie! Get along, alright?” one of the main guards says to you, he turns to murmur with the person next to him.
You’re quick to sit up when the guard opens your cell, both people now in full view. You meet eyes with a girl, a rather beautiful one around your age with green and black hair. You notice her choice of hairstyle, you smirk
“Nice hair.” you compliment. The girl shrugs off the guard as he closes the cell. She looks back at you, a spare change of clothes in her hands,
“Uh..thanks.” she replies shyly. She seemed nervous, though that didn’t bother you. You nod, getting up to shake her hand. She hesitates before shaking yours, you smile.
“Don’t worry. I’m no person to be scared of.”
“Yeah, I know. You give off the vibe that you’re nicer than the people I’ve already met...”
You laugh at this, telling her your name after. You ask for hers,
“Oh, right! I’m Jolyne. I’m usually one to say my name first but with the new setting.. I guess I forgot.”
“It’s alright, I totally get you. By the way,” you point at the top bunk “you don’t mind sleeping there, right? I’ve been bottom bunk for the last 2 years I’ve been here; I’m not one for top bunk, believe me, I’ve tried.”
She nods, placing her clothes on the top bunk. She takes off her shoes and climbs up to the top, sighing as she lays down. You furrow your eyebrows,
“You tired? Have you not had food or a drink yet?”
“Yeah no...I don’t really have an appetite at the moment. I just want to rest is all...”
“Understandable. I was the same when I arrived here..well, I’ll be reading for a bit. Let me know if you ever wanna talk, okay?”
Jolyne hums, closing her eyes. ‘They’re really sweet...’ Jolyne thinks, ‘They’re like a breath of fresh air...’
~ Time Skip ~
It’s past midnight now, 3:30AM to be exact. Though both you and Jolyne weren’t exactly aware due to no clock being in your presence. You sigh, as you go to fall asleep after reading a really interesting novel. Your attempt to fall asleep is then interrupted when you hear a quiet whisper from Jolyne,
“Hey uh.. you still awake?”
“Well I was about to sleep but yeah, I’m still awake. What, do you want to speak to me?”
Jolyne exhales sharply, nodding as she replies “yes...if you don’t mind though, you can sleep if you really want to.” You shake your head,
“Oh no no, it’s okay. I’ll listen, I like hearing others talk. You want me to come up there?”
“No it’s okay, I’ll meet you down there.” she quietly hops off her bunk, you sit up yawning as she places herself next to your bed. She sits on her knees, her hands fidgeting with your bedsheets. You turn your attention over to her attire. She only had a skirt and short top on. You blush as you tell her,
“You look really beautiful...”
It’s Jolyne’s turn to blush, she giggles softly, “I- thank you. Since it’s nighttime, I decided to change my outfit when you left to get a new book...”
“I see... so, what is it you wanted to talk about?” You ask curiously, she purses her lips sighing,
“Well ya know, nothing specific really. I just wanted to talk to you ‘cause you seem cool and have been really one of the only persons who hasn’t been an asshole to me.”
“Persons?” Is there more than one person in here that’s actually been nice to you besides me?”
“Yeah, a girl named Hermès. Though I haven’t seen her in a while sadly.. I’m guessing her cell is far from ours.”
You nod, grateful that she has met at least one other person that treats her with basic humane respect. You nudge at your mattress, enjoying the faint artificial lighting from outside your cell. Jolyne speaks up,
“If you don’t mind me asking...why are you in here anyway? Like I said earlier, you honestly don’t seem like someone who would be in a place like this.”
You shrug, “It’s alright. Though I will say, be careful about asking people what they’re in here for, some people can be huge asses about it. You’ll probably hear a guard in here say that it doesn’t really matter in a prison like this but trust me, you can never be too cautious.”
She nods, swallowing as she thinks she had made a mistake of asking. You frown,
“But don’t worry, you’d didn’t offend me. Since you trust me, I think I’m obligated to give that trust back. So, I’ll tell you.” You scoot closer to her, your faces inches away as you keep your voice lower than before,
“I killed a gang of men. A bunch of bastard rapists. I feel no guilt whatsoever. They hurt a close friend of mine-“ you hesitate, backing up from her whilst turning your gaze towards the wall, “-though in a way, I feel terrible because that friend of mine will never get closure...they committed suicide a bit after what happened to them. Not to mention, I threw away whole career opportunities and reputation just because my anger got the best of me... Oh and my parents? Though they say they’re not angry with me.. they’re definitely disappointed. It’s so obvious whenever they visit me, it’s clear guilt.”
Jolyne’s expression quickly saddens, her sympathy taking over as she offers to hold your hands, you frown as you accept it, holding hers tightly. Her eyes squint with sadness as she tells you,
“I’m so sorry you had to deal with that...I couldn’t imagine.”
“Like I said, it’s alright. I accepted my fate the moment I committed the crime and accepted it again when I got my hearing in court.”
She nods, looking down at both of your hands as she takes in your information. She gently lets go, resting her back against the wall next to your bunk. She exhales loudly, stretching her arms as a way to shake off the melancholy in the room. You look at her with curiosity,
“So now that I’ve told you my story...mind telling me yours?”
Jolyne clears her throat, her eyes and body facing the cell door. She begins her story,
“So, basically... I’ve been in trouble before. I was in a motorcycle gang and had got arrested for theft when I was in my early teens but for what I’m in now...I had a boyfriend. He was pretty much the stereotypical delinquent who relied on daddy’s money and got whatever he wanted.” she snickers, “you could say I was in love with him... aside from my mom I let him call me “Jojo” as I never liked anyone else calling me that but he uh.. betrayed me. That’s a way to put it, I guess.”
She looks at you for a bit, you nod as a way for her to go on,
“After my dumbass tried to sneak in a kiss when he was driving us home after school, he lost control of the car and hit a pedestrian. Obviously I panicked and panned him to call the police but he wouldn’t..instead of helping a helpless person on the ground he instead went on and on about his reputation and career...” she shakes her head, “he manipulated me into hiding the body. He has this all planned out, he was ready to put me in prison so he could go on and live his best life. He fucking- framed me! I was so stupid...”
You shake your head, saddened by the fact that Jolyne still blames herself,
“No, you’re not. Don’t blame yourself for that. HE’s the stupid one. HE was the dick that did the crime; instead of owning up to it, he made you look like the bad guy. You weren’t, you were just his girlfriend that witnessed the whole thing!”
“Try saying that to the police...they would never believe me.”
“You know, I really wish I could. Stating your side of the story again could really help getting you out of here. I would suggest you ask for a new lawyer. I can even help you if ya want.”
Jolyne shifts in her seat, clicking her tongue as she picked at her fingernails. She began to think about your suggestion and shrugs when she thinks of answer,
“Thanks but it’s fine. I plan to solve all this on my own soon.”
You nod understanding, you didn’t want to annoy her by asking again. You knew after sharing a story like that no one would want to be bugged.
“Okay I’m not gonna ask again but if you do change your mind, just let me know and I’ll be happy to help.”
“Thank you, I appreciate that.”
You smile a small smile at her, she does the same. You look over and pat down on the empty spot next to you,
“Come on, sit.”
Jolyne doesn’t say no to this, she gets up and sits next to you, her legs immediately getting into criss cross position. She was happy being able to get close to you again, your aura was soothing to her. You face her direction,
“I hope this doesn’t come out weird but after our little talk... I’ve grown to be very comfortable with you.”
Jolyne blushes, your face becoming pink as well when you realize you were able to say that out loud. She looks down, a glimpse of her small smile appearing,
“Thanks. I feel comfortable with you too.”
You giggle as you hug Jolyne around the shoulders, she quickly hugs you back around the waist. You blush again when she buries her head further into your neck.
You were thankful that you were already beginning to get close with your new cell mate.
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I've got you - Derek Morgan x fem!reader part3
A/N: Thanks to @wanniiieeee for the idea:)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1907
***= time skip
I checked my phone for what felt like the hundredth time in the past 20 minutes, my body wracked with nerves. After that night at Derek’s, he’d asked me to be his girlfriend and obviously I’d said yes. It was still incredibly new for us, seeing as it had only happened a few days back, but I couldn’t be happier. There were only two things weighing on my shoulders – telling the BAU lot, and Sean. I felt so guilty. Even though me and Sean were nowhere near being official as we’d only been out on a few dates, I couldn’t help but feel like I’d gone behind his back. He’d been nothing but sweet to me and the thought of hurting his feelings was killing me. But I knew I couldn’t be happy with him, not in that way anyway. Derek had suggested to just call him, but this felt more like something that needed to be done in person. So, I’d texted him asking if he wanted to grab a coffee and that I needed to talk to him.
“Hey, sorry I’m late traffic was a nightmare” He said, smiling as he sat down.
“Yeah no worries I get it.” I replied, returning his grin. “So how are you? How’s work going?”
“Yeah I’m doing good. The jobs going great, this new bakery I’m working at is so much better than the last place. You should swing by sometime; I might be able to snag you a free doughnut.” He joked.
“Oh, for free food? I’ll do anything” I said trying to hide my nerves. Sean cleared his throat.
“So, what did you want to talk about?” Here goes nothing. I took a deep breathe before answering.
“Um, the thing is that I- well you know, you’re a great guy but- it’s just- I don’t wanna-“ I stumbled over my words, unsure of how to phrase it.
“Just take a breath Y/N, it’s okay.” Sean said calmly.
“Me and Derek are together.” I blurted out.
I held my breath as my eyes scanned over him, trying to get a grasp as to what he might be feeling. Anger. Hurt. Betrayal. All of the above. But just like his brother, he was impossible to read. He was leant back in his chair, just sort of looking ahead of him. A neutral expression on his face.
“Sean I’m so sorry, I don’t even know how it happened – it just kind of did. You’re such a great guy and if it’s not to selfish of me I’d love to remain friends? But if your mad at me or anything like that I will totally understand.” I rambled anxiously.
Sean let out a small chuckle at my rushed state before leaning forward and placing his hands over mine.
“I’m not mad. These things happen you know. And as much as I enjoyed the dates we had; nothing was set in stone it was all relatively new so don’t feel bad about anything. We will definitely remain friends, I still need my drinking buddy.” He said nudging me arm. “I hope you and Derek will be happy together.” He gave me a genuine smile allowing me to relax.
“Thank you for understanding.”
“It’s all good” He replied. “So, what did my brother think?”
I chuckled, relaxing back into my seat.
“We haven’t told any of his team yet. I’m actually going there later to tell them.”
“Wow today is full of confessions”
“You got that right.”
Me and Sean spent the next few hours chatting about anything and everything
. Suddenly my phone rang, and Derek’s name flashed on the screen.
“Sorry I’ll be a minute” I said before standing up to take the call.
“Hey Derek”
“Hey you. How’s my favourite girl doing?”
“I don’t know I haven’t spoken to Garcia today” I teased.
“Hey, come on now, you know you’re my favourite.” He replied.
“Come off it, we all know Garcia will forever hold that position. But that’s okay because not only do I love her, but I’m also the one you come home to every night.”
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
I could practically hear his smile through the phone.
“Anyway, to what do I owe the pleasure of this call?” I asked.
“Well, I wanted to see what time you’d be coming by the office. Oh, and check to see how things went with Sean”
“Things with Sean went great. He was so understanding and not mad at all. We’ve literally just been talking for hours. I don’t know why I was so stressed.”
“Because you overthink everything” Derek quipped.
“Um rude”
“But true”
I rolled my eyes while biting back at smile.
“Whatever. I’ll probably be able to come by in about 10 minutes. Sean has to get to work anyways.”
“Okay I’ll see you in a bit then.”
“Yep see you soon.”
“I love you gorgeous.”
“I love you too idiot”
I hung up the phone before he could bite back a response. Shoving my phone in my pocket I headed back into the café.
“Hey, so I guess it’s time for me to tell the team.” I said to Sean.
“Ah the time has come.” He laughed, standing up. “Well good luck, and if any of them give you shit – let me know”
“Sean in the nicest way possible, what could you possibly do? Tell them off?” I joked.
“Hey! I’ll have you know I can be quite intimidating when I like to be” He defend.
“Mhm sure you can. Now run along to your bakery.”
“You wound me. Truly.”
I laughed before waving goodbye to him and jumping back in my car.
The elevator ride to the BAU department was probably the most nerve-wracking trip. I was trying to convince myself that if Sean could accept it, there should be no reason for these lot not to. But to be honest, I think I was more worried about the a million questions we were about to get bombarded with. I mean Emily was already rooting for us. So yep, definitely more freaked for the questions. Derek was right, I over think stuff too damn much. As the doors open, I saw the man himself waiting at his desk for me. As his eyes caught mine, he flashed me that heart melting smile making me forget any worries I had.
“Hey” He greeted before wrapping his arms around me. “You nervous?”
“Nah. I was but realistically what’s there to be nervous about? At the end of the day, I still have you and that’s all I need.” I replied. He smiled brightly at me before leading me into the bullpen.
“Y/N! It’s good to see you.” Spencer called.
“Hey spence. It’s good to see you too.”
“Hey pretty boy, do you know where the others are? I wanna talk to you all.”
Spencer’s brow furrowed. “Is everything okay?”
“Everything’s fine. Can you just grab the others? We’ll wait in the meeting room.” Derek replied before heading to the stairs. I saw Spencer shoot us a look before getting up to find the team. Derek leant back on the table.
“So how are you planning on telling them?” He asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Me? I’m not telling them you are.”
“Why me?”
“Derek they’re your team. Not mine. Plus, I already had to tell Sean and that was stressful enough as it is so why would i-“
“Baby hey, stop pacing I was joking”
I hadn’t realised that was pacing back and forth across the room until he said that.
“Not nervous huh?” He joked. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. “Hey, come here”
I made my way over to him, standing between his legs. His arms gravitated towards my waist as I looped mine around his neck.
“What’s on your mind?” He asked softly. I moved my hands to fiddle with the collar of his shirt before answering.
“I just really don’t want to mess this up.” I whispered,
“Nothing the team can say will change anything-“
“No Derek I mean this, us.” I muttered. He placed his hand under my chin, lifting my eyes to meet his.
“Nothing you can do will change how I feel about you okay? I’m in this for the long haul.” His words made my stomach flutter.
“I love you.” I said before leaning in to kiss him. Even though it wasn’t the first, he took my breath every time. His lips just felt so perfect on mine.
“FINALLY” A shrill voice from behind us made us jump apart from each other. I turned to see the team standing in the doorway, a mixture of emotions on their faces. The voice that had scared us belonged to Garcia as she stood there grinning like the Cheshire cat whilst clapping her hands happily.
“Details now. When? Where? How long? Can I plan the wedding?” She gushed. I could feel my face burning bright red as I stood there unable to talk. Derek stood up, snaking his arm around my wait.
“Relax babygirl. We’ll explain everything” Derek said to her.
“T-that’s not exactly how we planned to tell you” I said, the embarrassment of being caught by our friends beginning to sink in.
“It’s about time” Emily chipped in, nudging me on the arm. “I’ve been waiting.”
Derek shot her a confused look. “What do you mean?”
“Well, I mean considering what happened at yours the other night, I figured it would happen sooner or later” She replied, shrugging her shoulders.
Derek looked at me. “You told her?”
“She literally came over and I was freaking out of course I told her” I replied, laughing.
“What happened at Derek’s?” Garcia called, her eyes darting between the three of us.
“Emily went over to check on them because neither of them were answering their phones..” JJ answered.
I looked at Emily. “So, you told JJ?”
Emily held her hands up defensively. “She’s my girlfriend I had to.” I rolled my eyes.
“And by doing that she interrupted them about to kiss” Spencer piped up. My jaw dropped.
“You told Spencer too?” I looked at Emily accusingly.
“No! I only told JJ” I turned to JJ, raising my eyebrows expectantly
“He’s my best friend.” She replied.
Derek sighed. “Okay so was there anyone who didn’t know?”
“Well technically me and Hotch didn’t know but we had a feeling.” Rossi answered. “Actually, that reminds me, you owe me ten bucks Aaron”
I threw my hands up. “Oh, brilliant so three of you knew and the other two had a bet on us. Good to know” I said sarcastically.
“I’m feeling rather left out. Why am I the last to find out?” Garcia pouted.
“Gotta save the best till last babygirl” Derek replied, throwing his arm around her giving her a squeeze.
“Good point” She said, the smile promptly returning to her face.
“You two are good together. I hope you’ll be happy” Hotch commented with a tight-lipped smile.
“Thanks Aaron.” I said returning the smile.
“Right” Emily clapped her hands together. “Who wants to go get drinks to celebrate the couple of the hour.” Everyone raised their hands and headed out the door.
“Hey” Emily grabbed Derek’s arm pulling him back slightly. “Be good to her.”
Derek patted her hand. “Always. I’ve never felt like this before about anyone. There’s no way I’m losing her.”
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damn-stark · 4 years
Special to me too
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This request contains season 4 spoilers!! Spoilers!!
Jean Kirstein x reader
Requested by anon “My question or request: Imagine you are sasha´s best friend and connie´s best friend too, since the first day you met. You are jean`s lover since you were 15. You met him too when you met sasha and connie and the others. Imagine you save sasha and get shot instead of her. you practically jump in her way and save her.”
Warning- Angst, mentions of violence and blood, slight swearing, fluff and just heartbreak :(
“Jean!” You exclaim whilst you stand behind Connie and Sasha on the airship, watching with anticipation as Jean finally makes his way above.
“Grab on!” Connie shouts as he and Sasha extend their hands out for Jean to take and pull him up onto the safety of the airship, easing your nerves at the knowledge that he was here now.
When he's fully stable on the floor, he meets your gaze and cups your cheek to assure himself you were here and fine, sharing a silent but assuring look with you before turning to Connie curiously. “Who’s left?”
“Still waiting on Lima Squad.” Connie informs him.
“As far as we know, there’s six casulities.” You add after Connie.
Jean drops his hand from your cheek and focuses his hardened gaze on the ground. “I see. Shit!”
Noticing his frustration, you try to assure him, but Floch interrupts you before you can try. “That’s nothing compared to the damage we did!” Said man thrusts his fist into the air and turns to the rest of your comrades, “it’s a huge victory!” The New Eldian Empires first battle ends in victory!”
You sigh at the scene caused by Floch and decide to ignore them so as to not ruin their celebration. Even if you knew that celebrating this early was never good luck.
“Tonight we celebrate in honor of our six fallen heroes!”
You roll your eyes and turn to crouch across from Sasha to keep a careful eye out the still open door, noticing Connie stands up and begins to wander off, while Jean stayed and refocused his gaze on the ground as he contemplated the scene before him, and the battle just fought. “First battle, huh? How many more till the fighting ends? Just how many have to die?”
Just as you’re about to go towards Jean, you feel an arm wrap around you and pull you with them; pulling Sasha and Jean as well. When you look to the side to identify who it had been you see it had been Connie—“anyways I’m just glad we survived again,” Connie adds, making you drop your stunned expression and keep beside him in silence as he continued with his assuring words. “It’s not very fair to the others, but you guys are special....to me.”
Your lips pull into a soft smile at Connie's kind words, and just like Sasha and Jean you let the comfortable silence wrap around you four.
Well that is until Jean breaks the silence and the moment with a snappy comment. “That hurts, idiot. Don’t hug us wearing hard-ass gear.”
You scoff and move to the side, smirking as Connie snapped back. “Excuse me, Jean?! You’re the idiot for always fussing over your tiny-ass beard!”
You snort and Jean looks over his shoulder to shoot you a pointed gaze that you just reply with an innocent smile.
“That’s right!” Sasha chooses to interject, “why grow a beard if you can’t eat it?”
“Say are we eating soon?”
“Yeah,” you pitch in as you grab onto your stomach, “when are we? I’m starving!”
“Not till we reach the Island.” Jean answers you.
“What a useless leader you are.” Sasha quips.
“Do you like my beard, y/n?” Jean asks as he strokes his chin.
Connie and Sasha look at you and you keep looking at Jean to answer truthfully. “I think it suits you, I like it.”
“Of course you say that, y/n!” Connie remarks as he helps you to your feet. “He’s your boyfriend!”
You smile and throw an arm around Jeans shoulders, pulling him close to you to defend him. “So? Even if he was my friend I’d say I like it because he looks sexy with it.”
Sasha and Connie share a look and both gag making you chuckle.
Jean smiles and shoots a smirk to your best friends in front of you. “See she gets it.”
“You know who else has a beard now?” Sasha snickers as she stands up to fold her arms over her chest and stand next to Connie. “Eren. You think he looks sexy too, y/n?”
“Huh?!” You exclaim, “no! Ew! No!”
“That’s right he can’t pull it off like I do,” Jean retorts smugly. “He probably has fleas on his beard.”
“How long do you think it’s been since he’s washed his hair?” Connie wonders out loud.
You shrug, “who knows.”
“Did you hear that sound just now?” Sasha asks curiously with her attention over her shoulder.
You follow her gaze and see nothing, you only hear the loud commotion before you that made it impossible to hear much of anything else.
“Hey! Quiet down!” Jean exclaims to the group, only getting the opposite response from Floch.
“Make some noise! Victory!”
You roll your eyes and keep drifting your eyes over your shoulder as you begin to feel paranoid after what Sasha had pointed out.
“Isn’t lobov still out there?” You hear Connie ask Jean.
“No, I think he came aboard.”
“Then we should close—” before you could finish your sentence, from the corner of your eye you see someone unknown roll onboard with a gun in hand. Your eyes peel open and you notice that it’s a little girl; she lifts her gun and you follow where she points to, gasping as you see that it’s pointing at Sasha. You continue to act quick, without a sense of hesitation and push her out of the way, hearing a loud bang and feeling suddenly something sharp hit your stomach.
The sudden painful impact makes you fumble back and lose balance from one moment to the next and fall on the ground, with a hand gripping onto your stomach, over the throbbing wound that now affected you.
“Y/N!” You hear Sasha call out before falling on her knees by your side.
You draw in a deep inhale and blink slowly to look up to the ceiling and feel your pain heighten and your consciousness begin to slowly drift into darkness. You hear commotion around you, but the sound, the reality of what was happening didn’t register in your mind. You only barely manage to grasp Sasha and Connie over you.
“Y/N! Hey!”
“Hang in there! Hey!” Connie exclaims as she tries to tilt his head to him.
“Y/N! Y/N!” You recognize Jean's voice.
The pain you feel on your stomach begins to slowly numb now and your eyes drift to Jean now beside your head. You tug your lips into a faint smile and you reach for his cheek. “Hey...smile for me….don’t worry so much….we made it.” You swallow thickly and continue to feel your consciousness drift, you feel your eyes droop and the pain almost completely disappear. You roll your head to look up and slowly drop your hand from Jean’s cheek, barely capturing what your friends and boyfriend were saying beside you.
“Bandages, now! We’ve gotta stop the bleeding!
“Y/N! Make it to the Island!”
You breathe in another short and shallow breath and blink slowly once more. “You guys...are special...to me too.”
“Y/N, please!”
Once again you see Jean's face in front of you, yet your mind wanders off to somewhere warmer, and your smile tugs wider.
“The ocean…”
“...it’s beautiful isn’t it?” You muse as you breathe in the fresh salty air, watch the warm yellow sun reflect on the blue sparkling body of water. You smile as the warm colors of the unbelievable orange, yellow, pink and purple sunset cast over every inch of land and every part of your best friends, Jean and you.
“I could live here forever,” Sasha shares with a beaming grin.
“Me too,” you sigh as you throw yourself back and rest your head on Jean’s lap. “Let’s stay here.”
“And build a house,” Sasha continues as she rests her head on your stomach. “A farm house so we can raise sheep’s and cows.”
“A two story house so I can have a balcony,” Jean pitches in as he gently caresses your arm. “A balcony that overlooks the ocean so I can relax and drink with my girlfriend.”
You grin brightly and tilt your head up so you can admire him admiring the scene in front of you all.
“We can grow our own garden,” Connie adds as well, “grow fruits and vegetables.”
“Yes!” You agree, “and maybe we can hire Niccolo to cook our food.”
“Yes! Yes we can!” Sasha exclaims as she shoots up and tightl wraps her arms around Connie's neck.
Jean snickers and meets your gaze to show his playful and teasing expression. “Seems to me that someone is a little too excited to have our new friend over.”
You snort and smirk. “Hmm I see it too, seems potatoes aren't the only things she loves.”
“Huh?!” Sasha tilts her head around and stares at Jean and you with a pointed glare as she tightens her arms tighter around Connie's neck. “What are you two talking about?”
You shrug and sit up, choosing to answer nonchalantly. “I’ll give you a hint. You love Niccolo like I love Jean.”
Connie snickers and pulls away from Sashas grip to add to the teasing. “We all see it, you look at him like you look at your food. It’s an easy observation.”
You nod in agreement, “I’ll give you some pointers on how to flatter him,” you clear your throat and pop a piece of fruit inside your mouth. “This is how I got Jean—tell him you like his hair, his eyes, his smile. Laugh when his jokes are funny and compliment his fighting skills.”
Jean smirks and nods, but Connie doesn’t really agree. “Didn’t it take you like five years to confess your feelings to Jean?”
You blink and shake your head, meeting Jean’s amused gaze and scoffing. “Maybe—”
“Actually I had to confess to her first and then she told me.” He interjected cockily. “I saw the way she looked at me and I made my move first.”
Your smile brightens and you rest your head on his shoulder. “Yes and I’m happy he did.”
Sasha and Connie meet each other’s gaze and share a knowing look and then pretend to gag. “Please spare us from that sappy stuff,” Sasha groans.
“Yeah we see enough of that everyday,” Connie adds lazily. “We get it you two love each other.”
“Don’t be bitter, Connie,” Jean remarks playfully, “it’s okay you’ll find someone soon too.”
“Regardless, Sasha,” you cut him off, “promise us, or me, that you’ll tell Niccolo how you feel.”
“Fine,” she sighs, taking the bottle of wine and chugging it.
You look back to the horizon and barely notice that the sun is completely gone. After the lighthearted conversation with your best friends you barely noticed that the only light casted over you now was from the light of the stars and moon.
The sight of the white moonlight and the endless glowing stars reflected on the ocean was breathtaking; “I could stay here forever,” you breathe out with a faint smile. “We still are planning to live here right? Together?”
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gojology · 4 years
Coffee With Extra Sugar.
𝑨𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆 | Whew! I finished this after 1 hour and holy crap this is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written, I hope you like it. I’m literally sweating. 𝑷𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 | Gojo Satoru x Teacher Fem! Reader 𝑾𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝑪𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 | 2,314 𝑾𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 | None! 𝑺𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 | Gojo Satoru, the man who didn’t ever get rejected, got rejected by you. Unknowingly having a teensy tiny (or maybe not) crush on him, Nobara gets you to go on a coffee date with Gojo. Through the jumble of mixed feelings, you accept, and find yourself in a position you never thought you’d be in. One-shot.     Often times, you found yourself enjoying a nice cup of coffee with extra sugar after teaching the exceptionally unusual teens that Gojo had forced onto you. One was unlike any other, Sukuna’s vessel. Even with the threat of death looming over his head, he was one of the happiest teens you knew. Bouncing around, reminiscent of Gojo in a way. The most remarkable thing about him though, were the eyelids below his very own. Marking Sukuna’s existence on the boy’s body.        The other boy, named Fushiguro, had a troubled backstory. His father was the only one to have a complete lack of cursed energy. Maybe that was why he was always brooding, he always seemed to be off in his own land.     As for the only female, she was your favorite student. Nobara was albeit, a bit cuckoo, but that’s what you loved her for. Outside of the educational setting, she made an amazing shopping buddy and had an endless bucket list of things to do in Tokyo. Headstrong, stubborn. Happily willing to give you any sort of advice in men, even though she didn’t seem to show a particular interest in them. You told her all about the weird stuff that Gojo would do around you, and she always said that he might have a thing for you, but you never believed it until now.     The latest event had been when you were lounging in one of the spare rooms at Tokyo Jujutsu High, drinking another cup of coffee after the extreme levels of stress and torture that was training the trio. Gojo had casually strolled in, loudly announcing himself as he slid the door roughly shut.          “Oh (Y/N)! I was looking all over for you!”         “Really? I wasn’t. Leave me alone, I’m not talking to someone who calls himself a teacher and then dumps a buttload of crazy teens onto me.” you calmly replied, sticking out a pinky whilst sipping your coffee. Although you found your eyes to be glued onto Satoru.        He dramatically stuck a hand onto his chest, leaning backward just a little as if he had been told he shouldn’t have ever been born. “Me?! Oh no, I wasn’t dumping the kids onto you sugar. I’m a busy guy, being the strongest sorcerer and all.” he gloated, grinning a little.     You grunted before pulling out your phone.     “Pay attention to me, why don’t you?” he muttered softly, digging his hands into his back pockets.     Did you hear that right?    Clearing his throat, he loudly sat down next to you, even though there was another chair on the other side of the table. Crossing his legs, he began to speak.     “So, (Y/N), I felt really bad for dumping the kids onto you, and I thought, hey! Why don’t I take you out for a meal or two? You know we don’t really know each other out of work and I’ve been meaning to talk to you more-”     “No.”     “Why not?” combing his hair with his hands, he almost looked sad, but you knew where it was going to go. You had seen Gojo date girls for 2 weeks and break up with them after. It’d be weird to date a co-worker for an astounding total of 2 weeks and then immediately get broken up with afterwards. Besides, he was probably horny and hadn’t found a girl willing enough to talk to him back, even despite a face and body that looked like it was sculpted by the Gods.     “I know what you do with girls, just fuck with them, not looking for that.” You scrolled through the article you were reading, something about some 11 year old child getting their cancer removed miraculously, probably a super nice jujutsu sorcerer.    The silence grew between you two, Gojo’s eye shifting to you when you weren’t looking, and your eyes shifting to him when he wasn’t looking. You almost wished you were a bit friendlier.     “Right.” he mumbled to himself, before getting up and walking to the door. You felt something bad growing inside of you.    Looking back at you one last time, he shut the door.     “I’m telling you, (Y/N), Gojo-Sensei was trying to ask you out, ARE YOU THAT DENSE?” snapped Nobara, who was busily lecturing you about how you had seriously fucked up.     “I didn’t know!” you whined, “I thought he was just being stupidly friendly! It didn’t cross my mind!”     “Gosh, woman, men aren’t hard to work. Gojo is 100 times easier, hand him a box of candies and he’ll probably whip out a ring. All you had to say was yes!”     “...What if I didn’t want to say yes?” you shot back.     “Hah, shut up, I’ve heard the way you’ve described that man, acted as if he descended down from heaven”    You definitely didn’t have a crush on him, but you did let your mind wander sometimes, in some indecent areas sure, but wasn’t that true for everyone?    “Okay, and what do you want me to do now? Want me to just.. Go talk to him and ask for the chance back? That’s embarrassing, and as I said, I don’t have a thing for him.”    “I’ll snag that chance back for you, but you seriously owe me one. I’ll even get Fushiguro and Yuuji on board, but they’re almost always doing stupid stuff and I have to convince them with the weirdest shit to get them to cooperate.”     “Nobara, no cursing first of all, there was no reason to, plus I don’t NEED the date, why are you even-”     “Oh shut up.”     The next day, you found yourself urgently rushed to a coffee shop by a poorly disguised Nobara, Yuuji, and a less then willing Fushiguro. You scanned the shop, the scent of coffee so strong it wafted out of the interior. Gleaming windows with, “Kento and Coffee Inc.” proudly painted on the window.     Wearing a white t-shirt and a long trench coat, with a long plaid skirt, you found yourself self-conscious. Were you too overdressed? Nobara had told you that you were supposed to dress in a cute “dark academia” (whatever the heck that is, she showed you a few pictures of it online though.) style of fashion.     “Don’t worry! Just follow whatever I said earlier, I’m an amazing Cupid and I just know there’s something between you two! I’ll be in the corner, watching you guys, just don’t mess up!” Nobara chirped, handing you a red scarf to borrow from her closet.     You hastily threw it on, taking a deep breath in and breathing out. Trying to casually stroll into the coffee shop.    There Gojo sat, casually dressed in a black t-shirt. A pair of circular black shades perched on his nose, lazily eating a cake pop.     Your heart skipped a beat, even though he probably didn’t even try with the outfit he wore, you still found him absurdly attractive.    He jumped up, “Oh fuck, I thought everyone ghosted me.” he looked at you, tilting his head slightly as if he was confused. “I thought Yuuji and the crew were gonna be here too. Didn’t ever show though, do you know what happened to them?”     “O-Oh, um, yeah, I think I heard that Yuuji and Nobara got distracted and was going to some newly opened sushi restaurant instead. Fushiguro didn’t wanna thirdwheel or something like that.”     You swore you saw him smile slightly.    “So it’s just you, and me?”    You looked around, hoping to God that Yuuji would pop up and tell the world about his love for Jennifer Lawrence.     “It would.. Appear so.”    He clasped his hands together, beckoning at the cashier at front. “I’ll go get some coffee for us, any idea what you want yet?”     “Uh, just coffee with extra sugar.”     “Gotcha.”     You found yourself staring at his hands, playing with the hem of his pocket as he walked up to the small line. His fingers were impossibly long, and you couldn’t help but realize how veiny and large his hands were.     Snapping yourself out of your daze, you grumbled, taking the trench coat off, it had suddenly gotten hot. Pulling out your phone, you pretended to read, but in actuality you found yourself ogling his impossibly tall body, and how undeniably hot his voice was.     It was alright to find him attractive right? Sure, you hated a lot about him, like, like... Well, you couldn’t think of anything off the top of your head right now. But you for sure knew you hated him.    Yuuji snickered, “Gojo’s girlfriend is getting flustered, look at her cheeks.” He giggled, pointing at you. Fushiguro slapped Yuuji’s pointed hand down, hissing at him, “You’re going to fuck over this operation. Didn’t your mom ever tell you to NOT point?”     “I don’t even have a-”     “SHHHHHHH!” Nobara shushed them, gesturing to Gojo now walking over to the table where you were sitting.    He slid the chair out and sat down, grunting as he did. He looked down at you. “So, anything new with the kids?”     You gulped, a warmth flooding to your cheeks, the way he looked at you made you feel weird, and you couldn’t find yourself to make a cheeky remark.     “U-Uh, um, no, uh, Fushi-, I meant Yuuji, he’s doing as good as usual... And uh, Nobara’s doing pretty good too! Fushiguro’s just... Uh, you know, haha” you giggled nervously, “acting as normal.”    He laughed, “That’s Fushiguro, guy doesn’t even crack a smile. Yuuji’s a special one isn’t he? No idea how he acts all cheerful even though he knows he’s gonna, you know.”     “Guy doesn’t deserve it.”     “I know.” you pursed your lips, not wanting to talk about such a serious topic.     Seemingly noticing your discomfort, he turned his head over to the cashier who was now loudly shouting, “Order 132! Order 132! Two regular coffees with extra sugar, 2 donuts, 4 cake pops, and a slice of cake!”     “That’s our order~, what good timing!” Gojo sang, immediately springing up to fetch the coffee and the absurd amount of sweets Gojo had ordered.     “Gojo-Sensei sure does have a sweet tooth.” Yuuji pointed out, looking at Gojo casually walking back and handing you your coffee.     “Yuuji, did you seriously just notice that?”     “Yes. Why? Do you look at Gojo-Sensei eat? You’re really weird Fushiguro.”     Fushiguro let out a sigh, and Nobara giggled, but now all their attention was focused at the pair, drinking their coffee.    “So, uh, any idea why the kids invited us here?” he said, playing with his strikingly white hair. Your stomach did backflips, it looked so soft. Wait, fuck, why were you even thinking these things?
   “Uh, yeah, something about.. Um,” FUCK. You were supposed to say you didn’t know.    “Something about... Putting us on a... Blind date?” You mumbled sheepishly, Nobara crumpled on the table, murmuring about how stupid you were.     Shit, fucking shit, you weren’t supposed to be honest. 
   “Really now?” Gojo inquired, lifting an eyebrow and putting his arm on the table, leaning his face onto his hand. He took a bite out of his donut.     Now your face was really burning, why were you acting so strange?     Could it be true?     You had a crush on Gojo Satoru?     At first, you wanted to reject it, but the feeling settled in. It made more sense to you then not having a crush on Satoru. The feeling of regret when he tried asking you out, the many times where you found yourself ogling when he was naked, the amount of dreams you had about him.    You really did have a crush on him, huh?    You stammered, a rush of self-confidence flooding into you, “Fuck it.” you breathily mumbled, “I like you, Satoru.”     The doubt settled in as soon as Gojo looked at you, wide eyed, mouth slightly agape. Nobara was even shocked herself, she had never seen you as headstrong as this.    Fushiguro and Yuuji were in an intense discussion about their preference in women, well, more like Yuuji, Fushiguro was ignoring him, looking at the wall instead of the surprising twist in the date.    “You like me, (Y/N)?”     “Fuck, yeah, yeah I do.” you looked at his shades, oh how you wish you could see his eyes right now.     A slow grin spread across his face.     “I like you too, (Y/N).”
   Nobara, now quietly cheering and shaking Itadori and Fushiguro gesturing to you two, chewed them out for not seeing the events building up to the climax. 
   “Yes, really, sugar.”
   Everything felt unreal, you had never thought you would find yourself in this position ever, was this a dream? You tried pinching yourself.
  He snickered, “No (Y/N), this isn’t a dream. I really do like you.” he rubbed the back of his neck, readjusting his crooked shades. “I would even say I’ve liked you for a while.” 
   It had never dawned on you that he wasn’t being flirtatious just to be flirtatious, he was actually actively trying to
get you.
“I can’t wait to tell the kids this.” he grinned to you, smiling widely. “Fuck, this feels like a dream to me too. I didn’t think you actually showed any interest in me.” 
   You couldn’t even be cheeky back, you were in a state of euphoria. 
   “Actually sensei.” you turned to look who was talking, Yuuji was excitingly bouncing up and down. Fushiguro looked like he wanted to be launched off a roof.     “We set up the blind date.” Nobara smiled, looking at the pair. “You know, I’ve always seen the romance and chemistry between you two, and you guys finally worked it out like adults!”   
    Why did you get the feeling that she was mocking you too?       Regardless, you had walked into the coffee shop single, and you walked out with the guy who had stolen your heart for years now, without you even realizing.     All thanks to Nobara.      
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‘Til I Forget About You | Reggie Peters
JATP x BTR Week - Day 2: BTR
Song used: ‘Til I Forget About You - Big Time Rush 
Pairing: Modern Day!Reggie x Reader
Summary: When Reggie’s girlfriend breaks up with  him, he’s completely devestated. Now it’s up to y/n, Luke, Alex and Julie to cheer him up again. With the help of parties, movie nights and just overall fun things, Reggie completely forgets about Lisa. 
A/N: Thanks @jatp-btr, @meangirlsx and @darlingsteveharrington for this amazing idea! Honored to be a part of this! Extra special shoutout to @darlingsteveharrington​ for making me these amazing time jump headers!! I am forever grateful and appreaciate you so so so much! 💕
Warnings: Underage drinking, party, alcohol, heartbreak
Words:  5,880
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Reggie sat by himself in the garage one afternoon, plucking the strings of his bass guitar soothingly as he tried to forget about the screams and clatter of plates breaking at his house. Things had gotten heated again when his father came home drunk for the nth time that week. He didn’t blame his mother for slowly losing her patience with her husband. Sure, he couldn’t help it if his boss fired him instantly and he couldn’t find a new job. Albeit he didn’t search for one either. 
His thoughts were thankfully interrupted by his phone buzzing on the coffee table in front of him. He halted his fingers before leaning over to see if he could ignore whoever needed him at this moment. 
Confusion rose within him as his girlfriend, Lisa, smiled back at him on the picture that had appeared on screen. “Hello, gorgeous,” he said upon picking up, a smile playing on his lips. A smile that faltered as soon as it appeared when he heard sniffles coming from the other side. “Are you okay, Lis?” he asked, worry lacing in his voice. 
“I can’t do this anymore, Reggie. I… It’s over. We’re done.” 
With those simple words, Lisa hung up, leaving Reggie frozen in place. He couldn’t move his muscles, let alone feel them. His mind had blanked. His eyes focused on the closed white doors in front of him.   
He didn’t even know what he’d done wrong for Lisa to suddenly break up with him. It wasn’t like anything had happened between them. In fact, last time they saw each other, everything still seemed peachy. More than peachy. They’d spent the night together, which seemed to have been the very last one at that too. 
“Oh, hey, Reg,” a voice made him jump out of his trance. He finally dropped the phone in his lap and stared at the girl that had entered the garage. “Are you okay?” she asked, growing worried for her friend. He almost seemed catatonic. 
“No,” he muttered, and finally remembered to blink. “Lisa.... I think Lisa just broke up with me?” Tears pooled his eyes as everything dawned on him, the words repeating in his head. Over and over again. It’s over. It’s over. It’s over. “Lisa just dumped me…” y/n’s heart broke at the sight of the confused and broken-hearted bass player. 
“What?!” y/n exclaimed as she moved over towards the boy. She grabbed his bass and gently placed it on its stand again before pulling him to his feet and wrapping her arms around him. As he cried, y/n rubbed circles on his back, trying to soothe him a little. “I’m so sorry, Reg.” 
He sniffled once more before gently pushing the girl off him. “I-I think I’m gonna go for a walk,” he said and made a beeline out the door as Luke and Alex walked in together with furrowed eyebrows at the haste their friend just left in. 
“Is he okay?” Alex asked y/n, pointing back to where the other boy had just left. 
“He will be, I think… Lisa just broke up with him.” Y/N’s forehead creased as she frowned, concerned for her friend’s broken heart. “Before you ask me, I don’t know why, I don’t know how. I just know she dumped him and that he’s pretty distraught.” 
Luke only moved one muscle, intending to follow behind Reggie, but y/n stopped him. “Let him be. For now. He’ll come back when he needs us.” 
He did come back that night, but only for band practice and only because he knew he needed the music to numb his brain that was overflowing with thoughts about his now-ex-girlfriend. 
He’d been breaking his head over the reasons why Lisa would ever break up with him. They were doing so well. What changed that she ultimately decided to break it off. Has he done something wrong? 
For days, he’d tried to call her, went to her house, tried something to get her to talk to him. But it was all in vain. Lisa cut off all communication. She blocked his number, told her mother that if he ever came to their house, she’d have to send him away, … She didn’t even grant him one glance when they passed each other in the hallways at Los Feliz High. 
His friends were at a loss. Reggie was so disconnected from the real world, he didn’t even care if he missed a few chords during rehearsals or his notes sounded flat. He didn’t care anymore. He just wanted Lisa back. 
For days they tried to patch him up. They’d talk to him about the most random stuff they could think of that wouldn’t remind him of Lisa. None of which seemed to have an effect. Even at the boys’ banter Reggie just chuckled half-heartedly. Even when y/n made him a peppermint hot chocolate, he shot her a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. 
Nothing worked. 
“I’m at a loss, you guys,” y/n mumbled as she got up from the couch after the Julie and The Phantoms band rehearsal that night. 
Reggie had just left the garage to go for another ‘walk’, which they knew by now just meant going places that reminded him of her, and left his friends with a sour and tense feeling lingering in the air. 
Julie nodded her head as she turned her keyboard off, but stayed put on the stool behind it. Luke placed his guitar on its stand while Alex came out from behind his drum set, leaving the sticks behind. Julie then said, “I really wanna help him, but I don’t know what to say to him anymore… I’m so scared I’ll say the wrong thing.” 
“We can’t just keep tiptoeing around him though,” Alex chimed in as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jean jacket. 
Y/N started pacing the floor nervously whilst going over some ideas in her mind that could possibly help out her friend. 
Reggie had been there for her so many times whenever she’d gotten her heart broken by someone. He’d cuddle her, make her peppermint hot chocolate, let her cry for a while and watch 10 Things I Hate About You with her as it was her favorite movie. It gave her the opportunity to open up the floodgates without having to feel guilty about crying her eyes out. 
Luke grabbed her by the shoulders, stopping her from making him so nervous. “This is not a runway, angel,” he told her before turning to the others. “We need an intervention.” 
Alex pointed a finger to his friend in agreement. “Yes! Any ideas?” 
Y/N’s brain immediately went to one occurrence during one of her very many heartbreaks. Reggie’s very own intervention to the road to happiness. She remembered his words to a t, “The only cure to a mended heart is a party and alcohol.” 
Her friends’ heads whipped around to face her after her mumbling. 
“I know what we need to do.” 
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Reggie plopped down on the armchair after yet another failed band rehearsal. He pulled at the fabric of the piece of furniture, silently cursing at himself and Lisa for letting him fall down this far. 
With one collective glance, the boys, y/n and Julie turned towards the brunette bass player. All four of them crossed their arms and glared at him sternly. Reggie felt their eyes burn on the side of his face and he already knew what was going to happen. 
“Don’t even try,” he warned. 
Y/N uncrossed her arms in defeat and went to kneel down in front of him, placing her hand on his to make him stop tearing the chair apart. “Yes, try. Reggie, we’ve let you be miserable for an entire week. It’s time for an intervention.” 
“Guys…” Reggie sighed, shaking his head in objection. 
“Reggie,” Julie stated sternly, capturing the boy’s attention. “We’re gonna help you forget all about her. Okay? We’re gonna party, we’re gonna spend so much time together to the point you’ll be focusing on how sick you are of us and you’ll have forgotten all about her.”
The dark-haired boy glanced at the boys first before his eyes landed on y/n’s, who was still crouched down in front of him. She nodded her head encouragingly. Then finally, a soft smile fell to his lips before he got up from the chair slowly as if moving was against his own will. 
That night, they all got ready together for the night ahead. While y/n and Julie were doing their makeup and jamming to all the tunes that were bursting out of the speakers, the boys were chilling on Julie’s bed. Neither of them were ready yet, but they said they were going to bequeath the girls their precious time in front of the vanity mirror. 
“The mirror is all yours, pretty boys!” Julie sang as she pressed her glossed lips together and popped them before getting up from the stool. 
Luke and Alex both whistled as the two girls stood in front of them in their party outfits. Julie opted for a tight purple dress from her mother’s chest of fashion treasures while y/n was wearing a black mesh top and a pleather skirt, paired with black over-the-knee boots.
The two girls striked a pose, both pouting their lips simultaneously. Their giggles filled up the room until y/n’s eyes landed on Reggie, who was just staring at her with a bright pink dusting his cheeks. Her giggle faded and changed into a simple smile. A smile that said ‘I see you’. A smile that caused Reggie’s heart to skip a beat. 
Julie had picked up on the change of vibe that exuded from the interaction between her two best friends, and a smirk tugged at the corner of her lips. “Get ready quickly, boys. We wanna partyyyyy!” she dragged out the last word and threw her hands up in the air, clearly ready for letting loose on this wonderful Friday night.  
The gang arrived at the Wilson estate an hour later than the party actually kicked off. “Being fashionably late” Luke had called it, though that was just an excuse so the girls wouldn’t complain about him taking so long to style his hair. 
“You took longer than we did and we’ve done a full face of makeup!” y/n had teased him which had earned her a glare from the perfectly coiffed guitarist. 
They stood in the doorway for a moment, looking at the grinding bodies in the middle of the living room as the music thumped through the speakers and the stench of alcohol filled up their nostrils. It was an overwhelming feeling to arrive at a party that was already in full swing, and y/n could tell Reggie was somewhat agitated. 
To ease the tension in his shoulders, she reached for his hand and squeezed it, saying, “The only cure for a broken heart…” She didn’t even need to finish her sentence for he already had a smile climbing up his cheeks. 
“Let’s start with shots!” Alex suggested excitedly and skipped through to the set-up bar in the kitchen. The remaining four glanced at one another and collectively chuckled at the drummer’s eagerness before following behind. 
The blondie stood shoulder-to-shoulder with a pretty long-haired boy the gang knew as Willie, Alex’s long-time crush. Nobody was really sure what was happening between the two, but they did find them sneaking off at every party they went to together. 
They were lining up six shots of Tequila, ready for their friends to shoot back. Every party the group attended, these two took care of every beverage. Whether it was lining up shots for their friends or shaking up a good cocktail. They were the pros out of all of them. The self-proclaimed Liquor Kings.   
“Tequila for the pretty lady,” Alex handed the small cup to y/n, sending a blush straight up to her cheeks, but Alex was too busy handing out the drinks to even notice the effect his flattery had on her. Y/N always blushed whenever somebody complimented her, even if it were the people she had been friends with for a long old time. 
Willie handed her a lime slice, which she held between the fingers of the hand her shot was in as he needed her other hand to line up the salt in the crook between her thumb and index finger. She shot him a quick thank-you wink before turning to the rest of the group who’d been equipped with all the ingredients for the perfect tequila shot. 
“Ready?” Willie asked as a wide smile lit up his face. The group nodded, one a little more excited than the other, and Willie started the countdown. On three, the entire group licked the line of salt off their hand, threw back the shot and then sucked the lime. 
Y/N’s face scrunched up as the three tastes mingled on her taste buds and the burning sensation of the liquor slithered down her throat. Reggie was mirroring her expression with the slice of green between his lips. 
She giggled at him as he groaned, throwing the sucked-dry lime on the counter. “Feels great, doesn’t it?” Reggie coughed and reached for the two cups their Liquor Kings handed over. 
“Amazing,” Reggie mumbled with a chuckle, though his smile fell almost immediately as he brought the red cup to his lips. Y/N knew Lisa was still on his mind and she’d have to do a lot more than just have him drink a shot of Tequila. 
Determinedly, she grabbed his hand and led him towards the living room where all party attendees were dancing. Reggie looked scared for his life as y/n started to move to the music, coaxing him to follow her lead. 
“Come on, Reg! The best cure to a broken heart is a party!” She tried again when he didn’t even move a muscle. “And at a party, you dance!” Next thing he knew, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her hip while her hand sneaked up to the back of his neck, pulling him closer towards her until their chests were pressed together. Slowly but determinedly, she started to sway her hips to the music, automatically forcing him to move along with her.  
Reggie moved along absentmindedly as his cheeks heated up at the close proximity in which they were dancing. He had never seen his best friend in any different way. Y/N had always been there and she’d always been just a friend in his eyes, but dancing so close to her gave him a whole different perspective. 
He blamed it on being vulnerable post heartbreak. 
After a refill on behalf of the Liquor Kings and a few songs dancing together, y/n was suddenly being pulled away by Julie and Flynn as they shouted, “Come on, Bitch! This is our song!” Y/N mouthed an apology to Reggie and joined her two best friends in their dance circle. 
With his support system gone, the dark-haired boy had fallen still. He didn’t have another move inside him, not without her, at least. It was like y/n was the battery and now that she wasn’t empowering him to dance, there was no energy left inside him. So, instead of standing in the middle of the dance floor like an absolute loser, he shuffled into the kitchen to get something else to drink. He was in need of something stronger. 
Luke had been chatting up a girl when he saw his buddy walking in, looking solemn for someone who loved going to parties. He excused himself and walked over to where Reggie was pouring himself a glass of whiskey. 
“You okay, buddy?” he asked with worry laced into his voice. Reggie offered him an unconvincing smile as he poured the liquor into the empty red cup. 
“Yeah, totally.” 
Luke sighed and grabbed the bottle of whiskey from the boy’s hands. He poured some into his own cup before placing it a little out of reach from the sad bass player next to him, who glared at him. 
“I’m sorry, bro. But you’ve been sad for an entire week. We let you be miserable but it’s gotta stop at some point.” Reggie scoffed as he stared at the brown liquid in his cup. “Listen, I know Lisa meant a lot to you and she was amazing and everything but you gotta let go. I know it’s hard, but you gotta forget about her.” 
“How can I forget about her when she’s literally everywhere I go?” He nodded to somewhere behind Luke and when he turned his head, he saw the auburn haired girl talking to Carrie on the patio outside. “She’s doing this on purpose,” Reggie said through gritted teeth before chugging the 5 ounces of whiskey. 
The guitarist blinked a couple of times, impressed at how Reggie could just throw that back without even flinching the tiniest bit. His ear suddenly picked up at the beginning notes of a song the bassist would always go crazy on at parties. A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as an idea popped into his head. 
Reaching over the counter, he grabbed the bottle of whiskey again, poured a bit into Reggie’s cup and guided his hand towards his mouth, demanding him to drink it. Confused, but obedient, Reggie threw back the bit of liquor. The burn in his throat felt right. Numbing. 
As if on cue, three girls waltzed into the kitchen, singing along loudly to the first verse of the song as they approached the two boys at the counter. A smile befell on Luke’s lips as y/n tapped Reggie’s shoulder and beckoned him towards the dancefloor as Gimme Gimme Gimme (A Man After Midnight) by ABBA blared through the house. 
Chuckling, and mostly because the alcohol was forcing him to, he obeyed to y/n’s rules. Luke, Flynn and Julie followed behind them, shouting along to the lyrics. The commotion lured the Liquor Kings to the dancefloor as well. This was the song Reggie needed all along. 
“Come on, Reg!” Julie demanded as he was moving now, but not belting along to the words like he normally would. 
As the chorus floated through the speakers, the magical powers of the ABBA song finally reached his brain and he started to shout the lyrics. The rest of the group threw their hands in the air, cheering the still brokenhearted boy on. 
All he needed was his ABBA song to get him loose, to get him to forget all about the girl with the auburn hair. All he needed was his friends and a good party to let loose of all the negative feelings that had been bottled up inside of his chest over the past week. 
By the end of the night, all six had to support Reggie as they walked to Julie’s house where they’d crash in the garage. He was singing a remix of all different ABBA songs whilst the others tried to quiet him down. Their giggles tangled up in the shushes and Reggie’s singing, carrying through the fresh, spring air. 
“I love you, guys,” he slurred as y/n tucked him on the mattress. “Gimme hug,” he pulled the girl on top of him and held a tight grip on her body as she giggled. His lips pressed a kiss to the crown of her hair whilst she tried to wriggle loose. 
“Reg, lemme go!” 
“No! It’s cuddle time!” He protested and didn’t let go of his best friend. 
“Fine, but at least allow me a bit more air.” Reggie’s arms loosened a little and y/n got situated properly. She laid on top of him, stomachs and chests pressed together, one hand tangled up into his dark hair while the other rested on his chest, next to her head. His arms were wrapped loosely around her. 
His eyes were fluttering shut as he mumbled, “Can you stop spinning us around, y/n?” She giggled at his drunken mutters and started drawing patterns on his T-shirt clad chest. It seemed to relax him a bit as a big sigh of contentment expanded his lungs, bringing y/n’s head up with it too. “Goodnight, y/n.” 
“Goodnight, Reginald.” 
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Saturday didn’t count. Everyone was hungover and didn’t want to move at all. So, they just watched movies together all day long in the garage, a tangled up heap of humans. But from Sunday onwards, Reggie was in a whole better mood. 
A mood where all he wanted to do was write songs and be productive. So, that’s what he did. Every day he worked on the song; after school, after band rehearsals, even during his free periods. The words, the melody, the beat, it all seemed to just float out of him.
On Friday, Reggie told everyone he’d written a song and wanted their opinion on it. He was both nervous and excited as Luke would never listen to any of the songs Reggie wrote by himself. Though all those songs had always been country songs and Luke didn’t think country fitted the image of the band. 
“No, Reggie, we’re not doing country,” Luke repeated for the nth time. 
Reggie was fed up with the guitarist’s neglect of his creativity. “Shut your mouth and listen for once, asshole.” His voice was strident and taut. A tone he’d never used. The rest of the group was a little taken aback and exchanged nervous glances while Reggie handed out a sheet of paper with the song worked out on it. He’d used the copier at school to copy the page in his notebook. 
They heavily discussed his idea for the melody and listened to his ideas for the beat he wanted until a song floated through the garage. Soon after, Reggie started singing the song too with Julie and Luke throwing in some harmonies that Reggie approved with a smile and a nod. 
By the last chorus, everyone had the lyrics down and sang along with the bassist.  
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a “what now”? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to Till I forget about… Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to… Till I forget about you! Till I forget about you!”
As the music stopped, everyone stayed silent, basking in the adrenaline and the amazement of the song. This was exactly what Julie and The Phantoms sounded like. This was a soon-to-be hit. 
“I think we’ve found ourselves our closing number for tomorrow night,” Alex said with a grin from behind his drum kit. The bassist was surprised to see Luke and Julie nod in agreement to the blondie’s statement. Reggie had finally written a song for the band they didn’t immediately dismiss.          
They rehearsed the song a couple more times on Friday, and some more on Saturday before their soundcheck to tweak it a little bit until it was perfect and everyone had it down. Now all they needed to do was perform it at the end of their set at The Mint, a gig they landed thanks to their amazing marketing team -- Flynn and y/n -- and the fact the owner was a family friend of y/n’s. 
It was a gig. And a gig meant exposure. And exposure meant the possibility of a manager noticing them increasing. 
“You guys ready?” y/n asked as she knocked on the door of their dressing room five minutes before kick off. Her eyes darted from an all dolled-up Julie to a shirtless Luke and then to a drumstick-twirling Alex, realizing they were a man short. “Where’s Reggie?” 
Luke shrugged as he pulled his T-shirt over his head. “He said he was going to the bathroom, but that was like half an hour ago.” Y/N pulled her mouth into a straight line before turning and leaving the room to find her friend. 
Cruising through hallways, she finally stumbled on a room that wasn’t being used by them until she noticed the door ajar. She carefully pushed the door open a little further to find Reggie on the red carpeted floor with his phone in his hands and a tear running down his cheek. 
“Hey,” she announced herself as she moved towards him. He looked up at her and offered her a half-hearted smile whilst wiping the tear away. “You’re on in five.” Even though the words screamed urgency, her tone didn’t and her actions didn’t either. She went over to sit next to him, shoulders touching. 
“Yeah, I’m ready to go,” he said, but didn’t move. 
Y/N’s eyes landed on the phone in his hands, a conversation blinking at her on the screen. At the very top of the conversation was her name and the only message she could read was “I miss you, please come back.” in a bright green. 
Her body heaved as she inhaled deeply, “You can do this without her, Reg.” The boy shook his head in objection. “I know you can. This girl is not worth your tears and frustration. She’s not worth anything if she can’t see how amazing you are.” Reggie looked up at y/n, his eyes gleaming with tears as he listened to her words. “If she doesn’t appreciate everything you do for her and how much you cherish her, she’s not worth it.” 
The girl fell silent for a moment, anticipating his reaction as their eyes were locked in an intense stare. What he did next was something she hadn’t calculated with the speech she’d prepared in  her mind on the spot. His hands lifted to her cheeks and his lips pressed against hers in a spontaneous passionate kiss. He pulled back hesitantly but when y/n kissed back, every doubt in his mind just washed away. 
Y/N couldn’t say she had ever thought of kissing her best friend, but at that moment it seemed so comfortable and familiar. Like she’d been doing it for years. Their lips just fit together so perfectly and moved in sync like a choreographed dance.  
When they pulled back for air, the back of y/n’s neck was aflame and her lips tingled. The flustered Reggie in front of her coughed as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “I-I’m sorry, I probably shouldn’t have done that.” 
She knew the only reason this happened was because Reggie was so overwhelmed with this broken hearted feelings and she was just there. A smile formed on her lips as she patted his chest and while getting up, she said, “That’s cool, Reginald. Glad I could be of assistance to let go of your frustrations.” She reached out a hand for him. “Now, let’s go rock this place, yeah?” He placed his hand in hers and let her pull him up to his feet. Entangling their fingers, y/n guided him out of the secluded room and backstage to where the others were waiting for their bassist to start their show. 
“Sorry, guys!” Reggie said while the sound guy helped him out with his in-ears and another one handed him his bass. 
Luke patted him on the shoulder. “You okay, buddy?” 
“Yeah,” Reggie answered with a smile that for the first time in two weeks reached his eyes. He glanced over to y/n. “Yeah, I’m fine.” 
“Okay, ready to go!” Sound Guy 1 said. Y/N and Flynn put their thumbs up to wish them good luck before the band rushed onto the stage, an uproar of cheers erupting from the crowd. They were rowdy tonight. A good omen for an amazing show. 
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“We’ve got one last song for you guys,” Julie said into her mic with a smile bright enough to light up the whole room as she glanced at Reggie. “You wanna introduce this one, buddy?” 
He stepped closer to his mic, a nervous grin spread on his face as he spoke. “This last song is for everyone who has ever felt heartbroken before. Remember that even though it might seem dark and lonely without that one person there, there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Follow that light because it will lead you to amazing things.” 
The other band members exchanged glances, all with proud smiles plastered on their faces. Reggie had come a long way from two weeks ago and he still had a long way to go, but he was on the right path. As long as he had his friends, his band, his family, by his side, he’d be good. Even better if the girl that stood in the wings on his right was at his side too. 
Alex counted them in and Luke and Julie began to play their instruments before Reggie’s voice floated through the venue along with the thumping beat of Alex’ drums. 
“Get a call on a random afternoon I pick it up and I see that it's you Like my heart, you were breaking the news, you say It's over, it's over, it's over.”
He looked over at Julie and Luke while his fingers were plucking at the strings of his bass. They shot him an encouraging smile, offering him a little boost of confidence as he continued the verse. 
“Heading out, cause I’m out of my mind All my friends are gonna see me tonight Stayin’ here until the sun starts the rise, And I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna…”
The beat went up a notch as confetti cannons went off, covering their entire view in purple butterfly confetti pieces as they slowly whirled onto the dancing and screaming audience. 
In the wing to Reggie’s right, Flynn and y/n stood, dancing and singing along to the music with the widest smiles on their faces. A big perk to being the band’s marketing team was definitely the free gigs they benefited from.  
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a “what now”? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to Till I forget about… Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to… Till I forget about you! Till I forget about you!”
Luke then takes the next verse, his growly tone sending some of the girls in the front row into a frenzy. A smirk tugged at his lips upon noticing but then he focused his gaze onto Julie as he sang with her harmonizing. 
“And you thought, I'd be here on my own Waiting for you to knock on my door Since you left I don't wait by the phone I'm moving, I'm moving, I'm moving”
Reggie walked over to Alex’s platform. The drummer shot him a toothy smile that could land him a spot in a toothpaste commercial. Reggie really appreciated the support his band gave during performances and with this song in particular. 
“Found a place where I can lose myself And just leave your memory on the shelf See I'm fine, no I don't need nobody else Cause I'm, I'm going, I'm going, I'm going…”
When Reggie turned back to his mic, his eyes landed on y/n, and he shot a quick wink her way. Unbeknownst to him, this sent her cheeks aflame and her stomach fluttering. That kiss about an hour ago really wasn’t just something that happened because he was overwhelmed. She actually felt something then. And she’s feeling it now too. 
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a “what now”? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to ‘Til I forget about… Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to… ‘Til I forget about you!”
The bassist’s eyes now lock onto y/n’s as he sings the bridge towards her. She had barely even recovered from his wink and now he’s staring right through her soul while she had to act like it didn’t even affect her in any shape or form. 
“Spending money like you don't mean a thing Going crazy, now don't even think Losing my mind, is all I can do Till I forget about you”
He turned back to the frenzied crowd as he belted out the high note.
The band then played a musical intermezzo. Luke joined Alex at his platform and Reggie stepped up to Julie’s keyboard as she played the synth-sounding notes. The Latina girl was happy to see Reggie in his element again and actually have fun as they played their set. It was a nice change from the otherwise solemn and sad Reggie they were plagued with in the past weeks.  
For the first half of the last chorus, they all stopped playing their instruments except Alex. He went wild on the drum solo Reggie had blessed him with while the rest clapped their hands to the beat, getting the crowd to mirror them. 
“Dance hard, laugh more, turn the music up now Party like a rockstar! Can I get a what now? I swear I'll do, anything that I have to Till I forget about…”
They picked their instruments up again and continued singing. Even the crowd started to get a hang on the lyrics by now, which hyped Reggie up even more for the rest of the song.  
“Jump up, fall down, gotta play it loud now Don't care, my head's spinning all around now I swear I'll do anything that I have to…”
“Till I forget about you!”
Reggie belted out a high note, which made y/n’s heart leap. His voice had always been her favorite sound in the whole entire world but hearing it so confidently coming out of him had her on her toes. 
“Till I forget about you”
“Till I forget about you”
He turned to y/n again as  he sang the very last line with a certain glint in his eyes that she couldn’t quite place. 
“I can’t forget about you!”
The band played their very last chords, notes or hit their last cymbals, and when the song rang out, the audience were applauding, cheering and whistling. But Reggie couldn’t bear tearing his eyes off of y/n. 
She was smiling at him and he was smiling at her. 
Both of them knew that he was okay. He was going to be okay with Lisa being gone because he had y/n by his side. She was the one who changed everything around. She was the one who made him go out to Carrie’s party. She was the one to remind him that he would be okay without the auburn haired girl. She was the one that helped him forget about her. She was the one.   
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  JATP Taglist: @hannahhistorian92 @marinettepotterandplagg @thequirkybookaholic @bookdealer5 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @hemmingsness @iainttakingshitfromnobody  @ifilwtmfc  @angryknightstatesmantrash  @kiss-themoongoodbye @rudysbay @thedarkqueenofavalon​ @caitsymichelle13​ @calamitykaty @wiselight @kcd15​ @vicesvsvirtuesfanfic @stars-soph @kinda-really-lost @notasofti @alexpjoyner @n0wornever @kaitieskidmore1 @tefilovesreading @happinessinthedarkesttimes
Names crossed out are the ones I couldn’t tag, sorry! 
Lemme know if you wanna be on my taglist! 
260 notes · View notes
neeswords · 4 years
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Requested?: yes
Word count: 2794
Authors notes: I hope you enjoy it. If you would like a personalised one please do ask! have fun reading! I have also a promt list :)
Trigger warning(s): mention of death, swearing, violence 
Summary: jay seems to always take Hailey's side one everything. Hailey always seems to come first. A trauma takes place and jay realises the reality.
Prompt: request.
Since Hailey had received a job offer from the FBI Jay had become really close with her, so close then he was pushing away his own actual girlfriend. It wasn't just y/n who noticed this though Atwater asked y/n one evening at molly's if her and Jay had broken up. 
Y/n loved Hailey and she thought she was so good to Jay. Maybe too good to him. When Jay got shot one time y/n was sat in the waiting room and Hailey and Vanessa were there and she heard a convocation she wish she could unhear. 
'you love him' Vanessa said to Hailey.
'Of course I love him he's my partner' was the response. 
This broke Y/n heart a little as she knew at that point that if she wasn't in the equation Jay would be in absolute awe of Hailey. Who was y/n anyways? Everyone would prefer a beautiful blonde greek badass cop. 
Y/n worked with a law firm, in fact that's how she met Jay. She was a criminal defence attorney she met Jay in an interrogation room whilst defending her client. Jay later asked for her number and one thing led to another. 
At some points she wishes she never picked up that phone call.
'Y/n if your gonna start then leave, Hailey would be so fine wi-' Jay yet again started comparing y/n to Hailey. Y/n was pissed off that Jay kept staying out late with Hailey. 
Thats all it took. Y/n lost it. "GET THE FUCK OUT AND GO BE WITH HER THEN" Y/n was fuming she was so tired of being compared to Hailey. Her own boyfriend who was meant to love her and only her was clearly in love with another woman.
"y/n come on what's going on with you? Since I've been shot you've been so different around me. Talk to me baby" Jay was so soothing. He gently approached y/n and gently placed some hair behind her ear. 
Y/n refused to even look at him. I guess you could say that she reached her breaking point. She had given up on him. Jay went to kiss her as a way of saying 'I love you' but she turned her head before he had the chance. As much as it hurt her, y/n had to leave. She made her way to the bedroom completely avoiding all eye contact with Jay. She grabbed a duffle and started showing clothes into it. Jay just stood there entirely confused on what to say or do. 
"I'll come get the rest when you're out" a few tears were brimming in her eyes but she sure as hell wasn't going to let them fall. 
Jay went to grab her hand y/n ignored him and walked out the door. 
"Derek what do you want" y/n was at her firm and her associate, Derek was wanting her. 
"you need to go to the 21st district, Mr Maxwell got caught up again" y/n rolled her eyes. Mr Maxwell was a frequent flyer he was homeless, y/n always felt bad for him so she took his case pro-bono. However, Rossi Maxwell always seemed to find trouble. 
"Tell him i'll be there in twenty" and with that y/n left to go to the district. 
"Hey Trudy, looking as beautiful as ever" y/n cheekily said with a smirk. 
Trudy rolled her eyes and responded with a blunt "upstairs" 
Going up these stairs was a familiar feeling for y/n whether she was going to support a client or going to see her boyfriend, well now ex-boyfriend. Y/n hadn't seen Jay in a week she still hasn't been by the house to collect her stuff. She loved Jay but just couldn't face him. 
Ruzek greeted y/n with a hug as soon as he saw her "girl I thought you were dead where have you been?" 
y/n just laughed and said "Maxwell? what's he been up to this time?"
Ruzek chuckled slightly 'what hasn't that man done? He got caught with some dope but if I tell you anymore I'm pretty sure you'll get him released and we will lose our best shot of catching our guy."
Y/n raised her brows at him. "Ruzek, you do realise i'm his lawyer and that's my job right?" 
Ruzek clicked his finger and led her to the interrogation room. 
"Adam who's in there with him?" y/n asked nervously. 
"Jay and Hailey" Ruzek said barely above a whisper. It was clear that everyone seemed to know about this love triangle between y/n, jay and Hailey. 
Y/n being the badass she is walked in with her head held up. "Rossi what have you gotten yourself into this time?" 
Rossi gave her his compelling cheeky smirk "oh nothing new, I just wanted to see your pretty face" 
Y/n smiled at him then looked towards Hailey who was sat next to jay directly in-front of Mr Maxwell. "My client has nothing further to say to you, we are leaving." 
Mr Maxwell stood up. "no he's not, he's being charged with the handling of a class a drug as well as distribution, hell I could hold him as an accessory to murder" Hailey stated with a stern voice. 
"accessory. Hailey come on he's a harmless old man who can hardly look after himself how the hell would he be able to help with murder?" y/n stated somewhat pissed off. 
"y/n he's staying. End of." Hailey said slightly raising her tone. Jay sat there silently not knowing where to look. He saw that Hailey was getting annoyed and placed his hand on her lower back. Y/n saw this and it made her blood boil. How could he have moved on in a week? They had been together for 3 years and he goes to his partner in a week! It was really clear how much he cared for y/n. 
"My client has rights and IM NOT SEEING ANY PROOF OF THIS ACCESSORY TO MURDER. MY client denies all charged and without any admissible evidence we will be walking out of here now." y/n leaned over the table to she was in Hailey's face "end of" she whispered to her. Y/n was true to her word she told Mr Maxwell to leave the interrogation room and to go outside, where Derek, the associate, was waiting. Y/n wanted to speak to Voight about how the whole situation was handled. 
"y/n can we-" jay began.  
"no" y/n simply stated and carried on walking. However, she was stopped when Jay grabbed onto her wrist and pulled her into him. 
"baby please. I love you" y/n could have sworn she saw tears threatening to spill form his eyes. This made her soften but she was still mad. 
"I won't be second place" she stated and with that she walked off to Voight's office.
"you need to get your detectives in place before this unit has a pending court trial" y/n said entering Voight's office. 
"y/n I know she was out of place bu-" Voight began. 
"no Voight I'm tired of making excuses for this unit sort it out" as y/n was leaving she saw Hailey comforting Jay. Y/n chucked and murmured a "point proven, case closed" and made her way back outside to meet with her client and Derek. 
Normally, Derek would be waiting outside the car but this time he wasn't. Y/n just predicted that he was in the car; the windows were tinted so she couldn't see. Y/n got in and saw Derek in the back seat, he was coated in blood. "oh my - DEREK WAKE UP" she started to shake him. Maxwell was sat next to Derek looking at his hand with a sore excuse of a smirk. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?" she screamed at him. This got his attention, he looked up at her and reached for a knife. Y/n knew what was about to come so she reached for the door handle of the car. Maxwell grabbed some rope and put it around y/n neck. She found it strange with how he didn't say a word, this wasn't him. She didn't know this person, she knew a sweet old man who just got caught up in the wrong crowd. Y/n fought hard trying not to be choked to death, tears were falling and fear was taking over her, she could barely breathe. "Rossi please" y/n said softly as she was somewhat loosing conciseness due to the lack of oxygen. This made him stop. He got out the car and left. y/n couldn't move, when she finally pulled herself together she went to check on Derek. "hey, hey" she said tears falling rapidly. She couldn't find a pulse and knew she needed help. She could barely catch her breathe so she had to leave the car. She got out and looked around, Maxwell was no where to be seen. 
She started speed walking back towards the district. She was stopped by a sharp pain in her upper ribs. She turned around, it was Maxwell. She had been stabbed. He continued plunging the knife into her, she didn't have any energy to fight him off. "Rossi please stop" y/n managed to get out. She wasn't sure if he heard so she said it again with everything she had "Rossi stop p-please." This time he looked at her. He froze and dropped the knife. y/n kicked it out the way. Yn fell to her knees she was blacking out. Maxwell snapped out of his trance and saw her in front of him covered in blood. 
"Y/L/N! HELPPPP" Maxwell picked her up and ran into the district with her in his arms. 
Trudy saw them and instantly shouted "HELP CITIZEN DOWN" she froze, that's when she recognised her. "AVERY GET YOUR ASS UP TO INTELLIGENCE AND TELL THEM Y/N Y/L/N IS DOWN HERE AND IS IN BAD SHAPE" Trudy put pressure on her wounds "come on y/n stay with me". 
One of the officers came running up the stairs, something had to be wrong. 
"sergeant platt said you need to come down stairs she said something about a 'y/n y/l/n' she's in real bad shape" he started rambling. My heart dropped. There was no way it was her. How could it be her. 
I ran downstairs in less than a second and I saw her. She looked completely lifeless. 
"baby, come on oh my god, baby wake up" I cried. I couldn't hold myself together. I grabbed her hand whilst Trudy was doing CPR. 
Jay was frantically pacing around the hospital waiting room. How could he have let this happen? Who the hell would do this to her?
Dr Halstead entered the room. 
"Will, tell me she's fine. Will please" Will placed a hand on his brothers shoulder and took a deep breath. 
"Jay she lost a lot of blood. She's in the ICU at the moment its a hit and miss she's just gotta make it though the night" Jay fell to the floor sobbing loudly. Will comforted him. They were like this for a while until Jay finally spoke. 
"Can I see her?" Will responded with a nod, not knowing what else to say. 
Will walked Jay to y/n's room. Jay walked in and Will left them alone. 
She looked ghost-like, yet perfect. Why didn't I go after her? why didn't I try to get her to stay? This is my fault. 
I went and sat next to her. I grabbed her hand and placed a light kiss on it. 
"Hey honey, its me." I was hoping she would wake up and answer me, she didn't. 
I didn't know what to do. what could I do? 
Y/n made it though the night but she still had no woken up. Two weeks had passed and nothing seemed to be improving. 
"Jay go home, take a shower and get some sleep I will call you if anything changes I promise." Will told Jay sternly. 
"promise" Jay said mid-yawn. 
"yes let me drive you" and with that both the Halstead brothers drove back to Jay's apartment, previously his and y/n's. 
Jay went straight to the bathroom when he remembered what was in the cabinet. He smiled at the thought of what he could have had. He never understood why y/n was always so mad at him he really never noticed how close he was getting with Hailey. He was furious at himself. 
"Jay you good?" Will interrupted his thoughts. Jay opened the bathroom door and showed Will what was making him smile. "do you think this was her style?"
Will laughed. "brother, she's a lawyer. Believe me they make it clear what they want. That is perfect" Jay also laughed. It was a noise Will missed hearing. 
Jay had a nap whilst Will went back to the ER. 
Jay didn't hear. 
He finally heard. Jay answered the phone as quick as he possibly could. 
"what's happened?" jay asked frantically 
"get here now" was all Will had to say. 
Jay rushed out the door and sped to the ER with sirens on. He ran up to y/n's room. He went to the door and he rushed over to her. 
"you're awake, Will had me thinking you were dead" Jay chucked 
Y/n didn't say anything she still was somewhat mad at Jay. 
"Y/n I didn't realise what I did when you left, I really confused me. I love you and I thought you loved me too. I have never missed someone so much, you make me the happiest man. These past 3 years have been the best. You put up with me through my sleepless nights, through the hospital visits and all the times I tried arguing with you in the interrogation rooms. y/n/n you are my everything. You are the reason why I smile in the morning and the reason why I can peacefully and happily close my eyes at night. Atwater made me realise about Hailey, I've only been with her so much lately because she's leaving y/n. She accepting the FBI offer and I wanted to give a good goodbye, spent time with her you know. She's one hell of a cop. She wanted me to go with her. I said no because everything I could ever want is right her. My life is perfect. Well, it was until you left and got yourself stabbed" Jay lightly chuckled. Y/n was tearing up and smiled. Until realisation hit her about being stabbed. 
"Is in a mental asylum. He has a 2 personality disorder, he will get better he just needs some support" Jay said softly going to kiss her forehead. 
"Derek?" y/n asked not really wanting to know the answer. 
Jay shook his head "i'm sorry" 
Y/n moved over in the uncomfortable hospital bed. "whoa what are you doing, you'll hurt yourself?" jay said sternly. 
"shut up and come cuddle me" y/n said back to him sternly. Jay did as he was told being careful not to hurt her. 
"i'm an idiot" she said. 
Jay laughed "my idiot" 
Will came in and ruined the moment "hey lovers not naughty business in the room thank youuu" They all laughed as Jay smacked his brother lightly on the head. Will placed something in Jay's hands making sure y/n wouldn't see he winked at him then left.  
"What was that" y/n asked as Jay got comfy next to her. 
"Look at me" Jay said. She did as she was told. "I love you. I don't want to lose you or wake up without you for another day. You are the one I want and I've been planning this for a while"
Jay got down from the bed and got on one knee. 
"y/n will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?"
y/n didn't know what to say so she just nodded and let the tears flow from her eyes. Jay placed the ring on her finger. 
"I love you Jay Halstead however I'm not letting that my idiot comment slide. I think your forgetting i'm the one with the law degree" y/n smirked. 
Jay laughed. 
"I love you too" and that's when Will came in. 
The three of them laughed as Jay kissed y/n
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robbyswayzekeenes · 4 years
badass━ demetri (cobra kai) imagine
demetri x badass fem! reader 
requested by @klt123456​
i hope you like it! just a lil demetri with his badass gf and some making out in the dojo :))
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It wasn’t uncommon for there to be competition between high school students. Typically, any teenagers would be warring over who was the most popular, or the most attractive, but something you never tended to find high school students fighting over was who was the toughest. Then again, West Valley High wasn’t like any other high school. Since karate had infested the Valley like it was 1980, people had been changing. It was no longer about who dated who, and who fucked who-- no, the priority was now who could whip the other in a full-blown karate fight. And whilst there was a lot of competition for the top spot; whether it was Tory, or Hawk, or Miguel, and sure, they were all in the running. But everyone knew that the toughest kid at West Valley High was Y/N L/N.
The h/c didn’t look like much. (Your height) and seemingly harmless, she was anything but intimidating. If anyone were to suggest to an outsider that she was the toughest kid in the Valley, they would be ridiculed, especially when compared to Eli’s mohawk or Tory’s resting bitchface. But the thing that made Y/N really badass compared to any of the cobra’s or anyone at Miyagi-Do is that, whilst had been training in karate for a year or so, the girl had been fighting competitively since she was eight.
Red Tigers Karate was the only dojo left in the Valley until Johnny Lawrence brought back Cobra Kai. It had started back in the 80s and was the only one left after they all closed down. It wasn’t particularly busy, not like the rush of people Cobra Kai had received after Miguel’s fight in the cafe, but Y/N had been fighting there since she was a kid. Karate was always the best way for the girl to relieve anger, and now everyone was doing it. Despite the different styles, it was no competition that she was by far the best. She wasn’t defensive and passive like the style taught at Miyagi-Do, and she wasn’t all aggressive and merciless like Sensei Lawrence taught at Cobra Kai. The girl’s karate style was the perfect combination of offence and defence, which made her practically unbeatable. Y/N was badass as shit. And everyone knew it.
Demetri was the opposite of badass. Lanky and skinny, with gimpy, out of proportion limps, karate was definitely not his strong suit. He’d taken many beatings, even before karate came back to the Valley, and for a while, these beatings were even coming from his best friend, Eli. Sure, he’d had his victories in karate, for instance, when he had kicked Hawk into the trophy case during the school fight, but all in all, he had not had many successes when it came to karate. However, Demetri’s biggest success was somehow winning the heart of the biggest badass at school; Y/N L/N herself.
The pair had somehow become friends in school, despite the dark haired boy being very much terrified of her. And from there, their friendship had blossomed into a beautiful relationship, and the pair were both incredibly happy, despite the fact that Demetri had no idea how he’d ended up with someone so far out of his league. Since the karate war had started, Y/N had begun training more and more at Miyagi-Do, helping Daniel train the students, and now, after Kreese’s latest attack, helping Johnny Lawrence and the former Cobra Kai’s learn to fight in a style that wasn’t all offence. Today, whilst Daniel and Johnny were outside separately training Miguel and Sam in order to prepare them for the tournament, Y/N was playing a little game.
“Okay,” The h/c grinned, hopping onto the mat and getting in her stance. “Let’s play a sparring game. Winner stays on. I’ll start.” Demetri could see the mischievous twinkle in his girlfriend’s eye, but of course the new members of Miyagi-Do were not aware of the girl’s capabilities. “I’ll take you on,” Mitch had said with a cocky smirk, and the boy was flat on his back in less than ten seconds. Y/N pushed one strand of h/c hair from her face, winking at Demetri who was trying overly hard not to look impressed. “Who’s next?” The girl grinned, exhaling sharply as at least five new sets of eyes marvelled at her. This was the first time the combined dojos had seen each other fight, and they wouldn’t be the first to underestimate the seemingly innocent girl.
“Alright, Y/N, I’ll take you on,” Hawk said, stepping forwards, his scar twitching as his face twisted in determination. The red haired boy climbed onto the mat, and though he would never admit it to his girlfriend, Demetri was worried for her. He knew full well what he was capable of, and he had the scar on his arm to prove it. However, the brown eyed boy was wrong to doubt, as in thirty seconds, Y/N had Eli in a pin. “I win,” The girl breathed, one of her h/c strands falling from her bun. Eli got up with a huff and walked to the edge of the mat again, taking his spot next to Demetri.
As training went on, Y/N took every student on, working her way around everyone except Demetri and every time being victorious. “Holy fuck, she is badass,” Bert breathed after being thrown to the floor less than five seconds. He was the penultimate student, and still no one had managed to beat Y/N. Demetri let out a steady breath as he knew the time had come for him to get his ass handed to him by his girlfriend, and certainly not for the first time. Hawk smirked playfully before whispering to his best friend; “If it took her thirty seconds to get me down, I reckon she’ll have you in three.” “Actually, last time it was two,” Chris chimed in, earning a playful laugh from the others which caused Demetri to blush. However, it was at this moment that Sensei LaRusso chose to step into the dojo alongside Sensei Lawrence.
“Training’s finished for today, guys,” Daniel spoke, and Demetri was hesitant to let out a sigh of relief. As much as he loved Y/N, he would rather not have his ass kicked in front of the other teens, even if she had done the same to the rest of them. “You got lucky, Met,” Chris grinned, clapping the dark haired boy on the back as they began to file out the dojo. “Great training today, guys.” The h/c haired girl smiled, though Demetri’s brown eyes caught the mischievous glint in her e/c ones, and his eyebrows raised. “Sensei, if you don’t mind, I wanna train with Demetri a little longer. We didn’t get to finish today.” As soon as those words escaped her lips, the boy knew he was screwed. “Sure thing, Y/N. Thanks for all your help. It’s good to have someone round here who knows karate but also knows what it’s like to be a teenager.” “No problem,” The girl smiled, her eyes meeting Demetri’s with a smirk. “Yeah, and it’s good to have someone round here who’s an actual badass, too,” Sensei Lawrence chimed in, earning a disapproving look from Daniel. “I”m badass as fuck, I’ll have you know,” The man argued, and Y/N chuckled, closing the dojo doors and forcing the men to take their childish bickering somewhere else.
Demetri exhaled deeply as his girlfriend turned to face him. “Didn’t think you were getting out of a fight, did you?” The girl asked with a smile, causing the boy to roll his eyes. “Gee, anyone would think my girlfriend enjoyed kicking my ass.” “Maybe I do,” Y/N grinned cheekily before pressing a chaste kiss to the tall boy’s lips. “Now come on, in your stance.” Reluctantly, Demetri planted his feet and lifted up his guard, quirking an eyebrow at the girl who adjusted her hair where it sat atop her head before saying; “Ready? Hajime.” The h/c pounced forward, throwing a kick to Demetri’s head which he barely managed to block. She then threw one, two, three consecutive punches, but the boy shielded them all. She’s going easy on me, Demetri decided as not one of her shots landed. Scoffing slightly, the dark haired boy threw a feeble punch, but it was intercepted. “Come on, Demetri. You can fight better than that.” “So can you,” He pointed out, causing Y/N to smirk. The girl threw another kick, but he blocked it with the palm of his hand and retaliated with the same kick. A stupidly predictable move, even when she was taking it easy.
Y/N caught the kick under her arm, leaving the boy fighting for balance as she rotated their stance before forcing Demetri backwards, never letting go of his leg. His back hit the wall of the dojo with a crash, and the boy winced slightly. “Oops,” The h/c said, but she didn’t seem at all apologetic. “That was technically not a karate move,” The pedantic boy pointed out as Y/N finally let his leg drop to the floor and stepped inside his guard. “Neither is this,” She whispered, taking the collar of his shirt and pulling him down into a bruising kiss. Demetri was quick to reciprocate, much happier to be kissing his girlfriend than fighting her. Y/N’s hands snaked up to the boy’s dark hair as they continued to kiss, Demetri’s back pressed against the dojo wall. His hands slotted themselves inside the gaps of the girl’s vest top, setting them on her bare waist and making her shiver. “This,” Demetri mumbled in between kisses, “Is much better than fighting.” “We both know I could still beat you at this,” Y/N responded, pulling herself even closer to the boy so that their chests were flushed together. The two continued to kiss until they heard the opening slide of the dojo door, and hurriedly jumped apart.
“What are you- really, guys?” Sensei Lawrence asked as he stood in the doorway, his eyebrows raised. “Sensei,” Y/N breathed, though it’s not like either of them could deny it with their bruised lips and Demetri’s messy hair. “I don’t wanna know,” He interrupted, before glancing at Demetri; “Good going, kid.” The boy blushed a deep red as Johnny went on. “I won’t tell Daniel if you won’t.” Both teens nodded aggressively, knowing full well how Mr LaRusso felt about kids making out in his dojo. “But if you’re gonna fuck, at least clean the mat afterwards.”
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multifandom-girlie · 4 years
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Imagine requested by @theshyprincess​: Your his girlfriend and he is trying to train you to be a hunter but the sexual tension becomes too much
Pairings: Jeremy x Reader
Warnings: Smut
Do you know what it's like to have a undeniably good looking, incredibly strong vampire Hunter boyfriend ? No. Well let me explain it. It's like that sweet boy you date in highschool that's had sex alot but still asks if your okay continously all through out having sex with him. Yes it's sweet but it get's a little annoying after a while. That is what me and Jeremy are like. He's the sweetest guy on the earth but he's so overprotective. I mentioned the fact it was a little irritating him being so protective all the time and luckily it went well for me.
4 Months Ago-
“Jer ?”
“Yes baby ?”
“I just wanted to talk.”
“It's nothing bad, don't worry.”
“Okay. Stopped worrying, what's up ?”
“You know we promised when we first started dating how we would always be honest with each other about how we felt ? Even if it's how we make eachother feel ?”
“Yes..? Y/N, have I upset you or something ? I'm starting to worry again.”
“Jer, stop..it’s nothing bad. It's just that your really overprotective.”
“Well yeah, I know I'm a little protective over you but that's just cause I love you and I would do anything for you.”
“No Jer, you don't understand. Your too protective, sometimes yes it's very cute. You know when you get protective in front of other men but when you stop me going out the house after certain hours or how I always have too be around you. You literally stand outside the door when I'm peeing. I'm not saying I don't appreciate, I do. It's nice to know someone cares so much, but sometimes it's too much. I need my own space. You know I love being around you but I'm going crazy Jer.”
“That was alot to hear. I'm sorry Y/N but I didn't know I was so bad. It's just I care about you alot and you know why I'm so worried all the time. I'm a Hunter you know I can protect myself, you can't.”
“Well how about we make a deal ?”
“It depends.”
“If you let me have my own space, you know let me hang with people who aren't you all the time and dump my curfew....I will train with you, like you wanted me to months ago. I will activate my Hunter gene.”
“You promise you'll actually train ? Your won't just say this, so you can go for girls night or hang with Stefan ? You will actually train, if I back off a little ?”
“Yes, of course not and yes.”
“Okay. Deal.”
“Deal, I love you Jer !”
Present Time-
So here we were in the woods, getting ready for another session. We’ve been having 4 hour sessions with 3 five minute breaks...everyday for the last 4 months. I'm glad we are sticking to the deal. You know he has backed off, I've been for a year's worth of girl's nights already and me and Stefan even went on a road trip and couple times, without Jeremy. 
The only down side to sticking to the deal though was we weren't really as lovey dovey as usual. We haven't had many dates or movie nights. All our conversations are either us arguing-which although is very rare, it still happens-or it's talking about our sessions or what he's going to train me to do next. Also I think I'm going crazy. I love him for doing all this but god I'm so frustrated. We haven't had sex in 4 months and it's bloody killing me.
I'm just glad that our anniversary is approaching because I'm hoping he will halt for one day. I guess we'll see.
Anyway so last session there was a bit of a problem when we got home yesterday my pants ripped as I was putting them on...so I had to wear an old pair of joggers, let me tell you now it was scorching. It was not good, so after our session I showered and headed to the mall with Caroline. Who helped me find some new gym wear that wouldn't rip because my ass and hips were to big to fit into my bloody pants. I also decided to get a new sports bra aswell because my other ones too tight anyway.
“How are you and Jeremy then ? Are the sessions going well ?”
“Yeah they are actually but that's the only thing that is.”
“What are you talking about ? Oh sweetie, no, I can smell the frustration all over you.”
“I haven't had sex in 4 months Care.”
“Omg sweetie. Oooo, I know what we can do. Get the sexiest gym wear we can find. See if that will make him lose concentration. If he doesn't even flinch, you need to tell him. There's no way he can look at you and not want to shag you.”
“Shag ? Care I think you've been hanging out at the Mikaelsons too much.”
“Shut up.”
15 minutes later-
“This is perfect !”
Present time- 
I changed into my new outfit I got. I'm going to be so pissed if he doesn't take the fucking hint.
I went outside to the car and we drove off. Jeremy didn't even spare me a glance. God he's lucky if I don't “accidently” punch him today. We got out the car and he immediately go into position. I jogged over. Nothing. 
Obviously I'm not going to make the cut for Baywatch anytime soon.
We walked towards eachother and I threw a punch only for it to be dodged. He grabbed my wrist and span me around so my back was to his chest, I elbowed him and jumped on his back surprising him. He fell on his stomach but lifted himself up, even with me straddled on his back. He flipped so I was on my back and held me down. At this point I knew he was distracted, he could taste the tension just as much as I could but I was determined to win this. So whilst he was admiring how submissive I most likely looked under him.  
With my knees bent, I flattened my feet on the ground. My hand gripped his hips and I thrusted my hips upwards. He flew forward and caught himself by propping his hands up above my head. I still had a tight hold of his hips and I twisted my own, so I could thread my knees in-between his legs. I wrapped my legs around him and rolled us over, so I was now on top.
Now I couldn't hide the smirk on my face, showing I was proud of myself. He had a proud grin on his face, that was the first time getting out from under him-minus in bed-and it wasn’t using a technique he taught me. I just thought it was a logical solution. 
His eyes projecting his admiration and mass of lust into mine. His hands reached up to cup my face and pulled me down into a loving kiss. As I pulled away, he caught sight of my breasts peeping out my bra. I felt one of his hand loosen on my hips and trail up my body. I grabbed his wrist pushed it away and walked to the car. As soon as I was about the open my door, I was grabbed and pushed against the back door behind mine. 
My breath caught in my throat, a little surprised at the action. He leaned down and kissed me on the lips ravenously. I wrapped my arms around his neck whilst one of his were raising my legs from the ground. I clenched them around his waist and tangled my feet together. Now above him a little, I continued to kiss him whilst tugging on the short locks of his mousy hair. 
He still had a strong hold of me as he stepped back and felt around the door for the handle. When he found it he jerked the handle and opened the door with ease. He gently laid me down in the back seats and got in closing the door.
I hoisted myself up and perched on his lap. He leaned in but instead of kissing my swollen lips again he bombarded my neck with sloppy kisses. He directed his mouth to my collar bone and starting sucking slightly aswell as kissing. I threw my head back in pleasure and huffed quietly. He then moved to my boobs and started to kiss the tops of them and down my cleavage before peeling my bra off and circling my nipples with the tip of his younger and gradually enveloping them with his mouth. 
I felt that he wasn't undressed enough for my liking so I lifted his shirt off his body over his head and threw it beside us. I will never get enough of this man's body. Damn. He placed his hands on my ass but a couple seconds later pulled away from my boobs.
“When di-how is it th-woah.”
I giggled a little and started blushing a little. 
“It’s thanks to your workouts.”
He grinned and tugged the waistband of my pants but struggled to slip them off my ass. I pulled them off myself, since I knew he didn't want to break them. He saw my white thong and groaned whilst throwing his head back. I giggled and pulled down the elastic waist shorts he had on. I palmed him through his boxers, earning a slight puff. I smirked and pulled down his boxers, down to his ankles.
I kissed up his thigh closer to his thick cock. A slight breath brushing his member. My lips hovering around the tip of cock and gradually wrapping around them, gently tightening the grip. 
The moisture of my lips making it easier to inhale is big member. The nib of my tongue orbiting the head of his penis and whilst doing so gathering the pre cum, he'd let discharged. I continued this action for a couple of minutes before driving his whole cock down my throat. I did this repeatedly for a minute or so. The head hitting my throat with every jolt.
He was getting closer and closer, I could tell because of the giddy pulsation his cock was performing in my mouth. He couldn't help but nudge his hips in my mouth a little more so I could finish him off. After he started that process my little hand began to pump the base of his cock whilst my tongue was toying with the tip. Instantaneously, a smooth white liquid shot down my throat.
I lifted myself up a bit and let him taste himself on my lips. He ripped the white thong I had on but apologised straight after. I giggled and kissed him lovingly again. I raised myself a little and positioned myself comfortably on top of him. His pink tip stroking my clit in upwards motions before seeking my entrance and slipping himself in.
I bit my lip and threw my head back in pleasure. Whereas his head fell into my chest and groaned. I started to raise myself and rapidly force myself back down again. Once he was fully encased in side of me, I hoisted myself up and forced myself back down getting faster and faster with every movement. 
Steam painting the windows. The heat compelling us to break a sweat. The moans, groans and slapping of skin the single things to be heard for miles. My own pace was becoming moderate, I didn't know how long I could keep going for especially since the work out we did not 15 minutes before.  He could undoubtedly sense that I was lacking energy, most likely because of the early start each morning too. So to murder the sense of guilt he was feeling, he grabbed a tighter hold on my hips and rammed his hips in an upwards motion. Pounding into me relentlessly.
“I’m so close Jer !”
“Go on baby.”
I promptly delivered my juices at a rapid speed. They drizzled down his dense cock and chased his second orgasm down. It didn't take long before he unleashed his orgasm. We sat there for a minute or two.
“I love you Y/N.”
“I love you Jer.”
Nothing could be more perfect in that moment.
Except that was truly wrong. 
No protection.
He didn't pull out.
We are both human.
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