#guys i wrote this half-asleep i literally just took a nap
hydrxnessa · 1 year
guys i don't know how to explain it but the new Animation vs. Math got me so happy and joyful like, kickinf my legs kinda vibe.
you can just TELL it was made by someone who's so passionate about maths. props to them. and props to the team making such beautiful visualisations like DAMN the animation is GOOD.
ness begins to ramble, here we go
anyways when i first clicked on the vid i wasn't really expecting too much; like simple square numbers, silly pythagoras theorems, throw a little trigonometry in if we're feelin daring. but NO. it jumps STRAIGHT into the complex planes. my guy TSC went from adding little baby numbers and then jumped straight into the fuckign imaginary numbers. pov me
like holy shit i was NOT expecting that. i kid you not i jumped from my seat and leaned closer to my screen with WIDE EYES. eagerly WATCHING.
also whoever thought of the black-background area as the 'real' plane and the white-background as the 'imaginary/complex' plane?? like when e^iπ multiplied itself by i so it could escape into the imaginary dimension? because without the i in front it's still a real number?? hello you are SO smart. you are SO real for that. that is SUCH a cool idea like omgf. wonderful. fantastic. you all deserve praise
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and i'm assuming it starts to break cus e^iπ and TSC aren't complex !! they're real (so real) !!! they don't belong in the complex dimension hence why the real dimension breaks into the complex dimension (i could be wrong about this but its a guess ;3)
(also they show the actual values like sqrt(-7) instead of 7i - cus you don't really see sqrt(-7) in the complex plane. it's always in the form a + bi . i like that visual)
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and when the unit circle came up like woah. this was gettinf good. the way they visualised the trigonometric sine n cosine graphs ??? and getting into RADIANS ???? not a degree in sight. bro was NOT messing around in the world of maths holy shit
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also THIS PART. my guy turned a trigonometric identity into a fucking WEAPON. and if u look closely the waves that the gun shoots resembles tan. like ohmygodf. actually insane how they thought of this. whatthefuck
i wont get into other parts mostly cus my knowledge of other maths like euler's number is so fucking limited also i don't want to seem too much of a maths nerd when actually i don't know a lot !!! i just go wit da flooww !!!
one final thing !!!
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it's so hard to see but look at he !!! silly big boye aleph !!!! he's so fuckign massive cus he represents the measure of the set of all natural numbers (im probably remembering that wrong but its something like that), hence why he's a biiiig booyee
anyways that is all. thanks for reading this i dont know why you'd listen to a crazy gal rambling on about a vid of a silly stickman fiddling about with silly numbers. the vid makes me very happy ;3 appreciate you
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ilovebuckers5 · 7 months
✧.*Not Friends pt 4*.✧
paige bueckers x reader
summary : y/n thinks she's moved on but she's just going further
word count : 2.8k
friendship fluff (if that exists)
warnings :
slight sexual content
A/N : i finally wrote a chapter that isn't 2.2k words guys r u proud of me. i was half asleep when writing like half of this and i tried to spell check as much as possible so PLEASE (cough cough my friends) don't bully if my grammar is shit again
"can i continue now?" nika was just slowly opening her eyes from the 1 hour nap she took on my shoulder. of course she had fallen asleep while i was ranting about abby. "mm what?" nika rubbed her eyes gently as she lifted herself up to lean against the headboard. i stood up slowly to grab my phone that was across nikas slightly messy room. the first thing i see when i open my phone is paige's contact (that i hadn't texted in four days) actively spamming me. my first reflex was to block her and that i did. i quickly set me phone back down before going back to nikas bed and searching for my hair tie.
i finished ranting to nika while she was still on the verge of falling asleep again and after we went out to get food before she went to the gym. "so you said you got her number?" nika said as we walked to her car. i nodded eagerly.
me and nika have been friends for what seemed like years but was only almost one year. between that time we clicked everytime we hung out. the more we got to know about eachother the closer we got. we would hold hands when we went out, we shared all the food we got. i go with her most of the times that she works out. i always play with her when she practices basketball on the public court and she always passes me a volleyball so that i don't have to practice alone in my own time. we may have not known eachother for very long but she's like a sister to me.
during the car ride to the mall, she started ranting about this guys she bumped into while walking to class. "he asked me if i could hook him up with YOU" nika said exasperatedly while pointed her finger at my face but still facing the road. i bursted out laughing, tapping my head against the leather glove box. "i swear every guy i see asks me to put y'all together i don't understand!" throughout me and nika's car ride i felt my phone buzzing and buzzing repeatedly in my lap. at this point i wanted to throw it out the window. everytime it buzzed or rang nika would ask if i was going to get it and everytime i chose to ignore it. i mean it couldn't be anyone that serious. the mall was only 15 minutes away from nikas apartment so it want long until we were inside and window shopping at american eagle. our arms were locked with eachothers while we walked around the large building.
both our eyes lit up when we noticed a weztel pretzel up ahead. "oh my god can we?" i hopped up and down like a toddler asking for candy. nika nodded and grabbed my hand tighter before running ahead to the weztel preztels, dragging me along. we laughed as i tried to catch up with her speed. after our food was ordered, we sat down at a marble bench that was infront of some fake plants. before starting any more conversation i pulled out my phone and took a couple photos for my instagram story. i quickly chose a filter and posted then turned back to nika. "nika do you think paige really wants something with me?" nika looked up from her own phone to regather what i just asked her. "what?" my facial expression faded to an annoyed look knowing that i had to repeat that now embarassing question. "do you think. that paige wants something serious with me?" i said again. nika's eyes widened and continued to stare at me blankly. it looked like the brunette just heard that her mom got killed. "uh....yes." my stomach dropped to my feet. not literally but i felt it. right then and there something in the air switched and it felt like everything was paused and silenced. was i really that dumb that i missed it?
nikas attention shifted to the floor, clearly avoiding my obvious signs of shock. i've met paige but i don't actually know her. i want to know her but something tells me that she's not ready. from what i've heard, she only gets with girls to fuck and then goes ghost and personally i would like to save myself that pain. paige is a good person, that's the only thing her teammates say about her is that she's a good person and if she rights the right girl to be with, that girl is lucky. it's hard for me to think that that girl is me. until i heard it from paige's own mouth i wouldn't believe it. i couldn't pull my eyes away from nikas temple that was faced towards me. "nika. what do you mean?" i said with concern laced through my words. i waited until nika looked back up at me to give her a questioning look. "she talks about you. every time we text. god, it gets annoying sometimes." nika flailed her hands in the air before placing them on her face. "she really likes you y/n. like a lot." my brain couldn't even comprehend the words that were leaving nikas mouth. it all felt unreal as if i was in a dream. nikas hand hovered mine before placing itself down against my fingers. she gave me a shove as she stood up to grab our preztels. "give her a chance." i held out my hand as nika gave me my pretzel and started taking bites out of hers.
after hanging out for a little while longer i started hearing more and more information about paige. first of all, she actually meant it when she said she loves me. second of all, nika has been in on getting us together since i came to UConn. And third of all, the first thing paige wanted when she saw me was to get in my pants but apparently after hearing how much nika talks about me, she sees me as someone she seriously wants to be with. my heart skipped a beat when nika filled me in on that last part. since tomorrow was game day we decided to head home before it got too dark so that we had time to do homework. while we were in the car i couldn't stop myself from asking more about paige. i mean it's not like nika has anything to hide anymore. "ok on a daily basis, how much does she talk about me?" every question i asked was followed by an annoyed groan from nika.
once we got back to the girls' house everyone was already there and relaxed. when we walked through the door the first thing i saw was paiges sweater shirt lying on the back of a chair. the more my eyes wandered around the quicker i found paige's eyes locking with mine. she was sitting on the couch with her leg on top of azzi's and her face was glued to her phone until she looked up at me. a short rush fell down my back as her eyes flashed to my lips and back to her phone. please let that be the only time we look at eachother tonight. "me and ice stopped by the store before we came home and picked up some snacks. i put your guys' favorites in the pantry" aaliyah said with a gentle smile before walking to her room. as i went to turn around and get nikas attention i saw that she was already engaging in a conversation with caroline. i looked down at the floor and walked to aubrey's room, who i noticed wasnt in the kitchen or the living room. i gently knocked on her door. "come in!" i opened the door and shut it gently behind me. "heyyyy" aubrey turned around from her computer to look at me. i gave her a soft wave in response. without saying anything i threw myself on her bed, shoving my face in a pillow.
"why are you so upset?" aubrey said, now completely focused on me. i brought my face up from the pillow to reveal my reddened features. i sat myself up on the edge of aubrey's bed and started kicking my feet back and forth. "ok this may sound shitty of me but i can't decide between these two girls an-" i almost started rambling before aubrey gave me a menacing look and interrupted me. "paige and what was her name....abby right?" my entire face went into immediate shock. no way this had gotten around that quickly. i quite literally felt like i was in highschool at this very moment. getting multiple crushes at a time. drama getting around. my god was it annoying. my head fell into the palms of my hands and i rubbed my eyes trying not to cry. at this point my feet had stopped kicking and there i was again wanting to scream into that pillow. instead of exhausting myself i decided to get out as fast as possible.
i rushed through the room and back out to the living area. i gently pushed by a couple of the girls who tried to grab my attention. the only thing i was able to do once i got outside was just let everything out. tears streamed down my face making my cheeks redder than they already were. the sun had started to set by now and i figured some people might be going out tonight. before anymore of my breakdown could happen, i pulled out my phone and texted abby's number asking if she could pick me up. i knew that she would probably leave me on read or something but in the back of my mind i really really needed her to respond. the second my phone buzzed and it was abby's name with a blank contact asking for my address i couldn't help but squeal. i quickly sent her the address and rushed back inside to change into a black tank top and shorts with a loose jacket over it. i slipped on my socks and a pair of old black converse before brushing my hair through and throwing on mascara. finally after only spending five minutes getting ready, i grabbed my lipgloss and bag as i rushed back out the door. "i'm going out i'll be back!" i yell out to the girls without giving them a chance to respond. the moment i get outside i see a black chevrolet malibu parked on the street infront of me. my eyes peer through the window which was slightly tinted to see abby's auburn hair. i didn't waste anytime getting in her car. the front seat was empty so i assumed that i was able to get sit there. once i had actually gotten in abby immediately waved to me with that same smile on her lips like when we first saw eachother.
"why on earth did you text me to pick you up? someone break up with you or something?" abby said laughing while driving down the road. i didn't even know where we were going but i was just praying that it was a club. "uh just. having a moment you know. i needed a way out, kind of" abby kept a soft grin on her face the entire ride. i'm pretty sure she caught onto the fact that i wanted to get wasted so when she started pulling up to a parking lot in the middle of know where i felt pretty excited. abby parked her car and practically dragged me out and into an alleyway. the both of us were laughing the entire time we made our way to the entry of whatever this place was called. i had my ID in my hand ready to show to the bouncer. the second we stepped into the club there were lights flashing in my eyes and people bumping up against my back while dancing. abby had a strong grip on my hand and led me through the crowd to a booth where im guessing her friends were sitting at. "y/n this is arron, layla, kyrie, and obviously jess" i gave a small wave to everyone and a large smile to jessica. "i'll leave you guys here so you can get to know each other while i get drinks." before i got the chance to tell abby what drink i would want she rushed off to the bar, leaving me with three complete strangers and one half stranger.
abby got back pretty quickly and came with her hands full of drinks. she handed me what looked like a dirty sherley and for the first time, i didn't think of paige. i took a couple sips of my drink as i laid back into the leather of the seat. my eyes wandered around the room and then up to the ceilings. i watched as the lights changed colors against the plain wallpaper. i immediately fell out of whatever i was thinking of when i felt a hand rubbing on my thigh. i looked over to see arron smirking at himself without looking at me. the second his hand tried moving higher up my shorts i gripped onto his hand and tossed it off of me. i cleared my throat before standing up and looking towards abby. "hey abby? dance with me?" i held my hand out for her to hold onto. she took my hand and stood up leaving her drink behind. "drinks on me!" abby yelled out as we made our way to the main dance floor.
i began to sway my hips to the music which happened to be the intro to swim by chase atlantic. my fingers were interlocked with abby's while we both began dancing. the more i began to move my hips the closer i felt abbys hands lurk to my ass. i found a rhythm to dance to and started to grind against abbys waist. her hands were wrapping around my torso getting dangerously close to my tits. the music started to speed up, forcing me to speed up my own pace. this was the moment where i only wanted to kiss someone. abby's began grinding her hips against mine at the same rhythm and before i took things further, i went over to the counter to grab a quick round of shots. no words were exchanged but i saw in abby's eyes that she wanted to go further. i handed her own shot to her and we took ours at the same time. the redhead handed her empty glass to me and i set both of ours on the counter before reaching out for her hips. we were facing eachother now when her hands began to move up my sides, reaching around my boobs. the music only led us down a deeper road. soon enough i found my hand around the back of her neck tugging her into my lips. she maneuvered her tongue in between my lips and started to twist and turn my own tongue around hers. our bodies were pressed together as we proceeded to make out in the middle of probably the biggest crowd i've seen since the last UConn basketball game.
i never imagined this happening when i first met abby but joe that it was happening i couldn't seem to stop. slow moans escaped my mouth that abby began to swallow. finally after dancing for another 20 minutes, abby held me close and whispered in my ear "can you come back to my place tonight?" i nodded without hesitation and wrapped my hands around her hips as we made our way off the dance floor. we passed the booth to say goodbye to everyone then abby payed for the drinks. as soon as we were in her car it was hard to not get in the back seat and continue what we started in the building. abby's hand was resting on my thigh the entire drive to her apartment. the moment we got through the front door i found myself pressed against the wall, legs wrapped around her waist, lips melting together. she slowly moved her hands down to my shorts to unbutton them. i unwrapped my legs enough to kick my shorts off along with my panties. her hands roamed around my stomach before she took my thighs into her hands again to carry me into her bedroom. she shut the door behind her before placing me down on the bed. she sat me down on the edge of the bed and began to spread my thighs apart, placing kisses on my inner thigh. "abby please...." i pleaded as she kept on teasing at my entrance. just as she was about to touch my cunt with her lips she stopped and looked up. that's when i realized that in these past 10 minutes i hadn't looked at abby the entire time since we left the club.
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viastro · 4 years
neither interested nor afraid | choi seungcheol
ミ★ synopsis: in which your bad boy boyfriend is jealous of anime characters and likes to enter your house through your bedroom window rather than use the front door like a normal person. [requested by @kinokinokino-kino​]
ミ★ genre: badboy!seungcheol, fluff, humor
ミ★ warnings: none!
ミ★ word count: 1,461
ミ★ pairings: seungcheol x female reader
ミ★ notes: hi! this isn’t exactly what you requested and it also took me a while to finally write it and i’d like to apologize for that! i’ve been really busy and spent a lot of my free time dedicating it to finishing you were beautiful. other than that, i find this oneshot rather cute so i hope you like it!! i hope this makes up for my really angst seungcheol oneshot i wrote a couple weeks ago eeEEKK
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“You know, you should really knock Cheol.” You say to your boyfriend, who is happily playing with your cat on your bedroom floor. He glances up at you and rolls his eyes, looking back down towards Chewy and petting him. 
“Knocking’s for losers. Why knock when I can just enter through your window?” Opening your mouth to respond as to why that’s a bad idea, you shut it when you realize it’s just going to go in one ear and out the other. Chewy paws at the tattoo on your boyfriend’s wrist, asking for more pets behind the ear. “Awe, aren’t you just the cutest?”
You quickly throw on a sweatshirt, stepping out of your room and walking to the kitchen to make a snack. You’re hungry after having forgotten to pack a lunch at school, but when you got home you went straight to bed to take your daily nap. You only woke up to the sound of a thud, and you had opened your eyes to find Seungcheol standing by your window in all his glory. He gave you a smile, pressing a quick kiss to your lips before devoting his attention to Chewy. 
Seungcheol always comes two hours after school ends because he has detention. He didn’t used to attend, but when you told him that not going would lead to him not graduating, he literally ate his asshole and began going again. 
“Detention? Baby, do you really think I go to those?”
“Uhh Cheollie, you do realize that if you don’t go to your detentions then you won’t be able to graduate high school. Right?”
You also mentioned to him that getting detention all the time won’t look good on his college resume, but he just closed his eyes when he heard that. Having already decided that it’s more fun to show up to class late with a fresh new bruise on his face each day, as well as giving his teachers attitude. Yes, your boyfriend is the infamous bad boy of the school that girls either swoon for or cower from.
There was no in-between.
Until he met you.
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Seungcheol loosens his tie, cursing to himself about the bruise that’s forming on the corner of his mouth. He chuckles after a second, remembering how he got payback for that first punch thrown. He opens the door to the classroom, glancing up with a grin only to pause when he lays eyes on you at the front of the room. 
Seungcheol hasn’t seen you before at this school, and he definitely would’ve remembered a pretty face like your own. Your hair is tucked behind your ear, displaying your nice side profile. Your school uniform is much more neat and properly worn, a stark contrast to his loosened tie and unbuttoned shirt. He looks back up at your face only to be surprised.
You’re staring back at the unnamed guy, taking in his overall messy appearance. His hair looks like someone’s been grabbing it, and there’s a cut on the corner of his lip accompanied with a forming bruise. Seungcheol looks into your eyes, trying to make out what emotion is shown in them, only for you to turn your head away, uninterested. 
“Choi Seungcheol, late like usual hm?” Seungcheol doesn’t respond to the teacher, instead finding himself intrigued by you. A smirk forms on his face as he walks over to his seat, making sure to stare at you as he passes by. This, you choose to ignore, proving his efforts to be futile. Once he sits down, now a lot more interested than before, the teacher asks you to introduce yourself.
“Hello, I’m yln yn. It’s nice to meet you all.” You greet the class, giving a small smile afterwards. The class mutters an unenthusiastic ‘hello’ before your teacher motions for you to sit beside the boy who walked into the classroom late. You nod your head, walking over and sitting down at the desk beside him. Seungcheol grins, turning himself around in his seat to stare at you. 
You look at him after a minute of feeling his eyes on you, returning his eye contact. You raise an eyebrow at him, and Seungcheol finds himself growing more intrigued by the minute. “Do you need something?” 
“No, just interested in the pretty new girl.” You blink at him boredly, before turning away and pulling out your journal from your bag. Seungcheol faces the front once he realizes what’s so different about you.
you’re neither interested nor afraid of him. 
and he loves that.
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You grew to be interested in Seungcheol after a month of him pestering you to go on a date with him and you finally agreeing. It was a strange day for the high school to say the least, almost no one thought the two of you would end up together. They most definitely didn’t think that Seungcheol’s grades would go up either after he started dating you, but they did in fact go from D’s to A’s and B’s. 
he still doesn’t like wearing his uniform properly, and he also doesn’t understand the concept of showing up to class on time. 
but baby steps yn, baby steps. Maybe in uni he’ll be better.
“Are you cooking baby?” Seungcheol asks as he walks into the kitchen, bending down and wrapping his arms around your waist while you try and look for something to eat in the pantry. “Mmm, I don’t think I’ll be cooking anything for my snack. I’m trying to see if there’s a granola bar in here or something.” 
You let out a small aha once you find the chocolate chip granola bars, reaching up on your tiptoes to try and grab the box from the top shelf. Seungcheol chuckles at you, grabbing it for you with ease. You take four out, before stepping out of your boyfriend’s grasp to go sit on the couch. 
“Not so fast.” Seungcheol mutters after he places the box back on the shelf. He reaches out and wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you back towards him easily with a smile on his face. 
“I wanted to go watch anime and eat on the couch.” You say, letting out a giggle when he places a kiss to your temple. He lets go and trails after you towards the living room. You settle down comfortably on the sofa, putting on crunchyroll on the TV. Seungcheol sits down beside you, running his hands through your hair as you automatically rest your head on his lap. Turning on free! you both quietly eat your granola bars as you watch the swimming anime.
“See! They basically broke into his house by walking in through the door and you didn’t comment on it, but when I enter your home through your window it’s suddenly illegal-”
“Because one is an anime, and the other is real life.”
“Or because you simp over these pixels more than me.”
“That’s also valid.” Seungcheol squeezes your waist at the comment, eliciting a giggle from you and a slap to his hand. He grins, finding his heart warm at the sight of you comfortably laying on his lap. 
“I love you.” You glance up at your bad boy boyfriend, a smile etching itself onto your face as you take in his soft appearance. His black hair is fluffy, a bit messy per usual. There’s no new bruise on his face, and he’s changed into a pair of sweats and a white shirt. 
People may see him as the “bad boy” of the school, as do you. However, you’re blessed with seeing this side of Seungcheol no one else can see. The boy who breaks into your house by sneaking in through your window, just to make sure you’ve eaten your dinner. The one who coos at your cat and likes his hair to be played with as he falls asleep. The one who likes to bend down to your level and wrap his arms around your waist from behind, wanting to be close to you always. 
“I love you too.” You whisper, reaching up and resting your hand on his cheek. He turns his head, pressing a kiss to the inside of your wrist. Now smiling, you turn back towards the anime, Seungcheol’s hand rubbing small circles on your back. 
The two of you spend the rest of the afternoon playfully arguing over the fact that you put on free! claiming you wanted to watch it for the plot. When in reality, you just wanted to see the pretty boys wearing no shirts. 
“It’s for the plot I swear! It’s really good Cheollie.”
“Yeah, yeah. The plot. You just wanted to see half naked pretty boys.”
“Okay. Maybe that too.”
“God damn it.”
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musingsofsaturn · 4 years
Taking Matters into Her Own Hands
Fandom: Star Trek The Next Generation
Ship: The USS Titan Will Riker/Deanna Troi
Rating: MA for smutty stuffs that I can’t believe I actually wrote
Words: 2,400+
Summary: Much to the suffering of her husband, Deanna Troi-Riker is not a woman who takes kindly to being kept waiting.
Author’s Note: You GUYS I’ve wanted to write something like this for literal years but I was always so shy and embarrassed (you have no idea). Anyway, I’m still shy and embarrassed, but at least I wrote it, which is 90% of the work! If you see this on my blog, please know that I am extremely brave, or extremely drunk. And if you know me irl, GO AWAY PLEASE. Anywho, I’m gonna go try really hard to stop blushing and leave you to read. Hope you like it!
~ Saturn
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Deanna checked herself in the mirror one last time. Her hair was styled in the way she knew Will loved it, tied high on her head with long curls cascading around her face and dancing at her collarbones. She had on a silken robe that she’d brought with her from Betazed. The material was sheer, and it was cut to reveal a woman’s curves perfectly. She gave herself a reassuring smile, before turning on her heel and marching to the door between their bedroom and their living space.
Will was sprawled across the sofa, reading something on the PADD. She could sense his concentration, but also recognised that whatever he was looking at wasn’t of any particular importance.
She cleared her throat softly.
He turned towards the sound, and she watched his eyes darken as he drank her in. “Hello,” he greeted her.
His thoughts were always amusing to her in moments like this. Normally he seemed so focused and alert, and she loved that he could lose all that clarity in an instant, just from the sight of her. Well, the sight of her combined with his own imagination, the suggestions of which she allowed herself a moment to enjoy.
Just a moment, though. “Hello.” She matched his suggestive tone, stepping forward into the room. Will sat himself up, placing the PADD on the coffee table as she neared.
“Good nap?” he enquired, referring to the reason she’d gone into their bedroom in the first place. She’d been tired, and overworked, and was feeling all too ready for a rest. As she attempted to fall asleep, however, her mind had drifted to thoughts of the man in the other room, and she couldn’t put the thoughts aside.
“I didn’t take it.” Deftly, she untied the cord from around her waist. “I remembered that there are better ways to relax.”
Deanna’s eyes met Will’s across the coffee table as she pushed the robe off her shoulders and allowed it to drop to the floor.
“Deanna,” he said softly, appreciatively, as he took in his wife’s body, bared to him so willingly. Then he rose, before striding around the table to capture her lips in a loving kiss. “Gods, I adore you.”
A quiet laugh escaped her at his passionate proclamation, as her arms moved around his shoulders, gently slipping a hand under his uniform collar to stroke a fingertip across the skin at the back of his neck. Goosebumps rose at her touch, and she lifted her chin to kiss him again.
“I adore you too, Imzadi.” She pressed her body to his, and he took the hint to allow himself to be pushed backwards, towards the still-open bedroom door.
Will’s sudden groan caused her to stop.
Eyebrow raised, she all but laughed, “Will, I haven’t even touched you.”
“No, it’s just that... Alpha shift starts in a quarter of an hour.”
A slow smile spread across her lips. “We could make that work.” He laughed at that, leaning down to kiss her again. But she knew that this was less lustful, and more affectionate. He was already trying to calm himself down. “I could place you on leave.”
She was only half-joking, but Will let out a laugh at her remark. “I think that would count as an abuse of your position, Counselor.” With that, he carefully untangled himself from her arms, and moved to the replicator. “Two waters,” he instructed. He glanced back to her with an amused smile. “Cold.”
Huffing, Deanna picked up her robe from the floor, dressing herself quickly and tying the cord with an angry grunt, aimed squarely at Will’s back. She knew he got the message; his smile was apologetic as he handed her a cup and gestured for them to sit on the sofa. Juvenile as she knew it was, she couldn’t help but pout slightly as she did so.
“Sorry, I’m disappointed too. But we can do better than a rushed ten minutes, and you know it.”
“You said you had fifteen.” She was playing up her annoyance now, exaggerating it as she understood where he was coming from.
He moved closer to her on the sofa, snaking an arm around her waist before pulling her close to him. “You deserve hours of my undivided attention. And that is exactly what you will get. Later.”
Resigned to her fate of waiting, Deanna took a sip of her water. “We’re grown adults. We can wait a few hours.”
“Looks like you’ll be taking that nap after all.”
Once Will had left, Deanna tried to busy herself around their quarters. She rearranged the bookshelves, made the bed, tried to take a nap, remade the bed, asked the computer for inane facts that she really didn’t care about... The distractions weren’t working.
She reached out with her consciousness for the one thing she could think about. Will was bored, and she felt him stir slightly when he recognised her presence in his mind.
Retreating back to her own mind, she sighed to herself. Suddenly she snapped herself to attention. “Deanna Troi-Riker, you are a grown woman. And you do not have to wait for your husband in order to get some relief.”
Moving back to the bedroom, she removed her robe again, casting it to the side with a flourish that was uncalled for, but one she enjoyed doing. After settling herself in the centre of the bed (who was there to leave room for, after all?) she reached for the bottle of Betezoid lubricant on the nightstand, using her other hand to caress her breast.
As she splayed her hand over her flesh, before using her fingertips to gently pinch at her nipple, she realised she was trying to replicate the things Will did with his hands that she enjoyed. And with that realisation, she had a wicked thought.
He felt her presence pressing at the edge of his consciousness once more, and tried to project a loving welcome as he let her into his mind.
Of course, he was never going to be an Empath, but the Imzadi connection between him and his wife was strong enough for them to communicate like this, projecting feelings, thoughts, and words between them.
At first, this connection seemed like his wife innocently checking up on him, as they frequently did throughout the day. But as he relaxed to her presence in his mind more and more, he recognised that she was projecting certain feelings that he was only used to getting from her in a more private space.
She wasn’t, was she?
He let out a small gasp as he realised what she was doing, quickly stifling it in his sleeve as he pretended to cough. He sensed her amusement.
She projected the sensations into his mind, letting him practically feel her pleasure with her. He felt as a gentle fingertip circled her clit, teasing herself in a way that made his chest tighten.
‘I wish you were here.’ Her voice drifted to him. Helpless to her, he concentrated on echoing the sentiment back to her. All he wanted to do in that moment was replace her fingers with his own, allow her to relax and surrender to the pleasure he could give her.
He felt her pleasure deepen as she pressed her finger to her clit, applying pressure that was enough to send subtle tremors throughout her body. Will concentrated very hard on not letting out a groan right there on the Bridge.
Deanna’s laugh felt like molten gold as he heard it echo inside his head. ‘Are you regretting leaving yet?’
‘I regretted it the instant I set foot out the door.’ It took a lot of focus for him to project full sentences to her, but he could do it. And he knew that she’d understood him when he could sense her smug satisfaction. ‘You’re an evil woman, Deanna Troi-Riker.’
Her smugness only grew at that comment. ‘Only to you, Imzadi.’ Through their connection, he felt her hand continue stroking her clit lightly, while the other moved to lightly pinch and twist at one of her nipples. ‘Why does this feel so much better when you do it?’
The stroke to his ego didn’t go unnoticed, and he knew that she could feel just how aroused he was by her teasing. His arousal only grew when she ceased her actions, only to slowly press a finger inside herself. She was wet, he knew that much, and her eyes were closed so she could focus only on how good she felt.
Will felt his tension as she added another finger, and quietly tried to rearrange his features into a more neutral expression. One that didn’t scream: ‘My Wife is Finger-Fucking Herself Right Now and Telepathically Inviting Me Along for the Ride’. He wasn’t sure if he was entirely successful.
With a ‘come hither’ motion of her fingers, he sensed as she arched her back off the mattress. If he’d been there, he’d have been able to take in just how gorgeous she looked. He would have heard her beautiful sounds; her breathy moans, her whimpers and whispers of his name. He could have captured her lips with his own, being as rough and as commanding as he liked because he knew that she could take it.
‘Mm, sounds lovely.’ His thoughts must have been clearer than he realised. ‘But you’re not here. You had the opportunity, and you refused me. Now look where we ended up.’
Juxtaposing the not-so-subtle dig that her words suggested, there was a warmth surrounding their delivery into his mind. He knew that Deanna had already forgiven him within seconds of his refusal, and he also knew that she was very much enjoying ‘where they’d ended up’.
If there was one thing William Riker knew about Deanna Troi, it was that she loved to tease him. It rivalled her love of chocolate, rivalled the pleasure she could give herself physically as her thumb moved to stroke her clit in time with her fingers sliding in and out of her own wet heat.
She would use outfits to capture his attention, adding an elegant sway to her hips that was meant just for him. Her hand would go to her face, drawing his gaze to her dark eyes, or her soft lips. She would make a double-entendre in conversation, glancing her eyes to his to show that she was deliberately turning his thoughts to exactly what she intended.
And when she had him alone, she would tease him with her hands and lips, avoiding everywhere on his body that he wanted her to go right until he thought he might burst. She’d bring him to the edge and then deny him his release, just because she could. She would set the pace to whatever suited her, and he would just have to give in to it - no matter how hard he begged for her to slow down or to give him more, goddammit.
She did all of this and more to drive him wild, and yet he found that he was surprised to be held hostage in his own mind by the woman he loved. Deanna had found yet another depraved way to torture him with her patient teases.
As he felt her pleasure mounting, her thoughts becoming less coherent by the second, Will realised just how much trouble he would be in if he couldn’t get himself back under control. He was on the Bridge, and he was the Captain, no less.
‘Deanna, I really need you to stop this.’ He wondered if he sounded as pleading in her head as he imagined he would have if he’d said it out loud.
Her amusement was palpable; he could almost taste it on his tongue. ‘I know you do. But I’m enjoying myself a bit too much, Imzadi. I’m not sure I can let you go just yet.’
That white hot laugh that he loved and cursed in equal measure entered his mind again as he glanced down at where he was straining against his uniform. ‘Deanna, please-’
She was close, so close, as he sensed her thought: ‘I’ll stop if you order me to.’
Using all of the self control he could muster, Will suppressed the groan that threatened to escape his mouth. Just. ‘Counselor, I order you to stop this.’
‘Yes, sir.’
And just like that, her presence within his mind slipped away. He didn’t need it to know that her fingers would be working away furiously, as her back arched and she threw her head back, moaning his name in the most delicious way he’d ever heard it.
Her climax would send shockwaves of pleasure through her, causing her to grow tense, then shudder, then squirm as it continued. That was a sight that Will Riker knew well, and it was his favourite sight in the universe. He didn’t need a telepathic connection to imagine exactly what he was missing out on in that moment.
Saved from what could have been an extremely awkward situation for everyone on the Bridge, Will closed his eyes briefly and allowed himself a few deep breaths. He tried not to focus on just how easily he could have climaxed himself just from hearing her call him ‘Sir’. It was even more arousing to realise that she must have recognised how it had affected him, that she knew that her use of that word was enough to make his cock twitch and his palms grow sweaty.
Slowly, much more slowly than he would ever have admitted, he shook away what he could of what had just happened, gradually allowing his focus to recentre on, oh, captaining the Titan?
Later, Deanna was perched on the sofa, quietly reading a book. She knew exactly what time it was (having checked every ten minutes for the past hour), and she was listening for the telltale whisper of the door to their shared quarters opening.
When it opened, she glanced up from the book, meeting Will’s gaze, red hot, where he stood in the doorway.
“Hello,” she greeted him innocently.
Shaking his head lightly, he stepped into the room. “Computer, lock door.” As he kicked off his shoes, striding towards her, she stood up, knowing just how smug her expression must have looked. “You... you are-”
“Evil?” she suggested, a self-satisfied grin spreading across her face.
His hands went to her waist, pulling her to him roughly as he kissed her. Pulling way only briefly, she felt his breath on her lips as he whispered hotly, “Bedroom. Now.”
With her teeth, she nipped gently at his bottom lip, before pulling away to lock her eyes with his.
“Yes, Sir.”
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pocketsizeddemon · 5 years
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Bang Chan x Reader fluff, 2.1k words, AO3
I was craving a friends-to-lovers Chan fluff so I wrote it.
You were one of Minho's oldest friends. He was the first friend you made when you moved to Korea. You lived in the same neighborhood, went to the same school up until some point, and you’ve been through thick and thin. Even though it was difficult to stay in touch during his trainee years, and even more now that he was actually an idol, you two still tried to make time for each other. He was literally like a little brother to you. Or more like the close cousin that you can be annoying with. A few months before his debut he was insisting that he wanted you to meet his members but both of your guys’ schedule was hectic, yours with university and work and his with promotions and practice and it never really happened until months later.
You still remember the day that Minho walked you into the chaos that was their dorm with a box full of donuts as a little treat for them. Eight cheerful boys running up to meet you and, of course, devour the donuts that you made for them. That was about a year ago. After all this time you were actually a regular at the SKZ dorms, you had become friends with all the boys and you bringing sweets for them regularly made you their number one guest of honor. Minho was often complaining that you had spoiled the maknae line rotten.
It was an evening like all else. Felix and Jisung were sitting on the couch playing games with Changbin watching them, Minho, Hyunjin and Seungmin were out for a walk, Jeongin was napping, Chan was in the studio and you and Woojin were chilling in the kitchen, having coffee and catching up. As you were talking, a fresh-out-of-bed Jeongin walked in the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water, taking a detour to hug you when he noticed you.
“What did you bring us this time, noona?” He asked cheerfully.
“Oh? So I’m only good for bringing you guys sweets, hmm?” you teased him.
“No, no, no!!” he tried to explain himself. “It’s just that I was craving cookies.”
“Cookies?” you asked as you made a list in your head.
“Yes! Like the ones you brought us a few weeks ago, they were delicious. Channie-hyung and Han-hyung ate like half of them and we didn’t even get to enjoy them.” He pouted sadly.
“Well… I’m pretty sure we can make them!” you pondered and started listing the ingredients to Woojin, who in exchange nodded.
“We can do that?” Jeongin asked, full of shock.
“Who do you think has been making the sweets all this time?” Woojin answered as he pointed at you. “And yes Y/N, we have all the ingredients apart from chocolate chips. But I’m pretty sure Minho, Hyunjin and Seungmin will be back in a bit, so we can tell them to bring some on their way back.”
Five hours, and way too many cookie butter batches later, you were laying down on the couch, a blanket covered you as you tried to get comfy. It was around 8p.m. when you started with the cookies and now it was almost 1a.m. It was lovely to see the boys trying to help you cream the butter and sugar together and knead the dough, or seeing them argue on how much chocolate chips they should put in the mix. It was by far the slowest and funniest cookie making experience you’ve ever had. In the end, you had made a lot of cookies, though mostly they were gone in the next two hours as you watched a movie. You had insisted that they left a few of them for their leader, who would be sure to return later.
Naturally at the end of all this, it was too late to go home on your own, so you grabbed your designated sleepover blanket and nestled on their couch after they all went to bed. It wasn’t often that you stayed overnight but it had happened a few times so this wasn’t new for you. Surprisingly, even though you were quite tired, sleep wouldn’t come to you. Insomnia was a usual thing for you, so you were watching cute cat videos on your phone. It was pushing 2a.m when Chan returned from the studio, with a squeaking from the door and the soft sound of his footsteps. You sat up as he turned on the light and stretched.
“What are you doing up so late?” he giggled quietly. You could see that he was really tired, dark circles underneath his sparkly eyes. You rolled your eyes, mentally scolding yourself for getting romantic like this.
“We got baking cookies and it took longer than expected, so the boys offered me to stay over. But I can’t really fall asleep.”
“You baked cookies? Are there any left for me?” There’s that lovely sparkle again, you thought as you pointed to the box on the kitchen counter.
“What are you doing out so late?” was now your turn to ask him.
“Editing.” he sighed as he all but fell on the couch you were sitting on, munching on a cookie. “I wasn't able to finish something I wanted and I’m so frustr- Oh my god these are delicious!” he looked at you. “Did you make these?”
“I mean… the recipe is mine but everyone helped!” you said with a shrug.
He smiled sweetly at you and you kept talking for a bit. As you could see his eyes getting heavier and heavier, you patted the couch right next to you, wordlessly calling him closer for some cuddles. You knew Chris well enough, he basically lived on affection and you could tell that he really needed and most definitely wouldn’t pass up the chance for a hug. He wrapped his arms around you and you got comfy, trying to not nuzzle to his chest. You tried to get his head away from work for a bit, in hopes to get his stress to ease. Asking him what’s his interest these days seemed to do the work as he brought up astronomy and how interesting he found it lately. He was reading about the stars of Andromeda just yesterday.
“Oh so you know the story behind it too?”
“Sadly no” he said with a sigh. “The book I got is mostly scientific so I don’t really know the mythology.” He pouted.
“Good thing I had an ancient Greek mythology phase then.” you giggled and you started telling him the story of Andromeda and Perseus. Five minutes in you could hear his soft snores and you tried to hold in your giggles. You pulled the blankets over you two and in a few minutes you were fast asleep too.
Around 6a.m. an incredible thirst woke Chris up. As he saw you nuzzled up into him, clinging to his shirt, he felt a blush creep up his cheeks. How were you so cute? Your voice had peacefully lulled him to sleep last night and even though he’s only slept a few hours, he was already feeling rested. He smiled warmly, gave you a tiny kiss on your forehead, carefully got up and after covering you back up, went to his own bedroom.
A few hours later you woke up into the already noise-filled dorm. As you finished washing up and walked towards the kitchen to grab a glass of water, you saw Chan already sitting on the table with an extra cup of coffee next to you and you swore you could feel your heart flutter.
It had been a few weeks later that you got to see the boys again. You were busy with some paperwork and they were promoting their latest comeback. Minho had suggested that you could come watch their performance and then you could all go get food and hang out later since they’d have a few days off. You were backstage, just catching up with them, simultaneously daydreaming of sleeping in Chris’ arms. You’d be lying if you denied that you haven’t been feeling warm and soft every time you thought about it. You happened to be talking with him at the moment that a very familiar figure walked into the room.
There stood Matthew, or… you were pretty sure he went by BM lately. Your older brother’s best friend, from way before you moved to Korea was KARD’s beast rapper and dancer Big Matthew and naturally, growing up he had been like a second older brother to you. Chris, being the friendliest person was politely saying hello to him before he turned to introduce you to his hyung and before he could blink you were receiving a bear hug from your old friend.
“Y-You two know each other?” Chris stuttered.
“This little munchkin? I knew her since she was in diapers!” BM laughed out loud, ruffling your hair. You started catching up and since the boys had to start getting their makeup done so he took you outside of the room to continue your conversation. You were soon laughing to his jokes, remembering old stories and talking about each other’s families. In-between a joke and completely out of nowhere he got serious.
“So what's up with you and Bang Chan?” he asked.
"N-nothing! We're just friends!" you mumbled.
“Yeah ok, as if you're not starry-eyed when you look at him.” He rolled his eyes as he answered.
And all of a sudden your eyes were full of tears the feelings that you were trying so hard to hide, pouring out as you began telling him everything. Your feelings and how they grew without you even realizing it, how sweet and lovely Chris was and how he always found time, even when he seemed to be so busy to send you cute supportive messages and ask you about your day. You finally had to admit it, you were in love with him…
“Please don’t tell anyone Big Bear. I’ll get in trouble… or worse he’d get in trouble” you wiped some last stray tears and sniffled as he hugged you protectively.
Little did you know that Chris had heard everything. He had finished getting ready first and went out looking for you, and he happened to find you talking about old stories and felt his heart sink. You sure seemed close with BM. And then he heard his question… and your quiet sobs. And he couldn’t believe his ears. He truly felt like the luckiest man in the word, he wanted to come hold you and wipe your tears himself but he felt frozen in place. As he heard the conversation die down he found the courage to come over.
You could feel Matthew poking gently at your side as Chris approached and you pretended to worry about BM overworking himself, and patting his shoulder. Chris smiled cutely at you two and quickly found an excuse.
“Do you mind if I steal Y/N from you hyung? Minho wants to tell her something.” he said, scratching his head. BM looked at him knowingly, raising an eyebrow.
“I’ll let you, but you have to take care of her, alright Chan?” Matthew smirked.
Chris smiled softly and nodded, took your hand and started walking towards the changing room and you followed him, trying to slow your shocked and still slightly overwhelmed heart. You also tried to not overthink the fact that he was holding your hand ever so softly. He stopped halfway though and you quirked an eyebrow, almost ready to ask him what’s wrong when he turned towards you and took your free hand in his too.
“Ok so… I lied. Minho didn’t want to tell you anything… It was me who wanted to tell you something. Something really important.” You instantly grew worried, but before you could ask anything he continued.
“I like you! Like, a lot. I’ve liked you for a long time. You’re so kind and loving and so very cute, I swear there’s not a day that I don’t want to kiss your cheeks. The boys like you and you’re so good at taking care of them. You’re as sweet as the cookies you bake and then some.” he kissed your hand as he confessed his feelings to you and you stood there in shock.
You could feel the tears from earlier almost returning, this time from joy.
“Ch-Chris are you serious?” you asked, your hands shaking. He nodded shyly, rubbing the back of your hand.
“I like you too Chris, I’ve liked you for so long” you answer as you let go of his hands and excitedly wrapped them around his shoulders for a hug. He just as excitedly wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you his warmest hug.
He gently raised his hands to your cheeks, caressing your face ever so softly and looked into your eyes he leaned down for a kiss.
“Mmhm, I was right, definitely sweeter than the cookies” he teased and you giggled as you stood on the tips of your toes to steal one more kiss.
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parkerspicedlatte · 5 years
Disconnected-Chapter Five (Luke Hemmings)
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Summary: In an alternate universe where everyone has a soulmate, Luke and his soulmate share the rarest of them all. Some people have matching tattoos, others feel each others pain/emotions, but mental connections are the least common. The connection that Luke and Lynn share is that they can hear whatever song the other is singing. When they are close together they will be able to hear each others voices but for the meantime, they can only hear the recorded versions.
Pairings: Luke Hemmings x Lynn Corby (OC)
Warnings: None
Content: Goofy bandmates and a stressed Lukey :(
Featured Songs: If I Could (Jack Johnson)
The drive to Sadowa was only supposed to take about two-ish hours but due to “a few minor miss communications,” their ETA was going to be about an hour longer. Everyone was tired yet happy to be nearly at the cottage. Ashton sat behind the wheel of their rented SUV with Michael beside him in the passenger seat, leaving Luke to sit next to Calum in the back. Calum had fallen asleep about twenty minutes into the drive with his face squished against the window. Luke could see Cal’s breath fog up the window and then disappear every few seconds or so.
Michael and Ashton chatted away about their families and whatnot. Luke spent his time gathering his thoughts about the certain somebody who was plaguing his mind in more ways than one.
She was under tremendous pressure, Luke could feel it; there was something inside of him saying that the ache in his gut, the one that came and went, didn’t belong to him. He wished so badly that there was some way that he could relieve some of her stress for her. Luke had never felt her so strongly before, it was like their connection was growing. He half wondered if it meant that he was physically closer to her. Or maybe she was dealing with a stress far too strong for her body to handle and it was trying to pass some of it off his way. Luke had heard of that happening before with other types of soulmate connections, ones like mutual physicals and such, but never with the connection that they shared. Then again, it was a rare connection, one which wasn’t studied as much as the typical matching tattoo on the body of your soulmate.
“How’s she doing?” Calum’s sleepy voice interrupted Luke’s train wreck of a thought. The blond glanced over a little ways at his friend who must have just woken up. Calum had his elbow resting on the door to support his head as he watched Luke with heavy eyelids, a tiny bit of stubble shadowing his jaw line.
“She’s alive, that’s about all I know.” Luke mumbled, not bothering to expand on his worries.
“Still singing that song?”
“The Jack Johnson one, yeah she is, though she’s been quiet for the last five hours.” Luke told Calum while tapping his pen against the notepad resting on his thighs. He was keeping the notebook handy since his laptop was packed. He wasn’t going to miss the time and song if she did start signing. If this was the only way he could think of to track her down, then he sure as hell was going to be dedicated to it.
Luke was at the point where he was worried about falling into a deep sleep in case he missed something. What if she tried singing a song that might give him a clue, lyrics from a small local band that she had seen in her hometown? What if she started writing a song, her own music? What if he lost the chance to hear her voice?
That was what had been making Luke more anxious than anything. Now that he’d heard her voice in bits and pieces, like cut up ribbons with missing parts, he needed to hear her again, he craved it. Luke would gladly never sing again if it meant he could hear her sing. All Luke wanted to do was bathe himself in the sounds of her voice, to close his eyes and have the words of her song run through his ears, echoing, lightly, flowing over every inch of his skin, every hair of his body, every pain in his heart.  He missed her so much that his heart began to hurt and mourn for a loss it had never known.
But he hadn’t heard her in weeks. Just goddamn Jack Johnson! Luke was beginning to detest the song and Johnson himself. Every time he heard it in his mind his stomach would flutter and leap about making him feel slightly nauseous especially if he was standing upright. Whether it was his own mental connection to the song or hers, was beyond him.
Luke looked out of the car windows, leaning his head against the glass. The surface felt cool against his skin. The sun was just starting to come up over the tops of the downtown shops and restaurants. At the end of the road he could see stripes of pinks and peaches that faded into the pale blue of the early morning sky. At least it won’t be dark when we get there he thought to himself.
One by one he watched the old style street lamps turn off. The buildings, he would admit, created the perfect small town aesthetic. The diner with the short blue gingham curtains along the bottom of the windows, the ice cream and fudge store with the red and white striped poles out front that sat next to a flower shop with a sign advertising ‘Betty’s Handmade Macramé Plant Holders.’ Even the tattoo parlor on the corner looked friendly and inviting with their arrangement of cactuses and other small plants in between the displays of small wrist tattoos and full sleeves.
“This towns gotta be full of wanna be hipsters.” Luke heard Michael say, earning a “No kidding.” from Ashton. Calum was quiet due to the fact that he had decided to resume his nap, jet lag getting the better of him.
The last building Luke took notice of was the small bar smooshed in-between a deli and a used book store. It had a certain charm to it that Luke just couldn’t place. But there was something different about the hole-in-the-wall local bar. It was calling him in, trying to draw him closer like the song of a siren. Maybe I could convince the lads to join me for a drink in town sometime in the week.
Ten minutes and a few dirt roads later, they finally arrived. Michael, who had bought too many energy drinks at the convenient store, hopped out of the vehicle before it was even parked. He yanked the trunk open causing a light gust of cool wind to infiltrate the warm car. Calum groaned loudly and pulled the hood of his jacket over his head while tucking his knees up into his chest, trying to retain body heat. Ashton unbuckled and turned around to shake his head at Calum. Luke just gave him an eye roll before getting out of the car and grabbing his bags from the back. Michael was already punching in the code for the lock box to retrieve the keys for the cottage, pacing from foot to foot, practically vibrating where he stood.
“Too much caffeine?” smirked Ashton as he walked up the steps to the front door with a bag in each hand.
Michael finally got the key into the lock and pushed open the door then took off into the small bungalow size cottage. “No! I’ve had to piss for over an hour and a half but you wouldn’t stop!” He shouted over his shoulder while running in between rooms, desperately looking for a bathroom.
“You mean I wouldn’t stop again.” corrected Ashton as he and Luke walked into the front room. “We already stopped twice. It wasn’t even a four hour drive.” he shouted back, peeking his head into a doorway. The door way looked like a closet, but was actually the bathroom Michael was trying to find. Ashton looked over at Luke with a shit eating grin on his face. He stood up straight to make himself look taller then took a step to stand in front of the door.
“Ashton,” Luke warned with his own grin guilty smile. “Now might not be the best time for that, he looks like he’s gonna explode any second now.”
“That’s the point.” Ashton told him. “Here-” he grabbed Luke by the shoulders and pulled him to stand beside him, effectively covering the view of the door- “stand here, now Michal definitely won’t be able to see it.” He giggled.
“Where the hell is the bathroom!” they heard Michael shout from the kitchen.
“There’s an entire forest outside Michael, why don’t you just use that?”
“He’s going to rip our heads off.” grumbled Luke.
“Oh come on, live a little.”
“Hey isn’t there supposed to be two bathro-” Luke’s question was interrupted by Michael yelling from the other end of the cottage.
“Guys!” Michael ran over towards Ashton and Luke doing everything but dance around with his legs crossed over each other as he bounced where he stood. “Help me look for a key. I think I found the bathroom but it’s locked. Who in the living hell would do that?” Michael swore.
Luke looked down at the ring of keys still dangling in the front doorknob where Michael had ironically left them while desperately looking for the bathroom. He nudged Ashton’s arm with his elbow and gestured to the door knob. Ashton sputtered out the most regretted giggle in history and tried to awkwardly cover it up with an insanely fake sounding cough. Luke bit his own lip in attempt to not laugh at Ashton’s slip up.
“Why are you guys just standing there?” demanded Michael, getting more anxious as the seconds passed while he ripped open drawers and cupboards, failing to notice the keys that were less than ten feet away from him. “Come on, for fucks sake! I’m going to burst if I don’t-” Michael’s sentence died before even leaving his lips. Sudden realisation etched itself across his face. “What are you two standing in front of?” fumed Michael, smoke practically coming out of his ears to match his literally red face.
“Nothing.” denied Ashton, “Totally not the other bathroom door.”
“You asswipes!” Michael screeched shoving Ashton and Luke out of the way then slamming the door behind him.
“What was all of that about?” sleepy faced Calum asked the two blonds who were doubled over, clutching each other and the walls laughing.
In that moment, everything was okay.
Series Masterlist
Regular Ol’ Masterlist
A/N: okay okay i know it was a short chapter but I wrote this as kind as part of another chapter but then that chapter was like stupid long and I wanted to string you guys on a little longer (MU AH HA HA HA HA). Plus we haven’t seen too much 5sos interacting as a band and Luke needed something to make him happy for a while. I promise you guys next chapter will be longer. Much excitement too. Thanks for reading and supporting, love you guys
-xx Reetz
Taglist: @madformichael @h0tsos @fiesty5sos @misskarynie @negative-love@captivatingcal @beautifulplacesforhappines@felonystevefoundthe1975 @mellany1997 @caswinchester2000 @babylonduke@castielandeanthedog  @katsen13 @abby-landolf @urpretendcrush @aulxna @to-the-road @pippin248 @blinkinglightsandmusic @lovcyou3000 @winniesutherland 
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olivediamonds · 5 years
Enchanting Melody: chapter 3
Zoe woke up to someone humming she shot up, thinking some creep was in her apartment and remembered what happened yesterday and that she was sleeping in a pull out bed in Piers' apartment when she saw the large obstagoon napping on the edge of the bed. She climbed out of the bed, making sure not to wake up obstagoon or Melody and headed to the kitchen where she heard the humming. She stepped in and found Piers sitting at the kitchen table with his hair up in a messy bun and wearing shorts and a tank top. His humming stopped and he looked up as Zoe stepped in. 
"Mornin', did you sleep well?"
Zoe nodded and looked in the fridge for something to eat for breakfast. She wasn't surprised to find the fridge full of take out containers.
"Yeah and thanks for the clothes, I saw them on the table. Also do you really not have anything but takeout?!"
Piers shrugged as he wrote some lyrics down in his notebook.
"It's easier and I can't really cook."
Zoe rolled her eyes and walked back to the living room. She grabbed the pile of clothes and went to the bathroom to change. After changing she went to grab her bag and poked her head back into the kitchen. 
"I'm gonna go grocery shopping and get you guys some actual real food."
Piers just gave her a wave, not even looking up from his notebook.
"Take obstagoon with you, just in case those guys are still looking for you."
"Aww, afraid I can't handle myself?"
"No, if anything happened to you, Marnie wouldn't let me live it down."
Zoe laughed and walked over to the bed and gently shook obstagoon awake. He yawned and looked up at Zoe who smiled.
"Sorry for waking you but you're gonna be my shopping buddy."
Obstagoon let out a happy cry, thankfully not waking Melody, and followed Zoe out of the apartment. When they reached the store she grabbed a cart and started zig zagging through the aisles and grabbing food.
"Does Piers like spicy food?"
"Great, what else does he like?"
"I can probably learn how to make that"
After Zoe finished buying the groceries obstagoon helped carried the bags back to the apartment. Piers' eyes widened when he saw the amount of bags they brought in.
"Are we feeding the whole town or something?"
She rolled her eyes as she started stocking the cabinets while obstagoon filled the fridge.
"It's a weeks worth of food, I know it must be much since you're living off small portions."
Piers chuckled softly as Zoe finished and gave obstagoon head pets and scritches.
"Thanks for the help! You're such a good boy!"
Obstagoon gave her a hug and licked her cheek." Zoe laughed and squirmed out of his hug to look at Piers.
"I'm gonna make breakfast, you want some?"
Zoe started making bacon and eggs along with toast. Just as she was plating the food Marnie stumbled in still half asleep.
Zoe grinned and set a plate in front of Marnie as she sat at the table."
"Morning sleeping beauty."
The smell of bacon and eggs woke her up fully and she began to happily eat.
"This is great! It's a lot better than the diner down the road. Can she just stay with us forever?"
Piers rolled his eyes as he took a bite of his eggs.
"C'mon, it can't be that- wow yeah that's actually really good."
Zoe grinned as she sat down with her own plate.
"Oh stop you're gonna make me blush. I'm probably going to do some cleaning if you don't mind because good lord a kid shouldn't be living in a Tupperware storage unit."
Piers rolled his eyes again as he finished his breakfast.
"Sure, knock yourself out, preferably literally."
Zoe checked that Marnie wasn't looking and flipped him off. 
"Stop being jealous because your sister loves me more for my cooking."
Piers glared at her, not even hiding it as he flipped her off with both hands.
"I'm not jealous,so what if you can cook."
Marnie, without missing a beat paused in eating her bacon to look at him.
"Your voice is cracking, your voice only cracks when you're worried."
Zoe laughed and got up to hug Marnie.
"Aww worried I'm gonna steal your sister? I think you should be worrying about that Gloria girl stealing her more than me."
Marnie flushed brightly and tried to hide her face.
Piers chuckled and he watched Zoe teased Marnie before sitting back down to finish her breakfast.
"I told you I wasn't the only one who noticed. The only one that doesn't notice is Gloria herself.
Marnie blushed brighter and let morpeko finish her food as she escaped back to her room.
"I gotta go to work!"
"You can only run from the truth until your legs give out!"
Zoe laughed as Marnie slammed her door shut. From the living room came a little yawn and not too long after Melody floated into the kitchen to sit by Zoe. Piers groaned as he buried his face in his pile of notes.
"So much for my peaceful morning."
6 notes · View notes
toothpastecanyon · 5 years
We Walk Like Humans Do, Chapter 1
The Transcendence has been, on the whole, a good thing for magical creatures... for the ones that walked on two legs and fit in doorways, at least. Lacie has other problems to overcome before she can live in the big city.
Inspired by @marshmellowextract‘s ideas on the TAU Discord.
See most updated version on Archive of Our Own.
               The Transcendence has been, on the whole, a good thing for magical creatures. True, there’s been no shortage of misunderstandings and pro-nat sentiments over the years, but all those centuries of hiding away from humans had been just as harmful.
               Humans are everywhere, after all. Avoiding them means avoiding most places on Earth, holing yourself away in dwindling forests and as-of-yet unexplored cave systems. Some could pass as human and live in their cities, but pre-Transcendence accounts of disguised elves or vampires often spoke of the burden of carrying such an immense secret, the disconnect they felt with any humans they befriended. They could never truly live as themselves.
               For some magical creatures, the Transcendence changed that. The Transcendence let them live freely amongst the humans, let them attend their schools and work alongside them to better the world.
               For some magical creatures, the Transcendence was the single best thing that had ever happened to them.
               For others?
               Well… for the less humanoid ones, they didn’t notice so much of a difference. For Lacie, she was still hanging out in the same old sewers she’d been hatched in.
               After all, when you’re a giant basilisk several bus-lengths long and capable of killing a man with a single glance, there are more obstacles to living in the city than ‘not feeling like you can be true to yourself.’
               A snore rumbles through the depths of London’s sewers. Deep, deep underground, somewhere in a maze of rank-smelling tunnels sloshing with wastewater, there lies a hidden door, and behind that door slumbers a vicious, terrible monster guarding a tome of forbidden knowledge.
               That’s how the treasure hunters always describe Lacie’s home on the forums, and honestly, she finds it a little insulting. They’ll go on and on about how much the place stinks and how loudly she snores; it’s like they expect her to fix it or something, and… no? This is a sewer, it’s going to smell bad. And she needs to sleep, so it’s going to be noisy, too.
               If they’re gonna come down here to try and slay her and steal her shit, the least they can do is stop being so goddamn whiny about it.
               Like, look at these bozos coming in now. Lacie was having such a peaceful nap until they started messing around with the hidden door.
               She cracks a tired eye open, and glares at the sound of their voices.
               “No, it’s this one!” A rock shudders on the wall. “Didn’t you read the riddle? You touch the symbols clockwise!”
               “How did you get clockwise from the riddle? It’s way more complicated than that; the cipher clearly states-”
               “A-B-C-D. Clockwise.”
               “No, that’s- ABCD? Where on earth did you get ABCD?”
               Lacie lets out a rumbling sigh. Incompetent treasure hunters, oh joy. She shifts a little bit on her pile of gold, and waits for them to bumble their way into a solution so she can go back to  sleep.
               “Look, I don’t know how you’re getting ABCD, so why don’t we try my way first, and if mine doesn’t work-”
               “It’s absolutely not going to work.”
               “It will! I took a class in cryptography once, I know how this works.”
               “Ooo, aren’t you special.”
               “Look, just let me work, will you?”
               “Do it fast. Ugh, it smells like death down here.”
               At least it’s more bearable than your voice, Lacie thinks. She snorts at her own joke before hooking her tail around a wooden sign and dragging it in closer. She’ll need this later - quite a while later, most likely, but it’s good to be prepared.
               “That didn’t work?”
               “Of course it didn’t work, you idiot. I’ll open it-”
               “Hey, wait, maybe I did that wrong! Let me try that again!”
               “No, you had your chance!”
               “Just let- hey, get off me!”
               “No, you get off me!”
               “Come on dude, just let me try-”
               After listening to the treasure hunters scuffle and shout at each other for what felt like forever, Lacie hears a click in the door’s opening mechanism. The whole thing starts to rumble and dust loosens from the ceiling as it opens inwards, revealing… well, she doesn’t look at them directly in case they’re dumb enough not to bring basilisk protection, but she makes out two human figures with rifle-shaped sticks, which they immediately point at her face.
               “There it is!” The first man ushers the other back. “Stay behind me!”
               “Stay behind you? Dude, I’m a way better shot.”
               “What? No way, you are not!”
               “I totally am. Don’t you remember back at the range-”
               Lacie lets out a hiss before they can get into another stupid argument. She points the end of her tail at the sign, and it takes them a second to notice.
               “It’s doing something weird.”
               “Quick, let’s shoot it!”
               “No, look, that’s a sign it’s holding!” The second guy peers at the message. “Says ‘Fighting not needed, can’t let you take the physical book but am posting all chapters online at https- wait, you have a website?”
               She nods. A blog, actually.
               “Don’t be stupid.” The other guy gives him a shove. “There’s no way it has a website; this is some sort of trick!”
               “Yeah… yeah, you’re right! Wait, how is it a trick?”
               “Obviously it’s to confuse us and distract us from getting the treasure!” He cocks his rifle. “We have to stay focused! Stay behind me, I’ll get this thing right between the eyes-”
               Lacie finally looks down at the guy. Their gazes meet, the guy’s eyes widen; he yelps and staggers back, dropping his rifle and slapping a hand over his face… but he doesn’t drop dead. A second later, he peeks out behind his fingers.
               “I’m… still alive!” He cackles. “These contact lenses really do work!” Ha! Take that, you dumb lizard!”
               The other guy high fives him. “Yeah, take that! Now let’s kill this thing!”
               Huh, they’re slightly more prepared than she thought. Lacie stares at his smug smile a moment longer, then swings her tail around and dashes both of them against the right wall.
               There are no contact lenses that protect against blunt force trauma. They let out short-lived screams, cut off as soon as their bodies crash against stone; there’s a chorus of splintering cracks, then silence as they crumple to the ground amongst a pile of other shattered skeletons.
               Lacie looks at them now. Listens to all the familiar noises that could be heard in the absence of their voices - the dull roar of running water, the drips that fall from the ceiling and splash in puddles, the tinkling of gold coins as she shifts her weight.
               All the things she could hear, now that they were dead.
               Does she feel bad?
               Eh… sort of.
               She feels... more frustrated than anything else, these days. It’s not like she doesn’t give them a chance to escape, and they are trying to kill her… but still. It’s such a senseless loss of life - especially for such young, stupid humans - and over what? Some useless book?
               She turns and glares at it now, sitting on its little lecturn at the far end of the room. Stupid thing.
               One day, she will be free of it.
               But for now, she’s tired. She lays her head on glittering gold, closes her eyes, and falls asleep to all the quiet, comforting sounds of her home.
               She probably starts snoring, too… fuck, they’ve made her self conscious about it.
               Chapter 7 of Wizard Animago’s Not-So-Secret Spellbook - His Shitty Death Spells and Why They’re Not to Die For, Seriously
               Hey everyone, this is 18Lacie5 back with another chapter overview. I know it’s been a year since I last posted, sorry about that. I’m usually way too tired to work on one of these - the joys of being cold blooded in England. Annnnnyyyyywwwwaaaayyyy, here is the much-anticipated chapter on ol’ Animago’s secret death spells!
               Spoiler alert: it’s gonna disappoint you.
               Now, for anybody new reading this, Sironus Animago was a 19th century English wizard that specialised in the study of animal transmogrification. If you don’t know who he is, that’s because he was a recluse who hated humanity so much he spent half his life trying to turn himself into literally anything else. The only time anybody hears about him is generally in treasure hunting circles, concerning a riddle he left behind for ‘any man worthy enough to learn his secrets.’ It is said that he wrote a spellbook containing all the knowledge he had accumulated over his lifetime, and considered it so dangerous he bound a basilisk into guarding it after his passing.
               Well, I am that basilisk, and I’m here to tell you why Animago’s spellbook is stupid and absolutely not worth dying for.
               This chapter’s an easy one: his death spells suck. Even by pre-Transcendence standards, they suck. He wasn’t the slightest bit interested in offensive magic, and I’m pretty sure he threw these ones in here because hey, every spellbook’s gotta have a spooky scary dark magic section, right?
               Let’s examine the first spell of Chapter 7: ‘Planis fugere a mortalis huius’ (a moment of silence for that Latin.) So ‘fly away from this mortal plane(s?)’ sounds pretty and all, but it’s way too poetic to be a reliable spell. Unlike the standard modern equivalent, which is, you know, just ‘Die’, your magic’s gonna have to figure out a whole lot about this sentence before it puts it into action. Fly away, how? Where are they flying to? What could count as our ‘planis’ here? The ground?
               You see how easily this could result in something like giving your enemy a pair of wings instead of killing them. Great. That’s totally what you’d want to happen in battle, right?
               This issue would have come up immediately in testing, which leads me to believe it was a purely theoretical spell of Animago’s, and not a particularly good one (but hey, at least it’s original this time, right?) As with all of them it does come with the minorly unique addition of alternate pronounciations in five different animal forms, but again, unless you’re turning yourself into a chicken, a dog, a hawk, a bear or a snake on a regular basis, when are you ever going to need this?
               All in all, probably the worst chapter in the entire spellbook, with sloppy, overly complex incantations I’d toss away in a heartbeat if not for the fact that I’ve been bound into protecting them. Next post, we tackle chapter 11: turning your furniture into animals!
               (Because that’s what your couch is missing. Teeth and claws and an ability to run away from you.)
               Do s both a favour, and don’t make me kill you over these shitty spells.
               Curled around her favourite pile of gold, Lacie scrolls down her blog, reading its contents with drooping eyes. She uses her tail to move a laptop’s trackpad, which makes it a little difficult to navigate - the frustration she feels whenever the clicker shoots off in random directions is the main reason she’s still awake - but not as much as one might be expecting, as the laptop is not an ordinary laptop.
               It’s gigantic. The screen is bigger than her, and the top almost scratches against the ceiling. Carefully balanced above the wet stone on four smaller gold piles, the charging port is wired up to a truly massive, glowing purple power strip. It hums with magical energy, charging her laptop as she gets to the end of the blog post.
               ‘Do s both a favour ’... ah, typo. Lacie shoves her mouse in the general direction of the edit button for a few seconds before landing on it; now she clicks, adds a u, and struggles her way back to the main page.
               Fixed. That was totally worth the effort.
               She lets out a snort, which turns into a great big yawn and leaves her head resting on top of the laptop. The metal’s got some warmth to it; she feels that against her cheek, and almost immediately starts struggling to keep her eyes open.
               This was a mistake, she thinks. Come on, she literally just got up! She can’t go right back to sleep!
               Just a little more time… to herself… without any… any humans… she was supposed to... to...
               The distant whoosh of water overhead and the steady hum of the power strip lulls her closer and closer to sleep, and she tries one last time to lift up her eyelids-
               And plop.
               A little water droplet lands right in her eye, and she jumps. Rises up, blinks rapidly - first to get the blurriness out of her vision, then to get rid of the sleepiness already creeping its way back in.
               She shakes her head to clear it. Once she’s mostly awake again, she lets out a triumphant little puff of air: not today, sleep! Not when she’s got shit to do!
               With that, Lacie turns back to her laptop and mouses over to another tab, titled ‘List of Craig’ and next to it, ‘(1)’ for one new message.  She’s been waiting for that (1) to show up - hopefully she hasn’t taken too long to respond back.
               The tab opens after she jabs left click a couple times, revealing a short chatbox:
L at 20:25: [is that double length chalk shipment still available?]
M at 20:35: [yes]
L at 20:36: [would be very interested in buying that, are you are ok with teleswitch methods of payment? you don’t have to wheel it anywhere, just let me know where it is in the house]
               Fifteen whole minutes later at 20:51, there’s the much-anticipated reply:
               Lacie reads this, and has a sudden urge to smack her head against the keyboard. With a growl rumbling in her throat, she gets typing
L at 20:52: [okay, where is the shipment in your house? what room? the spell i use needs this.]
               She sends it off… and waits, scowling at the chatbox.
               And waits...
               And waits...
               And is still waiting. Stars, maybe she could’ve taken a nap.
               Speaking of that, her eyelids are starting to droop again. She huffs and shakes her head in a couple quick, flicking movements; that jolts her back awake, and she clicks back to her blog page.
               The latest post on chapter 7 stares back at her. In the dim-lit room, it’s glaring down on her, almost accusingly.
               Next post, it reads, we tackle chapter 11: turning your furniture into animals!
Post updated: less than two minutes ago
Post uploaded: more than two years ago
               Lacie sighs. This is what happens now when she takes a nap.
               Years, they’ve begun to pass her by like nothing . All she remembers of the past two are groggy hazes, half-recalled dreams; the only times she’d wake would be to fend off the occasional treasure hunter, then back to her slumber she’d go, like that was her only purpose in life.
               It didn’t used to be this way. She didn’t used to feel so tired all the time. Why?
               ...She’s getting too big for her home. The magic that sustains her, it isn’t enough anymore.
               That’s got to be the explanation.
               Which means she’s got to get out of here. She’s got to break that damn binding that tethers her to the spellbook…
               Lacie shoots a look at it now. Glares at the stony grey lectern it rests on, and everything piled around the base of that. The wax candles. The incense burners. The unholy artefacts. The tomes upon tomes of academic research, summoning circle references, nonstandard incantation guides…
               She has to break it.
               By any means necessary.
               She’s got a new message from the human.
M at 21:13: [I put it outside for you. Its in the back yard. Your welcome.]
               With an eyeroll, Lacie wraps her tail around the lectern’s pole and brings it in closer. The spellbook slides precariously around the surface it’s resting on, but with a bit of care she places it down in front of her without anything falling off the edges.
               Now, the book - she peers at it now.
               As always, it looks like a mess; its leather binding had been handmade by Wizard Animago himself, but only because the guy was too paranoid to have anybody else do it. He did a sloppy job, and over the centuries it had fallen to pieces until the only thing holding it together anymore was a couple remaining strings and a headache-inducing cocktail of protection charms.
               For Lacie, it’s tiny, making it incredibly hard to flip through. She can’t help but wonder if it had seemed this tiny the last time she’d opened it… maybe she’d grown a little bigger since then.
               Stuffing that thought down, she keeps flipping; past Chapter 2 on transfiguration, past Chapter 3 on general transmutation, Chapter 4 on alchemy… Chapter 5, there it is.
               And bingo bongo, there’s the spell she wants: ‘Sironus Animago’s Telekinetic Switch’... and Lacie can’t help but snort at that name, because it isn’t actually a spell he invented.
               Like many less-than-reputable wizards of his time, he had a habit of stealing spells from contemporaries in other fields of magic, slapping his name in front of them and trying to pass them off as his own to pad out the number of chapters in his spellbook.
               (The internet was a terrible invention for guys like him. Lacie had a lot of fun ripping into this practice when she wrote about Chapter 5.)
               Anyway, while she could find the original spell anywhere on the internet, there is something Animago added to every entry he wrote down in his book - that something is off to the far right, almost obscured by the yellowing and curling of the page.
               Here, next to five simple illustrations of a chicken, a dog, a hawk, a bear, and a snake, are the alternate pronounciations of the spell.
               Lacie squints at the last line - her mouth moves as she refamiliarises herself with the incantation - then she nods to herself, and scoops up a generous portion of gold coins, and closes her eyes.
               Pictures a backyard, with a crate full of summoning chalk, just waiting for her to pick them up.
               And with that in mind, she speaks.
               Not in words. Not in a language. She speaks in hisses and spits, in a string of meaningless noises that fit better in her mouth than any human tongue. At the end of it, though, that specific arrangement of sounds triggers an enchantment, which triggers the telekinetic switch.
               The coins in her grasp blink out of existence. A second later, they’re replaced by a crate of summoning chalk. It rattles when she picks it up; the sound echoes around her room until she puts it down by the rest of her demon supplies.
               There’s a lot piled up there now, Lacie thinks. Enough to summon a demon, and at that, she grimaces. Suppresses a yawn.
               She’d better get on with it, then.
               Lacie is starting to think that maybe demons don’t design their summoning rituals with basilisks in mind.
               She’s cleared a space in her room for the circle - has shrunk her laptop back down to normal size with one of Animago’s spells - and now that it’s time to draw the thing, she’s encountered a problem.
               Have you ever tried to draw a chalk circle on wet stone tiles? Have you ever tried to do it without hands?
               It is, in a word, difficult.
               Fortunately, she’d seen this issue coming from day one. She bought a shape template from some website selling school supplies, and blew it up with the same sizing spell she uses on her laptop. She put that over a stone slab she pulled off a drier part of the wall, traced the circle, and voila! A summoning circle.
               (She still needed to decorate it, but she’d rather intentionally chosen a demon with a simpler design. It didn’t take too long to replicate, all things considered.)
               Now onto the candles. To Lacie’s eternal disappointment, there’s no spell on the books for fire, or heat, or anything like that; she has to get creative. While rifling through the backpacks of some ex-treasure hunters, she comes across a portable gas cooker. The ignition is a simple switch she can flip - tick tick tick fwoom , it goes, then fire.
               She keeps that close to her, ready to use.
               After that… The incantation. She physically can’t pronounce the Latin chants needed to perform a sufficiently compelling summoning, which is a big problem. Most powerful demons - ones powerful enough to break bindings - tend to be rather picky about how they’re summoned. Unless it’s done exactly right, they won’t bother showing up for her.
               She needs a demon that’ll be a little more forgiving, and after pouring through textbooks, how-to guides, summoning lists, there’s only one name that seems to fit the bill.
               Lacie lights the candles, one by one, and watches as the circle of Alcor the Dreambender begins to glow.
               Strange things begin to happen. Shadows lengthen. The air gets colder - she feels that like a punch in the gut. In the centre of the chalk lines, a wispy black smoke forms, and golden eyes open from within the darkness.
               Those eyes… Lacie isn’t used to being scared of things, but she stares into those eyes and knows, suddenly, definitively, that she isn’t the monster in the room anymore.
               They turn to look at her now, and-
               “Ow!” The void-black being winces back, rubbing its forehead. “What the heck? It��s like a migraine… what is this?”
               She blinks. Huh, her stare works on demons. They didn’t mention that the summoning guides.
               The demon’s straightening again. “Is this a binding? Because guys, I’m gonna be real annoyed if you tried… to… to bind me with..? Guys?”
               It looks around the circle in confusion… then up, up, following the line of her body to meet her eyes again.
               “Oh.” It gives a hard blink. “Ow, okay. You know you’re supposed to give me a sacrifice before you sic me on the big scary snake monster, right?”
               Shit, it doesn’t see the sign. She holds it up higher.
               “Like, at least a little bit of candy for starters, y’know? Just to be like ‘Hey, I appreciate you for coming all this way’ and I’ll be like ‘Thanks! Now I actually feel motivated to save you from-’” It notices the sign, and pauses. “Um. Hang on a second, I’m missing something.”
               Lacie watches the demon read over the sign: BOUND TO SPELLBOOK, it reads, DEAL TO BREAK BINDING IN EXCHANGE FOR HUMAN SACRIFICES? Its glowing eyes steadily widen, and it glances back up at her.
               “Wait, you summoned- agh!” It blocks her stare with a hand. “You summoned me?”
               She nods.
               “Okay, that’s… new. What did you want again… spellbook... break binding to spellbook- human sacrifice?” Its eyes narrow. “Where are these humans you’re talking about?”
               Putting down the sign, she points at the pile next to the door. Most of them are bones by now, but hey, apparently some demons like that. She watches this one inspect them.
               “Oh, they’re… not fresh. Where did they all come fr- ow ! Okay, please stop with the staring, that’s not gonna work for me!” When she obligingly averts her gaze, he lets out a sigh. “Thank you. Now, uh, I kinda wanna know where you got all these bones from?”
               He sounds way more bothered about that than Lacie thought he would. A little panic fluttering in her chest, she flips the sign over and grabs her carving rock.
               “What are you…? Oh, you can’t talk, can you. Alright.” It shuffles its feet. “You wanted me to break a binding… I can see it now. Connected to that book over there?”
               Out of the corner of her eye, she watches Alcor float closer to it. Closer, closer, too close - it tiggers something in her, and she has to stop writing to block it with her tail. Has to let out a hiss at the literal demon; thank the stars its eyes widen in understanding instead of darkening in anger.
               “Oh, you’ve been bound to guard it,” it says, stepping back. “I see. Sorry. So, those bones - they’re from people who tried to take it, right?”
               Thank the stars again that it realises, because she isn’t even halfway done with the message. She nods.
               “That makes sense. Wow, that must be some important spellbook you’re guarding, huh?”
               An important spellbook - Lacie can’t muffle a snort as she shakes her head. Alcor laughs too, though he sounds a little bit uncomfortable.
               “Oh, that, that’s gotta suck. I’m sorry, uh… What’s your name? If you have one- oh stars what am I saying, ‘if you have one’ that sounds so rude -”
               With another snort, she points at a welcome mat she’s carved just in front of the hidden door.
               “‘Welcome to Lacie’s home. You found the way in, now’ - heh - ‘find the way out.’ I like that, it’s funny!” He grins up at her. “I guess these guys didn’t- ow . Agh, sorry, I was gonna say, I guess these guys didn’t see the sign when they came in, huh?”
               A head shake; they did not. They certainly didn’t laugh at it either.
               (To be fair, they were generally too busy gaping at the giant basilisk in the room to give an opinion on her decorations, but it was nice to finally get a little validation. She is funny sometimes, isn’t she?)
               “Didn’t think so.” Alcor straightens his cufflinks. “Well, Lacie, while I don’t think I can technically count this as a human sacrifice, it should still be more than enough to break any basic bond. So ,”
               She watches him extend a hand wreathed in blue fire, hears him speak with a voice that brings back a little of that initial fear, reminds her that as friendly as he may seem…
               “D̵̜͍͖̘o̱͖̙̰̪̥̹͜ w̹͖̝̩͢e ̵̲͓̖h͇̹͖̞̦̠̮͘a̤̰v̹͔͚̭̦͜e̻ ̻̘̭̫a̩ ͈̳̯̯̰̣̪d̕e͇̪͍̜̻̪͘a̙̻̬̦͔ͅl̲̝͓͔?”
               She’s still dealing with a demon.
               “Wait, uh… you don’t have to shake.” He retracts his hand, demonic reverb gone as suddenly as it showed up, but the memory of it is hard to shake. “You can just, you know, nod or something, that’s fine.”
               Lacie thinks hard on that for a moment. She glances back at the spellbook, the stupid, useless spellbook she’s been bound to, sitting on a lecturn in a room she’s been trapped in her whole life, a room that’s getting smaller and smaller as the years go by.
               She’s outgrown this, she thinks. It’s time to move on.
               “Hang on a second.”
               Alcor’s voice makes her turn. He’s closed his eyes, and there’s a frown on his face that Lacie doesn’t like the look of. She leans in closer, listening to him mutter to himself.
               “This isn’t- now how did he do this…? Oh. Oh , that’s not… dammit, that’s not good.” He opens his eyes. “Uh, Lacie? Got some bad news: I, uh, can’t break the binding.”
               ...What? Why not?
               She blinks, watches him struggle to explain.
               “I-I mean I can, technically! But not with this deal - not that I don’t want to help you, but… it’s complicated. Demon deals are complicated, there’s got to be a give and a take and it sucks, it’s...”
               She watches him sigh. Frowns, as he looks away.
               “Look, uh, I was going on the impression that this was a simple guardian bond, but it’s not. I didn’t think - you know, you were laughing when I said it was an important spellbook or something - I didn’t think it was gonna be some high-level magic… but it is.” He clenches his fists. “He’s managed to bind it to your soul , and that gets tricky for demons. There’s got to be a give and a take, right? And if I give a soul freedom…”
               … he has to take another’s , Lacie thinks, and narrows her eyes. Is this heading where she thinks this is heading?
               “I have to take freedom too, which… well, you don’t feel like selling your soul to me, do you?”
               No no no, that’s the one thing all the manuals said never ever to do! She shakes her head vigourously, and he gives a quiet chuckle.
               “Yeah, didn’t think so… I really did want to help you with the binding, but I can’t. Not without enough payment in return.” The most powerful demon in the world just shrugs helplessly. “I’m sorry. It’s a stupid rule and I’m always trying to bend it if I can, but I can’t outright break it.”
               Lacie looks back at the spellbook. She knows a thing or two about stupid rules she can’t break. She really can’t, apparently.
               Apparently, she’s going to be stuck with this thing for the rest of her life. Well. This… this sucks.
               What is she going to do now?
               “Um, listen,” Alcor clears his throat. “I can’t- uh, I may not be able to break the binding, but if there’s anything else I can do… well, you’ve got a lot of stuff you can sacrifice to me, I can probably do just about anything - anything that’s not soul-related, anyway.”
               Lacie blinks. Just about anything... she could still get out of this room before it starves her. Yes, if he was able to teleport both her and the book outside-
               But what would she do after that? The book’s tiny ; she’d need some way to lug it around, and she’d need to do that while finding food for herself, and oh stars all the guides on demon deals were screaming at her to be specific right now-
               “Do you need some time to decide?”
               She looks down at Alcor, and nods. He floats back towards the summoning circle.
               “Alright, well, call me up again when you’ve got a deal in mind...” Glancing around the circle, at the crispy candles and the shaky drawings of his symbols, he blinks, then he glances back at her. “Uh… how long did this take you to do?”
               A while, Lacie thinks, and snorts. He seems to get the message.
               “Right, well, I’ll leave my calling card with you, so you don’t have to do that all over again.” He fishes the card out of his pocket; somehow, it comes out almost as big as him. “When you’re ready to make a deal, just prick your fing… uh, just hold it, okay? I’ll keep an eye out for you.”
               She takes it, and nods. Tries for a smile, like the humans do to show gratitude.
               “What are you-? Ow.” He squints away from her stare. “Um, well, it was nice meeting you, Lacie! I’m sorry I couldn’t help more.”
               Alcor seems like he wants to say more, but after a moment of hesitation he gives a quick wave and disappears in a puff of smoke. The candles go out with him - remembering the sheer effort it took to light them in the first place, she cringes at that.
               Well, at least she doesn’t have to summon him again. She looks from the smoke wisping off the wicks, down to the business card in her grasp.
               It’s glossy and black; on one side, there’s a white circle around Alcor’s golden symbol; presumably that’s the place you’re supposed to prick your finger on. There’s a little note up top that says, ‘Need help? Summon Alcor the Dreambender today!’ and she snorts at that.
               What a strange little creature… strangely endearing. She can hear how crazy she sounds thinking about it, but that demon was actually kind of a decent guy? She isn’t about to go selling her soul to him any time soon, but it felt like he genuinely wanted to help and that’s… refreshing.
               It’s certainly a change of pace from the treasure hunters she usually encounters.
               With that in mind, Lacie grips the card. It feels sturdier than it looks, but she still takes care tucking it underneath her. Once she’s done that, she turns back to face the circle again.
               She sighs. Blinks, slowly. After something like that, all she wants to do is take a nice long nap, but...
               Well, she’d better get cracking with that deal.
Showing comments for Chapter 7 of Wizard Animago’s Not-So-Secret Spellbook - His Shitty Death Spells and Why They’re Not to Die For, Seriously
EdgyTwedgy666: [fake lol]
               Sometimes, Lacie really doesn’t like humanity. She likes reading their writings, she likes looking at the photos they take of their world, she even likes the occasional specific human, but as a whole?
Rey_hunter: [can you tell me how to solve animagos riddle?? plz]
JarrSlayer8: [I dont get it. Author keeps calling himself a battlisk? Is this a joke account, because he needs to say its a joke so people don’t get confused.]
Foundit_56: [hehe nice try dude… im coming for that spellbook even if your to scared to…]
               If this is what humans are like, she can understand why Animago hated being one so much. I mean seriously, she’s telling people what’s in the spellbook so they’ll leave her alone, and these are the kind of comments she gets?
Pyrocandro: [ummm, you know planis fugere a mortalis huius doesn’t translate to fly away from this mortal plane right? It looks more like go away to me… jus sayin. Maybe you should take a latin class? ;)]
               Lacie narrows her eyes.
               Maybe the non-treasure hunting humans are nicer.
               Maybe up on the surface, humans are actually cool and not smugly correcting her Latin on every post.
               Maybe, but it’s a shame a human trapped her down here to guard his shitty book, so she might never find out.
               A sigh, long and tired. She’s been brainstorming deals ever since Alcor left, but with her still lugging around the spellbook they all seemed… unfeasible. The thing is falling apart already - how’s she supposed to keep it safe out there? Call it a lack of imagination, but she’s exhausted and the only thing she can think of is to keep holing up in her room, ask Alcor to boost the energy of Animago’s old sustaining spells so it can support her again.
               That would work. It would, but it feels…
               Lacie grimaces.
               It feels like there’s more than this. There’s a whole world out there beyond her room, beyond guarding some spellbook; she’s been looking at it ever since she took a laptop off a treasure hunter’s body. She’s been looking, she’s been reading, she’s been writing, and, just as she was about to make that deal with Alcor, she suddenly realised she’s been wanting .
               Wanting to go out there. Wanting to explore, wanting to leave this place. She’s outgrown it, in more ways than one, and now the thought of staying here, forever...
               It feels like she’ll regret not making a better deal when she had the chance.
               But what is a better deal? Maybe she’s just too tired to think, but her mind is blank and now she’s just scrolling through stupid human comments, thinking this is what I’ll have to deal with for the rest of my life...
woodzarcor4lyfe: [how does a bastlisk type lol theyve got no arms]
               Oh, god. Oh, no.
SheldonHunts: [Actually, basilisks are classified as supernatural BEASTS instead of supernatural BEINGS. They’re non-sentient, so I’m preeetty sure you’re not a basilisk dude... cool post tho, was fun to read :)]
               Fucking. Humans. Why are they like this?
Epicbl00dhound: [looooool i bet there’s so many dumbasses in the comments fallin for this………. your not a bastlicks buddy i bet you made this up to feel special………  i bet your just some guy in your moms basement pretending…… dont pretend cuz humans are THE BEST we beat all other spacies (watch pronatpat he has the TRUTH) so get out of there….. be a human!]
               Ugggghhhhhhhh, why is this her life? Why can’t she-
               Lacie reads that last comment again. Through all the weird grammar and the pro-nat grossness and everything else she doesn’t even want to unpack… it’s giving her an idea.
               Be a human...
               A strange, strange idea - but it might just actually work.
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Band of Brothers fluff alphabet: Joe Toye
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Walking into camp Toccoa had been terrifying for you, not that you would let it show. Having gone through basic training you knew better than to show your ‘girly’ emotions around the guys. That being said having every single set of eyes on you as you walked through camp was nerve-wracking. Most of the men stared at you, some whistled, but most of them left you alone.
You didn’t really have a problem with any of the men until you were out at a local bar one night enjoying your weekend pass. Cobb had seemed like an okay guy, a bit cynical and bitter at times but your interactions had been limited. He approached you, spilling some of the beer in his mug as he invaded your space. Clearly, he had overindulged, and his comments towards you went from inappropriate to near threatening as you denied his advances. Turning to leave you were yanked backward, your lower back slamming into the table behind you. At this point some of the men around you had taken notice, some looking like they wanted to step in, but also not wanting to add to the building tension. You felt your face flush, you broke Cobbs hold on his arm and he stumbled a bit.
As you turned to leave you hear Cobb sputter “Hey bitch”,
You turned on your heel and instead of throwing a punch at Cobb you were surprised to see Toye, Joe Toye if your memory serves you correct, with Cobbs collar in his fist muttering a quiet threat to Cobb to ‘leave the lady the fuck alone’. Behind Toye you could see Guarnere, Randleman, and even Lipton looking ready to back him up should the need arise.
Cobb backed down and stumbled back to his seat on the other end of the bar. Toye turned towards you, hand extended as he introduced himself. The boys ended up inviting you to their table while sitting you leaned closer to Toye,
“I appreciate the sentiment and all, but I could have handled that myself” Joe gave a gruff laugh,
“You flatter yourself too much sweetheart, I stepped in for his protection, not yours”, that got a laugh out of you. You and Joe got on pretty well after that.
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Joe had dropped out of high school in his junior year to work in the mines to help support his family. He had been raised to put family first and should he ever get married or have kids their wellbeing would be his first priority.
After losing his leg and spending about 9 months in hospital he is at a loss as to what he can do for work. Before the war, he had worked in the mines and mills but without his right leg, those were no longer options. He wrote to you and in his own ‘tough guy’ kind of way expressed that he felt lost. He did eventually find work as a drill bit grinder at one of the mines in Reading, Pennsylvania.
When the war was over, and you had been shipped back home you decided to visit Toye. You two had always had an easy friendship, so coming to visit felt pretty natural for both of you. A one week visit extended to several, to you eventually moving into his guest bedroom, to said guest bedroom being made into an impromptu nursery.
Your pregnancy hadn’t been planned, but you and Joe took it in stride. Your friendship had always been an easy one, and when you two sat down to talk about things it became apparent that you both had been harboring ‘deeper’ feelings for each other.
You were a champ through the delivery because that child was by no means small. A hearty little thing that was a perfect mix of you and Joe, just having them in your arms made up for the 21 hours of labour you just went through, not that you would tell Joe that. Him doting on you had been kind of nice, and you were going to milk it for as long as possible.  
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
You will usually fall asleep close together, and wake up your back to Joe’s chest, his arm wrapped securely around your waist.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Joe is a pretty simple guy, beer and pizza. You also happen to like those things so you two often just order in and hang out. When his leg isn’t acting up you two sometimes go down to one of the local bars. If it’s a particularly good night Joe will even dance to a slow song or two with you.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are the toughest little thing I have ever met, y’know that?”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
You and Joe had talked about ‘feelings’ and what not when you first found out you were pregnant. While you both knew you loved the other the words hadn’t been said yet. Truthfully, they hadn’t felt right until Joe saw you with a hand on your lower back, gently scolding the child within you for “kicking my damn bladder again”. Joe wasn’t a super touchy-feely guy, but for whatever reason, he just blurted the words out. It was kind of funny as you looked up at him, he blinked owlishly at you as if shocked by his own admission. You just grinned and waddled over, raising on your tip toes you place a gentle kiss to his mouth, “Love you too. Do you think we can get pizza for tonight? I really want olives”.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Don’t get me wrong Joe can be very gentle, but that doesn’t mean you always want him to be gentle.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Again Joe is not super touchy-feely, but when the mood strikes him he has no problem taking your hand in his larger one.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He had seen you around Toccoa, and he had heard enough about you from the men to feel familiar enough with you. Prior to the ‘Cobb’ incident, you two hadn’t really crossed paths. What he remembers clear as day was how you were definitely going to lay Cobb out on his ass if he didn’t step in. Not that the guy didn’t deserve it. After talking with you that night he realized that you were quite funny and would totally take a guy down should the mood strike you. What can he say, he liked you.
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Joe can get jealous, it happens more now that you two are officially together than it did before. Sure while overseas he would get annoyed with the way men would look at you, flirt with you, touch you, breath in your general vicinity, but hey you were just friends so he kept his feelings in check. But now that you are together he gets to pull out that ‘back the fuck off’ look that he does so well.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You honestly don’t remember. You two had been bickering about whether pineapple had a place on pizza and somehow your mouths ended up together.
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
Joe did. You had been standing in the kitchen muttering to your acrobat of an unborn child when Joe just blurted it out. It had been sweet, and so uniquely Joe that it was kind of hilarious. (Also you did get that pizza you asked for)
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
The first day you came to visit after the war had been pretty great. You two didn’t realize how much you had missed each other until you were in the same room. You two had stayed up late that night, drinking beers and just catching up. Joe also ‘forced’ the photos of Guarnere’s various kids upon you. What the hell else was he going to do with all those photos anyway?
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Pizza is kind of your thing. You two aren’t particularly materialistic, so it’s the simple things that keep you two happy.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Red. You are fiery, funny, and a total badass (beast in bed).  
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Sweetheart (not in a sappy way, but like totally Joe if that makes sense?!)
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
He has an old watch that his dad gave to him. The watch face is cracked and the battery died long ago, but it came from family so it means something.  
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Joe’s leg acts up when it rains, “something about the pressure systems or some shit” as he likes to say. So you two usually stay in, sometimes playing cards.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Joe (tough guy) doesn’t get sad, his head just gets cloudy sometimes. Pizza and beer usually fix it, until baby Toye comes along. Joe likes to have ‘conversations’ with your babbling baby, it literally keeps them entertained for hours.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Day to day life stuff mostly, “Have you seen the remote?”, “Why is our child covered in peanut butter?”, “Have you seen my watch?”. You know. Normal things.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Joe will never admit it, but he loves napping with the baby. He will never admit to needing the naps though, always some excuse “The kid was already asleep. Seemed like a crime to get up and disturb ‘em”.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Again Joe isn’t very materialistic, or showy. He is just happy to have the things he does, (You, baby Toye, a reasonable distance between the Guarnere clan and your home)  
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
The topic of marriage comes up occasionally, but you and Joe never really felt the urgency some other couples have. It wasn’t until baby Toye had tuned into ‘full on tiny human Toye’ that the conversation comes up seriously. Mostly because you kid straight up asked “Why don’t you just ask mom to marry you already?”.
You guys had a small ceremony, your families and friends came to the reception afterward. Guarnere full on cackled when he found out how you two ‘got’ engaged, he then promptly high fived your child.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Guest Room- Echos
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
You two had tossed the idea around, it wasn’t until your child literally scolded you that you two got your act together.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Joe had a clear dog or nothing rule. Until your child came home with this mangy cat that they were clearly in love with…It took Joe about two days to come around, but he most definitely did not fall asleep with the cat on his chest. No, that never happened.
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honeybee-babe · 5 years
Sharing Is Caring (Except When You’re Sick) Chapter 9 (Sick!Luther and Sick!Klaus)
Chapter 9 of the fic I co-wrote with @hargreevesstyles and can still be read on her page!
The next time Klaus opened his eyes, there was light coming in through his window, and the littlest Hargreeves was hovering over him like some sort of demented guardian angel.
“Jesus, Five!” he pushed himself up on his elbows and crossed his arms over his chest. “I thought you were my sleep paralysis demon, just standing there looking all… dementor-y.”
“You literally see ghosts all the time, get a grip.”
“What time is it?”
“Noon-thirty. Open up.” Five stuck the thermometer that had apparently been in his pocket in Klaus’ mouth.
“99.9,” Five read. “We’re on the decline. That still didn’t stop Five from pulling the hand sanitizer out of his pocket and dousing his hands in it. “How’re you feeling?” Klaus shrugged.
“Just peachy, lil bro.” He ruffled Five’s hair and grinned at him; Five raised both brows at him and said nothing. “Ugh, I dunno, Five, I just fucking woke up. Not as shitty, I guess? Still kinda shivery but mostly I-hih’nxtshu! my throat is still sore and I’m a little…hih’eshieww-n’kt! a little sneezy.”
Five had backed away slightly. “Gesundheit. Are you hungry?” When Klaus nodded, he copied the gesture, looking at him like a doctor who had just ticked something off a list. “Good. I think lunch is almost ready.”
Five poofed away, and Klaus trudged down the staircase. He stopped at the bottom when he heard Diego’s voice.
“Fine. If you insist on helping, can you pass me the… are you gonna-”
“Put that down. Now!”
“Hh’GXTchu! Sorry.”
Klaus walked quietly to the kitchen and stood in the doorway, watching Diego and Luther fight over a big salad bowl. Diego won, or maybe Luther let him win. He took it to the sink to wash it.
“Diego, come on, I covered my mouth-”
“I don’t care. I want you out of this kitchen. You’ll just get everyone else sick.”
“I’m not sick even anymore!”
“You just sneezed. Twice.”
“I always sneeze twice, dumbass.”
“Oh, my bad.” Diego sneered. “Do you always do everything in your power to get your family sick, too?”
Klaus could swear he saw Diego tense up as if he was expecting to be hit but couldn’t show his fear.
Luther clenched his jaw. “You’ve been nothing but an absolute shitheel to me this whole time.”
“Oh, you’ll get over it, you’re a big boy.”
“I want you to say you’re sorry.” Luther’s voice was quiet, yet threatening. Diego rolled his eyes.
“Or what, you’ll sneeze on me?” Luther glared daggers down at him. In response, Diego put on a play-sad face, pouting like a child; Klaus bit down on his lip to keep from laughing. “I’m so sowwy, Lulu. I was a big meanie to you.”
Luther finally caved, punching the countertop he was leaning on. The whole thing shook; his strength was definitely coming back. Klaus flinched and nearly gave himself away. Diego did, too, but he played it off pretty well.
“That’s not what I meant, asshole.”
“Oh, I’m the asshole?” Diego shook his head with a little sneer. “I’m not the one who couldn’t keep my monkey flu to myself.”
Klaus could tell that was the final straw for Luther, by the way he clenched his fists at his sides. With a shitty little grin, he crept over to lean on another wall, watching his brothers intently.
Luther raised his fist in the air as if in warning, and Diego’s hand as finding its way towards the dishrack, towards the compartment for knives.
Then there was a flash of blue in between them. The knife in Diego’s hand was thrown into the sink, and Luther’s fist had a scrawny one on top of it.
“Let go, Five,” Luther threatened.
“No. You two need to stop. Put your hand down.” Luther grunted but obliged. “You two are incorrigible – especially you,” he pointed his finger at Diego. “You know Luther’s probably still worn out from being sick, and you still knowingly would fight him?” Diego held a threatening finger against Five’s chest.
“I don’t wanna hear anything from you, not after what you did to me yesterday.”
“Hihh’Ixghtshiew!” Klaus finally let out the sneeze he’d been holding back that whole time. When he looked up from his elbows, three pairs of eyes were on him. “Hi, guys.” He grinned. “Carry on, you two! Five, why don’t you make some popcorn?”
Diego grabbed a tissue box off the counter and chucked it at Klaus. He ordered, “Blow your damn nose. Luther, just go upstairs until you’re completely better, okay? Please?”
Klaus blew his nose heavily. He sighed in satisfaction as he was actually able to clear a little of his congestion. Unfortunately, this was the part of the cold where Klaus’ nose was beginning to become unblocked but this meant it wouldn’t stop leaking. He sat at the counter while Diego worked on lunch, blowing his nose what felt like every other minute, and keeping a tissue pressed underneath his nose in between.
“You don’t sound too good,” Diego noted. Klaus shrugged. “You need more medicine?”
Klaus shook his head. “Nah, I should be able to shake this thing on my own now. Hh-ingxht! Di-hieehhh-Diego hhandmeanothertissuehihh!” Diego was busy tossing the salad and couldn’t get to the tissues in time. “Heehhetshieh-h’esshuh!!”
“You good, bud?” Diego asked as Klaus kept his hands pressed up to his face. “Need a tissue?”
Klaus nodded. Diego grabbed a couple from the box and handed them to Klaus, who kept one hand firmly over his nose and mouth and slowly used the tissues to mop up the mess.
“These are messy now,” Klaus laughed. He sniffled. “I’m gonna need more tissues. Yeah, I know. No, really I think it’s okay. I haven’t been sneezing that much! Yes compared to yesterday! You weren’t even here half the damn time! Where even were you?”
It still threw Diego off whenever Klaus started talking to Ben in the middle of a conversation. Klaus really did look crazy, especially right now. His bedhead was a mess and his eyes and nose were running heavily. The bags under his eyes were as prominent as ever, indicative of another night of restless sleep. The talking to someone who didn’t seem to be there was just the cherry on top.
“Diego? Diego!”
“Huh? What, Klaus?”
Klaus sniffled, “I asked if you could get me a glass of water.” Diego obliged and Klaus gulped down the water like he hadn’t had it in days.
Then he held out the glass for more. Diego refilled it for him twice.
“You sure you don’t need some of that throat spray?” Diego asked, shutting the water off. He’d left it on the whole time after he first rinsed the salad.
Klaus finally set his glass down and shook his head. “No, I’m good. Besides, that shit doesn’t work anyway.” He rested his head in his arms on the counter, shooting Diego a hopeful look. “Can I help?” He wasn’t feeling as exhausted at the moment. In fact, he was pretty antsy. And bored.
Diego put the newly-rinsed salad down on the counter in front of Klaus. “Did you not hear what I just told Luther?”
Klaus shrugged. “I thought you were just mad at him.”
With an eye-roll, Diego set the salad bowl in front of Klaus. “You can bring this to the table. And then I want you to sit and wait, okay? Besides, I’m pretty much done.”
Klaus did as he was told, and Diego set lunch at the places designated on the table: four caprese sandwiches and bowls for salad were located on the placemats where the other siblings would sit.
Klaus watched as Five, Vanya, and Luther took their seats and started eating their sandwiches. Allison was out, and Eudora had left for work at 7am.
Klaus looked down at his empty placemat and furrowed his brows. “What about me?” he whined. “I’m starving.”
Then the microwave beeped. Klaus hadn’t even known it was on. He frowned when Diego pulled out a steaming hot bowl of reheated soup and place it down in front of him.
“What the hell, Diego? I want a sandwich!” Klaus immediately grabbed at his throat; yelling was not the best thing for him right now.
“No dairy until your throat feels better. Eat your soup,” Five commanded through his final mouthful of sandwich. He’d wolfed down his food in the time it took Vanya to eat a quarter of hers and Luther to pick his food into tiny little pieces, which he was just starting to eat.
“But I’m hungry!” Klaus whined. “I haven’t eaten solid food ihh.. In-xgtsh-ishyuueh! Huhhr’tDEzhiuuh – days!”
“Bless you.” Vanya put a gentle hand on Klaus’ shoulder. “Five is right. And we’ve got to finish this soup off somehow.”
Klaus huffed. “That’s all I’m good for?” he rasped. Nonetheless, he ate his soup. It helped with his throat a bit, and he realized pretty soon that he couldn’t taste anything anyway, which shut him up about it.
The rest of lunch went off without a hitch. The soup helped relieve even more of the congestion, causing his nose to run. Or, maybe Vanya was helping him again, she was smiling at him a lot anyway. Klaus didn’t care, though. He was pleased to blow through three napkins regardless.
Luther was doing much better, he was able to talk without any pain now. Which meant everyone had to sit through his tangents about his “very important” research on moon rocks. Diego looked about ready to explode. And Klaus was ready to fall asleep into his soup bowl.
Or, maybe Klaus was just a lot sleepier than he’d been twenty minutes ago. Nonetheless, he allowed Diego to help him to the couch.
“Thanks, D,” he mumbled into the pillows. “I’m just gonna take a little cat nap, okay?”
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the-awkward-writer · 7 years
Father’s Day Surprises
Pairings: Misha x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: It’s just fluff. That’s all. There may be a swear word or two.
A/N: So here’s some fluff... As an apology for all of the angst that is about to come your way. This was supposed to be a drabble, but you know. I wrote this up really quickly and I didn’t have time to edit it, so I apologize. Happy Father’s Day!
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“I don’t know why they held a convention on Father’s Day!” Misha exclaimed over the phone.
You sighed, hating to hear your husband’s agitation. “I know, babe, but you’ll be home in a few days, and we can celebrate a late Father’s Day,” you try to reason with him.
Misha sighed on the other line, “Don’t get me wrong, I love the fans, but I would much rather spend my Father’s Day with my family.”
You smiled despite yourself, “I know, Mish. We wish you were here too. Liam has been dying to give you the present he made you.”
“Speaking of the rascal, is he awake?” Misha knew it was highly unlikely, considering the fact that the three year old always fell asleep around this time.
“No,” you looked at the sleeping toddler on your chest. “I’m sorry. You can call after your panel, he’ll be awake then.”
Jensen’s voice sounded from the other line, telling Misha that they had to get on stage, “I love you guys,” he said.
“We love you too.” You hung up the phone, looking around the hotel room.
Misha didn’t know, but you were sat in his hotel room in Phoenix, Arizona, your son napping against your chest.
You knew that Misha wouldn’t be back for another two hours according to Jensen and Jared, so you laid your head back, letting the exhaustion of traveling drag you into sleep.
You were woken up an hour and a half later by a rambunctious three year old jumping around.
“Be careful, baby,” you say as he sends a well aimed kick to your stomach.
“When is daddy going to be here?” Liam asked.
“Soon, I promise.” You sat up, stretching your hands above your head feeling your back crack in multiple places.
“We need to get that new shirt on, okay?” Liam squealed, happy that his many hours of secret keeping have come to an end.
“Okay, mommy. I’ll get it!” He scrambled off the bed, trying to get to his little backpack as quickly as possible. Liam dug around for a moment before victoriously pulling the small blue shirt out.He ran back to you, standing between your legs, “Help me put it on, Mommy!” he yelled at you, trying to wrench his shirt over his head.
You giggled as you helped your rowdy toddler out of his shirt and into the new one, “My, you look mighty handsome,” you said, poking his nose.
He laughed, pulling your finger away form his face. Suddenly, he gasped, “Where’s my picture?”
You stood up and walked over to his backpack, pulling out the white sheet of printer paper with three stick figures scribbled across it, “Don’t worry. I wouldn’t let you forget it.”
“Do you think Daddy will like it?”
“I think he’ll love it, baby.” Liam took it from your hands before climbing back onto the bed, anxiously anticipating the arrival of his father.
Your son didn’t have to wait long; as soon as you sat next to him, you heard noises on the other side of the door. Voices to be exact, before you heard the sound of a key card being inserted in the lock and the door swung open.
Misha’s attention was on his phone, so when his three year old son called out to him, he nearly jumped out of his skin. “Liam! What are you doing here?” Misha wrapped his arms around his son, lifting him up to settle on his hip.
“We wanted to surprise you,” you said, getting up and walking over to your husband.
Misha’s free arm wrapped around your waist, “Well consider me surprised.”
You laughed and wrapped your arms around his neck. It had only been a few days away from him, but it felt like an eternity to you. “I missed you,” you whispered in his neck.
Misha leaned back, kissing you firmly, "Ew! Daddy!" Liam protested to your right. You and Misha pulled back with a laugh. "Look at what I did, Daddy!" Liam squealed, shoving the piece of paper in Misha's face.
Misha leaned back all the way to avoid getting paper cuts on his face, and took the piece of paper from the young boy. "You did this?" Misha asked.
Liam nodded enthusiastically, nearly bursting with pride.
"This should be in a museum, buddy," an excessive amount of real enthusiasm in Misha's voice.
Misha took a minute, looking over the picture, "That's you," Liam said, pointing to the stick figure on the far left, "And that's mommy," he pointed to the figure on the far right, "And that's me," he pointed to the significantly smaller figure in the middle.
"It's amazing, buddy," Misha said, kissing Liam's temple, "Thank you."
Liam wrapped his arms around Misha's neck, "Happy Father's Day, Daddy."
Misha chuckled, "Thank you, Liam." Misha sat down on the bed with Liam still pressed against his chest.
You felt your nerves increase exponentially.
Misha was so close to reading it. So fucking close.
Liam sat up, still in Misha's lap and started to animatedly tell his father about his days at school.
Misha kept eye contact with his son, helping him with the harder words and encouraging him to get through the entire story.
All he has to do is look down. Literally all he has to do. You tried not to let your nerves show as you waited impatiently for Misha to read the shirt.
Finally, Liam finished his story, and Misha's eyes took in his appearance. Your stomach twisted into knots. You were so nervous. Misha read it once, then twice, then thrice.
He slowly turned his head towards you. Tears started to well up in your eyes. "You’re?" Was all Misha could get out before tears were pouring down your face and you were nodding vigorously.
You thought your husband's face would split in two with how wide his grin was.
He set Liam next to him and tackled you to the bed, burying his face in your neck. You could feel his tears on your neck, "I love you so much," he said.
"I love you more.”
"I’m going to be a big brother!” Liam exclaimed, causing the two of you to laugh.
“Yes you are, buddy,” Misha said, laying a kiss on the top of his head.
“Thank you for doing this for me,” Misha said that night. Your head was laid on his chest, his left arm around your waist, his right arm around Liam.
“It was just  a much for me as it was for you,” you said, kissing his neck.
“No, I mean giving me a family.”
You sat up on your elbow, “There is no reason to thank me, love. You deserve so much more than I can give you.”
Misha scoffed lightly, “I love you.”
You kissed his lips, “I love you more.”
happy father’s day!
tags: want to be added or removed? shoot me an ask!
@evyiione, @iputthesininbuisness, @mogaruke, @thatshellfiredean, @jannalionheart, @thing-you-do-with-that-thing, @whit85-blog, @allofmyimagination, @ria132love, @stressedbisexualwinchester, @infinity-dreamchaser, @not-impala
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panda-noosh · 7 years
How about the paladins under anesthesia for a request
I wrote this as aheadcanon, I hope that's what you wanted! If not, I can always do itas an imagine! Enjoy!
- Shiro's weirdly chill.
- Like weirdly chill.
- The kind of chill where your half sure he's actually having a stroke.
- He just kind of looks into thin air with his mouth wide open and his eyes wide and he's kind of like “Woah.”
- And then he sees people and he gets a little bit giddy. Jumping up from his seat and pretending to hide behind his hands as if they can't see him just because he can't see them.
- People having to pat his cheek every few seconds to stop him from falling asleep and dribbling on his shirt.
- When he wakes up, he's slightly pissed that people didn't just throw a brick at him to make him shut up.
- I can imagine him waking up and just screaming.
- Literally, as soon as he opens his eyes he just SCREACHES and scares the shit out of the entire doctors office.
- “Keith! Keith, calm down!”
- Nobody can calm him down, though, and the entire ride home he's just in the back seat yelling his lungs out.
- When he gets home, he begins to quieten down but he just gets weird.
- He calls Pidge a “mole” and starts to stroke her hair.
- Calls Shiro “Big Boss” throughout the entire day.
- He just downright ignores Lance, even though Lance is the only one that wants his attention.
- Calls Hunk “Bro” and constantly wraps his arm around Hunk's shoulder as if to protect him.
- When he wakes up, he just stares blankly at the videos people took of him, before slyly deleting them when there all asleep.
- We all just know he'd be the giddy type.
- He'd wake up in the chair and he'd just start grabbing all of the doctors shit.
- “Is that a tele-sth-cope?”
- “What type of medication is this? Will I overdose if I down it?”
- “Can we do a scien-sth experimentation?”
- Starts speaking in Spanish for no absolute reason.
- Starts dancing with Keith for no absolute reason.
- Though the dancing is weird because he can't exactly stand up straight.
- Starts crying when Shiro takes the bottle of medication off of him.
- Refuses to talk to Shiro {even after the medication has worn off}.
- When he wakes up, he thinks the videos are so funny, even though everybody else hated him the entire time.
- I can see him being proper emotional.
- Like, he wakes up and can't feel his mouth and he just starts bawling.
- “They took my mouth, Pidge! They actually took my mouth!”
- Begging Shiro for a hug.
- Shiro hugs him, and Hunk ends up falling asleep in his arms and getting blood-filled dribble on his shirt.
- Apologises so much when he wakes up from his little nap and basically forces Shiro to wear one of his shirts, even though it doesn't fit.
- Being so proud of himself because he thinks he just fixed the worlds problems by giving Shiro one of his shirts.
- “I'm a good friend.”
- Would she even wake up???
- Honestly, I think she'd just open her eyes, see Lance's giddy face and just immediately fall back to sleep.
- Even though she's still under anaesthesia, she's still so in control of herself.
- Although, she does just start randomly spewing facts about everything to the other paladins.
- “Did you know that people used to brush their teeth with bones back in the day? How crazy is that!”
- “God, I miss my wisdom teeth. They used to be so nice to me.”
- “Hey guys! You look sparkling. HAHAHAHAHA.”
- “I would tell a joke about mirrors, but I don't think that would be a very good reflection of my pun-making abilities. HAHAHAHAHAHA.”
- Suddenly, everybody just wants to punch her.
- But she's so happy making her puns that she doesn't even give a fuck.
- Honestly, bless high Pidge.
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bunvoyagesarah · 4 years
El Camino de Santiago de Compostela
I am verry behind on writing this.  About three months behind. I will do my best to recap.  And luckily, for this part, I kept a pretty detailed journal.  
Monday, January 13 Day 1- O2 Hostel to Se Cathedral de Porto to Foz de Duoro to Matosinhos to Lavra to Labruge 30km/18miles
Bruno and I discussed leaving at 7am.  I had barely slept because I was nervous about getting lost and worried about carrying my bags.  At 7am, I was ready to walk out the door.  Bruno, however was still in his bed asleep. I will admit, I did not know him very well and thought, “Should I just leave him or should I wake him up? We said 7am right?” I decided to give it another 10 minutes, and sure enough, by then he was awake and moving. We left around 7:25am. I’ll tell you right now because I wish I had known then: We never once left on time despite Bruno asking me every night what time we should leave in the morning.  
Bruno and I set out to the Central Portuguese Route of El Camino from our hostel in Porto.  I had read that the Coastal Route, whilst getting out of Porto city is much nicer, so we walked along the Duoro River for most of the morning and then the next day we would be able to meet up with the Central path.  We stopped for lunch along the path. Bruno kept saying, “Oh we’ll be there by 12.” We were not there by 12. We met another Brazilian guy, Arturo who gave us lots of tips, as he had already hiked El Camino Frances route a year earlier.  He recommended the app that I was still trying to figure out, Buen Camino.
We arrived at 2:15pm to Albergue de Labruge, our friend Arturo kept walking another 10km to the next town.  The albergues don’t usually open until about 2pm and because it was winter, there was no one there. Either way, we wanted to rest.  We waited a few minutes and then a girl appeared to have us register in their book, show us where the donation box was, and put a stamp in our “passports.” I had been worried that the albergue would be full, as I had read that so many people walk and they only have so many beds. That was never the case along the entire route.  In fact, we had the opposite occur, where Bruno and I were the only people in some of the places we stayed.  
I was very sore. I laid down on the bed in all my clothes and multiple blankets and took a nap.  I woke up still very sore with a blister on my pinky toe.  You know your feet are sore when you don’t want to put on your shoes, but they are better to cushion your feet than walking barefoot.  I unfortunately did not have any flip-flops to wear.  Eventually, some older Spanish men showed up, and then much later, a German man. I did not have a sleeping bag, and there was not much heating in this old building. Luckily, there were only five of us in the room with 10 single beds, so I stole three blankets, and used one to put down on the plastic mattress and used the others on top of me. This first day was hard. I actually wrote in my journal, “What was I thinking?” After the nap and shower, I felt better, and by morning, I was ready to go again.  
Tuesday, January 14 Day 2- Labruge to Vila de Conde to Touguinha to Junqueira to Acros to San Pedro de Rates 27.6km/17.15miles
We left at 7:45am.  Bruno had suggested instead of strapping my small backpack to the back of my big backpack that I carry the small backpack in the front of my body, like a baby carrier.  This ended up being a lot more comfortable and I continued to walk this way for the rest of the journey.  I did shove a lot of my things, my computer being one of thing into my larger 55 liter backpack, so more of the weight was on my hips, compared to my shoulders with my front backpack.   
Again, by 12:30pm, I was very tired.  My back was very sore.  I am now in a love-hate relationship with my hiking buddy.  It was love because he kept me going, but hate because he asked so many questions when sometimes I just wanted silence.  
We arrived to the albergue at 2:25pm.  This albergue in Rates was run by an older guy who lived on the Camino for years. He had no phone and he sits in the living room reading all day.  He recommended a place to eat with big portions and got us settled into our room. Bruno and I were in a room with five bunk beds, so luckily I had lots of blankets again.  Later, a German guy named Jonas was put into another room with probably another five bunk beds.  We were the only three people to sleep there that night.  I was quickly finding the shower at the end of the day to be the best thing in the world.  It warmed me and relaxed all my tired muscles.  
Jonas and I ended up getting a dinner and drinks at the restaurant recommended by the albergue.  It was about seven euros for the pork schnitzel, salad, potatoes, and half a bottle of wine.  This was the only dinner I ate out during my journey. The albergue was a five euro donation.
Wednesday, January 15 Day 3- San Pedro de Rate to Pedra Furada to Pereira to Bacelinhos to Barcelos to Tamel (San Pedro de Fins) 33km/21miles
We left at 8:53am and it had been raining pretty hard overnight and when we woke up, but by about 8:40am, it had stopped so we left then. We ran into Jonas, the German from the night before along the trail but he was stopping in Barcelos, so we never saw him again after that. Bruno and I had made good time to Barcelos, so decided to keep going to Tamel even though Barcelos is a bigger town.  
It was getting dark by the time we arrived at 5:50pm. And the rain was just starting in the last 100 meters, so we arrived a little wet. Again we were the only ones there on arrival.  This bunk room had about eight bunk beds and was pretty cold with no blankets. Two German girls arrived in from even more rain and darkness.  After talking to them for a bit, they went to bed.  We snuck the small portable space heater from the laundry area up to our room and plugged it in. The one girl wanted me to turn it off, so I said, “Sure, before I go to sleep.” Bruno had not yet come up to the room, and I knew full well that he’d turn it back before going to sleep, so lucky for me I didn’t freeze.  The girl turned it off in the middle of the night, but come morning, I turned it back on. They were gone before we got downstairs.  
Thursday, January 16 Day 4- Tamel to Corgo  10km/6miles 
We left Tamel just before 9am. We had heard about this homestay in Corgo called Casa de Fernanda from the guy in Rates, but knew it was not very far. Figured we could use a short day. I had also really wanted to stay there, as it was a home cooked meal by Fernanda and breakfast in the morning with her husband, Juanito.  
Because it was such a short day, we arrived at 11:15am, despite Bruno walking in flip flops for most of the morning because his shoes were bothering him. We sat outside for an hour or two and that’s when Juanito showed up and talked to Bruno for a little in Portuguese and then let us into the building where they had about twelve single beds in a room and a bathroom. Juanito brought us out soup and bread, which was so nice. Around dinner time, Fernanda called us over for dinner.  She made this amazing roasted chicken with beans and sausage and sauce over rice along with bread and cabbage. She served us her homemade red wine and then after dinner, different types of Port including my favorite: Tawny Port. Then the “fire water.” We had a great time talking with Fernanda about how she became somewhat of a legend on the Central Route.  What had started as a woman knocking on her door about twenty years ago looking for a place to stay has become a building with 12 beds.  While we were the only people to stay there that night, she often takes “reservations” for people.  She can also sleep two people on the porch, which some people hate, and some people request. She also mentioned how they had to put the sign up about the suggested donation of 20 Euros and how she feels bad doing it, but otherwise people leave nothing. She lives in the house with her husband, and happened to be picking up her daughter from college that night, but the three of them had a meal together later.  
Friday, January 17 Day 5- Corgo to Valinhas to Barros to Ponte de Lima to Rubiaes 38km/23.6miles
In the morning, Fernanda had gone but her husband served us tea and bread with jam or chorizo and cheese. Despite telling Bruno we should really leave by 9am, we didn’t leave the kitchen until 9am and we’re walking by 9:20am.  I found I really liked to leave before 8am because I seemed to get tired around noon regardless, so the further I could get before noon, the better. I met two Ukrainian women who spoke very little English, but we each took some pictures for the other and then a selfie together.    
I had planned for us to spend the night in Ponte de Lima, which would have been about 14km, but we got there by 12:20pm, and even though it was a big town that was beautiful, we were well rested from the day before. I convince Bruno we should go all the way to Rubiaes and definitely didn’t mention that there was a big hill on the way.  However, it took us some time to get through Ponte de Lima after stopping at an ATM for me and a grocery store for lunch and extra snacks, so after climbing this 500m hill, we stopping for a few minutes for the view, we continues on our descent.  I remember we kept saying to each other that we should be there about 5:30, and giving ourselves until 6pm to get there with breaks.  The last 40 minutes was in the dark, with my headlamp dead and Bruno’s windup flashlight leading the way.  We were so happy to finally arrive.  Normally, there would be lots of places to stay between these two bigger towns, but because it was January, many of the homestays or private albergues were closed due to low demand and left us staying at the cheaper, public albergues that run on donations in Portugal or eight Euros per person in Spain and are only in the bigger towns roughly 20-30km apart. The homestays and private albergues are necessary in the summer, as sometimes you can’t get into the public albergues if you show up too late, but so far we hadn’t been running into many people and this was not an issue for us at all.  
We go to open the door and it’s locked and there’s a sign saying they close at 6pm! We try and another door and are talking to each other about what to do for maybe a minute, when this woman pokes her head out of a window from the 2nd floor right above the front door.  She says the front desk lady left, but she’s going to come down and see if she can open the door for us.  
(Side note: These albergues are usually “open” from 2pm-8 or 9pm, which is just to say that’s when someone is there to give you a bed, stamp your “passport,” and collect the donation or fee for staying. Once the front desk agent leaves, the front door is locked from the outside with no way to get back in and you, as a pilgrim are not really suppose to let people in, as it could be a “security problem”.  There’s always a door to leave out of in the morning that will lock behind you, whether it’s a side door or front door.)
This woman came down a minute later and opened the door for us.  Her and her husband were the only people staying there and we were so thankful for them, otherwise we likely would have slept next to the building. Instead, we had a nice space heater, and there were lots of blankets in our four bunk bed room. Bruno ran out to the store, another couple kilometers away, which I couldn’t believe after we had such a long day. Meanwhile, I made a pasta dinner and chatted with the couple who were very nice.  
Saturday, January 18 Day 6- Rubiaes to Cossourado to Pedreira to Valenca 20km/12.6miles
We left at 9:10am. Bruno and I had talked about going all the way into Spain, just a couple more kilometers, but about halfway through the day decided to finish in Valenca, mostly because it the albergue would be cheaper and donation based rather than the required eight Euros that we were told (and did) happen in Spain. It also started raining very hard just as we were approaching the albergue, so we were drenched coming in around 2pm.  We dropped all our stuff in the laundry area to dry and then checked in. This front desk guy was adamant about not letting strangers in, probably because then the building wouldn’t be collecting any money from them.  
I now had blisters on both my ankles, under the balls of my feet and the underside of my left pinky toe was one big blister. I had found a sign that advertised someone picking up my bag and taking it straight to Santiago for 30Euros, but in the end decided against it, as I was now that much stronger and felt like I had already come so far with my bag that I could finish with it too.
There was a large grocery store very close to our albergue, that I spent some time in there.  One of my favorite things to get was six eggs. I would hard boiled all of them that night and carry them for a snack the next couple days.  I also ate a lot of oranges as snack/lunch.  Usually at night I had pasta. And for breakfast, some Brevita biscuits.  
We were the only people in this huge albergue. There were at least two rooms each with 30 bunk beds (60 people).  I can’t imagine how loud and busy it must be in the summer with all those beds full and bags everywhere.  Bruno and I took about three beds each, drying out our stuff, spreading out our toiletries, and taking turns in the bathroom’s shower area without having to get dressed in the stall.  On the downside, there were a lot less people on the route to talk to and not people hanging out in the albergues.  
Sunday, January 19 Day 7- Valenca to Tui to O Porrino 25.7km/16miles
Bruno and I left right at 9am. The old fortress that was right next to the albergue was the first thing we walked to.  I lost Bruno in there, knowing he liked fortresses from his Army days and would be stopping lots to take YouTube videos and pictures.  I didn’t see him for the rest of the day, although when I lost him, I never thought he was THAT far behind me, so when I ran into the German couple from Rubiaes, and they asked where Bruno was, I said he was right behind me, little did I know he would be hours behind me by the end of the day.  
It was a beautiful day and also an actual trail rather than cobblestones or pavement which is much harder on your feet. Then I crossed the bridge into Tui, Spain, walked along the river for a bit. At one point the path split in two. I took the “complimentary” path, which I had quickly googled was more of a trail and nature.  
I arrived at the albergue in O Porrino at 3:30pm and the sign on the door says they open at 3pm, but no one is there. After sitting outside in the sun for a bit, I googled other places to stay and found a nearby hostel for 10Euros a night. The girl at the hostel tells me the albergue is closed for the winter.  I am pretty sure Bruno is never going to find me here, but shoot him a message for when he gets wifi again and think maybe we’ll meet in the future.  
This hostel is so nice, with sheets, a blanket, a bedside lamp, and a curtain over the bed, it’s amazing, but my level of luxury shot way up.  I even went back out and walked through the town looking to see if I could see Bruno coming into the village and tell him the public albergue was closed, but I didn’t see him.  I was making some more hard boiled eggs when all the sudden Bruno comes up to the door. I go to let him as it’s a buzzer system with the front desk.  He is just as surprised as I am that we’ve found each other! The girl at the front desk was already gone by the time he arrives at 5:30pm so I just show him an empty bed, since even though there were more people here than most places, there are still a lot of empty beds.  The girl ends up coming back due to another customer’s issue with his room.  Bruno ended up hiding on the bed behind the curtain and never had to pay, although we split the share of my bed.  
I have found that 25km is a good distance for a day.  Too much more is exhausting, and much less you feel unaccomplished.  However, now in Spain, there’s very little options for where to stay, so we’re pretty much stuck doing about 20km for the rest of the journey.  
Monday, January 20 Day 8- O Porrino to Mos to Redonela 18km/11.25miles
Bruno’s foot was bothering him, so he stayed at the hostel in the morning to ice his foot down.  I was starting out very slow every morning as my muscles needed to loosen up.  I stopped by a sign and took a couple timer-pics to show I had less than 100km to go.
About 15 minutes later, this Kiwi woman came up behind me and we walked the rest of the day together, which made it go by so fast. She had a lot less stuff than I did, as she had her bag shipped and was staying in hotels along the way that were organized for her by a tour company, which just goes to show that there are so many different types of pilgrims and everyone can do it. It was great talking with her, as she grew up in Dunedin, where I did a semester of university.  We ate lunch together in Redonela, and by the time we were finishing Bruno was arriving, so she met him after hearing me talk about him all day.  She then continued onto Arcade where her bag was waiting for her.  
There are a few other people in our albergue, Lucasz (Polish) and Viktor (Spanish) and another guy we never saw. I did my laundry in the washing machine and dryer here, which was very nice to wear some clean clothes again! There was also a festival happening outside of our albergue, so around 8pm, a large parade of people went by with horns and drums and people dressed in Catholic robes.   Tuesday, January 21 Day 9- Redonela to Soutomaier to Arcade to Ponteverde 21km/13.3miles
I started without Bruno again, but this time told him which albergue I’d be going to.  I left around 8am thought I was going very slow, even though I never saw anyone from the albergue in Redonela pass me.  I ran into Lynn, the Kiwi, during the last 5km and we walked the rest of the way together.  
I was the first to arrive at this albergue, and it wasn’t even open.  This strange man with rainbow colored hair came over and started to crack my back and give me a shoulder massage.  It was all very weird, but also felt good.  As soon as I was able to check in, I went to walk around the village and to a grocery store to pick up some food for dinner and lunch the next day.  By the time I got back to the albergue, there were a lot more people, with Bruno, Viktor, and Lucasz being three of them.  I got another massage from Luis, also known as Rainbow Hair Man by our group and fell asleep very early.
Wednesday, January 22 Day 10- Ponteverde to Caldes de Reis 27km/17miles
I left the hostel around 8:40am and it was just getting light out due to the one hour time change we had when we entered Spain. The Brazilians (a husband and wife and their friend) left around the same time and I walked shortly behind them for most of the day.  They didn’t speak much English.  Luis, Rainbow Hair Man, was also walking with us in the beginning, and I kept thinking he must just be showing his Brazilian friends how to get through the town, and then he just kept walking, and walking, all while not carrying anything, not even water, and just in his tie-dye hoodie, elephant pants, and flip flops all the way to Caldes de Reis.
Since I was walking alone, I decided to listen to two “How I Built This” episodes.  These really helped the time to go by quickly.  
I arrived to the albergue around 2:30pm, again before anyone else. The Brazilians, I saw went into another place for the night.  After walking around for a little bit, I went back to the albergue, and Viktor and Bruno were outside.  I mentioned to Bruno that he could probably sneak into this one too if he wanted to. He left and came back a little later for me to sneak him in. Then out of nowhere, the guy that had checked me in came up to the four bedroom apartment and started knocking on doors to find the pilgrim that had snuck in.  Bruno fessed up and went down to pay.  The rest of our “crew” was there- 1 Czech girl (Kate), 1 German girl (Victoria), Viktor and Lucasz. We sat around having dinner in a very cramped kitchen.  
Thursday, January 23 Day 11- Caldes de Reis to Padron 21km/13miles
I am almost there! I walked alone again today and took some breaks just to sit as my legs were tired. At this point, I was taking ibuprofen every morning just to get through the initial pain of my stiff muscles and blisters on my feet.   
This town was bigger than most, but still quite small.  There was a man that owned a bar on the corner that watches the pilgrims come in and has them all sign a book.  He has dozens of filled books from the pilgrims and tons of country/El Camino memorabilia from people—shells, pennants, flags, pictures, etc. I walked around town with Viktor for a little bit, and got a couple extra stamps from the cathedral and bar man.  
I booked three nights in a hostel in Santiago when I got to the albergue around 2pm. I’m excited to have a sheet on the bed with a blanket. Everyone from our group and the Brazilians are in this albergue, along with some new people, as this is the last big albergue before Santiago.
Friday, January 24 Day 12- Padron to Santiago de Compostela 29km/18miles
Bruno and I agreed we would walk the last day together.  I, of course, was waiting for him to leave at the time we had agreed on, but alas we left at about 8:50am. Nothing too exciting happened along the walk, except that we were excited to arrive in Santiago.  The last two hours my knee really started to bother me and I took more ibuprofen.  I knew I could rest in Santiago once we arrived and pushed through the pain to the end. 
Santiago de Compostela is a big enough city and the arrows pointing us on the right path had been there at every point along the last 280km, until the very last two kilometers when I had to pull out my map just to get us to the Cathedral.  We actually had to ask someone for directions. And then we came up to the side of the Cathedral and were impressed and stopped to take pictures and I was ready to collapse.  Bruno wanted to keep going around the corner and after being dragged around the corner, I was like, “Oh, this is it!” Victoria and Kate were sitting on square in front of the Cathedral and I joined them while Bruno had a moment with God. Victor arrived shortly after with food and then the Brazilians came and we cheered them on.  It was nice to have our group together and we sat in the sun for hours together admiring the Cathedral, chatting, and drinking some beers to celebrate.  Then we went to the office to get our official certificates of completion.  Apparently, you can wait for hours in line to get your “passport” checked and receive your certificate.  We were the only people there and it took no more than five minutes for all five of us to get our certificates.   Then we went into the Cathedral, which is currently undergoing renovations, but we were still able to see some stuff inside despite a lot of scaffolding. We went in groups as they didn’t allow big bags. Kate then left for her Couchsurfing host’s place.  The rest of us went onto my hostel, where they also booked beds for the night. We then all freshened up and went to the grocery store to make dinner.  We decided to do a group dinner. Viktor made a Spanish omelet, Victoria made a salad, I made fudge for dessert, and Bruno was in charge of beer and wine.  We had cheese and crackers, a seafood pastry, and chips, so by the end, we each spent 12 Euros and were stuffed. We ran into Lucasz on the way back from Cathedral tour and he met us for the beginning of the dinner, but then had to go.  Kate and her couchsurfing host came for part of dinner too and then we all went on a tour of Santiago at night with her host. I was exhausted and crashed right after the tour while Victoria, Bruno, and Viktor continued to stay out.   Saturday In the morning, we did more of the same, walked around Santiago, sat in front of the Cathedral talking. It was bittersweet and it felt like we had accomplished so much.  In the end, I thought it could have been a metaphor of life: There were no signs to point you in the right direction, no cared that we had just walked 280 kilometers to get there, and we enter from the back of the Cathedral, not at all anticipating that. At the end of the day, I walked Victoria and Bruno to the bus station for them to go back to what just took us 12 days to walk, on a three-hour bus.  
Sunday I walked more around Santiago by myself. Ate some delicious Churros con Chocolate and then for dinner had some grilled octopus, Puplo Gallego. I ran into Viktor, who was now joined by his girlfriend for the weekend. And we agreed to meet up when I went to Madrid the next day, which is where he was from. Then I just hung out in the hostel with this girl, Naty who was studying in Santiago for the semester on an exchange program.  
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gyrlversion · 6 years
Disgraced trophy hunter who killed a sleeping lion REFUSES to comment
The hunter who snuck up on a sleeping lion and then took three bullets to kill the magnificent beast has shown he is not so bold without his gun.
Retired energy company executive Guy Gorney refused even to try to explain why he would kill an animal as it napped when DailyMail.com visited him at his home.
‘I’m not interested in talking to you,’ he said on the doorstep of his half-million-dollar house on the windswept Illinois plains south of Chicago.
‘Private property,’ he added. ‘Take off!’ He then firmly shut the door.
An eight-year-old video of Gorney shooting the big cat in Zimbabwe surfaced this week, leading to outrage that he would kill an endangered animal as it slept.
Guy Gorney, 64, of Manhattan, Illinois, is identified as the hunter in a shocking video who killed a sleeping lion. He refused to comment on his kill to DailyMail.com at his doorstep 
The video of Gorney, a retired energy company executive, is believed to have been recorded in Zimbabwe in 2011
Even as it lay motionless, enjoying the African sun, Gorney couldn’t take out the male lion with a clean shot from his high-powered rifle. Instead it woke after being hit and was seen writhing in agony before he could finish it off with two more bullets.
Gorney is then seen celebrating with Mark Vallaro, a professional hunter in Zimbabwe who was acting as his guide.
Vallaro is heard telling Gorney to stop shooting after the third bullet, then he says: ‘That, Mr. Gorney, is a very nice lion. A very nice lion.’
As Gorney approaches the lion, poking it with his rifle to make sure it is dead, Vallaro adds: ‘Beautiful. That is an exceptional lion.’
Gorney, 64, has been vilified for his actions, with comic Ricky Gervais — an outspoken critic of trophy hunting — calling him a ‘sniveling sadistic coward’ in a tweet.
Top golfer Ian Poulter also tweeted: ‘How brave you are. How pathetic shooting something that’s sleeping. This has to be STOPPED. #Coward.’
DailyMail.com columnist Piers Morgan said he felt ‘physically sick’ watching the video, saying: ‘Only someone with a severe mental illness could possibly enjoy doing what you did to that poor unconscious lion.
‘The ecstatic thrill it gave you suggests you’re a psychopathic monster devoid of any empathy or compassion.’
Gorney lives in a five-bedroom home in Manhattan, Illinois, a wealthy village 50 miles southwest of Chicago. A large wooden American flag hangs on his front door, along with a religious message. Two SUVs and a pick-up truck sit in the driveway with a large RV in the back yard.
This is the half-million-dollar Illinois home where Gorney was approached by DailyMail.com but  he refused comment, saying ‘I’m not interested in talking to you. Private property. Take off!’
In the video, Gorney fires one shot, and awakens the unsuspecting lion to meet its demise
The lion can be seen writhing in pain on the ground, after being awakened by the attack
‘Beautiful,’ the guide says, as the video shows a closeup of the lifeless animal’s face
He has visited Africa several times to kill big game, once boasting that he has bagged all of the ‘big five’ animals that are said to be the most difficult to kill on foot — the lion, leopard, rhino, elephant and Cape buffalo. Of the five, the buffalo is the only one that is not endangered.
‘You can say, why’d you shoot a lion?’ he said during a 2015 interview with WBBM-FM, a radio station in Chicago.
‘I love zebra, so shooting a lion probably saves 70 zebra a year, give or take. There’s all these kinds of balances in nature.’
However, his Facebook page, which he has now taken down, contained a photo of a zebra’s head in his vehicle with the caption: ‘Now how did this get in my truck?
A picture of his ‘trophy room’ showed 17 stuffed animals and two zebra skins.
He admitted in the old interview that his hunting is mainly for the thrill of the kill. ‘I really like hunting elephants,’ he said. ‘They’re difficult to track down. They’re incredibly dangerous.
‘The first elephant I got, I walked over 120 miles tracking elephants before I actually caught up to him and found him.
Gorney said he had a hard time understanding why people could accept deer hunting in the United States but not big game hunting in Africa.
‘If you have a picture of somebody with a deer, nobody seems to care. But if it’s an elephant, it’s a big problem. If it’s a lion – especially now – it’s a huge problem. But to me, either way, I’ve stopped a beating heart.’
He did not address the question of deer normally being killed to be eaten while big game is usually just for the trophy, or the fact that most species of deer are not endangered.
Gorney even invoked the memory of former president Theodore Roosevelt during the interview. ‘When I killed that buffalo that had hurt somebody, the people that had benefited from the death of that animal cheered. Clapped.
‘The ‘why’ is just the – I call it the adventure of it. Same reason Teddy Roosevelt did it.’
Last year Gorney got up during an open mic night for authors at the Book and Bean Café in Joliet, Illinois, a few miles from his home, where he said he ‘travels’ a lot’ and writes journals.
He said once in Africa he had been asked to deal with a lion that had attacked livestock. ‘When they get like that, they are not killing to feed, they are just killing, so they are particularly dangerous.’
In a 2015 interview, Gorney addressed violent reactions to trophy hunting by pointing out he can defend himself. Gorney is pictured with a hippopotamus that he killed
In the interview from 2015 with CBS, Gorney showed no remorse for his ‘hunting’ habit, which at that time included killing 70 big game animals, such as elephant, lion, leopard, rhino and buffalo. Gorney is pictured with a rhino that he killed
‘The “why” is just the – I call it the adventure of it. Same reason Teddy Roosevelt did it,’ Gorney said. ‘I really like hunting elephants. They’re difficult to track down. They’re incredibly dangerous. The first elephant I got, I walked over 120 miles tracking elephants before I actually caught up to him and found him’
The hunter also appears to enjoy searching for prey – including moose and bear – closer to home, in North America, as well as the African bush where he bagged a sleeping lion
He said he volunteered to help, ‘literally putting himself in harm’s way.’
As he sat in a tree waiting for the lion to attack an animal he was using as bait, he heard a noise behind him and furiously began to plan in his mind how he was going to kill the lion if it attacked.
But the story ended when the animal that approached turned out to be merely a porcupine. He did not say whether he killed it anyway.
Since the furor caused by the newly released video, Gorney has taken down his Facebook page which showed him with his kills, including one of him straddling a lion while wearing the same clothes he had on in the video.
That was in stark contrast to 2015 when he told WBBM’s Steve Miller he would not remove the page due to public anger. ‘I thought about taking it down, but I really have a problem changing my behavior over people that are just over the top,’ he said.
The video of Gorney killing the lion was posted on the British Twitter account @Protect_Wldlife — which has nearly 335,000 followers — on Monday. The administrator says: ‘I am an advocate for wildlife. I expose animal abuse and abusers wherever they are. I will NEVER stop fighting for better animal rights and welfare.’
The account which shared the video is an animal rights advocacy account, based in the United Kingdom, according to the information on the page, under username @Protect_Wldlife
Top golfer Ian Poulter expressed his outrage over the killing, asking how Gorney can sleep at night 
Others suggested penalties for the actions of Gorney as shown in the video. ‘In my book that should be 5 years in jail. Grotesque,’ one user wrote
‘Even if it was awake, the Poor Animal Shouldn’t be Killed AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!! EVIL B*****D!!!!!!!!!! [various emojis],’ wrote another user
Many expressed objection over trophy hunting, in general, regardless of whether the animal was asleep at the time of its killing
Many Twitter users called out the ‘cowardice’ of attacking the wild animal at rest.
‘A sleeping lion, wow what a big man!’ wrote one user, alongside an angry, cursing emoji.
Many expressed their objection to trophy hunting in general, regardless of whether the animal was asleep at the time of its killing.
‘This is not hunting, or sport…it’s murder #stoptrophyhunting #Fightforyourworld.’ user @verdiKate wrote.
‘Even if it was awake, the Poor Animal Shouldn’t be Killed AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!! EVIL B*****D!!!!!!!!!! [various emojis],’ wrote another user.
Others suggested penalties for the actions of Gorney as shown in the video.
‘In my book that should be 5 years in jail. Grotesque,’ one user wrote.
Another still called for a punishment in kind, replying, ‘More like fed 2 a pride of lions & eaten alive.’
The post Disgraced trophy hunter who killed a sleeping lion REFUSES to comment appeared first on Gyrlversion.
from WordPress https://www.gyrlversion.net/disgraced-trophy-hunter-who-killed-a-sleeping-lion-refuses-to-comment/
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jamesbukkakebarnes · 7 years
okay so i laid on my left side which i never do always sleep on my right side or on my back. now, earlier, i accidentally fell asleep on my left side but since i was so freaking tired i didn’t dream or anything and felt like i was in a deep sleep. ANYWAY, i wasn’t feeling super tired but tried going to sleep about half hour ago? idk it literally feels like no time has passed at all, but i’m getting sidetracked again. i need to write some things down that will be relevant later.
((some backstory: so i do this thing where, when my mind is like..clear enough, or like when i’m not trying to listen to anything, i can sometimes hear random voices. this is just when i’m half asleep but can’t think of a nice little cute story or when i’m not worrying about my responsibilities. these are rare times my mind is totally clear. they sound like different ones every time and i usually can’t tell what exactly they’re saying. these aren’t creepy voices though, they’re more like...people from my everyday life, like some kid on the bus or like a lady who i overheard talking on the phone. that sort of thing. i don’t usually get these voices; the last time i did, it was my brother’s voice, which I clearly heard say “hey, can you open the door?” as in,  the front door, as if he was saying it right in my ear. i thought maybe he got locked out and said it through the window, because my dog also perked up when i heard this. but when i opened the door literally no one was there. it took about ten seconds to open the door, and he wasn’t there. it’s impossible that he could’ve gone to his apartment without me seeing him from my door (they’re maybe ten feet apart?) so to this day i’m still not sure if i actually heard something or if it was an auditory hallucination..this scares me for two reasons. 1. if this wasn’t my brother or a hallucination, what creepy ass voice did me and my dog hear? it could be the upstairs neighbor who parks his motorcycle near my window sometimes, but first of all i would have heard the motorcycle pull up, and second of all, the voice sounded JUST like my brother and it was SO close to my ear. maybe my dog only perked up because i did? i distinctly remember that my first thought was “did my brother just tell me to open the door? did ranger hear it too?” 2. it also scares me because what if i do have some sort of mental issue (um, i mean obviously i have social issues but i’m talking about something else here..) and it was a straight up hallucination? like, this voice told me to go open the fucking front door and i fucking did it because i fucking thought it was him, someone who i trusted and who i would always help him if he needed it. what will this voice tell me next time? run into traffic? that’s some scary shit. right now, i’m thinking, well, even if it did tell me to run into traffic i obviously wouldn’t do it, but...opening the front door at night is fucking almost as dangerous as that, even, so...RIP me fml
another thing i should mention, the last time i got sleep paralysis was earlier this summer. i was slowly falling asleep on my back, after letting my dog out of my room because it was admittedly pretty hot in there. i even took off my blanket, which i NEVER do. so i was drifting off to sleep when suddenly i couldn’t breathe i felt like someone was pressing their hand(s?) on my chest. i couldn’t move. i forced myself to calm down and did my usual method of getting really still and then, with a burst of adrenaline, waking up and sitting up. i was crying when i woke up and i quickly opened the door and pretty much dragged my dog back into the room with me. can’t remember if i shut my door again i think i did just so he wouldn’t leave.
the day right after that sleep paralysis, i told my parents and as usual they got worried. i hadn’t told them about the voice i heard. my dad gave me his cross necklace, which he had been wearing literally my whole life almost two decades , and i didn’t take it off, not even when showering, which i usually take off my necklaces before showering. i didn’t take it off until two weeks ago i think when my dad made me get really upset, and i didn’t want anything to do with it.))
so this brings us back to right now. okay, so when i fall asleep, i, this is fucking embarrassing, but okay, i make up cute little love scenarios for my otps (this time, as is recently, it was about justin and jc. i know, i’m cringing too), just to help my mind drift off before sleep hits me. these scenes help ease my anxiety and help me to stop thinking about what i have to do tomorrow, question why i did this or that earlier, etc. ANYWAY, i did that as usual and then...it sort of gets fuzzy. at this point i didn’t even realize i fell asleep. i was just..somewhere else.
like i said earlier, when my mind isn’t focused, i hear these disembodied voices that don’t really say anything understandable. this happened, i think towards the end of my, um, fluffy love daydream thing.
but then i was in a dream, which is weird because i don’t fucking dream unless i either take a nap where i’m not super tired, unlike earlier, or if i was sleeping and then woke up and then decided to go back to sleep. i guess that is sort of what happened considering i had a good nap earlier. whatever, the dream is going pretty normal. i’m at a best buy or something. i find a movie poster in a dvd case, some nerds are going crazy over the poster. everything’s fine, a bit weird since i didn’t really recognize them. but as soon as i NOTICED that i didn’t really recognize these people, it hit me. i’m fucking lucid dreaming. i’ve only lucid dreamed twice and the first dream was amazingly vivid but the second one was stopped prematurely because i got too excited and woke up.
so now i’m lucid dreaming, and i get a semi clear look on these guys faces. they’re generic looking white guys from my college, no big deal. but since i was in this lucid state, i was like, hey, why not make one of these random guys into jc! i’m pretty sure i was in control of what i was doing since i was walking like i felt like how i normally would if i was walking in real life. so this guy was like...running in front of me but like horizontally toward my left but in slow motion and i’m like..transforming his face into jc’s face, and that’s when it started.
keep in mind, this whole best buy dream thing felt like right as i’m trying to fix his face (lol wtf?), i start hearing the voices, except this time it’s not random peoples’ voices..it’s like..old classmates? two in particular, these guys sat next to me in one of my classes in high school. i haven’t thought of either of them since high school, though i did see one of them on campus earlier today after not seeing him in maybe a year and a half. at the time i thought it was awkward since we didn’t speak at all back then so i din’t want today hi and obviously neither did he. did i imagine his voice because he subconsciously reminds me of the terrible time i had in high school? idk.
SO, this is when it really gets creepy. at this point i guess these guys’ particular voices kind of weirded me out, mostly because at this point i could sort of make out what words they were saying, though i forgot them now, enough to semi wake up, but since i had been lucid dreaming i guess i tried to stay asleep so i was in this weird half sleep state. this is the creepy part. the voices got louder, and louder, until i literally felt as if someone was SCREAMING IN MY EAR. it only lasted for like two seconds but it felt like an eternity. obviously, since i “heard” a super loud noise, it woke me up. and i don’t know if it was my sleeping position (remember, i never lay on my left side) or the fact that my cross necklace wasn’t on (honestly, i’m not a religious person in the sense that i don’t actively practice the religion i grew up with (catholicism) but i do believe in a higher power and try my best to be a good person blah blah blah), but right after that piercing noise, i get FUCKING SLEEP PARALYSIS.
FUCK! so i’m on my side, my heart already beating wildly and now i can’t move. my eyes opened, which is weird since my eyes NEVER open during sleep paralysis, they are always clamped shut and i usually have to calm down and wait until i get enough adrenaline to open my eyes quickly and break the paralysis. so my eyes are open and I SEE SOMEONE WALKING TOWARD ME?? but even in this state, my rational side was like, hey, that’s a fucking desk chair with a towel thrown over it calm down. so i’m trying to calm down but i keep thinking it’s walking toward me and for some reason can’t get myself to calm down enough to fully wake up and get up. i was panicking, and i started feeling warm, and i could feel my fucking heart beating super fast. instead of getting calm and then bursting with adrenaline, i got panicked and somehow broke the sleep paralysis. i immediately focused my eyes and, yes, it was my desk chair i saw, not a shadowy figure..or was it? idk man. i also immediately checked my heart rate. it was..slow? like it was surprisingly not beating as fast as either i thought it was, or maybe i just imagined it beating super fast? my hands were shaking a bit, so i quickly went to the tv stand and found the cross necklace. put it on immediately and then i got my laptop out and started writing. i feel a bit better after writing all the shit i’ve been holding in (though i definitely have made posts about some of the shit that i wrote about, like the awesome lucid dream i had about a year ago that i mentioned, the sleep paralysis my parents freaked out about, i think i wrote about the voice idk) but i’m still really scared. i’m scared to go back to sleep. i’m scared of the loud fucking voices and the creepy shadowy figure. i’m scared it will happen again.
i want to end it here, because i really don’t have much else to say for once, other than this: this isn’t MEANT to be a creepy story. it’s just what happened today and earlier this summer and shit. (i’ve been reading and watching a ton of creepy things though. mostly true crime stories and unsolved mysteries and conspiracy theories, nothing outright scary, just creepy. does this have something to do with this?) i’m just trying to make sense of it all, trying to rationalize some of it and brush off the rest.
i’m also not trying to imply i’m, like schizophrenic or anything. everything i hallucinated tonight and that other time where i heard my brother’s voice and those random times i hear the random unintelligible voices when i’m halfway asleep (again, these ones i only hear on rare nights, and NEVER have these ones ever sounded so horribly loud like they did tonight, though it is concerning that the words were clearer this time) are few and far between. the voices, yes, these have sort of always been there but, like i said, they were rare, and only when i was trying to sleep. the things from today and earlier this summer (my brother’s voice) are pretty much isolated instances, HOPEFULLY. the sleep paralysis is a separate issue, i get it occasionally, my brother gets it, i know a lot of people who do..but it makes you wonder. are the paralysis and voices related? does this happen to other people (the voices when felling asleep, i mean)? AM i schizophrenic, or have some other hallucinating thing? is it all stress or guilt or something else? idk man. i’m gonna try to go to sleep but i really don’t want to.
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