#guys what is life. unreal af
kalashtars · 5 months
ⓘ this user is now a published poet?
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anzulvr · 1 year
Imagine Karma having a bad day and a smart af reader who can see through him instantly catches on and tries to do little things to make him feel better but doesn't do anything direct bc they know that Karma isn't so great with admitting he's upset and he eventually opens up and cuddles up to them and omGHW RKSIAJWWNAOQ
This took like 2 weeks I’m sorry there’s so many requests 😭
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Karma has never been the best at hiding how he feels, it never even seems like he tries to as he’s very open and honest about what he thinks.
No one can really read him except for you.
He doesn’t know wether to think of that as a good thing or not. You understand him but is having someone like that something he wants?
He sits down next to you in the morning for first period. He came late and he has this grouchy look on his face, you ask him what’s wrong.
he brushes you off “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.”
It was obviously something still you didn’t want to be pushy.
The rest of the day you could tell something was weighing on his mind so you made it your life’s (or days) mission to make him feel better.
You spent the rest of the day trying to cheer him up
passing him notes during class, (Korosensei sees you but doesn’t stop you from doing it when he sees Karma smiling while reading them)
Messing with him during your sparring session
“[Name] you sure you want to fight me? I’m not going easy on you.” (He totally will)
“You don’t have too! I’ve been practicing too.”
mid way the fight you realize you overestimated yourself, even with him letting you hit him it was somehow hurting you more.
“[Name] I’ve seen cats that hit harder than yo— PffttHAHAHA WHY DOES YOU TICKLING ME HURT MORE??”
you realize there was no beating him through sheer will but you did know he was ticklish and that’s a big enough weakness to exploit.
You were also just being extra corny all day just for the sake of it
“This (love) song reminds me of you.”
“[name] that’s so chessy it’s gross.” he says trying to hide the smile creeping up his face
You went to his house to hang out for a while
“Karma, let’s watch [insert really overrated action move]!”
“I thought you said you didn’t want to last time.”
“You like it right? I want to watch something you like.”
His heart exploded right then and there. How could someone be so sweet without realizing it
mid way through the movie his spirits seemed raised so you ask.
“Karma do you mind me asking why you were upset today?”
“t’s really nothing I’m surprised you could even tell. No one else said anything.”
“I just pay extra attention to you, they didn’t say anything cause you have resting bitch face”
“Obsessed much?”
“As if! seriously though, what happened?” You had to push further for him to admit anything actually happened
“I just got into a fight with some stupid guy”
“Really? That’s it? You get into fights like everyday.”
“It’s a long story. Him and his friends were talking about you and it really set me off because I’d already had a shitty morning— my parents called to tell me they already made plans to travel to New York after they told me they’d stay here for atleast a month?”
“Oh wow- I’m sorry Karma, I know they promised and everything.”
“Yeah. Uhm sorry— I didn’t mean to unload that much.”
(Sorry??? He says sorry??)
“Huh? You don’t have to apologize, I want to know these things cause I care.”
“Oh. Thanks [name], you’re the only person I’d ever tell these things too.”
“Whys that?”
“I trust you too much, who knows when you’ll blackmail me with this.”
“Blackmail is your thing not mine!”
“Mhm, that’s what a blackmailer would say. Anyways let’s finish the movie the best part is coming up!”
“I was hoping you forgot we were watching that snooze fest.”
“In what world is [super mega overrated action movie] a snooze fest??“
“Do you hear yourself right now..?”
“You don’t see me complaining when you make me watch those romance dramas you like.”
“What are you saying, you never shut up about how unrealistic the scenes are.”
“Cause they ARE— in what world do guys get in car crashes, stay in mid air for 5 minutes and look good while doing it??”
“…in what world does an antihero ninja go around fighting people to save humanity.”
“To be fair we’re trying to kill an alien octopus to save the world from exploding these days.”
“Yeah.. if you asked me a year ago which of these events were most likely to happen I wouldn’t have guessed alien octopus world explosion.”
“Right, to be honest the car accident in true beauty seems fairly realistic in comparis- [Name] LOOK THATS THE SCENE!”
in the end you fell asleep on the floor together when you woke up he complained about how you slept though it. (He fell asleep 5 minutes after you.)
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my-castles-crumbling · 6 months
Cas babe, I'm royally fucked. The drama that is surrounding me rn is so fucking unreal.
So let me start from the very beginning, so I m a 16 yr old girl and i hv this really close guy friend let's call him J, so J and I have been friends since forever, like I don't even remember when I first met him. I have known him since I was born , like I have never known a life without J. And i love him like a brother.
Ok so fast forward a few years and now we're both 16, and we met this girl, Lottie she was a transfer student and we ( J , Lottie and I) had a few classes together. And slowly we develop a friendship.
Now the thing is that J has a crush on Lottie and he told me as soon as he realised it and me being the great friend that I am have subtly been wingwomaning him .
So, last week after English class (only Lottie and I have this class) , Lottie asked me out. Yeah, and I'm straight af but I'm an ally. So I was like what? But she was like i thought u were queer coz u give very strong queer vibes which is kinda true because I have a MAJOR crush on lily Rose depp and i hv always said that she could run me over with her car and I'd thank her and beg her to fuck me, (yeah I have issues.) And I also have bi friend who i jokingly call my wife bcoz when she came out ppl were being very homophobic and i thought that was the only way to support her. (i was 14 ok i don't judge me)
So back to Lottie I wa obviously s so very awkward I was like ohhh. And i told her in the politest way i could manage that I m straight af (bcoz i am) and I'm kinda flustered that she has a crush on me bcoz she is really pretty. And she got very embarassed and started apologising and I was like no no it's fine , it's totally fine. Yeah but she also kinda requested me not to tell anyone else that she's a lesbian bcoz she's not out to everyone, and I was like Of course .And now she has been trying to avoid me for the few days which anyone in her position would do tbh, so I don't blame her for that.
Ok so now bcoz Lottie is avoiding me she's also avoiding J by extension coz we both r usually hanging out together. So i already told u that J has a crush on Lottie so he was obviously not happy that she was avoiding us and i couldn't tell him why bcoz OBVIOUSLY.
And a little note abt my best friend he is extremely fucking extra , he is the biggest drama queen in the world like Sirius Black level of drama. So now his dumbass decided that he will ask Lottie out, and bcoz he is so fucking extra abt everything he is thinking of using the help of his teammates ( he's on the football team) to ask her out after the football match next Friday.
And in trying to convince him that he should not do it, but when he asks why i don't have any solid reason because it's not my place to tell him abt Lottie. So he's really planning everything to make the proposal perfect, and I'm stressing tf out.
I love J and i don't want to see him get hurt bcoz obviously Lottie is gonna say no, and on top of that it would be kinda humiliating bcoz the entire school and another school would be there. And I'm also worried that Lottie will think that I did this in purpose to embarrass her so now I'm stuck in a huge fucking dilemma.
pls help me bcoz I don't know what tf I'm going to do and i hv to do something before Friday or 😭😭😭.
omg I have to say- the way I was literally gasping throughout this story because...wow
So first, I want to say I think you were really sweet with Lottie. It sounds like you're a super kind person, and a wonderful ally <3
Honestly, I would probably talk to Lottie (if possible) and tell her that J is about to ask her out in front of the entire school, and ask her if it's okay for you to tell him that she's simply not interested. The reason I think this is the best option is because, either way Lottie will find out about J's feelings, so you can't really prevent that. This way, you're preventing embarrassment for both Lottie and J. Also, you're possibly protecting Lottie from attention by telling J you just "heard Lottie is not interested" because that doesn't out Lottie. AND even if J doesn't listen to you, you've helped by both preparing Lottie for what will happen and by sort of...introducing J to the idea that she's not interested.
So yeah. I think this is your best bet.
Keep me updated, I'm dying to know what happens!
(Also I am naming all the anons who write to me in case they want to write in the future, and I am using a random positive affirmation generator to do so. So I dub thee: caring anon. Enjoy your free tag!)
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thephantomcasebook · 1 year
These fans are mad that the writers are lame af because ain't no way they've never imagined they wouldn't do characters dirty for no reason before lol
In all honesty ...
I've never seen anyone or anything get so goddamn feral, so quickly, in my life, than the HOTD fandom did.
We all sort of eased back into the franchise at first after being incredibly let down and betrayed. Then from 1x03-1x05 it was like being a part of the GOT fandom again with funny memes and joking around. People slowly falling in love with Alicent and kinda liking young Rhaenyra. All of us agreeing that Matt Smith is a great actor.
Then, around 1x06 to current day, everyone just lost their goddamn mind.
Suddenly there's this weird cult like hate or adoration of Alicent. Fucking Rhaenyra stans out here screaming the condoning for the murder of children and the need for it. You can't even praise Jaehaera - a sweet and innocent little girl - and wish that she get better treatment without some creepy losers shitting themselves in anger over it.
I was on discord earlier and I was showing them the kind of deranged asks that people send into my inbox and it was a large topic of conversation between people - some who may or may not work on HOTD in some capacity or another - about the level of vitriol and rage that cropped up out of absolutely nowhere.
Reddit is a hive of buzzing angry hornets at the best of times, but the level of hatred and anger in the ASoIaF fandom is just unreal and everyone who is a fan and even people who work on the show are noticing it.
I've got this major fucking loser we were making fun of today who is so fucking pissed off because I have a pet theory of A+C=D and they're so angry and offended by it that they hate read my blog and act like one of those sad pathetic "Reply guys" on twitter at every post.
There's also this person who we tracked down and whose blog we all had a good laugh at reading, who sends absolute vitriolic asks because they refuse to believe that Jessica Brown Findlay was originally cast to play Alys Rivers. There is all sorts of evidence from both Olivia Cooke and Phia Saban following her on Instagram, to the head costume designer and several directors from season 2 following her on instagram, to her even liking several instagram posts from the Costume Designer about cast fittings before someone on twitter noticed and she unliked everything.
But still, this person truly believes that if she "Stans" the replacement actress for Alys, that she's somehow a good and righteous person that can claim internet points for being the first stan.
And I think that's the weird part about this whole thing with fandom that we were talking about.
There's people in this fandom, on Twitter and Reddit, that somehow equate their favs to be linked to some sort of real life virtue. That there some sort of moral equivalency test to liking an aspect or character of this goddamn show. And if you fail it or don't line up you're not just against the tribe, you're all and all evil.
And it's so fucking wild how a fandom went from fun crank theories about Varys being a Mermaid to being evil and awful, because, you talked to someone who was around the volume for Pre-viz who heard something at lunch and you relay what they heard to someone who asked what the word is in the gossip mills these days.
Even when you preface and epilogue the post with it being a rumor and probably not true, they still gnash their teeth and post on Twitter and Reddit trying to get a hate mob together to come after your blog.
Mutha'fucker, I'm a 33 year old man who has been shot at and been in life or death fist fights with dudes twice my size.
All I have to do to kick your ass is ignore an app for a few days while I finish a chapter and watch retro anime and Downton Abbey.
Either way, it's crazy out here, Nonny.
Get strapped and stay vigilante, the hoard of rage zombies are out in force.
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little update for you guys:
so i’ve had literally no time for shifting recently 💀 I haven’t even attempted in a month or so.
and i know everyone’s like “make time!” or “shifting is easy just do ___!” girl i’m telling you i’m up at 6 in the morning and my day isn’t over until 11, then i need to go to sleep and do it all again the next day. having responsibilities sucks ass.
BUT- in the meantime, I’ve been exploring potential DRs and making pinterest boards and cute little spotify playlists and basically it’s the main way i’m attached to shifting right now. My living situation has changed (positive) but that’s a whole other mess and basically Ophelia has NO time ❌
So updates might be slow until i move into my dorm in August, but anyway here’s a new list of some of my drs in case anyone is looking for a new place to shift:
So, I have my Hogwarts DR right? But honestly, it’s not really my main focus at the moment. i’m really just trying to get to my waiting room before i decide where the hell i’m going. this dr is cute and adorable and feels very homey to me. i’ve actually considered permashifting there tbh. it’s the world i’ve scripted the most for and what ignited my shifting journey.
Then, I have a Fame dr. kind of obligatory at first but the more i was getting into it, the more shit i’ve added and i actually love it now. it’s a mid-2010s and onward fame dr, so it’s like 2015 where i’m shifting. i’ve scripted to start out on broadway (OBC for katherine pulitzer in newsies), eventually working my way to the acting industry and then the music industry. i’ve got at least three albums planned and I even have an idea for a directorial debut limited series. I’ve also scripted myself into movies and shows that don’t exist in my cr so i’m excited to see how that goes!
I have some ideas for a marvel/Avengers dr. I’m a Greek demi-goddess with questionable parentage, but I insert myself into Tony’s life right around the first Iron Man. With weird time mechanics and whatever I just want to be besties with peter parker and train with strange and bucky tbh. extended found family is what i live for
I’m working on an Avatar: The Last Airbender dr lmao. i wanna be a fire bender so bad it’s unreal. I’m also adding separate countries under the same nation. like yes, there’s the earth kingdom and fire kingdom, but they have separate designations sort of like the southern and northern water tribes.
I’m thinking of a pjo/camp-half-blood dr because that would be cool as hell. going on quests with the gang and having powers?? i’d probably script some stuff in or out but the idea is really cool to me and i was always a percy jackson kid
lost in space dr !!! if you don’t know what i’m talking about there’s an original series from years ago or there’s a netflix reboot but basically this is a found family dr that takes place in space/alien planets and there’s a robot. maureen and john robinson are so mother and father coded it’s unreal.
hawkins, indiana dr but not “really” a stranger things dr because i don’t want to traumatize these kids or be traumatized myself lmao i’m basically just living in hawkins but all the friend groups are the same. also i’m dustin’s older sister because he’s adorable.
youtuber dr where i’m in weird/conspiracy core youtube and make those sorts of videos. i wanna make content with some of my more niche weird faves like wendigoon, nexpo, etc. this is really niche for a dr but i think it’s gonna be fun as hell.
bridgerton dr, y’all fr need to get in on this. new pretty dresses every day, men competing for my hand in marriage, elitist politics, orchestral music, flowers everywhere- it’s just going to be a good time i know it.
The 100 but specifically seasons 1-2 (MAYBE 3). Less death and more fun but with some scripting i think the idea of a society run by delinquent teenagers from space who are also fighting barbaric remnants of a destroyed civilization sounds cool as HELL bro. But i finished the show and the plot after the time jump isn’t what I want so i’m gonna script the hell out of the actual plot to make it fit what i want.
Trap House dr ! (another youtuber dr, shockingly) with the trap house circa the late 2010s. ghost hunting with sam and colby, talking shit with jake and corey, doing stupid shit and partying and just having a good time bro. i’m also scripting out Elton 🙈
narnia dr but specifically from LWW through the golden era of narnia. ruling over a mythological land with the pevensies, exploring the lands as far as they go, learning the lore with the other places in the world narnia exists in (where the telmarines come from and the other nations), i just think it’d be cool as hell.
and i want to figure out how to make like a zombie (potentially TWD or TLOU) dr without it being traumatizing 😭😭 stay tuned for how that works out lmaooo
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softedgessculptures · 2 years
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This is one of the best couples and plot twist in the history of couples in cartoons, in fact, the very concept of plot twist in a REAL couple is already able to show us while all the media is mediocre. I'm not going to make a huge and really serious post, so I'm just going to comment even.
Harold just saw Leshawna and the first thing he said was," Wow, you're big! I've never seen a woman like you! " and Leshawna was so nice, because she KNEWS that was not evil!!? Harold didn't even said it in a crude tone, he was just amazed and she fuckin knew it.
He was in awe of her, with a woman.
Over the course of the episodes, we found out that there's a secret admirer at the island camp, and in what Gwen and Bridgette thought were for they with their own boyfriends, actually, it was all for Leshawna.
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Even if they didn't know who the sender was, the moment Harold is eliminated, he declares himself to Leshawna. And Leshawna LOVES IT. SHE JUST LOVES IT AND THEY KISS! Everyone who saw was so amazing and awwwwwn cried because it was cute af, that actually, Harold is a passionate and romantic guy regardless of what his appearance and personality looked like.
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And it tells us that true love is, beyond appearances.
We, in fact, end up growing up with a completely pig and miserable prototype of perfect couples, perfect pairs in a perfect life. Since all this fuck doesn't work like that, it can't and shouldn't be portrayed this way. It is not only the media, but the books themselves are feeding us with this ideal. (fr most works here are better than so much more famous works out there, just for being so real here on tumblr)
Models x models, pretty x pretty, ""ugly"" x ""ugly"" (lol how can I determine who is ugly or not), and most following this idea of stupid beauty. These instagramers selling an image of their beautiful and "perfect" life with a buff body and a buff partner in a mansion, totally unreal for those who live in the real world.. What consequently is the most.
I also followed this perfect couple ideal, that no one would ever love me, that I would never live a life of love like rich or beautiful people. I thought I was, and actually, I still think I'm so ugly, that I would never be happy as the white girl with light eyes I saw in Reels. And that's so wrong. So wrong. When we consume a lot of media, social networks, and fit the dough, we become dumber and more alienated.
This is hell. When we go out of social networks and see real people, normal people and lol I'll say again NORMAL because they are NORMAL and not completely manufactured, we realize that things don't work that media way. That, in fact, people really love each other and find beauty in many because they rightly like each other and look beyond bodies, faces and skin tones. There's a lot of couples in the streets, in campus, in MANY places.
I ended up seeing a lot of racism on tumblr, of people complaining about couples of characters with black or fat people. Lol, i'm sorry. Lol, i'm sorry. I don't even know what to say. I don't even know what to say because IT'S SO BIZARRE, how can a person think that to have a boyfriend or write a >>>>>fictional<<<<< tale, we can't put a REAL person there. Drug life is not only models of straight hair, fair skin or fake tan, or even blacks going crazy to stand like the completely skinny black models of fin noses. IS NOT LIKE THIS!!!! Couples can arise from different types of people, that buying this idea of perfect, equal and homogeneous models is actually so limited compared to the whole universe we have out here, not only to explore but to also simply live because we are part of them!!!! We, actually, are them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I actually went crazy with Shrek's dreamworks film, batting through this whole culture of perfect princesses and princes (and whites in the most standardized possible) getting together in the Disney ideal. In fact, not just Disney, but a whole global and social issue that everyone in the world has adopted. Shrek and Fiona were stronger and more passionate than anything in the end they manage to came out over any obstacle. In Shrek 2, which is actually the best of the other films, we see how AMAZING it was in the end. The fairy godmother and all forced a perfect couple, prince and princess, but still, it did not work because Shrek and Fione loved each other by what were really !!!!!!!! That was so beautiful!!!
Buuut coming back to real life, you may be the greatest empath in the world, but you won't be able to put it in the shoes of people who think they can determine who stays together and is loved or not. You can't really understand these minds, other than waiting too much and poor social and psychological development. Not to judge because we should take in with kindness and patience aways, but shit, it's surreal to have to teach one person to be kind, lovely to the other. 😢😢
Finally. We already know the problem.
I'm just going to say one thing: YES, your favorite character would be with a person like you. Regardless of your appearance, color, social status... I think that fiction is even out of reality because they just don't follow these superficial biases that we adopted in society, which rooted and rotted our minds. I've seen people trying to bring fictional characters into real life, making them imagine them living here and I've seen so much shit. Beauty pattern ran strong, money, even color in the middle. I hated it, it was the pinnacle of stupidity.
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gothcsz · 8 days
I know we’ve all been horny af here but I wanna throw in something wholesome 🥺
Javi being really excited and proud to introduce his new girlfriend to his dad.
The last time Chucho saw his son with a woman was Lorraine and we all know how that ended (dumb bitch yikes lmao) and he can only imagine what Javi had been up to in Colombia (he doesn’t even want to actually know, nope.) but he knows his son and he knows how hard the Lorraine situation has weighed on Javi all this time (even tho honestly. Javi should absolutely not ever feel bad about leaving her at the altar and he also shouldn’t apologise. Lying about being pregnant to get a guy to marry you is absolutely fucked up and leaving her was the absolute right thing to do!!!)
But Chucho knows his son and he knows that day has haunted Javi all these years. He knows Javi isn’t just a cocky asshole but also an incredibly sensitive man. And all he wants for Javi is for him to be happy.
And Javi is careful when it comes to love. He didn’t expect to ever actually find someone again. Someone that he can fully trust and love. Someone he wants to fully trust and love. That person that you come home to at the end of the day and you want to tell them every single little thing about your day and you want to hear every single little thing about their day too.
And by some miracle, he meets you. (because in Javis mind it has to be a miracle to meet you.) And he can’t believe how perfect everything is with you. How easy and uncomplicated. And he keeps it close to his chest for a while, keeps all his cards hidden away so nobody can even try to get a peek because it’s you and him. And it feels so special that it feels almost unreal. So he’s not gonna let anyone even get the idea that they could interfere or say something or whatever.
So you keep it quiet and secret for a while. And not like dirty secret people shouldn’t know about kinda quiet. You both can’t wait to shout it from the rooftops someday. But you want to stay in this beautiful special real-but-feels-unreal bubble for a while. Really learn everything there is to learn about each other. Explore every little crease and corner of each others minds and bodies. And the more time passes, the more sure you are that things will last. That you both will do everything to make it last, never wanting to let this love you have grown, so carefully and lovingly, go. You know it’s forever.
So when it’s finally time to be open and free, Javi knows he wants to tell his dad first. And for some reason he feels like a damn teenager again, brining it up at the dinner table one night. Hands fidgeting with the fork while he tells his dad that he met someone and he would really like to introduce Chucho to his girlfriend.
And again, Chucho knows his son. Knows just from his behaviour that this is something special. That it took some courage for Javi to finally tell him about you. And as he happily agrees to meeting you, he’s already thinking about the ring he has hidden in his bedside table. The ring he has hidden there for Javi all these years, since his dear wife had given it to him before she passed. He knows Javi is gonna need it soon.
🥺🥺 I love soft Javi.
oh... oh okay so this is what we're doing now? great..... *runs off to cry in my corner*
no but, this. literally all of this. i have so many fucking feelings about lorraine and her scheming ass trying to trap javi!! i get it to a degree— you have a man like that so of course you want to keep him forever but there are other ways to do it instead of faking a whole ass pregnancy just to get that ring. need to incorporate some kind of confrontation with her x reader like the drama. the cattiness.....
chucho seeing his son happy could bring world peace, i think, lmfao. that man knows all the shit javi's been through and how treacherous his love life is so when he starts to see him in better moods, smiling, just overall shining... well, he knows what's causing it! his son's got a girl!
i can imagine the meet cute that sparked your relationship with javi. something so trivial and simple that not only brought you to him but also showed him that there's beauty in the smallest moments of life (: something he def took for granted before he dipped on out to colombia.... ugh, dating in secret because you want to not because you have to. i feel like that adds even more to the relationship ngl. the sneaking around, getting lost in each other, forgetting about the rest of the world... *sighs dreamily*
ugh, javi being so nervous to tell his dad really makes me feel all mushy inside. you constantly reassuring him that it's okay to feel the nerves but that everything is going to be fine as he brings you to the house. he doesn't know what he'd do without you, tbh, you're as cool as a cucumber during the entire thing, absolutely charming the socks off his pops and as the night progresses— he's like, wait, why was i freaking out over this? lol
meeting the rest of his fam... eventually getting married... starting a family of your own. i need domestic javi so bad it's not a joke. he deserves to be HAPPY
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lostinwoods · 3 years
A different take on SessKag relationship or why it would be more realistic than InuKag.
Let me begin with
Sesshomaru's and Kagome's past and how they are similar.
Sesshomaru had always been a very sentimental and emotionally receptive being. He had loved and cherished his dad the most. Loving and competing with him, wanting to surpass him, desiring recognition and acceptance so much so that his entire world revolved around his father. He did not want the swords because they were powerful or the bs about supreme conquest. What is that shit? Sesshomaru never needed that. The swords, especially Tessaiga was the most important acceptance to Sess. I will get back to this later.
Now Kagome. This kid was born and then we never saw her dad even when she was a kid. Another classic case of growing without a dad? Perhaps. But I feel her grandpa filled her missing dad's place. That is why the kid grew up in a lovely household, filled with love and peace and made Kagome what she was later on, a selfless girl who wants to love and protect her friends. Because that is what she learnt. Her grandpa, mom, everyone and her own family dynamics taught her how important it was to cherish the ones she loved.
What they initially thought of Inuyasha in their life
Now back to Sess. When his dad died, he dies saving Izayoi. What is the thing he feels at the time I wondered. Surely devastated? Yes, but even worse. His most important person, his goal, the thing his life revolved around was gone. And for what? To protect a weak, useless bitch like Izayoi? Here is a thing, he never knew Izayoi but knew the hut had collapsed on his dad when Izayoi had escaped. What can a teen feel when they hear such a thing? 'That useless bitch, ran away when my dad was in danger and cost him his life. Fuck that bitch and that kid they made. Useless, all humans are useless and weak.' This was really where his hatred came from. Probably.
Kagome on the other hand from the beginning was shown as a selfless kid, who loved both humans and demons alike. Reason? She had never lived in the feudal era. She was a kid grown in a society where everyone is placed on a equal pedestal. How would she, a modern kid understand the bad blood between demons and humans? If she were ever born in Feudal Japan, would things have changed? Maybe. Then she falls into a world where nothing was similar to where she was from. She was frightened, unsure and confused. And then Inuyasha came into her life. Honestly their first meeting was not romantic and pretty terrific in a sense. That was a weird day for Kagome. She fell into an alien world only heard in fairy tales, got involved in a weird prophecy, learnt she was a mythical sort of being herself and then got attacked by a guy who had saved her only seconds before, all ready to rip her heart out. In such a case, the 'osuwari' was probably a safe word for her. Why she uses it later in the series? Probably because she never trusted Inuyasha and felt more comfortable using a word which gave her power over him. Honestly, what would you expect? Kisses and love showers?
Analysis: Kagome was still scared of Inuyasha for a long time and did not trust him completely.
Before Inu no Taisho's tomb battle
Kagome before this went home and then cane back because she felt that fixing the Shikon was her duty. More honestly, she just returned coz Yura attacked and she wanted her family to be safe. Here I want to take some time to gush over how cool Kagome is. Intelligent, smart and extremely powerful. How she understood that Yura's skull was her weakness and breaks the god forsaken thing with just an arrow. That is some level of OPness. Who says Kags is useless?
Anyways, after that when Inuyasha called her 'Kagome', a lot of the viewers thought that Kagome was ecstatic because it was romantic and she was in love. But that is bs. It is not possible to love someone a week later they tried to gut your heart out. It is masochistic and unreal. Kagome over here felt a sense of acceptance from a guy who she felt previously hated her enough to kill her. And that to Kagome was a sign of friendship and more like, 'don't worry, I am not at least gonna attempt to kill you anymore.'
Kagome, inheritently a person who gives a hand when given a finger. She accepts Inu as her friend and they were far from being lovers.
It is exactly this time that Sess attacks them. And quite cruely might I say. Bringing Inu's dead mom like that was not funny and Sess was an outright jerk for doing that no matter how much he hated Inu and Izayoi. He is all weird and sarcatic at high levels. And Kags hated him. She hated how he was attacking this one friend she had made in the era. She hated how cruel this bastard was and how much pain her friend was going through. And her own lovely bond with her brother did not help her to look into their complex brotherly bond which seemed to her more like some battle royale. She probaably hated the bitch for showing up and hurting her friend like that even when he, being the older brother should have loved his younger brother and nurtured him like she would do for Souta.
For Sess, it was really weird and shitty all over. A basic human bitch, standing behind Inu like she was weak fawn. Reminded him so much of Izayoi. Someone who never even tried saving his dad. That was why his sarcastic words were like, "Inuyasha, it suits you so much to have a human behind you". Ya and he was irritated by looking at how helpless af the bitch was. He was narcisstic, filipant of Kags presence and all around indifferent to a 'weak human filthy woman', who he felt was just like the one for whom his dad died.
Surprise is how he did not outright murder her. Perhaps he felt like they were worthless and beneath his boots.
Lol, these two are the best.
Inside Inu No Taisho's tomb
Kags was really angry with this bitch who just chained her up, clawed a pearl out of her friend's eye and then jumped into a black hole. That is why she followed with, "This sort of a person, with no blood or humanity in his veins, I cannot forgive him" and then she chased. Even Inu was like, WTF bro. It was fun. Then she spouted lines like, " Take the sword Inuyasha, it will be like a hit to his pride, what a shame!"
How tf did she know about how much his pride hurt him. Lol felt like Kags knew Sess more than Inu ever would and they only met. That was some soulmate level shit right there. Lol!
Then there was Sess who was outright dismissing Kags and she was not even a spec of dust in his eyes. Then she went and pulled that sword out. Remember the scene where he was so surprised that he stopped the battle with Inu and turned around and LOOKED. Like really LOOKED. It was such a heart stopping moment and for good measures as well. He saw a girl, a woman standing there, holding an inheritance which was supposed to be his and she did something he could not. Did Tessaiga accept her then, did his father accept her more than him? He was baffled, confused and low-key awed. That was why he said, "What are you?" And legit measured her top to bottom. That was some turning point for Sess. Something that proved to him that all humans cannot be dismissed. But he was in rage. How can a mere human be worthy of Tessaiga and melted her along with that sword. I wonder if it was his second test to see whether Tessaiga would protect her or not. And then it did!
Sess went ape-shit crazy after that. A sword he desired for so long (The sword used to protect Izayoi was a thorn in his heart. Made him feel like his father had chosen a human over him. But if the sword had accepted him, it would have proved that his dad had still loved him, thought of him). That was the significance of Tessaiga to him. Power sure, but more of an acceptance. His dad's acceptance. And then what happened? The sword preferred a human who then gave it to his damned hated brother.
Aftermath of tomb battle
Kagome never really liked Sess's guts and probably had no form of sympathy towards someone like him. On the other hand things picked up with her and Inu's relation. She came to know some facts about Kik. And her inferiority complex began with her incarnate. But having a part of Kik's soul in her, began her obsession with Inu. She strived to understand him, make a better person of himself. But their relation was still not there to lovers.
Then Sess came across Naraku. He probably just wanted to dick around more with Inu and accepted the human hand.
2nd battle for Tessaiga
Sess's desire to possess the Tessaiga had increased at this point. His rage of having his arm cut off by that sword felt like the worst rejection from his dad. He was going insane and might have wanted to kill Inu for real in this fight. He was in no mood for theatrics in this one, unlike the tomb where he actually watched some InuKag drama and even applauded (lol). He was absolute business this time. He snached the sword and showed Inu exactly why he should not get that sword, 'You cannot even make the wind rift, why should you be more worthy?'
He meant to kill Inu and then Kags arrow sailed in, charging with enough power to even cancel the demonic energy filled into the sword by Sess himself.
His thoughts were for the same reason, " She canceled Tessaiga's transformation? Who is this girl?"
His respect scale jumped for her here. He truly had never met anyone who could rival his power to such extent. He had never met a girl who stood so powerfully in face of danger to protect this some half-breed scum. She was like the embodiment of everything he had hoped Izayoi to be to his dad. A strong woman who would wager her life to save the one she holds dear. Sess had learnt this fact from his dad's death. To sacrifice in name of love and then in this fight he understood how much that meant both for Inuyasha and Kagome. He probably somewhat understood what this feeling was after seeing these two.
Sess had an idea of love and protection and Kags became its centre. She was this vague expectation Sess had of human love and an absolute loyalty towards whom you love most. He felt complicated towards her. He respected her.
3rd Tessaiga battle
Sess's most sceptical battle yet. Why break the tessaiga? 'I will break it if I can't have it!' Desperate much?. Then the wind drift appears and for the first time Sess acknowledges Inu. For maybe being a somewhat worthy of having Taisho's blood, only if a little bit. He is saved by Tenseiga. Oh, how he hated this worthless sword more. This sword could not cut throught things and saves his life. What a worthless shit.
Kagome's narrative here was important. "How can he weild the Tenseiga? He needs a compassionate heart for that." Always wondered why Kags was the one to say this. But realised the reason later on.
Obviously the most controversial topic of Inuverse. What Sess felt for Rin, why was she there.
Rin has often been compared to be the Kagome version of Sess. And that is the only truth. She came in like a ray of sunshine when he was in most need. He was in self doubt, hate towards Inu and complex emotions towards Kags. And then Rin was there with the exact same face and the same warm feeling like Kags. Even he knew what InuKag were to each other then and no matter how much he respected Kags, he was not really interested in a further relation with Kags. But his deeply unsated desire to understand his dad's mentality and reason behind saving a human was what made him think of Rin. As she was his chance to understand that. His chance to understand why his dad could do that, why Inu could do that and why humans like Kags and Rin could save and love demons. It was not romantic in any sense. He had a confusion and Rin was his way towards a solution. Though it was a different fact that he loved her later on and cherished and protected her. Enough to feel that there was no meaning to his anything if she was not there.
So yes in a way, she is Kags embodiment in Sess's life, a picture of Kags selfless love. His desire to truly understand such beings called selfless humans and the result of his single minded belief of human women being trash and unable to love shattering.
And for fun just to contradict Kags speculations, for first time ever, Sess uses the sword and we viewers realise how wrong Kags was. Sess had every bit of compassion in his heart.
Later events
The events went on with Kags finally understanding her position in Inu's life and her single-minded chase to be accepted by Inu as just Kagome and not Kikyo's reflection. I do not even know if this could be called love or just a misinterpreted need of attention from someone you hold dear. But whatever, we realise Kags is in love with Inu now and still cannot stop from feeling compassion towards Kikyo. Honestly she and Sess are truly two opposite sides of a spectrum.
Sess on the other hand gets Tokijin and attacks Inuyasha. This time around, I highly doubt he was still chasing Tessaiga. It had more evolved into his need to show he is more powerful than Inu. 'What you do best, I can do better.'
Stopping Inu from transforming
In this the most debatable question was whether he was there to stop Inu or not.
Sess had wanted to see and experiment the limits of Inu's blood beast.
After some fighting, Kags jumped in. Sess stared at her, like forever. That staring tho. Even when she was like, "Stay away, you idiot." Sess stared. For Sess, that was what he admired the most in Kags. Her selfless devotion. He was staring at that fearless figure who once again surprised him by being a sacrifice to save her loved ones. She was to Sess what he had always thought of 'love' to be. She was the embodiment of the term 'love' to Sess. For a guy who knew nothing of how to define emotions, it was Kags who showed him what love was. And thus he jumped over and over again in front of Rin to protect her. She taught him how to cherish even the even the most weak individual in a group, and thus he protected Jaken.
Rin was there to show him the same thing everyday. But no matter how much Rin showed him her own loyality, love and warmth, Kags always remained that shining beam to him. I will say later on how I understood this.
Kag's love was the validity of his dad's sacrifice. A way for him to make sense of his dad's mindless death over protecting some weak human.
And in this scene for the first time ever, Kags saw Sess as more than an insufferable pest to her friends. She saw his noble ideals and realised why he was there and thus she thought, "Was he here to save Inuyasha?"
It is very curious as to why Kags was again given these lines. It was probably because her opinion mattered, to Sess it did. And we will see more why in the future.
Random encounters
There was one time when Kags saw Rin while Jaken was trying to steal Tessaiga and she had asked herself, "Why is a little human girl traveling with Sess?' It was again a small thing which she did not need to feel but was very imp. for her development towards Sess. How she started to understand him more.
Kohaku incident
Here we saw how was the first time Sess listened to Kags.
Kags opinion mattered. Inu's mattered and when he realised that Kohaku was being used he let him go. There was one reason that he did not want to be used, the next I am sure was for Kags and Inu. He knew then that Kohaku was imp. to them and he stopped. Big character jump for him.
Then the most curious fact was how Kags knew what the girl meant to him, "Please let him go Sesshomaru, the girl is fine."
Kagome: Thanks Sesshomaru!
Sesshomaru: I just never wanted to be used by Naraku and fall into his trap.
Then after Rin left, Kags thoughts about how she had left with Sess and was awed . An important point for her change in feelings towards Sess. She understood the guy was changing and Rin was changing him.
The fun fact was how she was instantly in love with this little girl and that would become important later on.
More random events..
After that it was shown that many times Kags was the only one who could stop a fight bet. the brothers. Example that time when he fought with Inu to get some direction for Naraku. And then Kags came and told him to go north or something and he was like, "That is all I wanted to know." And left.
What is to be seen in these parts is how RT made only him and her interact like this. He listening to her like they have been friends forever.
The saving of Kanta's father was also an example of how much she affected him.
Her plea to save Kanta's dad even when no one believed and no one bothered to ask him. Tensaiga moved because he felt deeply moved by her plea. He might have never wanted to voice it but since Tensaiga only worked when the weilder felt compassion and a need to save someone. Sess must have felt it subconsciously and Tensaiga had stired. Or it had stired because it is a SessKag shipper as well. Lol!
I wonder how Sess knew Kags was in trouble. Another fun fact like how he appears at times when Inu is not there to save Kags. Sess is there. Probably he knew her scent too well and hence could even distinguish between that and the poison. After that was the gruesome death of Mukotsu. The thing to notice over her was how large Sess looked in that hut doorway, it was a symbolism to how big and huge his protective self looks when he is protecting Kagome. A very romantic thing indeed. The first time he protects someone who is not under his protection. A complete selfless act if considered from his pov. Sess being a very private person and while saving Kagome showed her place in his heart. Yeah and that was very visible from how he killed Mukotsu.
The takeaway from this episode is not this though. It was the fact that Kags defended Sess. For the first time ever, all the good deeds she had seen him doing had outplayed her hatred for him. She accepeted him as a friend with these words, "No Inuyasha, he was here to protect us, he saved us." It was a completely unnecessary detail in the whole scheme of this episode but very important for Sess. Her acceptance matters, her opinion matters and Sess is a Tsundere.
Sesshomaru: I did not save YOU, I just killed him coz he did not answer me properly.
This proved how much she affects him, rattles him and how much her life means to him. And an unspoken promise to himself to protect her when Inu was not around.
Fight with Shishinki
No one ever mentions this fight. But there is a very important SK interaction in here. Something which was important for Sess. Kagome's understanding.
When Sess was lost in the same darkness of never being accepted by his dad, Shishinki made things worse by saying Tenseiga was a cast out of Tessaiga and it was given as a leftover to Taisho's least fav. son. Sesshomaru was hurt, lost, and his daddy issues, his biggest weakness was sharply opened by a knife, cruely and Kagome's words saved him.
Kagome: But there might have been a reason their dad had done this.
Kags belief that Taisho had infact not rejected Sess was like a balm to his soul, the only thing he had needed to hear throughout his life. The thing which made him accept in the end that Tensaiga was there to protect Inuyasha, the thing that was needed to sort of activate Tessaiga and then he finally formed his biggest and truest meido. It was romantic, touching and outright heavenly. Then it was made cute with Inu's awkward concern. It was the best ep. as of yet.
Kagome's deep concern and her understanding of Sess's pain was brilliant and alien level insane. She should not have, but she did and that's why they felt more like soulmates.
Battle with Magatsuhi
Sess had gone batshit crazy when Magatsuhi had hurt Kagome and that had only been worsened by him questioning Sess's honor and pride. Sess had turned full on doggy mode and lost control in that way for the first time since the tomb. And the strike at Magatsuhi's eyes was another symbolism of his revenge for doing shit to Kags eyes and mindfucking her.
RT has always thrown these small hints in between IK drama. Which are brilliant and lovely. Even that one scene where he stands protectively inbetween Kags prostrate body on Kilala and Magatsuhi. Beautiful symbolism, really.
It was also fun to see how Kags half power was sealed by Magatsuhi and Sess's half power was returned via Bakusaiga. I felt that Sess's true acceptance of his protection to Kagome and his detachment from Tessaiga was what made him the true daiyokai and surpass his father. Since somehow Tessaiga has always been linked to protecting Kagome and somehow protecting her might have also been the thing to finding Bakusaiga. The desire to protect her perhaps.
Soul mate mind link theatrics
This is something only some people realise. Sesshomaru and Kagome have been shown not once, but twice to be doing this. Once while fighting for Kohaku's life and the last shard and the other in Naraku's body. Kagome and Sesshomaru had been shown to think in absolute synchronisation. He thinks half the sentence, she completes the rest. Absolute soul mate shit.
SessKag power combo
Shown a lot of time in Inuverse. Sess attacks and Kags completes. A small thing but their timing is insane. And is defintely the best power combo, far better than an InuKag combo.
Fight in Naraku's body
This was the time when Sess finally shows what Kagome means to him. Where she stands and how much he cares for her. She is his FIRST priority. Proof? When Rin and she are in simultaneous danger, he stands there infront of Kags for God knows how long, removing those snake things like he had all the time in the world and once she is awake he is concerned about her well being.
Sess: Those wounds, are those Inuyasha's doing?
And his disappointment in Inuyasha not being able to protect Kags.
Sess: As expected of a half-demon. He lost himself in the bloodlust.
Kags obviously considered Sess to be a friend at this point. A very close friend at that. Family perhaps? Their familiarity here was not missed by anyone. Her defending Inu and then still prioritising Rin over Inu were only somethings we realised this chapter.
The most important was her belief in him.
Manga exclusive,
Kags: I believe that you would be able to do it. Do not fall into Naraku's trap and play his cards that is what he wants. Only you can do this, I know.
Wow, Kags wow...just wow... It is the best actually. She does not believe Inu in this situation but she does Sess. She believes in his protection and she knows her influence on him. This speaks volumes. This shows her unreal connection to him and how they match each other instinctively.
Sess knows her influence. This is his weakness.
The mokomoko scene was truly Sesshomaru's best confession. For him who cannot say much in words, allowed her to fly on mokomoko. Something which everyone of us know has a heavy weightage for Sesshomaru. It is his weapon, his forever companion and his support when he is injured and tired. Offering such a thing to her for whatever reason was truly his way of showing what he exactly feels for her. He cherishes her the most and I could say even more than Rin. Trusts her the most and would jump in front of danger to protect her.
Which is only seen more when he asks her to stay away from the fight because she would be a 'hinderance'. Which means he could not fight if she is in the middle. He would be vulnerable and weak. Intersting, very interesting. Another time where he stood between her and a dangerous blood beast that Inu had become.
The best part was truly him getting concerned when she fell down from the top while removing Tessaiga and then when Magatsuhi tried to possess her.
His anger was so vibrant. "Get away from her!"
What a brilliant thing to say. The possessiveness. The will to protect her. The absolute anger. Brilliant. So much was spoken in those lines.
The best ending though was the SessKag power combo of Bakusaiga and holy arrow. Best ending. Inu was not even much involved in ending Naraku. It was weird how the titular character failed in finishing the main villain with his meido. Shows a lot what SessKag meant to RT.
Big brother
Yes, the iconic scene where fans of all ships shout out that SK is not a romantic ship.
Well over here I want to say that Kagome truly saw Sess as a big brother figure at this point. Part of it was because she still felt that she was in love with Inu and part because she was not receptive to her reactions to Sess and what he truly meant to her at this point. She feels an intimate connection to him but cannot justify the weirdness because she still feels a closeness to Inu so she thinks of him as big brother. Which was a very intimate thing for Kagome to say. She loves him like family and clearly places him higher than the rest of her friends only second to Inu. That was more of a declaring her closeness to Sess rather than a confirmation of her and Inu's relationship. Kags is not a vain character who does things coz they are convinient. She would not call a friend if they are not a friend. And certainly not a big brother if she does not feel so.
Sess actually was relieved, ecsatatic and happy when Jaken informed hin of Kags arrival as was seen in his expression. Very funny actually. Because next second he was called big brother and he was hilariously ticked off. He could not believe what he was being called. Lol that interaction though. It showed how close they ended up being. Even more close than he was to his own brother.
But he accepted the title even if with much pain in his neck and then was really offended when Jaken badmouthed Kagome.
Conclusion: No one badmouths Kagome.
Haaha....end of this long analysis. I tried to analyse it from the character's pov and found some interesting small tidbits and detail that RT had hidden in this story.
Thus I felt that SK would be a more natural ship maybe not outright. Since Sess loves her truly but does not understand the nature of the relation and Kags is still too much blinded by Inu filter a.t.m. Maybe given years when Kags will realise exactly what sort of love she feels for Inu. Which will happen because such a toxic relation like IK should not exist and then she will probably see Sess's love for her.
My Conclusion: SK is a defintive. It will happen with some time and care. When both would mature. But it will happen for sure. All the ingredients are there, the stage has been set just the players have to realise what they feel for each other.
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The Reader's Guide to Avoiding Redfly (and how to have a good time doing it)
“How’re you doing, kid?” Tom murmured in your ear. Your skin hadn’t started crawling yet, but it definitely would soon.
“Redfly, leave the girl alone.” 
A third voice - the voice of God himself, if it meant that Tom would let you go. 
Summary: Your friend Dina is dating Benny Miller, and drags you along to one of his fights before a night at a bar. His friends meet you there - Tom ‘Redfly’ Davis, who is too busy trying it on with you to think about his wife; Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia, who is a god made flesh; and Frankie ‘Catfish’ Morales, who agrees to help keep you out of Redfly’s clutches. But Frankie is not without his own charm...
Relationships: Frankie Morales x reader, side Santiago Garcia x Original Female Character, side Benny Miller x Original Female Character
Rating: First chapter is Mature, but it will be getting Explicit after that... 
Author’s note: I saw Triple Frontier last week for the first time and it has occupied my every waking thought since then. This is my first ‘x reader’ fic, so feedback is appreciated. Benny is my darling boy and I want to write him a loving af relationship even if it’s in the bg of this fic. I also don’t mean to step on toes but Redfly is the worst man and deserved to die a lot earlier than he did in the film. I am also obviously obsessed with Frankie Morales. Sorry if the formatting is fucked, this is the first fic I’ve posted directly to Tumblr in many’a.
Warnings: 18+ for frequent language, she/her pronouns, future smut but this chapter is just teasing.
Read on AO3.
Chapter One
The Fight
“The fight ends at 9pm, so we’ll be good to get to the bar by 9.30,” Dina said, leaning to within a hair's breadth of the bathroom mirror. Your arms twitched, hands opening and closing as you watched the safety pin come even closer to her eyeball.
“Dina, do you have to- the fight?”
“Yes, I need to separate my eyelashes, and yes, the fight.” She said, tongue peeping out between her lips. “Benny is fighting and he’s going to come with us to the bar afterwards.”
Your heart sank, just a little. Benny was a great guy, and you were happy for Dina, but it was always harder to get into bars when Benny ‘Brick Shithouse’ Miller rocked up with facial wounds and an ego after inevitably winning the fight. 
Apparently their post-fight sex was insane.
“So it’s you, me, and Benny?” you asked flatly, and she rolled her eyes in a way that made your hands clench into fists, with a vivid mental image of the pin sinking into her eyeball. She ignored you, of course, and started on the bottom lid.
“No, you prick,” she said, teasing each lash apart. She paused, and winked at you through the mirror “Ha. Prick! Get it? Sandy, Amy and Kelly are joining us - and Benny is bringing his friends.”
“William and Tom?” You were trying so hard not to be a downer, you really were, but you’d met William and Tom before and it was not a great experience. William - Benny’s brother - was aesthetically pleasing, and a lovely guy, but way too earnest about the purity of combat, while Tom was… a douche. A douche who clearly enjoyed his nights away from the wife a little too much. “Great.”
“Not just Will and Tom,” she chided, finally putting down the pin and fluttering her eyelashes at her reflection. “A few of his old squad guys are coming too.”
“OK then,” you said, and turned to leave.
“Where are you going?” Dina called.
“To get another drink.”
Based on the MMA prelude, you decided to rethink your outfit to something a bit less… showy, and had poured yourself into a skintight skirt with a shirt that helped accentuate your decolletage just right. So right, in fact, that you’d forgone a sensible coat in favour of a leather jacket that didn’t even close properly. The clothes did little to shield you from the cold, which explained why you had chugged nearly half a bottle of Smirnoff in the cab over. 
Dina looked every inch the fighter’s girlfriend, she really did. You didn’t even know she owned a faux-fur coat. Her meticulously-separated eyelashes were currently fluttered together, shielding her eyes from her cigarette smoke. 
Not that it helped. Your buzz was fading fast with every second you stood out in the freezing cold parking lot.
Sandy hadn’t bothered to change her outfit - “Fuck it, it can’t be any dirtier than the bar.” - and was leaning against the arena wall wearing a mini dress that practically showed what she had eaten for breakfast. The woman had legs up to her neck, and more than one man had slowed his passage into the arena to get a good look. Sandy, with legs that long since she was fifteen, and a face that had been beautiful her whole life, flipped each one off with a casual laziness you could never hope to emulate. 
The three of you were standing outside the arena waiting for Tom and the others to arrive. The crowd was known to get rowdy, and Benny had been very firm with Dina about going in with his friends. William was already inside with Benny, prepping him for the fight.
It was so cold you were nearly tempted to ask Dina for a pull of her cigarette, just to feel some warm air, when -
Your face locked into a grimace, and you looked down to kick a loose pebble from under your shoe, trying to regain control of your facial muscles by the time Tom got close.
“Tommy!” Dina yelled. “You’re late, what the hell?”
“Don’t blame me,” Tom said, “Blame these assholes.”
Two sets of denim-wrapped legs stepped into your view, and you huffed out a little sigh before looking up. Tom was standing in front of you, with his friend on his right. 
His friend. Who was the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen. He smiled at you, and you felt a small laugh escape you. 
What was that face? He looked like a Latino George Clooney. How did he get taken seriously in life?
“Hey, tiger,” Tom said to you, his lopsided smile showing a little too much teeth on one side.
“Hey… Tom.” you replied, raising a hand in greeting. He made a little ‘pfft’ sound and pulled you in for a hug, enveloping you in the smell of… dear god, was that Axe? 
You heard the crunch of gravel, and a movement out of the corner of your eye told you that the devilishly handsome man was currently introducing himself to Sandy. 
Probably wouldn’t have worked out with us anyway.
“How’re you doing, kid?” Tom murmured in your ear. Your skin hadn’t started crawling yet, but it definitely would soon.
“Redfly, leave the girl alone.” 
A third voice - the voice of God himself, if it meant that Tom would let you go. 
“This is my girl right here, Frankie.” Tom said, and the proprietary tone in his voice made your stomach turn. You should have just met them at the bar.
“Crazy, I thought your girl was sitting at home looking after your daughter and -” the second half of the sentence was in mumbled Spanish, and you heard a bark of laughter from the handsome man. A quick, rough pat on the back and Tom released you, already walking into the building as if nothing had happened.
The speaker was standing in front of you; a tall-ish man wearing a blue plaid shirt over a grey tank top, with a beat-up baseball cap on his head. Just as the phrase ‘hillbilly trucker’ crossed your mind, every thought in your head promptly vanished on looking up into his face. A pair of warm brown eyes were gazing down at you, creasing gently at the corners. He wasn’t built like Tom or William; they slanted more towards beefcake, where this guy was toned and slim. He was older than you - not a surprise, William and Tom were in at least their mid-40s - but it was a very manageable older. Unruly, curling brown hair peeked out from under his cap, and the man smiled, a shadow of a dimple appearing on his cheek.
The other guy was crazy good-looking in a movie-star way, the sort of hot that had made you laugh because it was almost unreal. This guy was the perfect side of handsome, mortal enough to take your breath away just a little and not make you feel stupid about it.
“Hey,” he said. “I’m Frankie.”
Maybe it was the dimples, maybe it was the fact that he had just saved you from a fate worse than death, or maybe the cold had finally gotten to your brain. Whatever it was, you barely knew what you were saying until you’d said it:
“And I am so fucking yours.”
So much for not feeling stupid. His smile widened, and your heartbeat quickened just a bit.
“Ignore Redfly,” he said. “He just doesn’t have good manners.”
Another burst of Spanish from behind you, from the dark-eyed Adonis near the door, and Frankie replied in kind, with an evocative hand gesture that you were pretty sure meant ‘fuck off’.
You finally turned to get a good look at the other man. He was standing in front of your friends, angled towards Sandy in a way that boded well for her. He was terribly good-looking.
“Hey, how’re you doing?” he leaned toward you, and took your hand in his. “Santiago Garcia.”
The man was on another level. You felt like you were meeting a politician. You told him your name as if in a dream. 
“That’s a beautiful name,” he said, looking into your soul, and you felt that laugh bubble up again. This was too much all at once.
Dina blew out one last plume of smoke, and threw her cigarette butt on the ground.
“Come on guys, it’s fucking freezing out here.”
The arena was chaos. Tom was nowhere to be seen, but he could have been standing two feet from you and you wouldn’t have seen him. He could have been behind you.
As the thought crossed your mind, a hand came to rest on your hip and you jumped sideways, ready to kick Tom in the fucki-
It was Frankie, hands suddenly up and visible, mouth framing a ‘whoa’ that you could never hear over the din of the crowd. You grimaced, mouthing sorry.
He gave you a tight-lipped smile, uncomfortable, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. He craned his neck to look over the crowd, toward the ring, and you stepped quickly toward him. Your hand raised, like you had the right answer in a classroom, and you tilted your mouth up towards Frankie’s ear. He scrunched his face and bent his head towards yours.
“Sorry,” you said into his ear, trying not to deafen him at this range. He smelled warm, and clean, a welcome respite from the arena’s smell of old beer and sweat. “I thought it might be…” one of your best friends, whom I loathe. “... a creep.” you finished lamely.
When you pulled away, he was looking at you so intently that a blush started to creep up your neck. Hands still in his pockets, he rocked back and forth on his heels as he processed what you said. His tongue worked in his mouth, pushing out his cheek, before he winked ever so slightly, and nodded.
He knew. He damn well knew.
Frankie grinned and pointed towards the ring, to where your friends had disappeared, before nudging you forward.
Dina and the others were sitting ringside, by Benny’s corner. Dina had shrugged her coat in the sticky closeness of the arena, and was adjusting her top for maximum cleavage. Beside her was Sandy, deep in conversation with Santiago, and Tom sat beside Santiago next to an empty chair.
The single empty chair. 
Fucks sake.
Tom saw you both coming, and had a look of fake disappointment on his face that your hands twitched to slap off. He held his hands up in defeat, before patting his thigh. A quick scan showed that this wasn’t an uncommon occurrence in the arena; the place was jammed so tightly that you counted at least seven people on laps in this section alone. A fire hazard, and a pain in the ass. 
You’re fucking kidding me.
You went to take a step, and felt a hand grip your arm. Frankie was sliding past you on your right, pivoting to sit in the empty chair. A shit-eating grin slid onto Tom’s face, and he patted his thigh again.
You’re fucking kidding me. 
Frankie still held your arm loosely in his left hand. Reaching over Tom, he nudged Santiago, who broke off from his conversation long enough to pass him a beer. Settling back into his seat, Frankie spread his legs a little too wide and steered you into the space between them. 
He looked up at you under the brim of his cap, his face out of Tom’s eyeline. The corners of his mouth curved downward and one shoulder shrugged, as if to say ‘Why not?’.
Lightheaded, floating on a mental chant of fucking hell fucking hell fucking hell fucking hell, you perched on Frankie’s knee, your knees pressing against his other leg. A quick glance at Tom’s face nearly made you yelp. The ham-coloured man was staring sullenly out over the ring, lips pursed around his mouthful of beer. The smile was nowhere to be seen.
Frankie shifted slightly, and with one hand on your waist pulled you closer until you were sitting mid-thigh. When he was satisfied, his hand moved to settle against your lower back, keeping you upright. The shape of the seat had his body angled away from you, allowing you to sit upright without being nestled against him. He leaned towards Tom and said something in his ear, something you could barely hear over the din. It was as if he’d forgotten you were there.
But not quite. Slowly, as if you were a wild animal he was trying to tame, his hand started to move in gradual, broad strokes, forward and back, forward and back.
Your stomach muscles locking tight was your only visible reaction, and you thanked baby Jesus and all the angels in heaven that Frankie couldn’t feel the way your pulse had suddenly picked up. Though that might not be far off; there was a warm throbbing between your legs that definitely hadn’t been there two minutes ago.
Forward and back. Forward and back.
This was totally normal. This happened to you every day. Every day you met hot guys and sat on their laps. Every day you got mildly turned on by hot guys stroking your back.
Looking over at Dina, the two of you locked eyes. Her grin was positively wolfish.
Fuck off, you mouthed.
You looked around, hoping that the people-watching fodder available would help take your mind off the hot man you were sitting on and what his hand was - 
As if Frankie could hear your thoughts, the rhythm of his strokes changed. Now, instead of moving forward and back, his palm started sliding up and down, with every pass downward bringing his hand closer and closer to the curve of your ass.
For a fraction of a second, your breath caught in your throat, and the pulse between your legs kicked up a notch. Trying to keep your cool, you casually - so casually! - looked over at Frankie.
Still absorbed in conversation with Tom. Fine. He clearly had no idea what he was doing, no idea of the effect he was having.
Your awareness was steadily narrowing down to where his hand touched you, to the vague sensation of warmth that each pass left on your skin. Reaching the hem of your jacket, he paused almost imperceptibly, before reaching under the leather to rest on the back of your shirt.
Dear god, were you disappointed he wasn’t touching your ass? Were you actually sad that this stranger wasn’t - 
A radiating sensation on your back, so warm and firm, and suddenly you could feel every little movement his hand made, the way his fingers were flexing against your skin so gently - 
Air you didn’t realise you had been holding escaped your lungs in a whoosh. 
“Getting bored up there, tiger?” Tom’s expression wasn’t as friendly as it normally was, and you were reminded why all of this was happening. This was purely for Tom’s benefit. 
“No, it’s fine. It’s…” you looked down at Frankie as he took a sip of his beer. His eyes met yours over the rim of his beer cup, and a smile crept across your face. When the cup left his lips, you took it deftly from his fingers and lifted it to your mouth. Your gaze didn’t leave his. Tom may as well have been part of the furniture.
The beer was not good, but you finished it, and ran your tongue over your lips. Frankie’s eyes tracked the movement, and you felt his hand pause, felt his fingers splay wide across the small of your back.
“It’s great,” you said, winking down at him. “But I think we need another drink.”
You placed a hand on his knee for leverage, and stood. Dina saluted you with her nearly-empty drink, and tapped at the low liquid level with one long fingernail. You nodded, and flashed the OK sign.
A broad chest blocked your view, and the smell of Axe surrounded you. You glanced up at Tom, who was shaking his own empty cup. 
“I’ll come too,” he said. “I could do with another-”
“It’s cool, man,” Frankie stood, easily slotting himself between the two of you, and gently but firmly took hold of your shoulders as he turned to the exit. “I got it.”
Empty cups and debris were strewn across the aisle, and you were beginning to regret wearing your heels for what was shaping up to be a fucking obstacle course. But you felt Frankie’s presence behind you, and if you put a little more sway into your walk than normal, so what?
Between a few stragglers at the bar, there was a gap just wide enough for the two of you to lean against the counter. You rested on your forearms, and flagged down the bartender.
“Two beers, and a whiskey and coke.” 
“Make it four,” Frankie said. “I know it may not seem like it, but it is better to get Redfly liquored up. After about,” - his hand made a see-saw motion - “six drinks? He’s going to get real maudlin, start missing his wife, and go home.”
“Oh, yeah,” you replied, “He’s really missing his wife when he’s trying to put his hand up my skirt.”
His eyes flickered up and down your body, and he cleared his throat. One hand came up to scratch at his moustache, before smoothing it back down. 
“You know, I don’t blame him,” he said. “That skirt looks great on you.”
A low warmth pooled in your stomach, and you smiled. He smiled back, those beautiful eyes twinkling as he turned around to face the arena, elbows back on the bar.
“If I… go too far, in there,” he said, face suddenly serious. “You can just punch me in the face. I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable.”
The bartender laid your whiskey and coke down in front of you, and pulled out two cups for the beer. 
“Two more of those, please,” you told her, and took a sip of your drink. You knew you were a bit of a savage for drinking whiskey with coke, but your sweet tooth demanded nothing less. “Frankie, I’m not really OK with the idea of ‘being saved’.”
“That’s fair,” Frankie turned to the bar, and rapped a quick tattoo on the wood. “When we get back in there, you take the seat and I’ll -”
“But,” you raised a finger. “Your lap is pretty comfortable. And if you’re OK with having my ass on your knee all night, then I’m happy to stay there.”
A laugh escaped him, and you found yourself appreciating the way his moustache framed his lips so perfectly. 
“I think you’d be hard pushed to find a man who wouldn’t be OK with that deal.”
The bartender laid down four cups of beer. “$25.60.” 
Frankie laid out three $10 bills, and pulled the cups closer. 
“Do you think you could make sure Tom doesn’t put his hand up my skirt?”
He was intent on arranging the cups in a way he could carry them, to the point that you thought he hadn’t heard you. Just as you were about to repeat yourself, he flashed you a wicked look.
“Well sweetheart,” he smiled, “I’ll just have to get my hand there first.”
As soon as you sat back down, it was like a switch had flipped. Your conversation at the bar had been light, to the point where you’d nearly forgotten that you’d actually been turned on a little at sitting on Frankie’s lap.
When you got back to your seats, and Frankie had handed off the beers he was carrying, he sat and pulled you down onto his lap in one fluid movement. No more tentative movements; he held your waist firmly, and pulled you even closer than before. And now, not only was his hand stroking your back again - he had put it under your jacket straight away - but his other arm was now resting on your leg. His beer cup sat on your knee, below where the hem of your skirt rode up, and he rotated it gently on your bare skin, almost teasing you with the cool feeling of the condensation on the base.
It drove you just a little short of wild. Though part of you wanted to shift against his thigh, wanted to feel some pressure right where an ache was steadily building between your legs, you kept it together fairly admirably. 
A wet patch on Frankies jeans probably wouldn't go down too well anyway.
A murmur from the crowd rolled towards the ring, and Pantera’s heavy guitar riff blasted through the speakers.
Benny was here.
Ringside seats were… certainly something.
The smell of blood hummed in your nostrils, and you felt the impact of every punch. 
Benny was a monster. He had swaggered into the arena, head and shoulders above everyone, and proceeded to hammer the shit out of his opponent once the bell rang. Watching the way Dina was looking at him, you were very, very glad they were going back to Benny’s place tonight.
The six of you were standing at the ring edge, screaming and roaring with the crowd. Your blood was singing. Sitting on Frankie’s lap, his hands leaving trails of fire wherever they touched you, had rattled you something fierce, and the adrenaline from the fight was getting to you too. You didn’t think your pulse had slowed for about ten minutes, and you were breathing like you were climbing a mountain.
It was the last minute of the last round, and Benny was flagging. 
You guessed. You really had no idea who was doing better, both fighters were covered in blood and looked tired as fuck.
Santiago, Dina and Tom were rattling the cage, howling through the wire at Benny. The man was intent on his opponent, never taking his eyes off him. 
As you watched, Benny did an odd movement, stepping back, rotating his shoulders and head as his feet danced. You heard roars come from your friends, but were completely lost. 
“He’s about to kick the guy’s head off his fucking shoulders,” Frankie’s voice was low, and close. You felt his nose brush the outer shell of his ear, and you suppressed a shiver as his breath ghosted over you. He was standing behind you, so close that you felt his warmth up your body from ankle to neck. He reached over your shoulder, and pointed up at Benny’s right foot.
“You see that?” 
Benny’s foot was moving in a fan shape on the floor of the ring. He dodged as much as he needed to to evade blows, but whenever he was still his foot moved in that fan shape. 
“Why is he waiting?” Turning your head, your nose brushed against Frankie’s jawline. He smiled down at you.
“Not long now, sweetheart,” he said. “Watch.”
He stepped closer until he stood flush against your back, and crossed his arms over your chest to grip his own elbows. His beard brushed against your cheekbone, and you found yourself nestling further into his hold. He was just so warm and solid and - 
Benny moved like lightning. His opponent came too close, ever so slightly unguarded, and Benny pivoted on his left foot and -
“Fuck!” you screamed. Benny’s opponent hit the floor, and the arena erupted.
===> Chapter Two
109 notes · View notes
cher-writes · 4 years
Ethereal | Vladek Klimov x Reader (18+)
Read part 2
Word count: 4.6k
CW: Smut, NSFW, Wound, Blood
A/N: I know it's hella long but it irks me to make two people have sex when it doesn't make sense for them to do so. Hopefully you'll enjoy.
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It was an exceptionally cold day. Not that it was never not cold in your little northern town. But even among the cold ones, that day felt a bit too cold to you. You were feeling lazy from the very moment you woke up, but after leaving your warm comforter the cold bit into your skin like a snake, even though you had the heater on. 'I gotta get this heater checked’ you thought as you opened up the blinds to look outside. Surprisingly it was neither snowing nor much cloudy. You could almost make out the sun behind the wispy clouds. This cold but almost sunny day lit you up with an amazing idea. You called in sick to your work without wasting any time. Quickly gulping down some leftovers and grabbing your meticulously packed little bag for this exact occasion you were on your way. Hoping none would see you was a terrible stretch of luck cause in that town, everyone knew everyone and everyone saw everything. You were confident you could lie your way out of trouble if you got in any so you didn't quite care anyway. You had only thought in your mind, The hot spring.
The hot water welcomed your skin like an old lover. As you hoped, the water soothed every aching and sore muscle in your body. The spring was empty as usual. The town people weren't quite fond of taking a bath there, unlike you, who even after being born and brought up there couldn't quite get over the euphoric feeling of bathing in a hot spring in the freezing cold weather. Sometimes you wondered if god made a mistake cause you clearly were meant to be in a more warm climate. The cold and the mundane nature of this place got under your skin way too often. Although there were some weird and unexplainable events occurring recently that left the town in quite an unrest. You knew some stuff but honestly you couldn't differentiate the truth from the rumors so you preferred to keep your distance. Anyway you didn't wanna think about that, all you wanted to do was to float in the tranquil hot water, tune everything out with the ecstatic feeling and you could do that forever.
Unfortunately, your forever was interrupted rather quickly as you felt waves behind you. You turned around only to be greeted with a man's face you've never seen before. And working at the local convenience store, it was unlikely you haven't come across almost everyone living in that godforsaken place. He was adrift a bit too close, and you were taken aback, visibly.
“Sorry, I thought you were someone else, didn't mean to scare you” he blurted out sensing your shock and possible discomfort.
“I-It's fine. I just wasn't expecting anyone to be around” you replied. you could see his piercing green eyes even through the steam and they were gorgeous, to say the least. There was this intensity in them that you've never seen in anyone's eyes before.
You could feel yourself staring. So as to snap yourself out of it and to break the uncomfortable silence you quickly spoke up, “You aren't from around here!”. You meant to ask but it came out as a statement somehow, his intense eyes were messing with your tongue.
“Hah! No. I'm not.” he said ever so calmly. You could make out his face clearly from the steam now, and it was angelic. His slick neck and collarbone glistened in the warm water, now at more of a distance from you than before. Yet to you it felt like he was almost pressing against your skin. It made you uncomfortable, in a sensual way. But you played it cool, you had to play it cool. You weren't the type to flirt with unknown people let alone feel this way for a complete stranger that you met like 30 seconds ago. But it was a fact that you never came across a stranger that looked like him. You couldn't really blame yourself for feeling like that. You shook off your body's fervent reaction to him and said, “I see. We don't really get any tourists around here, especially during these months. Are you visiting someone?”
“Not really. I'm here to fulfill my duty.” he said, the words rolling out his tongue like butter. You've always adored that accent, rarely you heard it around there.
You understood he probably wasn't interested in explaining anything further and you quite weren't in the state to ask anything either. Your mind was getting hazy. There was a considerable amount of distance between the two of you but his presence felt electrifying. The tension, you felt, was excruciating yet exciting. He on the other hand, seemed extremely and unusually composed. Even smirking, ever so slightly
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You were starting to realize there was something unnatural about this man, your head now completely fuzzy and that was your cue to leave. You dipped in the water and swam away without saying anything else. You didn't look back when you got out of the water. When you parked your car in front of your house 15 min later, you were panting.
It had been a few days since you saw him. Yet you couldn't get him out of your head. You saw his intense gaze at the back of your lid everytime you closed them. There were things happening around you but you were out of it. You felt faded everywhere you went. It was as if he took a part of you with him. It was so dumb when you thought about it, you were with him for like 2 minutes at best, yet he rubbed off on you so badly that you couldn't stop thinking of him. And sometimes you caught yourself wishing you met him again, maybe feel his skin this time. You wanted it to happen so much yet you were afraid of it happening, no, you were terrified. Cause if you felt his skin once, touched him even for a moment, you would lose control over all your motor function. Feeling this hot and bothered for someone you didn't even know the name of, left you quite ashamed.
That evening when you came home from your disturbingly tedious job, you weren't expecting for your wish to come true and that too to such an extent.
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You walked straight to your kitchen to pour yourself some rosé cause it was Saturday and you had nothing better to do. You preferred the high of alcohol more than whatever you've been feeling for the last few days. It was way better to be actually drunk. You heard some rustling behind you as you were emptying the first glass. You didn't pay it any mind. As you were pouring yourself the second glass you heard footsteps, that sent you on alert mode. When you turned around, ever so slowly, you saw the guy in glasses. Standing, rather leaning against the door frame, with his left hand pressing against the side of his stomach. You were out of everything these past few days that's for sure but you still heard about him. Panic struck you quicker than the alcohol could. ‘How did he get in?’ you thought then immediately answered you own question by cursing yourself for not properly locking the door, the want to get drunk as quick as possible came back to bite you in the ass. But beating yourself up for that wouldn't help now, the danger was already in. With your back against the counter you started fumbling around with your hands in the back looking for something sharp, anything but the only thing you found was the bottle of rosé and the half poured glass. You cursed yourself again and understood that luck wasn't on your side so you decided to run for your life cause you didn't wanna die yet. But your body froze in place and nothing you could do would help it move. Fear took over your being like a frostbite. All of this happened only in the matter of a few seconds. You were now standing there, glaring at him with wide terrified eyes, preparing yourself for the bitter embrace of death. He was standing there still, crouched a bit, till then. Seeing you stop moving, he laggardly took off his glasses and the mask and threw it aside. Your eyes darted towards the accessories as they fell on the floor with a soft thump. It was only then that you noticed he was bleeding all over your floor. When your eyes came back up to see his now bare face, your body went numb and blood flooded the back of your neck like a tsunami at the sight. It was him.
Nothing was making sense to you. Right then probably the alcohol kicked in cause you started feeling tipsy and was starting to doubt if all of that was just a mere hallucination. You were starting to spiral in your absurd thoughts when he spoke up, his voice sharp from the visible pain he was in, “w-will you help-p me p-please?”
Hearing his aching voice something went off in you. The fact that he was the guy in glasses, the dangerous demon people kept talking about, completely washed away from your immediate memory. You rushed over to him and held him by his shoulder to walk him to your bedroom. You helped him out of his coat and the clothings underneath. He inhaled sharply when the t-shirt brushed against the side of his stomach as he was taking it off. It was then that you could see the wound. It was ghastly and bleeding still. You gasped at the sight of it. You blurted out, “How did you get this?”
He didn't answer your question, rather went on to say, “it's a...um.. grazed bullet wound”. His voice strained from the agony.
“W-we need to go to the hospital, what if the bullet is inside!”, you said as your fingers were ghosting over the wound, your teeth clenched. You were growing more and more worried with every passing moment.
“Look at me”, he said firmly with his tired voice and you did, he was looking more human now. Still as unreal as that day, but somehow more human. ‘It's probably all the blood’, you thought to yourself.
“I can't go to the hospital, you understand? You have to help me however you can right here, yeah?” he had this expression, this strange mix of pleading and pain on his face as he said that and nodded slowly. You nodded back in return like an old partner in crime would. After carefully sitting him down on the bed and giving him one of your T-shirts that was just lying around to press over the wound, you practically ran over to your bathroom to get your first aid box. You came back equally hurried. He was slouching in pain. One hand pressing the t-shirt over his wound, other one supporting his body weight on the bed.
You laid him down slowly and then sat beside him. He hissed as you took off the now bloody t-shirt and exposed the wound again. You started cleaning the wound with an antiseptic liquid and you could feel his body shudder under your touch from the pangs of the liquid.
“I think it needs stitches” you looked up and said. He looked fatigued but still more beautiful than any human you've ever seen.
“Can you do it?” he managed to say, with labored breathing.
“I-i learnt it in highschool. I have the supplies but I don't know. It may hurt. I still think we should go to the hos-”
“Do it.” he cut you off quite abruptly. And as if under a spell, you complied.
Halfway through the process, you looked up to see him staring at you. His eyes sent a chill down your spine. The intensity was now setting in, he was half naked, almost under you, you were touching his warm skin and he was staring at you, like that. You couldn't bear the tension so you decided to speak up. Besides the questions were bubbling under the surface for quite a while now.
“How did you find my place?” you asked, and genuinely wanted to know.
-“Freya told me. She was curious to know with whom I confused her with.”
- “How do you know Freya?”
- “I do.”
- “and she told you my name too?”
- “Yes, (Y/N). She indeed did”
Your hand hitched a bit hearing your name roll off his tongue like that. You weren't prepared. He hissed at the sudden sharp pain.
- “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to.” you apologized quickly. He didn't say anything. For a while you went quiet but the questions started pouring in again.
- “So why didn't you go to Freya's? You're clearly her guest. Why come to me?”
- “There were police at her place.”
And at that sentence, everything came back to you like a flood.
“Who are you? What's with you and the glasses? And what is this demon people keep talking about? What the hell is this bullet wound and how did you get it? Why are you on the run from the police? Did you kill someone?”, in one singular breath you asked. Your hands stopped working at his wound. The fear was slowly creeping in again.
He looked at you blankly for a little while and then chuckled. It caught you off guard and you couldn't but relax a bit.
“You ask an awfully lot of questions to someone who is getting stitches on his stomach, don't you think?” he said in a strained but adoring voice.
You felt a bit humiliated and looked down to continue your work.
After a while, he let out a sigh and said, “I'm a Shaman. I came to save this town. From a demon who possesses people and slowly becomes them.”
Whatever he said didn't quite make sense to you but there was something so religious about the way he spoke, something so otherworldly about him that you believed him without a shadow of a doubt. You realized he didn't answer all your questions either and honestly you didn't need him to. You believed every word from of his mouth like it's the word of the lord. And at that point, if he said you were the demon, you would have believed him. Maybe that's what compelled you to ask the next question, “Am I the demon?”
- “No. Never. The demon wouldn't touch someone like you.”
Again it didn't make sense to you what he meant, but you felt it and you believed him. He was growing visibly weary so you decided not to ask him anything further. And when you were done stitching, he was fast asleep. You bandaged up the wound, turned off the lights and left him be.
You made your way to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of rosé. Your brain was banging against your skull, whatever happened from the evening truly felt like a fever dream. The man that you've been thinking about for the entire week and the man who this town thinks is a demon was fast asleep in your bedroom, it wasn't setting quite right in your brain. You drained the bottle, hoping you'd wake up from this. But instead you started feeling terribly exhausted. You wanted to just lie down on the floor and pass out right there but you deserved more than the hardwood floor after what happened that evening. Now if it was any other day, you would have slept on the couch but something about him was so magnetic that you couldn't keep yourself away from him. You stumbled your way to your bedroom and collapsed on the bean bag opposite to the bed. He was sleeping peacefully like a child. And looking at him, you too fell asleep with an empty bottle in your hand.
When you woke up, everything was blurry. Your headache hit your head before your vision did. As everything came into focus you saw him kneeling in front you, looking at you with his burning green eyes. The sun was coming in through the window above your head and it's glorious yellow glow bathed him. He looked like an ancient greek statue. However little humane he felt yesterday vanished just like that. With his soft lush curls draping over the face, he looked ethereal, kind but regal. You kept staring at him and couldn't quite speak. Whether it was the effect of his beauty or the hangover, you didn't know.
“You're awake” he said in a mellow soothing voice. He sounded much more lively than yesterday. He was still wearing only his pants. His body looked like it was carved out of a stone under the fuzzy sunlight.
You tried to say ‘hmm’ but made somewhat of a weird raspy sound. He didn't seem bothered by it.
“How's your wound?” you asked as you were trying to sit up properly.
“Better. Thanks to you.” he gave you a cordial smile. Something about that smile made you feel so safe even though a literal stranger was in your house at 6 in the morning.
-“um- do you want some coffee?”
-“No, you've already done enough, I think I should leave now”, he said as he looked at you with those mesmerizing green eyes. “Thank you (Y/N), I really appreciate your kindness”.
You didn't know what it was. Whether it was the way your name fell from his lips or the idea of him leaving and you not being able to see him again that sent a mix of anxiety and urgency down your body. You leaned in from the bean bag and crashed your lips onto his. Holding onto his shoulder for dear life, you pushed his body backwards with all your weight. You kept kissing him as if trying to devour him as quickly as possible. Running out of breath, when you pulled out, he had his back against the bed and you were half crawling half kneeling over his now stretched out legs. The position was almost as awkward as the situation. He looked at you with a startled expression, mouth slightly agape. You were just as appalled by your sudden inappropriate action.
“I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to. I should have asked. That was so inappropriate. I'm really so-” you blabbered on, flustered and ashamed of your actions.
“It's okay. I like you (Y/N)”, he cut you off and said with a soft loving voice, almost like you'd coo to a baby.
“B-but you don't even know me!”, the confusion in your voice was more than apparent. You looked at him wide eyed, hoping he would explain. Cause if he didn't, you wouldn't have the mental strength to ask him again after hearing what he just said.
“I don't need to know people like you all do” he spoke, the sunlight falling on him still making him look heavenly. “There's...There's a deeper knowing within me about people. From the place above and beyond. I knew you before, I know you now and I'd know you after this place too. I know you more than even you do perhaps. And I like you in all my knowing.”
His words felt like honey in your ears, his voice and accent made you feel light-headed. Or was it the hangover again? You couldn't tell. You didn't know. None of anything he said registered in your brain. Baffled, you just gawked at him, frozen in your uncomfortable posture.
Sensing your astonishment, he cupped your face with his hands and brushed your cheeks with his thumbs, with a smile that you were sure could cure you from all your illness. Under his touch you melted. It felt like electricity was running up and down your body. At this moment, you truly believed, he wasn't from this world.
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Every bone in your body wanted to possess him.
And so you did. Kissing him with all the force you could muster. You crawled your way over his body, then straddling him. He kissed you back although more softly compared to your burning urgency. Your hands wandered into his soft hair, tugging and pulling. You were getting sloppy but you didn't take a moment off, you felt like if you did he might just slip off from under you like sand. Or you might wake up from this very vivid dream. You couldn't take any chances, you had to make the most of whatever it was, real or imagined. You were grinding against him slowly but aggressively. Your clothed chest rubbed against his bare skin. As his tongue mingled with yours, he tasted heavenly, like nothing you've tasted before. Your hands wandered all over his neck, shoulders and arms. You were trying to touch and feel everything that he was, he still didn't feel real to you. In your fervid bliss, you mistakenly pressed against his bandaged wound making him hiss out in pain against your mouth. Your ardent movements came to a halt as he slowly pulled away, saliva dripping from the side of his mouth, his lips glistened in the yellow sunlight.
“Go a bit easy on me, yeah?” he pleaded, his doe eyes piercing your soul. At that moment if he stabbed you in your heart, you'd die happy. But you wanted to please him, make up for whatever hurt you caused him. So you kissed him again, this time feebly. His mouth, the side of his mouth, jaw bone, neck, collarbone, you kept showering him with careful kisses, licks and bites all over his upper body. He was brushing his hands lovingly on your back. It felt like this was the moment you've been waiting for your whole life, you were quite sure you wouldn't exist afterwards. When you were done bathing every inch of his upper body with your lips you looked up to see his face. His affectionate gaze was sending warm ripples down your stomach. You felt his hardness against you and you knew what you wanted to do. You started kissing your way down towards his crotch, and after a bit of fumbling, you slid his pants off of him. There he was in all his glory. Without wasting a second, you took his cock in your mouth completely, as far as you could. His breath hitched at your sudden action. You glided your mouth up and down while your tongue went in circular motion around his length. If he was the god there then you were his one true devotee and you wanted to worship him, please him like your life depended on it. You heard him grunt softly and that made you soak through your panties. You could feel his body tense up, his breathing starting to get more and more rushed. You would finish him off like that if it weren't for his hands reaching down to cup your face and pull you up back on top of him. None of you were talking but it felt like you were communicating with him more than you've done with anybody before. He took your top off in a languid motion, followed by your bra. Your bare skin flush against his, like your body was on fire.
He eyed you up and down slowly, and uttered “you're beautiful”. You wished you could reply and say something but you were too out of your mind to do so. You only kissed him in return. After another fervent make out session, you pulled away, breathless. You were starting to get needy again as you felt your stomach slowly tightening up. He then pushed his back upwards in a clumsy way and sat up on the edge of the bed. You looked up to him and he looked celestial. At this point you weren't thinking anymore, everything you were doing was purely instinctual. He reached his right hand out to you and you took it. With one fluent motion he pulled you up and pinned you on the bed. He was now on top of you, staring down. You could see a glimpse of hunger in his eyes but his kind smile felt otherwise. It was him now who bathed your body with kisses. He lovingly took one of your nipples in his mouth and stroked the other one with his hand. With his warm tongue working on your nipple and his soft curls tickling your breast, you were quite sure you were in heaven. But you were getting impatient and you wanted to feel him inside of you. Unknowingly to you, your hips went up to grind against him as you whined sensually. He looked up at you and chuckled softly. You felt your cheeks warm up from embarrassment. But he complied with your will and helped you out of your pants and underwear. Now there was nothing between the two of you. He came up to face you as he positioned himself at your entrance. Your body felt like it would turn to dust at any moment. Your vision was hazy but you could swear his angelic beauty lit up the whole room. You felt like you were drowning in his eyes. But your reverie broke as he entered your body, filling you in. You wrapped your legs around his hips and your arms around him. Your back arched up like a cat as he quickly found a rhythm and started hitting the right spot. Waves of pure bliss started to take over your whole body as your core started building up. You were a moaning mess under him, and his grunts felt like music to your ears. He was navigating the boat and you were just riding. He picked up the pace and became more and more aggressive. You could feel him smothering your cheeks, neck and breast with kisses. But honestly you couldn't tell anymore, you could only feel the waves rising and the tension building. Building and building and with a final hit, it all came undone. You came crashing down a mountain top but it felt euphoric. Your eyes rolled back somewhere into my skull. You could feel his tongue in your mouth, as his thrusts became more and more sloppy until it finally halted. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, and you could feel his warm fluid fill your insides.
When you opened your eyes, you were a panting and sweating mess. He pulled out of you slowly and rolled over to your side. He was equally as messy as you were. You turned on your side to face him. He was smiling at you coyly and in that moment it felt like you've known him for eternity. He was practically gleaming in the afterglow. As you were slowly coming down from the high a very embarrassing realization hit you. You didn't know his name. You just fucked someone you didn't even know the name of. You were becoming red with shame and he noticed.
“What's wrong?”, his voice filled with genuine concern. You were seriously considering if you should ask him that at this point. But you did,
-“I- um... what's your name?”
-“Vladek” he said softly and in that moment he looked so beautiful that you were afraid you'd go blind. Yet in his beauty there was this delicacy, this vulnerability. For some reason you felt like he didn't have much time left on his hands. As if he had to go back from where he came. He looked too vulnerable for this world and you had a very bad feeling.
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krysphycookiez · 4 years
bts | you as the female maknae
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synopsis: you’ve become the female maknae of the famous worldwide sensation bts! let’s see how well you get along with these crackhead boys
genre: fluff, platonic, imagines
pairing: bts x maknae!reader
a/n: nothing much to be said except i pulled this out of my ass to make content for all y’all
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the moment seokjin saw you he already claimed you as his child, no questions asked
even though you’re only like- a year younger than jungkook, he babies you WAY more than him, and you don’t mind really
he would take you to do some of his favorite things with him like cook or even clean the dorms
also if anyone hurts you in any way, shape or form they are getting their shit rocked by seokjin’s- rather colorful vocabulary
also nags you a lot, especially during your early debut days when you were still in school
he just doesn’t want you to be lost in life that’s all, and he shows that really well
he raised you very well since your debut with him and the boys and he just wants you to be happy
definitely favors you a lot more than the others and the bias is super obvious. he once bought you a shit ton of snacks for your birthday and the rest of the members were shocked af
this of course means you bicker a lot with him like jungkook, the two of you even sometimes team up to go against your hyung
but he also knows when you’re feeling down because his parent instincts kick in, he knows when you’re feeling down the dumps so he does something to cheer you up
whether it’s make you crack up with a stupid dad joke or buy your favorite drink, he’d do anything for his baby
definitely screams a lot when he’s with you too
like- y’all can’t hide how much of a pissbaby the two of you are, that’s easily demonstrated in that one run bts episode with the zombies
overall he’s like an older brother to you and despite the bickering, he still luvs you so much
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yoongi is soft for you and you only
definitely let’s you sleep with him in his bed when you have a nightmare, because he’s an expert at bedtime cuddles
also let’s you mess around in his production studio, and maybe even lets you help him compose a few tracks
if you aren’t a rapper he probably teaches you some basics about rapping and later on becomes a proud dad when you show off in front of the other members
he also probably makes tae jealous too lmao, give the boy some love
if you’re upset or angry at the other members he’s one of two members that can calm you down, just because he’s really calm and knows how to handle your emotions
also definitely spoils you with snacks and drinks too
and he’s also the reason why you develop led your evil maknae side
back then you were so shy and pure but then he came into your life with his savage ways and sarcastic remarks. he rubbed off of you too much
also if anyone dares to hurt you he’s throwing hands. this bitch is really scary, he will give haters a death glare if they even LOOK at you
you definitely cling onto him like a baby sloth at times when you’re in the clingy mood, and he just kinda lets you hang onto him until you go to another member
and he also teases you at times to when he’s feeling pretty bold
such as your height or your age and this sometimes leads to insult battles, it’s a 50/50 win for the most part
for the most part, yoongi is like your cool uncle and he will cut a bitch if someone even lays a finger on you in a threatening way
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when you and hoseok are put together in the same room, nothing but sunshine and happiness radiates form the two of you
both of you are the residential mood makers of bts, and it really shows
back then when you were really shy, hoseok was the first to approach you and ever since then you’ve become a happy ball of fluff
he definitely hugs you a lot and does a lot of aegyo with you, or even hug you to show that you’re not alone
if you buy him sprite he’ll go nuts
this man loves his energetic drink and he will forever love someone who gets him that monstrous drink
you probably tried to give him monster energy at one point but he complained about the battery acid taste
LOVES spoiling you with gifts, try not to let him spoil you too much or the other members might get jealous
when you’re feeling under the weather he will be there in a flash to make sure you’re well enough and give you some chocolate to make you a bit happier
will shower you with love and affection at all times- especially on vlive cause he wants to make sure you’re loved
and you are trust me
you remind him of a happy little puppy and he just thinks it’s the most adorable thing ever cause he likes animals
and also he definitely will throw hands at haters- this man is scary when he’s mad
he’s like an equivalent to an older brother to you and it’s so endearing
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take namjoon’s being done with the members bullshit 24/7 tendencies and mutiply that by 100 when he’s with you
you always do the most random shit around him its hilarious. whether it’s playing with his hair or just clinging onto him a lot
of course he still loves you he just always looks tired when you start being you
also definitely has helped you with your homework in the past cause he’s too smart for his own good
you once asked him to help you help with a cell mode project cause it was supposed to be big but yours just looked like an oversized bean
he thought it was adorable and funny so he helped you
also you go on beach walks with him when in a country with beaches, prolly looking for crabs too lol
you have definitely crashed one of his studio vlives and did something random, like how tae did
when you’re feeling sick he along with seokjin will nurture you back to health. he gets the medicine and stuff while seokjin makes you a nice warm meal
you have definitely made jokes where you are their child and they are the parents at it always results in a hell from the older male
you have probably given him a few ideas on some of the popular tracks like pied piper and black swan
you have a creative mind so when namjoon is feeling blank he turns to you for help, hell you even helped a lot with the hyyh era
and he’s also at ease when he’s around you because you smell like roses- sounds a little weird but it’s the smell of a lovely flower
namjoon would like to care for you like your a kid or his own little sister and be your guardian angel
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first thoughts when you both saw each other; omg so cute
you and jimin are such sofies for each other it’s so adorable, always clinging onto each other and just being two puppies
of course that can always switch and the two of you can become such a petty and savage duo
the members definitely tease you two the most due to your smaller heights, which the worked the two of you to prank them a lot
never yoongi though, he’s scary asf
you two also have a lot of movie marathons, especially the avengers movies cause they are some of the best
if you’re a main dancer you two probably do a lot of dancing together in your free time, maybe even some crack dances as well
a little bit of playful flirting here and there, he’s so shameless when he’s around you it’s unreal
has also picked you up at one point and threw you over his shoulder just cause he wanted to prove to jk he’s not a weak midget
CUDDLES 24/7! both of you initiate a lot of platonic skinship it’s just become a habit at this point. also you two have definitely slept in the same bed before while cuddling
jimin is very emotionally intelligent, so he automatically knows when you’re in a bad mood or when you just feel sad. he’s the member trusted the most too to take care of you during- uh- your time of the month
he just wants you to be happy so he’ll gladly help you with any of your needs, even if it’s kinda unpleasant
seeing that both of you both had a lot of struggles, you two were very close and i guess that’s what made you guys click
jimin would be the shoulder you can cry on and your lovable squishy best friend
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taehyung would be one of your bestest friends, even during trainee days
expect he was shy to you at first cause you were very young and he didn’t want to give the wrong impression on you
but overtime he grew to be his childish and weird self that we all love, and the two of you always lighten up the mood along with hoseok
definitely takes you on shopping dates when he gets the chance and probably makes you try on 1000 gucci clothes
sometimes you end up buying them but it’s a relatively small amount
also you like going to the food courts with him because you guys just have very light-hearted conversations while enjoying yourselves some delicious food
if he knows something is up with you but the others don’t notice, he would go and tell them to take care of it cause he doesn’t think he can’t comfort you well enough
but in reality he’s really good at talking with you, that 10% of genius shines in him and he manages to figure out what made you upset and help you
yeontan probably likes you a bit more than the other members cause of taehyung, and that’s a feat he’s proud of
both you and him also play a lot of games together with jungkook, and a lot of screaming to
the others think you’re getting murdered at times it’s funny
tae would also initiate skinship with you, though not as much as jimin, he prefers to just hug you and hold your hand
also if you’re a rapper he definitely asks you to teach him how to rap and sometimes it can be so chaotic
taehyung would be a really good friend to you and like a warm older brother
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you and jungkook are the maknaes on top, even though there’s a one year difference
despite your close relationship, you two didn’t get along at first due to different views on certain things
but overtime your relationship mended and now the two of you are the closest friends can get
due to your young ages you use this to your advantage to get anything you want from the members
also, take your pranking with jimin and multiply that by a million cause hoo boy you two cause A LOT of chaos
skinship and platonic kisses for days off camera. he really loves you a lot and just prefers to show it off camera cause he’s a shy baby
you steal his hoodies and shirts a lot cause they are comfy and he either complains or just lets you take them
both of you have friendly competitions whenever you are competing for the members love and affection
which can lead to rather intense insult battles and the others watch in amusement
both of you are so close you two can just tell how you’re feeling with just one look in the eyes, and even communicate through facial expressions
yeah you guys are that close, and the other members haven’t fully accomplished a feat like that yet so they are amazed
jungkook also is pretty possessive of your guy’s friendships and often scares off others, even his fellow 97 liners
but in reality he’s just a soft bunny baby that doesn’t want you to leave him
you two probably had some dating rumors surrounding you, but at the end of the day nothing will change your guy’s amazing friendship
wooooo we got another female maknae au! with bts, sorry i don’t have anything else, i have a one shot idea planned with yeonjun, taehyun and hyuka so please stick around for that!
this is @/krysphycookiez logging off... ♡︎
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angelmichelangelo · 3 years
okay here we go. finale episode thoughts. i’m sorry for the person i have become...
the whole first half is just? incredible? loved the action, loved how well it was paced. it’s kickass time and i am HERE for it!
cool that they brought back that weird face morphing technology nat used in ca:tws - kinda always wondered why they never used that more but hello sharon good to see ur thriving
bucky on a motorcycle. that’s all.
SAM MOTHERFUCKIN’ WILSON he looks fine as hell, he’s killing it and that entrance was sick as FUCK. “i’m captain america” yes sir yes you are
the entire chopper scene and sam being smart af literally was so fun? like hell yes! AND REDWING!!! i love that bucky had to ask ayo to get shuri to make him a new one. it’s a boyfriend thing 🥰
sam kicking ass. bucky being cool. john walker..... being there i guess? not digging this weird redemption thing theyre doing with him by having him and bucky team up and be pals but like. we can’t always have what we want.
sharon being the powerbroker is kinda hot. criminal Mommy vibes i’m here for it. though she killed karli and i wanted to see more of her so. minus point babes.
SAM’S WHOLE CALLOUT SPEECH. baby fuck it UP!!! i’m so in love with this man it is unreal. anthony mackie knocked it out of the park with this whole scene. everything he said was amazing and he did it flawless. “i’m a black man carrying the stars and stripes, what don’t i understand?” was just. yeah. incredible. captain america is a black man and racist mfs are gonna cry about it lol I JUST LOVE SAM WILSON AND SAM WILSON ONLY !!! “do better” FUCK YEAH
bucky is so in love it’s embarrassing sir those heart eyes are unREAL dude. also him calling sam “cap” in the fondest voice ever with a lil back pat? i have my grave already dug imma go lay down in it now. eat my ass, steve rogers MWAH
zemo in prison having a gay old time. cant wait to see more of him yes please and thank you. also him going to sleep like my work here is done is just so? funny to me idk why like. yeah get some beauty sleep you fruity little bitch
us agent. hate john walker but love wyatt russell so absolutely looking forward to hate-loving this guy in the future
bucky and yori. remember that grave i laid down in earlier? yeah it’s full of my tears now. bucky healing and FINALLY saying outloud that what he did as the winter soldier was out of his control. i loved this whole scene though.... it felt like it had been cut short? which sucks eggs but it was good nonetheless. short n sweet. v nice. also love how bucky gave steve’s book away because he’s moving on !!!!!! yeah babey! though i still don’t trust dr raynor like who even was she lmao?
the entire scene with sam and isaiah... gotdamn. it was just beautiful. every scene isaiah is in, im just captivated. it was just *chefs kiss* and now my tear filled grave is overflowing and i am sailing down my own river of sadness. i know we’ll probably get eli in the young avengers but PLS give me young isaiah beating the shit out of the winter soldier in the korean war because holy fuck that’d be amazing. the smithsonian scene was beautiful. marvel i love to hate you but u okay for this one. u okay.
UNCLE BUCKY UNCLE BUCKY UNCLE BUCKY !!!! baby’s first cookout ☹️ he’s a wilson now, sam adopted him he’s a feral cat but we love him !! and then sam and bucky walking off into the sunset together? heart been broke so many times
not sure why they didn’t change both their names like captain america and the white wolf but either way i gasped when i saw it change from falcon to captain america !!! like fuck yeah !!!!!!
overall thoughts are: i loved this entire series. i am in need more sambucky in my life and knowing it’s gonna be well over a year before we get more of them in the mcu again i’m going to lock myself into a tiny cupboard and scream until i pass out. also i know a LOT of this show was cut because of the whole side plot about a deadly virus (thank u covid u son of a bitch) so like, i’d love at some point for those deleted scenes to be released. pls marvel i miss them already just give me the extra scenes !!
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delusionland · 3 years
stream of consciousness rant under the cut about teddy
teddy altman is the funniest character in the world because he’s LITERALLY /in/ the civil war event in a single panel with billy where they’re both like THIS IS FUCKED UP BRO! I DONT WANNA BE HERE!!!! and then he’s in the skrull invasion event where he could LITERALLY STOP THE SKRULL INVASION at ANY TIME and he’s just like ‘haha... i’m 16 bro and i kinda... don’t want to kinda busy being gay rn : / its a big time investment’ and thats also incredibly funny
 but whats MOST funny is that all this happens to him, he’s literally an avenger, he has this whole thing with ‘mother’ in ya v2, he’s hot af 21 year old with his whole life in front of him but because he’s not related to any OTHER avengers except for the old captain marvel who is dead as a doornail and who he has a complicated relationship with, he’s like : (((( i have no purpose.... i’m sad... i’m gonna eat pizza bc my boyfriend is cooler than me he has two families : (((( and he’s friends with doctor strange... i’m not friends with doctor strange...
like obviously he just has depression and self-worth issues and such a strong sense of unreality that he briefly believed he was not a real person and was made up by his boyfriend?
but also.
like TEDDY ALTMAN. you FOOL. ur literally a SPACE PRINCE. ur COOL as fuck. stop playing animal crossing and luigis mansion. you can FLY. and SHAPESHIFT. idiot
how are you going to be living the transgay DREAM life and be like : (((( like teddy fucking altman. you wish fulfilment based fool
he’s like the most painfully normal gay guy in the universe like he might be a shapeshifter that has the abilitiy to turn himself into a hunk, but under that. he’s round spongebob with depression. his favorite game of thrones character was tyrion, which means he definitely didn’t read the books, AND he legitimately liked the show and the character of tyrion within it. i will never forgive him for that
i’m giving him a lot of shit here but thats because i’m an asshole. i love him to death. but it’s like ‘teddy u big boob with big boobs. sort ur shit out.’ and he does end up sorting his shit out. but jesus. how are you so normal
i think my problem with teddy & billy in general is they don’t feel REAL to me in a lot of ways bc a lot of their characterization is so by-the-numbers ‘gay’ but also ‘rich’ and ‘popular’ and ‘depressed’ so i like. this is NOT my gay experience. i’m a fat non-binary butch dyke agoraphobe. i can’t comprehend their story because it’s so fundamentally different to my own lived experience. and when i try to make it match up to mine---it feels like billy & teddy are living in a dream world where they have absolutely no flaws bc they’re forced into being ‘charming gay representation for teens to look up to’ and its like. what am i supposed to do with this. with the exception of the gillen run. which everyone??? hates now????? i don’t know. i love them. and more importantly i’m still trying to understand them on my own terms, how they’re written---what they really represent beyond being the most popular two charcters on r/lgbtsuperheroes, beyond winning glaad awards.
like who ARE they beyond billy and teddy. who are they beyond the labels and whats the latest in nerd culture and gay culture pop culture references!!!!
what makes a ‘canon gay character’ ‘canon gay’ and what makes them textured, layered, real? the second one is so much important to me, but how can i distill ‘realness’ and give it to those canon gay characters? how can i make one half of a pair which is about one third of a set make SENSE to me. feel like the gay people i know, feel like members of my community i can relate to and respect without feeling a sense of jealousy, a sense of self-hatred, a sense of being robbed of a universal experience of ‘canon gayness’ that doesn’t and will never exist?
this just has to be my next project tbh. getting back into young avengers, figuring this out.
how do ‘out gay people’ live, how do the ‘popular kids’ live, beyond maligned celebrities and royal families that i understand in their fucked up straightness---how does it feel to be accepted & acceptable and still gay AND MENTALLY ILL?
i don’t know, man! i don’t know! i think maybe i just can’t see the forest for the trees. but billy & teddy feel like too much to hope for in this world sometimes, too soft a story, too kind but also? too... fake? i got issues yall
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ralphemerson · 3 years
Hardest "goodbye" always started with an unexpected "hello"
Have you ever wonder how people can say that they love you but eventually, will change their mind all of a sudden? As if they didn't say such words? As if they already forgotten everything? I mean, how can they do that?
In my 22 years of existence. I almost experienced all of the heartbreaks. They taught me several lessons that I eventually applied in my life. But is it really necessary to experience it three fucking times? When I entered my last relationship, I'm too scared, I'm too sceptical. I came from a failed relationship and the fear of that to repeat again made me doubt but love's too unpredictable, love always come unexpectedly, it will caught you off guard.
It was December 20, 2019, I just came home from "simbang gabi". I was so anxious that time, because you know, failing grades, with board exam on the line. I was too pressured. I was scared to fail. I downloaded this app called "Profoundly", I have no idea how to use it, but I still gave it a try. I talked with several strangers, but this "Albay girl" really caught my attention. She was inspirational AF! Like, damn! How can someone can be this good in telling advice. I became comfortable with her. We talked a lot, day and night. I decided to add her on facebook, but I'm too hesitant to hit her up but I eventually found my courage. I chat her, and there where it all started. We clicked immediately, as if we already knew each other, as if we are a long lost friend. We talked about everything under the sun and believe me! It sounds cliché but it feels like time is flying whenever I'm talking to her.
We became comfortable with each other. We even told our secrets, our personal life to each other. We both came from a failed relationship and that day, I convinced myself, if I will be her man, I will never do such thing to her. She's too precious, she's too kind and I don't even understand how people can hurt someone like her? Are they dumb? Are they out of their mind? Also that day, I said to myself that I was ready. I was ready to fall in love again. I will take care of her and I will love her like no one else did. I want this girl to be happy. I want her to forget about her past. I want her to feel special because that's what she's really are. She's too precious to be hurt. That day, I told my self, I will risk everything for her. I will love her the way she deserves to be loved. I will forever be grateful to God that He gave her to me and I will not take that opportunity for granted.
At first, it is not easy, we are both hesitant to fall in love again but eventually, we took the risk and all I can say is, IT IS ALL WORTH IT. I became happier that ever! That was probably the best decision I ever made. IT WAS SO GOOD TO FALL IN LOVE AGAIN. I told myself that I will do everything to make her happy because she deserves it. I know her well, I know her past. I want to be with her no matter what. DISTANCE IS JUST A NUMBER. We don't considered distance as an excuse, rather we use it as an inspiration to love each other more. It all went smoothly, we had our best life ever. We are happy, we are contented. We know that we both love each other unconditionally and that feeling is CLOUD NINE.
February 25, 2020. The day had come. Finally, I'm gonna see her for the first time! I was excited and afraid at the same time. There's the thought of what if she don't like me when she see me personally? What if this might be our first and last date? That is my thought while I'm travelling to Cubao. But when I saw her, I was in the escalator, and she's waiting for me, it feels like I saw an angel, it feels like I'm in heaven. All the doubts, all the fear got away. I was totally in shock. I was mesmerized by her beauty. The way she talk, the way she treated me, that's all that I could ask for. She's very talkative and that's the way I like it. We talked a lot, as if it is not our first time meeting each other. I never felt that excitement before. That's my first time. I was nervous but she erased it all. She's very fun to be with and I already knew to myself that I will love her with all my heart, with all my might. Those meeting of us were the best moments of my life. The AliMall date, movie date, Intramuros date, National Museum date, Luneta date and even the "bardagulan sa LRT". Those memories will gonna be treasured forever.
Novermber 17, 2020. It is my birthday! She knew me too well. She knew how much I want to celebrate my birthday, she knew how much I want surprises. That day was the best birthday EVER!!! Just what I have said earlier, distance is just a number. If you want your partner to be happy, you will do everything to make them happy, no matter what form it is. Too much surprises, it feels like I'm floating in heaven. Damn, what I have done to deserve such a wonderful girl like her? Do I really deserve this kind of blessing? It feels so unreal. It feels like I'm the most special person in the world. My 22nd birthday was so special, thanks to her. ♥️
I will never forget that day and I will forever be grateful 🤗
But not all relationships are perfect. Even how you think about how perfect and happy the relationship is, there will always be challenges. I never thought of us breaking apart. I was confident because I know she loves me and I love her even more. I trusted her too much to the point that I never suspect her about doing something horrible but I was wrong. We broke up, she fell out of love. I keep questioning why but maybe even I did my best, it will always never be enough to someone who's focus on finding what's lacking rather that appreciating the effort you exert. I accepted it, I never doubted her reason because I thought I know her well. But I found out that there's already another guy who's making her happy now. I was devastated. I never saw that coming. I feel betrayed. I was stabbed in the back. My world crushed into pieces. I'm totally lost of words. I never expected that she will do such thing. I trusted her, I believed in her promises. We both promised that we will be there for each other through thick and thin. We both promised to each other that we will never be hurt again. But maybe, promises really meant to be broken.
There's no such thing as assurance. Even if you give it all, people will always find a way to see what's lacking. They will always find a way to make you look bad and they will eventually leave you in a blink of an eye, as if you never done good to them. People tend to choose what's convenient for them. People tend to forget everything when things doesn't going on their way. Life's a bitch and we need to deal with it.
Never trust too much. Never fall in love too much to the point that there's nothing left in you. People are unpredictable. One day they are good, but there will always the day that they will fuck us big time. Always know your worth. Always know what to give up. Loving someone with all your heart will never be an assurance. Learn to love yourself. Learn to respect yourself. In this world, where people always take each other for granted, the only one who you can rely with is yourself. Don't be too gaga for someone. Don't be too emotionally attached because the day you committed yourself to others is the beginning of losing yourself for others. Learn to know your limits. Learn to love yourself.
Life's too unfair, life's too unpredictable. That's how life works. We need to deal with it. We need to be prepared for everything. We need to brace ourselves for what will happen next. Don't be too complacent because there's no such thing as assurance. Learn to be defensive, learn to know your limitations. Don't give up too much, it will haunt you in the future.
We are all afraid to be hurt. We are all afraid to be left by someone we love but one thing that I learned about is to never be afraid to fall in love again. Never be afraid to try again. Take all the risk, take all the challenges but know your limits. It is okay to be hurt rather than to have "what ifs" in your mind. Don't be afraid to love again because if the intentions are pure, God will bless us with someone we deserve. If it failed again, it will be another lesson but it will always be a blessing. Don't find love, let love find you. We all deserve someone whom we can call "home". This might not be the right time, but believe me, God has a better plan for you. Sulk all you want, cry all you want but believe me, that tears will eventually stop. No one deserves to be hurt, we are all unique in our own ways. If that people don't see that in you, remember that not all people have the same view. We are all worthy in the eye of the right person. Maybe you will suffer, but eventually it will be a blessing and a lesson learned.
Love is beautiful, love is complicated. Don't be afraid to fall in love again. Don't be afraid to try again. Don't let anyone dictate you. Don't let anyone take away your rights to be happy. Just know your limits, love responsibly. As long as we are not stepping on others, then it is all good. We are all worthy, we are all deserving of love. It might not bring any good to us for now, but it is all part of the process. Even how dark the night is, the sun will shine again. The sun that will bring the beauty of life in us. We are all WORTHY. We are all UNIQUE. Don't let that experience bring the worst in you rather use it as a motivation. Always remember, YOU ARE ENOUGH TO SOMEONE WHO SEES THE BEST IN YOU. Trust God's perfect timing. TRUST THE PROCESS.
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cardencs · 4 years
“ one had to die so the other could live “ DFJGHDKGHDFJHFKGJH idk where i got that from but RELEVANT , sorta . . .  ANYWAYS , hello , it me , everyone’s favorite demon 😇 bringing you a second muse that i hope will stay WELP . I know froy has a lack of resources , so for a couple of more days ky’s gonna be MIA, hence the coma , so i can get cris settled and make some gifs :] fun fact tho : my grandma’s last name is gutierrez 🥺
chicago’s very own cristian cardenas has been spotted on madison avenue driving a 2020 Maserati Ghibli view 9 trims , welcome ! your resemblance to froy  gutierrez is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty second birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re indecisive , but being sincere might help you . i think being a Leo explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be grass stains, summer nights and blank pages of a notebook .
ANNDDDDD , idk , read under the cut for more , but like this and imma get plotting with everyone . 😈
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Full Name: criatian javier cardenas-castillo 
Nickname(s): cris, c , cj , 
Age: 22
Height: 6ft
Date of Birth: July 25th 1997
Zodiac sign: leo
Ethnicity: mexican
Nationality: mexican/colombian/american
Gender: cismale
Pronouns: he/him
Tattoos: none
Language(s) Spoken: english + spanish
first of all , cristian was born in mexico , to two parents who were high school sweethearts and had him way too young ( his dad was 18 and his mom was 16 ) , but luckily enough his dad’s family ran a few popular pharmacies in Mexico City, so they were well off . cristian had a normal enough childhood , his parents were both pharmacists . his paternal grandparents paying for their education and livelihood . so it all worked out .
when cristian turned 8 , both his parents noticed he had a natural skill for soccer . which is funny because that came from his maternal side and they never bothered to introduce him to the sport . it was just something cris played on the streets with his friends.
immediately after that realization , his parents got him into the best training programs , camps , teams , etc - - - even sending him off to colombia to play in their leagues . therefore cristian bounced between mexico and colombia until he was 16 . 
cris played soccer at an international level, being the nephew of alejandro castillo definitely opened many doors for him , especially when cristian got invited to play for american leagues . 
from mexico to colombia , to finally landing in the united states , cristian played in minor leagues in chicago and LA . at 18 he started playing for Chicago Fire FC , just for a couple of years until having to move to LA to be closer to his paternal grandmother . she was living on her own and wanted family closer , and cris honestly missed just being normal a little bit so he ran for that opportunity , playing for LA Galaxy . 
Up until recently , cristian actually resided in LA , living with his grandmother , going to practices and living a pretty simple life since he never saw himself as famous . he has famous family , and he left the spotlight to them , and they all knew he liked his privacy. 
truth be told , cristian doesn’t like playing soccer , but he’s a talented midfielder , so much that he’s usually given captain . for some reason he’s really good at handling a team of people , which is funny because he’s pretty quiet until you say a word to him. 
the only reason he continues to play the sport is because it’s something his parents are proud of, the only time they will really give him any attention for. his parents are . . . not so great . they worked all the time , and care more about earning any sort of income rather than spend actual time with their kid , and cris . . . is the only child . he’s their only child yet they jumped at the chance to ship him off everywhere . 
cris really only like the family he has in the states considering that’s the only sense of true family he has , but his parents are his parents . . . so he tries to appease them in any way possible . even if he hates what he does . 
cristian would actually rather be off writing in the middle of nowhere as for a hobby . he’s got a lot of little notebooks filled with short stories and poems . bc behind this little shit act he pulls , he’s actually pretty soft .
if he had to choose what he could do for the rest of his life , it’d be to put together a recipe book because this man surprisingly loves to cook ??? he picked it up easily snd quickly when living with his grandmother . at this point he’s put together a whole recipe book and his insta is literally soccer/food porn , it’s funny DKJGHJDK
because kylie got into an accident , cris ended up moving away from LA to NYC , even switching teams in order to help out around with his family there . he’s currently playing for New York City FC , earning his spot  on the team - - - not really aiming for captain but who knows. so he’s fresh meat to the scene unless meeting anyone prior in LA or Chicago . 
cris didn’t grow up with a normal childhood when he started training . therefore he didn’t party that much . so  he’s literally currently living his best life when moving to the states , he got a lot of freedom and just like his cousin , he’s pretty much the life of the party .
he’s that guy that gets drunk enough they will drunk sing the song with a bottle in hand . though he’s not much of a smoker , so with that he’s a little #boring . but then again he’s pretty stupid without the weed and alcohol . 
cris is usually seen as the guy with a lot of girls for friends . . . but he’s probably hooked up with all of them too . he doesn’t really see labels , and doesn’t like labels on relationships . so . . . he hasn’t had a serious relationship , he’s indecisive af and flies away from stuff like that . his excuse is he has to focus on soccer over personal things like relationships . 
he’s honest af ( it’s a family thing ok ) but he’s not an angry thing , cris is pretty chill , laid back and cheeky . making the dumb commentary no one thinks is funny , but he probably thinks is hilarious af . 
he really likes working with the community and is currently putting together soccer programs for kids who wouldn’t normally be able to afford things like equipment and training . cris goes as far as coaching teams from community center . . . not for clout , because he genuinely likes it , even if he hates playing it , he likes to teach and likes giving back .
a big charity man , ok this man is just bABY .
you know , a big stupid baby that can party JKDFGHDKGJH
gimme all the plots !!! just like this and im sure we can figure something out , or i can bc sometimes depending on the connectiion we cook up im all 😈😈😈😈
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fioress · 4 years
chicago’s very own fiore gattuso has been spotted on madison avenue driving a 2020 bentley continental gt v8 in red , welcome ! your resemblance to lorenzo zurzolo is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty first birthday bash  . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re impatient , but being cunning might help you . i think being a libra explains that .  3 things that would paint  a  better picture of you would be bloodshot baby blue eyes, long drives without a specific destination, getting high by the beach. ( i have been conning money out of older women and men ever since my parents disowned me  ) & ( cismale + he/him  )
tw : abuse, homophobia
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full  name : fiore emiliano luca gattuso ( first name pronounced fee-oh-reh, also see here! )
nicknames : fifi, emmy ( by people who know his middle name ), some people might say... flower boy ( fiore literally means flower in italian ) 😳
gender : cismale
height :  5 ′ 8
age : 21
birthday : october 14 , 1998
zodiac : libra  ( leo moon, aquarius ascendant )
right  handed  or  left  handed : left  handed
eye  color : baby blue
hair  color : basically dark blonde / light brown
piercing  &  tattoos : the libra symbol on his left wrist, a cartilage piercing on his right ear
languages  spoken : italian  ( native  tongue ), english, spanish, sicilian ( after many summers spent in his parents’ summer house in sicily )
sexuality : bisexual
place  of  birth : napoli, italia ( naples, italy in english )
last  3  songs  listened  to : dimmi che mi ami by dj matrix ( a full on fucking italian boy tbh ), talk is cheap by chet faker, west coast by lana del rey
character  inspo : maxxie oliver from skins u.k , adam groff from sex education ( think season 2 adam ), alyssa foley from the end of the fucking world, david rose from schitt’s creek, michael kelso from that 70′s show, a mix of nick miller & winston bishop from new girl, maeby funke from arrested development 
♡ so fiore was born to an american mother named lindsey harrison & a fully italian father named gian gattuso. his mother is a very well known politician & his father is heir of a very popular gas company, literally named gattuso gas ( yikes lol ). besides that, he is also a preacher. without saying much, his parents are very well off
♡ fiore grew up with anything he’s ever wanted ( materialistically, of course ). besides that, his parents genuinely weren’t the best of people. his mother stole millions from the so called campaigns she ran & was a generally very corrupt politician, his father treated his employees like shit & was a pretty hateful person altogether
♡ they were people who expected a lot out of their only son, which made fiore feel an insane amount of pressure from the very start. at a very young age, he showed characteristics lots of boys his age didn’t show. he did things like peeing while sitting down instead of standing up, preferred to play with dolls instead of ‘boy toys’, favored the color pink, got along better with girls, preferred to watch shows that were considered ‘girly’, etc etc. 
♡ they were very harmless things honestly, things that most parents would laugh about & turn a blind eye. however, fiore really wasn’t that lucky when it came to his parents. any time he would do anything his parents claimed a ‘normal boy wouldn’t do’, he would get a huge lecture & a beating to go with it. needless to say, he learned to hide a lot of who he really was from a very young age
♡ he did a lot of things to seek the approval of his parents. he wasn’t smart academically ( dumb boi 101 tbh ), but he tried to make them happy in other ways. fiore was never fond of sports at all, but he started playing tennis at seven years old, because it made his parents happy. truth be told, he hated tennis with every fiber of his being, but again, he did this, simply because it satisfied his parents 
♡ fiore grew up trying to be the perfect son, considering the fact his parents were very much in the public eye of everyone. it was all smiles for the pictures, but behind closed doors, he really wasn’t the happiest boy ever
♡ simply put, he has always known that he likes boys. he likes girls too, don’t get him wrong, but he knew, literally since he could remember, that he also had a thing for guys too. of course, he knew this wouldn’t settle well at all with his extremely strict & religious parents, so he buried his feelings incredibly deep 
♡ he has a lot of charm & wit & found himself getting into relationships quicker than most of his friends. he briefly dated a girl when he was fourteen, but it was when he was sixteen that things really began getting, dare i say, spicy?
♡ there was an american boy new to his very #elite school & if you guessed it, they began to date! yup, his first boyfriend at sixteen years old. fiore was basically living two lives at this point. at school, he was himself, loud & proud, but when he got home, the facade began. the way he would switch up as soon as he entered the front door to his house was honestly shockingly scary 
♡ he really felt himself falling in love with this boy even though they were both fairly young. they snuck around forever. when no one was home, he would sneak him into his room to have sex, sneak out of his house when his parents were asleep, all that fun stuff. their relationship was forbidden ( at least to fiore’s parents ). this is where it gets juicy af tho, hear me out 
♡ so one day, fiore & him get really really drunk & honestly? video record themselves having sex! 😊 they didn’t do this to post it anywhere or show anyone or anything, they really just did it for themselves. they made a few copies & kept it for themselves ( stupid boys, i know! ), but they really felt like they would get married & all that gooey lovey dovey shit so they did it because yolo i guess? this is where it gets peak #juicy
♡ so fiore & him are walking back from practice. this is a time where fiore knows no one is home & no one is coming home for a while, so when they get to his house & see his father’s car parked outside, he lowkey panics a little. of course he makes the guy leave & goes inside to see what’s going on
♡ his father asks him to come upstairs & surprisingly, leads him into his room. he says something along the lines of ‘i just want to show you this so i can hear your explanation on what the fuck this is’ & this is when fiore’s entire life practically takes a 360. his father turns on his tv & legit starts playing his sex tape with his boyfriend. just picture this though; your extremely religious & hateful father & you sitting on your bed, watching your gay sex tape with your boyfriend
♡ obviously, this news isn’t well taken by his father. to make a long story short, he gets his ass beat. like, literally almost dies type shit. when this happened, he was seventeen, almost eighteen. he knew if that was ever discovered by his parents, it wouldn’t go well, but he really didn’t think them discovering his sexuality would be that brutal
♡ his parents basically disown him at that moment. they bought him a ticket to chicago & told him they never wanna see him again. it’s sad, but he packed his things & left in two days to go live with his cousin in chicago. citizenship wasn’t a problem because he had dual citizenship due to his mother being american
♡ it doesn’t really take an expert to figure out that fiore did not take this move well at all. for months, he was really depressed. he wouldn’t go out & would just lay in bed for the longest time. he was really hurt by everything that happened & it took him a while to recover. he has also lived in italy his whole life & wasn’t really used to life in america at all, but after like the fourth month of just feeling sorry for himself, it was his cousin who snapped him back to reality
♡ slowly but surely, he began putting himself out there. his english honestly #sucked when he first got to america, but it’s gotten a lot better since then ( he still has a pretty deep italian accent though ). at first, he began working at a pizza place, but fiore slowly began to realize how much he despised working. his entire life, he received everything on a silver plater with pure golden spoons, so this? he was for sure not used to it at all. again, his life completely did a 360. he went from living in a three story mansion in the most prestigious part of rome to living in a very shitty part of chicago, broke almost always, & working a job he hated with everything he had, splitting rent with his cousin
♡ fiore did not want this at all for himself. it wasn’t until he went out clubbing ( fake id & all ), that one his friends showed him the wonders of conning people. they walked into the bar with twenty bucks and left with four thousand dollars 
♡ quickly, fiore began to learn his friends’ ways. his looks, personality & his thick italian accent helped him tremendously; it was like people literally couldn’t get enough of him. soon enough, he was conning & finessing the fuck out of older men & women for their money. he once walked into a casino with five dollars and walked out with over twelve thousand, & it was only because he stayed for like an hour only
♡ finessing people became a huge hobby of his. it was with all this money that he bought himself a luxury car & jump started his model & influencer career. it was also with this money that him & his cousin ditched chicago & moved into a much better apartment in new york. with his looks & persona, he gained followers like crazy & posted videos on youtube as well, getting sponsorships & recognition easier than he expected. he was literally living off his looks & his personality & honestly? he was here for it! 
♡ there is still a part of fiore that has a lot of issues & trauma. honestly mommy & daddy issues af, but he doesn’t talk about this at all. no one really knows how he came up or where his family is & he keeps it this way, dodging questions about his personal life as much as he can
♡ in a way, he is kind of relieved with everything that happened with his parents because now, he’s completely free to be himself & do whatever the fuck he wants, knowing very well they can’t really touch him now. of course, it still left a mark that he’s never going to be able to erase or forget ( both in his heart & on his body too ), but he feels free for once in his life & he’s honestly kind of happier now 
♡ relationship wise, he really doesn’t commit to anyone. after practically being forced to leave his now ex boyfriend at almost 18, he kind of feels like he doesn’t deserve love? it’s really fucked up but he’s genuinely convinced that no one is ever going to genuinely love him or want to be with him so he just avoids any romantic relationship of any kind, usually just hooking up with people & then leaving as soon as it’s over. the truth is that he really does want to be loved, accepted & cared for by someone he loves, accepts & cares for as well, but will it ever happen if he continues pushing people away? probably not tbh 
♡ he is a fucking drinker & hella pot smoker!! legit give him some alcohol & weed he’s happy. he always has either one on him, or both tbh 
♡ this is all that’s coming to mind rn but underneath is his bio!!
       fiore was born to lindsey and gian gattuso in naples, italy. from a very young age, he showed characteristics most boys his age didn’t show. he would pee sitting down, every time he would visit his cousins, he would rather play dolls with them instead of ‘boy toys’, favored the color pink, watched things that were considered ‘girly’, etc. of course, this never settled well with his extremely religious parents, and every time he would do something even remotely different than a ‘regular’ boy would do, he would get a huge lecture, and a beating to go with it. that being said, fiore was quick to learn to hide a lot of who he really was. he absolutely despised tennis, but he played it anyways, and he did it, simply because it made his parents happy. the gattuso’s had a ton of money, so he played tennis in nearly all of europe. he has always known that he likes boys, maybe even a little bit more than he likes girls. literally since he’s had a sense of judgement, he’s just known. of course, he kept this a secret, practically living a double life, being himself at school and someone completely different at home. it didn’t take long for him to get a boyfriend, and soon, he found himself slowly falling in love. secretly sneaking him into the house when his parents weren’t home to have quickies, holding hands with him down the school hallways, and even lying to his parents and telling them he was going going to tennis practice just to hang out with him. however, one mistake costed him, well, everything.
        they were drunk and goofing around, and decided to record themselves having sex. it was innocent and pure, both of them just making love to each other in the rawest, loveliest form. the two boys made copies of it, and fiore kept one for himself. one day, when he was trying to sneak his boyfriend into the house, he saw his dad’s car parked outside, which was odd because he was never home around that time. his boyfriend left, and he went to go investigate. his father was beyond calm, and bought him up to his room. his room. fiore was confused as his father told him to sit down on the bed, and soon, his worst nightmare became a reality. his father began playing his damn sex tape on his dvd player, and to say he was mortified was an understatement. he was humiliated, and most of all, afraid. it came without much warning, but soon, his father was throwing punches to his face, his stomach, everywhere, dragging him down the stairs just for it to continue. all he saw was blood. for the first time in forever, fiore truly felt like he had hit rock bottom. they took away his cellphone, any type of technology he had to communicate with was gone, and before he knew it, he was being shipped off to america, completely cut off by his parents.
        fiore definitely didn’t take the move so well. he was a depressed mess. he wouldn’t eat, wouldn’t sleep, and over all, just felt out of place. it took him a pretty long time, but eventually, he began adjusting. of course he was still super hurt over everything that had happened, his parents cutting him off, him being away from his now ex boyfriend, his first true love, but time luckily healed most of his pain, and soon, he found himself bettering his english, making friends, and fitting right in. at least he didn’t have to play tennis here. living with his cousin wasn’t so bad either. they constantly smoked, drank like there was no tomorrow, and he even managed to land him a job at a pizza delivery place. fiore hated this job though, but after a night our with friends, he found himself learning the art of conning and finessing older men and women. he does this like there’s no tomorrow, the money he made from all these schemes helping him jumpstart his career as an influencer and model, which bought him back to his typical luxurious lifestyle. fiore is just trying to get by, one day at a time.
extra spice:
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