#guys you have to be So niceys to me about it okay?
lightbubbee · 12 hours
LOOOVVVEE your fan design. if you don’t mind me asking, is there any specific things you designed or included in his gijinka that you have reasons for? i love hearing about design choices foreverrrrr and everrrrr,, and yeah he looks super silly and so fan! so fan!
^^ also taking my fan question and referring it towards silver and candle because i adore their designs too.
and last but not least, voicing what everybody else has been saying- your meeple designs are ingenious i love them.
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i never mind an ask :D hehe anyway here are some quick sketches of these guys--i havent done candle and silver in a while but here they are ^^
okay uhhmm lesseeeee when i make humanizations i kinda look at the shapes first? uhhmmm like fan's hair is spikey on top like his asset. aaaaand silver's hair is a braid bc it has a spoon shape!! sooo imma go down the line and point some things out
fan!!! fan is one of the core bright lights so his design has been through many iterations by me, from 2018 onward. something that's pretty consistent is the zip up hoodie!!! i thought that was a good way to mimic him folding up. i also had him have little raccoon tails framing his face like the uhmmm yellow thingamabobs, yknow? and also mimicking that are some hair barrettes. aaannddd i gave him a bit of scruff cause he's a transman to me and i think he'd be proud of any facial hair. aaaaannnddd!!!! he has a little matching earring w test tube!! to me its like a wedding ring? platonic or romantic--whatever u believe for them :3
candle's dreads are meant to mimic her melty-ness. aaaand actually she has a third eye piercing that's covered by it. uhmbbbb her style is veryyyy pintrest-y. its based off of the clothing selection at my local boho store
silver is a cunt. uhmmm very simply i gave him a beauty mark because he's cunty aaaaand spoon shaped hair, slim body, high collar. i made his face oval shaped like his spoon head. aaaanddd i gave him a little swoopy bang to mimic the shine/shadow he's got. also!! i gave him rings and junk.
aaa that's all!!! various ramblings... uhmb thank u!!! very niceys to me thank u!!
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bookwyrminspiration · 11 months
He hadn’t realized how badly he didn’t want to be alone.  No--that wasn’t right.  He hadn’t realized just how badly he wanted Tam to stay.
GRRR GRR BITING CLAWING SCREAMING Y'ALL have NO idea about this titz fic it's been in my head for SO long i'm going to need you all to lose your minds about it when I finally post it okay? okay??!
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came0dust · 1 year
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finally started playing hades after having it in my library for about three years and truly supergiant never misses im in absolute Love with this game so far
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moominmammaonheroin · 3 months
Since everyone else is being so niceys I wanted to contribute and tell you that I genuinely smile everytime your art shows up on my dash it's so good. the way you draw martin especially is OUGH delightful. A lot of people (including me unfortunately(working on it uagh)) are scared of making him as wide as you do and I really appreciate it. I also appreciate him not having a jawline :] it's very good is what I'm trying to say and you give them very nice proportions while still being very stylized and I!!!!!!!!!!! love it!!!!!!!! I also feel like the way you stylize them specifically gives it a bit of a surrealist look which I absolutely adore and is very fitting for TMA :]
This is actually like so kind like PARAGRAPHS. Thank you SO MUCH. So much oh my god….
Also yes actually that’s a good point about how I draw Martins weight! I’ve always imagined him being a plus sized lad anyway so I always think it’s soooo important to show diversity in an art form that doesn’t have restrictions.This is why I LOVE media without set character designs cuz then I can experiment the fuck out of it.
I think a double chin is IMPORTANT okay. I love normalising normal person features in my whimsical art style like come on guys I know my Jon has a nose bigger than his hand but come on. Where’s my double chins at? Triple chins if you will!! Chins all round! Let’s be silly and exaggerate height differences like why not?
I like drawing characters as normal as I can basically. sorry my attention span is like big as a shoe box
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iamknicole · 6 months
Gender Reveal
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Morgan's backyard was decorated beautifully thanks to her, Chenice and their boyfriends. Haleigh loved the theme, it gave her a giggle honestly. Being surrounded by her friends and family almost made her forget that she was alone for this special moment for her baby. Although her loved ones told her often how she was never going to be alone and they would always be there, she wished her son or her daughter had Messiah. Kids needed their fathers, right? She know she needed hers. She had no idea where she would be without him.
Noticing their friend was off by herself, Chenice and Morgan swooped in, taking seats on either side of her. Chenice rubbed her stomach.
"You feel okay?" Morgan asked studying her face.
"Yeah I'm okay. Just wanted to get off my feet for a second." She laughed a little feeling the baby kick. "Nicey, I'm gonna get you back for every time you have gotten him or her hyper."
Chenice laughed pulling her hand away. "I can't help it that cutie loves their Auntie already!"
Haleigh squinted looking between her best friends and laughed. "Please tell me that's not why yall picked a cutie theme, Morgan."
Her friends laughed along with her.
"It was the only way I could get her to focus." Morgan explained through her laughter. "But it turned out cute. Mostly thanks to me."
"Hey! I helped, it was 50/50!"
Morgan stared. "You and Elijah wanted to string cuties up and hang them instead of the lights. Me and Luke had to talk yall out of it almost 10 times."
Chenice shrugged, "Yall are just haters. It would've been cute."
Morgan stared at her playfully. "Anyways. If you're over here thinking about that little ugly boy, don't. It's his loss, not yours."
"I know but the baby," she sighed. "Eventually they're gonna wonder why everybody else has a dad and they don't."
"And when he or she asks, call me and I'll tell them cause their sperm donor is a bitch." Chenice asserted with a shrug.
Morgan swatted her hand laughing. "You are not saying that."
"Why not?" She asked. "It ain't a lie."
Haleigh laughed listening to them go back and forth. Her friends knew her so well.
"Man bring your ass on." Woody fussed walking around the front of his SUV carrying his gift bag. "First, you tryna look better than me and then you tried to outdo my gift."
Ardian laughed, getting his gift basket from the backseat. After his conversation with Haleigh in the store, he spent another hour picking out things to put in the basket. He made sure he had things for mom and baby.
"All I got on is a shirt and jeans, man. And she'll appreciate both of our gifts," he laughed.
Woody stared at him. "Uhuh. Don't be tryna get with my sis either. She already mean enough, don't need your mean ass making her meaner."
Ardian laughed even louder following him through the gate to the backyard. There were more people than he thought would be in attendance but they were outside so it would be okay for him. Him and Woody put their gifts on the table then filled out the advice cards.
"Come on. I'll introduce you to my people." Woody said proudly. He led him over to two other men. "Aye yall this my boy, Ardian, that I be telling yall about. Ardian, this Luke and Elijah."
They slapped hands, getting one another.
"You the one he been trying to get to come out with us," Luke laughed. "Nice to finally meet you, man."
Elijah laughed. "Woody said he have to pull you out the house, man."
Ardian chuckled and shrugged. "Ima homebody. But he the same way, he hate spending money."
"So do you," Woody clapped back laughing.
"Either way, we appreciate you for coming out to celebrate our sister and her baby."
Ardian nodded looking around. "Of course, no problem."
"Alright, can we get everybody to come over! We're about to reveal the gender!" Chenice yelled excitedly.
Following Woody and the other guys, Ardian made his way over to the area. He looked around at all the women and big men surrounding the area, whistling softly.
Morgan helped Haleigh to the front of the crowd, both taking their spots with Chenice. She was holding back tears through Chenice's whole spill until Chenice passed her a large cutie replica balloon.
Ardian kept his eyes on her, a small smile on his face realizing she was the woman from the store. A coincidence that they had met and he ended up at her gender reveal.
After the crowd counted to three, Haleigh popped the balloon allowing blue confetti to rain down on her. Her family and friends roared with excitement of the new baby boy she would have. Ardian watched a big man go forth and pick her up in a hug. When he turned to the side, Ardian could see tears on his face. He whispered something to her before placing her back down.
"I'm proud of you, Princess. You got this, Daddy's always right beside you." Roman whispered then placed her back down.
Kandice hugged her next, kissing her face repeatedly. "We got us a baby boy, pretty girl."
After all of her family and friends congratulated her, Haleigh went to get cake with Morgan and Chenice and go to their own table. The three friends talked about potential names, themes for his room and more things they couldn't wait to buy him. Ardian, Elijah, Luke and Ardian approached their table, sitting down with their own cake.
"Aye, sis. This my boy Ardian," Woody announced squeezing his friend's shoulder. "Ardian, this our sister, Haleigh."
The two made eye contact then laughed.
"Nice to see you again, Haleigh."
Morgan squinted, looking between them. "Again?"
Haleigh looked over at her friend. "Remember the guy I told you helped me get my detergent down in the store? It was Ardian."
"Oooh this is the," Chenice stopped herself catching the look Haleigh and Morgan were giving her. "Thank you for helping my friend. She so hard headed and wouldn't wait for somebody to go with her."
He nodded, chuckling. "It's no problem, I didn't mind. Congrats on the boy, Haleigh."
"Thank you. Wait, was that my gift you were picking out?"
"Yeah it was. I had no idea at the time. This fool told me a baby shower, not a gender reveal." He laughed nudging Woody.
Woody put his hands up. "Aye. Either way it was a baby something. Don't be tryna bad mouth me in front of my people. That's strike 3 but ima give you another chance.
"What was strike 1 and 2?" Luke asked.
"First one was him tryna look better than me, nobody looks better than Woody," he said brushing himself off. "Second one was him tryna outdo my gift."
Chenice rolled her eyes. "Full of yourself. And what did you get her and the baby? Knowing your cheap self, it came from dollar tree."
Woody gasped holding his chest. "That was rude. I got them a nice gift. Got sis them ugg slides she like and I got my boy a nice lil Nike hoodie and sweats."
"And I bet it hurt your cheap ass heart to spend that much," Elijah joked, laughing loudly. "Ardian, what you got?"
Ardian shrugged, chewing up his cake. "A basket with baby stuff, snacks, face masks, teas that I heard were good for new moms, gift cards and some other stuff I don't remember right now."
Chenice and Morgan cooed.
"All stuff that she needs," Morgan smiled. "That was very thoughtful of you, Ardian."
After the party was cleaned up and guests started to leave, Haleigh snuck out to put some of the leftover gifts in her Jeep. She was attempting to be quiet so she wouldn't alert anyone and get fussed at. She attempted to pick up the box of diapers, groaning a bit.
"It was easier getting it out here." She huffed loudly.
Ardian chuckled under his breath watching her. "I don't think you're supposed to be doing that."
Haleigh jumped turning to face him. "I ... did they send you to spy on me?"
"No ma'am. I came out to put my to go plates in the the car," he said holding up his bag. "But now that I'm here, hold this. I'll put the rest of this stuff in for you."
Taking the bag, Haleigh stepped out of the way to let him do it. She knew it wasn't any use in arguing with him, especially not if she wanted to keep this between them. She watched him effortlessly load it all in.
"Sooo," Ardian drug out putting the last few items in, "Can I ask about his dad?"
"Not around."
"I'm sorry. Was it by choice or?" He asked leaning against the back of her now closed Jeep.
She nodded. "Yup. Told him I was pregnant and he told me that a baby was too serious for us. He suggested I get rid of my baby, told him I didn't want to and I woke up the next day and him and all his stuff was gone."
"That's fucked up. Yall were living together and he said a baby was too serious?" Ardian shook his head. "His loss. He's a coward."
She gave him a sad smile. "Yeah he is. We weren't living together but we would stay frequently at each other's places so."
"He's gonna regret that shit. But you got a real big support system behind you."
She laughed softly. "You mean good support system?"
He shook his head laughing. "No I meant big. You seen them men in ya family. They big like my dad. I know nobody fucks with them."
She laughed hard holding her belly. "I can't. We're laughing but it's true."
"Oh I know it is."
The two of them laughed a little longer before it slowly tapered off leaving them gazing at one another. Haleigh cleared her throat feeling kicks.
"He's kicking. Do you wanna feel?"
"Yeah, that'd be cool."
Haleigh took his hand placing it on her belly where her son was kicking. "Feel it? He's so hyper from the cake and juice. We'll probably be up all night."
Ardian smiled feeling the small but strong kicks. He wondered why any man would.leave his baby and mother of their child like that.
"I usually don't sleep too good at night," he shrugged, "If you want, we can exchange numbers and you can call if you two can't sleep."
Smiling, Haleigh looked from her belly to his face. She knew she probably shouldn't but he seemed nice and Woody liked him.
"Yeah I think that would be okay."
Roman, Jey and Jimmy stood at the front window of Morgan's house, staring through the blinds at the two. The two of them were close enough that they could hear the conversation.
"I can't lie, that was smooth," Jimmy complemented. "I like him."
Jey sucked his teeth. "You don't know shit about being smooth. Where he come from anyway? Never seen him before."
Roman kept his eyes on his daughter. "I don't know but I'm gonna find out. Big mouth ... I mean Chenice will tell me."
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aroace-poly-show · 9 months
hellloooooo lovely meowtual may you please talk about hw tsukasa?!?!? as per ur request
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hehehehhe. you guys are so so niceys to me btw. cries
awawawa so tsukasa tenma. world future star. he isn’t too different from canon tbh. he’s still loud as always, got that high ego, got those memory issues and everything. his past isn’t much different from canon either. his goal to be a star still came from wanting to make people smile like shows made saki smile, but he forgets that, etc etc you get how it goes. but yknow. n25 swap. he isn’t doing great.
he tends to set high standards for himself, and he’s been trying really hard to get into the acting scene, but it hasn’t been going well. the constant failures have slowly but surely been weighing on him. he’s got a lot of frustration building up, and all that has definitely hit him in the self esteem department *just a tad*, but he does not acknowledge that! cause of course he doesn’t. he’s tsukasa tenma, he’s going to be a star! a star like him doesn’t have time to worry about stuff like that. all he needs to do is keep pushing forward, keep trying harder and harder, just don’t think about the past and all the constant setbacks and he’ll be fine! probably. he has to be fine after all. what kind of a star would he be if he wasn’t?
saki and toya do notice smth’s up with him, saki especially, but tsukasa being tsukasa he lies to them, both intentionally and unintentionally. by that i mean like. like he genuinely Does Not Know he’s not fine. he is just avoiding thinking about his own negative feelings too much, so he just does not fucking realize. when he’s confronted with the idea that he might not actually be perfectly fine, he’s genuinely confused. so when he’s asked if he’s okay, he says yes, because he’s sure he is. and sure sometimes he gets a little down, and he does intentionally lie to them those times, but its simply nothing his siblings need to worry about, so there’s no point in telling them! they don’t need to know, cause he’ll be okay! he can deal with it on his own, he *has* to deal with it on his own, he’ll (repress it) get over it soon enough! no need to worry them :)
like i mentioned, tsukasa’s also the only one still actively doing theater at the time of the main story. he loves it, he’s dedicated to it, he hasn’t given up on it yet. and he gets to be the one to get hw back into it. yayayayay. i like to think hw is very fond of him, like rui and nene were w/ emu. here’s another one of their group who holds so much passion for theater and loves it, and who hasn’t given up on it. they believe in him. its like living vicariously through him. yk. they might not know each other too well yet, but they hope it goes well for him.
and like idk but the thing about tsukasa and theater is that its So important to him, he’s devoted so much of his life to it, he can’t see himself doing anything else. he doesn’t have a driving motivation for it, he can’t remember it, but all he’s sure of is that he has to reach this goal. so like. when faced with the idea that maybe he *isn’t* good enough to become a star like he wants to, its terrifying to him. so he just. doesn’t think about that. every failed audition, every rejection, every setback is a reminder of that though. main story gets him to his last straw. which is fun!
again. main story ideas are giving me trouble. and i’m still figuring stuff out. so not elaborating too much on what happens. but after a series of events tsukasa remembers and gets the rest of hw on board w/ trying to do shows again. cause like, again they don’t know each other that well but tsukasa does care about them, he wants to make people smile and his friends are included in that. he wants them to enjoy shows again. he wants his friends happy. and w/ enough persuasion hw joins him and yayy they become a theater troupe. yippee :3 
i might have more thoughts to add later. idk. i’d add a fun facts section but i already mentioned everything i had for him in past posts jdhfgdfjkgl
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virtuousbliss · 1 year
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the world is so crazy . bliss has a blog now okay ?! i needed to have fun and play in the rw askblog circle so now i am
bliss is my main focus but i have some other guys that may make appearances ! please have fun and twirl with me
a few more things + rules + etc under the cut !
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i love oc interactions and i love oc + canon interactions !! my iterator ocs all have established relationships with canon characters so :3
all ocs relevant to this blog are on my toyhouse ! all characters here are eligible to show up at any time for any reason (although their pages have no lore currently)
i am a bit shy about starting this blog so please be soooo niceys to me okay?<3 ill do my best to answer whatever i can. in terms of roleplay ill be doing obvious in character stuff but im not that big on like. large scale rp things because it scares me orz
thats all i love you so m,uch ok bye
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gemharvest · 3 months
I know I said this last night but it was in the middle of a post that was kinda a vent so I'm making a new Poast for the morning crew.
I'm glad I was able to push past my anxiety with it and poast about this silly game. :J
The fixation developing over getting obsessed with the erect remixes was so. LMFAO but fucking. God I cannot describe to you how scared I was to post about this.
FNF as a past interest was always one if those things where like. Idk it was a casual interest I maybe did a couple things with it not even related to the game and moved on. I remember being hyped for tankman week but that's about the extent of it. And then it became this cringe thing that people looked down on you for liking like I swear to god I remember seeing posts abt it even being DNI criteria worthy so I was like oh Okay. Guess we're not diving into that one.
And now we are in 2024 and I have caught the Beepers Curse. 😃
It's funny to think abt how much I was trying to hide this fixation but also it's like. Really sad kinda. I kid you not I thought if I posted about this too much that people would drop me and I'd lose the small circle I had built up. Which like LMAO @ that you can see why this is funny in hindsight. But man was it Awful. Feeling so desperate to talk abt this game with people who were familiar with it vs. the fear of being the lame guy with the bad interest. My close friends were niceys to me and I trusted them not to hate me for it, but god I was just so scared of getting yelled at or blocked by mutuals. Which now I know wouldn't have happened but man anxiety is a bitch.
But now I'm posting my silly shit so confidently and it feels so nice. I'm so glad I've met new people cuz of this and while I dunno if I've said this b4, FNF mutuals y'all have made me so much more confident with this that it's kinda crazy how scared I was before. I think this would have fizzled out by now had I not actually put my thoughts and art out there, but instead I feel like I've only just started. >:)
I again have no idea how to wrap this up I just wanted to ramble. Uhhhh. High fives if you read all of that I hope ot wasn't totally incoherent. I'm gonna idk write for a little bit then get up to go draw.
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myfaveisfuckable · 1 year
Setsu/Yuriko/Raqio (Gnosia): if remraq was rare this combo is legendary +1. they are BOTH a crackship and a rarepair:
1) although they are all affected by the premise-induced timefuckery at some point, likely all come from extremely fucked up backgrounds (no way setsu isn't a child soldier + yuriko did extremely messed up neurological operations as a teen and is on the run from the shadow government AND has a bounty on her head + raqio is from a hypermeritocratic caste society where if you aren't smart enough you aren't considered a human being. every single one of them should get a 50% off therapy coupon) they never get a story cutscene together. diversity loss
2) in all my 1.5 years in this fandom i have met ONE (1) person who also shipped this. one. this isn't a shippy fandom in general tbh but i've seen more people draw a character hitting a boof than saying a peep about s/y/r
additional arguments:
3) it's nonbinary yuri (nb/f/nb) come ON there is nothing better than nonbinary poly yuri
4) i want to see them get into an argument
5) setsu can defo easily bench press the other two (please)
6) they look niceys together even though their designs are pretty different and not in the "intentional contrast" way
7) the aforementioned timefuckery makes this an uniquely delicious bond
8) if this gets in people will hear about this ship and these 3 deserve so much more :)
They made it past the preliminaries of @unpopularshipbracket but got curb stomped by some magnus archive guys.
So I'll just repeat my initial propaganda for it (and add more):
FNAF 2 guard shipping is an art that has been drowned out by people forgetting that the FNAF 2 guards exist because some of the MCI kids share the same forenames. FNAF 2 guard shipping is fun; two adults in the same situation with completely different survival strategies. I love it.
They are like two sides of a coin; One survives the long haul, facing increasingly difficult challenges. The other gets tossed into the thick of it and somehow crawls out the other side despite no training or preparation. Honed skill / dumb luck. They make a brilliant dynamic.
Cecil Gershwin Palmer/Carlos Ramirez: I have seen *one* crossover fanfic with this pairing and it is absolutely genius.
So, Welcome To Night Vale (WTNV) has a main canon pairing, darling Eldritch radio host Cecil and lovable scientist Carlos. For the longest time, Carlos didn't have a last name and backstory. Also, as a STEM girl, let me tell you, his 'science' doesn't make sense.
So the genius author decided: okay, let me just grab a random Carlos from a different medium and put him in there. Except it's not random, and works super well! Enter: Carlos Ramirez, from the Dresden Files, and urban fantasy novel. This Carlos is a wizard. Who now has to somehow pretend he's a scientist. While secretly battling the Eldritch horros lurking in Night Vale.
The two of them are super cute and happy together, and it just makes waaay too much sense, the worlds and characters mesh super well. I can never unsee it. There is literally No content besides that one fic. It is perfect.
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gloopdimension · 1 year
tell me your guys....id love to know more abt venus + elsie especially but anyone you have .id be glad to hear abt =^_^=
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OKAY. from left to right is VENUS[STRICTLY SHE/HER] and ELSIE[HE/HIM] [LS is his actualname. i made him at least a year ago be nicey to mes.]
venus herself has a LONG ASS BACKSTORY from madcom bc thats where she originated from as did LS! i can post her lore doc if you so cheese bc she genuinely has so much going on :) as for elsie in madcom he got his arm ripped off and it kind of ruined well everything about him. HOWEVER! for the sake of shrimplicity ill just talk abt them as normal ppl outside of madcom:3
ven is a 32 yr old woman with tgirl lesbian swag[seen with her tattoo btw]. shes really energetic and upbeat and shes VERRY affectionate with her friends [think hugs kisses cuddles and a lil more depending on a few things!]. however she is verry insecure about her emotions [despite her swag and leaving manhood behind the effects of toxic masculinity still have a hold on her] and her being so upbeat seemingly all the time is kind of an escape from that. BUT shes very righteous and by god will go to prison again if it means she can keep u safe! shes very bad when it comes to boundaries but she doesnt do it on purpose, you just have to remind her again and again HEY I DONT LIKE THAT! and eventually itll sink in and she will stand up for u if u dont if someone does somethin u dont like. her hyperfixation is among us and she has a very convoluted oc story centered arouund it :)[she has an amogisona if youd like to see.] OH SHE ALSO loves plants! shes #1 plant fan and if it were up to her she'd have a garden but she's busy enough tending to the plants she's housing in her own room :)
ELSIE he is 27 year old guy with TGUY bisexual swag[no tattoo hes a lil scared of those. What if it hurts] and outside of madcom he lost his left arm to [thankfully not late-stage] bone cancer in his upper arm so he had to get it amputated! hes very very shy and polite but hes extraordinarily bad at talking to people. think fluttershy's introduction from mlp. thats kind oflike him but he does try his best. He gets very nervous and well um hes a little kitty cat and he purrs and tiptoes anddd well he likes scratches behind his ear. hes insecure about just abt every part of himself especially physically, he has a little bit of sexual trauma aswell[along w having had a shitty as hell ex] so that combined with having a hard time standing up for himself makes for unsavory situations. grew up a little too fast. etc. He really likes fish and animals though :) in my mind he's a marine biologist! he looves talking abt fish and his studies and that paper he wrote once about a niche species of fish and all that! hes very emotionally intelligent aswell
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7wolfmoon · 5 months
@burning-brightly - Got introduced as Lark and designated as one of Lils's Minecraft buddies lol. Also heard you like birds and wolves and woodcarving too; I like two of the three with the bigger the better. The third requires too much dexterity for my pitiful hands, but it's cool seeing the wood transform. She also made an interesting remark about her other Minecraft buddy in regard to you - that you probably would like to fold him up and put him in a trash can, much like Lils's sister does to me whenever I say something she really doesn't like. Wait. Lils can we cut that? Goddamnit. Also heard that you really really didn't like school at first? But I'm guessing you're okay with it now. That and you don't like worms on a string despite having a picture of a worm on a string? What the hell is a worm on a string?
ACTUALLY , i LOVE worms on a string???? they are the little guys in the picture. fuzzy little squirmbles. with googly eyes. on a little clear string, so you can make them do tricks, or make them into jewelry or stuff.
but yea we crafft the mines sometimes !
carving is really hard i get how it isn't for everyone. it's still hard for me sometimes but i still love it.
mokuba?? i wouldn't fold him into the trash can . maybe i would have a coupl e years ago but i'm trying to be niceys now. hehehe
yeah school is ok too! i like hearing about your school goings-on it sounds lively. like i wish you weren't, uh,h in danger, but the normal day to day stuff sounds fun
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frostbite-the-bat · 7 months
WHAT AN AMAZING COLLECTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love the dragons protecting the display OOOOOOOUGH SHARKS TEETH YEAAAAAAAAA Do you have any specific favorites? (& What about them said Pick Me to you? (i love rocks sm but have none space so i only have a lil bag of my own) )
YESS!!! THANK YUOU!!! and ofc i gotta have dragons B)
and HMMM OKAY lemme THInks
so *now* pick and buy gems at trinket stores whenver i go travelling and see any tha i just dont own yet (or if theres a piece that's really pretty to me that i DO have, but it's just unique and cool and i want it)
but back then id just..! buy whatever was Cool to me . id always buy so many at once my god
my favorites are defo my extra silly fancy lookin gems!! lemme show em here (older pics) (some are fancier bc i took them for my personal collection list google doc)
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these quartz! i was told they are some type of quartz! these are special to me because i got them a year ago during a school trip to germany - i only had a few euros on me and i ended up spending it all on gems. we checked out the christmas markets and there was an friendly old fellow who was selling gemstones and other things! he even had a cutter and could speak english. we chatted a bit and i listened to him talk about things (like how these lil fellas are formed. i know nothing about chemicals but i just think these things are interesting!!!! i actually get most my gems from giftshops near cave tours because i love visiting them and think it's interesting ^^
anyways he had a little box of various "rocks" that could possibly be geodes that he'd cut and see if they are! the price depended on their size. he said that i could guess with the weight and feel of the "rock" and let me pick from a few that could possible be ones. i said it didn't matter to me if it's gonna be hollow or not, since it's cool to me anyways!
so while my classmates waited and stared at me i just watched this guy cut it nicely in half like this - and he then even cut the smaller flatter piece of it, too. it was very nice! it's also where i bought the tooth, the bismuth, and some other things that i forgot as well... oops. i got a lot of gems
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this shimmery pretty goldstone / aventurine glass ! wacky picture quality but i don't feel like getting new pics (+ im on pc now) (lie: i ended up getting new pics later)
. it's a man-made lil' mineral, but it's very lovely regardless! i honestly only care about the "realness" only i it's a scam of some sort. any rock, trinket, gem or mineral, man-made or not is very niceys to me. (i still want an opal tho i only got an opalite which was mislabeled. i dont think on purpose since these stores sometimes accidentally mislabel or misspell things. or use czech names which gets confusing. yeah i may have inaccurate names for some of my gems but i try my best to be accurate. im no pro im just a collector little beast)
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some type of peacock ore! (either treated chalcopyrite or bornite, as i've previously written down. i'll trust my past self)
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aura quartz! one of my first 3 pieces ive ever gotten that sparked my collection
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all of these little fellas i bought at the same place for really cheap! filled my lil collection quite a bitso. i loves tghem. theyre like cereal To Me
in order: garnet, carnelian, emerald, tusquoise (why isnt this one in my list. oh my god how many gems did i miss. i still have a few to add that ill list on the list later that i need to re-check what gems they are. lord.) opalite, chalcedony, snowflake obsidian, obsidian (?), onyx. + not pictured an aquamarine which...? i cant find? im not checking if i put it behind a bigger gem and i cant FIND IT.
i really need to do a new and better gem list . oops. i cant always rely on my memory for these names
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my EYES! in order: tiger's eye 2x, hawk's eye, bull's eye
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my funny silly mosly multicolor fellas idk they fit the Vibes. i likes thgem (appreciae this secion i had to make sure and like re-identify half of these but i still could be incorrect)
in ORDER... lapis lazuli, sodalite 2x, elbaite (most likely), chrysocolla, rhodonite, blue apatite, amazonite, kyanite
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dalmatian jasper and unakite
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...some kinda jasper?
so ya!! thats some of my Rocks. this took a while bc i had to look what some of these are again @_@ i loaves them . todays guzma enrichment: this
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thegeminisage · 8 months
tng update time!! we're back, baby. sunday we did "the masterpiece society" and "conundrum" and last night* we did "power play" and "ethics."
*by last night i mean earlier tonight, but i'm typing this at 1am and letting it post tomorrow
the masterpiece society: this one was okay. i was very endeared at first to this guy flirting RESPECFULLY with deanna after the ordeal of 3 rape scenes in one episode but then she shot him down and he kept flirting. WILL my misery never cease
that said, i like that picard was nice to her when she fessed up about fucking with him. i am so fond of saying "treat him really niceys" about data but perhaps we should also be treating DEANNA really niceys. instead of raping her repeatedly.
one hilarious detail i noticed about this episode was that they went out of their way to show us a lot of extras in this episode (sometimes we don't even get this many extras in ten forward scenes) and show us that the extras were. diverse. because if the society is "genetically engineered to perfection." and then you only show white people. THAT puts a whole new spin on things. i'm imagining some joker on the production team looking at a shot of mostly-white extras and frantically calling the casting director on the phone
i was EXTREMELY worried when they asked geordi to work with this woman but he was professional the whole time to my huge relief. actually, geordi had a little bit going on in this ep that i really enjoyed - when these "perfect" people kept implying he would have been aborted as a fetus in their society he gave as good as he got EVERY time and his blind ass DID in fact wind up saving all their lives and GOOD FOR HIM!
i dont really get what the big deal is about 23 people leaving = destroying their society. if you can't plann for people being out then it's your managerial skills that need work. also, they were kinda freaks, so maybe they needed to have their little cult broken up. sorry
conundrum: EPISODES FOR MEEEEE. this episode was just like tabula rasa, except this predates tabula rasa, so really tabula rasa is just like IT. anyway, amnesia. i was gleefully rubbing my hands together the entire time
hands down funniest bit was everyone just assuming worf is captain despite the fact that he's bloodthirsty and insane but the second funniest bit was data the bartender. "where's the android?" "serving drinks in ten forward." "[as data speed types] you must have been one hell of a bartender." 10/10 no notes
also his little chess game with deanna!! wah.
actually no the other funny bit was riker lowkey running around on deanna with ro. and i abslutely LOOOVED he and deanna being flirty with each other. it's ABOUT TIME we got some real food. it's been so sexless up til now that all she did was play with his hair a little and we both went bananas
and then the scene at the END? riker more flustered than we've EVER seen him and these two ladies ganging up on him...mwah. 10/10 perfect.
the villain this episode was good. when he first showed up cathy was like who tf is that and i was like idk some rando im sure he doesnt matter but then the computer named him first officer and it was like !!!!!!!!!!!! they tricked me !!! it's a VERY rare day when tng manages to trick me i was so pleased. i do kinda wish they hadn't theo teennwolfed him though (made everyone else a bit dumber to make him seem smart)
power play: deannna was so hot in this episode she should play male characters more often
i really REALLY wish i had been riker deanna and worf that had been possessed. data's not as much fun when he's someone else and not data. obrien could have come too if he wanted though i guess
PLEASE do not tell rosalind chao to shut her baby up. the last time someone told anyone to shut a baby up in a property she happened to be acting in. well. mash fans know. they know.
i genuinely believed those guys were ghosts until the last second. probably because prisoners makes no sense. also, i think prison for 500 years is too much. can we not just let them die
i love when possessed data tried to prove worf and worf was like lol no. he knows data is 10x stronger than him lmao
i wish guinan had been in this episode it's been ages and i miss her
after how tense and fun the beginning was the end and middle of this episode were kind of anticlimactic. still, it was fun and so it gets a pass. more people should get possessed on the enterprise
WHY DO I ONLY GET 4K CHARACTERS PER TEXT BLOCK staff i'll fucking kill you. anyway
ok, first of all, sorry i have to go ahead and get this out of the way before i get to the good stuff, picard advocating for assisted suicide is NNNOT his best look. in fact it's literally such a fucking bad look. actually. uhh tw for talk of suicide here on down
i understand what they were trying to do. they wanted to present both sides of the ethical dilemma here "equally." but there are some problems with this. firstly, in the real world, assisted suicide is for people with like. terminal illness. worf was fine. yes, he was paralyzed, but he was healthy and had the change to regain a great deal of his mobility. so picard already looks like an asshole because he's advocating for a disabled person killing themselves because they "can't" adjust to the loss.
SECONDLY, the use of "can't" was very poorly done here. if picard had said, worf is too stubborn to change his beliefs, he WON'T adjust to this because he will refuse to try, that would be a LOT BETTER than saying "worf CAN'T adjust to this, it's too many lifelong values to change."
and finally, if we really wanted to be "equal" about the debate, it wouldn't be about worf's ability or inability to adjust to being disabled, it would be about his BELIEFS. like his society and heritage, which he cherishes so deeply because he felt disconnected from it for so much of his life. instead picard was just like "worf is way too much of a pussy to do this just let him die lmao"
like he seriously tried to persuade will to KILL WORF. worse, to help worf kill himself!! JUST BECAUSE WORF WAS DISABLED. he even guilted riker about it: "he wouldn't have asked if he didn't know he could count on you." girl what the FUCK
ok anyway, speaking of will: his reaction here was so strong i wonder if he knew someone who'd killed themselves before. NOT that i'm complaining about a strong reaction. FINALLY we are getting some solid worf/riker Content. maybe asking your commanding officer to kill you is romance or whatever. i loved their argument to little bitty pieces. compare to: riker in tears next to deanna's sickbay bed. ooough i am eating. according to the wiki they actually cut a scene of nose-to-nose yelling and i'm mad about it. LET THEM PUT THEIR FACES TOGETHER. give me something to live for
deanna in this episode too. her kneeling by the fallen worf and murmuring "let me help you." her making him talk to his son. him BASICALLY asking her to be his kid's new adoptive parent should he kick it
oh speaking of alexander. he said some really troubling things this episode. such as, "my mom always said klingons had dumb ideas about honor" and "i don't care about being klingon." HIS MOTHER WAS RACIST..............if alexander decides the klingon ways aren't for him that's fine but that should be a choice HE GETS TO MAKE what an insane way to be raised. meanwhile people are out here calling worf a deadbeat and he put aside his suicide plan for alexander specifically
other shocking things about this episode: beverly was sooooo good actually. she was channeling bones energy in her fury and i mean that as the highest possible compliment. that other doctor quite literally KILLED A PATIENT because she's so sketchy and focused on her own glory "oh i need tokeep a professional detachment" YEAH SO YOU DON'T FEEL GUILTY ABOUT KILLING PEOPLE. bones would have torn her limb for limb and i'm very glad beverly did too. i just don't understand why she was allowed to like leave the ship and go back to practicing medicine. she should have her medical liscene revoked. was this too also in the name of "both sides" of the debate girl this isn't fox news she KILLED A PATIENT for her own personal gain just space her ass!
the fake-out with worf dying was expected but them faking us out for so LONG was a surprise. i was like how are they gonna get him out of this one and it's literally the klingon anatomy. double of eeeeeverrrything. wow that sure is something. funny that worf has ridges on sooo many places. love that it took until season 5 to see it
also, that surgery scene was GROSS. im not normally squeamish but that little worm thingy they put into him looked awful
devastated there was no worf/riker reunuion at the end but other than that and picard and that other dr lady not getting fired it was extremely good. one of my favs so far i think actually.
tonight: "the outcast" and "cause and effect." i've started spoiling myself w/ episode summaries in order not to get surprised by 3 rape scenes in a row again and ik what both of these are about and im soooo excited for it
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liquidstar · 8 months
See the real reason I numbered my OC checklist is so I can generate random numbers to pick characters for stuff. Rn I'm going to pick 2 totally random ones and think about what their interactions would be (even if they never actually meet). This is for me to kill time but for anyone who cares feel free to read :)
41. Alkes and 113. Andromeda: I think Alkes would act nice and polite with proper etiquette in front of the princess, so she'd think he's just a sweet little guy and not a little murderboy
61. Kied and 18. Imai: She would eat any of the nerds at Owl Feather alive but she would at least appreciate the work ethic. Keid is the smartmouth type so he's doomed though
70. Pictor and 118. Taurus: Look man Taurus probably isn't going to spend a lot of time talking to someone about art. He barely talks to his son. Pictor would say words like art deco and Taurus would be thinking okay speed it up da vinky
120. Cancer and 15. Eirene: Eirene is literally a little girl he'd just be niceys to her. She might ask too many questions about how he gets around with pincer arms but he'd be patient.
59. Ramus and 55. Harriot: I actually think they'd get along. Harriot is impatient and Ramus always takes the quickest most direct route to things. That's not a bad combo at all.
10. Barnard and 4. Al: They're already friends! They're in the same guild and around the same age, and their personalities mesh just fine. They're not besties but they definitely get along, both are readers so they at least have that to talk about on top of guild stuff. I made them roommates in my collage au rather than going w the more obvious options lol
132. Rhea and 96. Deimos: gonna be real, he might just steal her money. Fairly well-off looking housewife and some bandit kid? He's stealing her fucking money
17. Shaula And 7. Felis: They're literally sisters lol. Shaula says she wants to be just like her older siblings and Felis is clutching onto her shoulders like Don't.
34. Porrima And 66. Misam: I think Misam would say they like Porrima's vibe and Porrima would be like "I know how you die." (< trying to make conversation)
33. Cerberus and 108. Eris: She would try to manipulate that dogboy but he'd be too stupid for it to work. Looks like she's not getting out of time prison.
Ok that's all for now, join me next time I get bored where I'll do the same thing except decide who would win in a fight
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QUESTIONSSSS (you can pick and choose I intentionally put a lot of them)
1 and 41 for Olja 2 for all of Cassiopea, Dalisay and Beatrix 6 for Freya, Somsak and Marjolaine 7 THE GHOSTS 👍 13 Isel and Valerie 37 Peixin
1. What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do? (olzhas)
god probably like 5 minutes. e's usually extremely organised about eir day (to the point where like first thing e does in the morning is arrange a schedule/checklist of things to do) and in like the little moments where e's got nothing to do e will just run through things e's been working on and just like. progress from where e last left off even if it wasn't in the day's plan. conversely when e's like in a situation where e just Has to sit still and do nothing e'll get extremely antsy and stressed. like e hates waiting in line for things and will just like. complain to emself in eir mind about it. just gets soo annoyed
41. How do they feel about children? (olzhas)
oughh e's got the thing where e like. believes e's a bad influence and is just irrationally scared of coming into contact with them but e's like quite literally one of the most responsible people out of the entire cast and could like. decently look after a child. e's not fond of very young kids but like. e's got that 'really good grade school teacher' type temperament and is consciously way less abrasive around younger people than e is with anyone else just because e's like. very aware of eir position as an older guy who has the ability to maintain maturity even if the younger person e's talking to can't. and e's not like mean about it. thinking about it textually e is very attentive to like. somsak and dalisay in that precise way. though theyre older teens so it is just like. general respect for young people i think. i do think the entire teacher comparison is apt like e could not stand to be a primary caretaker but would both like. be good at and enjoy just supporting children in a more auxiliary manner
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh? (freya, olzhas, isel, dalisay, beatrix)
OUGHH okay so. freya and isel both have the thing of just like. being overly jolly and whimsical all the time. will literally just laugh in the middle of a conversation, whether because they just like randomly remember something funny or quite literally just to fill empty air. and theyre just kind of like that naturally but its like even worse when theyre together because theyre trying to make each other laugh and theyve got like. very good sense about it. they'll just drop in an inside joke and the other will howl with laughter soooo fucking easily and they will make each other laugh by laughing. so its just the worst ouroboros ever.
olzhas is kind of an outlier in cassiopeia in that regard because e likes to be all serious and most of like. the 'laughing' e does casually is sarcastic or dismissive. just like a heh when someone says something stupid to em. BUT when e's with isel and freya e's just completely touched by their senses of humor. so much so e's just regularly brought to tears or lightheadedness over stupid bits. niceys to me....
dalisay is the type of person to like. rarely laugh out loud but sie actually is humored really easily by completely innocuous things. often just hir own thoughts are enough to get hir to smile but like. it takes a lot to even get hir to giggle. stupid programming jokes are often what works
beatrix laughs super easily but its often like. ingenuine or just an absentminded thing he does without much thought. will laugh very easily at very stupid jokes told by anyone though and hes a bit embarrassed about it
6. Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? (freya, somsak, marjolaine)
WELL considering somsak broke multiple to get onto the train i think none of them mean anything to him. freya's also generally just like. 'follows the rules so long as they benefit her' type person, but once one gets in the way she will like. find a way to tiptoe around it. she kind of just finds the overall idea of like 'oh yeah heres immutable things you MUST follow because some greater authority said so' kind of stupid so. again doesnt have much respect for rules in general if they dont make sense to her.
marjolaine though.... kind of touchy for him lol. has the thing of being just like. compete coward pacifist type guy and will just hide between frameworks. would probably bring them up if someone goes against them but will also like. disobey the same one and expect nobody to comment on it. just weird contradictions...
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? (fornax ghosts)
HEY. answering this one some other time because ill have to think about it and get sad but as a general blanket answer just like. stuff that reminds them of where they used to live. like cas will always just adore crowded cities thuyết will always be deeply fond of seaside views.... everyone has probably spent some time just like visiting their hometowns and stuff through fornax and its very bittersweet.
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color? (isel, valerie)
GOD isel has a stupid thing where he probably thinks he looks great in like. green or something. but he's like "oh its such a good color on me i have to save it for special occasions. i can wear a green dress once a year to dazzle everyone" whatever the fuck and its just like. completely mid in the end. people are way too used to him wearing warm colors. so am i
valerie is a bit more sensible about it and indeed thinks like. pinks and purples are good on them. is probably very particular about shades like theyre picky about their purples being blue-ish and the pinks leaning on magenta, usually doesnt like very faint pastel tones... shit like that. but they can balance practically anything and make it look nice haha
37. Do they have a system for remembering names, long lists of numbers, things that need to go in a certain order (like anagrams, putting things to melodies, etc)? (peixin)
hmm i think its a bit less straightforward and its like. they will remember things IF they apply a weird rhythm to the way they list things. weird thing to explain so i will be blunt about it its based on a thing i have where i can just instinctually tell if i have listed 8 of something because my inflection changes due to like. compulsions of having to count to 8 and i just slip into it when listing stuff mentally. so probably has something like that LOL doesnt really have any tricks for remembering specifics but is good with amounts
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dxscmfrt · 2 months
artfight is done! i have words.
writing this before winner reveal so uh Yeah. my goals achievements thoughts and feelings.
bingo card
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5 BINGO LETS GO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
let's see how well i did!!!!
not lose motivation halfway through - somehow i feel like i didn't lose motivation this year, but that might be because i didn't really have much to begin with.
more interesting stuff ✅ - i made a 3d attack (7) apparently
character interactions ✅? (2, 4, 7, 10, 12)
ship art ✅ (7, 10)
shitpost /hj ✅ - okay this one was a joke goal but i Kind of did it (2)
try drawing gore again ✅ - didn't get to do anything extreme though (13, 15)
one (1) animated mass attack, probably ✅ - ended up not being animated ..... that's okay for me. (12)
experiment ✅ - i'm a bit looser with my art this time around i think
put more effort into individual attacks ✅
pieces that have story behind them ✅? i guess???
9/10 not bad
SO WHAT HAPPENED??: the actual rambley part
i made 16 attacks, which is very average compared to last year's 18 and 2022's 14...
...and received 11, compared to 21 last year and 10 in 2022 (counting character included in, not counting my own attacks).
also as a bonus: i acquired level 6 revenge chain.
it felt different.
i kind of expected that. i just didn't think it would feel worse.
(oh also this isn't about the whole drama thing that stirred up in other social medias and stuff, or the "commentary channels" milking the controversies as usual. that's a whole other can of worms but it's not really tied to my feelings.)
and i'm going to be honest i felt a little lonely this year.
maybe it was relative considering most of my friends / mutuals all have a whole bunch of other friends who talk to them frequently and care about each others ocs.
i've been trying to convince myself that Bro artfight is about giving it doesnt matter too much if i don't get anything back!! even just a comment or a confirmation that they've seen it is enough to make me happy!! because i get it if people don't attack back or even comment, i've been there!! logically i completely understand it but for some reason it still disappoints me!! i don't get why it does that!! what is happening!!!!
also what happened to all the people who liked jaypeg where did you all go !!!!!!!!! /lh /silly
my point is this year i was Really hoping to get some attacks of club house / respite characters, but my most attacked character is somehow still rice. i don't know why this is but it might be because they're the first character on my list (i think people assume i sort my ocs by preference, or just don't bother to click see all) or because they're my sona.
my other most attacked character is stargaze, who is a fan character, and most people who attack them aren't fans of the media. which i'm fine with but i would have preferred if you attacked a different character.
and my third most attacked character is sunny, who happens to also be my only animal / feral character this year. i guess i should have clarified that changing species is Perfectly Okay especially if you cant draw humans. i could have sworn i put that in my permissions but i think i deleted it idk why
maybe i should not have expected so much. i might hide my sonas next year.
that being said shoutout to artfight user nixthemoon for attacking oliver ily forever /not in any particular way you get the point
...and also to my mutual / friend for doing a revenge chain with me and attacking the respite guys, you know who you are <3 /p
here are the individual character attacks for the 0 people who are curious
rice - 3
stargaze - 2 + 1 included
sunny - 2
evening - 1
nicey - 1
skyen - 1
oliver - 1
all others have 0
anyway i Still talk too much
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