#guys I gotta admit I did it for the hot men lol
atopearth · 11 months
Diabolik Lovers: Haunted Dark Bridal Part 2 - Sakamaki Kanato Route
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Time for the crazy little boy Kanato! I mean, he's not really little but he looks like he is, and he holds Teddy around so... Honestly he creeps me out most of the time so I don't know how I'll feel about this, but apparently Kanato is very popular so I guess I'll see if I change my mind towards him. I would like to question Yui's sanity for thinking she wants to talk to him more and believe that she and Kanato will get along LOL, I obviously think the exact opposite haha! I love how Kanato told her off for talking to Teddy so casually, yep Yui, good luck. What a nut, he just poured hot ginger tea on Yui's hands because he didn't want it, like I honestly thought she'd give him hot chocolate or something lol but oh well, gotta show the crazy. Even though I don't like Kanato's looks, I feel like I'm going to actually enjoy how crazy he is, am I a nut too?😂🥲 Very amusing that he eats human food considering how much he looks down on humans, guess he can't resist sweets. Okay, wow, I didn't expect him to chuck a fit and break plates and stuff because she took too long to make him French toast, and then what do you know, the little guy is crazier than I thought because he starts stabbing Yui with a fork for talking back to her! What a wonderful vampiric kid🥲 His mood swings though, you never know what's he's going to do! At least we know that he hates lies? He seemed pretty nice when Yui apologised for lying and then told him the truth about not liking that wax doll room. Gotta love how of all lines, they had to choose the one where Kanato says Yui would be wonderful as a doll to be first line they use for binaural audio! It's so creepy because it really feels like he's talking from one ear to the other and it really is scary lol! Especially since Kanato is talking about replacing Yui's eyes for glass beads and stuff. Well, seems like laughing, or I guess laughing at him is off bounds too! He'll want you to basically apologise for being born with the amount of apologies he expects from laughing a bit lol. It's actually funny how Yui gives her opinion on things like how being at a graveyard doesn't make her feel good/lighten the mood and Kanato is just like I didn't ask for your opinion🤣
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Having Kanato whisper into my ear that I should just hurry up and die already makes me feel stuff, am I becoming weird? Anyway, I guess he's a pervert that likes seeing Yui cry? Love how Kanato's tears makes Ayato back off from Yui. Kanato knows what he needs to do to get what he wants. And of course he'll blame Yui for being the one making Ayato come on to her when she did absolutely nothing. Ohh, so Ayato, Laito and Kanato are all Cordelia's sons, whereas the others are from different mothers🤔 I'm glad Yui does question her choice of picking Kanato lol. Okay, I'm not interested in Kanato at all, but I do have to admit that when Yuuki Kaji moans (LOL), I die. This is a very dangerous game to play when you love the VAs haha! Trust Kanato to love roses soaked in blood the most lol (EDIT: After reading Laito's route about how Cordelia died, this gives me a newfound perspective towards this). I didn't expect him to take her first kiss so fast and so randomly though! Even though Kanato is hysterical, I can't help but find it so funny imagining Yui accidentally kicking Teddy haha, I'm sorry Teddy. It's obvious that Teddy is basically something Kanato can't live without, but his piercing screams for it and pain over not knowing where Teddy was really crushed me, sometimes I feel like I underestimate how much Teddy means to Kanato. Lol that it was Ayato who hid it as a prank though😅 So I guess he's not only emotionally unstable but seems to want to die too? I wonder if Kanato projects Cordelia's unfaithfulness with various men onto Yui and that's why he's always like he doesn't believe her when Yui says she didn't do anything. Kid seems pretty traumatised. It's funny to say that this crazy boy is softening up to Yui in his own way. I mean him willingly going out to the shops with her was a miracle lol, it didn't end well, but at least he's accepting her baked sweets and blood lol! Sorry but I couldn't stop laughing when Kanato said he pulled on a thread on Teddy and unravelled his stomach lolll, the CG was hilarious because you see the cotton come out but it looks like Teddy's stomach is foaming hahaha. Omg what, I knew Kanato was a nut but he hides drugs in Teddy and even takes them?! No wonder why he always seems so weird and high, I mean 90% is probably his personality but geez.
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I felt so bad for Yui when she got kissed by Ayato and bitten by Laito, and she still has to be the one to apologise to Kanato for "seducing" them, the poor girl needs a break, it's painful to watch when other guys touch her. I think Yui has been totally brainwashed by Kanato at this point, which is sad lol, but dang when Kanato speaks in my ear like that, I feel like I'm getting brainwashed too haha. It was pretty funny when Kanato offered to help Yui clean up some magazines and she was so surprised she asked if he ate something wrong😂 OMG that was so unexpected, legit terrifying. The way Kanato so nonchalantly burnt this guy to a crisp and then said he'll flush his ashes down the toilet..WOW. I definitely didn't expect the guy to die even though I knew he definitely wasn't going to be let off easily. Kanato really is crazy.. Yui has really convinced herself into thinking Kanato isn't that bad and that actions like this are self-defence for him huh? Well, let's just say that ending 1 was not anything I expected! Not only does Yui lose her memories of everything, she's basically a shell of herself as she becomes an unfeeling vampire that only lives for Kanato. I'd say it was quite the terrifying ending especially since she'll be stuck in one room in a castle for the rest of her life because Kanato is way too possessive, so yeah that's wild.
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I was wondering why Cordelia seemed to hate Kanato so much to want to kill him, and it seems like he killed her beloved Karlheinz? Honestly though, Cordelia taking over Yui's body, then pretending to be her was creepy. But dang was that a crazy ending lol. I like how unique the endings are though! Like Yui going around to all the guys wanting them to suck her blood because she's addicted to that feeling, like dang, she's really been "trained". Ooh, so getting her blood sucked makes it feel like Kanato is with her? Lol, she's really deep into this rabbit hole. Wow, Yui murdering all the guys to prove her love for Kanato was pretty nuts, omggg that was intense. I'm surprised she was able to do it. I guess considering how crazy Kanato is, I should have expected that his endings would be absolutely crazy too lol. Yui biting Kanato and drinking his blood is pretty interesting.
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Overall, Kanato's route was pretty wild. I can see why people like him haha, it was definitely much better than I thought. Personally, I'm still not a fan because he's nuts and I don't like how he looks, but I did enjoy how he would randomly get so angry and annoyed at the drop of a bat. It was honestly pretty funny at times. I mean, poor Yui but it was amusing and quite unpredictable. I think his anger was only predictable once they got together, and anything relating to her not giving him her full attention and everything made him mad, which is similar to Ayato, so what we can say, they are brothers. He's definitely much creepier than Ayato and also brutal considering how happy he was when Yui killed them all for him in that ending, and vampire Yui was an interesting breath of fresh air. I still feel bad for her though because I do feel like she's the most brainwashed into thinking she "likes" Kanato when I'd say it's much more dubious here. Otherwise, I would say it's definitely worth reading his route even if he looks too kiddish because he's nuts on another level and I think everyone should bear witness to it😂
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mickridem · 2 years
Running out of Rack
To make a long story short, I was at a formal event recently and had to rent a suit. Finding a jacket that fit over my belly but not too wide for my shoulders, was a challenge. (Watching the guy fitting me while this was an eye opener and so hot. LOL!) I don't know what size it was, but the waist was *tight* and I left it open after the dinner. They also "threw in" suspenders because when I wore the pants under my belly it "ruined the line" and bunched the front of the leg. I haven't been fat that long and have never worn pants up like that, but dang, it was comfortable.
But I don't think I'm THAT fat to have to do that all the time. I'm tempted, but I'm not that fat... yet?
A friend suggested that instead of renting (my argument was I don't go to formal stuff like, ever, and I could be a very different size by the time I go to another one) that I should check out some thrift stores for jackets and see if I can get lucky. So I tried that yesterday.
I had a hoodie on, and assumed if a jacket fit over that, I would have room for a few more pounds in the waist. I went to the XL section for jackets. I put on a few. NONE would close. They all fit as the one in the store did. With the hoodie they wouldn't close, and I'm damn sure without it I would have had the same tight fit around my belly.
Now, this was already freakin hot. I was trying not to freeze on the spot to "take a moment" to let it sink in, because the place was busy and other men were scouting for clothes around me. I pulled it a couple more times to try to button it and if I really yanked it maybe it would close? Or, pop the buttons. But I was in public and had to behave. I could feel my face turn red, that was amazing.
So I put the XLs back.
You have to realize at this point, since 2019 I have gone from wearing size SM, to M, to L, to XL. I would put one item down and just move down the rack to the next size up. Well, I've run out of rack. There WERE NO 2XLs. All the sizes, I noticed, for all the clothes, ended at XL.
I looked down at my fat belly, and had a little conversation with myself. In all honesty, I really don't think I'm THAT fat. I know a lot of people talk about denial, or not fully understanding as the body changes, but I look in the mirror when I'm naked and I don't look that fat to me. Some clothes that are tighter make me look bigger, sure, but... 2XL??
All of my other shirts are XL and fit properly. Got a new henley and two modern fit Ts at another store recently, all XL and even a little room to grow.
Now I'm sure it's because suit jackets are structured more and don't have much flexibility. But I DO plan on getting bigger, and I can't help but to keep repeating to myself, "I'm running out of rack." It's pulling SO many feelings out of me. A little scared and shocked, definitely proud and very happy with my size, and gotta admit, turned on.
After breaking my knee in the summer (a major reason for this most recent gain and tip officially into fat life), I'm finally back at the gym to build back some of my muscle and then some, do my physio and strengthen the legs again, and gain some more size. But I also want more fat, more belly, more weight and jiggle and heft.
I'll have to check out more thrift stores around town to see if any have larger sizes. But I'm kind of absolutely freaking loving this mind blowing experience and needed to share.
Also: bf parked the car too close to the wall in the garage and I'll blame that hoodie extra layer again, but I could feel my back and belly slide along both surfaces to get in. Ten more pounds and I would have been stuck? :O
But... I'm not THAT fat yet, am I?? I need to eat and think about this some more.
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kansasjean · 2 months
times like these im forced to reckon with weird shit alone but im thinking back on something that happened with my ex. prior to us dating he had this friend who was the cute flavor of beautiful and skinny (my worst nightmare) and they would get drunk and watch anime together (two things I couldn't do because I have GERD + I only watch girl animes). the night we first admitted our feelings for each other he literally ditched me to go hang out with her and her situationship (?). anyway we started dating and she got really weird to me. she already didn't like me despite the fact I was one of the few women defending her from the misogynistic ass loser men she chose to be friends with but whatever. we weren't friends by any stretch of the word so I get it she had no loyalty because I chose to have morals.
so one night me and the ex were making on each other and she calls him at 1 am. im like what the fuck? and I got up out of that bed so quick. he ignores it but I was peeved. so later he texts her to figure out wtf the phone call was about. they text back and forth with immediate responses for a few minutes. finally she was like heyyy omg im having a party and I want you to come <3333. unfortunately for him, I was with him so he had to text back "can Kansas come?" and I shit u not. no response for hours. like girl. I was PISSED. especially because she had invited the entire floor of film majors and excluded me.
so later I was forcing my ex to watch The Simpsons with me in the common area big ass tv. this woman comes out. im like >:(. but she starts talking to him while eating a whole loaf of wonder bread like some fetish artists wet dream. she's like so are... you guys going to come. and I was like no. we're friggin busy. anyway so awkward plussss I forgot that earlier in the week she made fun of my outfit in front of my ex and he didn't say shit. it was a baller ass outfit too. I was serving whimsigoth. so whatever I hated her.
the part where shit gets really weird is he ends up blocking her without asking me. NOW BEFORE THE INSTAGRAM REELS COMMENTERS GET ME let me explain why I didn't like this. multiple times I asked him to just be honest about their relationship and what had happened between them. im fully supportive of cross-gender friendships, and although I sound really snarky and mad in this rant, at the time I was very supportive of him continuing their friendship as long as she stopped being flirty. all he ever told me was "I informed her we were dating now." and that was supposed to make everything better. and for a month or so I thought it did. we had had no new problems. but then all of a fucking sudden you HAVE to block her?
I will admit I had bad-mouthed her to people for a really long time over the sneaky shit she did when she knew ex and I were together. ive learned my lesson but at the same time, if you are openly flirting with people in relationships, you deserve to get what's coming to you. but I still think I coulda taken a fuckin Xanax about it idk. I blame my own actions and choices but the BPD def contributed,,,,,,,,, not an excuse but I think we gotta call a spade a spade and then try to beat that spade to death in therapy
anyway one time I got in an argument with my ex because he was shitting on her for her personality and like yeah I defended her because I don't know and I don't care. I was like if she's such a horrible, crazy person why were you friends with her? anyway he said it was because he was only friends with women he found hot LOL and then admitted to thinking she was hot LOL and that the only reason he wasn't with her is because "she was crazy" LOL
ugh I just spent 30 minutes writing this and then had dinner and now I don't wanna think about this anymore because it makes me feel suicidal like I wanna rip all the veins out of my fucking wrists fuck my life and the worst part is ill never find someone willing to tolerate me ever again
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so... I got sick and started watching jdramas??
I’ve been sick with covid (again, huh) and idk what possessed me but I’ve binged 5 japanese dramas in the past 5 days?!?!?! before last wednesday I don’t even remember when was the last time I had seen one. no one asked for my thoughts but here they are:
1 - koi wa tsuzuku yo doko made mo aka an incurable case of love (8/10): this drama was entertaining and lighthearted, but since it took place at a hospital it had some sadder moments as well. ngl sakura was so dumb and impulsive it was irritating sometimes, but the romance was super cute and dr. tendou’s gaze is just...wow.
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2 - imawa no kuni no alice aka alice in borderland (8/10): I had to look away sometimes while watching because it got too intense and gory for my taste, but it truly deserves its great reputation. unlike another game based survival drama... this one managed to make me care about the characters, which in turn made it harder to watch certain games. yes, episode 3 wrecked me.
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3 - todome no kiss aka a kiss that kills (8/10): I really liked the concept that being kissed kills you and your consciousness goes back to the past, and the morally grey main character taking advantage of that to always be one step ahead. that ending was necessary but it didn’t really leave me satisfied so I’m glad I watched todome no parallel. also, yamazaki kento looked criminally hot.
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4 - hajimete koi wo shita hi ni yomu hanashi aka a story to read when you first fall in love (9/10): this drama... THIS DRAMA!!! what I wanted: a cute romance starring yokohama ryusei. what I got: an existential crisis because I saw myself in junko’s struggles (minus having to choose between three hot and caring guys). also I got teary-eyed when yuri made it into uni after all of that hard work. tbh he felt more like the main protagonist sometimes. also, I know the age gap romance is questionable to say the least but it was handled well and ffs it’s fiction!!!
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5 - watashitachi wa douka shiteiru aka there’s something wrong with us (7,5/10): the first episodes were a solid combination of over the top melodrama and good couple moments but since the story didn’t have a lot of substance it dragged towards the end. tsubaki’s mom should’ve been punched multiple times for being the most annoying fictional mother that I’ve seen in a while. overall it was entertaining and the show looked really pretty with all of those food shots and scenes of yokohama ryusei wearing a kimono.
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irrelevantwriter · 4 years
Problem With You
Pairing: Rio (Good Girls) x Female Reader/You
Rating: Explicit, NSFW
Warnings: Language, unprotected vaginal sex, mention of bodily fluids, banter as foreplay, mental warfare, Rio being jealous...and admitting it (toxicity at its finest)
Word Count: 3.3K
Summary: Part 2. You decide you aren't going to let Rio affect you. Good luck with that. 
A/N: You guys do not even understand how much I appreciate the love and support I’ve gotten for my Rio fic! Really, truly. Ya’ll know how to make a girl feel special and because of that, I wrote like a madwoman. Seriously. @likedovesinthewnd​ can attest to that fact lol. So here we have a part two for House Call. If you haven’t read that, I highly recommend you do. Only because I added some plot this time around. Ya girl is riding this Rio wave as far as it’ll take me, so strap in because a bitch is plottin’. I hope you guys like it. Feedback is that good shit. 💗
*Read Part 3 here
*Give and Take series masterlist
*Masterlist in bio.
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You laughed to hide the expression of boredom you wore as you walked up the driveway to your house. Luke, your date, hovered behind you, an obvious look of hope in his green eyes.
It wasn’t happening.
“I had a really great time tonight.” He said with a sheepish smile, his boyish grin doing nothing for you.
“It was fun.” You lied, taking a step back to make your getaway.
Luke matched your movement as he started to lean in close, his intention clear. And unwanted.
“Hey, mama…”
The voice made you jump, forcing your date to move back and out of your space. You turned to your right to see Rio leaning against your parked car, legs crossed at the ankle and hands stuffed deep into the pockets of a black jacket. He was ominous looking. Mysterious, with that hint of danger that seemed to follow him everywhere. His dark eyes were trained solely on you, ignoring the other man just feet away.
“You know this guy?” Luke asked with an amateur bravado that made you want to cringe.
The men couldn’t have been more different. You knew of Luke from little league soccer. He was the father to one of the boy’s on your son’s team. He’d been divorced for a few years and had made his interest in you known once you and Paul had split. And after your rendezvous with Rio nearly two months ago, you were itching for something...anything that made you feel half as alive as you had that day.
It was not going well.
“Family friend.” You replied, gaze still captivated by the man in black.
Rio chuckled at your answer, but didn’t say anything to refute it.
“Are you-,” Luke started, addressing you with a concerned lilt to his voice.
“I’ll talk to you later. I’ve got some stuff to deal with.” You cut him off, leaving no room for argument.
Thankfully, he took the hint and nodded, pulling his car keys from his pocket. “I’ll call you.”
“Okay.” You said simply, desperately wanting him to leave you and Rio alone. The situation was beyond awkward for you. It was uncomfortable to have Rio present to view something so personal. And you could tell he was sizing Luke up, the smirk on his face saying exactly what he thought about your date for the evening.
Luke gave you and Rio one last wary glance before he was walking down your drive and to his parked car. You waited until he’d driven away before you faced Rio full on, eyebrow quirked up in annoyance.
“What’re you doing here?”
He didn’t answer you.
Instead, he straightened and began to walk in your direction, eyes appraising you and your dress. You stiffened your spine, unwilling to let him see you so flustered. That game was getting old. He would pounce on your nervousness, manipulate it to his advantage. You weren’t going to let that happen again.
In the weeks since you and Rio had slept together, he’d made his attraction for you obvious. The drop-offs were now moments for him to flirt, attempting to keep you in an anxiety-riddled state for his enjoyment. He liked to see you affected by his presence. You didn’t.
You’d regretted sleeping with him the moment it happened. You didn’t want to be involved in that aspect of his life when you were so entrenched in his business operations. It wasn’t a good look. And chances were, Rio wasn’t the type to take on a divorced mother of two from the suburbs. He led a very different life from yours. He was looking for someone to fill his needs in the moment. Nothing more, nothing less. But that’s not what you wanted. Least that’s what you told yourself.
At this point it was more about self preservation than anything else. And with Rio, your need to protect yourself was on high alert at all times. Be it your life or your dignity.
“Who was the guy?” He finally asked, his strides bringing him close enough for you to smell his cologne.
“PTA or little league?” He taunted with a knowing smile.
You hated that you were that predictable. That he could read you so easily.
“Does it matter?” You snidely retorted, tightening your grasp around the black clutch gripped in your right hand.
“Nah, it doesn’t.” He replied smoothly, licking his lips...lips that you’d tasted...lips that you wanted to taste again. “We gotta talk.” He continued, face growing serious.
The shift in mood made dread knot your stomach. You swallowed thickly, eyes darting to the darkened houses and empty streets in your neighborhood.
“Inside.” You gestured behind you and turned away, leading him to your front door. You walked the steps up to your porch, not hearing him follow at first. You knew what the reason was. You’d worn a fairly modest black dress on your date with Luke. The garment hugged your figure with a high neck and long sleeves, the length stopping at your knees. The eye-catching feature of the dress was the back...or lack of. It was backless and it’d apparently gotten the attention of more than just your date tonight.
You struggled with your keys in the lock, feeling his gaze burn hot across your naked back. You shivered and sucked in a breath when you felt a delicate brush of a finger dance along your spine, his body heat now crowding you. His breath was warm against your neck, the suddenness of his actions making your head spin.
“S’cold out here. You’re shaking.” He rasped into your ear, finger still trailing in a sensual pattern against your flesh.
“It’s not the cold.” You said flatly, finally pushing open the door. You left him on the porch as you walked into the dimly lit house, setting your purse and keys on the bench in the foyer. You went straight to the kitchen, flicking on a light. The soft clicking of the door let you know he’d made his way inside after you.
You pulled two glass tumblers from the cabinet and then grabbed a bottle of whiskey that Paul had left behind. You poured the amber liquid into each glass, your mouth already preparing for the intense burn that would come with swallowing it down. You were in need of the liquid courage though.
“How’d you know my kids wouldn’t be here? You have my custody agreement memorized or something?” You asked as you sipped at the liquor, sliding the other glass towards Rio from across the kitchen island. The exact island he’d fucked you on weeks before.
You didn’t bother trying to hide your aggravation towards him. Ever since that day in your kitchen, he’d been difficult to ignore. He was a constant in your thoughts. Your dreams had only gotten more explicit, more intimate. It was irritating. You hadn’t felt right since. And it was all his fault.
“Something like that.” He said, eyeing the glass on the counter. He studied you for a long moment, as he was prone to do. He watched you gulp down the entirety of its contents, his mouth turned up in mirth.
“What’d you need to talk to me about?” You questioned, trying not to wince at the bitter taste that now sat on your tongue. The whiskey was already heating up your insides, coating them in a fine layer of confidence and nonchalance.
“How’d your date go?” He threw back, dodging your question as he finally picked up the glass and swirled its contents.
“I wanna know.”
He tossed the drink back in one go, his inked Adam’s apple bobbing with the motion. It was a surprisingly erotic sight.
“You really wanna know about my date?” You asked incredulously, eyebrow once again raised at him in question.
“I don’t ask questions I don’t wanna know the answer to, darling. You know that.” He retorted with a testiness that made you momentarily retreat.
“It was fine.” You supplied with a shrug of your shoulders, unsure of what he was looking for. The date had actually been a disaster, but you weren’t going to divulge that to him.
He laughed. A real laugh with his head thrown back and chest vibrating.
It pissed you off.
“What the hell is your problem?” You gritted out between clenched teeth, the alcohol now rushing through your veins and fueling your rising anger.
Rio went silent. He straightened to his full height and edged past the island to stand in front of you. His face gave away nothing. No smirk. No narrowed eyes. No false sense of security with a charming smile. Nothing.
“Who says I got a problem?” He finally said, leaning into your face and making you lock eyes with his own.
Your gut reaction told you to look away, but you fought against it. Instead choosing to meet his intensity head on.
“You seem awfully interested in my personal life. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were jealous.” You taunted, fully expecting another round of laughter from him.
You should’ve known by now that Rio never did anything you expected. That’s what made him Rio.
“And if I was?” He challenged, not backing down from your accusations. He shifted closer, forcing you to lean back. “If I said I’d kill him for touching what’s mine. What would you do? Hmm?” He continued, eyes roaming your body as he spoke. His voice grew thicker, the desire now suddenly apparent and washing over you like molasses.
“You wouldn’t.” You whispered, feeling the ghost of his hands along your hips. The barely there touch made your body come alive with familiarity, the memory settling right between your thighs.
“I don’t make threats I don’t plan on acting on, baby. You know that.” He teased, throwing his own words back at you.
“I’m not yours.” You shook your head, tightening your hands into fists to keep them at your sides.
He laughed, though the sound held no real humor. “Yeah, you are.” He said with a nod, hand reaching around to drag along your back, making your eyes fall shut.
His touch felt so good. Intoxicating. Like your body knew who it’d been waiting for this entire time. You’d been a fool to think you could replace the feeling.
“What do you want?” You asked, exhaustion lacing your words. You felt like you asked him that same question every moment you were together. You knew the answer this time though. You were just hoping you were wrong.
“You.” He whispered, finger now caressing your cheek and pushing waywards strands of hair off your face.
You’d been expecting the response, but it still jolted you. Still made you fraught with worry and unease. You lashed out, pushing his hand away and putting distance between your bodies.
“You want me to quit my job. Leave my kids. To do what with you? Run away to wash money and run drugs?”
You studied his face for several silent seconds, searching for any traces of humor. There were none. He was serious. Unflinchingly honest in his desire to have you.  
“Well, that’s not gonna happen. So you should probably go.”
You brushed off his words and moved past him and towards the entryway, ready to see him out. You didn’t get far. You made it to the other side of the island before a hand reached out for you and slammed you back against a firm chest. You gasped, unable to pull away as another hand attached to your other arm. They held you by your elbows, forcing your backside to press dangerously close to his front.
He’d moved quickly and without warning, nearly knocking you off your heels. You were both breathing heavy, both from the movement and the lust that threatened to spill over and bleed out all across your hardwood floors.
“You’re stubborn as shit.” Rio breathed into your ear, his grip tightening around your arms and forcing you to still.
“I’m smart.” You retorted, feeling yourself start to loosen in his hold. His chest was pressed tightly to your bare back, his crotch nestled almost perfectly against your ass. Your lower body shifted under the guise of pulling away, but you felt it. And so did he.
“Yeah, that too.” He whispered.
His face buried itself into your neck, lips covering the area with kisses. You arched into his touch, getting lost in the familiar sensations. His hands dropped from your arms and reached for the hem of your dress, pulling the fabric up your thighs.
It was happening again. The vortex that swallowed you up last time was back and it was making time simultaneously speed up and slow down. The outside world felt like it was at a stand still while you and Rio reintroduced your bodies to each other. The soft touches and gentle caresses morphed into hungry grasps and passionate clutches. His mouth worked over your neck and sucked, knowing exactly what that action did to you. You reached around and ran your nails over his scalp, feeling him shiver in response.
Your feet shuffled as he led you to your couch, pressing you into the back of it. You pushed your ass out and into him, feeling the length of him beyond your clothes. His hands tightened around your hips and then traveled under your dress. You gripped the cushions as he tore your panties away, the savagery of it making your thighs slide obnoxiously together. You moaned when his rough hands kneaded your ass, spreading the flesh to see what was waiting for him.
Through the fog your heard a distinct growl that reviberated from his chest and went straight to your throbbing sex, your walls desperately clenching around nothing. You bit your lip when you felt the head of him at your entrance, the heat from his flesh so overwhelming that your knees nearly buckled.
“Spread your legs, mama. Let me in.” He instructed, hand latching onto one of your shoulders for leverage.
You obeyed his command. You obeyed because that’s what you always did. You always ended up doing as he said. And that’s what scared you. Not the illegal shit or the risk of throwing your whole life away. It scared you with how complacent you could be to him. And you knew that eventually you’d give him the life he wanted from you.
A strangled moan fell from your lips as he began to push forward. He felt larger this way. Felt as if he could reach all the way into your chest if he wanted to. You pushed back for more when he teased you, sliding back out and refastening his hold on you.
In the next moment he was fully embedded inside of you, pulsing with such a need that you could do nothing but tighten around him. He appreciated the sentiment. You cried out in what sounded like agony, but was in fact an unbearable amount of pleasure that felt nearly spiritual.
His hips slammed into yours with wild abandon. You steadied yourself along the couch, feeling the piece of furniture slide across the floor with every thrust. In this position he had full access to you, and he utilized it. He roamed your body freely and without permission, making you beg for more. You couldn’t see him. And that was just fine because you could feel him. You could feel every hard line and groove. Every brush of his fingertips and bruising kiss. You could feel it all.
“Fuck...I-,” You gasped as you circled your clit, feeling him hit so deep that you were forced onto your tiptoes in your heels. “I’m gonna cum.”
Your confession earned harder, slower strokes. They made you see stars. And within seconds your entire body was spasming with waves of pleasure akin to electrical shocks. The force of it was almost painful. Sounds that you didn’t recognize flew past your lips as you trapped him inside of you and rode out the blissful high.
His hand moved from your shoulder to the back of your head, readying himself for his own release. You went limp after such a powerful climax and he took that as his cue to continue. His pace was forceful, low grunts permeating the air as he fucked into you. His fingers dug into your thighs in that way that made you feel owned. You clenched your inner muscles around him, coaxing him further into euphoria’s waiting arms.
“Shit,” He hissed, his hips beginning to stutter as he finally came.
You accepted every thick drop that now coated your walls. You couldn’t describe the feeling of fullness you felt with his cum settling into your womb and his twitching length still nestled tightly against your walls. But for as wrong as everything else felt with Rio, this...this felt right.
His low chuckle broke the silence as he retreated from your body slowly. You missed the sensation almost immediately.
You stood on shaky legs and pulled your dress down, seeing the shredded lace that had been your panties in a pile near your feet. You kicked off your heels, a relieved sigh leaving your lips at the action.
“I’m gonna be gone for a bit.” Rio announced suddenly, reaching up to lazily scratch at the facial hair that lined his jaw. He’d redressed, now looking like a poised professional and not someone who’d just cum inside you.
Mild panic seized your chest, but you schooled your features, attempting to play it cool.
“Gotta get back to your other life?” You retorted, choosing to be a smart ass rather than show any real concern for the man who’d just fucked you in another area in your home. Another space where your family gathered desecrated by your sins.
“Nah, this is it for me, darling.” He said with a shake of his head and lick of his lips. “Just gotta handle some things.”
“That’s not vague at all.”
He stepped to you, once again pressing you into the couch. Only this time you were facing him, breathing in the same whiskey-tinted air as he invaded your space.
“You know what your problem is?” He rasped, voice rough enough to send a tingle down your spine.
“You.” You jabbed. The liquor was working. Your lips were loosened and your attitude was running the show. You’d be lucky if Rio decided to ignore your childish behavior.
He angled your chin up to him, leaning in as if he was going to kiss you. He hadn’t yet that evening. And you found yourself yearning for it. His fingers slid over your lips and trailed down your neck, gently grasping your throat. He didn’t apply pressure, but the innuendo was there. It thrilled you in a way you hadn’t been expecting.
“You worry too much.” He said, eyeing your lips the entire time.
You licked them in response, having nothing to say for once. He wasn't wrong.
“Everything stays the same. Mick will be at the drop-offs. He’ll stay close if you need anything.” He explained, his hand floating down your collarbone and over your breast to settle on your waist.
“And you?” You dared to ask, hoping he wouldn’t see your question as anything more than a professional query.
“Like I said, I got some things to handle. I’ll be in touch.” He deflected. “And don’t miss me too much, yeah?” He said with a charming smile, choosing to grip your hip and squeeze.
You scoffed at his words, crossing your arms and watching him leave without another word. You tried not to let the new information he’d shared bother you. He didn’t say how long he’d be away, but you had a feeling it was going to be for more than a few days.
The notion made you uneasy.
While Rio’s presence unnerved you, his looming absence made a lump form in your throat. You didn’t have the energy to analyze what that meant. It was going to be back to business. And in a way you were grateful for the reset. He’d come back and things would go back to an employee-boss relationship. Back to normal.
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dreamii-yume · 3 years
SPOILERSSS for Twisted Wonderland Chapter 6 : 1-16!!!
*rubs hands* aight it wont take long before genshin has me in its gacha hell grasp again, I just barely escaped this time— NOW ITS TIME TO SEE THE BOIS CHAPTER 6 omg— wtf happened last time lol it’s been too long
So, no voice over because of some problems which is understandable but— meh I don’t feel like reading lol So I’m watching otome ayui translations this time, because im that one dumbass student who skipped kanji class and now i cant read without sounding like im five _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): “what up im yume im way passed 19 and i never fucking learned how to read”
Also watching Hanayura Kanon stream for the rest that’s not yet been translated lol Because he’s very good at voice acting for the characters and he’s funny af lol
- Fun fact : I haven’t watched Hercules yet so I legit don’t know what’s about to come lol
- Aw, that’s cute— We called over Ace and Deuce late at night AND THEY REALLY CAME OVER AAAAA
- I forgot how fckin pure their friendship is _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
- Aight, so we actually have a huge-ass scratch from feral Grim lol That’s just fantastic, isn’t it
- FINALLY— We’re talking about Mickey and the stones my monster cat has been eating with Crowley AAAAA
- “Yeah there’s this bitch called mickey and i took his photo—“
- Bruh this crystal of blot sounds really dangerous why are we discussing this just now
- Speaking of this crystal, Crowley— you were looking for this crystal in chap one and when we asked you about wtf you’re trying to find you just went— “oH itS NothING.”
- I didnt see you searching for crystals after every chapter mr. crowley where were you 👁👄👁 dont you think it was weird that you didnt see a single one after like— five blotting incidents
- Oh so its rare i see— BRUH R U SURE ABOUT THAT grim literally found one every single chap LMAO
- Okay okay— see, he may be violent but listen— you aint gonna throw out my fucking cat okay
- Wh— THERE WAS A FESTIVAL!? Im dumb so its not just VDC LOL
- Aww, Ace and Deuce looked pissed about it too AAAAHH THE TRUE DEFINITION OF THE BOIS
- #Grimportectionsquad
- “It’s bout time for them to come” Who?
- FUCKING— CROWLEY STOP SAYING ITS NOTHING— This is why this school is so fucked, you never tell us anything ahead of time _:(´ཀ`」 ∠):
- Aight he left, Ace Deuce hurry help me what you guys got
- He may be a monster but see— the worst he did is eat the whole tuna stack SO PLS HES STILL BABY AND I LOVE HIM
- Ace ヽ(;▽;)ノ The character development— im so proud of you, son
- Fuck this is so beautiful— just me and the bois on our way in the middle of the night to find our MISSING CAT I—
- Kalim Kalim Kalim Vil Vil Vil— Pls we’ve been through so much last chapter HELP
- Leona…A big fat mood honestly lmao
- Ey ey riddle pls— dont make this any more difficult—
- Shut up azul stay where u are all you’ve done is nothing but chaos since you arrive so SHHH
- MALLEUS IS NOT HERE AGAIN LILIA PLS— where is he when we need him the most LOL
- Ortho, your bro where?? Also— SURVIVAL STATUS BRUH—
- oh i forgot idia lives in his tablet LOL OF COURSE
- Omg he’s in the apple trees still looking scary as shi aaaaaaa pls kitty come home u just had too much catnip
- “Starting operation” ORTHO WHAT TF
- EY EY EY oh good he’s knocked out sighhh
- Aight I know this has been translated but I can’t help but to look at the original japanese and im just— wtf is RTS and TAS idia i dont understand this advanced gamer otaku language
- But Idia and Ortho really do be speedrunning on who can fucking kick my cat the hardest LOL
- THATS RIGHT IDIA You understand me— Fellow cat lovers unite, Grim is very cute, he can’t do no bad
- …so can i have him back pls—
- Can we just appreciate the fact that these bois are willing to take the risk of getting their heads chopped off by Riddle by doing all this for us??
- If this isnt what you call true friendship then i dont know what this is
- Lol ambrose is going to appear in this festival again and crowley’s prideful ass is QUAKING
- WHY are we not allowed to see him crowley im sure we can handle it— We’re the BOIS. CMON
- Imagine if they just summon a fcuking— magic vet or something lol
- It’s the next day lol
- I mean the NRC Tribe— ٩( ᐛ )و
- VIL. what you have my queen
- Vil pls dont remind me that my cat isnt here but thank you for saying thank you i do not deserve—
- Vil i miss the bad bitch but absolute oneesan energy but the apology— yeah are we gonna cry again lol
- AAAAAAHH why am i so proud— THAT vil is apologizing
- You dont need to maam what we had in chapter 5 was a fucking journey i regret nothing
- I swear if rook goes like— bitch that aint beautiful imma bonk him I WILL DO IT dont think i forgot what u did last chap
- Man i love me a man who can openly admit his mistakes MMMGH
- Rook i swear—
- Im glad that we’re not toning down ace’s brutal honesty lol
- Cheer up Vil, it’s not like it’s a complete failure anyways (;ω;) it was fun at least
- Hearing Jamil encourage Vil like this feels surreal BUT YES BOI U TELL EM
- What is this beautiful character development
- Ooff way to hit where it hurts the most vil my queen lol
- Bruh we appreciate Neige’s impeccable smile in this household— REMEMBER WHEN EVERYONE WAS LIKE NEIGE’S GON BE A BAD BOI??? WELP—
- It was me, i was that person and i shall drown in apple juice for it
- Of course, the ultimate Neige simp already knows that lol
- Bruh the background music has no business being this sad stop
- I hate it when vil is right sometimes omg— TRUEEE KALIM especially wouldn’t be able to stand properly on stage after knowing Neige’s own hardships aaaa
- Vil redemption arc??? 👀👀 you can help us cure our cat—
- !? Are we gonna get that money promised in that poster?? 👀👀
- Damn vil is STACKED He really didnt want to owe anyone anything LMAO YES QUEEN
- Kalim is making my heart go boom boom again baby boi ✨👁💧👄💧👁✨✨
- …sumimasen kalim for having a very rundown dorm 👁💧👄💧👁 but thank you for being nice about it lol
- But this man be such a sunshine holy shit i cant even be mad about it lol
- Aight adeuce pls— y’all dont have to force yourself to donate my guys (´;ω;`) being friends is enough lol i get it my bois
- Find me a man who can make me feel like this the way Vil can
- Man if only Grim is here :’) he’d be soo happy :’)) you can have all the tuna you want buddy :’)))
- Bro this is so wholesome omg
- Im sorry but still up to this day, my understanding of Epel’s accent is still lacking lmao
- Aight they be talking about how Rook already knew that they were going to lose from the very beginning
- The FORESHADOWING LOL The difference with how Rook said “What a wonderful performance” rather than “What a beautiful performance” sigh
- Honestly we gotta respect Rook’s resolve here lol man just knows what he wants
- Rook and Vil’s friendship lmao
- 👁👄👁 …!?
- EARTHQUAKE WTF How dare you ruin such moment—
- They look like something that belongs to the Ignihyde dorm HUH
- Oh bruh— Vil in his Dorm Leader mode is so cool AND YES I KNOW THIS IS NOT THE TIME BUT wheww~~ Vil YAS QUEEN
- so SO— the dorm leader’s have a protocol for outsider attacks like this 👁👄👁 OMG THEY’RE SO HOT
- They don’t seem like our bois anymore aaa just pure professionalism at this point—
- We were just talking about renovating it too wtf
- Bruh i dont know what is going on but dont touch my man’s face
- They’re targetting Vil and Jamil WHY— overblot men!!??? WHERE ARE YOU— GIVE THEM BACK
- I didnt understand what epel said here lmao BUT—!?
- BUDDYY >:’0000 Grimmm MY HEART—
- Are they kidnapping the overblot men?? What— the fucking absolute balls on these robots
- God we’re getting absolutely fucked in here
- I thought there’s going to be a festival not a fucking kidnapping event HEY
- Oh 👀 Rook pls help
- Oh ghad they got him during clubs WTF HOW—
- *nervous hornii chuckling* …angry expression silver 👁👄👁 im sorry
- AAAA Dorm leaders actually be acting like dorm leaders is soo cool i cant—
- Bruh the story is all chaos what is this chapter
- Are they gonna get Leona and Azul too what—
- RIDDLE BABY Jesus christ dont overblot like this again lol
- Whoever made these robots wtf is their deal lol TO BE ABLE TO BEAT A DORM LEADER—
- …Bruh where is our horned friend when u need him
- Silver and Sebek theorizing with dorm leaders but they took Jamil tho?? It’s probably the overblot men they’re after
- Also Malleus is probably good so you two calm down lol Lilia’s probs having tea with him right now
- Okay, Leona how are you going to get captured KING.
- Omg everything is getting destroyed wtf
- Bruh leona these are material robots— cant you just turn them into sand lol
- Oh they do have some kind of brand cmon just turn them into sand pls
- *hearing leona whisper his reasons ��� 👁👄👁 🤚 okay sir im sorry
- Damn Leona acting like a real prince right now— it’s kinda hot 👀👀
- Idia : “bro we just chilling be cool— MY CHESS PIECE“
- “Aight ortho what’s the situation” “fucked"
- So Idia of course knows about this— why does he look like he’s so done lmao me getting the feeling this isnt the first time idia has encountered this situation before lol
- Man i want to see azul in action too but mehh— Idia told him to settle down cries
- Wait— are they taking idia too?? OH IS THIS THE DOING OF IDIA’S FAMILY
- AH THEY ALSO KNOW ABOUT THESE STYX BITCHES WHAT— and they’re just letting them GO whaaat
- Sounds to me that this must be idia’s family taking care of the overblotting students?? Like to protect Idia or something?? I DONT—
- “Gather all the dorm leaders” No, sir, they’re already gone besides my sunshine and the horn boi
- Malleus??? 👁👄👁 TSUNOTAROU
- Pls kill the robots they destroyed my place
- AAH UPSIDE DOWN LILIA long time no see lol
- Bruhh the diasomnia students are so lucky to have Malleus as a dorm leader omg
- Kalim sounds so desperate im so sad
- Bruh they just goku teleported their way out of the dorm lol
- Wait jack is not here lol did they just forget about him wtf
- Oh shit we here too i did not know LMAO
- S-So are we just gonna..continue school like— like these styx bitches didnt just ruin half the school, my dorm, injure my bois, and took my cat or…???
- So that’s why leona and idia be like bro this is not worth it
- O-Oh yeah— they…they didnt know that Vil overblot— PFFT
- Malleus pls information who are you talking about—
- Ey, overblot squad are assembled lol this looks so dangerous
- LMAOO Riddle was sleeping on Leona’s lap for three hours THATS SO CUTE
- Where the fck did they take them, ITS CRAMPED AF
- Bro they’re just exposing Vil and Jamil’s overblot that’s supposed to be a SECRET LOL
- Oji-tan can sound so wise and reliable like this if he really tried lol sugar daddy energy
- Wtf these guys never thought that idia was from a big shot family??? They thought it was just coincidence that they had the same family name PFFT
- AZUL AAAA He was right there my guy BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAN
- oh. They finally opened— isn’t this the ignihyde dorm what
This chapter is a fucking roller coaster like— literal 0 to 100 QUICC From having a moment with Vil and the bois to a FUCKING TERRORIST ATTACK LMAO IM HYPED FOR NEXT CHAP—
It’s been so long, I hope they released the next part soon (๑>◡<๑) I forgot how fine these men are lol at least I want to hear their voices again 👁👄👁
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Prelude - Haha Hi I've never done anything quite like this or this long (like 5k bich) but I am THORSTy and I’ve been sitting on these asks for so long I’m so sorry. ALSO to the ppl sending me the sweet gentle asks about my blog guess what??? I would D I E for you legit I read one of them this morning I almost teared up. I haven’t cried (Except for like (TW) s*ui*ide cry lol those don’t count) since like??? last year?? no joke. 
ANYWHO idk how to write a praise kink so I went with like, insecurity? but then Kiribaku likes makes the reader just melt cause they keep praising her and they bring it out during nasty times and she's GONE yeeted off the earth it makes her so hot and wet lol.
Pairing - Kiribaku X Reader
Prompt - 
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Warnings - NSFW!!!! Dirty talk, my best effort at a praise kink, mirror stuff, ummmm mentions of kidnapping. DUB-CON big time, maybe technically even noncon cause reader DOES NOT want it but has just. resigned herself to being a plaything.
Music - https://youtu.be/STO4-8vkG0U 
“What the fuck did you just say?”
You couldn’t meet Bakugou’s eyes. HIs gaze was so intense, eyes so passionate and fierce. You were so embarrassed, aware of Kirishima’s gaze fixed on your form from where he was seated in the armchair.  
“I-I…….. don’t like it…. when you talk like that….”
“Fuckin’ what?” Bakugou barked, his brows knitting in confusion.  
“What do you mean, baby?” Kiri stood, moving to sit next to Bakugou on the couch so he could see your face.
You wiggled around uncomfortably in your spot on the floor,  where you were kneeling between Bakugou’s feet.  Kirishima had made some comment, something about how pretty you looked being so sweet for Bakugou. You were literally just sitting there, but Kiri thought you worthy of praise
“It’s not true…… I’m not-my body doesn’t look nice and I just….. every time you guys say stuff about me, all I can think of is how bad I look.”  It was hard to choke out the words, your face flushing red as your eyes filled with tears. You were so embarrassed, having to explain your insecurities to your kidnappers. It was bad enough that they dressed you up in slinky outfits, booty shorts and thin shirts that were almost see-through. You hated it, hated the way it made you feel, hated the way it made you look. It was humiliating.
“Well that’s a bunch of bullshit. I don’t go around saying shit unless it’s true.” Bakugou glared down at you. He seemed angry that you would even have that view of yourself, the foot resting on the floor by your hip beginning to tap in agitation. 
Kirishima scooted closer so he could reach you, his hand coming up to stroke your hair. “We mean what we say. You’re beautiful, such a good, obedient little girl for us.”
“No, no - please don’t say that kind of stuff!”  You were getting worked up now, tears falling freely as you hugged your arms around your body. Kirishima shared a look with Bakugou, the two men quickly deciding to drop the conversation and move on to something else.
“Tch, whatever. C’mere”  Bakugou patted his leg, prompting you to shuffle out of your kneeling position and onto his lap. You would rather not, but you knew what resistance would result in, and you’d prefer not having to nurse a sore bottom and mild burns for the next few days. Bakugou wrapped an arm loosely around your waist, tugging you closer to him on his lap. Kiri still petted your hair, pressed up against the blond man’s side as he smiled at you.
“It’s fine baby, calm down. Maybe one day you’ll see what we see.” Without leaving any room for you to argue, Kirishima planted a quick smooch on your forehead before rising from the couch. “Do you two have any preferences for dinner? I was thinking we could order something from that yakisoba place, remember Bakugou? The one Mina recommended.”
“Yeah, go for it. They have any spicy shit?”
Tuning them out, you swiped at your tears, trying to reel yourself back into a steady emotional state. You feel so weak these days, both physically and emotionally. Being held captive by the two men had worn you down, made you prone to teary outbursts. You held no control - your daily routine dictated by the men from the first day they had snatched you from your home. You were reluctant to obey, had even fought them at first, but you quickly realized it was easier (and less painful) to just do what they wanted.  
Fighting was useless.
Weeks had passed since your little outburst. Unfortunately, Bakugou and Kirishima weren’t willing to give up praising you every chance they got.  You had an inkling suspicion that they had upped the amount of comments they made about you ever since that day, enjoying watching you squirm and your face go bright red. It made you blush, yes. Made your heart beat a little faster, made you flounder for words if you were in the middle of speaking. But you just felt….. shame when they praised you. 
They lauded you for your obedience, how compliant you were for them. Kiri would ask you to sit down and wait at the table while he answered the door (“don’t make a sound baby.”), and you did. Bakugou would have you sit in his lap while playing video games, and you tried you’re best not to squirm. It made you almost feel sick inside, how quickly you had adjusted to being their “good girl”. You just wanted to please, didn’t want them angry at you.
What really made you blush was when they would strip you down, bend you over the nearest surface. They’d be fucking into you, fondling your body while whispering compliments in-between kisses. You never felt “beautiful” nor “delicious”, no matter how many times they told you otherwise. It was especially humiliating when one of them would take you on the bed, the other watching. You always wanted to hide, shield away your body from their prying eyes, but they never let you.
You just didn’t get it, didn’t understand what they saw when they looked at you. Staring into the bathroom mirror, all you saw were your imperfections, your insecurities.  It was shameful, pathetic. You felt entirely unworthy of the attention and love you were being showered with.
The boys had seemed more… energetic today, Kirishima almost seeming to bounce with each step, Bakugou smiling gently at you. It made you nervous. It made you even more nervous when Bakugou took his leave, giving both you and Kirishima a quick peck on the lips before going out the door. It was a weekend, and you knew that both men didn’t have work today. You tried asking Kirishima where Bakugou was going, but all you got out of him was a laugh and “Don’t worry about it! He’s gonna do a little bit of shopping.”
Well, at least that eased your mind a tiny bit.
You didn’t have much time to dwell on it though, Kirishima herding you into the basement.  It was the their home gym, filled with weights and machines that kept the two men strong and fit, and you weren’t usually allowed down there. If you were, it was because both of the men were present, and they could watch you while they worked out (you knew that they liked showing off for you, even if they didn’t admit it.).
But today Kiri wasn’t going down there to work out. Once the two of you made it down the steps, Kiri was pulling an exercise bench over, instructing you to lay down on it, belly up.  You did what he said.
“‘Kay, I’m gonna go upstairs to get some stuff. I want your shorts off by the time I get back, alright baby?”
You nodded.
Sighing, you shimmied your shorts down as he left. You never had to worry about underwear - they never let you wear it unless you were on your period. You knew vaguely what direction this was going in, and had already resigned yourself to getting fucked silly by the redhead. It was practically useless trying to resist.
When he came back, you were surprised. He had rope and…… a Hitachi. That was new. In the short time you’d been living with them, you had gotten used to their habits when they fucked you. Neither man was too interested in toys,  preferring to stimulate you manually, so this was an unwelcome surprise.
“Mmhm, you look so sexy baby.” Kiri kneeled down next to you, before peeling apart your thighs. He grinned at you, shark teeth flashing, before snatching up the Hitachi wand, pressing it directly against your pussy. You didn’t like where this is going. 
He didn’t turn it on, instead reaching for the rope that he had brought down. The redhead began wrapping it around your thighs, lifting your legs to encircle them with the rope. It took a few minutes, which were tense, silent as you watched him work.  He made sure to also circle the rope around your hands and torso, anchoring your arms by your side. When Kiri was finished, you were trapped, unable to move your legs, to even simply part them an inch. The Hitachi wand was still directly on your pussy, snug and unmoving. It rubbed against your clit, making you bite your lip at the delicious friction.  Kirishima gave you a flashy smile, turning to ruffle your hair. Distantly you noticed he didn’t have a shirt on.
“Alright babe, we’re gonna have some fun while we wait for Katsuki. You know what this is?” He tapped the wand nestled between your legs.
“It’s…. It’s a vibrator.” You managed, throat suddenly dry.
Kirishima seemed to beam even brighter. “Yeah! I’m gonna turn it on, let you have your fun. But you gotta tell me before you cum, okay? Think you can do that?”
A quick nod from you and the vibrator buzzed to life between your legs, Kirishima not in the mood to dawdle. Your back arched off the bench at the sensation, the pleasure quick and intense. Kirishima stayed kneeling beside you, watching you writhe as he changed the speed of the wand. 
It didn’t take long for you to cry out, “Kirishima, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum!”, a thin sheen of sweat covering your body. It made your shirt stick to your chest, accentuate the heaving of your breasts as panted. Right before you orgasmed though, Kiri flipped the off switch, the vibrations cutting off and leaving you hanging. Your eyes shot open, confusion furrowing you’re brow.
“Wha-Kiri? What?”
The redhead smirked, pressing a hand to your tummy to prevent you from moving against the wand, desperate for more stimulation, desperate to orgasm.
“Not yet baby, not yet.”
He patted your stomach soothingly as you stared up at him in confusion. You had been so close! Why have you tell him when you’re going to cum, only to rip that away from you??
A minute passed, then two, Kirishima still rubbing his big hand across your tummy. It was meant to be soothing, a soft gesture, but it only heated your skin, made pleasure thrum in your veins. When you had sufficiently calmed down, chest no longer heaving, Kiri reached down and flicked the wand back on, chuckling at the way you desperately ground against the rounded head of the toy.
“Mm, desperate little baby, aren’t you?” He was kissing your neck, letting his tongue slip out to lick at the skin there.  It set you on fire. Reaching the high of orgasm came even quicker this time, spurred on by your movements and determination to cum. If you didn’t tell Kirishima when you were about to, he wouldn’t be able to stop you. So you stayed silent, circling your hips as best you could, leaning into the hot kisses being pressed to your throat.
All of a sudden, the vibrator clicked off, Kirishima’s hand on your tummy once again.
“Thought you could get away with that one? You’re so cute.”
You felt like screaming, yelling out your frustration. He knew your body too well, could feel the hitch in your breath as you prepared to orgasm, felt your fingers tighten, clenching around nothing. He had stopped the vibrator right as you were beginning to feel it, the wave of pleasure. It was frustrating.
You could hardly believe you were thinking this, but you couldn’t wait for Bakugou to get back.
It was torture, having your orgasm slip away from you time after time. Kirishima was having fun, groping your chest, leaving sloppy kisses along your neck and collarbone. He liked seeing you struggle, almost at the point of begging and pleading with him in your need to cum.
He had been edging you for a while now, you didn’t even know how many orgasms he had yanked you away from. Kiri had just stopped you once more, turning the vibrator off and holding you still /right/ as you felt yourself letting go. You wanted to scream, on the verge of tears. But then Kirishima was glancing at his phone, stuffing it in his pocket before standing so he could untie you from the bench.
“Bakugou’s back, we’re gonna go see what he brought home for us!”
You could barely think straight, wincing when Kiri removed the vibrator pressing up against your pussy. You were drenched, pussy wet and red and puffy, your own slick covering your thighs. Kirishima helped you to your feet, guiding you into your shorts. You were too out of it to do much, simply letting the man guide and push and lift your body as he pleased. When he pressed up against you to pull your shorts snug over your hips, you felt his bulge through his shorts, poking you in the stomach.  You suppose he’d been waiting for relief too, just the same as you.
Kirishima helped you totter up the basement stairs, then guided you towards the bedroom, hand on your waist. You stumbled through the door, eyes immediately focusing on the giant mirror leaned up against the wall. How had Bakugou even gotten it through the door?  
“Damn Kiri, you’re really worked up.”
Bakugou was sitting on the bed, unlacing his shoes. Kirishima chuckled, hand leaving your waist so he could go sit beside the blonde.
“Me and her both man. Had to hold myself back, she was making such raunchy sounds.”
Their attention turned to you, both men smirking as they eyed you, Kirishima still with a prominent tent in his shorts.
“Yeah, I fuckin’ bet.”  Bakugou smirked. 
Kirishima stood, stepping languidly around you until he was at your back, broad chest pressing up against you.
“I mean, look at this -“ a hand cupped your mound, making you jump. You were still sensitive from being denied so many times, even the slightest touch had you twitching. “ - she’s fucking dripping.”
It was true, the crotch of your shorts soaked with your juices. Kiri rubbed his index finger against the seam, pressing it up and against your clit. You shuddered, hand flying up at grasp onto his arm. It felt so good, you hated his touch, didn’t want his hands on you, but oh, your body liked it.
Kirishima pushed you forward, fingers still teasing you through your wet shorts.  You gasped when you were pushed face first into the bed, bent at the waist.  A hot, blunt hardness rubbed up against you, Kiri’s hand still cupping your mound.
“You’re being such a good little bitch, letting us do whatever the fuck we want to your stupid little cunt.” 
You lifted your eyes, saw Bakugou smirking down at you as you were rocked gently by the force of Kiri’s humping. The blond was palming himself over his jeans, but your attention was quickly shifted when you felt your shorts getting ripped down, off your body.
“Step out.” You obeyed. Kirishima was hungry, lustful - voice deeper and serious now - no trace of his signature lightheartedness. He always got like this this when he was excited.  Your head was wrenched to the side, cheek mashed against the bedspread, large hand pressing and holding you in place. Belatedly, you recognized you were facing the mirror leaned against the wall, could see Kirishima’s bulk behind you, his shorts already pulled down to reveal his hard cock. If you hadn’t taken it before, you would be scared. He was thick, blunt and girthy - not to mention a considerable length. The tip was flushed red, almost purple, shiny with leaked precum and almost swollen. 
“Look at yourself in the mirror baby, you see that? How nice you look, all obedient and ready to take my cock? Such a good, sweet little girl.”
You looked so tiny compared to the redhead, the man having to bend his knees slightly to rub the head of his cock against your pussy. You tried not to moan when he focused it on your clit, rubbing it rapidly over the nub.  “Kiri - please……Aah! Let me - lemme cum..” You whined.
“God, you’re so perfect, you know that?” He breathed out a laugh, still rubbing the head of his blunt cock over your clit, hand still forcing your head to the side, making you watch his movements. You almost wanted to cry - being teased and denied for so long. You just wanted to cum, wanted to get this over quickly so you could go shower. 
Normally seeing yourself in a mirror was something you’d try to avoid, not favoring the way you looked. But now, you were mesmerized, watching through the reflection the way Kirishima’s red cock pulsed as he finally, finally slipped it into your opening. You choked on a moan as he slowly stretched you out, feeding inch after inch of his wide cock into you. In the mirror, you saw him tip his head back, groaning low in his throat when he finally bottomed out, fat balls pressed flush against you.
 “Fuck, oh god, feels so good. You’re so good, can feel your pretty little pussy trying to milk me.” He leaned down, warm chest plastered across your back as he whispered in your ear. 
“You really want this, don’t you? Such a gorgeous baby, so sexy and hot and  perfect.”
The man didn’t start out slowly, he never did. He was aggressive, unrelenting as he thrust his fat cock into you over and over. Your legs were shaking, the pleasure making you weak-kneed, your tongue lolling out of your open mouth, unable to quiet your moans. Kirishima’s pace was frenzied, excited, animalistic as he chased his own pleasure, the sound of his skin slapping against your own filling the room. It was incredible.
His dick hit all the right spots, pressing you closer and closer to your orgasm. If he didn’t let you cum this time you were going to cry.  Your could hear the lecherous, sinful sounds of your pussy squelching, milky juices getting everywhere. It coated his dick, was covering your thighs. You could feel drops of wetness being flicked everywhere on every thrust, the wet, fast slaps of his thighs against you making your stomach clench even harder.  The hand in your hair pulled up slightly, wrenching your head back in order for Kiri to give your a quick, desperate kiss - full of teeth and spit. He had hardly detached from your lips before he was mouthing at your back, spitting out filth as he did so.
“Shit, I love you so much. Wish I could be inside you all time - see how easily your body takes me? You were made for this, such a filthy little baby. Always look so tempting, always wanna fuck you, fill you up, make you squirt.” 
His words were getting to you, as you were forced to watch him pounding into you, hips snapping and tensing in an animalistic fashion. It was too much - the pleasure, his crude words, the visual of seeing yourself getting fucked, worshipped. Your eyes closed, clenching shut as you moaned over a particularly satisfying thrust. Kiri didn’t like that. The hand not holding your head against the bed slipped underneath you, immediately finding your clit, pinching at it viciously.
“Open your eyes, keep watching or else I stop.”
You wailed, eyes flying open. Kirishima was smiling, still kissing sloppily at your back as he began playing with your clit.
“You always look so tasty, can’t tell you - Fuck! - how many times I think about fucking your brains out during the day - shit, you’re so good for me.”
HIs hips stuttered as he rammed forward, signaling he was close. He wasn’t the only one - your hands clawing at the bedspread, your hips moving and twitching as you tried to grind yourself against his hand, his cock slamming into you.  His big hand rubbed you just right, and it sent a pang of sizzling pleasure trough your body.  A broken cry left you as you finally orgasmed, hot, shaking, senseless. Thank god.
The wild twitching of your pussy as you rode out your high triggered Kirishima’s own orgasm, the man burying his face between your shoulder blades as his own hips twitched wildly, humping his cock into you as he released his seed.  He was cursing, saying something, but it was muffled by the skin he caught between his teeth, making you squeal as you felt hot cum shoot into you. It took a minute for the man to slow down, thrusting through his orgasm and into the aftershocks, milking and prolonging both of your pleasure. It felt so good, so right. You were so high from the endorphins that you couldn’t even think to remember how wrong this was, how you didn’t want any of it.
Pulling out, Kirishima watched his cum begin dripping out of your cunt, pushing himself away from your back as he stood, chest heaving, body glistening with sweat. You were barely able to keep yourself up, still bent over the bed, legs wobbly and arms jelly. A separate set of hands pulled you to the side, and you let yourself be manhandled, pulled and situated in Bakugou’s lap, his chest to your back.
You had forgotten about Bakugou.
His jeans were off, along with his boxers. His shirt was gone too, thrown somewhere on the floor. The blond ripped at the shirt still plastered to your chest, the fabric giving in easily to his strength. You couldn’t bring yourself to care as it shredded right through the middle, freeing your tits. It’s not like it hid anything anyways.
“Jesus, that was so fuckin’ hot, watching Kiri pound into you like that. Look at yourself, leaking everywhere like a damn hose. You like having Kiri’s cum sliding out of your soggy little cunt?” 
His chin hooked over your shoulder and he directed your gaze forward. 
There was another mirror.
It was leaned up against the far wall, allowing you a perfect view of your sweaty, debauched body as Bakugou spread you legs, hooking your knees over his own so he could force your thighs even further apart. Oh god.
He was hard as a rock, moving your body around on his lap so his dick pressed up against the outside of your pussy, cum still escaping from your hole. You were exhausted, body limp and pliant - you didn’t know if you could go another round.
Bakugou didn’t care.
A harsh slap had you crying out, a sharp “Ah!”  Filling the room. Bakugou slapped your slit again, and you tried to curl in on yourself, protect yourself from the abuse on your sensitive pussy. The blond slithered a hand around your chest, reaching up to grip your throat lightly.
“Stop that. Fucking look at this shit. See how sloppy your pussy is? Everytime I do this - “ He delivered another quick slap, and you writhed on his lap, which caused you to push against the hard cock nestled between your thighs. “ - You let more cream out.”
Without saying anything more, Bakugou shoved the hand not around your throat under your thigh, lifting you up just enough so he could slip his dick into you. HIs cock was less girth than Kirishima’s - it was  about the same length but a more manageable size. He had been jacking off while watching Kiri fuck you, so his length was already coated in a layer of his spit and precum. That, combined with the cum already drenching your insides,  meant he met virtually no resistance as he thrust up slowly.
You writhed, the hand at your throat and at your thigh keeping you steady in his lap. Kirishima was on the floor, leaning his back against the bed as he watched the two of you in the mirror, still panting and calming down from his intense orgasm. 
There wasn’t any time to adjust, to ask Bakugou to wait, you’re too sensitive to go again! He was more relaxed than Kirishima, more controlled and languid in his thrusting. He rolled his hips, bouncing you gently in his lap as he forced you to keep your head straight, despite your efforts to turn away from the mirror showing your own reflection. You looked absolutely filthy - face flushed, tits bouncing, Bakugou’s hard cock drilling into you. You couldn’t help but moan, the sight stirring up something, some heated feeling inside your tummy.You liked watching them fuck you.
“Goddamn, every single time feels so fucking good. Shit, shit shit shit - it’s like you were made for us!”
He sounded so gleeful, so truthful. You unconsciously clenched around his length, feeling tingly as his thrusts ground deep, hit every single spot that made a sweet zing of  bliss race through your body.
“Ah, ah fuck, you finally get it? You see what we’re fuckin’ on about when we say you look so damn delicious? Shit, I wanna take a bite outta you, so juicy and ripe and fucking perfect.”
Bakugou was out of breath, his voice deep as he growled at you.  You grabbed at the arm around your chest, his thighs, his hair - anything to anchor yourself as his balls papped against you. You could hear someone moaning, whining and sobbing, was that you?
Kirishima had recovered, moving to kneel between Bakugou’s and your own spread legs. “Bakugou, you two look so good together.” That seemed to spur the blond on, his thrusts speeding up as he grunted. You screamed when you felt  a wet muscle swip at your clit, looking down to see Kirishima grinning up at you, his tongue hanging out. On each thrust, he was licking at Bakugou’s cock, and then at your clit right above him, making you wiggle and spasm as you tried to escape the intense sensation.
“Kiri, Kir- stop! Stop, please I can’t! Stop, stop stop stop!”
You were pushing at his head, albeit weakly, but you were trying to move him away, becoming frantic as the combined efforts of the two men overwhelmed you, had you throwing your head back against Bakugou’s shoulder and gasping. Bakugou snickered, before plunging his tongue into your open mouth, stealing a kiss. You whined, scrabbling at his arms, Kirishima’s hair, trying to get away but simultaneously trying to bring the two of them closer. It felt so /good/, you didn’t even have the words to describe how heavenly and lascivious and filthy you were feeling. 
“Hah, you’re so wet, you hear yourself? Sloppy girl. Taking me so well, shit, so goddamn good.”
You could indeed, hear yourself. On every thrust of Bakugou’s, your pussy squelched, greedily sucking him in. It was absolutely filthy, hearing your juices and Kiri’s cum sloshing together as Bakugou shoved his cock into you, again and again. You could hear Kirishima slurping at your cunt with fervor, could tell by the slick sounds and rhythmic movement of his arm that he was frantically jerking himself off as he lapped at the point where Bakugou’s hot flesh met your own.  It was hot, not only in temperature. 
“C’mon baby, let it out, let me taste you. Wanna see you clenching around Katsuki’s cock like the good, sweet little girl you are.”
Kirishima’s words hand you reeling, and the second his lips went back to attacking your clit, you were gone. It almost hurt, how tense your muscles became, squeezing an agonizingly delicious orgasm out of you. Bakugou felt you release, his thrusts speeding up as Kirishima kept his tongue out, laving at Bakuguo’s cock as he hammered into your clenching cunt. You were crying, twisting In Bakugou’s hold as you were quickly overstimulated, shrieking as you were left with no respite.
It didn’t take long for Bakugou to cum, spurred on by your writhing and tears, the way you were begging and pleading and sobbing, imploring the men to stop. With a guttural moan, the blond gave on last thrust, shooting his seed into you, hot ropes of cum filling you up. Kirishima was still licking around Bakugou’s cock, catching the cum and slick that squeezed it’s way past the cock plugging you up.
You shivered, relaxing against the hard chest behind you as Kirishima eventually stopped lapping at you, his own arm still. He had cum again at some point, pumping his cock into his own fist. Bakugou pressed a gentle kiss behind your ear, panting hotly against the shell.
“Fuuuuuck-“ he whined out “- that was amazing.”
“Mhmm.” Kiri hummed his agreement, slowly standing. The redhead flopped down on the bed, crawling up to sprawl out on one side, head resting against a pillow. Bakugou slipped out of you with no warning, your sudden gasp as you felt wet drip out of you making him chuckle. He maneuvered your lax body onto the bed, next to Kirishima, before pressing himself up behind you, trapping your body between the two men. You were too tired to feel gross, to mind the wet slide of your thighs as you shifted into a more comfortable position. Kirishima threw an arm around your waist, leaning up on his elbow to hover over and across you, stealing a kiss from Bakugou. Then he was stealing one from you, wet mouth connected to your own. 
You didn’t fight.
When he flopped back down, you breathed a sigh of relief, feeling like you could finally relax as the two men stayed silent, all three of you exhausted, fucked out. 
This was only the tip of the ice berg. 
If you knew how often and intensely the men intended to fuck you near the mirrors, you would probably pass out. They just wanted to show you what they saw in you. It had been two of the strongest orgasms you had experienced in a while, but there was no way you’d admit it was because of their praising and insistence  on making you watch yourself getting railed by them.
For now, you let yourself drift into a comfortable doze, let the heat of the two bodies caging you in keep you warm, keep you trapped.
Why bother fighting? 
There was no escape.
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wayward-dreamer · 4 years
Something Unexpected
Pairing: Dean x Female!Reader (Enemies to Lovers)
Word Count: 7,580 (This really got away from me! Lol)
Warnings: Some angst: fighting, Dean gets slapped. A WHOLE LOT OF SMUT. Rough Sex. Vaginal Fingering, Oral sex (Male and Female receiving), unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, people!), Dirty Talk, Biting, Some hair pulling, Swearing (there’s sex, so naturally there’s swearing lol). Fluffy ending. 18+ ONLY!
Summary: Jody needs back up on the hunt she’s on, and Sam and Dean aren’t going to be enough. She calls in Y/N Y/L/N, without knowing that Dean and Y/N can’t stand each other. Things come to a head during the hunt, words are said, and feelings are hurt, but something unexpected occurs. Something new with the promise of more, if they only give in to how they actually feel for each other. Based on this request: “Enemies to lovers. Jody calls in another hunter for back up. Her and Dean butt heads, can end however you want :)”
A/N: This was a request from @flamencodiva! I hope you guys enjoy it and please let me know what you think! :)
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Dean pressed harder on the accelerator, the Impala flying down the highway. They were a few minutes away from the main part of town and would soon be meeting up with Jody. Sam was talking to her on the phone, before he hung up.
“Jody there already?” he asked, looking between Sam’s phone and the road.
“Yeah, she’s at the diner on Main Street. Apparently, she’s calling someone else in, too” Sam replied, putting his phone back in his pocket.
Dean frowned. “She say who?”
“No. Does it really matter?” Sam shrugged.
“Guess not” Dean said, rolling his eyes.
Soon, they pulled up and parked outside the diner. Dean led the way across the sidewalk into the diner. He glanced around the room, before they landed on Jody in a booth near the window. She smiled wide when she saw them, getting up.
“Jody” Dean smiled, as he hugged her tight.
“Good to see you boys” she said as she hugged Sam next.
“You didn’t bring the girls?” Sam asked.
“No, they’re at home working on their training with Donna. I would’ve called them in, but Patience isn’t quite there yet. Hence why I called you boys” Jody explained as she slid back into the booth.
Sam was next to the window opposite her, as Dean sat next to him.
“So, vamps, huh?” Dean said, as he glanced over the menu.
Jody nodded. “Whole lot of ‘em, too. Had to call for another hunter.”
“What, we’re not enough?” Dean grinned, jokingly.
Jody rolled her eyes playfully. “She’s good, saved our necks on a Vetala case two months ago.”
“Who is it?” Sam asked.
“Y/N Y/L/N” Jody replied, simply.
Dean dropped his menu and looked up at Jody. She didn’t just say Y/N Y/L/N did she? Jody noticed him staring at her and raised an eyebrow in question.
“What?” she asked.
“You’ve gotta be freaking kidding me” Dean muttered, shutting his eyes.
Jody looked at Sam and shrugged. Sam shook his head. “It’s no big deal, Jody. Dean and Y/N just have a bad history with each other. She’s a great hunter-” Sam explained but Dean cut him off.
“Yeah, if a great hunter steals your kill right from under your nose” he huffed.
Sam glared at him. “Man, would you cut it out? She saved your ass.”
Dean rolled his eyes but said nothing.
“Well, you better act civil because she’s here” Jody said, and jerked her head towards the door.
Dean turned back and saw Y/N walk in. She wore a purple shirt and dark blue skinny jeans, a dark brown leather jacket and her brown, scuffed up hunting boots. She may have annoyed him but damn, she was beautiful. She noticed Jody first and smiled, walking over. As she got closer, her smiled dropped.
Dean freaking Winchester was sitting at the booth, along with Sam. Jody mentioned other hunters coming in for this but failed to mention who they were. Just her luck.
She hugged Jody before she smiled at Sam. Looking at Dean, she watched as his green eyes stared at her intently, somehow angry and hot at the same time.
“Hey, Dean. How’s that leg of yours? You know, I never heard you say “thanks” for getting that wolf off you” she said, rubbing it in.
Dean huffed a bitter laugh. “I could’ve handled it, sweetheart.”
“Geez, I’m regretting this already” Jody mumbled. She clapped her hands once to get their attention. “Guys, can we focus.”
“Sure thing, Jody” Y/N said and sat down next to her, across from Dean.
“Alright, so I tracked the Alpha from Sioux Falls, to here. I followed him to a barn, 20 minutes outside of town. There’s ten in there; more than I can handle. They only hunt when things are busy in town, but tonight’s a curfew because of the killings. So, they’re not going to be heading out to feed. That’s when we get ‘em” Jody explained.
“Sounds like a plan” Y/N smiled.
Later that night, the hunters drove out to where the vampire nest was. They had checked into their motel earlier, except for Jody who said she would drive home that night back to Sioux Falls. As they were prepping, Y/N had felt Dean’s eyes on her the whole time. Every now and then, she’d look over and he’d look away. He was absolutely infuriating, and she just wanted to get this over and done with.
They parked their cars on the main road. There was a forested area that came before the barn, which would shield their cars from being seen. Y/N took out her machete, already sharpened. They walked through the dark forest, Jody and her at the front, with Sam and Dean behind them. They could hear rock music blaring from the barn. Stopping outside, Jody turned to them.
“Alright, Dean you’re with me. We’ll go through the back. Sam and Y/N will go through the front. We good?” she looked between them, especially Y/N and Dean.
“Yeah” Dean nodded, wanting to get this over with.
Jody and Dean went left and walked towards the back of the barn. Y/N followed behind Sam as they walked to the front. Sam looked back at her, a smile playing at his face.
“What?” she asked, quietly as they walked towards the entrance.
“Nothing” he shrugged. “Just wondering why you’re always trying to get under Dean’s skin when you could just admit you like him.”
Y/N scoffed. “You know, you may be a nerd about you’ve never been more wrong about this.”
“Yeah, sure” Sam chuckled to himself.
Y/N ignored as they reached the entrance. She peaked through the crack in the door and saw some of the vampires drinking and dancing to the music.
“Ready?” she asked, looking at him.
Sam nodded, raising his machete.
Jody and Dean rushed towards the back of the barn. Dean clenched his jaw, steeling himself. Jody looked over at him and smiled, slightly. Dean noticed out of the corner of his eye, and looked at her.
“What?” he asked.
“Nothing” she shrugged. “It’s just… if I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have feelings for Y/N, but you’d rather repel her with your anger than tell her how you feel.”
“Feeling okay there, Jody?” Dean asked, sarcastically.
“Hey, I’m just sayin’… you’re both dancing around these feelings, trying to piss each other off and being angry for no reason. There’s nothing wrong with how you feel, Dean” she said, as she took out her machete.
Dean shook his head and said nothing. “Ready?” he asked.
“Yeah” Jody said, as she stood near the back door.
Dean and Jody burst through the back door as Sam and Y/N did from the front. The vampires saw them and split up, half of them heading each way. Y/N raised her machete and beheaded the first male, but the second one, a woman, grabbed her and threw her. She groaned as she landed but scrambled up quickly as it came for her. Sam took the heads off two male vamps and saw that Y/N was down. Before he could get there, she got up and swung her machete, killing the one that threw her into the wall.
Jody killed one and then another, both men. Dean beheaded one female but was now trapped against a pole, as a male tried to choke him out. Sam ran towards the other two and beheaded one, but the other male grabbed him. Jody noticed and ran over, swinging hard and taking it’s head off. Y/N ran towards the other one, and swung, its head fell to the floor as its body let go of Dean and fell.
She breathed heavily as she looked around the barn, before she looked at him. “You okay?”
She put her hand on his shoulder, but he shrugged it off, roughly.
“Like you care” he muttered.
“Everyone okay?” Jody asked.
They all nodded.
They walked back to the cars and cleaned up. Jody smiled at Y/N, as they hugged first.
“You sure you can’t stay and have a drink?” she asked.
“No, I should really get back” Jody replied. “Plus, it leaves your night for some other kind of fun.”
Y/N shook her head. “Not you too.”
“Just give it a chance. What’s the worst that could happen?” Jody asked.
“We could kill each other” Y/N said, not so sarcastically.
“Just try” Jody said, as she smiled knowingly.
“You don’t what you’re talking about” Y/N told her, firmly.
“Yeah, sure” Jody laughed.
She walked over to the boys and hugged them.
Y/N watched as they interacted, they were close. She never realised it. She heard Dean tell her to give the girls their best. He could be sweet with he wanted to be. They were a family. And what he had with Sam… that was something special.
Jody drove off, leaving Y/N with the boys. She walked over to them and smiled, tentatively. Sam smiled at her as he packed up the machetes in the trunk.
“You okay? That vamp really threw you” Sam asked, concerned.
“Oh, yeah, I’ve had worse” she said, shrugging. It was true, she had much worse than being thrown.
Dean sipped his beer as he leaned against the car, ignoring her. He was really starting to get on her nerves.
“Hey, you know I saved your ass. Again. Maybe you could look at me and say something good for a change” she said, her eyebrow raised.
“I didn’t ask you to” he huffed, sipping his beer.
“Yeah, and now I’m regretting it” she scoffed.
“Guys” Sam sighed.
Dean turned to her, jaw clenched, and shoulders tensed. “Fuck, Y/N. What are you even doing here? Maybe go find your own hunt for a change instead of weaselling your way into others.”
Y/N saw red. That was total bullshit. “Not that I owe you an explanation, Dean, but I do find my own hunts. When other people need me, then I help them. I don’t let them down.”
“We never asked you for help with that wolf” Dean recalled.
Y/N rolled her eyes and growled. “Are you seriously bringing that up again? I was in town, passing through! I saw you guys and helped. End of story. If I hadn’t, that wolf would’ve kept your leg as a souvenir!” she yelled.
“Guys, just stop” Sam warned. “Enough.”
Y/N didn’t say anything as she shook her head. She glared at Dean as she walked past him. “Fuck you, Winchester.”
She walked to her car and got in, revving the engine as she drove off, speeding down the highway. Dean looked at Sam for a brief second but when he received a glare from him too, he looked the other way.
“When we get back to the motel, you better stop being an ass and apologise to her” Sam said, as he sat in the car, waiting for Dean to finish his beer.
A sinking feeling made its way into Dean’s stomach. He had really stepped in it this time.
Y/N stared at herself in the mirror. Despite washing her face to try to cool down, she was still angry. She couldn’t stop thinking about the things they said to each other. Sometimes she just wanted punch him in his perfect face. But then that would ruin said perfect face, Y/N she thought to herself as she walked out of the bathroom. She shook her head, damn him for being so goddamn hot.
Why? Why did she secretly have to be attracted to the older Winchester? Most of the time, it was easy to be angry at him because of his compulsive need to take over everything and run the show. She would channel that anger into hating him, but she had to admit it was just a front, because sometimes Dean was actually sweet. She saw that tonight, with Jody.
Y/N picked up the bottle of whiskey and poured some into a glass. As she stared down at the amber liquid, she thought about how those qualities make Dean who he is. He wouldn’t be Dean without them, and therefore, she wouldn’t be drawn to him. She brought the glass to her lips and gulped down the whiskey. A sharp knock at the door shook her from her musings, as she nearly dropped the glass in her hand. She put the glass down and walked slowly to the door, once again in hunter mode. She didn’t need any surprises tonight. Slightly pushing herself up on her tip-toes, she looked through the peephole.
Dean was waiting on the other side of the door, scrubbing a hand down his face.
“Fuck” she quietly cursed, as she moved away from the door. Why was he here?
“Y/N” his voice came booming from the other side of the door. “Open up, we gotta talk.”
Dean waited as patiently as he could on the other side. After his drink and the guilt of what he said weighing on him, he knew he had to come and talk to her. While she annoyed him sometimes, she was a good person and didn’t deserve to live with what he said. He knew he had pissed her off, and he didn’t want to let the night go by without them talking.
Y/N sighed heavily. Throwing her shoulders back, she took a hold of the doorknob. When she opened it, Dean was struck by her beauty once again.
“What do you want?” she asked, pointedly. She needed this to be over and done with.
Dean gestured towards the room. “Can I come in?”
She rolled her eyes and stood aside. Dean walked in and she closed the door behind him.
“So, um…” he trailed off, not knowing how to start.
“Can you say what you need to say and then leave?” She said, harshly. She was taken aback by her tone, as was Dean.
Dean’s eyebrows furrowed as he blinked a couple of times. “I just came here to apologise for what I said, but if you’re gonna be a bitch about it-”
Y/N scoffed and laughed bitterly. “I think I’ve earned the right to be a bitch, Dean.”
“Wow” Dean shook his head as he looked at her. “Clearly this was a waste of time.”
Dean turned around and headed for the door. She wasn’t going to let him just leave without understanding why he said what he said.
“You had no right to say that to me” she said, taking a step closer to him.
Dean turned around, now it was his turn to scoff. “I know. That’s what I’m trying to tell you. You’d know that if you’d open your mind for one fucking second.”
Y/N glared at him but gave him nothing. She was quiet and Dean took his chance to open his mouth again.
“Listen, I-” Dean cleared his throat and took a step closer to her. “What I said… there’s no excuse for it. I crossed a line and I shouldn’t have. I shouldn’t have gotten pissed at you for stepping in and killing the damn vamp.”
Y/N crossed arms as her jaw clenched. She was trying to keep herself from exploding. “And saving your ass in the process. I’m fucking good at what I do, Dean. I don’t need you questioning me or insulting me!”
“I know” Dean said, trying to keep his cool. “And I’m sorry.”
“Are you really sorry? Maybe this is just another way for you to undermine me. Try to make me believe you so that you can just say whatever the fuck you want to me again!” Y/N stepped closer to him as she stared into his eyes.
“You’re insane” Dean whispered. He closed his eyes. This wasn’t going to end well, and he had no idea how to try and diffuse the situation. He had to think of something quick, though.
“Did you really think I’d be here, trying to make things right, if that’s what I wanted to do?” he asked, as he took a step closer to her. They were close to each other now, so close that he could see her eyes glisten with unshed tears.
She was quiet again. Dean felt like that was almost scarier than her yelling at him.
“Fuck, Y/N” he sighed, scrubbing a hand down his face. “I hated the fact that I said that, and you were mad at me.”
“You’ve never cared about making me mad before, Dean. Why is it different this time?” Y/N asked, but she didn’t really know if she wanted an answer.
Dean shook his head, not knowing how to answer. He knew that if he said something now, he would say too much, and then everything would change.
It was different this time because he had genuinely hurt her feelings and didn’t like that he did that. He had doubted her as a hunter, and that was something you just never do. It made him feel the dirt on the bottom of her shoe and needed to fix that.
“I just-” Dean dropped his head and scratched behind his neck, nervously. “It just is.”
Y/N tried to process what he was saying. He was keeping from her. He looked nervous, like there was something else he wanted to say but he couldn’t.
“You’re lying” Y/N said, firmly. “And I’m done now. So please leave.”
Dean shook his head. If there was one thing he wasn’t, it was a liar. “I’m not lying.”
Her lips pressed into a thin line. Why couldn’t he just let it go?
“Just go, Dean” she said, staring at him. Her expression was blank. She had nothing left to say.
“No.” Dean didn’t move an inch.
Y/N lifted her hands and pressed them against his torso. Even through his shirt, she could feel the hard wall of muscle underneath. She shoved him back slightly, but he didn’t move far. “Leave. Now.”
“I’m not going anywhere, sweetheart” Dean said, staring into her eyes. His eyes were fiery, holding something she couldn’t quite figure out.
She pushed at him harder. “Damn it, Dean. Just go!” She pushed him again. And again. And again. He kept moving back, but he wasn’t leaving.
“Get out!” she yelled as she started to hit her fists against his chest.
Dean tried to calm her down. “Y/N, hey, look at me.”
Dean tried to grab Y/N’s hands, but she kept hitting him, yelling at him to go, to leave her alone. She raised her fist, ready to strike him but in his quick thinking, he grabbed her wrist. She tried to get out of his hold but couldn’t. She raised her other fist, but he grabbed that too, refusing to let go.
“Let go of me” she said, struggling against of his hold.
“Not until you calm down, sweetheart” he said, his gravelly and deep.
She stared up at him as she continued to try and get away from his hold. His eyes were dark, and something about the way he was looking at her lit a fire within her.
“Let me go, Dean” she gasped, trying to get her fists out of his hands.
In that moment, if she had been honest with herself, she really wasn’t trying to get away from him but away from what she was beginning to feel. His gaze never left her, and it caused a fluttering deep in her core, something that she hadn’t expected to feel around Dean Winchester. Yes, she was attracted to him and had been since the first time they met, but she never thought she would feel anything more than annoyance towards him.
Dean looked down at Y/N, the urge to take her in his arms overwhelmed him. He never thought he would feel this way about her. The girl who had pissed him off on several occasions, as recent as a few hours ago. However, in that moment, with her Y/H/C hair floating down her back and a few strands in her face, her perfect lips inciting him, her incredible body so close he could smell her perfume… she was beautiful.
Without thinking, he let the instinct of that moment take over. He leaned down quickly, pressing his lips to hers. Y/N was shocked at first. His lips were soft and perfect. She had to pull away. This couldn’t happen. In the haste of the kiss, Dean had dropped her hands. With them now free, she pushed him away. Not knowing what possessed her to do it, her hand rose and slapped him across the face. Dean’s head turned sharply to the side with the impact. She breathed heavily, the energy from hitting and pushing him, from trying to get away from him, had taken it out of her. Dean looked down at her, his eyes darkened even more, and Y/N felt a heat begin to rise in her core.
Without a second thought, she pushed herself up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his. Dean’s hands landed softly on her hips, hesitant at first. When she lifted her hands and placed them on his jaw, pulling him closer, he brought her body closer to his. He deepened the kiss, softly biting her bottom lip. She gasped into his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing herself even closer to him. His hands roamed up her back, tangling in the ends of her Y/C/H hair. Their lips still joined, their kisses became harder and rougher, both of them fighting for dominance. She pressed herself harder into him, which caused him to walk backwards a few steps. His back hit the wall as he pulled her even tighter, his arms hard around her waist.
Y/N’s hands roamed his chest and disappeared under his jacket and flannel shirt. She pushed them off his shoulders and helped him take them off his arms, all while their lips never left each other. Her fingers played with the edge of his black t-shirt, pushing it up, she placed her hands against the warm, soft but strong muscle of his stomach. She reluctantly pulled away from his lips and lifted the shirt off him when he raised his arms. She threw the shirt behind her and turned back to him, taking in the smooth lines and hard muscle of his chest and torso. She leaned in and kissed his neck, biting softly. Her lips trailed down his collarbone, biting and sucking near his anti-possession tattoo.
Dean’s hand found its way to her hair and tugged slightly, pulling her mouth away from his collarbone. He leaned and kissed her, roughly. His entire body felt like fire, burning for her and the things she was doing to him. He was painfully hard already, and all they had done was kiss.
He pulled her away from him, his hands still in her hair. “Shit, sweetheart. You have no idea what you’re doing to me.”
“I think I do” she smiled, biting her lip. Her hand ran down his body, before she slowly rubbed it along the crotch of his jeans. She hummed as she felt him, hard just for her.
With a cheeky grin, she quickly started on jeans. She leaned in and kissed the middle of his chest. She slowly started to lower herself and kissed down his body. Her knees landed on the floor as her hands unzipped and pulled his jeans down. His cock sprung free, causing her to moan at the sight.
“Fuck” she whispered, as she took his cock in her hand.
Y/N leaned in and licked the tip of his cock, tasting the salty pre-cum on her tongue. She pressed her lips to the tip before trailing them down his shaft, heading straight for his balls as she began to stroke him with her hand. Her tongue ran over each ball, causing a sigh from Dean. She continued to do that for a few more strokes before she flattened her tongue, travelling all the way up his cock once more. Dean’s hands slipped into her hair as she took the tip in her mouth. She bobbed her head back and forth, sucking softly.
“Fuck, Y/N, just like that,” he urged her on. He clamped his eyes shut and threw his head back against the wall. He breathed in erratically as he looked down at her. “Shit, you look so good with my cock in your mouth, sweetheart.”
She took him deeper, trying to reach the base of his cock. Considering his size, she used her hand to stroke what she couldn’t fit in her mouth. She pulled back and sucked the tip, her pumping along his length. Her other hand stroked and cupped his balls, as he gripped her hair tighter.
“Your cock is so big, Dean. I love the way you taste, so fucking good” she breathed out as she stared up at him and licked a long strip from his balls to the tip.
“Fuck” he groaned. Now she was talking dirty. How did they get from hating each other to this point? It felt surreal.
She went to take him in her mouth again, but Dean stopped her. He pulled her head back by her hair as he stared down at her.
“You’re wearing too many clothes, Y/N” he said, letting go of her hair and taking her hands.
Dean was completely naked as Y/N took in his form. An Adonis stood in front of her and she couldn’t believe she got to have him. If one night was all she got, then she was going to take it. She quickly got rid of her shirt and jeans, but then he stopped her when he saw her black and red lace bra, and matching panties. He leaned down and kissed each breast, her hands coming up and holding his head to her chest. She gripped the short spikes as he reached around and unclasped her bra, throwing it across the room. He gazed at her breasts, her nipples hard from the cool air of the room. He leaned in and kissed her nipple, taking it into his mouth. He nipped at it, causing a moan from her.
“Dean” she gasped, as she felt his hands travel down.
He grabbed her thighs and lifted her up, turning around and pressing her against the wall. He moved one hand around and teased the front of her panties, feeling how wet she was.
“So wet, baby. It’s all for me, isn’t?” he smirked as he looked at her.
“Yeah” she whispered, leaning her head back against the wall.
He rubbed his fingers along the crotch of her panties, feeling her get wetter. She moaned at the feeling, her eyes shut tightly.
“What do you want, sweetheart? You want my fingers inside you? Fucking you, getting you ready for my cock?” he asked, kissing her jaw.
“Yes” she moaned. “Yes, Dean, I want your fingers inside me.”
Dean leaned in and kissed her, hard. He reached down and pulled her panties away from her body, stretching them until the band snapped. He threw the ripped fabric over his shoulder.
“Dean” she scolded him, but the feel of his lips biting her jaw was overwhelming. She didn’t really care about him ruining her underwear.
Dean chuckled deep in his throat, his fingers rubbing the slit. His fingers became slick from how wet she was, and he inserted two fingers into her warm core. Her walls clenched around his fingers, as he continued to push them in and out of her.
“Shit, Y/N. Your pussy’s so fucking wet, my fingers are soaked, baby. God, you’re so damn hot” he said, smirking as he continued to bite at her jaw.
“Fuck, Dean, that feels so good. Yeah, right there” she moaned. She gripped the hair at the back of his head tightly, her hips thrusting hard against his fingers.
“So impatient” he laughed, as he curled his fingers inside her, rubbing against her g-spot.
“Fuck me” she whispered, incoherently.
“What was that, sweetheart?” he asked, smirking as he teased her.
“Fuck me, Dean. I want you to fuck me with that big cock of yours” she said, louder as she stared into his eyes.
Dean pulled his fingers out of her as she sighed at the loss. He lifted her legs, wrapped them around his waist and gripped her hips, tightly. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. He moaned as he tasted her, his hand taking hold of his cock, sensitive with how hard it was.
Dean pressed the head of his cock against her slit. As he felt her tug on his hair, he pushed into the cavern of her pussy. He groaned at the feeling of her wet, warm folds against his hard dick and started to thrust into her. She moaned as she threw her head back, her hips thrusting up to meet his. Y/N had never felt so good. He was stretching her walls so perfectly, making her feel so full.
“Dean… you feel so fucking good” she gasped.
“Your pussy feels so fucking perfect around my cock” he grunted, as he gripped her thighs.
The rhythm of his thrusts was good, but she needed more.
“Fuck me harder, Dean. I want you deep inside me” she moaned. “Fuck me hard.”
Dean groaned and obliged her, his thrusts becoming harder and faster.
“Oh fuck, yeah!” she moaned loudly. “Dean… oh god…” she gasped, gripping his shoulders tight, her fingernails making little dents in his skin.
Dean leaned in and kissed her neck, nipping roughly at her pulse. “Fuck, Y/N…” he moaned into her neck.
Dean lifted Y/N away from the wall and carried her over the bed. He pulled out of her and dropped her down on the bed. He turned her onto her stomach, admiring the curve of her ass.
“Hands and knees” he commanded, his voice deep and rough.
Y/N shivered as she did what she was told. The same tone she would get angry at and argue with was now turning her on so much.
She got into position, the anticipation for what was about to come exciting her.
Dean ran his knuckles along her slit, humming at the wetness. He leaned down and pressed his mouth to her entrance, his tongue licking her folds as he grabbed her ass and pulled her closer to his mouth.
“Fuck… Dean, oh fuck yes” her voice hitched, as her hands fisted the sheets.
He thrust his tongue in and out of her, moaning at the taste of her.
“Your pussy tastes so fucking good, sweetheart” he growled, his breath hot against her pussy.
“Dean… I…” she was unable to finish what she was saying. She leaned her head down and bit into her wrist, too overwhelmed by what he was doing to her.
“You what, Y/N?” he mumbled against her folds, before he drove his tongue in deeper.
“Oh please, Dean. Please just fuck me. Fuck me!” she begged. She couldn’t believe the things he was doing to her and how badly she needed even more.
Dean moved away from her and kissed the right cheek of her ass, as he stood upright. “So desperate for my cock. How bad do you want it, Y/N?” he teased.
“I want it so much, Dean. Please, just give me your big cock” she replied, looking back at him.
Dean’s hands gripped Y/N’s hips as he lined his cock up with her entrance. In one swift thrust, he entered her. She moaned, practically screaming as he began a fast pace, his hips thrusting deep as he pulled hers repeatedly onto his cock.
“Shit” he hissed. “So fucking tight, baby.”
The sounds of his hips slapping against her ass, their moans and harsh breaths filled the room. The entire motel could probably hear them, but they didn’t care. All that mattered in that moment was them.
Dean lifted one hand off her hip and slipped it into her hair. He pulled her up, her back flush against his chest as he continued to fuck her.
Y/N gasped as her hand reached up and grasped his short hair. “Fuck.”
Dean turned his head to look her in the eyes, her pupils blown wide with arousal.
“You like what I’m doing, don’t you, sweetheart? You like my cock inside you? Tell me how good it feels” he murmured against her lips.
YN bit her lip as she gazed into his green, lust filled eyes. “Fuck, Dean. Your cock feels so good inside me. So fucking big, fills me so good” she cried out. She took his other hand in hers, taking it off her hip and guided it towards her swollen nub.
“Play with my clit, Dean” she moaned. “Fucking make me cum hard on your cock.”
God, that nearly made him cum right there, but he had to hold on. She was way too good at that. His fingers circled her clit, adding to the pleasure that coursed through her body.
Dean continued to thrust into her hard and fast. He grunted loudly as she clenched around him. “Your pussy takes my cock so good, baby, so fucking perfect.”
With her head still resting on his shoulder and her eyes still looking into his, Y/N gripped his sweaty short spikes in her hand, roughly. “Make me cum on that perfect cock, Dean. Make me yours.”
Dean felt her walls clenching him tighter, and he knew that she was close.
Dean pulled out of her reluctantly. Before Y/N could protest, he flipped her onto her back and climbed on top of her. She automatically wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her legs around his waist. He wanted to see her face when she came, he wanted to see what he did to her. Dean looked down at Y/N, her face open and something unspoken in her eyes. Suddenly, the air in the room changed. Something between them changed.
Make me yours. That’s what she had said. She wanted him, he wanted her and not just in this way, but in every other way possible, too.
Dean entered her again, as she gazed up at him, never breaking eye contact. Y/N could feel something change between them. It was quick and it scared her, but she invited the feeling in. His thrusts were deep and hard like before, but the speed became more languid.
Dean took her hands in his, placing them on either side of her head. He pressed his body closer to hers, without crushing her. He leaned in and kissed her, passionately. He pulled away and pressed his forehead to hers, their eyes locked on each other. The energy in the room was charged with something new, something exciting that should’ve been terrifying but wasn’t.
She squeezed his fingers tight, gasping for breath. “Dean, I’m so close.”
“I know, sweetheart” he nodded, “me too.”
His thrusts get slightly faster, wanting them to come at the same time.
“Dean, I-” she started but cut herself off as she moaned at the pressure building inside her.
“Cum with me, Y/N. Cum with me” he groaned.
Dean’s thrusts became erratic, as Y/N moaned loudly, her walls clenching tight around his cock. She looked into his eyes as the coil in her stomach snapped.
“Dean, oh fuck, Dean! Dean!” she moaned his name over and over loudly as she came hard on his cock.
“Fuck, Y/N… I, fuck” Dean muttered as he reached his peak, spilling inside of her.
They stared at each other as they came down from their high, breathing heavily. Dean’s hand came up and softly brushed her hair out of her face. He cupped her cheek in his hand and watched as she leaned into his touch, her eyes closed. He leaned down and kissed her softly. Y/N slowly dropped her legs to the bed as he pulled out of her. She hissed as the loss and the empty feeling, knowing she was going to feel the burn in the morning. She smiled at the thought; she didn’t really mind.
Dean slowly lifted her up and reached for the sheets. He pulled them down and laid her down, her head lying on the pillow. He got up and Y/N frowned, taking his hand in hers. Dean looked at her, his eyebrows scrunched in confusion.
“One sec…” he whispered, as he walked to the bathroom.
Y/N felt the cool air of the room against her sweaty body and shivered. Before she could pull the sheet up, Dean walked out of the bathroom with a damp cloth. He sat down beside her and reached between her legs, cleaning her. She closed her eyes as the effects of their lengthy activities started to take over. She felt him leave, probably to clean himself and then throw the cloth in the hamper, but she ultimately didn’t care. The next thing she felt was Dean slide in beside her and pull the covers over them. She rolled into him, her head resting on his chest.
Dean looked down at Y/N and smirked. She was so blissed out as she rested on him. He wrapped his arm around her and listened as her breath evened out, falling asleep. He stared up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that had happened on the hunt and how it all ended up; with them having sex. Sex that started off as pure adrenaline and tension release, before it became… something more.
He didn’t know what it was; just something that he couldn’t explain. He wasn’t used to this feeling of wanting to be close to someone in the most intimate way. It scared him. Wanting that for more than one night was also a foreign feeling, but as he looked down at Y/N those worries went away. He never thought he would feel this way towards her, but if he was being honest, he always did. He just covered it up and acted out to push away what he felt. Clearly it was the same for her. He could see it in her eyes tonight.
Dean pulled Y/N closer and shut his eyes. For the first time in a long time, he didn’t have any nightmares.
The morning sun shone through the gap between the curtains. Y/N snuggled further into the pillow, as she felt the rays hit her face. She turned away to avoid the heat on her face and cuddled into the other pillow. Her brows furrowed and her eyes slowly blinked open, adjusting to the light in the room. The space next to her was empty. The sheets were thrown back and only slightly warm, as she smoothed her hand over the sheet. She sat up, holding the sheet to her body. She looked around the room and only saw her own clothes on the floor.
Her stomach sank. There was no sign of Dean. He had left her there, and most likely on his way to whatever was next with Sam. She thought that last night had meant something, something new. Something unexpected, but amazing, nonetheless. She should’ve known this would happen. She took last night for granted and now she was paying for it.
Y/N’s head turned towards the door when she heard keys jingling in the lock. The door opened and to her surprise, Dean walked through holding a coffee holder with two coffees and a small, white paper bag. He tossed her room keys on the table and turned. He smirked when he saw that she was awake. Her hair was a mess and there were small hickeys forming on her neck; he felt a sense of pride as he remembered what occurred the night before.
“Mornin’ gorgeous” he said, walking over to her.
Y/N smiled. She doubted him when she shouldn’t have. It was better he didn’t know that; she didn’t want to hurt him by thinking ill of him for a split second.
“Morning” she sighed.
Dean sat down beside her, the coffee and bag still in hand. He placed them on the bedside table, then slowly moved in, kissing her lips softly. She smiled against his lips. She liked this new side to him.
“I got you those powdered donuts you like and coffee, hint of cream, just the way you like it” he said, when he pulled away. He handed her the cup and smiled.
“Thanks” she couldn’t wipe the giddiness from her face. This was so new, and it should’ve been weird, but all she could think about was how much she actually did care for him. He remembered how she liked her coffee from the one time she ordered in front of him, on that witch hunt. He was so freaking cute.
“So, last night was… uh, unexpected” he mumbled, trying to hide his smirk.
“Yeah, it was” she agreed. “But… god, Dean, it was amazing.”
He smirked. “Fuck yeah, it was.” He leaned in and pecked her lips. He couldn’t stop kissing her and touching her.
The room was quiet before she spoke again.
“So… what now?” she asked, looking him in the eyes. She asked the big question. Someone had to.
Dean took a deep breath, thinking it over. “I don’t know.”
She nodded but waited for him to say something else.
Dean took her coffee-free hand in his and rubbed his thumb over her knuckles. He smiled softly as he looked at her. “All I know is, after last night… I don’t think I can let you go.”
She bit her lip as her heart skipped a beat at his words. “Me neither.”
Y/N leaned in and kissed him, passionately. Dean deepened the kiss, nipping slightly at her bottom lip.
She pulled away, smiling again. “Who would’ve thought all that arguing and pissing each other off would lead to this.”
“Not me” he said, shaking his head. “If the result of that is more of what happened last night, maybe we should piss each other off more often.”
“You better not, if you know what’s good for you, Winchester” she said, as she playfully glared at him.
“I solemnly swear that I’ll try not to” he chuckled.
She laughed. “That’s all I ask.”
She leaned in and kissed him. She smiled as he immediately deepened the kiss once again. Their lips moved against each other’s slowly, but she frowned as he pulled away too soon.
Dean rolled his eyes and didn’t look happy to cut things short. “I wish I could start something up again, but I gotta go. Sam called while I was on my way back here. We gotta head back to the Bunker. Something about Cas needing our help.”
“It’s okay, I understand” she smiled softly, cupping his cheek and grazing her thumb over his stubble.
He leaned into her touch before turning his head and kissing her hand. “Come to the Bunker.”
She nodded. “I will. I just have to do some things for a friend, but I can be there next week.”
“Really?” he asked, trying to not sound too hopeful. It was adorable.
“Of course. I’ve been hearing about it from Jody for so long, I can’t wait to see it myself” she replied, still stroking his cheek.
“I can’t wait to show you” he said, quietly.
She beamed as she leaned in and kissed him.
“Y/N… I really am sorry about what I said. You’re a damn good hunter and I shouldn’t have doubted you-” he started but she covered his mouth with her hand.
She shook her head as she looked into his confused eyes. “You don’t need to apologize anymore, Dean. Clean slate, okay?”
He nodded. She dropped her hand from his mouth. “Clean slate.”
They gazed at each other for a little too long, feeling the same heat from last night rise within themselves.
“You better go. Sam’s waiting for you” she said, taking a sip of her coffee.
Dean groaned. “Yeah.”
Dean reluctantly stood up from the bed and picked up his coffee. He opened the bag and took out one donut, leaving the other two for her. He took a bite and she giggled as the powder stuck to his mouth. She sat up on her knees, hugging the sheet to her body. He cupped her face and kissed her. It was soft and brief but held everything she needed to know behind it.
“You taste good” she smiled, licking her lips and tasting the powder.
He winked. “You taste better.”
She shook her head and rolled her eyes. “See you soon.”
He nodded and kissed her again, once, twice.
Dean winked at her as he walked to the door, before he was gone. She could pinch herself at how everything played out last night. She couldn’t believe it but damn it, she was excited to see what happened next for her and Dean.
Walking towards the Impala, he bit back a smirk. Sam wondered where he had been all night, but Dean didn’t say anything. He probably wouldn’t; at least not for the next hundred miles. It gave him time to think over how everything changed between him and Y/N. They went from hating each other to something much, much better.
He suddenly couldn’t wait for the next week to arrive, and neither could she. They still had a lot to talk about and work out, but one thing was for sure.
They really owed Jody big time.
Tags: @flamencodiva​ @hobby27​
706 notes · View notes
spookysmujer · 4 years
Mi Hombre, O. Diaz
Summary: You overhear Monse trash talking about Oscar and you’ve had enough of him being painted as the villain. 
warnings: monse being a hater!, cute s h e t, freak s h e t  👅
word counter: 1.5K
requested by: @un-poetryy​
A/N: I always give the “bad” guys the benefit of the doubt because my attraction to toxic men began with Damon Salvatore LOL. Thank you for requesting, I love trying new things when writing for Spooky, this was fun! SEND ME ASKS/REQUESTS! I finally turned on the Anon option, heh. And don’t forget, please: follow, heart it and leave some comments, reblog and also turn on the notifs for when I post! Lots of love!!
taglist: @clemmingstylins0n​ @fairygardenss​ @firebenderwolf​ @spookysnena​ @princesstiffxoxo​ @mbaku-babygirl​ @chellybear98​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @i-just-wanna-live-gc​ (please let me know if you wanna be added or removed!)
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(Gif doesn’t belong to me, owner unknown!)
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The sun is warm against your skin and the slight breeze is adding to a perfect summer day. Now that school is out, the public pool has extended it’s days of operations and hours, so here you are out with you boyfriend’s little brother and friends, tanning and having a relaxing day.
Oscar called you saying to meet him at the pool since he’s really trying to avoid spending any alone time at home with his estranged father. As you await his arrival, you’re laying back and letting the sun fill in the paler parts of your skin due to your bikini straps. And it’s been lovely but you’re starting to lose you’re patience as Monse, Cesar’s toxic ass girlfriend, keeps talking ill about Oscar.
You sigh once more as you try to zero out on the things she is saying about him but it’s getting real hard to bite your tongue the more she goes on. It’s Oscar “Spooky” Diaz and of course everyone has an opinions about everyone. And rightfully so but Monse only says bad things about her boyfriend’s older brother. Every single time it’s something negative. And granted you don’t spend much time with her, it’s sad that she can’t say one good thing.
It’s also when Oscar is never around and the devil is prying to get out of you to say something. Oh, please say something. But you keep your eyes closed and pray that your boyfriend arrives soon. The last thing you want is to cause a scene in a family area.
“I mean he’s been hanging around a lot and it’s just annoying he gotta bring his gang tendencies when it’s been clear as day you don’t want nothing to do with it. Doesn’t he have drugs to sell? or other people to jump into the gang?” Monse says and you huff audibly.
Though you got your eyes closed, you could feel her gaze move to you briefly.
Cesar only sighs as Monse kept on going and that was the tip of the iceberg for you. How can Cesar not defend is older brother? You know the shit the Diaz brothers have been through but to not defend someone who has defended you on countless occasions?
“Seriously? You really going keep talking shit, Monse? I’m convinced you’re obsessed with Oscar since all you ever do is talk about him,” You’ve had enough, you get up and say to her as you stand above them,
Both she and Cesar look up at you, surprised. “I-I, uh, was just saying th-”
“No, you weren’t just fucking saying nothing. You’re trash talking his brother and my boyfriend and it’s shit on me to have waited this long to say something but you’re such a pussy for only knowing how to talk smack when he’s not around.”
She tilts her head to the side and stands to cross her arms over her chest, “I have no problem saying this to his face as well. He must have you whipped if you are too blind to see that all he is is trouble, Y/N. You’re a smart girl, you deserve someone better than Oscar.”
If you could see the world in a single color right now, it’d be red and for Monse it’s about to be black considering you want to pop her one right in the mouth. You’re at a disbelief that she can’t give Oscar the benefit of the doubt considering he has done a lot for his brother and group of friends. Everytime there had been an issue that they couldn’t solve, which was 99.9% of the time, Oscar came in with the save.
You see your boyfriend walk through the gated entrance of the public pool. He makes his way over to the food stand and you smile to yourself, the sight of him always making you melt, “ I am a smart girl, thank you. I’m smart enough to know that no one in this world is perfect. We all have flaws, Oscar knows it too. But you’re quick to forget that if it weren’t for him, you all would probably be 6 feet under next to Lil Ricky, who isn’t even 6 feet under might I add!”
She laughs a little to herself before continuing, “And we wouldn’t have gotten in those situations had Oscar not jumped his little brother into that stupid gang of wannabes anyways! Who does that? Forces his own family into something he didn’t want to be apart of? That’s messed up! And you the complicit one that stands by not saying anything!” Monse says loudly, now catching the attention of those around you. Even Oscar is now looking your way, you and Monse in each other’s faces. 
You weren’t planning to make a big scene about this, you just wanted to call her out on her bullshit peacefully, if that is even possible. But if the shoe fits? You lace that bitch up and wear it.
You scoff and step closer to her face, “Cesar grew up in this life, wake the fuck up, Monse! It looks like a duck, it quacks like a duck, it’s a fucking duck! Think this lil duckling was gonna join the rabbit family and live a peaceful life? That is how the world revolves, that is how people like us survive. Whether you like it or not. Yes, it is messed up. And I can promise you, Oscar never wanted this life to begin with, not for him and definitely not for his brother, whom he raised. Was it a perfect life? No. But it was and still is enough.
“So I swear to God, if you can’t say anything nice please shut the fuck up. Don’t say shit. Because if you wanna point out flaws, let’s all do it, hm? Gather around family and friends, “ You look around and say, “We’re gonna play the What’s wrong with Monse game I’ll start, she’s toxic as fuck! She loves to play the victim, she’s dating a freshly jumped in Santo, which she claims are wannabe gangsters!”
Everyone’s attention is on you now, Oscar is trying his best not to laugh at the situation but when you get argumentative, it’s a damn good time. You have valid points and Monse knows it. The people with the most problems never like to admit them. She has a look of embarrassment plastered on her face.
“Y/N...” Cesar speaks up, also with a look of embarrassment on his face. He scratches the back of his head as he looks around and spots his brother in the distant. Oscar raises his water bottle in the air as a notion of, Salud. 
You cross your arms and wait for him to say something but he only looks down at his feet and rocks on his heels. Monse’s mouth agape at his lack of input, “What’s wrong? You upset he’s not defending you? That’s how complicit ones are, sweetheart. They see the problem and let it go on so long as it’s not personally affecting them. Which means you probably just a piece of culo. And also means he’s a little puto for not defending his brother. A little bitch! Both of you!”
“Hey, hey mamas. Calmate, com’n. Let’s go get some food, hm?” Oscar appears and starts to pull you away as you spew out the last of your words. He can feel your skin is warm to the touch and it is not from the tanning either.
He is smiling like a fool once you two make your way to the stand, “Wow, my lady defends my name even when I’m not around.”
You shake your head and cross you arms, exhaling a much needed breath through your nose. Monse is collecting her things, angrily and storming out to the parking lot. A frantic Cesar following, you look back to Oscar and both laugh.
“Was I too harsh?” You ask him, he shakes his head in disagreement.
“Nah, bout time someone tells her off and you did just that. It’s hot, y’know? Calling them out for talking shit.” You look to him and whack your arm on his stomach, he wraps his arms around you and kisses the top of you head. “What else would my lil traviesa do for me?”
As you tip your head back to answer, Jasmine walks towards the two of you blasting music from her phone.
I don’t wanna spit, I wanna gulp
I wanna gag, I wanna choke
I want you to touch that lil dangly dang that swang in the back of my throat
You look to Oscar and wink at him, feeling the hardness in his swim trunks as you lick your lips. He clears his throat looking at Jasmine that means to leave. She snobs you two and walks off.
“Aye, you gotta walk in front me. He won’t let up.” You look between the two of you and see his boner. Laughing away, you let him trail very close behind you.
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rudysrings · 4 years
Twin Pogues of the OBX - 1
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A/N + Summary: SO I’m currently obsessed with the Outer Banks right now, and I had no idea that there was so much hype about it until I hit tumblr after watching the show. It kind of got me back into writing for a bit so I thought I would go ahead and publish something that’s been sitting in my drafts. It’s essentially a fanfic that goes through the entire show from the perspective of the reader, who is John B’s twin sister. Let me know if it piques anyone’s interest, because I don’t want to keep pushing out something that people hate lol. 
Warnings: Mentions of sex, cursing, slowburn
Word count: 3056
You didn’t want to admit it, but you were tired of listening to the waves. It made you sick to your stomach. It didn’t help that the Chateau was so close to the water that it was all you could hear at night. The waves crashing on the shore. The waves colliding with each other. The waves fighting to topple boats that made the mistake of trying to take on a storm too big for them. 
You listened for your father in every wave. You hoped you’d at least hear the ghost of your father.
Unlike John B, you had no hope that your father was alive. At first, you didn’t bother voicing that thought, but as time went on, and John B continued to have delusions, you started getting more and more vocal about your opinion. Your dad was dead. Period. 
And it was time that John B accepted that, too. 
The two of you may have been twins, but you were as different as two people could get. John B was, for the most part, quiet, reserved and mild. You, on the other hand, had a fuse shorter than the short end of the stick you had pulled. You were hot headed and often misjudged situations too quickly. John B was the calm before your storm. You preferred to call yourself passionate. You smoked, John B did not. You slept around with far too many tourons. John B did not. John B was a dense motherfucker. You could read the room the moment you walked in. The only thing that really bonded the two of you was your love for surfing, your love for the pogues and your love for your dad.
Now that one of those things had died, or simply “vanished,” as John B would say, all that was keeping your two member family together were the pogues and surfing.
The last few months had been hell, and all you wanted this summer, was to have a good time, all the time.
Speaking of which, you and the pogues had decided to break in the summer with a little rule-breaking. Kiara wanted to check out one of Gary’s new beach-house developments, which was being built right over a turtle habitat. You all shrugged at the suggestion and agreed. 
You threw a can of beer up, JJ catching it instantly, wrinkling his nose when he looked at the label. “This is the shit stuff, Y/N,” he complained. 
You rolled your eyes. “Next time I’ll boot-leg champagne for ya, sweetheart,” you drawled.
JJ winked. “That’s more like it.”
Rolling your eyes, you tossed two beers to Pope, which he promptly dropped and bent down to grab, dusting himself off, embarrassed.
You rolled your eyes, watching as he threw one to John B, who was far too drunk to hold onto it, dropping it on the deck of the house, causing it to burst. 
Before you could comment on Kie’s overly concerned “Please don’t kill yourself,” to John B, you heard voices yelling “Hey! What are you kids doing up there?!”
“Shit,” You said, looking for your hat.
“I second that shit,” said Pope nervously.
John B swiftly made his way down, grabbing Kie’s hand and leading them out, Pope on their heels. 
“Guys, have you seen my-”
Suddenly, you felt something slip over your head, and you smiled up at JJ, who patted the top of your head and pushed you down the stairs and out of the house, all five of you laughing as Gary and his men chased after you.
As John B jumped the fence, he held his hand out to help Kie over, doing the same for you once she made it. You rolled your eyes, slapping his hand away and smoothly making it over yourself.
Pope, as expected, fell over onto the ground as he jumped, JJ shoving him further jokingly. You glared at the boy, and he held his hands up as you helped Pope up, pulling him by the hand into a sprint.
JJ held his hand out of John B’s beat up old van, pulling your laughing body in. Pope closed the door as John B gunned it, but you opened it again, teasing Gary, who was struggling to catch up with you guys. 
You tossed him a beer, which he tried to catch, but failed as he stopped running, his hands on his knees.
JJ laughed as he too leaned out of the van, “They don’t pay you enough, bro!” He yelled to Gary.
Your hair blew in the wind, strands of it tickling JJ’s cheeks. 
He spat overdramatically, coughing, “Hey, uh, Y/N? You mind not choking me with your hair?”
You simply gave him a playful punch in the gut, taking a seat in between Kie’s knees, who was sitting on the bench behind John B.
Kie took your long, wild hair in her hands, taming it into a french braid. JJ watched with a goofy smile on his face, his conversation with Pope getting too boring.
John B drove down to the docks, where you guys took out the HMS Pogue for the rest of the day. You tried to slap the book out of Kie’s hands, holding a freshly rolled blunt out for her to share with you, but she glared at you, turning back to her reading. You noticed Pope doing the same thing.
JJ grabbed the blunt from your hands, lighting it. 
You leaned an elbow on his shoulder, tutting. “Didn’t realize we ran with a bunch of nerds…”
Before Kie and Pope could retort, John B turned around, releasing a pile of freshly caught fish onto the deck of the boat and you cheered. “Nice, John B. We eatin’ good, today.”
“Yeah we are. You’re cooking.”
“I’m what?” 
John B smiled smugly, “I did the catching, you do the cooking.”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, “Fine then I’ll also do more of the eating.”
“I never agreed to that,” John B argued.
You turned to him, “And that’s because you’re a greedy, cocksucking parasite and-”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. We’re here to have fun, you guys,” said Kie, her hands out to the two of you.
“Man, I’d really like to go one day without you guys at each other’s goddamn throats,” Pope groaned.
“Forget the fish, there’s a party tonight. First summer party. We gotta be there,” said JJ.
“Hell yeah, I’ll take a touron dick appointment over fish and chips any day,” you put your hands on your hips, looking at the rest of the pogues.
John B rolled his eyes at your blunt words, while Pope and Kie shrugged, agreeing.
Everyone looked to John B and he sighed before saying, “Yeah, I’m down.”
You all cheered, running over and piling on top of him, laughing.
The party was one of the best you had been to yet. While Kiara got on her soapbox about plastic and the boys were looking for girls to flirt with, you were on the hunt for someone who could make your night count.
As you waited in line at the keg to fill up your cup, the guy behind you spoke up. “You look too good to be hanging around the cut.” He flirted.
Your blood boiled as you turned around to get in this guy’s face. You stopped short once you saw what a nice face it was. You weren’t shallow, just… horny. “Am I now?” You smiled slightly.
He nodded, “Oh yes, too good for North Carolina even. The likes of you belong in Hollywood, babe.”
He had neatly trimmed blonde hair and striking blue eyes. Guess you had a type, after all, you thought fleetingly. 
“Wow, can I get a name, kind stranger?” You flashed your teeth.
“It’s Asher ma’am, and you are?”
You shrugged, handing your cup to the guy near the keg, who handed it back within a second, full. You put your hand on Asher’s cheek, tapping it as one would a small child, “Oh, sweetheart, you gotta earn that.”
Asher’s eyebrows rose, walking with you down the beach. “How might I go about that?” He asked, suggestively.
You smirked. “It’s not how, honey, it’s where.”
And that was all you needed to let this guy rock your world that night.
You woke up alone the next morning in the hammock outside the Chateau, having crashed there after the party. Groaning, you rolled over until you fell on the ground, struggling to pick yourself up. John B appeared out of nowhere, helping you up.
He handed you some water, which you downed immediately, his hand on your back.
“You alright, kid?” He asked. You nodded, “Yeah, I just need a shower like yesterday,” You moaned. 
John B nodded, slapping your shoulder. “Next time don’t drink so much, eh?”
You rolled your eyes, flipping him off as you walked inside. You were heading to the bathroom when you passed John B’s bedroom. You noticed JJ, half-naked and leaning over some blonde on your brother’s bed, his forehead practically touching hers. He noticed you instantly. Some emotion flashed across his face before he glared. “Dude, come on. Get outta here,” he said and you smirked.
“Get some, JJ,” you encouraged, barely dodging the pillow he hurled at you as you shut the door.
As you walked into the bathroom, you couldn’t understand why your stomach lurched when you thought about what JJ was probably doing with that blonde in John B’s bed. You shrugged, it was probably just the alcohol.
That afternoon, you and John B had an appointment with social services, who basically confirmed that you two would be put in foster care after they confirmed that your uncle wasn’t home to look after you two tomorrow.
As John B expected, you didn’t take it well. To your credit, you kept it together in the social worker’s office, but you practically had a meltdown the moment you stepped foot outside.
“How can they just fucking take us away! What did we even do wrong? It’s not our fucking fault Uncle T decided to split! Can’t they see that we’re better off on our goddamn own, John B?!” 
John B shrugged. “Not much we can do, Y/N. It’s the law.” 
At that, your breaths came even faster, “But it’s not fair, John B! What if-What if they split us up?” You were almost hyperventilating now, pulling your own hair.
John B furrowed his eyebrows, pulling you into a hug. “They’re not going to do that. I’m not going to let that happen, Y/N, you hear me?”
You pushed him away from you, “We’ll see, John B.”
The two of you caught a break. Hurricane Agatha came in the same day DCS was supposed to do your assessment. Your mind immediately went to the sick waves that would be forming. You tugged on John B’s shirt, pulling him away from the TV, “Call DCS and call them to reschedule. And then grab your surfboard.” Your grin stretched across your whole face, your eyes probably wild.
John B looked confused, then concerned. “You can’t be serious. There’s a hurricane?”
“Dead serious.” You crossed your arms. “Like you can resist these waves.”
John B shrugged. “Yeah, I’m in.”
The two of you ran out to the ocean, the dark clouds and harsh winds not fazing you, Pope having bailed on you guys, claiming that these weren’t surfable waves. 
As you surfed the waves, constantly getting wiped out due to their sheer size and speed, you couldn’t help the thought: Did a wave like this kill Dad?
John B tried to surf a few waves, but he lacked not only your skill, but also your tenacity. He gave up and simply watched you from his seat on his board. 
When you noticed a clearly fancy boat being tossed around in the waves, you pointed it out to John B, who squinted, trying to make it out. He agreed that it was strange. Who would go out in a storm like this?
The next morning, after surveying the damage that Agatha had caused, John B suggested that you guys go fishing, given the likeliness that there would be a whole lot of fish to catch in the marsh today.
Happy to put off cleaning up for a day and high on the fact that DCS wouldn’t be able to catch a ferry down here for at least a couple of days, you agreed. 
After practically kidnapping Pope from his dad and picking up Kiara, the five of you drove down to the marsh, Pope steering. 
Giggling, you pulled JJ by the hand up to the bow of the HMS Pogue and handed him one of the beers that Kiara had brought. He smirked and held it up along with you as he shouted for Pope to go faster. Pope groaned. “We’ve tried this like six thousand times.”
You shook your head. “I’ve got this. It’s gonna work.”
And it did. Kind of. You and JJ were downing your beers, Kiara complaining that it was getting in your hair. You looked over at JJ from your peripheral and smiled slightly at his silly face, mouth open like a fish as he attempted to get all of the beer that was being hurled out of the bottle.
Until the boat lurched to a sudden stop, catapulting you and JJ into the air. You felt your entire body flip as you fell into the water with a loud crash, water surrounding your ears. You broke the surface immediately, blinking against the sunlight. “Fuuuck,” you groaned.
You felt JJ reach you, wrapping an arm around your waist. “You good?” You nodded at him, resting your hands on his shoulders as you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding.
John B called out, “You good, Y/N? JJ?”
“I think my heels touched the back of my head,” JJ groaned.
You swam back to the boat, JJ right behind you. “Pope, what did you do?” You asked.
Pope looked as confused as the rest of you guys. “Sandbar. Channel changed.”
As you made it onto the boat, JJ pulled himself up, too, saying, “No shit.”
As your clothes were soaked, you slid your shorts and t-shirt off, leaving you in your teal halter bikini. 
You didn’t miss how JJ’s eyes dragged up your figure, his ears turning pink when he reached your eyes and realized you noticed. 
Biting your lip to keep from laughing, you turned to Pope, who had his eyes on something in the water.
“Guys...I think there’s a boat down there,” He said.
John B scoffed, “Shut up.”
Kie smiled, “No way.”
But Pope didn’t let up, “No, no, guys. I’m serious. There’s a boat down there.”
You all leaned over the side of the boat and sure enough, there was a large shadow, vague, but obviously in the shape of the hull of a boat.
“Holy shit. He’s right; let’s go!” You said, jumping into the water. 
As you swam towards the shadow, you heard Pope muse, “You think there’s a dead body down there?”
You couldn’t stop your subconscious from immediately thinking Dad.
You almost threw up at the thought of stumbling across your own father’s drowned corpse.
But you knew that if that was the case, you would handle it far better than John B. You swam faster, trying to get down there before him.
The five of you made your way to the boat, your eyebrows raising against the water as you saw what kind of boat it was. This was a rich guy’s boat for sure. You recognized it as the boat from yesterday. You all took a peek inside, but couldn’t make out a body. You sighed aloud, bubbles releasing in the water. 
As you guys resurfaced, you all laughed. 
“That’s a Grady-White,” JJ laughed in shock, “A new one of those is like 500 Gs, easy.”
You guys climbed back into the boat. John B gave you a look. “That’s the boat we saw when we surfed the surge. Maybe it hit the jetty or something.”
Kie looked confused. “You surfed the surge.”
You smirked. “Well… I surfed the surge. John B mostly just watched.” Your brother rolled his eyes but he didn’t correct you.
JJ was getting on the boat when he heard you say that and his entire face lit up. “Yeah, that’s my girl, pogue style,” he said, giving you a high-five. 
You grinned back, your stomach involuntarily tumbling at the words my girl.
“Fuck,” you whispered to yourself. Kie noticed, shooting you a look.
You blushed, looking away.
Pope asked, “Wait, wait, do we know who’s boat that is?”
John B opened the hatch on the deck of the boat, looking for the anchor inside. “No. but we’re about to find out.”
JJ shook his head, “Dude, it’s too deep.”
“Only for the weak and feeble, JJ,” John B said.
“Well, I’m not resuscitating you. I’m just making that clear up front.”
You worried that there could still be a body down there. Your father’s body. John B couldn’t see that. Plus, something about the thought of diving felt like a challenge. You took the anchor from John B’s hands. “I’ll go,” You said.
“What the fuck, no Y/N,” said John B.
JJ grabbed your upper arm, “Yeah, not a good idea,” he said.
You shook him off lightly. “I’m doing it,” you insisted.
JJ shrugged. “Well, I wouldn’t mind resuscitating you,” he joked.
You rolled your eyes, “You wouldn’t even know how.”
JJ smirked, “Yeah, but I have experience with-”
Pope interjected as you walked to the edge. “Diver down, fool,” he shook his head in slight disappointment. But then again, when was Pope not disappointed in you?”
JJ came over to you. Looking you hard in the eyes, he gave you a questioning look. You steeled your eyes. “I’m ready.”
He smirked, “You better be.” He gave you a shove on your shoulders, pushing you backwards off the bow of the boat and you could hardly hear him say “Diver down,” and John B say, “The fu-” before the water hit you, swallowing you whole as you quickly sunk with the weight of the anchor.
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must have been the wind (five x reader)
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A/N : this is HEAVILY inspired by alec benjamin’s song lol if u havent listened to it i suggest u do its so good also five is aged up, 18 as always unless otherwise specified !! hope u enjoy loves<3
Five often roamed the halls of the Umbrella Academy mansion. Probably to remind himself that it wasn’t going to collapse anymore, after him and his siblings managed to stop the apocalypse. It was still so surreal to him, and he really didn’t have much of a clue of what to do with his life, so, he just moped around the various, decked out corridors, unsure of what his purpose was. Mostly, he spent his time in the kitchen or at Griddy’s, either drinking coffee or alcohol. Not so much alcohol anymore; after you shared your dismay with him he -mostly- cut it all out. And, of course, Five spent a fair amount of time with you. He had taken a special liking to you after his brothers, Klaus and Diego, had found you trying to run away from someone in your past. They had brought you here to look after you and keep you safe. This obviously led to you being very close with the two men, and evidently, the rest of the Hargreeves as well. They acted as if they were your big siblings, which you were incredibly appreciative of, as you had never really had a strong bond with your own family. 
Your bond with Five, however, was different. You liked him, and he liked you. Various flirty comments had been made between the two of you, but neither of you ever admitted you liked each other. In fact, you both acted as if you had absolutely zero interest in ever being with each other, but everyone knew that wasn’t true. You had taught him how to make coffee just how he liked it, after he begged you six times a day to brew him some more. You liked to think it was just so he could hang out with you, but you knew that black coffee was his one true love. It wasn’t terribly unlikely though, Five did everything he could to hang out with you.
It was a particularly stormy Monday, and it wasn’t unusual that you and Five were the only two in the house. Luther had accompanied Allison on her shopping trip. Diego was probably trying to fight crime again. Vanya was at violin rehearsal, and nobody ever knew where Klaus was unless he was present in the house. Five was messing with the things on the table in the lobby before he heard a glass smash in one of the bedrooms above him. His brows furrowed in concern and curiousness. He quietly made his way up the stairs, meanwhile hearing gentle sobs coming from your bedroom.
You quickly wiped your face, and turned around to face the open door, with Five stood in the space.
“Y/N? I heard some noises when I was downstairs, I was just wondering if you’re okay?” As you smiled, Five studied your face, noticing how puffy your eyes were, and how red your face was, frowning.
“I think your ears are playing tricks on you. Thanks for caring, Five, it’s really nice of you. I wish I could tell you about the noise, but I.. I didn’t hear a thing. It must have been the wind.” Five didn’t believe a word of what you said, and frowned, eyebrows knitted together in an attempt to figure you out. “Sorry, Five, but I would really like to be on my own right now.” You smiled apologetically before closing your door, leaving him stood outside it, taken aback. Suddenly, a blue flash appeared and Five was stood back in your bedroom.
“Are you kidding me? I just told you I wanted to be alone.”
“I’m trying to figure out what’s wrong.”
“What’s your problem, Five?”
“Why won’t you tell me?”
“Because I want to be alone, like I said!” You knew his intentions were good, but it made you upset that he didn’t respect your wishes first time around. He opened his mouth to speak as you pushed him out of your bedroom and closed the door once again. He sighed, and decided he wouldn’t try again, even though he couldn’t bear the thought of leaving you so upset, on your own.
A few moments later you heard the front door open and close, looking out of your window to see him leaving, presumably to get himself a coffee. Even though you had taught him months ago, he still insisted that you make it, because ‘yours just tastes better’. 
It wasn’t long before Five found himself inside the doughnut shop, wanting a black coffee, as always. He was surprised to see his brother, Number Four, already sat at the counter.
“Hey, hey. Ben’s sat there.” Five sighed and took the seat the other side of Klaus and put his head in his hands. “What’s up, brother?”
“Y/N’s upset, and I don’t know why. And I don’t know how to help. And she won’t let me talk to her because she wants to be alone,”
“You gotta respect that she wants some alone time. Try talking to her later.”
“But she’s partly upset with me. I made her mad earlier and I just-” Five sighed, trying to find the right words. “It makes my heart ache to know that she’s upset. It’s like the worst pain I’ve ever felt. And I don’t know how to make her feel better.”
“Just buy her flowers or.. Or a doughnut or something, I don’t know. Just do something that she’ll like.”
“But how am I supposed to-”  As Klaus looked to the side, he saw a quick blue flash and noticed his brother was no longer sat beside him.
“Thanks, Klaus. No problem, Five!” He sighed and looked at Ben. “I don’t get enough credit form you people.”
A few hours and a hundred tears later, you heard gentle knocking on the wooden door. You mumbled a ‘Come in’ and opened your eyes to see Five stood by your bed, which you were curled up in, holding a cup in one hand and a bag in the other. He noticed your eyes hadn’t gotten any less puffy, and suspected that you had continued crying after he had left your room.
“What do you want, Five?”
“I brought you doughnuts. And some hot cocoa, with marshmallows. I tried to make it how you like it, but you’re always better at that sort of stuff.” He grinned sheepishly as he put them down on your bedside table, and you felt the bed dip as he took a seat beside you. You sat up to face him, frowning.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“I also bought a few movies I know you really like. I thought we could watch them.”
“We? You don’t like any of the movies I like.”
“I know but.. I thought you might want some company. And I want to apologize for, you know, earlier. I overstepped and I shouldn’t have, and I’m sorry.” As you looked at him, you noticed a shy smile on his face, that brought out his dimple. You smiled, pulling him into a hug. He wrapped his arms around gently, letting out a sigh of relief.
“Thank you, Five.” You placed a gentle kiss to cheek, causing both you and him to gain red cheeks. Five pressed his lips to yours almost immediately, unable to hold his feelings for you any longer. Your mouths moved with each other rhythmically, and as you smiled against his lips, his hand reached up to cup your cheek. The kiss lasted a few minutes before the two of you pulled away from each other, your forehead leaning against his.
“Put the damn movie on.” Smiling, you pushed him away, making room for him on your bed while he started the movie up. He sat beside you, his arm gently rested on your shoulders. You hugged around his waist, listening to his heartbeat. Kissing your forehead, he moved the hair out of your face.
“A pretty girl like you shouldn’t be crying so much. I won’t ask what’s wrong, but I’m always here for you, Y/N. You can tell me anything. Nothing could ever make me think any less of you.” Once again, your lips collided, moving with each other in sync, huffing when he pulled away from you, earning a quiet chuckle from his parted lips.
“Five?” He hummed in response. “What are we?” Your eyes met his as his brows furrowed.
“I don’t know.” You sighed, hoping for a better answer, before he opened his mouth once again. “I like you.”
“I like you too.”
“Be my girlfriend.”
“Okay.” Snuggling more into him, you felt him plant a kiss to your temple and you grinned. 
“Hey! Guys, you gotta see this! Five and Y/N are spooning!” Klaus shouted to the rest of the house, stood in the doorway of your door.
“Klaus, what are you doing?” Five rubbed his eyes, propping himself up on his elbow, feeling you stir in his sleep beside him. Other footsteps could be heard coming down the corridor as the other siblings piled into the doorway.
“Little Number Five and Y/N.. Who would’ve thought?” Klaus placed his hands on his heart, grinning at you and the boy.
“Um.. Everybody?” Allison giggled as the others in the doorway laughed. Five shushed his siblings, gesturing to you. “Okay, okay. Let’s leave them alone.” Very quickly, the doorway became empty, and the door became closed again, and Five lay back down, facing you, smiling at how adorable you looked.
“Mm.. Five, what are you doing?” Your heavy eyelids pulled themselves open to look at your boyfriend, watching him smile at you.
“You’re just beautiful.”
“Shut up.”
“Make me.” The ends of his lips turned up into a smirk and he kissed you quickly, before pulling away and grinning cheekily. “Make me a coffee?”
my masterlist
A/N : hiihi thanks 4 reading ! i actually rly like this and im proud of it so i hope u guys like it too and i hope u all have a lovely day<3
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sortaotaku · 4 years
Happy New Years! 🎉
Ikevam New Year’s Set Stories
2021 Super Awesome Set
I wanted to share because I understand the paywall is probably too much for a lot of people. It’s a pretty informal overview of the stories though~
Boys Talk - Team Abnormal 
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Shakespeare, Le Comte, Jean
Setting: Thermae
Le Comte asks why Shakespeare is looking gloomier than normal. Shakespeare says he feels a bit weird about a sarcastic comment Arthur made about the three of them (Shakespeare, Le Comte, Jean) being abnormal.
Le Comte: I guess he means we’re deviants. Idk where he got that from. 
He comments that Shakespeare likes to tease people and wonders what to do with him.
Jean: You two are most definitely deviants
Them: Wha? 
Le Comte calls his comment unnecessarily cruel. Shakespeare defends himself and says unlike Le Comte he’s a gentleman
Le Comte is like LOL I feel like you added an insult in there
Jean: It’s best you hear the truth bc you’re in denial. You’ve been buying <your name here/MC> dresses a lot. Are you sure it’s not just bc you like dressing her up?
Le Comte: What else am I supposed to do? She looks ravishing in everything. I’m not doing anything except sitting and watching in the dressing room.
Shakespeare: A grown man enjoying dressing up a girl like a doll sounds pretty deviant to me
Jean: Yep. He’s the most deviant one.
Le Comte: Judging from the content of your plays I think you’re worse than me.
Shakespeare: My writing isn’t necessarily representative of my desires
Jean comments about how Shakespeare has been inviting MC over to his villa a lot.
Le Comte comments that he quite likes Jeans fixation on MC and Jean tells him to shuddup.
Shakespeare also says he isn’t doing anything weird. He says he blindfolded and cuffed her for research purposes.
Jean: Hold on, I’ll come back with my sword.
Le Comte: Don’t run around the mansion naked and angry. Return to the water now.
Shakespeare states that Jean is upset by trivial matters. Basically “tough luck, that’s life”
Le Comte: Yeah, be more open-minded
Jean: I must destroy the world then
Shakespeare asks if he had any weird encounters and Le Comte says he’s basically been a recluse 
Jean admits to giving MC a boost on his shoulders, but... He was shocked because her thighs were pressed against his cheeks and they were soft. 
Shakespeare: How are you insult us when you had her pressing her thighs against your face? You’re the worst deviant one.
Le Comte is basically like LOL and Jean is kinda baffled.
Boys Talk - Battle Against Desires
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Theo, Napoleon, Mozart
Setting: Thermae
Mozart calls the two of them sighing in sync annoying
They do it again and state they’re tired
Mozart comments that this is rare considering how adept they are at dealing with the more eccentric residents 
They’re both like “That’s it!”
Napoleon is like that’s what everyone says. Everyone thinks I’m sensible
Theo: Yeah, I thought common sense is something everyone should have. We just look overly sensible because everyone lacks it.
Napoleon is like how about we just toss that (sense) out, I’m sick of it. 
Theo: Yeah, I’m going to do whatever I want
Mozart: Hold on, if you do that you’ll lose sight of yourselves.
Mozart (Internally): They say it’s the most dangerous when people go off the rails. These two keep order. I must stop them.
Mozart adds that everyone didn’t start out selfish. He asks if they’re sure if something else isn’t making them this way.
Napoleon says its a problem that MC sees them as so sensible.
Mozart is like: 🤨 Why?
Napoleon says that everything is wrong. She lies around in the common area asleep and apparently sleep undresses. (Half way, that is)
Mozart: Yea sounds about right... Wait what? Don’t tell me you...
Napoleon: Obviously I buttoned her up and tucker her in so she wouldn’t catch a cold.
Mozart: Are you her mom?
Theo: I get that! I would do that too.
Napoleon: Theo~ 🥰
Mozart: Can you guys not hug in the bath? Anyways what about Theo?
Theo: I went in for a bath and MC was in there stark naked bc she mixed up the time.
Mozart: Yea, she’s ditzy sometimes. Don’t tell me you...
Theo: Obviously I simultaneously tossed her my own towel and quickly turned around.
Mozart: Are you her dad? 
Napoleon: I get that! I would do that too.
Napoleon~ ❤️❤️❤️
Mozart: Stahp hugging in the bath... So you’re saying you don’t feel free to express your desires bc you’re seen as too sensible?
Them: Yea
Mozart: That’s easy to fix. Just act on your desires. It’s important to be true to your feelings. I just do what I want.
Napoleon: Easier said than done. Women find it even more frightening when a “safe” man comes onto them more than normal men. They feel violation AND disappointment because of the breaking of expectations.
Theo: And you’ll lose trust that you cannot recover.
Mozart: That sounds oddly convincing from you two.
They sigh heavily again. Mozart smiles a bit and comments that he must warn MC to be careful from now on and encourages them to cheer up.
Boys Talk - Imagination Station
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Dazai, Arthur, Isaac
Setting: Thermae
Dazai talks about how great a bath after a good drink is. Arthur agrees and asks Isaac what he thinks. (Note: Don’t go into a huge hot bath while drunk)
Isaac: STAHP TOUCHING ME YOU TWO! Why did you guys insist we bathe together?
Dazai: It’s a good way to get to know each other.
Arthur: Yep, we know each other well but there are no limits on luvbbb ❤️
Isaac: If this is your love I have some doubts...
Arthur + Dazai: Lalalala~~~ 🎶
Arthur: Isn’t it funny how alcohol loosens inhibitions? I’d love to get naughty with MC
Isaac: Don’t you dare touch her!
Dazai: I find it questionable too.
Isaac: Dazai?
Dazai: Women get uncomfortable with sudden moves. You haveta do “that” 
Isaac: huh?
Them: I-mAg-I-nA-tIoN!
Isaac: 🤨huh???
Arthur: Lemme explain. We’re writers. We think up scenarios for a living.
Isaac: ?
Arthur: GOSH. We can do anything we want. In our minds. In vivid detail.
Dazai: Ai-kun is confused still, we must invite him into our minds
Arthur: Good idea! Naughty story time!
Isaac: Hold on—
Arthur and Dazai cook up an Isaac x MC smut headcanon in which Dazai still calls her “Toshiko”
Isaac didn’t even notice at first and commented that it makes sense Mc was drowsy because she’s a hard worker. He gets embarrassed when he figures out and the other two are like LOLLL 😂😂😂, we love your reactions!
Isaac: You’re saying you spend your days thinking about lewd stories of MC?
Them: No.
Arthur: We could imagine but the real thing is a whole different thing.
Dazai: The real thing trumps fantasy.
Isaac: So you were trolling me?
Them: Yes.
Isaac: You’re the worst!
Them: Rofl
Boys Talk - A Steamy Nighttime
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Leonardo, Vincent, Sebastian
Setting: Thermae
Leonardo: A bath sure is nice!
The other two: ...
Leonardo: Why so quiet?
Vincent: I don’t think MC registers me and Sebastian as men. (Correct. You are indeed an angel and not a mortal man)
Leonardo: Why?
Vincent recalls how he was sunbathing with MC and she commented how he was comforting like a little brother
Leonardo: Pride must’ve been hurt by that. Sebas?
Sebastian: Similar. She said I was like her dad.
Leonardo: Dad-zoned, huh (*This isn’t my own abridging of the story, he actually said that) It’s not as bad as you think. Its proof MC is comfortable, that’s important.
Vincent and Sebastian says that : They want to be seen and treated as reliable men
Leonardo (internally): I’m pretty sure she sees them as men though. If I’m too serious about this, they’ll try too hard. The best thing is to make them laugh
Leonardo: You must get comfortable around women. If you get too self conscious things get weird right?
Sebastian: I see. How?
Leonardo: Prof Leonardo shall teach you. This is classified so don’t share
Them: We Promise.
Leonardo: Did you know a women’s breast is as soft as the inside of their arms. Start there with the inner arm
Vincent: Brilliant. What do we say after
Sebastian: Practice on me master Vincent
Vincent: Your arm is hard
Sebastian: I’m actually swole. (He says quite muscular)
Leonardo: You weren’t supposed to take this seriously
Vincent: Will you give more tips? I wanna get closer to MC
Sebastian: Please teach us professor Leonardo
Leonardo (internally): I didn’t expect this... They’re so pure. I can’t let them down.
Leonardo: When someone licks their lips it means they want you to kiss them, so watch out.
Vincent: You’re a genius! Arthur does that all the time! But I won’t do that since it will startle MC if I suddenly kiss her.
Sebastian: Start with the forehead/cheek
Vincent: Anything else?
Leonardo: Playing with hair = Wants affection
Sebastian: Isaac does that a lot, but he DOES crave affection. I gotta watch out for that.
Leonardo: Listen. I didn’t expect this...
Them: Teach us more!
Leonardo: 😓 
Sorry it’s late. Distracted my Animal Crossing. You can find 2020’s set in my previous post or under the “2020 New Years Set” tag.
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Undertow pt 2
(Artwork by @warrior-kitty special thanks to @gemellath
(This story is rated PG-13 for content. You have been warned)
Kit drove to Coin’s house that morning and picked up the jackelope chugging a bottle of water.
“Man, it’s hot!” he shouted.
“Hop in!” she told him. “Today is going to be crowded and you know it.”
Both of them knew that the beach would be crowded that day, but Kit was running late after not being able to find important things such as the umbrella, chairs, and sunscreen. Now that it was already late morning, they knew it was going to be hell to find just one parking spot but were unprepared for a bigger problem on their hands.
“Hey Kit” Coin said nervously. “Umm…I need to use the bathroom…”
“Hold on we’ll get a spo-“
Kit was cut off when she saw that the line for beach parking was a mile away from the beach.
“Oh no…Try to hold it in.”
However, they reached a parking lot and saw it was completely full.
“Alright then, let’s go to the other one…” Kit sheepishly stated.
“Man I gotta go like…badly…”
However, each and every lot was stuffed to the brim, and with each passing moment, Coin’s bladder was getting fuller and fuller until Coin was in excruciating pain with no end in sight with the traffic getting larger and slower. After the tenth parking lot, Coin was screaming and ran out of car.
“Go in the palm bushes!” Screamed Kit, panicking.
“There are families everywhere!” the jackelope barked back. However, a sign pointed to the beach bar they usually went to, prompting Coin to speed walk across the costal parkway with the honking cars blaring their horns. He tried to walk faster but was moaning in such pain he couldn’t even run without feeling the sharp pain on his bladder.
Roxie, meanwhile, was eating a bag of chips during her “bathroom break”. She had just dealt with cleaning up after a horrible rescue when she heard someone enter the men’s room in a rush. After a while the person did his business, washed his hands then sneezed.
“Crap! Forgot there’s pollen everywhere!”
The dispenser was out of paper towels, so he tried to enter the stall. Roxie in shock dropped the chips onto the ground.
“Oh, come on! Who eats chips in the bathroom?! And why in the men’s room of all places?”
“No one expects me to be here.”
“Hey wait a minute! GET OUT HERE!”
Roxie feared it was her boss, so she stepped outside, only to see her bandmate.
“I got hungry.”
“Its 11:30 you can wait. Plus, tomorrow is your day off to celebrate so don’t blow it.”
Coin guided Roxie back to the lifeguard chair where Harry was sitting.
“Oh thank God. It was much shorter…” he happily sighed.
“Hi Harry! How’s work today?”
“For me it’s fine. Roxie however just had a shitty rescue, which is why she was allowed on a break…”
Coin was puzzled. “What happened?”
Roxie closed her eyes.
“Another man was attacked by some octopi thingies and nearly drowned because they tried to force this seaweed into his mouth underwater. He projectile vomited all over me, so my boss made me take a shower…with a hose…on jet setting…”
“We’ve been seeing a string of these lately and the Dolphin Division of the police department is on strong patrol right now, so try to stay safe.”
Coin set his towel and chair down, texting Kit to meet him by the bar. After a long half hour, Kit finally showed up.
“Hey Coin!” Kit said from nearby “I found a spot by paying this guy money!”
“That’s great!” Coin shouted as he went over. “Want me to help you set up?”
After taking another half hour of bickering and arguing the umbrella was properly set up. They had put on sunscreen, and laid down their beach towels, so now both of them were basking on the beach immersed in their sunny naps. Nearby a small disturbance in the sand was kicking it all up and creating a path. It scurried under Coin’s stomach, shaking him awake by the disturbance. He looked around but couldn’t see a thing.
“Hey Kit…”
“You feel that?”
“No. Probably a crab.”
However, Kit felt something try to jump up from under her back. She lifted her towel to see nothing was oddly there.
Behind the cooler a certain little mouse in a red prison outfit popped out of the sand. Rio climbed into the cooler and grabbed some ice cubes with a devious smirk on her face. She walked over to Coin, opened up his trunks, dumped the ice down, and watched him freak out.
“Whats going on here?” an annoyed Kit said to Coin.
Soon she also felt something pull on her suit, and ice was poured down her back. Bystanders looked to see who in the world were these two dancing clowns.
“Who did this?” Coin demanded.
“You thought it was ice, but it WAS ME! RIO!” Rio shouted jumping onto her perch.
“RIO?!” Coin shouted. “You busted out of prison?!”
“You’re not going to report me, are you?”
“No” Kit said, a bit disappointed in her. “But you’ll need to get out of that prisoner outfit. Hide in our bag and stay in there until we get back.”
“Hey guys!” D’Arcy greeted. “What can I get you two?”
“Hello D’Arcy!” Coin replied. “You are doing okay?”
“Other than going through the trauma of that e-mail sent to me…I guess I’m fine.”
“We’d like mouse-sizes for a t-shirt, shorts and swimsuit for Rio please.” Kit ordered.
“Didn’t she get arrested?” D’Arcy asked confused.
“Yea but it’s a gift for her anyway.”
“Oh ok.”
They paid and collected their bag of tiny clothing, with the jersey devil looking nervously at another clothing stand.
“Why does she keep vanishing...?”
“Who?” Coin questioned.
“Jill...” D’Arcy murmured. “She was a classmate at fashion school. Typical brainless spoiled brat if you ask me. She’s a sea serpent who almost got me expelled many times and always got away with it. She works the stand over there.”
“Is she someone we should worry about?” Coin said. “Maybe she sent the threat.
“Probably not, but she’s been going back and forth quite a lot through that pop-up store… anyways, I’ll see you two later, we’re holding up the line a bit…”
Now Linneaus was complete again and relaxing on the shore, sunbathing and enjoying the environment. However, that was all about to change, when Coin and Rio heard lovely sounding voices and giggling. They shook themselves up to see an elk jackelope wearing a mustard bikini standing above them.
“Hey there…” the jackelope girl said. “My name is Penny…”
Coin was so transfixed on her body, especially her blue eyes, that his eyes turned to hearts and with his antlers turning pink as well.
“Man, what a woman…” he said to himself. “I’m…Coin…”
“LOL SO COOL! And who is your mousy friend?” Penny teased. “I have one too~…”
Crawling from up her back, a fit and strong harvest mouse in purple trunks climbed up the antlers.
“You summoned dearest Rhine?!” he declared.
Rio was immediately smitten with feelings for him and his beautiful build with her face turning a bright shade of pink.
“Rio here!” she said. “It’s…a pleasure…”
Kit looked over and wondered why they were so instantly crushed. She brushed it off and turned on her music before taking a nap.
“We were wondering if you two would like to play volley ball with us…” Penny declared. “Mice vs Jackelopes?”
“Hell Yeah!” Rhine shouted.
“Good…good…” a voice whispered from under the sea. “Bring them to me my creations…”
Meanwhile Kit felt her stomach rumble. Not paying attention to her friends, she opened the cooler and obtained her calzone. She heated it up using the sunlight and decided to sunbathe while she ate her lunch.
Her friends could barely contain themselves playing volleyball with the shady but sexy duo. Harry could only watch in sadness towards Coin as he and Rio couldn’t even play the game properly they were so unfocused.
“Hey Harold.” Roxie blurted. “Why are you staring so hard at Coin? He’s in love…”
“It’s just that it seems hopeless…He and his mouse friend just won’t look away from them.”
“Oh?! Like I didn’t catch you thirsty for D’Arcy’s ass again today!” Roxie exclaimed.
“She doesn’t tease me!” Harry yelled. “I go crazy for D’Arcy because I actually fucking like her no matter what!”
“Glad to hear you admit it…
“But look at Coin and that broad he’s with!” he pointed. He watched Penny shake her tail at Coin, then saw Rhine flex for Rio, both of them absolutely paralyzed by their feeling “They’re baiting them with looks! First off, I’ve been with women that do this, and second, it’s our job to stop what could be potential sirens! With the attacks going on I can’t risk losing anyone!”
“You really think that those two are sirens?!” Roxie said. “Lookie here, just because you can’t have a girlfriend or boyfriend doesn’t mean you have to tear others down…”
Harry wondered if Roxie was right, and both took their positions without saying another word.
Rio hit the ball and got spiked by Penny in the face, knocking her down.
“Winner!” she yelled, hugging a shocked Coin, surprised he won but also scared for Rio.
“Shouldn’t we check on-?”
“I think she’s fine…Rhine is looking after her!”
<<Oh, mon petite fleur!>> Rhine ran over. “Are you alright?”
“Yeah…I’m good.”
“See she’s fine!” Penny said.
“You know…I like you…”
Coin blushed. “Same here.”
“You and I will be boyfriend and girlfriend forever…”
They both pulled closer together until they shared a kiss, but suddenly Coin’s mouth was stuck to her’s, and seaweed was pouring into his mouth.
Rio, seeing Coin struggling, kicked Rhine, revealing himself to be a siren along with Penny. The siren kissing Coin let go and wrapped its tentacles around him. Rio ran towards the beach patrol screaming. Roxie sounded the alarm to get everyone away from the area as Harry ran over and tried to wrestle Coin free, only for the siren to toss him into a sandcastle as the beachgoers quickly ran out of the way. The dolphin P.D quickly swam close to the shore in order to wall the sirens off. The one pretending to be Rhine was caught trying to escape.
“This is lovely…” Kit said, eating her calzone, unaware of the chaos around her.
D’Arcy was just taking a photo with a fan when it happened. She swooped over until she found Roxie and Harry.
“What’s going on?!” she screamed.
“Coin’s being taken by a siren!” Harry screamed.
D’Arcy saw it swimming and trying to bring the struggling jackelope deep into the ocean. She flew over, kicking the temptress with her hooves.
The siren responded with using Coin as a weapon, trying to jab his antlers into her skin, but failed since she was impervious to pain.
“Sorry Coin!” she said before stomping his face.
“You aight…”
Now the dragon goat’s eyes gleamed red with rage, inflicting a curse on the siren. She summoned up her fire breath and torched the creature. Now distracted, D’Arcy dove in and tried to pull her friend to safety, but she wasn’t expecting the creature to splash water, blinding her. The siren threw Coin over the line of dolphins, who breached in an attempt to catch him. However, a serpent circled up from under them and caught the rabbit deer.
“Hey D’Arcy!” Jill screamed. “Remember me?!”
“Unhand him! NOW!”
“Love to talk D’Arcy, but I gotta work!”
The police dove down to catch the serpent but were unprepared for the brigade of sea creatures blocking them and sacrificing arrest. They could only watch as the poor jackelope was taken away.
“We want all fishing boats on alert!” the dolphin captain said. “Scuba divers, scientists, anyone! Suspect is a sea serpent with blue hair, nose ring, Che Guevara shirt…”
After the commotion had died down, Kit was still sleeping with sauce stains on her suit and fur, with the half-eaten calzone on her side. Her earbuds were ripped off and a large hooved slap woke her up.
“Hungh?” she groaned.
Roxie was standing above her with a stern look of anger.
“Coin was kidnapped by a sea serpent and you slept through it!” the rougarou yelled, eating Kit’s calzone.
“What?” Kit asked confused.
D’Arcy swooped down, red eyes glaring.
“He was taken to the bottom of the ocean…I should curse you, you ignorant vulpine!”
Kit’s guilt transformed her into Granny as she pondered what to do next...
“Can-can’t we go down there and save him?”
“We’d have to come up with a plan.” D’Arcy replied.
“I’ll see if we can get our set moved to tomorrow.” Harry interrupted.
“But Coin!” the snail-fox yelled. “He’s in danger.”
“Don’t worry about it.” D’Arcy comforted. Tomorrow morning, me and the girls are going to try and save him. The sun is starting to set so it’s probably best if we just go home for now.”
Even after being back to normal Kit still felt upset lying in bed. She knew that if anything else happened, she would have to do something to save her friend. She just didn’t know what to do.
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driverwaltz · 4 years
Manager!Kylo Ren x Singer!Reader
Summary: Taking up late night gigs downtown at the Starlight Lounge was always just a way to earn some extra cash. Most days you’d bartend or bus tables, but on some special days your boss, Michael, would let you act as the live music feature of the night. It was one of those nights when you met him. The dark brooding man in the corner of the dimly lit bar caught your eye and promised opportunity, but nothing could have hinted towards what he had planned for the future.
Rating: Mature. This part is tame though.
Warnings: Unfair power dynamics, age gap, eventual smut, dub-con, drug use, slow burn
Words Count: 1.7K (Ik I went overboard)
Notes: This is my first ever fanfic so pls be nice 🥺. I took the inspiration for this from a couple of songs by the band Interpol and might make a playlist to go along with each chapter. If you guys have any suggestions or constructive criticism on my writing it’d be much appreciated (and needed lol). Also, this moves REALLY slowly in the beginning, but I promise I’ll start to pick up the pace.
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Part 1: Meeting place
It broke again.
The only thing that alerted me this time was Michael's voice, booming from the back end of the bar from the kitchen to where I stood near the glassware.
"The third fuckin' time this month that I gotta replace the damn martini glasses 'cause of that hunk-of-shit washer!"
It's an easy fix, he could just replace that "hunk-of-shit" once, and that way he could spare us $65 every time a set of glasses break. It would also save the poor man on the end of the line every time he calls the distributor, demanding a new dozen and a discount. I could remind him this was an option again, but I know better. No matter what I say, I know his pride will go against any sense of better judgment. So, I stay quiet. Let him go on his little tirade while I do what he pays me to do: Act sweet to an array of old drunkards who plop themselves down on the same barstools every Saturday night. After they all get comfy, I make a point to ask about their wives and how their bitch of a boss made them work overtime. At the same time, I whip up concoctions of tequila, salt, and lime for them to hurriedly gulp down and offer me gratitude. However, it's only ever through words, never an extra 15% on the tab.
Kindness in strangers. That's what I was taught. Mama kept a stack of old scripts in a wicker basket near her nightstand, and I remember rummaging through them on static summer days when it was too hot to go outside. Mama never believed in failures. She'd always tell me, "you're constantly learning and improving. Never failing, just falling — stagnant." I like to believe that's true, but I was also raised to be honest. And, In all honesty, I can't deny that Mama was a failure. She moved out to California from Georgia without telling a soul the night she turned 17. She had nothing but her new hand-me-down car, some spare cash she got from waitressing, and a small suitcase full of clothes and essentials. Her dream was to become a performer, an actress, a starlet of her generation. She tried. I know she did, but things don't work out for a reason. So, I too, was born and raised in Georgia. However, unlike how Grandman brought up Mama, I was raised off stories of Mama's journey to Tinsel Town and the people she met rather than Grimms' Fairytales. I learned how to fall asleep to softly hummed show tunes rather than lullabies. Mama never wanted to buy new children's books; instead, she would recite one of her scripts to me. When I got a bit older, I fell in love with The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, and that's when Mama told me: "Always depend on the kindness of strangers."
I blame Mama. I believe personality is a sort of genetic trait, and I definitely got all of that from Mama. I can never say no to Michael. Not because he scares me or that I'm in full agreeance with him all the time, but whenever the word threatens to leave me lips, it chokes me. Then, I swallow it back down and resume whatever I was doing. No is never an option. It was never an option in the schoolyard or in the house, and especially not during my music classes. Mama wanted me to continue whatever legacy she had crafted for herself, and much to her disappointment, I was not much of a talker, but I was a hummer. So, Mama forced me to turn my quiet hums into fully supported singing. That was the start of it all. I took up guitar after that, and stole my dad's old records and tried to replicate what I would hear. I guess that's how I started writing music, as for what I did with that music...
"(y/n), Lucy said she comin' to take o'er you're shift in a few. If you want, you can clock out for tonight," Michael grumbled from the back in a shout.
"It's only midnight. I've only been working for about four hours, and I need the money this month, so I'm okay working for a little bit more. I can help you out in the back if you'd like," I responded. I really did need the money though, Martin's been on my ass about my lease.
Michael peered at me through the kitchen doorframe for a second, "You got your guitar in your car?"
"You up to play a few songs tonight? We've got a bit more business tonight."
I felt the muscles in my face pull up and tighten against my will. I hate to admit that sometimes Michael can make me smile, and he was right. I turned to the entrance and slowly, one-by-one, people started coming in and settling down.
"Yes, sir! I'll bring it out." I exclaimed while grabbing my keys from behind the counter and making my way out to my car parked at the back.
After retrieving my case from the trunk, I quickly checked my reflection on the left-hand mirror and smoothed out my hair and touched up my lipstick. I saw a man pass by through the corner and make his way into the bar. I better make tips tonight doing this.
I waltzed back into the bar and headed for the small stage in the front. It's not really a stage more than it's a glorified black stool, but I like to think it's charming and adds character. You know, mask up the patheticness of it all. I plugged in my Fender to the worn-out amps and strummed to make sure it was in tune. There were a lot of people tonight. Well, a lot more than usual, at least. Quickly, I scanned the room for comforting faces to focus on and calm my nerves. Most of our customers were gruff men, so this trick usually didn't work, but tonight was different. In the corner by a little bust made by a local artist sat a man with thick black hair. He was by no means soft. Much like the patrons, he harbored a hard look on his face, but he struck me differently. It was intense and cold. Georgia's a hot place, so I didn't mind his gaze. It was cooling and made me freeze over.
I don't know why, but I want to impress him. Plus, looking down, I saw he was wearing a polished pair of dress shoes, so I assume he's got some money on him, maybe he'll spare me a tip. I'll just play a cover. Can't go wrong with a cover.
My fingers dragged across the guitar strings and drew out the alternating chords of D7 and Am in a back and forth pattern.
"It was the third of June, another sleepy, dusty Delta day... Mama said she got some news this mornin' from Choctaw Ridge... She said Billie Joe McAllister jumped off the Tallahatchie Bridge..."
Bobbie Gentry was one of dad's favorites. I know the country wasn't a popular choice for many people, but this is the South, and Ode to Billie Joe is always a classic, and I think the dreariness of the song perfectly compliments the tone of the bar.
I played a set and earned a couple of measly tips from it. Nothing I could complain about, I guess. It was nearly 1 am, and I was getting tired. Overtime is only worth so much, so I decided it was best to go back home. I packed up my guitar and walked to the bar counter to ask Lucy to clock for me, but before I could even rest my case against the counter, I felt a man slide into the seat next to me.
"You've gotta nice voice," he drawled out while staring at the wall in front of him.
"Thank you. I perform here almost every week."
"Is that right?"
"Yeah..." I couldn't really think of how I could continue this conversation. And, trust me, I really want to. The man was wearing a black button-up shirt, grey trousers, and that impressive pair of dress shoes. His hair was long and gelled back, and his profile was exquisite. He looked strong, and his voice was deep and rich like marmalade.
"You could work on that guitar a little bit," he deadpanned as he took a swig of whiskey. I looked at him even more intensely then and scoffed.
"Really? Can you do better?"
"I never said that. I just think, with a voice like that, the guitar should match up," he said with a playful glint in his voice as he finally turned his head towards me.
Now, I really don't know how to continue this conversation.
"Alright, you caught me. I'm not that great at the guitar, but hey, I'm a bar singer, not Paul McCartney, or something," I laughed out. He smiled, and then I felt all the blood in my body rush to my cheeks, it's a miracle I didn't fall flat on my face.
"I guess I was just expecting more," he said.
"Well, I didn't promise you anything, did I?"
He looked like he was in his late 20s, probably.
"No. No, you didn't. But, maybe you could start... for next time."
"That depends. Are you gonna give me a tip."
"Yes. When I think you deserve it," he said as his face fell flat and his voice authoritative in an odd way.
"Well, I'll probably be here next Saturday so you can decide then."
"Will do," he smirked.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Kylo," he replied in a gentle voice as he once again held his glass of whiskey up. He then raised his eyebrow, and I knew he wanted an answer.
He gulped down his whiskey, turned to me, and smiled. I wanted to say something more, I had to say something, but he stopped me before I could by getting up and walking towards the door.
"I gotta be somewhere tomorrow, doll. I'm expecting a show on Saturday," he exclaimed as he stepped out the bar.
"Don't worry... I can put on a show."
He grinned one final time before escaping out of the bar, leaving me alone with his empty cup of whiskey and a smile that doesn't leave my face the entire night.
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earlgraytay · 5 years
Earl, since you seem to have a good idea on your own personal style of fashion and everything, what advice do you have on finding your style and all of that? (*background noise of a disgruntled transmasc who is stuck in hoodies and wants to do More but also still wrap up in hoodies*)
So like... half the time I’m in a giant flannel shirt and jeans; I generally only post pics when I’m dressed up a little bit. There’s a reason most of the people in the world who aren’t trying to be ‘professional’ wear some combination of hoodies, jeans, t-shirts, and/or shorts- they’re comfy. You don’t gotta feel guilty for not doing More. 
That being said: there is some stuff you can do if you do want to do more for its own sake.
1) For me one of the biggest things that helped was looking at fictional characters whose fashion sense I enjoy and figuring out how I can incorporate it into my own wardrobe. When I was just coming into my own, this included England from Hetalia, Eridan from Homestuck ,and the 10th and 11th Doctors. (...I was Very Tumblr in 2011, okay.) 
Don’t just look at their canon incarnations, though-- look at how people dress them in the Human/Modern/Boring AUs. The Coffee Shop AU. The Florist/Tattoo Artist AU. Look at their colour schemes and the cut of their clothes. If something they’re dressed in seems OOC (Aziraphale in a wife-beater, say) figure out why. 
If you’re at all into Disney, you could look into Disneybounding to see how other guys interpret Disney characters into modern fashion... however, be advised that since a) Disneybounding is largely a hobby for women and b) it’s also largely a hobby for rich people, you get.... not very many men doing it, and those who do coming off as wealthy and/or metrosexual. So if that’s not the look you’re going for...  
2) There was a resource called “The FTM’s Guide To Looking Like a (Hot) Dude” that I used a lot when I’d just come out. It’s very, very dated, as you can tell from the title- it has advice like “don’t wear The Flannel Shirt Of Plausible Deniability and avoid skinny jeans” because it was written before the rise of Hipster Fashion, and now everyone of any gender wears The Flannel Shirt Of Plausible Deniability. The author actually updated it a couple times admitting this and saying “you know, passing is bullshit, I take back what I said” before taking it down. But some of the advice is still really good. I have it archived and I think there’s still a copy on The Wayback Machine if you want it.
3) Get a couple of Statement Pieces you love. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or super expensive. I’d recommend “go to thrift stores/charity shops and see what you can find” but if I remember rightly you live in France and it looks like those don’t really exist in France outside of major cities? :o So I’m not sure what to recommend in terms of secondhand or discount clothing, but that’s how I did it. Honestly I have enough Statement Pieces that I can’t name them all but they include Various Waistcoats (including a stripey satin-ish one I got for like $10 at Comic-Con and an embroidered Halloween vest that looks like it once belonged to a children’s librarian), Various Hats (including a battered ladies’ bowler hat from a thrift store), Sundry Blazers (they’re all a bit too big- I need to fix that), a grey suede trenchcoat, a cashmere coat with a massive fur collar (that I think is real lol) , a number of awful dad sweaters, some ties/bow ties... 
Start off with one fun thing that you think you can wear regularly and then find some stuff to go with it. It can be simple stuff.  If you’ve got a LOUD JACKET that you love very much you can wear a black t-shirt and jeans with it and all people will see is the Loud Jacket.
4) Find people whose style you admire and try to imitate them. Some of my style icons on Tumblr are @thebigsartorialist​ , @vinceaddams​ , @theunholyboy-blog​ (defunct as of right now, and mainly LARP outfits anyway), @a-british-guardsman​ , @prudencepaccard​ and @funereal-disease​ - those last two dress femme, but they incorporate vintage and historical fashion into their everyday wardrobe in clever ways. 
5) Embrace eccentricity. I can’t speak for people who are in the closet, for people who have terrible anxiety about being stared at, or for transfemme people who might need to keep their identities quieter-- but if you’re a trans guy and you’re any degree of out, it really really helps to dress Visibly Weird. 
Most people have an idea of what a person in a hoodie and jeans is ‘supposed’ to look like. They are used to clocking the genders of people in hoodies and jeans. They can instinctively go “oh, this person in a hoodie and jeans looks like a woman, I will treat them like a woman” without even thinking about it.  
Most people do not have an idea of what a person in a cape, a waistcoat, two-inch-high platform sneakers, and a bowler hat is “supposed” to look like. It takes them a second to adjust their expectations and makes it a little harder for them to clock you. 
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jungshookz · 6 years
oof ok laid ease and jean tell men,,,, twins yoongi and yoonji,, both having the same crush on y/n 👀👀 yoongi is like the music student that all the gals sWoOn over bc he plays piano in a room alone after school type deal,, while Yoonji is the edgy sister wHo dOesN’T cOnfOrm tO sOciEty but is secretly soft uwu and when they both find out they got the same crush it’s like the spiderman meme and now they gotta Fight To The Death
Tumblr media
→ pairing: min yoongi x reader x min yoonji 
→ genre: let’s be real this is crackhead culture..,, boTh the mins are infatuated with u + i lov yoonji 
→ wordcount: 1.9k
(gif isn’t mine!)
“what do you mean you have a crush on y/n??” the question slips out from both the twins’ mouths at the same time
they pull back and blink at each other
yoonji is the first one to snap out of it
she flicks a strand of dark hair off her shoulder before raising a perfectly arched brow “you’re going to have to back off”
“over my dead body”
“..,,.i have a gun in my bag”  
yoongi scoffs immediately and rolls his eyes
“when did you start liking her?” yoongi asks curiously because the whole romAnCe thing is very…noT yoonji
yoonji’s never evEr mentioned having a crush on anyone ever before even though they have a pretty solid sibling-ship
“that’s none of your business.”
a very classic yoonji response
yoongi scowls and plops down on the couch
“move over, you’re sitting in my spot.” yoongi shuffles over and yoonji plops herself down
a beat of silence goes by
yoongi clears his throat
“look, sis. you can’t have a crush on y/n because i have a crush on y/n and if we both have a crush on y/n then that means-“
“that we’re going to have to fight to the death?”
“-no, it means that eventually she’s going to have to choose one of us and i don’t want you to be devastated and completely heartbroken when she chooses me over you. we shouldn’t let a girl come in between us!”
yoonji snorts in response and props an elbow up on the arm of the couch
“i hate to break it to you but you’re going to be the heartbroken one. you have one class with her this year - i have three with her, and we both write for the school newspaper. did i mention we grab lunch together pretty frequently seeing that our schedules fit perfectly with each others?” yoonji inspects her cuticles before glancing over at her brother with a smirk “and what makes you think y/n’s interested in you, mr. ‘i play piano because i’m sad but also i just want to impress all the girls’, hm? y/n’s not into that.”
“says miss ‘i have a gun in my bag’.”  
“i’m pretty sure she has a thing for bad girls and not emo boys”
“how about this?” yoongi crosses his arms and leans back against the couch “if you manage to score a date with y/n before i do, i’ll respectfully back off. but if i manage to score a date with y/n before you do, you respectfully back off. whoever gets the girl, gets the girl - fair and square.”
yoongi’s pretty confident that you’re going to end up with him so he has no problems dealing his cards
he’s attractive and smart anD talented and he can turn on the charm in any situation
and you just so happen to be attractive and smart and talented and adorable so it’s almost like you guys are meant to be!!
meanwhile yoonji is..,., well he’s biased because they’re technically identical twins so she’s like pretty-ish buT she’s kind of a bitch to people so like
he’ll be fine
yoonji’s eyes flicker up and she pokes her tongue into her cheek before turning to face yoongi fully and sticking her hand out “deal. get used to the taste of failure.”
and so it begins
“what are you doing here so early?” when you walk into the lecture you’re surprised to see yoonji sitting on the side scrolling through her phone  
here’s a little backstory regarding your friendship with yoonji
you were running late (it was only 2 minutes but late is laTE) and the prof had already started his lecture and you didn’t want to make that awkward journey down the steps of the lecture hall while looking around trying to find a spot for yourself so now you’re kind of just standing at the back with your eyes darting everywhere
“christ, just sit here.” you jump in surprise when someone tugs at your wrist and you look down to see this anGRy looking girl glaring right back up at you
she raises a brow before grabbing her backpack off the seat and dumping it next to her on the ground
a little scary
but a free seat is a free seat
“thank you so much” you whisper before sitting down and quickly pulling your notebook and your pencils and note-taking markers out (you were a very eager learner at the beginning of the year lol)
yoongi snorts in humour when a couple of your markers roll away from you and clatter onto the floor in your excitement to get everything ouT
she bends down to pick two up and-
you labelled each of your markers with your name
“y/n.” she tests your name on her tongue
and in that moment
she decides that she quite likes your name
“yes?” you turn to look at her before your eyes flicker down to the markers in her slender fingers “oh! thanks! did you wanna borrow one?”
“here, you look like a dark purple kinda gal.” you rifle through your pencil case before holding a marker up for her and plucking the other two from her “i feel like neon green and bright pink don’t suit you”  
you are a very peculiar girl
“they gave me two hot chocolates instead of one” yoonji ignores your question and holds out a cup of hot chocolate for you as you sit down next to her
that’s a blatant lie
yoonji knows you like hot chocolate when it’s cold out and she always gets u a hot chocolate
“again?? they really need to start paying attention when taking orders - i’m not complaining, though!” your fingers brush over hers as you take it from her and she feels a little zap
“you look cute today, by the way.” you hum before reaching over to poke at the little braid intertwined in yoonji’s raven locks “who are you dressing up for?” you giggle with a teasing smile and yoonji’s heart goes boom-boom because yeAh she might’ve spruced up her hairstyle and put on an extra layer of lip gloss for u but whATEVER okAY
“anyways i don’t really mind what we get for lunch today because i’m starving and i just need- oOh-!” yoonji’s eyes widen when you suddenly stumble into someone and-
“are you okay?”
oh my god
yoonji can’t help but roll her eyes because she knows for a fact that yoongi just stood outside the lecture hall and waiTEd for you to appear and conveniently triP into his slimy noodle arms
“shit, sorry yoongi!” yoongi still has an arm wrapped around your waist while your hands clutch at his arms “god, i didn’t even see you there!”
“your shoelaces are untied again, y/n. we can’t have you tripping all over campus, can we?” yoongi unravels himself from you before bending down to help you with your laces
here’s the backstory regarding your friendship with yoongi
you usually like to study at the library
but on that particular day they had closed the library a little earlier than usual
and you knew that if you went back to study in your dorm room you’d probably just end up watching netflix and eating junk food for the next six hours instead of studying for your midterm
so now you’re just wandering the hallway of the music building because it was conveniently the closest building to the library
and as you make your way further down the hallway
you start to hear some music
it’s a gentle melody
soft and enticing
and soon enough you find yourself peering into the classroom staring at the back of this stranger’s head just watching as his fingers dance along the piano
you feel like you know him
it takes a couple seconds for it to sink it but then you realise who it is you’re creEpiLY staring at
min yoongi
you’ve heard his name bounce around campus more than a few times
“you know it’s rude to stare, right?” you snap out of it when the his fingers stop on the piano and he turns his head slightly
“oh, i wasn’t-“ you perk up immediately and feel the apples of your cheeks warming almost instantly
“you totally were.” he turns his head all the way and offers you a smirk
“i just wanted to find a spare classroom to study in…”  you clear your throat and step into the classroom slowly “i, uh… didn’t peg for you to be a ‘swan lake’ kinda guy. mind if i whack something out real quick?”  
yoongi raises a brow
usually the girls who approach him are all giggly and they pretend like they loOOovE the piano just like him and most of the time they ask him to play like an ariana grande song or something (although he will admit ‘one last time’ sounds beautiful on the piano)
“be my guest.” yoongi shuffles over a little and pats next to him
you smile and drop your bag on the floor before sitting yourself down and giving your knuckles a quick crack
your fingers land lightly on the keys and your brows furrow together in concentration
and then…
you’re snickering to yourself as you bang on the keys and continue playing hot cross buns and yoongi can’t stop the fat grin twitching at the corner of his mouth
you are…. a very peculiar girl
“don’t you have somewhere else to be?” the moment yoongi finishes tying your laces up yoongi grabs your wrist and pulls you backwards a little bit
she loops her arm with yours
“no, i don’t!” yoongi shrugs casually “are you guys grabbing lunch?”
“yes, we’re grabbing lunch together.” yoonji can already predict what’s going to come out of your mouth
“well, c’mon then! let’s all go grab some food before i die of starvation.” you loop your arm with yoongi’s and tug her along and yoonji resists the urge to roll her eyes when yoongi smirks and offers her a look that suggests ‘huh, look at that. she wants me there too’
cuRse your need to include everybody
and as you’re blabbing about all the food that you’re wanting to shoVe into your mouth during lunch
you’re blissfully unaware of the angry glares that the min twins are sending each other
it’s almost funny how oblivious you are to how infatuated the twins are when it comes to you 
yoongi keeps offering you bites of his food which you accept happily   
yoonji wipes a dollop of ketchup from the corner of your mouth off with a napkin 
yoongi not-so-casually places a hand on your knee and yoonji reaches behind your back so that she can pinch her brother’s side 
they’re both willing to fight to the death if the end prize is you
help me help you make your wishes come tru (aka send me a request)
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