#hachi hitori
max1461 · 2 months
@raginrayguns You asked how measure words work in Japanese. Here is an explanation:
Measure words in Japanese do work somewhat differently than their Chinese counterparts. In Japanese they are not really independent words, and are better analyzed as suffixes that attach to numerals. Some measure words are commonly used as independent nouns (i.e. they can occur dislocated from a corresponding numeral, and behave syntactically/morphologically like ordinary Japanese nouns do), most prominently time words like 週間 shuukan "week", but many are either only used rarely as nouns or not at all. For instance, the measure word 枚 mai "sheets" does not occur as a noun. Measure words are phonologically bound to their preceding numerals, in the sense that
they form part of an intonational unit with the numeral, and
they often fuse with the numeral phonologically in irregular or semi-regular ways.
For instance, here are the numbers one through ten with a few common measure words:
Bare numerals:
一 二 三 四  五 ichi ni san yon go 六  七  八  九  十 roku nana hachi kyuu juu
Counting people (using 人 nin):
一人 二人 三人 四人  五人 hitori futari sannin yonin gonin 六人 七人  八人  九人  十人 rokunin nananin hachinin kyuunin juunin
Counting small animals (using 匹 hiki):
一匹 二匹 三匹 四匹  五匹 ippiki nihiki sanbiki yonhiki gohiki 六匹 七匹  八匹  九匹  十匹 roppiki nanahiki happiki kyuuhiki juppiki
Counting books/volumes (using 冊 satsu):
一冊 二冊 三冊 四冊  五冊 issatsu nisatsu sansatsu yonsatsu gosatsu 六冊 七冊  八冊  九冊  十冊 rokusatsu nanasatsu hassatsu kyuusatsu jussatsu
Counting machines (using 台 dai):
一台 二台 三台 四台  五台 ichidai nidai sandai yondai godai 六台 七台  八台  九台  十台 rokudai nanadai hachidai kyuudai juudai
Counting small objects:
一つ 二つ 三つ 四つ  五つ hitotsu futatsu mittsu yottsu itsutsu 六つ 七つ  八つ  九つ  十 muttsu nanatsu yattsu kokonotsu tō
There's a lot going on here. For one you have phonological interaction, as I mentioned. This is how you get ippiki from ichi + hiki, and so on. These rules are mostly regular within the large stratum of Chinese loan vocabulary in Japanese, but in the case of these measure words they are somewhat unpredictable. Importantly, these phonological phenomenon are not things you would get from just putting two independant words next to each other in Japanese; they occur only at morpheme boundaries within a single word.
Other than that you have suppletion, where morphemes from different sources are mixed and matched to create a full paradigm. For instance, hitori "one person" and futari "two people" are sourced from native Japonic numerals (as are the "small object" numerals in -tsu), whereas the other numerals for counting people (all in -nin) are sourced from borrowed Chinese numerals.
Due to all the above, the picture that emerges is that Japanese numeral + counter pairs are in fact individual words, sometimes composed transparently out of a numeral prefix and a counter suffix, and sometimes composed opaquely or irregularly. I think it's completely fair to say issatsu is "a special form of the word 'one' used for counting books" and so on. Now, I'll admit that I don't think this has much philosophical importance at all. For example, English dogs could be called "a special form of the word 'dog' used when there is a group of them", indeed this is precisely what a plural is. But that doesn't really tell you anything important; Japanese (mostly) lacks plurals and it gets on fine. Sometimes a language just has a rule that says "use this special word (or form of a word) in the particular circumstance".
Uh, for instance, Tok Pisin (an English-based creole of Papua New Guinea) has this particle i, used in expressions with a third-person subject:
mi bin tok 1sg PST speak "I spoke"
praim minista i bin tok prime minister 3 PST speak "the prime minister spoke"
Here "3" is just the standard gloss for a third-person morpheme, nothing to do with the numeral 3. "1sg" means "first-person singular" and "PST" means "past tense". Anyway, you might ask... what sort of word is i? It's not a pronoun, you can't (to my knowledge) say "i bin tok" on its own, you have to say
em i bin tok 3sg 3 PST speak "he spoke"
What does it correspond to in English translation? Well, it doesn't correspond to anything in English translation, it's just a little thingy that Tok Pisin grammar says you have to put there. Far from being remarkable this is wholly ordinary. I think Quine is making a lot of this fact when it really doesn't mean anything at all.
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orewing · 2 months
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The Comeback Kid - A Haruka Sakura Fanmix
natori - Absolute Zero
hachi - Panda Hero
Araki - Teo
Now or Never - Everything I Wanted
Hitorie - Unknown Mother-Goose
Tatsuya Kitani - Love Song (cover)
Mr Fijiwiji - To Belong (feat. Exist Strategy)
Hitorie - 3 min 29 sec (N3WPORT Remix)
WRLD & Keepsake - Wishful Thinking (2018)
Tim Schaufert - in a different light (feat. TRØVES)
Fullkawa Honpo - envy. (feat. Nanako Hoshino)
Crywolf - Rising, Rising
The Midnight & Magik*Magik - The Comeback Kid
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demonslayerscript · 8 days
How to count people in Japanese
1 person : 一人(ひとり/hitori)  ×いちにん
2 people : 二人(ふたり/futari) ×ににん
3 people : 三人(さんにん/san-nin)
4 people : 四人(よにん/yo-nin) ×よんにん、しにん(Never read as “しにん”, as it means 死人: dead person)
5 people : 五人(ごにん/go-nin)
6 people : 六人(ろくにん/roku-nin)
7 people : 七人(ななにん/nana-nin or しちにん/shichi-nin)
8 people : 八人(はちにん/hachi-nin)
9 people : 九人(きゅうにん/kyu-nin or くにん/ku-nin)
10 people : 十人(じゅうにん/ju-nin)
11 people : 十一人(じゅういちにん/ju-ichi-nin)×じゅうひとり
12 people : 十二人(じゅうににん/ju-ni-nin)×じゅうふたり
13 people : 十三人(じゅうさんにん/ju-san-nin)
14 people : 十四人(じゅうよにん/ju-yo-nin)×じゅうよんにん、じゅうしにん
15 people : 十五人(じゅうごにん/ju-go-nin)
16 people : 十六人(じゅうろくにん/ju-roku-nin)
17 people : 十七人(じゅうななにん/ju-nana-nin or じゅうしちにん/ju-shichi-nin)
18 people : 十八人(じゅうはちにん/ju-hachi-nin)
19 people : 十九人(じゅうきゅうにん/ju-kyu-nin or じゅうくにん/ju-ku-nin)
20 people : 二十人(にじゅうにん/niju-nin)
21 people : 二十一人(にじゅういちにん/niju-ichi-nin)×にじゅうひとり
22 people : 二十二人(にじゅうににん/niju-ni-nin)×にじゅうふたり
There is one more way of counting, with “名(mei)”.
For example, when you enter a restaurant for dinner, the waiter will ask, “何名様ですか?(Nan-mei-sama desuka?)” which means “How many people are there?”
The difference between “人(nin)” and “名(mei)” is that “人(nin)” is just for counting, and “名(mei)” is used for groups or organizations whose members are identifiable, such as number of attendants of the meeting, number of guests reserved at the hotel, number of guests at the wedding, and so on.
In case of “名(mei)”, reading way of counting is simply number + 名(mei).
1 person : 一名(いちめい/ichi-mei)
2 people : 二名(にめい/ni-mei)
3 people : 三名(さんめい/san-mei)
4 people : 四名(よんめい/yon-mei) ×しめい
5 people : 五名(ごめい/go-mei)
6 people : 六名(ろくめい/roku-mei)
7 people : 七名(ななめい/nana-mei) 〇しちめい/shichi-mei(It’s right but confusing with いちめい/ichi-mei)
8 people : 八名(はちめい/hachi-mei)
9 people : 九名(きゅうめい/kyu-mei) ×くめい
10 people : 十名(じゅうめい/ju-mei)
(The last digit of any number beyond that is the same as above.)
If you feel it hard, you can use just “人(nin)” anytime. It’s enough if you can understand “名(mei)” when you hear it.
From the episode 20 “Pretend Family”…
Shinobu “Kawaii Ojosan, anatawa nan-nin koroshi-mashitaka?”
Shinobu “Sweet young girl, how many people have you killed?”
Ane-Gumo “……Go-nin. ……Demo meirei sarete, shikata nakatta-noyo.”
Big Sister Spider Demon “Five. But I was ordered to! I had no choice!”
Shinobu “Usowa tsuka-nakute daijobu desuyo. Wakatte-masu-kara. Sakki uchino Taiin’o mayuni shita jutsu-sabaki, migoto deshita. Hachiju-ninwa kutte imasu-yone?”
Shinobu “There’s no need to lie about it. Because I already know. That spell you cast to turn one of our men into a cocoon was most impressive! You’ve devoured at least eighty humans, haven’t you?”
Ane-Gumo “……Kutte-naiwa, sonnani. Koroshita-nowa go-nin’yo.”
Big Sister Spider Demon “No, of course I haven’t eaten that many. I only killed those five.”
Shinobu “Watashiwa nishino-hokara kima-shitayo. Ojosan, nishi desu. Yamano nishi-gawa-dewa, tairyoni mayuga bura-sagatte-iru-no’o mite-kimashita. Nakani tora-wareta hito-bitowa eki-joni tokete zen-metsu. Sono basho-dake-demo, mayu-damawa ju-yon-ko ari-mashita. Ju-yo-nin, shin-derun-desu.”
Shinobu “But I came here from the west, you know. The west, my dear. On the west side of the mountain, I saw hordes of cocoons hanging from the trees. The human captives inside had been liquefied. All massacred. In that spot alone, I counted at least fourteen cocoons. Fourteen humans. All dead.”
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apothecaryscript · 9 days
How to count people in Japanese
1 person : 一人(ひとり/hitori)  ×いちにん
2 people : 二人(ふたり/futari) ×ににん
3 people : 三人(さんにん/san-nin)
4 people : 四人(よにん/yo-nin) ×よんにん、しにん(Never read as “しにん”, as it means 死人: dead person)
5 people : 五人(ごにん/go-nin)
6 people : 六人(ろくにん/roku-nin)
7 people : 七人(ななにん/nana-nin or しちにん/shichi-nin)
8 people : 八人(はちにん/hachi-nin)
9 people : 九人(きゅうにん/kyu-nin or くにん/ku-nin)
10 people : 十人(じゅうにん/ju-nin)
11 people : 十一人(じゅういちにん/ju-ichi-nin)×じゅうひとり
12 people : 十二人(じゅうににん/ju-ni-nin)×じゅうふたり
13 people : 十三人(じゅうさんにん/ju-san-nin)
14 people : 十四人(じゅうよにん/ju-yo-nin)×じゅうよんにん、じゅうしにん
15 people : 十五人(じゅうごにん/ju-go-nin)
16 people : 十六人(じゅうろくにん/ju-roku-nin)
17 people : 十七人(じゅうななにん/ju-nana-nin or じゅうしちにん/ju-shichi-nin)
18 people : 十八人(じゅうはちにん/ju-hachi-nin)
19 people : 十九人(じゅうきゅうにん/ju-kyu-nin or じゅうくにん/ju-ku-nin)
20 people : 二十人(にじゅうにん/niju-nin)
21 people : 二十一人(にじゅういちにん/niju-ichi-nin)×にじゅうひとり
22 people : 二十二人(にじゅうににん/niju-ni-nin)×にじゅうふたり
There is one more way of counting, with “名(mei)”.
For example, when you enter a restaurant for dinner, the waiter will ask, “何名様ですか?(なんめいさまですか?/Nan-mei-sama desuka?)” which means “How many people are there?”
The difference between “人(nin)” and “名(mei)” is that “人(nin)” is just for counting, and “名(mei)” is used for groups or organizations whose members are identifiable, such as number of attendants of the meeting, number of guests reserved at the hotel, number of guests at the wedding, etc.
In case of “名(mei)”, reading way of counting is simply number + 名(mei).
1 person : 一名(いちめい/ichi-mei)
2 people : 二名(にめい/ni-mei)
3 people : 三名(さんめい/san-mei)
4 people : 四名(よんめい/yon-mei) ×しめい
5 people : 五名(ごめい/go-mei)
6 people : 六名(ろくめい/roku-mei)
7 people : 七名(ななめい/nana-mei) 〇しちめい/shichi-mei(It’s right but confusing with いちめい/ichi-mei)
8 people : 八名(はちめい/hachi-mei)
9 people : 九名(きゅうめい/kyu-mei) ×くめい
10 people : 十名(じゅうめい/ju-mei)
(The last digit of any number beyond that is the same as above.)
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selfspinninglies · 11 months
okay okay so many songs to give (you don't have to answer this ask unless you want to release my music recommendations to the public, which I wouldn't mind)
Matryoshka - Hachi (TOP SONG OF ALL TIME)
Yueni - Yurry Canon
What's up? Pop! - Capchii
Abnormality Dancin' Girl - Guchiry (Trickle's english cover is also really good)
Rotten Heresy and Chocolate - Pinocchio-P
Circus Panic!!! - Satsuki
Kyuukurarin - Iyowa
Why I hate you - Namine
Young Girl A - Siinamota (+ Will Stetson english cover)
Brain Fluid Explosion Girl - Rerulili (+ Will Stetson cover again)
Liar Dancer - Masarada
My Love is Hellfire - SLAVE.V-V-R
Haikei Doppelganger - kemu
Ikasama Life Game - kemu
and LITERALLY ANY COMSO@BOUSOU-P SONG I love that man sm it's not even funny but here are some of my favorites from him:
Machinegun Poem Doll
Gizaba Crazy Letter
Dark Hero Ennui
Low Speed Fake Lyric
Shinigami-chan the Reaper is a Picky Eater
End Mark ni Kibou to Namida wo Soete
and of course also artists like Kairiki Bear, Deco*27, and sasakure.uk
Volt Tackle- Deco*27
Magical Doctor- Maretu
Loveit?- biz (+ jubyphonic's cover)
KICK BACK- Kenshi Yonezu
Lost One's Weeping- Neru
Static Electricity Human- Kairikibear (also the computer flavor)
Streaming Heart- Deco*27
Pyrite Girl- Riproducer
Mane Mane Psychotropic- Kairikibear
Maegamist- Maretu
Reckless Battery Burns- Ghost and Pals
Electrical Forecast- INABAKUMORI
Gray Girl Syndrome- Aru Hirose
BUG- Kairikibear (rachie's English cover also)
Haru no Sekibaku- INABAKUMORI
RONDON SLAG PATHY HI- MASA WORKS DESIGN (the insomnia remix is really good too)
Born Before- Maretu
Gommene Gommene- Kikuo
Dither Tune- DIVELA
Caprice Cast- yugica
Kodoku no Syukyo- syudou
Anatasama- Kairikibear
hanahaki syndrome- Shiki Miyoshino
iiillluuuvvvUUU- SOOOO
[Idolism]- Guchiry
Aishite Aishite Aishite- Kikuo (Will Stetson's cover of it is really good too)
cyclic moon- friendxp
Darling Dance- Kairikibear (+ Ado's cover)
Unknown Mother Goose- wowaka (+ rachie's and hitorie's covers)
God-Ish- PinnochioP
Cast a Spell- Guchiry
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supergenial · 8 months
(translation+lyrics) 革命のヴィラネス by BΣretta Crossrain
Yeah another one I had tled a while ago but had no time to post. Lyrics down below the cut and see you all next time.
革命のヴィラネス Kakumei no Viranesu (Revolutionary Villainess)
Composer: Yoda Takeru
Vocalist: BΣretta Crossrain
Shinzuru seigi ga tame Saa ima kakumei no noroshi wo
For the justice we believe in Light the fire of this revolution
Throw away useless emotions I have to endure it Trust only my both hands Don't look back. Just move on
Osore mo urei sae mo Kono ayumi wo tomeru kase to shite amari ni karuku
My fear and my grief Are like brittle shackles unable to stop me
Kaze ni mau you na usui kotoba de wa Daremo watashi shibare wa shinai
Faint words are carried by the wind I won’t let anyone bind me
Saa takaraka ni hanki wo hiragaeshite Kinou made no zokushiki wo sugu ni uchiotose Sendatsusha usopuku kousetsu kansei de ima mogaki keshita nara Kakumei no hibuta wa sude ni kirareteiru
Now proudly raise the banner of revolution even higher And overthrow the vulgarities of the past Drown away our predecessor’s dogma The flare of revolution has been ignited
Mayoi wa tou no mukashi ni sutesatta Migite ni wa seigi wo hidarite ni wa kakugo wo
I’ve long since discarded my doubts All I hold now is justice in my right hand and resolve on my left hand
Kizutsuku koto mo kizutsukeru koto mo itowanai to chikatta
Even if hurt I'll continue to hurt them Such is the oath I’ve taken
Onore no hinkaku kagasanu tame ni Shitoyakayori shitataka ni are
So as not to taint your dignity I’ll be tough rather than graceful
Saa takaraka ni shouri wo ten ni hoe yo Kaburi wo tareta orokamono ni jihi wa nashi Chou no you ni hachi no you ni karei ni dorokusaku tatakae
Now proclaim your victory loudly towards the heavens No mercy for the fools who bow their heads Like a butterfly, like a bee, fight gracefully yet deadly
Kagi wo kaketa torikago no naka ni etsukeru te Wasure wa shinai darou Saredo watashi wa nidoto furikaeranai Tatoe katsute no tomo wo kono te de yakiharau koto ni nattemo
Being hand fed within a locked birdcage I will not forget Yet I won’t go back to those days I’ve prepared to burn anything with these hands, even past friends
Aa motometa no wa tada jiyuu dake datta Hirogaru sora takaku kakeru yume wo miru Hitori no itami mo kizanda kizu mo Jiki ni ieru darou
All that I yearn for now is freedom To see my dreams rise higher than the skies The pain of loneliness and that of my wounds It’ll fade away soon
Saa takaraka ni shouka wo utai age yo Nozomi kogareta shouri wa ima kono te ni ari Onore wo tataeyo sono ashi de susume jishin de hiraita michi Kakumei no eiyuu tsune ni kodoku de are
Now chant our hymn loudly The victory we’ve yearned for is within our grasp Praise yourself and march on this path For the hero of the revolution is always in solitude
kako ni wa somukete daremo shiranu villain
an unknown villain turning away from the past
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springangel · 1 year
helloooooooo ・゚✧
@3m29s tagged me to "list five songs that i'm listening to"!
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆˚。⋆୨୧˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
1. failure girl - kairikibear
2. toosenbo - wowaka
3. torinoko city - 40mp
4. donut hole - hachi
5. curved edge - hitorie
⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆˚。⋆୨୧˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
aah, i have no one to tag :,)
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vstranslations · 2 years
Jay’ed - Off the Rail - Lyrics
song (spotify) Japanese/Romaji/English lyrics under the cut
風が僕を撫でた 賑わいだけを残して 遠く小さくなる電車 僕はまたそれを見ていた
足早にすれ違う人並み 立ち尽くすホーム1人 そんな僕はおかしいのかも… 外れたレールで紡ぐstory
時間などないが少し佇んでいた あの頃と重ねていた景色 80億分の一 僕だけのライン 乗り継ぎ揺られてくmy life
音もなく増えるビル 窮屈になっていく地図 でも変わらず 響くメロディ 僕は君を探していた
これまでのups down詰め込んだバッグ 背負って確かな一歩踏み出す 捨てるものは何もなかった 外れたレールで紡ぐstory
時間などないが少し佇んでいた あの頃と重ねていた景色 80億分の一 僕だけのライン 乗り継ぎ揺られてくmy life
立ち止まって 振り返るこのレール きっと僕にしか走れない これまで見た全てを忘れず進んでく
時間などないが少し佇んでいた あの頃と重ねていた景色 80億分の一 君だけのライン 乗り継ぎ揺られてくmy life
Kaze ga boku o nadeta nigiwai dake o nokoshite tooku chiisaku naru densha bokura wa mata sore o miteita
Ashibaya ni sure chigau hito nami tachi tsukusu hoomu hitori sonna boku wa okashii no kamo hazureta reeru de tsumugu story
Hazureta reeru de tsumugu story
Jikan nado nai ga sukoshi tatazundeita ano koro to kasaneteita keshiki hachi-juu oku bun no ichi boku dake no rain nori tsugi yurareteku my life
Oto mo naku fueru biru kyuukutsu ni natte yuku chizu demo kawarazu hibiku merodi boku wa kimi o sagashiteita
Kore made no ups down tsume konda baggu seotte tashikana ippo fumi dasu suteru mono wa nanimo nakatta  hazureta reeru de tsumugu story
 Jikan nado nai ga sukoshi tatazundeita ano koro to kasaneteita keshiki hachi-juu oku bun no ichi boku dake no rain nori tsugi yurareteku my life
Tachi domatte furi kaeru kono reeru kitto boku ni shika hashirenai kore made mita subete o wasurezu susundeku
Jikan nado nai ga sukoshi tatazundeita ano koro to kasaneteita keshiki hachi-juu oku bun no ichi kimi dake no rain nori tsugi yurareteku my life
The wind brushed against my skin, leaving only the crowd around me The train grew smaller in the distance, and I just stood there watching it go again
Among all the bustling people, I alone stood frozen there on the platform I must look really strange… A story created by going off the predetermined track
A story created by going off the predetermined track
I don’t have time for it, but yet I just stood there a while looking at the view that was just like the one from days past One of 8 billion, a line just for me Changing trains, swaying along to the rhythm of my life
More and more empty buildings appear The map grows more crowded every day But the same melody still plays for me as I searched for you
I carry a bag full of all the ups and downs I’ve had as I take one concrete step forward I didn’t throw away a single moment A story created by going off the predetermined track
I don’t have time for it, but yet I just stood there a while looking at the view that was just like the one from days past One of 8 billion, a line just for me Changing trains, swaying along to the rhythm of my life
This train sometimes stops or goes backward, but I’m sure this is the track only I can ride along I’ll move forward, not forgetting a single thing I’ve seen
I don’t have time for it, but yet I just stood there a while looking at the view that was just like the one from days past One of 8 billion, a line just for you Changing trains, swaying along to the rhythm of my life
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spyxfan · 2 years
Sono Yo ni Tada Hitori
Sono Yo ni Tada Hitori
Hachi is the daughter of a beekeeper. Mitsuko is drawn to Hachi who is rough and foul mouthed but mature. She wants to follow Hachi wherever she goes; But the beekeeping business is on the move, and they are going to be separated from each other..?
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ninasketchez · 4 years
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posting an assortment of (old) fanart of danganronpa: hushed whispers in celebration of the prologue being released!!!
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kez19h · 3 years
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morimyulyrics · 3 years
Updated: May 31, 2024 (not finished))
Such a fun song!! I love the whole train sequence tbh. I love that William was sort of quizzing Louis, Fred and Moran about what they think was happening, then revealing to them what the truth was. It feels a lot like a glimpse into their non-mission lives, how the Moriarty group interacts with each other. I love it a lot!!!!
I didn’t label the lines according to who was singing because there’s simply too much switching in between characters. Haha. But if someone requests for me to do it, I’ll do my best and edit the post.
ALSO fun to highlight: Mere seconds before this part of the song starts, Louis was singing about killing Sherlock. But then not even 10 seconds into this song, he sounds so sweet and innocent as he talks to William. I LOVE IT. The duality. (Louis is my icon for a reason.)
Hanzaisha | The Criminal
Characters: William James Moriarty, Louis James Moriarty, Fred Porlock, Sebastian Moran, Sherlock Holmes, George Lestrade, Ensemble (including Eddie Hawthorn)
シュシュシュ  シュシュシュ 事件を乗せて シュシュシュ  シュシュシュ 列車は走る 次の駅まで あと23分
犯人はトイレで ワットソン氏とぶつかる 何故犯人は トイレに行ったのか 凶器と鍵を 処分するために その通り 一つはそれだ
客室の窓は 開かない造り 唯一開くのは トイレの窓だけ 線路沿いをくまなく 探してみれば 鍵と凶器が 見つかるだろう
洗い落とすためだよ 服の返り血を そんなの服ごと 捨てりゃいいだろう 服を捨てられない 理由があるんだ 床についた 足跡を見てご覧
…同じ足跡が 幾つもあります 無数にある 同じ靴の足跡 それを残せるのは 一つしかない 乗務員たちの 官給品の靴だけだ
乗務員なら酒を 勧めるのも自然 手袋も全て ネーム入り官給品 ジャケットと手袋を 捨ててしまったら 自分が殺しの犯人と 明らかになってします
犯人は血を洗おうと トイレに行き ワットソンとぶつかって 血をつけた 鍵と凶器捨て 手袋服を洗った
シュシュシュ シュシュシュ シュシュシュ シュシュシュ 次の駅まであと6分
靴のサイズが8インチの二人 一歩前にでろ さぁ一人ずつ 改てさせて貰おうか 「手袋」を!
客室乗務員 エディーホーソン お前が犯人だ!
ならどうして 眼鏡のつるにまで 血が飛んでいるんです?
それは殺害した時 付いた物だ そこだけじゃない 他にもありますよ 一つ一つ 教えて差しあげましょうか
Shu shu shu  shu shu shu  Jiken o nosete Shu shu shu  shu shu shu  Ressha wa hashiru Tsugi no eki made ato nijuu sanpun
Hannin wa toire de Watson-shi to butsukaru Naze hannin wa toire ni itta no ka Kyouki to kagi wo shobun suru tame ni Sono toori hitotsu wa sore da
Kyakushitsu no mado wa akanai tsukuri Yuiitsu hiraku no wa toire no mado dake Senrozoi wo kumanaku sagashite mireba Kagi to kyouki ga mitsukaru darou
Arai otosu tame da yo  fuku no kaerichi wo Sonna no fuku goto suterya ii darou Fuku wo suterarenai riyuu ga arunda Yuka ni tsuita ashiato wo mite goran
Onaji ashiato ga ikutsu mo arimasu Musuu ni aru onaji kutsu no ashiato Sore wo nokoseru no wa hitotsu shika nai Joumuin tachi no kankyuuhin no kutsu dake da
Joumuin nara sake wo susumeru no mo shizen Tebukuro mo subete neemu iri kakyuuhin Jaketto to tebukuro wo sutete shimattara Jibun ga koroshi no hannin to akiraka ni natte shimau
Hannin wa chi wo araou to toire ni yuki Watson to butsukatte chi wo tsuketa Kagi to kyouki sute   tebukuro fuku wo aratta
Joumuin no dareka ga hannin ka
Shu shu shu  shu shu shu Shu shu shu  shu shu shu Tsugi no eki made ato roppun
Kutsu no saizu ga hachi inchi no futari    Ippo mae ni dero Saa hitori zutsu    Aratamete sasete moraou ka tebukuro wo
Kyakushitsu joumuin    Eddie Hawthorn   Omae ga hannin da
Nara doushite megane no tsuru ni made chi ga tondeirun desu?
Sore wa satsugai shita toki tsuita mono da Soko dake janai   Hoka ni mo arimasu yo Hitotsu hitotsu oshiete sashiagemashou ka
English (lyrics+dialogue)
William: Thank you. Louis: Have you figured something out? William: Yes. Holmes will look for clues to find the culprit. However, I shall look at things from a criminal’s perspective, and talk to the attendants one by one and create a profile for each.
Since taking on the case The train keeps going Only 23 minutes until the next station
The criminal went to the toilet and bumped into Dr. Watson Why do you think the criminal went to the toilet? To dispose of the key and weapon That’s one of the reasons, yes
None of the windows in the passengers’ carriage can be opened The only window that can be opened is at the toilet It’s only if they search every nook and cranny along the rails that they’ll find the key and weapon
Louis: Then what other reason is there?
He tried to clean the bloodstain off his clothes Wouldn’t it be better to just throw away those clothes? He had reason to keep his clothes The reason for which you’ll figure out if you look at the footprints on the floor
There’s a lot of similar footprints There are countless prints of these muddy shoes There’s only one thing that can make such a mark That is, the crew member’s government-issued shoes
If he’s a crew member, it’s only normal that he would recommend wine to the passenger It’s regulation that their names (initials) be placed on their uniforms So if he threw away his jacket and gloves, it would become obvious that he was the criminal
The criminal made his way to the toilet[1] But he bumped into Watson and stained his clothes with blood He threw the key and weapon, and washed his gloves and clothes One of the crew members is the criminal
Louis: Shall we search for them now? William: If Holmes comes to the same conclusion, I’m certain he will gather them all.
Only 6 minutes until the next station
Sherlock: As Liam and I have discussed, the criminal is one of the attendants.
The two of you who wear 8-inch shoes Step forward Well, let’s see your gloves one by one
Lestrade: All good. Next. Lestrade: Your sleeves are wet. Show me your hands. Show me your hands!
Passenger carriage attendant Eddie Hawthorn You’re the criminal
Crew member: Eddie! Crew member: I can’t believe it! Eddie: No! This blood is because I got injured. Lestrade: Then take off your gloves and show us. Eddie: Okay. Letrade: This is- Eddie: I got injured over my gloves while working. Eddie: It’s true! Eddie: Besides, do you have any other proof? Sherlock: He’s clearly lying, Lestrade. Lestrade: I know. But we don’t have any other proof. And even if we did-- William: How strange. You say you injured yourself, yes? Eddie: Yes.
Then, why is there something akin to blood on your glasses?
William: If you had injured yourself underneath your gloves, there should be no way for blood to reach that far.
This must’ve been from when you committed the crime It’s not just your glasses There’s lots more here and there Shall I tell you each and every location?
[1] not sure why a watch was mentioned in the lyrics here, but I omitted it in the translation since I didn’t see the need for it
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couldyouspeakmyname · 3 years
Riz's Hell
Suppose that in the world of Beastars, there exists a piece of poetry that curses anyone who reads it out loud. Perhaps in the mad ravings of a certain brown bear student, this idea was born and written, then spread and popularized by Cherryton Academy's rumor mill.  * Based on the real-life Japanese poem "Tomino's Hell"
アルパカわ甘い、羊わ棘吐く、(Arupaka wa amai, hitsuji wa toge haku,) The alpaca is sweet, the sheep spits thorns,
かわいい「リズちゃん」わ丸薬食べる。(Kawaī `Rizu-chan' wa gan'yaku taberu.) Adorable Riz takes his pills.
ひとり地獄に落ちゆく「リズちゃん」、(Hitori jigoku ni ochi yuku `Rizu-chan') Riz falls into Hell alone,
地獄くらやみ味も無き。(Jigoku kurayami aji mo naki.) Hell is in darkness and there is no taste.
出血わ「リズちゃん」の唯一友人か、(Shukketsu wa `Rizu-chan' no yuiitsu yūjin ka,) Is Riz's only friend the one who is bleeding?
彼の怪物の言葉はうるさい。(Kare no kaibutsu no kotoba wa urusai.) His words about monsters are loud.
走ると出血と悲鳴を上げる、(Hashiru to shukketsu to himeiwoageru,) Running and bleeding and screaming,
無限孤独わ一つ道。(Mugen kodoku wa hitotsu michi.) Infinite loneliness is the only path forward.
暗い地獄へ受け入れをたのむ、(Kurai jigoku e ukeire o tanomu,) Would you accept him into this dark hell,
柔らかい羊毛に、蜂蜜に。(Yawarakai yōmō ni, hachimitsu ni.) To the soft wool, to the honey.
暖かさ、味、肌理いくら覚えてか、(Atataka-sa, aji, kime ikura oboe teka,) How much warmth, taste and texture do you remember?
無限孤独の旅支度。(Mugen kodoku no tabi shitaku.) For the preparation for the journey into infinite loneliness.
新年が来て候林に谷に、(Shin'nen ga kite sōrō-rin ni tani ni,) The new year is coming into the forests and streams,
暗い地獄谷八夜空。(Kurai Jigokudani hachi yozora.) In the eight night skies of this Hell's dark valley.
籠にやアルパカ、車にや羊、(Kago ni ya arupaka,-sha ni ya hitsuji,) The alpaca in the cage, the sheep in the cart,
かわいい「リズちゃん」の眼にや涙。(Kawaī `Rizu-chan' no me ni ya namida.) In the eyes of adorable Riz are tears.
啼けよ、アルパカ、林の雨に (Nake yo, arupaka,-rin no ame ni) Cry out, alpaca, to the raining forest,
女ヤギ恋しと 声かぎり。(On'na-yagi koishi to koe kagiri.) Voice out your yearning for the female goat.
啼けば反響が地獄にひびき、(Nakeba hankyō ga jigoku ni hibiki,) The echoing cry reverberates through Hell,
弱点の丸薬強化する。(Jakuten no gan'yaku kyōka suru.) The pills of weakness are strengthened.
地獄八夜空八日の出めぐる、(Jigoku hachi yozora hachi hinode meguru,) Moving around Hell's eight night skies and eight sunrises,
かわいい「リズちゃん」のひとり旅。(Kawaī `Rizu-chan' no hitori tabi.) Adorable Riz travels alone.
地獄ござらばもて 来てたもれ、(Jigokugozaraba mote ki teta-more,) Hell awaits to bid welcome,
地下道の影の下に隠されて。(Chikadō no kage no shita ni kakusa rete.) Hidden below the shadow of the underpass.
血まみれ牙だてにはささぬ、(Chimamire kibada teniha sasanu,) Pierce the flesh with bloodied fangs,
かわいい「リズちゃん」の目印に。(Kawaī `rizu-chan' no mejirushi ni.) As a milestone marker for adorable Riz.
To all animals of Cherryton Academy and the rest of the Beastars world: Dare to read it out loud?
Wow anon this is really cool thanks!!!! -Lexi
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delusional-human · 3 years
6 years ago I discovered something on Youtube... a song called “World’s End Dancehall”. I immediately fell in love with the song and played it whenever I could. I didn’t know what “Miku” was at the time, so I dove in. At first I thought I was listening to her, but in reality I was listening to a man named Wowaka. After awhile, I began listening to his music and all of a sudden it sparked my love and passion for music. I kept listening and listening and finding out what the songs were about. I didn’t know music could have such a big impact. Afterwards, I got into vocaloid by listening to other producers like Neru and Hachi. 2 years ago on this day, Wowaka passed away. I didn’t know he was still making music, I didn’t want to touch it because I was devastated. But I did it anyways, like listening to “Unknown Mother Goose” and some of Hitorie’s songs. Back then, I didn’t realise his music impacted me, but now, whenever I listen to his music, it gives me a reason to keep loving music and wanting to go in that direction in terms of my career. They say you die twice, once when you stop breathing, a second time when someone says your name for the last time. Wowaka, you will never be forgotten, not just because you were one of the biggest influences in the vocaloid community but simply because you were an incredible person for writing songs about things that can be considered taboo. Thank you, Wowaka.
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kaizokuou-ni-naru · 5 years
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So when indicating a number of something, Japanese uses different ‘counter words’ depending on what you’re talking about- 枚 for sheets/flat objects, 人 for people, 本 for long/slender objects, etc.
When the New Fishmen Pirates are discussing humans (specifically referring to Sanji as ‘just one subordinate’), they don’t use 一人/hitori (one person). Instead they use 一匹/ippiki. 匹 is the counter for animals. 
I haven’t seen any supremecist humans use counters for fishmen yet, but given Hachi was referred to as a 魚/sakana (fish) and 化けもん/bakemon (monster) by the audience in the Sabaody auction house, I’d say it feels very very likely that they would speak the same way.
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takerfoxx · 5 years
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It’s been a full year since the unexpected passing of beloved and influential Vocaloid producer Wowaka, who was one of the most important producers early in the Vocaloid’s rise, famous for such hits as Rollin’ Girl, Two-Faced Lovers, World’s Last Dancehall, Unhappy Refrain, and very recently Unknown Mother Goose, and, along with other trailblazers like Supercell and Hachi, was instrumental in shaping Vocaloid into a force to be reckoned with.
Naturally, when I heard the new I was stunned and saddened. Wowaka was probably my favorite Vocaloid producer. Rollin’ Girl remains my favorite song, and Unhappy Refrain is one of the few full Vocaloid albums I’ve bought. His sound was unique and instantly recognizable, and his way of tackling dark subject manner in a catchy upbeat manner was something I’ve always appreciated. Plus, of all the celebrities to suddenly die, Wowaka was not someone anyone saw coming. So naturally I put up a little tribute for the man.
However, ever since then I haven’t been able to get him out of my head. There was something about his death that really fucked me up in a way couldn’t really understand. I mean, sure, I liked his music, but there were only a couple songs I would say I loved. It wasn’t like I had Unhappy Refrain on constant replay or anything. And I hadn’t been following his career at all. He was just someone who made some music I liked. Hell, when Chester Bennington ended his own life, it messed me up pretty bad for a while, but that was too be expected! Linkin Park is one of my favorite bands, perhaps the first band I ever really got into as a teenager, so of course I would be hurt. But with Chester, I was upset, I grieved, I remembered, and then I came to terms with it and got over with it, as one does.
But Wowaka was different. For some inexplicable reason, I couldn’t get the guy out of my head. His death disturbed me in a way no other celebrity had, and I couldn’t understand why. Why did I keep coming back to him?
It took me a while, but I think I’ve finally figured out why, and it comes back to something I mentioned in my tribute post. And that finding out that in addition to his Vocaloid work, Wowaka also wrote And I’m Home, the definitive KyoSaya song, and another personal favorite of mine. Hell, it’s backdrop is my PC wallpaper, for crying out loud!
I didn’t know that. I had no idea that the guy behind Rollin’ Girl also wrote And I’m Home. And that bugged me. Like, I should have known, but I didn’t. It took Wowaka’s death for me to find out. 
Spurred on by that, I decided to check out the man’s life, to see if there was anything else I had missed. As it turns out, Wowaka did in fact have a very prolific and successful career once he had left the Vocaloid world. In fact, he started his own band called hitorie, and, um...
Wowaka was insanely talented. Like, we already knew that from his Vocaloid work, but hitorie really shows what the man could do. Here we see quite a lot of the same creative voice we saw in Unhappy Refrain (the distorted guitars, the almost frantic melodies, etc.), but we also seem him stretch out and experiment, evolving over time while still being undeniably him. I’ve since listened to all of hitorie’s albums a few times, and they’re all great stuff. I think my favorite song is the one released not long before his death, called Sleepwalk.
Come on, that is some really good shit. 
They were also well known for their song Polaris, which was one of the ED’s for Naruto.
And as it turns out, Wowaka could hang just fine as a lead singer, even with how fast-paced his lyrics could be. Hell, here’s him performing his last Vocaloid song, Unknown Mother Goose, live! And he kills it!
Interestingly enough, Unknown Mother Goose is all about him trying to come to terms with how many people only know him for his Vocaloid work and ignoring the rest of his body of work.
And I think that’s why his death bothered me so much. Here was a highly accomplished and creative musician with real drive and talent, who produced a ton of great work, some of which was near and dear to my heart, but I only ever associated his name with his earliest stuff. There was just so much to the guy I never bothered to find out about, and never got to appreciating until he was gone. 
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