#had a very nice quiet evening with my parents and two siblings that didn't have to go
skyward-floored · 1 year
Eheheh I decided not to go to the VBS training because I'm still not in a great headspace to have to be around lots of people and be social (plus I've been to this training a billion times and it's always the same) but my siblings went, and when they came back like three hours later my sister was like "yeah I see why you stayed"
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
updated a little flashback Vladlence script thing that I started writing in like 2020. some of you may remember this comic
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Smile :)
[The year is 1990-something-- before Vlad betrayed and temporally displaced Silence that one time. Vlad and Silence (in human disguise) are at some kind of businesspeople shindig. They've stepped outside for some air and are basically alone. Vlad has a glass of wine.]
S: Lord. I'd forgotten how tedious these are.
V: They're really not worth it unless you can drink. It was so much worse when my parents would drag me to these as a child.
S: Hm. I didn't mind my father's business functions, but my ex-husband's were insufferable.
V: [chokes on wine] "Ex-husband?"
S: Well... "Ex" in that my untimely departure left him a widower, yes.
V: ...is he a--
S: [rolling eyes] NO, he is not a ghost.
V: Still! How have you not mentioned him once?
S: [shrugs] It didn't come up.
V: That isn't fair! I've spilled my guts to you for your research. You HAVE to tell me something!
S: You're being ridiculous.
V: ...That's it. I've decided.
S: Decided what?
V: The favor you owe me for bringing you along as my plus-one tonight!
S: Oh, please! All I've learned this evening is that you're still capable of being intoxicated by normal amounts of human alcohol.
S: Now, you've learned that I had a husband once, a very long time ago. I'd say we're already even.
V: [pouts]
S: Why does it even matter to you?
V: .........if I say, will you tell me more about your human life?
S: I--! Oh, fine. Whatever. Yes.
V: Because marriage is--! It's--! Marriage is everything! It changes your whole life! You finally have someone to always be there for you, in sickness and in health and all that.
V: How could you just...[mimes swatting something out of the air with his free hand] move on, after that? It makes no sense!
S: [tuts, rolls her eyes] You're insufferably romantic, you know that?
S: Marriage is not "everything." My marriage had everything to do with finances, and precious little to do with anything else.
V: ...Oh.
S: That's less common these days, I'll admit, but forgive me if I still feel you're overselling it.
V: ...Well...Still, he was there, right? At least you had someone.
S: [annoyed] Sure. Can we talk about something else now?
V: Did you have a family? [leans against the balcony, resting his chin on a hand, smiling expectantly]
S: [frowning] ...Not the change of subject I was hoping for.
V: [just keeps looking expectantly]
S: [sighs heavily] [trying to be annoying on purpose] Well, I had a mother and father, two siblings-- both of which died in infancy-- and on my mother's side, my cousins--
V: [impatiently] I meant with your husband!
S: [twitches] ...No. It was just he and I, and then I died.
V: Oh.
S: [snarky & bitter] ...Then, he remarried a nice young lady who got to keep all of our money. They, I believe, had several children together.
[Silence is quiet in a sort of uncomfortable angry way. Vlad, oblivious, gets lost in his own thoughts.]
both: .......
V: [CLEARLY thinking about Maddie. a bit dreamily] ...do you ever wish that you could do it all over?
[Vlad is looking at the sky, and doesnt see the judgemental, incredulous look Silence immediately shoots him]
V: That you had more time to make it work?
S: [humorless laugh] HAH! No!
V: [snapped out of his reminiscing, looks at her, surprised] No?
S: [like its an uninteresting, obvious fact] My life didn't have anything worth going back to.
V: [disgust directed at the percieved failure of the faceless husband figure] He was that bad?
S: [waves dismissively] No, no. Our marriage wasn't bad. It just wasn't--
S: ......well, it wasn't much of anything, I suppose.
V: [furrows eyebrows] Hm.
S: [after a short pause] I much prefer this.
V: [for some reason, his heart skips a beat] This?
S: [a bit frantically] My research! In the Ghost Realm. The achievement, the influence, you know. Much more fulfilling.
V: [nods, a bit spacey because of a weird inexplicable feeling he's having] Ah. I see.
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deathbxnny · 1 year
♧◇♡♤ --- ♤♡◇♧
Hello! I've never requested on your acc before but I've seen many of your works and wanted to give a request.
How about the Stellaron Hunters or the Astral Express Family with a child!reader who's like Ray from The Promised Neverland?
If you had never watched it before, Ray is an orphan from GraceField orphanage, and he's one of the smartest children there. He's very introverted and apathetic, so he mostly spends time reading books instead of playing with the other children.
Like I said before, he's very intelligent and a good strategizer. His plans often catch people off guard, but they do work.
And in the anime/mangga, he's pretty suicidal and tried lighting himself on fire. ( He was quickly stopped because [insert character] caught the match before it hit the floor. )
P. S. Yk Stellaron Hunter anon? They're my older sister 💀
A/N: Omg hello! It's so nice to see even siblings enjoy my work enough to request something, so thank you for the request and the information on the character! Also greet the Stellaron Hunter Anon from me!<33
Content: TW!ATTEMPTED SUICIDE, child reader, platonic relationships, angst, hurt/comfort, parental/sibling figure characters
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Kafka noticed right away, that there was something different about you. You were quiet and reserved, often keeping away from everyone to read your books alone. You weren't sociable and disliked anyone talking to you outside of work related things. You intrigued Kafka alot, especially as you at least seemed to tolerate her. Not that you had much of a choice, with her being your assigned caretaker.
With that said, she often praised you for your intelligence. You were alot smarter than you let on and whilst your plans were a little unique, they still always worked out perfectly in the end. She'd always stand there smiling smugly at those who doubted you too, knowing full well that your plans would work.
One thing she did miss though, was your disinterest in being alive. So it came to a shock to her, when she saw you attempting to light yourself on fire. She never expected it and so she moved fast to stop you from doing so. Kafka quickly pulled you into her embrace, unable to say a word, as she just rubbed your back whilst you cried. You were too important to her to die and ever since that day, she made sure you'd never be alone again either. You had her, after all.
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Blade didn't mind how introverted and quiet you were. In fact, he preferred it, as it meant that you wouldn't ask much of him or annoy him either. You both enjoyed to keep everything to yourselves and only interacted when it was necessary. But this didn't mean, that Blade didn't keep his eyes on you.
He was secretly very impressed by your intelligence and skills, often wondering how such a child could come up with these elaborate and unique plans, that always worked flawlessly. It made him develop huge trust in you and your abilities, going as far as to even ask for your opinion whenever it's needed first. Despite your age, he still respects you.
One thing he definitely found off about you however, is that you were always so apathetic, which he found odd for a kid your age. He often questioned why that was, which would just earn him an indifferent answer. But he didn't need one, as your actions spoke for you. He was quick to shut your suicide attempt down and stop you from trying anything ever again. He isn't good with emotions and doesn't want to live himself. But you still had a chance at a good life and so he'd make sure, that you would have one.
》Silver Wolf
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Silver Wolf understood how you felt and often left you alone as a result of it. Or at least, visually alone, as she was usually still nearby somewhere to make sure you were okay. She eventually got close enough to you through your interest in books and her love for video games, which made you two practically inseparable. You were both indifferent and mostly introverted, so you got along well.
You always aided her during missions, coming up with elaborate and unexpected escape plans, whenever Herta was close to discovering you two. She also taught you how to hack or code, as you were very intelligent and learned fast. She'd always acknowledge how proud she was of you with a head pat and a snack she gave you.
But even so, she still noticed the darkness that manifested within you over time. She knew your indifference came from a sadder, lonelier part of you and that it was only a matter of time, until you truly had enough. And so, she always stayed close by, stopping anything that even looked like an attempt at your life with ease, whilst acting all natural, despite her aching heart. But you at least knew, that you could count on her.
A/N: I hope this was alright! Thank you again for your request!<33
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angstflavoured · 5 months
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RICK PORTAL 2 BACKSTORY TIME !!! Literally have been sitting on all of this for years and its only ever been told to my two friends 👹 so excited to finally have all of it down.
Nothing graphic, but do be warned that it does deal with very dark topics 💥
Rick grew up DEEP in the rural south in a small little religious town. His family was very poor and had upwards of 5 children. His father was very physically and mentally abusive, and his mother was very neglectful and quiet. He was never close with any of his siblings, and his brothers didn't do much more than add to his problems. 
He started drinking and smoking from about the age of 10, as most boys did in their town. They would all meet up in groups and share goods they stole from their parents and from corner stores.
Through everything, the only real comfort he had was movies--westerns and action flicks. They were too poor to own a TV, so he would sneak into movie theaters and drive-ins. It was a big inspiration for the person he wanted to be when he grew up and served as a good mental escape. He wanted to eventually leave this town and travel the world with nothing but the clothes on his back and a dream.
The only real friend he had through it all was Teddy. Rick was a troubled kid and could be a bit mean due to his upbringing, but Teddy was the one person he was always nice to. Something about him made him soft. They were best friends since they were toddlers and while other people came and went, those two always stuck together and stayed close. 
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Somewhere along the way, their relationship ended up becoming romantic. They were so young that the whole thing was confusing, but they knew well enough to keep it a secret from everyone else. Rick knew that something was deeply wrong with it and it always ate up at him inside and made him ashamed, but Teddy didn't have a care in the world. Rick made him happy and that was all that mattered.
Then when Rick turned 16, he decided that he'd had enough with school and church and his parents. He was ready to leave it all behind--but he wasn't going to bring Teddy. Teddy had a sister he was really close with, and more friends than Rick had. He had more to lose and Rick didn't want him uprooting his whole entire life for him. 
So Rick broke things off with Teddy and told him never to tell another soul what had happened between them and to forget the whole thing, forget Rick. Then he jumped onto a boxcar train and left town.
He was homeless for a good bit, but managed to get a small job that gave him enough money to save up for an old, broken down truck that he lived out of. He never stayed in one place too long, hopping around and getting jobs here and there, stealing off of folks in town to get enough for food. 
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Rick had a hard, but very adventurous and rewarding few years out on the road, but at the end of it all, he couldn't find anyone even close to Teddy. It wasn't the same without him around and Rick decided that maybe it was worth a shot going back and seeing if somehow Teddy was still in the town they grew up in. 
Rick drove back, now a full grown adult, hoping there was a way that he'd still want to talk to him again. But when he got back to town and asked around, it turned out that Teddy wasn't as great at keeping the secret as he hoped. 
Teddy had tried to flirt with a man at a bar, and he didn't take too kind to it. His friends dragged Teddy outside and beat him to death, where his family found his body a few days later. By the time Rick got back to town, Teddy was long buried in a small marked grave. 
It really fucked with Rick's head. After that, he buried everything that happened between them deeeep deep down and honestly just convinced himself it never happened. They were kids and they didn't know what they were doing. 
After that, Rick went a lot harder on traveling around with the intent of meeting people to have one night stands with in maybe some hopes of further cementing the fact that he only liked women. 
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He already had a problem with drinking before, but it got worse and worse as years went on. Most of his money went straight back into drinks. He couldn't keep any sort of job for more than a few days because he was constantly day drinking, showing up wasted. 
It was a great big blur for a lot of years of sleeping with women, getting fucked up on drugs, driving drunk, waking up places he didn't remember. He got into a lot of fights, most of which he started himself (definitely didn't have a weird thing where he liked fighting because it was the only time he got to touch a man.... cus that would be WEIRD ASF 🗣🗣🗣 AND MAKE HIM A FREAK.) All the while he was living out of the same truck he'd gotten at 16 which constantly needed repairs. He hardly had enough money for gas, so he usually had to siphon it from other cars. Times were ROUGH
Then one day, he met a very nice, charming man at a bar. They hit it off right away, spent the whole night talking and drinking and dancing. It felt so nice and familiar in a way that Rick couldn't place, until at one point the man tried to make an advance on him. A deep, primal panic rose inside him and Rick immediately got LIVID, punching the guy right in the face and cussing him out in the middle of the bar, calling him names and slurs before leaving once the bartender told him to.
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Rick felt a deep emptiness and strange longing that he hadn't felt since he was a little kid. He thought about it for days--more than anything the fact how much he really, really did want to go home with that man. 
That was when he decided that he couldn't do this anymore. He was getting too old to be living out of his truck. He hadn't had a real home since he was a kid, and that mixed with all of the drugs and high stakes adventures and fights, he was going to drive himself into an early grave. 
It was time that he got an actual job, and an actual home. And maybe that would help distract him from thinking too much about that nice man at the bar. 
After driving around and searching, eventually he ended up at Aperture. Nice easy desk job, impossible to get fired from, and hours and hours of overtime. He luckily ended up landing a cheap apartment because he was able to seduce the owner of the building into a lower rate and flexible payments. 
Rick still had a hard time with showing up to work drunk and slacking off, but at the very least he had a roof over his head. 
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sebsgirl71479 · 1 year
I'm with you
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Bucky Barnes x Plus Sized Reader
Warnings: none just absolute fluff.
AN/: I had a dream the other night, and this is the result of it. Most of my dreams consist of some kind of music. The song that this story follows is one of my all-time favorites. Hope you enjoy it purely self-indulgent as you will read. Typed on my phone, so sorry for any mistakes. The picture above is courtesy of nix on Instagram. I'm dedicating this to @christycurlswrites @povlvr
Bucky barnes was a man who loved music. Listened to it whenever he had free time. It was a way of escapism from the life he used to have. Lately, he has had a melody in his head that he can't seem to figure out. It sounds like a song from this time, but not now. So when he goes to the bar that is down the block from his apartment, spends about a good 30 mins going through the jukebox playing songs, hoping he will find it.
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Y/N loved music as well. She thinks every type of emotion can be traced to music. Y/N grew up around music, with siblings and parents who constantly had it playing. Weather in their own rooms or out in the backyard while gardening or cooking on the grill. One day, she was fliting around her Brooklyn apartment, putting a few books that she had bought away. When suddenly she had the urge to hum a melody. She sort of recognized the tune, but she kept singing it anyway.
After tidying up her apartment y/n decided to head to her local bar and have a drink or two and talk with the sweet lady that tended the bar sometimes. Making sure she looked presentable y/n grabbed her leather jacket and headed out into the early autumn night.
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Tonight was just another night for bucky. After having a quick debrief with Sam and going home to shower and refresh, he headed to his regular bar for another night of figuring out this song in his head. So far, it's been 2 weeks since he started this search. He didn't mind it so much. The bar was good, and the older lady bartender sometimes tried flirting with him, but she only did it because her husband got a kick out of it.
You were sitting at the bar nursing your drink and losing yourself in the music that was being played on the jukebox near you. You look up and a very handsome brunette walks up to the bar top and greets Eleanor, your sweet bartender lady. He orders a beer and goes over to the jukebox and starts entering money and pressing a fee buttons for several songs. You think to yourself 'hm this guy must like music as much as I do.' He heads back over to the middle of the bar where he left beer and sits back and waits for a new song to play.
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"Pist Eleanor, who is that man?"
"Oh honey, that's James. Such a sweet but quiet man. I think he loves music more than you dear."
"Oh, I doubt that, but it is nice to know a fellow music lover."
"He's been coming her for a while now, but lately, he said he's had a tune in his head where he can't figure out what the song is. So he comes here plays the jukebox for a bit, hoping he will find the song."
"Well, I hope he finds it. I've had a song in my head all day today, and I'm trying to remember it."
As soon as your conversation ends, you hear a familiar cello playing the beginning of one of your favorite songs. So you start to sing along with it.
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Bucky is on his 2nd beer when that same melody he has been humming finally comes through the speakers. When the chorus starts, he hears the woman to his left start singing at the same time. She has the most beautiful voice and even more beautiful face. He can't stop staring at her and Eleanor can see this.
"James, I see you staring. Why do you go and ask her to dance? It's a beautiful song."
"Eleanor, this is the song that's been stuck in my head. When I finally hear it, this woman is singing it as well. Who is she, she's beautiful? "
"That's y/n, she's a music lover like yourself. Go, ask her to dance."
Bucky takes another sip of his beer and finds the courage to walk up to you. As he walks up to her, she gets more beautiful.
"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you, but you have a beautiful voice. I know this is strange but would you like to dance with me?"
You look up at the brunette and can't stop staring at his stunning blur eyes. Something in you is compelling you to agree.
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"This is one of my favorite songs. I would love to."
You take his hand, and he leads you a bit away from the bar. He brings his right arm around your waist while you hold his left hand to the side. You both can stop staring at the other. So entranced with each other.
"My name is James, but you can call me Bucky. What's your name?"
"I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you Bucky."
"I'm y/n. It's nice to meet you Bucky."
After a few moments, you let go of his left hand and bring it up to the back of his neck. While he holds you closer by the waist. Still staring each other in the eyes.
"They remind me us, don't you think henry?"
"Yes, they do, darling. I hope these two have what we have."
Henry gives his wife a kiss on the forehead has they continue to watch the two of you dance.
The two of you are in your own world while dancing, the outside world doesn't exist.
"I've had this songs melody in my head for the past few weeks, and I never knew what it was until tonight. Then you started to sing along with it, and I feel like I was meant to meet you because of this song."
"I loved this song when I was younger and have always loved singing it."
"I know we just met y/n, but I feel this pull towards you that I've never felt before."
"I feel it too."
"I want to kiss you so bad."
"Then what's stopping you? "
Bucky leans down and captures your lips in a delicate, sweet kiss. His lips are so soft, and you can taste the bit a beer on his tongue and mint as well. You both feel like you need this is like oxygen to live. You both pull away after a few minutes and press your foreheads together.
"You know, it's not too late. Want to grab some dinner at the diner down the street? They make a great apple pie."
"I'd love dinner. Anything to stay in your presence."
You take each other's hand and walk back towards the bar to close out your tabs.
"Don't worry about your bill kids, its on us. Go have fun."
Eleanor and Henry can't keep the smiles off their faces. Bucky walks over to your seat and grabs your jacket, and helps you into it.
As the two of you walk towards the door, you hear Henry shout back to you.
"Don't forget to invite us to the wedding!"
And with that, you and bucky head onto the streets of Brooklyn. Hopefully, it will be towards a lifetime of love, dancing, and music.
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merakiui · 2 years
How is it that every time you write something, a ramble, a passing thought, a mention, of Trey I am reduced to a giddy mess. And for every post you make of him, you make me realise what my ideal man is and how down bad I am for this man. Idk maybe I'm in the same boat as you and it's because he's actually cunning and manipulative behind his "you can rely on me" exterior. Ugh he's so frustratingly hot. People believe that he's the "I'll have your daughter back by 10" type of guy, and he can be, but he's also the type of guy to call your parents and go "sorry I didn't bring them back earlier, it's been really busy lately, I promise to have them back tomorrow morning" and your parents wouldn't suspect a thing cause they know how responsible Trey is so of course they're okay with leaving you in good hands, all while said man is pounding into you, smiling down at your fucked out expression when he hangs up the phone. Now you two have the entire night to yourselves, all with your parents'permission :)
YES OMG...... it's actually so embarrassing how one mere thought of Trey is enough to have me doubled over. OTL I am down atrocious for him. He is the only twst guy who I would let knock me up in a heartbeat, even if his intentions are to baby-trap. Not even Azul has that power over me. This is just the Trey Effect. >_< I think it might be due to how smooth he is??? How the concept of domestic bliss applies so nicely to him. How completely safe and "normal" he appears compared to the other more suspicious individuals in the twst cast. How seamlessly he can manipulate you without appearing so obvious about it. He seems so sweet and caring and responsible (and he is), but he's also incredibly sneaky and you wouldn't even realize it.
Aaaaaa orz he absolutely is the type of boyfriend to keep you out past curfew and then use the excuse that the both of you were having so much fun that you didn't even realize the time had passed so quickly. But Trey's family is very trustworthy, as is Trey himself, so your parent(s) or guardian(s) can rest well knowing you're in good hands for the evening. And those hands are very good, so good at working you open, at prying your lips apart so you can suck on his fingers, at gripping your hips when he bottoms out in one thrust that has you seeing stars.
He's the type to fuck you just hours before your wedding, promising he'll be quick and it won't be too messy, competing with time just for the fun thrill of it. And he'll tease you with little things of what he'll do to you on your honeymoon, where the two of you can pick up where you left off just before the ceremony. >:)
Omg and if you're staying at the Clovers' house, you have to be quiet when he fucks you so you won't wake his siblings or his parents who are sleeping just a few doors down. AAAAAAA he brings you down to the bakery and fucks you against the counter so you can be just a little louder. You might assume he would be so boring and vanilla from a first glance assessment, but appearances are often deceiving. Trey continues to surprise and amaze.
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wehaveimagineshere · 6 months
I'm here to give you you're first Leon request, but with a twist. Can you write a scenario of Leon and his sibling (who's also an agent) hanging out at a bar and just having a nice time together? If you don't do platonic stuff, you can just ignore this.
This sounds super fun! I've been brainstorming things these two would talk about for days now! I hope you like what I've come up with! And thank you so much for my very first Leon request! <3
You're already half way through your second drink by the time your brother shows up. Even having told him to arrive an hour early, he still manages to keep you waiting. Raising your glass high and giving it a small wave, you watch him weave his way around the tables to the seat beside you at the bar.
"I was wondering if you were just gonna leave me to drink alone," you say in greeting, clinking the ice in your glass for emphasis.
"And have you showing up at my door at 3 in the morning drunk off your ass? Yeah, I don't think so." Placing his order with the barkeep, he swings to face you fully as you grin. "How have you been?"
"Alive," you say with intended casualness, gesturing to your body. "In one piece."
"I hear that."
Taking another sip of your drink, you set it down and tap the rim of the glass with your finger. "Ever wonder if they'll send us on a mission together?"
His face scrunches, and you can't help but roll your eyes. "I work better alone."
You snort. "Y'okay." The barkeep hands off Leon's drink and you study him as he takes a sip. "You used to be all about group projects and people."
"Yeah, well." He shrugs, keeping his gaze trained on his glass. "Life isn't always what we want."
"Yeah," you murmur quietly, letting another few quiet seconds pass before switching gears. "Did you hear mom's finally going to Disney again?"
There's a moment of surprise before his face morphs into disbelief. "No."
"Yeah." Smiling wide, you continue, "Got a call from dad the other week. Looks like our aunts managed to talk her into it."
The smile that creeps its way onto his face makes your own widen. "She's breaking her vow? I never thought I'd see the day. You know what has to happen now?"
"Dad wouldn't tell me when she's going."
"I'm sure there are other ways to find out."
"I've tried our aunts too. They've been sworn to secrecy with threat of bodily harm."
Taking a thoughtful sip of his drink, you can see the thoughts whirring behind his eyes. "Maybe we can hack into her phone."
"You can hack into phones now?" you ask, eyebrows raised.
"Not really, but I'm sure I can ask for some favors."
"You said you work better alone."
"Do you have any better ideas?"
Sighing, you rest your chin on your hand. "We could just...let her have a good time."
The look you two level at each other speaks volumes. There was no way either of you were going to casually let your mother forget the time you two caused such havoc at Disney that she swore she'd never show her face to Mickey Mouse ever again. A broken ride, slippery syrup floors, a crying Goofy. You barely remember any of it, but there were pictures. And recounting. Each family member always had something different to add to the Disney Incident.
Honestly, you should never give two already hyperactive children pounds of sugar and not expect chaos, but what did you know? Your mother definitely didn't.
"So? Any love life?" you ask, frowning when he snorts. "Okay, damn. And same."
There's a comfortable silence as you sip your drinks before Leon says, "I've been thinking of getting fish."
"Fish?" you ask with a laugh. "Okay?"
"I can't have a dog or a cat. Not home enough. But you can get automatic feeders for fish, and they don't really need attention."
"True." You sigh. "Do you ever miss Brownie?"
He leans back with a sigh of his own. "She was a good dog."
"Dad never let us have any pets, did he? Said we were too much like them ourselves." You smirk. "Rude, but true. How did our parents survive us?"
"I try not to think about it."
"Smart." Especially because they could have handed you right back to the orphanage. "Did grandma ever get another dog?"
"Brownie was too good to replace."
"No pets for you either?"
You snort. "No."
Flicking his wrist and checking the time, Leon sets down his drink. "The shelters should be open for another hour or two."
"If we leave now we could get maybe half an hour with them."
Pressing your lips together, you give yourself all of two seconds before you down the rest of your drink like a shot and stand up. "Let's do it."
Following suit, Leon sets his empty glass next to yours, tosses some cash on the bar, and leads the way out.
Time to pet some dogs.
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mementoasts · 7 months
PLEASE do write me some thoughts about suprisingly caring (original?) loser uncle elias
ohhhhhh oh i'm excited to finally write this all out in one spot. also a bit embarassed because i'm cringe and pulled all of this outta my ass xD
i didn't mean to write so much but it became kind of A Lot. i even decided halfway through that i needed to use proper capitalization because i can't look at so many bullet points in lowercase fdhsfkjdkh PLEASE bear with me:
First off, yes! It's just original Elias. I desperately need to see Jonah again, but for as far as I've thought about this, Elias isn't involved in any spooky situations here. No eyes getting gouged out, no Magnus Institute, no dead college roommate. (I could get extra silly and say they're happily married xD)
I do think he's still a bit haunted by his father, in the sort of way that it's impossible to shake off the damage done by a parent entirely, even when they died half a lifetime ago and you're already in your mid-to-late-50s.
But for the most part, he's kinda moved past it. He got over his "I'm a Bouchard, I'm destined to be More" phase somewhere in his 30s, and has learned to find meaning in little things and be content with where he is in life. (I'm also running with the idea that this probably meant he never got a letter from the Institute, so he spent a few years miserably trying to figure out why nothing seemed good enough for him before forcing himself to get over it).
Doesn't really have any contact with most of his relatives, but it's nothing that bothers him at this point.
Him being Gwen's uncle would obviously mean one of Gwen's parents is his sibling, which I think is reasonably possible. (I'd assume it's not her mother, because Gwen's last name is also Bouchard). I could see him having an overachiever younger brother that made him look even worse by comparison.
Elias' father had probably basically disowned him by the time he died, so Elias wasn't left with as much.
Probably met Gwen at some family function when she was still very young, before he committed to distancing himself from the rest of his family. He still showed up, but no one really had any reason to talk to the guy whose father would openly go ON about his son being such a disappointment. And Elias certainly didn't feel like striking up a conversation with most of the people there unless he had to.
Gwen is just as quiet and polite as everyone else there, but she's still just a kid. Elias sees her getting a slap on the wrist after reaching for a second mini-dessert to go with the rest of her tea, so he wraps one in a napkin and gives it to her later while her parents aren't looking.
He's just tired and lost at this point, and it's more of a chore than ever keeping up appearances; so when Gwen looks up at him with big, happy eyes and a soft "thank you," well-- he feels like he can relax his shoulders a bit, and finds himself smiling down at her.
For a while, that's Gwen's nice uncle who she likes seeing at gatherings :] But she quickly starts to settle into a more serious demeanor as she gets older, and at the same time, Elias doesn't really show up to anything anymore.
Something something something, she's probably in her teens/early adulthood maybe when she actually bumps into him again somewhere. She's overheard plenty of negative things about him over the years from her father, but,,,,,, well, she's still got a soft spot for the guy, even if she maybe agrees that Elias could be doing more for himself. And when he smiles at her, it's not as restrained as the one she remembers from when she was a kid.
He's certainly a bit of a goofball now. Nearly two decades of unlearning toxic mentalities and finding something to be passionate about in life kinda does that to some people. He's actually kind of annoying, but she tolerates it because that's just her Uncle Elias :/
I think he'd be mostly chill, but pretty upbeat. Has a habit of yapping. Maybe a little sassy? I kinda feel like the way he speaks would be similar to how he sounded when it was Jonah, but more lighthearted/informal.
Gwen doesn't give him many details about work and such, but it quickly becomes apparent to him that she's definitely not happy with where she is, despite how much she'll calmly insists she likes her job.
He's under the impression she's only sticking around at that job because she's sunk several years into it already, and it'd look good to her family if she could eventually move up into an actual respectable position. (Although I'm personally assuming that her motivations are separate from any of that specifically, but who knows!)
Elias trusts she knows what she's doing, but maybe he's a bit worried because he's seeing himself in her, a little bit. He doesn't want her to do anything rash (y'know. like blackmailing her boss for a promotion. or something.) the longer she's stuck at the bottom without a way of climbing higher.
At this point I feel like all of this is too good for him. He needs to be put into a Situation. But I also really enjoy a character who's already been through the horrors of being in their 20s/30s and has actually managed to find a way to be okay with life 😭 If this were an actual workplace comedy, he'd just pop in from time to time to be silly and irritate Gwen a bit. He's probably get along with Alice.
okay other random details. He doesn't smoke weed or anything as much as he used to, but still does occasionally just for funsies. He's recently gotten into vaping.
Jonah Magnus wears fancy three-piece suits ONLY, you CANNOT change my mind. Elias would dress far more casually, however :3 Maybe not so far as a hoodie and sweatpants (at least not when he goes out), but more like a nice, comfy sweater and an old coat and pants that don't really match anything but he still looks mostly alright. I think it'd be funny if he wore, like, Crocs, though. Never really styles his hair.
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titaniumrock · 1 year
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Saw a few people post their character sheets a while back and wanted to make my own so here is my Playa. Underneath the source for this template is some lore or whatever for my character which you can also find on a later post, but yeah.
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So my Playa's actual name is Alex Lewis and he grew up with very rich parents. (I think Playa being apart of a gang and living like a 'normal' person when he has a shit ton of money and rich parents is funny. Plus it's a nice explanation on why he can just grab the money from the in-game safes from the cribs without any care, as it can be part of the gangs 'checks' to their people and his 'allowance' because holy crap there's usually a lot of money in those things.) Now he's also the youngest of the three children (him included) his parents had. (His parents were trying to embody the Nuclear family, Dad works, mom stays home, and the children have to be (for them) one boy, one girl, and the last child is a wild card (boy or girl).)
So unlike Playas two siblings (Adam and Brooklyn) who were raised pretty strict so that his parents could have the 'perfect family', he was given lots of freedom as he was the wild card in the family and they figured that he would follow his siblings lead (which was pretty much true). But while he had that freedom he was also held to the same standards as his two siblings and was pretty sheltered to the world. So because of that it kind of enforced the idea of following along with whatever others say (usually) especially in the two gangs he had joined (this will be expanded upon).
Now because of the high pressure and anxiety from his parents to reach and even surpass the bar that was set and sometimes even rising further, he developed selective mutism. When this developed his mother was frantic with finding out what was wrong with him, she went to numerous doctors which all gave her the same answer. She eventually accepted it and did everything she could to try and 'fix' it which is also a big factor in why he was given so much freedom. His mother also over accommodates him quite a lot which is why he tends to not want to be seen with her as it's rather embarrassing, especially when she makes a scene. His selective mutism also only really dissipates when he's relaxed with a person in an area he's relaxed in, in a area alone and away from everyone where his anxiety melts away (example; his car, his room, the loft, outside in the wilderness, and out on the water), wearing a full face mask, extremely high anger which runs over his anxiety (otherwise he stays quiet and seethes internally), and when he can't suppress a stupid joke. Otherwise he just writes out his words/expresses them, examples on where/what he uses; phone text, charades, refrigerator letters, paper and pen, white/chalk board, basically anything.
Later in life when he finishes high school his family moves over to Stilwater for his fathers job. ( His sister coming with as she didn't like the city they were living in before and she didn't want to move out just yet.) This is where Playa finally gets to move out and he finds a listing for the Loft we see in game. (I really like this Loft for some reason so it's Playas now). He also decided to do some baby sitting and he babysits two little girls that dress him up like a princess and forces him to do tea parties and what not, which is why he keeps his hair long so that the two girls can decorate it. Those two little girls are also some of the few people he actually speaks too after a little while of babysitting them.
While he's there he ends up first joining the Vice kings (ironically enough considering how close the saints are) because someone invited him to join after he accidentally saves a few of their asses a few times. While he was with them he found that many of the members used him to buy things but he was primarily used as a scapegoat, many members leaving him to clean up their messes especially when they found out he was from money. After a few months of this he eventually had enough and left when he was almost killed, essentially faking his own death to the gang. With that little experience he did his best to just stay away from the gangs until he was saved by Julius, which then made Playa reconsider and join up with the saints.
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We had the memorial. No fights broke out. There were many conversations that took place that weren't about Tyler, which unfortunately is to be expected when people who haven't seen each other in a long time get together again. It got annoying. My mom insisted on taking a million pictures with me and everyone. I let my displeasure be known. Both sets of my grandparents were there. My grandma on my dad's side loved our picture slideshow and Tyler's sketchbook drawings, some of which she has taken photos of to show one of my younger cousins, who is also trans and draws. I don't know that she was thinking about them both being trans specifically, but my younger cousins liked Tyler a lot and I feel like he would be proud to be a role model for them, especially to live as themselves. My family was annoying, but they were mostly supportive. We didn't get to listen to as much music as we wanted, but I did get quite a bit of time to talk about Tyler to a captive audience until late at night. I was glad to see my friends, although they didn't get to stay until very late, and like five or six of us wore plaid, Robin being the trendsetter (as usual). It was low-key and mellow, I smoked not as much weed as I thought, and I didn't break down into terrible tears, although I did cry a couple of times. Maybe emotions will hit me tomorrow, but so far the anxiety and surge of emotion has been worse in the lead up to today than it has been on the actual day. So frequently that happens. I'm staying at the airbnb my mom booked for the event and for some people to stay at. My dad's parents and sister stayed with my mom (lol, also side note my aunt and mom are sleeping in the same bed, also lol), as well as my brother, in the house. So tonight I'm going to sleep in the other bed in the room my brother is in. Just like old times when we went on vacation. And I'm ten minutes from home if I want to leave, unlike vacation.
It's finally quiet, and as I have time to reflect, I think more feelings will probably come up, but it just happened that my therapist's next available appointment was the day after our event and we both agreed it might be nice to be able to decompress the next day. I'm taking Tyler's ashes in with me to bed tonight. I don't think Seth will care honestly, but I'm prepared to have a real sibling fight if he has a problem with it. Tyler and I would've slept on that twin sized bed together and cuddled up real tight to not fall off, that's what we did on my childhood bed at my mom's house, and Scotty would sleep on top of us. Good times.
I was literally interrupted by my grandma (not the one I live with) and I just talked to her for two and a half hours. Grief, love, loss. I am so tired. So much of my remembrance of Tyler happened after the actual event ended. I showed pictures, I talked to my dad, I talked to my grandma, I talked to my brother. So many conversations. It doesn't bring Tyler back, but it felt nice to be listened to, even if it took all day. I'm going to get so little sleep. Goodnight... I mean, good morning everyone.
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arvinjhaybreva · 1 year
jerick bautista/arvin jhay breva -reporttage
A world of endless posibilities
I dream to eat three times a day i also dream to study I dream to wear beautiful clothes. As a child, I had many dreams in life that I wanted to achieve. it's hard to be poor especially if you didn't grow up with someone to guide you. I just want our life to be good, I just want to be able to eat three times a day. I envy other children who can eat well have their own place and wear nice clothes. I think that I also want my life to be in order, I want to study so that I can get myself out of debt but how can I do that?
My name is Gregory Martinez, but they call me by my nickname, Greg, and I have one brother, James Edward Martinez we call him Ed. We are the two children in picture and we have an old friend who we call grandfather jose and our other companions who are Lillian and another child is alex. grandpa jose adopted me and my sibling he fed us when he saw us sleeping on a street. grandpa jose's job is to scavenge, he is looking for something that can be sold and eaten because he has no source of income and no one will hire him because he is old. later on, grandpa jose took us to the garbage dump and that's where we learned how to trash together with my brother so we could earn more money and have something to eat at night. because of the garbage, my brother and grandpa jose and I can eat, we do this every day so that we don't starve.
Maybe others think what we do is dirty and disgusting but we don't like it either and we can't do anything because here we can buy what we need. Even though our situation is difficult, there is nothing we can do if we persevere to survive and fight life's challenges. As a child, I have been thinking a lot, I also dream like others, I also dream of getting out of this life because we do it hard. I also want to study to get out of the difficulties of life. I also told myself that everything I save now will go to school with my brother. I also promised myself that I'm not the only one up to this point.
I had to go through a lot of hardships because of the hardships I experience every day. I feel like I want to give up, I don't want to fight. But suddenly I looked up and thought I had a brother who was also counting on me. It is necessary to fight because my brother does not give up for us either. I always tell my brother that no matter how hard life is, we can handle it. will fight and fight because it is God who will guide us and watch over us.
one day my brother and I started dreaming. I asked my brother what do you want to be when you grow up? he said to me "brother, I want to be a doctor so that no one gets sick from me and also I can treat Grandpa Jose because he is always sick" that was the word that touched me so much what my brother said. I worked hard at trading those hours. I was late at night just so I could buy my uniform to go to school. One day, I was able to enroll in school, a few years later, I also enrolled my brother. we are able to study well and of course while studying my brother and I still trade when we don't have school and we get home early from school.
In our study we will not lose people who do not understand us what kind of work we have. sometimes I see my brother crying because our job is trading. I want to hurt people, I want to avenge my brother, but I prefer to keep quiet and leave everything to my God. Our classmates bullied us again and again because of how we are. I always ask why there are such kind of people who should understand us because they are lucky they have a good life they are lucky they have a good life and they are lucky they can study without a problem what they will eat the next day, they are lucky because they have parents teaching them, loving them. I want to tell them that you are very lucky because we have nothing to be proud of.
until all the ups and downs in life we finished together with my siblings. I am one of the teachers now standing in front of you telling a story about what happened here in the field that I showed you, yes you are right I am this boy and my brother with me, if you can ask grandfather jose we are still strong and living who has a good house and can eat three times a day can also buy good clothes. if you can ask where my brother is, he is in a university studying to become a doctor because that is his dream. I hope this will be motivation for you, my dear students. I am your teacher again Mr. Gregory Martinez I will be your guide in everything and I will be with you in fulfilling your dreams. choose to be a good child and always choose to fulfill your dreams in life, always pray because only God is our support and defense in all the problems that come
Sir Greg: goodbye class
children: goodbye sir, thank you for teaching us mabuhay
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jerick07 · 1 year
Jerick Bautista/Arvin jhay breva
I dream to eat three times a day i also dream to study I dream to wear beautiful clothes. As a child, I had many dreams in life that I wanted to achieve. it's hard to be poor especially if you didn't grow up with someone to guide you. I just want our life to be good, I just want to be able to eat three times a day. I envy other children who can eat well have their own place and wear nice clothes. I think that I also want my life to be in order, I want to study so that I can get myself out of debt but how can I do that?
My name is Gregory Martinez, but they call me by my nickname, Greg, and I have one brother, James Edward Martinez we call him Ed. We are the two children in picture and we have an old friend who we call grandfather jose and our other companions who are Lillian and another child is alex. grandpa jose adopted me and my sibling he fed us when he saw us sleeping on a street. grandpa jose's job is to scavenge, he is looking for something that can be sold and eaten because he has no source of income and no one will hire him because he is old. later on, grandpa jose took us to the garbage dump and that's where we learned how to trash together with my brother so we could earn more money and have something to eat at night. because of the garbage, my brother and grandpa jose and I can eat, we do this every day so that we don't starve.
Maybe others think what we do is dirty and disgusting but we don't like it either and we can't do anything because here we can buy what we need. Even though our situation is difficult, there is nothing we can do if we persevere to survive and fight life's challenges. As a child, I have been thinking a lot, I also dream like others, I also dream of getting out of this life because we do it hard. I also want to study to get out of the difficulties of life. I also told myself that everything I save now will go to school with my brother. I also promised myself that I'm not the only one up to this point.
I had to go through a lot of hardships because of the hardships I experience every day. I feel like I want to give up, I don't want to fight. But suddenly I looked up and thought I had a brother who was also counting on me. It is necessary to fight because my brother does not give up for us either. I always tell my brother that no matter how hard life is, we can handle it. will fight and fight because it is God who will guide us and watch over us.
one day my brother and I started dreaming. I asked my brother what do you want to be when you grow up? he said to me "brother, I want to be a doctor so that no one gets sick from me and also I can treat Grandpa Jose because he is always sick" that was the word that touched me so much what my brother said. I worked hard at trading those hours. I was late at night just so I could buy my uniform to go to school. One day, I was able to enroll in school, a few years later, I also enrolled my brother. we are able to study well and of course while studying my brother and I still trade when we don't have school and we get home early from school.
In our study we will not lose people who do not understand us what kind of work we have. sometimes I see my brother crying because our job is trading. I want to hurt people, I want to avenge my brother, but I prefer to keep quiet and leave everything to my God. Our classmates bullied us again and again because of how we are. I always ask why there are such kind of people who should understand us because they are lucky they have a good life they are lucky they have a good life and they are lucky they can study without a problem what they will eat the next day, they are lucky because they have parents teaching them, loving them. I want to tell them that you are very lucky because we have nothing to be proud of.
until all the ups and downs in life we ​​finished together with my siblings. I am one of the teachers now standing in front of you telling a story about what happened here in the field that I showed you, yes you are right I am this boy and my brother with me, if you can ask grandfather jose we are still strong and living who has a good house and can eat three times a day can also buy good clothes. if you can ask where my brother is, he is in a university studying to become a doctor because that is his dream. I hope this will be motivation for you, my dear students. I am your teacher again Mr. Gregory Martinez I will be your guide in everything and I will be with you in fulfilling your dreams. choose to be a good child and always choose to fulfill your dreams in life, always pray because only God is our support and defense in all the problems that come
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harrysmimi · 2 years
So London Is Home?
Synopsis: Harry surprises his girlfriend on one of the most important day of her life.
More of my work
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Filming and preparing the Treat People With Kindness music video was easily one of the top most fun things Harry has done in his entire career, also one the most magical moment for him happened on the sets when he met his girlfriend there. For the longest he had kept thinking that he is a very, very bad dancer but that wasn't true at all.
He was very nervous and jittery the whole time. Even when he had practiced for weeks straight.
It was all gone when he met met YN very early on the day. She had came to help around for Paul - Paul Roberts who is the choreographer of the MV - she was one of his dear friends who was also nice enough to be one the extras.
YN already had a huge name for herself in her industry and for a huge name like her to be an assistant and background dancer was a bit rare. She is really good friends with Paul which was a plus.
Harry got to know she was already a big name in the dance industry and among professional dancers on the sets. The back ground dancers were making short tiktoks and videos with her on the sets in between practice breaks. What humbled him was that she had no idea who he was, she was just there to help her friend and get some more work added to her portfolio. What she didn't know was she would find herself a boyfriend there.
She was very well known her multi genre choreography style, she new many, many forms and styles of dance out there and was spectacular at each one of them. Harry was very mesmerised by her when he saw her there in her own element with other background dancer who claimed to be her biggest fans!
Yeah, she had a cult like fan following like him too. The strength of them is nothing compared to his fans but they're as dangerous as his fans are. Which scared the shit out of him to ask her out on a date.
On their first date he found out everyone in her family were either into dancing or in music or some sort of art field. Her mum being a professional dancer made so much sense with her being into the same so much. But that was all she shared about herself on the first date, the more he got to know about her was from internet. Which he took with the grain of salt, all the good things about her came out to be true as the time went on.
She also lived in London near Hampstead as she ran one of her mum's academy in the city. She also taught to little kids there Harry got to know when he visited her as a surprise after he was done at the make-shift studio recording his Album. She was just done with the last of her online classes. They did the little TPWK routine which was a lot of fun before they went to hers to have a quiet night and rest of the weekend.
For the rest of quarantine and their work schedules lined up perfectly giving them both time together and apart and grow together with all their deserved privacy.
It's been over two and half years they're together. Easily the best two and half years for both of them.
Harry was on tour but so was YN, with her small dance sessions at many institutions around America (which coincidentally lined up with Harry's tour).
World Hip Hop Dance Championship, was something she have been preparing for over a year. It was one of the biggest competition. She has participated in many, solo and in groups, but this was very special for her. Harry has seen her gush iver the compitition many times, have been there as moral support during her preparation and giving his constructive criticism.
They were both in Arizona. Harry really had rehearsals on the day final day of YN's compitition which made YN upset, she understood his situation. But she had her parents and siblings in the crowd to cheer her up.
It was a big thing for her as she was participating solo.
It was nerve wrecking enough in a group let alone be the only solo performer left in the compitition.
Also they have decided to keep their relationship out of the lime light of media. It was something very sacred for both of them. For Harry especially it's one of his longest relationships and he hopes this to be his last one.
Harry was dreading to go see his lovie perform. He supported her no matter what. He is as passionate as she is about her career for her and is always finding ways to hype her up.
He had FaceTime her before she went to het ready, also made sure to send in the custom Gucci jacket he had made for her with his stylist. It was her surprise.
Everyone had wrapped the rehearsals for the same. Especially Sarah and Elin begged that they go see YN on of the biggest day for her. She was like the celebrity among his crew and everyone loved her and didn't seem to give a flying fuck about him, which humbled him too. But he would shamelessly fangirl over his lovely and amazing girlfriend too.
They reached just in time for YN's turn to perform. The lights were down but Harry swore he saw the smile on her face when she saw him in the crowd with others. She had a full gang to support her there and as well as online.
Harry knew it was going to out their relationship as there were more cameras than there were human eyes, but he could care less and be there for his lovie.
All seven minutes of her choreography Harry couldn't help but have a recap of all the memories they've made throughout the way. He would ho and visit her at the studio after she was done with her classes, they'd have their dinner there and he would watch her choreograph her pieces for all the rounds.
His favourites was when they'd give each other lap dances. His were more of the funny ones earning him few smacks on his lil butt, which made sense with his dancer name given by her; Lil Bum. That was one of the most random memory which made him chuckle.
She have it on tape (she wanted to document it for herself first) him watching her in awe and and all the love he have for her during her practice sessions. How she managed to do everything on her own still amazes him so much, of course her mum helped her the best she could through FaceTime but it was herself who made it all happen.
Harry has never felt so proud of or for anyone. He just can't wait to brag about his girlfriend being the best in her industry out there. He can't wait to throw a huge party for her regardless of the results at the very end, which made him so nervous for her. He obviously wants her to take the trophy home as he's seen her go through so much.
There was so much more that went into preparing for the day, she had to diet, exercise to have her stamina in control, practice plus she was working for more than nine hours a day.
For Harry she did amazing. He wouldn't even hesitate to admit she was the best one out of all the contestants, even when he haven't seen them perform himself. He is going to be biased here.
After YN there was last group performing and then after a little break they were going to announce top 3 and then winner. She did made it to top three and then top 2.
Harry never took his eyes off her. Finally she looked at him and smiled her nervous smile. He xan imagine her running high on adrenaline and he was stood at the very back as he came late. He cooed seeing her wave at her mum standing way up front.
"And winner is..." The host hyped everyone up making suspence and thrill. It was killing YN and Harry could really see that she was bouncing up and down as she held hands with other team's leader as they all stood next to each other. The crowd was shouting her name as well as the for the group, but YN's name was quite louder. Even his band started cheering for YN so he tagged along screaming his lungs out.
"And the winner of World Hip Hop Dance Championship is..." The host finally seemed to have pity on contestants, "YN!"
The room went silent for just a second before it erupted with more louder cheers and screams. Harry was so surprised but not shocked that he turned around to approach firet person with a hug, his mouth hung open in O shape. Sarah was victim of his bear and bone crushing hug celebrating his girlfriend's win. The opponent group of YN cheered for her too pulling her in a giant group hug. She was handed a trophy, a cheque of price money and keys to a brand new car. She hugged everyone on the stage before everything ended.
"Harry, do you want to go see her?" It was YN's little brother approaching her, "Mummy and Papa are already with her."
"Yeah, yeah I want to go see her," he agreed.
"Okay, let's go," the little boy held his hand as he lead him to his dear sister who was obviously busy giving interviews. YN was giving the trophy to her mum and greeting her dad with hugs.
"Harry!" She gasped and sprint towards himself to tackle him with a hug.
"I'm so proud of you baby!" He exclaimed and quickly gathered her in his arms. She stood significantly shorter than him that he had to literally lift her up if he wanted to hug her, making her wrap her legs around his hips tightly as he rocked side to side.
"You said you wouldn't be able to make it," she cooed, "thank you for coming."
"Surprise baby, Surprise!" He put her down and pulled apart enough to look at her, "and of course I had to come see my darling."
"I love you," she squealed and wrapped her arms around his torso this time, he let out a laugh. A gentle kiss was planted on top of her head as he caressed her hair.
"I love you too," he cooed, "and I'm so, so, so proud of you baby."
"Thank you," she smiled lifting her head up to look at him.
Now this was the part where he would bombard her with kisses all over her pretty and gorgeous fave but her parents were there. As much as they are chill and love him, he still respected her culture and kept the PDA at bey when around them. But he settled to plant a gentle kiss on the apple of her cheek.
Harry also hugged YN's mum and dad. Now her parents have basically adopted him in their family and love him more than they love their own daughter, he even calls her parents Mummy and Papa himself, which she doesn't mind because she have Anne as her second mother now. But that was a different story. They had a flight back home, YN's older sister lived in New York as she looked after her mum's academy there, she had a flight back home too.
"See you soon, Harry," Avani, YN's sister hugged Harry.
"Yeah," he smiled hugging her back.
Harry absolutely loved YN's family. Her parents were amazing, and so was her older sister who is as old as Gemma. Avani's little daughter Lilly was his favourite (second to YN of course), and YN's little brother was very fun to be around.
"Bring Lilly with you next time," he demanded Avani making her chuckle.
"Of course, of course," she nodded.
"Yes you only ask about Lilly huh," it was YN's dad teasing him as he approached him with a hug too.
"She's the star," he said.
"She is, she is," YN's mum butted in, "when are you two planning on to get married then?"
"Maa!" YN whined, and scolded her mum about it making Harry giggle at their little banter.
"Soon, very soon," he smirked pulling the lady in a bear hug. He is a physical person, he strives on hugs okay!
Everyone had gotten into their cabs and left. Harry walked to their car. Everyone getting their own moments to congratulate YN on her big day before they all left for their own hotels.
Harry's driver had some serious patience as he put in YN's duffle bag, and trophy in the boot of the car and got in, ready to leave whenever they both were. But it didn't looked like it.
Harry was too busy admiring his love still in her sparkly outfit. She was still wearing the jacket he sent her. It was his which he wore in the music video. A little baggy on her but she looked very adorable.
"Did you like my performance?" She asked leaning onto him like he's a lounging furniture of some sort. He didn't seem to mind but instead wrapped his arms around her.
"I loved it. You really killed it," he told her, "also you looked really sexy on there got me a bit jealous that everyone else got to see you too."
"You're funny," she rolled her eyes playfully. "Thank you for the Jacket thought."
"Yeah, I know you love it. You were gushing over it on our second date." He teased her.
"Yeah and it took you two fucking years to give it to me finally. Now you're not getting it back, ever." She warned him.
"I have you, I don't need the jacket," he smirked his cheesy smile.
"And you're cheesy too," she blushed.
"Come on give me a kiss and then we can go back to our hotel," he suggested already dipping his head down to devour in a sweet kiss.
Once at their shared hotel room, YN placed her trophy on the coffee table carefully. It will be going to London with her.
"Are you coming back to London, or going home?" He asked. They are going to leave in the morning anyway so he was packing his stuff. YN plopped down on their shared bed on her back as soon as she was out of shower.
"We're going home," she said.
"Back to India?" He asked.
"London," she corrected.
"So London is home now?" He felt his heart full at the thought of going back to London with her, going back home with her. Though they still didn't live together, it was still home.
"Mhmm," she nodded. "But would you go to India with me for holidays?"
"Why not," he isn't going to turn her down. Especially because he loves being with her family as everyone is so warm and welcoming of him.
"Aw Harry come here!" She cooed pulling him down on bed with her, making him lie on top of her as she wrapped her all four of her limbs around him. He giggled, "I love you."
"I love you," he reciprocated.
"Everyone is gonna know we're together now," she pointed out once Harry gained control over his own body and wasn't laying fully on top of her, he propped himself up on his elbow.
"And what about that?" He asked.
"Your fans are scary," she admitted.
"And so are yours, I don't know how they'll welcome me." He chuckled.
"But number you have following you is bigger, and like it scares me. You know the time we went out for dinner after restaurants were open again. I told you how like two of these people just barged into the academy and stuff." She explained.
"Hmm, I know," he sighed, "the best I can do is to ask you to ignore them." He suggested. YN wasn't new to hate but it was new everytime.
"I know," she sighed, "but I'm happy to you came to see me, thank you."
"How would I miss my girlfriend performing for a big compitition? I had to come." He bragged, leaning down he peppered ber fave with soft kisses, taking all the time in the world to love on his love. "You know I'm so proud of you, right? You did so amazing!"
"Thank you," she cooed. "How were your rehearsals? Did you get through it or just left it in middle?"
"We almost left it in middle because Sarah wanted to go see you so bad. But we made through it quickly, reached nust in time for your performance." He explained. "Tomorrow's last show."
"Yeah, you did really amazing this tour too," YN said. She knew how much it all ment to him, being on stage close to people who helped him become this big of a pop star. It warmed her heart how much loves his fans.
"We get to go home after," he let out a contained sigh of relief, "can I you something?"
"Hmm," she nodded.
"Why don't we move in together?" He suggested, "we've together for almost three years now."
She squinted her eyes, raising her eyebrows. They have talked about this. It wasn't going to happen until they're married, well, at least she can't let that happen for the sake of her parents. They'd kick her ass if they found out she's living with a guy she is not married, doesn't matter if he's her boyfriend.
Also they have talked about all the things couples go through, about getting married, having kids. She said she wants to have four kids so there won't be a middle child like her. Them settling down in a house they bought together in a quiet neighborhood in London itself. How excited she'd be about being Mrs. Styles.
"My parents will probably kick my ass and ship me back to India," she said, "but yeah, okay!"
"Don't say it like that," he whined, "I understand, gotta get married then, huh?"
"Sounds like a lot of work doesn't it? You'll have to propose, then we'll have a engagement ceremony, then pre wedding functions, then a wedding. Sounds exhausting." She said, sarcastically. He just nodded with his lips pressed into a thin line.
"You'll have to go through it though," she shrugged. And she ain't settling for anything less than that. What a queen!
"Fine," he rolled his eyes getting off of her after making sure to press yet another kiss on her forehead. He loved to give her forehead kissed.
"Where are you going?" She complained, "I need cuddles! Harry!"
"Just a minute baby," he called from the closet of their hotel suite. She huffed turning over her tummy. How can he leave like that?
"Hey, what's wrong?" She could hear him now sat next to her.
"You left, I was so comfy," she complained like a toddler.
"We can cuddle later but I have something for you," he said. That made her head shot up as she turned to look at him. "I want you get dressed, we're going on a date." He held a garment cover with a different coloured fabric peeking through the clear plastic window thing. "I promise we can cuddle later."
She held out a pinky, which he accepted and wrapped his own pinky around hers and kissed her knuckles to seal their promise.
"Everyone is gonna know now, your fans know you're in town." She said sitting up straight.
"How would they know?" He winked.
"They're gonna know," she continued to play along with him with that Tiktok audio. He shook his head laughing as he unzipped the garment cover to take out the dress from it for her.
It was Louis Vuitton dress she was raving about on her Instagram from past couple of months. It was really surprising to see the face of Gucci buying something from a different high-end brand. YN despises dressed and hardly owned high-end stuff unless it was sent to her. She has been a big fan of Louis Vuitton and have been a sort of influencer face of their brand (though she hated the term influencer). Sadly the dress was from a different collection and wasn't sent to her so she had to save up to buy it.
"What didn't you like it?" Harry asked seeing her very expressionless face.
"How did you know I wanted this?" She asked.
"I don't know," he shrugged pretending he didn't see anything on her Instagram. He was tackled with a hug by a squealing YN chanting her I Love Yous to him. "Okay, okay I love you more." He giggled.
"Now go put it on," he urged her, "I need to change too.
"It's like eleven at night Harry, we're going on a date this late?" She asked.
"Do you trust me?"
"Is that even a question?" She shrugged.
"Then I need you to get ready, yeah?" He kissed her cheek, "and trust me we'll be in this hotel so don't worry."
"Oh honey, I'll literally go to hell with you blindfolded let alone wherever in this damn hotel!"
A hard kiss was placed on Harry mouth as she disappeared in the bathroom so excited that she forgot her dress. He walked upto her with the hanger on which her dress was hung.
"You trust me way too much for that, don't you?" He commented.
"Wouldn't be cool though?" She talked through the door, "being in headlines for being murdered by none other than The Harry Styles himself?"
"That sounds cool," he admitted, "but I would never do that."
"You're a buzz kill, Sue!" She groaned.
"Hey!" He whined. "You watch way too much of murder mystery and true crime content."
"It's interesting, and now I know how to hide a body without being caught." She joked.
"Let me know if you need help," he laughed.
"Sure thing," she announced. "I need your help with the zipper gor now though." She opened the bathroom door for him and found him already dressed buttoning up his black shirt.
"Here," he walked up to her and helped her with the zipper in the back of her brand new dress. "You look pretty, I don't wanna leave ya!" He cooed wrapping his arms her from behind, snuggling his face into her neck.
"We don't have to go, I'm tired and I wanted to cuddle." She pouted, acting upset as he sort of ruined her plan.
But he couldn't help it seeing her look so pretty like that, it should be illegal. He didn't wanted to leave either but he have got another surprise for her.
"I know, but I promised you cuddles, you're gonna get them." He said, "if you're ready, we should leave then."
"I need to do my hair." She said.
"Leave it down, this once?" He requested, "pretty please?" His eyes rounded like a small kitten.
"Fine!" YN rolled her eyes jokingly. Quickly put on some mascara and lip balm and she was ready to go. She didn't wanted to put more effort into going through her skin care routine again after they come back as she was tired and out of adrenaline in her body in order to function properly.
Their date went super silent And peaceful. No where too fancy just at the restaurant of their hotel.
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yanderelucy2 · 2 years
Tears of Themis ML kids with MC and how I think they'd look/act. Note: I suck at writing.
Artem Wing (Zuo Ran)
It was hard to decide whether it would be just one daughter, or three kids two being sons and one daughter. I will give both though!
If they had a daughter it would be biological, look like Artem and also act like him by being very quiet and awkward. She is very popular though for how smart she is, her looks, and the fact her father is THE ARTEM WING. She would not go to school in spring, so she can spend as much time with her grandfather, she'll have one friend with that she shares everything too. If she had siblings she'd be the middle child.
Her older brother would be a biological son and look like a good mix between Artem and MC, he would look like his dad but with softer features and a color palette more like MC's. I think he'd be a really sweet kid and get along with the elderly, he wouldn't be super popular with people unless his parents are with him though.
The youngest little brother would be adopted, this kid would be associated with a case and he would be really attached to MC, his older siblings are very nice to him to let him get comfortable with the new environment, but when he gets comfortable they'll tease him for being a mama's boy.
Vyn Richter (Mo Yi)
I think he and MC would only settle for one kid, which ends up being a daughter.
I think she would look a lot like her dad. As a kid, she would get lost easily and was a kind of troublesome child for how she interacts with others. She seems like she'd be similar to her dad and be a little arrogant, but she'll grow up to be more like her mom and mask the arrogancy a bit. Her relationship with MC would be very nice and she'd hang out with her mom, but she'd treat her mom like she's very fragile. When with her dad she would argue a bit when she's going through puberty and having some episodes, but she'll always apologize and be extra respectful.
Marius Von Hagen (Lu Jinghe)
I think he'd have one son only because after that one kid he'd realize how troublesome raising a kid actually is.
The kid would look like his dad in a lot of aspects, except he has more girlish features that cause kids at school to make fun of him and call him a girl even when it makes him uncomfortable. He would be big and I mean BIG mama's boy. As a kid, he would fight with his dad to see who gets to sit next to MC or who gets to sleep in the middle. He is a very responsible teenager though and I see him as a baseball kid for some reason, he'd be really good at baseball going into a professional team and everything. He would still take over Pax one day, but that's later in the future when his dad and grandpa think he's ready. I can just picture Marius putting an "I love my mom" hat on him after he wins some kind of important game (I don't know anything about baseball).
Luke Pearce (Xia Yan)
Spoiler alert! : He doesn't get sick in this imagination and he doesn't die!
I think they'd have three kids by accident! The first two would be twin boys. The last would be an adorable girl.
The twins would be almost identical, except one has MC's eye color and the other has Luke's eye color. They'd be a copy of their dad though. The older twin would be the one with MC's eye color and he would be a calm and collected kid and super smart! The younger twin would be a more sports nerd though and energetic.
The older twin would be put into violin lessons like his mom and he'll end up getting hooked to the instrument and wanting to pursue it as a career. Winning lots of violin competitions, he always had the backup plan to be an attorney like his mom though, luckily it didn't backfire so he still did violin. He'd be a kind of arrogant kid because he'd be really smart, and girls would like him but he never accepts because he wants to find love similar to his parents.
The younger twin would be in track at first, but that's because Luke thought it'd be a good sport. He ends up complaining to MC though and she secretly puts him in boxing, but Luke says it's too dangerous. This is where he and MC hide the fact he's in boxing until one day his brother lets it slip into a conversation by mentioning the boxing competition he has soon. The fact the whole family hid it from Luke makes him cranky, but after watching his son compete he lays off and requests to help him practice. This kid is also a lady's favorite, for how gentle he is with girls and the vibe of "I can protect you" that he gives off. Just like his twin though he's not focused on love, he is more focused on sports.
The little youngest daughter would be quite spoiled, she'd be about 2-4 years younger than her brothers. She'd have Luke's charm with MC's looks. She admires her brothers a lot but is more into painting and drawing and things like advertising. In the future, she helps her brothers advertise whatever they need. She wasn't the smartest or the strongest so she relied on her brothers a lot. She is a romance fanatic though and would often hang out with her mom and Kiki because she likes to have adult women to hang out with. She really wants to fall in love, but for some reason, all the boys leave after a day... always the day after they meet her brothers and dad. Very cute face and very oblivious to others around her, she can get herself into dangerous situations a lot of the time. She grows up to be a lot more independent though.
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little-spoiled-brat · 3 years
Hi! I how're you? I hope you're doing well. I have a request -feel free to ignore it if it's weird- what if levi was into an arranged/forced marriage for a while to another ackerman lady to keep the bloodline going! she always gave him his space cause she knew he didn't like her much. he ignored her for the biggest part until he started noticing how he would miss seeing her if he stayed away from home for too long so levi starts doing acts of services for her (like making her tea) cause he doesn't know how to express his love, but eventually he confesses and so does she.
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pairing: levi x reader
cw: consanguineous love, forced relationship, enemies to lovers
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- ackerman bloodline -
you were mikasa's older sister, your mom and dad’s first born and like usual, the first borns always had it more difficult than the younger siblings that followed.
you were in your early twenties when your dad introduced you to your second cousin, levi. it was all fun and games until they announced that the both of you were in an arranged marriage in order to keep the coveted ackerman bloodline going.
you absolutely hated it and you vaguely remember crying in mikasa’s room almost every night because of that very reason.
“stop crying” mikasa pouted, her being six at the time, she didn’t quite understood what you were going through completely. you smiled at her, wiping away the tears from your cheeks.
“i’m okay, mikasa“ you assured as she crawled into your lap and pulled you into a hug. you hugged her back tightly, silent tears falling down your cheeks.
you tried and tried and tried to stop the relationship that was forced onto you but your parents’ minds were made up and so was levi’s uncle.
here you are now, a member of the scout regiment after mikasa, eren and armin followed your footsteps when you joined a couple of years before them.
you ignored each other for the most part, staying away and giving each other space as you knew that he also hated you as much as you did. sucks for him, he didn’t have a choice either.
at this point, mikasa understood the situation between you and her captain — you would’ve had her in your squad but since her batch arrived later than yours did, levi took them for himself.
mikasa often talked to you that you should just give levi a chance and though you did considered giving him a chance, you weren’t sure if he would consider the same.
“you should try. he’s your cousin after all” mikasa said as you glanced at her. “correction, he’s your cousin too”
”whatever. the point is, you’ve been in this forced relationship for almost a decade now and he's your comrade, you can't put your personal feelings into this and ignore him on the battle field so you might as well make it work" mikasa said bluntly as you glared at her — she was right.
with a sigh, you nodded and let her words sink into you. maybe you will try. just maybe.
however, you were a bit taken back when levi suddenly brought you tea when you came back from a trip with erwin and hange.
you came back to your office after the trip to do some more paperworks when levi knocked on your door and walked in with a cup of tea.
"figured you might be tired from the trip. two sugars, mikasa told me you like it made like that" levi simply said, putting the cup down on your desk and leaving again. he didn't give you any time to react as the door to your office was closed, you stared at the cup in front of you. surely, someone drugged him, right?
nevertheless, you finished the tea levi had brought and actually enjoyed the bittersweet taste of the liquid on your tongue. it was almost weird that he brought you tea but it was more weird how he considered putting in the sugars because he was told you liked it.
he made it clear that he hated you so why now?
making a mental note to return the favor to your forced-to-be boyfriend, you finished the remaining paperworks on your desk.
days passed and the both of you found yourself bringing each other tea at random points of the day. it was weird but you believed that you were actually starting to fall for levi.
a knock at your door stopped you from scribbling on the paper on your desk. you looked up and said a crisp 'come in' as the door opened to reveal levi with your usual afternoon tea.
"i brought us tea" levi chimed and you swore, you saw a small smile pull at the corner of his lips for a split second. you pushed away some papers from your desk for him to set the tray down. "two sugars, just how you like it"
you took your cup as he sat down on the chair in front of your desk, taking a sip of the hot contents of the porcelain cup. you hummed in satisfaction, taking a sip of your tea before setting it down on your desk again.
"thank you, levi" you said just like every time he brought you tea. he nodded in acknowledgement, putting the cup down.
"before i forget, i'm going to be going to the capital with erwin and hange tomorrow so look after mikasa for me, okay?" you said as levi's face fell for a second but composed himself.
"tch. erwin never gives you a break, does he?" levi grumbled as you sighed and shook your head. you took another sip of your tea.
"be safe, brat. i-i don't want to see a single scratch on you when you come back" levi said as your eyes widened a fraction, you turned to him. you were quiet for a second but mumbled a small 'okay' as he nodded without making eye contact with you before standing up and heading back to his office to finish his paperworks too.
staying true to your word, you came back after the trip with no scratches like levi said. you walked up the stairs, intending to find mikasa and tell her that you're back only to be met by levi practically sprinting out of his office.
"you're back!" levi exclaimed, suddenly pulling you into his arms as you stood frozen. this was the first time he hugged you ever since you two got forced together and it actually felt, nice and comforting.
you were about to fold your arms around him when he pulled away, clearing his throat after realizing what he did.
"i-i uh, mikasa is with jaeger and arlert" levi stuttered, a blush tinting his cheeks as he avoided your gaze. he stepped beside you, intending on walking away after your rather new interaction but you stopped him.
you pulled him back into a hug, holding him close. truth be told, you actually quite enjoyed being in his arms. now it was levi's turn to freeze but quickly got over his initial shock and folded his arms around you.
you found yourself nuzzling your head into his chest, savoring the faint smell of black tea and lavender that you slowly grew to love. that you slowly began to recognize as the smell of home, safety and protection.
it was at that moment that you had realized that you had in fact, fallen for levi ackerman.
you pulled away from the hug, keeping eye contact with him as the both of you slowly started to lean in. both of your eyes closed and the connecting of your lips followed shortly after.
you attempted to pull away for air but levi cradled the back of your head to keep you from pulling away. it was intoxicating, the feeling of his lips on yours made you crave for more.
your arms snaked around his waist, pulling him closer to you as the both of you kissed each other passionately in the middle of the hallway.
"i'm going to pretend i didn't see that" mikasa suddenly said as the both of you jumped away from each other, deep red blushes tinting your cheeks.
"not a word, mikasa or i will make you run laps" you threatened as she simply shrugged her shoulders.
"you know you can't do that, you're not my direct superior. only the person you were kissing can order me to run laps" mikasa retorted, emphasizing the word 'kissing' as you glared at her, the blush on your cheeks deepening even more.
"mikasa" levi warned as mikasa smiled smugly at him. "sorry for interrupting, captain. i'm gonna go find eren"
and just like that, your sister walked the other direction to find eren. you sighed deeply, turning to face levi again.
"do you- do you mind if i k-kiss you again?" levi asked shyly as you smiled, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into his office nearby. you closed the door and cupped his face before crashing your lips on his again.
"i think i-i'm in love with you" levi said, pulling away from the kiss as you smiled. and truth be told, "i think i'm in love with you too"
following the simple confessions of your feelings towards each other, levi connected your lips once again in another passionate kiss.
never in your life did you expect that getting forced into a relationship would become the best life decision someone has ever made for you.
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titaniumrock · 1 year
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Okay so I actually have a lot of ideas for my Playa and one thing I really want to share is well, basically the jist of his life before joining the saints. It's not the greatest but yeah, click read more if you're interested in hearing what in the gods names I wrote.
So my Playa's actual name is Alex Lewis and he grew up with very rich parents. (I think Playa being apart of a gang and living like a 'normal' person when he has a shit ton of money and rich parents is funny. Plus it's a nice explanation on why he can just grab the money from the in-game safes from the cribs without any care, as it can be part of the gangs 'checks' to their people and his 'allowance' because holy crap there's usually a lot of money in those things.) Now he's also the youngest of the three children (him included) his parents had. (His parents were trying to embody the Nuclear family, Dad works, mom stays home, and the children have to be (for them) one boy, one girl, and the last child is a wild card (boy or girl).)
So unlike Playas two siblings (Adam and Brooklyn) who were raised pretty strict so that his parents could have the 'perfect family', he was given lots of freedom as he was the wild card in the family and they figured that he would follow his siblings lead (which was pretty much true). But while he had that freedom he was also held to the same standards as his two siblings and was pretty sheltered to the world. So because of that it kind of enforced the idea of following along with whatever others say (usually) especially in the two gangs he had joined (this will be expanded upon).
Now because of the high pressure and anxiety from his parents to reach and even surpass the bar that was set and sometimes even rising further, he developed selective mutism. When this developed his mother was frantic with finding out what was wrong with him, she went to numerous doctors which all gave her the same answer. She eventually accepted it and did everything she could to try and 'fix' it which is also a big factor in why he was given so much freedom. His mother also over accommodates him quite a lot which is why he tends to not want to be seen with her as it's rather embarrassing, especially when she makes a scene. His selective mutism also only really dissipates when he's relaxed with a person in an area he's relaxed in, in a area alone and away from everyone where his anxiety melts away (example; his car, his room, the loft, outside in the wilderness, and out on the water), wearing a full face mask, extremely high anger which runs over his anxiety (otherwise he stays quiet and seethes internally), and when he can't suppress a stupid joke. Otherwise he just writes out his words/expresses them, examples on where/what he uses; phone text, charades, refrigerator letters, paper and pen, white/chalk board, basically anything.
Later in life when he finishes high school his family moves over to Stilwater for his fathers job. ( His sister coming with as she didn't like the city they were living in before and she didn't want to move out just yet.) This is where Playa finally gets to move out and he finds a listing for the Loft we see in game. (I really like this Loft for some reason so it's Playas now). He also decided to do some baby sitting and he babysits two little girls that dress him up like a princess and forces him to do tea parties and what not, which is why he keeps his hair long so that the two girls can decorate it. Those two little girls are also some of the few people he actually speaks too after a little while of babysitting them.
While he's there he ends up first joining the Vice kings (ironically enough considering how close the saints are) because someone invited him to join after he accidentally saves a few of their asses a few times. While he was with them he found that many of the members used him to buy things but he was primarily used as a scapegoat, many members leaving him to clean up their messes especially when they found out he was from money. After a few months of this he eventually had enough and left when he was almost killed, essentially faking his own death to the gang. With that little experience he did his best to just stay away from the gangs until he was saved by Julius, which then made Playa reconsider and join up with the saints.
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