#had their post screenshotted ready to bring EVIDENCE TO THE TABLE !
killsaki · 1 year
ventured into kisaki’s x reader tag… why do people post the things that they do
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besides the information, in that one ask being hard to prove I kinda like, idk wanted to put it out there that there's smth that feels off when ppl mention Ashfur having delusions and stuff, like maybe you can find some canon connections... maybe, but it feels like a real red flag to pin his obsessive and abusive behaviour on delusions and also I gotta say ppl who relate and heavily project on him it just concern me 99% of the time
yeah i was also feeling kind of off about that and it seemed kind of fishy, ngl ashfur's literally never been shown to have delusions and even if he did that's not an excuse for abusive behavior???
like if he was meant to have psychotic disorders or bipolar disorder or anything with delusions and stuff that would be REALLY messed up of the authors to make him an abusive piece of shit murderer??? like no one i've ever seen who has psychotic disorders or bipolar disorder or ANYTHING wants one of the very few representations of their disorder(s) to be a literal unquestionably unredeemable evil villain and abuser??? that literally makes the already negative stigma around the mental illnesses and disorders WORSE
like this sounds like it's entirely projected and if you're gonna project your own symptoms onto literally one of the most abusive and evil characters in the series and say you relate to them that's
kinda sus and you might wanna self reflect on yourself and why you relate to said character and evaluate yourself and think and sit on that for a while
also it's been like 24 hours and that person hasn't gotten back to me about any screenshots or evidence that they have, nor has anyone else had or said anything about it or brought anything else to the table, and i checked the person they were calling out's twitter and scrolled for a while and they've posted literally nothing about any of these things that anon claimed at least as far as i scrolled and they actually seem like a pretty cool person overall soooooo
yeah i'm gonna call bullshit on this
don't bring drama/discourse to my blog unless it's REAL and you're up front and ready with proof and it's something i should/need be made aware of like if it's someone/thing that could potentially be actually dangerous to people
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Initiates -- Original AC OC Fic
8//12/2020: Okay so yup here’s my OC espionage story that I’ve adapted for the AC universe. I proofread it once and will probably edit it again when I reread it in like two days lol. Thanks to @alexiios for solving my temporary naming crisis lol. If you want me to post OC fact files (if you enjoy this), then hmu/lmk! I loved writing this (like months ago) and I want to give you guys SOME content, so I hope you’ll have as much fun reading it as I had writing it! Tagging people that might enjoy it? (plus @/alexiios lmao don’t want to spam you with mentions)
Hard to believe that this is only 2242 words but ok go off i guess
Feedback greatly appreciated, as always!
WARNINGS: Violence, car crash, hospital mention, blood mention
Tagging: @marshmallow--3 // @britishhotassassin // @rahdahleigh // @iceboundstar // @sofiewithat // @mythandmagik (I’m guessing your url changed aha)
“I think I’m gonna check,” Jake lightly knocked his knuckles against the wooden table. 
Zoe lifted the corner of her hand. “I raise thirteen.”
The last card was placed onto the table. Last chance to bet. “Twenty-six,” Jake gazed through his eyelashes, raising the bet once again.
Groaning, Zoe threw her cards onto the pile of chips in the middle of the table, two fives staring her in the face. “Fine, you win.”
“As per usual!” Jake laughed as he slapped a pair of kings down in front of him and collected his chips. 
“Jesus! You always get the good hand!” Jake flashed a look of offense. 
“No I do--” He was briskly interrupted.
“Name one time you’ve lost! I bet you cheat.”
Before he could reply, someone walked through the door of the lunch room. “Nick?” Jake’s voice laced in confusion as his smirk dropped.
“Break’s over. We need you both.” 
Startled, the two followed their boss into a briefing room. “What’s the problem?” Zoe asked, leaning against the table. Jake sat down on a chair next to her, kicking his shoes onto the polished wood beside her. He popped some gum in his mouth before undoing his top button of his checked shirt; the two of them opted for a casual office day. Zoe and Nick both declined as he offered them each a piece. “Really? It’s strawberry…”
“Not now, Jake. We have a missing agent. You are two of our best trackers; no one else in the whole department is as… experienced. We need you to find him before it’s too late.” A picture was brought up; blond hair and brown eyes. 
“He was last seen at these coordinates-- get on it.” Nick left the two in silence as he dropped two files on the table and left the room.
Zoe picked one up and slid the other one Jake’s way, hitting his shoes. Sitting straight, he leaned forwards to take a closer look. “I have the agent.”
“I’ve got the leads…” Zoe mumbled with a frown, sifting through the relatively thin file that had been accumulated over the past few days. CCTV screenshots, cases previously solved that could harbour motive for revenge, and a few other documents referring to things she had never seen or heard of before. “Hey, Jake?” 
“Hmm?” He looked up with interest, his chewing paused.
��Have you ever heard of Abstergo Industries?”
There was a silence as he thought. “No; is it one of those massive corporations?”
Zoe’s eyes roamed various images of murder scenes, all having one thing in common; jewellry in the shape of a cross, circled in red ink. “Something like that…”
Did Nick mean for us to see this? It feels classified…
“So his name is Matthew Anderson. Twenty-six, unmarried, single child, no children. There is literally no record of him anywhere; no school record, no criminal record, no family record; nothing. Only things like “Favourite coffee shop”. The man’s an enigma. Why would anyone want to kidnap him? There’s no evidence to justify a ransom or leverage of any sort…”
“It does seem strange, but it might have something to do with this Abstergo place. Let’s go to that coffee shop and see what we can find.”
Jake followed Zoe towards the armory; full of necessary gear and equipment. The pair grabbed what they needed, namely the issued pepper spray and tasers. Their badges waited for them, along with any IDs they may need. “Ready?” Zoe debated bringing a firearm, but decided against it; there was already going to be one in the glovebox. 
All Jake did was wink and smile, donning his jacket. “Always.”
They spent the rest of the afternoon searching for answers in the coffee shop. Social media, local news posts, Police records-- even private databases -- all with the keyword, ‘Abstergo’. Jake left to the counter after a while to buy more coffee for the two of them; their eyes had begun to sting from staring at a screen for so long. Zoe was writing some information down in her notepad when she saw movement out of the corner of her eye. She glanced to see someone dressed  in a grey hoodie and tracksuit bottoms. They had hidden their features under their hood, but Zoe could tell that they were looking in her direction. Hiding behind fallen hair, she rubbed her palms against her jeans. 
Jake returned with her latte, placing it down before sitting to nurse his cappuccino. He noticed how unsettled she had become. “You okay? You look as if you’ve seen a ghost.” After he spoke, he licked the milk mousse moustache from his upper lip. 
Zoe smiled, his actions calming her slightly. “I’m fine,” she said. “It’s just…” She lowered her voice. “There’s a guy over there. He’s just… staring.” Jake quickly flitted his gaze over in that direction and then back at his partner, his head unmoving.
“He is a bit creepy, isn’t he?” he mumbled. “Feel like getting out of here?”
“Please.” Jake left to get takeaway cups as Zoe started clearing the table. 
The sun had already begun to set as they left the coffee shop and got into an unmarked van designed for undercover work. As they were driving down some narrower country lanes, Jake noticed something out of the rearview mirror. “Uh, Zo’?” She hummed in reply from the driver’s seat, preoccupied with the road. “I think someone’s following us.”
“What should we do?” she asked, turning left. For the second time that day, Jake was interrupted. A bullet shattered one of the back windows.
“Not much!” Jake took the pistol out of the glovebox and began firing back.  Zoe stole a glance behind her. 
“Look out!” Jake grabbed the steering wheel and pulled. The wheels veered out of control and the van tumbled. It rolled off the road.
The vehicle eventually stopped, lying capsized on the grass. Footsteps approached the door. “Yeah, boss; we got ‘em,” a gravelly voice stated. Jake, barely conscious, never moved a muscle. “Roger,” the voice said again, and footsteps started to recede. 
“Zoe,” Jake groaned. He got a quiet mumble in response. His nose alerted him to the imminent danger they were in; the smell of petrol. Trying to move, he winced at the sudden throbbing pain in his head.
And his torso.
And his back.
He took a step to remove his seatbelt, bracing himself as he hit the roof below him. He groaned as his upper back collided with the ground. “Hey, Zo’.” Jake crawled below her and tried to unbuckle her seatbelt with a sense of panic. “Damn,” he cursed. The seatbelt wasn’t going to loosen willingly. He searched for any solution and found a glint in the half opened glovebox by his feet. He had rediscovered his pocket knife. 
Quickly, he pulled it open and stuck it in the seatbelt box, jiggling it around; waiting for the click.
After a few painstaking moments, the restraint opened. He ripped it off and Zoe fell onto Jake’s torso, immediately winding him. 
“Come on, Zo’; we need to get out of here.” His arm clung to her waist and he wriggled out as fast as he could from the flammable scrap. He was relieved as he inhaled fresh air; flushing out his lungs from the scent of leaking petrol. 
Once they were clear of the vehicle, Jake laid Zoe out of sight and began to lightly touch her face. “Wake up, Zo’. We need to leave!” There was a minimal groaning response; but she was still conscious-- with her eyes half open. “That’s good enough for me.” With difficulty, he scooped his partner into his chest, stood up shakily, and tried to walk in a straight direction. 
“FREEZE!” He stopped, closing his eyes. His arms were trembling in exhaustion, and his heart begun to palpitate. “Turn around—slowly.” He listened, clutching Zoe tightly.
“Come on, mate,” Jake tried, making earnest eye contact. “You don’t want to do this.” His eyes scanned the gun pointed at the two of them worriedly. 
“I don’t think that you’re in the position to tell me what to do.” The same voice, body turning in the shadows, triggered his radio. “Sir, they’re still alive.” A static grumble was all that could be deciphered in Jake’s ringing ears. “Yes, boss.”
The gun began to aim. “Don’t move.”
The safety clicked. “It would be in your best interest to close your eyes.”
Jake waited, watching the trigger, steeling his already hardened glare. 
Nothing happened.
Until, in a split second, the gun moved from Jake’s chest to Zoe’s. 
Bodies were sent flying down the hill Jake had painfully trekked up. They rested at the bottom of the hill; lying still-- breathing stiller. “They’re finished now, boss,” the voice quipped. 
There was a sound of car doors slamming and a car engine starting, and it began to drive away.
It was still for a moment…
Until Jake grimaced. One of his arms were trapped under Zoe’s body This time, she was out cold. Jake wiped the grime off of his forehead, before being engulfed in a stabbing pain. He let out a broken cry.  Zoe was unharmed; a concussion was assumed, at worst.
But Jake was shot. And he was bleeding out. He choked on his words; the pain kept swallowing them. 
What he needed was an ambulance--and fast.
He only had one arm to move his body, and it caused him the most pain he had ever felt. 
“Argh,” he groaned. “Z-Zo’.”
He had to find something-- anything-- to call for help. He searched his pockets, but he knew that he wasn't prepared for situations like this.
… But maybe Zoe was. 
“Zoe,” Jake attempted to shake her awake. “Please, wake up!” 
There was minimal movement. 
“Help me out here, love...” He pressed against his side with his hand, whilst his other worked on slipping out from under Zoe’s body. Eventually, he managed to retrieve his trapped limb. 
There was no blood on Zoe’s clothing, and Jake reassured himself that she was unharmed-- relatively. 
He placed both his hands on his side, focusing on stopping the bleeding as much as possible. A wave of nausea overcame him; the heat from the flaming vehicle caused his stomach to churn almost endlessly as he glanced down. Blood was seeping through his fingers, and Jake’s vision was becoming increasingly blurred; he allowed himself to close his eyes, wanting nothing more than to pass out. He felt his mind begin to cloud over, but there was a certain buzzing in his ears. It was faint, but it was there…
The last thing he heard was his name being called by a half familiar voice.
He only hoped that it wasn’t too late…
Beep after beep after beep… his ears would explode any moment now. He tried to inhale through his nose, and quickly had the urge to itch as something constantly prodded inside his nostrils. 
Task 1 -- open your eyes.
 His eyelids felt content to stay obstructing his vision, yet his instincts said otherwise, and they obstinately broke apart.
It was dark. That was his first observation. 
Being in what he assumed was the hospital, the stereotype inclined him to believe that bright white lights would be the first thing he would see. That certainly wasn’t the case. The moon cast through the half open blinds, the entire building held an air of kenopsia.
Jake, still feeling drowsy, decided to wait until the sun rises to make any moves; all he knew was that he was safe, and he could allow himself to let go. 
He closed his eyes for a second, and the sun was up, being met with a familiar face.
“Hey,” Zoe smiled, tension relaxing her shoulders. 
“Hi,” Jake replied, a smug grin playing on his lips. “Are you okay?”
“Am I okay? I’m not the one in a hospital bed.”
“Just making sure.”
“I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you.”
Jake chuckled. “You know me; I’m full of surprises.”
There was a calm silence that clouded over the room. “They said you were lucky, you know. You’ve been out for three days.” Zoe looked over at the IV drip that was taped to his arm. 
“The best three days of your life, I bet?” he chuckled. 
“No, no; Jake, they were the worst days I think I’ve ever had. Don’t pull a stunt like that ever again -- for both our sakes.”
He couldn’t help but smile. A few rapid knocks on the door interrupted the moment, and Nick came through the door. “Alright?”
“Not bad.”
He sighed. “You probably have some questions.”
“So many questions…”
“You don’t even know…”
He raised his hand, silencing both voices. “Once you’re both ready, I will answer them. But for now, you’ll rest and recover. I apologise for… all of this.” He turned to leave, but stopped as if he forgot something. Without a word, he pulled out a coin, flipping it in Zoe’s direction, who caught it automatically. He nodded intently, and left. She shared a look with Jake, turning the now recognisable token in her hand. It wasn’t any form of currency, but instead had a certain insignia minted in the centre; a rather obscure looking ‘A’. If it was an ‘A’ at all…
“What do you think it means?” Zoe asked.
Jake shifted, slightly groaning. “I don’t know. But whatever it is, will change everything.”
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larryfanficwriter98 · 4 years
Chapter Six
Louis jumped when his phone started ringing and he looked at it to see a facetime request from Harry. He grinned and answered it leaving the living room to enter the kitchen. Harry was outside in sunny Los Angeles with Hollywood hills behind him from a patio.
"Do you realize the shitshow you have caused on my picture?" Harry greeted him clearly amused, letting Louis know he wasn't upset at all. "I woke up on Christmas Day to this. You have the nerve to comment on my picture and not follow me then you turn your profile on private so I can’t stalk you? Really? I have to have permission to look at your modeling pictures. You're a dick. An absolute dick." Louis laughed covering his mouth with his hand that was currently covered in Harry's pink merch sweater. "You didn't even follow me."
"I'll follow you I promise. I'll do it now, look I’m grabbing my new fancy macbook and logging in.
"You better. Jerk. I'll follow you after you follow me. Some boyfriend you are." Harry said, making Louis shake his head as he logged in and got on his Instagram account, then he went to his notifications and his eyes widened.
"I have 147 follow requests." Louis told Harry before he clicked on one of the notifications of a reply on his comment. "Holy shit. They're crazy."
"Yeah no kidding." Louis went to Harry's profile and followed him, "finally." Not a minute later Harry sent a request to follow him that he accepted immediately, "there's my hot boyfriend."
"Stop it." Louis said blushing as he commented on Harry's newest picture from a few days ago. It was of the view from his plane as they flew over the ocean to California. He commented "When I asked you to send pics this was not what I was talking about.👀.". Harry looked off to the side from the screen to his mac-book that was beside him on a side table, he frowned for a second then he laughed.
"Louis! No.." Harry said laughing as he turned a deep red, "you're gross." He said even though Louis could see him typing on his laptop. Louis waited then he got the notification and he laughed as he read the reply from Harry reading,
''This is a family friendly account. Go away.
I'll send some more later. I'll be sure to wear that hat you like.🤠"
"I think we broke your fans." Louis said laughing
"We should get off before you go and get a ship started."
"A ship?"
"Just wait."
It took a few weeks for it to really sink in for Louis that he was dating Harry Styles. That he was dating an international award winning popstar. He was dating a Gucci model. He was reminded of this when he had stumbled upon a few of his photos. He and Harry talked daily and even facetimes for both of their New Years Eve, Louis had to wake up for Harry's but it was worth it. Recently on occasion one or both of them could be caught looking longingly at the screen, but they always did something to cheer the other one up.
Louis had a countdown on his phone so anytime he looked at it, it would tell him how much longer until Harry was back in the UK. Harry would still be busy and have things to do until March when his tour ended, but he would be here and Louis couldn't wait. Harry often talked about missing home, especially when it got to the last leg of the tour, said it always got harder, but it was even worse now.
After a lot of talking Louis and Harry finally made the decision to make Louis profile public after many flirty comments to each other in Harry's posts. Louis had even made a Twitter account just so he could attach a photo of their facetime one day and tell Harry how cute he looked when he had eye crud. Harry hadn't liked that picture at all and told Louis there would be payback.
The payback had been a video of Louis when he was drunk in January and was shaking his ass on a table. Liam had recorded it laughing his ass off as he, Zayn, and Niall kept men away from him. Louis had been wasted that night and didn't remember it at all, but there was video evidence and now it was all over twitter. That video has caused a lot of fans to talk about his ass which had Louis bushing as he read the tweets.
So Louis made his Instagram public and posted a picture of him in Harry's lilac sweater standing in front of his floor length mirror. The sweater fell to his thighs, just long enough to cover everything that needed to be covered since he didn't have anything else on. It was a side view so his ass curve was visible and he made sure to stick out just a little bit more. In the caption he wrote,
Okay, but why do I have thousands of teen girls asking about my ass? 👀
Harry was the first one to like the post and commented,
👀 that's a nice sweater. Mind sharing? It's a bit chilly over here.
Send me new ones and we can discuss potentially sending you this sweater.
You realize my house has a closet full of sweaters. And my laundry detergent. As well as my cologne.
👀...You don't say...and for no particular reason...what's your address?
😂 I've conveniently forgot.
LEWIS! How dare you. This is a family friendly account
Yours is family friendly. Mine is not.
Since October Louis' Instagram had been filled with a lot of things that involved Harry in some way. Most of it was pictures of the gifts Harry sent, now it was of their screenshot facetime calls or pictures Harry sent through texts. It was also of Louis posting his new flowers biweekly that was delivered to his house by a florist employee.
Occasionally it was regular things like a selfie or a picture of him and the lads flicking the camera off on a group shot. His middle finger apparently became a "thing" that Harry's fans loved, he didn't exactly know why nor did he really care. His family had taken the news to him dating Harry Styles pretty well all things considered as did the lads.
"So I've been thinking." Louis was pulled away from his phone by Liam speaking
"You didn't hurt yourself did you?" Louis asked
"Ha ha. I was thinking we all have vacation time and Valentine's Day is next week. How about we fly out to Orlando, Florida to see your boyfriend." Louis tensed, "if that is something you two are ready for."
"You want us to fly out to Orlando for Valentine's Day so I can meet my international popstar boyfriend for the first time? While he just happens to be in one place for a week."
"Without telling Harry. Yes. He gave you the address to his Orlando home to return the sweaters didn't he? Just bring them in person."
"But what if-"
"No what ifs. Come on Lou let's be impulsive one last time." Zayn said, "let's go to Orlando and have fun and meet your boyfriend."
"Alright. How much is a flight-"
"Nope. Not happening. We are all pitching in to buy your flight. It's our gift to you." Niall spoke this time grinning. "Besides thanks to you and your paranoia we all have a few thousand in our savings."
"What? No. I am buying my own-"
"No you're not. We got this. Now call your boss and tell her you need vacation for next week."
Louis grinned and went to his contacts thinking about how he got so lucky to have three amazing best friends. They have noticed that lately the distance has been affecting Louis more than he was willing to admit. The few times they all facetimed with Harry Louis knew they could see the longing in Harry's face too whenever he and Louis looked at each other. After getting the vacation he had until Saturday at 4am to keep it a secret from Harry.
Departure was 4am Saturday (11pm Friday Orlando time), the flight was 9 hours long so they would stay up all night Friday and sleep on the plane. Landing will be 8am Orlando time (1pm Manchester time). However since they were sleeping the flight down they were going to be adjusted to Orlando time. It was genius the way the lads had planned it, the return flight was the same, flying during the night so they landed in the morning at Manchester. Louis didn't know how he was expected to keep it a secret. He was terrible with secret keeping.
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lostborderline · 4 years
Recent Domestic Violence Exp.
It’s been the roughest couple of days I’ve ever had. I thought I’d been low before but this is it. This really is it dude. The other night before my boyfriend had to go to work, I caught him cheating and got screenshots and stuff. When he woke up I confronted him about it and he deleted the proof before showing me himself to defend himself. I’m like “nice try” and send him the screenshots I took. I even had a girl confirm this to be true that he kept bugging her for pictures and said he would pay. He even paid her for one but she never gave it to him. I was so fucking angry about this. He then demanded my phone. I said no and didn’t give it to him. He began to become physical and wrestle me for it trying to pry it out of my hands and hold me down and restrain my arms so he could get my phone. In this time he kept pushing me into stuff because he was mad. I eventually lost and became weak and he got my phone. He didn’t give it back to me until he left for work. He saw that I posted about him cheating and was venting to some people about it. When he saw this, he grabbed me and spit in my face and eye. The spit got in my eye and it burned. I screamed because I was scared and when I would scream he would put his hand over my mouth and nose which prevented me from breathing very well and he held his hand there really tightly so I couldn’t pry it off my face. He kept motioning like he was going to hurt me and said “I should fucking hurt you right now you have no idea” and jerking toward me. He said to me that he's been talking to girls behind my back and is bored of me (although he said he wasn’t talking to him in a flirtatious way). After saying that, he grabbed me off the chair I was sitting on which made me and the chair fall to the floor. He has pushed me right off the bed on the floor on top of things which gave me a gnarly bruise which later became evidence, it hurt pretty bad that I was vocalizing the pain as he was mocking me and saying “oh shut up I didn’t even hurt you”. He threw me against both my guitars that were sitting up against the wall, and later on I noticed it became a crack in the wall because of it. He spit in my face multiple times to the point where I could barely see and my face was covered in spit. It gets even better. I was screaming I guess and he threw me on the bed, got on top of me and said in an unsteady voice “go to sleep, go to fucking sleep” as he suffocated me by putting his hands over my mouth and nose completely. I seriously couldn’t breathe at all. He said after maybe a minute, “relax, I wasn’t going to kill you” okay, wow, so reassuring. I tried to get to my MacBook to message anyone for help because I was scared out of my mind. He hovered over me and if I messaged anyone, he would have my phone and message them back that everything is fine and not to worry. He said that if I tried to message them further that I would regret it, and said he was going to get some people he knew to beat my ass. He kept saying it. He said to be ready after work because they were gonna be there waiting for me, and that they’ve been wanting to beat my ass. I got what he said on video as well, that he has people to beat my ass. I was really fucking scared. Seriously. I was shaking and couldn't move. I have text screenshots of everything that is proof. After he went to work, my friend came over from a few towns over to talk to me about the situation because he was worried about me after I disclosed what happened. During that time, my boyfriend called my phone more than 67 times in the span of an hour. I have proof of that. He also kept calling me a cunt. And if I kept denying his calls and texting him to leave me alone, he would say “I’m coming to get my car, my coworkers bringing me” and that he was trying to message the girl who messaged me about him wanting pictures and she said to him to leave her alone, so my boyfriend said to me “now she doesn’t even believe me, fuck you, dead ass it’s definitely happening tomorrow, fuck that” “you have a big mouth” “tomorrow won't be a good one for you, trust me, better fucking answer, when you get out of work we’ll be waiting” and he also said that “whatever, I plan on killing myself anyways so fuck you and fuck everyone else don’t miss me when I’m gone losers” Long story short, next day, when my family finds out what happened, they called the cops, which came to my house. My boyfriend saw him out front and told me not to answer it and if I do that to tell him everything’s fine. Originally I was going to tell the officer that oh it was a little argument, but he brought up the texts and everything. I couldn’t lie at that point. So I told the truth. I texted my boyfriend that I was sorry and that I loved him (stupid, I know) he started freaking out. Blowing up my phone. The officer inspected my bruise and told me that he would not be allowed in the apartment and had to find another place to stay. He would also have no contact with me until his court date. I felt my life crumbling just like that, my place to live, the car, my hobbies, everything. This was incredibly life changing. My boyfriend took off out of state at this point. I forgot I left my purse in his car, and he had to bring it back to the station or else there would be another charge against him. My family kept blowing up my phone saying they would move my stuff out until the next day and then my other family would pick me up and move up out of state with me. I felt so incredibly angry, like I can drive myself out of state, I don’t need any help. I just don’t like being forced into things. I understand it’s an unsafe situation but considering these circumstances and that he was arrested, he would be stupid to do anything to me now considering I have a restraining order against him. I denied all the calls really, I wanted to be alone, I wanted to sleep. The night before I only got one hour of sleep before work. I didn’t get sleep. I wanted everything to disappear. After he was released from the station, he came back here to the apartment. He sat in his car out front because he needed the keys. I came out and he was telling me he had nowhere to stay and that he couldn’t sleep in his car and that he was basically homeless. He wanted to come inside to sleep but I said it wasn’t a good idea considering we were to have no contact whatsoever until the next day. He eventually came inside and we knocked out to sleep. The next day, was his court date. he told me to say no to a restraining order when they called me and to say no to pressing charges. I kept saying that what he did was wrong and that he pretty much traumatized me. I think about it all the time. He said I was in the wrong for reaching out and telling family about it while it was happening. He said I ruined his life. I said you ruined your own life when you abused me. He twisted the story and said to the judge that I blacked out and started hitting him for my phone back which left a bullshit bruise on his arm. I don’t ever recall hitting him in that situation, ever. He won’t admit that he’s in the wrong. He showed me the restraining order paper today, which was to not assault, threaten, abuse, stalk, etc said person. I told him he better not do any of that, or else I’ll have a real reason to call them. He called me a pussy snitch, and that snitches are the lowest. He also said if I did that, he’d bring me down with him. It feels like nobody is on my side. They know what he did (in terms of him twisting the story) but they still side with him. I felt as if I dropped all the proof on the table maybe people would believe me beside my family.  He fucking traumatized me dude. After that happened my life changed. My feelings, I was numb. Didn’t know what to do. I’ve never had this happen before. I will never look at him the same way again. I’ve been so stressed about this that I haven’t eaten in over 48 hours. I’ve been doing nothing but laying down. My whole body aches, I can’t even move really because of the pain. I feel so incredibly weak. I don’t things can get any worse. I feel so dehydrated. 
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blackwxtchmccree · 5 years
Side to Side (Sugar Daddy!Gabriel Reyes x Reader)
Can also be found on my AO3 >>> here. 
Chapter 1  | Chapter 2
It’s the end of April and I’m talking about Christmas, but it’s because I kinda wish it was Christmas. Also, if it sounds vaguely like I’m venting my personal problems through reader, well, it’s because I am. Regardless, I hope everyone enjoys! -Valk
P.S. I promise there will be smut. Soon. 
Edit: also if you guys want me to start tagging you when I post this series, leave a comment in the notes <3 -Valk
The first gift Gabriel got you was a Tiffany necklace.
He had Jessie slip it into your bag before you flew back the next day with a note attached to the familiar blue box—
An early Christmas present.
I’m going to Aspen for New Years—it’s not required, but you’re welcome to join me if you want to get away from your parents. Feel free to bring your cat with you. Otherwise, I’ll see you next year. -GR
You didn’t notice it until you were unpacking, shooing Mira off of your clothes so you could throw them in the washing machine, hanging the dress you had worn to dinner up in your closet and putting your new heels by the door, eyeing them with a smile. Once you had transferred some of your things to your suitcase and packed extra clothes to take home, you picked the small box up, slipping the ribbon tied around it off and opening it. Inside, a silver, heart-shaped pendant with “Please return to Tiffany and Co. New York” inscribed on the front and a small key sat on a silver chain and you pulled it out gently, letting it dangle and examining it before clasping it behind your neck. You took a picture and sent it to Gabe with a plethora of hearts.
New Years? -GR
Right. You gave the city a quick search, being met with pictures of snowy mountain sides and expensive houses.
I’ve never been to Aspen. Looks… cold. -Y/N
It’s not too bad when you have someone to cuddle with ;) -GR
You snorted, rolling your eyes, thumb hovering over the screen. It was cheesy, but it made you smile.
Alright you’ve convinced me. See you on New Years? -Y/N
Can’t wait. -GR
With that, you set about your room to finish packing, taking the rest of the day to rest and edit a few photos you had been meaning to get to for a while—personal photos of a few of your friends walking through the fresh autumn leaves earlier that year when they had visited. You had forgotten about them, finding them again when you were sifting through old folders looking for family Christmas pictures that your mother needed for the Christmas cards this year.
The last few made you laugh as you scrolled through them, cuddling a cup of tea to your chest, smiling when you got to a picture of Lena—a short, brown haired girl with amber eyes that you had run track and become best friends with in high school—with a leaf smacking her in the face, Lena’s girlfriend Emily laughing at her in the background. You had snapped the picture at just the right moment, having meant to send it to her after you had uploaded them to your laptop back in September, but forgetting once you got swamped with homework and essays. She had gone to flight school to become a pilot instead of going to college like you—you hadn’t talked to her in a few weeks, deciding to restart the conversation by sending her a screenshot of the photo.
Alternatively, the next photo was of Brigitte—your other best friend who had gone to college in a neighboring state to study engineering—diving into a pile of leaves in the center of campus, her freckled pace popping out of the pile in the next photo, a leaf sticking to her nose. It made you snort and you sent that one to her, too. She visited every few weeks, so you saw her more often than Lena, and she was normally the only reason you ever went out, but you missed her all the same. The friends you had made here just weren’t the same as the two of them.
Within a few minutes, they were both requesting to chat and you accepted their video call requests, smiling when they both appeared on your screen.
“Hi you two,” you greeted them, nearly spitting out your tea when they both yelled excited greeting at you.
“I honestly thought you died I hadn’t heard from you in so long,” Lena snorted, adjusting the camera to better enclose her face. “Finals that bad, huh?”
“It’s certainly been a wild week,” you replied with a shrug, turning your head towards Brigitte. “How was it for you?”
“I’ve been running on coffee for almost 48 hours—you know how it is,” she replied, brushing her ginger hair out of her face. “My last final is tomorrow. I’m jealous you get to go home already.”
“Are both of you coming home?”
“I’m flying in bright and early Tuesday morning,” Lena replied, giving you a thumbs up. “I’m going to lunch with Emily, but after that I’m free.”
“I’ll be back tomorrow night,” Brigitte affirmed. “Half dead and ready to crawl into bed, but alive nonetheless.”
“Tuesday night it is then—we can get drinks. I have something to te-,” but Brigitte interrupted you, leaning in closer to her screen as if that would help her see you any clearer.
“That necklace… I know I wouldn’t be able to afford it, meaning you can’t either,” Brigitte said eyeing you suspiciously—just as observant as ever. “Where’d it come from?”
“Oh don’t tell me-,” but you interrupted Lena just as she got excited, your hand flying up to idly run a finger over the pendant, a blush highlighting your cheeks. You didn’t know how to explain it to them—knowing it would probably be easier if you did it in person.
“It’s only… kind of what you think. That’s why I want to see you both.”
They both affirmed your request, settling on a meeting place and time Tuesday night before the conversation drifted to the photos you had sent them among other things. Eventually, you found yourself drifting, reminding them of your plans before signing off, falling asleep with a smile on your face for the first time in a while. You didn’t know how they would take it, but they were your best friends, so you hoped they wouldn’t think any less of you.
You got up a bit earlier than usual the next morning, putting your suitcase and Mira’s carrier with her in it into the backseat before heading home. It was a bit of a drive, but you were there by mid-afternoon, unloading your things and greeting your family. You spent the next day and a half with them, helping your mother decorate the tree and wrap last minute presents, laughing as you watched Mira play among the excess wrapping paper.
You pulled your camera out, taking photos of her as she rolled around like a kitten before moving to take pictures of your mother cooking, snapping a few before she noticed and shooed you away. They may not have approved of you being a photography major, but you were damn good at it. It was also the first time in a long time that you actually enjoyed taking photos again—as if a weight had been lifted off of your chest. You could quit your job—not have to worry about bills and tuition and you could stop taking photos of things you weren’t particularly interested in and finally focus on what you wanted to. You knew you had Reyes to thank, your hand falling to the necklace under your t-shirt, a small smile gracing your lips.
The next night, you met up with Lena and Brigitte, hugging them both tightly outside of the bar you three had chosen. Brigitte had been working out and you complimented her on her physique; Lena hadn’t changed much and was as chipper as ever, dragging you inside and ordering wine for the three of you once you found a table.
“Alright—spill it. We want to know,” Brigitte started, scooting her chair closer to you and leaning in. Lena did the same and you looked between them for a moment before letting out a small sigh.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell us you found someone,” Lena chastised you, looking up at you with sad brown eyes, pouting.
“It’s not like… that. Not quite, anyway,” you replied sheepishly, taking a deep drink from your glass, realizing more alcohol may make this easier to get through.
“I mean if they’re buying you things it has to be pretty serious, right,” Brigitte asked, tilting her head to the side curiously. “How long have you been together?”
“Four days,” you deadpanned, laughing and nearly spitting out your wine when they both went wide eyed, confusion evident on their faces. “I may have found myself a sugar daddy. But like… a real one—not like a ‘still in business school’ banking executive wannabe.”
“You’re kidding,” Lena murmured, her face unreadable for a moment. Then, a smile broke out on her face she started giggling, looking at Brigitte before turning back to you. “I didn’t take you for one to be into older men, but whatever you floats your boat, love.”
“As long as he takes care of you,” Brigitte affirmed with a nod. “I will say this is the least stressed I’ve ever seen you. Have you met him—like in person?”
You nodded, sitting back in your chair and relaxing a bit, mentally scolding yourself for ever thinking they would have anything other than your best interests at heart. You quickly explained everything that had happened thus far, ordering another round of glasses for the three of you.
“Do your parents know,” Lena asked, knowing it would be just another point of contention between you and your parents.
“No—no one does except you two,” you replied with a shake of your head. “And I need it to stay that way. He’s flying me out to Colorado to spend time with him over New Years and I have no idea what I’m gonna tell my parents.”
“Tell them I invited you to a party on campus because I didn’t want to go alone,” Brigitte offered nonchalantly, sipping at her drink.
“Or tell them I asked you to take pictures at a New Years party I’m hosting,” Lena suggested. “I’ll vouch for you.”
You smiled at them both, forcing down the tears that threatened to spill over, glad you had friends like them to cover and support you.
“Either works. Thank you both.”
You spent the rest of the night talking and laughing with them, even drunkenly singing a few karaoke songs on the stage together, realizing just how much you missed being around them. You finally stumble into your house around 1 am, picking up Mira and carrying her upstairs to your bedroom, texting both Lena and Brigitte to tell them you made it home safely before curling up in bed.
Christmas came and went as it always did—you found little had changed at home, which meant your patience with your parents wore thin after spending just a week at home, becoming tired of their passive aggressive remarks regarding your school work and your social life. When you told them you wouldn’t be home for New Years because you were going to a party, they both looked you, seemingly surprised.
“Going out for once? That’s a nice change,” your mother commented. “Did you finally makes some friends other than Lena and Brigitte? And your roommate doesn’t count.”
“Brigitte goes to a good school. Maybe you’ll find someone better than that deadbeat you dated in high school,” your dad chimed in, making you bite your tongue before you said something stupid. “Oh I meant to ask—how’d your exams go?”
“Fine—as usual,” you replied quietly, trying to keep a scowl off of your face.
“We expected as much—arts classes can’t be that hard,” your mother retorted. “It’s not too late to change your major, you know.”
To something more useful you could hear her thinking. It made you roll your eyes and you didn’t bother replying with anything other than confirmation that you were going with Brigitte and that you were leaving tomorrow. Gabe had actually scheduled your flight for New Years Eve, 2 days from now, but you texted him a few minutes later, asking if he could move it because you couldn’t stand being in your house anymore.
Done. Everything okay? -GR
Parents. I’ll tell you about it when I get there. Can’t wait to see you <3 -Y/N
You relayed which story you chose to Lena and Brigitte in case your parents asked, packing everything in advance that night, leaving before they woke up the next morning, even if it meant you had to sit for an extra hour at the airport. You boarded a smaller plane this time, tucking Mira’s carrier under your seat and settling back. You found that sleep was a little more difficult to find this time—the flight was turbulent and Mira was not pleased. You wanted to pull her out and cuddle her, but you were sure that was looked down upon, so you murmured to her sweetly to comfort her until she fell asleep. Once you landed, you toddled off the plane, vaguely quesy, relieved to be met with bone-chilling air once you stepped outside.
There was more snow on the ground than you had seen in your entire life and more was slowly falling. You shuffled into the small airport to grab your bags, met at the entrance by McCree and Shimada, the cowboy tipping his hat to you.
“Lookin’ a little green around the gills there, darlin’,” Jesse laughed, taking Mira from you as Genji grabbed your bag.
“You could say that,” you replied, brow furrowed. “Evidently I don’t deal very well with turbulence. Neither does she.”
“That’s alright. I don’t either,” McCree replied, opening the back door for you to get in, reaching around to the front seat to grab something, presenting you with a heavy peacoat. “From Reyes—it’s cold and it’s only gonna get colder, so bundle up.” You nodded, taking it gratefully and slipping it on.
Much to your surprise, the drive to the house was no more than 10 minutes from the airport. You looked out the window, watching in astonishment as you passed both houses and snow drifts bigger than you had ever seen before in your life. Turning onto a small street with a cul-de-sac, Jesse pulled into the driveway of a huge, more modern house near the end. You noticed two people standing at the front door and your eyes fell on Gabe standing opposite the couple inside the house, casually conversing with them. Genji opened the door for you, warning you to mind the ice.
“We’ll bring your bags inside and let Mira out to explore if that’s okay,” Shimada informed you and you nodded, thanking them as you headed towards the front entrance. Gabe looked up from the conversation as you approached, the couple he was conversing with turning towards you. ‘Play along’ you saw him mouth at you as you reached the steps that led up to the door, brow furrowing when he chuckled at your slightly taken aback expression.
“You must be Y/N! It’s so nice to finally meet you,” the man, a taller gentleman with dark hair and a mustache, greeted you brightly, extending his hand towards you and shaking it vigorously. The woman next to him, who you presumed was his wife, extended her hand as well, her long, black hair falling over her golden eyes as she greeted you quietly with a soft smile.
“Easy Gerard—she had a long flight,” Gabriel advised, extending a hand towards you as you came up the stairs, smiling when you took it and let him pull you inside. “Y/N—this is Gerard and Amelie. They live next door.”
“Nice to meet you both,” you said with a smile, clinging close to Gabriel’s side anxiously, caught slightly off guard by having been drawn suddenly into the conversation. You felt him rest his hand gently on your side, giving it a comforting squeeze that calmed your racing heart slightly.
“Gabriel has told us a lot about you. Congratulations on your tenure,” Amelie said, giving you a small, respectful nod. “Your dissertation on the influence of Renaissance humanist literature on Reformation ideology sounds intriguing. You’ll have to tell us about it sometime.”
“Gladly. It was a pivotal time in European history—the outcome of which shaped the religious and political landscape of the rest of the western world,” you replied with some degree of certainty, realizing what Gabe had meant when he said ‘play along’ earlier—also mentally thanking yourself for paying attention during your history class that past semester.
“We’ll leave you two be for now and let you get settled,” Gerard said with a finalizing nod towards both you and Gabriel. “See you on a couple of days.”
“Don’t forget that bottle of wine,” Gabriel called after them as they descended the stairs.
“Wouldn’t dream of it!” And with that, Gerard and Amelie disappeared down the driveway and across the street. Gabriel ushered you fully inside after, unwilling to let any more cold air in.
“Wha-what was that,” you asked once he closed the door, turning towards you with a small smile on his face.
“Oh—I told them you were a newly tenured professor at my alma mater—just wanted to see how well you could play along,” Gabriel replied, smirking slightly as he approached you.
“How’d I do?”
“Very well—you handled that nicely,” he replied, resting a hand on your lower back and guiding you through the modestly decorated house. “You’re more capable than you think. You’ll do just fine at the events I take you to.”
“I hope so,” you said hesitantly, looking around as you passed down a short hallway into an open living space. A large living room sat to your left and a kitchen to your right. The back wall was made up of mostly paneless windows facing the huge, snowy mountains in the distance. You drifted over to look through the glass, admiring the view for a moment, awestruck.
You were drawn back out of your head when Reyes approached you, extending a mug of hot chocolate towards you. You took it gratefully, holding it for a moment to let it warm your hands before taking a sip, turning to watch as Gabe returned to the kitchen to grab his coffee, your eyes trailing over his form slowly. You admired the way the maroon t-shirt he wore clung tightly to his chest and arms, outlining the toned muscles that lay underneath. Your eyes fell further, down his muscular abdomen to the black skinny jeans he wore that clung to his strong thighs in all of the right places.
You had only seen him in suits up until now and something about seeing him dressed so casually made you blush, moreso when you realized he had caught you staring just now. He chuckled when you looked away, unable to meet his gaze, your hand flying up to cover your flushed face. That made Gabriel laugh even harder.
“You’re alright, cariña. I’m flattered,” he replied softly, making his way over to you, running an idle hand across your shoulders and down your back, making you shiver, but you found yourself leaning into his touch. “How was your flight?”
“Long. Turbulence made me nauseous and poor Mira didn’t know what to do with herself, but I think we’re alright now,” you replied, finding yourself leaning into his side, searching for his warmth. “Sorry if me coming a day early was an inconvenience. I-I just couldn’t stand being home any longer.”
“Not an inconvenience at all—it’s always almost too quiet here, so I’m glad,” Gabriel replied, taking your jacket as you slipped it off and hanging it in a nearby closet before settling on the plush couch, motioning for you to join him. “What happened with your parents?” You sighed, settling onto the couch next to him, finding it easy to curl up against him, your thumb running idly around the lip of your mug.
“It just seems nothing I do is good enough for them, is all,” you murmured, looking up to meet Gabriel’s gentle gaze. “They said I don’t have enough friends and I don’t go out enough, so I got a job and made new friends and started going to bars with them, but then my school work was suffering because I was always going to class hungover and they yelled at me about my grades, so I started studying more meaning I couldn’t go out as often and they told me I was being too much of a shut-in and so on…”
“Endless cycle, huh?”
“Basically. Now all I want to do is sleep because I’m exhausted all the time from working and studying so much and I don’t have the time or energy to go out anymore, so we’re back to square one,” you murmured, clenching your jaw, fighting back tears. “And I know they hate the major I chose because they don’t think I’m good enough to make it and I know I’ll never make enough money to ever make them think I’m ‘successful’, so sometimes I wonder why I even try anymore.” Your voice broke as tears stained your cheeks, a sob wracking your body.
You hadn’t meant to cry, almost embarrassed, but Gabriel took it in stride, quick to pull you closer, rubbing your back and using a gentle thumb to wipe away your tears.
“You’ve been working so hard, cariña,” he murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “You can relax now—I’ll take care of what I can for you, just focus on what you need to, regardless of what your parents think.”
“I wish it was that easy,” you sniffled, leaning into his touch as he cupped your cheek, letting your eyes flutter closed.
“Give it time. You can quit your job, you don’t have to worry about your tuition, you can spend more time with your friends and still have time to study,” Reyes murmured in reply, dragging the pad of his thumb gently across your cheek. “You’re so talented and I wish your parents could see what I do.”
“I’m just so tired.”
Those words broke his heart.
“I know,” he whispered, drawing your head against his chest, threading his fingers gently through your hair. “Get some rest for now.”
Being close to him like this was strange, but somehow felt natural and after a moment you realized you didn’t want to move away, finding yourself tucking your head further against his chest, the steady sound of his heartbeat lulling you to sleep, the subsequent nap you took making up for the sleep you missed this morning.
47 notes · View notes
corragain · 5 years
hc: rns terror. The RNS Terror was originally the historic HMS Sulphur, a Hecla-class bomb vessel of the British Royal Navy whose construction was completed on February of 1826. She was small at approximately 105ft in length and 372 tons, could hold up to a 65-man crew, had a sluggish top speed of about five knots, and without any steam engine, was fully-rigged with three massive masts, her sails like sheets of clouds billowing over the seas. With two 6-pounder cannons, ten 24-pounder carronades, one 10-inch mortar, and one 13-inch mortar spread over, she may have been no warship behemoth, but if push came to shove? She was ready to open fire.
Unfortunately, though, Sulphur was decommissioned. Broken apart in 1857. For the purpose of this story, however, she survived and was later converted into a museum, docked, intentionally forever, in the HMNB Portsmouth.
But she wasn't to stay forever.
After the bloody Resource Wars and, eventually, the detonation of the bombs, many of the functioning warships were lost, most decimated by naval battle or never to be seen again when the nukes fell. The majority of the relics of ships stayed, though. Sulphur, included. Post-war Portsmouth reinstated her, refitted her, and somewhere between 2077 to 2260, she was back patrolling the English strait from looters, invaders, and pirates; protecting home and country; fishing for much needed food; and raining hell on her enemies. Yet, she was not the same old Sulphur.
When she was converted to a museum, her armaments were swapped out due to safety regulations. Today, she is again armed to the teeth with almost double the mortars, guns, and cannonades, and even improved with a built-in steam engine that allows her to sail at nine knots, some dish and radios for communication, and now --- the Holy Grail, perhaps --- a “state-of-the-art” (by English standards since they did not harness nuclear power and fission the way America did) laser cannon. Sure, she may be no USS Constitution with her unfathomable football-field-sized rockets, but she isn’t the same sailing-turned-survey ship from the 1800s. In 2283, when the mission to sail for America was declared, she was officially renamed to Terror --- a nod to the lost crew of the Franklin Expedition, and a promise to bring success and honor back to the name.
Andrew Alexander Corrigan was to be her captain. And the second Age of Sail, of sorts, had begun.
Now, to the pictures! I’m starting off with the outside view:
Three masts
Dark/black finish
This is a model kit, but visually and historically accurate. Check it out here!
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Below is the Terror from a quarterdeck view. Note the ship’s wheel.
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Here is the stern, or back, of the ship with a screenshot from the AMC series. All Hecla-class bomb vessels shared this similar look. Of course, instead of Erebus, we would see Terror.
I should also mention the Terror is not as massive as one might think --- not like today’s cruise ships or anything. I only use words like “massive” because it may seem large to a man, but in comparison to others, it isn’t. The two pictures below, one of the stern (back) and bow (front), can give you a frame of reference as to the size of the ship versus a grown person. 
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Below the upper deck (outside), we have the lower deck, the orlop deck, and hold. The captain’s quarters is where the windows above are, so the lower deck. Men usually sleep on the lower deck as well. Sickbay is located at the orlop, as well as mess hall, and the hold is where the steam engine, coal, and stores are located.
The captain’s quarters. 
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In Corrigan’s quarters, the table is set off to the left side and strung by ropes to prevent sliding.
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The captain’s berth. Small. This small room is almost cupboard-sized and, naturally, attached to the captain's quarters, sectioned off by a sliding door.
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Non-commissioned officers sleep in hammocks such as these. This is from the HMS Victory. The space is much larger than Terror’s, which is a much smaller ship.
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The wardroom, below, is where commissioned officers gather to dine. I wish I had a photo of just the set, but this will suffice. It’s a cramped area and could squeeze up to nine at the table with two, usually the captains’ stewards, standing to the side.
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Sickbay. Many vials and medicine are stored in cabinets or on shelves. With rough sailing, these could easily knock over. Other cots and hammocks are here, too, to accomodate more than one ill seaman.
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Credit: Many photos were taken here and screencapped from the series
Hope this proves helpful for some of you who haven’t seen the show! I chose the Hecla HMS Sulphur because it was the same class as the HMS Erebus, which shares a lot of visual similarities with the HMS Terror, and thus, Corrigan’s Terror. As evident from this entire blog, I tried to emulate The Terror as much as I could with elements from history. :^)
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hmspogue · 6 years
Anne With An E season 2 trailer shot by shot rundown
these are screenshot’s from Netflix’s trailer for Anne With An E season 2...i own nothing.
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for some reason, Anne’s blanket confuses me? i’m not sure why she has it or needs it, like maybe she stepped into the water? but she looks so cute i just wanna hug her.
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i completely agree with Ophelia ( @lydias--stiles ), i also think that the sea is going to be important this season or hold a lot of symbolism.
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“I love looking out at the horizon and imagining all the possibilities...”
i’m going to try and handle this next part as calmly as possible but-
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ah yes i missed both you so much (it’s also so nice to see Matthew healthy and walking around without a cane even. what a man).
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the bags on the back and the fact that she’s with Diana make me think that they may be going to that poetry concert they travel to with Miss. Barry in the books. i am all for this we love a girls trip.
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thank you.
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building the Diana x Rubyx Anne friendship? yes please, carry on. they’re so happy, i’m not crying, you are.
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aw the hideout i love this whole set up with the story club.
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okay, this scene actually concerned me a little...why does Anne look so frazzled i’m not going to suggest shirbert reunions for every one of these scenes i will not do it i hope she’s okay.
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as concerning as Anne’s entrance was, Ruby and Diana’s faces make me even more !!! Diana’s especially. Ruby looks almost afraid and Diana looks extremely worried. it looks to me like they’ve been waiting for Anne in regards to some sort of news? because as seen in the last frame, it looks like they were there before she was.
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my prediction is that this is one of the first scenes of episode 1. i recall a post Amybeth had on instagram of her on a beach that looks EXTREMELY similar to this with the caption “Cuthbert on a stroll”. this was towards the very very beginning of filming and from what i could see it looks like they filmed in chronological order. this goes along with the theory that everything is going to start and end with the sea. 
i’m also just going to continue pretending that i didn’t start sobbing at the Cuthberts having a beach picnic. 
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Matthew and Anne’s relationship is so important and I’m so excited for this scene (which seems to be the same one from the very beginning of the trailer as you’ll notice).
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so obviously the two girls in the front are Anne and Diana being so cute i really cannot breathe, and the one in the back in the pink hat is Ruby...so i would say the other girl is Jane perhaps? just going off of her hair?
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“We’re going to get in so much trouble”
1. i love this dynamic so much and i really will never stop stressing that...
2. i think that this is where they were headed off to in the shot above? my theory is that it’s linked to the scene of them watching Mr. Philips in the play which comes later in the trailer (maybe they were not supposed to know about it). it would also make sense that Jane is tagging along since she is Prissy’s sister and heard about it from her.
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“Don’t be late for school” 
oh we love a good mother.
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translation: Anne is most definitely going to be late to school at some point-
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“And don’t burn down the house” 
translation: a huge disaster is guaranteed to take place-
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and Matthew is fully aware of this fact.
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“I want Green Gables still standing when i come back tomorrow”
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i’m obviously curious as to what they’re laughing so hard at, but also as to why they are sitting on what appears to be the floor of the school house (also it’s important to note that i would die for both of them).
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I LIVE FOR THIS SIBLING RELATIONSHIP OH MY GOD. though, Anne looks either like she is comforting Jerry or seeking comfort which is never a...reassuring thing...especially when the voice over quote is:
“I believe there’s always a bit of good in any situation”
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ah yes, the man we have all been waiting for, here is Cole. i have heard a lot of people (including myself before Amybeth’s live a few months ago) very concerned about the role he will be playing in the grand scheme of things this season (such as the possibility of him being a love interest for Anne), and i think production knew that because they put in scenes like this to try and make people worried. 
however, my prediction is that this is certainly going to be a nice brotp and (as ophelia and i have mentioned numerous times) i don’t think Cole is straight (as Amybeth said he brings in a lot of discussions that Amybeth is “an advocate for”). this trailer further solidified my beliefs as you’ll see in a moment-
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oh....you’re....still here....
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this scene is one of the ways i see them hinting that Cole might possibly be gay. Diana’s face looks like Philips just said something characteristically horrible so i’ll just go ahead and prepare my hands for this disgusting teacher to cATCH THEM.
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oh yOURE STILL HERE??????? (seemingly laughing at Cole being able to braid hair get out).
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“I think it builds character”
it looks like she’s talking to someone at the kitchen table. also i love her.
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for those of you who don’t know, the man walking with him is named Sebastian and it’s been heavily speculated that he will fill a sort of father role for Gilbert in this coming season.
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i’m betting this has something to do with he thieves that came at the end of last season, which you’ll notice have not been mentioned at all this trailer. it’s also important to note that the voice over to this clip is Matthew saying:
“Whatever we’re facing...we’ll face it as a family”.
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Ophelia pointed this out to me, but it looks like Marilla has a gash over her eye so i stg if one of the thieves hurt her you can catch me on a war path (-:
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“The three of us”
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she’s looking over to the boys side of the classroom (you can tell they’re at school because of Diana’s positioning next to her). and she is looking in the general vicinity of Gilbert’s seat so my guess is she is either smiling at Gilbert !!!!!!!!!or Cole who now sits in Gilbert’s empty seat.
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not to read too much into things, but Cole dancing with Miss. Barry (who is gay in canon) is certianly interesting. i’m thinking a sort of conversation goes down where Miss. Barry helps him start to sort everything out that he has been confused about.
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“There’s nothing wrong with being different”.
again with the supporting evidence that they’re dropping hints about Cole.
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“You’re unique”.
The world does not deserve Anne Shirley. i’m assuming this is him confiding in her a little bit immediately after whatever went down in the classroom with the hair braiding and Mr. Philips and Billy.
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“Unique means weird”.
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the whole class applauding Cole for something while Anne and Cole laugh. even Billy and his little friend seem amused and they’re present for whatever this event is. Josie looks pressed and bitter but what else is new.
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shes so happy for him!!! 
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this seems to be a little bow of gratitude i’m ready for this brotp.
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Sebastian and a love interest that i am fully ready to ship. 
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i also think that Sebastian being involved in a romantic relationship opens up the opportunity for him and Gilbert to talk about romance and feelings and a certain person back home that Gilbert has feelings for. they’ll get a chance to talk about things Gilbert never really got to learn about from his father go ahead and just leave me here to die.
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this shot was quite jarring in the context of the whole mood of the trailer which is interesting.
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Matthew appears to be kneeling over somebody on the ground? i’m assuming he was part of the group going out on horses. so perhaps they were searching for this person to begin with?
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“There are more important things than beauty...” 
i can’t wait to see what this conversation relates to.
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can we all just take a moment and acknowledge how they’re already transitioning Amybeth’s hair to more of an auburn color? 
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“-we must try and remember what’s real and good”.
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Anne continuing to learn about the real and good things that love and family brings as she become more and more a part of the Cuthbert family, rt if you cried.
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my son looking so grown and mature and having fun. 
(im just going choose and ignore the fact that they immediately cut to Gilbert after that last quote and the fact that coincidentally two of the biggest reasons he’s so drawn to Anne is because she’s so real and so good.)
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could the scenery directors be more brilliant? like this is so beautiful.
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these last few shots of Anne with the ocean are feeding into the theory that the sea is going to be a big symbol this season. i think that this whole sequence is going to be the very last scene of the finale (i remember Amybeth posting a thing about the final adr she was doing where Anne breathes out and laughs but i could be reaching).
i think that the Cuthberts on the beach will be the first scene in episode 1 and this will be the last.....the ocean tying everything together, including Gilbert’s story line.
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...it is what he deserves.
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peep my earlier theory of the girls sneaking into the show to watch Mr. Philips make a fool of himself. Diana doesn’t look too amused however. 
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this whole expert Anne is reading (which ophelia has confirmed for me is from Jane Eyre) is not only beautiful-
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- but i think it’s meant to be Anne subconsciously relating it to Gilbert and what he is doing (who is apparently on a boat!!!!)
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“Now I remembered that the real world is wide, and that a varied field of hopes and fears, of sensations and excitements, awaited those who had the courage to go forth into its expanse, to seek real knowledge of life amidst its perils”
this is literally exactly what Gilbert’s whole arc is this season. he went out into the world amidst the peril of losing his last family member to seek out all these things, including himself. this, paired with the fact that it’s the voice over they are using for shots of Gilbert traveling, tells me its connected to the reason Anne is reading the excerpt to begin with.
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if this cinematography don’t stOP.
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i already stan this scene and i’ve seen .0000384792 seconds of it. 
also there is a dark haired boy present as well that could either be Jerry or Gilbert and i’m good with either because i would chop off my right arm for either to have further relational development with Diana.
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i wrOTE A SLEEPOVER INTO MY LAST FIC DEAR GOD LET THE REST OF THE SCENE PLAY OUT LIKE I WROTE. i think this has to be the girls unloading after the poetry reading or whatever they were going on that trip for.
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yes just be happy it is literally all i will ever ask of you.
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yeah  so i stan Sebastian already, oops.
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the way i read Anne’s face in this is almost like she WAS crying but then Diana made her laugh. OR she looks like she’s just been embarrassed by something. either way...?????
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i would die for this friendship.
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i’m not going to make outrageous assumptions about what Gilbert could be staring at with such awe and wonder. i will not do it.
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this is the same scene as the opening one. and i’m guessing Anne is running towards Diana all smiley and adorable.
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well at least knowing the exact date of my death is somewhat comforting.
guys this season looks so amazing and happy. i cannot wait to see what they do with it. 
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flowerboymoongirl · 4 years
What are the Odds? 2.
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Tom Holland accidentally adds you to his friends list, and when you hit him up about about it you think that’s gonna be the end of that. Simple. But Tom does the complete opposite. Let the social media flirting begin.
Warnings: some cursing, bad flirting, annoying brothers.
Word count: 2898
A/N: Thought this chapter was long but once I finished it I felt like it wasn’t, so be prepared for longer chapters, which I hope ya’ll are ok with lol. I have a lot of details in my mind for their specific dynamic together along with relationships of the other characters so im glad ill be able to put most of those details into the upcoming chapters. enjoy.
So about the whole, ‘I’m gonna tell him’ thing you told the roomies.
That... is easier said than done. Watching a celebrity’s private social media page is wrong, but also really interesting. Like those “CELEBRITIES! THEY’RE JUST LIKE US!” articles in those trashy magazines that you use to skim through at the grocery store while your mom did her shopping. Most days, Tom posted what you would deem ‘normal people activities.’ Him walking his dog in the morning. Him having a beer with who you assumed were his roommates. Him leaving his clean laundry on a chair in his room for a few days and then posting about his guilt for doing it. We’ve all been there. But then, he would also post things that you were sure was on the invasion of privacy range you were crossing. He had posted going out to restaurants or clubs that were super exclusive a few times, him drinking with his friends which lead to drunk Instagram stories, (once again, we’ve all been there) or he’d post gym selfies or his outfit of the day, which like, how were you suppose to deny yourself that?
But overall, he seemed like he tried to live as normal a life as possible, and was pretty down to earth for the most part. Which made you feel bad for being so nosey in his life. He obviously wanted privacy, and here you were watching all of his private stories meant for his friends and family. You could practically hear Zoë telling you how you should’ve figured out how to unlink yourself from that list two weeks ago when she told you to. It was exhausting sometimes how often Zoë was right.
Which lead you to finally telling yourself that the next time he posted something you would message him about the mixup and then carry on with your life like you weren’t bummed to not be able to watch Spider-Man’s day to day activities. You needed to get a better hobby.
“Earth to y/n, are you in there??“ Kevin said as he waved his hand infront of your face.
“Isn’t it time for you to go to work? I thought maybe you fell asleep at the dining table for again, until I noticed your eyes were open.” You glanced at the clock. 3:30am. Waking up for the 4am opening shift for work was the worst.
“Uh, yeah. I was totally spacing, guess I’m still just tired.” You said while you grabbed your jacket and keys.
“Don’t fall asleep on the way to work please?” He said while we followed you to the door to lock it.
“I won’t, don’t worry Kev.”
“Alright, later boooo”
You gave Kevin a smile and a wave and walked down the hall to the elevator to get to your car. You were lucky you didn’t live far from the bakery and your coworkers didn’t ever mind if you were late, they all understood that while whole morning shift was the shift to have, it could be hard getting up in the morning. Your drive to work was quick since there was no traffic that early in the morning and when you parked you saw your coworkers getting out of their cars as well. Perfect timing. You said your hellos to the group as you all walked inside and walked to your stations to start the day. You all shared the big back room of the bakery but all had your own little corners with your things. Your corner you had just started to decorate and you had really started to feel like it was your own cute little corner. You had a dozen random colored aprons from your friends/family that you worked in hung up nicely on the walls, a few pictures of you and the roommates on your summer trip to Rosario last summer, love notes left from Theo and Zoë when they came in and you couldn’t go out to make them their coffees because the back was crazy. It still could use a couple more pictures to fill the space but at the moment it was cute enough for you. You smiled while you put your keys and your purse into your locker underneath it and pulled out your phone to put into your apron when you decided a quick look through your social media’s before starting the shift would be needed. 
Theo had already sent you posts to look at on insta and it seemed like Kevin had mentioned you on twitter before he went to bed when you left. You opened your Instagram after you tied your apron on and low and behold, Tom was on the top of the page. he had the newest Instagram story of everyone you followed.
Guess we’re doing this early, you though in your head. You sighed while you clicked the profile and thought about how you were gonna message him and not seem weird. Hopefully it wasnt a gym selfie or a shirtless picture because that would be too awkward to follow with a message. Hey, I noticed you aren’t wearing a shirt and that I do not know you. Hope you’re doing well.
But it wasn’t a shirtless selfie. He had posted a picture of a very sad looking round of dough in a bowl. “Attempt #3 to this whole baking thing, my pizza dough doesn’t seem to be rising 🤨” he had written underneath it. You clicked to the next slide. Same sad looking round of dough.
“Been two hours, and not any growth. Someone help me 😐” was written in red. Homie was basically begging for your help. This was also a way to sneak in the “hey I dunno you but you added me, no problem to I’ll just let myself out haha🙂” that you were looking for. Realistically, this was your opening for you to casually let the guy know the mistake and roll out looking like a normal human being and help him make pizza. Foolproof. You hit the message button and began to type.
Hey. I think you added me to your close friends list on accident? While I do know how to to make a mean pizza, not sure we know eachother irl haha. As for your dough, if you added yeast to your dough and it’s still not rising, your yeast might be dead 😕 could be expired yeast, or the water you used for the recipe was too hot and killed the yeast. just switch out to warm water instead if that’s the case. Hope It helps!
After reading it a couple times and deciding it didn’t sound too cringe, you sent it.
“There. I did it. Back to our regularly scheduled program.” You told yourself and started your morning setup for the day. As you started to get into the groove of the day time seemed to have a mind of its own and before you knew it, it was time for your lunch break. You were ready for a break after running from the front and back of the house continuously to help with customer service and coffees when needed, and then running back to finish off baking your breakfast items for the day. You had left a water bottle and some leftovers from dinner the day before in the communal lunchrooms fridge and had made your way to the back to get it. Fishing out your phone from your pocket, the screen illuminated and you noticed some notifications pop up. The roommate group text had left a whopping 12 text messages, the apartment had awakened you joked to yourself. Some snapchats from friends and from an ex-boyfriend you weren’t sure you even wanted to open, notifs that your tweet was retweeted a couple times, 2 message notifications from TomHoll-
“OH SHIT!” You yelled as you dropped your food container and almost your phone on the ground. He wrote back. HE WROTE BACK HE WROTE BACK HE WROTE BACK. TWICE?! WHY TWICE?! You wanted to hide, but why it’s not like he could see you through the screen. Why did you out yourself again?! What was the reason you snitched in yourself?! From the notifications details it had looked like he had written you once two hours ago and then another time 46 minutes ago. You wanted to open it but you also wanted to log off of Instagram forever and pretend you weren’t who you were. You screenshotted your notifications just as evidence for yourself that this was really happening and then decided to quit being such a wimp and open the damn messages. There was a green dot on the bottom of his profile picture before you opened his messages. He’s online right now. Great. Totally awesome. He probably sees I’m online too. I’m fucked, you thought in your head. You opened the message convo.
Hey, totally sorry about that, my brother must have added you when he started the group for me, hope my random stories didn’t bother you too much 😅 and thanks for the tips, think it could have been that the water I added was much too hot, maybe fourth times the charm haha. x
and the last message
started over (again) on my dough and added warm (not hot) water instead like you said and I think she’s alive! She seems a bit dry in the bowl but she is growing, so thanks again. I just may have a veggie supreme pizza in my future 😊 x
You were shook. Okay he was a normal person, you knew that. But to write you twice and thank you? And to be so casual about it even though he totally didn’t know you. He was super nice about it and then thanked you like you weren’t snooping on his life for the last 3 weeks. He was much too nice, and he wrote back twice to update you, it seemed rude to not write back now. You double tapped the last message and decided to just keep it to the pizza at hand and keep it short and sweet. Play it COOOL BITCH!
No worries, thought I’d let ya know. You can punch down the dough and spray it with a mist of water, should bring her back to life. Longer you let it proof the more flavor it’ll have, so don’t worry about deflating it. Do put a wet rag over the bowl to help keep your dough moist though, it’ll help it grow if the towel if warm too btw. I wish you luck in getting that (pizza) bread 🍕🍞
“Get that pizza bread? Ugh, why am I like this?” You said as you contemplated telling your roommates. Last time you told them about it they totally did a 180 on what you thought they would say, so maybe this time you should just keep this weird bread conversation with a well known actor to yourself. This was probably the end of it anyways, he’d finish his pizza and go back to not knowing who you were. Though you did worry about if he had sneaked a look at your page when he got your message and seen all of your posts, that you were highly critical of at the moment. A lot of questionable posts now that you though about it. If you were him, you would have clicked on the page almost immediately to get a look at the person snooping on your life.
When he first got the message he was confused as to who it would be, he didn’t recognize the photo or the username. And then he read the message and realized he didn’t recognize it because he did not know this girl.
“Harry you absolute div.” he muttered to himself while he jumped onto her page. Harry had told him he’d make him a close friends list like he had for his page since Tom wasn’t that great at Instagram, and in the process he seemed to have added this girl on accident. He had hoped she wasn’t someone shady and he thought back to some of the things he had recently posted and cringed. There was no new gossip or media info as of late leaking about him in the tabloids so it seemed like this girl didn’t run to press with all of his private stories. He had been drunk one too many times on that close friends group that she could have easily screen recorded and sent out to daily mail or whatever shit tabloid would pay for it.
He scrolled down to look at her pictures.
Cute girl.
American girl, a California girl to be exact. Not LA but San Diego. LA girls were a different breed and a no-no in his experience but this girl wasn’t a LA girl. Her pictures were too casual for that. Picture of her and her friends at a bar, picture of her and her dog walking on the beach, picture of her at what looked to be her job;a bakery. A mirror picture in some badly lighted bar restroom with a friend, both with smiles on their faces and a drink in their hands. She was wearing a a yellow floral wrap summer dress with a pair of wayfarer styled reading glasses. Even in the dingy mirror and the bad bar bathroom lighting she was attractive and seemed laid back. He had already written back to her to say sorry but now here he was on her page looking at her pictures, hoping he didn’t accidentally double tap anything. He had remade his pizza dough the way she suggested and now it was growing, surely it wouldn’t be bad if he wrote to her once more to let her know it worked? He sent another message and tried to work on some emails his publicist had begged him to look into while he messaged Harry on Instagram.
You added a random girl on my close friends list ya div. poor girls probably seen me drunk atleast a handful of times. 😑
Harry immediately typed back.
...but is she cute bruv? send me the username if so, your chance is ruined but I could make a move 👀
He ran a hand through his hair and thought of all the ways to insult his younger brother when the alert of another message came in. She had written back with a corny ‘get that bread joke’ with the emoji and all. He smiled and double tapped her reply. She had a cute personality. He went back to his drying out dough and reworked it as said and followed her instructions once again. He was feeling bold, so he decided to write her again.
Honestly, what would I have done without you today? You saved me with your baking skills and for that I am eternally grateful. Will possibly send you a picture of the final pizza pie once Its finished. 👨🏻‍🍳 x
It immediately had the words ‘seen’ written underneath his message and his eyes widened. She double tapped the message and was writing back, so he quickly jumped out of the message. He didn’t want her to know he was sitting there waiting for a response to his bad lowkey flirting, that would just be embarrassing. Maybe it wasn’t so bad though, that his dumb little brother had accidentally added her, he had thought to himself as her message appeared.
Sounds good Gordon. Or Mr.Ramsey, my apologies.
He smiled when he read the message and you yourself had a smile on your face after sending it. Very cheeky, you thought. You couldn’t help but laugh to yourself about the situation you had just put yourself in. You just had a message conversation with Tom and you actually kept your chill and didn’t make that much of a fool of yourself. He probably couldn’t even tell you were having a mental breakdown from him writing to you. As you got back into the groove of work it seemed as though the rest of your work shift went by just as quick as the beginning of the day from how busy the bakery had been, and now you had just cleaned up and hopped back into your car to go home. Theo had texted you asking what you wanted for dinner and you had just texted him back when you got an another message alert from your phone. It was a picture. It was his finished produced, all baked and pretty, veggie supreme like he had said. It looked as though he has even brushed the crust with olive oil, bonus points for that. 
“The finished product, tastes as good as she looks 🍕🤤” he had sent to you. Just you. Tastes....as good as she looks.....LOL.
“You could say that again Spidey.” You said while you put your seatbelt on and turned on your car. You liked the picture and saw he had yet another story on his page. You clicked it. It was a boomerang of him pulling a slice from the whole pie to bring to his mouth, a picture worthy melty cheese stretch and all combined with him looking just as good as the pizza. “Call me Gordon👨🏻‍🍳🍕” it was captioned. It was posted on his close friends list this time and you couldn’t help but notice, you were still on that list.
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