#had these sitting around for a while so imma post em
ifiwereawriter · 2 months
I know this is meant to be a "writing" blog, I know, I just need an anonymous safe place to vent right now or imma be screaming, crying, or throwing up pretty soon.
So this is about love. Relationships. Boy drama. *Rolls eyes* of course it is. That's pretty much the only thing you yell to your diary about.
Anyway, I have NEVER been in a relationship. I am in my mid twenties. I grew up super conservative Christian homeschool etc. I'm pretty much scared of social interaction and especially scared of guys. So about 3/4 a year ago, my fam took guy A on an interstate trip with us. I won't take a long time to tell the story BC you don't need that, but the bare bones of it that are relevant are: him and I got along, we shared a moment when I got real and told him my family dynamics and some really personal stuff about my life while I was fricking painting my nails and sitting on a trailer and no one else was around. Then, the trip was over, things were a bit weird but friendly until he called me beautiful. And this freaked me the Frick out. I liked him as a friend but not the something more that this CLEARLY implied. Then I just real-life ghosted him as well as I could and he probably picked up on it bc I was actually giving him the silent treatment/cold shoulder which I totally regret in hindsight but at the moment I was so angry with him and freaked out. He went overseas too and I was desperately praying that he would find a girlfriend in his hometown lmao.
Cut to tonight and I have been thinking about guy A because guy B is on the scene now (I will tell that story soon). And guys A is at the event I go to, and he is being super sweet with the kids and everything and I think about him. But at one point, I see him walking with a girl who is there who is prettier, cooler and closer in age to him than me and guys, if I didn't feel crazy at that. Like, if I truly don't like him I would be happy if they got together but dang it kind of ate me up and set me off a bit. Like I couldn't. And tonight I'm eating some cup tapokki and I can only think back to the time I had tapokki with guy A. It was the only time I've had it before tonight and we were eating at a Korean restaurant on our family trip with just two of my brothers and if was probably the most datelike thing I have ever been on. So I like him??? Do I even know what I like? And even if I liked a guy wholeheartedly, I would STILL be too much of an inexperienced self-shameing pussy to act!
So guy B is a handful, and not a very pleasant one. I know him through my social circles and I genuinely find it painful to talk to him. He is a great listener, and so am I. He just draws me out so badly because otherwise he leaves the conversation on the most awkward pauses and he just unsettles me for SURE. So that's the scene. I don't like talking to guy B and while he has characteristics I admire, in general I do not like his lack of social awareness. Cut to, my Dad tells me someone has come to him weeks ago and asked if he could 'get to know me better'. I still live at home and did I mention, super Christian conservative parents? He doesn't tell me who the guy is but after a couple of hints I am certain it is guy B. I cannot think of a single other person it would be. And damnit. I don't want my dad to say 'no' of course, I don't believe in that, but I literally do. not. like. this. guy. at. all!
So now I am feeling extremely self-conscious about this guy and he was at the event tonight and I spent the whole entire night trying to avoid him. My dad got a call from an unlisted number while I was talking to him and he left to go pick it up. I look over and Guy B is standing across the room on. his. phone. He was probably asking for my dad's answer since it had been the amount of time my dad said he wanted to wait. Damn it.
Now I am eating comfort food at home after all this. And posting a stupid ramble about it on my side account. FML tbh. Boys, you can't live with em, you can't live without em, amiright? I need therapy.
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shadow-8d · 2 years
i have no idea if he’ll see this, or if he’ll care, but i just saw something he posted on snap this morning that lowkey hurt the shit out of me. i realized i’m probably overthinking it. it probably had nothing to do with me. he’s been around worse. 
but i have to talk about it here; i have this incessant need to try. i don’t know if it’ll work. only reason i ever stop trying is cause of how exhausted i get waiting for it to work. but i still want to even in that state of exhaustion. 
i have been FUCKED. UP. for a while. 
toward the tail end of my innocence, i was in a really abusive relationship with a covert narcissistic dynamic, untreated in any capacity. but the girl i loved, she wasn’t a narcissist. no way. the girl i saw was so beautiful it makes me cry to this day. i doubt i’ll ever fall out of love completely. 
but after the honeymoon phase it went like this: imagine you are sitting in a hospital in an uncomfy chair, visiting a friend who’s broken a leg. though it won’t make the chair any more comfortable, you’re not going to mention the uncomfiness of this chair to your friend. why? unequal damage. they’re going thru it worse than you. 
she was beautiful but she was bruised. she was bleached, bitchy, beautiful, broken, and bruised. her one support system in her life was actively failing her in the middle of a pandemic before which she was already isolated within the confines of her lil ass town in her lil ass house. 
but my sixteen year old hopeless romantic loner ass wanted her. 
so i made the mistake of chasing. 
shoulda known it was gonna destroy me. 
i made a lot of mistakes after that relationship. i’m quite literally still high. started smoking the day after and didn’t stop. and i got into another one less than a month after that lasted for eight months. then into another situation i allowed to arise IN THE MIDST OF ENDING THE ONE PREVIOUS, for another seven months. then watched a boy fall for me as i fell for him in return; tried to pretend it wasn’t happening cause i didn’t think he could love me (turned out to be right) and i had other commitments i cared more about than whatever the fuck he was on. 
always hated group mixing as a kid. i keep my foods apart on a plate and i keep my friends apart less i skate, word to god. but when i like somebody i can let my imagination run wild. and i liked the potential i saw in that cottage trip a LOT. 
i hadn’t seen my boy for ages, cause he had shit to do for school. i refuse to get in the way of someone’s education. he needs to be able to do well in this life, and i’ll do whatever it takes to see him succeed. i stand by that. 
even if i haven’t been able to communicate directly to him a lot recently, i already know how imma get his books back. i know he wants them. he cares. he needs em and he deserves em. redacted shouldn’t have taken them. but he’s selfish. 
and i’d been, essentially, manic for the past few weeks. since my parents had argued with me so badly i realized no amount of communication was going to get through. i hadn’t told him that, really, but i’d been really really scaring myself with how far out of my way i was going to chase adrenaline. i think also in some way i was mimicking my friend, in how he always coped by chasing adrenaline on a skateboard. if he didn’t need to give a fuck, why should i? energy. maybe adrenaline does have a kick to it. but from that day on, i was out of my house. 
i knew i was coming off as distant towards him, but i was being distant towards everyone. that’s how i get when i’m “manic” like that, i guess. i don’t have the capacity to give a shit about anyone who can’t facilitate the goals i have, because everything i’m doing is out of this mental illusion of a teeth-gritting necessity to survive. i don’t actually need to do those things, but if i don’t, the hallucinations start coming back. i start dragging metal across my skin. picking my fingers til they drip down hallways. and within the confines of his life, especially how important it is that he is NOT manic while he tries to finish his homework, i had to minimize my level of interaction with him not just because i knew he needed to do his shit, but because i felt i needed to protect him from how scary i was getting. 
mania is one of the reasons i believe i was so okay with allowing him to be on that trip with that fucking bitch and redacted and redacted.: and redacted;. it was never a question of whether i wanted him there. i did. i know how good a cottage vacay is, and i can’t imagine how nice it must be to get an offer like that knowing shit’s RARE. it’s not like mom and dad got that shit at home, either, so when an opportunity opens up it’s NICE. but it’s also, i DID grow up like that. and u gotta understand, with my boy? he’s fucked up. i came into his life when he had his head over a toilet bowl. do you understand how much care and precision i had to execute to get this creature to trust me, to get him to come out of his shell, to open himself up? to be willing to DESTROY it with a PREDATOR like that fucking bitch? would be LAUGHABLY stupid compared to the level of calculation i’d successfully been employing - up until i got into that manic state. 
another selfish factor of that manic state is that he isn’t someone who can give me those outlets the same way the friends i was around at the time could, which meant that i couldn’t be around him as much bc i relied on those outlets to survive the kind of lifestyle mania b thrustin me into. 
both redacted and redacted.: had:
access to vehicles
had interest + time to hang (on daily basis at one point)
redacted specifically:
access to free drugs
1h skateboard ride in the country away
practical house
good ass food
parents who aren’t gonna judge me when i come over
logical stability w his daily routine that calms my actual soul
redacted.: specifically
within walking distance
made me feel less uncomfy about bein queer around a straight boy
uni student
constantly offered to hang
stuck RIGHT up for me during trauma. held me. talked me back into sanity
in contrast, though i very much was into my boy and i wished endlessly i could’ve had those convos with HIM instead of these guys all the time, there is difficulty in being around him. it’s unrelated entirely to anything he should feel bad for, not his fault. but it involves
all four of his guardian figures being in some way harmful to me
lives further away from me both bus and drive wise
is a year younger academically so academic requirements are completely unrelated
has responsibility for his lil sis on weekends
his dad didn’t let him sleep over for over half a year lol and made it rlly hard on him psychologically if ever he tried to question it
he is v mentally ill and we were to a degree engaged in a level of toxicity with the ignoring each other thing which i know made his shit worse
now let’s take a good long think. to be able to live up to what these above bullet points put in front of me, this is what i enacted like 2 months into our situation.
we are going to hang out at my house when possible, not his house, to avoid the guardian factor. i have trauma related to how little the parents of the people i date feel about me and so if i continue engaging with this i’m going to want to do an oopsie. 
when he does come over, bc it means he’s gonna have to travel, ima do my best to take care of every physiological need he’s ever had cause that’s the one way i can actually, concretely help with the level of shit he’s dealing with. quite doable. my resources privilege me. 
i couldn’t date him because i felt that i couldn’t handle an (unstable, out of either of our control) relationship during school when i was slipping in and out of wanting to do oopsies. it was too much. 
i tried to avoid facetiming him on weekends because the way he’d still sit there on the phone with me while talking to his lil sis the whole time, hurt. i knew he wanted to talk to me or he wouldn’t have been there, but he literally did not have the time. and she needs him more than i ever can. 
i tried not to press the sleepover shit in terms of it being his fault or his responsibility to fix, because of how hard it was for him to do, and how hard it was for me to watch him fight what i saw as a pointless, endless fight. he still won it anyway, stubborn bastard. but at what cost?
i never let my ignoring of him get to the degree of cutting off communication because i knew if i were to abandon him it could leave him worse than when i met him, which was actually sickening to conceptualize, so i always have kept some avenue of communication between us open. 
i was hoping the cottage trip would be a way for him to see that kind of stability and get a slice of it himself so he could see why and how it was necessary for me in that moment. but the most crucial aspect of this trip that has carried forward until this point is that it did the EXACT opposite for me - it DESTROYED the only stability i had managed to build since i had been ripped apart at the end of 2021. 
it took away the boy i was talking to, it took away both of my best friends and sent them right back to their vices and within that took away my daily routine, and it made my parents angrier at me. it took away the shit i had to keep me occupied during work. it took away my inspiration and motivation to create art. it took away my capacity for any and every form of connection. 
it completely traumatized me in front of the people i had worked my ass off to heal for. 
that’s why everything became so dramatic. it ripped the rug right out from under my feet in every single direction. and given his direct involvement with why i, specifically, was so fucked up, i was in absolutely no state to even speak with him for a few weeks after i came back from that trip. that was the case BEFORE all the other shit started unfolding on top of me - watching redacted run off with a girl when i needed him to be there for me. watching redacted.: start vaping again and get a hyperfixation on fishing. the two of us begging redacted not to leave us for her and him refusing and going anyway. trying to explain what had happened to eli, the only mf who even tried to listen, then that boy started ignoring me for weeks. this was, of course, after i had to bring myself to TYPE my feelings out to him because he had started refusing to show his face on facetime or actually open his mouth and speak on the phone. 
it was so bad redacted felt, of his own volition (oblivious boy), that he had to call me to try and calm that shit down. i was so terrified i was gonna be abandoned i was half suicidal with fear. and that boy didn’t help. he added to it in his own unintentional way by what i assume was being so consumed with his own emotions that he couldn’t even try and protect mine from him. 
couldn’t even try and protect me from how badly that would amplify redacted.:’s abandonment in the coming weeks, or redacted’s moving away, or his stupid little disloyalty stunt. 
didn’t even realize how angry i would’ve had to be to block him from me. stop him from having access to me because of how fucking badly it hurt to keep trying to fix something that every time i’d approach, i’d be met with LONG. FUCKING. STREAMS. OF SILENCE. 
say something, i wanted to scream. but i could only mutter it in my own head. over. and over. and over. and over. 
i’ve been so fucking crazy these past few weeks since school started i’ve been literally going insane. skateboarding all over town. bruises the size of my shins covering my calves, knees, arms, thighs. staying up til 3, 4, 5, or going to sleep at 6/7 and waking up at 3, 4, 5. i’ve slept outside twice now, once in a different city. imagine that, huh. and i was alone. and no one knew. 
feel what you want about how i reacted to this situation, but understand i’m still reeling from the effects of it and coming to me to try and heal it in the way you’ve been doing is only going to see you walking up against a burning building and wondering why you’re walking away in flames. i get that you’re angry, zero, but you don’t need to fucking hate me when all i ever wanted to do was love you, you fool. i never wanted it to hurt like this, so you can stop pretending i’ve been reveling in it. i’m fucking aching too, and i’d actually kill to be able to take this weight off my shoulders. i wouldn’t ever have broken your heart on purpose. fuck. stop taking it out on me like i would’ve after i fought so fucking hard to protect it. 
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okase · 6 years
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anxiety dragon
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dierwolves · 2 years
fezco x reader; old flame #5
notes: does anybody still want me to write this? i don't know, but i'm stubborn as hell so i'm gonna try to finish this even if i post one chapter a year. also, i haven't watched season 2 of 'euphoria' yet, so i might catch up with that and try to keep writing this according to season 2, we'll see
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4
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“How the hell did you know?”
“Ash tipped me off”.
Fez was looking at you as if you had grown a second head. Or as if he wanted to rip your dress off and get on with you in the very couch he was sitting at. It wouldn’t take him much effort, given the costume you had decided to put on for the Halloween party. Ash had told you that Fez was going to be wearing a Scarface costume, so you got on Amazon, bought a blonde wig and a blue satin dress with a slit on the left side and your Elvira Hancock costume was all set.
“Remind me to give him a raise, ‘cause damn”.
“So you like my costume?”
“Was hoping for a sexy nurse costume, but fuck, this is way better.”
You rolled your eyes while you walked to sit next to him, avoiding a couple of teenagers making out on the couch. When you sat, he was quick to move his hand your bare left thigh and move forward to kiss you. He was slow, but it wasn’t like the kisses he gave you to greet you back from work or before you left. It was the way he kissed when he wanted to start something.
“Wow, no small talk first? Not gonna buy me a drink? Something to eat?”
“Imma be eating something soon enough.”
“Well, that’s straight-forward. What happened to my shy Fez who couldn’t even look at me in the way without stuttering?”
“Nah, that’s it, you’re gonna get it now.”
He stood up quickly, grabbed your hand and led you through the crowded house, bumping shoulders with every sweaty teenager attending the party. Soon, he had taken you to some type of office, with a desk in the center and columns of books on the walls. He locked the door.
“Where are we?”
“Don’t know, don’t fucking care.”
He didn’t give you much time to talk, he started kissing you again, this time more forcefully, as if you were running out of time. You looped your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you, while his hands moved from the small of your back to your ass, groping it obscenely. A moan escaped your lips, which only seemed to fuel him more. He hoisted you up, helping you sit on the edge of the desk.
“Are you sure they’re not gonna be looking for you? You have quite de clientele out there”. While you spoke, you took the straps of your dress and took them off, the blue dress pooling around your abdomen, where the waist of the dress grew tighter, and whatever he was going to say died on his lips, eyes glued to your chest.
“Fuck ‘em. It’s been too long, I’ve missed this pussy.” He cupped between your legs, making you whimper and close your legs, trapping his hand inbetween. He moved his head to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses all the way from there to your chest. While he started sucking your left nipple, you moved your hand to the zipper of his pants, but he swatted your hand softly. “Ain’t got no time for that. Said I was hungry, didn’t I?”
He got on his knees and started gathering the skirt of your dress and raising it up. You moved around trying to help him, and he used the opportunity to pull you underwear off. Wasting no time, he moved his mouth to your core, licking softly and leaving kisses over your outer lips, but avoiding where you wanted him more.
“C’mon Fez, don’t be a tease.”
“Yes ma’am.”
He finally moved his head to your clit, moving his tongue around it and sucking it in between. You laid back against the desk, opening your legs a little wider to give him better access. After a while, he inserted two fingers in your pussy, making you snap your hips forward in reflex.
He chuckled against your core. “That good, ma?”
You could only answer with a moan, brain too foggy, cheeks flaming hot at what was currently going on. He kept moving his hand in a steady rythm while his tongue played with the most sensitive part of your sex. He didn’t need to work much longer for you to start feeling the familiar sensation of pleasure becoming too much on your lower belly. “Fez.” His name was the only thing your mouth could articulate at that moment, but he didn’t much else to know what was about to happen.
“I know, darling. Don’t fight it. Want you to come in my mouth.”
With those words from him and a long and deep moan from you, you felt pleasure pooling in your abdomen, and your walls clenching around his fingers. When he felt your walls relaxing, his fingers left your core, leaving one last kiss on top of your clit before standing up.
While you were busy trying to catch your breath, he raised your underwear back up, made sure to put the dress back in it place and helped you back to your feet. He kissed you softly, replacing the passion from before with a much more delicate kiss, slower and sweeter. His teasing smirk contrasted his soft kiss.
“You ready to go back out there or do you need time to pull yourself together, darling?”
“Oh, shut up, shithead.”
Laughing, he grabbed your hand and led you outside, following the same path you had walked previously, to go back to the sofa. This time, he sat you on top of his lap, keeping a hand firmly on the thigh that was exposed by the slit of your dress. He leaned in and whispered into your ear, only for you to know.
“Are you coming home with me tonight or you got an early shift tomorrow?”
“Nah, I’m free tomorrow. Besides, I need to return the favor.”
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peasthedumb · 2 years
In case you couldn’t tell, I’m stupid.
Anyway continuing from that post about the daydream plot, imma tell you the daydream I’ve currently got going (it’s definitely not passive killermare ship-)
(Hey guys, me from the end of this post is just writing this here, I didn’t mean for this post to be so long but I got carried away-)
Basically killer wakes up in past dreamtale and Dream and Nightmare are staring at him because you know- he just- appeared, and he has that snapped arm. He freaks out a little cause he sees dream but then he pieces together that dream looks younger and the other guy fits the description of nightmare from the past so he’s like, “wait, if you’re dream and nightmare, you still have the tree??” And they’re like “uh..yeah?” And he’s like “you’re not gonna believe this but I think I’ve accidentally gone back in time “ and he then explains the entire future like how goopy nightmare is his boss and how dream is his enemy and also how he himself has murdered countless people-
Dream just is like ‘oooo new friend with wacky stories ’ and nightmares like ‘wtf’ but anyway they let killer stay with them. Anyway next day dream goes off to play with the villagers, and nightmare is getting a little pissy that killer refuses to go to the village to get his literal Z shaped snapped arm checked out so nightmare pretty much says “neither of us want to go into the village but you need to, so we’ll both go” then proceeds to drag killer (who is very much amused by ‘little boss’) to whatever medical place the village has. Killer immediately notices people glaring at nightmare and gets automatically pissed. Anyway he gets his arm bandaged up and they’re walking back to the tree, nightmare is getting a little upset cause all the people around em are giving him death stares or obviously talking about him so he walks a little behind killer cause he doesn’t want him to see him upset. Killer was walking then looked back to see nightmare had been stopped by a bunch of villagers who were of course bullying him- so Killer gets so pissed it’s lucky he didn’t stab anyone and then the rest of the way back to the tree he walks with nightmare right in front of him and he has his head plonked on top of nightmares. Anyway the rest of the days go by pretty chill, on one day Dream managed to convince them both to play tree tag. Just tag, but in a tree. Both the bros found it easy- meanwhile killer needed help just to get on the first branches of the tree-
At one point during this, Dream accidentally snapped a branch nightmare was holding onto and noot fell, but killer caught him. Cue a very embarrassed nightmare trying to style it out and killer dying inside from how adorable ‘little boss’ is, and Dream is just laughing-
Then they noticed a little glitching, Killer and nightmare were discussing what would happen if they accidentally get teleported back to the future.
Next day they get teleported back to the future- future nightmare proceeds to try kill them, Future dream proceeds to save them then cry about past nightmare, Past dream is just ‘oh wow, tall me’ and past nightmare is just like ‘oh wow I’ve never seen dream cry before’
Anyway skipping a bunch of boring irrelevant stuff (aka killer getting kicked out of omega timeline- ) Future dream has taken them all to stay with blue in Underswap while he goes to ask ink what to do. Killer decided to go with Stretch to their equivalent of grillbys, nightmare was socially awkward so just followed killer, meanwhile Blue and past dream become absolute besties. Killer and nightmare get back to blues house, blue and dream leaves to go play tree tag, past nightmare and killer are just sitting by each other when past nightmare gets tired and falls asleep on Killers shoulder and this is as far as I’ve gotten into the daydream, as well as it also being the first time killer realises he likes past nightmare-
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Encore - Part of your world - Part 21 - Valentines Day
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*posted two hours after the day ended but i count it!!!!*
Harry slowly slipped out of your shared bed at 4:30 am, carefully pulling the black and red duvet back over your shoulders. He pressed a soft kiss to your exposed cheek and snuck over to his dresser, taking out his clothes and changing in the bathroom.
20 minutes later he was finally ready and left a small note on your side of the bed, giving you one last kiss before sneaking out of your room through the portal.
Hours later, you finally woke up, your jaw clicking as you let out a deep yawn and sat up, groaning a bit as you stretched and your back popped comfortably “mmm” you turned to look at Harry's side of the bed, raising your brow to see that he was gone. “Harry?” you called out, slipping out of the bed and walking to the bathroom, checking inside for your handsome pirate fiancé “you here?”
When no response came you sighed, turning back to the bed to go back to sleep for a bit when you noticed a note on the nightstand next to your side of the bed, Harry's handwriting just barely visible.
You walked back to the bed and picked up the note, letting gout a small coo as you read the note.
-good morning my love, happy Valentine's day! I got some plans for us today so just get dressed in something comfortable (bring a jacket) and I’ll come back to pick you up at 2! - your pirate
You glanced at the digital clock on Harry's side and nodded, it was only 9 am so you had 5 hours to kill.
Time to take a bath with your new bath bombs~
And with the last touches on your (light/heavy) makeup, you were ready for whatever Harry was planning.
You had decided to wear a combo of comfortable formal yet action ready clothes.
A loose red and black patterned shirt, your favorite pants, your comfortable worn-in ankle boots, and one of your red jackets Evie had made for you that complimented Harry's iconic one.
You glanced at the clock, the red letters reading 1:58 pm, nodding you grabbed your keys and attached them to your hip. As you grabbed your bag which held Harry’s gift, the door to your room glowed and opened, Harry stepping through a moment later.
“yer prince is here…ta…wow” you snorted, shaking your head a bit as you turned to look at Harry, leaning against your dresser and crossing your arms. You smirked as his eyes drifted up and down your body “uh….wow” you giggled to yourself and pushed yourself off the dresser, walking over to Harry and wrapping your arms around his waist, admiring the full black suit he was wearing, thin lighter black stripes on his jacket.
“not so bad yourself babe~” you giggled as his ears turned red at the pet name, you sometimes cringed when you heard yourself say it but watching his ears and face turn red was too cute not to do it.
“Thank yeh” he said quietly, eyes locking with yours for a moment before he quickly pecked your nose and tugged at your hands. “come on, I gotta whole thing planned” you laughed as he tugged you through the still-open portal and into Auradon.
You stepped out onto the deck of the docked lost revenge 2.0 and Harry led you off the ship and down to the docks, nodding towards the forest trails nearby “it’s a bit of a walk, is tha’ okay?”
“Good thing I wore my comfortable boots” you joked, squeezing Harry's hand and swinging them between your bodies as you walked towards Harry's plan.
15 minutes of walking and talking, Harry covered your eyes, gently pushing you towards the spot “it's just right ‘ere, don’ worry yeh won’ trip” he whispered in your ear, smiling as you grabbed his biceps and whispered right back.
“I trust you mo leannan*” Harry bit his lip as Scottish Gaelic easily rolled off your tongue and pressed a quick kiss to the back of your neck in thanks.
“Thank yeh bonny, now jus’ a couple more steps” he helped you down a couple more steps and pulled his hands from your eyes, setting them on your shoulder and setting his chin there as well “open”
As you opened your eyes you let out a small gasp.
Harry had taken you to one of the clearings in the enchanted forest near the docks, a midsized wooden table sitting in the middle, a pinkish-red table cloth resting over it with white plates and silverware, two thin candles ready to be lit. your eyes drifted to the two large ice boxes next to the table, one you guessed was filled with the drinks the other food.
“Harry this is amazing~” you squealed, spinning around and pulling him into a gentle kiss, smiling as he quickly wrapped his arms around you and hummed into it. You pulled away, smiling at the pout that quickly appeared on his lips “thank you so much”
“yer welcome my love” he muttered with a dreamy smile on his lips, his eyes drifting back to your lips. You took a step back with a teasing smile and turned, walking over to the ice chests and flipping the right one open, humming happily as you took in the multiple types of soda, juice, and other drinks. You picked your (fav drink) and skipped over to the table, setting it next to one of the plates and turning back to Harry, who was digging through the other ice chest and pulling out the food. “oooh what’ja bring?”
“(fav food)” Harry beamed, bringing over the black food boxes and setting them on the table “serve yerself, imma get the sides n shit”
You happily did so, having not eaten since your small snack in the morning to prepare for the possible large meal Harry was going to give you. Harry was back moments later, setting down a box of mashed potatoes, seasoned rice, shrimp stir fry, baked mac, and cheese, corn, and oven-baked Brussel sprouts “but you don’t like Brussel sprouts?” you laughed, picking up the box and shaking it in Harry's face. He leaned back and pushed it back towards you.
“aye but yeh like em” you let out a small coo and set the box back down, watching Harry go back to the food box and pull out a tall container filled with gravy “’ere we go, a meal fit fer a goddess~”
You looked around, pursing your lips “so then where Uma?” Harry let out a small snort, shaking his head “sorry but you gotta admit Uma is fucking beautiful” Harry laughed again, grabbing a root beer and sitting down, looking up at you with a fond smile.
“aye, she is, but righ’ now I’m takin’ bout yeh my love” you smiled back and sat down across from him, popping open the mac and cheese and scooping some onto your plate. Harry served himself some (fav food) and mashed potatoes, scooping some shrimp stir-fry and rice as well.
You took some of the stir fry, Brussel sprouts, and mashed potatoes. Sticking your tongue out slightly as you poured the gravy on top. You and Harry glanced at each other for a moment before you dug in.
You danced in your seat as the delicious taste of the (fav food) hit your tongue. Harry smiled as you danced, licking his lips clean as he watched you continue to eat and dance “do yer little dancy dance” Harry sang, yelp-laughing as you kicked his ankle gently.
“shush~” you stabbed a shrimp and popped it in your mouth “I’m enjoying myself”
“as yeh should”
An hour later and you had finally finished your late lunch/early dinner, Harry doing a quick clean up and packing the food away to retrieve later. He held out his hand for you, and once you took it he lead you to back up the trail that guided you to the clearing.
You stepped closer to him, wrapping your arms around his arm and laying your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes and trusting him not to let you trip or bump into anything.
Harry hummed a tune in his throat, filling the comfortable silence as you walked. Soon you were back at the ship and harry told you to go to his room while he got the last couple of things he needed, as you walked to the set of cabins near the back you turned to see Harry going down into the kitchen.
You opened the door of Harrys room and gasped, Harry and decked out his room to be the ultimate comfort zone, he had several fluffy blankets piled on his bed, multiple pillows, hanging sheer blankets that blocked out the remaining sunlight of the day, and soft led-fairy lights strewn across the walls.
You kicked off your boots and jacket and flung yourself onto his bed, giggling as some of the blankets folded onto you. You burritoed yourself and waited for Harry.
A couple of minutes later the aforementioned pirate stepped through his door, kicking it closed with his foot. “well don’t yeh look all comfy~” he purred, setting down the large bowl and bag on his desk and leaned over you, his arms caging your head.
“I am~” you laughed, reaching from your burrito blanket and pulling Harry on top of you “and you will join me!”
He smiled, pulling your hands off his jacket and pulling out a crystal rose from his inner pocket. You gasped and took it, twirling the fake rose in your fingers “I will, jus’ need ta set up our first movie”
“otay” you chirped back, setting the rose on the nightstand next to Harry's bed and pulling your hand back into the blanket, and watching harry take off his suit jacket, shoes, and grabbing a remote.
He grabbed one of the blankets you hadn’t commandeered and settled onto the bed next to you, wrapping his arm around your shoulder as you snuggled into his side.
“sooo” he licked his lips, going through Netflix to find a movie the two of you would enjoy “what are we watchin’?”
You were silent for a few moments as harry scrolled through his suggested movies before a grin spread on your face “Shrek the musical” Harry paused, looking down at you as you just giggled to yourself.
“is it good?” he wondered aloud, going to the search bar and typing in your request.
“it's so fucking good, absolutely amazing” Harry snorted, clicking onto the movie and letting it play.
He grabbed the popcorn and bag of snacks and set them to your left, leaving you to grab what you wanted. “alright, let's watch.
-end of part 21-
* mo leannan = my sweetheart
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11
@musicarose @descendantsobsessed
@remembered-license @random-thoughts-003
@thecaptainsgingersnap @rintheemolion​
@verboetoperee​ @imtryingthisout​
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conchstellations · 4 years
cool people in the lotf fandom
imma give out some positive vibes as opposed to my usual vibe lmao. here are a bunch of people who i think are really cool!!!! if you’re not on this list, that doesn’t mean i hate you or dislike you in any way, of course!! this is mainly just a bunch of people who i’ve made friends with or who i’ve talked to that i think are amazing, and i highly suggest you go check em out!!
so, in no particular order, here go! (puttin slashes so i dont notify people and bug ‘em)
- Bunny: Bunny is very cool and we support them because their vibes are hella good. Very cool person, even though they kill me in BGO every single time we play >:( They do a really good Jack cosplay on their tiktok, @/bunnybirdycosplay!!
- Rog: Rog is my number one sworn nemesis but also very cool!!!! they also have very good vibes, very boppin’ energy. They do a really cool Roger cosplay on their tiktok as well, and they share it with Bunny, so highly suggest @/bunnybirdycosplay again!!!!
- Huck: Huck is a literal angel, very wholesome vibes, and they tag me in cottagecore stuff which is appreciated very much!!!!! they are AMAZING at art, like, it’s crazy. their tumblr is @/vamosvaya!!!!
- Doot: Doot is a nerd but also we stan Doot sm, let me just say. they’re very active in the lord fly tumblr community, so most of you have probably seen them around! their blog is @/the-conch-plays-c-sharp
- Moojooce: Moojooce is very cool and i never actually refer to them by name so i’m calling them this shush. they’re very nice and friendly which i know bc my first dm to them was thinking they were somebody else and they’re a very chill human being!!! their tumblr is @/moojooce!!
- Septy: Septy is baybe, that’s all, and they get concerned for my wellbeing because I have a tendecy to set things on fire in unsafe ways, which is very nice of them. their tumblr is @/septarianflame!! i don’t think they post much lord fly but they are just cool in general.
- Roger: I haven’t spoken to em in a little bit, but they are very nice, and also have amazing vibes!! Just an all around bop. Their tumblr is @/r0ger-that!!
here are some people who i respect from a distance, and haven’t really spoken to, or know much about, i just think they’re neat!!!!!! 
- @/maurice-memes: they seem very chill, and i really like their art style!! solid content! and the vibes are very solid.
- @/ralphthebossassbitch: fellow ralph stan i have to support it’s my earthly duty
- @/mccall-me-maurice: they seem to be a good person, and i respect them very much! i believe they’re currently writing a fanfiction, and they do art as well!
- @/ohthepaain: im 90% sure their blog was one of the first i stalked when i made my blog lmao. p much a legend at this point.
- @/sharp-of-the-c: issa new blog!!! i know literally nothing about them but idk. the vibes. they’re good. what can i say. i stumbled across em today and we always support new lotf ppl bc they rock.
- @/genericruleroftheflies: im literally just going off vibes and vibes alone because thats the way to live they seem cool
and lastly, because i dont want them to be left out even though they’re nerds who dont haVE lotf social media:
- Bry: she’s a bowlie like 90% of the time but she also has chill vibes and had to sit on a vc while i did the same card trick 8 times in a row.
- Chip: Revolting, 0/10, but also a very valid person 10/10 we stan
thats the list!!!!! again!!! if ur not on list!!! i dont hate u!! or have anything against u!! at all!!! these are just some people who post lotf stuff who i have made friends with or people who i respect at a distance!!!
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songficsbyrissi · 5 years
Let Em’ Know (part 4)
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Previously on Let Em’Know......(click here for part 3)
Through her paralyzing fear, the woman was confused and gulped loudly. “M-may I ask why what?”
Erik cocked his gun, placing it underneath the woman’s chin and chuckled darkly. “You’ll see why they call me Killmonger.”
This nigga had you fucked all the way up. The audacity of him doing this shit when he fucking knew better. You highkey wanted to punch him dead in his shit. 
That fucking liar.
Stephanie observed you as you continued to fold panties angrily and raised an eyebrow.
“You ok, girl?” She asked in her blaccent and you sighed deeply, looking straight ahead.
“I’m fine, Stephanie.” You looked back down and heard someone walk into the store. “Why don’t you go tend to the customer?”
“Mhmmmm I will gladly tend to him.” Stephanie walked away and you shook your head, just wondering why does your manager keep fucking with you by always putting you to work with her. It’s like she was begging you to clock her shit.
“Hey princess.”
You glanced up to see the nigga that got you pissed the fuck off.
“Go away, Erik. I’m fucking pissed at you.” You huffed moving to the rack of clothes and he followed you, of course.
“What did I do?” Erik was genuinely puzzled at your anger towards him. You turned around to look at him.
“You fucking lied to me. That’s what!”
Erik’s heart began to pound furiously against his chest. How the fuck did you know? Shit he was caught and he was going to lose you.
“Y/N, I can explain...” he cleared his throat.
You folded your arms, kinking an eyebrow. “Yes please explain to me what the fuck was so important you couldn’t text me when you got home!”
Record scratch. That’s what you’re so mad at him? Erik thought he was caught. He hid the relief on his face and began to chuckle.
“Princess, a nigga got in the crib and knocked out. My bad. You know how it be like that.” He grinned in realization. “Aww you were worried about your man?”
You sucked your teeth as his arm wrapped around your neck. “No I wasn’t.” “So you admit I’m your man?”
You sucked your teeth hard. “No.”
“Took too long to answer, Princess.”
You turned on your heel to head to the back when he grabbed your wrist, caressing it with his thumb by rubbing circles which you didn’t wanna admit, made you tingly inside.
“Lemme take you out on a date.” Erik told you softly then narrowed his eyes. “And I mean an actual date. Just you and me. Not your dumbass friends tagging along.”
“Erik!” You freed your hand from his grasp and put it on your hip.
“Don’t get me wrong! I fuck with your friends. They’re good ass people but those niggas are dumb as hell.”
“You right.” You mumbled looking away then picked your head up, snapping your fingers. “But they’re my dumbasses!”
Erik continued to stare at you, waiting for his answer. You sighed deeply trying to avoid the heat in your cheeks.
“Fine. Friday night. Pick me up at 7.”
Erik grinned kissing your forehead. “Aight bet.” He went on his merry way and you called after him.
“Don’t make me regret it, Stevens!”
Erik turned to face you while still walking away from the store. “You won’t! And you know you won’t!”
You shook your head, fighting back a smile. You hated to admit it but he was fucking right. You were looking forward to this date and you knew you would have an amazing time. You spent your shift thinking about Erik and what to wear on this date.
Erik pulled up to the abandoned warehouse which was his place of business. Exiting his vehicle, he greeted the men posted up in the front and entered looking for his beloved cousin. When he found her on her laptop sitting next to Klaue, he marched in front of her and slammed her laptop close.
“Yo what the hell?!” Soraya looked up at her cousin with furious eyes. “Why the fuck did you do that, Erik?! I was in the middle of something!”
“I don’t give a fuck!” Erik hissed getting in her face. “What I do give a fuck about is my girl and imma need for you to leave her the fuck alone. I’m not playing with you, Soraya.”
Her brows drew together in confusion as Erik sat back. “Erik, what the fuck are you talking about?”
“I’m not stupid, So. You think I ain’t peep that fucking black Volvo lurking around my girl’s house? That was you and you need to cut the shit.”
Soraya scoffed, getting in his face. “First of all, bitch, I’m not the only one in this damn city that drives a fucking Volvo, aight and second, you think I give a fuck about your love life? I DON’T.”
Erik sucked his teeth loudly and stood up straight. “Whatever. Just stop that shit.”
“Killmonger, she’s got a point. There’s many black Volvo’s in this goddamn city. Could be anyone. Could be an enemy. Could be your girlfriend’s neighbor. All I know is.....” Klaue stood up from his chair and walked up to Erik, coming face to face with a serious expression. “You better stay focused or I’ll get someone else do your job. Got that?”
“You can’t kick me out of this shit, man. I’m the best.”
Klaue leaned in. “Watch me.”
With that last remark, Klaue walked out of the warehouse doors and Erik sucked his teeth for the millionth time today and faced his cousin. She was smirking in amusement.
“You’re Klaue’s bitch. Never thought I would see Killmonger as the white man’s bitch!”
“Soraya, shut the fuck up. His pasty ass is bluffing. Motherfucker knows he needs me.” Erik scoffed then crossed his arms, beginning to laugh. “And you really gonna sit here and talk about the White man when your daddy is one? If anything, your moms is one.”
She ceased her laughing fit and rolled her eyes. “First of all, I don’t claim my white side and you know that. Second of all, that’s your aunt, stupid.”
“I’m aware. That’s how a family tree works, stupid.”
“Anyways, I found another house that needs a repo job. We gotta hit that shit Friday night. We can’t go too late because the family-“
Erik put his hand up to stop his cousin’s talking. “Let me save you some time. I won’t be able to hit this lick. Y’all gonna have to do this one without me?”
“Why nigga?”
“None of your damn business. That’s why.”
Realization dawned on her face and she folded her arms, scoffing out of annoyance. “I know what it is. Your girl. Erik, you can’t be seriously neglecting your fucking job for some girl!”
“She ain’t some girl, SoSo. She’s my girl. I would quit all this shit right now for her but I’m not. I’m just taking a day off. Now get off my fucking back, aight? You keep forgetting I’m the boss here.”
Soraya let out a sardonic laugh. “Really? Answer this for me, Erik: if your girl found out this shit right here is how you make your living, would she still be fucking with you? If she found out all the dates and gifts you giving her was possible because of you being involved in this shit, will she ride for you?”
Erik just stared at his cousin with his nostrils flaring, his jaw clenched, and his fist closed tight by his side. He honestly didn’t know how to answer that question and it really pissed him off.
Soraya’s tough demeanor softened and she placed a hand on his shoulder. “Erik, I’m just looking out for you. I see you just completely disregarding the mission and I just wanna make sure this broad is worth the distraction. That’s all. I just need you to be careful.”
Erik turned his chin, looking at her through narrowed eyes.
“And when am I not?”
Friday finally came and to say you were just a mess was an understatement. You couldn’t find anything to wear and Erik refused to tell you where y’all were going so you can have an idea. It was beyond frustrating.
“Fuck it! I’m just gonna go naked!” You declared as you flung yourself on your bed dramatically. Neriah, who was already sitting there, snickered.
“Yeah do that. Erik’s ass would LOVE that.”
You glared up at her. “You’re not helping.” You turned your glare to Rayvon who was playing Candy Crush on his phone at your desk. “You too, Ray Ray!”
He sucked his teeth, sparing you a glance. “Girl, I’m a nigga. I don’t even know why I’m here.” You stood up walking towards him.
“Because....” You snatched the phone from his hands. “I need a nigga’s point of view.”
Rayvon gestured towards your other friend. “Neriah eats pussy and plays basketball. That’s enough of a nigga for you!”
She got off the bed and tied up her straight black hair. “Boy, I will fuck you up!”
“Can y’all stop?! Please?! I just want to look good for Erik but be appropriate for whatever the hell we’re doing! If you ain’t gonna help me, get the fuck out!” After yelling at your two best friends, there was a silence upon the room. You looked between the two of them as it seemed like they were deep in the thought.
Then Rayvon spoke up.
“I got it. Booty shorts and a tank top.”
You shook your head vigorously, pushing both of them towards the bedroom door.
“No. Get out. Just get out.”
“What you mean? That was helpful! You wanted a nigga’s point of view!”
Neriah began to protest as well. “What? I didn’t even do anything!”
“Nope! Bye! I’ll call you when I get back!”
Even though they kept protesting, you continued to push them out until they were outside of your room and you slammed the door shut, locking it. You loved your friends. You really do but Erik was right. Those niggas were dumb as hell. You finally found a red button down sundress and wore it with a light blue jean jacket. You wore black strappy sandals, showing off your pedicure of white toes. You styled your box braids in a high bun and stared at yourself in the mirror. Hopefully, this outfit was good for whatever Erik had planned.
You heard the doorbell from downstairs. You were home alone due to your parents and your little brother going out of state. You would’ve went with them but you had to work as much as you can before you went back to school. You went to answer the door and on the other side was Erik dressed in a red shirt, light blue jean jacket, black jeans and matching black Jordan’s. You eyed him up and down and he did the same with you.
“So I’m guessing you were watching me dress through my window or some shit because I’m not understanding why the hell are you copying me?” You raised an eyebrow, jokingly.
Erik chuckled showing off his gold fangs as you locked the front door behind you and walked with him towards his car. “Princess, please. You knew I was wearing this and wanted to match your man’s fly. I ain’t mad at you though. It’s cute. Second best fit you could wear.”
“What’s the first?” You asked as he opened the passenger door for you and you got in.
“Ahh the first would be some booty shorts and a tank top.” He stared off into space for a bit and looked back at you who stared at him through squinted eyes. 
“Either you’re fucking with me or y’all niggas are all the same. Ray told me the same thing.”
Erik blew air out of his mouth, shaking his head. “Damn the one time that nigga says something smart, you don’t listen to him.”
“Shut up and drive.”
The ride to the secret destination was filled with talking and trap music playing in the background. You didn’t know why but you felt a sense of deja vu. Your eyes were glued to your phone when the sight of bright lights caught your attention. You looked up and your eyes dropped. He brought you to the annual city fair. Now you know why everything felt so familiar.
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“We came here on our first date.” You breathed still staring at the light and amusement rides before you.
“I’m glad you remembered, ma. I was scared you didn’t.” Erik replied lowly as he put the car in park.
You glanced at him giving him a wide smile. “Of course I remembered. We went again the next after that too. I haven’t been here since........” your wide smile dropped. You didn’t want to say it.
“Since....?” Erik urges taking your hand and forcing you to make eye contact with him. You obliged with a huge sigh.
“Since you told me you were leaving and we broke up.” You whispered and you could feel Erik’s rising disappointment in himself. “I remember it like it was yesterday. We came to this fair and we were having a good time. Well at least I was. You seemed distracted the whole night. It was bugging me and scaring me. I didn’t know what was up with you. I was terrified you were going to break up with me. Tell me you didn’t love me anymore and that you had feelings for someone else. We were driving home and-“
“You annoyed the fuck out of me the whole ride.” Erik took over the story telling. “I wasn’t ready to tell you but you kept pushing for me to tell you what’s up. Then I finally told you that I was leaving. I will never forget the heartbreak on your face. That shit haunted me in my dreams. I never wanted to break your heart and ended up doing that shit. What broke my heart even more was when you said you wouldn’t wait for me. You didn’t want a long distance relationship. I couldn’t blame you for that. It wasn’t fair for me to expect you to wait for me but a nigga was hoping.”
You swallowed hard and stared at your fingers. You had no idea that Erik was hurting too during that time. You kept painting him as a selfish motherfucker but he was doing what was best for him which caused you to do what was best for you. What was best for both of y’all ended up hurting way more in the end. You felt Erik grab your chin, forcing you to look in his sincere brown eyes.
“I want you to know that I am really back for good, baby girl. I ain’t going nowhere. I mean that shit.”
You found your hands grabbing his bearded face and connecting your lips with his. The two of you kissed for a few seconds before he pulled away, smiling.
“Come on. As much as I rather just kiss you and have you to myself in this car, that ain’t a real date.”
As a true gentleman, Erik went around and opened the door for you to get out and you two held hands, entering the fair. You started off on going on roller coasters then hit the games. You two won the games and received prizes. You shared fried dough and ended the night going on the Ferris wheel. You two made out as it went around and the teenagers above you voiced their disgust.
“Eww! Get a damn room!”
Erik looked up, shouting. “You better shut the fuck up and mind your business before I suck her titty on this damn Ferris wheel!”
“Erik!” You hissed hitting his arm.
“What?! They acting like they never seen kissing before!”
After the Ferris wheel, you called it a night and went home. Erik walked you to your front door and when you went in for a kiss goodbye, he dodged it. When you had a look of confusion, he chuckled holding your hands.
“Y/N, I’m not gonna ask you if you’ll be my girl because you’ve been my girl. You were just playing games.” This caused you to giggle and he continued with a smirk on his face. “Now will you stop playing games?”
You wrapped your arms around his neck, matching his smirk. “Yes. I will stop playing games. I’m your girl.”
“Let em know, baby girl and say that shit louder.”
You sighed and took a deep breath. You began shouting from the top of your lungs.
Back in the passenger seat of the black Volvo, Damien blew smoke out his mouth and hissed. Seeing your lips on Erik pissed him off. That should be him and it’s going to be him.
“Y/N, you don’t see that nigga ain’t for you but I ain’t mad at you, baby. That fuck nigga is a good actor.” He brought the blunt back to his lips and exhaled harshly. “It’s cool because I’m gonna make you see that that nigga ain’t for you. Just wait on it.”
Tags:  @lifelover4u @dessianna1 @brattywriters-anonymous @marvelpotterlove @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @ljstraightnochaser @slimmiyagi @cancerianprincess @iamrheaspeaks @blowmymbackout @vibranium-chakra @nerd-lovely @chaneajoyyy @ohliyaxoxo @chefjessypooh @yourfavoritefavorite @airis-paris14 @ljstraightnochaser @quietstorm-73 @msincognito67 @sociallyawkward18 @mychemicalimagines @nerd-lovely @marvelpotterlove   @destinio1 @madamslayyy @thehomierobbstark @fd-writes​ @semianta​
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Your dog keeps pooping on my lawn AU where you got off on the wrong foot and seemed like an ass to your neighbors (the marauders) and Sirius is the dog. -🦕🔱
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You’d been living in this culdesac for almost three years
You had a wonderful little life there
And your neighbors were all elderly so partially deaf so you were able to blast music aLL night
You definitely played some bops at 3am during all your existential crises
But then one day
One of your elderly neighbors falls while gardening :(
You help her up and you get her an ambulance
Sadly, her family decides that it’s time for her to move out of that house and in with them
You were glad that she was getting care but what were u gonna do without Gladys??
You baked her cookies as a farewell and made sure to scare away all future customers of her house to preserve her memories
(You dressed in a chicken suit and snuck into the basement and then made strange noises at the potential buyers until they left)
But these three young men came in one day
And you could tell by the first second you saw them that they would not run from a giant screaming chicken
They were tough
You didn’t even try the suit you just glared at them from inside your house on your couch
Sirius absolutely saw you and subtly pointed you out to the others
“What are they glaring at us for? What did we do?”
“Nothing?? Yet??”
So they’re like alright fine ur gonna be a jerk to us we’ll be a jerk to u
One day you’re out gardening
Because living around old ladies changes you
And you’ve just planted these pretty lilies
You are excite
And then you go back inside to shower off
And out of your window
You see a huge black dog
Your first thought is like ah yes pupper will take and keep forever
But then
That little hecker
>:( He poops on ur lilies >:(
Ur like my lilies!!!
The dog runs off and you let it go because whatever fertilizer is good right
The next day you’re checking on your poor lilies
And you notice that it’s happened again??
Meanwhile Remus and James are giving Sirius like ten laxatives a day-
You’re like oooh imma find this doggo and find its owner and give them hEcK
Almost two weeks after it starts happening
Two weeks of consistent lily contamination
You catch the black dog in the act
He looks terrified
You watch him run back to your new neighbor’s house and you’re like I knEw they were trouble
You march over there and see that the dog has escaped into the backyard
So you march over to the front door and knock all angry
One of the young men opens the door after a minute and you see the dog sitting behind him literally smirking you are so upset
“Your dog is ruining my lilies. Every single day. What do you even feed it, how does it manage to poop that much every single day, and why always on my lilies??”
You hear someone snort in the background 
You’re like I’m being mocked
The one at the door is like look lady
You’ve been glaring at us since the day we moved in
“Hostility is met with hostility, we told-er, trained our dog to poop in your yard.”
You are so lost for words
You have honestly no idea what to say because??
What are you supposed to say to that??
“Okay, listen. We’ll cut you a deal. You stop hating us for no reason and we’ll stop our dog from pooping on your lawn.”
“But now I just have more reason to hate you?”
“Say goodbye to your Lilies.”
I don’t really know what this was
I don’t really remember writing any of it
But I hope that just makes it better
I have a different version of this same prompt that I might end up posting sometime
That I also don’t remember writing
Have a nice day
Taglist: @knowledgeisthebomb @moonyswolf @astertist @accio–zoe @wutheringweasley @crispyfrenchfriescrisis @set-phasers-to-cuddle @thecurlyhairedwinchester @snazzy-posts @huffle-homie24601 @celestialdiamandis @queen678900 @gryffindor-girl420 @ilostcount-helpme @Dedellis @ellie-emb @nervous-shawn @fcavalerro @dorcasmeadoweslupin @chloe-geoghegan1 @lostnliterature @remusfreakinglupin @marvelouspottering @fcavalerro @xmoonylupinx @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @spideymood @marauders-trash-forever @khaleesiclifford @thisismysecrethappyplace @gabiatthedisco @writing-red @stardust.and.glitter @sly-vixen-up2nogood @biatheintrovert @mamarhee @spiderman-n @wonder-worlds @honeymalfoy @dumbass-sandwich @emliy-antognoli @raavkans @maraudersandco @lilaccoveredteapot @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @spencer-is-too-perfect @blackpinkdolan @my-babies-are-ash @whysoseriouspadfoot @i-padfootblack-things @mysticalsandwichseeker @yallgotkik @lilmissmoony @keey-lime-pi @elenawhatonearthisthis @margotblackburn @chrisstabme @itsanarttodie @siriusly-sad @addibug1014-blog @galaxyoffangirls @just4muggles @everything-s-comin-up-aces @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mublood-blog @svtwit @parkersingfinitywar @onthebroadway @the17resa @thefullbullpen99 @snoploop @johnnycadeissocute @all-thegayships @briisasinamonroll @lady-of-lies @ardentmuse @blueivysuniverse @dark-night-sky99 @ilovetvshowsblog @s0cial-retard @savethehoneeybees @luna-xxxxx @bvmakk @deathofthethrones @humblemei @myfriendsaremypowers @broken-and-alone12 @fandomnerdsarecool @stardust.and.glitter @hopewithadashofglitter @lazydiabetic @killerbumblebee @angeld82300 @alisoncdariel @brungun @marvelismylifffe @iluvmesomemarvelndc @beutiflybybri @stephie-senpai @heartbeats-wildly @em-aesthe @godisreal @vibhati123 @miracleoflove @classypursefarmphysique @cncno @itsshelbygates @majesticavenger @jellyfishwriter @ikbrenda @righttide @marvelousmarauderstrash @hero-ically @itshelaodinsdottirbitch @behindthebook @sewarner @themarauders-headcanons @bloomingonmay @songforhema @rose-aesthete @blueberrytiger01 @i-want-my-name-back @lumonva @unfortunatekiwitrash @smilexcaptainx @oldschool-hoee @kiwi-nonspecificgender @shymagicsworld
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askmyboys · 4 years
Finally posting here again lmao even tho this blog is probs just gonna stay dead at this rate
anyways here’s giant pig god dude
| Name: Osmundus (Osmund from what I looked up, the name means Divine Protector p much)
| Nicknames: Oz/Ozzy or you can just call him Osmund in general
| Gender: He/They (usually that’s what the humans/books said pronouns wise and he seems to like em enough sooo)
| Age: Unknown but he’s p ancient
| Species/Race: Giant Pig God (he’s a Wild Boar to be MORE specific on his species)
| Height: 100ft (he can actually size shift though)
| Hair Color: Dark Grey (his hair is long so he keeps it in a braid)
| Eye Color: His left eye is Charcoal Black and his right eye has three claw slashes over it and the eye itself is white and cloudy (he can’t see in that one obvs)
| Appearance: Let’s start off with his actual appearance before outfits, he’s p much anthropomorphic, he looks like a mixture between a human and wild board obvs- anyways- his ears are pointed (not like my usual characters, his ears are pointed but they are kinda pointed out to the sides instead of upwards if that makes ANY sense?) His feet are hooves of course and his hands are also hooves but he seems to actually be able to grab things (he has a hoof thumb, i'm bad- with describing this shit lmao but i'm trying my best and I mean listen he’s GOTTA be able to grab things) he also has a curly tail as well, his bottom canines are fairly large tusks that stick up from his mouth, the rest of his teeth are fairly sharp as well.
He does have a human esque body and face actually, he also has a dark grey circle beard as well, the only actual pig parts he has are his legs/hooves, tusks/teeth, his tail, and then finally his ears (his skin color is dark grey and he does have bristles on his arms and legs mostly btw) now onto what he wears! First thing’s first, he wears a LOT of golden hoop earrings on both ears (none of those BIG hoops, its all small ones), he also has a golden nose piercing he wears, they also wear a LOT of golden bracelets going up from their wrists to halfway up their arms, he also wears a golden wedding ring as a necklace (I mean… he can’t necessarily wear it on his finger given its a hoof, but he found a work around and he’s NEVER taken that necklace off other than to sleep and even then it’s locked in a golden chest (yes, they are married, i’ll talk about their husband in side facts)
His main outfit is a black cape with golden spots on the outside (its a golden color on the inside as well) with a brownish-white fur hood that has black spots on it, it also has fur going down the front ends of the cape (you know the kinda fur like on a typical king’s outfit, yeah that) underneath the cape is just a dark grey chestplate, the chestplace looks very worn and it’s got a good bit of damage but it still looks safe tbh (he never takes his armor off chest wise)
Finally, he wears, of course, a golden crown with black obsidian stones/crystals acting like the gemstones you’d find in any type of other crown, he chooses black obsidian for its protection against the negative and harmful energies.
| Personality: Osmund is… An ancient God, they have been around for who knows how long really, it's been longer than anyone could ever remember, he’s essentially a very old man, he’s got a LOT of wisdom and he’s highly intelligent but of course, that doesn’t mean he always was… Osmund will even admit he was careless and so reckless when he was a youngling, he’s very embarrassed with how he used to act, such a careless being… They knew no better for the trouble they got themselves into, but he knows there is no changing the past, and mistakes are always here for a reason… And besides he wouldn’t have learned half of what he did had it not been for his reckless nature.
Osmund can almost be like a fucking DICTIONARY sometimes, they have knowledge on MANY topics, their favorite topics to talk about seem to be nature, various crystals, herbs, etc- Osmund has SO many books, like SO many, it’s centuries worth of collections really- He always loves a good book even if he’s read them all before and besides there’s always someone out there to teach so its good to keep them around.
Osmund, as his name suggests is a Divine Protector, even people who didn’t believe in him, he’d protect EVERYONE he could, they were a warrior, a VERY strong warrior and I won’t say they aren’t now, if they needed to, they would ABSOLUTELY go to fight… Osmund won’t ever get into fights however himself, in fact despite being such a strong warrior, he doesn’t actually like fighting at all, if there’s a way, they’d always try to solve things peacefully instead but if there really wasn’t any other option then… So be it… Once he’s pushed to this point however, there is no going back, they won’t back down and they won’t stop.
When it comes to mortals, Osmund doesn’t let himself be seen too often, but sometimes when a mortal stumbles across him, well, they aren’t going to be rude if they want to have a conversation, sure he might can size shift but there isn’t any hiding other features and they don’t even really care about hiding those features (Osmund only size shifts when he goes down to the mortals world but that’s only because well, even if most know of them based on stories and legends, etc- it IS still terrifying to see a giant, let alone a giant god so he tries to be mindful) there has been the occasion where a mortal stumbles into his world, there IS a strict policy being that no mortal should enter the gods/goddesses worlds BUT… Osmund holds no grudges, it usually stems from a curiosity, but they do send them back on their way by the end of the day, it's too big of a risk for them to STAY here.
Because he’s an old man essentially, Osmund CAN be grumbly n a bit grumpy sometimes but he genuinely means no harm, just sometimes that cranky side happens, usually when he’s woken up from a nap or sleep or interrupted by someone wanting to challenge him, 
you wouldn’t believe how many times they’ve been challenged by various other beings and even some mortals! It’s part of the reason they never take their armor off… Osmund as you can imagine has created TONS and TONS of enemies over the centuries, and one time he got a bit too careless because it was nothing but peaceful for a long few years… And that one time… Almost cost him his life, ever since then they’ve AT LEAST kept the chestplate on (speaking of, i forgot, he has a TON of scars all over his body, the one they have that almost cost them their life is right above the heart)
(tl;dr: An old soul literally, has centuries of knowledge and still has books lying around even though he genuinely doesn’t even need to read them at this point, they’ve read all those p much but still, loves to teach younglings/even mortals if he gets the chance, was once a warrior and he still can be but it’s only if pushed to those circumstances, a peaceful guy and honestly prefers peace over war and violence, can be grumbly/grumpy when challenged or disturbed, loves nature/crystals/herbs/etc a LOT, overall pretty friendly, sweet, kind, and caring, he IS a protector after all… Never going to take that armor off even if its hard to sleep in, too big of a risk… The shit they’ve seen over the centuries… The wars, the fighting, the violence, literally ALL of it would scar a person beyond belief and well there’s probably some trauma in there more than likely but he’s pretty stoic looking, always has had that stoic expression really
And honestly even if there’s something going on in there he’s NEVER been the type to talk/open up about his feelings/thoughts/emotions really, he usually bottles things up if anything, they’ve barely even told anything to their husband)
| Side Facts: ALRIGHT I know what you’ve been waiting for- You want me to talk about his husband, alrighty here we go- Imma be making a separate doc for him, but I’ll at LEAST introduce him and what he is-  his husband is a giant goat god, his name is Arvish and well… He was an… Interesting fellow I’ll say that at the very least, alright, moving on.
Osmund’s favorite types of tea are Mint Tea, Herbal Tea, and Oolong Tea.
Like I said before, Osmund has his own type of world essentially, his world is made up of wintery elements, he has a large wood cabin far out in the snowy forest that he resides in, he loves the cabin not only because it’s VERY well hidden but because of, despite being in a cold climate he DOES think it’s very cozy, he loves sitting by the fire and reading one of the books while drinking tea.
Despite being a peaceful god, they do have VARIOUS weapons, his main one and most prized possession being a longsword, the blade is black and the handle is golden.
There are more than just pig-esque people in his world as well, there’s VARYING gods/goddesses that roam the place, he IS the ruler of the world after all, it’s LITERALLY his world! And it’s such a peaceful one so it’s a nice place to live or go visit actually, the gods/goddesses can always relax here.
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gamz2311 · 5 years
Educated: A Clyde LoganxReader Story (1/5)
This is my first time posting on Tumblr something that i’ve written- Ah! Please let me know what you think. Thanks for reading. 
No warnings 
Chapter 1
“I am going to go down to that damn school and…” Jimmy Logan yelled before his brother Clyde interrupted him with his slow, southern drawl. 
“Now Jimmy, we both know that ain’t gunna be good for Sadie. Ya’  just need ta calm down.” Clyde said, placing a hand on his older brothers shoulder to calm him down. 
“Like hell imma calm down. My little girl has a broken arm because of that school! That teacher shoulda been watchin’ them kids better. What kind of…” Jimmy muttered, shrugging off Clyde’s hand. Clyde was glad that it was only Jimmy, Nancy (his head waitress) and himself in the bar at the moment, relieved that he wouldn’t have to explain Jimmy’s outburst to any customers. Jimmy, Clyde, and Nancy had come in early to do some maintenance around the place. Right as they were getting ready to get started, Jimmy had just received a call from his ex-wife Bobbie Jo saying that their daughter, Sadie, had broken her arm at school playing on the playground. 
“It ain’t no ones fault. Kids are gunna be kids and accidents happen’.” Clyde said, trying to appeal to his brother’s logical side, but he already knew that it was too late for that. He sat down the glass he was cleaning and looked at his brother. 
“Fuck that. My baby is sitting in a hospital because of someone in that school and I’m gunna let ‘em have a piece of my mind. Plus Bobbie Jo said I needed to run by the school and get Sadie’s backpack and stuff that got left behind.” Jimmy stood up with a jerk, moving towards the door. Clyde smoothly made his way around the bar, stopping Jimmy in his tracks. 
“Right now Sadie needs ya’ at the hospital, she don’t need ya’ goin’ up to her school and causin’ a fuss. Plus ya don’t even know what happened so you don’t even know who to be mad at. Iffin’ it will make ya feel better, I’ll go on down to the school, get ‘er stuff and ask what happened while ya go on down to the hospital” Clyde said, seeing his brother calm for a second, processing his words. Looking over at Nancy, he saw her nod her head. She would often cover for Clyde when he need to run out. 
“I know its someone’s fucking fault at the school so you better make sure you let them know how angry I am” Jimmy said through gritted teeth. 
“Give Sadie a hug for me, let ‘er know I’ll teach ‘er the ways of managin’ with one arm.” Clyde smirked, hoping to make his brother chuckle but Jimmy was already almost to his car, muttering angry thoughts under his breath. Clyde sighed and followed, making his way to his truck. 
Luckily the drive to the school wasn’t too bad, only about an hour or so. Jimmy had been real pleased when Moody and Bobby Jo had moved back after living in Lynchburg for a few months. It made it a lot easier for Jimmy to see Sadie, which meant Clyde got to have a better relationship with his niece. He had been to her school a few times in the months she had been back in the area; a school play and her end of year awards ceremony but he hadn’t been there this school year yet. 
About halfway to the school he realized he had no clue who her teacher was this year. He tried to think back to the last time he had seen Sadie and was talking to her about the beginning of the school year. 
“Hey hey Sadie Lou.” Clyde remembered saying as Sadie ran into his trailer and threw her arms around her uncle a few weeks earlier. 
“Hi Uncle Clyde,” she said, sitting on his lap. “Guess what?” 
“What?” Clyde replied, not that it mattered to Sadie, who had kept chattering over his response. 
“I baked you some of my ultra famous toasted s'mores cookies.” Sadie said with a huge smile.
“Well thank ya’.” Clyde said, giving his niece a squeeze. “Them are my favorite.” 
“I know! They are also my teacher’s favorite, Ms. (Y/L/N). I made them for her because I want her to like me. She is the prettiest, nicest teacher in the whole school and I want to be her favorite.”  Clyde chuckled, his niece always had been a people pleaser thats why she always did so well at those pageants she liked doing. 
“I ain’t believing for one second that that you needed cookies to be ‘er favorite.” Clyde said, tickling Sadie. “Yer sweet ‘nuff on yer own.” 
“Uncle Clyde…” She said as she giggled and squirmed in his lap. “Stoppppp.” Clyde chuckled as he tickled her a bit more, her daddy coming to help him as they both made her laugh. He hadn’t thought much about that conversation until now as he was heading to go meet this Ms. (Y/L/N). Feeling the heat rush to his face, Clyde started to get a little nervous. 
There were many things that Clyde Logan was good at. He was good at being a brother and an uncle, he was good at running a bar and making drinks, and he was excellent at making a mean plate of nachos, just to name a few. However, there was one thing that he was not good at, and that was talking to pretty women. For as long as he could remember Clyde had always been the shy brother. Mellie and Jimmy could talk to just about anyone, but he couldn’t seem to to steady himself when he was around someone who he found attractive. Sure, behind his bar counter, he could talk to the customers who came to order drinks, but when it came to being on his own he couldn’t seem to get his thoughts organized. 
Clyde sure was hoping that this teacher wasn’t as pretty as Sadie made her out to be, because if she was Clyde was in for an awkward afternoon. 
Clyde showed up to the school just as the students were being let out. He parked in the front parking lot, waiting a few minutes for all the students, buses, and cars to clear out. Seeing the place finally look a bit calm, he made his way out of the truck and went to the door. He was let into the office where he explained he needed to pick up Sadie’s stuff and talk to her teacher. The office checked Sadie’s file and saw that he was identified as her uncle.  This meant that they were able to give him information about Sadie’s class and they pointed him in the direction of Ms. (Y/L/N)’s classroom, room 152. 
He walked slowly down the hall, trying to calm himself down before he met Sadie’s teacher. Picturing his 3rd grade teacher, the terrifying and strict Mrs. Appleton, he tried to convince himself that he was going to see someone who looked like her instead. 
However, when he made his way into room 152, he knew he was definitely wrong. He peered around the door frame and saw an absolute angel sitting at the teacher’s desk. Her eyes were focused on the paper in front of her, eyebrows scrunched in confusion as she examined the words in front of her. She had brown hair that was hanging in her face, that she was absentmindedly twisting between her fingers. He felt almost breathless, watching her so focused, so intensely studying the piece of paper. It made him want to study her that way, watching how her eyes danced across the page and how her face reacted to the things she was reading. 
Suddenly she looked up from the paper. Obviously she wasn’t expecting 6' 3” Clyde Logan to be standing at her door, so when her eyes met his she jumped with a surprised “Oh” slipping from her lips. 
“Uh, sorry to uh, scare you ma'am.” Clyde said, taking a step into the classroom. 
“No! I’m sorry. I was a bit too focused. I was trying to read a story one of my students wrote and unfortunately, I can’t read a single word of their handwriting.” Ms. (Y/L/N) said with an embarrassed chuckle.
“No worries ma’am.” Clyde said, his cheeks flushing red as she flashed him a smile. 
“Hi. I’m Ms. (Y/L/N), or (Y/F/N). What can I help you with?” She said, standing up and walking over to Clyde, extending a hand. Clyde stuck his hand out, his prosthetic arm hidden slightly behind him. Her hand was soft, much softer than his hands. They also felt much smaller than his own. She smiled at him again and he felt his stomach fill with nerves. 
“Uh. I am Clyde.” He said, pulling his hand away from hers before she could feel how clammy it was beginning to get. They stood there in an awkward silence before he realized that he probably needed to explain a bit more. “I mean, I’m Clyde Logan, Sadie’s uncle. I uh, came to get ‘er stuff.” 
“Oh gosh, yes! Poor Sadie. The kids were playing at recess and she fell off the jungle gym. I haven’t been working here long, but I’ve told the principal that they need to get rid of that thing. It’s old and too high.” The teacher said as she walked over to some shelves in the room and grabbed Sadie’s backpack. She continued to talk about the incident, giving Clyde all the details of what happened but Clyde was distracted. He followed her with his eyes as she walked around collecting Sadie’s things and writing her a note. Clyde felt like he couldn’t breath, the way that her hair danced across her shoulders and the way her mouth moved as she talked making him feel like he couldn’t think clearly. Suddenly he realized that the room was quiet and that Ms. (Y/L/N) was looking at him expectantly. 
“Huh?” He said, clearing his throat. His cheeks flushing with embarrassment again. 
“I asked if I could send some cards the kids made her. I was hoping you could give them to her when you drop off the backpack. I also wrote her a little card myself.” She said with a smile, walking towards Clyde with the backpack and a stack of white papers. 
“Uh, yeah…” Clyde mumbled. “I can do that.” He fumbled for a moment, trying to grab the backpack and the cards. Eventually he had to put the straps over his prosthetic arm, and grab the cards with the hand. He felt his face turning a bright shade of red, and he tried to make a quick exit towards the door. 
“It was very nice to finally meet you Mr. Logan. Sadie talks about her brave uncle frequently.” Ms. (Y/L/N) said. Clyde stopped, turning to look at her. 
“Oh really?” Clyde said, a shy smile spreading across his face. 
“She likes to write stories about you. It’s pretty cute.” Ms. (Y/L/N) said, leaning against her desk and looking at Clyde. “She makes you a superhero, saving the day. She is usually your sidekick. You’ll have to ask her to read them one day.” 
“I’d like that.” Clyde said, looking at her until he felt so overwhelmed he had to look at the ground. 
“Well thank you for coming to get the stuff. And also thank you for your service.” She said, quietly, before flashing Clyde a smile that made his stomach flipflop. 
“Uh. Thank you. I mean, uh, yur welcome.” Clyde said, making his exit. His cheeks felt like they were on fire as he made his way down the hall and out of the school. Of course he would embarrass himself in front of the most beautiful woman he had ever seen that just happened to be his niece's teacher. There is no way now she’d be interested in a guy like him because he must have seemed like an idiot to this beautiful, educated woman. Clyde opened his truck door, slinging the backpack into the passenger seat and placing the cards on top. He leaned his head against the back of the seat, closing his eyes and trying to forget the last 10 embarrassing moments of his life. 
He also felt confused because he could decide whether or not he wanted to see Ms. (Y/L/N) again. He had never had a “crush” come on so quickly like that and it made him feel like he was 15 years old again. Like he was young and not in control of his body. Feeling ridiculous and hoping that driving would clear his thought, he started his truck and texted Jimmy to let him know that he had Sadie’s stuff and was making his way back to the bar. He kind of hoped he could forget this afternoon ever happened, but he had a strong feeling that wasn’t going to happen anytime soon.
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voidsentprinces · 4 years
My brain on Post-HW
Talk to Determined Son. Go see your Husband-in-Uniform. Talk to KNIGHT WIFE! Killing things! Killing Things KILLING THINGS IN KNIGHT! KNIGHT WIFE! Talk to Tataru now go back and talk to KNIGHT WIFE!  Talk to Knight Wife again. Teleport to Anyx Trine. Talk to Knight Wife. FLY THROUGH A HOLE IN THE CEILING! Talk to Dragon. Talk to Knight Wife. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Determined Son. Teleport to Goblinshire. Talk to Goth Wife. Krile appears. SPILL THE TEA! TELL US ABOUT THE TIME ALPHINAUD GOT FUCKING WASTED! Talk to Krile. She whispers about the time Alphinaud once got deep in with the Tanuki Mafia. Fly across the world. Hit up Maggie Smith in her cave. Well, time to ask some people things. Teleport to Tailfeather. Show them a picture of Alphinaud’s art. Talk to Determined Son, Talk to Krile. She lets you knwo about the time Alphinaud posed as her for a week while she was out on a bender. She still has blackmai--photos.
Fly to Bugs. Talk to Bugs. Fly to Bug Hive. PUNCH BUGS! Meet Ardbert. Stare deep into those baby blues as he and the N*Sync try to murder you. THANCRED APPEARS! The boys are fighting over your hand in marriage. But you can already tell Ardbert is GONNA BE BAE! Ardbert pieces out, he needs to go win 9 out of 8 Kanto Badges like a boss. Talk to Thancred. CRAAAWWWWLLLLIIIINNNG IIIIINNN MYYYYY SKKKIIIIIINNNN! Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Edgecred. Talk to Goth Wife. Talk to Embarassed Son. Ishgard was attack. Heck! Aymeric was stabbed FUCK! Visit your Knight Wife! Ask questions around. Talk to some Priests. NOW PRISONER 34601! YOUR TIMES IS UP AND YOUR PAROLE HAS BEGUN! YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS! Ask around some more. Priests have taken a hostage. BREAK DOWN THE MEGACHURCH DOOR! Punch Priests, Punch Monks, Punch More Priests, Punch Knights, RUN UP SOME STAIRS! Your Husband will fight for your honor. You’ve only known Aymeric for 1 2/3 expansions, but if anything else happens to him you’ll kill everyone in Ishgard and then yourself. PUNCH SOME KNIGHTS! Free some people. PUNCH SOME MORE PRIESTS! Run to your Husband-in-Uniform’s Side. PUNCH SOME KNIGHTS! Free a person. Priest YEETS hostage. But a dragon got him. Everythings okay now. You’re getting married to Aymeric in June.
Alright so you found Edgecred and Goth Wife. Go bug Maggie Smith about Minfilia. Unlock Anti-Tower. PUNCH A FROG! PUNCH DAVID BOWIE! WHAT THE FUCK ARE THOSE DOLLS! PUNCHED THEM! OH NO THEY TURNED INTO ONE NAKED DOLL! ALPHINAUD SHIELD YOUR EYES! PUNCH THE DOLL! GET THE FUUUUUUUUUCK OUTTA THERE! Oh hey Minfilia. SHE IS THE VOICE OF GOD NOW! Thancreds here. Thancred left. Alphinaud’s depressed. Talk to Depressed Son. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Talk to Knight Wife. Teleport to Falcon’s Nest. Talk to Knight Wife. Talk to Shild-in-Law. Fly out and kill some wolves. Fly out and kill some more wolves. Report to Shild-in-Law. Enter eating hall. Drink some ale. Last time you had something to drink was at the Banquet. Good---FUCK THIS DRINK IS POISONED! SHIT GOES DOWN! WHO LET THE SHILD HAVE BOW!?! A woman is shot. She dead...but not really. Talk to people. Talk to more people. Hunt down Shild-in-Law. He punched his Ward! IMMA KILL EM! Thancred punched him for you! Take off that stupid bandana Thancred. Teleport to Ishgard.
Go visit your Husband-in-Uniform with Puncred. Talk to Puncred. Husband-in-Uniform has seduced Puncred. Go to Markets. Talk to Shild. Nearly throw hands with a 16-year old. Teleport outside of the Gates of Judgement. Talk to Knight Wife. Talk to Shild. Wear your dead Fiance’s armor. PUNCH SERPENTS! PUNCH MAELSTROM! PUNCH IMMORTAL FLAMES! PUNCH PIPIN SAVE KNIGHT WIFE! PUNCH RAUBAHN! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Alright battles over. Remove Fiance’s Armor ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Talk to Puncred.
Talk to Embarrassed Son. Teleport to Falcon’s Nest. Talk to Embarassed Son. Talk to Responsibility-in-Law. Chill out with Determined Son. Dragon Appears. So done Literal Child. LITERAL CHILD STABBED THE DRAGON! He’s possessed by Nidhogg! AYMERIC SHOTS AT LITERAL CHILD! They will fight shirtless in two days to win your hand in marriage. Talk to Determined Son. Teleport to Camp Dragonshead. Talk to Guard. Talk to Son. Teleport to Ishgard. Go to Last Vigil. Talk to Guard. Talk to Dad Fortempts. Leave. Talk to Guard. Go in Mansion.  Leave. Go to the Forgotten Knight. Talk to Krile. Slide her a fifty for pictures of Alphinaud’s Frog Phase. Talk to Frog Son. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Anyx Trine. Talk to Dragon with Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Moghome. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Zenith. Fly up tower. Blow horn. HECKIN GOOD BOY APPEARS! He challenges you to a dance off. Fly down and talk to the wyvern. Unlock Sohr Khai! Run Sohr Khai! FUCK THAT PEGASUS! Leave Sohr Khai. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. RIDE FORTH TO ISHGARD! HECKIN GOOD BOY FIGHTS AYMERIC THERES A FUCKING WEIRD LOOKING CAT OUT HERE! OH NO! THE CAT RIPPED OFF GOODEST BOYS WIN! Unlock Final Steps of Faith. PUNCH THE CAT! PLAYSTATION2STARTUPNOISE! PUNCH LITERAL CHILD! PUNCH NACHO CHEESE FLAVORED CAT! Oh shit remove eyes from Literal Child’s Armor. THE GHOST OF ICE WIFE AND FIANCE APPEARS! You make a pot together ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Throw the eyes into the abyss. They gone now. Literal Child is taken to the hospital. For the future sick burns you’re going lay on him for the amount of fucks he upped.
Alright go talk to Dad Fortempts. Alright now go talk to a manservant. Go on a date with Husband-in-Uniform. Get cockblocked by Alphinaud. He’s saying something about his sister. Go visit the sister instead of getting to pegg the Knight Commander. Find out Sister is actually angry lass. She is now Sword Daughter! Talked to Determined Son! Teleport to Camp Dragonshead. Ride through the snow. Talk to Determined Son. Talk to Guard. Unlock Xelphatol. PUNCH BIRDS! Leave Xelphatol. Ardbert and the Backstreet Boys appear. So does a mysterious sexy elf who hides his face. Goddamn tease. Talk to Book Son. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Husband-in-Uniform. Talk to Book Son. Pray thee return to the Waking Sands. Walk with Sword Daughter. She tries to fight Strip Tease.
Teleport to Camp Overlook. Talk to Roe. Ride out find Kobold. Find Kobold. Find Kobold. Kobold is now friends with Sword Daughter. Ride through sulfur lake steal crystals. Talk to Roe. Talk to Book Son. Ride through the Mine of Moira. Talk to Book Son. Run Titan (Hard). WAAAAAKKKEEE UPPPPP!!!!! Leave Titan (Hard) traumatized. Talk to Kobold. Silent. Teleport to Camp Overlook. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Roe. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Sword Daughter. Teleport to Lil Ala Mhigo. Talk to Bear Daddy. Talk to Book Son. Ride out into the desert. Look upon a protest. Meet up with Papalymo and Exiled Monk. Talk to Papalymo. Teleport to Little Ala Mhigo. Talk to Book Son. Talk to dude. Dress as a hobo. Stand by a tree. Meet with a Griffon. He knows you. Time to delete your profile off Dating Apps. Talk to Book Son. Remove Cloths ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Talk to Papalymo. Run down a hill. Stand in a spot. Ardbert is here. PUNCH HIM IN THE FACE! PUNCH HIM THE FACE! WHOA SHIT HES INTO KINKY SHIT! The safe word is: Pray thee return to the Waking Sands. The sexy elf from before appears. Its Urianger! ...You will bed him. PUNCH ARDBERT! PUNCH THE ROE! PUNCH THE MAGE! Give Sword Daughter your energy! PUNCH THE ROE! PUNCH THE MAGE! PUNCH ARDBERT! PUNCH ARDBERT! Give Sword Daughter Your Energy. FUCK OFF ARDBERT! Punch Roe, Punch Ranger, Punch Priest, Punch Mage, Punch Ardbert. Give Sword Daughter Your Energy. THERE ARE NO WEAK SPELLS IN MY GRANDFATHER’S DECK ARDBERT ONLY THE UNSTOPPABLE EXXXXXOOODDDIIIIAAA! Well Ardbert’s gone. Teleport to Limsa. Talk to Catte. Teleport to Mor Dhona. Break down door. The Crystal Braves reunited at last. Alphinaud said we’re breaking up. Oh well...time to make Brave World Tour! You’re Sporty Brave. Talk to Roe. Talk to People. Talk to Book Son.
Tataru wants to speak to you privately Go Diamond Forge. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) She now has your measurements. Pray thee return to the Rising Stones. Teleport to Ishgard. Talk to Knight Wife. Go to Gates of Judgment. Talk to Knight Wife and Husband-in-Uniform. Teleport to Gridania. Bug Seedseer. Talk to Book Son. Pray thee return to Rising Stones. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Book Son. Teleport to Hawthorne Hut. Talk to Serpent at bottom of the tower. Ride down a hill talk to serpent. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Serpent. Unlock Baelsar’s Wall. FUCK THAT MACHINE! FUCK THAT MACHINE! SLOPPPEEHOWDOLOKDISSLOPPEEESLOPEEEFERALAMHIGO! FUCK ILBERD! OH NO ILBERD FUCKS BACK! THERES A DRAGON! PAPALYMO NOOOO! We’re back outside. Monk sits on a Throne of Lyse. Pray thee Return to the Rising Stones. Talk to Book Son.
Talk to Book Son. Teleport to Gridania. Bug the Seedseer. Meeting interrupted by Emperor Nero. He’s wearing your hobo clothes. Teleport to Airship Landing. Ride with Cid to Mor Dhona. Talk to Cid. Pray thee return to Risings Stones. Talk to Book Son. Talk to Nero. He shit talked your home. PUNCH HIM! Leave. Talk to Cid. Talk to Lizard Wife. Fly to a place. PUNCH GARLEANS! PUNCH ROELEAN! GET A METAL DOG! BLOW SHIT UP! BLOW SHIT UP! BLOW SHIT UP! Roelean is abandoned by his men...PUNCH HIM WHILE HE’S DOWN! Alright now enter lair. Activate Omega. Shit blows up. Leave Omega. Fly back to Gridania. Bug Seedseer. Teleport to Hut. Ride out to the forest. Talk to Throne of Lyse.  Talk to Goth Wife. Talk to Sword Daughter.
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thatsdemko · 5 years
Studying in Will’s room while he’s at practice and then when he comes home you’re asleep on top of your papers and he takes a pic and posts it on insta before tucking you in properly
Because we worried about William we gonna write about William(so if you have any will requests Imma take em plus I’m in a writing mood)
“Bye, I’ll see you.” Will gave you a kiss on the head not trying to distract you from studying at the table while the boys all left for practice, you mumbled a goodbye still reading the chapter taking notes while doing so occupied in your own space you didn’t even realize the boys were leaving for practice and they had also made dinner while you were studying. When you had realized that you took a break to eat and then head upstairs into will and yours shared bedroom with your things to get into comfortable clothes having been studying in jeans for the past three hours.
After changing into one of wills sweatshirts and a pair of your own sweatpants you climbed into bed turning on the light on the night stand beside you beginning to go back to doing your studying when you felt your eyes getting heavy ready the boring chapter in front of you. Trying to stay focused you started reading the book outloud to keep yourself toned in when your eyes were way too heavy to ended up sleeping not even caring to wake yourself back up to read.
“Y/n!” Will called our walking into the kitchen seeing your cup of coffee on the table, he picked it up tasting that it was cold which meant you hadn’t been downstairs in awhile. He dumped it out before searching the rest of the house.
“Y/n,” he called out looking around before going upstairs walking into the bedroom seeing you passed out. Your book in your heads clutched close to your chest. Your notebook tossed on his side of the bed and your MacBook not even opened beside you.
He smiled to himself taking a picture of you putting it on all of his social media stories before moving your notebook and MacBook off your bed going into the bathroom grabbing your things to take your makeup off.
He carefully sat down on the bed grabbing a wipe taking the makeup off your face gently trying not to wake you, when you started stirring, “hmm,” you groaned opening your eyes see will sitting there, “ssh, go back to sleep I’m just taking your makeup off.” He said, you didn’t even protest clutching the book tighter you closed your eyes again feeling will gently take the makeup off your face before doing the rest of your night routine for you before placing all of those on the nightstand.
“Goodnight, I love you.” He got up off the bed pressing a kiss to your forehead pulling the blankets closer to you turning the light off on the nightstand about to walk out of the bedroom when you started talking.
“I love you more, William.”
He smiled to himself, “goodnight.” He said closing the door behind him.
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shaekingshitup · 5 years
My Type
A/N: I finally did it! There are probably hella typos because the app I was writing this in kept on autcorrecting everything. But I tried to clean em up. I can already think of things I wanna do differently. But i’m just happy that I’m being consistent and doing something. I ACCIDENTALLY PUT IN A “KEEP READING” JUST BEFORE I POSTED THIS. WOW. How did I do that?
Edit: I learned how I put the “Keep Reading” there and I am re-posting because my old blog was trash thanks to staff.
Songs I was listening to try and get me in the mood for this fic are here. But I trust your imagination to feel what a club setting is like. You ain’t gotta press play boo,
Warning: cursing, “the - n word”
Dani was out there givin it her all. She had to because she knew the DJ was gettin ready to spin this Petey Pablo single into her summer anthem. That shit would have her goin nuts in no time.
Hennessy on my lips
“Oh bitch, this is yo shit!” screamed Rachelle, digging in between her breasts to pull out her phone. She always had to take it to the Snap.
Hennessy on my lips
The DJ was messing with them at this point. This was about to be the third time he had teased Dani with the first line of the song. If he kept playin, she was gone have a lot of words for him in the parking lot when his set was over. She hated when they did that shit.
Hennessy on my lips, take a little sip
Privacy on the door, I'ma make the shit grip
Rachelle was hollering, “Ayyyyyy, that’s my best frannnd!” loud enough for damn near everyone in the club’s attention to be drawn to Dani.
As if someone had flipped a switch, Dani started twerkin like her life depended on it. You would have thought she was auditioning to be the lead for City Girls’ Twerk music video. All the ladies were on the floor shaking their asses. But no one was out there throwin it in circles the way Dani was- and she knew it.
Rich nigga, eight-figure, that’s my type
That’s my type, nigga that’s my type
Eight-inch big, ooh, that’s good pipe
Bad bitch, I'ma ride the dick all night
Dani was in a full squat pretending like she really had something or rather someone to ride on the floor with her. She was glad she’d chosen to rock her black romper with the white vertical stripes and the denim jacket to go over it instead of her bodycon dress. If she’d put that on tonight, the fabric would be around her waist at this very moment. Typically, she was so engrossed in her song that she didn’t even take into account the rest of the world. But this time was different. She felt…off. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t alone. Glancing up to the V.I.P. balcony she saw why. There was one fine ass man watching her get down. He was leaning on the guard rail devouring her with his eyes as if she was his personal seven-course meal. Dani couldn’t look away. His gaze was far too intense and he held a beguiling smolder she couldn’t begin to match. Not in public in front of all of these strangers at least.  
The moment the song was over, Dani straightened up and this nigga had the audacity to wink at her as she made her exit from the dance floor. She turned and grabbed Rachelle by the hand so they could re-fuel at the bar. Her Fairy Thot Mother really brought out the best in her. Yet every time the song was over, she needed a moment to recuperate. Sipping her Between the Sheets, Dani had to yell at Rachelle to get her attention again. Her gaze was fixated on the V.I.P level and who she could make out up there.
“Rachelle, are you listening to anything I am saying to your ass?” Dani fussed.
“Danica Albany Jones. Yo ass should know by now that I can multitask better than most can focus on one task for the rest of their lives. I hear you. You had a fine ass nigga scoping you out while you was getting it and now you’re tryna to make your dance floor fantasy a reality,” Rachelle stated still focused on the balcony.
“Fantasy? Nobody said all dat!” she kissed her teeth and rolled her eyes at Rachelle’s antics. She hated when Rachelle listened to her without looking at her. It was rude as hell and even more frustrating when the bitch was able to repeat everything she’d uttered just moments before.
“Got em!” Rachelle shouted turning back to Dani. Trying to play it cool, Dani forced herself to avert her eyes from the balcony and waited for her to clarify. “Damn, I can’t believe he really in her with that trick Trina.” Immediately, Dani slanted her eyes at her about-to-be replaced best friend.
“You really are out here checkin for Shad? I thought you were done messin with his ass?” Dani loved her best friend and she knew she was a woman on a mission. She wanted a man with a bag. She was strategic about it all and not subtle by any means. She could always tell you who was in the V.I.P section and had that shit mapped out like she drew up the damn blueprint herself. She had messed with a few ballers and other money makers. But she was perpetually stuck on stupid with Shad. He didn’t even meet the criteria for her future husband. But, the dude must have made up for what he lacked in height and net worth in the bedroom because Rachelle was rarely able to stay away for long.
“Don’t worry about what I’m doing tonight. Yo scary ass needs to go find yo stalker.” Rachelle shot back. As if she summoned the devil himself, Dani turned her head to his section and saw him eyeing her again. Once he realized he had her attention, he beckoned her up to his section with a slight head tilt towards the bouncer at the V.I.P entrance.
“Did you-“ before she could even get it out, Rachelle was downing the rest of her drink and pulling Dani towards the staircase.
“Just follow me, I know the area.” Rachelle threw over her shoulder as they wove through the crowd. Dani rarely went out- let alone found herself in the V.I.P section of any club so she held on a little tighter to Rachelle’s hand as they approached the bouncer.
“Hey Mike,” Rachelle offered peeping past him to the booth so she could see Shad occupying a smaller booth with Trina sitting on his knee.
“Rachel. How you doin tonight? I see you brought a new friend” Big Mike countered. He knew her name was Rachelle just like she knew his names was Big Mike. So long as she continued to call him out of his name, Big Mike was determined to do the same. Petty sees as petty does.
“Danica” Dani said a she extended her hand and smiled up at Big Mike. Already she’d won him over faster than Rachelle’s ass ever could. Big Mike turned around and verified that there was someone else on the other side of the velvet rope expecting the ladies. When E provided a nod of approval. He let the ladies inside.
Dani had no idea what had come over her. Granted she didn’t go out often, but it wasn’t like she’d never encountered the opposite sex before this evening. Walking up the stairs towards this man was proving to be a more difficult feat than she’d ever imagined as her legs seemed to be gelatinizing with each step she took. Or maybe it was the alcohol. She had consumed a few shots of Henny at this point. Within V.I.P, Dani could see that he had a few booths for him and his people to occupy. Dani couldn’t even begin to take in his mini kingdom he’d established because she was too preoccupied by how good he looked up close. His short dreads were neatly pulled back into a ponytail towards the back of his head and on his frame he adorned a long white tee, an Amiri distressed denim jacket and a black pair of drop crotch jeans that didn’t do well to help her keep her eyes from droppin below his waist line. What distracted Dani the most, was the gold rimmed wire frames he adorned which were quite similar to her own pair. Gold was her favorite color and she loved it even better against some melanin. As she took the final steps to be in his presence, he called out “Hey, lil mama” welcoming her with a partial smile and a glimpse of his golds in the bottom row of throne-er mouth. If it weren’t for Rachelle tugging her around in that very moment she would have surely collapsed into his arms. Instead, as Rachelle turned her around to tell her some final piece of advice she ended up crushing her ass into his hand. Which, may not have been too much of an issue if his white shirt hadn’t taken on the amber brown from his Hennessy as a result.
“Fuck! Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry” Dani began as she stood bug eyed in from of this adonis of a man. He lifted up his shirt to assess the damage and see if it was soaked through thoroughly.
You’ve got to be kidding me. This man can’t be this fine at first glance and have a body like that. How many packs is that? 6? 8? Do they even got a word for that? Damn Dani get it together. You’re staring. Stop staring.
He chuckled. He was bemused by the situation. Nah by her.
Reach for her waist her bent out and growled, “Imma be right back. You and yo girl make yourself comfortable in the back booth,”  as he disappeared down the steps.
“Biiiitttchhh, how drunk are you?” Rachelle asked.
“I only had 1 shot of Henny and that Between the Sheets in the 2 hours we’ve been here. Why?” Dani questioned looking confused as hell. Rachelle should have been saying sorry. It was her fault that Dani’s ass ended up in the stranger’s hand anyways. Rachelle cut her eyes at her friend.
“Because the way you were talking about his body was bold as fuck when you don’t even know his name,” Rachelle cackled. She was low-key proud of her girl.  
“Aww fuck. I said that shit out loud? What kind of friend are you for letting me ramble on like that?!” Dani whisper yelled.
“The kind that’s about to put you on game,” Rachelle quipped back, “Okay so to your left you have the Hip Hop Descendants. These are all of the people who got daddies and mamas in the game. The only reason anyone puts up with them is because they parents are the pioneer of Hip Hop, Rap and everything in between as we know it. Some of em had a single or their own tv show coming up. But, if it wasn’t for their DNA we would all say IDC”
“Wait what about Shad? He’s over there and last time I checked his parents were just regular degular people like you and me,” Dani posed.
“Shad is unique in that he was in the game at a young age and just grew up in the industry,” Rachelle supplied.
“Okay. So Shad is the Aladdin of the Descendants because his parents weren’t present in the Hip Hop industry”
“I won’t even acknowledge that. Moving on, in the middle you have Black By Popular Demand. These are the people who the media thinks are Black purely due to association. These hoes got here because they all know how to suck, ride or have a nigga by they side. In doing so, Hollywood calls them trendsetters rather than Culture Vultures and let’s them act out as they please. We don’t really fuck with them or their crews.”
“Is that a Kardashian?”
“They always got at least one of them in that group. To your right, are your Single Housewives”
“That don’t make sense. How are you a housewife and single?”
“If you would stop interrupting, I would be done with my explanations by know.”
“Okay okay. I’m sorry Janice. Continue please,” that made Rachelle laugh.
“You so stupid. Okay as I was saying on your right are the Single Housewives. Most can be found on a segment which is currently airing on VH1 or trying to secure someone to get them on the network. They may have been a housewife or a girlfriend and some point, but for now they just opportunistic.” Dani keeps her word and doesn’t say anything. But she knew exactly where Rachelle was going to make a beeline for later on in the evening.
“Last but not least, we have the section we are in right now: The Heavy Hitters. The niggas in this section got bank. I’m talking numerous sources of income. Collectively, they could probably wipe out Cali’s debt. And from what I’ve heard, the one who is chosey with you ain’t just got big bank he got a real fat-“
“Y’all ladies good over here?” he said as he returned to his private booth.
“Yes,” they sang in a chorus. Somehow he’d managed to find an even more expensive white tee in the few minutes he’d been gone.
“Cool. We ain’t get to introduce ourselves earlier, I’m Erik,” he said picking up the carafe of Henny and a glass gesturing to Dani and Rachelle.
“I’m Rachelle and I’ll take mine’s to go,” she said extending her hand. She took it, saying her goodbyes and heading straight to the Single Housewives section where she was directly in Shad’s line of sight. She really thought she was slick.
Dani turned to find those eyes roaming her frame for the third time this evening.
“I’m Dani…and I’ll take a lil bit,” she managed to get out as he maintained his contact with her. He never broke it even as he offered her the glass, poured his own and sat down right next to her on the sectional.
“Okay lil bit”
“What’s that mean?”
He smirked. “It means, “he said while placing his hand on her thigh, “you really bout it this evening. Ain’t nothin bout you little. Yo shit match my shit and you won’t take them sexy ass eyes off me. That’s My Type indeed”
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calford91 · 4 years
Racism is real.
Excuse me for this, but I need to say something about what’s going on concerning these issues like that Karen and George Lynch. I will be real blunt here. If this offends you, don’t read it. First, Imma say this, there’s no such thing as post-racial America. Racism has always been here, but why? One if you think that racism exists because people talk about, you’re stupid af. Does Firemen talking fires create more fires? No. So stop that.
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As said by the quote, racism is about power, not morality. That’s why racism stays afloat in this country because it actually benefits it. Racism is privilege/predujice plus power. You must have power to be racist. Racism is about a system that favors one race over others. Racism is about targeting marginalized races through institutional violence or discrimination. Lynchings, blackface, segregated buildings, gerrymandering, racial violence and killings, gentrification, not serving marginalized races, workplace discrimination, persecution of immigrants, police violence, assimilation, economic/income inequality, mass imprisonment, racial profiling, sacred land being disrespected, poor environmental/economic/working conditions are examples. Our government is responsible for keeping racism alive, from the beginning to right now. They either supported it, let it happened, or did nothing. The 13th Amendment never ended racism nor did integration. I’m all for desegregation, but the push for integration was a waste because it did nothing to protect us (Black people) from racism, it just assimilated us. You can’t integrate without any social or economic justice. MLK warned us about it.
If we’re living in a post racial society, why are there still, KKK, Neo Nazis, and all types of fascists and white supremacists running around? Why are there still places that are segregated? I see this a lot in my home state Mississippi, and other southern states. And it’s not just there, it’s everywhere. There is just as much racism and segregation in other regions like the Midwest and the Pacific States. For example, progressive cities like Portland, Seattle, Austin, San Francisco, NYC, Boston and yes Minneapolis have racism. Why are worshipping racist imagery like the CONfederacy (it’s dead and no more), plantations, famous people that we known racists this includes politicians and presidents? We still have the issues of racism like the aforementioned ways of institutional violence and discrimination still going on and our government (alluvem) did nothing. They’ve let the beast grow stronger and it’s gonna continue until we stop it.
What I need to add about racism being still alive is that its been normalized and/or no one gave a damn about it. Racism is more than just hating on skin color or calling people racist slurs, stop looking at the Webster definition. Racism is also about ways how to support the racist system. Examples: Falsely calling the police, supporting a reason why a Black person or POC should get killed, policing Black people/POC on racism, denying racism, fetishizing us and our culture, complaining about us winning awards and pageants, getting roles that are usually reserved for whites, stereotyping, and moving on up in the workplace, All Lives Matter, what about Black on Black crime despite every race doing some crime, okaying removal of Indigenous land, supporting racist politicians, branding nonChristians as terrorists, supporting that immigrants should be treated terribly because they crossed the border despite the fact that this country is originally Indigenous land, angry about the kneeling protests, putting MLK in yo mouth, wisecracking jokes about us like something about welfare or unemployment, saying words like thugs, animals, ghetto, criminals to describe Black folks, issa lot. Here’s a pyramid too.
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But what about racism by Black people? Don’t be silly. We can be douches to y’all, but we (along with Indigenous people) can’t be racist to y’all because we don’t have the power to actively discriminate against y’all. If you want reverse discrimination, then look at Planet of the Apes. The apes are rulers of their planet, while the humans are oppressed. That’s what it looks like.
Now on the Karen (Imma call her on that) and George Lynch. So the Karen had the audacity to call the police on Christian Cooper because she couldn’t control her dog. This is a historical problem. Women like her have accused Black men of harming them, when it was a lie, and it got Black people killed. Emmett Till, Tulsa riots, Rosewood, Scotsboro Case, the Central Park Five are examples. On George Lynch, it was murder by the police. Police violence is institutional because it’s made to target marginalized people especially Black and Brown people, women, poor people, immigrants, LBGT people especially trans people (the ones y’all treat like garbage, despite the fact that all they wanna do is live life), and it’s not a few bad seeds, it’s a majority. There are cops that are good people, but that don’t mean anything. And the riots that happen, it’s not an act of recklessness, it’s a rebellion. Riots been happening since ever. There were riots when MLK was killed, the Vietnam War happening, when Black people were getting killed or brutalized by the police like Rodney King (LA), Mike Brown (Ferguson), Freddie Gray (Baltimore), and now George Lynch (Minneapolis). If you can’t put 1 and 1 together, then you’re the problem. These riots are because they’re angry at the system that keep targeting people like them. Keep in mind that these people are targeting corporations and the state not people. It really shows that you care about property than human lives. BTW, where’s all that energy for Tulsa and Rosewood, the KKK, Rioting over sports, Rioting over that creepy coach from Penn State, and those anti-quarantine protestors with racist imagery who’s armed with guns and been blocking ambulances? I don’t see y’all saying anything bout them. This also ties into other issues. Y’all have a problem with rebellious violence, but not a problem with going to another country and destroying it?
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I’m so dang tired, y’all and stuff like this happens not just the people who do it, but the people who refuse to acknowledge it or do nothing about it. Look at the quote above. If y’all ain’t gonna do anything about it, you’ve chosen a side. Lemme tell y’all something, your ignorance, apathy, apologism, colorblindless tone policing, and reactionary behavior contributes to stuff like this. If ain’t gonna be anti-racist, then sit down and shut up. Stop with this crap like I don’t see color or we’re the same. Our race matters. We ain’t the same as you. We’re different from you. We don’t have the same luxuries and lifestyles as you. Stop thinking we can make it far as you. We got blocks in our way. You don’t.
All the things that I’ve mentioned about concerning racism is why we kneel (I see nothing wrong with it). Y’all upset with people kneeling, but y’all think that all types bigots and reactionary trash should have free speech. Rioting happens because of injustice against marginalized people. If you can’t see that, you’re lost. As Malcolm X said, the chickens are coming home to roost. What about all that stuff they’ve taken? Screw dat stuff. These multi-millionaire and billionaire companies got the money to save themselves. Property can be replaced, not human lives. Speaking of that, why ain’t you mad that these corporations have doubled, tripled their wealth during this crisis?
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Now to allies because Imma see who y’all riding with. One of the worse things you can do is center yourselves or one of your kinfolk into issues like this. It’s not about you. If y’all are all talk, no action then you fake as hell. If you doing this cuz you saw the video, then it’s not genuine because you had all time to do so. If you see someone being racist or just being a huge reactionary ass, CALL THEM OUT ON IT! It’s time to hold these people accountable or if they can’t comply, cancel them. If you see someone doing something to Black people, stop em. There’s Google, y’all need to look up the history of Black people not only in America, but the world, because anti-Blackness is global. This includes Indigenous people too. Understand how colonialism work because that’s how stuff like this happens. Support Black people financially such as Mutual Aids, helping out when they’re down financially, and sending money to Black owned anything. The founder of Little Ceaser’s helped paid for Rosa Parks’ living. Fight for better working, living conditions for us. If you see something wrong, speak out. Don’t be a white savior. You ain’t doing this for validity. You’re doing this because it’s what you’re supposed to do. Don’t listen to the media, because they’re full of lies (alluvem). I’m finished y’all. Here some more quotes:
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 62)
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Colson's shocked when he walks into their rented bedroom. Luna's waiting for him at the door. Standing in all black but barely clothed. She has on little lace gloves, panties, a garter belt with thigh highs and heels. There's a leather riding crop pressed against the back of her thighs, just below her ass. Hair dangling down her back.
Colson stops dead in his tracks. "FUCK, Loons." Is all he can utter.
Luna bites her bottom lip, tilting her head slightly as a smile creeps onto her face. Stalking up to him, she swings the riding crop in a circle at her side. Close to him, she runs the leather down his cheek, making his dick grow hard.
"You seem to think I've been bad. What are you gonna do about it?" She asks him huskily, dragging the crop down his bare chest.
He firmly grabs the wrist of the gloved hand holding the toy. Staring into her eyes, they're daring each other. The energy from their earlier fight still simmering. He takes the crop in his hand before gripping her face with both hands. Kissing her angrily, he spins her around forcefully. Holding on to one hip, he uses the hand with the crop to bend her roughly over the bed.
Colson drags the stiff leather down her spine. Giving her goosebumps in anticipation of what's next. Reaching her cheeks, he spanks the top of her left one hard. Making Luna jump and yelp. She throws a coy look over her shoulder. It's his go ahead. Gripping her hair in his hand, he positions himself.
"STOP." ❗SLAP❗The crop whips against her ass cheeks.
"LETTING." ❗SLAP❗The sleek leather stick whizzes through the air.
"FALL." ❗SLAP❗"Ahhnhh!" Luna slightly whimpers. Pain is pleasure. It always has been for her.
He gives her three quick strikes.
Luna arches her back and buries her face in the covers preparing herself for what's to come.
"YOU!" ❗SLAP❗ Pulling her face out of the the blanket on the last on, a loud moan escapes from Luna.
"FUCK." She breathes out heavily.
Colson likes using the riding crop. He loves that hate - fucking turns Luna on.
Standing her up sharply, he spins her around again, pushing her back onto the bed aggressively. He grabs her thighs, pulling her until her ass is to the edge. He watches her twitch as he drags the warm leather around her breasts and nipples. Down to her pussy.
Swatting at her panties. "Take em off." Colson directs Luna. She listens. Unsnapping her garter belt from her thigh highs and slipping them off.
Colson turns the crop wide and drags it from the bottom of her bare pussy to the top. Swatting her again. Moaning, she scootches back with that one.
"Where the fuck do you think you're going?" He grabs her, pulling her back down the bed to where he wants her.
Dropping his pants and briefs, Colson climbs on top of Luna. She throws her legs around him as he pushes himself into her. He grips her chin, covering her moans with his mouth. He kisses her with his wrath.
Colson fucks Luna hard and fierce. One hand around her throat, the other pulling at her hair. Loving every minute of it, she moves with his rhythm. Luna grips his ass, pushing him deeper inside of her. The lace is soft on his skin. The spikes of her heels digging into the backs of his thighs as she fucks him back. The contrast in feeling making him thrust into her harder.
Bucking against each other, breathing heavy, Colson yanks Luna's neck to the side. "I gonna fucking ruin you for anyone else!" He declares angrily before sinking his teeth into her neck. Slamming his cock into her.
Luna's walls clench around Colson's huge cock. She grips his hair and bucks as she cums on him. Calling out, "Fuuuckkk Bunny!!"
Feeling her tighten and cum, he blows with her. Grunting her name.
Throwing himself on the bed beside her. Breathing heavy he looks over at her. "Do I have to murder every fucking dude?" He looks at her, still annoyed.
Looking over at him unamused, she dryly says "Not if you keep murdering this pussy, you don't."
This breaks him. Laughing hard and pulling her on top of him, he kisses her telling her she's a cunt. To this she agrees with a smirk and kisses back as she straddles him.
Luna rests her face on Colson's bare chest. He pulls her up by the hair to look at her. She raises her eyebrows at him. "I'm serious, Kitten. I'll fuck some shit up over you." He says, eyes flashing at the thought of her with someone else.
Knowing he will, Luna's face softens. "Relax Killer." She sighs. He loosens his grip as she leans down to kiss him. Sitting up on him, she pulls on her chain. "Yours." She looks at him knowingly as she says it before kissing him again.
She lays her face back down onto his chest. They're quiet as he strokes her hair. "Where'd you get the toy?" He finally asks.
Popping back up, she grins "I ordered it earlier in the week and had it shipped to my grandmom's." Pleased with herself, she wiggles her body as she tells him. Shaking his head, chuckling at her, he pulls her back down to him.
"How's your ass?" He asks while rubbing it and kissing her head.
"It's sore." She tells him in a tiny voice.
He chuckles and kisses her again.
The next morning everyone has breakfast together. Colson, Luna and Casie make bacon, blueberry pancakes and scrambled eggs with coffee and juice. Luna having to reassure Casie multiple times that she's okay around the killer blueberries to Colson's laughter. Breakfast is good, everyone talking, laughing, reaching for food. The anticipation of tonight dripping in the air.
Colson and Luna are good. Laughing, kissing and cutting it up during breakfast. They sit for a bit still bullshitting before everyone helps to clean up.
Casie watches TV while Luna gets dressed. They're going shopping with Ashleigh for a little bit.
Luna and Colson bang it out in the shower. The morning's sex being kinder than last night's.
Getting high together. Checking out each other's new tattoo's healing process. Colson patches Luna's shoulder.
Colson goes to help Casie get dressed as Luna pops two 30s and burns while she dresses herself in a striped tank and jeans. She pulls her hair up and throws on a purple lip with some jewelry.
Luna, Ashleigh and Casie head out into The City, leaving the boys behind. They're gonna float around with the main objective being cool shades for Casie.
It breaks on RadarOnline first. A picture of a grinning Tommy and an almost unrecognizable Luna. The story that runs with it says:
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That Brooklyn Bitch is back in town..... But not with her boyfriend. The NY native was spotted out late Thursday night in Queens with an unidentified male companion. We gotta say from the looks of this picture, this must be a real Nightmare for MGK. The two were reported to be dating early last month. The rapper even posting a picture of the two of them together to his Instagram earlier this week. Normally keeping a very low profile, That Brooklyn Bitch has had a strong presence both on the pop charts and online since hooking up him, being featured all over Machine Gun Kelly's Instagram stories. It's rumored the song THAT Type is a response to BeBe Rexha's Break Up with Your Girlfriend. It's not a stretch, with That Brooklyn Bitch calling out Rexha by name in the song. So, with all that territory staking, could it be possible that the songstress, who's confirmed to be performing on SNL this week with Halsey, could be up to some Bad Things while back in The Big Apple?
Colson sees it before Luna and he's fucking pissed.
Luna, Casie and Ashleigh pop in and out of different vintage shops, walking through Bed-Stuy.
They try on different sunglasses, shoes and clothes, laughing and having fun. Luna grabbing Colson a 40oz to Freedom Sublime Tshirt. AND finding a FANTASTIC pair of heavy, metal, gold toned, cat eyed sunglasses.
"I LOVE THEM!!!" The little girl squeals while putting them on after Luna presents them to her.
With their mission complete, they stop to grab sodas and pretzels before heading back to the brownstone.
Colson is at the brownstone SNAPPING.
"I CAN'T FUCKING BELIEVE HER!!" He shouts, pacing around the unfamiliar kitchen. "SHE FUCKING LIED TO ME!!"
A million irrational thoughts are zipping through his head. "She's such a fucking liar... I bet she fucked him... I'm gonna fucking kill em both..."
"Where'd she say she was?" Slim asks him. He stops.
"With fucking him." Colson glares at his friend. "Imma fucking kill him, Slim."
Rook interrupts. "Wait, she told you she was with him?" He asks.
"Yeah, she said she ran into him at a show. DOES THAT LOOK LIKE A FUCKING RUN IN!?!" He shouts, shoving his phone towards Rook.
Rook takes it and studies it. "It looks like it could be anything, honestly." He says, defending Luna.
The all have the picture up on their phones, looking at it.
"That mothafucka is TOO happy." Slim states his opinion.
"RIGHT!!" Colson's back to pacing and shouting.
"I don't know, Kells. She's not even really touching...." Benny agrees with Rook.
"HE'S GRABBING HER ASS!!! HIS HANDS ARE ON HER FUCKING ASS!!" Colson interrupts him, still shouting. Rage, radiating out of him.
"I am going to kill this motherfucker." The image of the grinning idiot touching his girl seared into his brain. Knowing what the dude wanted from her. Worried as fuck she might have gave it to him.
They're all quiet from Colson's outburst.
Baze finally breaks the silence. "I think you should ask Luna, Kells. That picture could really go either way.
Before Colson can respond they hear the door open. "We're baaaaack!!!" Casie calls out. Benny jumps up to intercept her as Colson squares up to rip Luna's head off.
Luna doesn't think anything when Benny comes up to them, asking Casie to go to the store with him. She rounds the corner with Ashleigh, bags in hand.
"Hey Bunny..." She greets Colson.
He comes marching acrossed the kitchen and shoves his phone in her face.
"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!!" Colson shouts at Luna, taking her and Ashleigh by surprise.
Taking his phone, Luna reels back to see what she's looking at. Once she gets a good look, she starts tio laugh. Dropping her bags to place that hand over her face.
"THAT is fucking great!!" She laughs through her hand.
"Oooohhhh... You gotta be fucking shitting me." She thinks. This is FUCKING insane.... They're following me now???" Always amazed at the irony of her luck in this universe, she has to laugh at this or she's gonna freak the fuck out. She feels so invaded. With a valid ripple of fear running through her.
Handing his phone back to him, she grabs a beer from the fridge. Colson doesn't know what to say.
Cracking it, she looks directly at Colson. Still lightly laughing, she says to him, shaking her head.
"Of all the years I've been around, all fucking shit I've pulled, I've never gotten popped and now all of a sudden I'm fucking front page news."
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Colson demands from her.
He doesn't know what to think about her response.
Swigging the beer, she's trying not to get angry. She can feel tears welling in her eyes.
"What am I talking about??? It seems I have strangers fucking stalking me now. Which, that's a problem for my life, Colson. We've talked about this before. I have too much important, HIGHLY ILLEGAL shit going on for ANYONE to be following me. Fuck... You know this. Not to mention, as a photographer, it's not even a good angle. You can't even see my face. In a court of law, you couldn't prove that shit is me. Not that I'm denying it is. But, it's still a shitty shot. You're mad at shitty shot.
Luna swings her beer, trying to keep it together. She knows she controlled herself last night and she'll be damned if some photo is going to suggest otherwise. That's not even her main concern. Fuck Tommy. Luna's worried about her privacy.
"Besides, what the FUCK do you think is going on in that picture?" She asks Colson, cocking her head.
"I think his hands are on your FUCKING ASS." He states angrily.
"Because he picked me up to fucking hug me, Asshole." Luna spits out at him. She grabs his phone. "Which he didn't even get a chance to do because if you fucking look at it I'm in the middle of pushing myself AWAY from him." She points at the picture.
Remembering that moment exactly.
Colson looks at it, then looks at her. Then back at it. Then back at her. Then back at it.
His brain is dueling over whether to believe her or not. Not hearing any of her worries.
"You're unbelievable." Luna laughs at him before she takes another swig.
"What am I supposed to think, you still fucked him." He barks at her.
Now she's pissed. The room is silent. Everyone watching them.
They're yelling at each other venomously.
Names are flying out of her mouth.
She makes a point.
"There it is. His WHOLE problem." She realizes. "This hypocritical ass motherfucker."
Luna doesn't scream back. She stares at Colson and in a low, direct tone says.
"So wait, let's make this clear. You're judging me on something I was honest with YOU about from a past relationship. Yet. You've been known to fuck anything that moves. Not me."
Luna throws her hands up at Colson like What The Fuck while shaking her head.
"You're worried about a fucking bum ass picture. Not that I could now get hemmed up and catch LIFE because being your girlfriend exposes me in a dangerous way." She sucks her teeth and shakes her head in disgust. "FUCK you, DUDE."
Luna walks out of the kitchen incredibly hurt.
Colson puts his head in his hands. "What the fuck did I just say to her?" Words and thoughts were flying so rapidly, he's not sure what came out and what stayed in his head.
The room is quiet until Luna walks back in with her bags.
"You need to be at 30Rock by 9P." She tells the room before walking out of the brownstone.
Once the door closes, Ashleigh grabs Colson's phone. She looks at what their arguing over. The article is more damaging then the picture.
"Fucken' up, Kells." She tells him shaking her head as she walks upstairs.
To be continued....
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