#haha i'm nooot okay
andthebubbles · 3 months
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gonna have to make my own post for this skfjgnkf
he grabbed him first?? skfjngkfgkfg and then he smushed his head against his and he got shaving cream on the towel thing??? and. HANDS. linked arms. jb's happy cat face ksjfngkfjgkfkfjfkkfgf this is my new fave pic
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coconutcows · 1 year
OH MY GOSHH, I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU, I hope you feel proud too!!! Yarnell looks amazing!! Such cute fangs and eyes~
Was there a specific breed of snake you imagined while creating him? Because his warm color palette reminds me of Pantherophis guttatus, or it's more common name, the Corn Snake! Specifically, one of the more reddish/coppery ones. 😊
One more question, if that's okay! Was his name also partially inspired by Randall from Monsters Inc? Randall's a rather scaly, serpentine fellow, even if he's nooot exactly a snake; and Yarnell, even though he's made of yarn, is... well, a serpent!
Haha thank you so much!!! I am very proud of him, he was a spur of the moment creation with barely any planning and he’s quite sturdy so I’m very happy 😊
I didn’t really plan on his colouring!!! It was just a nice coincidence, I also think he looks kind of corn snake-y, but I just picked up a pound of yarn on discount because I liked the colours and the pattern and colours were perfect for a snake, the belly colour I picked when he was partially made I thought it would work well with the warm colours and it seems I was right 😁
His name though wasn’t inspired by Randall (although I do like the character), I got it from the old comedy duo Shields and Yarnell, I had recently watched their episode of The Muppet Show and the name stuck in my head.
Here’s another picture of him on his stand with my sheriff snorlax for whomst I need to get a badge and maybe a vest
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postwarlevi · 2 years
There's nothing Levi hates more than just having to sit there while people are singing Happy Birthday to him. Like he's grateful for the sentiment, but he never knows what to do except stand there and wish for the earth to swallow him while.
It is kind of awkward, isn't it? LOL I've only recently embraced the fact that my friends are going to sing loud to try to embarrass me and I now conduct them through the song haha.
Levi however? Nooot happening. You're all going to do it, he knows it. His vet team, Miche, Hange, Erwin. His cadets, Sasha, Connie and Historia especially (maybe Annie and Mikasa won't be so loud) and you!
You're not trying to make it worse but everyone is going to do it anyway so you give his hand a squeeze and help him get through the moment. It's his day, he's going to enjoy it.
He's trying not to blush but it's not something he can control and he's looking to you for help so you purposely speed up the last bit and shut everyone down when they try to go into "How Old Are You Now?" and he mumbles a thanks as you send everyone away with some vanilla cake.
"Did you have a nice birthday?" You ask in the evening when it's just you and him again. He buries his face in your neck.
"Birthdays are exhausting." His muffled voice says, making you giggle.
"Well, everyone had a good time. I'm sorry if it's too much, but this is the one day they're allowed to get away with it." You know how much everyone cares about your generally grumpy sweetheart.
"I know. I appreciate it." He leans back and searches your eyes, sighing when you run your hands through his hair.
"It's still my birthday." He barely whispers.
"It is." You agree and softly hum Happy Birthday to him again.
Coming from you, he could listen to it all night. However you don't get past a second round before Levi is leaning back into you, pressing his lips on yours.
He's been waiting all day for this.
I feel we went a little off topic, hope that's okay!
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jace-the-writer-guy · 5 years
Catch a Ride!
Scooter: "Hey y'all! How ya doin?"
April: "I'm pretty good. Just here checkin' up on Blazer."
Ebony: "And I'm here to check out Kimura."
Scooter: "Ah okay. Let me bring 'em out for ya." *Goes to his Catch-a-Ride console and digistructs the ATV and large motorcycle* "Maaan I still can't get over these off world vehicles. They're freakin' sweeet!"
April: *Grins and goes to Blazer* "Yeah, you say that every time."
Ebony: *Walks to Kimura* "I'm surprised you haven't tried to take them apart to see how they run."
Scooter: "Oh I can do that in the systems already! They're awesome!"
Holly: *Walks in* "I'm still not lettin' you do that with Outlaw."
Scooter: "Come on, Holly! I never seen a truck like yours! You gotta let me look under the hood sometime!"
Holly: "Nope. That's my baby an' I ain't havin' it be for anyone's access but mine or family." *Digistructs Outlaw after Scooter moves away from the console*
Scooter: "Man... that sucks."
Ebony: *Giggles* "You're lucky I still let you have access to Kimura after you tried to bury me alive in a shallow ditch for sleeping with Moxxi."
Scooter: "Not cool bringin' up the past like that, Ebony. Nooot cool."
April: "An' you're lucky the worst you got was bein' dragged behind a Technical by a chain in Skag territory," *Laughs* "Kinda dumb to try to bury a girl alive that can't be suffocated."
Scooter: "...I'm just gonna leave you gals alone haha... haaaa..."
Holly: *Chuckles and walks over to her truck* "Hey Eb, you gonna be catchin' a ride tonight?"
Ebony: *Giggles again and blushes a bit* "Maybe~"
Scooter: "Not cool!" *Closes the door to his office* as the girls all laugh*
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minyoongspyjs · 6 years
Hello hello!! I'm going to assume you listened to With Seoul based on your last post😉 What did you think of it? I personally loved the song. How's life? You doing okay? Have a great rest of the week! -HLN Secret Santa
Anonym hat gesagt:Oh noooo. I’m so sorry😯 I hope you find your Christmas cheer in the midst of work and school. Also I just realized your name is Jana. That’s really pretty and I’m not just saying that because it’s similar to mine😜. Are you in the HLN group chat? Because I don’t think I’ve ever seen you there. Anyways, sorry for the ramble, have a wonderful day! - HLN secret santa
Helloooo! Sorry, I wasn’t on my laptop yesterday and also rarely on tumblr through my phone, since I was pretty busy and went directly to bed after I got home :’) I have listened to it, just halfway tbf. So, I’m not really sure what to think about it. On one side, I think it’s kinda cute, because Seoul is their home, rn. And also, they wouldn’t have done it in the first place, when they wouldn’t identify with Seoul in any way :) But on the other hand: It’s just advertising Seoul and Korea. Well in my opinion. And of course it’s a good way to attract people with music and fun things. Furthermore, Korea is getting popular and popular these days, of course they want to represent themselves with someone who are known by thousands and thousands all over the world :)I will, probs, over the next week - hopefully :’) But it’s classweek and still, I need to learn for a test and finish a project, it’ll be less stressful. It is! Now I’m curious what your name is :’) haha. I am nooot! I totally forgot about it, tbh, after I applied. OOOPS! Maybe I’ll let one of the admins know. Don’t be sorry about it! :)) Hehe. I’m doing okay, but as I said before: I’ll have to finish a project. That is my task for the weekend. Probably won’t get it done, but yeah … we’ll see. Haha. How are you, lovely secret santa? How’s life? what have you been up to, lately?
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