#might change my pfp or my header lmao
andthebubbles · 3 months
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gonna have to make my own post for this skfjgnkf
he grabbed him first?? skfjngkfgkfg and then he smushed his head against his and he got shaving cream on the towel thing??? and. HANDS. linked arms. jb's happy cat face ksjfngkfjgkfkfjfkkfgf this is my new fave pic
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riverside-lavender · 4 months
goodbye bunny legend pfp…
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redwayfarers · 1 year
for swan!: band name, persona, and development, please!
Hii and welcome! Thank you for dropping by <3
Band name - How did they and the others come up with the band name? Has the name changed since it was founded?
Their band name is Mirror in the Creek and I don't think it's ever been changed. Nor is there any extravagant or meaningful process of choosing it; they were all just hanging out and randomly matching nouns and prepositions until they came up with something that sounded nice. They've since grown too attached to change it, even as their music developed over time.
Persona - How does their day-to-day personality compare to their on-stage persona?
Oh boy. I've mentioned somewhere that Swan has this uncanny valley to their confidence, almost as if it's trained, rather than innate or well founded. Swan as a person is very insecure, has been since high school. They were always a bit weird in many respects (if we're talking teens anyway), so it took them a while to find their footing in the world. They're very aloof and quiet, but also superficially flirty. They shy away from more personal interactions.
Le Cygne, though, Le Cygne is very out there, very authentic, and is Swan's way of expressing that they're proud of their talent and how hard they worked to hone it. It's the only area of life Swan is on solid ground for the most part, so the goal is to find a bridge between the two versions of themself.
Development - How did you come up with your character? Is their design still evolving? How do you think they might develop through the story?
I went into Infamous without any preconceived ideas about what I wanted to play (unlike, say, Cassander Inteus, who is a bit of a flagship OC on this blog and on my pfp/header - I very deliberately went into his playthroughs, even before the redesign, wanting a pretty elven man. As I am in fact in possession of a type, the other pieces fell in their place on their own.) I was open to just about anything and a friend suggested I make a nonbinary character, seeing as I had a bit of trouble coming up with a viable concept for one. Only thing I really wanted for my Infamous MC was for them to be blonde, but that tells me nothing about character concepts lmao
Thusly, Swan was born! And they haven't left my brain since! Their design is mostly getting perfected now, no big changes. I am thinking about their tats, so there's that. I don't have any predictions for them going forward and I'm just here for the ride, which is the funniest part of having OCs imo :3
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juneberrie · 2 years
okayy i want to change my theme again oops sooo
WATER FOUNTAIN - ((taking the first six!)) send me a quote, a pfp, and an aesthetic and i'll make you a blog theme!.
if you didn't already did the six!
for the quote can i cheat and use a song like i do now? “But if you're too drunk to drive //And the music is right //She might let you stay // But just for the night” (lovers rock by tv girl)
for the pfp my boys (i swear if you ever change your theme i’ll steal your pfp lmao) or just meeks or just pitts choose the one you prefer!!
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and for the aesthetic kinda the same vibes as my blog now (idk the name) but more green (i feel like it’s not comprehensible, i’m not clear in my indications 😭 but hey i trust you you have good taste)
thank you so much if you do <33 also saw you had new followers so congrats!!!
i hope u like this <3 i went with more of a green theme? and for the pfp i just picked one of the ones you sent me and added some filters <33
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desc: (just put the one you picked- hsksjsjs)
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nav/pinned post: (tumblr wouldnt let me add anymore pictures so- you can change the indented text to a divider if you want- 😭)
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margot. french. minor. any pronoun. unlabeled. neurodivergent. sagittarius. remus lupin's lover, steven meeks' partner & spencer reid’s wife.
☆ requests are open!!
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☆ important links!
about me - masterlist - boundaries/dni - characters list - request rules - wips - tags - taglist
☆ margot's daily blurb!
concept - masterlist
☆ latest fics
there's maybe something - wolfstar! dads x nb! he/they! lesbian! child! reader
coffee lover: chap2 - remus lupin x gn! reader
new year's day - sirius black x fem! reader
☆ milestones!
100 followers fic rec
☆ my anon friends!
💐- she/they
🧃- she/her
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you don't have my permission to copy, translate, post on other platforms my work
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rubashev · 3 years
god I love those avant garde soviet movie posters from the 1920s-first few years of the 30s... easily my favorite genre of graphic design
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lammergayier · 2 years
Uh-oh besties *changes my blog’s Entire aesthetic*
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imthebadguyyy · 2 years
i was tagged by the lovely @querencva to do this tag game, thank you so much for the tag, i loved doing this! 💜
1. Why did you choose your url?
when i was choosing the name, i had an obsession with billie eilish (which i still do ksksk) and bad guy was my jam, and then i never really got to changing it lol, but it's become my name now so it all worked out!! i also never thought i'd actually get to posting so i just picked something random : ))
2. Any side blogs?
yes, but it's all pure bs so i'd rather not mention it 💀
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I've been on tumblr for a little over a year actively, only started actually using it towards the end of 2020 and started posting in 2021, earlier i just had the app and didn't use it because i didn't know how lol
4. Do you have a queue tag?
no, i never even use my queue, and the one time i tried i messed it up so 💀
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i've always loved reading and writing and exploring new stuff, and one day i randomly stumbled upon this app when i had my peaky blinders obsession, and i fell in lobve with the blogs and people here. then i started to write and reblog and stuff and i just eventually fell in love with how much fun it was, and when i developed an interest in F1, i met a bunch of people who also shared my interest !!
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it's a picture of lewis on a bike, which was my favourite photo from that photoshoot!!
7. Why did you choose your header?
i edited all the photo's from the WSJ mag photoshoot together because it remains superior 😌
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
hmm, it'd have to be this one and this one, this and this but y'all have shown so much love to so many of them!!
9. How many mutuals do you have?
i have a few but i'm lazy as a guesstimate would be like 20?? there may be more i'm just not counting 😂
10. How many followers do you have?
currently, i have 710 followers (holy guacamole) and i love and every one of em <33
11. How many people do you follow?
i follow 76 people!
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
i don't know??
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
way too often, i have no social life 🤧
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
nope, it takes time and energy i just don't have
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
i think people should have the choice to reblog what they want, but this is a difficult one. if it's about needing help or for a humanitarian crisis i feel the need to reblog it, but once again it depends on personal preferences, but reblogging is just a click of a button and if it makes someone happy or helps them, might as well!
16. Do you like tag games?
i love em!!
17. Do you like ask games?
YES i do but for some reason, i can never get people to participate in ask games lmao
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
oh lots of em, and as they should be!!
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
nope, but i love em all
20. Tags!
tagging @grandestrategia @theonly1outof-a-billion @e44hamilton @lucent-knight @itsallyscorner @heureux4430 @soadoya @quillsink and whoever wants to, as always, only if you want to !! 💜
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ktarsims · 2 years
Check In Tag!
I was tagged by @siancyaniam. Thank you!
Why did you choose your URL?
Once upon a time, a very long time ago now, I discovered role-playing in a furry community back when I had not even a concept of what ‘furry’ meant. I ran a role-playing guild there for a while, based on FFVIII, and at one point I ran a contest to name the world. My own submission was: K’tarianen - which did not win the votes. Since it wasn’t going to be used there, I’ve since used various forms of it for my online nicknames, or sometimes character names.
How long have you been on tumblr?
One of my first posts on this blog was actually the Pattern Hoarder Tutorial, which was made in Jan. 2017. So... about five and a half years now? I actually do have a personal tumblr that I almost never look at anymore, which was created at least five years before that.
Do you have a queue tag?
I do not. Nearly everything I post runs through my queue or is scheduled though.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I started it in order to post the Pattern Hoarder Tutorial in a place where it could be seen and would not soon disappear or be lost. Patterns used to be the only CC I actually used, and I hadn’t found a tutorial for multi-layer (or multi-color channel) patterns, so I wanted to share what I’d figured out with everyone else.
These days I consider that I ought to turn it into PDF’s so that it could be easily uploaded anywhere. Perhaps someday I’ll make time for that.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
My icon is a crop of a photo of my simself. Perhaps someday I’ll change it, but I’m fairly satisfied with it.
Why did you choose your header?
Uh. I don’t think I have a header.. do I? *goes to look* OH. I do. LMAO. It’s the music room of the Olijar mansion which I spent far too much time on and was extremely pleased with when I had finished. They’re supposed to be the main family in my main save, but I think so far they’ve actually had less ‘screen time’ than some of the other households.
What’s your post with the most notes?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, a tips post I made forever ago with things I find very valuable knowledge in-game.
How many mutuals do you have?
I have... not the faintest idea, honestly. I did a google search to figure out how to find that out, but met only with more confusion. 
How many followers do you have?
Looks like the current count is 880, for whatever that’s worth. As a note, I don’t really keep track, nor do I check to see if people unfollow me, nor do I spend time to try to block people who might be inactive, bots, etc.
How many people do you follow?
458 currently. I feel like this number used to be higher, but probably some blogs were lost to Tumblr’s shenanigans, and some people deleted their blogs. I follow almost exclusively blogs who post TS3 content, as it’s the only game in the series I’ve yet played, but I do follow a few TS2 blogs. I’m also pretty picky in that I require posts to be properly tagged, for there not to be too many of them all the time, and usually for there to not be too many CC reblogs. I follow most creators directly, and a few CCfinds blogs in case I miss things, and don’t like to constantly see the same thing over and over again on my dash. Which I actually do keep up with most of the time.
Have you ever made a shitpost?
Uh. I think someone would have to define for me what a shitpost is before I could answer this question. xD I have heard the term a lot, but don’t actually know what it means, precisely. (When you use sarcasm to call something out?)
How often do you use tumblr every day?
Typically, every day. Though some days get skipped if I am too busy. And a few times, several months were skipped due to life taking over.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
I try to keep any disagreements I might have with other members of the sims 3 fandom on tumblr to private disagreements. Publicly posted arguments tend to blow up far too quickly and can result in unwanted consequences.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
Emotional manipulation has long been a tactic to get people to spread things they’d otherwise ignore. It doesn’t really work on me. I’ll reblog it if I feel the message is worth sharing, and appropriate to my blog, or important enough to be shared here regardless of what it’s about.
Do you like tag games?
I think tag games are kinda fun, I just rarely find the time to participate in them. ^-^;;
Do you like ask memes?
Since most of my gameplay is strictly gameplay without any well defined stories to accompany them, I usually don’t have much to say for ask memes. Sometimes they’re fun! Sometimes I just have no clue what I’d say.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Since, to my surprise, a lot of the creators I follow actually also follow me, I’d say there’s quite a few, so I won’t bother name-dropping.
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I’m long past the age of crushes. xD They’re also very rare for me.
Ill tag: @murfeelee @simlicious @simsmono
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simssoulcollector · 2 years
Tag Game Thing?
Check in tag
I was tagged by @aondaneedles Thank you!
Why did you choose your url?
I honestly do not remember.  This blog was dormant and 100% forgotten about until a week ago or so,  and then I logged on tumblr on a chrome profile I rarely use,  and I was like,.  OH YEAH.    I really like this url though,  it fits my play style I think.
How long have you been on tumblr?
Since 2013.   Not on this url,  but I had a sims 3 simblr for a VERY long time. So so so long.
Do you have a queue tag?
nope.   I live blog while I play most of the time.  There’s zero rhyme or reason to it,  just snapping pictures as the urge hits me,  stuff I find funny,  interesting,  stuff I want to share.   I gave up trying to do anything too structured a long time ago,  I can’t stick with it when it’s too formal, or I set too many rules for myself.
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I don’t remember,  but probably to post sims 2 stuff,  probably a lot more structured than I’m posting now,  and then I got bored and fed up and quit,  but now I’m back baby!.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I love the grim reaper.   I’m a huge fan of the sims,  and a huge fan of discworld,  and to me they are the same character.   
Why did you choose your header?
I don’t remember,  I probably thought it looked cool,  or i thought i was being clever, or edgy or something,  who the fuck knows.    Because it was there and I had the thought it would look good.   I was wrong, but i don’t care enough to change it,  nor do I have any clue what would work better.
What’s your post with the most notes?
don’t know, don’t care.
How many mutuals do you have? / How many followers do you have?
More than I was ever expecting.
How many people do you follow?
not enough.   But I’m picky.    Like, not like their posts have to be perfect or anything,  more like the opposite.  I like watching how people actually play their games.  I like reading stories,  even if the stories are jumbled or bits and pieces.  I especially love seeing how people play the premades.
Have you ever made a shitpost?
probably?   I probably walk the line between shitpost and regular post more frequently than I realize
How often do you use tumblr each day?
uhhhhh  ,  i’m not sure how to answer this question
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
sims 3 got brutal there for awhile.   a friend got abusive with another friend and I ended up having to take sides.   It sucked ass.  No one won.  
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
Do you like tag games?
yup.   i think they build community.
Do you like ask games?
See above.
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
no clue.   I do not pay that much attention.
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
lmao,  I’m so fucking old.  no.   
  I have no idea who’s done this, or who might want to do this,  so....  if you liked anything I posted in the last few days,  you’ve brought this on yourself.   
@plumbtales  @clintpatrickgcamachomyinvaderzim   @ludsims  @simsdada  @trashtm  @mlek13   @twisteduberhood   @unattendedwish  @lovelands  @caffeinefreedietbepis  @simmerprincess17  
you don’t gotta do it,   but i’ll read it if you do.  so.  cool.
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footballandfiasco · 2 years
thank you so much for tagging me @eintracht !! made my day <3 i am going to answer it on my side blog though, since i interact with more users on here - i hope that's alright & not too confusing. 🥰
1. Why did you choose your URL?
for my main: i am a huge ass nerd in case you did not notice that already & i get way too emotional about several fandoms. i am the biggest potterhead since primary school & i truly believe that i am a gryffindor (no one can ever change my mind), so i thought i'd be funny to call myself the heir of gryffindor (refering to the heir of slytherin which is the nickname voldemort gave himself). that's why my main is theheirofgryffindor'sblog.
for this sideblog: this is about football. and it is very messy. basically a fiasco. so here we are :)) (also i really wanted it so be some kind of alliteration...)
2. Any side blogs?
this is it :)
3. How long have you been on Tumblr?
i'm sure you can look that up somewhere but i'd guess it must be around 6 years, maybe longer. this side blog i have for half a year now.
4. Do you have a queue tag?
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I got Tumblr because a friend told me to get it. But this side blog I started because I discovered football tumblr during the euros, which I really was not aware of existing, and was like yess!! finally i can talk about football without annoying the hell out of somebody (because literally none of my friends like football & my family knows nothing about it - except for maybe die eintracht due to loyalty to out hometown).
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it's leon jumping on his fellow teammates. it's great <3 no greater reason behind it.
7. Why did you choose your header?
i think it suits the ✨aesthetic✨ of the blog. also it refers to the emotional mess you are experiencing as a football fan. in the end we'll be alright. and also in life, i think, as bad as it gets sometimes , we'll be alright eventually. so I thought that might be a nice reminder for all of you, but also for me personally <3
8. What's your post with the most notes?
it's probably one of my "underrated germany nt moments" videos :)
9. How many mutuals do you have?
i still don't quite get the exact definition of a mutual, but i consider everyone interacting with me in any kind of form one, sooo there is no exact number. but i love y'all!!
10. How many followers do have?
70, but I really don't care. Tumblr for me isn't about followers at all, to be honest. I love that I can just be on here. Not like on Instagram where I feel like everything is a bit more judgy.
11. How many people do you follow?
probably a lot. i don't even know.
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
I consider all of my posts shitposts lmao.
13. How often do you use Tumblr?
On a daily basis. I am too afraid to check my actual screen time.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
no. but I did get a bit of a salty anon message once. but that's okay, people need their outlets, i suppose.
15. How do you feel about the "you have to reblog this" posts?
well, I don't really have to...so i kindly do not give a shit :)
16. Do you like tag games?
yes! gimme more! 🥰
17. Do you like ask games?
it depends on the game, i think. but in general, yes! though sometimes i feel like i am not really in the position to ask for asks, if you know what i mean ?
18. Which of your moots do you think are tumblr famous?
I can only tell you who is famous to me & that is the holy trinity of leon stans @dieclownschaft @goretzkastits & @leoncgoretzka i love them & they are the first ones i followed on football tumblr <3
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
all of them.
I tag @belenav @fcsane @weirdothinking @katropolis & honestly, everyone who wants to do it :)) (obviously only if you want to do it)
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fricklefracklefloof · 3 years
tag game!! ty @pocketsizedquasar for tagging me :))
1- Why did you choose your url
my url is just the same un i use for other sites that i post art on (instagram, deviantart, etc) BUT the original idea came from when i was in... shudders... middle school... there was a short period of time where i kept saying "FRICKLE FRACKLE" as a substitute for fuck or something and then i just tacked on floof because i'm a furry
i've been wanting to change my url for like a month now i'm just too scared of change lol </3
2- Any side blogs?
not... really? except for @jesperofficial but that's a joke soc roleplay blog i don't use anymore
3- How long have you been on tumblr?
since 2019 i think? it's been over a year
4- Do you have a queue tag?
no because i rarely queue you get my posts when you get them
5- Why did you start your blog in the first place?
i started this blog as a throwaway account because i wanted to join the grishaverse big bang. i didn't even want to join tumblr at the time but i wanted to be a part of the event more so i made it just so they'd have something to link back to LMAO. but then i started like... yknow talking to people who only used this site... and then i started lurking when i was really really bored... and then my friends convinced me to check the site like every day... and then i started posting only my fanart and then i downloaded the app on my phone and it was just downhill from there. sigh.
6- Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i just like guillermo i just really like how his face came out in that drawing he looks cute <3
7- Why did you choose your header?
umm i like using my own art for stuff like this bc it makes me feel better about using images that i've created myself instead of possibly stealing from someone else and i think that drawing was cute it makes me happy :) it's kinda old though i might change it plus the fact that i added like 2394587394587 filters to it to make it fit the pink aesthetic is showing painfully
8-What’s your post with the most notes?
this jon + the admiral comic i made a while ago :) it's cute i think it's a bit cheesy and also kinda old but i'm very very proud of how i drew the admiral in that one so i'm happy that this one ended up being my top post lmao
9- How many mutuals do you have?
shit idk i don't really like the whole "mutual" thing i think we should just be friends instead of pretending that we are
10- How many followers do you have?
405 :o i didn't know that
11- How many people do you follow?
368! i don't even remember who i follow sometimes lmao
12- Have you ever made a shitpost?
13- How often do you use Tumblr each day?
at least once a day </3 used to hate myself for it but now i just embrace it
14- Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
ummm i mean i GUESS you could call them fights i've gotten anon hate for stupid shit and have had um. Discussions with people about racism in the grishaverse but most of them were pretty one-sided i've never had full on reblog chains or Tumblr User Fricklefracklefloof Vs Other Tumblr User fights it's just. someone saying something and then me replying. i try to be civil.
although i did have a friend once (or ig we were just "mutuals") who flat out blocked me with no response after i said something mildly accusatory and i still haven't recovered from that </3 just communicate with me please goddamn
15- How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
i get the point they're trying to make but they're guilt trippy and ultimately don't end up solving the issue they think they're solving. (i'm assuming we're talking about the human rights posts that are all like "if you don't reblog this you're a monster!!" etc etc.) yes it's important to speak up about issues but by telling people they Have To Reblog This Or Else it just... scares people into supporting something without going through the critical thinking about it. at least that's how i see it. you can't truly support something if you don't understand wtf you're talking about. reblogging something like that for the sake of reblogging it is just... well it's performative.
16- Do you like tag games?
yes :)
17- Do you like ask games?
YEA THEY SEEM FUN i've never done one before bc idk i'm scared no one's gonna wanna do it with me but yes i think i would enjoy them
18-Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
oh i know who is tumblr famous but i don't wanna out them like that
19- Do you have a crush on a mutual?
ahaha! ahahahaha! that's funny i'm not sharing that
tagging @souleatering (or whatever blog you wanna use wybie idk) @jawbonemage and whoever else wants to :)
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brawn-gp · 3 years
tagged by @sunshine-ricciardo, tysm love 🤍 
1. Why did you choose your url? the lovely @j-button gave it to me, and i love it so much<3 been hoarding the catiemunnings canon url for months but idk... this one is just too good
2. Any side blogs? i do! it’s @arlo-parks aka the place where i usually scream about the bands i like (amongst other things like films, tv, photography and aesthetics). it’s nice! go give it a look <3
3. How long have you been on tumblr? uhm... i made my old blog back in 2012-2013 i think.... but i made this one about a year ago
4. Do you have a queue tag? it was “q” now its “q.”, just because it was getting too high in my tags lmao
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? i posted a few things in my old blog but i wanted to interact with the fandom a bit more, so i made this one. the first few months was vibing with the virtual races so that was fun
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? one of fav drivers + fav color? idk i like that mick photo
7. Why did you choose your header? sebchal + mick....... i had to (although i might change it soon because i don’t particularly like the aesthetic)
8. What’s your post with the most notes? 100 lewis pole positions! almost 2k which is crazy
9. How many mutuals do you have? oof many<3<3 i don’t interact with most of you but every person i follow i consider them as mutuals
10. How many followers do you have? 1.1K.... been meaning to do a 1k/1year celebration but uni is killing me </3 i will do it as soon as i have a bit more free time (you can send ideas tho!)
11. How many people do you follow? 269 overall... i have to maintain some sort of clean-ish dash otherwise i would die 
12. Have you ever made a shit post? i used to shitpost a lot more imo, but now sometimes, sometimes
13. How often do you use tumblr a day? a lot more than i should. specially because its my procrastination site lmao
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? yes i have my enemies<3<3 but in like we like to hold hands ways (but no, not that i’m aware of)
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts? depends. if its “EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT DOESN’T REBLOG THIS IS HOMOPHOBIC!!!¡¡¡¡¡” then mate... fuck off (i have 0 tolerance for those posts and i cannot believe people still believe in them). but if your local content creator is asking you to please reblog our stuff... then please do:)
16. Do you like tag games? love them sm!! i just suck at doing them</3 i use them for future reference as to who i can tag next too sjdhbfh
17. Do you like ask games? used to do them all... now it really depends
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? i’m literally mutuals with the sexiest people on f1blr so all of them<3
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? ohh maybe i do... maybe i don’t...
20. Tags: i have no idea who has done it but tagging: @motopg, @goalkepa, @cyrilabiteboul, @j-button, @jensons, @ricciardos and @maranello (just if you want to ofc)
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jayflrt · 2 years
lol i read hoons nnn and i already know his will be my favourite !! the mc is the most relatable she's just there to have fun literally love that for her lmao 🤩 and i love when people are obsessed with me hoon simp is literally the best thing you could have ever given me thanks bestie 🥴
also i just noticed you've got jay in your url, hoon in your pfp and hee as your header 😭😭 me too honestly 😭
i’m glad you like hoon’s part !!! 🥰🥰 his might be my favorite out of the 4 tbh :o HAHAH yeah i needed an mc that just wants to have fun 🤧 and fuckboy!sunghoon who already has feelings for someone is 😮‍💨
N OOOO PLS DONT CALL ME OUT 🏃‍♂️ to be fair i changed the heeseung header and it’s the blessed-cursed enha pic now !! but 😭😭 honestly i just want to include jayhoon in everything so <3 they have to share url and pfp privileges
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captainspiggbo · 2 years
Long post ahoy, Pls read if you'd be so kind. . .
Ehe, hey. . Might be back around here I guess cause I just need somewhere to be that ain't Twitter or Insta. . Not as if I hadn't been posting random sh*t already before dipping, but this is you're cue to jump ship now if you don't wanna be around for a potential mess. . Not gonna sugar coat it. . I'm not really alright mentally (who really is anymore?? I'm not special lmao), haven't been for a while now, but I just want to go back to having a place with the cute/comfort stuff I used to enjoy. . Imma try my best to not be a downer, but that may or may not slip through the cracks every once in a while, real sorry in advance (╯︵╰,). . . Gonna keep my header and pfp probably (mostly cause I don't know what to change it to and cause those mfs bring me comfort ig??), but just fyi I'm not doing AoEx fandom stuff anymore, also sorry for that too >_>
All that being said, pause the pity party, Cap! ( ;∀;)
The last couple of years have been pretty f*cking hard for all of us (no doy!), If any of y'all wanna talk, my dms are always open. . Was never clear about that before, but if anyone needs a listener. . I am here for you, zero judgement; just here for you, promise. (っ.❛ ᴗ ❛.)っ
[[ If you got this far, thank you for even reading this, seriously <3. . This isn't some, "pls pay attention to me awoo!" post, in fact I don't expect much from this period. . Just kinda wanted to give an update, this blog ain't dead, I've just been hiding ig lol ]]
Thank you sincerely for reading or even following me!! ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯
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junktrait · 3 years
Check In Tag ✔️
thank you @wirefiish for tagging me!
Why did you choose your URL? -- wanted a [word]trait url and my favorite sim is named trash but trashtrait was taken at the time (mine now in case i ever decide to switch and be just like TT) so i went w/ a synonym
Any side blogs? If you have them name them and why you have them? -- technically no active sideblogs but rn i have simending (old url), trashtrait (url in reserve), and endfound (old cc finds i don’t update)
How long have you been on tumblr? -- since jan/feb 2019 i believe. edit: lmao i forgot this wasn’t a simblr-specific tag. i’ve been on tumblr since like 2012, SIMBLR since 2019 my apologies
Do you have a queue tag? -- nope. i employ deception and confuse you as to whether my posts are real time or not because i enjoy petty villainy
Why did you start your blog in the first place? -- i followed a simblr on my video game blog and then started following others from there and wanted to participate, i didn’t actually play the sims much before i realized you could tell stories in it and then i was gung ho
Why did you choose your icon/pfp? -- i wanted a pink icon so i just made a new sim and did a photoshoot. might change it again bc the vibes are diff now imo
Why did you choose your header? -- my icon/header have to match so
What’s your post with the most notes? --  LMAOOOO it’s this one calling out the terf. my most popular sims post is this one.
How many mutuals do you have? -- 61!
How many followers do you have? -- [redacted]
How many people do you follow? -- 88!
Have you ever made a shitpost? -- lmao when i was checking my top 10 posts for the above question, this was in there
How often do you use tumblr each day? -- a lot atm, i do one big scroll through in the morning and then check it whenever i get bored during the day or when i need to post
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won? -- i have indirectly fought the terf several times but. win the battle lose the war i think bc she keeps coming back so. who knows. as for fighting someone i like/used to like, no i haven’t! if i dislike someone i just softblock them or hard block if i really do not want to see them
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts? -- it fully depends on whether i agree with it lol
Do you like tag games? -- yeah
Do you like ask games? -- yeah but i think people need to be better about actually asking questions lmao
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? -- idk why this question phrased like this so tagged people please edit this to just “Do you have any mutuals you think are tumblr famous?”
Do you have a crush on a mutual? -- yeah and good fucking luck finding out who
Tags? -- @des-dabbles @goldenhour-s @emotrait @notinmyhousehold @goldenwaves @xldkx @usermoon @voidcreek @poetic-falls @queenofvraquin @plunni feel free to skip and i’m also very sorry if you’ve been tagged already i have no brain
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18 questions!
i got tagged by @eydika <3 uhhh im lazy so im not gonna tag anyone else, but if you wanna do this consider yourself tagged!
1. why did you choose your url?
i dunno i liked impossible-rat-babies and needed to change my old url. i like the way this one sounds lmao
2. any sideblogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them.
none that i wanna name. it’s mostly url hoarding. i kept my old url for redirect/so it doesn’t end up being sp*m. my oldest url had that happen and i regret it lmao
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
archive says ‘13 but it might have had it longer
4. do you have a queue tag?
once, but then i got lazy. most everything on my blog is queued though so im not on here all the time
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
it would be a fun app and it seemed interesting from what my friend told me. i’ve gone through phases on this blog over the years. 
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
it’s cute and the art is cute (by @/kruk-art)
7. why did you choose your header?
succulents are cute + i wanted something patterned that matched the color vibe
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
some dragon age 4 shitpost, i think. maybe the varric one, i dunno.
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i don’t know, but i cherish the lot of them even if we don’t talk. i don’t super care about mutualship and feeling like you have to foster a friendship. besides just making friends is cooler
also i appreciate the dragon age ppl that have stuck around y’all are the real mvps ;--;
10. how many followers do you have?
too many lmao
11. how many people do you follow?
362. but i should weed them out again for inactives
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
i mean. me talking on the daily is a shitpost
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
not as often as i used to. i have a queue and im around mostly to check that + do a quick scroll of what happened while i was asleep. nothing else really.
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog? who won?
no. im too much of a weenie for that + if it’s not something serious then it’s like ?? just disengage and move on
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
my eyes glaze over and i scroll past. same with the half dozen comments under posts
16. do you like tag games?
yes ! i love them ;--; i never wanna put pressure on folks to do them though
17. do you like ask games?
yes! i am just bad at never finishing them.
18. do you have a crush on a mutual?
sksdhfjk i dunno. im too ??? about everything ever to have crushes
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