#hahaha Jane Doe get it?
starwarskit · 6 months
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Older Clone! One who’s escaped the empire and now is a PIRATE! (But a good kid of pirate, she only kills every so often)
Her name is Jane, but her Pirate name (she’s a nerd) is Doe
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akenya · 2 years
Rizzoli and Isles is actually a show about a Queerplatonic Relationship.
Okay hear me out.
So, I always have shipped Rizzles. There are many MANY ways in which these are queer coded characters with a heavy romantic subtext, that a lot of the time honestly bleeds into the maintext. A lot of the actions and dialogue that we would typically interpret as romantic, especially between a hetero pairing, certainly works for this show. 
But I did a re-watch of the show recently, and while I still ship them romantically, I actually think what is being portrayed between them is something else. They are DEFINITELY more than friends; I mean they are life partners in every sense of the word. But the kind of dynamic that is CANONICALLY portrayed between Maura and Jane, is in fact, a Queerplatonic Relationship.
So here’s a working definition of the term for those who aren’t familiar with it: 
Queerplatonic relationships and queerplatonic partnerships are committed intimate relationships which are not romantic in nature. They may differ from usual close friendships by having more explicit commitment, validation, status, structure, and norms, similar to a conventional romantic relationship
I have actually experienced something like this, (and yes I’m going to get a bit anecdotally personal here; I’ll try not to be too long winded, but it’s relevant, I promise lol): 
I had an (unspoken) kind of relationship like this with my best friend in my early/mid 20s. We have been best friends since I was 11, but something definitely shifted when we became adults, and I have to say, I ended up, quite unexpectedly, being deeply in love with my best friend...platonically. I didn’t want to date her. I didn’t want to sleep with her. But, I was totally devoted to her and we were each other’s person for years. We were each other’s assumed plus one for everything, we regularly did dinner dates, we gave each other super sentimental cards and specialized gifts on birthdays, we also regularly did domestic shit together like grocery shopping, errands, chores, house projects; you name it, we had it/did it. I mean we were even each other’s phone background for a while lmao. We never lived together, but we had keys to each other’s places. 
Now a lot of this shit can happen and does happen in standard friendships (maybe not the phone background thing; that was super gay ngl hahaha), but the thing that made this different was the level of assumed partnership going on between us. And the...energy. We would stare deeply into each other’s eyes. We had that magnetic kind of magic with each other, like no matter where the other is in the room, we find our way back to each other. And people literally perceived us as a couple. Hell, my other friends teased us about it. 
Any of this sound familiar?
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Oh and I DO find her to be attractive and even sexy. And we flirted (still do lolol) a LOT. 
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But I didn’t ever really.....actually want to have sex with her. Not that I would’ve even necessarily been opposed to it, because we were so close, but it just, wasn’t ever a desire for me.
This was interesting to experience, because I do identify as a lesbian, I have been romantically attracted to people, sexually attracted to people, and the two, as society expects, do usually go hand in hand for me. But with her, I honestly could’ve seen forever; like being exactly as we were, as life partners, I could’ve even seen myself raising kids with her, and I would have been TOTALLY, GENUINELY content with it, ‘cause my relationship with her filled me up in a way nothing else has. This was confusing as all hell to me for a long time, because I didn’t have a name for this until recently when I learned about the concept of Queerplatonic Relationships which again supersede friendship and often are life partnerships, but aren’t inherently romantic or sexual, even though they are quite deep. I actually think QPRs speak to that “limitless” “otherwise undefinable” kind of relationship dynamic. 
Sooo - and I promise I’m wrapping my story up - when my bff met her current boyfriend, which is her first super serious adult relationship, I didn’t quite experience jealousy, I mean I always envisioned a romantic partnership for her, and I still want that for me! Buuuut...my feelings were complicated because it’s like...I had to mourn what I lost, as our dynamic inherently changed, and the fact that I wasn’t her person anymore. Weird thing to process indeed. Also *ahem* SOUND FAMILIAR?
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Without getting too carried away here (oh who am I kidding, I already have 😂) for comparison’s sake, I actually went through a crazy ass heartbreak with someone, also while I was in my mid 20s; someone to whom I WAS romantically, sexually, spiritually, connected and attracted. I mean I was IN LOVE with this woman and she broke my heart by not fully reciprocating my feelings and not wanting to be with me. I thought I was gonna die when we stopped talking. Hell, it’s been years and I still think about her. 
But if you were to ask me who the true love. of. my. life. has been so far...I’d pick my best friend! 
The funny thing is I think a LOT of women end up in these kinds of dynamics, ESPECIALLY queer women, maybe even more so queer women who form super close relationships to “straight” women (gotta put str8 in quotes ‘cause...this shit is inherently queer even though it’s not romantic/sexual). You all know what I’m talking about; You’d do anything for each other, there’s chemistry, connection, and care, yet it doesn’t quite fit into any box you try to give it. People read you as a couple. You know this about yourselves, and you just...accept it. Because what you have is actually beyond any label. You know?
Anyway, I think there’s actually something cool and radical about this and I know that queer people want and deserve romantic and sexual representation, but I think this IS an accurate kind of representation that happens all the time that isn’t appropriately covered or discussed in media.
In hindsight, I think that’s what really hooked me on R&I. I mean, I started watching ‘cause I thought they were lesbians, and I kept watching ‘cause I thought it would be canon! And yeah, I still think about what could’ve been with them: fanfiction is good for that. But why do I still watch the actual show? Well...I LIVED it. 
Now: do I think that Maura and Jane often tip the scales a lil’ TOOOOO far in the explicitly gay direction on this show? Oh hell yes! Do I think you can interpret them as two people who are madly in love, romantically, with each other, yet are too scared to do anything about it? Oh hell yes! Like I said I do ship Rizzles. BUT, if I’m honest about what is FULLY, CANONICALLY being portrayed, no subtext, ALL maintext: It’s 10000% a QPR. 
So no: Maura Isles and Jane Rizzoli are certainly not JUST friends. They aren’t just colleagues, although their work relationship is just as powerful and awe inspiring as their personal one. They aren’t really like sisters, although they can quarrel like siblings at times. They aren’t truly romantic, although they are essentially life partners. They aren’t in a sexual relationship with each other; not that it couldn’t go there, but I also see how it wouldn’t need to go there, and how that doesn’t diminish the bond at all. They have something that I recognize -and something I think perhaps many of us recognize too- something beyond definition, because at the core of it they are true-blue soulmates who share a kind of unconditional love that is rarely found in ANY kind of relationship. If there is a definition that comes close to summing this kind of thing up: Queerplatonic Relationship is the answer!
Idk just felt like sharing this. Thanks for reading 🤓
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maoam · 2 years
I looked up sns naruto and found this 🤢
'Otp: thank you' 🤣
There's so much to unpack here. Kishimoto showed over and over again that Sakura does not care about Sasuke as a person nor what he wants.
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Sakura making Sasuke's revenge about her and Sasuke noticing it.
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2. Sakura noticing her tactics don't work and doing a full 180 on her arguments, because Sasuke's well-being isn't what's important to her, but that Sasuke is with her. She's being totally irrational here.
So, Sakura did not care what Sasuke wanted or what was good for him at this point of the story.
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3. Instead of bothering to find out WHY Sasuke was suddenly acting the way he was, she comes up with this brilliant plan /sarcasm/ where she lies to Naruto that she likes him to get him to stop chasing Sasuke, drugs her comrades and leaves them unconscious in the forest, and tries to stab Sasuke with a poisoned kunai. Twice.
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4. She heard "the truth about Itachi" and heard Sasuke yelling about how Konoha is responsible for his misery but she never once bothered to ask anyone present what was that all about. Because her main concern was always just to get into Sasuke's pants. That's her defining character trait, and that's how she is written. And you guys think she would be revolutionary hahaha.
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5. Sasuke gave a speech on how he wants CHANGE and despite witnessing all this Sakura decided to start screaming how much she loves him and if he stays with her things can go back to the way they were! Literally where do you see this girl care about what Sasuke wants? Even the most simple stuff she doesn't understand. It's spelled out to her and she doesn't listen.
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6. Despite Sasuke wanting to travel alone and think about things, Sakura chased after him because she was thirsty. And no amount of either rude or polite rejections will stop her.
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7. Sasuke made it very clear it's only Naruto he cares about deeply. Sakura won't affect his loneliness.
You can make all headcanons you want how Sasuke would change his opinion of Sakura but Kishimoto wrote him to have a negative opinion of her in the end, and he wrote Sakura as a shallow and selfish person. Sasuke gave her a chance in part 1, but noticed she won't change from her shallow ways. That's why the "you're annoying" keeps coming. Because she is annoying and ignorant and doesn't care what Sasuke tells her. Sasuke is shown to be perceptive countless times in the story, and his judgement of Sakura was correct as well.
P.S. Please don't compare Darcy and Sakura. That's an insult to Darcy and Jane Austen lol.
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etheartist · 1 year
Falloutober -Day 4- Daddy-O
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"Ahhhh, There she is...the new rough and tumble merc that's made her way into town...word around is that you took down those raider punks messing with the Green Jewel, something about a missing girl case that good 'ol Nicky was working on."
"Word gets around fast apparently...last I heard not much is shared between Diamond City and Goodneighbor."
"Well you heard right, some people can't seem to stand a little..leeway."
"Mhmm...I got the message you sent, something about a job you had on offer, paying really well?"
"Oooh, straight to business? Guessing you're one of the more serious types...Miss...?"
"Doe....Jane Doe."
"Not your real name I take it?"
"It isn't, but that shouldn't matter to you, what should matter is knowing what I can do."
Hehehe, ohhhhh I like you...Gotta admit I was skeptical when I heard Jerrets Gang got wiped by some punk with one leg and one eye, but then I heard more and more about you as the month went by. And I gotta say, I'm impressed now that i got a look at ya."
"Glad to know I'm not disappointing the stoner running a town..."
"HAHAHA!!! And she's got a sense of humor after all! Hoohoo...I really think this will be the start of a very beneficial relationship."
".....I hope so as well..."
"So...the Job...ah, but first, some relaxants, want a hit?"
"No, but you mind if i smoke?"
"Heh! That a trick question?"
(I am very far behind, College is handing me my ass, i am happy with colour but i hate the hands...also a look at one of my Fallout PC's. so yay.)
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alexdelray1 · 1 year
Hobie Brown x Reader
-Did you know there is a universe where Mary Jane died because she slept with Peter?- I tried to say it quietly to Hobie.
-What the hell?- Miles said. Most people in the room looked at me like I was a fish with legs except Miguel. He got used to my strange texts.
-Why are you staring at me like celebrity children at paparazzi? Do you know how many documents I see here every day about strange deaths of Spider-men and girls? You don't know how to joke. - I said and sipped my coffee. I sat down at my desk.
I'm Reader Acker. I have no powers and I am not the mastermind behind the operation. I'm Miguel's secretary. And you will think. Why does Miguel need a secretary when he has Layla? All things, documents and morning coffee for Miguel are not just about technology. I had a shitty life without a job, so when I discovered that our dear hero needed a secretary who would keep the secrets of the multiverse and other boring things, I immediately agreed. And you will once again ask how such a great mind as me got into such a position. Others did not see my genius in sarcasm, shit talking and gossip, but for our Migueś it was enough that I would work here for a long time and that I did not want to open up to people.
My desk is so comfortable. Ahhh. If I stay sober for a few more days, maybe I'll get a raise. I will buy a new expansion pack for The Sims 4.
-Reader!- Miles ran to my desk.
-Hello, Miles. What do you want? Love advice or a book called 'How to cope with Uncle Ben's death'? - I asked, smiling.
-I need documents about my earth.- he said, shaking.
-Relax. And what number is it? - I asked, looking for documents in the locker.
-1610. Thank you for your help.- he said. I slowly handed him his documents and took them at the last second.
-Hahaha! I was just making fun of you! Do you seriously think I'll give you these important documents for any reason? Haha! - I laughed and he crossed his arms.
-Please, Reader. I need it! - he begged me.
-And I need Pedro Pascal in my bed. We both can't have what we want. - I said, raising my arms.
-I'll get you a date with Hobie. - Desperate Miles suggested it to me.
-Yeah! Now we're talking seriously! Tell Hobie that there's a horny, sexy chick with big bimbos sitting at my desk who was asking about him. - I said and gave him these documents.
-But that would be a bit untrue.- said Miles, holding the briefcase. I stood up and put my finger to his mouth.
-Shhhhhh. You have a briefcase, so I have a figurine of Hobie's ex-girlfriend. Only better. Now go tell the news! - I almost slapped him on the butt, pushing him to the door.
-It's illegal!- he said, walking to the door.
-And what happened when your mother did that to you? Exactly. You see, I'm not getting any younger. Poor old Reader wants to know what it's like to experience another tsunami of excitement! - I said.
-You're 19 years old, Miles commented.
-So, go grab your pacifier and tell Hobie that I'm waiting for him here. - I looked in the mirror.
-But should I tell him that this sexy girl with bimbos is waiting for him, or are you? Because, you know, they're completely different people. - Miles joked.
-You know what? It's obvious that you have some kind of ADHD if you can't handle such an easy task. Just tell him I'm waiting for him here. - I said, waving my hand.
-But you can call him here yourself.- he said.
-Miles. Tell me. What's the point of me taking the first step into something that doesn't have a bed scene in it? Exactly. And now I say goodbye! - I said and Miles ran out of my office.
Where is Hobie? It's already been 10 minutes and he can come here in 2 seconds. What if he doesn't think I'm interesting enough for him? Or maybe that damn Miles didn't tell him? I will kill and crush! Wait! My watch, I forgot about it.
-Reader! 5 minutes ago there was a call for all Spider-men and women to catch Miles! - said Layla as I turned on the watch and put it on my wrist.
-That's bad…- I commented.
-Miles somehow found the code from the machine and is now in another universe! And you are the only person who knows and has all these codes… - said Layla suspiciously.
-Oh shit.- I said. I took a rope from the ceiling with a 'people holder' (I don't know how to spell it) and attached myself to it.
-Reader what are you doing?- Layla asked.
-Layla I knew it would come one day so this is my little insurance policy against such an event. I'm going on vacation until Miguel calms down and stops thinking that his canon moment is to kill me.- I said. I jumped out the window and started climbing down the building, attached to a rope.
-I'm sorry, Reader. We've got your locatio-- before Layla could finish, I took off my watch and thrown it off.
-I'm sorry, Layla.- I said and started lowering myself on the rope.
Suddenly the rope stopped working.
-What is it?- I looked up. Oh fuck. Pissed off, Miguel started pulling the rope up with me without trying too hard.
-Oh shit.- I said to myself. I looked down. I saw a portal opening several meters below me.
I looked up at the angry Miguel who had the usual 'Don't even think about it' written in his eyes.
-Adios tio!- I shouted and unfastened myself from the rope. I landed in another universe, or rather in someone's arms. I opened my eyes and…
-Hobie!- I shouted with joy.
-I wouldn't leave you to your fate for this fascist.-
Sorry, I haven't checked it, so there may be some mistakes or something.
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liviavanrouge · 6 days
Arina: We should do a triple date!!
Jane: Oh? That sounds like a lovely idea!
Stellia: It does! Me and Lycaon could do with a day out!
Arina: YAY! I'll see if Seth is free, you know he likes to get extra shifts!
Jane: Sounds good!
Stellia: Mhm, hehehe!
Seth: A triple date?
Arina: *Nods, a towel wrapped around her* Yeah! Me and you, my brother and Jane, Stellia and her husband, we wanna do a dinner date!
Arina: Oh, do you have a shift, bubs?!
Seth: NONONO! It's not that it's just..
Arina: Hm?
Seth: Jane?
Arina: Yes...she's dating my brother..
Seth: But.....Jane...
Arina: *Laughs* Seth!
Seth: No, no, I'm serious.....Jane?
Arina: HAHAHA! Yes, Seth!
Seth: *Sighs* I'll come, for you
Arina: *Presses a kiss to his cheek, patting his chest* Thank you bubs
Erik: Triple date?
Jane: Mhm, me and the girls wanna plan a fun day out, a dinner date to be precise~
Erik: Jane, I don't know if I could get a day off for that..
Jane: Oh, that's a shame..but if your job calls for you I can't do anything about it
Erik: *Glances at her tail noticing it was going down* Hm...
Erik: Maybe I could take a day off for this day out, you girls can figure out the date and time of the date and I'll see if my schedule can be cleared
Jane: *Hugs Erik* Alright, then~
Erik: *Chuckles as she pressed a kiss to his cheek*
Jane: Thank you~
Lycaon: You and your friends are planning a triple date?
Stellia: Mhm! Cayla couldn't come because she has an upcoming concert and Lighter will be with her! So it's just us!
Lycaon: *Chuckles* You're looking forward to this aren't you?
Stellia: I am, Belle wants to spend time with her goddaughter and Wise has some new movies to show his godson
Lycaon: That sounds lovely, we can drop them off with those two
Stellia: *Giggles, smiling wide*
Lycaon: *Chuckles, smiling down at her*
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Ya know what? You challenged me to send you more ideas, so here I am! I wanna hear the epic love story that takes place between Showbit and Slashley. Does he take his chainsaw to dates at fancy restaurants and then use her to kill all the staff? Does he kiss her under the light of the full moon? Is their relationship lethally toxic and problematic??? I wanna hear about what this man is doing to his chainsaw!
Also everyone who reads this is legally obligated to leave nice comments on Bugsy's other stories! He's a great writer and deserves more praise
Features: Showbit, Slashley, random sacrificial Jane Doe Warnings: Blood, mild violence
There’s only one thing that Showbit loves as much as himself, which is quite the tall order. Sure, he’d found her at a hardware store, but he’d really made her his own. It had taken time of course, even though it was love at first sight, certain things about her needed to be tweaked. He could not have her wearing orange, it clashed with his usual red suit, so he got her redressed in red. He gave her diamonds. He gave her rubies. He carved a heart right through her, and he renamed her. Something more modern. He renamed her Slashley… Though Stabitha was a close second.
All of this would have been disturbing if it was to a woman, but Slashley is a chainsaw. A completely inanimate chainsaw. And for some reason, Showbit is downright smitten with it.
“Well would you look at that bloodspray! Hahaha! Beautiful!”
Showbit threw his head back with a loud, howling laugh as he drove his beloved Slashley through some unfortunate Jane Doe on his show. She’d been his co-host of the week, but that was irrelevant. He’d gotten an itch for violence, and Slashley always provided. The revving of her engine sounded like a love song to him, the blood spraying on his face a welcome bonus.
When the show cut to commercial, he was meticulous in cleaning her, murmuring sweet nothings to Slashley as he replaced her chain. “Sweet thing, you’re doing so good for me today… Let’s get you cleaned up, you pretty thing you…” Carefully wiping the blood off her plastic exterior, he couldn’t stop the smile that bubbled up, seeing his reflection in one of the many rubies he’d glued to her casing. “Oh look at you! You’re gorgeous baby! You know I can’t get enough of you, especially when you look like this!”
He hugged Slashley, smitten. “Tell you what, how about we go out after work, yeah? We could go find some of the bastards running Slaughterama and chop em’ up! God, they’re so fucking annoying- You know they ripped off my show completely, yeah? We’re the number one red room, not them!” He barked out, rage bubbling up.
“U-Uhm- Ten- Ten seconds to end of commercial-” An unfortunate Jane Doe tried to talk to him, but that just ended with Slashley going clean through her abdomen.
Showbit growled, standing up and wiping Slashley as clean as he could with his sleeve, putting on a smile as he strode onto his stage. “Welcome back everyone, time to spin the Wheel of Depravity! I hope it lands on Slash and Dash~”
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anthrofreshtodeath · 1 year
Missionary only once a week! Hahaha I feel like your Jane likes missionary way more than that but tbh she seems to just like whatever Maura wants. Such a pleaser when it comes to Maura I think. Does she do needy things for Maura lien attend seminars or conferences? Does Maura get into the Red Sox or is she more interested in football, neither? What remains opposite no matter the love they have for one another? What they fight about? Rizzoli is such a stubborn it makes me laugh and I imagine Maura loves to have fun with that too
The way I write (and see) Jane is that most of the time she’s feeling lucky to even be in the same bed as Maura’s private parts 😂
This is an interesting set of questions regarding opposites: I 100% believe that Jane guards several close nerdy secrets about her interests and if Maura found conferences about the Salem Witch Trials or sports medicine, Jane would go. She’d gripe about it, but go and like it. She just has such a hard time sitting still.
I wrote an entire fic about Maura getting into sabermetrics because I wholeheartedly believe that if she were exposed to baseball that way, she’d fall in love with it. I believe she is against American football because of CTE and racism.
Jane will never be a morning person like Maura. She will also always be messy and disorganized while Maura needs everything in its place. Maura will never feel one hundred percent comfortable in sloppy, casual clothes, and Jane hates to dress up (but that blue suit? Papi vamos pa’ la cama, dime que hay 🫦). Jane will always be quick to anger and yelling while Maura is slow to it and prefers the silent treatment.
They have to fight about Jane’s slobbish tendencies, I know they do. So they argue (explosively as 3x01 and 3x02 taught us), but then Jane leaves little apology post it notes in her cute all caps handwriting on the coffee maker to make up. More seriously, I think they fight about money because of the huge disparity (though a detective’s salary is nothing to sneeze at with the time Jane’s put in. It just doesn’t compare to millions). I think they fight about Jane not being safe at work. I think makeup sex works for them because sometimes they both struggle to express in words how they’re feeling (hence Pyrite and CMWHS). Jane is supremely stubborn, but so is Maura so I agree with you that they both probably have fun with that.
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hakureiryuu · 1 year
part 1
episode 2, and I just noticed the episode titles that call the flashback b plots minisodes. what's that about?
not-quite-a-liveblog ahoy!
crowley looks so effing weird in this outfit?? maybe it's the glasses, they're so anachronistic, almost steampunk.
I actually thought he was talking about isaac or something here lol
birds flying away after crowley firebombs the goats lmao
saying that eve was the first human birth implies that she is adam's daughter???? which I guess makes about as much sense as a single breeding pair populating the planet, we all know how much inbreeding that would take.
(side note: I remember this Flood adaptation movie that had emma watson in it. noah wanted to kill off all the humans and just let the animals survive. he said while watson was pregnant that if her twin kids were boys, they could live and humans would just die out. but if they were girls who could grow up to be mothers, he would kill them. and I'm like, implying that their father/grandfather/uncles would be the ones impregnating them? nevermind the incest, what about the age gap??? but anyway)
ofc when gabriel claimed to be an expert in human birth I immediately thought of mary, but that hasn't happened yet. I mean it makes sense that this idiot would think eve counts, but couldn't he at least make it to cain??
there's something to be said about this story and elspeth's story connecting virtue with economic status. aziraphale appears to think about that when it's pointed out, but takes entirely the wrong lesson from it, as we see with elspeth later.
"but no one would ever find them- actually that's a great idea" it reads as aziraphale not wanting to deal with gabe's bullshit rather than agreeing with it, as though he hasn't done variations of the same thing for years. I still laughed tho XD
oh hey, "every day" was gonna be the original opening song for the first season! what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
this was the point where I was like "why the hell is crowley just hanging out in that same alleyway all the time? wait a goddamn minute, did shax take his apartment?!"
it's so cute how maggie takes aziraphale's social cluelessness in stride.
the jukebox at the resurrectionist is just like the bently turning cds into queen, what a cute reference that will likely have little to no further relevance!
trumpets sound, archangels approach.
saraquel miraclling a ramp lmao
gabriel's attempts at flyswatting never work!!!!!!
I'm assuming all those newspaper clipping say "every day" etc? for some reason? someone correct me if I'm wrong, I would really love to know.
also why is he DRAWING gabriel? later he just needed it to show someone, but why not take a picture? I'm sure you have an ancient camera where you have to hide under a blanket lying around somewhere.
shooing motion miracle at the pub, hahaha
I was a good deal sus of this plan to ship nina and maggie when nina already has a partner, but that was before I realized lindsay is a piece of shit. still, it's not like they know that either! ineffable homewreckers, they are.
everyone's talked about how crowley's first thought re: romance is taking shelter from the rain 😊
but my asexual brain is somehow always teetering over the gutter, so when he said "get them wet" I blinked a bit XDD
"you think you know someone..." "she had balls!" "what?"
actually it wasn't a what, it was a well. as in "well that's not relevant to my point" like, sir, did you know this already? in what context??
meanwhile back in job's era they're having a bit of a tense discussion. this is explicitly after the flood so it makes sense that aziraphale absolutely does not believe that crowley wants to kill some kids. I wonder why lying is such a big theme in this episode? I haven't been able to really boil it down yet.
aziraphale's smug grin really breaks the tension though XDD
jemimah is adorable. the others are the product of rich parents.
these two are playing chicken with children's lives, but hey, it's about the trust 😌
"can I be a blue one?" I love her
aziraphale discovering food is so deliberately gross, why this?
so many complicated feelings from both of them about god actually talking to someone.
god's pronouns are she/they, approved.
crowley says see you in hell but the next day when sitis is about to flip god off he says actually let's walk this all back pfffft
"reach into his robes... no, higher."
when a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they share a very special hug...
aziraphale stating flat out with no equivocation that gabriel was awful is such a huge step forward for him 😊
(while pausing to write this I noticed that john hamm is credited simply as jim, love that for him)
this is the 2nd time aziraphale has insisted "our" in the face of crowley's "my" I'm sobbing
good omens inside good omens, gomensception
aziraphale really took that "see you in hell" seriously though huh.
the gentle, simple way he says "I don't think you'd like it" hurts me and heals me.
"you're not like me because you're a demon, you're like me because you don't want to toe the party line." y'know lining up their meetings - the wall of eden, the ark, and now this - must paint a very interesting picture of aziraphale for crowley. we always thought that crowley fell for this angel nigh immediately and spent the rest of time orbiting him. now I think aziraphale fell into crowley's orbit, and crowley gradually learned more and more contradictory (and therefore interesting) things about him. like the shelter of the wing, it's all reversed in this season.
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vcnusians · 5 months
NAME? . . . stephanie
PRONOUNS? . . . she / her only !
MOST ACTIVE MUSES? . . . lisa, cyndi, lydia (@bansheas), patti
RP PET PEEVES? . . . the bullying, sending hate, PLAGIARISM / stealing ocs (it's happened to me), taking someone's OC and using it for "x reader / yn" fics, the ostracism / deliberate exclusion if you're not in a "popular" clique, liking someone's starter call but never getting anything ever because i'm not deemed "cool" or popular enough
FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT? . . . anything as long as it's dramatic, something to keep building on, there's chemistry and it makes me feel something.
PLOTS OR MEMES? . . . both are great! memes are fun and have potential to evolve into threads and grow, but plotting is more specific and to the point and we can keep expanding on ideas and those small details and that can be really exciting. i do like direct communication, it's easier for me to process and helps me focus.
TIME TO WRITE? . . . in the early mornings, late evenings or on the days i don't see my boyfriend.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES? . . . it really depends on the material, what i have inspiration for and how my muses respond to them, but i can promise i will never give you the bare minimum! sometimes i'm "into" more things than others, or another muse is louder, but whatever comes out will be written with pure love.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S)? . . . cyndi, lisa, lydia and jane in different ways. cyndi with her sensitivity, intuition, obsession with beauty / fashion, her dreaminess and energy, her creative way of looking at things and how "venusian" she really is - she has aphrodite / venus vibes in the way she does everything with love. she has this deeply sensitive piscean energy that i vibe with. also she's got a thing for the "bad boys" and hahaha yep :))) lydia with her infinite levels of sass, bougie princess attitude, to-the-point straightforwardness, drama, "extra"-ness, high standards, can be a little bit of a brat when she doesn't get her way, knows what she wants and won't stop until she gets it but also highly sensitive and cares deeply for the people closest to her, and scary intelligent in a way that intimidates most of her peers. jane in the sense of being "different", the experience of having been bullied, having psychic abilities, being smarter and stronger than most "adults" give her credit for. she can seem superficial but she really isn't at heart. she has a way of "seeing through" people and knowing their secrets. yeah.... same. that's why i was drawn to these characters, i can relate. malia because she's a little socially "behind" after such a very different life experience and missing out on key adolescent milestones but also doesn't care about social norms, very blunt and has her own way of making sense of the world and other people, does and says what makes sense to her, a little rebellious, a little moody and mysterious but also funny, still healing from trauma that colored her life in every way but finding herself and knowing she can still have a good life. devi because she's always getting into one mess after another but still manages to have a good sense of humor about it. i would say loryn from valley girl, too, being a hopeless romantic but no one really knows who she is so i removed her from my muse list. cassie for having a big heart that's easily hurt, very emotional and sensitive, being a "lover girl". patricia for craving something different, adventure, wanting to live on the edge and have a taste of forbidden fruit, mystic psychic vibes.
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tagged by : no one but i saw this on @miercolaes and wanted to do it
tagging : you !!! but also tag me so i can read it because i'm curious <3
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gracekim03 · 10 months
Week 13 - script
Bea: girl did you hear that?
Jace: what? no?
Bea: No seriously I heard something. It sounded huge!
Jace: bruh... it's the ghosts
Bea: NO! It must be our neighbor Jane Doe!
Jace: No it can't be... Jane Doe and her dog moved out weeks ago.
Bea: There must be a second Jane Doe then. I promise you it was LOUD.
Jace: Girl... If there was John Doe x2, it'd be equal to an atomic bomb
Bea: HAHAHA. okay but still we should check it out
Jace: fine... Do I get anything from this?
Bea: No... actually maybe the new Adidas shoes I got
Jace: girl no. you cannot catch me wearing Adidas shoes. I would rather be barefoot
Bea: Just come with me. I don't wanna get murdered.
Jace: Fine. This one time.
Bea and Jace go to the apartment next door but find the door slightly open.
Jace: Go in. This is your plan.
Bea: Fine.... OH MY GOD
Jace: uh yeah we're gonna need to full-on ammonia biohazard whatever cleanse the apartment.
Bea: yeah. Ill grab the pot and the ammonia from the cabinet. You... I don't know stay.
Jace: Uh ok...
Bea goes to the apartment and grabs the pot, but cannot find the ammonia. Bea grabs a bottle that says liquid zombie.
Bea: huh. I guess this is a new name for ammonia. I mean it does smell like what a zombie would smell like. Whatever, I better run back
Bea: I have never ran that fast in my life. But why is the pot's handle broken?
Jace: because u dropped it when you were washing it.
Bea: Oh....
Jace: This is why you don't wash my stuff. but anyway, hurry up boil that ammonia.
Jace and Bea boil what they think is ammonia. They start to steam cleanse the apartment just in case.
Jace: ugh. This ammonia is burning my boogers!
Not even a second later both Jace and Bea pass out. About an hour later they awaken to something new.
Bea: dang. I guess that ammonia did the trick but now I'm ragingly hungry.
Jace: Me too. What you craving?
A man in a white jacket walks by
Jace & Bea: BRAINS!!
White jacket man: Whoa there. you've been contaminated. infected. A true zombie
Jace & Bea: WHAT!! WE"RE ZOMBIES?!?
Jace: okay... well im still hungry so come here
Bea: OMG you feastin tonight!
The man with a white jacket grabs the pot with the so call ammonia and knocks Jace unconscious.
Jace: ughh. man what happened.
Bea: girl you were knocked out
Jace: I know that but what happened.
Bea: YESSSS you were snoring and I was like DUCK YEAH
Jace: your making no sense. but when are you making sense. That's why I love you.
Bea stay livid queen!!!
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paleclementine · 11 months
Happy Halloween! It feels like October 2nd was just yesterday. This month went by crazy fast. Today I am dressed up as Joe from Bladerunner 2049, which basically is just a long black coat, brown pants, boots, and that bandage he wears during the "you look lonely, I can fix that" scene. I really like it. Idk it makes me feel sooo like, cool. Like my internal is now external. I really do feel like that movie and it's nice to listen to that kind of music and walk around with a "bloody" bandage on my nose and have my coat flare out behind me in the creeping winter cold.
I didn't manage to write my Shakespeare essay but that's okay because he extended the deadline. For some fuckin reason. I have to get that done by Thursday. So I'm not doing it today, and probably not tomorrow. Most likely the day of. Because that's how I roll. Oh and I;m in British writers class (obviously) HOLY FUCK how many fucking times can the people in my class reference Jane Eyre in one day?? it's literally not in the curriculum people are just teacher's pets. and freaks. Um anyway, I lost my train of thought lmao. But on another note As I was walking through campus I noticed literally NO ONE was dressed up until you got closer to the English building. lmao. Someone as their OC (probably), someone as Kobeni, someone as scarlet witch. And a really ugly guy in my class dressed as Dazai who looks more like an extreeeemely hungover and ugly version of him. Very sloppy. Do not approve.
I posted a new chapter of my fanfic which yayyy but I haven't gotten as many projected hits as I thought or a single comment which is odd because there's always one user who comments very enthusiastically. Eh, whatever. People have shit going on. ANd no one is going to be reading fanfic near Halloween. Other than me, of course, bc I am reading a longfic about Avatar bc Anthony got me back into it.
So anyway. This weekend. Me and Anthony went to SLC and stayed at Amy's. We ate ramen and hung out at Amy's house Thursday. It was really pleasant :) Friday we... uhhh I don't think we did much until we went to the FNAF movie. I could write a whole dissertation about how much I hated that movie, but all that to say, it was a huge let down. And no Markiplier! Sat we hung out with Amy and went to "witchfest" which was really fun and more like a farmer's market than a hallloweeen festival but still fun. Sorry for typos I'm being quiet. After that we got hotpot which was BUSSS. I'm getting better at talking to Amy but I'm not sure why. Sunday we literally did nothing but watch IT and eat In N Out. We got burritos and left yesterday.
Yesterday. Oh boy, yesterday. I walked into my apartment to go into my room and got stopped at the door by Priya, who gave me that -kayla-english-madeline-hubbart STARE and said
"HAnnah! We haven't seen you in so long!" "oh! I've been gone all weekend. HAhaha. For halloweekend. Hhaha." "ohhhh did you go to the parties down there?" "*scoffs for some reason* no, haha, not at all." "You should hang out sometime!" "okay :)" "no seriously, you should hangout sometime." "I want to!" "Okay!" "Okay!" which, okay, I can see what you're thinking. Hannah, she was being so nice and inviting you to hang out with them! You don't know how girls work. She said it like a threat, or at least it felt like one.
Anyway, I go into my room, tidy it a little, check to see if I can do my laundry (for the first fucking time in three weeks. It''s full). Take out my room trash. Shower. All the while, hearing them in the living room. I want to document what Jimena said because I seriously think she is the least self-aware, miserable person I fucking know. "People always think I'm bisexual. But Im straight. Straight latinaaaaa! but when I'm drunk, I'll seriously make out with anyone. Even girls." like. holy fuck. How does she not realize how actually fucking (and I don't use this work lightly) RETARDED she sounds. Also, Stephen got a girlfriend (fatJay, who is not fat at all and Jimena is a cunt for calling her that) and Jimena bought mini pickles and said "hey guys! this is how big Stephen's penis is!" Yeah okay bitch who led him on and was a completely fucking mess----- okay, ranting about her is cathartic but pissing me off. So basically, they were really annoying and sang star spangled banner at the top of their lungs on a karaoke machine from Five Below and burped like Hailey does, so I pledged not to come out of my room until everyone had gone to bed. Which would have been fine.
If not for the migraine.
Always the fucking migraine. I holed myself away in actual anguish, waiting for them to go to bed, all the while watching depressive tiktoks (I redownloaded it) of landscapes with Silent Hill audios n shit. and I can't express how much I was suffering and for how long. My suffering and my migraine were what I remember most about the night, despite the details I shared about my roommates. everyone went to bed at 3am. I darted out to get some water. And my chickpeas. Anthony came over and brought my leftover burrito. I broke down in his arms. I seriously felt like i had knives on the right side of my face. He tucked me in and I fell asleep. At 5:30 am. Had a dream where someone was drilling peoples faces and realized it was my rommates with the blender and woke up 15 minutes before my alarm at 11:15. Got dressed. Blade runner. Went to class.
well, that was depressing. *zooms in camera like a millennial*
On a lighter note, today is me and Anthony's second anniversary. I have no Idea what we're going to do for that tomorrow or for Halloween today, but I really like being blade runner. It's fun. I want to make a tiktok of me in the mountains and post it later.
I'm so glad I met Anthony. I love him more than I can express. I want to write about him later. I will.
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alexdelray1 · 1 year
Hobie x F Reader Part 2.
Part one is there.
Two people started petition for part 2 and I'm not the kind of person who ignores petitions, so here you go. EAT IT MHA HAHAHA!
-Hobie?!- I shouted with surprise and happiness.
-I wouldn't leave you to your fate for this fascist.- he says with a smile.
-Thanks for saving me. I thought he was going to do something to me or something, but you know, I could handle it somehow. - I said and casually freed myself from his arms. I looked around the room.
-Pavitr? Gwen? Peter? Peter B? Peni? And that cool spider-pig? What are you doing here? Ooooh, are you stalking us? I understand, I understand. - I joked.
-Funny and we all got together to save Miles. We decided that since you betrayed Miguel, you would side with us. - Gwen said, walking up to me.
-Interesting take on my behavior. But now I know your plans and I can tell them for Miguel! - I zoomed the camera drastically towards me (get the hell away from the 4th wall). Everyone looked at me in shock, ready to fight.
-Don't worry, I'm just making fun of you. "I'll tell it to Miguel!" Hahaha! He doesn't even listen to himself. - I made a joke.
-I had a heart attack.- Peni said and made her 'anime kawaii' smiley.
-Peni, you're sweet. Never meet your comic book version or I'll get depressed watching another Evangelion. (Greetings to the guys who knows). - I said and they all looked at me.
A moment of silence.
-Sorry, fourth wall. Tell us what our plan is. - I replied and we returned to the serious matter.
-All right. As we all know, Miles was sent to some universe and Miguel is hunting him down. First, we need to know what universe he is in. - Gwen said and I raised my hand.
-Yes, Reader?- Gwen asked.
-I'm guessing he's on Earth 42.- I said.
-Why 42?- asked Peter.
-I often stalk there - - ahem, ahem, I look at Miles from that earth and there is no Spider-man or anything like that on it and Miles is hot there - - ahem, ahem, bad. - I replied while looking at Hobie. He's so flyable.
-So 42. Okay, but what do we do first? Do we save Miles or fight Miguel? - Gwen asked.
-It's best to distract him and fight him on some other earth that is already destroyed.- Peni said.
-But how will we find one?- asked Peter B.
-Do you remember that earth where Miguel switched places with his dead body? This is earth 96099. There is not a living soul there. And the memories may weaken him.- I said.
-So Earth 96099. I guess that's all. Are there any other questions?- Gwen asked. I raised my hand.
-Do you like 'Girl in Red'?- I asked her.
-Who does not like? Here we go with the action-- Gwen couldn't finish her sentence.
-Wait! We have to make a shout! Stand around and one hand on the other. - I said and they did so out of curiosity.
-My hands are wet because I just washed them.- said Spider-Pig. I placed my hand just above Hobie's hand.
-Okay, now. Be aggressive! Be aggressive! I said be aggressive! - I shouted and we raised our hands.
-Thanks Reader for your… help. We'll be going bye.- Gwen said, and everyone except Hobie went up to the roof.
-You're not going?- I asked him.
-Relax. I just want to give you something. - he said and took something out of his pocket. It was a piece of paper with his number on it.
-Why do I need this?- I asked him and he smiled.
-Give it to the horny chick with the big boobs. Bye.- he said and my jaw dropped.
-No, I am joking. This is for you. - he said and went out the window.
There won't be any more parts of this, but I hope you enjoyed it. I didn't check. BAJLANDO!
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amazing-spiderling · 1 year
👀 Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
🧠 What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Do you have any WIPs that you would never let see the light of day? If yes, what are they about?
I have probably 5-10 trashy Spideypool AU's that are like... freeform plot outlines (enough detail that someone could easily take them and flesh out the story from beginning to end, some including dialogue or ending scenes etc). Stripper AUs, ABO lab experiment with a side of dubcon AUs, abusive caste system AU, that kind of thing. Hilariously little porn and probably way too much plot for any of them to hit with an audience, and while I'm a "never say never" kind of person, I'm more motivated to work on other projects at the moment.
What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
The fics I lovingly refer to as "the weird ones". Every so often I will have a funky little idea for an au or something and it compells me in the late hours and I just have to get it out of my brain, target audience be damned. For Metal Gear this was "Rat in a Foxhole", which was an AU that imagined if hackerman/guy in the chair Otacon had been (stupidly) enrolled in the same military program as Solid Snake. An alternate first meeting story that ended in a way that brought it more in line with established canon (albeit with some added layers). This was one that sprung into my brain almost fully formed when I saw some art by the talented @polmcarts and I just had to write it.
For Spideypool it's "The Man in the Mask"- a story that ended up being oddly prophetic on my part. It was a story I wrote when I was processing my own anger about the detention camps at the border, but the AU involves a world ending pandemic... I wrote this in 2017 mind. It's a bit of a "bottle episode" that deals with a Wade who has more or less given up and has resigned himself to be shunted around wherever people throw him and a Peter who has given up being Spider-Man because the world needs him as a researcher more than it does a hero.
Since these were stories I wrote entirely for myself, it's really touching when they resonate with other people- for any reason, because it feels like we're connecting for personal reasons that come from something beyond fandom, and I think that's neat.
Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
Hahaha, I have witnessed people dunking on multiple/split POV fics quite a bit. But I tend to co-write with others a lot, often in the form of RP (written with the intent of becoming a fic) so this is in inevitability. Stories do spend a lot of time in edits to make sure that there is a flow and to minimize confusion on who is doing/thinking what in any given moment, and I like to think I've gotten better at that with practice. I actually think my skills as an editor have grown as much as a writer. Maybe more, haha.
I'm probably not inclined to stop doing this any time soon. I enjoy the collaborative process way too much.
What’s an idea you have that you can’t quite call a WIP yet?
Murderdock and the Mary Janes isn't even an outline, it's just vibes. Since I don't even have a "rambled to my buddy at 3 am in a DM" plotline hashed out so much as "oh and you know what else would be good" pings in my head, I don't think it's really a WIP. Like, the ingredients are in the fridge but I haven't started cooking.
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“Lure of the Spider,” Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1985), #120.
Writer: Terry Kavanagh; Penciler: Steven Butler; Inkers: Randy Emberlin and Don Hudson; Colorist: Kevin Tinsley; Letters: Loretta Krol, Jeff Powell, and Susan Crespi
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earl-of-221b · 3 years
Genuinely one of the funniest and most Oh No moments in Daniel Craig James Bond is in Casino Royale where he sweats over a card game for like over 20 mins, then ends up losing all his money to the bad guy because his pride got in the way and he gets his little drink, the server asks how he’d like it done, and like Yikes, he’s like, I have just made the British government directly finance terrorism I lost millions of dollars I am getting throttled by my elderly boss I looked stupid in front of my crush, “Shaken or stirred?” “Does it look like I give a damn?”
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