#hahaha and i was gonna watch a charity stream at 9
eyewussjack · 5 years
the fluffiest hcs you got in stock. suffocate us. or else no more toby.
So it's either commit murder or lose my rights to a fictional character
Yall ready to get die?
Starting off with the king of cuddles
don't mind the tics. if you do, get the fuck out
You can squeeze this bad boy as much as you want, he can take it
He loves to sing, but won't admit it. so expect soft hums of "careless whisper" and attempted hushed singing of "death of a batchelor"
He will always be the big spoon
he doesn't care if someone's 12 times bigger than him or 12 times smaller than him, he will be the big spoon and there's nothing you can do about it
He's like a puppy, in a lot of ways
whines for attention
constantly at your side
always begging for a bite of food
loyal to the end
barks at literally nothing
overly protective
will attempt to crush you with his entire bodyweight
slobbers all over your face when covering you in kisses
can and will kill someone
Just before you wake up he will ask Eyeless to make breakfast then bring it up to you and say he made it
Seriously, play with his hair
He loves chillin in bed with a nice few piles of comics, some chill beats, and a bunch of fluffy things
My personal lil Tobster is asexual, but extremely romantic and emotional so that's why he's such a puppy
he is incapable of admitting he cares, because he doesn't wanna get attached and then get hurt again
Beautiful beast think he ugly
once, he spent an entire night in the bathroom, staring at himself in the mirror and insulting himself while crying a goddamn ocean
it's okay, BEN found him and bought him an ice cream after a few more hours of intense crying and much support
If you're having a hard time falling asleep, he will gladly do anything from knocking you unconscious to making dumb faces just to help you out
He enjoys a soft, teasing brush of the lips before he starts ravaging your mouth like it's the end of the damn world
He. loves. bathbombs.
the glittery ones especially
He owns a bunch of pastel sweatshirts and hoodies because Toby and Jane keep getting them for him every gift-giving holiday. Christmas, Easter, his birthday, anniversaries...
He has a sweet spot for anyone who puts on his clothing
and anyone who knows how to make terrible jokes
He will protect the heck out of everyone he loves
"Yeah, sex is great, but have you ever met Toby?"
He loves snuggling, but refuses to do it. unless he's in a really good mood or really needs it.
he loves it when others play video games with him. makes him feel wanted.
He tries to be a big spoon but he knows his place
He's a chill, "woah what" kinda stoner
but he's trying to cut back on the weed
He really loves brownies. not modified brownies. just straight up brownies.
Strong Taylor Swift stan
Every time he brings home someone new, he always thinks that they're "the one". then, the next morning, he throws them out as soon as possible, realizing that there was never a connection.
He slowly melts over long, sensual kisses. the ones where you just feel the others lips gliding against your own.
Two ferrets. Brown one named Princess Mini Mints (aka Minty, Princess, or Mini Bini), and a grey one named Navi (aka Don't fucking eat that).
On rainy days, he and Eyeless like to sit by the large, floor to ceiling window in the library, sipping hot cocoa/coffee n just... doin whatever. from smoking to making up some sick lyrics for Toby to try out
he really likes going for casual midnight strolls. no particular intentions in mind, he just wants some fresh air and to not have blood stain his hands with its ickiness for one night.
His ideal date is going to see the musical Legally Blonde.
he would have you watch the movie, but that's only because of Reese Witherspoon.
He's a fuck up and he knows it, but everyone still loves him.
it'd be pretty hypocritical if they didn't.
He absolutely loves chewing gum and blowing bubbles. he loves it even more when someone comes up and pops it.
He never kisses back. if he does, it was only because he let his guard down, and he will feel extremely embarrassed about it.
His absolute favorite person is Slenderman. Slender is his new dad.
Smile and him can detect each other's feelings and thoughts from miles away. Jeff is sad and needs a cuddle buddy? Smile's there. Smile somehow escaped the house under everyone's radar and got stuck outside in the rain? Jeff's got the door.
and the ability to whine until Slender gives in and installs a doggy door.
He's always, always fighting back the need to apologize every single time he sees Liu or Jane. he's afraid they won't forgive him. but, in all honesty, he doesn't blame em.
she loves snuggling up with her girls and a nice cup of hot tea, laying in a pile of soft, fluffy pillows, and binge watching Riverdale or Supernatural
She adores oversized t-shirts
and Toby.
Toby is her son and she will do anything to protect him. all because the first day she arrived, she told him what happened between her and Jeff, and he kicked Jeff in the crotch.
She loves doing makeup challenges with Nina. Jeff is their resource.
Long, passionate kisses followed by a bunch of duckling kisses please
EJ and her did a matching costume thing one halloween. She was an angel, he was a demon. he bought her a pair of angel wings and everything.
Toby was their adopted werewolf son.
"why can't friends adopt a 19yo psycho kid together?"
she has a goldfish named Basically.
They let her plant a lemon tree in the backyard and yeah she's a tree mother of three now. lemon, orange, and cherry (apple died :[ )
She really wants to get into photography
Her favourite thing to bake is banana bread
no-one but her, Toby, Laughing Jack and Brian will eat it. it's usually gone before anyone can get a piece since they're such suckers.
Cigarette daydreams and im closing my eyes are her favourite songs to blow smoke with BEN to
Quick pecks on the face and neck have her giggled
Loving someone is easy. falling in love with someone is not.
She sleeps in a hanging canopy bed in the corner of the room.
She doesn't have a real light. instead, she has a black light.
Around several posters. five anime ones, one OFF, and a Fairly Odd Parents one she picked up for free at a garage sale.
All I have for tonight. Maybe comeback in the morning when it's not 4am
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tempolarriefix · 4 years
dig deeper tag game
thank you so much to one of my favorite people ever @goldenfive for tagging me in this q&a. ilysm! xx 1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? black gel pen is my go-to!
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? in the city. i love the feeling of everything all bustling, busy, and lit-up around me.
3. If you could learn a new skill, what would it be? this is going to sound sort of weird but i’ve been really tempted to learn lockpicking lately? so i’ll say that haha!
4. do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? ........yes, a lot of sugar. probably “too much” sugar.
5. What was your favourite book as a child? i hadn’t thought about this series in ages but i loved The Land of Elyon series and also Dealing with Dragons. 6. Do you prefer baths or showers? showers! my old roommate loved baths and so i tried to get into them but its just not my thing.
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? something with magical powers!
8. Paper or electronic books? i always say that i prefer paper but... when was the last time I actually read a hardcopy book? i have no idea. so truthfully, electronic.
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? an oversized hawaiian style shirt with a Brave (like the disney/pixar movie) inspired design
10. Do you like your name? Would you like to change it? i used to not really like it but now i do. (Teachers also always used to say things like “wow your parents named you serena and you really are so serene!” so that’s probably a factor). 
11. Who is a mentor to you? i’m not sure actually? I guess my professor is.
12. Would you like to be famous? If so, what for? not really! i dont really like attention and overthink everything so i think if i were famous i’d just be stressin over every detail of everything all the time.
13. Are you a restless sleeper? nope! i’m a very deep sleeper.
14. Do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? not really? i love the concept of romance and enjoy romantic movies/books/fics but when it comes to real life I feel like making things super romantic also adds a lot of pressure so i’d rather just be chill 
15. Which element best represents you? everyone says water signs are emotional and i am both a water sign and emotional so... i guess water?
16. Who do you want to be closer to? all my friends! while social distancing it’s been so different connecting with people and i feel like i’ve drifted quite a lot from the people i used to see almost every other day. 17. Do you miss someone at the moment? not any more than usual! Im always missing my long distance friends & my boyfriend.
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. this is too vague idk what memory to share hahaha.
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? i’ll usually try anything once. i guess chicken feet is prob the strangest? 
20. What are you most thankful for? my loved ones being safe & healthy 
21. Do you like spicy food? yes but i’m sort of weak so there will be tears streaming out of my eyes even tho i’m having a good time.
22. Have you ever met someone famous? i met drake bell when i was in college bc a student club i was part of hosted him for a charity concert event. he was chill and actually had a really good voice during his sound check but then he got high during his meet & greet and after that at the actual show he didn’t sound quite as good hahaha. He was super nice & even took a pic with me for free tho!
23. Do you keep a diary or journal? nope. i used to keep a planner and even that didn’t last haha
24. Do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pencil if i’m working on something where i’ll make mistakes like writing or math but pen if im just jotting down notes or whatever.
25. What is your star sign? cancer
26. Do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? soggy
27. What would you want your legacy to be? soph’s answer is literally so beautiful so i’m gonna steal it too: “that i made the world a little bit kinder and brighter and better while i was alive” 28. Do you like reading? What was the last book you read? i do enjoy reading but mostly i read fics! the last fic i read was adjudication by @bottomlinsons and it is FANTASTIC. the last actual book i read was the first game of thrones book. 
29. How do you show someone you love them? quality time is my love language!
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? usually! i’m drinking iced coffee as i fill this out haha
31. What are you afraid of? failure
32. What is your favourite scent? the smell of an ice cream shop when you first walk in
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? whatever they introduce themselves to me as. if they don’t, then surname.
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? i would travel so much. if money wasn’t a factor i wouldn’t have to worry about affording to travel OR being able to take time off to do so... it would be great. i wouldn’t always choose the best value option when i purchased anything and would be able to actually support brands that have good values (sustainability, good wages for employees, etc.). i would donate to everything i’ve ever wanted to bc i always feel bad about having to pick which causes i feel most for bc i can’t afford to donate to everything. also i would drink way too much boba (which, let’s be real, i already do).
.35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? the ocean! though i guess i dont really swim so much as like... wave jump haha.
36. What would you do if you found $50 on the ground? try to see if someone lost it and if i couldn’t find them, then keep it.
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? Did you make a wish? yes and of course!
38. What is one thing you would want to teach your children? just one? hahaha
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i have no idea but i would get it someplace hidden where no one would see it, not even me. maybe like a dot on the bottom of my foot lol. i really.... don’t want a tattoo.
40. What can you hear right now? construction noises
41. Where do you feel the safest? in bed
42. What is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? feeling like i’ll never find a career or even field of work that i’m actually passionate about and enjoy and can actually make a steady living in 43. If you could travel back to any era, what would it be? maybe ancient egypt? there’s a lot of cool times to go back to & i’m really indecisive haha. 44. What is your most used emoji? red heart
45. Describe yourself using one word. indecisive
46. What do you regret the most? dwelling on things that were not important and letting it affect my happiness too much
47. Last movie you saw? the warcraft movie lol. i don’t recommend it but playing warcraft is great.
48. Last tv show you watched? either greys anatomy or b99, i can’t remember which was last 49. Invent a word and its meaning idk if there’s a word for this already, but i need a word for feeling like you want to be busy and have things to do when you don’t but then not wanting to do anything when you finally do. bc thats....me. hahaha.
anyways this is pretty long so thanks if you actually read it all. if you want to do this, i’ll tag @harryeatsburger, @louandhazzalove, @bottomlinsons, @nauticalleeds, @soft1ov, @allwaswell16, @lululawrence, @forreveries, @lightwoodsmagic, @ferricadooza, and anyone else who wants to do this. i highly recommend it when procrastinating other projects hahaha.
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