#hahaha i don't like this but i MUST FINISH IT.....
ofgentleresolve · 2 years
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guess who...instead of doing drafts ended up continuing the monster of a fanfic for their ocs?
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bee-wg · 1 month
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Year 2:
“Jay! What the Flip?” It’s the ass crack of dawn, and Theo is already trying his best SpongeBob impression.
“Whaaat?” I yelled back with a mouth full of pancakes.
“You put your dirty clothes on my bed again!” He squealed.
”Dude, you asked for it. What are you whining about?”
“Boys, What did I say about yelling in the morning?” She yelled.
“Yewn, bwintow!” I think Dad was telling us to break it off, but he’s too lost in the Cream Cheese Danish.
Can’t blame him. Delicious and high protein? There’s nothing better.
Theo rushed down with a constipated face. 
“Ewww. They’re still wet to the touch. Wait. Is it dripping sweat?”
Okay. I overlooked the wet part, but he asked me to have it. 
I’ve been cleaning out some gym clothes that don't fit anymore, and Theo wanted some. I’ve decided to fully commit on football and my stocky phase, so I gave that shirt one last try yesterday. It was definitely not made for a more rugged build person. As I walked around the house, I unknowingly soaked it. I used to be disgusted with sweating. I would shower and wash the clothes by hand after each morning run. Recently I’ve been sweating a lot easier, but Dad told me to look at the bright side of things, and I do see it. Usually I would only sweat when I get a real good workout. Since it's easier to sweat buckets, that means I’m getting lots of exercise.
That leads back to this. I don’t feel as compelled to wash them anymore. They’re the result of my hard work on the journey back to being shredded. 
“No more pancakes in the morning for the month.” He said.
“What?…But…You can’t do that.” 
His face tells me, “Yes, loser. I can.”
“What happened, dude? Your cat died?” Brad asked.
This is supposed to be an easy practice because it’s the last before the summer. I guess Coach woke up and chose violence. 
I’ve been only doing a few yards of Quick Steps and Sumo squats. My lungs are now collapsing.
I’m only 230 pounds; there are players heavier than me doing better. I’m doing something wrong. It must be because I didn’t have protein pancakes for days.
“Dude, you there?” Brad asked.
Trying not to wheeze, I replied.
“Yeah, S’all good. I’m just hungry.” 
It would be an understatement. When you’re used to protein goods pumping your belly full of energy every morning, what does five English muffins and some hash browns even do?”
“Hahaha, classic Jay. You’re the man.” Brad answers with a slap on my back.
“Gosh, you’re getting sweatier than Aiden.” He said in disbelief.
“Oh, by the way. Aiden’s going to Costco to buy a speaker for our dorm. You mind giving him a lift?” Brad asked.
“Bad timing man, my dad broke the old Toyota. It’s taking a long time to repair.”
“No problem. I’ll see you next semester then. Take care!” Brad waved as he sprinted out of the field.
I felt like I could eat a horse when the bus arrived. I passed through the usual stops, and finally.
The warm smell of chicken nuggets invites me.
I pull out my phone and check. Ten consecutive days. I can definitely redeem a free meal today.
“Welcome, what can I get you?” The cashier asked.
“Can I have the Double Western Deluxe Combo?” “ I have the loyalty discount.”
“Thank you, here’s your number.”
After what felt like forever, they finally called my number. 
It’s a pretty big meal, but today’s situation calls for it. 
I’ve been doing pretty well sticking to a fries-only diet when I’m here. With some occasional burgers and soda thrown in, I’ve accumulated a few thousand points to have meals like this once in a while. The only downside is the bus here takes way too long. I guess it’s better than the neighbours knowing I’m a regular customer. 
As I finished the fries, I saw a guy wandering outside with my university’s gym bag.
Wait, is he from the team? 
Wait, is that Aiden?
No. Shit, Is Aiden waving to me?
He’s probably waving to someone else.
Then the door’s jingle chimes.
“Yo, I didn’t expect to see you here!” Aiden said.
My alone time is ruined.
“Yeah man, me too. What brought you here?” I asked.
“Just bought the speaker and couldn’t find any restaurants here. I thought Costco had a food court.” He looked down at my plate.
“Whatchu havin’? Oh Damnnn, that’s a chunky burger!” He said in excitement.
“Haven’t had them in years, my mom hates that shit.” 
I just wish to crawl into a hole at this point.
“Yeah, my mom hates them to-” 
“I should have one too.” Aiden interrupted.
Then he came back with a smaller combo with a box of salad.
“Oh man, I’ve been wanting to have a taste for so long,” Aiden said with glittering eyes.
He got a few bites of the burger and fries, then moved on to the salad.
“So what are you doing this summer?” I asked.
“Oh, not much. Probably hang out with the guys. My dad wants me to go to a training camp though. It’s not like I will play football after college anyway, so what’s the point?”
Then we talk about dorm drama and who the coach is going to recommend to the NFL scouts.
He is actually quite chill to talk to. 
“You don’t like it?” I point down to his unfinished burger.
“No, it’s the best thing I’ve had in years. Definitely beating celery or carrots. I just have a diet going on, and I kinda impulse bought this.”
“I could finish it for you.” I offered.
“Really? Thank you so much dude!” He said.
“You’re actually pretty fun to hang out with. I always thought you had a stick up your ass.” He added unhelpfully.
By the time the last of his burger and fries disappeared in my stomach, I was ready to sleep it off when I got home. 
My phone rang, waking me up from sleep. It’s 2 AM.
Probably Number Seven. He always calls at an odd hour. 
I picked up the call.
“Duuuuuuude, I didn’t know you go to fast foods. I thought we don’t keep anything from each other.” Instead of number seven, Brad said.
“Jay, knock it off,” Theo grumbled on the other side of the room.
“Keep it down, Brad. What is it?” 
I knew shit would get out of the bag sooner or later. At least I had two weeks of peace.
“Next time let me join too!” Brad said.
What the hell is up with these people? 
“Fine, whatever. Let me go to sleep.”
“Thanks a lot, man. I’ve never had fast food before!”
I have the feeling that this is going to bite me in the ass later.
Brad is calling me. Again.
“Dude, what?” I asked calmly.
“Woah, no need to get so worked up.”
“I asked some of my mates, they all agreed to meet up at the mall’s parking lot,” Brad said.
What is going on? It’s only been five hours since he last called me.
“Don’t forget to bring your laptop and an empty stomach! It’s gonna be an epic summer.” Then he hung up on me.
I should be used to Brad’s bullshit by now. He’s been like this since high school.
The bus on the way there is as tedious as usual. 
Why did he tell me to go with an empty stomach? Didn’t he know that I get really grumpy without any breakfast? It’s worse now without pancakes.
He looks at me eagerly, like a dog finding its treat.
“What is it, man?” I asked as he led me to the back of the restaurant.
Then, no Harry Potter bullshit, he opened the wall.
“What the hell? There was a room back here all this time?”
“Wait, Brad. You rented a party room?”
“It’s sick, right? I thought we could chill here for the summer, and go to the river nearby when we’re bored. Oh, I also brought the guys here. And a projector!”
“How did you afford this? I didn’t know you were rich.” I look at the big ass room with my friends in there already playing video games. Even Aiden the snitch is here.
“Oh, I have a pretty successful OnlyFans account. I thought I could spend it on you guys.”
“Good for you, man. Gotta hustle in this economy.”
He ordered a party combo with a bunch of salad. Then we started playing video games. It wasn’t until I was on a losing streak playing Yoshi on Mario Kart, I realized. They were staring at me expectantly.
“What?” I asked.
“So…Can you help us finish?” Aiden said.
Oh no. Not again. I turned to look at Brad.
He responded with a toothy grin.
“Please Jay, you have, like, the biggest appetite out of all of us. Look at all this free food going to waste. I bet you’re still hungry.”
“There are five of you,” I said.
“Marcus can help,” Brad added.
“Wait, me?” Marcus said.
He’s the team’s linebacker. The only guy bigger than me.
“Fine. At least it’s free.” I said reluctantly.
The fact that all of the juicy meat is screaming for my attention might be clouding my judgment.
We continued playing games, watched some movies while I munch
It was pretty fun. I got to talk to the people I wouldn’t usually talk to.
For example, I didn’t know Braxton played piano or Oscar was a hardcore Pokémon card collector.
The rest of the summer continued and the guys would meet up about three times a week.
I should’ve said no the second time Brad asked. But how can I let the food go to waste when the guys need me?
Marcus doesn’t come often because he’s occupied with his boyfriend. So the guys developed a way for me to eat all of their share. I would drink a dubious amount of water to expand my stomach in the morning, giving me more space. 
It was incredibly stupid, but when the guys cheered me up while I devoured the last of the remains, I felt pretty proud of myself.
By the end of the summer, not wanting to waste the last of our freedom. Everyone has been scrambling for things to do.
That’s where Brad’s dad comes in. He organized a BBQ party by the beach and invited all the football Dads from high school who were still in their little group chat. Of course, we are invited too.
“Oh come on, Jay Jay. You have to go, or else I’m gonna be all alone.” Brad whined.
“No Brad. You’re gonna be with twenty people, you won’t be alone.” I replied.
“If you’re worried about not having any swim trunks that fit, you can borrow from my old man, or we could go shopping together.” Shit, he’s awfully insightful.
“Your dad is like, 500 pounds. I’m not that fat, dude.”
Then Theo asked me if he could join cause he had grown out of his swim shorts too. Whatever that means.
That’s how we ended up here with Brad showing me an ugly Hawaii print speedo with a blue Jay on it, and Theo laughing his ass off with him.
“No, I’m not going to wear that,” I said for the final time.
“You’re no fun, Jay,” Theo said.
“Right? This guy gets it.” Brad replied to him.
“So you’re the culprit who made Jay fat,” Brad asked.
”Dude, you don’t know the half of it. I basically sacrificed myself to advance his cooking career.” I added.
“I don’t know. I would think taking care of his laundry, dishes, and meals, just to have him burp in my face and snore at night makes up for it. If anything, I'm doing too much. I should stop doing the protein pancakes agai-“ 
”Theo! You’re literally the best chef in the world. I am honoured to be your Guinea pig for the rest of my life.” I said.
He smiled 
Yes! Crises subverted.
“Hahahahaha you two are so strange.” Brad, who is still listening, said.
The possibility of protein pancakes being taken away from me sends shivers down my spine. I try to refocus on Brad’s shenanigans.
He came out of the fitting room with a professional swimming Jammer.
Why did he even take his shirt off? Goddamn washboard abs.
“Don’t you think it’s too extra for the beach barbecue?” I asked.
“I think it fits him nicely,” Theo said.
“Theo, you get me,” Brad said, then winked at him.
Is he trying to rizz my cousin?
“It’s my turn!” Theo said, grabbing a few trunks he chose.
Then he came out, without a shirt too, wearing a bright orange swim shorts.
“I see you’re putting my gym membership to good use.” Goddamn washboard abs, where did that even come from? Now that I think of it, he’s been fitting my old gym clothes better.
“You look awesome, Theo. The orange fits you nicely.” Brad said.
“I guess it’s my turn,” I said without enthusiasm.
After struggling to pull it up my ass. I walked out with the ugly print forest green trunk that’s wedged between my inner thighs; with a shirt on, thank you very much.
“Woah, look at those hefty thighs,” Brad said.
I’m out of options, and there’s no way I’m walking into another swimwear store again. So we made our way to the counter.
The day for the beach finally arrives, and I can already feel the swim trunks digging into my ass.
What’s more annoying is that Mom and Dad are now angry at me.
I would be angry at myself too.
Now I’m in a car with no AC, listening to how I should make better life choices.
“Jay, I didn’t think you would sneak off for fast food without telling us.” Mom said.
She caught the extra burgers I sneaked in to munch on at night this morning.
“Jacob, don’t you remember what I told you about garbage food?” Dad asked.
He said my full name. He never says my full name.
“If you want fried chicken you could ask mom to make it. You know it’s healthier at home.” Dad said.
“Am I not making enough, Jay?” Mom asked.
“I’m sorry Mom, I know I shouldn’t go,” I said.
“Don’t worry about it, honey. We can get through this together. If you want more fried food, Theo and I will make lots of it at home.”
“I got you, Jay,” Theo said, patting my shoulder.
We finally got to the beachside. After finding a shade to park our car, Dad struggled a bit to get out of the car. It seems like the old Toyota is seeing its last days. We might need to upgrade the car soon.
I know Dad is probably not mad at me, but his disappointment was worse.
Hopefully he can forgive me after getting some barbecue in his stomach.
We started setting up the chairs with Brad’s dad as more of my high school friends and their dads started coming in. I haven’t seen most of them since we graduated.
Dad went to greet them and it looked like he fit right in.
He was the Dad everyone’s dad was jealous of but couldn’t help to like him.
I was pretty shocked when I heard Dad wanted to come because he always declined their barbecue invites. 
He was the fittest of the group, but it looks like he is one of the heavier guys here. Dad told me he’s almost 260 pounds now, so Theo and I will probably lose again this year.
I feel conflicted. I wanted to look like Dad before when he had chiselled abs, but I also want to look like him now when he has a much larger presence with the same amount of confidence. I can’t do either correctly.
“You daydreaming, bro?” Brad said.
“It’s nothing. Let’s get the boxes out,” I replied.
“Just so you know, you can tell me whatever you want, Alright?” He said.
“Thanks man, appreciate it.”
He’s too pure to know about my problem with how my abs or belly doesn’t look right.
We got the tablecloth pinned in place to withstand the wind, then set up some disposable tableware.
“Good job, son,” Dad said as he patted my back.
I smiled for the first time today.
Brad’s dad put us on watch duty for the grill while I fought not to drool on the food. 
I’ll get my share. Old people first.
“Jacob? You’re all grown up! You’re a big boy now, almost as big as me. I bet you made your father proud.” Mr. Lancaster said. 
“Mr. Lancaster, you’re here! I didn’t know you were coming.”
He used to take me to his house with Ms. Lancaster when my mom was busy, or when Dad was substituting for other teachers.
Avery and I used to-
Wait, Avery is here?
I looked around to scan everyone.
“Oh, my boy is having a problem with his car, so he is probably not coming.” Mr. Lancaster said.
“We have the same issue too; it’s been a mess. Say hello to Avery for me, eh?”
“Of course, good to see you, Jay.” He replied.
I sighed in relief. I don’t know what to say to Avery if he comes. I missed him, but I also ignored him a couple times when I spotted him at the fast food place.
We served for an hour and a half. I probably lost the 60weight pounds I’ve gained, and my stomach is definitely deflated now.
Note to self: If I ever need to lose weight again, just stare at tasty barbecues all day just to have none of it.
“Ahem. Woah cool! Look at that shiny thing over there. I’m going to go fetch it!” Brad said suddenly, then ran off.
“Wait, you still have your-“
He ditched me.
I tried to flip over both of our grills to no avail.
“You need help?”
“Ahhhhhh!”I yelped.
Ave laughs with his usual lopsided smile.
“I thought you were,” I said.
“Dead? No. I caught an Uber.” Avery said.
“Right. Long time no see.” I reached out my hand for a shake.
“Seriously, Jay? When did you start doing that shit?” Ave said.
Same old Avery then. I took my hand back and hid a grin.
He looked so different I didn’t know how to react. By the looks of it, he’s almost doubled my weight, maybe around 450s. 
“Haven’t seen you in a while. You look good.” He said.
“You looked good too.” Now that I see him closely, it suits him, makes him look sturdy. His ass is hanging out in the back like a bra though.
“What were you up to this past year?” I asked.
“Well you know, I screwed up the football scholarship. But it’s the best thing that could’ve happened to me.” He said.
“I was pretty depressed for a bit, so I decided to go on one of the self-searching trips to some countries and states...”
Then he told me about the kind people and assholes he met on the way, as we finally sat down with our share of Barbecues.
Ave said that he got to eat food he never imagined existed, learn about cultures that changed his perspective on things.
He said he has never felt freer of any emotional constraints than he is now. I couldn't stop my smile from forming. I’m really happy for him.
He has always been harsh on himself. When school didn’t work, he dedicated his all to sports. On his way there, I felt like I lost a friend.
We talked for hours about the airplane seats being a bitch and how he’s sorry for whoever sat next to him, or about how I am addicted to fast foods and pancakes. He’s probably the only one I know that can relate.
I was lost in the conversation, with Brad interrupting occasionally with strange looks of wiggling eyebrows or smug smiles. I really don’t know what he’s on.
It’s when Dad is folding up the seats, and Brad’s dad cleans up the grill. Ave asked me.
“Wanna do this again sometime? My dad’s coffee shop has a new brownie coming up that he’s really proud of.”
Yes, of course. I wanna learn more about you and be friends again.
“Sorry, men. School is going to be busy. I also need to focus on football more this year, or I will get too fat to play.” I said.
“No problem Jay. You know I’ll always be there for you.” Avery said.
I tried to one arm hug him and he fully embraced me. His body is so warm and unbelievably soft.
For a moment, I wished I was proud like him. But I’m not free like him
Gathering supplies Dad brought, I walked back to the car, forgetting to ask for his number.
The school year started without much fanfare. But the feeling of estrangement grew.
Hanging out with the team was fun, but playing the game just doesn’t bring me the same amount of rush and anticipation anymore, instead, I look forward to the meal after the game that brings me the rush. It’s not like I was playing the game much anyway; I’m a glorified Waterboy now. My job is to refuel the Gatorade or water, then squirt it into the guys’ mouths. After that, I just need to hand them the towel and sit back to finish my hot dog. 
I know the team appreciates me. I would keep doing it for them if not for Coach’s disappointing stares. He probably thought I would be a star player like Dad, but I ended up fatter than the linebacker. I would be disappointed too.
My decision was made following the buzzing call of our defeat.
Chapter 3 ->
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taasgirl · 5 months
monaco pt. 1 - charles leclerc
summary: y/n is new to ferrari and is working very closely with charles, so it's inevitable that they fall right?
a/n: the outcomes of these races are fictional!! they're altered to fit the story, and there's no specific face claim!
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liked by sergioramos, ynusername, 433, and 4, 982, 011 others scuderiaferrari Your Scuderia Ferrari Formula drivers for 2024 have delivered in Jeddah; Charles Leclerc finished P3, Y/N L/N finished P4. Big points for the team and much to learn 💪
ynusername ❤️🤍 liked by scuderiaferrari
user78312 Now someone fire the people in the pit, y/n ROBBED of a podium i'm so fr
user99203 this is genuinely my fav team partnership!!
user32164 I can't wait to see how they perform together
user80381 it's such a peculiar lineup, but it's perfect
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liked by landonorris, scuderiaferrari, charlesleclerc, and 445, 983 others ynusername Pleased to finish in fourth, I promise to do better. Congratulations @ charlesleclerc ❤️🏎️
user17352 "i promise to do better" y/n ur gonna make me cry
charlesleclerc Great race 👊 liked by ynusername
user90313 IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT!!!
user67392 i know it's her first race w ferrari, but if they fuck my girl up again... #y/ntoredbull
scuderiaferrari We're all so proud of you Y/N ❤️
user88302 call me delusional but she put a heart next to charles' name 😏😏
user79334 she also put a car, are we gonna speculate that too???
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liked by ynusername, user33478, user89323, and 547 others user17363 y/n and charles leaving the saudi gp together 💞
user67424 girlfriend or girl that's a friend?
user93843 HAHAHA
user02341 y/n liked omg
user94834 I know they're teammates, but they'd be so cute together
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liked by neymar, scuderiaferrari, ynusername, and 5, 894, 449 others charlesleclerc Very proud to start the season with a P3 finish, and to help the team. Also very proud of my teammate @ ynusername, who raced amazingly today.
landonorris Surely you give her the trophy
charlesleclerc No need, she'll win many this season 🤣🤣
ynusername Thank you Charlie
user89302 charles' gotta watch out, y/n is gonna tear him up
user68332 What a race, Prince of Monaco 🤩
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liked by user66739, user89932, scuderiaferrari, and 1, 982, 734, others f1 Charles Leclerc and Y/N L/N arriving to Albert Park in style 😎
user12928 what??
user83901 charles has a superstitution to wear red pants, and it looks like he's got y/n in on it too 😂
user92832 How can two people be so fine
user87382 y/n l/n is getting her first f1 podium this weekend 🕯️🙏
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liked by f1, ynusername, olliebearman, and 4, 983, 221, others scuderiaferrari WHAT A QUALIFIER! Y/N L/N WILL START ON POLE POSITION FOR TOMORROWS RACE IN MELBOURNE. She is the first woman to achieve this milestone!
f1 Something Special
user80323 Ferrari don't fuck her up again
user77443 when max finally has competition 😇🌈💐🤗
user90323 Max genuinely needs to watch his back bc she's gonna take the championship
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liked by user56834, sadiomane, lec, and 1, 882, 304 others scuderiaferrari The eyes Chico, they never lie 💫 Y/N (P1), and Charles (P4) are ready for Australia.
user90383 Y/N's shoulders must be heavy from carrying all hopes of ferrari
user89032 and points too
user67393 COME ON Y/N!!!
USER33943 The race is gonna be mental, and I'm here for it
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liked by serenawilliams, sadiomane, cristiano, and 6, 873, 944 others scuderiaferrari And in what is her second ever Formula 1 race, Y/N L/N has won the Australian Grand Prix for 2024!
user89043 HOLY SHITTTT
user79334 oh my god max has been overtaken
user66730 About bloody time
user93112 Y/N IS THE MOMENT!
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liked by charlesleclerc, danielricciardo, user67474, and 4, 878, 932 others ynusername Y/N L/N Grand Prix Winner has a nice ring to it. LETS FUCKING GOOOOO
danielricciardo Trailblazer 🔥🚒🧑‍🚒
landonorris Can't even be mad about coming 4th when you're first
charlesleclerc So proud of you amor 🫀
user43840 AMOR???
user90394 anatomical heart? wtf charles 😭
scuderiaferrari Our Y/N 👑
user15473 step aside @ maxverstappen, the queen has arrived liked by ynusername
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liked by ynusername, carlossainz55, mclaren, and 2, 776, 832 others landonorris Very happy to have picked up points for Mclaren today, but all attention should be on my best friend @ ynusername. She's had my back since we were karting at six, and it's incredible to see her make history. She's the hardest worker I've ever met, and is the most deserving person to have a seat in F1. (And yes, she's already bullied me about beating me to a win).
ynusername my races to win ratio - 2:1. your races to win ratio - 107:0
landonorris Don't make me delete this entire post
ynusername i'm kidding (not really), love u lala
user89823 now this would be a powerful couple
user56821 this looks more supportive bf than supportive bff
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liked by user78721, user92834, user55738, and 20, 872 user13452 not the entire grid partying after y/n's first f1 win
user88734 off topic but y/n looks so fine in that first pic holy shit
user45679 They all love her so much omg
user73292 y/n and lando this... Y/N AND CHARLES COME ON
user66382 Their chemistry is fucking insane i agree
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liked by ynusername, scuderiaferrari, landonorris, and 2, 656, 737 others charlesleclerc Australia was incredible. Congratulations to the best teammate @ ynusername, history maker.
ynusername Thank you Charlie! liked by charlesleclerc
user67382 that second photo is 100% not a selfie two single people would take.
user89293 Brother is in love with y/n
user67262 tbf we all are
user98933 charles x y/n fans wake up, new content dropped
user23348 Sooooo is this a cheeky soft launch...
user67354 is y/n the girl from the party charles 😏😏
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sorry guys this is gonna have to be two parts bc of the stupid 30 images rule 😭
Let me know if you like this!! I love getting comments and messages :))
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drunk-person · 8 days
Study Session
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x classmate!reader
Summary: Aemond is assigned to a college work with Y/n, an absent-minded art student who doesn't give a damn about philosophy. Things don't go well since she doesn't help him at all, until the two come to an unorthodox agreement that ends the impasse.
WARNING: 18+ mdni! secret crush, semi-nudity, voyeurism, breast fetish, exchange of academic favors for "sex", modern au, no description for reader.
Word cont: 3.200k
Author's note: This just came to my mind while doing some really boring work and I ended up writing it. The Rosby house is close to Kings Landing so I chose this surname for the reader, I hope you like it.
Dedicated to the poor readers of The Gossip who read chapter 7 and are in need of some comfort for their souls after all that mess hahaha I love you all! English is not my first language 💕💕🥰
Y/n was so frustrated. That class was absolutely hellish and if it wasn't mandatory in her schedule she would certainly never even pass in front of the door. The only reasonable side to all of this was the fact that Aemond Targaryen sat in front of her during this unbearable class. He could be as arrogant as he wanted if he continued to be so hot.
The girl bit her lip as she stared at the back of his pale neck that was exposed to her eyes since his long silver hair was tied in a bun due to the heat wave. The two had never exchanged more than a few words, but Y/n couldn't help it, he was too handsome and intelligent for his own good.
She didn't know how he could understand that subject and answer all the questions the teacher asked as if they were obvious to him. Y/n did her best to hide her crush, but whenever no one was looking she couldn't help but sigh lightly as she looked at him.
She was barely in the same reality as the rest of the class when she heard her name being called harshly by the professor, pulling her out of her deep thoughts and back to real life.
-I'm sorry, professor, I was distracted. - She looked down, blushing when she realized that the whole class was looking at her while letting out light giggles.
-Which seems to be a very common occurrence with you, doesn't it? - The man spoke in an irritated voice and Y/n felt her face heat up even more.
-If you're interested in knowing, Miss Rosby, we're holding a draw for pairs of work for the semester. - The professor was still looking at Y/n as he spoke and reaching into the jar, he pulled out a new piece of paper.
-Aemond Targaryen.
Y/n felt her heart stop momentarily when she heard that name. Would her semester partner be Aemond Targaryen? The gods must have wanted to play with her.
-Good luck, Mr Targaryen, you will need it. - The man said, making the whole class laugh, except for Aemond, who, without Y/n noticing, glared at the teacher when he heard the mean joke.
After the class ended, the room gradually emptied, while the few remaining students put their books and notebooks in their backpacks. Aemond finished writing some notes in his notebook under the watchful eye of Y/n, who was anxiously waiting to talk to him.
And when he turned towards her with that serious look and that sculpted face, Y/n smiled and pretended to be disinterested.
-I don't understand half of what that man says. - She shrugged, staring at him while Aemond frowned. - I hope it won't be a problem for you to be my partner.
-Maybe you would understand if you spent more time paying attention in class and less time drawing. - Aemond rolled his good eye, putting away his own books while Y/n felt her belly heat up.
How did he know she was drawing in class if he had his back to her the whole time?
-I don't like studying boring things that guys who died centuries ago said and that don't make any sense.
-But do you like studying works that boring guys who died centuries ago painted and that don't make any sense? - He raised his eyebrows ironically, looking at her and Y/n's mouth slightly opened, not knowing what to say.
-That… That's not the point.
-Mmmm… if you say so. - The irony was poignant in his voice and expression and Y/n slightly narrowed her eyes, feeling the urge to argue more without knowing what to answer.
-They… They're not meaningless! - She snorted in annoyance and Aemond just let out a nasal laugh while raising his eyebrows.
-Most of them are just a bunch of meaningless scribbles. - He rolled his eyes, putting his backpack on his back.
-The name is surrealism, and perhaps underdeveloped minds don't understand it very well! - Y/n lifted her chin, pulled her own bag onto her shoulder and pressed the sketchbook against her chest, leaving before Aemond, leaving him with a mischievous smile on his lips as he watched her leave.
Y/n rolled her eyes, irritated with herself as she walked towards the open courtyard of the college, sitting at a stone table and throwing her bag on it, seriously considering diverting her idiotic crush on Aemond Targaryen to another guy.
Unfortunately for her, at the same moment the thought crossed her mind, his soft voice called her from behind and the hairs on the back of the girl's neck stood on end at the same moment, making her snort.
-We need to decide where and when we're going to meet to start the work. - He murmured and Y/n turned to look at him, snorting when she saw that he looked even more attractive with the sunlight shining through his silver hair.
In the natural light, the prosthetic eye was more visible than indoors, as was the thin scar that ran from the eye to the forehead and cheek. Y/n didn't give a shit, she just thought he looked even hotter if that was possible.
-Rosby? - Aemond called her, his voice miles away from taking her out of her self-imposed trance.
-I'm sorry, I got a bit distracted. - She shook her head, trying to focus on the conversation, and Aemond turned his face to the side, smiling discreetly at the action. - What did you say?
-We'll meet to start work.
-Oh, yes, yes. - She nodded thoughtfully. - How about the library?
-I don't study in the library, there are always idiots who go there to make a mess and interfere with concentration. - Aemond rolled his eyes with a frown, making her rack her brain to remember if she had ever messed up in the library.
-Yeah. They're all idiots! - She agreed, rolling her eyes when she came to the conclusion that she hadn't done anything wrong in the college library.
-We can go to my dorm. - Y/n shrugged, trying to be casual. - But my roommate is always there and never turns off the TV.
-Don't you have your own room? - He looked at her confused and Y/n laughed.
-Not all of us can own the campus. - She grimaced and Aemond rolled his eyes.
-Your family has money too.
-Having money is different from being a filthy rich Targaryen. - She grumbled as she gestured lightly with her hands, arching her eyebrows, and Aemond didn't contest her.
-Whatever, let's meet in my dorm, it's empty there and no one will disturb us.
Y/n nodded, subtly biting her lower lip at the idea that she would go to Aemond's room.
-Where is it? - She came back to reality, remembering to ask, and asking her for a pen, Aemond wrote down the number and the floor on the last page of the sketchbook that was on the table.
-See you on Friday. - He murmured, turning around and leaving her as soon as he finished writing, making her sigh once more at hearing that voice so close to her.
Y/n did her best to look beautiful in the most disinterested way possible. Just a gray blouse with black denim shorts and a thin black coat on top, her hair tied with a simple clip and just a bit of lipstick. It was almost how she looked every day, except for the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra, but with the coat on top he probably wouldn't even notice that fact.
Apart from the fact that when she got there she discovered that they were fixing the cooling system in Aemond's building and now she was without the coat and wearing only the thin blouse, attracting Aemond's discreet glance at her from time to time.
The two spread their materials across the table in the living room connected to the bedroom and sat on the floor to study. Unfortunately, Aemond was having more trouble concentrating in his own room than in the library, with the sight of Y/n in that blouse in front of him, scribbling drawings on her philosophy book while pretending to read something.
When he finally managed to read a few words, he could hear her melodious laughter from the other side of the table.
-What is it? - He murmured almost in a growl making her become serious.
-It's just that I'm watching and I think my shared dorm room would fit inside yours.- She shrugged and Aemond rolled his eyes without giving a verbal response.
Minutes later, when he went back to reading focused and taking some important notes, her voice rang out once again, distracting him.
-I'm so lazy. - Y/n threw herself onto the philosophy books open on the coffee table in Aemond's dorm room, and he slightly arched his eyebrows.
-You haven't done anything so far. - He grumbled as he took note of an important quote that he would probably use in the future during the work.
-Because this subject is totally boring. - The girl mumbled with her head still lying on the books but now with her face turned towards Aemond looking at him while slowly blinking her eyes feeling a little sleepy. Until now, nothing interesting had happened outside of her imagination.
-Boredom or not, I think it's better to start working on your part, because there's no way I'm going to give you credit for something you didn't do. - Aemond looked at her very seriously while Y/n sulked, crossing her arms under her breasts, slightly drawing the older man's attention there again.
-Are you always this boring, Targaryen? - Y/n snorted, making one of the loose strands of hair fly out of her pretty face.
-This isn't boring, this is justice. - His eyes were still discreetly fixed on the subtle neckline of the gray blouse that Y/n was wearing, except that now she noticed it, feeling her stomach tingle with the idea that Aemond Targaryen was looking at her.
-Talking about justice and being a total pervert. - She slightly pressed her eyes to him while tightening her arms under her breasts, making them more prominent, making Aemond cough with a subtle choke, looking away.
-Mmmm, I wasn't looking at your breasts. - He grunted looking in another direction.
-Ah, you certainly were. - She arched her eyebrows laughing. - If you want to know, women always know when you're looking.
-What's that? A weird sixth sense? - Aemond raised his eyebrows in disbelief, still a little embarrassed for having been caught.
-Something like that. - Y/n shrugged with a slight grimace, but then an idea popped into her head making her subtly bite her lower lip, staring at him as she gathered her courage.
-How about we make a deal? - Y/n was still biting her lower lip without believing she was actually going to say that to him.
-What kind of deal? - Aemond tilted his forehead, confused but interested, while his eyes inadvertently fell once again on her breasts.
-I'll let you be a perv and look at my boobs, and you do my part in this stupid job. - She suggested, slowly poking the hem of her own thin blouse under the attentive gaze of Aemond, who felt his own mouth drying up.
-Mmmm. - He mocked her with an ironic smile. - No deal. This work is almost 30 pages long, I want to at least be able to touch them.
-What? - She narrowed her eyes slightly while arching her right eyebrow now, not believing what he was saying.
-That's right, and you'll be topless while i writing the work. It's that or nothing. - He smiled maliciously as he arched his eyebrows, waiting for her answer, being almost certain that she would give up on the idea.
-Gods, you're more perv than I thought. - She grumbled, staring at him with a frown as she tried to process the fact that Aemond Targaryen really had asked to touch her boobs.
-Do we have a deal? - Aemond asked, still with a dirty smile on his face, and Y/n rolled her eyes at him, mumbling something to herself, unable to call him an idiot since she had given him the idea.
-We have a deal. - She spoke firmly, feeling soft shivers down her thighs as she said this, making Aemond subtly widen his eyes in shock at her accepting. - But… I don't want to read a single sentence about this subject, I don't want to know about these idiot philosophers and much less about their silly theories.
-These aren't silly theories… - Aemond rolled his eyes condescendingly at the girl's lack of understanding on such an important subject, it almost affected the crush he had on her… almost.
-Ah. - She cut him off instantly. - I don't want to know. Deal?
-Deal. - He grimaced in slight disgust, if she weren't so hot it wouldn't be worth all the effort, Aemond thought rolling his eyes.
With a sigh Y/n pulled the gray blouse of thin fabric over her head leaving her bare breasts exposed to Aemond's hungry and raw gaze that made her skin crawl almost instantly.
The moment she took off her blouse, Aemond took away his previous thought. She was certainly worth the effort and he would definitely do a thousand jobs like that just to take a look at those breasts.
Feeling confident under his gaze Y/n sat on the two-seater sofa and once again crossed her arms under her now bare breasts while looking at him with one of her eyebrows raised.
Taking a deep breath, Aemond sat down next to her, staring at that beautiful pair of breasts that he could say for sure were the most beautiful he had ever laid eyes on in his life.
-Can I? - He reached out his hands to her breasts, but stopped just before touching them, wanting her to be one hundred percent sure of what she was doing. And when the girl nodded positively while biting her lower lip and subtly pressing her legs together, he touched his palms, feeling her soft breasts and almost moaning at the soft sensation.
Little by little he moved his hands while looking at her with a very serious look, and with the tips of his thin fingers he began to massage her erect nipples with increasing dedication, observing the responses her body gave him. Every soft tremor, every subtle gasp, every press and rub of her thighs against each other.
-They're perfect. - He praised softly as he stimulated them, eliciting a soft moan from Y/n who bent down even more offering her own breasts to Aemond.
She was lost in his touches, so gentle yet so demanding. No one had ever given her so much pleasure just by touching her breasts, and Y/n wanted to moan with pleasure but was holding herself back so as not to seem so given. She pressed her eyes tightly, feeling the shocks of pleasure running through her body and going straight down to her completely soaked pussy.
Suddenly, with her eyes still closed, Y/n felt Aemond's warm breath close to her skin, and opened her eyes at the same moment, looking at him.
-What are you doing? - She gasped, looking directly into that blue eye that had left her fascinated since the first time she saw it and that now looking so closely she thought it contained some violet reflections.
-I said I wanted to touch, you didn't specify just using of hands. - He murmured dirtyly, lowering his mouth over Y/n's breasts and sucking deeply on her excited nipple, which curved her back against the couch, finally moaning loudly in pure contentment.
-Oh Aemond please more. - She whimpered, writhing and pressing her thighs together. - So good... so good.
From that moment on, it was impossible for her to contain her own moans, his mouth felt so incredible against her already sensitive nipples. With each suction she trembled and tightened her thighs while gripping the sofa tightly, almost digging her nails into the upholstery.
-By the gods, you have the tastiest tits I've ever tasted in my life. - Aemond moaned between the hungry sucks and firm, desperate caresses, sending a new wave of pleasure over her as she heard those words. And without control over her own body, Y/n put her hands in Aemond's hair, tangling her fingers there and holding her head against herself as she moaned his name in despair.
Her pulling on his hair did something almost wild to Aemond, he usually didn't like it when people pulled his hair, but at that moment… Fuck, it really felt good. And when she started moaning his name in a completely lacking way while rubbing her pussy on the couch like a desperate bitch in heat, he felt himself on the edge.
While he sucked and licked her left nipple, caressing the right one with his hand, drawing waves and waves of pleasure from her, he guided his vacant hand inside the gray sweatpants he was wearing and finally paid attention to his cock, which was leaking and making a mess against the fabric of his boxers.
He violently fucked his cock against the left hand while still inside his pants while inevitably moaning against Y/n's nipple, making her rub even harder against the sofa.
-Aemond. - Came Y/n's broken voice in a moan that was almost a whimper as she shuddered without control over her own body, writhing on the couch, feeling the unbridled pleasure of the orgasm taking over her.
And hearing her beg for his name as she writhed in the midst of orgasm, Aemond reached his own peak of pleasure, spurting against his own hand in thick, strong jets, moaning with contentment against Y/n's sensitive, reddened nipples.
The two remained motionless for a few moments, just trying to regain their senses completely taken over by the debilitating pleasure. Y/n's mind went completely blank as she laid her head on the back of the sofa, still panting, completely shocked since she had never cum just by stimulating her nipples. And Aemond, in turn, tried to regain his composure with his head still buried between his classmate's delicious breasts.
And when he finally raised his head, he couldn't resist the temptation to suck her nipple once more, making her gasp with overstimulation.
-Oh, Aemond. - She sighed complainingly, lightly pushing his head away with the palm of her right hand. - They're sensitive.
-Mmmm. - He murmured caressing her naked waist. -I could suck your tits for hours if you let me.
-I could let you. - She gasped, pretending to be uncertain about the subject even though she was still sensitive to his touch, feeling the inside of her thighs tingling amid the scandalous moisture in her panties.
-Well, it's 30 pages. - He shrugged, moving his caresses up and down her waist. - And as far as I know, the pairs that Hayford assigned are until the end of the semester.
-We'll have plenty of time. - He kissed her nipple once more, making her sigh.
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henza-hex · 4 months
My Husband's Secret 2
Shortly after I discovered my husband was a gassy hog and he discovered my fetish, things are going well in the house. He is feeling much more comfortable around me. I mean, he has always been sweet, but now he knows he can let it RIP and I won't be bothered.
This morning was an example, I made him breakfast so he could get ready for work. No tricks to make him gassy this time, but I had a surprise when he came down the stairs already in his suit — that I am OBSSESED with — and approached me while I washed the dishes.
"The food was delicious this morning, thank you, baby." He hugged me from the back.
"I think I'm becoming a housewife" I joke. "Going already?"
"Yeah, 10 minutes or I'm going to be late." He cupped my chin and embraced me for a kiss. He took the opportunity to rip a monstruous belch on my mouth.
As my own mouth muffled this explosion, I could taste all of his breakfast again, as it loud rumbling echoed through my throat.
I gagged as he laughed at me. This was damn fucking hot, but it was strong even for me.
"Damn, if you want to kill me, the knife would hurt less." I say with teary eyes, joking, but meaning it.
"I know you loved it. It's only my way of properly thank you for this morning." He smirks while I was on a coughing fit.
"You're... welcome?" I answer.
He just laughs and goes for a real kiss this time.
"Now I have to go, try to not miss me much" He says with a smirk.
"I'm already dying..." I say in sarcasm.
"And oh... one more thing..." I saw him swallowing air in a glimpse, and in another, he was up close, ripping another huge belch on my face.
This time, loud and proud, so explosive that even left some speckles of saliva on my face.
"Hahaha, that was for the sass... and for not telling me this before. Oh, I have to gas up your face so much to make it count for those years..." He says, leaving before I could answer after another coughing fit.
Afternoon came, and I finished my tasks and started to prepare dinner for when he arrives. I noticed that some ingredients were missing and went to the market to buy the rest. I wasn't expecting it to be so busy, so it took me very long.
When I got back, it was already night, and he must have returned. After finishing my business in the kitchen, I'm welcomed in my room with this view:
Tumblr media
"Hey babe..." he said with a tired voice.
My blood rose a little seeing him in this position. He always had amazing glutes, and I loved how his slacks hugged every curve of his muscular legs.
"Sorry, I had to buy some things to finish dinner tonight..." I was about to apologise, when he cut me.
"No problem, but... I got a request..." he asked in a seductive tone, while he juggled his cheeks. "Why don't you lay your face down there while I relieve myself? You know... after work I always have some pent up gas"
We were married for years already, and that could sent chills up my spine that you only feel for your crush. And I could't resist.
Slowly, I got into position and laid my face on his cheeks. His mounds were very big and muscular, and I always loved how it enveloped my face.
He didn't say anything, the only thing I could feel, hear and smell was:
This time, I sniffed deep. It was loud, strong and very stinky.
His gassy assault continued between his grunts and my sniffs.
"Wow... that was amaz-" I was about to say when he grabbed the back of my head and burried into his ass.
"Get up close, this is going to be a big one...HNGGGG"
It was one of the biggest I ever witnessed, so explosive that it felt like a punch when it hit my face.
"Aaaaah, that one was stuck..." He said in utter relief while he rubbed his ass on my face, and I sniffed deep.
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live-laugh-lenney · 3 months
plz can you write something where the boys tease Arthur TV because he’s so obsessed with you
(i have so many requests but I don’t wanna be annoying lol)
I love your writing!!
i made it holiday related again because i'm really feeling in that mood right now... hahaha.
arthur was enamoured.
he'd always thought yn was pretty and very beautiful and seeing her in a holiday scenario, where she was relaxed and enjoying herself, his infatuation had doubled... tripled.... and then quadrupled as the days of their holiday went on.
the way her striped bikini clung to her in the right spots, the way her hair was pulled back into the messiest bun upon her head to keep it from getting wet (to save having to wash it again because she gave it a wash the previous night, she claims), the way her sunglasses sat on her nose and protected her eyes from the bright light, the way her skin was so beautifully kissed by the rays of the sunshine and how she had practically tanned from the moment she stepped foot out in the open.
he tried to take his eyes from her as she floated in the pool whilst she sunbathed but, sometimes, she was all he wanted to look at.
"i'm not being funny but," george stands to his feet, the sun-lounger beneath him scraping against the floor of the patio area lining the pool of their villa, catching arthur's attention and he walked over in his direction and leant over the back of the lounger that the man was stretched out upon, "if your mouth opens any further, you'll choke on flies."
"shut up," arthur grumbles under his breath, feeling his cheeks turn a rosy red colour which he wasn't sure would be visible due to how red his face had gotten under the harsh croatian sunlight that soaked his skin all afternoon, embarrassment running through his body at how he had been caught staring at one of his best friend, "i thought you were asleep, anyway."
"what? so you could stare at her like a weirdo? no, i was entertained watching you try and hold back a boner," george snickers softly and arthur shuffled uncomfortably on the sun-lounger, "why don't you just say something to her? or at least, shag her and get it out of your system. this is almost unbearable to watch."
"because that's gross behaviour and i'm not that kind of man," arthur mumbles lowly, reaching for his phone that he had placed in the shade underneath his sun-lounger as a way to distract himself, "i'm not after a shag. she's my friend, she's our friend, and i don't want to ruin the dynamic between all of us. that's not fair."
"she'll soon get creeped out with your staring and that really will ruin the group dynamic," george teases and arthur shrugs off his hands from where they were placed on his shoulders, "she'll clock on soon, you might as well tell her."
"no," arthur hisses back, shaking his head before glancing down at his phone and unlocking it so he could divert his attention from the bikini-clad girl floating in a ring on the surface of the pool with her headphones on her head as she listened to music whilst soaking up the sun above, "how you speak about her when she can't hear you is gross sometimes."
"she knows i'm only joking," george holds his hands up in defence and walks towards the open patio doors of their villa as he was bored of lazing for the afternoon, leaving his towel to try on his lounger as he took his belongings from the table and held them tightly in his hands, "i'm going for a shower and then for a nap before anyone else grabs the bathroom."
"where's yn?"
"you mean to tell us you've had her surgically removed from your hip?" chris asks, in feigned shock, from where he was stretched out across the sofa in the room, "you're joking?"
arthur rolls his eyes and ignores the laugh that came from arthur hill as he done up the buttons of the shirt hanging down his torso, a bold print decorating the cotton material that matched the colour of his shorts buttoned to his waist.
"if you must know, she's just finishing up getting ready in her room and she'll be out soon," arthur hill says, picking up the open can of lager that was set on the table beside her phone, taking a swig from the top before he placed it back down, "can you cope for a couple of minutes without her?"
"you guys suck," arthur grumbles and shakes his head, reaching into the fridge to grab himself a can of beer, cracking it open and taking a hefty swig of the golden liquid hidden behind the metal, "you make it sound like i'm some obsessed freak."
"you are," chris insists, standing to his feet and picking up his own can of his chosen beverage for the week from the coffee table that was a mere stretch from the sofa and arthur could only muster up throwing the middle finger in his friend's direction, "hey, that's not nice. i'm only telling the truth, arthur."
"if you keep taking the piss out of me in front of yn then she's going to start hating me for being a weirdo around her," arthur frowns and chris just snickers at him, "seriously. i'm not a weirdo. she's just-"
the sound of a door opening made him stop mid-sentence and he gave a pleading look to his two friends that wordlessly begged for them not to tease him in front of her. as footsteps were heard coming down the stairs, the three men busied themselves in putting on their shoes and grabbing their jackets so that they were ready to leave once everyone had come together in the lower level of the villa.
it felt like a schoolboy crush. and, of course, he was planning on telling her just how he felt about her... he just wasn't sure when or how he wanted to tell her. he wanted it to be perfect, romantic, not in the earshot of his friends who would, no doubt, tease him for being such a simp in the situation.
"you look beautiful," arthur compliments her as she brushes passed him to grab the denim jacket she had draped over the back of one of the dining table chairs the previous night, "ready for another night on the town?"
"i don't think i can keep up with you guys again," she laughs softly, slipping her arms into the denim sleeves and adjusting it so it was comfortable on her shoulders, "i was coming back early tonight, i've got a bit of a headache. think it's just from being in the sun all day."
"do you want to stay here tonight? the boys can go out without us?"
her eyes soften as she looks at him, his eyes darting from her face to anywhere in the room, unwilling to make eye contact because he felt silly for assuming she'd want him to stay behind with her. and he could feel the eyes of arthur hill and chris staring into the back of his head, which he wished would stop, and he was certain they would snicker about the situation behind his back.
"i mean, someone should watch out for you, just in case."
"i think i'll be fine, arthur," she reaches for his arm and squeezes it softly and reassuringly, "i'm starving so it could be to do with that. i'll just play it by ear."
"what are we playing by ear?"
george makes himself known as he walks around the corner, dressed in a pair of chino shorts and a short-sleeved, button-down shirt that matched the same colour. sunglasses on his face, phone and wallet in his hand, socks on his feet that were ready to slip into his trainers.
"arthur's hoping to bring yn home tonight," chris jokes teasingly and arthur swings around on his heels, eyebrows furrowed on his browline and he really wanted the ground to swallow him whole, "i'm kidding. yn's not feeling a hundred percent so she might come back early. arthur offered to stay with her if she needed to come back here."
"oh, that's kind of him," george smiles, sending a wink to arthur that he was surprised yn had completely missed, "what a sweetheart he is."
"i'd do it for any of you," arthur insists - he wouldn't, unless they had asked him to, "can we go? i'm hungry."
"have we decided where we're going?"
"is everything okay?"
arthur's brought out of his daze by the sound of her voice, soft and sweet and angelic, the only voice he wanted to hear. he turns around from where he was sat on the stones on the beach, knees brought up to his chest as he leant back on his palms, looking up at her as she approached him.
"why are you down here by yourself?"
"just wanted a bit of quiet time to myself," he explains and she sits herself down beside her, making sure her dress stayed covering her modesty as she stretched her legs out, crossing her ankles and leaning back on her palms in a similar fashion to him, "you didn't have to come and check on me. we should be checking on you."
"my headache's gone now," she smiles, looking across the water and watching as the waves crashed against the shore, "i'm worried about you now."
"i'm okay," he nods, "just want to enjoy the serenity of the scenery. it's beautiful out here. you kind of take it for granted and miss it when you're back home."
silence swallows the two of them, except the atmosphere was full of all kinds of sounds; the chatter of passersby as they went on a look for their chosen restaurant for dinner, the waves crashing against the stones, the crunching of stones as people walked back up from the water... and, in the distance, they could hear the raucous laughter of chris and george and arthur hill as they joked amongst themselves.
"is it the others?"
"the others?"
"they've been teasing you a lot today," yn informs him and he sighs heavily, letting out a deep exhale before rolling his head back and looking to the sky, "i've heard it, arthur. i think it's sweet."
"the teasing?"
he feels confused and weird; what was sweet? surely, if she heard the teasing then she could piece things together...
"no, you muppet," she giggles softly and turns her head to look at him, "i'm not weirded out that you've been staring at me, you know? i, uh, i've kinda been doing the same, i guess."
he looks at her, for the first time since she sat down beside him, and he gulps back the lump in his throat.
"not at myself," she blurts out, "but, at-"
"at me?"
she nods shyly and he can't help but feel the flips in his stomach as he felts knots tighten and loosen low in his gut.
"you haven't heard them teasing me, have you? the last three days of being here, they've been non-stop laughing at me. they think it's funny," she laughs softly and shakes her head, "they practically forced me to come over here and tell you so-"
he stares at her and she can see his brown eyes from behind the lenses covering them up, and she sighs.
"i wanted to come over though," she adds almost instantly, "to see if you were okay and to stop their incessant jokes and pisstakes. they're only trying to help, i guess?"
"they're annoying," arthur grumbles lowly and she can only hum out in agreement, "but, i guess, they know us both too well. almost far too well, i think."
"you coming back up for dessert? i ordered you the same as me," she smiles, moving to stand to her feet, standing before him and holding out her hands for him to take, wiggling her fingers in an enticing way, "come on, you. we might as well face the music."
"what do we tell them?"
"nothing if we don't want to say," she smiles and he takes her hands, and she uses all her strength to pull him to his feet, their fingers entwining together, "or, i don't know, we could just... take things slow this week? figure stuff out?"
he nods softly.
"i like that idea," he grins, dropping one hand from her hold but making sure to keep a tight grip of her other, swinging between them as they made their way back up the beach and back to where their table was located at the front of their restaurant, "reckon they'll leave us alone now?"
"god only knows," yn laughs, "we can only hope." xx
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teriri-sayes · 6 days
Reactions to The Unknown's Chapter 351
Brief summary: Game community users stuff. Cale heads to Earth 3 to find a game dev.
I'm still unsure if we're still in the Aipotu arc or the New World arc now because we're suddenly going to Earth 3 in the next chapter. 😂
First part of the chapter discussed the various user communities centered on RPOG, like NC (New World Community), NF (New World Forum), and RU World (RPOG Users World), and their talk about the game update.
We got info about the 3 rankers who were known to have received the Emperor Quest: "War God" from China, "Water Witch" from Sweden, and the "Black Lion" from Arcea (Jungle Union). There was speculation that the countries of these 3 rankers were backing them.
Users also discussed that there might be more players hiding the fact that they got the quest, and were convinced that these players were those in the top 100.
But one user named "Chief of Staff of the Universe" warned about the repercussions of this quest in relation to the NPC kingdoms and nations already present. Players were considered foreigners by NPCs, so how would these NPCs react if these foreigners suddenly built their own kingdoms? After all, even the top 10 rankers were barely in the top 100 strongest list in the entire New World (NPCs + players).
Moving on, we had one last banter between Cale and Alberu. 😂😂😂
Cale: *talks about Alberu being a hero* Alberu: *feeling uncomfortable about becoming the hero* Cale: What, you don't want to do it? Alberu: You're such an annoying dongsaeng. Cale: Don't put too much meaning in names. Think of it as a means to an end. Alberu: *frowns* Cale: I'm sure His Highness must be thinking "This position doesn't fit me. I'm not cut out for it." Alberu: Irreverent bastard. Cale: I'm irreverent? But I'm an incredibly high-level villain in the game while you're a low-level newbie? *smiles* Alberu: … Alberu: *smiles brightly* Cale: !!! Cale: (No, that was a joke! Was he taking this seriously? Did he seriously become a game addict?) Cale: *hurriedly adds* And that villain mastermind works for His Highness. Haha! Alberu: Haha! Really! My dongsaeng's got a way with words. Cale: Right? Hahaha- 😅
20 hours before the game server opens, but Rosalyn reported to Cale that they encountered a problem with the portal. She and Sheritt had figured out a power source and a way to keep the portal open. But they did not know how to connect to the game. So she asked Cale for an expert in the game's systems, and said she needed it before the game update finished in 20 hours.
Cale decided to find a game company employee, or a former employee, who were at odds with Transparent Co, Ltd., to help them with the portal. And in order to find that person, they needed to head to Earth 3.
Thus, a quartet was born - Cale, Raon, Rosalyn, and Alberu. Rosalyn joined in because they planned for her to register as a regular user to assist Alberu in his Hero Quest. GoD opened a portal to Earth 3 for them.
Ending Remarks Well, they said they would "briefly" head to Earth 3 to find that expert/game dev before returning to the Black Castle which was still in Aipotu. But I feel like we're in the New World arc now... Next chapter would be the quartet in Earth 3. I guess they'd be surprising Ahn Roh Man with their sudden appearance. 😂 I'm also looking forward to the meeting between the two "Alberus".
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ywpd-translations · 2 months
Ride 782: The winner's parade!!
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Pag 1
1: So... shall we fly?
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Pag 2
4: Huh....
5: What's that blackboard that they showed out of that car just now?
Yeah, it's the signboard. In road races, they write the results of the race progress on that board like that to inform the other cyclists
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Pag 3
1: Like, who won the “sprint” or the “mountain” and the time difference....!!
The first place...
Who's that!? Number 181?
Where is he from? Gunma!?
2: And the group behind changes its shape based on that information, just like a living thing!
Is it their debut?
Someone like that took the first result?
What about Hiroshima!?
No but who is he! That number 181!!
3: What about Kagoshima and Kumadai!?
4: Nagoya, too
5: I mean, wait, that's not the point
Sohoku and Hakoaku should have been ahead too
6: It can't be
That guy...
Competed against those two
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Pag 4
1: He defeated Hakogaku and Sohoku and took the sprint line!!
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Pag 5
2: It was so hard.... but
I did it
Waaa.... I'm so happy, yon
3: Amazing!
I've never seen that jersey before!
4: I'm from Gunma!
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Pag 6
1: I'm so happy to hear the cheers...!!
2: Well then
3: To answer the cheers
5: Ready... set
6: What's number 181 doing
He bent forward, what is he doing!?
Is he accelerating!?
7: Hayaaa
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Pag 7
1: Thank you-chai
It's a wheelie!!
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Pag 8
1: Amaziing, it's the first time I see a wheelie during a race!
What's that!? It's amazing, he's only running on the rear wheel!
It's a service wheelie!!
What an amazing sense of balance!
He's waving his hand this way!
2: Ohhh he's super cool, though
He's incredible
3: He's not only strong but also cool!! He's the best...
Yoriko, shoot a video
4: He's doing a wheelie!!
Wooo!! Taa-kun, that guy you know is too cool
5: I just became a fan!
Number 181!! From now on more and more people will cheer for him
People who come to watch road racing are always looking for it!!
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Pag 9
1: For an overwhelming newcomer!!
4: Dammit!!
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Pag 10
2: Idiot
3: Are you kidding me
What am I doing
What am I doing!!
4: What!!
5: I did!! Everything I could think of to become stronger, to become faster!!
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Pag 11
1: Aaaaaagh dammit!!
3: I practiced... I practiced until I collapsed...
I lost last year....
4: And this year too!? What do I need to fix? Ah?
7: There's nothing to improve anymore!!
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Pag 12
2: Stop screwing around, what “newcomer”
3: It's several times harder for someone to keep winning....!!
4: Even though that day
5: I
6: Watch me, Izumida-san, I'll definitely take the colored bib!!
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Pag 13
1: I'll look forward to it
2: I promised....!!
3: This year I got the number “4”
In Hakone Academy it represents the ace sprinter
How important and heavy
4: is the role of the number “4” bib
5: That victory would have been a moral pillar for the team!!
6: I even changed my orders for this, and this is the outcome...!!
7: I had to win even if it meant to use up all my trump cards!!
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Pag 14
2: I should have cornered him perfectly and shut him off...
4: Was I too naive somewhere?
5: No, there was no problem with you
Even from my point of view you ran well and had the perfect timing, Orange
6: San-na...!!
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Pag 15
1: It must be frustrating for you too
You're a third year.... so this was your last first sprint
2: I guess you were aiming for two consecutive victories, since it's even harder to continue winning
3: Orange....!!
4: But don't worry
I promise myself
5: I will definitely not let that guy do as he wishes from now on!!
6: I'll be the one who will take the sprint line on the second and third day!! Leave it to me!!
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Pag 16
2: No, I'll take them!!
3: Stop screwing around, why does it seem like I'll only finish the first result!?
Am I wrong?
Don't underestimate Hakogaku!
Ah... well, then, shall we race then?
Don't take it lightly!!
4: Hahaha but I'm an all-rounder, so I should have a job on the mountain, too!!
6: Is he joking!? Or should I correct him!?
7: H...uh? Yeah....
Let's just let it go...!!
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Pag 18
1: The running order has changed!!
Gunma, who took the sprint, went ahead and is pulling the pack!!
2: I've never seen something like this
It's their debut, isn't it? Is this okay!?
3: If you take the sprint then you have to go in the front and pull – what kind of rule does road racing have? Isn't it too difficult?
4: It seems like it isn't a rule, Sonomoto-san
It's like they concede control
5: Kiji-saaan!!
Wooah, you were amazing, fou!! Kiji-san!! Everyone, follow me!!
Ichifuji is the only one who's pulling with so much energy
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Pag 19
2: Doubashi-san....!!
3: Doubashi-san being defeated at the sprint is a big deal,isn't it?
That Kiji guy
4: If there's a chance to race him, please give me the order, Joe-san
No wait, you're the ace....
5: I'll crush him
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Pag 20
1: Ahhh, ahhhh
2: We lost, teh.....!! What should we do!?
Kaburagi-san and Danchiku-san have.....!!
3: It's not a big deal
Since in road racing you don't have to retire just because you lost one of the midway races
4: But still, this isn't good!!
5: Kaburagi-kun and Danchiku-kun lost...!!
6: Kiji-kun....!!
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Pag 21
2: Puku...
He controlled it....
3: Gunma's Kiji controlled the sprint... ohh
4: What should I do?
Crush him quickly?
6: Or maybe.... make friends with him?
Make friends!!
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writer-by-the-sea · 15 days
Elliott tells you to drink more water.
He wants you to take care of yourself.
Did you enjoy this? Feel free to request more things like this!
Also, if you would like to send me a little gift, you can do so here (Amazon).
Script below if needed.
Warning, I sound nothing like Elliott.
Oh, hello there! 
It's hot out today, isn't it? 
I saw Willy walking around earlier with a hand held fan tied to the back of his hat. I thought it was rather clever! 
Oh my, you're sweating a bit, aren't you? Why don't you come inside and have a glass of water with me.
That's better, isn't it? Please, get comfortable, sit on my bed and I'll turn the fan towards you. 
I should have some chilled glasses in my icebox, just a moment! 
Here you are, drink up! 
You've been working so hard, darling, but you can't forget to take care of yourself. 
I know, I know… 
I just worry about you. We wouldn't want you to pass out in the mines, now would we? 
My goodness, look at you… you poor thing, you must have been so thirsty. 
Can you promise me that you'll try to drink more water from now on? 
Try for 6 to 8 glasses a day. 
Hahaha yes, it is hard. Water is dreadfully boring. Beer and wine are much tastier! 
But, my love, I want you to be healthy, and drinking water is a big part of that. 
How about this, for each glass you water you drink a day… I will kiss you. 
On your forehead, the tip of your adorable nose, your cheeks, your wonderful lips… 
And you want me to kiss you… don't you? 
Kiss sound??? (Yes, I'm keeping this here lol.)
You're doing so well, just keep it up! 
Only a few more glasses to go and you'll have all the water you need! 
Come back to me after you've finished, and I'll give you a kiss for each one. 
I care so much about you. 
I love you. 
I'll see you in a few hours, alright? 
Be safe and stay hydrated! 
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queen-dahlia · 9 months
𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦
"𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿"
not proofread
Note: Translation is not 100% accurate. Expect grammatical errors.
// : alternate translation
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The final dinner of the year finally came to a close.
The main character is a gluttonous prince.
The dinner party, which began in the kitchen in the morning with an extraordinary amount of food, was a success,
Before we even get to the main course, there's a disconcerting turn of events一
Gilbert: "I'm hungry."
Clavis: "Lord Gilbert, what were you doing a few seconds ago?"
Gilbert: "I was eating the food that the little bunny had cooked for me."
Clavis: "And?"
Gilbert: "I'm hungry."
Licht: "It's abnormal."
Clavis: "It must have been absorbed into another space, not the stomach. Next time I'll refer you to a good doctor."
Gilbert: "Thanks for your concern."
Gilbert: "Waiter, bring me more food."
Licht: "It's impossible."
Clavis: "Emma is not a superhuman. She's working hard to finish a dish for you."
Gilbert: "You don't have to elaborate that much, though."
Gilbert: "In general, it's a terrible miscalculation not to have the little bunny at the dinner party."
Clavis: "You have us instead."
Gilbert: "Do you really think you can take the place of the little bunny?"
Licht: "I'm... offended by the way you said that."
Clavis: "Well, well, well. I'm just the entertainment guy for when the guests are bored. You're up, Yves, Luke."
Yves: "We've been playing this for a while now!?"
Luke: "Don't you hear the violin and the harpsichord? Listen."
Gilbert: "Thank you for your wonderful performance, but I got bored."
Yves & Luke: "Can I go back now?" | "Can I go now?"
Clavis: "Wait a minute, boys, it's not fair to expect Emma to take on this beast by herself..."
Clavis: "Besides, I've already set up traps to prevent you from escaping from this room."
Clavis: "If that's okay with you, you can go back. Hahaha!"
Luke: "Screw you."
Clavis: "But I am at a loss. Lord Gilbert seems to want other pleasures."
Clavis: "I have no choice. I guess this is my moment to show off."
Gilbert: "Oh, yeah!"
Clavis: "Can you at least hear me out?"
Gilbert: "I've got a good idea."
Luke: "I don’t think there’s any proof that your good ideas were good things." **
Yves: "Lord Gilbert, where are you going?"
Gilbert: "Of course, I'll go to the little bunny."
Emma: "一So, what brings you all to the kitchen?"
Emma: "And as for Prince Gilbert, he had a knife and fork in his hand."
Licht: "I don't suppose you're going to... eat every last bit of the finished product?"
Gilbert: "Correct."
Licht: "That's gruesome." // "That's pungent." **
Gilbert: "If we eat here, the waiters won't have to carry the food, and you can watch the little bunny, right?"
Gilbert: "It's good for everyone."
Yves: "The pressure on Emma is not half as great as it should be..."
Gilbert: "I'm surprised so many of them haven't been brought in yet."
Emma: "It's not ready yet! All the seasoning and decorations are incomplete一"
Gilbert: "Well, I'll have some."
Emma: "Aaaahh!? Seriously, Prince Gilbert, don't eat it!"
Clavis: "It's not good. If the Appetite Monster comes into its own, all the food and ingredients in this place will be lost."
Emma: "Please, please stop!"
Licht: "I get it."
Yves: "Whoaaaaah! Licht, don't pull out your sword! Your big brother won't allow you to stop him like that!"
Luke: "Then I'll hit him一"
Yves: "Are you crazy? We're dealing with a prince of a great nation! There's going to be a war!"
Clavis: "Well, then, I guess my一"
Emma: "Please don't do that!"
Clavis: "… Why can't people just let me say it all?"
Gilbert: "Mmm... it's delicious."
Emma: "Prince Gilbert... that's not… in good taste."
Emma: "... I've made it this far, but it's terrible."
Yves: "Emma... I know how you feel. The pain of having a delicious meal ruined in the process..."
Yves: "I get screwed over by Jin and Leon from time to time, so I know what it's like."
Licht: "… That's right."
Luke: "To see Emma so devastated and you keep eating, that's not human behavior."
Clavis: "He's a monster."
Luke: "… All right, Clavis, Licht. Gather all the ingredients in the kitchen."
Licht: "Why?"
Luke: "While you stall for time with the ingredients, Yves and I will help Emma finish up."
Luke: "Otherwise, Emma will go through the year with a lot of regret."
Emma: "Luke…"
Yves: "I agree. It's too early to give up!"
Licht: "Understood. Let’s do it, Clavis."
Clavis: "I agree. We need to get rid of the monster and bring in a happy new year for everyone."
Luke: "Hey, I brought you some food."
Luke: "You should be thankful that I put a bear and honey on the base that Emma was building." // "You should be grateful that I put the bear and the honeycomb on the foundation that Emma was building."
Gilbert: "Yes, yes, thank you."
Clavis: "Phew, I got one for you too."
Yves: "Hey, isn't Clavis in charge of the ingredients?"
Clavis: "I'm not going to be able to do everything I'm capable of if I'm just carrying food."
Clavis: "So I decided to switch to helping Emma in the middle of the process."
Licht: "… Unnecessary." **
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Clavis: "Look at this adorable tiger, Emma was working on it, and I finished it?" // "Look at this adorable tiger! I finished what Emma was partially working on?"
Emma: "Ah! When did you...?"
Yves: "Is there something hanging out of that tiger's mouth?"
Clavis: "It's a delicious sauce."
Licht: "What's that stuck in its head?"
Clavis: "It's just a decoration."
Licht: "… With a high murderous intent…"
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Gilbert: "Leave it for me, I'll eat it later."
Yves: "… I honestly respect Lord Gilbert for not being intimidated by the food arranged by Clavis."
Gilbert: "And by the way, little bunny, you really are a genius."
Gilbert: "The food here is good, and it's cute."
Gilbert: "Hey, how would you like to be my personal chef? I'll give you a great deal at Obsidian."
Emma: "I am honored, but I must decline."
Gilbert: "Too bad."
Gilbert: "It looks like I failed to recruit you, so let's have this little rabbit here heal me."
Emma: "Eh."
Gilbert: "Sugar Candy Story."
Luke: "It's confusing."
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Gilbert: "Hehe… This little rabbit looks delicious."
Gilbert: "I'll taste every bit of it, chew it up so it won't go anywhere, and keep it in my stomach to cherish for a long time一"
Luke: "… Don't say anything meaningful. Emma's pulling back." // "… Don't say anything meaningful. I think Emma is the one who pulled it off."
Emma: "I'm not pulling away. It just hurts to imagine…"
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Clavis: "Lord Gilbert, this tiger cake is delicious, too. Come on, it's time for cannibalism."
the cake with spicy sauce
Yves: "… Clavis wants to feed you whatever he wants."
Licht: "I don't care if Lord Gilbert eats it."
Gilbert: "By the way, I like it spicy and sweet."
Clavis: "What…"
Gilbert: "I'll taste it for you."
Emma: "Ah!"
Luke: "What's up?"
Emma: "Now... Now all the dishes are done!"
Luke: "Oh, you did great, Emma."
Licht: "Somehow we managed to stop the monster."
Yves: "Licht, you're dealing with a guest of honor, right?"
Clavis: "Then we'll carry it out of the kitchen."
Gilbert: "Well, I don't mind if I stay."
Luke: "It's only natural that you respect the food Emma made."
Luke: "It's not something you can eat in the kitchen."
Luke: "You move, or I'll carry you. Or do you want me to carry you?"
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Gilbert: "… I used to be the one carrying you."
Luke: "Shut up." // "It’s so noisy."
Gilbert: "Luke has a point. Fine, I'll take you back to the venue."
Emma: "… Hehe."
Yves: "What's wrong?"
Emma: "I thought it would be more fun to do the preparation together than to do it alone."
Clavis: "Haha, of course. Good thing you sent me a distress signal early, huh?"
Emma: "That's not the only thing."
Clavis: "Oops, that smile is so sweet..."
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Gilbert: "If the little bunny laughed like that, then I guess I was right to get into the kitchen." // "If the little bunny smiled, then I made the right decision to get into the kitchen."
Luke: "… You're just talking about consequences, aren't you?"
Licht: "The dinner is just the beginning."
Emma: "I agree."
Emma: "Let's end this year with a smile!"
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seabirdtxt · 1 year
Hello! Just recently found your blog, and I am in love with your fanfic, Glitch In Irminsul!
I honestly have no idea if I'm the first one to request on your blog, but I do hope this idea is okay with you!
May I request this: Reader who is a comedian with Cyno, Tighnari and Collei, reacting to Reader making Cyno's bad jokes (quote on quote) "better"? You don't have to find a joke for Reader if you don't wanna :)
I'm a little obsessed with their dynamic as of right now. If you do happen to take this request, thanks :D
Also idk if you wanna take Anons, but if you do someday, is it alright if I claim "🎪 Anon" as my alias? Sorry if I'm asking too much! I hope you have a great day :)
hi!! thanks so much for your request, and your patience!! 🩵 i had a good bit of fun writing this for you, i love bad jokes 🤭
WC. 1092
----- ⚘ -----
As the General Mahamatra, and having been personally assigned to your guard by Lesser Lord Kusanali herself, it is Cyno’s sworn duty to attend to every need and whim of the almighty Creator.
And when the Creator demands that you tell them your absolute worst joke, the one that nobody has ever even laughed at yet, well, who is he to deny them?
“- didn’t realize that, at that very moment, a Hydro slime was praying to meet a lone, stranded traveler.” Cyno finishes the joke with a straight face, at the exact same moment that the door to the hut swings open, revealing Tighnari and Collei with several bags of groceries in their arms.
“Oh, Cyno, not the slime joke again.” Tighnari groans over the sound of your absolutely raucous laughter at the horrible joke.
“But the Creator likes it.” Cyno protests, gesturing to you hanging part way off the table and clutching your stomach. You honestly don’t find the joke itself all that funny, but the sheer confidence with which he tells it paired with the completely deadpan expression he has is sending you into hysterics.
“They’re going to eat each other!” You gasp, trying to sit back properly on the chair. A few lingering giggles hit you when you see Tighnari’s deeply disappointed expression. “Hahaha… but slimes don’t have a mouth, do they? How would it eat the person?”
“Exactly!” Tighnari says, pointing at Cyno with the hand not holding the groceries. “It doesn’t make any sense! Slimes wouldn’t-”
“And what did the stranded traveler say in that situation?” You add, confusing both Tighnari and Cyno into silence. Cyno blinks a few times, visibly wondering if there was a part of the joke that he forgot to tell, and he’s about to ask for clarification when Collei beats him to the punch.
“Your Grace, the traveler didn’t say anythi-” Collie begins, but you’re already on a roll.
“He said, ‘it must be slime for dinner!’”
You can’t help but erupt into laughter again at seeing everyone’s reactions: Collei’s slow realization, Cyno perking up excitedly, and Tighnari imploding with exasperation.
“You see, because ‘slime’ sounds like ‘time’-”
“Yes, Cyno. Thanks. I got the gist.”
You’re still gasping for air, leaning back in the chair and bracing yourself on the wall behind you. Tighnari’s frown falters a little, your joy infectious even if the joke is terrible.
“Slime for dinner, and sand for dessert!” You add, and Cyno chuckles even as he brings out his wretched book of jokes and begins writing an annotation in the margins, which Tighnari is sure the librarian will greatly appreciate later. “Get it? ‘Cause dessert, and desert?”
Tighnari is about to snarkily reply, when a surprising sound catches his attention. He turns with a horrified expression to Collei, who has her hand over her mouth and eyes wide in disbelief.
“Oh no, Collei…” Tighnari says warningly, shaking his head, which causes the girl to snort again and she quickly puts down her groceries before she can drop them.
“I- I’m sorry, Master,” she fights through her giggles, which only spurs you and Cyno on. “It’s just… it’s so bad…”
“Come on, ‘Nari, it’s just a joke,” Cyno attempts to bring the Valuka Shuna in on the fun. “Think of it as a way to break the ice.”
“Yeah, Tighnari,” you add. “Snow fun otherwise.”
Collei lets out a full belly laugh, to Tighnari’s dismay and Cyno’s apparent confusion.
“You’ve never laughed at my jokes like that,” the general points out, and Collei can only laugh harder.
“We’re morally obligated to laugh at the Creator’s jokes, ‘lest Their Grace smite us with impunity.” Tighnari states tonelessly, completely opposing his own statement.
That’s about as much as you can take. You slide bonelessly off the chair, howling with laughter on the floor like some kind of hyena.
“Look what you did! You corrupted the Creator!”
“The Creator told that joke all on their own!”
While Cyno and Tighnari are bickering, Collei helps you off of the floor, steadying you in your chair as you both come down from your laughing. She checks you over to make sure you didn’t injure yourself on your way down, then grabs her bag and rummages through it before producing a shiny red apple.
“We brought snacks!” she announces, handing you the fruit proudly. “And we have the stuff for dinner tonight! We picked these fresh, though. They’re very sweet this season!”
You take the apple with a grin and rub it on your shirt to clean it before taking a bite.
“Wow, these really are sweet! Thanks, Collei!” You marvel at how good the apple tastes, somehow different from Earth’s apples, with a refreshing, sugary taste.
“You’re very welcome!” Collei beams at the praise. “I’m gonna go get Master Tighnari to stop griping and help me with dinner, now, though.”
You perk up at the mention of cooking. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
“Oh, gosh, no! You’re our guest, please let us take care of it!” Collei insists, then scurries over to the other two.
You decide to follow her just as she’s asking Tighnari for help with cooking. The botanist huffs with mild annoyance, his tail sweeping from side to side.
“I’m not sure Cyno needs dinner, Collei,” he states. “Since he wants to act childish, perhaps it would be best to put him in time-out for the evening.”
“That’s not very knife of you, Tighnari,” you say before you can stop yourself. “Why don’t you fork-give him for now so we can have dinner together?”
Tighnari squints at you, somehow sensing you’ve made a pun (or two) despite your straight delivery.
“... Are you going to stop with the jokes too, Your Grace?” he asks, his ear flicking.
“What jokes? Collei wanted to ask for your help with the cooking. How can you say no to dish face?” You sidle up behind Collei and use your pointer fingers to make her smile, which she tolerates with surprising grace. “Isn’t she adora-bowl?”
“...” Tighnari maintains his stance for a few more seconds, and then sighs in defeat. “I don’t have a counter to that. Very well, I suppose I can let it slide for tonight, since it’s for you, Your Grace…”
“Hehehe, counter,” you mumble, which causes Collei to erupt into giggles once more, and Cyno to look extremely pleased with your ability.
And Tighnari to make a noise of exasperation, throwing his hands up and stomping toward the kitchen on his own.
“That’s it! I’ve had enough! I’m leaving!”
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keepyourpantsongohan · 7 months
Ayesha Liveblogs Spy x Family S2
Awww, I like that Bond Forger the Dog also gets an intro about HIS secret identity. Equal opportunity deceit
Are we finally going to learn who exacty Yor is fighting? I would like to know!
Been there Anya, I also had little patience for watching the news as as a kid. Though, it seems more important in a pre-internet era
"Okay, you can change the channel." Loid Forger, International Spy, defeated by one (1) sad look from his little daughter
"I absolutely cannot tell him that I got shot in the butt while fighting a group of armed men." 10/10 episode plot, I cannot wait
"I've been relying on her too much without realizing it, and it's upset her. Yes, that must be it! I must do everything in my power to remedy this at once!" Loid immediately blaming Yor's mood on himself and deciding he has to be respond by being a better husband!!! I will keep saying it. He is THE Husband. World's Most Husband
"Why don't we go on a date?" HEE HEE
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Puzzling that Yor thinks she hasn't been on a date though, when I can think of at least three dates so far (party-grenade-proposal date, lunch date, and drinks-and-reassurance date)
"I can't leave Anya alone at home, and this is a very important mission to ensure that we remain one happy family." It seems Loid has learned from the spy transmission debacle
"Last night, I came up with 862 date plans to ensure that Yor has fun." He's insane. I want to give him a leetle kiss
HAHAHAHA Franky being absolutely thrilled to bother Loid and Yor on their date. What a friendship 💕
Intriguing that Anya's telepathy has a distance limit. Tell me more!
Honestly, Yor having to position herself in a specific way to avoid pain is relatable. We love a chronic pain queen
"This woman had built up an immunity to poisons." HAHAHAHAHA the poison fixing Yor's pain. Sometimes, drinking does solve your problems!
LMAOOOO them censoring the bomb components. A real "don't try this at home" moment
"I'm going to forget all this and live a normal life." Perfect. Forgers reforming their enemies left and right
"If it's not too much trouble, please invite me out again sometime." Never let being married stand in the way of your husband becoming your boyfriend 🥰
SCREAM at Bond's perception of what Loid does for work. I guess he's closer to the truth than most:
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"Are you trying to do this for your... no. Are you trying to get revenge for your friends who were experimented on?" HAHAHA is Loid blushing because he wants to call himself his dog's dad?
FBKFJHFFHKJHF Loid taking on Bond as his mission back-up. He truly can be swayed so easily
I love the giant puppy spy sidekick, employ this dog ASAP
"While they're busy playing, I'm going to work hard to get to the top," said Damian Desmond, Six Years Old, for whom The Top was beating all the other little bougie first graders
"Your friendship... preciously elegant." Me whenever I finish hanging out with my friends
I love that Henderson-sensei sends the kids out on a picnic as a punishment. He really is as silly as he is strict
I don't know if this is a vegetarian thing or a cultural thing but it always seems wild to me how people in anime bite into fish, scales and all
"Did you know that the most recent studies in neuroscience suggest that your brain feels really revitalized when you're spacing out?" I like Mr. Green, Grizzled Navy Custodian, too
HAHA Damian trying his hardest to space out. Me when people tell me to practice mindfulness
"Oh, you don't [have a goal], eh? That's perfectly fine!" "Actually, I want to live my life eating lots of snacks." "Splendid! You'll have to think earnestly about how to make that possible." I take it back, I LOVE MR. GREEN
Ready to sob about this field trip actually. AHHHHHHH:
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"Good evening, Mr. Vile Trash." ACAB; All Cops are (Weird) Brothers
"What's so wrong about trying to improve the country my family lives in?" Nothing but the hostile, paternalistic nationalism of a Cold War, Frank Perkin, Newspaper Sensationalist and Adult Bully of Wealthy Children
"I'll request that your father gets some financial aid to get by." I feel like that will not make up for imprisoning his son, Yuri, but whatever helps you sleep
"Blech." That's also how I feel about Weird Brother Yuri, Anya
"Revenge will only make you sadder. I'll make you forget about all that with my love." This is the plot of Naruto
Honestly, I was super sold on the Bondman Polycule when it was just him, his spy partner Agent M, and the enemy spy lady who had all linked arms together. I feel like this could work:
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"How was anything he did gentlemanly?" Loid said: I'm a one-woman kind of spy
"Lord Damian, how could you possibly pick the joker there." "Shut up!' [Internally] She's so unfair... Damn it! I like to believe Loid might approve of Damian's crush purely because he is also willing to do whatever Anya wants if she makes one (1) sad face
Poor Anya. She's really most suited to using her street smarts
"Garden? The group of assassins who have been in this country for ages? They're basically urban legends, aren't they?" FINALLY we're finding out more about Yor's job!! They do in fact seem at cross purposes with the spies
[Loid already walking away] "He's such a heartless jerk." I bet you $5 he has already decided to help Franky LMAO
Update from 8 min later: Alright, I owe you $5, he didn't care
"Am I normal?! Oh, thank goodness!" said Yor excitedly, as if that were not a moderately suspicious response to being called normal
Excited for an ep with no double-barreled title. Plot progression!
I truly don't know where this falls on the spectrum of ways that anime will depict black and brown characters LMAO. Like Donovan Desmond, the Shopkeeper has an extremely haunting aura:
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"You will be providing protection on this mission." Oooooh, change of pace!
"Is there actually any reason why I should continue my job as a killer?" A question every assassin should ask themselves, I think
"HQ may or may not be trying to cut back on our shady overtime practices." Incredible. I can't believe even the underground spy agency has PTO. I wonder who regulates spy labour law
"If not for this bodyguard job, the three of us could've enjoyed this vacation together." AWWW Yor loves her family so much
"You can say this is a gangster's destiny." [Reba voice] A single mom who works too hard, who loves her kid never stops!
"Papa! We need to hurry up and explore the ship before it sinks!" "It's not going to sink! Stop scaring everyone." The fact the staircase looks distinctly modelled after that one scene from Titanic really sells Anya's point
Loid incapable of framing having fun as anything but a mission ljggkjgj truly he might benefit from a Real Psychologist
"That family's just for camoflauge, right?" "Yes, you're right... Is... that true?" I love Yor slowly admitting that she loves her family for their own sake 💗
As Yor was declaring doing her best, I did worry briefly that someone was going to [redact] Olka. Other anime have been less kind to me than Spy x Family
I love Yor making another mum friend in Olka 💞 Gal pals
Finally saying suspicious things in public has a consequence!!
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"It's been a while since we've had dinner without Mama." "Yeah, it's a bit lonely." Hee hee, Loid misses his wife
I love the immediate transformation in Yor's face as soon as Olka/Shaty says she didn't order room service
I don't have much to say but I am really entranced by the assassin vs. assassin + informant goings on!!
"I may not look it, but I'm a married woman, so I'll have to decline." Absolutely loving Yor quietly and efficiently beating these hitmen unconscious as she passes through the cruise ship
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"Which is it?! Would normal parents buy their child something in this situation or not?!" Loid is incapable of making a decision without thinking about how it looks in relation to him being a spy. Anxiety king
[In Anya's mind] "Yor! You're an assasin who hates frogs? Let's get a divorce. The Forgers are done." Like father, like anxiety-ridden daughter
"I am a normal father. A good father," said Loid, which is frankly not usually something a good or normal father would say
"Papa, you're not excited at all." Loid defeated by one (1) six-year-old's piercingly accurate psychoanalysis
Loid is facing a true Psychological Battle: The Fitting Room
Anya Ultimate Wingman Award for convincing everyone her mum's battle is actually a circus act
Awwww, Zeb, Fake Husband to Olka, likes her. I hope this is a healthy experience in Yor seeing other fake couples work it out, but I do also think Zeb could mega-die
"As long we people continue to be people, conflict will never end." Alright, Director Doomsday, calm down
"What am I? What am I doing this for?" [B Eilish voice] What was I made foooooor?
"Does she hate me? Or is she just going through a rebellious phase?" Loid whenever one of the Forger girls looks upset: THIS MUST BE MY FAULT SOMEHOW
A hasty and confident NO to Assassin Sniff's whole vibes
We interrupt this program to think about how cute Loid and Anya are!! I love Loid entertaining Anya and also supporting her while he thinks she's missing Yor
"Nice, Mr. Husband!" Oh good, we love a bulletproof vest for Zeb!
Truly a wild juxtaposition of Forger Family Fireworks Night:
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"This might be a bit late to ask, but would you consider just peacefully going home?" I love you, Compassionate Combat
I'm having a hard time believing all this will happen without Loid eventually noticing; the fireworks are long gone. I actually do hope Loid crashes her battle, Director Doomsday is out cold
"I'm doing this to support my family.... wait. I guess I am also doing this for money. But... no, I make enough to survive now. I'm hunting down bad guys for my country! For my country? Have I always been so righteous? What am I doing this for?" Poor Yor, this is like the worst possible time for an existential crisis
[In Yor's flashback] "Be it for someone else, or for a specific reason, having to endure a merciless job... That's something to be very proud of." I'm sure Loid will acknowledge me. He'll forgive me. I like to think so too, Yor!!
Never mind to Loid helping Yor out, he is busy disarming a bomb threatening to sink them. This truly is the Titanic LMAO
LGLHGLGJHGLJHG Anya accidentally tripping the assassins so they shoot each other. Like mother, like daughter 💖
"You'll be able to enjoy the symphony of agonized screams and roars coming through the wiretaps on this ship." I can't wait for Loid to sink this guy with his own clock-bomb
Update from 30 seconds later: See? Self-owned and sunk
Awwwww Yor really does deserve the baby hug after the day she's had:
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"I pray that, someday, you and your family will be able to find true peace." OLKAAAA
"I know it was an emergency, but I ended up casting my family aside again." Loid and Yor having the same crisis about whether to prioritize their family or their jobs 🥺🥺🥺
Loid's blush at Yor catching him skipping as he continues to skip over in her direction. Hee hee
"I hope peaceful days like this will continue forever." ME TOO, YOR!
Get you a mum who would secretly beat up sharks for you ❤️‍🩹
Setting aside how fun snorkeling is, absolutely terrible idea to go into the ocean with an open wound OMG
Loid carrying his whole family is the cutest thing I've ever seen, 10 bajilion/10zo; perfect:
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[Internally] "You did a great job." Loid is in loooooove
"I can never tell if he's actually clever, or clumsy." Me either, Handler
Anya learning about the vacation disparity of rich kids LMAO
"If youre going to create a persona for yourself, you need to be strategic and commit." Not Loid turning this lie lecture into a spy lecture in his mind
"Lying is too much work, so I'll try not to do it anymore." Anya's entire set of adult role models do nothing but lie all the time, she really has no frame of reference for honesty
I do a little bit hate the Becky fantasizing about Loid thing, I have been Cardcaptor Sakura'd too much in life
I feel like they take a lot of liberties in translating "Loid-sama" as "my precious Loid" but hey, he is precious
"Yor's going to get the wrong idea, somehow." Loid has finally registered that this child is obsessed with him and he is only concerned for wife not thinking he's a freak. A good husband above all else
"I really don't understand the children of rich people." Me either, Loid
I need you to see Loid's face as Becky declares that this is his expression of love for Yor:
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"Your heart is as vast as the sky, and you're stronger than the earth itself. You're the perfect lady." Correct, Becky! Yor is amazing
"I had some extra souvenirs left after handing them out to everyone else. Do you want them?" LMAO @ the implication being lost on Fiona that he doesn't even think of her enough to warrant her own souvenir
I will say, I really do resonate with the theme of the ep being Loid is Hot and Amazing to Everyone But No One Will Ever Measure Up to Yor in His Eyes
"Maybe you're too nice, and biting and barking don't really suit you." Everyone in the Forger family is too nice for their job, including Bond Forger, Precognitive Puppy
Awwww Bond trying to help out all the humans with his visions
LNKFHKFHKJFH Loid really just got reprimanded by his dog
"And he went into save [Daisy the puppy]? What an impressive dog!" I love the Spy Dad-Psychic Puppy tag-team ❤️
[Internally] "I am a cool-headed spy. I cannot let my emotions show." Loid remains deadpan through SO many things but his dog looking a little funny while wet is his limit. What a man!
"Don't push yourself too hard. There's someone waiting back home who would be sad if you died." 1) V sweet, dad first, hero second. And 2) This is the second time Loid has directly spoken to his life situation with a simultaneous thinly-veined dog metaphor
WAHHHHHHH Loid and Bond's heroics being acknowledged by Anya giving them little paper Stellas:
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Yor immediately joining in and congratulating them for their hard work on their walk!!! I LOVE ONE (1) SPY X FAMILY 😭😭😭😭😭 IT'S A NICE SHOW
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lutawolf · 1 year
My Personal Weatherman and the D/s element Ep 4
If you haven't read the others, they can be found here.
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Ahhh, nothing gets me going like a sub wearing what their Dom picked out. That subtle ownership. Why yes, I do pick out all my husband's clothes except the dreaded work clothes. I refuse to take the blame for those tacky things.
Right off, we can easily see that this is not an M/s situation. The fact that Segasaki is asking Yoh what he wants to do, tells us exactly what we need to know. Yoh is explaining what he is going to do. That is not something a slave would ever even think to do. We can easily tell that he is a subby sub though, cause when Segasaki brings out the Dom, Yoh eases back.
OMG, that chin grab! @bl-bam-beyond pretty please gif that chin grab.
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That chin grab with the "No." Ugh, how all my lovely subs doing? Are you still here? Have you been able to finish the show? Or are you stuck here on rewind?
Yoh actually questions Segasaki as to why not. Anybody still thinking Yoh a slave? Cause not to be rude, I can't fix stupid. This boy, a brat. Fuck, this whole scene is really showcasing their dynamic. "But we made a promise." "Tell her that you can't go anymore. Do it. Do you even know why you are in this house." And once again, we're back at the misunderstanding stage.
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A fangirl, I see. OMG, this is adorable. Yoh is like, sure. Let's look at the tie of my Dom, bestie.
Yoh calling with Segasaki standing over him. This episode is killing me in the best possible way. Don't revive me! (No! I have not taken my ADHD meds, don't judge me!) "I was ordered to stay home." Hahahaha! Then the ahhhh, after he tells her that he will make it up to her. Letting you know he was likely just punished by Segasaki. Yes, my mind went here.
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Then the reward of the head pat, "you did good."
She showed up to check on him! Woot! Haha, she is about to find out who is boyfriend is. Hahaha. I'm dying. Meanwhile, his boyfriend is like, "guess it's time for a face off." Ya'll I'm not okay. I'm laughing so hard.
And Yoho stepped over a line and got put in his place. But he is too busy having a crisis to care! 🤣🤣🤣 Her face is my favorite.
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That effortless lie. He wasn't feeling well. Uh huh. I love these two dumbass friends. I need sake too!!! I'm dying. Shit, I can't breathe through the laughter.
Now it's Yoh's turn to be jealous. Ahh, he got drunk and fell asleep on the floor. The places we find comfortable when we are drunk.
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Nope, he doesn't want to go to the bed. I love the outer dialogue we are getting. I really enjoy that we get Yoh's side of things and from his perspective, but this rounds it out a bit for me.
And look at that beautiful smile when Segasaki finds out she's married. "Are you in your rebellious phase." Does this sound familiar to certain people whom I will not mention by name!?! Hmmm! Brats! Stop breaking my heart! Make him stop Segasaki, make him stop!
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Fuck, I love these two so much. Everything he is describing is very much a Brat Tamer. Bossy but gentle. Controlling but caring. Charming and unreasonable. Brat Tamer.
The way his squishes Yoh's face! Ahhh, these two are gonna kill me!
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"It would be nice if you stayed drunk forever." Because of the honesty. Segasaki likes Yoh's quirks, but he also wants the honesty and the connection.
I need the curry story now! But apparently, I must wait. Heavy sigh.
Hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know in the tags if you did. 💜💜💜 See you next time.
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cakepoppresent · 18 days
Who's The New Kid?
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Transcript Under The Cut~
Xavier: You missed me?
Wayne: Yes! I thought we were gonna be in school on the first day together
Xavier: hahaha I only missed 2 days! I'm here now
Wayne: Why were you late anyways
Xavier: My mom got me a quick job I had to finish. The timings overlapped but I begged my mom to let me do it
Wayne: What was the work for? Are you going to be on TV?
Xavier: It was for Vans! My billboard should be up in a few weeks. At least that's why my mom said
Wayne: It was so boring without you. The Kids here aren't as fun as you
Xavier: I doubt that there must be cooler kids here than me
Wayne: No! I mean it! They are all so boring. They don't joke around like you do
Xavier: hahaha you're right. I'm really one-of-a-kind
Xavier: Well you don't have to worry I'm here now! My mom said no more work until winter break
Wayne: Really?
Xavier: Yeah! So we can hang out at my place and play video games after school
Wayne: What about our homework
Xaiver: Come on dude! Why bring up something so boring? We'll do it after we play videos, my bother got 2k24
Wayne: But I've always sucked at video games. I don't think I'll be fun to play with
Xavier: Don't worry I'll teach you
Xavier: Forget about all that other stuff. Are we all in the same classes this year?
Wayne: Yes! I asked my dad to make sure it happened
Xavier: That's great! We've been a team all summers it would suck if we got split up
Wayne: I told my dad if he didn't do it I would never talk to him again
Wayne: He looked so scared then my mom told him to stop acting like a baby
Xavier: I wished my dad was like that! He could be so stern! I'm only here because my mom said yes. If not I would be back in Windenburg
Wayne: I'm happy she said yes! I think I would die of boredom without you
Carter: Whose the new kid beside Wayne?
Izan: That's Xavier Reeves. His mom is that famous actress married to some rich dude. My dad told me but I forgot. He said we should try and be friends with him
Carter: What the hell? When did the new kid get so close to Wayne?
Izan: I don't know but XAviers social bunny is public and I think they spent the summer together in The Bay
Carter: That's so unfair! We've been trying to be friends with Wayne since forever!
Carter: Hmm..Let's try talking to Wayne again. Maybe he'll be less uptight
Izan: I dunno Wayne is kinda sensitive. What if we spook him again?
Carter: If he can be friends with some no-name loser. I'm sure he won't mind us trying to be friends either!
Izan: I dunno man but if you say so. I just wanna be friends with Wanye...he's cute
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demonsword586 · 9 months
Leviathan Bloodshed story part 1
(I apoligise for spelling mistakes,I been writting this for two days and I can't feel my arms. I forgot how long the prolouge is... Also I think this may go slower than I anticipated,sorry. Also I might take a day off of this,my arm feels like it wants to go on it's own funeral)
(bg inside the castle of Hades)
Mc: It somehow seems like it's loud outside the palace today...
It was unusual for the devils of Hades,who always lived by a strict discipline,to make a ruckus.
Barbatos: That's because it's Halloween today!
Foras: Everyone must be busy preparing for the festival.
Mc: They have Halloween festival in Hell too??
When you asked,the devils around you stared at you as though you were a total hillbilly.
Glasyal La Bolas: Ha ha,how many times do we have to explain to this small human that the things in the human world were made under Hell's effects?
Glasyal spoke pathetically with a bad-tempered smile.
Foras: Don't be impolite to a guest of his Majesty Leviathan,Glasyal La Bolas. It is not a sin to be stupid.
Barbatos: Hmm? His Majesty Leviathan said 'ignorance is a sin.' though.
Foras: ....Mc,let me apoligise. These guys are all fools.
Mc: (Wait,you just said I'm stupid...)
You felt victimized and glared at the three devils,but to no effect whatsoever.
You were sometimes confused if the devils of Hades were kind to you or if they disliked you.
Barbatos: We might as well! The son/daughter of Solomon is curious about the Halloween festival and we have a Halloween festival going on right now!
Barbatos: We might as well go and enjoy it together!
Foras: Barbatos,how many times are you repeating the phrase 'we might as well'?
Glasyal La Bolas: Ahh,a festival. It is such a melodious word. It is a dangerous day where the smallest conflicts can cause a riot.
Glasyal La Bolas: Although it will never happen in Hades.
Glasyal La Bolas spoke with a look of ecstasy,then turned gloomy and muttered in dissatisfaction.
Mc: Is the festival in Hades very diffrent from the festivals in other countries?
Barbatos: There would be no better answear than seeing it for yourself!
Barbatos grabbed your hand with a look of excitment.
Foras: Wait,Barbatos...! You should have fun at the festival after you finish your work...
Barbatos: I see! Foras please take care of my job as well!!
Foras: ?!?!
Glasyal La Bolas: Hahaha! I knewthis would happen. Foras,what are you doing? Go and grab Barbatos by his throat!
Foras: ........Never mind. We needed a devil to guide the son/daughter of Solomon around the festival,so we'll just say Barbatos is in charge of it.
Glasyal La Bolas: Pfft,boring.
You heard the conversation of the remaining two devils while Barbatos positively dragged you through the corridor.
Fortunately it looked like Foras would deal with it.
Mc: (I'm sorry,Foras...!)
Apoligizing for something you didn't do,you headed for the streets with Barbatos.
(bg changes to the streets of Hades)
The faster Barbatos walked,the harder your heart pounded.
A festival in Hell?! It has to be several times as big and fun than festivals on Earth.
Once you and Barbatos left the palace,you headed for the central square where they all gathered.
Mc: (Such flashy street decorations! Mouthwatering street food! Lively people laughing and talking!)
Mc:....Where are they all?
Next to Barbatos who stopped at the square,you tilted your head.
The biggest crowd you have ever seen was gathering in the square,but it had neither the street decorations nor street food.
(bg changes to a giant fire surrounded by devils)
Instead,there was one thing that was diffrent from the norm in the center of the square...
Mc: ( A mega sized camp fire?!)
There was a fire that burned as tall as the palace in the central of the square.
Even while sweating because of the heat,the devils were holding hands with their family or friends around it.
They were not in their normal uniforms or medival clothes,but in the most casual type...so,how humans on Earth dressed.
The devils who looked like humans except for their horns were smiling and greeting each other.
You felt tears welling up in your eyes from the Earthy atmosphere you haven't felt in a long time.
Mc: They're in diffrent clothes from usual.
Barbatos: Hmm! They say the costume for this year is 'human'!
Mc: Haha. The humans on Earth are probably wearing devil costumes.
While you felt amused,Barbatos stayed quiet nect to you. You thought it was strange and looked...
Barbatos: Isn't it hot and splendid and beautiful? Although it's not as beautiful as the sun!!
The flames were dancing in Barbatos' eyes
Mc: Do you mean...that the Halloween festival in Hades is enjoying a mega sized camp fire?
Barbatos: A mega sized camp fire? Ha ha ha! That's a stake!
Mc: A-a stake?! Who committd such a heinous crime that they'll be burnt on a stake this big?!
Barbatos: Ourselfs from last year.
Mc: ....?
Just then a young male approached the flaming fire almost precariously-
And took off the noose around his neck then threw it inside the fire.
When the huge flames instantly deveoured the noose,the onlooker devils cheered and clapped.
The noose wasn't so big,but it burnt brightly with a huge purple light when entered the flames.
The devil's bangs were burnt and curly in a funny way,as he backed away and bowed to others.
Barbatos: Those nooses around the necks of the devils in Hades,mean that they dedicate their lives to his Majesty Leviathan.
Mc: What?! Then what's that supposed to be? Treason?
Barbatos: It's determination!
Mc: ???
While you look doubful,the others followed suit of the brave devil and began threwing nooses to the stake.
The devils rushing towards the flames and shimmered backwards so the fire woudn't devour them.
It looked like they were dancing to the wavering flames.
The long shadows streaching out from their feet around the fire looked like petals of a huge flower.
Barbatos: Halloween is the day of the dead. In other words it is a day for the 'dead'.
Barbatos: So we perform this ceramony thinking that we burn our previous deaths and wait for the next ones.
Barbatos: And...we the living devils carry the lives of the devils who protected Hell before but died before us.
Barbatos: By burning our old nooses and hanging new ones around our necks,we are promising to walk along the same paths as we honor their gone lives.
Barbatos: So when we burn the old nooses,we claim new nooses from the person we want to risk our lives for after his Majesty Leviathan
When the nooses of all those in the square went into the fire,a woman approached the young man who burnt his noose first and hung a new,clean noose around his neck.
The woman's cheeks were flushed and she had tears in her eyes.
You could see grannies hanging nooses around young children and middle-aged devils hanging nooses around their best friends.
The same scenes continued here and there and you somehow felt a twingle of emotion in your nose.
Mc: ( This is beautiful)
It wasn't the magnificent or joyful atmosphere you anticipated but the Hallowwen festival of Hades had a coolness to it like that of a sacred ritual.
The devils with new nooses around their necks went to their houses and changed the tall wooden pillars standing before their houses.
The pillars were taller than an average male adult devil and had devices to hang things at the end.
Mc: ...Those pillars standing in front of all those houses...
Barbatos: Ahh,are you talking about the simple hanging devices they prepared to die if anything happens to his Majesty Leviathan?
Mc: ..simple hanging devices..
Barbatos: Hmm! They fix it or place new ones every year on this day!
Barbatos: It's troubling if they need to die but the pillars are weak and break.
Barbatos explained all the savageness with a smile as glorious as the fire in the center of the square.
Mc: The devils of Hades are too extreme...
Barbatos: That's the source of our power!
Mc: Yea,I'm still worried...but think that they're very wonderful at the same time
Barbatos: !!
Barbatos looked a little suprised.
Thanks to his distincts features of his face,the big and small shadows of the fire danced across his face,but his eyes wavered most promitently.
Barbatos: Son/ Daughter of Solomon,I think you...
Small devil: Son/ Daughter of Solomon! Have you not placed a noose around your neck yet?
Almost at the same time Barbatos opened his mouth with an overwhelmed look on his face,a small devil that barely reached your knees tapped your calf and spoke to you.
Failing to realize as the adorable devil who resembled a puppy was asking you with a look of anticipation,you shook your head.
Mc: No I don't normally hang a noose around my neck...
Small devil: In that case,may I place one on you?
Mc: Hmm? On me?
Small devil: I know you're not one of his Majesty Leviathan's subject. Even so,this is a festival!
When the small devil spoke with a beam,you succumbled to his adorable appearance and nodded.
Mc: I won't say no then.
Small devil: I-i-in that case,could you..perhaps put a noose around my neck too?
Mc: Huh? Of course.
Small devil: Wowww!!
When you bend your knees before the small devil who now had tearful eyes and hung your head,he hung a noose he weaved with his small hands around your neck.
Looking up,you saw a blushing devil with his eyes tightly closed,holding the noose to hang around his neck in his hands.
When you took the noose from his shaky hands and put it around his neck.
Mc: All don-
Small devil: I like you too, Son/ Daughter of Solomon!!
Mc: Huh?
Startled by his sudden confession,you finally saw the devils around you.
Mc: (T-They are looking my way with terrifying eyes!)
You didn't know when they stopped clapping and cheering but they all stared at you.
Mc: B-Barbatos...C-Can you explain what's happening...
Barbatos: Huhu..you hang nooses around the devils' necks on Halloween with your closest friends or lovers!
Devil with a loud voice: Pfft! Had I known,I would have spoken with the Son/ Daughter of Solomon first!
Devil with a loud voice: I thought the son/daughter of Solomon would not participate in this ritual!
Sensitive devil: I'm so upset! So jelaous! If I throw him into the pit of fire and hand over my noose again!!
Small devil: Hehe,hehehehe
Barbatos grinned and spoke lightly
Barbatos: It looks like you're loved in Hades!
Just as the devils burning in envy as hot as the stake grounded their teeth.
Mc: Huh?
With everyone staring in your direction,you saw a familiar face at the back of the crowd
(Levi appears)
Mc: (Leviathan..?)
For some reason,Leviathan was in an unfamiliar suit.
Mc: ( Is Leviathan also dressed as a human like the other devils?)
Already curious about 'What would Leviathan do while the others perform the ritual at the stake?' you furtively ran towards Leviathan while everyone directed their envy and fury at the small devil.
(bg changes to streets of Hades)
He was leaving the square as though he wasn't there on a business but passing by.
Mc: Levia....
Just when you were about to call him to stop out of happines,you closed your mouth before even calling his name.
There were lots of devils talking and laughing not too far away,
Heading somewhere on his own, Leviathan's face had nothing but sadness,let alone a smile.
Mc: ( Can I talk with him...?)
Although all devils,especially the seven deadly sins gave off difficult aura for normal people to approach,Leviathan emitted that aura way more than the others.
Responsibility,emptiness and a deep sadness that surpassed it.
That was what you felt from him.
You somehow felt yourself from difficult times from him
Mc: ( I don't want to leave Leviathan alone!)
You knew the diffrwnce between someone who wanted to be alone and someone who had no choice but to be alone....because you were the latter.
Mc: Levi! Where are you going?!
You pretended to be brighter than usual and gathered the courage to approach Leviathan.
When he turned to your direction,you gasped out loud,because you were overwhelmed by the beauty when you faced him head on.
The transparent eyes under his thick,long eyelashes especially took your breath away!
Mc: ( It's like I can understand why Barbatos who worshipps the sun would be awed by Leviathan)
Leviathan: ....Don't call me like that. I shall kill you.
Leviathan: What are YOU doing here instead of enjoying the festival?
Mc: I was enjoying it! Look,I even got a noose.
Leviathan: (angy jely glare) .......
Leviathan 's eyes momentarily turned vicious,but you were oblivious to the fact as you asked him a question.
Mc: Leviathan,where are you going yourself? Not enjoying the festival.
As you were going to compliment him that he looked good in a suit he normally didn't wear...
Leviathan: I am going to the graveyard of my fallen associoates.
Mc: ...?!
Leviathan: Because Halloween is the day of the dead,I am going there to commemorate them.
Mc: I-I see...I wasn't aware. I was only excited about the festival.
Leviathan: Me going to commemorate the graveyard of Hades,has nothing to do with you..
You felt sheepish at his cold tone
You wanted to talk with him some more but !ou coudn't think of anything to say.
And Leviathan watched you with cold eyes.
Leviathan said no more as he walked past you.
You hung your head,unable to say anything more to him.
You heard the sounds of Leviathan's footsteps receding.
You suddenly felt immensly sad.
And Leviathan's footsteps stopped.
Leviathan: Near where I'm going...
Although his voice was small and from afar you coudn't hear it properly,you turned back to look at him.
Leviathan has also turned his back to look at you.
Mc: What?~ I coudn't hear you!~
You shouted,cupping your hands around your mouth like a trumpet in case Leviathan coudn't hear you.
Leviathan chuckled,it was definettly a cold and spechless laugh but he smiled.
Leviathan: There's a shop near where I'm going that sells jewels.
Leviathan: There are rare jewels that allow people to become closer.
Mc: (If you're going to talk from auch a distance at least raise your voice..nevermind,I'm going to him)
You hurried to Leviathan
Mc: Jewels??? Closer???
Leviathan: I'll buy you one as a present
While you approached,you could hear Leviathan's voice well
Mc: ( If I approach,I don't become estrangled)
You don't know what the source of Leviathan's sadness was but you thought you knew what to do
Normally you sould have asked WHY?? but this time you shouted energeticlly instead.
Mc: Thanks Levi!!! I'll be waiting for you!
Leviathan: Don't call me that. And stop shouting so close to me,it hurts my ears.
Leviathan: I am the one giving you a present. Why are you telling me to go where you are and offer it to you?
Mc: ( Suprisngly he's answearing everything and hes even twlling me to pick him up!)
Mc: ( I think....I get it a little..)
Mc: Until when should I go meet you?
Leviathan: About two hours later,go where I am and accept my present
Leviathan: Barbatos guide him/her well
Mc: Huh? Wheres Barbatos?
Barbatos: Yes,your Majesty!
Mc: What the...! When did you come here?
You jumped up at thw bright and reliable voice behind you which has been quiet until now
Meanwhile Leviathan turned as though he was going to continue and spoke coldly.
Leviathan: Also take off that noose around your neck,it doesn't even suit you!
There was great displeasuee on Leviathan's face as he said those words.
Mc:(Don't tell me you were jelaous this whole time?!)
Mc: Then put a noose on me yourself!
Mc: But I won't take this one off. The devil who put it on me looked really happy
Mc: Still,I'll put your noose on top of it.
Leviathan stared at you as though he wanted to say 'what a loud and dislikable being'
But the harsh words never came and Leviathan turned back on his way.
Barbatos: You're looking happy son/daughter of Solomon!
You smiled and nodded as Barbatos placed a firm arm around your shoulder and led you back to the central square.
But this time you stared at the giant clock tower instead of the stake where devils were dancing
Mc: ( I hope two hours go by quickly...)
Two hours later..
(Bg changed to Hades streets at night)
By the time thwenooses around the devils necks were all changed to new ones and the hanging devices have been fixed
Barbatos: It's nearly the time for us to go!....I bet that's what you were witing for me to say
Barbatos was smiling as he led you through the sqaure
You wanted to meet Leviathan as soon as possible and were ready to run to him...but...
Barbatos didn't even run but laid down a coffin that he was carrying with him-the coffin didn't have any strings but was always floating behind him- he opened the lid
Mc: Barbatos,we don't know where Leviathan could be...but don't you think he's waiting if we don't hurry?
Barbatos: This is the fastest way.
Barbatos winked at you,climbed inside the coffin and layed down
Barbatos: You should come in too!
Opening his arms with a tempting smile,Barbatos urged you. And you lied down next to him since you had nothing else to do.
Lying on his side to make space for you,Barbatos' firm chest pressed against !our shoulder.
Barbatos: I'm closing the lid now.
The lid closed over the jam-packed coffin with you and Barbatos in it.
(Bg changes to darkness)
Mc: ( ...I-is this a funeral experience?!)
You shuted your eyes in fear the moment the lid closed and was absorbed in the most coplicated feeling
You evaided an angel swinging a scyte in your face but were now shut in a coffin while you were still breathing.
But the dark fearful feeling you expected never came.
Mc: (In fact it's suprisingly cozy!)
The coffin was full of the scent of the man emating a sweet rosy scent and his arms were soft and warm.
And for some reason it felt like you were liyng on a dark but spacious and cozy lawn!
You were suprised when you furtively opened your eyes.
(Bg changes to a universe)
Mc: Weren't we...inside a coffin?!
Barbatos: We the devils of Hades carry our own universes inside our coffins instead of the dead.
There was a sky full of stars- no a universe spreading before your eyes.
Barbatos: Through this space we can travel whereever we want to go. That's why no one can evade the devils of Hades.
Mc: Oh! So are we going to where Leviathan's coffin is?
Barbatos nodded
Meanwhile stars whipped past loudly and swiftly as though finding their way to Leviathan's coffin
Mc: But why aren't the other devils going to commemorate? Why is Leviathan going on his own?
Barbatos: Because it's a special graveyard that his Majesty Leviathan made himself.
Barbatos: Those buried there are the childhood friens of his Majesty Leviathan,the great king who build Hades.
The look on Barbatos' face darkens as he lays next to you and watched the stars past.
Barbatos: His Majesty Leviathan was kidnapped by angels when he was very young, he was raised and experimented on...and abused by them for a long time in Heaven after which he barely escaped.
Barbatos: Managed it out alive,might be better fitting...because as far as I know the other children all died
Young devils,kidnapped,death. The words should never have been connected in a sentence,hit you over the head in a succession.
Barbatos: At the time,four of the young devils,imprisoned with his Majesty sacrificed themselfs to help his Majesty Leviathan escape.
Barbatos: His Majesty Leviathan said he'll never leave alone but this is what they said to him
Barbatos: You'll become a kig,so cross the rivers of Heaven to return to Hell and build the strongest kingdom that will come save us. That will be fine.
Barbatos: That's what they told him....but they knew they woudn't be able to return. So they gave his Majesty the objects they treasure.
Barbatos: Those objects are said to be buried in the graveyard
It was impossible that young devils kidnapped to Heaven could have anything properly valuable that they could treasure
But whatever the objects were,there was no way that the ones entrusting the objects and the one being entrusted with them woudn't consider precious
Mc: (He visits the place where such things are buried...every year,alone..)
Barbatos saw you darken and smiled with pity.
Barbatos: I once visited the graveyard and saw their names written on the gravestones.
Barbatos: Numbers,1987,1988,1990,1992...
Mc: Numbers?
Barbatos: The angels would never have given proper names to young devils who were test subjects and entertainment!
Young children who were called by numbers and not even proper names.
Leviathan was one of them.
Feeling like the noose was tightening around your neck,your eyes burned.
Barbatos: They were his Majesty's saviors and heroes of Hades
There was sadness in Barbatos' eyes
Barbatos: But his ordels didn't end there,even after the young heroes sacrificed their lives.
Barbatos: Because of the fact that he escpaed Heaven,his Majesty Leviathan and the devils of Hades had to prove that they were not spies from Heaven
Barbatos: And we had no choice but to determinate the country's rules stricly.
Barbatos: To show actions that do not harm Hell,to show their attitudes that are concerned the most for the safety of Hell
Mc: ( I think I have a vague idea of where Leviathan's sadness,responsibility and weight came from..)
Barbatos: Currently,Hades is the most hellish place in Hell with the strongest devil as king.
Barbatos: Once his Majesty Leviathan became king,he never missed out on visiting them on Halloween.
Barbatos: Even if that day he had the most brutal battle.
Perhaps it was because no matter how many brutal battles Leviathan had fought,he could never get over the horrors of his childhood.
The devils of Hades all said,that Leviathan was the most powerful king in Hell. Because he overcame such a big ordeal when he was young...it's understandable that he's the strongest devil.
You felt solemn and grave when you thought of the tragedy that Leviathan and all those nameless devils have endured
Barbatos: You're sad upon hearing this. You really are devilish.
Barbatos stroked your head softly with a large hand.
Just then you felt a dream-like situation you once experienced flash before your eyes.
(bg changes to Mc and Minhyeok's home at Earth)
Minhyeok: People don't experience bad things because they're bad people or because they have a reason to.
Minhyeok: They're just unlucky.
Minhyeok: At those times...people who don't collapse,resenting the unfairness of such fates are surely great.
Minhyeok: You're such a person.
(bg changes back to the universe)
Mc: ( I remember Minhyeok once said that to me...)
Whenever you felt sad about your parents deaths,Minhyeok consoled you like this.
Mc: ( Was there a devil saying things like this...to Leviathan too?)
Mc: It would have been nice if I was there with Leviathan at that time...oh,of course..I might not have been of help to him much..
Barbatos: I think the same way sometimes too. Because at that time,I also didn't know his Majesty Leviathan.
Barbatos smiles bitterly
Barbatos: And you would have been a great consolation to him,
Mc: How can you be sure?
Barbatos: Because you consoled me just now.
When Barbatos smiled at you brightly like the sun,the stars sprinting gloriously above your head slowly came to a stop.
Barbatos: It looks like we're connected to his Majesty Leviathan's coffin. Shall we get up?
Said Barbatos,moving closer as though embracing you,then covered your eyes with his hand.
(bg to darkness)
Barbatos: You can open your eyes now.
With Barbatos' voice,the hand covering your eyes receded.
At the same time,there was a creak-and the lid on Barbatos' coffin opened.
(bg changes to a graveyard)
When you opened your eyes and sat up,you felt your heart poundind a little.
Mc: ( This is strange..I'm going to face Leviathan's sadness. There's no way I should have butterflies in my stomach!)
And when you finally stood up and extracted yourself from the coffin.
You saw a black stone wall and a stone floor shining black and...
Leviathan on the floor,covered in blood
And not too far from him were scaterred angels who looked way worse
The dozends of angels were dead in a cyrcle around Leviathan
Mc: Leviathan!
Barbatos: Your Majesty!
You and Barbatos shouted in union and rushed towards the fallen Leviathan.
Leviathan was on the cold ground with his eyes closed,the rain pouring on his entire body.
The graves around him were perfectlly fine unlike Leviathan.His scarlet blood rain in puddles through the gaps in the stones.
Big and small wounds ripped his clothes and skin to make red traces on his pretty body.
Blades of light dug brutally in his muscles.
Mc: Leviathan!
When you knelt down to check on him,the rain and blood seeped into your knees
Barbatos quickly put his fingers below Leviathan's nose and placed hia ears on his wounded chest.
Then he grabbed your shoulders with a rare dark expression.
Barbatos: It looks like I should go.
Mc: W-Where to?!
Barbatos: Every sceond matters. It looks like his Majesty Leviathan is in critical condition.
Barbatos: I will return immedietlly to thw place and bring back the devil who can heal his Majesty.
Barbatos: Until then please stay by his side...son/daughter of Solomon.
You tried to make an expression that was reliable as possible and nodded to Barbatos.
Mc: I'll be waiting.
Barbatos didn't even reply to you properly as he went back in his coffin and hurriedly closed the lid with a boom!
You stared at the large coffin that swallowed Barbatos and looked back at Leviathan.
Mc: S-still..h-he's still alive...it will be alright...Yeah its going to be alright...
Mc: (because if Leviathan really did die,Barbatos woudn't go looking for a doctor.)
You clutched Leviathan's cold hand and muttered.
Normally he would say 'I will hang you if you don't unhand me' in disgust but right now he was unmoving with his eyes closed.
It began to rain harder,turning the air cold.
Leviathan was laying on the cold floor like he was cold,you felt sorry for him.
Afraid that his body might go completly cold you bend over to resusicate him.
But just then the most feeble white steam curled out od his mouth.
Mc: ( It's weak...but he's breathing properly)
Touched you looked down at his mouth.
Mc: (Leviathan...is mumbling something)
Between his light breathing Leviathan was quietly saying something.
Leviathan: Run now...I'll hold...them back...here...
Mc: ...!
Leviathan who was collapsed on the floor started shouting despretlly at someone.
You precipitously stared at the pieces of gravestones that rolled next to him.
Studying a few perfectly intact graves compared to the others who now looked close to ruins.
You could easily guess that Leviathan sacrificed himself to protect them.
Leviathan: This time...don't die..
Leviathan's old sadness creeped out his mouth and scattered into the cold air.
Mc: Leviathan..come back..Your nightmare is over now...please come back from that memory that's colder than here...
You begged Leviathan with a tearful voice,shaking his shoulders and gently slapping his cheeks but he only minutely groaned.
Just when you thought you wanted him to stop saying those pitiful things,you found yourself kissing Leviathan.
When your temperature risen because of your tears touched Leviathan,his lips warmed up as though they were slowly thawing.
Mc: ( Please...if the souls that saved Leviathan before are here...please save him once more!)
Feeling guilty for asking the young souls who met such a merciless end for a favor,tears flowned down your cheeks.
Your hot tears ran down your cheeks and sepped into yours and Leviathan's lips.
Just then a clear blue light shone between Leviathan and your lips.
Leviathan: ....
Leviathan's eyelids twiched...and slowly opened.
Leviathan: Solomon...
Leviathan:...his son/daughter.
Mc: Leviathan!
Leviathan momentarily pulled a confused expression as though he coudn't disentangle reality from his dream.
Maybe he was feeling confused between the borders of life and death and not fiction from reality.
He was scrowling because of the pain but watched you with a vague look in his eyes.
Mc: Leviathan,are you awake...?
Leviathan: ...What happened?
Mc: That's what I wanted to ask! What went on here?
Mc: I came because it was the appointed time and you were on the ground in a mess like this!...
Leviathan: Ahh...
Only then did Leviathan scrowl his pretty forehead as though he just remembered what had happened before he collapsed.
Leviathan:It looks like there were spies in Hades. Since angels knew I was alone and attacked this place on time.
Mc: Spies?! In Hades?!
Leviathan: It's not suprising.
Leviathan: But...these angels were crafty. I would have ripped into them if they attacked me from close by,but they threw a chakram made of light from afar...
Leviathan: Urgh...
Mc: Leviathan...!
Leviathan bit his lips and curled up as though he was in pain.
You bit your lips harder than Leviathan and cried in sadness.
Mc: ...I heard from Barbatos. About what is buried here in this graveyard and how important it is to you.
Mc: But still,protecting them at the cost of your own self like this...!
Mc: That's...even they woudn't want that!
You said and closed your eyes tightly.
You did so because you found it hard to see Leviathan in pain,but also because you were afraid of his cold comment that would follow.
However...you thought Leviathan would say 'what does that have to do with you?' as he normally did,but he was only staring at you with a dreamy look in his eyes.
Mc: ...Leviathan?
Leviathan: I cherished this place..out of atonement for them.
Leviathan: What's more,their intact remains aren't even buried under these tombstones. I know that.
Leviathan said,his eyes on you.
Leviathan: I can simply build my broken heart again and make new tombstones to remember them.
Mc: Then why would you go to these lenghts to...
Leviathan: That's not what I was trying to protect.
Leviathan took something out of his pocket with a click of his tongue. It seemed like the slightest movements made the wounds covering him throb.
And handed the thing he took out to you.
Mc: Isn't this...?
Leviathan: You..don't tell me you're going to say you forgot what you came all the way here for?
( They're rare jewels that allow you to get closer to the person you love)
Mc: Don't tell me..this is what you were trying to protect...
Your hands trembled so much that you coudn't take the purple jewel from Leviathan's hands.
Leviathan: It is a rare jewel. But if you say you don't like it now...
You almost snatched it out of his hands before Leviathan even finished talking and cried.
Mc: *sobbing* Leviathan,you really are..an idiot!!
Just when you shouted,wiping away the tears from your eyes with the hand holding the jewel.
A tremendous light burst from the jewel that was drenched with your tears.
Leviathan: ...?!
While you and Leviathan were both startled,the light emanating from the jewel surrounded you both.
Then,our body that had been feeling so cold you had,began to heat up and your palm touching Leviathan began to burn.
Just when you were about to let go of Leviathan's hand in suprise,he held on harder so your hand woudn't run away.
Mc: Leviathan..?
Leviathan: (looking flushed af) Ugh...what the...Hell is going on..
Leviathan glared at the jewel in your hand and panted.
You both knew as soon as you saw the other,about what your states were like.
The energy flowing from the jewel had entered Leviathan and your bodies, and was egging your impulse and desires.
Your feverish red eyes took in every part of Leviathan's body.
The scarlet blood oozing out of his wounds looked sweet to the taste and his pale cheeks seemed to be waiting for your hot hands.
Leviathan: *gulp* ...
Like the masterpiece of masterpieces that God made,the delicate color of his hair he alone possesed shone even more myseriously in the rain.
Then,Leviathan's eyes met yours.
Although you coudn't see in yourself in the mirror,you could instinctively feel that you had the same expression as Leviathan.
Mc: ( Leviathan...wants me now too...I can feel it...)
But Leviathan was currently severly wounded. You coudn't act on your desires in a situation like this...
Leviathan: Get over here.
Leviathan reached his hand off the floor and pulled your arm.
There was only one answear you knew in a situation like this.
Mc: Okay...!
You bend over as Leviathan led you.
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ecogirl2759 · 10 months
Tokooooo Fukawaaaa!
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All of these photos are from the Danganronpa 4コマ KINGS series. I do not own any of the drawings, but these photos are mine. All credit goes to Spike Chunsoft for the characters and the books themselves.
Let's see what shinanigans she's getting up to :D
(Post be long lol)
I won't lie, Toko looks really cute in some of these panels :)
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She's just constantly brooding lol
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Lmao Toko's either not happy or too happy. There is no in-between.
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Their relationship in a nutshell:
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Even as herself, Toko's so unhinged lol
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She's so down bad
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Blud absolutely scheemin'
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Any time anyone's ever tried to give Toko a glow-up:
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The epitome of "Uwaaa~!"
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She protec
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Sneak peak into what Toko does when she's alone:
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Toko's death if she didn't just spontaneously explode
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Imagine getting executed for writing fanfiction hahaha couldn't be her--
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Toko must go, her people need her
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Okay, straight-up, I really only started liking Toko when I played UDG.
I was like "Omg a writer! I know a writer! Oh wait you're crazy and mean for no reason? Um.... cool?"
She's cool, don't get me wrong, I just liked her better when she only had one character trait and that was being insulting and strange XD
I like Syo, though. Syo's funny :)
(Sorry for being gone for a while again, I was really busy with a book release & didn't have much time for this. I'll finish the single characters by the end of this weekend, don't worry!)
Next up: Yasuhiro Hagakure!
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