#haikyuu christmas headcanons
weezmancer3 · 11 months
Nishinoya Yuu is a Responsible Guy
A lot of Asanoya content follows the: "Noya is wild and Asahi takes care of him" clique. It's cute (sometimes) so here are some hcs that aren't just Asahi becoming a single mother to his bf.
Noya can tell when Asahi is stressed out because, lord knows, Asahi won't say it. So when Asahi's anxious about something, Noya always makes him dinner.
Noya is a decent cook. He took a cooking class as a joke in one of the countries he visited and now he takes one in every country he visits.
Asahi bakes. Noya can not.
They make gingerbread houses together. Every Christmas they have a competition against Suga and Daichi, and Tanaka and Kiyoko.
Asahi hates having people touch his hair so anytime Noya helps him with it he's SO careful
Nishinoya cares about his boyfriend so much istg
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mrshigurumasshop · 2 years
You’re A Mean One | K. Sakusa ~ the one where he wasn’t into the Christmas spirit
➤ pairing: husband!sakusa kiyoomi x mom!reader w/ daughter Kami
➤ mentions of: a tiny bit of angst bc sakusa is a grumpy man, fluff/comfort
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Growing up, the holidays was something you and your family cherished together. It made you want to continue that tradition with your own family when the time came.
And that time is finally around after your five year old daughter, Sakusa Kami was old enough to want to participate in being festive this year.
Your little doppelgänger nearly jumped out of her seat during breakfast when you told her that you and your husband, Sakusa Kiyoomi will be taking her out to find a christmas tree.
So here you all are, outside in the snow looking for the perfect tree that you swore to your daughter that she would get to choose. “Mama! Do they come with the snow?” Kami called to you as she stopped in front of one of many trees.
“No, baby. The snow will melt off when we bring it home,” you smiled at her.
“And it’ll cause more of a mess that it will already do…”
Ah… You forgot that your husband wasn’t too fond of the idea of getting a real tree so he’s been in a mood. He uses the excuse that he wasn’t too into the holiday spirit growing up due to how busy he was with volleyball but…it didn’t hurt for him to at least try.
“Honey, can you not please?” you murmur to him so your daughter doesn’t hear, “She’s excited.”
Sakusa sighs as he shoves his gloved hands into his jacket. “I know,” he says, “But we could’ve easily gotten a fake one that wouldn’t make a mess in the house.”
You pierce your lips in a tight line to keep yourself from snapping at him. It irritated you how much he was in a negative mood especially when he was the one who agreed to look for a real tree. So you just opted to not say anything else and watch your daughter happily run around the lot of trees to choose.
“What ‘bout this one,” Kami pointed towards a rather…dead looking tree.
“It’s dead, Kami,” Sakusa said straight out.
Kami pouted slightly as she looked at the tree. Even though it was dead, he didn’t have to bluntly point it out. “If we get that tree we won’t be able to put all your pretty ornaments you made for me and papa. Try looking for a greener one,” you encouraged her.
She nodded with a small pout on her face and continued to walk ahead of you and Sakusa. Once you see she’s far enough away from you guys, you look at Sakusa with a pleasing look.
“Why did you agree to this if you’re just going to ruin the experience for her?” you ask.
“The experience of looking for a tree?” he rolls his eyes. “Baby, this will be too much work to maintain and I’m not going to be the one to clean all that mess up.”
You took a deep breathe to prevent yourself from yelling at him in public and in front of your daughter. “I get that but you agreed to this so please keep it at a minimum,” you pleaded at him.
“Fine,” he mumbled.
It was quiet for a moment as the three of you continued to look for a tree but Kami just couldn’t find the perfect one. Just like you when you were little, she wanted to find the most festive looking tree just like the ones she sees in the movies.
After about 20 minutes of looking around, the three of you rounded a corner into the next aisle of trees and finally you heard a happy squeal.
“Mama! Papa! Look!” she pointed with a happy smile towards a green and full tree. The pine tree was so full that you could barely see through the branches so it was perfect to your eyes and your daughters.
But that happy moment didn’t last forever the moment you heard a scoff beside you. “No. Absolutely not. Do you realize how many bugs might be hiding in there. I’d rather you pick the dead tree than this,” he grumbles as he looks at you.
“Kiyoomi!” you snap. But before you could scold your husband you hear some sniffles. You and Kiyoomi nearly break your necks hearing the familiar sniffles coming from Kami. “Baby… Don’t cry…,” you pleaded.
Fat tears. All of the fat tears she could muster spilled out of her eyes. Kiyoomi’s dad instincts kicked in and went straight to comfort her but she shook her head with her hands out in front of her.
“You’re so mean, Papa!” she cries, almost making you want to cry, “Yur’ a grinch!”
Kiyoomi’s heart throbbed hearing Kami’s cries. He knew what she meant by being called a grinch. He watched to American movie with her for the first time a few weeks ago and it made it feel guilty.
“Hey, princess,” he said in a comforting tone as he slowly walked up to her again, “I didn’t mean it-,”
“NO!” she screamed. You knew she was on the verge of throwing a tantrum in public so you walked passed your husband to pick up your daughter who immediately wrapped her arms around your neck and legs around your torso.
“Shhhh, Kami it’s okay,” you comforted in a hushed tone as you rubbed her back. You turned back around with anger in your eyes as you looked at Kiyoomi. “Let’s just go home,” you said which only made Kami cry harder and Kiyoomi feel even worse.
“Baby-,” he pleaded, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“What else did you mean, Kiyoomi,” you snapped, “I ignored your ignorance while we were dating and before we had Kami but I’m tired of it.”
You then walked away from him towards the car as you tried to calm your crying daughter down. Sakusa was left in the aisle by himself standing in a pool of guilt covered snow.
Yes, he wasn’t looking forward to the mess and possible bugs a real tree would bring into the house but he knew it wasn’t right to let it get to his head. He felt even worse knowing that you sucked up his grinch like personality all these years and continued to have the holiday spirit so he walked behind you towards the car in silence.
The car ride and the rest of the day going into the night was quiet in the house. Kami calmed down during the drive back home because she ended up crying herself to sleep. She needed to get her nap in anyways so you were kind of relieved but it still made you sad that Kiyoomi didn’t even want to mask how much he didn’t want a damn tree.
So you ignored him throughout the day. You couldn’t even look at him either so you stayed with Kami in her room as she slept and left him to sit in guilt.
Kiyoomi stared at the ceiling in the living room in silence as he tried thinking of ways to make up for his grinch behavior but he knew a simple sorry wasn’t going to cut it. He stressfully rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands with a groan before looking at the time.
3:14 pm; he needed to go to practice soon but he didn’t want to leave you guys like that after what happened. So, he had an idea.
You didn’t realize that you fell asleep till you woke up with something poking your cheek. You hummed in question as you look over to your right and see your daughter with the same pout on her face.
“Hi, baby,” you smiled at her as your cupped her swollen cheek. She looks like Kiyoomi when she wakes up from her sleep, you thought. “Are you feeling better?” you ask.
She shook her head no and laid down on top of you. You could only say so much to console a child so you physically comforted her which seemed like something she wanted anyway.
You looked out her window to see that it wasn’t snowing anymore but it still stuck to the ground so you thought that maybe going to the park to play in the snow would lift her spirits. “Why don’t we go to the park? We can build a snowman,” you kissed her head.
Kami lifted her head with her sweet smile finally on her face with a nod. So you tell her to get ready while you left her room to let Kiyoomi know but he wasn’t home.
“Asshole left without saying anything,” you mumbled to yourself. You assumed that he went to practice since he doesn’t like driving in the snow too much so you brushed it off and got ready yourself.
After you and Kami got ready, you both left to house to walk to the park. Being there seemed to lift her spirits even more as she made snow family and snow angels. Kami also enjoyed you throwing into a pile of snow which what Kiyoomi would do in the backyard.
About an hour or so went by and it was starting to get colder so you and Kami decided to walk back home hand in hand. Kami kept giggling as she heard the crunch of her footsteps against the snow. You were lost in thought as you guys came up to the house to lost to notice that Kiyoomi’s car was in the driveway.
“Papa’s home!” Kami called out.
Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion because he wasn’t gone as long as he usually is for practice. You brought your keys out to unlock the door and immediately went into shock.
Kami squealed in excitement as you were too stunned to speak. The whole inside of the house was covered in Christmas decorations galore. You almost couldn’t see your furniture because of how much lights and other decor was taking up every crevice in the house. And as if your daughter couldn’t scream any louder, there it was…the exact tree she pointed at earlier.
“Mama! It’s the tree!” Kami screamed as she ran towards the decorated plant as you remained at the front door too stunned to speak. Kami was too busy eye boggling the tree that was covered in the ornaments she made at preschool to notice how quiet you are.
“I had the team help me get it done,” a soothing voice said to you.
You looked over at Kiyoomi who you assumed came from the shower due to his wet curls. “Why,” you ask out of disbelief.
“Well,” he nervously laughs, “Hearing that your daughter called you a grinch is a good wake up call. And I found a cheap blanket to put the tree on top of to catch any of the dirt. I’m sorry about today… It was uncalled for…”
You couldn’t help but look at him in admiration despite how much you want to be mad at him. You couldn’t help it. You have seen you’re home decorated like this since you moved out of your parents house so many years ago. It felt like you were home again.
“Baby?” Kiyoomi calls to you due to your silence.
You instantly smile at him almost wanting to cry on the spot due to how happy you are. “It was uncalled for but I love it, ‘Omi,” you said to him.
You can see the stress leave his body as he let out a sigh of relief. It made you laugh a little bit seeing how hung over he was over the incident earlier. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders to put you into a tight hug. “Thank god,” he murmured into your head.
“Don’t get too relieved, my love. You still have your daughter to say sorry too,” you giggle.
“Ah…,” he smiled as he turned around to look at Kami who was still mesmerized by the tree with you still in his arms, “How does it look, princess?”
Kami turned around with her pretty smile — your smile, he thought. “It’s pwetty, Papa!” she said happily as she ran into his arms, “I love it so much!”
“Good,” he kissed her cheek, “Am I still a grinch?”
Kami giggled and shook her head no. “No more Grinch, papa. Pinky promise?” she held out her tiny pinky.
“Pinky promise,” he smiled as he locked his pinky with hers, “Now go get undressed, we’re having a movie night.”
Kami ran out of Kiyoomi’s arms with happiness radiating off of her. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. You swear your cheeks were going to fall off.
“Hey…,” Kiyoomi whispered to you. You looked up at him with a soft smile silently answering him. “Look up,” he said as he pointed up wit his eyes.
You looked at him in question then up towards the ceiling to see a mistletoe attacked to the doorframe. Your cheeks flushed in red because even after all these years of being with him, you e never kissed Omi under a mistletoe. Kiyoomi smiled softly as he gently cupped your cheeks in his warm palms.
“I love you, Y/n,” he whispered against your lips before pressing a loving kiss on your lips.
You smiled into the kiss and even as he pulled away. “I love you too, Omi,” you said before he leaned his head down to give you another but longer kiss
“YUCK!!!” Kami gagged in the background.
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satorisoup · 9 months
hi can I request akaashi with the prompt “baking cookies??”
thanks <33
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satorisoup christmas event! ⛄️
˚✧₊ A/N : keiji akaashi the love of my entire life RAHAHSHSH.
˚✧₊ WARNINGS : f!reader. petnames (my love).
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there’s a silent whir of the electric mixer going off as it mixes butter and sugar in its bowl.
akaashi stands near your fridge as he holds a carton of eggs, placing them carefully on the counter.
“alright, whats next?” he asks as he pads his feet to stand next to your side.
“now the dry mix.” you respond.
akaashi hums at you while you take the bag of flour and measure in a cup.
he doesn’t fail to miss the way you wipe your face, forgetting your hands are messy, painting your cheek with dusty white.
there’s domesticity flowing in every aspect of baking with you. you’re standing in his kitchen clad with a sweet little apron over your clothes, and you’re smiling at him with a flour covered face. akaashi can feel his heart swell.
he cracks an egg into the mixer while he eyes you to the side, whisk in hand and the smallest smile decorates your face. and when it’s time to roll your dough into cookies, he smiles too.
you’re pulling something deep out of the cupboards before strolling back to the counter.
“oh? are sprinkles a necessity?” he asks.
“oh, keiji. sprinkles are always a necessity.” you reply, shaking the small jar of greens and reds onto your awaiting cookie.
akaashi sits with you as you wait for your treats to bake, wiping your face while he looks at you with tender eyes and hes smiling as you go on about how excited you were to try them.
and when your cookies are done, your cheeks are filled when he’s taking a bite and you ask him
“see? sprinkles make it better, right?”
and he’s responding with his heart just as full,
“i think you’re right about that, my love.”
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thehighlordishere · 9 months
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If there is no link, that means I have nothing to make a master list with, you may request or message for any of these or for another anime that’s not on here, I will let you know if I write for them. I mainly write for acotar and will be moving the anime to another account
Genshin Impact
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cherxyx · 10 months
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12 Days Of Christmas My True Love Sent To Me...
To start off the Holiday season right, I wanted to base a work on one of my favorite Christmas songs.
Spicy Ver.
(These are modern objects/items and these gifts may not fit with your aesthetic. There will be a bunch of random characters.)
BTW: These are my opinions and if there is an anime character that is a CHILD then the age is not changed and the action of the verse is in a friendly/caregiver way not a relationship way!!
Kids in pink (let me know if I missed any) If not pink then they're aged up to around 18-19. If older then their age stays the same.
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On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent me a bouquet of flowers that were gingerbread-themed.
Sugawara, Tanjiro, Shouko Nishimiya, Tohru, Nezkuo, Izuku, Hinata, Uraraka, Asahi  (anybody else you want).
On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent me two matching sets of Christmas pjs.
Yachi, Kirishima, Mina, Eren, Yuji, Mikey, Bokuto, Tanaka, Gojo, Todoroki, Bakugo, (anybody else you want)
On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent me three matching necklaces.
Mikasa, Eren, Kita, Nanami, Mina, Tsuyu, Mikey, Miyuki, Nezuko, Anya, Geto, (anybody else you want)
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent me four puppies.
Kei, Nanami, Mina, Kaminari, Draken, Gon, Baji, Geto, Tendō (anybody else you want)
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent me five golden rings.
Oikawa, Megumi, Nobara, Tsuyu, Draken, Nezuko, Geto, Sukuna, Momo, Asahi  (anybody else you want to)
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent me six lip oils.
Miya Twins, Kei, Gojo, Tsuyu, Mikey, Michiko, Go Matsuoka, Baji, Sukuna, Eita, Ukai, (anybody else you want to)
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent me a seven layered cake.
Nanami, Kaminari, Kuroo (anybody else you want)
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent me eight different shades.
Suna, Gojo, Mina, Jiro, Draken, Shuji, Miyuki, Coffee, Killua, Baji, Bakugo, Tobio, (anybody else you want to)
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent me nine dangle earrings.
Toji, Suna, Nobara, Mina, Draken, Canary (idk why but i feel like she would), Coffee, Geto, Momo, Tobio (anybody else you want to)
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent me a ten-book series.
Yachi, Kei, Tsuyu (anybody else you want)
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent me eleven new makeup brushes.
Miya Twins, Eren, Toji, Nobara, Kaminari, Jiro, Mikey, Coffee, Go Matsuoka, Kenma, Daichi, Ukai (anybody else you want to)
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent me twelve sweet kisses.
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inevitableinfinity · 2 years
People tend to combine Kageyama's Christmas and birthday presents since the dates are so close, but Oikawa always makes sure to keep them separate so Kageyama can celebrate both holidays with him <3
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sleepw-me · 8 months
BF HEADCANONS HQ ⊹ ₊ ˚ 𓂃 ⸝⸝ ♡
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Haikyuu version SFW
t.kageyama⸝⸝ ♡ Definitely winter is his favorite season, when you are his girlfriend he will definitely want to do some winter activities with you, such as walking around the city with a nice composition of Christmas lights. building a snowman in his yard. Throwing snowballs at each other and taking you to a nice cafe for hot chocolate.
k.tsukishima⸝⸝ ♡ We all know by now that Tsuki likes music, I'm sure he would share his headphones with you so you could listen to music together at school. When you're at his place, you just spend time with him, while he's doing his homework and you're hugging his dinosaur-shaped stuffed animal, and there's some music playing in the background. He made a playlist for you, but at first he was embarrassed to show it to you, there were songs he associated with you.
t.yamaguchi⸝⸝ ♡ During the lesson, when he gets tired of listening to the teacher, he will start drawing cute hearts and flowers in the corners of your notebook with colored pens, and if you let him, he will draw a whole meadow on your hand. You can give him your shoes to decorate them nicely with colorful flowers and drawings.
d.sawamura⸝⸝ ♡ He probably didn't know what princess treatment was before, he was just well brought up and everything he does comes easily to him, he thinks that's how you should treat your ladies. When your shoe is untied, he kneels in front of you and ties it for you. He carries your shopping, your handbags too, but not in his hand, as if he was ashamed that someone would see him with your women's handbag, he literally throws it on his shoulder and walks with it just like you would.
a.azumane⸝⸝ ♡ He has long hair, so he always has a rubber band on his wrist, so if you need it, he will lend it to you and even tie your hair for you.
s.hinata⸝⸝ ♡ This sweet little orange bun remembers the smallest details about you, even if sometimes you feel like he's not listening anymore and you stop talking, he immediately encourages you to continue. He remembers every detail, your favorite number, your favorite and hated color, the name of your first cat and he will even remember the names of your entire family if you mentioned them.
k.kozume⸝⸝ ♡ He found the perfect person to cuddle with, it's you!. Expect that if you have a large sweatshirt, he will stick his head under it and play games. When he plays on the computer, he will invite you to sit on his lap and either watch him play or teach you how to play one of his favorite games, it's funny when she controls the mouse and you control the keyboard, you will definitely hear him chuckle when something goes wrong he will succeed but he is very patient.
t.kuroo⸝⸝ ♡ Sometimes you meet at his place to study for chemistry, then he wears his black glasses that make him look so good. If you don't understand a topic, he will teach you and if you answer correctly, he will give you a juicy kiss. If you need a break, he will bring you something sweet.
r.suna⸝⸝ ♡ He will definitely take a lot of photos of you to keep the memories. You will be his private model, he definitely has one of your photos where you are drooling on the pillow while still sleeping on his wallpaper. On his phone you will find the stupidest photos, for example your 0.5x photo. Until the prettiest ones, the ones where you smile so beautifully at him.
a.miya⸝⸝ ♡ Listen, I imagine Atsumu calling you very early in the morning to go to the beach with him. He will definitely take a few photos of you in your swimsuit, but most of all you will have a great time together, sunbathing or swimming, he will pretend to be a shark that wants to eat you so that you run away from him. When the sun is not so bright anymore, he will play beach volleyball with you, laughing when something goes wrong, but then he will teach you, he promise.
o.miya⸝⸝ ♡ He will invite you to his kitchen so that you can bake or cook something together and have great fun. So what if there's flour everywhere or something spilled on the floor, you'll clean it up later and now Osamu is busy kissing you while you wait for the dough to be made.
k.bokuto⸝⸝ ♡ If you stayed overnight at his place, don't think you'll sleep late if you wake up easily, because he'll start doing his morning stretches, doing push-ups, and encouraging you to sit on his back. He will sometimes ask you to join him, but you have barely woken up, but if you join him and stretch together, you must know that he will slow down on purpose so that you can keep up, he will be very happy.
a.akaashi⸝⸝ ♡ This sweet boy will read books to you but he will also be more than willing to listen to your voice if you read to him. He likes it when you lie on his lap and play a game while he rests the book on your head and you sit in comfortable silence.
k.sakusa⸝⸝ ♡ It's no surprise that this guy takes great care of himself and is glad that you do too. His favorite activity is when you spend the night at his place and do your skin care together, he likes it when you put a mask on his face and massage him gently.
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kings-highway · 2 months
some haikyuu ships first date headcanons because im in a mood and want some fluff
daisuga: they absolutely took a train into the city to walk around some shops and get dinner and it was agreed upon as a date but they both agreed low expectations/really casual vibe. They sit together waiting for the train to arrive and neither of them are speaking or making eyecontact and theyre just so shy in a way that they have never felt before and they keep trying to hold open doors for each other and getting in the way and its super awkward and at one point suga spends like 20 minutes psyching himself up to take daichi's hand while theyre walking and they only just barely manage the lightest hand holding that barely even counts but when they get home they are both just absolutely overwhelmed with excitement over "how perfect" it was and then asahi has to hear about it twice
iwaoi: because they did so much together as friends first the transition into proper dating is really hard because they kinda just do what they normally do + kissing sometimes until like 8 months later at their first christmas together as an official couple and Iwa realizes that theyre going to be at a restaurant, on christmas eve, and it's going to be like a real thing, so he sort of panics but ends up borrowing his father's suit and bringing flowers and oikawa had had the same realization and brought chocolates and then they are sitting across from each other at a candlelit dinner and for the first time in their lives they are not best friends and it feels like theyre meeting for the first time, properly, and iwaizumi will never admit that he will never forget the colour of oikawa's eyes in candlelight. even if they go back to bickering and their normal not-very-romantic selves afterwards they never doubt their relationship ever again.
arankita: they go out for lunch on a sunday and aran is so unbelievably nervous because kita is, well, nearly a robot, so he has no clue what's going to make him happy, and sort of fumbles around trying to compliment him and suggest they do something more exciting, but kita insists that the little lunch date they had originally planned is perfect, although it gets derailed when kita has a family emergency he needs to leave early for, and although he's devastated aran walks him back to his bus stop and kita assures him he did nothing wrong and they'll try again shortly, and then gives aran a kiss on the cheek that he will be thinking about for weeks until he kisses him for real (on that promised second try). the twins bully him relentlessly for being "stood up" by kita.
ushiten: tendou is afraid that he, somehow unintentionally, "tricked" ushijima into going on a date with him, because he's cannot believe he'd actually reciprocate his feelings, and spends the whole day trying to be perfect and prove he's a good date, and they walk along a little shopping district, and get ice cream, and tendou cannot - like, painfully cannot - stop talking. nervous chatterbox to the extreme. they sit in a little cafe and watch the sunset and tendou will not stfu for even a second and even he's starting to wonder why he won't just shut his mouth because at this point its just embarassing but Ushijima is just leaning his head on his hand and watching him instead of the sunset and falling so deeply in love he will never be the same again.
tsukkiyama: okay but they definitely had a "first date" when they were like 13, and their moms had to drop them off at the movie theatre, and they saw some animated movie they didnt really like because it was the only one playing, and they sit in the dark and both think about trying to hold hands but neither of them commits to it because theyre so awkward and they leave and stand outside the movie theatre talking for like 40 minutes in the dusk and they do really like each other but theyre 13 so they just end up calling their moms and going home. 3 years later tsukki would tell him he loves him for the first time in that same spot but neither of them would realize that.
kagehina: technically they went on a few dates but they were all volleyball related, so they were calling them dates even if it was basically just more practice. Eventually, they decide to go out for kageyama's birthday, and they end up having such a nice time at dinner, and they take a really long walk afterwards and hold hands the whole time and they realize they dont get to hold hands on dates very often because theyre always playing volleyball, also, they dont really get to talk all that much either... anyway they end up sitting outside in a park until like midnight just catching up on months worth of date conversations theyd never had before, and walk-in-the-park date nights become a monthly, if not weekly staple.
anyway thats all i got ♡♡♡
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plutoccult · 10 months
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characters: reiner braun, bertholdt hoover, levi ackerman, erwin smith, and hange zoe (gender neutral pronouns for hange!)
description: headcanons on taking your favorite aot characters home to your family for thanksgiving.
read part one here
author’s note: hello! thank you for all the love on the first part of these headcanons. from my love all mine blowing up to also part one of the thanksgiving headcanons, i’m over the moon. i hope these headcanons are just as good, and happy (early) thanksgiving to those who celebrate! maybe i’ll do something christmas related in the future? in the meantime, i’m working on the next part of my haikyuu x the office au, and i hope more people will check it out! <3
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— listen, i love this man, but he’s a mess. he wants to impress your family so bad! it’s so bad that he’s so in his head that he can’t even focus on having a good time. it’s not until you have a little talk with him in private and insist he let loose and try to have fun that he evades his overthinking head.
— despite his mess of a brain, he’s a total catch in the eyes of your grandmother and aunties. they think he’s a total HOTTIE! they can’t believe you bagged him, but at the same time are so impressed. you can’t help but roll your eyes at such comments while reiner has a hard time believing he’s that attractive.
— even if he’s not as tall as bertholdt, he’s still so tall, but has a better time navigating his stature as compared to his much taller best friend. your little cousins are quite amazed by his build, and he basically puts all the men in your family to shame in terms of muscle. good for you, honestly.
— at dinnertime, he feels more at ease and not as nervous when it came to making a good impression. he already left a positive mark on thanksgiving, and that mark continued throughout the rest of the night. everyone sure had no problem making sure that big boy was fed and was thrilled how much he loved everything. all in all, a success.
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— bertholdt is such a shy man!! my god!! he’s worse than reiner in terms of nervousness! no wonder they make such a great pair, they’re both wrecks. but bertholdt is sweaty, beet red mess when he walks through the door, and he can only pray no one notices and you don’t scold him for it (which you never would, but he can’t help but think you’ll do it anyway).
— he’s immediately overwhelmed by everyone greeting him all at once, a million words overlapping on another, and you have to tell everybody to call down and not scare him off right off the bat. bertholdt wouldn’t know what he’d do without you, really.
— honestly, take a shot every time someone mentions how tall bertholdt is. you’d be dead from alcohol poisoning before dinnertime, so don’t even try it. but seriously, everyone is so in awe of his height, it’s insane. you’re sometimes tempted to joke he’s not done yet growing just to make everyone sweat a little, but you don’t want to make your man even more flustered than he already is.
— unfortunately, bertholdt is too ridden with anxiety to properly eat his dinner, even if the small bites he ate were absolutely delicious. luckily for both of you, you get to take leftover plates home! the next day, he devoured his leftovers and ended up eating your plate too, but you weren’t mad. at least he enjoyed your family’s cooking in a place where he felt comfortable; at home with you.
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— you almost didn’t want to bring levi to thanksgiving. not because you didn’t want him to meet your family, but because he seemed so iffy on the subject of thanksgiving in the past. but, when you decided to take a chance and ask him about it, he was—much to your surprise—far more than willing to come along with you and even suggested the two of you bring a dish for the occasion (secretly because it was the one thing he could trust to eat).
— the two of you arrive, and you swore levi’s resting serial killer face would be the ultimate death of the holiday. your mother almost jumped when she opened the door and met levi’s piercing gaze, but was thankfully put at ease when he politely handed her the casserole he made with a soft smile. he was even nice enough to give her reheating instructions too. what a king.
— levi shockingly has a soft spot for children. you didn’t know that about him until now when you saw him cradling your baby niece in his arms with ease while she napped peacefully. the sight almost brought you to tears, seriously.
— even if levi didn’t have much of a family growing up, he could find solace in yours, secretly in his mind hoping he could always have things be this way. you were happy to see him happy, even if he had his own quirky ways of showing it, and you were so glad to have taken the leap to invite him to thanksgiving this year.
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— YOUR HONOR. i’m about to get oddly passionate about this for some reason, but hear me OUT. erwin is literally THEE man you want to bring home to meet your family. so serious. he’s every parent’s dream son-in-law. a father can only hope their child brings home someone like him, and luckily, you did!
— he’s such a charmer, oh my god. he just exudes bde, i’m not sorry (this is crazy coming from me, who was never a huge fan of erwin). he instantly wins over your family. you can’t even be shocked because he does this with every single person he meets, even you, who was swooned upon first meeting.
— he’s good with all the kids, just showing how more perfect he truly is, if that’s even humanly possible. everyone can’t stop talking about how awesome your man is, and you actually are proud of yourself for that. it’s about time you bagged an absolute 10 out of 10.
— when all is said and done, nobody wants him to go, they want him to stay forever! but don’t worry, he’ll come around for christmas, new year’s, and every other holiday after that.
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— ah, my precious hange. they have their quirks, but that’s what makes them so wonderful, and that’s also why you fell for them in the first place. you can only hope your family falls for hange just like you did.
— honestly, hange just lights up the room. their presence has an instant effect on everyone, and some would argue the holiday for better once you two walked in together.
— i imagine hange talks about their inventions to your parents, showing examples of their previous work. it’s all impressive, really. you’ve got a real smarty pants on your hands, and your parents sure are happy about it! they’re just glad you’re not with someone who’s boring.
— they’re a total child at heart, not in a bad way. hange will play with the little ones as if they’re a kid themselves. they’ll even give out piggyback rides but with a little twist. the twist? bouncing around whilst a child is on their shoulders. thankfully, no one throws up.
— during dinner, hange probably thinks of good thanksgiving themed inventions and politely asks to write their ideas down on their phone since there’s a strict no phone rule at the dinner table. thankfully, your family can make an exception… as long as they’re mentioned in hange’s success story.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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satocidal · 11 months
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1-800-CH4T-2-U5 — R0M3’S
KiNKM4S SP3CiAL (+ 500 Event)
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Hey Sweets, are you horny? Talk to our specialists now!!
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Our Operators and their services are of course, The Best
˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ⌞Valedicktorian⌝ > GETO SUGURU, your favourite academic rival, he wants to respect you, he really does—but he just prefers seeing you cry more.
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C’mere, Gain Experience—don’t be shy
˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ⌞Power Couple!?⌝ > GOJO SATORU, the famous rich boy of the campus and the principal’s daughter? Scandalous—especially when they’re both jealous as hell.
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Let our operators Take care of you, they’re very receptive
˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ⌞Miscumunication⌝ > NANAMI KENTO, a long way the little crush goes, pity neither of you can say it out, not when you’ve both got your mouths occupied with something better.
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You want to Be a part of us? How Naughty of you
˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ⌞A Lost Bet⌝ > GETO SUGURU, GOJO SATORU, SHOKO IEIRI and you—four best friends with a bag full of “gifts” and a boring Christmas.
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You can Start Training tomorrow! Make sure to b a good student
˖ ࣪ ་ ˖ ⌞What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas⌝ > GOJO SATORU, GETO SUGURU, you—meeting strangers is tough, but not when you find a bottle of rum, or plenty and end up getting married!
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(?) Want to Expand horizons? Feeling undersatisfied?
Leave a message to your Hot and favourite operator, Rome! a message—she’ll take good care of you ;)
(a). Send me a Character/your fav + kink/headcanon to receive a Drabble<3.
(b). Send me in a picrew/pic + your hobbies/kinks to receive a blind match up + nsfw/sfw moodboard<3.
(c). Send me a Description of your self-ship with your fav (the more detailed the better) to receive a 3 songs + a small Drabble on how you spent your Christmas <3
— To get Service (a) Press. 1 in the inbox + requirements.
— To get Service (b) Press. 2 in the inbox + requirements.
— To get Service (c) Press. 3 in the inbox + requirements.
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— I would appreciate if the event asks are concerning JJK fandom more so, but i can write about Mha; Tokyo revengers; Bsd; Haikyuu; Demon Slayer and Attack on Titan :)
— The event is not at all follower/mutual exclusive so feel free to participate even if you haven’t been following me <3
— it may be that my posts aren’t posted in time (mostly I think the order will be as specified) or after Christmas or even way off next year lmao, don’t come at me for all that
Tagging: @romiyaro @sarkovos @illogicallyx @nana-saturo @kushinadragneel becauseeeee ye lmaoo
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miya-rin · 2 years
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here are some small semi boyfriend headcanons
hes only does night showers, he does not wake up early enough for morning showers
the most attractive morning voice you will ever hear, waking up next to him is a literal dream every afternoon
he gets hiccups when he’s nervous or scared, its so easy to catch him out when he lies
hes always going on to you about your health but he never drinks water. like ever. he hates the way it tastes so you had to get him one of those air-up bottles so it would disguise the taste
he loves fancy plates for some weird reason - he comes home randomly with a new set with the cutest smile on his face
he used to have acne in his first and second year but it complimented his face so well?? like he looked drop dead gorgeous for no apparent reason
omg he loves candles like so much, everyone he knows buys him those really expensive yankee candles for christmas and his birthday
^^however, he does not light them, just likes to smell them; it calms him down
he has so many of those offline games and they take up so much of his storage, he complains about it all the time but wont delete any cause hes “worked so hard” to get where he is
the shittiest handwriting you will ever see. it is barely legible and he gets soo offended if someone makes fun of him for it
he loves to call you trouble shshajsha omfg he says it with this cocky little grin on his face as he does cause he knows how much you love it and he is so incredibly fine when he does
he loves the taste of those halls throat soothers, yk the blackcurrant and strawberry ones?? hes absolutely obsessed and buys them even when his throat is completely fine
a massive overconsumer :// if he sees something being advertised he will buy it without thinking, you have had to tell him no multiple times
he loves wearing matching pyjamas with you its literally so cute cause he’ll wear any design you suggest to him :((
all my haikyuu boyfriend headcanons!
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agerefandom · 1 year
Agere Writers Masterpost (2023 Edition!)
Helpful reminders: 
all of these blogs are SFW but have their own DNIs, so please remember to check! 
not all of these blogs have open requests, so please read their bios and respect their boundaries! 
please let me know if I should add anyone! to qualify, blogs must take requests for headcanons or fanfiction, have an easily accessible fandom list, be specifically sfw/non-k!nk content, and have posted in the last three months! 
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Holy moly, the list is LONG this year!!! We are still growing and expanding as a community! Because I don’t want to flood anyone’s dashes, the list will be under a ‘keep reading’. 
The list is organized in order of the number of fandoms they write for: with the widest range of fandoms at the top, down to single-fandom blogs at the bottom.
Blogs in italics are folks who don’t match my DNI or vice-versa (but are still sfw agere): I didn’t want to exclude them as many of my followers might have different personal stances than me! However, to respect both of our DNIs, I didn’t want to tag them, so please feel free to explore their blogs in your own time if they’re up your alley! 
@smollwriting​ (She-Ra, Creepypasta, The Good Place, Vampire Knight, BNHA, Undertale, Castlevania, Disney, Marvel, DC, D:BH, Life Is Strange, Resident Evil, Anne With An E, Black Butler, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Note, Assassination Classroom, AoT, Free!, Lucifer, OHSHC, Arcana, Stranger Things, and MANY more) 
@agerefandom​ (Adventure Zone, Animaniacs, ATLA, BNHA, Castlevania, Critical Role, Danganronpa, Death Note, Disney, Doctor Who, DDLC, Glee, Gravity Falls, Hannibal, Harry Potter, Homestuck, Magnus Archives, MCU, POTO, Sandman, Sherlock, Star Wars, Steven Universe, SPN, Twilight, Untamed, WTNV, and more) 
@ember-owlet​ (Encanto, Chainsaw Man, Beastars, Jujutsu Kaisen, Spy x Family, Witch Hat Atelier, Arcane, DHMIS, Killing Eve, MLP, Steven Universe, Owl House, OTGW, Wednesday, Cats, Heathers, Hadestown, POTO, D:BH, DDLC, FNAF, God Of War, RE:VIII, Last of Us, Undertale, and more) 
@writerpey​ (Arcane, ATLA/LOK, BTS, D:BH, Disney, Downton Abbey, GoT, God of War, Marvel, OFMD, Peaky Blinders, RDR2, Sherlock, Shadow and Bone, Star Wars, Stranger Things, The Batman, Last of Us, Uncharted, Wednesday, WWDITS, and more)
@wonderinglullaby​ (DC, Invader Zim, Breaking Bad, MLP, ATLA, SPN, Doctor Who, Invincible, Inside Job, Walking Dead, Carebears, Bojack Horseman, Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, OTGW, Spiderman, Deadpool, Horror movies, and more)
@deuce-t-agere​ (911 Lone Star, Bluey, Care Bears, Criminal Minds, Critical Role, DC, Ever After High, Disney (esp. Hercules right now), Friday the 13th, Horror, James Bond, Lilo and Stitch, LOTR, Marvel, Monster High, POTO, Star Trek, Star Wars) 
@littlefirefly42​ (Marvel, She-Ra, Riordanverse, Owl House, Adventure Time, Bee and Puppycat, Stranger Things, Heartstopper, Gone, OTGW, DHMIS, Dragon Prince, Goncharov, It, Wednesday, Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, HTTYD) 
@paper--moons​ (BNHA, Saiki K, Fairy Tail, Soul Eater, Death Note, FMAB, Dragon Ball, TAZ, Umbrella Academy, Marvel, DC, LOTR/Hobbit, Castlevania, TES, Dragon Age, Stardew Valley, The Witcher) 
@dreamties​ (Saw, The Collector, Black Christmas, Scream, House of Wax, The Boy, Heathers, Candyman, Carrie, Lost Boys, Psycho, Friday The 13th, Child’s Play, Spree, Laid to Rest, Dead by Daylight) 
@lavendermilkbottle​ (The Walking Dead, OFMD, DSMP, Hermitcraft, BNHA, Haikyuu, Star Wars, AFTG, DC, Grey’s Anatomy, Stranger Things, Leverage, White Collar, James Bond, Kingsman, Top Gun) 
@thorin-baby-bear​ (Stranger Things, Critical Role, Ghostbusters, It, Marvel, Ride The Cyclone, Doctor Who, Moon Knight, OFMD, Dead Poets Society, Welcome Home, Ash vs. Evil Dead, Werewolf By Knight, Bullet Train) 
@lains-cyberspace​ (Serial Experiments Lain, Complete Selection Modification, Welcome Home, BNHA, Genshin Impact, PJSK, Obey Me, Kpop, Slipknot, DHMIS, Enstars, TBHK, Danganronpa) 
@tinybeebo​ (Doctor Who, Marvel, X-Men, Moon Knight, Law and Order, Psych, Glee, Be More Chill, Dear Evan Hansen, Greatest Showman, Cobra Kai, Criminal Minds) 
@babiestbubbles​ (ROTTMNT, Daredevil, Spiderman, Stranger Things, Owl House, Bluey, Beyblade Burst, Disney, Harry Potter, DSMP/MCYT, BNHA, Sanders Sides) 
@strawbabys-blog​ (DSMP, Maze Runner, Harry Potter, BNHA, Merlin, Haikyuu, Heartstopper, Yuri on Ice!, Voltron, Hamilton, Marvel) 
@blankie-nest-agere​ (WarioWare, Psychonauts, MLP, Cookie Run, Stardew Valley, Owl House, Gravity Falls, Pokemon, Undertale/Deltarune, Invader Zim, Homestuck) 
@babybutlerarthur​ (Monster High, Danny Phantom, HTTYD, OHSHC, Hetalia, Disney, Welcome Home, SPN, Good Omens, Muppets, Star Trek)
@littlegummyfox​ (Series of Unfortunate Events, Adventure Time, Marvel, Steven Universe, Wednesday, HTTYD, Disney, Trollhunters, Welcome Home, Star Wars)
@mossysmolboy​ (OHSHC, BNHA, FNAF, Black Butler, Yuri On Ice, Stardew Valley, Creepypasta, D:BH, Sally Face, Arcane) 
shinxylullaby (Food Fantasy, Genshin Impact, Honkai Star Rail, Cookie Run, Ouran, Sanrio Boys, Demon Slayer, BNHA, MXTX, MLP, Obey Me) 
@leos-regression-cove​ (Marvel, Parks and Rec, Good Omens, Bee and Puppycat, WWDITS, OFMD, Abbot Elementary, Ghosts UK/US, Better Call Saul) 
@froggy-clubhouse​ (Mr. Robot, Stranger Things, Teen Wolf, Homestuck, Haikyuu, Lucky Star, DHMIS, FNAF, South Park) 
aew-kun-age-regression (Marvel, SPN, Criminal Minds, Teen Wolf, Last of Us, Walking Dead, Harry Potter, Stranger Things) 
comfybuckets (Idolmaster, Project Sekai, Vast Error, Sanrio, Homestuck, Pokemon, Chrono Trigger, MLP g4) 
berrymoos (Moon Knight, Ninjago, Owl House, BNHA, Demon Slayer, Pokemon, Spiderman, Steven Universe, Stranger Things) 
@pup-writes-agere​ (Naruto, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Sonic, TMNT, FNAF, Danganronpa)
@sfwregressionfanfictions​ (Supernatural, RPF, Stranger Things, Marvel, Criminal Minds, Harry Potter, Addams Family)
@arcadian-agere​ (TWST, Genshin Impact, Death Note, Enstars, Black Butler, Nu Carnival, Pokemon)
kiddo-characters (Banana Fish, Owari no Seraph, Love Live!, Warrior Cats, sk8 The Infinity, ATLA, Genshin Impact) 
zeiru (Amphibia, ATLA, Disney/Pixar, Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, MLP, Tangled Series, Owl House) 
@dino--boyy​ (Fear Street, Criminal Minds, Stranger Things, Owl House, Scream, Yellowjackets) 
@jjtheresidentbaby​ (Criminal Minds, SPN, Stranger Things, SWAT, Marvel, Teen Wolf)
@azulsgoldfish​ (TWST, PRSK, OHSHC, Persona, Enstars, Pokemon)
@honeybeewritings​ (Marvel, Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Wednesday)
@karaslittlesunshine​ (Supergirl, Marvel, Pitch Perfect, Criminal Minds)
@agere-ena​ (Project Sekai, Pretty Cure, Love Live!, Honkai: Star Rail)
enderlyghost (Ok KO, Encanto, FNAF: SB, MCYT/DSMP)
800-little-space (BNHA, Haikyuu, Assassination Classroom, Harry Potter) 
@tiniestroses​ (Project Sekai, Sonic, TMNT, Undertale)
@agere-fics​ (Marvel, Good Omens, The Mandalorian) 
@angelbaby-fics​ (Marvel, Stranger Things, other Chris Evans characters)
@guppies-daydream​ (Legend of Zelda, Splatoon) 
@gothicmunson​ (Stranger Things, Our Flag Means Death)
@smallboyontheship​ (Just Roll With It) 
@littlemetaknight​ (Kirby) 
@pumpkaboo-princess​ (Project Sekai) 
@prince-honeypaw (BNHA) 
@babs-and-bones​ (Undertale)
@babybones-agere​ (Undertale)
@sleepy-watcher​ (Our Flag Means Death)
@star-struck-wonderland​ (BNHA)
@bnha-crimebabies​ (BNHA)
@bnha-littlespace-things​ (BNHA)
@little-lippie​ (Kpop Girl Groups) 
pyrohrtd (Genshin Impact) 
337 notes · View notes
Master Post! <3
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(Most of my writings will be targeted toward wlw/nmlnm with gender-neutral pronouns!)
(The list is in alphabetical order 💌)
CURRENTLY ACCEPTING REQUESTS FOR: Requests are closed for catch up! *Please read my Request Rules before requesting!
→ Katara
☾ Season’s Chances
→ Mai ☾ Flushed Cheeks
→ Natasha ☾ Learn To Take A Break  PT.1 | PT.2
☾ Blankets & Brunch
→ Kiyoko ☾ Fruit Loops
→ Aloy ☾ Cool Off ☾ Two Peas In A Pod(Sibling!Reader) ☾ Face Paint ✩ ﹏﹏
→ Jinx
☾ “You’re Mine Now” ☾ Someone Better ☾ Wrapped around a Pinky Finger ☾ Arcane Ladies W/ A Touch-Starved Reader Headcanons
→ Vi ☾ Random Headcanons (Lesbian Week Special)  ☾ Class Is In Session ☾ Arcane Ladies W/ A Touch-Starved Reader Headcanons
→ Caitlyn ☾ When Rains Falls On Your Window, I’ll Be There ☾ Random Headcanons (Lesbian Week Special)  ☾ Arcane Ladies W/ A Touch-Starved Reader Headcanons
→ Mel ☾ Arcane Ladies W/ A Touch-Starved Reader Headcanons
→ Sevika ☾ Arcane Ladies W/ A Touch-Starved Reader Headcanons
→ CaitVi/Reader
☾ Wipe The Smirk Off Your Face ☾ They Go Low, We Go Lower ☾ “Daw, But You’re So Cute!”  ☾ Catch Me In Vegas, Catch Me In Tokyo  ☾ Catch My Breath  ☾“How Do You Know That?” ☾ Hot Rocker ☾ Marshmallow Pillows ☾ Shortstack ⋇ “You Can Tell Us.” ☾ Skyscraper ⋇☾ Cling Onto the Words You Say ⋇☾ Don't Cry Over Spilled Paint ☾ Merry Christmas (Ya Filthy Animal) ☾ Curls and Coils
→ Korra ☾ Freezing ☾ Nails ☾ Ways Of The Wind ☾  Water Is Hard As Concrete ☾  Childhood Best Friends ☾ Don’t Mess With The Avatar  ☾ “You Were Her Rock And She Was Yours.”  ☾ Dating The Avatar ☾ Jealous Thing ☾  Kiss It Better ☾ Fire Comes From Within PT. 1 | PT. 2
☾ Shy Until You're Not → KorrAsami ☾ Jealous or Attracted? PT. 1 | PT. 2 ✩ | PT. 3
→ Lin ☾ Trouble
→ Raya ☾ Unforgiving Elements ☾ When I Looked Into Your Eyes, I Saw Stars For The First Time
→ Namaari ☾ Stars | Galaxy (Stars PT.2)
→ Adora ☾ Arm Wrestling  ☾ The Guide to Confidence (You Must Have a Guitar)
→ Perfuma ⋇ Yoga and Meditation
→ Robin ☾ “Okay, I Guess She’s Cute” ☾ Random Headcanons (Lesbian Week Special) 
→ Ellie
☾ We Fell In Love In October ☾ Warm Even When It’s Cold ☾ Random Headcanons(Lesbian Week Special) ☾“Dude, Chill Out.” (Sibling!Reader)  ☾ Innermost Thoughts (Blurb)
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aphroditelovesu · 10 months
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⤷✿.。Since you voted yes to commissions, so here we are. I was a little unsure about the price, so I researched and tried to make it as fair as possible. I hope you agree with this! ❤️
Also, this is completely optional! If you don't want to, you don't have to request a commission! All the other requests works the same way!! ⤷♡.+ n a v i g a t i o n.
⤷♡.+ Status: OPEN.
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What I would write
I write for any gender, both character and Reader/OC, be it female, male, neutral transsexual. Any.
Yandere!Character x Reader, Yandere!Reader x Yandere!Character, Yandere!OC x Reader and Yandere!OC X OC.
Dark!Au, Gore, Disorders, Smut/NSFW, explicit language, soft!yandere, alternative AU, Horror, Age gap (depends on how much).
Romantic, platonic and general Yanderes, as well as more specific themes; example: yandere x depressive!reader.
Stockholm syndrome.
Pregnancy, childbirth and death in childbirth.
Non-Con, Dub-Con, BDSM.
Fluff; non-yandere.
Monsterfucking, specific kinks.
What I DON'T write
Any kind of NSFW content with children, anything with children will just be platonic.
I don't write NSFW with characters that have a childish appearance or personality, just platonic.
I don't usually write ships because I consider it something personal, but I can do it if someone wants to.
Age play, scap.
Minor x Adult (only platonic).
Prices (in $ and R$)
2,00 $/R$ 2,00 for 500 words;
6,00 $/R$ 6,00 for 1000 words;
12,00 $/R$ 12,00 for 2000 words;
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $3,00/R$3,00.
Imagines, Scenarios, Reactions, Oneshots, Prompts
3,00 $/R$ 4,00 for 500 words;
10,00 $/R$ 13,00 for 1000 words;
18,00 $/R$ 18,00 for 2000 words;
20,00 $/R$ 20,00 for 3000 words.
NSFW content adds an additional charge of $5,00/R$6,00.
My list of current fandoms, but I can always add more:
Attack on Titan, Amensia, Death Note, Demon Slayer, Diabolik Lovers, Fruits Basket, Haikyuu!!, Hakuoki, Hunter x Hunter, Jujutsu Kaisen, Kamigami no Asobi, Naruto, Mirai Nikki, One Piece, Blood of Zeus.
Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, A Song of Ice and Fire, Pegasus and The Flame of Olympus (series), IT., A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR), The Bridgertons, Twilight, The Lord of the Rings, The Cruel Prince: The Folk of the Air, The Bridgertons, Twilight.
Genshin Impact, Detroit Become Human, Mystic Messenger, Time Princess Dress Up (TP: characters), Yandere Simulator, My Candy Love (Amour Sucré), Arkyos Angel, A Plague Tale.
BTS, BLACKPINK, GOT7, EXO, BIGBANG, TWICE, AESPA, Stray Kids, ITZY, Hyuna and Dawn, Red Velvet, NCT, Monsta X, Taemin, Dreamcatcher, LE SSERAFIM, (G)I-DLE.
Series/TV Show
Game of Thrones, House of the Dragon, The Originals, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf, Supernatural, Outer Banks, Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Euphoria, Reign, Bridgerton, The Flash, Supergirl, Outlander, American Horror Story, Wednesday, Riverdale, Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, The Sandman, Lucifer, Winx Club, Ragnarok, The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Invisible City (Cidade Invisível), Shadow and Bone, Adventure Time, The Witcher, Rebelde MX (RBD), Heartstopper, Hannibal, Criminal Minds, The Last Kingdom.
Disney Universe, Marvel Universe, DC Universe, Maze Runner, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, A Nightmare on Elm Street, Transformers, How to Train Your Dragon, Miraculous, Ever After High, Monster High, Barbie Universe, Christmas Movies, Maze Runner, Avatar, Twilight, Star Wars.
My Demon, Bussiness Proposal, Doom At Your Service, Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Crash Landing on You, My Name, Mr Queen, King the Land.
Greek, Egyptian, Norse Mythology and Brazilian Folklore.
Historical Characters
Alexander the Great, Cleopatra, Caesar Augustus, Julius Caesar and etc...
Additional Information
I accept payment via PayPal and Pic Pay only (PayPal = Ko-Fi)
Payment must be made before I start and I will always send you updates if you ask me.
I write in English and Portuguese.
I have a deadline of 5 to 10 days to complete your commission, however, if something unforeseen happens and it ends up being delayed, I will inform you.
If I write more than what was asked, obviously there will be no additions.
If you are interested, DM me with details and feel free to ask me anything.
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cherxyx · 9 months
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12 Days of Christmas My True Love Sent to Me...
To start off the Holiday season right, I wanted to base a work on one of my favorite Christmas songs.
Spicy Ver.
Sweet Ver.
(These are modern objects/items, and these gifts may not fit with your aesthetic. There will be a bunch of random characters.)
BTW: I choose to let you guys decide on this one and not everything has a link to it. I only did certain people for certain things but the rest is up to you guys to decide. (Tell me in the comments)
⚠️Ones I named are aged up⚠️
Continuing to read is consenting to read a work that is spicy
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On the first day of Christmas, my true love sent me one pair of winter theme lingerie.
Anyone you want (I think of Sugawara).
On the second day of Christmas, my true love sent me two smut filled books.
Anyone you want (I think Yachi, Mikey, Gojo, Todoroki.)
On the third day of Christmas, my true love sent me three MAC lipsticks.
Anyone you want (I think Mikasa, Eren, Kita Nanami.)
On the fourth day of Christmas, my true love sent me four sets of laced robes.
Anyone you want (I think Nanami and Draken).
On the fifth day of Christmas, my true love sent me five different sets of cuffs.
Anyone you want
On the sixth day of Christmas, my true love sent me six ball gags in your favorite colors.
Anyone you want
On the seventh day of Christmas, my true love sent me a seven spicy chocolates.
Anyone you want (I think of Hinata)
On the eighth day of Christmas, my true love sent me eight different toys🥴.
Anyone you want
On the ninth day of Christmas, my true love sent me nine different laced underwear .
Anyone you want
On the tenth day of Christmas, my true love sent me a sex kit filled with 10 items
Anyone you want
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my true love sent me eleven adult card games.
Anyone you want
On the twelfth day of Christmas, my true love sent me a Love Honey advent calendar.
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cloudzoro · 2 months
Other Masterlists
☆ - reaction/headcanon
♡ - oneshot/fic
s - smut/suggestive
im using lowercase only here for aesthetic reasons, my work is written properly.
Haikyuu Masterlist
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3 works
christmas time (tsukishima x reader)
tsukki asks when you fell in love with him (☆)
posted: 24/12/23
kink discovery (multi-character)
individual reaction/headcanon scenarios on kink discovery with haikyuu characters! (☆/s)
posted: 11/02/24
four leaf clover (bokurodai x reader)
You ask your boyfriend Daichi if you can spice up your sex life by introducing two people you consider close friends to the bedroom but doing so accidentally spices up other aspects of your life too. (♡/s)
posted: 12/02/24 (originally posted in march 2021)
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist
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5 works
take care (kento nanami x reader)
It's your two year wedding anniversary and your husband, kento, arrives home earlier than expected. He behaves during the dinner you've made but as soon as he polishes off the last bite he takes it upon himself to show you how deeply he feels for you. (♡/s)
posted: 28/12/23
late nights (multi-character)
staying up late with your man (☆/s)
posted: 03/01/24
threesome (gojo x reader x shoko)
you invite your two best friends over to watch a movie, they have much better things in mind (s)
posted: 05/01/24
messy (shoko x reader)
shoko likes it wet and messy (s)
posted: 24/01/24
kink discovery
individual reaction/headcanon scenarios on kink discovery with jjk characters! (☆/s)
posted: 02/02/24
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