#hair mineral analysis near me
hairtestindia · 2 years
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bigrockgang23 · 4 years
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Analysis of Major Parasitic Fauna and Pit Ecology
I’ve spent the past three days putting together a speculative food web of the Mystery Flesh Pit’s ecology. The web is made up of five base food sources (green) with the park’s fauna split into Primary (pink), Secondary (orange), and Tertiary Consumers (red). Any arrow marked with a (?) means that the connection there is more uncertain. Along with the food web I also wrote up about 5 pages of analysis on why I chose to order the food web in the way I did (was it overkill? yes. was it worth it? maybe. did I enjoy it? hell yeah). I based a lot of my speculation on established lore but obviously I filled in MANY gaps. THIS IS NOT CANON. I tried to tag all of the information that IS canon but I almost certainly forgot something, so if you see something PM me and I’ll edit the post! While the food web and analysis were written up by me, all of the material and lore is from the Mystery Flesh Pit blog. If you somehow found this post and don’t know about the source material please check it out here:
Also, please PM me if you have questions, criticisms, or insights!! I would love to hear feedback from the community, thank you for reading!
Foundation of Pit Ecology Food Chain:
1.       Fungal Growths
The wide variety of fungal growths in the pit may provide a convenient food source for other Pit fauna. The growths are commonly found near amniotic ballast springs and are known to have spores toxic to humans1. Pit fauna that feed on the growths would certainly have adapted immunity to the spores but may incorporate those undigested toxins into their body as a predation deterrent. Fungal growths of the Pit appear to grow mainly on the surface of the organism but may extend deeper into the flesh in order to absorb nutrients from the Pit itself. Larger colonies of growths could then cause mass die-offs of Pit tissue if allowed to propagate unchecked.
2.       The Pit
        -  Amniotic Ballast Fluid
The fluid of the Amniotic Thermal Springs is known to be edible to humans and so would mostly likely form a major food source for park life2. It’s unclear what the composition of the fluid is but it may constitute a main source of water for Pit fauna. The springs could be envisioned as a “watering hole” of the Pit, drawing in a variety of both predator and prey and being a hot bed of ecological activity. A side effect manifested in humans is the fluid’s aphrodisiacal effect2; if this effect is shared by Pit fauna then the Amniotic Thermal Springs could also drive reproductive seasons or behaviors in larger organisms. This effect would not necessarily be intended by the Pit, but the relationship may have formed over time nonetheless.
         - Cystic Nutrient Ganglia
In humans, ganglia cysts usually form at joints and are enlarged pockets of lubricating fluid that collects and creates an extended, spongy bump. The cause of these cysts is still unknown, but is most likely related to joint conditions similar to arthritis. The multicellular macrobacteria of the Pit feed primarily on these ganglia. The macrobacteria leech proteins, fats, and minerals from the ganglia through osmotic diffusion1. It is unclear whether the cystic nutrient ganglia are a purposeful development of the Pit or a by-product of external factors (later in this analysis I will be making an argument for the latter). It seems that the ganglia are exclusively fed on by macrobacteria species, unless the cysts could be otherwise punctured by more “animal-like” Pit fauna1.
         - Organic Tissues
The Pit’s own tissues may provide some level of sustenance for Pit wildlife. While there is one specific organism that could be speculated to feed on Pit living tissue, it is much more likely that Pit fauna take advantage of dead or dying tissues in the park. Through natural or external means, it is clear that Pit tissue can die and necrosis can spread out from those areas5. Pit fauna eat away the dead tissue of the Pit and the Pit is protected from the spread of necrosis. It seems unlikely that any Pit fauna would purposely damage Pit tissues (it is better for the parasites to keep their host healthy, rather than contribute to its unwellness) but in times of food scarcity the Pit’s tissue could provide some nutrients to a starving creature.
3.       Unaltered/Compound Surface Fauna
Surrounding surface animals, while not native to the Pit, could provide a base food source for predatory Pit fauna. Abyssal copepods are known to exit the Pit, hunt surface wildlife, and drag living animals back down into the Pit. If these animals escape or survive initially within the Pit, they may undergo anatomical amalgamation. Common features of these compound animals are fused limbs or other major body parts and the external relocation of internal organs on the body1. Both the unaffected surface fauna and the amalgamations would be at a great disadvantage within the Pit, as they lack any Pit-specific adaptations. These animals, when found, could be an easy meal for Pit fauna. It may also be speculated that abyssal copepods only venture out in times of food scarcity within the Pit, but it is unclear how much weight this theory holds.
 Primary Consumers of the Pit:
1.       Macrobacteria
Due to their great abundance, simple reproductive behavior, and wide variety, the macrobacteria of the Pit are a fundamental building block in the Pit’s ecology. Macrobacteria are known to feed osmotically on cystic nutrient ganglia1, however it is likely that some species may eat dead organic matter (i.e. dead Pit tissue and/or deceased Pit fauna). While similar in appearance to microscopic bacteria, it is known that macrobacteria are multicellur1. Various species of macrobacteria are shown on the Major Parasitic Fauna poster3; from these drawings it appears that most species share some common traits. Each creature has a spherical or near spherical body surrounded radially by spikes and/or tendrils (omitting species H, which demonstrates a more lateral body plan). The tendrils or spikes of the macrobacteria are likely to fill many roles for the animal; locomotion, grasping/restraining, sensing, and protection could all be achieved by a set of extremities. The macrobacteria may scuttle like sea urchins, swim like jellyfish, crawl, slither, or even roll through Pit openings and fluids. Macrobacteria have been known to act aggressively in defense of territory, so the more prehensile tendrils may provide some level of grasping and restraining when the macrobacteria encounter hostile organisms. Surface bacteria and other single celled organisms use chemical sensors to “look at” or “feel” their environments and a lack of clear eye spots may indicate a similar process in macrobacteria where their tendrils could detect chemical changes or concentration levels in their surroundings. Finally, the spikes of the macrobacteria may be a defense mechanism against larger predatory Pit fauna4 (Big thanks to u/Hozin-6 who provided most of the speculation on macrobacterial locomotion and defense in this analysis. His original comment can be found in the sources).
2.       Bone Mite
The bone mite shares heavy resemblance with surface mites, ticks, and other arthropods. Based on its appearance and name, it can be speculated that the bone mite’s main food source is living Pit tissue in the form of bone marrow. It is unknown what the inner anatomy of the Pit’s various large bone structures are but they most likely contain either bone marrow or some analogous tissue. The bone mite’s hair-like structures can easily find footholds and catchments on the bone surface, allowing the mite to have full mobility over the surface of the large bones in a way similar to how flies or bed bugs crawl up walls. If bone mites feed parasitically off the living bone tissue then it is likely that they have either a hard proboscis or hard drilling mouth in order to penetrate the outer bone shell. The mites’ bodies look fairly flat as well, which may allow them to slip between folds of flesh and bone to feed3.
3.       Gastric Bristleworm
The clearest feature of the bristleworm is its namesake; the worm is covered in long, thin tendrils or bristles that protrude from the sides of the organism and encircle the “head”3. These bristles most likely provide locomotion for the worm and defense against predation. The name suggests that the gastric bristleworm may be native to “stomach-like” or digestive organs of the Pit. The worm may then feed on partially or fully digested organic matter as well as amniotic ballast fluid when necessary. Supposing the worm’s main habitats are digestive organs within the Pit, it is likely that the organism’s bristles and body are composed of a strong but flexible tissue with specific immunities to the acidic environment. The bristleworm may swim or crawl through gastric acid in order to scavenge for nutrient-rich, partially digested organic matter and so would be unchallenged by the more competitive (but less tough) Pit fauna. It could be argued that, with sufficient prompting, a gastric bristleworm could puncture a cystic nutrient ganglion and feed off the proteins and fats within but they would then be competing with the territorial macrobacteria1. The gastric bristleworm could easily fit in as a decomposer as well, eating any deceased surface or Pit fauna before it can be absorbed directly by the Pit itself.
4.       Shrieking Cloistropod
The shrieking cloistropod is the first of the list to not have a clear analogous surface organism. For this reason, it is more difficult to discern what behaviors and habits it may exhibit. The cloistropod’s lower body resembles a tap root or starchy root vegetable of surface plants3. This structure may penetrate the flesh walls of the Pit and act as an anchor for the organism. The cloistropod may use its “root” to leech nutrients from the local flesh its anchored around, as well as for the storage of excess nutrients and moisture for times of scarcity. The “head” of the organism would than sit above the flesh layer as a psudeo-plant or fungi. Based on the name and hair-like covering of the “head”, the above ground “head” may be very sensitive to touch or motion. When touched the “mouth” would then open and shriek or moan or make some other loud sound in order to frighten away possible predators. Alternatively, the shrieking cloistropod may be an ambush predator in the same vein as a venus fly trap, waiting until an organism comes close and then striking with a disorienting scream. The cloistropod’s body plan lends itself to a sessile lifestyle, especially in it’s adult stage, but it should be considered that the locomotive shrieking cloistropod theory may find more traction in a fluid-dominanted environment.
5.       Gangliotode
The name of the gangliotode may point to two possible behaviors; either the organism’s namesake comes from appearance alone or the creature is tied to nerve ganglia in some way. The gangliotode bears some surface resemblance to a nerve bundle, otherwise known as a ganglion, and so may be named according to it’s recognizable shape. On the other hand, the gangliotode may be related to the Pit’s nervous system or to the before mentioned cystic nutrient ganglia. The gangliotode’s behaviors may cause cystic nutrient ganglia to form, therefore giving it an interesting relationship with the macrobacteria of the Pit. The gangliotode may feed on cystic nutrient ganglia alongside macrobacteria, however the territorial nature of the macros as well as the specific circumstances of their feeding behavior may make this theory unlikely. Regardless, it seems fairly likely that the gangliotode does not actively hunt and may be entirely sessile.
Secondary Consumers of the Pit:
1.       Lesser/Greater Ballast Siren
Based on name alone it could be speculated that the greater ballast siren is an ambush predator that inhabits either the area around amniotic thermal springs or within the springs themselves. The greater ballast siren’s large opening on the front of it’s body may be a mouth that it can use to engulf or otherwise devour Pit fauna. The siren may sit within amniotic bulbs, either waiting for Pit fauna to get close enough or luring them in by other means, striking when the prey least expects the attack. Previously in this analysis, the amniotic thermal springs were envisioned as a “watering hole” for Pit fauna and so would be an ideal environment for this kind of ambush hunting. The greater ballast siren may have limited mobility from it’s tendrils, as well as having the ability to grasp the slippery surfaces of the springs. The lesser ballast siren appears almost like an undeveloped specimen of the greater. The lesser siren could therefore be a young or undeveloped stage in the life of the greater ballast siren or the alternate sex equivalent for the species (Pit fauna may not have a “male” and “female” but could have alternative reproductive sexes). The lesser ballast siren is less defined and so it is more difficult to discern any functions or behaviors of the species.
2.       Stinging Triocanth
Another worm-like organism native to the Pit. Like many of the Pit fauna already covered, the triocanth has many hair-like protrusions all along it’s body and extremities. The hairs that cover the organism’s “arms” may aid it in locomotion and sensing, allowing it to gain traction along slippery surfaces and narrow tunnels while the longer barbs along the body may serve another purpose. Since this is a stinging triocanth, the long barbs may be a defense mechanism and/or a form of attack to subdue prey. It could be speculated that the stinging triocanth hunts macrobacteria or even bone mites, using it’s corkscrew appendages to move quickly and pluck lone creatures that separated from the group. The barbs may slow or incapacitate the prey and the corkscrew extremities could funnel the prey down towards the mouth of the triocanth. To tie in a previous theory, the stinging triocanth may be omnivorous, feeding on fungal growths as well. The triocanth then incorporates the toxins of the ingested spores into it’s barbs, giving it a poisonous sting.
3.       Lesser Copepod
The lesser copepod may be the most surface-like organism of any of the Pit fauna. It resembles an arthropod and has some similarities to the larger abyssal copepod. The lesser copepod’s long feelers may be used to subdue prey from a distance, to coin a term they are “fisher hunters”. The lesser copepod could have some versatility in their hunting styles with such long appendages, being able to chase down prey or hide and strike from a safe distance. The lesser copepod could then easily pluck stranglers from the macrobacterial packs that roam the Pit, draw a gastric bristleworm out from it’s acidic den, or trigger a shrieking cloistropod from a safe distance and then dig up its nutrient-rich lower body. The lesser copepod’s reach compensates for it’s relatively smaller size and propels it higher on the food chain than it might otherwise be. Additionally, due to similar physiology, the lesser copepod could be a neotenic variation of the abyssal copepod; having branched away from it’s adult lineage by many generations.
4.       Venous Shamble
The venous shamble may be a slow, omnivorous, opportunistic organism of the Pit. The eye spot placement of the shamble and it’s complicated form of locomotion give it the air of a shuffling and cautious creature. The base of the head contains a tube structure that may be a proboscis, one that can extend out to some length. The venous shamble could then feed on a wide range of Pit fauna including amniotic ballast fluid, fungal growths, deceased Pit fauna, and shrieking cloistropods (using its proboscis to access the underground “root” of the organism). Similar to the stinging triocanth’s barbs, the shamble may benefit from incorporated fungal spore toxins that would deter predation and allow it to move clumsily without constant threat. Additionally, the venous shamble is subjectively the cutest of the Pit fauna and that is not up for debate. Don’t @ me.
Tertiary Consumer of the Pit (AKA apex predator):
1.       Abyssal Copepod
The abyssal copepod is certainly the apex predator of the Pit’s diverse ecology. The organism is built to move quickly through the fleshscape, with a head full of sensitive antennae to pick up on minute Pit and faunal movements as well as having large hands to grab and subdue prey. Abyssal copepods have been observed venturing outside the Pit, hunting surface fauna, and dragging them back down into their habitat1. Versatile and dangerous, the abyssal copepod is a force to be reckoned with. While the large copepod has minimal resemblance to surface arthropods and microscopic copepods, they also have the strange feature of human-like, five-digited hands. It has been theorized that abyssal copepods may be the descendants of ancient humans that found their way into the Pit and evolved to such an extreme extent that they now have almost no resemblance to modern humans6,7. While this evolution would need occur relatively quickly in geologic time, the Pit’s effects on living surface fauna are not fully understood and the harsh, variable conditions of the changing fleshscape could catalyze evolutionary developments and mutations (Thank you to u/OvoFox11 who was the first person I’ve seen relate the human hands of the abyssal copepods to descendant Pit-dwelling humans. His original comment is linked in the sources).
The Unknown Category:
1.     Amorphous Shame
Please send me suggestions as to what this is! I’m very interested in what others think, as I am at a loss.
Thank you for reading! Please PM with questions, criticisms, and insights!!
(1)    wildlife guide, https://mysteryfleshpit.tumblr.com/post/190237475203/wildlife-safety-brochure-though-the-mystery
(2)    amniotic springs brochure (2), https://mysteryfleshpit.tumblr.com/post/615973957551718400/this-scan-of-a-2006-pamphlet-offers-information
(3)    major parasitic fauna, https://mysteryfleshpit.tumblr.com/post/623095839097798656/this-chart-and-many-others-like-it-were-produced
(4) u/Hozin-6, https://www.reddit.com/r/FleshPitNationalPark/comments/hnlsa1/major_parasitic_fauna_chart/fxcm1pb?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
(5) Overall health question, https://mysteryfleshpit.tumblr.com/post/613318973731291136/hello-something-ive-been-curious-about-in
(6) u/OvoFox11, https://www.reddit.com/r/FleshPitNationalPark/comments/god6us/qa_on_tumblr_how_deep_is_the_pit_what_was_anodyne/frgdqoe?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x
(7) Q&A 1, https://mysteryfleshpit.tumblr.com/post/618659022493581312/qa-001
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leonenolee · 4 years
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"My apologies, I am late. I attended to the needs of the World of the Living team. " 
Arriving at an open grassy field in the Twelfth Squad barracks, Riyon scanned her surroundings to check if the Hueco Mundo team members were already complete. With the sun completely set, the sources of light in the place are only a number of lit torches making it a bit hard to see the faces of the people present there. 
With what she can see, there are five shinigami captains as the color of their haori makes them distinguishable. With its ivory color, it is easy to spot them especially when the light of the full moon shines through it. 
Based on her point of perception, she began to mentally identify each person. 
On her left, Kyouraku and Ukitake are accompanied by their respective vice captains and another male shinigami. 
On her right, some members of the Executive Militia of the Stealth Force are on guard together with their Captain Commander, Soi Fon. 
On her front, Byakuya is standing there facing Mayuri and his vice captain who are busy preparing the materials needed to open a Garganta. Beside him, a female child wearing a shinigami outfit is standing and blankly staring at Riyon. 
A subtle smile formed on the female captain's lips as she saw the young shinigami girl looking at her. She began walking towards her while gently hugging a seemingly black thick fabric that looks like a piece of clothing. 
"Riyon-chan, if you are scared you can run to my arms and I'll comfo-," Kyouraku said teasingly to interrupt the fourteenth squad captain's march.
His flirty remark was halted when he received a gentle spank on the back by the lady beside her.
"Ahh! My Nanao-chan is jealous," he said as he places his hand on top of the vice captain's head.  
"I am not!" replied the girl with a flustered expression. The petite female shinigami wears a pair of glasses with her black hair tuck tied up. Her left arm has the eighth squad badge wrapped around it. On the same arm, she is carrying a thick light pink colored hardbound book with green borders. 
"That is not the proper way to speak to your fellow captain," she reprimanded him. 
Responding to her, he chuckled gently and brushed his hand against her hair. 
"Be careful, Riyon-chan," Ukitake bids the captain well with a worried expression written all over his face.
Looking at them, Riyon smiled and said, "I'll be fine." 
She then transferred her eyes to Soi Fon, "Take care of Seireitei while we are gone."
The head of the Stealth Force  answered her with a smug smile, "do not underestimate us, Ryuka-taichou."
Marching on further, she focused her attention on the little girl beside Byakuya. She halted in front of her and folded her legs until she met her on eye level. Carefully placing one of her hands at the top of the child's head, she gazes at her lovingly expressing her care and affection. 
"Rin-chan dear, I will leave you for a while.  Watch over our home while I am away, okay?"
Her sweet smile was responded by a lifeless blank stare from her sister's ebony eyes in which the left one is covered by bandages wrapped around the top of her head. The attached fourteenth squad vice captain's badge on her left arm shows the Ryuka insignia that looks like the kanji of death just below the squad's number character. At her back is a black zanpakutou with a hilt guard shaped like a flower. Attached on her sheath is a violet bunny stuffed toy as big as the scabbard with yellow buttons as its eyes. 
Sealing a kiss on her sister's forehead, she stood up and shifted her attention to the man standing beside him. 
"Thanks for asking them to set up already," she said to Byakuya who is busy watching the preparation of the two captain class shinigami in front of him.
"It took me a while to give these to the World of the Living team," she continued with her words as she gave one of the black fabric to him. 
Taking the piece of clothing, Byakuya glanced at her and carefully examined what was given to him. Satisfied with the explanation, he wore the cloak over his captain's haori.
"It's a black cloak with our clan's symbol embroidered on its back. It will mask our reiatsu while we are there. We don't want to be attracting enemies while we are there."
"We are ready anytime, Ryuka-taichou," said by a braided haired petite female shinigami standing on a tall black pole. The badge on her left arm covered in puffed sleeve signifies that she is vice captain in rank. Her emotionless green eyes are almost covered with thick bangs. Around her neck is a red choker that accentuates her slender figure wrapped in kimono-like shihakushou extending until the middle of her thighs. Her clothing is tied by a white obi around her waist. On her hands are white hand covers that also wrap her wrists. 
"Nemu-fukutaichou, you can begin anytime," requested Riyon. 
"Take this with you," the female shinigami threw an item to Riyon. 
Examining what was given to her, Riyon was given an explanation. 
"Use that to communicate with us when you are done investigating."
Riyon kept the item that looks like a white mobile flip phone inside her shihakushou. 
"We won't be long. We will be back immediately after I am done detecting all the reiatsu in Hueco Mundo."
"We won't be closing the Garganta then," replied Mayuri who was standing on another black pole several meters away from Nemu. 
"Nemu, start pouring your reiatsu."
"Hai, Mayuri-sama!" 
The two began filling the black spherical ball above them with their reiatsu. A light began connecting the two balls and moments later, a huge black void opened. 
"Be careful, Kuchiki-taichou," said by a tall man standing beside Ukitake. The male shinigami has long red hair tied highly supported by a violet bandana around his head. Wrapped around his left arm is a vice captain's badge with the kanji of six written on it.
"Renji, don't tell me you are worried about Nii-sama," teasingly said by a short haired female shinigami beside him. Her left arm too is wrapped with a vice captain's badge with the kanji of thirteen written on it. On her hands are white hand covers that extend beyond her elbows. 
Flustered with her remarks, Renji replied in a seemingly loud voice, "Are you kidding, Rukia? Kuchiki-taichou is strong and will return alive."
Rukia leaned forward to Renji annoying him with her expression, "Are you embarrassed?"
Byakuya closes his eyes feeling a bit humiliated with the innocent exchange of annoying lines of the two shinigami. 
"Kuchiki-taichou, let's go," Riyon said after wearing her own cloak. 
The two captains jumped into the black void and their figures slowly disappeared as they moved deeper into the pathway. 
Hueco Mundo. This is the place where hollows are born. It is a vast sandy terrain with skulls and bones and erected mineral trees. This world's dark and gloomy sky is decorated with a crescent moon that never changes its phase and position. 
Scanning the area, Riyon gently placed her hand around the handle of her zanpakutou, she thought, "this world is just like yours."
"Should I maintain a distance?" asked Byakuya who remembered what the female captain did at the obliterated area near his place of residence.
Responding to the inquiry, Riyon brought out the round wooden tablet from her shihakushou.  
"No need. I don't need to absorb the reiatsu of a casted spell here."
Gently laying the tablet on the ground, she placed her right hand on top of it and began murmuring some incantations. The cross shaped blood painted on the artifact turned into a light with each bar extending infinitely. 
All the reiatsu in Hueco Mundo started registering on the light. With her analysis, Riyon began to feel some sort of uneasiness. Her heart began pounding loudly as cold sweats exit her pores. Her eyes are tightly shut with her eyebrows knitted together. 
"One, two, three, four, five... " 
Opening her eyes in shock, she turned her head on the east side from where she is located. 
"Why are there so many Ryuka clan reiatsu in that area?!"
Picking up the wooden tablet and placing it in between her palms, she slowly stood up and turned her body towards the said direction. With her hands on chest level, she started sensing the spirit ribbons present in that area. 
"A mix of purple and red stripes. These are definitely Ryuka spirit ribbons."
Analyzing it more, Riyon has noticed some inconsistencies in the pattern. 
"The purple stripes are not evenly distributed. They aren't pure Ryuka clan members. Who are these people?!"
This sudden discovery baffles Riyon even more. With her spell undone, she kept the tablet inside her shihakushou. 
"Did you find them?"
The tons of questions inside Riyon's head increased with another inquiry. The man was looking at her emotionless waiting for an answer. 
Sensing the desire for vengeance as she looks in his eyes, she told the truth. 
"One of them is there." 
Noticing that Byakuya's hand is already gripping the handle of his sword and wanting to take actions, Riyon gently places her hand at its edge to stop him. His stoic expression turned into glare as he felt her force pushing his sword into its scabbard. 
"I won't allow you."
With their eyes locked, they started a battle of conviction. Byakuya's irritation became worse as Riyon pressed her other hand on his zanpakutou.
"Don't be impatient. You will receive justice for your men. I can't have you dead without witnessing it."
"Who do you think you are talking to?!" 
Feeling his pent up anger, Riyon gave him a caution. 
"I know you are strong. There is no doubt about that. However, they possess Ryuka reiatsu. I do not know who taught them and why they have knowledge about our high level spells."
Adding a worried tone to her voice, Riyon continued her explanation, "I am only allowed to use low level binding spells. If worse comes to worst, I won't be able to assist you well in this fight."
Convinced with her words, Byakuya loosened his grip. Riyon took a gentle sigh and released her hands from the edge of his sword. 
"Let's go back," she said while flashing a smile to the captain, "we can't have the Twelfth Squad holding the Garaganta open forever."
Bringing out the mobile phone that Nemu gave her, Riyon contacted her and informed her of their return. 
Somewhere along the Eastern side of Hueco Mundo, a hidden mosque-like castle lies at its center. On top of its roof is a protruding Ryuka clan insignia that looks like the kanji of death enclosed in a circular shape. Each corner of the castle is a tower heavily guarded by someone who is wearing a purple cloak. 
The inside of the castle is dimly lit and at the center of it sits a purple throne with the Ryuka clan symbol on top of it. Beside the throne, a petite woman with purple and blonde hair tied up into a pony stands. Her body is covered with a purple cloak with the hood draping on her shoulders. 
"Did you allow her to sense you just like what our master instructed?" the high toned authoritative voice asked. 
Five female children wearing the same purple cloak answered in unison.
"Very good," complemented the girl. 
"San, follow her before the Garganta closes and join our master in Soul Society. It's time to let Seireitei know who should be the one ruling them," she commanded followed by a hysterical laugh afterwards. 
The third female child disappeared immediately. 
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facewendy · 2 years
Design Your Own
"Above The World"
Above The World I, II, III
Casting call for an entire
To get started:
Who are you!
Below you will find simple questions about you as you are. (S)
These questions can then be answered as if you are who you would like to be. A wished for personality.
This imagined you can be a hero or a villain or a victim or a simply a just hoped for you based on anything you identify as this character of you. (NSS)
The next personality character to design are the people around you. Fill out the survey as you see them for themselves. (NSO)
Then the same questions can be answered as if they are who you would like them to be--a wished for personality (NSIO).
How to design your personality
Above The World Characters:
Fill in your surveys:
Perspective Possibilities:
• Self (S)
• Not Self Self (NSS)
you as an imagined self
• Not Self Other (NSO)
someone else as precieved by you
• Self Imagined Other (NSIO)
someone else as you imagine you want them to be
Meyers Briggs:
Test Result
Take online test
1. Self Analysis:
Who you think you are as yourself according to the Meyer Briggs sixteen personality types.
2. Take the test to get your Meyers Briggs online results.
A Protagonist (ENFJ) is a person with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging personality traits.
These warm, forthright types love helping others, and they tend to have strong ideas and values. They back their perspective with the creative energy to achieve their goals.
Your test results:
Your Character in a Situation or Scene:
Place: Death Valley Mile High Dune
People: Wendy Anna Jones (NSS) Matth Foo (NS)
Situation: Sunset on top of the dune. Warm air after a hot day. No sound. No conversation. Staring at the dessert. A flock of butterflies come into view. Surround the two of us. A moment. Another moment, and then they are gone over the dune.
(Note to Foo: I lived in Austin for a moment. Rented an apartment in "The Orleans" near Central Market. It snowed in the back yard and then got very hot. I couldn't stop screaming. Very unlike me. I couldn't stay. As I crossed the boarderline, the screaming instantly stopped. Like a reverse startle: screaming...silence. I didn't know what to make of it, but I knew I couldn't stay.
to be continued...
Body Frequency:
Self (S)
Cooperative, dominates when not submitting, generous, intelligent, happy
Age: 58 (2022)
•Health: generally good, TBI, bipolar 1, foot damage, body wounds
•Features: 5' 7", #155 shaved, unnatural color, high cheekboned face, cute in looks, child like in appearance
•Career: Writer, Teacher, Technologist, Healer, Philosopher
•Hobbies: Travel, Online Research, Cooking, Music, Improv Artist, Interaction Designer
•Food: Vegetables, fish, International, restaurants: from whole in the wall to five star, Taco Bell
•Drinks: Tea, mineral water, Coke, beer, wine, soy milk
•Sports: Watches fly fishing, goes to the YMCA, swims, yoga
•Clothing: linen, cotten, silk, Nordstroms, Out of the Closet, Boutique
•Shoes: cowboots
•Religion: Zen Buddhist, Episcopal
Meyers Briggs:
Self Analysis
Test Result
Take online test
Body Frequency:
Not Self Self (NSS)
Name: Wendy Anna Jones
•Attribute: Engineer, Mrs Mciver, mechanical, camper,
Age: 30 - 100
•Health: Perfect
•Features: 5'7" #135 athletic, muscular, red hair, cheekboned face, cute in looks, child like in appearance, perfect body, feet, hands
•Career: Teacher, Technologist, Writer, Interaction Design, Painter...
•Hobbies: Reading, Baking, Traveling, Repairs...
•Food: Steak, Barbecue Chicken Pizza, Dessert, Coleslaw...
•Drinks: Scotch
•Sports: Tennis
•Clothing: Jeans, Tshirts, leather, no bra
•Shoes: cowboy boots
•Religion: me
Meyers Briggs:
Self Analysis
A Protagonist (ENFJ) is a person with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging personality traits. These warm, forthright types love helping others, and they tend to have strong ideas and values. They back their perspective with the creative energy to achieve their goals.
Test Result:
Take online test
to be continued...
Body Frequency:
Not Self Other (NSO)
Name: Dori
1. attacks and does not give support, dominates at all times, bitter
Age: 36 (2022)
2. Features: 5' 6.5", #155 long light brown hair, square stern face, not unattractive in looks, bitter and dominating in nature
•Career: Nurse
•Hobbies: crafts, tv
•Food: frozen microwave, convenience and fast food, restaurants: Olive Garden, TGI's, DQ
•Drinks: Diet cola, water
•Sports: Watches football, goes to the gym
•Clothing: Shops at Ross, Walmart, Amazon
•Shoes: sneakers,
•Personality: Meyers Briggs: Commander, exp: repeats your name in a condescending tone to dominate, puts self serving needs first
to be continued...
Body Frequency:
If you can not think of yourself as an imagined self here are a few suggestions to draw upon:
Familize yourself with how you see yourself in relationship to D.C. Comics Characters
(Sandman, Xmen, Justice League, Terminator, Conan...) and any other source from real life personalities, past and present day, (Benjamin Franklin, , Neil Armstrong, Don Cornelius, Helen Kellar, Gangus Khan, Nepolian, Ed Gians, Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Sen no Rikyu, Zhang Daqian, Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Sun Tzu, Murasaki Shikibu... [so many more please help me in the comments]) movies, books and character treatments from anything you identify with.
To be continued...
to be continued...
Body Frequency:
to be continued...
Ways to express your characteristic:
1. Collage of the character paper or electronic design
2. Write a description
3. Write a song or mix
4. Speak to text (keep voice recording)
5. Photo series
6. Costume and Fashion
7. Draw, paint, scalp your character
8. Video(s)
9. Location scouting where your character would be scene
10. Food, drink, eating habits,
11. History, education, careers choices, hobbies, skills, habits, traits, family
12. Age range, siamese twins, orphan, weight, condition
Find character description from films you may be familiar with on Script Lab .com with the difference being the more the better!
These characters go unseen in the world: polition, jeweler, property developer, attorney, city worker, customer service, park ranger, preacher, lyft driver, restaurant owner, student, couchsurfer, FedEx driver... whatever you do or would like to do, include it.
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sciencespies · 4 years
57,000-year-old pup is the most complete wolf specimen ever found from the ice age
57,000-year-old pup is the most complete wolf specimen ever found from the ice age
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A female wolf pup mummy, perfectly preserved as it remained locked in permafrost for 57,000 years, is finally giving up some of its secrets, including how the grey wolf died and ended up alone in the ice so long ago.
The mummified grey wolf (Canis lupus) was discovered by a gold miner excavating permafrost in Yukon, Canada, in July 2016, in the Klondike gold fields near Dawson City.
“She is the most complete wolf specimen ever found from the ice age,” said lead author Julie Meachen, an associate professor of Anatomy at Des Moines University in Iowa.
“All her soft tissue, her hair, her skin, even her little nose is still there. She’s just complete. And that is really rare.” 
Several types of analysis – including radiocarbon dating, DNA sampling and measurements of levels of different versions, or isotopes, of oxygen  - confirmed when the pup died. 
X-rays of the skeleton and teeth also revealed that Zhùr (meaning “wolf” in the Hän language of the local Tr’ondëk Hwëch’in people) was only 7 weeks old when she met her untimely end. 
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X-ray images of the ancient wolf pup. (Government of Yukon)
Ancient past
Aside from being the most complete ice age wolf ever discovered, Zhùr’s mummy was also particularly important to researchers because it was uncovered in North America.
“These types of specimens can be fairly common in Siberia, but they are much harder to get to,” than remains found in the Yukon, Meachen told Live Science.
As such, the remains were much easier to access and study, and they also provided a rare opportunity to see where North American wolves originated, she said.
Meachen and colleagues reconstructed Zhùr’s mitochondrial genome – the genome found in the cells’ energy-making structures called mitochondria that gets passed along the maternal line – finding similarities with both Beringian wolves, an extinct group that lived in ancient Yukon and Alaska, and Russian grey wolves. The pup’s relation to individuals from both North America and Eurasia is proof of ancient continental mixing across the Bering Land Bridge, an ancient land bridge that once connected Alaska and Russia, the researchers said. 
Having such an intact specimen to study also gave the researchers an opportunity to look at what ice age wolves were eating. 
“When I looked at the X-rays and could see her intestines, that gave me a little thrill,” Meachen said. “I’d never seen 57,000-year-old intestines before.”
Although in the end, bone analysis, not her stomach contents, allowed the team to reconstruct Zhùr’s diet. 
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A closeup of the wolf pup’s head (Governme. of Yukon)
During her short life, Zhùr fed on mostly aquatic food, such as Chinook salmon that currently spawn in the Klondike River, they found. This isn’t uncommon in modern wolves, which have been shown to seasonally switch to aquatic diets in Alaska.
However, scientists had assumed that Yukon wolves would have mainly eaten bison or musk oxen during the ice age. 
Lone wolf
One of the biggest remaining mysteries surrounding Zhùr is how she was mummified and why she ended up alone. The researchers’ hypothesize that she was killed when her den collapsed on top of her.
This would explain why the remains are so perfectly preserved, because they would have been instantaneously entombed in a cold, dry and airtight environment. 
But if she did die in this way it begs the question – where was the rest of her family? Given her age, it seems unlikely that she would ever have been in the den without her mother or siblings.
“Maybe the mum and siblings were outside the den when it collapsed and that is why Zhùr was left on her own inside the den,” Meachen said.
“It is possible she was an only pup, but that would be rare, usually wolves have several pups at a time,” she explained, but ultimately she admits that, “It is impossible to tell for sure.”
Findings like this one could become more common, as the globe warms and once solid permafrost begins to thaw and divulge buried secrets.
“We’re always excited when we make discoveries like these,” Meachen said, “but it is an indication that the world is warming and that’s not good for our environment. The planet is hurting.”
The new study was published December 21 in the journal Current Biology.
This article was originally published by Live Science. Read the original article here.
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dramauricaversan · 5 years
Blood Test Location Near Me – Naturopath Toronto ON Doctor
Here at the Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre, we offer various blood testings. These are the following:
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For further details, call us at (416) 922-4114.
You can also schedule a meeting with Dr. Amauri Caversan, our resident Toronto Naturopath, for more information on other naturopathic services offered at the clinic. Read: https://goo.gl/dHgYzN
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tripstations · 5 years
Cockle fishing and mud baths — locals show you the real Thailand
Bangkok (CNN) — With its talcum powder-soft, white sand beaches, turquoise sea and exquisite food, Thailand is at the top of many a holiday wishlist.
The fourth most popular holiday destination in the world, the country received a record 38.3 million tourists in 2018 and collected $62 billion in tourism revenue.
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Thailand is holiday heaven.
Andrew Watson/Getty Images
But how many of those visitors get the authentic experience of daily life in the country?
In 2012 Somsak Boonsam established Local Alike, a company which promotes “community-based tourism.” Via its online platform, Local Alike offers tourists the chance to leave the resorts and visit over 100 communities, from hill tribes to fishing villages.
His aim is to address the current inequality by generating employment and funneling tourism dollars “to the people who need it most,” while giving tourists the chance to “have new experiences and make personal connections with local people.”
CNN set out to visit three Local Alike community guides and hear their stories.
Spirit of the slum
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Tour guide Chan Kaithong.
Sarah Lazarus/CNN
Chan Kaithong lives in Bangkok’s largest slum. Near the city’s port, but just a stone’s throw from luxury shopping malls and hotels, the Khlong Toei district is home to 100,000 people.
The slum has a terrible reputation. A project sponsored by the United Nations Drug Control Programme in 2000 reported that Khlong Toei is “likely the most developed drug market in Bangkok.” Kaithong says many “external” Bangkok residents are too scared to enter and taxi drivers sometimes refuse to ferry passengers in.
But, she says, the drug problem has vastly improved since the government installed CCTV and started arresting sellers and providing treatment for addicts.
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In Khlong Toei, some elderly residents volunteer as street sweepers to help keep their neighborhood clean.
Sarah Lazarus/CNN
Kaithong has spent her whole life living in the district. Like all the other houses in the 1970s, her one-room childhood home was made of wood. Fires were a frequent hazard, she says, and since then, most wooden houses have been replaced by brick and cement constructions — each measuring a tiny 20 feet by 13 feet.
Despite their straitened circumstances, many of Khlong Toei’s residents are hard-working, says Kaithong. While showing tourists around the slum’s ramshackle alleyways, she takes them to visit carpenters who buy cheap pallets from the port and upcycle them to make wooden furniture. Visitors also eat lunch at a local restaurant and try their hand at making flower garlands — one of the slum’s cottage industries. “It’s perfectly safe for tourists in the daytime,” she says.
Kaithong says she loves her community and applauds the spirit of residents who are striving for a better life. Some have managed to break the cycle of poverty by sending their children to university, while others volunteer to clean the streets.
“I’m very proud of where I come from.”
Warms the cockles
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Uncle Sorn.
Sarah Lazarus/CNN
Technically, Sorn Phuengsai — known to everyone as Uncle Sorn — lives within Bangkok’s boundary, but his village feels so far removed from the crowded, noisy city, that you would never guess. Three miles from the sea, his house in Santor lies on a network of saltwater canals lined by mangrove trees and fishermen’s homes. There are no streets here — all travel is by boat.
At the age of 76, Uncle Sorn is stooped and moves slowly, but he holds down two jobs — as a cockle and prawn farmer, and a tour guide.
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Uncle Sorn’s farm is on the outskirts of Bangkok but it feels like a world away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Sarah Lazarus/CNN
Uncle Sorn says that although he rebuilt the house, he has lived on the same plot of land for his whole life. The youngest of seven children, he was adopted by his aunt who was single and childless. On leaving school at 12 he went to work, helping his aunt to run her salt farm.
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Uncle Sorn explains that the ridges on a cockle’s shell reveal its age. The shell gains one ridge a month, so this cockle has just celebrated its first birthday.
Sarah Lazarus/CNN
The pair filled the ponds at the back of the house with seawater, waited for the water to evaporate, and mined the salt left behind. “It was very dry and dusty,” Sorn recalls. “When I was young, my face was always dirty.”
When the profits from salt farming dried up, Sorn reinvented his business as a prawn and cockle farm which, he says, was “much more successful.” It’s hard work though — Sorn collects small cockles from the sea, transfers them to his ponds, waits 8 months for them to grow and then scoops them out of the water by hand, to sell to traders. He has to keep a constant lookout for predatory snails which try to prize their way into cockles’ tightly sealed shells and eat them.
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Tourists have no problem catching cockles, but most of the prawns get away.
Local Alike
Tourists — who visit for the day to relax, enjoy a seafood lunch and try their hand at shellfish farming — have no problem catching the cockles, which swim free in the water, but the prawns are another matter: “They are so fast,” says Uncle Sorn. “And they jump!”
Mud, mud, glorious mud
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Thaksin Minman (left) and Fud Himma (right) demonstrate the mud beauty treatment.
Sarah Lazarus/CNN
When Thaksin Minman was 40, his wife died. With four children to raise, and desperate for money, the former motorcycle taxi operator resorted to dealing drugs.
Shunned by the local community in Baan Laem, a fishing village on the east coast of southern Thailand, Minman hit rock bottom when he was arrested. A policeman admonished him, saying that by selling drugs to teenagers, he was destroying the future of the country.
“Those words changed my life forever,” he says.
Minman decided to clean up his act by pursuing a tourism venture, but friends and relatives just laughed at him. “Nobody believed in me,” he says.
In 2012, his luck changed when he met Fud Himma — who jumped on board without hesitation. As business partners the two men complement each other — Minman is excitable and candid; Himma is quieter and more self-contained. “He’s better than me in every way,” says Minman, “but he never disagrees with me. He’s my moral support.”
The pair’s mission is to lift the whole community out of poverty. To do that, they have devoted themselves to sustainable living.
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Untangling fishing nets.
Sarah Lazarus/CNN
The first step was to persuade locals to stop chopping down mangrove trees for use in construction. The mangroves are a breeding ground for crabs — the village’s main source of income — and they bring in tourists. They also asked the fishing boats to donate a pregnant crab or two from each haul, explains Himma.
The crabs are kept in a tank — safe from fishing nets — until they are ready to spawn. Visiting tourists then help return the crabs to the sea, and also plant mangrove cuttings.
Buoyed by the success of this project, Minman started casting around for new ideas. Three years ago, he was struck by one — literally.
“After planting mangroves, I took tourists to wash in the sea,” he says. Rather than getting clean, the group scooped up mud from the sea floor and threw it at each other. Wading into battle, Minman offered his face as a target. “When I washed the mud off later, I noticed how soft my skin felt,” he says.
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This pregnant crab — with a cluster of eggs underneath — is about to be returned to the sea.
Sarah Lazarus/CNN
Laboratory analysis revealed that the creamy, gray-blue mud is rich in minerals, including silicon, that benefit skin and hair. The “natural spa experience,” that Minman and Himma now offer, has proved so popular that they have launched their own line of mud-based beauty products, including soap, a face mask and a hair treatment.
As tourists have flocked to Baan Laem, homestays have cropped up around the village, transforming the fortunes of locals. Minman says he feels immensely proud of his achievements — “nobody ignores me anymore.”
The post Cockle fishing and mud baths — locals show you the real Thailand appeared first on Tripstations.
from Tripstations http://bit.ly/2Fky8SH via IFTTT
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hairtestindia · 2 years
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orodrethsgeek · 8 years
Wait Until the Light Breaks
Posting this in honor of B2MeM 2017, based on the novel concept that I can actually post things when I'm pleased with them.
Summary: The night after Eöl’s execution, a young orphan sits in his mother’s room and waits for his fate to catch up to him.
Read it at The Silmarillion Writer’s Guild.
Miners are trained when things go wrong to lie on the ground, breathe slow and shallow, wait until the light breaks at last through a chink and they are found.
— Sara Berkeley Tolchin, "What Just Happened?"
They have given him his mother’s old room. Maeglin knows it was once hers because the enormous bed on its raised dais is dressed in the pine green and rich browns she had favored. He knows it was hers by the crowd of white gowns gathering dust where they hang in the closet, by the silver jewelry packed away neatly in chests on the armoire. The room itself is directly across from Turgon’s at the crown of the King’s Tower, which tells him that its first owner was held an equal of the king; and who but his mother had ever gainsaid Turgon’s command to remain within the walls of Gondolin? This, also, proves it was hers.
Mostly he knows by the smell. Beneath the empty chill of neglect, his mother’s scent of spice on new snow lingers, a balm for spinning thoughts – save the one whispering that, soon, even this will be gone, and Mother will then be no more than a figure in his memory.
He sits on the very edge of her grand bed with his knees drawn up to his chest, half-heartedly examining a circlet he had found in an oak case during his exploration of the room. In his heart of hearts, he thinks it would look princely on him, as grand as he had felt when they first arrived, before disaster struck.
The circlet’s delicate, swooping lines show Maeglin a shattered reflection of himself, his features separated for individual analysis. Here is a blur of his porcelain skin—it had burned in the light of the open sun during the first days of their flight, but the raw redness faded once Mother smoothed a balm over it, leaving him once more unmarked. There is a smear of his black hair, frazzling out of the intricate, Noldorin style Mother had teased it into before they entered the city. Now and then he catches also the clearer glimpse of his eyes, roving over the metal with a keen watchfulness Maeglin does not truly feel.
He looks up into the full-length mirror on the wall and sees his mother’s room doubled to a full circle. Taken all together, he seems very small, weak; not at all the bold adventurer who had declared himself Mother’s protector in Nan Elmoth. Slowly, Maeglin forces his feet to the floor. As he stands he rests the crown over his disheveled hair.
Against this backdrop, black as the galvorn Eöl crafted, as the unending Dark Maeglin can only imagine because Mother would not describe it, the diadem’s silver is almost dazzlingly bright. He finds himself captivated by the way it races arcs of fire and starlight through his hair. Daringly, he lifts his chin and squares his shoulders the way Mother taught him—the way Turgon had, effortlessly, sitting on his throne. Even in the rough, travel-stained tunic and riding pants Maeglin wears – the same he set out from Nan Elmoth wearing; no one has thought to offer him new clothes, and it feels disrespectful, selfish, to ask – he thinks he might see the Noldorin prince Mother assured him he was.
“Lómion?” The voice is unexpected, intrusive. Heart leaping wildly to his throat, Maeglin whirls.
King Turgon stands poised in the doorway staring at him. In his peripheral vision, Maeglin sees the truth: his reflection wilts, shoulders creeping forward, his head ducking down. He is suddenly very aware of the smell of horse sweat and poorly washed flesh. The scrutiny of a real prince reveals him for what he is. Reduced once more to a beggar crawled out of the woods, Maeglin yearns to stuff his mother’s circlet out of sight, but he dares not draw attention to it even to do so.
The surprise fades from Turgon’s face, leaving behind only exhaustion and grief. Maeglin feels a twinge of pity for this man, with whom he shares a broken family and yet barely knows. This drowns in a flood of panic when Turgon begins speaking. The words make no sense, flowing smoothly from one sound to the next, and Maeglin knows what is happening but is too ashamed to say anything. He stands, fighting to pluck meaning from the nonsense syllables, until at last they lilt up in a question. Dizzy from the hammering of his heart and over the screaming protest of his common sense, Maeglin nods.
Turgon dips his head in return, pulling the door shut as he steps fully into the room. He speaks again, more sure of himself, less unguarded, and draws near; Maeglin backs away to keep a distance between the king’s immaculate white robes and his own reeking body.
The backs of his calves hit the end of Mother’s bed, plopping Maeglin gracelessly on his rear. Turgon is looking at him, waiting with obvious patience. Maeglin’s pulse is a roar in his ears and he stares desperately down at his knees. His hands, clasped in his lap, are remarkably steady despite it all.
“Lómion?” Turgon prompts, followed by another unintelligible stream. Maeglin shuts his eyes, swallowing, mouth working soundlessly for a moment.
“I—I don’t—I can’t—” The mattress sinks as Turgon sits next to him, and he flinches, surprise stealing what few words he has left.
“Lómion,” Turgon repeats slowly. Then, gently, he asks, “Do you not speak Quenya?”
“Some,” Maeglin defends; it comes out as a whisper. He knows colors and can count up to one hundred forty-four; he knows how to yelp and say, “The water’s cold!” and he knows what, “We’ll stop here tonight,” means. He knows the words for rabbit and deer and he knows the names of all the relatives he has never met, from Anairë in Valinor to Carnistir in Thargelion. He knows “I love you.” But Maeglin cannot hold even the simplest of conversations in his mother’s tongue, for it is the language of those who slew his father’s kin in Aman, and Eöl had asked that it not be taught to him; and Mother had honored that request. Or she had until Maeglin had taken it into his head to run away with her to Gondolin, and then along the way she had given him sporadic instruction.
“I didn’t realize,” Turgon says, his accent just as strange as it had been when Mother had greeted him – only yesterday – in Sindarin and Turgon, too joyful to be puzzled, had answered in kind. Nevertheless, he is perfectly understandable as he continues, “Please forgive my presumption.” Maeglin nods dully. Within the locked confines of the formal apology lurks a fury bordering on rage that any child of Aman should have grown up denied mastery of the High Speech.
The anger, Maeglin knows, is directed at Eöl, but his head still sinks lower as he perceives it, sending the circlet lurching. He rushes to steady it and finds Turgon’s hands already there, catching it, putting it back in place. Maeglin sneaks another glance at himself in the mirror. Turgon is also examining his reflection, so Maeglin sits up, shoving back a greasy lock of hair behind his ear and trying to mimic the king’s easy, straight-backed grace. It seems easier to correct the differences between their postures with Turgon sitting next to him, until finally Maeglin is holding himself exactly like the king.
“It doesn’t suit you at all,” Turgon says, and Maeglin sees the panic leap out of his eyes as the confident façade crumbles and he curls in on himself, snatching the crown off his head before Turgon can take it away. How many times had Mother told him how wise her brother was? Of course he would see through Maeglin’s pretense of nobility. Without the White Lady of Gondolin to speak on his behalf, the only tie Maeglin has to this city is as the son of the man who murdered the king’s sister. Staring down at the metal cradled in his hands, Maeglin knows with dreadful certainty that he will soon follow Eöl’s plunge over the precipice.
“Easy child,” Turgon soothes, not seeming to notice Maeglin’s flinch as he drapes a white-clad arm over his shoulders. “Easy, Lómion; you may keep it regardless. It is fitting that you should have it; it belonged to my—to your mother.” How generous, Maeglin thinks, with a sharp burst of hysterical relief, to let me wear it to my execution.
Strange, fractured observations come to him in his panic. The arm pulling him close is hard and lean, for all that the flowing white sleeve clothing it is long to the point of impracticality. In the brief moment before Maeglin’s stench overwhelms it, Turgon’s scent envelops him; soft and dusty. He smells like the books Mother had little use for and Eöl scorned. “If you cannot remember it yourself,” he would say, “it must not have been important. No son of mine will cheat off the accomplishments and success of another.”
A thought skips across the pool of his mind: Turgon does not find books or book learning dishonest.
“Lómion, Lómion,” the king says, syllables stretched and pulled like taffy, the way Mother spoke to calm the horses when they startled. Then, haltingly, “Nephew,” as though testing the weight of it in his mouth. Maeglin finds himself tucked closer to Turgon’s side. “Are you cold? You’re trembling.”
You cannot ask me to be brave! he shouts, all within himself, for his throat has closed for fear. His life was supposed to begin here, not to end. He had not wanted Eöl’s bitter certainty about the kin-slaying Golodhrim to prove true. He does not want to die.
Seconds pass, and still he cannot speak. Turgon shifts, pulling Maeglin closer still. Through the greasy tangle of his hair, Maeglin feels the bump of the king’s nose, followed by a rumble of disgust. Shame burns behind Maeglin’s eyes, but Mother’s kinsman pulls back only enough to tuck Maeglin’s head beneath his chin instead.
Half-pulled into Turgon’s lap, Maeglin waits to hear his sentence passed, his terror slowly turning to dull anticipation. It seems a curious thing, he notes absently, to cradle so close one you meant to kill. Likely it is for Mother’s sake; the memory of his sister that Turgon clings to, not her living son. But finally the king does stir, drawing back.
“It grows late. What say we draw you a warm bath?” Maeglin finds his voice.
“If it pleases you.” He could at least meet death clean. Will that make the plunge any less painful?
As if he hears the thought, Turgon hums, gives his shoulders a squeeze. “Tomorrow,” he says gently; Maeglin bows his head at the pronouncement, fingers tightening around Mother’s circlet. He almost misses what Turgon says next: “Tomorrow, we will see about arranging your lessons in Quenya and commissioning you a crown of your own.”
A soft noise breaks past his lips, keening and confused. The king peers down at him, his face in his alarm so like Mother’s that Maeglin could weep. Could, but for the sudden, wild hope rising in his chest. “You do not mean to have me killed?”
“No!” Turgon recoils, but in the next breath hauls Maeglin to him, so that he has no choice but to bury his face in the pristine whiteness of Turgon’s robes, as though he is once more an unnamed child. “Ai, Lómion, my sister’s son, blood of my blood—no! A thousand times no!” And over and over, no no no, until Maeglin relaxes, inhaling the king’s bookish smell. ���What do you take me for?” Turgon asks, agonized, whispering into Maeglin’s hair.
You are the man who murdered my father, Maeglin thinks, but buries the thought deep, where none will ever find it. He must be Aredhel’s son now, not Eöl’s. Instead he grasps tentatively at Turgon’s voluminous sleeves, presses his face to Turgon’s shoulder. The king murmurs encouragingly, rocking them both gently, carding a hand through Maeglin’s lank hair.
“You are safe here, Lómion,” the king vows. “Safe, among your kin, as you were always meant to be. You are a great prince of the Noldor, of the house of the High King, and as dear to me as if you were my own son. I will not harm you. Within these walls, nothing ever shall. Trust me in this. Do you trust me?"
"Yes," Maeglin answers. He does not hesitate. I have to.
Hypothetically, this story is one in a series on Maeglin, exploring his life in Gondolin. I just haven't written the other pieces... yet.
Dedicated to my friend Anne Flint, who has done more for me than she'll ever know, and whose interest in Maeglin and Aredhel first prompted me to unearth this story from my written notes a few years ago.
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wanderlearn-blog1 · 6 years
Considerations To Know About hair loss cure
We’d adore to listen to your remarks concerning hair loss shampoos. We wish to listen to what you believe and we assure to reply immediately. One particular solution to avoid, in the event you haven’t previously referenced it, is Pronexa. They have already been more and more uncovered to be a semi-fraud considering that they provide totally free items in exchange for 5-star Amazon critiques. Even though the shampoo/conditioner are high-quality as just that, soon after three months of use I severely question their efficacy concerning hair loss and thinning. Alright, we know what’s on your own brain at this time, and The solution is no. Ingesting massive portions of espresso or other caffeine-laden beverages will not likely enable make hair grow. As a single scientist pointed out, you’d must consume 40 to fifty cups of coffee for caffeine to obtain any kind of therapeutic reward for your hair roots for the reason that caffeine is well diluted and quickly excreted by the human body. Aside from, that amount of coffee might be harmful simply because caffeine is, properly, kind of a drug. Traction alopecia is caused by introducing an excessive amount strain within the hair on just one's head. Tight ponytails together with other styles that demand additional tension towards the hair tend to be what induce this ailment. Noticed Palmetto is a small plant which offers lots of Positive aspects, certainly one of which entails blocking 5-alpha-reductase, an enzyme in your body that converts testosterone to DHT. Preferred hair growth merchandise and natural remedies for hair loss Hair loss typically happens when the cycle of hair growth and hair shedding is disrupted. A person critical rationale that Hair Surge is really a Lower higher than other so-called hair loss shampoos is that it’s formulated to keep up the Energetic elements with your scalp and hair until they’re absorbed. Make sure you aid. My hair has constantly been my delight and joy. I figured as it is very damn healthier, it could offer with some bleach damage. And that i figured the learn stylist who did all the color-corrections would know the amount could well be excessive. Besides topical growth treatments like Rogaine, the standard utilization of a best-rated shampoo for hair loss and regrowth can encourage follicles, moisturize your scalp, end dandruff, and usually assistance the growth of thicker and fuller hair whilst stopping it from falling out. https://www.wikihow.com/Prevent-Hair-Loss are Light adequate so that you could rely on them multiple situations a week. Nizoral, nevertheless, is only when used only some instances a week (and will be left to the hair for 3 to five minutes ahead of rinsing). When there's some indicator that a concoction of lavender oil, thyme, rosemary and cedar could possibly be helpful, we still require far more analysis to find out of course. Hi good friends I wish to share my encounter right here concerning the onion juice. I'm 39 yr outdated, 3 to 4 a long time back again I begun experiencing hair falling and dull hair so I started applying coconut oil day to day but it didnt aid me much, Afterwards my hair mentioned turning white and followed by shedding it. I used to be very much worried about it. I couldnt manage transplanting hair that time so i did analysis on net And that i stumbled on onion juice. I utilized it on my scalp for two days and kept right away but it absolutely was quite awkward to sleep so i began it implementing in the morning on my scalp and retained it for half an hour then i would wash it with drinking water no shampoo or no soap i used i didnt even therapeutic massage my hair Substantially as it could split so I might pour 3 to 4 mug of lukeworm water water on my head. I did this action for approximately six to eight months very routinely. It worked properly. Instant impact was it cured my Persistent dandruf challenge inside of two days my hair turned effectively whilst combing. If I utilize the ultrax lab hair surge shampoo.. what conditioner really should I take advantage of.. and Imagine if the frequency of utilizing the hair surge shampoo?? Though modern day folklore, and in some cases some minimal scientific reports, have prompt the mom's side on the family is basically liable for a genetic predisposition towards baldness, the reality is balding is just not all our moms' fault.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=StZWAAbNA6Q To hair fall treatment
It’s vital that you Observe that utilizing the word ‘cure’ is not likely an precise description of how hair loss works. It’s very clear that we don’t know ample about this topic still and more exploration is required. But it is distinct that healing your microbiome will definitely assist your Over-all health and almost absolutely support lower your hair loss. Combine all elements inside the container of your choice. Combine properly, and make sure you combine carefully right before Every use. 8/ It’s truly a standard thing for hair to fall out. Hair commences its life using a extended growing phase, and typically about eighty% of our hair is in this period at any specified time. But other hairs are on the point of depart our heads. Ignore advertising ploys and buzz. With numerous hair growth products and solutions in the marketplace, it’s very easy to get overcome. Don’t opt for a shampoo simply because it has a handful of excellent assessments on Amazon – try to look for a brand that’s been tested to grow hair and it has literally many hundreds of optimistic evaluations from people. I’ve been studying and producing about hair loss for more than five several years now And that i’ve seen treatments come and go, but these are those that have caught about. In an business fraught with faux claims and shady corporations, this listing of the best hair loss shampoos for guys and women has been researched and evaluated totally. Whilst it’s imperative that you bear in mind hair loss might have a lot of fundamental causes and a fantastic shampoo with quality components is often Component of a successful treatment, it’s challenging to argue Using the Countless independent buyers who have found these products and solutions beneficial. Jamie McCarthy/Getty Photos 12/ The hair loss may be focal, and concentrated in a single location, or diffuse, and all over the head. Base Line: The mineral zinc can strengthen hair growth in people who are deficient in it. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-SiXXn3EKKI2t7btdwEplw include things like oysters, beef and pumpkin seeds. As the therapeutic system previously mentioned takes spot, this stimulates collagen generation. This then brings about the creation of new skin cells which incorporate new and (usually) nutritious hair follicles. Considering the fact that WAY regulates this pathway, it’s thought that it may possibly decelerate the protein above-expression and lead to standard hair growth and progress. These contain bacteria on the skin of the plant which are the most powerful kind of probiotic. This implies at least likely to a neighborhood farmer’s market place, or a lot better selecting your own personal and feeding on them straight away. Hair affirmation is a powerful Software that helps you worry significantly less and treatment improved in your hair. You are able to make your own affirmation and visualize by yourself obtaining it. The underside line is always that, Nizoral is great at controlling the flaking, scaling, and itching associated with dandruff, and delivers a secure and nutritious dose from the active component in many hair loss solutions.
source:- steptoremedies
If appropriate beard care is very important to you personally, You then're probably acquiring beard oil. But Imagine if I informed ... so joyful I'd stumbled on This website, good ideas in the post and within the opinions.. thanks ya’ll. Hair-loss avoidance depends upon the fundamental trigger. Superior hair hygiene with typical shampooing can be a primary phase but is most likely of very little profit. In between washing days, attempt making use of dry shampoo. It’s a powder you sprinkle with your hair after which comb via. Your hair will glimpse thoroughly clean and scent refreshing to the day. Massage your hairline with or without having oil day-to-day. Just take health supplements with collagen that assistance nail and hair wellbeing. Whether https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5BbUHcuKxY be the an evaluation on the most up-to-date hair loss merchandise or progress in direction of a hair loss cure, You will be the initial to understand. Brush your hair daily having a smooth or looped-bristle brush for a mild scalp massage. This is particularly successful if you have long hair. Be a part of our mailing listing and receive the latest information about developments in hair loss avoidance technology. We retain our audience updated on what is actually Doing the job, what is actually not, and what's over the horizon. Stay away from applying shampoo that contains sulfates and severe elements. Quite a few commercially-manufactured shampoos use sulfates as the key cleanser. Sulfates strip the hair of its natural oils, leading to it to become dry and brittle. The try to find the holy grail of hair loss cures carries on. How close are we, genuinely? Sad to say, not as near as we’d hope my Mate. The only thing to do for now is soldier on Using the fewer than ideal choices till the white knight of hair loss experts rides in using a cure for us all. When regrowth is your intention, you would like to take care of your hair and scalp as Carefully as you can and leave it on your own just as much as possible. Washing each 3 days or so, or likely even extended without the need of washing, is usually recommended by attractiveness specialists as the most effective course of motion. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5QZn8i5kT2A provides vitamin D by immediate connection with the Sunshine's rays. Great dietary sources of vitamin D include fatty fish, cod liver oil, some mushrooms and fortified foods. You can find number of Unintended effects with Rogaine. The key issue using this type of treatment is the necessity to continue to keep making use of it a couple of times day-to-day, and most Adult males get Uninterested in it following a while. Also, minoxidil tends to get the job done considerably less very well to the front of The top, which happens to be the place baldness bothers most Males. Inadvertent software on the deal with or neck pores and skin can cause undesired hair growth in People parts. Even though Argan oil doesn’t specifically reverse hair loss, it does Enhance the elasticity of one's scalp’s skin and correct the damage attributable to chemical compounds in harsh shampoos and conditioners.
visit To Know Before You Buy
Hair over the scalp grows about .3 to .4 mm/day or about six inches per year. In contrast to other mammals, human hair growth and shedding is random and never seasonal or cyclical. At any provided time, a random amount of hairs might be in a single of three phases of growth and shedding: anagen, catagen, and telogen. "It might give either a very good or acceptable end result. But https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hair_loss , as they acquired more mature and misplaced some extra hair, they acquired that doll's-hair or corn-row phenomenon: Tiny poles of hair jutting out." Really handy article. Can the besan and egg cleanser be employed for a hair pack then washed with drinking water? My hair is Tremendous oily. I'd a very good treatment listen to for greater hair growth. Its incredibly natural and swiftest solution to grow your hair Again ...Read through Considerably less This is the greatest shampoo for hair growth with cheap Price in india. Aloe Vera is without doubt one of the important ingredients in this shampoo that can help in calming the scalp and moisturizing it deeply. The vitamin B 12 is sweet for hair growth. This lowers the hair fall and allows you realize the goals. Certainly egg is a wonderful cleanser. But use no more than the moment per week. In-among You should utilize a herbal tea or shikakai shampoo to freshen your hair. That’s right, the exact same chemical that assists you continue to be awake each morning can slap your hair awake to grow out. Caffeine is a compound scientifically revealed to be able to support with the growth of hair, so it's not only a internet marketing claim both. This is probably the couple shampoo models to incorporate caffeine. An in depth examine these will usually expose the club at the top, demonstrating that these hairs shed Ordinarily. Normally, about ten% of scalp hairs are during the telogen phase. More recent scientific tests recommend that vitamin D could possibly be somewhat helpful and price looking at. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0bR3AZQhn4 and mineral deficiencies like iron or vitamin B12 could possibly be diagnosed by blood assessments and taken care of. https://www.wikihow.com/Reduce-Hairfall goes untreated, because It's not necessarily regarded as a disease, Other than regular hair fall is likewise a natural phenomenon. Even so, this can lead to unfortunate implications, if the hair fall is over regular. The hair over the arms, legs, eyelashes, and eyebrows have a really brief Energetic growth section of about 30 to forty five times, explaining why They're a great deal of shorter than scalp hair. It won’t reverse the consequences but will reduce your issue from having worse. This shampoo is totally natural and organic and doesn't contain parabens or other harmful chemical substances. A person huge in addition is that the products is hypoallergenic. When you have sensitive pores and skin, This is able to be the ideal product or service to try on. I understand it needs doing a little function, it wants some scheduling, but then it provides you with results — which happens to be so essential. By week 22, a developing fetus has all of its hair follicles fashioned. At this stage of everyday living you will discover about 5 million hair follicles on the human body. You will find a total of a million on the head, with one hundred thousand of Individuals follicles residing to the scalp.
5 Easy Facts About hair regrowth Described
If Rogaine along with other hair growth merchandise aren’t Doing work for you, Ketoconazole just may well. Likewise, you could often use a shampoo in conjunction with a prescription solution For added protection. Full grains are full of biotin coupled with iron, zinc and B vitamins. Biotin is required for cell proliferation and performs an important portion in developing amino acids (protein) which can be demanded for your personal hair to grow. We’ve talked a great deal about vitamins and minerals and their effect on hair growth. Now, Allow’s crack it down a tiny bit even more and emphasize the ideal vitamins for hair growth. Whilst the blend doesn’t contain biotin, we endorse you're taking a biotin complement to even more boost the consequences of the shampoo. Well known hair growth goods and natural remedies for hair loss Hair loss normally takes place if the cycle of hair growth and hair shedding is disrupted. PURA D’OR can be a brand that prides itself on getting a solution to any kind of hair loss. The company’s Initial Gold Label Shampoo incorporates a bunch of nutritious components that aid to boost hair growth by repairing present strands and defending new types from upcoming breakage. This hair regrowth shampoo provides a clinically-demonstrated formula with many Advantages. ” The moment efficiently formulated, This might completely transform a totally bald person or girl to the head of hair they had to be a teenager. The key problem now will be replicating their brings about massive-scale human trials. I'm Determined And that i really want support right this moment. Hair is among An important portions of a girl and I don’t want to give up on this a single. I went to your Health professionals Nevertheless they didn’t found everything Incorrect with me. via steptoremedies.com took showed that i'm wholesome and there’s no cause for this to even take place to me. Make sure you, I really want hair guidance urgently!!!!!!!!!!!! One of the most lasting solution for all those who have lost or are dropping their hair is hair transplants. Follicles are harvested from your back of the head and seeded into bald regions. Approaches have vastly enhanced and no more do these appear to be pretend “plugs”. Time is an extremely restricted commodity particularly in the hair loss game. As We all know, it can be simpler to do preventative maintenance than reverse hair loss. Nevertheless, natural DHT inhibitors like saw palmetto and nettle have worked to stop hair loss in a few end users. And vitamin C is a strong antioxidant, and it helps to remove hair harmful free radicals which are produced Typically in our bodies. But as we age, their variety keeps on increasing. All the things you have to know regarding the best shampoos for hair loss Hair loss in both Adult men and women could vary from mild and insignificant to critical.  New exploration which has taken spot in California has taken a major stage toward the cure for hair loss. The solution is Sure, but prospects to another dilemma: “Can’t I get the exact same success with an everyday multi-vitamin?” The answer to which is, Probably, but nutritional supplements created for hair (and nail) growth ordinarily contain the correct quantity of vitamins and minerals found to generally be important to balanced hair. We’ll touch on those vitamins somewhat afterwards.
natural hair growth Things To Know Before You Buy
A substance produced by bees, Propolis was discovered that will help hair growth in mice. A bunch of researchers from Hokkaido University in Japan brought about a great deal of buzz in hair loss circles next their discovery. Hair loss is often devastating to quite a few Gentlemen, but perhaps even much more so for women, who may have frequently endured in silence. But, truth is, women make up nearly 40 p.c of hair-loss sufferers in America. Carefully therapeutic massage the scalp using your fingers Whilst you shampoo to obtain the dirt out. For added mositurisation, test implementing clean Aloe Vera gel within the scalp at least once weekly leaving it for half an hour right before washing it off. Itchy scalp may be a symptom of the scalp condition that can develop hair loss. Triggers may consist of seborrheic dermatitis (dandruff) and psoriasis. Hair loss devoid of scarring in the scalp is really a quite common ailment and has an effect on most people at a while within their lives. Whisk an egg. Combine in four tablespoons of grapeseed oil and some drops of lavender oil. Utilize it on your hair and scalp and go away it on for half an hour. Lastly, rinse it out and shampoo your hair as common. Lengthier hair puts a pressure on roots. It isn't going to. And hats Never choke off the circulation for the scalp to cause hair loss possibly. Though not a cure for hair loss, this tends to distinct up the muddy waters without a doubt. https://www.pinterest.com/healthhomeremedies/steptoremedies/ -screening is simply beginning to be commercially available and by 2020 you’ll be able to rely on the probability that it will be much more Superior and affordable. Lipogaine Large 3 – is made up of ketoconazole, but only a couple other hair thinning/loss associated substances; not accessible on Amazon (only by way of Lipogaine Web site). It doesn’t include biotin, but you can constantly acquire biotin being a health supplement for those who Certainly experience that you've to get it. Moreover, if you still have doubts that Hair Surge in fact performs, you are able to sift from the 1000s of favourable opinions and testimonials over it on the net. Probably the most notable components of the massive 3 are Biotin (vitamin B7), castor oil, and Emu oil. The latter assists protect in opposition to several different scalp and pores and skin challenges, which include inflammation and allergic reactions. Alpecin is often a German-dependent firm that’s hardly new into the hair-loss sport; All things considered, they’ve been around given that 1905. They provide many different products made to take care of hair loss, together with an after-shampoo liquid. Regardless of what shampoo you use, look for the subsequent four ingredients. Analysis, even though in its preliminary levels most often, has revealed that each one 4 can not simply slow hair loss but also generate new growth. In my absolute layman’s feeling it seems better to go along with Huge 5 and use Nizoral twice weekly to get your ketoconazole correct. Most likely Domen can weigh in here in addition.
The hair fall solution Diaries
No matter whether you block DHT utilizing a strong pharmaceutical (finasteride) or which has a natural plant-base blocker like pumpkin seed oil and ecklonia cava you remain not fixing (curing) the basis dilemma. https://twitter.com/steptoremedies/ ’m reaching out to you to request if there is a telephone number to check with my questions about your procedure? I only talk to due to the fact I’ve tried the avocado scalp massages for weeks and very little has took place? We propose the home made version throughout the Equilibrium Program. The Scalp Elixir could potentially cause irritation immediately next a dermarolling session, so it is best to wait around not less than 8 several hours just before implementing into the scalp. I subsequent the hair therapeutic massage exercise routines various instances a day, I consume fruit/ large kale salad day-to-day, drink lots of h2o and also have a kambuchi consume every day, I ONLY use Poland spring bottle water on my hair to damp it for 3 months and only wash it once every week Following I use the dermaroller and place the hair cocktail on and evening and sleep which has a shower cap on- clean it off in early morning with bottle drinking water. At nighttime when I get off the train I have Yet another juice which has a wheatgrass shot. I eat NO white carbs and fatty foods NONE, currently took Alcoholic beverages out also- 5 months none this Friday. When you apply conditioner, you might be Placing far more chemical substances on the scalp and hair. And considering that They can be heavy and thick, they are able to clog your hair follicles and halt growth. Creating a hair rinse is so simple as creating a herbal tea. Increase very hot h2o into the herb within your preference, let it steep, coated right up until it cools down, then use. My favorite hair rinse may be the initial just one about the listing. Interestingly, the oral complement proved for being a little bit more practical than simply the lotion alone, but the two the oral complement as well as lotion were being simpler compared to placebo treatment. steptoremedies grows at different speeds and distinct lengths. Its composition brings about various hues and textures, which influence how much time the hair strands grow. I’ve been looking into and writing about hair loss for a lot more than 5 many years now and I’ve found treatments arrive and go, but these are generally those which have trapped about. And thank goodness I didn’t. I've made use of steamroller, heat tong and blow dryer several times. But Anytime I applied them, I felt these sizzling appliances did much more harm than excellent, so I've stopped making use of them—for good. I have straight hair, but I generally wished that my hair was curly. Potentially, it’s a human psychic to want what we don’t have. I thought of perming often times, but hardly ever truly did it. It’s an age-old Indian culture to infuse oils with herbs like amla, brahmi and bhringraj. This kind of medicated oils not just boost lush hair growth, they are also nourishing and calming for our anxious procedure. Okay, even if you are joyful and nothing is stressing you out, nonetheless shifting your booty can Raise blood circulation of the human body (including the scalp). And as we noticed over, a lot more blood move indicates a lot more oxygen plus much more nourishment  for your personal hair.
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fashiontrendin-blog · 7 years
Roll out the cheeseboards this Christmas, because they might actually be good for you
Roll out the cheeseboards this Christmas, because they might actually be good for you
Ah, cheese. Whether it’s on its own, melted over carbs or even sweetened up into a nice little cakey dessert, it never fails to bring us joy. And now, apparently it might even be good for us?
This is not a drill. According to new research, eating a portion of cheese every day could actually reduce the risk of fatal heart attacks and stroke.
The study, published in the European Journal of Nutrition, found that a small matchbox-sized daily portion of our favourite snack can reduce the chance of a heart attack by 14%. Yes, really – cheese is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins, which help to protect against cardiovascular disease.
Of all participants studied, those who ate 40g per day saw the greatest reduction in risk to their health. Plus, scientists said the research revealed that cheese boosted levels of “good” cholesterol while reducing levels of “bad” cholesterol.
Ian Givens, Professor of Food Chain Nutrition at Reading University, said: “The biggest element in cheese appears to be the close association between calcium and fat. There is a link between the fat and calcium which makes the fat less digestible.”
Sounds like a winner. If you’ll excuse us, we’ve got some festive camemberts to bake…
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itiskhalsa · 7 years
Water Filters Orelia, Reverse Osmosis Filters System Orelia.
Somebody living near my home inquired me a great inquiry that are actually water filters essential? Therefore, I believed to respond to that questions within this article. In these times, lifestyle is actually passing incredibly promptly as there is actually a whole lot to perform for everybody however, all of us possess little bit of opportunity to perform the only thing that. Everyone is actually embeded between job and also member of the family. As you comprehend that nowadays everyone is actually health and wellness informed. Our company attempt our best to eat best as well as exercise, Reverse osmosis filters system Orelia, Under sink filters Orelia, Whole house water filters Orelia as well as Replacement filters cartridges Orelia.
Affordable Water Filters Orelia.
Physicians inquire our company to eat booze a great deal of water daily, which is actually such a superb behavior to possess but perform you recognize that many of the minute our company get pricey designer water as well as our experts carry out certainly not realize that the amount of that will definitely cost our team if our company buy bottle every now and then. I visit a file handful of times in a paper when I was actually remaining in the learn that bottled water is actually bad for your wellness and also well-being. Water is actually inhibited the plastic along with possessing contaminants and also poisonous substances. There is actually an easy methods as well as a possibility to this costly means from obtaining liquor intake water for our team which alternative is actually to find out a great water filtered system in WA, Under sink filters Orelia as well as Replacement filters cartridges Orelia. There many water filter's items in the market along with providers which are actually providing best water filters as there are actually lots of selections exist for filtered water in the industry. View you can easily conserve a lot from funds if you purchase a water filter facial cleanser and stopped acquiring mineral water. I realize that some folks receives frightened when they believe to acquire a brand-new water filter system for their place of work or even house Properties for sale in Orelia. The factor from scarring could be the price from the system seems to be higher or even probably the suggestion from must install the tool or even that may be associated with the servicing. Yes, that perform intimidate some people on call to obtain a fantastic water filter system and also maintain obtaining as well as liquor intake off mineral water. Best whole house water filters Orelia as well as replacement filters cartridges Orelia, water filtering system in Western Australia.
Best Reverse Osmosis Filters System Orelia.
In these times, buying a bottle is actually certainly not the company. Consistently, maintain your tidy water along with you no matter where you go. Maintain a canteen in your bag while you walk out off home in addition to consider if you possess a water filter system at your house you perform certainly not must anxiety over poisonous substances and chemicals providers use inside the full mineral water. First off as I pointed out before that there are actually several production providers on the market in Perth, Australia. This is actually vital to locate one of the most successful in addition to recognized confirming which could possess a great image in the market. A little bit of analysis study can easily help someone to understand the variation in between those making organizations. Replacement filters cartridges Orelia or even Reverse Osmosis Filters System Orelia in addition to Under sink filters Orelia. Today, you have actually found among the finest water filter merchant agency in Perth, Australia. Our experts are actually WA WATER FILTERS and also our company ensures to provide you entirely free of cost recommendations along with great thing for you along with your family. You recognize this is actually just a concern from making a decision specifically just what you really desire off your water filtered system in PERTH. Perform you desire to filter all the water entering into your property along with water filter gadget or even water faucet filter or even perhaps a downpour filter or even might be merely for the home kitchen region sink. Despite specifically just what you absolutely plan to filter, our water filter will certainly possess exactly what you are actually searching for and are going to undoubtedly possess the capacity to walk you by means of the standard method. Local Reverse Osmosis Filters System Orelia, Local Whole house water filters Orelia as well as Local Replacement filters cartridges Orelia.
One Of The Best Under Sink Filters Orelia.
There are actually a lot of advantages from filtered water. There is actually certainly that filteringed system water will certainly try much a lot better and also be actually a lot far healthier for you to take in alcoholic drinks as you might realize that in the area water they incorporate CHLORINE, FLUORIDE as well as various other chemicals. If someone possesses any kind of kind of type of skin layer allergic reactions or even delicate skin layer then an exceptional downpour filter system could help as well as create their skin layer and also hair softer and also smoother. There are actually lots of various other conveniences to decide on filtered water in your lifestyle. If you possess any type of problem pertaining to alcohol consumption water then simply contact our team anytime on our supplied phone call varieties as well as inquire any kind of, Cheap Under sink filters Orelia or even Cheap Replacement filters cartridges Orelia. Our rates is actually incredibly practical and also I am actually very particular that after securing quote coming from BEST WHOLE HOUSE WATER FILTERS WA you are going to undoubtedly overlook all several other firms accessible offering you quotes. Our company certainly not merely set up water filter units at your house, our company care and also create lasting relationships along with our clients. Our company have actually obtained 5 superstar examinations on Google and also our experts are actually frequently there certainly for our clients if they need to have any type of form of aid or even if they possess any sort of problem to talk to best Under sink filters Orelia and the greatest Replacement filters cartridges Orelia Do not hold back to secure touching our team as our experts are actually waiting for your telephone call or even just load the kind to get a quote off our team. Thanks for deciding on among the best efficient water purification.
The Best Whole House Water Filters Orelia.
As there are actually numerous kinds as well as kind of water filtration devices conveniently offered in Perth. Among some of one of the most popular system is actually reverse osmosis device. Some standard water filter units possesses some incredible choices to filter as there are actually debris, carbon dioxide, media packed cartridges and also fluoride. Perform you identify that this is actually vital to possess a filter which possesses GAC, definition from GAC is actually Granulated Turned on Carbon, Under sink filters Orelia Whole house water filters Orelia Reverse Osmosis Filters System Orelia. Water filtration units can determine someone's lifestyle in numerous good ways, numerous considerably that assists to maintain your health and wellness and also health better. An outstanding water filtering system might in addition conserve you bunches of cash money and mineral water could deliver you adverse health. Whole house water filters Orelia or even Replacement filters cartridges Orelia.
Under Sink Filters Orelia as well as Replacement Filters Cartridges Orelia.
Some nations which are actually still under setting up method in Africa in addition to Asia carry out certainly not possess distilled water to eat. They take in booze water which is actually certainly not more secure to eat. Because of that people staying in those nations obtain influenced through contamination and also Microorganisms, which induce all of them extreme health problem like POLIO, TYPHOID as well as GASTRO. In these aspect of the globe water cleanser is actually very important, Whole house water filters in Orelia, Reverse osmosis filters system in Orelia and Under sink filters in Orelia. There are actually some mobile phone water facial cleansers which possess the really most affordable price. Water solutions take advantage of reverse osmosis treatment and also that prevails procedure from detoxifying the water. The membrane layers from reverse osmosis does away with the majority of the harmful parts. Putting in a water filter at your home is actually simple method. There are actually several creators supplying the possibility from getting water filters online. Just like our company they provide their water filter system items along with total information. This could possibly aid that individual which is actually incredibly energetic as well as perform certainly not possess opportunity to visit the outlet in Perth and also lining houses, Under sink filters Orelia, Reverse osmosis filters system Orelia or even Replacement filters cartridges Orelia and also Whole house water filters Orelia.
Water Filters Orelia Reverse Osmosis Filters System Orelia Under Sink Filters Orelia Whole House Water Filters Orelia Replacement Filters Cartridges Orelia.
Along with WA WATER FILTERS you can easily obtain our products internet coming from our web site as you merely have to click Our Products in the food items option and you could possibly find all the products on our website. Individuals that perform certainly not secure opportunity to see our store they can easily contact our team over the call as well as our company can easily use you the expert advise and help you to choose and find out the suitable water filtering system for your property and workplace. Whole house water filters Orelia or even Reverse Osmosis Filters System Orelia. Our company deliver all type of water filtering system in Perth. Thus, do not be reluctant to acquire touching our team as our company possess on the internet credibility from providing the best helpful high quality from water filtration devices and also tools in your hinterland WATER FILTERS EXPERT IN ORANGE GROVE.
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assignmenthelpinusa · 7 years
Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042
Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042
Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042
Plumbing Services
Seattle Heating Co Pipes Solutions is a household owned, full-service plumbing expert serving Mesa, AZ as well as Valley-wide. We are comprehended for providing top quality craftsmanship, personalized communication, and also thorough concentrate on information. As a result of Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042 the fact that we get the task done, your neighbors have in fact relied upon our solutions due to the fact that 1980 as well as remain to contact us to manage their hardest plumbing concerns--! Our specialists are not merely trusted, expert, and also well-informed specialists-- they also provide remarkable client assistance and make every effort to make points easier for you. Our specialists show up with completely equipped vans, to make sure we have whatever we require to obtain the job done in one see.
Drains Services
Attempt our Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042 that covers Seattleheatingco.com. For our drainpipe uncloging solution telephone call Seattleheatingco.com Drainpipe Providers, 24-HOUR a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. We provide on-going interior training for all our employees, in addition to specialized training credentials. With our team member being licensed to City & Guilds, NCFE as well as HSE requirements, we can constantly assure that our customers get the greatest feasible solution. All the Seattleheatingco.com Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042 employees have in fact been totally educated to the incredibly biggest of requirements, and we carefully follow extensive Health as well as wellness standards that meet plans that every service should comply with.
Emergency Plumbing Services
Invite to Emergency Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042, SEATTLEHEATINGCO.COM. We are totally approved, Dot certified, backflow recognized, adhered and also ensured, and also are offered 24/7 to participate in to all your emergency pipes issues. There is not much also worse compared to having a plumbing emergency in your residence as well as not having anyone to which you could turn. Here at blue frog Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042, we have the needed experience to provide you with a reliable as well as fast fixing to almost any kind of instant plumbing trouble.
Drain Cleaning Services
Drain pipes blockages are no picnic no matter exactly how major they are, nonetheless if you're unfavorable adequate to have a severe obstruction that will certainly not move no issue what you do, you could need a serious service. Points like tree roots as well as gathered sludge from years of allowing points to decrease your drains pipelines that do not belong are a few of the criminals that could set off these sort of blockages.
Seattleheatingco.com Services
The blasts of water created by a Seattleheatingco.com gadget are enough to cause injury and damage your pipes if they aren't lugged out by a certified Anaheim pipelines expert. At Seattleheatingco.com Piping, we recognize that stopped up drains pipelines are not simply a hassle, however a replicating site for stinky germs that can create unneeded health trouble. Given that the normal individual sheds an estimated 100 hairs per day, it's no surprise that hair obstructions are a common issue that influences Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042 and restroom sinks. Before you recognize it, you have a solid mass of brownish-black sludge that blocks your drain.
Re Piping Services
On top of that, when dinner plates aren't removed enough right into the garbage, this generally brings about severe littles food getting wiped into the cooking area sink. Over time, this could activate food to get captured in the P or J-traps under your kitchen area sink. Seattleheatingco.com., Inc. serves the higher Phoenix metro Valley, consisting of nevertheless not limited to: Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042, and also Peoria. Call us anytime throughout the day or evening, and talk to a genuine online individual. We are on telephone call 1 Day a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, and we can ensure that you will frequently talk to a real-time individual; NO Recordings. While you could be tempted to utilize the name trademark name drainpipe cleaner you obtain from the grocery store shop to for a moment repair the concern, you are more than likely triggering irreversible damage to your pipes every single time you use it. Chemical drain cleaner can trigger rust, which leads to detailed (and costly) repair work.
Garbage Disposals Services
If you have a tiny blockage and also you wish to attempt knocking it out yourself, we recommend making use of an enzyme-based drain cleaner-- these will certainly gnaw at the source of the clog naturally without making use of harmful chemicals. Some troubles might emerge that hold true Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042 emergency situation circumstances, as well as we can react to emergency circumstance solution needs with rate. We similarly manage non-urgent problems, such as smaller sized repair tasks, maintenance work and even more. When to call our workplace for assist with your pipes system is important as it can aid you to keep your property or commercial residential or commercial property in superb problem throughout the years, comprehending. Whether you have a significant pipelines emergency scenario or merely call for to prolong pipelines into a brand-new house addition, the pipes specialists at Scott Piping could get the job done. Whatever pipes services you could call for, Scott Water lines regularly has a New Market, AL plumbing prepared to go.
Showers & Tubs Services
In an excellent world, your pipelines, drains pipes, as well as hot water heating unit would frequently work perfectly and also there would certainly never ever be a need for pipelines repair service work. Normally, this isn't actually the case due to the reality that pipelines age as well as develop leaks, drains pipelines finished up being blocked as well as hot water heater stop supplying cozy water. Commonly, you could hear the faint noise of running water although no faucets are on, or you might see huge spikes in your water expenditure. Hard water is a problem where your family water has more calcium and magnesium compared to it should, leaving white places called lime range on devices, pots as well as meals and also frying pans. The minerals originate from rock developments underground and also although hard water isn't really damaging, most of people still do not want it in their residence and also can need skilled water softening services to fix the issue.
Slab Leak Repair Services
Seattleheatingco.com is a procedure where drains pipelines and plumping pipelines are cleaned up out as well as cleared of clogs and various other blockages with very high and also extreme water pressure. Because of the risks of the water pressure and also the gadgets called for, Seattleheatingco.com demands to be done by an expert. A jetting device is put into the pipes as well as an ahead jet of water cleans them out as the jetting tool progresses, relocated by reverse jets of water. Seattleheatingco.com is a procedure where drains pipes and plumping pipes are cleansed up out and removed of blockages as well as other clogs with extreme as well as extremely high water stress. Due to the truth that of the risks of the water pressure and also the gadgets called for, Seattleheatingco.com demands to be done by an expert. A jetting device is placed right into the pipes and also an onward jet of water cleans them out as the jetting tool relocates onward, moved by reverse jets of water.
Commercial Plumbing Services
A blocked drainpipe could be fixed with a snake (in some places they call them a bathroom jack or electric eel) A plumbing technician's serpent is a slim, flexible steel auger that we use to get rid of clogs. We have lots of different kinds of serpents for whatever drainpipe is blocked and also we'll come 24-HOUR a day, 7 days a week. Get rid of years of relentless particles in your pipelines with professional Seattleheatingco.com solutions! Get in touch with us to arrange your solution in Waterloo as well as close-by locations. Click on this connect to get to our most current on the internet specials as well as discount rate prices. Stopped up and also sluggish drains pipelines are usually the item of months or years worth of buildup of hair, grease, heavy soaps and various other thickening issue. There countless methods to removing clogged drains pipelines, however a technique often made use of in industrial setups might utilize your house's sewage system line the most reputable cleansing. Along with typical drainpipe cleansing techniques, our team at Dalton Plumbing, Heating, Air Conditioning, Electric as well as Fireplaces, Inc. enjoys to make use of Seattleheatingco.com to the house owners of Waterloo, IA and also surrounding areas. When your residence has problem eliminating waste product, call us for professional as well as punctual care.
Burst Pipe Repair Services
With the introduction of video clip digital video camera analysis for sewage systems and drains pipelines, the entire treatment of discovering damage or shed things finished up being a great deal much less intrusive. A burst pipe is a frightening pipes emergency scenario that no house owner wants to manage, however there are a couple of procedures you could call for to help reduce the damage. Whether you have a pipes emergency scenario, have to fix your hot water heating unit, or anything between, simply use us a rapid call and also we will certainly reach deal with your pipelines release as promptly as possible. We offer homeowners throughout Greenwood as well as surrounding areas.
Toilet Repair & Installation Services
Seattleheatingco.com is a trustworthy method that utilizes high-pressure water to scuff these sorts of deposits off the pipelines and also revive the opening to its preliminary size. If your pipes are weak or harmed from age of various other techniques, Seattleheatingco.com will certainly not make them far better, however it will certainly blow up with any kind of obstruction that stands in its approach. Great deals of property owners take procedures to keep wetness degrees to a minimum, however quit working to think of covert water leaks as a cause of moisture as well as mold. Leaks behind walls, under floorings and in various other concealed areas could set off adequate dampness to encourage mold growth, so if you observe indicators, take the time to take as well as call a pipes care of the problem.
Water Filtration Systems Services
If you aren't getting blasts of cool water throughout a warm shower, you might wind up without hot water in all. If your warm water taps typically aren't doing as they're notified, you more than likely need water home heating unit repair work. This is also an indicator that your water home heating device calls for help if you are ever before in your cellar and also alert water trickling from the warm water container. Do you need an experienced pipes expert in Encinitas, California? For those emergency situation circumstances like drainpipe cleaning for a backed-up sink, a water leakage, or a broken water heating device, we're on-call 24/7 with quick action and also deal free at home no-obligation rate quotes.
Water Leak Detection Services
Our business is entirely ensured and also a member of the Better Business Bureau as well as the Pipelines and Heating Specialist's Organization. We care not almost the top quality of our job, nevertheless likewise concerning your house or organisation business or property property. Our purpose is to make your business for a life time. When the time comes that you call for a Manteca pipes professional, you require to comprehend who to call on for the finest in exceptional high quality. For over 2 years now, the Knights Pipes & Drainpipe business has actually been the reaction to that details issue as a Manteca plumbing service technician around right here and in bordering places.
Faucets Services
It is an honor to be able to offer the great individuals of this community by taking care of all their pipelines solution needs. Deal us an opportunity to handle you as well as reveal you in person exactly how we made the credibility that we have. If you genuinely want to finest safe and secure your house or service, obtain the top quality work that counts. If your residence has in fact been flooded, and also the reason is found to be a broken pipe or malfunctioning pipes devices, then swiftly shut down the primary water supply valve near your water meter. If the emergency situation is a gas leakage, shut off any open fires, open home windows on your getaway and also do not use any type of electronic gizmos till you as well as your home are outdoors. Call Seattleheatingco.com for a quick action to any kind of pipelines emergency scenario you might have when you have actually done specifically just what you can in the face of your emergency situation. Our teams are educated as well as prepared to respond and also get your condition in control quickly. Take pleasure in the convenience that stems from managing a high quality pipes solution in Keller.
Fixtures Services
Your residence is your biggest financial investment, and also because of this you need as well as are worthy of the absolute best Durham pipelines service you can reach secure that economic investment. JD Service Now is the Triangular's leader in providing expert domestic pipes solutions to customers in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hillside, Pinnacle, Garner as well as the Triangle. Our home pipes group is licensed at the best levels of technological training, and obtains continuing market education on an once a week basis to assure they're on top of one of the most recent patterns and innovation. Seattleheatingco.com Water lines Solution specializes in drain cleaning as well as re-piping solutions. Various other services business uses consist of digital leakage discovery, harmed pipe repair work, water heating unit arrangement and also repair work, unrecognized water heating system solution, and much more. Seattleheatingco.com Water lines Service provides same-day service in most cases and also is conveniently available 24 Hr per day to manage pipelines emergency situation situations.
Sinks Services
The professionals at Infinity Piping are accredited as well as help with brand-new structure and building and construction jobs for property and commercial customers with copper re-pipes, water heating unit sets up and also movings, gas leakage fixing job, water primary repair job, drainpipe repair service work, and leakage detection. Infinity Pipes works with expert solution professionals to provide a neat, trendy, and also inconvenience free of charge re-piping experience.
Water Line Installation Services
We have actually got the understanding, the personnel, as well as the tools - we could repair all of it at Allied Pipelines and also Pumps in Cashmere. We specify we could utilize you the finest price (and also service) in Cashmere. Click here to see superb on-line assessments of our Cashmere Water lines and water heater services. We are your inexpensive pipes as well as drain unclogging service in the Cashmere area. The American Craftsmen layout of home abounds in Cashmere, and also we comprehend specifically the best ways to obtain one of the most from the certain styles of pipes in your home. Our pipelines company does all types of pipelines as well as drain cleaning jobs and we concentrate on altering old water lines with new ones, fixing trickling pipelines, cleaning up congested drains pipelines, basement waterproofing.
Trenchless Sewer Line Services
When it comes to doing a renovation by yourself, concepts often suggest huge expenses and also lots of time spent on the project. By employing the experts at Seattle Heating Carbon Monoxide Plumbing, you are saving your own time and money given that you understand the work will be done effectively and also appropriately the very first time around. Pipes is an authorized Best Bath Solution dealer. Implying we only work with the very best in showers as well as tubs. Best Bathroom Solutions carries a wide variety of showers, tubs, walk in bathtubs and also even more. , if what you see does not tickle your fancy we are also able to develop custom job with you to make your dream shower room a fact. .
Gas Line Repair & Installation Services
We can deal with any pipes repair work including drain cleansing, leakage discovery, fixing pipeline leaks, and also trenchless drain repair work. We will certainly not tell you we are certified, insured, or certified. We show you. With every task, we give you a copy of our present obligation insurance policy, workers compensation insurance, evidence of licensing, pertinent accreditations, and referrals. This will certainly offer you assurance, knowing the professionals servicing your property will not be leaving you with any type of obligation after functioning. Emergency Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042 is an important element of every quality pipes and drain cleansing business. If a plumbing does not use emergency service, all it takes is one and your consumers are compelled to call an additional firm. As well as if that business executes admirably in an emergency situation, that consumer is most likely to call them the following time they have any plumbing problems. 24/7 emergency situation service is a have to for any kind of plumbing solution to be total. Visit this site to see exactly what your next-door neighbors think about our services! As for appliances go, a standard water heater will certainly live a relatively long life. They last for approximately a loads years, and that's generally the moment when you will certainly need to begin thinking of a substitute. Not every water heating system makes it that long, as well as if your storage tank has actually been harmed or simply isn't really producing warm water the means you want any longer, after that it might be time for a brand-new one. If you're having problems with warm water, call a plumber as well as allow him investigate.
Sewer Line Repair & Replacement services
Click on this link to see great on-line exams of our Cashmere Pipe and water home heating unit solutions. We are your expense trusted pipes as well as drain unclogging service in the Cashmere location. Our pipelines organisation does all kinds of pipelines and drain cleaning tasks and also we concentrate on changing old water lines with new ones, fixing dripping pipelines, cleaning up crowded drains pipelines, cellar waterproofing.
Water Heaters Services
Home heating Solution for solution in Seattle, WA. Service advantages: A significant indication that you need to call for skilled help is when your drains pipelines are constantly blocked.
Tank Less Water Heaters Services
In mainline drains it is usually origins, grease, and specific health and wellness Fixtures Services Near Me Carlsborg WA 98042. In smaller sized lines (like lavatory sinks, tubs and showers) it is typically hair as well as soap buildup. In kitchen location sinks it is usually food from the trash disposal and grease. At Seattleheatingco.com Water Lines and Rooter we have a wealth of experience in cleaning up as well as unclogging drainpipe and also drain lines. As well as we use innovative tools containing Spartan drain makers as well as Harden hydro-jitters.
Important Places in Seattle, WA
A blocked drainpipe could be a real aggravation, nevertheless Seattleheatingco.com Piping and Rooter has the option. Feel certain that our specialist Orange County as well as Los Angeles place drainpipe cleaning experts will open up the line, evaluate the problem, as well as entirely clean any type of obstructions that are found. Whether it is a toilet sink, tub, cooking area sink, primary sewer system, or various other concern, we can look after whatever. From problems as simple as when your kid has really purged his preferred toy down the commode to an even more difficult drainpipe back-up, we have really got the tools and also the competent service professionals on the task to obtain points streaming for you rapidly as well as efficiently. http://ift.tt/2z0Btlu
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welcometoadventures · 7 years
When People Think They Know What They’re Talking About
This blog starts with a story. 
The other day my best friend Lisa was telling me about her day. She works on film sets and gets to meet all sorts of interesting people. This day in particular she met a woman who was in background but was “obviously an undiscovered star”. She went on to tell Lisa all about different health trends that she should be onboard with. “Oh, I use Pink Himalayan salt for EVERYTHING” she says, continuing with the ridiculous amount of things it’s good for. Lisa says “Yeah, I actually just picked up some Epsom salt for the bath because my muscles are on fire”. The woman stopped and stared at Lisa wide-eyed and said “OH MY GOSH NO. Epsom salt is completely made of chemicals and it’s just not safe for your body. You should only use Pink Himalayan salt. Trust me”. Well, as Lisa was telling me this story and explaining why she had to go try to return her “unnatural chemical bath salt”, I found myself not trusting this woman. I decided to do a bit of research. I started my investigation with the alleged culprit Epsom salt. Epsom salt a.k.a. Magnesium Sulfate is a naturally occurring mineral. It takes it’s name from a bitter saline spring found in Surrey, England, where the salt was produced from the springs that arise where the porous chalk of the North Downs meets the non-porous London clay. When looking into the benefits of this salt I knew that woman was mistaken. Though there is not a lot of scientific evidence proving the benefits of bathing in Epsom salt, people use it for things from Arthritis and Fibromyalgia to Psoriasis and Insomnia. Now i was on a hunt for knowledge. I next typed in Pink Himalayan salt to see what I could find. Well, while majestically mined from the Punjab region of Pakistan, near the foothills of the Himalayas, Pink Himalayan salt is chemically similar to table salt. It is made of 98% sodium chloride while the remaining 2% is made of trace amounts of potassium, magnesium and calcium which is what gives it that pink hue. The trace amounts that are mineral compounds are made up of a list of 84. When going through this list you’ll find that it includes a number of radioactive substances like radium, uranium, and polonium. It also includes some substances that act like poisons such as thallium. Because the percentage of trace minerals actually found in Pink Himalayan salt is so low, I wouldn’t be too worried. I decided to look into one last salt before reporting back to Lisa, and that was Dead Sea Salt. The first thing I noticed about Dead Sea Salt is that an analysis of commercial Dead Sea Salt only had a 2.5% sodium chloride content. PHEW. Taken or extracted from the Dead Sea between Jordan and Israel, this salt contains 21 minerals including magnesium, calcium, sulfur, bromide, iodine, sodium, zinc and potassium. The more I read, the harder it was to deny that it is by far the best salt to soak in. The benefits of this salt are too long to list but include dandruff control, reducing face lines and wrinkles, promoting hair growth and it even helps bad breath when swished orally. After all this investigating I had quite an earful to give Lisa, not only about how epsom salt was just fine to bathe in but about how she shouldn’t always listen to what people blab about. The next day Lisa went to the mall and asked to return her Pink Himalayan salt and when the salesperson asked her “why”? Lisa plainly told her to Google it. 
I hope this boring story helps remind you to look into things before getting on board with them, or better yet, before spewing to other people about it.
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hairtestindia · 2 years
Fight Diabetes With Hair Mineral Analysis
 People with high blood pressure, diabetes – those are conditions brought about by lifestyle. If you change the lifestyle, those conditions will leave.
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In 2020, according to the International Diabetes Federation (IDF), 463 million people have Diabetes worldwide and 88 million people in the Southeast Asia region. Of these 88 million people, 77 million belong to India. The prevalence of Diabetes in the population is 8.9%, according to the IDF. So now let's ask the crucial question. 
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How Diabetes and micronutrients are interlinked:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
Micronutrients are an essential part of the body which help in body functions. When micronutrients are deficient, it causes insulin insufficiency and raises the blood sugar levels in the body. This causes Diabetes. Micronutrient deficiency is directly related to type 2 diabetes mellitus. 
Also, high levels of oxidative stress cause inflammation of the blood vessels and may require a higher amount of micronutrients, where Diabetes exists. A deficient supply of micronutrients may exacerbate the condition. Targeted consumption of micronutrients could improve metabolic control, optimise treatment and prevent diabetics complications. Now, onto our next important question. 
What role do micronutrients play in the body?
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Micronutrients carry out various biochemical reactions and are needed in various physiological functions of the body. Micronutrients also act as stabilising components of enzymes and proteins. In addition, some trace elements play a crucial role in changing the receptor's shape and preventing particular molecules from entering the cell.
They play dual roles: they stabilise the cellular structures at their optimal levels, but their inadequacy may lead to many ailments. 
Micronutrients are vital nutrients for essential functions like homeostasis, enzyme regulation and functioning. 
Trace elements like cobalt, boron, chromium, copper, sulphur, iodine etc., enhance insulin reaction by activating insulin receptor sites. Therefore, these trace elements are crucial in pathogenic processes and the progression of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Now let us discover the link between hair mineral analysis and Diabetes.
How does hair mineral analysis help in tracing Diabetes?
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There are many traditional methods to detect and treat Diabetes. But, hair mineral analysis is said to be more effective in this regard. Why so? It is because hair mineral analysis tests are more accurate and reliable. In addition, they give results that last for a longer duration of time. Furthermore, hair mineral analysis detects the mineral deficiencies which lead to high blood sugar levels and, in turn, cause Diabetes.
As discussed earlier, micronutrient deficiency leads to complications like cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure levels. Hair mineral analysis helps in this regard by diagnosing the deficiencies of specific minerals which lead to harmful symptoms.
The reports generated by hair mineral analysis tests indicate which mineral intake is necessary to cure Diabetes. By taking the appropriate vitamins and minerals, type 2 diabetes symptoms can be treated. 
Now that we understand the importance of certain minerals and vitamins in treating Diabetes, we must also remember that other minerals like chromium and magnesium also help treat type 2 diabetes illnesses. A proper plan of the right mineral supplements is crucial in treating Diabetes. Let us inquire further about minerals good for Diabetes.
Nutritional supplements for Diabetes:
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A healthy diet and other physical exercises are the most natural way of balancing blood glucose levels and controlling Diabetes. But your doctor can prescribe medication and supplements if they don't work.
It is essential to consult your doctor before taking supplements and vitamins for Diabetes. Some of the popular supplements are:
Cinnamon: They are an effective supplement in reducing blood glucose levels fast.
Chromium: Low doses of chromium are known to reduce blood glucose levels.
Vitamin B-1: It is also called thiamine. Benfotiamine, a supplement form of thiamine, enters the cell membrane and prevents diabetes complications.
Bitter Melon: Bitter melon is an effective method of treating Diabetes.
Green tea: Green tea contains polyphenols which are anti-oxidants. It helps prevent type 2 diabetes and also lowers cardiovascular disease risk.
Magnesium: It is an essential nutrient. It helps regulate blood pressure. It also regulates insulin sensitivity.
Vitamin C and Zinc for Diabetes:
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Apart from these effective supplements, which have proven to control diabetes symptoms, there are certain other minerals and vitamins, like zinc and vitamin C, which help in the body's fight against Diabetes. When the blood glucose levels in the body are imbalanced, this could lead to diabetes mellitus. Zinc and vitamin C decrease blood glucose levels in the body.
A study shows that people who took vitamin C supplements for diabetes symptoms for over 4 months had low post-meal blood sugar levels.
An experiment was conducted with a group of people divided into two groups. One group was given 500mg of vitamin C supplements; the others were not. After a period, it was observed that the group who took vitamin C supplements had lower blood sugar levels than the other group. This study shows the relationship between vitamin C supplements and Diabetes.  
As we have seen, minerals and vitamin supplements can lower blood sugar levels, indirectly affecting Diabetes. Therefore, taking the right mineral supplements can assist you in your fight against Diabetes.
We have seen how to make heads up in our battle against Diabetes. Your doctor could help set the right treatment plan for you in treating Diabetes. It is also wise to get aware of facts like minerals and vitamins needed to control diabetes symptoms and what roles these micronutrients play in the process of treating Diabetes. Hair mineral analysis offers you all the information on a platter, like mineral deficiencies and supplements. It is up to you now that you are proactive and take the necessary steps in your fight against Diabetes.
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Test
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Ginerva is a Health and Wellness company headquartered in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. It is specialised in body and hair analysis, body nutrition requirement and supplements analysis, heavy and toxic elements analysis etc.
Address: Plot No 6&7, No 100-A, 
                Mehta Complex Alapakkam Main Road, 
                Maduravoyal, Chennai 600 095
Phone: +91 9840602027
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