#hair analysis test near me
hairtestindia · 1 year
Hair mineral analysis to improve stem cell activity
 "The regenerative medicine revolution is upon us. Like iron and steel to the industrial revolution, stem cells will be the driving force of the next revolution." 
Let us talk about stem cells. What are they? Stem cells are raw materials from which other cells are generated. Stem cells can differentiate and reproduce cells of any organ, like heart tissue, bone, cartilage, etc. Newborns have a lot of stem cells circulating in the body. Unfortunately, as we grow older, the stem cell count decreases, making recovery and healing more difficult.
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How are stem cells useful? Stem cells treat diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, and many other illnesses. Now the question is how to increase the activity of stem cells that remain dormant in the body. Hair mineral analysis test provides the solution and helps increase the body's stem cell activity.
What do stem cells do? The regenerative effect of stem cells helps rejuvenate the body. How to boost stem cells in the body? By reducing alcohol consumption, eating a good clean diet, avoiding toxic products, etc. But hair mineral analysis provides a better solution by detecting toxins and promoting stem cell regeneration.
Hair follicle stem cells in the healing process:
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Now let us look at how stem cells heal wounds. Wound healing is a significant field in regenerative medicine. Hair follicle stem cells become active when a new hair cycle occurs. Hair follicle stem cells can regenerate by correcting the mineral imbalances found using hair mineral analysis test near me.
Hair mineral analysis to improve stem cell activity is an essential field of study. When hair follicle stem cells are active, they can convert into keratinocytes. These keratinocytes play a significant role in healing any wound in the body. When a wound is in the body, hair follicle stem cells migrate, differentiate into epidermal cells, and help heal the wound.
 Stem cell therapy for androgenetic alopecia:
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Can hair loss be treated? The answer lies in stem cell activity. Pattern hair loss is also known as androgenetic alopecia and is the most common type of hair loss recorded to affect 70% of Caucasian men and 40% of Caucasian women by age 70. It can have a disastrous effect on affected people causing depression and low self-esteem. Stem cell therapy for androgenic alopecia helps regenerate stem cells and promotes hair growth.
Is stem cell therapy the best method? Stem cell-based therapies are a novel method of treating this condition, as regular medicines cause adverse side effects and are ineffective. Stem cell therapy reactivates the hair follicle stem cells and helps their regeneration and development.
How does hair mineral analysis increase stem cell activity:
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What causes the stem cells to degenerate? When there is a mineral imbalance in the body or when the primary trace elements, like zinc, potassium, Selenium, etc., are lacking in the body, this causes the stem cells to degenerate. The hair follicle stem cells become inactive due to the lack of necessary minerals to regulate them. Hair mineral analysis detects the deficiencies of these minerals.
How can hair mineral analysis help? Depending on the report generated by hair mineral analysis, the necessary supplements can be provided to reactivate the hair follicle stem cells. In addition, HMA suggests lifestyle changes like exercise and yoga along with nutritional diet plans. These lifestyle changes can also help regenerate the stem cells in the body and hair.
Vitamins for hair growth and thickness:
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Vitamins and nutrients are needed for hair growth. This sound too good to be true. Does taking a pill of the necessary vitamin assure you spectacular hair growth? That may be the case. It is proven medically that vitamins and nutrients can lead to hair growth. The right vitamin taken in the correct quantity may transform how your hair looks and feels.
What are the factors hair health depends on? Hair health may depend on factors like nutrition, genetics, medical conditions, hormones, and stress. Research finds that a deficiency in specific vitamins required for average cell growth can lead to hair loss. Vitamins are needed for healthy hair growth and to prevent shedding and thinning. The best vitamins for hair growth are vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc, biotin, and iron.
Vitamin B is vital for hair growth, proper metabolism, and nervous system functions. Biotin is a complex B vitamin that has hair growth benefits. It helps create red blood cells that carry nutrients and oxygen to the scalp. Iron also matters for hair growth. It boosts circulation and moves oxygen to the cells. Zinc is also crucial in the growth of cells and supports hair growth.  
Thus, hair mineral analysis assists in providing supplements that boost stem cell activity. Removing toxins from the body and taking the right supplements along with lifestyle changes and diet could help increase stem cell activity in the body. Stem cells are a vital force that, when activated, can cause hair growth and can heal wounds in the body.
When the right supplements are taken for mineral deficiencies, this causes the regeneration of stem cells. These regenerated stem cells bring about the hair growth in regions with no hair. The regenerated stem cells also differentiate to form healing agents and move to places where there is a wound in the body and heals them.
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eggonthemoon · 2 months
Alien Stage Round 6 Character Analysis and Lyrics Breakdown
Okay so obviously spoilers, don't click Keep Reading if you haven't watched Round 6.
God fuck it's so fucking beautiful, where do I start?
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I don't even know what is going on with those rapid shots of what I assume is some form of experiment that Till was involved in. I have no clue what the goal was or if it succeeded but somehow (for no real reason other than that one image of Luka standing behind Till ominously) I feel that Luka is involved with it.
Was this an attempt by Heperu's (Luka's guardian) rival to make a human capable of going up against Luka? Till being the youngest and Luka being the oldest also means that Till's guardian could have caught on to what Heperu was planning to do with Luka and then start experimenting on humans shortly after and it would still somewhat line up with the timeline.
But I'm getting into conspiracy territory, back to suffering!!
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Allow me, to the tips of your fingers
Allow me, to the ends of your feet
Dissolve me in your gaze
I don't want to let you go
Oh this hurts. Seeing him look so defeated and exhausted, you can tell that even though to the public it's not certain whether Mizi died or not it doesn't matter to him. Because she's still gone away from his world, where he is unable to reach her. He wants to dissolve and die but he also doesn't want to let her go if there is even a sliver of hope that she lives.
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Please, leave me scars
Please, hurt me so that
Not a single drop of me remains
Let me drown in you
The footage that plays to these lyrics really show how defeated he is. He refuses to sing, his passion for the art completely dead and buried. And (his guardian I assume) when someone shoves the fact that Mizi is gone in his face he lashes out and punches one of the aliens near him.
Until these falling stars
Are buried in the blur of time
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However his heart isn't entirely in it and is quickly apprehended.
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He is beyond exhausted and doesn't even protest or put up a fight while (the same alien he punched btw) another alien runs their fingers through his hair.
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On your icy lips
Read my soul
Yes, my soul
He hopes that even if Mizi is dead that her spirit watches over him, seeing his soul and by extension, Him, for all that he is. Every thought and breath until he falls asleep is for Mizi.
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But didn't we already know this is how he'd be like? Time for something juicier~
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Even if your cold words
Carve scars beneath my eyes
May they linger on your tongue
You can break me apart
God this is heart shattering. Even if Till doesn't care for him, even if Till throws hurtful words his way, Ivan will still lie awake at night, cherishing what sliver of attention he is given. It doesn't matter if Till hates him, because as long as he is on Till's mind Ivan is happy. He is entirely in Till's hands, capable of being build up or torn down depending on how much (or how little) he is perceived by him.
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Notice my pain
And mend me right now
To quiet my fears
I'll drown in you
He wants so deeply to be seen by Till, noticed. Till who doesn't let anything hold him down and always picks himself back up became a pillar of hope and strength to Ivan. It didn't matter how or in what context he gets to be seen, so he went out of his way to provoke him just to get Till to look at him even for a moment.
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This was mentioned a while back on VIVINOS Patreon but the entire incident where Mizi and Till got attacked by that hound monster was orchestrated by him. I feel like there is two possible reasons for this depending on when in the timeline this takes place.
Either he wanted to test Till's resolve in hopes of being proven wrong about his courage (after all your hopes can't be dashed on the rocks, if you never had hopes to begin with) only for his obsession to end up growing even stronger than before.
Or he tried to let Till get roughed up enough that he'd be transferred (solitary confinement? emergency room?) somewhere else away from the others at Anakt, so they could escape together.
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But we all know how that turned out.
Either way what Ivan wants isn't freedom, he's long since given up on that. There's no point in his freedom if the person that inspired him to yearn for it isn't by his side. He needs Till there, his very presence to reassure him that no matter what Till won't falter. But he failed to take account of the one thing that weakens Till's resolve.
Mizi is to Till what Till is to Ivan. And so without Mizi in his world Till crumbles. Since Till will only go where Mizi is and Mizi already gave away her heart to someone else, it's impossible for Ivan to be free while keeping Till in his world.
And so he follows him, resigning himself to a life without freedom.
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Sick of these nights to come
To be engulfed in silence
But the distance between them is killing him, and each and every day they come closer to their inevitable doom.
It doesn't matter if they believe the lie the aliens told them, that if they die singing they will be blessed. Because what is the point in that? How can going somewhere far away from the people they love be a blessing?
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In your gaze where I am seen
Consume me
Yes, me
His desires mirror Till's. He wants his soul to be seen by him, recognized for his undying love for him. He wants Till to see that he can give him all that Till yearns for in Mizi and more.
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To this everlasting melody
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Face to face we dance
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And yet Till still refuses to look Ivan in the eyes.
Things get a little unclear but since they aren't shown singing here and there's no flashback to accompany the lyrics, we can assume that at this moment Till most likely gave up on singing.
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With our story
Lost in forever's embrace
I'm not sure if Ivan intended this from the start or if it's a decision he made then and there but one thing is certain. If Till stops singing then that would mean he forfeits, he'll lose. Till has never once given up. Even when he went back for Mizi that night, he never intended to leave her in the first place. But now without her he crumbles.
And Ivan can't let that happen, not like this.
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Moral grey area aside, this scene is so deeply moving to me
And I don't say that in a romantic context, absolutely not. This is something much deeper than just love. This is the culmination of everything they've been through, all those moments lead up to this.
Because this isn't a kiss.
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This is Ivan throwing his life away for Till.
Till was going to loose, the only thing that could overturn that is if his opponent attacks him. The kiss was to distract Till and keep him from catching up to what Ivan was planning.
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Just look at the contrast between their first and second kiss. As soon as the score board shows Till is in the lead, he gives him a gentle peck on the lips. The contrast is stark and full of meaning. This was the genuine kiss, hidden behind a smokescreen of aggressive bravado created from the previous one.
And it worked. Till was completely convinced that Ivan's intentions was to kill him, and he was fully intent on letting him.
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I know a lot of people doubted his intentions. Because he didn't let go of Till's neck the minute he saw their scores, a lot of people assume that this was Ivan trying to drag Till down with him.
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But the minute he coughed up blood what does he do?
He smiles.
and let's Till go.
He's only human. He might know logically that Till has won the match. But emotionally he refuses to let go until he is certain.
Until he knows for a fact that he is the one bleeding and dying he'll keep up his charade.
And then.
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And only then.
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Till truly sees Ivan.
As he dissolves in his gaze.
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staticofthetv · 19 days
Take two!
Favourite frames from the new B-Side chapter, featuring some analysis because I have coherent thoughts this time 'round :D
Beware, spoilers below for the B-Side as well as the manga
@veiled-bird that goes for you too, you're nowhere near meeting this guy yet
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First up, I love this chapters art. It reminds me of when I was little and asking my dad to help my brother and I beat the last level of episode 3 in lego star wars tcs
Also the chapter title? I have so many thoughts, they'll be discussed more in depth further down but they will be discussed /pos
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Numbers weapon 1 mention!! I'm very excited to (hopefully) get more lore about it. Although I am curious if it's like a contact lens or something, I thought it was closer to a surgical implant or maybe some weird side effect from using numbers weapon 1. Mostly because I don't think he's been drawn with normal eyes yet in the manga (at least from what I remember)
Either way very much hoping we get some more numbers weapon 1 lore in this :)
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This whole scene but specifically "what good does a test proving I'm abnormal do" hits so hard, especially as someone diagnosed with ADHD in my late teens. Having that feeling of there's something wrong with me for so long and being brushed off every time because I didn't act like the stereotypical 10 year old boy with severe ADHD (a psychiatrist literally told me and my mum i probably had adhd but she wouldnt diagnose me,) I did start to kind of give up on ever figuring it out.
Narumi was incredibly relatable to me in the main manga (not because I'm a badass, I'm very lame lmao) because of the behaviours he exhibits, hyperfocusing on games, constant dopamine seeking (through videogames and online shopping,) needing to be fiddling with something to better process the information being given out, etc.
Narumi is also incredibly smart, its stated explicitly that he got top scores in the entrance exam and I can't imagine those tests are anywhere near easy. It gives neurodivergent kid being told they just need to apply themselves to do better in school/make friends/just function in a neurotypical way in general.
This also comes from his being kicked out of several orphanages, and then even after joining the defence force (especially after being told by Isao that they take anyone that can show skills and results) getting kicked out by the second division and every platoon in the first until he ends up under hasegawa. Considering the title too this is 100% supposed to read as the classic "troubled kid" (many of which are neurodivergent) that not many are willing to put effort into helping. Isao is giving him a way out of the life of having no home to go back to, only to be struck with the threat of getting kicked out once again a year later. Narumi is a very skilled and capable fighter and no one in their right mind would argue with that and it once again all comes down to being labelled as too difficult, hard to work with, never paying attention
This chapter just hits so close to home with me
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Baby Mina!! I know there's a decent amount if it in the manga but it's still weird to see her with short hair. I love her so much
There are many more words of appreciation I have but all thought went into dissecting Narumi's character lol
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And so being kicked around by hasegawa begins
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I love his face here, top tier expression
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And here we see Isao solidifying the thought of skill and results being all that matters, there's no way Isao was going to let Narumi get kicked out, especially not after showing aptitude for handling numbers weapon 1. I like to think at this point he does also care for Narumi, I think he sees a lot of Kikoru (or what she could be) in him and especially he sees himself in Narumi. And even though he's only ranked captain Isao would clearly fight to keep Narumi on the force (he probably already had to for Narumi to get transferred to the first division instead of just being dropped when he didn't mesh with the second)
This is also the beginning of Isao and Narumi's mentor/mentee relationship, Isao knows exactly how to handle Narumi and his child prodigy-ness and help him reach his potential as a defence force officer. I think that's part of why Isao shows little care for how Narumi handles himself when off duty, it may be that he knows he can't change Narumi in that way, it may be that he himself just doesn't care for all the professional decorum, either way Isao plays the very important role of being Narumi's main support while he's in the defence force (until Isao dies anyway, whoops.) Narumi needed a space where he could not only be himself but be accepted for it and have the trust of his peers and superiors that he would get the job done when he needs to, and whether it was on purpose or not Isao provided exactly that for him.
This also ties back into the earlier ramble about Narumi being the typical undiagnosed neurodivergent "troubled kid"
(Also the origin of what Narumi says to Kikoru ~9 years in the future :D)
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Omg jaeger is canon? Kaiju no. 8 and pacific rim crossover when? /j
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Another interesting tidbit about Narumi is his self confidence, he knows he's capable and isn't afraid to tell people that. He says playing support is annoying but what I see is someone that knows he can do better placed somewhere else and has decided to take that into his own hands. He won't get kicked out of the defense force but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets into a shit ton of trouble for taking Isao's words to heart and disregarding his orders, even though I do think he'll be an asset to the battle and perform better being closer to the front lines.
Poor hasegawa has his work cut out for him keeping Narumi in check (a captain and vice-captain match made in hell)
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piedpiperart · 1 year
Menagerie part 1
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Izuku’s eyes widened at the tall building of UA. He almost wanted to cry. All his dreams were riding on this one day. If he doesn’t make it in, of course, he can always try for gen ed and transfer during the sports festival, but… He really, really wants this to work out. All his life people told him to give up, no one relieved he could be a hero. Not even his own mom. 
Izuku shook his head, no, don’t think about that. Mom tries her best with a worthless son like me, but she’ll see his worth when he gets into the hero course. He thinks. I trained for years, I can do this! Even if the exam is something ridiculous like robots, I’ll at least be prepared to do my best!
Taking a deep breath he takes a step forwards and- trips over a loose brick in the walkway. “Wah- huh?” Izuku opens his eyes to see the bricks a foot away from his face. He wasn’t falling anymore? He went to reach out to touch the brick when he heard a nervous giggle. 
“Sorry for using my quirk on you!” His eyes snap up to see a cute girl with brown hair and caramel eyes. She gently drifts him upright by her hand on his shoulder. “I just figured it would be bad luck to trip and fall on a day like this, you know?” 
“T-thank you!” Izuku smiled, in awe at the weightlessness disappearing when she pressed her hands together. 
“Anyways!” The girl smiled,”We better get going, it should start soon!”
“O-oh! Right!” Izuku stammered, following after her. “I’m Izuku Midoriya, nice to meet you!”
“Nice to meet you Midoriya! I’m Ochako Uraraka!” Ochako replied. They made their way into the building entrance without any problems, whispering quietly about how nervous they were. 
Out of the corner of his eye he spotted the familiar blonde hair of his childhood friend and hoped they wouldn’t be near one another. “Ooh! Let’s sit over here-” Ochako exclaimed quietly, dragging him over to sit next to her. He was grateful for that, because it looked like the only other seats available were around Kacchan. 
They still had a few minutes before the written test started, so they continued to talk to ease eachother’s nerves. “Your quirk is Gravity manipulation, right?”
“Sort of! It’s called Zero Gravity, so I can negate something’s gravity if I touch it with all five fingers,” Ochako says. 
“Woah! That’s so cool, and you can use it on objects and people right? Can you negate your own gravity? What’s your weight limit?” Izuku asks, fingers itching for a notebook to write everything down. 
Ochako laughs lightly at the rapid-fire questions. “Yes, and I can use my quirk on myself but it makes me nauseous, and I think around two tons? I haven’t been able to test it all that much.” 
Up ahead, people start to quiet down so Ochako lowers her voice. “Is that your quirk? Analysis or something?”
“Uh,” Izuku stammers, suddenly finding the table really interesting. “No.. I’m um, quirkless.”
For a moment Izuku is afraid to look over at her. He doesn’t want to see the disgusted look everyone has when he mentions it. Ochako had been so kind to him, and he just ruined it. Izuku felt a familiar pressure from behind his eyes and wondered if it was too late to change seats. Surely she would be more comfortable wit-
“Woah! You must have trained a lot to take this test, huh?” Ochako smiles, and Izuku is so, so relieved she doesn’t hate him like everyone else. He ignores the thought that she could always change her mind later, and sends her a blinding smile of his own. 
“Yeah!” He nods determinedly. 
“Let’s do our best then!” Ochako exclaims quietly, and they both turn to the front where the pro Hero Midnight takes the stage. 
“No way! We’re in the same group!”
“Wha- really?” Izuku’s eyes widened, looking from his card to Ochako’s. “Youre right!” 
“Thats so cool, maybe we’ll see each other!” Ochako said. Izuku nodded, that would be nice.
Moments later, Present mic entered the stage, and a bright spotlight shone right on him. Izuku shook with nervousness and excitement. “Alright!! Let’s start the introduction, can I get a YEAHHHH?!” Present Mic announced, using a bit of his quirk to anticipate the last word. Silence permeated through the auditorium. Izuku and Ochako exchanged glances, and she had to cover her mouth to keep from laughing. Izuku nudged her as Present Mic continued to explain everything on the pamphlet they were given. 
“S-sorry-” Ochako whisper- laughed. “I just feel so bad- n-no one responded,” She breathed. Izuku bit his lip, trying to hold in his own laughter. Ochako was making it contagious. “I was too nervous, but I didn’t think no one would respond!”
Izuku nudged her quiet again, they were starting to get looks. “We can cheer next time?” Izuku offered hesitantly. 
Ochako nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah! We can cheer him on together and he won’t be sad!” She whispered back. 
Their plans were ruined not even a minute later when a teenager with blue hair stood up. ”Excuse me!” He shouted, gaining the attention of the entire audience and interrupting the pro hero. “It says here there are four villains, but only three were mentioned! If this is an error then UA should be ashamed of such a misprint!” Ochako covered her mouth again to prevent her laughter from escaping when the blue-haired teen chopped his hands like a robot. Izuku tried and failed to keep his smile down at their actions. 
“And you two! Green and Brown hair!” The boy called out, causing the two in question to exchange confused glances. “You two have been talking this whole time! If you are not here to take this exam seriously, then I must implore that you leave immediately!”
“You’re the one interrupting Present Mic!” Ochako exclaimed, her cheeks puffing out a bit at the boy’s rudeness. 
“He was just about to explain the fourth robot too,” Izuku added,”It’s just an obstacle!”
The blue haired boy spluttered, but didn’t get a chance to respond before the pro hero took the spotlight again. “That’s right kiddos! The fourth robot is a zero-pointer!” He exclaimed, pointing to the screen dramatically. “They aren’t worth any points, so it’s best to avoid them!”
“Anyways, enough with all the rules, amiright?” Present mic said, posing dramatically. Ochako nudged Izuku in anticipation, and they both prepared for the cheer. “Get ready and get on out there listeners! YEAHH!!”
“Yeahh!!” Ochako and Izuku cheered along, as loudly as they could muster. Izuku almost regretted it when all the eyes turned to them, but he spotted Present Mic perk up and look toward them. 
“That’s the spirit, listeners!” Present Mic gestured with his open palm to them,”I got my eye on you two, good luck!”
Ochako waved enthusiastically back at the hero. Izuku’s face reddened at the attention, but he was smiling softly. “That was fun!” She laughed, taking Izuku’s hand. He suddenly felt this warm feeling build up inside him as she pulled him out of the audience and towards their area sections. 
The feeling disappeared when she let go, and Izuku realized they had reached the lockers. “Well, I’ll see you at the start line! Good luck!” Ochako waved. 
“Y-you too!” Izuku waved, and she disappeared into the girls locker room. He looked down to the hand she was holding, rubbing it a little. What was that feeling? Am I getting sick? Noticing the time, he hurried to the locker room, shrugging it off as an effect of her quirk. 
At the start line, Izuku couldn’t see any signs of Uraraka. He frowned, cursing his short genes when he suddenly caught a glimpse of short brown hair. Izuku straightened up and started forward, only to be stopped by a giant hand chopping down next to his face. 
“If you're going to bother that girl before the exam I suggest you refrain!” The boy declared. “You shouldn’t bother other examinees!”
“I- I um, she’s my friend-” Izuku stammered, backing up. The boy only pressed further into Izuku’s personal space. He tried to step back further but bumped into another kid. 
The boy continued to rant, and Izuku looked for any way out of that conversation when suddenly he heard a familiar voice shout ”GO!” and he was off running. He took a deep breath and let it out. He felt a lot better away from the other boy, and slipped into hs familiar mindset of fighting. 
Izuku had gone to one of the community gyms near his house for the past seven years, learning everything he could, from weapons and self defense to parkour. He even cleaned a whole beach full of trash over the summer.  Which was why during Present Mic’s warning to the other students to get going, Izuku had already climbed one of the buildings, jumping roof to roof.
Izuku was aiming to get a good vantage point where no one would bother him and there’d be plenty of robots. He didn’t see any zero pointers yet, but he had a feeling they were saved til the end. He panted, leaning over a roof to get a good view of the street below. There was a line of robots- perfect. He’d found where the robots waited to be sent out into the city. 
Pulling out a piece of pipe from the rooftop, he swung it a few times before nodding. Then he leaped off the roof, aiming for one of the robots in the middle of the pack. Just like that, three robots were down before any of them had registered what was going on. After the first three went down, many of the robots struck each other in their haste to get to him, and in close quarters they ended up falling a bit like dominos. Izuku laughed, turning back to make sure he got all the robots in his vicinity. He didn’t bother to count them, it would just waste time. 
Climbing back onto the rooftops, Izuku kept his sturdy roof-pipe with him as he leapt to find another area like the one he’d found. It was exhilarating, leaping from roof to roof on his own. It was nice to not worry about bullies and his mom, instead just flying across buildings with nothing but adrenaine. He hoped this would be what his life would be like when he became a hero. 
Grinning all the while, Izuku managed to take down four more spots full of robots before the ground started to shake. Turning, he could spot a giant robot with a big red zero painted onto it. He almost laughed. Of course the zero pointer would be a huge monster robot. Carefully, he made his way to where the robot was, just to make sure everyone could make it out okay. 
Izuku was about four buildings away from the zero-pointer when he heard a call for help. Without thinking, he ran towards it. Thankfully, he was closer to the voice than the robot was, so he didn’t have to worry about them being crushed by the robot. Yet. 
Out of the corner of his eye he saw a blur of blue and frowned. Izuku put the thought into the back of his mind as he slid off the last roof and flipped off one of the dead robots, landing safely to the ground with a controlled roll. “Ah! Izuku!” 
“Ochako?” Izuku’s eyes widened when he looked over to see his new fried trapped under some rubble. “I’m here to help, where are you hurt?”
“My hero!” Ochako laughed, then winced. “It’s just my ankle, I think.”
“Alright,”Izuku said, analyzing the situation. “I’m gonna try to move some of the debris, but yell if anything starts to hurt.”
“Okay!” Ochako called as he walked to the side, out of her eye-range. “I kinda over-used my quirk, sorry. I don’t think I can lift it just yet.”
“That’s okay,” Izuku said, shifting some pieces, and wedging his makeshift pipe staff into part of the heavier concrete piece. The ground under them started to shake, and Izuku made his way back to Uraraka. “Okay, I made a bit more room for you and stabilized it, so I’m gonna carefully slide you out if thats okay?”
“Yep!” Ochako grinned, holding up her hands for Izuku to take. He grasped her hands and the familiar warmth came back, tingling his skin. 
Izuku thought nothing of it at the time, only focusing on getting his friend out of the rubble quickly before the robot got too close. “Three, two, one!” Izuku called, and pulled her as quickly and carefully as he could. 
Just as suddenly as she was free, she was gone, and in the excitement, the two had fused together into a single person. “U-uraraka?” They asked hesitantly, looking around. 
“Wait-” They stopped,”Wait wait wait-” They looked down at themselves, noting they were several inches taller than normal, and was their hair longer? “I thought you didn’t have a quirk??”
“I thought so too??” They exclaimed, looking at their outfit. It was a mix of Ochako’s plain black tanktop now with a teal stripe, and Izuku’s teal pants with one now gray pant leg. “Is this- Is this my quirk??”
They suddenly burst into laughter. Half of it was in joy and the other half a little bit hysterical at the suddenness at having a quirk after fourteen years of absolutely nothing. “Well?!”
“Well what?” They tilted their head, still amazed at themself. A sly grin formed on their flushed face, turning towards the giant robot. “Why don’t we test out what your quirk can do!”
“W-” They started to object, but really, with all the excitement ant the oncoming robot towering over them, they found a want to try something new with this crazy opportunity. “Okay!”
“Okay!” They exclaimed again, rushing towards the robot. They felt a slight twinge in their ankle, but it was faint. They continued to run, not even slowing after jumping from pile of rubble to dead robot to atop the roofs and toward the giant robot. Laughing, they leaped tapped themself, activating zero gravity on themself and floating steadily towards the robot. They landed on its shoulder gracefully, and released their gravity. 
“Wait,” They started. “What?” They looked over to the robot’s head and out across the arena. “I have an idea,” They smiled, putting all five fingers onto the robot. After the robot was tapped, they jumped off the shoulder, slid down the arm and back to the rooftop, all in time to see gravity slowly increase on the robot.
“Oh my god,”They smiled, excitedly. “Oh my god, look! This is so cool! Can I do that by myself?? Can you??” They stood there and watched with awe as the robot crumpled to the ground like a soda can. They found themselves unable to stop smiling at the absolute chaos of what became of the day. “Something like zero gravity evolving under the other quirks influence- maybe call it fusion? Or think of a name later- into gravity manipulation, where we can increase or decrease gravity on something.” 
They paused, pressing their hands together to release the robot as Present mIc yelled for the exam end. “Did I get enough points? I think so.. I’m sure you did great! You too!” They laughed. Suddenly tired, they sat down on the roof ledge. “Do you.. Know how to turn it off?”
“It’s my first time- Oh wait how would you know- oh my gosh what if we’re stuck like thi-”They exclaimed, only to be cut off when suddenly they were thrust part, both teens now sprawled out on the rooftop. 
The two of them immediately got to their feet. “Oh my god!” They said in unison. 
“You got a quirk!” Ochako squealed. “You can merge with people?!!”
“I- I don’t even know how??” Izuku freaked out,”Did you- are you sure it wasn’t your quirk??”
“Nope!” Ochako giggled,” But oh!!” She exclaimed,”Maybe we can ask one of the staff to help- maybe they can figure out what your quirk is!”
“But- School isn’t even in yet and I- I’m sure they’re busy-” izuku stammered, very much freaking out. 
“Nonsense! Let’s go!”
“No- wait! We’re stopping by Recovery Girl first, you’re still hurt!”
“And you’re saying.. His quirk just manifested?” Eraserhead squinted at the two teens in front of him, one practically vibrating with excitement and the other on the verge of a dissociative episode. “During the exam?”
“Yep!” The girl responded. “He just sort of- we kind of formed a whole new person? With a new quirk and everything?”
“I-I thought I was quirkless…” The boy- Izuku Midoriya, Aizawa’s brain supplied- stammered. “I- I really didn’t know, I promise!”
Aizawa sighed. “I’m aware. I was watching the exam, kid.” 
That was also how Aizawa knew the boy had passed, it was just lucky for him the kid had come to the staff room after the test to ask for advice. The kid had gotten 45 villain points and assuming the rescue points for saving the girl only increased it, the kid was definitely getting in. It was only logical to start training him personally before the school year to catch him up on everything he needed to know about his quirk.
After telling the kid such, Midoriya thanked him profusely and vowed to do his best. Which was all Aizawa could ask for. Honestly, he was amazed to see such a late quirk manifest, and was a little more than worried about the kid suppressing a quirk for so long. 
“Now go home, get some rest, and tell your parents about it,” Aizawa reminded. “Meet me here tomorrow, both of you, and try not to use your quirk in the meantime.” He said. 
“Thank you!” Izuku bowed,” I’m sorry for the inconvenience, but I really appreciate it!”
The girl nodded along, and thanked him for helping her friend. Minutes later, phone numbers exchanged and more thanks, the teenagers waved goodbye. “Thank you again Eraserhead!”
Shouta huffed in amusement before walking back to the staff room. 
“Problem child,” He grumbled fondly. He could already tell the kid was going to be a handful. 
Minutes later, Shouta realized he never gave the kid his hero name. 
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rubyarrows · 8 months
Been Thinking
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I sat in the Jeffersonian lab, my eyes fixed on the skeletal remains sprawled across the examination table. Dr. Jack Hodgins, our resident bug and slime enthusiast, was busy analyzing the insect activity surrounding the bones. As his unwilling assistant for the day, I was to help gather any and every little creature and naturally weird substance around the body. It is not my area of expertise, I’m more of a skeletal analysis type of person. I mostly help Brennan, but that job has been taken for the day, so Hodgins pretty much voluntold me to be his helper today. Not that I would have said no to the man, I just don’t do bugs. 
"Wendell," I said when I noticed a bunch of small fractures in the femur of our victim as I tried to gather a small... beetle (I think) without squirming out of my own skin and glanced over at my best friend who was diligently scrutinizing the skeletal structure, "what are your thoughts on these bone fractures? Looks like whoever this is, got hit pretty hard at thigh level. Foul play, maybe?" 
Wendell Bray, one of Dr. Brennan’s interns and my longest friend, looked up from his examination, his eyes meeting mine before he looked in the direction I was going over. "It's hard to say for sure just yet, YNN. Given the state and position of these fractures, I would assume you're right. But Dr. Brennan doesn’t go by assumptions so the only way to really tell is getting them back to the lab." His blue eyes looked up at me once more and he smiled. “But, then again, you knew that.” 
I raised my eyebrows playfully at him and turned back to what I had already been doing. “Just testing you is all, Wen. Making sure you didn’t miss anything. One can never be too careful on the details.” I say as I slowly but surely pick up some kind of whatever bug I now had held within the prongs of my tweezer. “Even if it's the creepy crawly ones.” 
The best friend laughed and looked over at Hodgins, “I wanna know how you actually managed to get the girl to deal with the insects,” he says with a very amused look upon his voice. 
Jack then looks up with an equally amused face, watching me place the creepy, crawly critter into an evidence container. “I didn’t give her a choice. Brennan had you come in for the day, so I stole YN for the day. To be honest I expect Brennan to ask to switch not even halfway through the case.” I hand the container over to the man and as I do so he asks, “How is it to deal with body parts and other stuff along those lines and it’s the bugs that give you the heebie-jeebies?” 
“I have my reasons. Wendell, don’t you dare say anything or I’ll have your head.” I said, quickly turning towards my best friend and pointed a finger at him. 
The blonde-haired man raised his hands in the air in a mock defense. “Wasn’t even thinking about it,” he confessed with a chuckle that had my heart palpitating. 
As we continued our analysis, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was something more between us. Wendell and I had been friends for years, always supporting each other through thick and thin. But lately, my heart raced whenever he was near, and I found myself wanting more than just friendship. 
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A few days later, after another successful case closed, Wendell and I found ourselves at our favorite local coffee shop. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as we settled into a booth in the back, away from prying eyes. Taking a much-needed break before heading back to the Jeffersonian to fill out and file the tons of paperwork that needed to be concluded. 
Temperance did in fact want me back to doing my actual job, so Wendell and I switched places. I got Brennan and he with Hodgins. Which I was incredibly grateful for. I love Hodgins, he’s great, but I just... I don’t do the bug thing. Wendell’s always been better with that than I was anyway. For that alone I was more than willing to step away from Hodgin’s office and go back to studying bones.  
"So, YN," Wendell began, stirring his cappuccino thoughtfully, "I've noticed something. Lately, whenever we're together, it feels different. Something that I don’t remember being there before. It could have been, but I don’t I was paying too much attention to it." 
My heart skipped a beat, and I took a deep breath. "Good. I wasn’t the only one who noticed it. I thought it was just me." 
He nodded, his eyes locked with mine. "I don't want to ruin what we have as friends, YN, but I can't deny what is going on between us. We’ve been colleagues for a while now and friends for way longer than that. Ignoring these feelings just isn’t possible anymore. At least it’s not for me." He said as he reached over the table and laid his hand on mine. 
A mix of excitement and nervousness surged through me. Here was the man I had come to care deeply about, expressing his feelings. “I don’t think I could agree more than I do right now. We know more about each other than our friends will ever know. And though it might be taking a risk, it seems to work out for Angie and Hodgins as well as Brennan and Booth. Why wouldn’t it work for us?” 
Wen’s smile grew as I spoke, something I don’t I'll ever get tired of. “Great. How about tomorrow, we go out to that cute little diner you like on eighteenth and make it our official first date?”  
“You wouldn’t call this our first date?” I questioned playfully. 
Wendell shook his head slightly. “No, no. This is just coffee. We’re making plans for tomorrow and you can’t fight me on this either because you will not win.” 
I let out a small giggle and nodded. “Okay. If you say so. But the not winning part is still to be determined, you know that right?” 
He rolled his eyes playfully at my question. “Sure. We’ll see.” 
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Miss Manners on: Posthumous DNA Tests
Q: As family gathered after the funeral of my beloved husband, an in-law with little connection to him insisted I collect hair from his hairbrush. “It’s not too late to get a DNA analysis and ensure that he was really as much of a [specific ethnic group] as he said he was,” she told me. When I demurred, she said she’d do it herself. My spouse would never have agreed to such a thing, and his near relatives were horrified. Any thoughts on a response?
Miss Manners says: “Please don’t.”
Your Head Bitch says: WOW WTF. I would look this woman dead in the face and say 'Please understand that I am grieving and this is deeply inappropriate. I have asked you not to, and he would not have agreed to it, so I am insisting you respect both our wishes.' There's a time for gentleness -- you deployed it by demurring. She then stomped straight over the clear boundary, and deserved a more direct dressing down. I can hardly believe I need to say this, but please do not harass grieving widows about DNA testing their husband's hair (unless you like actually have a court order or something, I guess, and even then, pick your moment, you know?).
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Plus, sometimes you don't NEED a DNA test, you know?
0 notes
mslizsteele-stories · 7 months
Gothic Academia: One
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"Wanna get outta here?" Tobio looked up from his work and stared at the gothic girl with a curious look. 
They were seated in the corner next to the window at the study centre. She's seated across from him, preoccupied with her phone. Mikasa exuded an effortlessly cool aura in her gothic ensemble. Her raven-black pixie cut framed her delicate features, emphasizing her sharp, determined eyes and her lips were painted dark plum. Strands of obsidian hair grazed her temples and nape, adding a touch of edginess to her overall appearance. 
She glanced up, arching an eyebrow with a stoic expression. "You weren't expecting me to actually work on this assignment, were you?" she scoffed.
"It is a group assignment," he reminded her. "It requires a group effort."
Mikasa rolls her eyes. "Well, this assignment is not worth my time and effort," she argued. "I'm not about to waste my time and brain cells on an analysis of 'The Blessed Girl.'"
"It's not that bad."
"The Bloomsbury version was simply the author's attempt to appease some overly sensitive feminists who complained about the harsh ending in the Pan Macmillan version and got paid for it. I'm dying on this hill." She growled, pointing a finger at him. "Besides, I could be doing something worthwhile with my time, like partying and drinking with friends."
"Well, this module is compulsory. You need to pass this class to graduate," Tobio reminded her, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Might as well suck it up until the end of the semester."
Mikasa glared at him, as if ready to cut his head off. Tobio raised his hand in surrender, not wanting to argue further. "Anyways," she continued, "I don't get why we're getting assignments on top of tests, exams, and continuous assessments. I mean, we're in university for crying out loud. If I wanted homework, I could have just stayed in high school, but here we fucking are."
"It comes with the degree, Mikasa. How else are they going to assess us?" he answered.
She scoffed, annoyed. "I've been scoring straight As for damn near every test and quiz for this module. What more do they want to know? It's not like the professors take the time to actually read three to five-page essays. All they have to do is look at the Turnitin plagiarism percentage, fancy words, slap a random letter from the alphabet based on their mood, and if they like us, then call it a day."
"You still salty about Professor Ackerman giving you a C- on your last assignment?"
"Oh, most definitely. I didn't put my blood, sweat, and tears into an essay on child psychology just for that middle-aged midget to give me a C-."
Tobio chuckled at her rant. It was a mystery how Mikasa was studying Psychology instead of Criminal Justice, considering her passion for justice. She would make a great lawyer or judge.
"Well, if you wanna leave, I won't stop you," Tobio told her. "Based on what we have, I'd say that we're already done with this assignment."
"Great! 'cause it's Friday and I'm hitting the club and getting wasted. Wanna come?"
Tobio made a face at the offer. "Hard pass. Not only is clubbing not my scene, I have a shit tone of essays to finish grading."
Mikasa's eyebrows furrow with confusion. "I'm a tutor." He told her.
"Why would you punish yourself this way, dude!" she asked, shock present in her tone.
"Good resume and extra cash."
She stared at him like he was an odd phenomenon and burst into laughter. "Okay, I knew you were a dork, but I never would have thought you were goody two shoes."
"What can I say, I value my education and my future," he shrugged with a smirk. "Now run along. Wouldn't want you to miss out on your Friday shemons."
"Hilarious," she rolled her eyes. She got up and started packing her stuff into her bag.
"Don't forget that we're meeting at your place to study for next week's test," he reminded her.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah," she waved her hand dismissively. "But you better not be copying my answers while we're studying. Got it?"
"Please," he rolled his eyes. "I have too much pride to stoop that low, sweetheart."
She hummed, satisfied but still a little amused. "Just making sure." With a wave, she left the study centre.
"Have fun," he called after her.
Tobio rang the bell and adjusted the strap of his backpack as he waited for Mikasa at her door. In contrast to Mikasa's gothic style, Tobio's attire was plain and simple; denim jeans, a black T-shirt, a grey jacket, and a pair of red and blue vans. His hair, which was once a buzzcut, had grown into spikes over the past three months, but he had recently trimmed the sides, giving it a faded look. He wore his glasses over his amber eyes. It was low-effort but decent and presentable - just the way he liked it.
A minute later, the door opened, revealing Mikasa in a more casual ensemble that contrasted with her usual gothic look. Her attire remained dominantly black, consisting of a zipped-up black hoodie that offered a glimpse of her cleavage, and a pair of black cotton shorts that accentuated her hips, tracing a path down to her waist. Her dark makeup, a signature part of her style, was still present, though her eyeliner, though not as bold, highlighted her captivating dark grey eyes. Just below the corner of her left eye was a faint scar, adding an intriguing touch to her already enigmatic allure.
"You're early," she stated with a stoic expression, leaning against the doorpost.
Tobio shrugged. "I like being punctual."
"You won't die or have a stroke if you're just a few minutes late, you know."
"I know. But punctuality has its perks. You should try it."
She rolled her eyes, opened the door wider and moved to the side. "Come on in."
Tobio walked inside her little studio apartment and noticed how... normal it looked. He would have thought that given her taste, Mikasa's apartment would have a dark and gothic touch and aesthetic to it, but the simplicity of the décor and interior design from the all-white painted walls, the furniture, the light brown wooden floor and the grey curtains surprised him.
However, despite how normal and clean her small studio apartment was the faint smell of cigarettes from the ashtray on the coffee where her books and notes were scattered. She must have been studying before he came.
"Sorry about that," she quickly removed the tray and disposed of its contents in the dust bin in the kitchen. "It's kinda a habit to smoke while I'm studying."
"No, no, no. It's fine," he assured with a smile. "You're fine."
"Great! Now that you're here, we can get started," she sat down on the floor in front of the coffee table. "I remember you saying that you need help with Literature. Anything specific?"
"Ah yeah," he placed his backpack on the floor and sat down across from her. "I've been having trouble with the Gothic Era. I figure that given your aesthetic, it's your area of expertise."
"Oh my gosh, yes! I have so much I wanna talk about," her face beamed with excitement. "There's so much to cover... how about we start with its characteristics? The history and background might be a bit too complex for you."
Tobio gave her a "The floor is yours" hand gesture, "Take it away, Professor Ackerman."
"Haha! Very funny," sarcasm dripped in her tone as she rolled her eyes. "Anyways, one of the key characteristics of the Gothic Era is its tone and themes which are horror and romanticism. If you look at the literature during that time, they mostly dwelled on supernatural, death, torture, the list goes on."
Tobio listened to her attentively. It was funny how Mikasa always expressed her distaste for doing assignments and school work but still excelled in her studies and was at the top of the class. She was smart and intelligent, probably even smarter than him in some of the classes he took with her.
While he acknowledged her level of intellect, he also came to admire and appreciate her passion for the things she loves or generally anything that sparked her interest. The way her face would light up and her dark grey eyes would sparkle when she talked about her favourite band or a book she recently picked up. The way her eyes would burn with fire and her jaw would clench when she ranted about her pet peeves or when she argued and challenged opinions different from her own.
Mikasa wasn't one to express herself that way to everyone outside of her friends Eren and Armin and some rare occasions him since she was usually stoic and withdrawn. He didn't mind it, but he always appreciated rare moments like these where he got to see her in her natural element.
Not forget, he had a thing for intelligent women.
She's so sexy when she explains stuff, he thought without realising that he blurted those words out loud.
Mikasa, who was explaining examples of gothic themes in Wuthering Heights, paused. "Did you... did you just call me sexy?" A tinge of red appeared on her cheeks, surprised by what Tobio said.
Tobio snapped out of his trance and flushed with embarrassment. "Shit. Did I say that out loud?"
"Umm... yeah... pretty much," she answered with an awkward chuckle, her cheeks still red. "I mean thanks... I guess?"
"I am so sorry. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable," He said, now getting worried that he creeped her out.
She shrugged her shoulders. "A compliment is a compliment. I don't mind it even though you're not my type honestly."
Ouch, he thought. I mean fair. She's allowed to have a type and a preference. But still... ouch. "So who's your type then? Eren?"
She made a face. "I mean... we dated before but it got weird and toxic and we decided to just stay friends," she sighed scratching her head. "I dunno. It's complicated, but one thing for sure is that if you're too weak to handle all this," she gestured to herself. "then you're not worth my time."
"Oooh! Yas queen," he cheered, snapping his fingers. "We stan a woman with standards."
She chuckled, leaning back against the couch and resting her arms on her knees. "Yeah, like sure I dress in black and wear dark makeup which practically makes me a goth girl, but that's just how I dress and express myself." She paused briefly. "But I do like guys who are smart and can have deep conversations with. Just as long they make it past my resting bitch face."
Tobio laughed. "Then I'm happy to say that I'm one of those guys."
"Question," she leaned forward, placing her elbow on the coffee table and putting her hand on her chin, her expression now serious. "Do you think I'm cold and unemotional?"
Tobio blinked, taken aback by the sudden question and change in atmosphere. "It's just... I've always wondered what people think of me... well people besides Eren and Armin," she explained. "I know I'm not exactly friendly and approachable, but I'm just curious to know."
Tobio leaned back and pondered her question. He had only known her since freshman year, unlike Eren and Armin who've known her since childhood. He did get the impression that she was cold and emotionless - at first at least - but he thought of her as reserved and withdrawn. It didn't drive him away even when they first started talking, but it did take some time for her to warm up to him and he didn't mind that.
"Well... I think you're capable of expressing yourself, but only to those you trust and feel comfortable with," he answered truthfully. "I'd say you're more cautious and self-conscious than cold and unemotional. You know yourself and how people might react and receive the real you since you have a strong and intense personality. But that's just me."
Mikasa nodded her head slowly, taking in his words. "Well... having a tough childhood does that to you..." she said with a sad smile.
Tobio felt a pang of empathy in his gut. She didn't go into the nitty gritty details about her life and past but he already had a rough idea of how hard it was for her. "Sorry to hear that,"
She shook her head and smiled, a genuine one this one. "It's okay, I had friends and family who looked out for me," she said before clearing her throat. "Anyways, sob story's over. I still need to explain Wuthering Heights and its gothic themes to you so pay attention."
He chuckled. "Yes, ma'am."
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rad140review · 1 year
Rad 140 Review
Typically, testolone cycles final 6-10 weeks. I would suggest to human beings the usage of Rad 140  for the first time now not to exceed the eight week limit.
Rad 140  is a brilliant substance for gaining strength and muscular mass. It gives phenomenal results in mixture with Rad140 and LGD-4033 . The typical dose is 20 mg consistent with day. During the 10 weeks of my first cycle, I received around three.5 kg – remember that I am close to my genetic limit. People who exercise for much less than 3 years can anticipate twice the boom if they eat the proper food and do their best at some point of schooling.As I stated inside the preceding paragraph, I assume 20mg consistent with day is the right dosage for novices. Due to its lengthy 1/2-existence, it may be taken once a day.
Typically, testolone cycles final 6-10 weeks. I would suggest to human beings the usage of Rad 140  for the first time now not to exceed the eight week limit.My personal revel in Rad140 I began my journey with SARMs approximately five-6 years ago right after the closing cycle of steroids and were the use of them three-4 instances a 12 months on the grounds that then. The Rad140 is a part of just about each wetsuit I use.
Its outcomes are very similar to the ones of low doses of testosterone (350mg/week) or LGD-4033. The simplest differences, in my opinion, are the lack of increased libido, which occurs whilst the formerly stated substances are used, and lots of extra electricity profits. Rad 140   is a top notch substance for gaining strength and muscular mass. It offers exceptional consequences in combination with Rad 140 and LGD-4033 . The regular dose is 20 mg per day. During the 10 weeks of my first cycle, I gained around 3.5 kg–remember the fact that I am near my genetic limit. People who exercise for much less than 3 years can count on twice the growth if they devour the proper food and do their best during education.
As I mentioned inside the previous paragraph, I think 20mg in keeping with day is the perfect dosage for novices. Due to its lengthy 1/2-existence, it may be taken as soon as a day.Typically, testolone cycles are ultimately 6-10 weeks. I would advise people using Rad 140   for the primary time not to exceed the eight week limit. Rad140  (Testolone) is a SARM that enhances muscle-building, power and fat loss; with precise tissue selectivity. 
However, there do seem like steroid-like risks related to this SARM, specifically liver toxicity and cardiovascular pressure.Such deteriorations in health are glaring in human trials and subsidized up with the aid of Dr. Thomas O’Connor’s tremendous enjoyment of treating men and women on a Rad 140   for a decade. With harsh bad outcomes happening, with minimum consequences in muscular hypertrophy, Rad140  may also give a better danger vs praise ratio, as compared to mild anabolic steroids (inclusive of testosterone or Anavar).
Dr. O’Connor believes SARMs, which include Rad 140  are sincerely more dangerous than anabolic steroids, following normal analysis of two,000+ sufferers’ labs. Thus, we ought to warn any of our readers considering experimenting with SARMs, that they may be not likely to be as secure as firstly notion. This is where I had the maximum issues. I basically skilled each searchable facet impact that was mentioned in this sub. Insomnia, hair thinning and dropping, a few pimples breakout on my face, decrease left quadrant ache close to my groin location the second one week, left chest pain the 4th week (made me prevent the cycle for per week and get an EKG to confirm it wasn’t my coronary heart), and extra rage/aggression than traditional.  
The insomnia got pretty terrible halfway into the cycle, so I started out taking melatonin tablets but it become nevertheless became tough to sleep.Also, I got blood work accomplished earlier than my cycle and my testosterone ranges have been at the higher give up of the normal range. I got mid cycle blood work and my test levels dropped greater than 50% and now at suboptimal ranges.During the 6th and seventh week of my cycle, I began experiencing joint pain on my elbows and knees that made it hard to complete a number of my workout routines.
TL;DR Yes, I was given profits, but I probably could have made those profits clearly – it simply could’ve taken a touch bit of extra time/persistence. All of the facet outcomes that I experienced, especially my test degrees crashing and probably screwing my endocrine device/hormonal balance, is the most important deterrent to Rad 140SARMs. I’ll be getting blood work accomplished after my PCT to make sure my ldl cholesterol/liver is most useful. Hopefully that hasn’t deteriorated like my check.
There is no doubt that Testol Rad 140   is the handiest and legal opportunity to Rad 140  . Crazy Bulk manufactures this product and ships it globally. With Rad 140 , you could % on wholesome bulk at the same time as chiseling away a few severe fats. We are confident it's miles the best bulking complement without any aspect results. The collecting cases of drug-brought liver damage from SARMs enhance their hepatic safety and question the tissue selectivity of those marketers. We caution using SARMs out of doors of clinical research and advice for tighter law, near tracking, and set off reporting of detrimental events associated with Rad 140 SARMs.
  See more at: https://naspcenter.org/article/sarms-rad-140-review
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opticalsuperstore1 · 1 year
The Eyes Have It—Finding an Optometrist Near Me
You've probably had this conversation (or something closely resembling this) before: You're looking for a new mechanic, a new hairdresser, a new butcher.
Unfortunately, you've had a poor experience (perhaps more than one), and you don't want to deal with the hassle any longer—we've all been there. We feel your pain.
Three expensive trips now, and the car still has that weird rattle. Unfortunately, that new haircut makes you look like a pork chop. But, of course, you know all about average pork chops because the last bunch from your local butcher tasted weird, and the butcher shrugged it off.
Along comes Aunty Such-and-such, or So-and-so from across the road, and you get to talking about it (whilst trying to hide your outrageous hair-do under a baseball cap).
What do they all say—every time?
'Your car needs a service? You must see my mechanic! See my guy!'
'Let me call my hairdresser... she'll fix that up straight away!'
'Porkchops? Do you want the best pork chop you've ever tasted? I've got a pork chop, guy!'
Word of mouth is powerfully effective, and a verbal testimony goes a long way. And, if it's from someone we know and trust? Even further.
Finding eye-care professionals is often at the top of the list. Perhaps you've needed someone that can help with a demanding prescription? Or someone that genuinely knows how to adjust spectacle frames properly?
Often, a popular search term on Google is 'An Optometrist Near Me.'
(I think the list unofficially goes; hairdresser, barista, mechanic, then florist. Of course, finding a top-notch optometrist usually pops up next... then porkchop guy. But it's subjective to what you need then and there, right?)
We soon learn where the avoidable coffee/haircuts are.
But, how do you tell the reliable, thorough, and available optometrist apart from the others?
Optometry in general and the optical industry wholly rest on two key elements. We could illustrate it by talking about two arms--a right arm and a left arm. There's the healthcare arm and the retail arm.
Today, the healthcare component of a comprehensive eye test is stabilised by several giant steps forward in technology, data-tracking, record keeping and analysis. This tech, coupled with the understanding of a patient and attentive optometrist, can make your next appointment for an eye examination almost a joy!
Why 'almost?' Because of the other arm.
Outside of the testing room, where it was all about the important part: the healthcare, you've just resigned yourself to push through the big sales pitches. You simply don't have a thousand dollars to spend on prescription eyewear anymore (did we ever?)
Do you also laugh off the suggested spectacle frame designs you wouldn't want to be caught dead in? It's like the haircut thing all over again. Not to mention sneakily adding in a suggestion of requesting a copy of your prescription? It almost feels like begging, right?
Sometimes it feels like an optical minefield out there.
But then, one day, something transformative happens.
Before working up the resolve to return to the same-old practice, you hear word from a trusted friend of an optical business that does things differently. The optometrists who conduct tests onsite are independent professionals: their eye-testing timetable is not hinging on making sales, which means that there is no practice of compelling you into a purchase you may not need.
Not only that, but the support staff on hand know their craft, too. This trusted friend of yours shows you their new pair of glasses, fitting well and giving them excellent vision results for all their needs. But that wasn't what impressed them. It was the fact that the staff member took the time to fix an issue with their old glasses. They may have replaced the nose pads and cleaned the frame. Or maybe they fitted their temples properly behind their ears for the first time, ever?
(You don't recall the details. You just remember this friend of yours was ecstatic about the service.)
"I've got a glasses, guy!" they say. "You've got to go there next time. You need to ask for my optometrist. She is the best!"
And a few weeks later, you do. But, most importantly, your experience mirrored your friend's experience. It wasn't a fluke. You learn through your visit that the business makes its mission to repeatedly offer the highest level of customer service, personalised attention and medical/eye-health care. Day after day, for every pair of eyes.
You're watching families come and go, offering the sincerest thank yous and leaving the biggest smiles. It's impressive - why? Because you didn't think it could be like this.
But it is. And, you're here for it!
The Optical Superstore proudly wave both arms and uses them unitedly: The vital healthcare environment and the retail space.
These two vital areas come together to provide comprehensive eye testing services and a superb range of spectacle frames, sunglasses and prescription lens options for the whole family. Did you know? The Optical Superstore is proudly 100% Australian-owned and operated. Nation-wide, the independent optometrists working onsite offer bulk-billed eye tests.
Have you been worried about making the switch to a new eye-care professional? Perhaps you've caught yourself wondering if there is an optometrist near me worth your time and energy.
Let's face it. It can be all-too-easy to put eye care, eye tests and trips to an optometrist on the back burner. For one thing, our eyes aren't rattling like a dodgy timing belt. And, you'll certainly not settle for a lousy coffee a second time.
The Optical Superstore stands by a simple motto:
We invite you and your family to experience this ‘SUPER’ in action for yourselves. We make eye-testing easier, prescription eyewear more affordable and ongoing support a pleasure to experience.
Get started with our online booking timetable, or check out the latest range of frames with our Virtual Try-On program.
Click on the links below to get started.
Also, we're only a phone call away.
The Optical Superstore doesn't like doing things with a big song and dance, and we love working hand-in-hand.
We're all about honest, reliable, and affordable optical assistance. With 60+ locations Australia-wide, give your local branch of Optical Superstore a call. Your eyes will thank you for it!
...And we could probably help you out with a great coffee suggestion, too, if need be!
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hairtestindia · 1 year
0 notes
anxiousunicorn1124 · 1 year
My Fertility Journey
In 2016/2017 , I was working at savers at the time. It was that "time of month" and for some reason , it was different than usual. I would have to change my pad like every 10-15 mins which is far from good. I had to call my doctor who told me to come into emergency and see what's going on.
After an awkward and uncomfortable ultrasound, they confirmed my suspicions... I was officially diagnosed with an annoying ass disorder... Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome(PCOS). Its a hormone disorder where I produced more than normal amounts of testosterone. it also makes you insulin resistant. the most annoying for me is with all that testosterone, it brings in excessive facial and body hair. trying to keep up with shaving has become a exhausting hassle. On top of that, it also makes getting pregnant harder.
Fast forward to my current relationship. We have been trying over a year to get pregnant. I've done everything from trying medications to start my period regularly(PCOS made it a challenge to be regular), taking meds to kick start ovulation.. pretty much trying to conceive naturally with some side help from drugs.. All of that with no success. My boyfriend had even gotten a semen analysis to see if I was the reason or him for the struggle. his results did show a low count , so docs recommended to stop smoking weed(im not really looking forward to quitting). He quit a little over a month I think and his numbers damn near doubled or tripled in quality and quanity.
I decided to try IUI instead of IVF, its cheaper and less drugs/injections.. If you don't know what IUI is, it is intrauterine insemination. it involves tracking your period, and monitor when your ovulation so they know when's the best time for me to come in for the procedure. it entails few appointments of blood work and ultrasounds, a cycle of drugs and any other instructions they might need to inform me.
My man is then told that he has to put his swimmers in a cup , the doc then "washes" the sperm. By doing that, she's separating the stronger swimmers from the not so strong ones. After she was done with that, I came in for my appointment an hour later. the doctor informed me on all I needed to know and explained how the procedure works. Simply put, she is going to be physically putting his sperm where it needs to go.. hahaha. too lazy to go full detail so you can feel free to google more details if you like lol.
The paragraph above, happened today. I had the IUI done. It wasn't that bad and was pretty fast. Little uncomfortable when she was injecting the sperm and the cramping... whew.. had to grab my friends hand real quick lmao.. its been almost 12 hours since the procedure, still got some cramping but all good. only thing I don't like so far, is that they told me not to smoke no more weed until I know whether or not IUI worked. Im already aggravated and got "ants in my pants" haha. this is going to be a long struggle for me but I know when I see our beautiful healthy baby, it'll be worth it.
This is just a general overview of my fertility journey and I cant wait to see what happens next..
I test to see if it worked on march 31st so STAY TUNED!
0 notes
Le joyau le plus precieux
A Lucky Luke Modern!AU fanfiction
Chapter III - Family
Days passed. Although he still let Lucky Luke slip away, the police chief wrote a note of praise to Joe Dalton for recovering the loot. Everyone congratulated him, but the detective cared little: he was still emotionally messed up. For everyone his was a victory, but for him it was an embarrassing memory that he would never recount. Besides, that damned thief had filled him with a lot of questions: why was he stealing? Although this one wasn't actually new, it had just taken on a different meaning. What did he mean by trusting him? Besides, what was he doing with one stolen item at a time? He rested his face on his desk, huffing. The forensic analysis of the bag containing the jewellery had led to nothing; it was spotless and without fingerprints. They had nothing in their hands. The most frustrating thing, though, was being... wooed? There was no other way to describe it. Yes, being wooed by that hottie. Worse, he couldn't get that persuasive voice out of his head that said “I'll show up”.
Joe was going crazy. 
Was the thief going to keep that kind of promise?
-Detective Dalton?- A squeaky female voice announced the entry into the office of a young woman with voluminous red hair in a suit. -Betty, I already told you, you can call me Joe...- -We're at work, I'm trying to be professional!- she joked. -You're Averell's fiancée, practically one of the family.- -But I'm also the department's psychologist. Speaking of which, I'd like to remind you that our weekly session has moved to Thursdays, at least for a while.- -Problems?- -I am under pressure to accommodate external agents in my office, my schedule is full. But I'm always there for my future brother-in-law!- winked the woman. -You are kind. Thank you. But at the moment my only worries are about work, as usual.- Betty gave him one last understanding smile before opening the door again, but froze: -What a fool! I almost forgot: later on I will send you through Pierre some permits to sign; these are therapeutic leaves that I recommended myself. The captain can't take care of it, and I need a valid name.- -Of course, that's fine.- Leaving the office, the redhead crossed a short corridor until she met the other three Dalton brothers at an appointed point. Immediately William asked her: 
-So? Everything OK? -No. He seems a bit tired, and says he's worried about work, but I think he's hiding something.- -Maybe you should prepare a leave of absence for him too; you know, this Lucky Luke thing puts a lot of pressure on him- Averell said. -I could do that, but I'm sure he would answer that he doesn't need it.- -He's been weird ever since he stopped Lucky Luke from stealing from the Palace of Versailles- observed Jack, -maybe he's not happy that he escaped.- They continued to speculate until lunchtime; the four brothers stood in the hall and all went out together.
There was a diner, not far from the departmental headquarters, called “Mère L'Oie”, where they always went to eat. Wedged between the shop of a well-known shoe brand and a perfumery, it was distinguished by its lemon-yellow sunshade awning and sign, where above the name was painted a row of ducklings following their mother; the latter carried a wicker picnic basket in her beak. It was Averell who had suggested it as a “favourite lunch spot”: the portions were generous and every Wednesday there was raspberry tart for dessert. They even had a table practically reserved, near the large window overlooking the street.
It was when it was time to order the second course that William brought up the subject of Lucky Luke to test the waters: -So, Joe, do you have a new plan in the pipeline?- -Please?- His brother was overthinking, fiddling with a corner of his napkin. -Lucky Luke. What are you going to do with him?- -Well... I would say that at the moment deploying extra forces was not effective. I need to go over a few things, it's gonna take a while.- -Whatever. If I have to do some research...- -Let's check the list we've already drawn up- Joe cut in short, -How about chicken cutlets with fries?-
To call a house “cozy” is just another way of saying it is small. Back then, the Dalton brothers house could be described as very cozy, to some as stuffy. Because you know, most males are messy, and even though Joe had established rules and cleaning routines from the start, only the youngest seemed to abide by them to the letter. A flat consisting of three rooms, a bathroom and a kitchen/dining room/living room. To them it was a castle. Averell claimed it was a metaphor for their close bond. After all, they had always done everything together, from primary school to the police academy, as well as mischief when they were kids.
Yes, they were real hooligans: they lit firecrackers under their grandfather's armchair, attached cans to their cat's tail, and once they grew up they went on to smash shop windows and vandalise in every way possible. Their mother, exasperated, literally dragged them out of their small American town by the ears to take them to Europe, to Paris, and to teach them discipline she sent them off to make their bones as police cadets.
And there they were, gathered on the couch after a day's work of patrols, paperwork and reporting, munching popcorn and watching a movie, annoying each other from time to time; Averell was the favourite target because he was ticklish. -But wouldn't it be simpler to freeze that parasite?- commented William, -I mean, if it has acid blood, it seems the logical thing to do.- -Shush, I want to follow!- Jack scoffed. The younger man clutched a pillow in his arms, curled up in his seat: -Joe, there are no such beasts, are there?- -No, Averell, they don't exist- the elder replied boredly, -And look, the guy's fine, he pulled that thing off himself.- But at the next scene, much more horrifying than the first, Averell hid his face in his pillow: -How disgusting!- -Come on, he just got a little monster out of his stomach!- remarked one of the twins with an evil giggle, who exchanged a fist bump with the other. -Iiiiiihh!!! Stop it!!- Joe turned off the television set: -Ok, that's enough! Off to bed!- -But Joe...- -If you don't want to do the dishes for a week, obey.- So shortly afterwards it was his turn to go and reassure Averell that no aliens would bite his face off during the night. A typical evening at the Dalton house.
Seeing his younger siblings sleeping blissfully, the twins in their bunk beds and the younger one hugging his pillow mumbling in his sleep, was something that always made Joe feel good. He scolded them often, and sometimes they fought by punching each other, but the affection that bound them together was evident. The eldest was always the last to go to sleep, partly because he wanted to make sure everything was locked up, and also because he always lingered watching Paris at night from his window, with the streetlights casting a yellowish glow over the streets and pavements. Suddenly his mobile phone rang. He went to look: unknown number. He answered anyway, with a brief hesitation: -Hello?- -Hello, Detective Dalton.-
0 notes
onlinetrtclinic · 2 years
Which is the Cheapest Online TRT Clinic?
In one research study, 30% of overweight men had low-testosterone levels, compared to only 6.4% of those with normal weight. If you feel reduced muscle mass, reduced bone mass, reduced sex drive, hair loss, increase in body fat, & problems in erections then this could be an alerting sign of Testosterone Hormone Levels (TD) or Low Testosterone (Low-T). Before moving ahead, acknowledging what is testosterone, it's low-levels, & symptoms are necessary & then after let's move to," what is the cheapest online TRT clinic?"
What is Testosterone? 
Testosterone is the male sex hormone that is made in the testicles, important to normal male sexual development, and functions & makes sperm. In teenage or during puberty, there is the best role of testosterone to help boys develop male features like a deeper voice, muscle strength, body & facial hair. 
What is Low-level Testosterone? 
With the age, testosterone levels gradually decrease therefore, older men tend to have low blood testosterone levels. Genetically or due to some reasons, some men have low testosterone levels which are called Low Testosterone (Low-T) which is considered to be less than 250-300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/DL) for adults. 
Is Testosterone Deficiency Common?
Low testosterone levels are common in men who are getting older, overweight & have poor general health with long-term health conditions. To support this, one large study in Europe found that testosterone deficiency affected about 2 in 100 men aged 40 to 79 years & affected about 5 in 100 men aged 70 to 79 years. 
What are the Symptoms of Low-level Testosterone?
Here are the several symptoms of low-levels testosterone:
Reduced sex drive
Shrinking testicles
Hot flashes
Erectile dysfunction
Decreased muscle mass
Mood changes
Increased body fat
Loss of armpit & public hair
Low or zero sperm count
Are There Any Hidden Signs/Symptoms of Low-testosterone Levels?
Yes, there are some hidden or non-specific signs or symptoms of low testosterone levels:
Lack of physical strength
Poor focus
Low energy levels & endurance power 
Mood swings
Tired or fatigued
Above are also the signs/symptoms that address symptoms that interfere with the quality of life. Many people shrug off the symptoms associated with low testosterone as an unpleasant part of getting older or during an adult age. Therefore, don't take the above or these symptoms lightly but choose the Best Online TRT  Treatment at - Peter M.D.
What are the Conditions that Contribute to Low Testosterone?
There are several reasons which contribute to low testosterone are as follows:
Type 2 diabetes
Chronic liver or kidney disease
Hormonal disorders
Testicular cancer or treatment for testicular cancer
Injury to the testicles
Certain medications, etc. 
What Tests are Performed to Diagnose Testosterone Deficiency?
As discussed above, low sex drive, tiredness, the aging process & erectile dysfunction are the symptoms of testosterone deficiency. However, if you want to get confirmation about it then your doctor may suggest for these tests:
Semen analysis
Genetics tests
Testicular biopsy
Testing for other hormone levels 
Pituitary computerized tomography (CT) scan or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan. 
Is There Any Testosterone Therapy (TT)?
Yes, testosterone therapy also known as androgen replacement therapy is the solution to treat low testosterone levels in men. To support this, American men spend $2 billion on testosterone each year. Now, talking about testosterone therapy then it involves the usage of testosterone products such as gels, injectable solutions, patches, pills & pellets implanted under the skin or you can go for the quick & effective My TRT Clinic at Peter M.D & get the best testosterone replacement therapy near me.
Which is the Cheapest Online TRT Clinic?
Peter M.D has the most affordable Online TRT Clinic in the nation & always ready to beat any price in the market. Proud to say, we are the largest provider of low-t solutions in the United States along with the best doctors with the best services & at the best price. At Peter M.D, we have the mission to make men's health as accessible as possible, more personalized, more affordable, more convenient & more discrete by providing low-t solutions at their doorstep. As the largest online men's health clinic in North America, our physicians have the knowledge & expertise to help get back to the real you & offer you the best-customized treatment plan that works best for you. 
What Makes Peter M.D the Best for You?
 You can choose Peter M.D because we offer you customized & affordable low-t solutions & build back to the rest version of yourself 
& do it all online. Ensure that you will get all the services online & don't need to go anywhere. Ultimately, Peter M.D is the cheapest online TRT clinic for you.
Ready to experience our services?
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Follow us for more information. 
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Court says Brett Finch shared child abuse messages to get drugs
“Have you ever had a sexual interest in children?” asked his attorney, Mike Smith Finch. “Never,” Finch replied. Finch stopped using the line in early 2021 after receiving a response from a user who “wanted to take me” and mentioned his “granddaughters,” according to a Downing Center District Court hearing. The response made him realize that his behavior could contribute to child sexual abuse. “It made me completely sick, I was disgusted,” Finch told the court. “I told him right away that he was sick and stuttering. “I just wanted to strangle the guy over the phone.” Finch said he was ashamed and disgusted to leave the letters in hopes of scoring cocaine at the end of the drug-fueled bending machines. “I got really out of control in that period with drug use,” he said. He has now “lost it all”, has been on Centrelink benefits and has been unable to find work despite applying for 300 jobs. “I understand why no one wants to come near me,” he said. “I have no one else to blame but myself… I’ve hurt so many people and that’s what I regret.” Asked if he accepted that his behavior was an “inaccurate” way to get drugs, Finch said: “It was a horrible method and I am very ashamed of it.” Psychologist Dr. Chris Linnings, in his testimony, said Finch’s crime was not sexually motivated, but that it was important for Finch to undergo “biological drug testing,” such as hair follicle tests, in the future. “In my estimation, he did not submit that he had a sexual perversion,” Linnings said via an audiovisual link. loading Late Monday, two of Finch’s friends gave evidence, calling him a loyal, kind, caring man whose abusive behavior was out of his nature. Finch played three cases from his country of origin in New South Wales and won the premiership with Melbourne Storm in 2009. His crowning moment came in the 2006 Origin Opening Match when he kicked a field goal winning the Blues match. In his life after football, Finch struggled with mental health issues and spoke publicly about his battles with substance abuse. The hearing continues on Tuesday. Crisis support is available from Lifeline In 13 11 14 and Beyondblue at 1300 22 4636. AAP The Morning Edition newsletter is our guide to the most interesting daily stories, analysis and insights. Register here. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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facewendy · 2 years
Design Your Own
"Above The World"
Above The World I, II, III
Casting call for an entire
To get started:
Who are you!
Below you will find simple questions about you as you are. (S)
These questions can then be answered as if you are who you would like to be. A wished for personality.
This imagined you can be a hero or a villain or a victim or a simply a just hoped for you based on anything you identify as this character of you. (NSS)
The next personality character to design are the people around you. Fill out the survey as you see them for themselves. (NSO)
Then the same questions can be answered as if they are who you would like them to be--a wished for personality (NSIO).
How to design your personality
Above The World Characters:
Fill in your surveys:
Perspective Possibilities:
• Self (S)
• Not Self Self (NSS)
you as an imagined self
• Not Self Other (NSO)
someone else as precieved by you
• Self Imagined Other (NSIO)
someone else as you imagine you want them to be
Meyers Briggs:
Test Result
Take online test
1. Self Analysis:
Who you think you are as yourself according to the Meyer Briggs sixteen personality types.
2. Take the test to get your Meyers Briggs online results.
A Protagonist (ENFJ) is a person with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging personality traits.
These warm, forthright types love helping others, and they tend to have strong ideas and values. They back their perspective with the creative energy to achieve their goals.
Your test results:
Your Character in a Situation or Scene:
Place: Death Valley Mile High Dune
People: Wendy Anna Jones (NSS) Matth Foo (NS)
Situation: Sunset on top of the dune. Warm air after a hot day. No sound. No conversation. Staring at the dessert. A flock of butterflies come into view. Surround the two of us. A moment. Another moment, and then they are gone over the dune.
(Note to Foo: I lived in Austin for a moment. Rented an apartment in "The Orleans" near Central Market. It snowed in the back yard and then got very hot. I couldn't stop screaming. Very unlike me. I couldn't stay. As I crossed the boarderline, the screaming instantly stopped. Like a reverse startle: screaming...silence. I didn't know what to make of it, but I knew I couldn't stay.
to be continued...
Body Frequency:
Self (S)
Cooperative, dominates when not submitting, generous, intelligent, happy
Age: 58 (2022)
•Health: generally good, TBI, bipolar 1, foot damage, body wounds
•Features: 5' 7", #155 shaved, unnatural color, high cheekboned face, cute in looks, child like in appearance
•Career: Writer, Teacher, Technologist, Healer, Philosopher
•Hobbies: Travel, Online Research, Cooking, Music, Improv Artist, Interaction Designer
•Food: Vegetables, fish, International, restaurants: from whole in the wall to five star, Taco Bell
•Drinks: Tea, mineral water, Coke, beer, wine, soy milk
•Sports: Watches fly fishing, goes to the YMCA, swims, yoga
•Clothing: linen, cotten, silk, Nordstroms, Out of the Closet, Boutique
•Shoes: cowboots
•Religion: Zen Buddhist, Episcopal
Meyers Briggs:
Self Analysis
Test Result
Take online test
Body Frequency:
Not Self Self (NSS)
Name: Wendy Anna Jones
•Attribute: Engineer, Mrs Mciver, mechanical, camper,
Age: 30 - 100
•Health: Perfect
•Features: 5'7" #135 athletic, muscular, red hair, cheekboned face, cute in looks, child like in appearance, perfect body, feet, hands
•Career: Teacher, Technologist, Writer, Interaction Design, Painter...
•Hobbies: Reading, Baking, Traveling, Repairs...
•Food: Steak, Barbecue Chicken Pizza, Dessert, Coleslaw...
•Drinks: Scotch
•Sports: Tennis
•Clothing: Jeans, Tshirts, leather, no bra
•Shoes: cowboy boots
•Religion: me
Meyers Briggs:
Self Analysis
A Protagonist (ENFJ) is a person with the Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging personality traits. These warm, forthright types love helping others, and they tend to have strong ideas and values. They back their perspective with the creative energy to achieve their goals.
Test Result:
Take online test
to be continued...
Body Frequency:
Not Self Other (NSO)
Name: Dori
1. attacks and does not give support, dominates at all times, bitter
Age: 36 (2022)
2. Features: 5' 6.5", #155 long light brown hair, square stern face, not unattractive in looks, bitter and dominating in nature
•Career: Nurse
•Hobbies: crafts, tv
•Food: frozen microwave, convenience and fast food, restaurants: Olive Garden, TGI's, DQ
•Drinks: Diet cola, water
•Sports: Watches football, goes to the gym
•Clothing: Shops at Ross, Walmart, Amazon
•Shoes: sneakers,
•Personality: Meyers Briggs: Commander, exp: repeats your name in a condescending tone to dominate, puts self serving needs first
to be continued...
Body Frequency:
If you can not think of yourself as an imagined self here are a few suggestions to draw upon:
Familize yourself with how you see yourself in relationship to D.C. Comics Characters
(Sandman, Xmen, Justice League, Terminator, Conan...) and any other source from real life personalities, past and present day, (Benjamin Franklin, , Neil Armstrong, Don Cornelius, Helen Kellar, Gangus Khan, Nepolian, Ed Gians, Diego Rivera, Frida Kahlo, Sen no Rikyu, Zhang Daqian, Confucius, Lao Tzu, and Sun Tzu, Murasaki Shikibu... [so many more please help me in the comments]) movies, books and character treatments from anything you identify with.
To be continued...
to be continued...
Body Frequency:
to be continued...
Ways to express your characteristic:
1. Collage of the character paper or electronic design
2. Write a description
3. Write a song or mix
4. Speak to text (keep voice recording)
5. Photo series
6. Costume and Fashion
7. Draw, paint, scalp your character
8. Video(s)
9. Location scouting where your character would be scene
10. Food, drink, eating habits,
11. History, education, careers choices, hobbies, skills, habits, traits, family
12. Age range, siamese twins, orphan, weight, condition
Find character description from films you may be familiar with on Script Lab .com with the difference being the more the better!
These characters go unseen in the world: polition, jeweler, property developer, attorney, city worker, customer service, park ranger, preacher, lyft driver, restaurant owner, student, couchsurfer, FedEx driver... whatever you do or would like to do, include it.
0 notes
primofate · 3 years
Genshin Modern AU - Stress and Comfort
Summary: Woke up late. Missed a class. Forgot that assignment due. Another one due in two days. People are downplaying the things that you do. It’s raining and you don’t have an umbrella. Sometimes the little things pile up all in one day and it feels like all you want to do is to get it over with... and your boyfriend to make everything better.
Warnings: crying, stress, mood swings, other than that it’s fluff
Characters: Kaeya, Zhongli x gn!reader
Notes: Also a commission <3 Thank you for the love. Once again if you want something written for you I have cheap rates XD and I’ll always accommodate to your wants! Just leave me a message!
“Hey, Y/N, do you know how to write this part of the essay?” It wasn’t as if you were a particularly good student. But somehow, the people in your class liked asking you because you were accommodating. Ready to help with a smile on your face. Always there to turn to and rely on. “Yeah, it’s just like this…” and you spend nearly an hour explaining it.
“Oh gosh, I don’t think I can finish this part of the presentation tonight, something came up at home,” Group projects were sometimes difficult too. You understood. Things happened, but when they happened, you’d be the first one to say, “It’s okay, I’ll take care of it,” Even though the presentation is tomorrow, even though you barely get enough sleep for the next day. A part of you just wants to quickly get it over with.
“You said this would come out on the test… It wasn’t even there…” The worst part of it is not even receiving any thanks. It’s the way that they look at you when you make a mistake, despite all of the good things you’ve done for them, one mistake, and they make you out and guilt you to be a bad person.
“Your analysis is all wrong, Y/N. This part over here…” Sometimes the price of that was paying with your own grade. You try to listen as the lecturer explains a part of your essay. You’re listening, but it just doesn’t register in your mind. Something about misunderstanding the concept. Those concepts that you’ve tried so hard to remember and to understand. In the end they were all mixed up and confused.
Perhaps the lecturer sees the deflated look in your eyes, and ends quite happily. “Just do better in the next one!” pats your back and lets you leave, handing you your essay graded with a C.
Do better in the next one. Easier said than done.
You shove the paper in your bag without giving it a second glance.
The cafeteria. It was slightly late for lunch but you like it that way. There weren’t a lot of people at this time, which meant you didn’t have to fight for seats. Still, as you put in your order and bring your tray of food to the nearest seat that you see, you somehow bump into someone who topples over your chosen lunch, the tray completely doing a flip and landing on your chest, then on the ground with a plop and rattle.
There’s an ugly stain on your shirt. Forget about hiding it, it had to be washed. “Oh my gosh I’m so sorry,” and yet they can only stare at the stain. What else could they do? Dabbing it with wet tissue would just make it worse. “It’s…fine,” you wave them away, but you leave the mess on the floor in a hurry and in an embarrassed state.
You sigh once outside again. Deciding that today was enough, you make your way home.
Even then, as you sit at your study table, all washed up and changed, sketching a little something on your tablet, your mother stands at the door, observing.
“…What does that do for you?”
You jump a little in surprise and turn, looking at her blank expression. “What does what do for me?”
“That, your drawing. You’re always on the computer or tablet Y/N. If not that, then your sketchbook. That’s all you ever do,”
You turn around because you don’t want to argue. You don’t want to hear her complaining about how you do nothing but stay in all day after lessons and play games and draw. It was one of the biggest forms of comfort you had for yourself and yet she--
“Maybe try a part time job or join a club or some—”
“Mom, I’m still trying to adjust to uni,”
Why does no one understand how difficult it is to juggle the classes and do all the readings required? Why do I have to do so many things all at the same time? Can’t I do it when I choose to and when I’m ready? Can’t I do things that I enjoy?
“The degree you chose won’t even pay the bills…” You hear her mutter as she walks away. Footsteps receding into the hallways.
You push your tablet away and lay your head face down on the table. You’re trying not to lose it and finally, whatever higher being up there hears your plea to give you a break.
A phone call from Kaeya comes through.
“…Hey,” you answer.
“Hey, hun. You haven’t been replying to my messages,” there’s a lilt of playfulness in his voice. He just thinks you’ve fallen asleep or taken a nap at home or something.
“…Yeah, I—” You try to explain. You try to say that you weren’t feeling well. That you didn’t feel like talking. But would he understand? Everyone today seemed to be against you. “I just, fell asleep,” You lie and there’s a few seconds of silence on the other side.
“…You sure?” Now there’s a hint of unease in his voice. The playfulness is gone. “You ok? Do you want me to come over?” Somehow he senses that it isn’t just “falling asleep”. His simple worry and caring attitude towards you breaks whatever composure you had left. You accidentally let out a sniffle as tears start to pool in your eyes.
“Hey… You don’t have to talk to me, but I’ll come over right now, okay?” The sniffle was enough to tell him that perhaps something had went wrong. You couldn’t help but let out a few more sniffles as tears slowly trickles down your face.
Minutes later your blue-haired boyfriend shows up at your doorstep. Despite your mom being a little hard on you earlier, when she opens the door to see him, she smiles and says. “I think they were having a bad day, I might have been a little harsh on them too,” Kaeya only grins and points a thumb to his chest. “No problem, that’s what I’m here for,” He’s still wearing his volleyball jersey.
He knocks softly on the door, “Y/N?” there’s a plastic bag in his other hand.
When you open the door your eyes were already a little red around the edges, but seeing him made your lips tremble and fresh tears fall out. “Shh… You’re okay.” He wraps you in his arms, plastic bag rustling, his hand smooths your hair down and the other rubs your back as you cry out your frustrations for the day.
The two of you stay there for what seems like a long time. You hiccupping into his chest and trying to calm down. At some point he moves the both of you on the bed and lets you curl up against him. When you finally ease up, he pulls away slightly to look at your face, then brushes away the wetness still lingering on your cheeks. “Feel better?” He whispers, as if being too loud will break you again.
You smile a little and nod at how gentle he was being. He smiles back and leans in to press a kiss on your forehead. “You’re doing great, Y/N. Whatever it is, just talk to me when you’re ready,” and it hits you so hard how much he’s willing to just be there with you, even though he doesn’t know what’s happening. How he wasn’t going to judge you for what you say or what you do and your face crumples and grimaces into a face that tells him you’re trying not to cry. “D-Did I say something wrong?” He’s a little startled, but you laugh a little through small droplets of tears that you wipe away by yourself. “No, you idiot. I’m just happy you’re here,”
He sighs and relaxes, taking his own hand and pinching your cheek, pulling at it a little. “Who’s the idiot? Crying and laughing at the same time?” He was joking, of course. He’d only do so when he knew you could take it. You swat his hand away with a slight glare, and he knows that he’s got a little bit of the normal you back. “Alright, come on, here,” He suddenly sits up and presents the plastic bag that he’s been holding all that time.
“Ice-cream, your favourite flavour,” rummages into it and takes out a tub the size of two fists, a little damp from the melted moisture. He’s got spoons in there too. Slowly, as you eat the tub together, you tell him about what’s been going on in uni. How people just expected you to help when you could. How you got nothing in return. How you try really hard and they somehow still end up piling on negativity into your life.
“…It’s okay to help, Y/N,” he thoughtfully says, mouth muffled cause his spoon was still in his mouth. “But don’t forget to take care of yourself too,” then he scoops another bite. “…But even if you don’t…it’s okay,” he looks up at the ceiling. “If you don’t take care of yourself…Then I’ll do it. That’ll be my job. Forever,”
You lay your head on his shoulder as he says this, still eating from your spoon “I love you,”. He smiles and presses a soft kiss atop your head. “Love you too. I’m always just a phone call away, babe,”
“Is there something on your mind? You’ve been quiet for the past hour,” Nothing slips by Zhongli. He’s observant. He knows you don’t feel like eating by the way you’re picking at your food. Knows that you don’t want to talk because you don’t even meet his eyes.
“…Nothing, really,” You just didn’t have the energy to talk about it.
He feels as if this date has gone awry, and he didn’t even know where he went wrong. Though, if he had to guess, it wasn’t his fault. You were just in a particularly bad mood. Not that the two of you were anywhere fancy, it was just your usual sit-down restaurant at a mall across the university.
To him, the right thing to do was give you the space you needed. So, after walking you to your room that night, he’d wait till the morning to contact you. Imagine his surprise when none of his calls go through. None of his texts were returned. He was beside himself with worry when suddenly, near the afternoon, he finally gets word from you.
“Sorry Li, I feel a little sick today. Don’t worry though, I’ll be fine in no time,”
You’re bad at lying. Or was he just good at reading you? You tend to have the habit of withdrawing when you’re out of energy. To give too much without any regards to your own state, your own feelings. Sometimes you don’t realize that you had to watch over yourself too.
It’s nearly 8 at night when he knocks at your dorm room. Zhongli went through a few steps to make sure your roommate would be out tonight. It was from them that he found out you hadn’t left the room at all today, but that you weren’t sick.
“Oh… Zhongli,” You’re surprised at the amount of things he’s holding. There’s a plastic bag that seems to nearly be popping and in his other hand was a mysterious paper bag. Under his arm he’s tucked his laptop with him. He lived in the dorms too, and if someone saw him now, it would look as if he was moving into your room. “You could’ve just asked me to come over to yours,” his eyes trail away, a certain brown-headed roommate pops up in his mind.
“No, Tartaglia’s in tonight,” You make a sound of understanding. His roommate was rather…special. Too energetic for your tastes, and sometimes nosy. “What do you have there?” You ask and invite him in. He chucks the plastic bag on your bed, lays down the laptop on your table along with the mystery paper bag. He notes that you’re already in your sleepwear, which was perfect. He starts to take out a throw blanket from the plastic bag and a hoodie.
“…This..is?” You’re a little baffled by what he’s trying to convey. “…My throw blanket that you like so much…and you said you like wearing my hoodie,” then he points at the laptop. “Do you want to watch a movie in bed? I have popcorn too,”
Then you realize that he’s trying to make you feel better. He’s figured out that you weren’t really sick, possibly just mentally drained. You smile at him and lean in for a hug, to which he responds to by wrapping his arms around your back and whispering. “…I’m not…really good at these things… Tartaglia said it might make you feel better…” You chuckle in his embrace and could imagine the kind of conversation they had.
“You’re the best Zhongli,” he secretly smiles while rubbing your back up and down. He doesn’t ask questions as to why you’ve been acting the way you do, but you’re the one who offers him the answer. “It’s just school… Too many things have been piling up… My class they… They’re really nice people you know? But just… there are times where I wish they would stop asking me for help, but it feels so selfish of me… I have my own things too, but they never think about that…”
It’s always about them, you want to say, but keep your mouth shut. He runs his hand through your hair gently, internalizing the things that you’ve said. “…I see… Would you like to hear what I think?” He’d ask first, because he knew sometimes that you didn’t really want an answer. You just wanted to be listened to. You nod against his chest, you could feel his heart beating from the closeness. “I think, you’re a very selfless person, Y/N,” he places a kiss on your head. “There’s nothing wrong in wanting to take a break from time to time, you deserve it,” and he guides you over to your bed, wrapping the two of you up in his throw blanket. Laptop on, popcorn in the mystery paper bag as you put his hoodie on. It smells just like him.
His back leans against the wall and you’re in the safety of his arms. You’re practically in his lap, encased in his scent and warmth. He’d managed to prop his laptop up on a pile of books and the two of you watch a random movie on the screen. You were paying attention to it, but you couldn’t help but be more interested in the way his chest rises and falls. You can feel him against you, and the comfort it brings is like no other.
You turn away from the screen and rest your head at the nape of his neck. He looks down, movie still playing and asks “Tired?” You shake your head, eyes closed. “No, I’m just enjoying this…” There’s a small rumble from his chest as he lets out a small “Mm,” his eyes are glued to your face. Movie forgotten.
“…Y/N, I’ll always… be next to you,” Your eyes flutter open a little to look up at him, curious. “…Always?” He nods his head firmly to confirm, and you lean up a little to press a sweet and quick kiss on his lips. “Even when I’m not my best and I’m moody?” He chuckles at that and responds with a remark that might have slightly brought tears to your eyes.
“Especially when you’re not at your best, I’ll be there. Just call,”
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