#hair analysis test online
hairtestindia · 2 years
Hair mineral analysis to improve stem cell activity
 "The regenerative medicine revolution is upon us. Like iron and steel to the industrial revolution, stem cells will be the driving force of the next revolution." 
Let us talk about stem cells. What are they? Stem cells are raw materials from which other cells are generated. Stem cells can differentiate and reproduce cells of any organ, like heart tissue, bone, cartilage, etc. Newborns have a lot of stem cells circulating in the body. Unfortunately, as we grow older, the stem cell count decreases, making recovery and healing more difficult.
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How are stem cells useful? Stem cells treat diabetes, heart disease, chronic kidney disease, and many other illnesses. Now the question is how to increase the activity of stem cells that remain dormant in the body. Hair mineral analysis test provides the solution and helps increase the body's stem cell activity.
What do stem cells do? The regenerative effect of stem cells helps rejuvenate the body. How to boost stem cells in the body? By reducing alcohol consumption, eating a good clean diet, avoiding toxic products, etc. But hair mineral analysis provides a better solution by detecting toxins and promoting stem cell regeneration.
Hair follicle stem cells in the healing process:
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Now let us look at how stem cells heal wounds. Wound healing is a significant field in regenerative medicine. Hair follicle stem cells become active when a new hair cycle occurs. Hair follicle stem cells can regenerate by correcting the mineral imbalances found using hair mineral analysis test near me.
Hair mineral analysis to improve stem cell activity is an essential field of study. When hair follicle stem cells are active, they can convert into keratinocytes. These keratinocytes play a significant role in healing any wound in the body. When a wound is in the body, hair follicle stem cells migrate, differentiate into epidermal cells, and help heal the wound.
 Stem cell therapy for androgenetic alopecia:
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Can hair loss be treated? The answer lies in stem cell activity. Pattern hair loss is also known as androgenetic alopecia and is the most common type of hair loss recorded to affect 70% of Caucasian men and 40% of Caucasian women by age 70. It can have a disastrous effect on affected people causing depression and low self-esteem. Stem cell therapy for androgenic alopecia helps regenerate stem cells and promotes hair growth.
Is stem cell therapy the best method? Stem cell-based therapies are a novel method of treating this condition, as regular medicines cause adverse side effects and are ineffective. Stem cell therapy reactivates the hair follicle stem cells and helps their regeneration and development.
How does hair mineral analysis increase stem cell activity:
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What causes the stem cells to degenerate? When there is a mineral imbalance in the body or when the primary trace elements, like zinc, potassium, Selenium, etc., are lacking in the body, this causes the stem cells to degenerate. The hair follicle stem cells become inactive due to the lack of necessary minerals to regulate them. Hair mineral analysis detects the deficiencies of these minerals.
How can hair mineral analysis help? Depending on the report generated by hair mineral analysis, the necessary supplements can be provided to reactivate the hair follicle stem cells. In addition, HMA suggests lifestyle changes like exercise and yoga along with nutritional diet plans. These lifestyle changes can also help regenerate the stem cells in the body and hair.
Vitamins for hair growth and thickness:
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Vitamins and nutrients are needed for hair growth. This sound too good to be true. Does taking a pill of the necessary vitamin assure you spectacular hair growth? That may be the case. It is proven medically that vitamins and nutrients can lead to hair growth. The right vitamin taken in the correct quantity may transform how your hair looks and feels.
What are the factors hair health depends on? Hair health may depend on factors like nutrition, genetics, medical conditions, hormones, and stress. Research finds that a deficiency in specific vitamins required for average cell growth can lead to hair loss. Vitamins are needed for healthy hair growth and to prevent shedding and thinning. The best vitamins for hair growth are vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, zinc, biotin, and iron.
Vitamin B is vital for hair growth, proper metabolism, and nervous system functions. Biotin is a complex B vitamin that has hair growth benefits. It helps create red blood cells that carry nutrients and oxygen to the scalp. Iron also matters for hair growth. It boosts circulation and moves oxygen to the cells. Zinc is also crucial in the growth of cells and supports hair growth.  
Thus, hair mineral analysis assists in providing supplements that boost stem cell activity. Removing toxins from the body and taking the right supplements along with lifestyle changes and diet could help increase stem cell activity in the body. Stem cells are a vital force that, when activated, can cause hair growth and can heal wounds in the body.
When the right supplements are taken for mineral deficiencies, this causes the regeneration of stem cells. These regenerated stem cells bring about the hair growth in regions with no hair. The regenerated stem cells also differentiate to form healing agents and move to places where there is a wound in the body and heals them.
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staticofthetv · 4 months
Take two!
Favourite frames from the new B-Side chapter, featuring some analysis because I have coherent thoughts this time 'round :D
Beware, spoilers below for the B-Side as well as the manga
@veiled-bird that goes for you too, you're nowhere near meeting this guy yet
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First up, I love this chapters art. It reminds me of when I was little and asking my dad to help my brother and I beat the last level of episode 3 in lego star wars tcs
Also the chapter title? I have so many thoughts, they'll be discussed more in depth further down but they will be discussed /pos
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Numbers weapon 1 mention!! I'm very excited to (hopefully) get more lore about it. Although I am curious if it's like a contact lens or something, I thought it was closer to a surgical implant or maybe some weird side effect from using numbers weapon 1. Mostly because I don't think he's been drawn with normal eyes yet in the manga (at least from what I remember)
Either way very much hoping we get some more numbers weapon 1 lore in this :)
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This whole scene but specifically "what good does a test proving I'm abnormal do" hits so hard, especially as someone diagnosed with ADHD in my late teens. Having that feeling of there's something wrong with me for so long and being brushed off every time because I didn't act like the stereotypical 10 year old boy with severe ADHD (a psychiatrist literally told me and my mum i probably had adhd but she wouldnt diagnose me,) I did start to kind of give up on ever figuring it out.
Narumi was incredibly relatable to me in the main manga (not because I'm a badass, I'm very lame lmao) because of the behaviours he exhibits, hyperfocusing on games, constant dopamine seeking (through videogames and online shopping,) needing to be fiddling with something to better process the information being given out, etc.
Narumi is also incredibly smart, its stated explicitly that he got top scores in the entrance exam and I can't imagine those tests are anywhere near easy. It gives neurodivergent kid being told they just need to apply themselves to do better in school/make friends/just function in a neurotypical way in general.
This also comes from his being kicked out of several orphanages, and then even after joining the defence force (especially after being told by Isao that they take anyone that can show skills and results) getting kicked out by the second division and every platoon in the first until he ends up under hasegawa. Considering the title too this is 100% supposed to read as the classic "troubled kid" (many of which are neurodivergent) that not many are willing to put effort into helping. Isao is giving him a way out of the life of having no home to go back to, only to be struck with the threat of getting kicked out once again a year later. Narumi is a very skilled and capable fighter and no one in their right mind would argue with that and it once again all comes down to being labelled as too difficult, hard to work with, never paying attention
This chapter just hits so close to home with me
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Baby Mina!! I know there's a decent amount if it in the manga but it's still weird to see her with short hair. I love her so much
There are many more words of appreciation I have but all thought went into dissecting Narumi's character lol
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And so being kicked around by hasegawa begins
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I love his face here, top tier expression
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And here we see Isao solidifying the thought of skill and results being all that matters, there's no way Isao was going to let Narumi get kicked out, especially not after showing aptitude for handling numbers weapon 1. I like to think at this point he does also care for Narumi, I think he sees a lot of Kikoru (or what she could be) in him and especially he sees himself in Narumi. And even though he's only ranked captain Isao would clearly fight to keep Narumi on the force (he probably already had to for Narumi to get transferred to the first division instead of just being dropped when he didn't mesh with the second)
This is also the beginning of Isao and Narumi's mentor/mentee relationship, Isao knows exactly how to handle Narumi and his child prodigy-ness and help him reach his potential as a defence force officer. I think that's part of why Isao shows little care for how Narumi handles himself when off duty, it may be that he knows he can't change Narumi in that way, it may be that he himself just doesn't care for all the professional decorum, either way Isao plays the very important role of being Narumi's main support while he's in the defence force (until Isao dies anyway, whoops.) Narumi needed a space where he could not only be himself but be accepted for it and have the trust of his peers and superiors that he would get the job done when he needs to, and whether it was on purpose or not Isao provided exactly that for him.
This also ties back into the earlier ramble about Narumi being the typical undiagnosed neurodivergent "troubled kid"
(Also the origin of what Narumi says to Kikoru ~9 years in the future :D)
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Omg jaeger is canon? Kaiju no. 8 and pacific rim crossover when? /j
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Another interesting tidbit about Narumi is his self confidence, he knows he's capable and isn't afraid to tell people that. He says playing support is annoying but what I see is someone that knows he can do better placed somewhere else and has decided to take that into his own hands. He won't get kicked out of the defense force but I wouldn't be surprised if he gets into a shit ton of trouble for taking Isao's words to heart and disregarding his orders, even though I do think he'll be an asset to the battle and perform better being closer to the front lines.
Poor hasegawa has his work cut out for him keeping Narumi in check (a captain and vice-captain match made in hell)
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20dollarlolita · 7 months
Describing some wigs
Many years ago there was as site called Amphigory.com, and while it's still up, the Amphigory that 16-year-old me spent days browsing is not the Amphigory that still remains. They're still cool, but they'd really scaled back the scope of what they sell. There used to be cosmetics, jewelry, hair dye, a few more things, and wigs.
One of the things that they did about their wig sales that really set them apart was the level of description that they gave every wig. This wasn't just a single stock picture and a name. They took their own pictures of each wig, inside and out, and described each one's strengths and flaws. They weren't like Arda, who designs their own wigs from scratch. They were more like a normal costume reseller, who had a collection of vendors that they'd order stock from. But, unlike most costume wig sellers, they had multiple pictures and a detailed analysis of each wig. You knew what you were getting, which was really important for cosplayers who might need to restyle a wig. If you've never restyled a wig before, you might not be aware, but the wig can make it very easy, or the wig can make it impossible.
Amphigory's wig section is long gone, but I do still buy wigs from a similar company, one that has a collection of wig vendors whose products they sell. This is a shop that I go to is in person, and I love that. I know that I can find some wigs cheaper elsewhere, but I absolutely love that I can go to a small business, roll up to a counter, and physically touch the wigs before I buy them. I can look at them, turn them inside-out, and touch them. I also get to take the wig home that day, instead of waiting for shipping.
But not everyone has this opportunity, and on the offchance that people are considering buying a wig online and google the wig to see worn photos or reviews, here's me making a compilation of wigs I've recently bought and what they actually look like in person. Even with wigs from the same seller, some might be garbage, but some might be hidden gems. So, in the interest of making more information about which wigs are like what, here we go:
California Costumes Pink/Gray Ombre with Star Clips:
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First of all, California Costumes gets 0/10 for creativity with names. I love me a good little nickname for a wig. The Costume Mansion, where I bought this, called it "Harmony," and I think that's a better name.
Yes, my wig head is cosplaying its Naruto OC. Let it do its thing.
This is a textured, ombre wig. The actual fiber is ombre, so an individual strand will go from gray color to pink, and the gray is a little bit softer than the pink. Some wigs that are tipped with another color accomplish this by having the color on the ends be longer hair than the top color, but this is a true ombre. I have not tested this for colorfastness, but it's possible that the pink tips won't age super well. The skin top is about 3" wide and does not go all the way to the front of the wig. This means that you can change the part a little bit, but it will always have bangs.
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The whole thing is sewn onto a continuous cap, which isn't as forgiving of larger head sizes than one that's just wefts and elastic. It has the built-in net that you sometimes see with cheaper wigs, which is where your hair would go if you want to wear this wig without a wig cap. You, however, don't want to wear this wig without a wig cap. You know better. There's hooks in the back for resizing.
Wefts in the back are about an inch apart, but when I was shaking it around and trying to make it show the mesh, I couldn't actually make it show the mesh without physically parting it. Depending on how you put your hair up under the wig, you might have problems with the mesh showing in the back (lumpy hair will show mesh, hair that's smoothly under a wig cap won't). This is probably a wig you want a matching or light colored wig cap for if you have a larger head.
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Overall, cute wig, stock pictures don't do it justice. Available for $20 on Amazon, in case you don't have a local costume shop to support. This item tag reads "ITEM # 7022-068 FTY # 346 HK2203" and I don't know what that means but if someone's googling the tag to look up the wig then hopefully that'll lead them here.
Yuki by Characters:
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At least this one has a wig name. And boy howdy is that some big hair. The place I bought this from called it "Cupcake."
I tried on this wig because I really wanted to see how it was constructed, and I bought it because, when I tried it on, it was way cuter than I thought it'd be. It's a rougher fiber, which makes the curls hold their shape really well, but you're going to be fighting to keep the bangs and long forelocks looking smooth. There's no skin top, and the hair radiates from a sort of u-shaped blob at the top. There's so much going on in this wig that it's not particularly obvious, and also you will convince absolutely no one that it's not a wig, so that's not as much a priority to me on this style.
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As for how it's actually constructed, there's no teasing in the wig to keep it that big. Instead, the actual cap of the wig is sewn into the shape of the big faux twintails, and then the hair is attached to that structure. Wigs are not hair. Anyway, that means there's pretty much no major restyling that can be done. It's just curly hair about 5" long on a funky structure to make funky big hair. Anyway, because thew cap of this wig is so oversized, it's really comfortable to wear, and it's really accommodating of large head sizes or a lot of hair.
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Also because of the cap size, if you don't pin the temples on, it can slide back and make your bangs shorter. You can see that in my picture there. Mine did not come with the little rose clips, but it is supposed to come with the rose clips. It's much curlier than the stock images imply it will be.
This wig would be great for embellishing, since you can sew things directly to the funky shaped cap and not worry about where to support it. It also can handle a full sized BTSSB headbow, if that's a concern.
Someone's selling it on Amazon for $60 and you absolutely should not spend that much for this wig. I see other wig shops selling it for about $30, which is the upper limit on its real fair price, unless you really need the specific shape for it. I'm not going to link any specific shop since I don't have experience buying from them. "Yuki wig" and "Characters Yuki wig" are good search terms.
Characters Peggy Sue wig:
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Okay so please be forgiving that my detail pictures are going to be of this wig already styled, because I didn't know I was going to do this post when I started working with it. I'll make a point to spell out what's stock and what's been done. Top pictures here are the most un-styled that I have.
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This wig's got a coin-shaped skin top that all the hair radiates from. It comes with long, blunt bangs. The fiber is really shiny and is very easily reshaped by low hair dryer heat. High heat on my hair dryer, too close to the scalp, was how I made the frizzy spot in the back. The cap is a closed mesh cap, but it's nice and stretchy.
The weird boogers on the top of my wig are the orange hilights that I put in (they were just chopped from another wig), but that picture's there to show the size of the skin top. You can also see where I sewed some orange wefts into the wig for all-over recoloring. I re-parted the skin coin so that the hair has a linear part instead of radiating from the center, and then painted it with liquid foundation to make the parted area larger. Mine also has a LOT of baby powder dispersed through it to combat the shine. I spent like four days to try to make this $20 wig look like it's maybe a $35 wig. (The process was: "oh hey I'll be taking my wheelchair to the comic convention. I should cosplay Barbara Gordon because that will be fun. This will be easy and I don't need to put a lot of money or time into it." and then four days passed and I'd spent hours manually highlighting a cheap wig).
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And it really needs a bit of love to get it to be less frizzy. Right out of the bag, my wig did not have that outward flip. Unlike the other two, I don't see this being a really usable wig for lolita fashion in pretty much any context, but hey, I'm on a roll with this post.
This wig is listing online for like $30, and that's a bit much IMO. If you have a local shop selling it for $20, well, that's a different matter.
If you want a wig just to change your hair color so that your bright pink hair doesn't clash with your coord, I once bought this wig (according to Amazon in 2015 so it's been...almost a decade...nice to know they're tracking that) and was pretty impressed with the quality for a $17 wig. So, you know, buy that instead of this Peggy Sue wig.
I do own the Lacey Costume Little Women II Wig (Amphigory's "Innocent?" wig) but it's late and I want to go to bed, and all you really need to know about it is that the fiber texture of the ash blond color is really dicey, so that's probably a case where if you need a pigtail wig you need to just get an Arda Chibi. I can still do details if anyone wants. It's just 9:30 and I have to put all these damn wigs away, so good night, everyone.
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look-at-the-soul · 1 year
Look at the soul - Part 8 Count on me
Cillian Murphy x OC
Series masterlist
Song: Count on me by Bruno Mars
As usual, we meet new characters 🥰 thank you SO much for your support, for your thoughts and feedback, it means everything 💕
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“I won this time.” Cillian approached Marianne after rehearsal, she was sitting in the front row with her laptop on her lap.
“Hey, yeah… someone decided to ask a million questions today and I couldn’t get out earlier.” She explained with a worried expression.
“It’s alright, we need to remember your studies are a priority.”
“But I asked around and apparently, I can change my program to study in a hybrid method, like half my credits online half in the classroom, so I filled a form and they’ll check my status to see if I can fit the program, they’re starting it and only had like two or three students sign up.”
“That’s incredible! I hope you can make the change, but are you sure it won’t mess up with your studies?” He wondered how she’d be able to keep up with everything.
“No, because it’s the same program, professors, well all of it, that way I can have more free time to do it all.”
Cillian crossed his arms. “And what about your tests?”
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea
I'll sail the world to find you
“I’d take them online as well as the courses.”
“But how? You don’t have to be in the classroom?” He just couldn’t picture it.
“Technically no, they upload the test with four or five possible answers and you get your score right away.” She explained.
Cillian lifted his hands in a surrender motion. “Maybe I’m just too old for this.” He chuckled.
“What? That’s ridiculous… you’re not old.” Marianne shook her head.
“Can’t you see the white hairs?” He huffed taking the seat next to her.
“I have friends younger than me with their entire head white, that has nothing to do with age.” Suddenly she was aware of the masculine scent emanating from Cillian. He was too close. “Anyways let me show you this, I made a budget for the rest of the year so you can use for the different projects.”
As she started to show him a few tools, he was in awe of the information for him; graphics, proposals for the new equipment, an analysis cost-benefit of the upcoming projects, this was mind blowing!
“How the hell can you do that?” He asked squinting his eyes, a deep frown showing.
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see
I'll be the light to guide you
“That thing, when you show me one thing and then another.”
Switching from one file to another, Marianne showed him what buttons she pressed. He made it seem as if she was doing a magic trick.
“Now, if you want to consider buying the equipment overseas, I made this.” She showed him another analysis comparing the investment.
“Wow, this is super organized!” He admitted leaning back looking from the screen to her surprised. “I’m speechless.”
“I tried to make it easy to digest.”
“Thank you, it seems like we both have good news then.”
Marianne saved the document and looked up at Cillian as he stood up.
“Now, come on stage cause I want you to see something.”
“What is it?”
Cillian was pleased to hold it between his hands.
“Guess?” But she couldn’t imagine. “I just got the first printed poster for the promo.” Cillian unfolded the paper carefully and took a few steps back so she could see it completely.
“That’s amazing!” Lee praised joining them on stage, excited to see how everything was developing on time. “Can I take a picture?”
Cillian nodded and raised the poster above his head so it would cover his face.
“What do you think?” He asked moving the paper a bit down, so now only his eyes were poking over it.
Marianne took a moment to register the image, it felt surreal. “I can’t believe this.”
Her green eyes sparkled under the bright lights of the theater. It was one of the photos Cillian took from her as the two roles that represented Adria, looking straight to the camera it was the fearless woman in the red dress in contrast with the woman in the reflection of the mirror with a sad look in her eyes, vulnerable, hit by life over and over.
It was hard to imagine it was the same woman of the script, not only by the character’s differences, but because Cillian had been able to capture Adria’s essence and the gaze from each character when in reality it was the same woman.
We'll find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
“It was a good idea ask you to take the photos.” Enda approached them, taking the poster from Cillian’s hands.
“You just did that so you didn’t have to hire and pay for a photographer.” Cillian laughed.
His lifetime pal was right though. “Yeah, but you did a fine work either way.”
Hiding his hands inside the back pockets of his jeans, Cillian looked down. “All credit belongs to Adria.”
Marianne immediately jumped in. “Ah non of that, you were the one making magic with the camera.”
“Right, I’m going to check the sound again, it was horrible today.” Enda adjusted his glasses on his nose and walked away. Once he was out of their sight, Cillian took the permanent marker from his pocket and handed it to Marianne.
“I’ve to be the first one,” Cillian gave her a smile, “can you sign it for me?”
She was beyond surprised, speechless even. His request took her by surprise.
“It should be the other way around, isn’t it?” She raised her eyebrows. “Me asking you for an autograph?”
“Look, as much as I enjoyed portraying a woman in a film, this is a character I’d never be able to play. And unfortunately for you, it’s not my face in the poster, so you’re the one who needs to sign it.” He carefully put the paper on the table in front of them.
“I’ve never signed anything… what do you write?” She looked up at him for guidance.
“Just my initials a circle or a line or whatever…” he chuckled, “but don’t do that, write something nice.”
“Well in that case, I’ll need to take my time to get inspired.” She added with a dramatic hint.
But a phone call interrupted their chat, it was Selene, her classmate, so she moved a few steps away to talk to her. Cillian was trying to define what was happening, because her facial expressions were full of worry.
“Everything alright?” He asked when Marianne approached him again.
“No, we’ve to do a project in teams, but one of the members just let my classmate know he was quitting school, wanted to travel the world and then work in his father’s company.” She sighed frustrated.
“Fuck.” Cillian tried to understand the way she felt.
“My thoughts exactly, now Selene and I have to do everything.”
“What’s your project about? Can I help you in any way?”
You can count on me like one, two, three
I'll be there
She felt a rush of adrenaline, they had very little time to complete the assignment. “We’ve to build a business case about well… a business, doesn’t matter the category, explain the process to the classroom and propose different goals and alternatives to reach them.”
Cillian looked at her trying to figure out a way to help. “Can you use my production agency? My secretary must’ve the monthly balances.”
His proposal made her nod eagerly. “Yes because I could include the investment you did on the play as part of the company to show some way of expansion.”
And I know when I need it, I can count on you like four, three, two
And you'll be there
“Then it’s all set… tell me what you need.”
That’s when Marianne’s smile faded away. “I’d have to ask you for an interview, or you can tell me whoever I can talk to, it doesn’t matter my professor isn’t going to corroborate the authenticity of the job position.”
He realized she was mortified. “It’s no big deal, I’m happy to help.”
We'll find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
“Oh my God, thank you! Thank you, it’s only a few questions and it can be just by voice.”she felt at ease when Cillian smiled. “When would you like to schedule it?”
“Right now? Unless you’re busy with something else.”
Marianne could barely hide her excitement, this was extremely important for her and it meant the world that he was willing to help her. “Yes, whenever you can.”
“I‘ll see you kids tomorrow, have a boring meeting with the PR.” Enda waved at them and walked away.
“How about we go to the studio? So you can see where everything is done.” Cillian then asked, taking his jacket from the seat.
“Sure, I promise you it’ll be quick.”
As they moved to the studio, the conversation flowed naturally.
“The other day I was walking down the street, on my way to buy some groceries and I found a little antique shop, there was a beautiful painting, but it was listed as if it was a Rembrandt or a Van Gogh and of course I couldn’t afford it, or I wouldn’t have anything to eat for the rest of the course,” she laughed and the sound caught Cillian’s attention, because it was one of those genuine laughs, “so I showed Lee the picture I took of the painting and she’s doing a replica for me!”
“Really? That’s incredible, I didn’t know she could paint.”
“She’s very artistic, you guys did a great job taking the photos for the promotion of the play.”
Cillian nodded, it was easy to work with her because their ideas matched. “It’s like talent comes naturally in different areas.”
“Don’t get me wrong, I know about copyright and all, but in the art world the prices go out of proportion. And I fell in love with the paint.”
“I can assure you, you’re not the first nor the last one to do it, beside if it ended in an antique store, the original owner didn’t care much about it.”
“That makes me think of the one that got destroyed at an auction.”
“Bansky right?” He immediately recalled watching it on the news, as it was destroyed by a hidden shredder inside the frame. “That was crazy.”
“It was beautiful, simple, but beautiful.” She expressed moving her hair back, a hint of orchids filled the air around him, filling his nostrils. “The little girl, reaching for a balloon that’s floating away…”
“Wonder what was the artist’s intention to do such thing, it’s something stupid right?” He felt comfortable express his thoughts to her.
Marianne shuddered. “Unconventional would be the best way to describe him.”
“Doesn’t makes sense.” He added holding the door open for her. “Nothing makes actually.” The sound of his phone interrupted their chat, Cillian pressed the button to answer, listening to the man at the other end. “So that date works for you?”
Marianne noticed the huge grin on his face as he was humming.
“Alright man, I gotta start scouting locations around and I already have the general idea, the demo is fantastic!” Another pause and he indicated her to turn to her right in the corner. “Talk to you later, thanks Danny.”
Cillian sighed pleased with the information he just got, and turned his head to look at her through his Ray Bans.
“We just signed to produce a music video for a rock band I like, it’s a great hit.”
Marianne now understood his smile. “Congratulations! That’s some great news!”
“Thank you, is a good opportunity.” He was excited about it, but decided to not ask her yet to get involved in the project, not yet.
Arriving at the studio he showed her around first, the cabin where they recorded, the sound machine, it felt like his second man cave.
“Would you like to read the questions first?” She already had a draft, so it was easier to adjust the questionnaire to his business.
Cillian frowned. “No, just shot.”
She chuckled and placed her cellphone between them, setting the recording app. “Starting in three, two, one.”
“Action!” He joked.
“Mr. Murphy could you tell us a little bit about how you started this business?”
“The Mister part made me feel old, can you cut it off?”
Marianna suppressed a small giggle but nodded at him.
“Hi Cillian, thank you for accepting this quick talk, could you tell us about how you started this business?”
Cillian adjusted on his seat and looked up at the silence sign in the corner. “I love my job, but somewhere down the road I stumbled across being behind the scenes, as I started learning what’s happening in the background, th-the things we don’t see on screen, I fell in love with that part of the process.” He looked at her intensely. “But I’m always in one corner, I care too much or I don’t at all,” he chuckled, “so I decided to explore that side of the business because I had a lot of free time and I was a good part of the day in the studio anyways with my stuff. So I talked about it with a couple of friends who are experts in their fields and they were happy to jump in this ship.”
“Can you elaborate a little about your main projects?”
“Yeah, we finance and produce independent films, advertisements, records…”
“That’s amazing, the magic behind the scenes…”
He gave her a genuine smile.
“What was the biggest challenge you faced? The struggle that almost made you quit?”
Cillian leant his body forwards, towards her, one of his hands over his thigh.
“People not believing in my dream, saying it was just one of my hobbies. But it’s always being like that, you know? People never take you seriously until you make it.”
“I’ve seen some of the projects and it’s mind blowing.”
“You’ve?” He asked surprised.
Marianne nodded. “I was curious about the audiobook you recorded and I listened it until like two or three in the morning. I also loved the promo video you did of local food in Ireland, it was mouthwatering. I wanted to take a bite of each plate.” She laughed.
Cillian was taken a back by her words, he didn’t know she had been so involved with his company to the point of seeing the projects. And he rarely got a compliment over it because he was usually behind the scenes.
“I take every project seriously, love being involved in every little detail to be able to deliver a good quality work.”
“What’s next for you?”
“There’s a video already in post production about tourism in the country, the finest places to visit, the hidden little gems… it’s beautiful. We’ll present it to the client in a few weeks and there’s another one I’m particularly excited about, but unfortunately due to confidential agreement I can’t share more at the moment, but it’s about music.”
As they finished working on the questionnaire, Marianne told him she would call Selene, to let her know the interview was done.
“Can I use your laptop in the meantime? I’ll be quick.”
Marianne already had her phone next to her ear, so she nodded before trying to reach her classmate.
As Cillian opened the icon to search, he found her email open already, his eyes were glued in one in particular.
Change of medication?
Cillian moved up to close the tab, but his fingers hesitated. He didn’t mean to intrude in her personal email account, but it caught his attention.
Feeling a rush of guilt, he looked over his shoulder to make sure Marianne was out of sight. But curiosity won him over, he really needed to know why would she need another medication since she never mentioned being sick.
There wasn’t a lot of information, at least it wasn’t clear, she just mentioned feeling her chest tight at times during the night and that she couldn’t exercise because she felt short of breath. The doctor answered he was out of town for a couple of days but would schedule her once he got back.
He also mentioned she should go back to her previous medication and look after any other alarm sign she could notice.
Cillian stared at the screen for a moment, he couldn’t see a signature or phone number. And it wasn’t clear if she was getting any better. Clicking finally on the red x at the top corner, he felt a vein in his temple starting to pulse.
Was her sickness something serious?
Should he worry about her health condition?
“All set, she will take care of the analysis and proposals for the project and I can work on the business case,” Marianne came back with a smile, oblivious of his thoughts. “I was thinking of using the play as my baseline, you’re super involved in the project and I could easily make it fit as one of the ways to expand your company, sorry I’m talking too much.”
Cillian looked into her eyes, debating between asking Marianne directly or not.
Next part
A/N: Still with the slow burn… but I promise you, there will be some action, can you feel them more integrated? Let me know!
Tag list: @lyarr24 @gypsy-girl-08 @cillmequick @zablife @prettylittlehoneyeyesxoxo @kettlechips3 @heidimoreton @forbidden-forest-witch @kaitebugg03 @thenattitude @forgottenpeakywriter @onlydeadcells @babaohhhriley @lonelyweeb0044 @lovemissyhoneybee @ange-thoughts @already-broken144 @shelbydelrey @cutecurly-hair @winchestergirl22 @moral-terpitude @elenavampire21 @lespendy @kittycatcait219 @stevie75 @esposadomd @sloanexx @shaddixlife @rangerelik @peakyscillian @woofgocows @cillianlove @imichelle-l-rigby @emmanuelle19 @sydneyyyya @cljordan-imperium @mrkdvidal1989 @flippittygibbitts @adaydreamaway08 @pono-pura-vida @elk96 @shelundeadxxxx
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lipshits-continuous · 7 months
Prime numbers of the ask game let's go!
This is gonna be a long old post haha /pos
2. What math classes did you do best in?:
It's joint between Analysis in Many Variables (literally just Multivariable calculus, I don't know why they gave it a fancy name) and Complex Analysis. Both of which I got 90% in :))
3. What math classes did you like the most?
Out of the ones I've completely finished: complex analysis
Including the ones I'm taking at the moment:
5. Are there areas of math that you enjoy? What are they?
Yes! They are Topology and Analysis. Analysis was my favourite for a while but topology is even better! (I still like analysis just as much though, topology is just more). I also really like group theory and linear algebra
7. What do you like about math?
The abstractness is really nice. Like I adore how abstract things can be (which is why I really like topology, especially now we're moving onto the algebraic topology stuff). What's better is when the abstract stuff behaves in a satisfying way. Like the definition of homotopy just behaves so nicely with everything (so far) for example.
11. Tell me a funny math story.
A short one but I am not the best at arithmetic at times. During secondary school we had to do these tests every so often that tested out arithmetic and other common maths skills and during one I confidently wrote 8·3=18. I guess it's not all that funny but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
13. Do you have any stories of Mathematical failure you’d like to share?
I guess the competition I recently took part in counts as a failure? It's supposed to be a similar difficulty to the Putnam and I'm not great at competition maths anyway. I got 1/60 so pretty bad. But it was still interesting to do and I think I'll try it again next year so not wholly a failure I think
17. Are there any great female Mathematicians (living or dead) you would give a shout-out to?
Emmy Noether is an obvious one but I don't you could understate how cool she is. I won't name my lecturers cause I don't want to be doxxed but I have a few who are really cool! One of them gave a cool talk about spectral geometry the other week!
19. How did you solve it?
A bit vague? Usually I try messing around with things that might work until one of them does work
23. Will P=NP? Why or why not?
Honestly I'm not really that well versed in this problem but from what I understand I sure hope not.
29. You’re at the club and Grigori Perlman brushes his gorgeous locks of hair to the side and then proves your girl’s conjecture. WYD?
31. Can you share a math pickup line?
Are you a subset of a vector space of the form x+V? Because you're affine plane
37. Have you ever used math in a novel or entertaining way?
Hmm not that I can think of /lh
41. Which is better named? The Chicken McNugget theorem? Or the Hairy Ball theorem?
Hairy Ball Theorem
43. Did you ever fail a math class?
Not so far
47. Just how big is a big number?
At least 3 I'd say
53. Do you collect anything that is math-related?
Textbooks! I probably have between 20 and 30 at the moment! 5 of which are about topology :3
59. Can you reccomend any online resources for math?
The bright side of mathematics is a great YouTube channel! There is a lot of variety in material and the videos aren't too long so are a great way to get exposed to new topics
61. Does 6 really *deserve* to be called a perfect number? What the h*ck did it ever do?
I think it needs to apologise to 7 for mistakingly accusing it of eating 9
67. Do you have any math tatoos?
I don't have any tattoos at all /lh
71. 👀
A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors
73. Can you program? What languages do you know?
I used to be decent at using Java but I've not done for years so I'm very rusty. I also know very basic python
Thanks for the ask!!
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windlion · 9 months
So someone posted a Murderbot/Batfam crossover and my brain just . . . went to work. Of course Bruce Wayne is from the Corporate Rim. Of course Bruce is human. But his boys. . .
Before the escape pod was towed into his bay, Bruce already knew that it contained a single ComfortUnit from his ping. That one, alone, escaped the station currently burning up in atmosphere was a mystery. Haleys was known for their work with specialized programming for constructs; why a ComfortUnit? Why this one?
What he did not expect on opening the pod doors was a tiny form curled into a ball in the safety netting. Bruce tapped the feed to be sure they were online, and a tear-stained face turned up to look at him. Dark hair, skin washed pale in the bay lights, eyes reflecting bluer than blue. Bruce asked carefully, “Is there anyone else with you?”
“Just me.”
That was the ComfortUnit.
Bruce stood frozen, staring as the child rubbed their face, attempting to straighten up. Belatedly, Bruce extended his hand to help them climb out of the netting, registering the feel of flesh and thin too light limbs. The construct awkwardly clambered out of the pod and came to rest on the deck in front of him. “Were there. . . were there any other life pods?”
“I’m afraid not.”
The ComfortUnit looked up at him, then back to the singed plating of the life pod. If they had ejected a second later, they would likely have been caught in the gravity well before Bruce could catch them with his tractor beam. If others had tried. . . there would be nothing left after the atmosphere burnt it away.
Abruptly, the ComfortUnit pinged hard across the feed, sending a string of numbers, he/him designation, the hard IP again, and a deep, desperate helplessness. HubSys, SecSys, and the shipbot all pinged back, a chorus from all over the ship greeting the child. But not the response that he wanted. Bruce could see the boy’s face fall.
“They- they got me out. Before they fell, too.” The boy’s face was haunted, one hand clenching tight while the other rested on the pod’s surface. At least enough of the pod was functioning on emergency protocols to indicate to the governor module that they were still on company property.
If Bruce didn’t know otherwise, he would think he was facing an eight or nine year old child. It absolutely turned his stomach. Someone had – someone had designed him this way. He could all too easily see the marketing. In theory it would spare “real” children, allow predators a “safe” outlet, but in reality. . . they made this person to be a target, to be locked into a life of cruelty and exploitation.
In the Corporate Rim, anything was for sale. Anything.
It didn’t matter that it was a construct who could be mentally older than himself; Bruce still found himself using a more gentle voice than he would with interrogating an adult. “Who were they?”
“Mary and John.” At his nod, the boy elaborated, “They were older models with a lot of experience, and they were helping me integrate new modules. Giving me context so things made sense.”
Two older ComfortUnits. Designated male and female. To . . . to train this one. So he was relatively young after all. Bruce couldn’t tell if that made this entire situation better or worse. He could not condone dropping the lab facility into the atmosphere, burning up the human researchers and killing countless conspirators to hide the dirty laundry, but he also could absolutely not condone this.
“Do you-- how long have you been operating?”
“Just about 5,000 hours.” The boy rocked back on his feet, swinging his hands alarmingly like a restless child. “I’ve been getting really bored with the analysis tests in the lab. They said I hadn’t passed enough to go to human trials yet.”
Bruce didn’t allow the intense relief he felt to pass his face, but from the way the boy’s eyes flickered, he’d caught some micro-expression anyway. Some days he wished his face was part of what had been replaced. With alarming forthrightness, the boy declared, “You don’t agree with my function.”
He most certainly did not miss having organic knees as he held the low crouch to be on eye-level, “You’re a child. You should be allowed to be a child.”
The boy frowned, his face admirably expressive with his bright blue eyes. “That concept only applies to humans.”
Bruce flicked one arm, displaying the grappling gun held within the left forearm. “My body is comprised of only 34% organic matter. There is arguably more humanity in you than there is in me.”
“Oh.” The boy dipped forward to look at it more closely, and Bruce obligingly held still. “That is so cool.”
“They’re augments. I didn’t choose to have the accident, to lose my limbs, to lose my parents, but I did choose how to react to it.” Bruce rotated his arm slowly so the grappling gun was stowed away, back beneath the synth-flesh coverings. “That’s what I would like to do for you. Give you a choice.”
Stubborn blue eyes locked on to his. There was skepticism in there, and a very fast-working mind. “So you’ll be my new client.”
“No. I’ll be your guardian.” Absolutely not entertaining that line of thought, though surely if any tabloids found out he was keeping a ComfortUnit, they’d be all over it. It would be easy enough to present the boy as an augmented human: they were more organic than he was. The press would buy that he'd find a child in the same kind of catastrophic situation and sympathise. “And you can decide for yourself what your function is, if you want to change.”
That startled the boy, his eyes going wide. “You mean I could grow up?”
“I was about your size when I first received augments. I think I can make it work.” He stood up at last, obviously to his adult height, and let the boy digest that for a moment. “So, what do you think?”
“What should I call you?”
“Uh. The researchers called me Little Dick.”
(And in that moment Bruce aged ten years.)
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hairtestindia · 2 years
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stardust-swan · 26 days
How did you discover your personal style?
It took me a while to answer this, because I had to think about it a lot. Finding my personal style was a whole journey that I'm still on.
Like many people, I'm over trends. The trend cycle these days is very constant and changes frequently. There's always something new and trends that started not that long ago are seen as dated and relegated to certain parts of Tiktok pretty fast. The purpose of this is so that we'll always feel dissatisfied with what we already have and have anxiety about not being trendy, so therefore we'll keep buying whatever is currently being promoted as trendy in the hopes of not looking outdated. It's a real moneymaker for companies, and we're also told to basically strip away our individuality and unique tastes in order to fit neatly into styles that don't fully fulfill us.
As well as being bored of the trend cycle, I was also reaching my mid twenties when I first started on my personal style journey. I was bored of the clothes I owned and wanted a more mature, elegant style for this new phase of my life. I wanted to create a style that was completely me - catered perfectly to my appearance and personality. (Putting the rest under a cut because I can and did spend ages talking about my personal style story).
The first thing I thought about was my colouring. I have rich, deep colouring - neutral-warm undertone, yellow olive overtone, russet brown eyes, old rose lips, and warm black hair that looks brown in sunlight and has a lot of dark brown mixed into it (my hair is actually dark brown at the roots, but the rest of it grows in black). My skin is bright rather than muted, and the contrast between my hair and skin is medium-high. So I need my clothes to reflect this - warm colours that are rich, deep or bright. I tested a lot of different colours and asked for advice on what looks best from different people. Some of the advice I got confirmed my own suspicions, and some of it made me realise new things about my complexion.
I read up on different systems of colour analysis, but had some difficulties with them all. I have olive skin, which isn't accounted for in Western systems, and while East Asian systems include olives, they have a preference for paleness and in their system you might be typed as something that makes you look paler, which to Western eyes would make you seem washed out.
After about a year (!) of reading theory and testing colours, after being confused as to why I have the brightness and contrast of a winter but the warmth of an Autumn, I've concluded that I'm a Bright Spring who pulls off Deep Autumn very well (I thought that was my season for a while) and the more obscure Toasted Soft Winter palette - it's Soft Winter but with some tan and warmth mixed in. I'm working on building my own custom palette of colours that are my absolute best to have handy when I'm planning to buy clothes.
Next thing I thought about was my face. I have an oval face, large, round eyes, a slightly rounded nose, wide cheekbones, apple cheeks, full lips, and gently arched eyebrows. So I had to consider what kind of jewellery and hair suits my face. I've realised big hoop earrings are out, as they add width to my already wide cheeks, and shoulder length bobs are in, as they give my face definition that long hair doesn't without being too severe.
As well as the geometry of my face, I also considered the vibe my features give off. If you're familiar with Kitchener essences, I have a lot of romantic, with some gamine playfulness and a touch of natural.
As for my body, I'm still on a journey to discover the perfect pieces and fits - I've just started reading David Kibbe's book, as there's a lot of conflicting information about Kibbe types online, but so far I think I'm either a soft gamine or some kind of romantic in his system although that might change the more I read his book.
In non-Kibbe terms, I'm a bottom hourglass. I have a defined waist quite a bit smaller than my hips, shoulders about balanced with my hips, and fleshy thighs, but with a small-medium bust (small C cup) rather than the large or medium busts true hourglasses have. I have teardrop shaped breasts and Roman feet, and I'm short, so as well as my body shape and face shape, I wanted to account for those traits as well (I'll write more about my findings later).
Onto the next part: Personality! As well as physical appearance, personality is an important part of discovering your personal style. Like everyone, I'm a multifaceted person. I narrowed down the main sides of my personality so I could take those parts of me into account while curating a style.
One part of me is princess-like and dreamy, tends to daydream a lot and wear charm bracelets and still likes kid things like Animal Crossing and old Disney movies and reading fairytales. And another part of me is more refined and mature - she plays the violin, does yogalates, goes to art galleries, drinks coffee while reading classics, is very devoted to her skincare routine, and wears pearl studs and YSL lipstick. Then there's the part of me that rather than princessy is Empressy and a bit ancient. Self care rituals where I anoint my hair and body with oils, adorning my body with lots of gold, spritzing perfume morning and night, sleeping on silk pillowcases, burning incense nightly, and reading about female deities and women who lived long ago. And finally there's the part of me that's free-spirited and bohemian - walking barefoot in the garden when it's sunny, belly dancing in my room, listening to world music, wandering off the beaten track and seeing where I end up, drinking lots of herbal tea blends, visiting cemeteries, and comfortable, flowy garments.
So how am I marrying those different parts of my personality to eachother and to my physical appearance? Well, I'll write my conclusions about styles that reflect all of those below:
Warm colours, especially clear jewel tones and deep, rich earthy tones that give me both the warmth and contrast I need look best. Individual colours I've discovered look amazing on me are cream, burnt orange, mustard yellow, burgundy, turquoise, old rose, and bright tomato red.
Any colours that are too cool are out - I don't have black in my wardrobe anymore apart from pieces with patterns in warmer colours or things that go on my bottom half, as most black clothes are cool and grey-based, which makes me look washed out and sallow. I need warm, brown-based blacks like the one that my hair naturally is, but it's hard to find that shade in clothes so my neutrals are mainly cream, beige and brown.
Fabrics and textures that suit me are: Satin, velvet, cashmere, satin-faced wool, cotton batiste, suede, chiffon, crêpe, floral prints, embroidery, French lace, faux fur, corduroy, leopard print, tweed and ruching, wrapping and draping. I like alligator texture for bags.
As my cheekbones are wide, to balance them out instead of adding extra width I need earrings with angular shapes, straight lines, and balanced or bottom heavy proportions (if wearing dangling earrings). No earrings that sit near the cheekbones or have top heavy proportions as that will broaden them (so no big hoops for me). My neck is slightly on the short side so chokers are also out unless they're thin. Stones that look good on me are: turquoise, jadeite, amber, emerald, carnelian, pink topaz and coral. Metals that look good on me are muted or brassy gold (not bright yellow gold as it makes my yellow olive skin look Simpson-esque), pewter, copper and bronze. Intricate, burnished and vintage pieces are optimal. I don't like mixing metals and favour delicate pieces, but I do like big cuffs. I also love coin jewellery. For day to day wear I'll wear between 1 and 3 pieces, but I love going all out sometimes - rings, bracelets or bangles, anklets, earrings, all at once.
I'm still on my journey to discover what cuts look best on me, but so far I've realised that knee-length or slightly above knee-length dresses are good as they elongate my legs, as do high-waisted cropped pants and high-waisted jeans. My breasts are small while my hips are wide, so to bring balance to my top half V-necks, square necks, scoop necks, halter tops, and tops fitted under the bust are ideal for me. Details on my tops and necklaces also help in this regard. To take advantage of my defined waist and wide hips, wrap dresses, fit and flared dresses, bootcut jeans, cropped jackets and fitted coats are ideal. Clothes I should avoid are baggy clothes, bulky layers, boxy or sturdy pieces and turtlenecks.
My bra size is 32C and my breasts are teardrop shaped, so to make them look rounder and bigger, the ideal bras for me are: balconette, demi-cup, plunge, and push-up bras. These shapes both push them up into a rounder shape as well as making them seem larger, which balances my top half with my bottom half.
I enjoy corsets and shapewear, and I wear tights if I'm wearing anything that shows my legs. I like sheer pantyhose (either nude or black, sometimes with cute patterns) for summer and thicker tights in jewel colours for winter.
I have Roman feet, so the first couple of toes are the same size, which makes them look wider than they are. To make my feet seem narrower, I need low-vamp shoes, and to make sure my toes feel comfortable, I need shoes with roomy forefronts. Round and almond shaped shoes are ideal, whereas pointy toe shoes are a no-no.
Vintage barettes, hairpins, clips and headbands, and silk or chiffon scarves tied into my hair suit me well. I like tying scarves into my handbags too, and wearing brooches on my coats. I like scarves with intricate or delicate patterns - I recently thrifted a vintage scarf that's warm pink, in a floaty material, with peacocks embroidered on in dark gold (thrifts shops are actually great places to buy cute scarves - I have a velvet faced burgundy ruched scarf, another vintage velvet faced scarf in blocks of pink and mauve with embroidery, and multiple foulards with pretty patterns that I got in thrift shops).
My hair looks best at shoulder length or a few inches above, in gentle, flowing waves with a subtle side part. This brings definition to my face long hair doesn't without looking too harsh. I do actually want to grow it out though, as my natural hair texture is 3b/3c curls and I want to stop using heat, and I feel my natural curly hair would look better a bit past shoulder length - like Rachel Weisz in The Mummy.
I prefer light makeup, as I have freckles and don't want to cover them up, plus my skin is oily so heavy makeup often ends up looking greasy (and using a lot of powder to set it is pretty bad for you). I have naturally long lashes, so most of the time I leave them alone, but if I'm going out somewhere I use clear mascara - it elongates them without making them look clumpy. I use brown pencil on my brows despite having black brows, as using a colour slightly lighter than my dark brows compliments my gentle, rounded features rather than making my face look harsh and heavy. Despite my undertone being warm, due to my overtone I need neutral foundation, as warm foundation makes me look yellow (I usually wear BB cream rather than foundation). Dusty rose blush, gold highlighter, subtle baby eyeliner wings, terracotta, coral and orangey-red lipstick, and eyeshadows in rich browns, blue, aubergine, teal, taupe and gold look good on me.
I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting, and I'm sure in the future I'll add more as I discover more about myself and my personal style. This post is about a year's worth of exploring and experimenting and what I found out about my style in that time. Maybe in another year it will be even longer.
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ryangero · 9 months
Gravity Falls gender representation analysis
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Gravity Falls is an animated TV show created by Alex Hirsch that aired from 2012 - 2016 on Disney. There are only two seasons, but the show has built a dedicated fan base that continues to grow even after its conclusion. The series, set in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon, follows the summer adventures of twin siblings, Dipper and Mabel Pines, as they unravel supernatural mysteries, encounter peculiar creatures, and navigate the complexities of family and friendship.
What sets Gravity Falls apart is its unique blend of humor, heartwarming moments, and a narrative that seamlessly weaves together overarching mysteries. Creator Alex Hirsch's clever writing and commitment to character development have left a lasting impact on viewers of all ages. The show's memorable characters, from the lovably eccentric Grunkle Stan to the enigmatic Bill Cipher, have become iconic figures in popular culture. Gravity Falls not only entertains with its imaginative storytelling but also delves into themes of identity, friendship, and the acceptance of the unknown. Gravity Falls' influence extends beyond its on-screen presence, inspiring a myriad of fan theories, artistic creations, and a thriving online community. Its cultural impact is a testament to the show's ability to resonate with audiences and spark discussions on various social and philosophical topics.
By examining specific characters and relationships, including Dipper's encounter with manliness and the unique dynamic between the two sheriffs, we can unveil how the show challenges and transcends traditional gender representations.
Judith Butler's notion of performativity finds resonance in Dipper's encounter with manliness in the episode, “Dipper vs Manliness” (S1E6). In her essay, Butler argues, "That it must repeat this imitation, that it sets up pathologizing practices and normalizing sciences in order to produce and consecrate its own claim on originality and propriety, suggests that heterosexual performativity is beset by an anxiety that it can never be finally or fully achieved, and that it is consistently haunted by that domain of sexual possibility that must be excluded for heterosexualized gender to produce itself” [1]. In other words, Butler explains despite the efforts to adhere to established norms, there is a persistent fear that the performance of heterosexuality is never fully achieved or secure.
The episode begins with Dipper wanting to win the approval of Stan and Mable by scoring high in a “Manliness tester” game. They both laugh at the idea of Dipper being “manly.” Frustrated, Dipper plays the game but gets the lowest level, wimp. Later on, he meets a mythical creature in the forest, called a Manotaur. These large bearded creatures embody all of the stereotypical “manly” qualities Dipper seeks–tall, deep voice, chest hair, buff. The creature brings Dipper to the “man cave” where all of the Manotuars live. In order to join the clan, Dipper must pass a series of tests to prove his manliness. At the final test, Dipper folds and accepts that he is not the “manly” person he hoped to be. He expresses his feelings to the Manotaurs, saying: “You keep telling me that being a man means doing all these tasks and being agro all the time, but I’m starting to think that stuff’s malarkey.”
Dipper's reluctant participation in the “manliness tests" reflects the performative nature of gender. The episode deconstructs traditional notions of masculinity by showcasing Dipper's discomfort with stereotypical expressions of manliness. His resistance to conformity challenges the established gender norms within the narrative.
It’s not uncommon for the series to use a mythical species to represent certain stereotypes or insecurities. In this episode, the Manotaurs are the portrayal of Dipper's insecurities of gender performativity. The Manotaurs other Dipper and his characteristics by making him feel inferior to their exaggerated, hyper-masculine standards. This not only highlights the external pressures individuals face in conforming to societal expectations of masculinity but also underscores the detrimental impact of such expectations on one's self-perception. Gravity Falls skillfully employs fantastical elements to delve into real-world issues, encouraging audiences to critically examine and challenge societal norms surrounding gender and identity.
Creator Alex Hirsch likes to hide subtle clues of LGBTQ representation in certain characters (he’s explained many times that it’s insanely hard to get most things through Disney’s censor). However, the relationship between Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland seems to be the most clear example. The two characters are the town’s police officers, who appear as recurring characters in many episodes. The dynamic between Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland provides a fascinating exploration of gender representation. The duo subverts expectations by embodying traditionally masculine roles in law enforcement while also sharing a close bond that challenges traditional expressions of masculinity. They share a close bond, expressing things like, “The time we spend together is treasure enough,” and “Edwin darling, you are a diamond in the rough.” In almost all Western depictions of police officers, they embody hyper-masculine traits, as being fearless and stoic seems to be inherently part of the job. The sheriff’s dynamic challenges the binary understanding of gender, showcasing the fluidity inherent in Butler's theory. In the last episode, their romantic relationship is confirmed: “We’re mad with power… and love,” they declare while looking into each other's eyes. Creator Alex Hirsch also confirmed this at a charity event, and has repeatedly explained how hard it was to get past Disney’s censors. Hirsch has also revealed dozens of scenes originally written to have openly gay characters that got slashed by Disney. Unfortunately, a company as big as Disney has ultimate power over what is and isn’t aired. While there isn’t any other direct LGBTQ representation in the show, the blame should be put on Disney, not Alex Hirsch. Most likely Disney provided the outlet for him to create this show, but in turn, blocked many of his creative ideas. 
Gravity Falls, through the characters of Dipper, Sheriff Blubs, and Deputy Durland, becomes a compelling exploration of gender representation. The show aligns with Judith Butler's gender theory by deconstructing traditional norms, emphasizing the performative nature of gender, and challenging the rigidity of binary constructions. Dipper's resistance to manliness and the nuanced dynamic between Sheriff Blubs and Deputy Durland collectively contribute to Gravity Falls' progressive portrayal of gender identities. In doing so, the show invites audiences to question and redefine societal expectations, demonstrating the transformative potential of animated narratives in challenging and reshaping cultural perspectives on gender.
[1] Judith Butler, “Gender Is Burning: Questions of Appropriation and Subversion”, New York University Press, 1999, 338-339. 
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sonderwrit · 11 months
C92: Slime!
I Have to Be a Great Villain - Masterpost
Wang Yi takes the slime back to his lab as a test subject, with mixed results and one very unpleasant surprise...
(Slime is banging on the glass again)
Wang Yi: It was obviously stable before, but why's it acting up as a soon as a human comes?
S-0: Not sure…
S-0: The System didn't manage to trace the specific origins of this organism either, so it must be something made-up by the novel.
WY: But since it has such high survivability, it's pretty fitting to offset Dr. Wang's lunatic tendencies. [Otherwise I'd really have to kill off multiple experimental subjects to uphold this persona.]
(Thanks to previous experiences, he's a bit reluctant to be proactive.)
Slime: !
S-0: If you need it, you might as well take it back?
Slime: Hungry…so hungry.. …
[Specification | NOTE: Humans cannot hear the slime.]
S-0: At any rate, the plot armor's protecting the mermaid so it can't leave, so you have to torment something…
S-0: EH?!
WY: !
WY: It's…clinging?
Slime: *sucking noises*
WY: (It's kinda cute.)
WY: (Is it coincidence or…?) *moves his hand*
Slime: ?
Slime: *shuffle shuffle*
WY: ….
S-0: !
[Assignment | MAIN PLOT MISSION: Meet the female lead for the first time]
[Office for Requesting Research Samples]
WY: That mermaid's mine. Just tell the higher-ups Wang Yi applied for dissection permissions.
Xiao Yu (晓雨): Oh, hold on a minute while I check.
[Female Lead: Xiao Yu - Research lab newbie]
XYu: T-that there, I'm sorry…
XYu: Currently dissections are prohibited on the [mermaid] because it's too beautiful and humanlike. They were thinking of observing it a while longer…
XYu: Ah, but if you need to, we can send over a few scales or strands of hair for DNA analysis.
XYu: (Is he the lab's famous eccentric researcher? Why's he all about dissection first thing…)
WY: How could that possibly be enough!
WY: (This is a plot point to increase meeting opportunities between the male and female leads. Since the male lead can't read minds and seems uninterested in me, then let's just progress the story and see what happens first.)
XYu: B-but staff like us aren't allowed to…
XYu: (Eccentrics really are scary QAQ…)
WY: I'll give you one week.
WY: *idiotic bully mode activated - please don't imitate in real life* If you can't resolve a little thing like that, don't think about staying in the lab any longer.
WY: (The female lead in this world's the weak and timid type.)
XYu: Wehh…I, I'll do my best… (Is it fine if it's just blood?)
WY: (As long as I keep putting on the pressure, she'll go meet the male lead in secret right?)
XYu: Please can you…give me a little blood?
Mermaid: ?
WY: (Why does it feel like I'm encouraging someone to NTR myself?)
[NTR: an online slang term referring to a situation where someone else claims your partner for him/herself]
WY: Hmph, I suppose you know what to do.
WY: Then I'll also apply for the specimen【X】 because it can't die, so dissecting it should be no issue, right? [The specimen's ID is χ*]
*(I think author means Greek alphabet Chi?)
XYu: Oh! 【X】? 
XYu: That specimen's always slamming against its tank when researchers pass by, so everything thinks it wants to attack humans. That's why no one's dared to take it away…
XYu: Mmph! Sorry, I said too much again! (Even though the head wants someone to experiment on it ASAP)
WY: (So the black blob charges as soon as it sees humans?)
XYu: You can take 【X】  though.
XYu: But…be careful.
WY: It's fine.
WY: Since I chose this path, I have to do it well.
WY: That's the duty of us researchers.
XYu: *sparkling eyes* …..
XYu: (Huh, he's pretty responsible isn't he.)
XYu: T-then I'll help put your name down. Do you want 【X】 to be delivered to you or…
WY: I'll pick it up myself.
WY: Immediately.
[Dr. Wang's Research Lab]
(Wall reads: National Security Intelligence….)
WY: It's not very big, but it's pretty heavy. *sets down*
S-0: Yeah. How fascinating that something so squishy could be so aggressive.
WY: Not necessarily. Maybe it just wants to get close to humans.
S-0: Hah?
S-0: You think any of these tormented, locked-up specimens could ever like the researchers who hurt them?
WY: Tch, you have a point. The reason the mermaid could love the female lead was because she was the only one who treated him well and saw him as a friend.
XYu: Ha~ *draws a heart*
WY: A lunatic like me who only takes specimens back to cut them up…
WY: It's already great if they don't hate me instead.
S-0: Is Host going to start…experimenting now?
WY: *opens lid* Mhm. I'm going to make an incision and cut off a piece to test first. (The soul of a scientist)
Slime: Hungry… so hungry.
Slime: Are you going to give me food… …human.. …
Scalpel: *slice*
Slime: ?! HURTS!
WY: Huh? This part can still move even after it's been cut off.
Slime: Hurts so much…hurts so much…
Slime: This human, isn't the one X is looking for… …?
Slime: It's been so, so long…since I've been able to absorb energy.
Slime: If this keeps on, I'll probably go berserk soon… …
WY: It's insect-like, but doesn't seem to be an Earth-based organism.
Slime: Since he's not the human I've been looking for.. …
Slime: THEN X——
WY: (So soft…)
Slime: X——
Slime: WILL START MOVING NOW. *whoooosh*
WY: EH?!
Slime: *splat*
WY: (Why did it climb onto my face)
WY: (Wahhhhh, get off already!)
WY: (It's going to climb inside my ear!)
WY: (Gotcha!)
Slime: *snaps*
WY: ?!
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iviarellereads · 1 year
Artificial Condition, Chapter 4
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which the real work begins.
I came back online to find I was at 26 percent capacity, but the percentage was climbing slowly. Bands of pain circled my knee and elbow joints, so intense I couldn’t process it. My human skin itched. And I was leaking. I hate that.(1)
It can't focus enough to play media, and even small movements make it worse. It wishes it had enacted one of its plans to incapacitate Art. The process of healing is like being in a repair cubicle, without the cubicle's ability to shut down higher functions until repairs are complete.
At least it's not cold, though.
Eventually, its levels even out, and it can focus enough to turn down its own pain sensor. At 75 percent capacity, it tries to sit up. MedSystem starts throwing warnings, and Art says there's no need to move yet. But, it's been scanning newsfeed archives from the time of the RaviHyral incident, and asks if MB wants to know what it's found. MB eases back down grumpily, leaking from a new place, and tells Art it can read search results. Art suggests MB take advantage of its expertise in data analysis.(2)
MB agrees, with ire, and Art says the incident took place in a particular installation called Ganaka Pit, with fifty-seven fatalities caused by equipment failure. When MB doesn't respond, Art says that MB's initial assumption was correct after all, the incident did occur, and they can proceed to investigation.
MB wants to shut down, but it would affect the healing process. Art asks if it wants to watch media. MB doesn't respond, but Art starts playing an episode of Sanctuary Moon.(3)
When it's able to get off the platform, at first it falls, but by the end of the cycle it's more or less back to normal. It even uses the human cleaning facility, so it smells unsettlingly like a clean human at the end. The hair now growing from its skin might cause issues putting on a suit skin, but humans put them on with a minimum of complaint, so it can't be that bad.
MB goes to the recreation space and tests itself on the exercise machines and treadmill, even aiming (though not firing) its weapons to be sure nothing's out of alignment.
It looks in the mirror for a long time. It figures out exactly why it didn't want to do the procedure.
It would make it harder for me to pretend not to be a person.(4)
They arrive at RaviHyral on schedule. Art grabs a map, and MB realizes it's been altered since the accidents, to hide the Ganaka Pit installation's location. Concealing what happened would be high on the company's priorities, so maybe they paid the bond quickly to get the client's help minimizing information and access to the site. Either way, MB will have to figure out where Ganaka Pit is, or was, before it can go there.
The next obstacle is the shuttle from the transit ring to RaviHyral itself. Only people with employment passes can board the shuttles, zero tourism. MB starts catastrophe-planning, but Art suggests that if someone hired MB as a consultant, it would have employment, and a pass. MB asks if Art is insane, but Art has watched its humans hire consultants, and it can help MB. And look, there's an ad for a security consultant position available now.
MB links into Art's comm so Art can ride with it, but as it leaves, its efficiency drops to 96% right off. It checks the entertainment feeds to try to calm down, as it hacks its way through the embarkation security. It has a location and a time for a meeting about the consultant gig, and on the way it notices that there's not nearly as much crowding, and Art's modifications start to feel like a necessity after the fact.
MB finds the humans in the food court just fine. Two women and a tercera, a gender signifier used in a particular non-corporate political entity.(5) MB had to hack the thankfully vulnerable system to backdate its arrival and marked its gender as indeterminate, to set up the meeting.
The humans look nervous. MB introduces itself as Eden, their contact, having stolen borrowed the name of a character from Sanctuary Moon.(6) The tercera introduces terself and ter companions as Rami, Tapan, and Maro respectively, and makes a gesture Art confirms for MB is an invitation to sit. MB spends most of a page describing them, and notes that they're all very young for adults.
MB can see that it's going to have to help move this conversation along, so it says-asks if they want to hire a security consultant, even knowing the answer is yes from the ad. Maro suggests moving to a more secure location. MB initiates a glitch in the local surveillance, and Art helps erase it and the whole table from perception and recordings, then MB assures the humans they're not being recorded. Rami is startled and asks if MB did something, but MB just repeats that it's a security consultant. Its panic level starts to drop, partly because the humans are nervous, and it's used to dealing with nervous humans.(7)
Tapan gets the implication and asks if MB is "spliced" with extra feed access in its augments. MB says yes, among other things. Maro worries they can't afford someone of that caliber, but Rami says they'll have plenty to pay with if they can get their data back. While Art looks up pay scales for security consultants, MB asks why they need its help.
Rami looks at the other two, and at their nods, explains that they and four others in their group do mineral research and tech development, and were working for Tlacey Excavations. The terms of the contract seemed too good to be true, but they took it hoping they'd have time to develop their own tech on the side for detecting synthetic element traces left by dead alien civilizations. Only, they were terminated with no notice and Tlacey stole all their personal work as well as the work they'd been paid for. They even deleted current versions of files off their devices, they only had outdated offsite backups. They filed a complaint, but it's taking ages to go through.
MB offers that they should go to a solicitor, thinking how the company was never so careless as to delete files off personal devices when datamining. Rami says they considered a solicitor, but they're not in the union, so it would be too expensive. Tlacey gave them an offer yesterday, though, that if they returned the signing bonuses, they could get the files back.
MB gathers that they don't trust Tlacey, and Maro confirms it, but the group still wants to go to the meeting. MB can't imagine a good outcome from it, but this is exactly the job it's designed for.
MB asks if they think there's something Tlacey wants out of the meeting besides killing them. Maro makes a gesture that's vaguely threatening until Art identifies it as emphatic agreement. Rami says the work was incomplete, but Tlacey must have been listening on the security feeds and thought they were closer than they were to done. They might have realized the progress isn't worth anything without the team to finish it.
Essentially, Tapan is optimistic, Maro is pessimistic equivalent to MB, and Rami is the undecided tiebreaker. This is why they wanted to hire "Eden", to help and show they have backup.
MB accepts the job, and Maro asks how much it charges. Art offers spreadsheets, but MB asks how much they were getting paid, and asks for their daily rate. Rami is surprised at the lowball, and MB can't correct the mistake, but decides to give them a partial truth to explain it: it needs the employment pass to go to RaviHyral. Tapan asks why, and when Rami nudges her, she clarifies she knows they don't have a right to ask, but she's asking anyway. MB is a little unsettled to realize it's the first time that's ever applied to it, and offers some more truth: it has research to do for another client.
At that, the team agrees to put in for the employment shuttle pass, and they separate with a promise to meet again the next day. MB promptly goes back to Art, and they spend three hours calming it down watching serials.
ART monitored the transit ring’s alert feed in case someone had realized what I was, but there was nothing. I told you so, ART said. Again. I ignored it. I hadn’t been detected, so now it was time to think about the rest of the plan. Which now involved keeping my new clients alive.
(1) Nothing worse than organic bits leaking, amirite? (2) Art is being a Good Friend, not getting grumpy with MB or calling it childish for not being at full function. Good Art. (3) See? Good friend! MB is not the only benevolent non-human consciousness in this universe and I'm so pleased it found a friend like Art. (4) Which is part of the point… but it's also a huge turning point for MB's life. After four years of confined-freedom, it can now have a much truer form. It's leaving everything it knew behind, and that's scary as heck even without all the trauma MB carries and is making itself face up to. (5) And, here, the reason I never went too deep on Murderbot as agender representation being a construct/robot. We're kind of overrepresented by non-humans like aliens and robots, it's very true true, but there are nonbinary humans in this universe as well. They're just not the main characters, for obvious reasons. (6) We get our names from everywhere when we change them. Some flip as close to the gender of their birth name as possible, some choose a name that speaks to them, and sometimes you take the first name that comes to mind that you think you'll respond to appropriately in public. (7) Lots of familiar ground in this scene for it.
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ogadaedwine · 2 years
The Ultimate Guide to Marketing Strategy
The Ultimate Guide to Building a Successful Marketing Strategy
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A firm uses a marketing strategy as a plan or strategy to market and sell its goods and services. It often contains a target market, a value offer, a SMART approach, and a strategy for reaching and interacting with customers. Market analysis, product creation, branding, price, promotion, and distribution are typical components of a marketing plan. Effective marketing tactics may aid a business in boosting revenue, luring in new clients, and building brand recognition. Many small businesses struggle to stay ahead of the competition and build their business. While it's challenging to bypass the barriers, it is possible to set a higher standard. You just need the right strategy to keep things moving in the right direction.  In this blog post, you will learn about the nine pillars of a successful marketing strategy and how to build one around each of them. You will also get advice on creating market-focused strategies, content strategies, and a whole lot more. Read on for more information so that you can begin developing a successful marketing plan for your business.
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Define your objectives
Before you develop your marketing strategy, it is highly recommended that you define your objectives. Aiming means focusing on and working on the fundamentals. Your ability to meet your objectives on time is directly proportional to how consistently and budgeted you are. A well-streamlined goal planner must include the budget, and the number of audiences targeted within the scope of time. The criteria of marketing, whether PPC, influencer marketing, or affiliate marketing. However, the mode of promoting your product solely depends on how financially capable you are. Consistently following your set objectives will help you impede overspending and losses.
Do the Market Research
Consumers, who must have experienced similar products from other companies, only react to the value of your products when they can reach, see, and taste them. A brand needs to research the market for its propositions before its last launch. Doing in-depth research can help you understand the product's competitiveness and thereafter take prompt actions to stand out from the crowd. You need to know the demand rate, the population age group, and gender to target the right audience. Another aspect is the mode of shipping products to people who cannot reach you on time. Most customers would prefer store-to-door delivery to direct shopping. This means that you need an online delivery system or e-commerce site with secure payment methods to accelerate the ordering process. How are you going to do the market analysis? Direct marketing that involves mouth-to-mouth can be an effective way to hire the foreigners you would like to have as day-to-day shoppers. Use established community bases and streets to give them the product or service trials, provide the questionnaire where possible, and let them leave their contact information. First, ensure that contact information is secure and not disclosed to third parties. Finally, you've got a number or email address to ask how they would recommend your brand, challenges, and improvements. While contacting or sending a survey to your prospects, follow the best practices to avoid getting spammed. It is also worth doing the poll on online spaces, especially when dealing with software products or services. This may include directing the audience to the web CTA.
Be Customer-Centric
Define the value proposition of your products; illustrate how your product is beneficial, why they may need it, how to use it, and when to use it. Giving your target audience a product value that helps them understand its significance will put your brand ahead of the competition. Advertising newly tested and approved hair jelly, for example, by providing the ingredients, price, people who need it, and its effects, would be beneficial. When they buy and realize it works as advertised, the likelihood of building and keeping new customers will be high. Being customer-centric also means providing the right pricing without hidden charges. You also ensure that customer service is flawless, with an effective communication desk and staff who are equipped to respond to customer queries and recommendations on time.
Be flexible with your plan and adjust as you learn more
People who are in a hurry and filled with anxiety find it very hard to reach the target. Seeing positive results, especially when you are just getting started, takes time and patience. You need to stick with one strategy at a time, so that when one approach fails, you can adjust to the next one. For example, running PPC is always a preferred first option for most startups because of its affordability. However, you think of trying influencers after hitting the targeted business milestone. What inspires most startups is the capacity to generate a good return on investment so that they can use the profits instead of using the rest of their savings to start over. It is not life-threatening to see your company crumble-which is common with many small businesses. It is important to restart the process instead of giving up the first time. Expect little. Most dominant and successful businesses today could not exist if their owners gave up.
Be Realistic About Results
 One of the hardest but most important aspects of any marketing plan is being realistic about the results you want based on your ultimate marketing goals. While you may not want to emphasize the reduction in production over your extraordinary efforts, understand that a robust ROI is not achievable overnight and takes time. This is because your marketing strategy is the backbone of your business success, and without it, your investments may hang in the balance.  It is also important to track the performance of the brand promotion to have a clear picture of whether or not you are succeeding. Generating leads that turn out to be real buyers and consistent consumers of your products and services needs to be a top-notch path for any marketer. Don't just craft an idea, promote it, then leave it there. In every aspect of a marketing plan, whether paid per-click, affiliate, or influencer marketing, leverage the analytics tools to grasp the performance of your brand performance. Based on the performance, you'll see what needs to be changed and implemented. When analyzing marketing data that can help you understand the target audience's response to your brand, brand reputation is a paramount factor. New prospects go with reputation rather than price and quantity. Don't create a clickbait ad that's different from what you offer. Market your products and services with reputable agencies and influencers. Finding real and trustworthy influencers isn't an easy task due to bot dominance in the social media space, but there are influencer marketing agencies that can help you search, enroll, and track the performance of your campaigns.
Build an Audience through the Promotional Offers.
Having a decent number of prospects for your business means success nowadays. With competition in the market still reigning, it is important to develop a pricing strategy based on the buyer capabilities. Every smart brand has a CTA button on their website homepages that directs new visitors to what to do—most probably the subscription form or the pricing table. Offering your products and services at discounted prices every year or every quarter could make new visitors purchase instantly compared to those selling at rigid prices. The main reason why most consumers leverage coupons is that they want to save on their first purchase of a particular service. This will help them slash their budget allocation for other matters. This strategy seamlessly works with affiliate marketing, where brands can decide to cooperate with affiliates in return for a commission for every successful purchase. Many people are searching for coupons daily when making purchases, therefore, it's worthwhile to try it out. Once you've successfully built huge email lists, sending monthly newsletters with new promotional deals could help your brand drive more sales because whenever they want to purchase a product, it'll be yours first. You can also create advertisement banners with discounts and this can drive a lot of traffic into sales to your e-commerce website
 Be Customer-Centric 
One of the best things about small businesses is that corporate structures and bloated salaries do not hold them, hostage. You can be customer-centric ‌in your marketing strategy. For example, you could have one marketing strategy that involves publicity, one that involves creating content, and one that involves customer service. If customer service is your strong suit, you could also have one strategy that encompasses these components. 
  As you crave success for your brand in the market with similar and selective products and services, be smart enough to counter the stiff competition in your approaches. You need to be specific for goal effectiveness. Outline your steps to cover and accomplish your marketing goals. Another thing is that your actions must be verifiable, quantifiable, measurable, and accountable. Aiming for 10000 audiences in reach and within a specific time requires that you use analytics tools. You need to know the engagement rates, impressions, clicks, and conversion rates and declutter the backlogs before trying another strategy. Again, make your marketing objectives achievable with realistic targets. While creating ad campaigns, focus on the relevant factors, such as the target location, topics, and language. And the ad's subject must apply to the target audience's topics. Relevancy creates a sense of seriousness and integrity in your promotions. Finally, your marketing objectives need to be time-bound. Have the right timeframe and develop a deadline for all your campaigns. Start and implement on time. In a new project, implementation is always the biggest obstacle to goal achievement. Stay on track, get your budget ready, and implement it. The increase in conversion rates would begin by implementing SEO-friendly features like mobile-friendly banners and optimizing your pages and speed. So, within a set time frame, you will get the expected result.
Be Proactive
 As your marketing implementation develops, it is important to be assertive to combat scale-backs. This means that you should not wait for something to happen before you take action. You should take immediate action ‌to ensure that your marketing strategy is successful and achievable on time. Building a successful brand requires that product and user security are at the heart of everything. When you start up, don't pump all your money into it because any company is capable of going bankrupt to the extent of losing everything. Ensure that your company doesn't infringe on the user's confidential details, like credit cards, and is fully GDPR compliant.
Bottom line
The most effective marketing strategies are those that are built on past accomplishments and use a gradual but systematic approach to planning a successful development. Although it may take some time and effort, the effort will be rewarded in the end. A sound marketing plan may support the growth of your company for many years. Your chances of success, growth, and profitability will increase, helping you get back to 100 percent with your business. Read the full article
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hellonpluto · 28 days
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) during-the-movie notes!! I'm posting this like 2-3 days after i watched the movie n made them
(These aren't analysis notes, to clarify! They're just my thoughts during the movie.)
-intro is alright. I supoose
-nvm that title card is SICK
-wittle boy
-ahhhhhh got got by the ol curtain trick
-what is that man hiding
-oh he's so cute when he's older!!!
-he's actually. Super pretty.
-lort they were getting at it
-pleas dont take a photo of lady without consent. Pleas. Ur so pretty dont do that
-fuck flash
-yooo peter has TWO interests in these movies!! Photography and skateboards!!
-sleepy boy parker
-he has. Puppy dog eyes oh my fucking goddddd
-oh ok so gwen is main love interest. Word
-is peter. Ok. I think he needs to lie the fuck down
-uncle ben ready to throw down
-the einstein tounge photo is bonkers
-curt connors?
-*sneaks into oscorp*
-*his crush is his tour guide*
-and he jusr ruined someone's career
-connor is ugly. Damn
-peter sooooo big brain!!!!
-mart peter moment
-gwen a real one
-this peter is so much more sneaky n shit
-i love it tbh
-peter u dumbbbbb
-im scared
-bro is enamoured. enamored?
-"stay with the group" doesnt stay with the group.
-they didnt exaggerate the spiderbite scene this time :[
-he's so fuckinf confused 😭😭😭
-he's so me
-"why didnt you tell me you didnt like my meat loaf?" "Um..." "you could've said that to me 37 years ago! How many meat loaves have i made for you?"
-web in neck??? What??
-ohhhh spider attached to web
-peter is insane in this movie. Got it.
-he's also chronically online
-he got the tumblr girlie thumb holes in his sleeves. Aw.
-connor is cooked
-his arm!!! What happened!!!
-oh he's so silly
-oh snap
-oh shoot
-uncle ben the menace
-parker actuallt got charisma in this one
-they so awkward . They so cute
-he does a lil skip!!!!
-i love the tech animation n design in these movies
-oughh oeter :[
-uncle ben dead pt 2
-then gwen stacy hug
-spidey wall crawl
-fighting ring??
-cooking scene(suit design) pt 2
-aw what so he doesnt have the little fucked up web things in his wrists?
-"spandex. Spandex.... everything. Spandex."
-acrusl sam reaction: "oh thays so cool!!" *cool ass shot in the suit* (in a more high pitched voice)"oH THATS SO COOL!!!!!!"
-god im so autistic
-but dude it was so duxking cool.
-goin in crotch-first. Sure
-"it isnt funny!!" "It is kinda funny 😏"
-the suit is soooo shiny in this movie .... i like it
-"ey watch it!!! I'm swingin ere!!!!!!!"
-honestly good on connor for not wanting to test on humans
-gwen stacy is trying so hard while peter is going thru the most insane genetic changes
-sorry but if i was having boy over i would not leave my hair up in a tight ponytail n headband. That's just a gateway to a headache
-is. Is connor ok
-peter oh boy
-bro is insulting his crush's dad 💀
-what rhe freak
-sparkly suit :]
-awwww floaty car scene
-what no
-"who are you?" "...Spider-Man."
-Ohhh he and his gf are super duper mart. So she knows abt spider real quick!!! They can science it ..... together
-"not dressed up, he has transformed himself into a giant lizard." I love how he delivered that line
-ok he pull up
-i guess web down??
-ok he web down
-oooo thats freaky
-not the web bit but like. The fight im at rn
-gwen is absolutely hilarious
-why kissy when need to heal wounds.
-PETA PPAEERKER says lizard connor
-bro has it out for a highschooler
-*pulls gwen in reaaaaal close* "im gonna throw you out a window now." "What?"
-proceeds to throw girlfriend crush lady thing
-"uh-oh! Someone has been a baaaad lizard ...."
-best stan lee cameo so far
-"gwen! Gwen! You mmmother hubbard... are you serious???"
-they set up the cranes for him!!!!
-gwen dad . Dead
-bro got prison'd
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nancykhemchandani · 1 month
Thyrocare Hair Fall Test: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Managing Hair Loss
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Hair loss is a common concern that affects millions of people worldwide. Whether you're noticing more strands on your pillow or feeling the stress of thinning hair, the impact can be both emotional and physical. Fortunately, advancements in medical science have made it easier to understand the root causes of hair fall. One such advancement is the Thyrocare Hair Fall Test, a specialized diagnostic tool designed to help you get to the bottom of your hair loss issues.
Understanding Hair Loss: The Basics
Hair loss, or alopecia, can occur for various reasons. Some of the most common causes include genetics, hormonal imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and stress. While losing 50-100 hairs per day is normal, anything beyond this could be a sign that something more serious is at play.
Hair fall can be classified into several types, such as:
Androgenetic Alopecia: Often referred to as male or female pattern baldness, this type is primarily genetic.
Telogen Effluvium: Caused by stress, surgery, or illness, this temporary hair loss occurs when hair follicles enter the resting phase.
Alopecia Areata: An autoimmune condition where the immune system attacks hair follicles, causing patches of hair loss.
Nutritional Deficiencies: Lack of essential nutrients like iron, vitamin D, and biotin can lead to hair thinning and breakage.
The Role of Thyrocare Hair Fall Test
The Thyrocare Hair Fall Test is a comprehensive screening designed to identify the underlying causes of hair loss. This test analyzes various biomarkers in your blood that could be contributing to hair fall. By pinpointing these factors, the test enables you to take targeted action to address the root cause.
Key Components of the Thyrocare Hair Fall Test
Hormonal Analysis:
Thyroid Function: The thyroid gland plays a critical role in hair growth. Imbalances in thyroid hormones (T3, T4, and TSH) can lead to hair thinning.
Sex Hormones: Levels of testosterone, estrogen, and other sex hormones are checked, as imbalances here can also contribute to hair loss.
Nutritional Assessment:
Vitamin D: Essential for hair follicle cycling, a deficiency in vitamin D is a common cause of hair fall.
Iron Levels: Ferritin, a protein that stores iron, is crucial for hair strength and growth. Low ferritin levels can lead to excessive shedding.
Biotin: Known as the hair vitamin, biotin is essential for hair health. The test checks for adequate levels of this vital nutrient.
Metabolic Health:
Blood Sugar Levels: Uncontrolled diabetes or insulin resistance can cause hair to fall out. Monitoring blood sugar levels helps in managing this.
Liver Function: The liver plays a role in detoxifying the body, and poor liver function can affect overall health, including hair.
Stress Markers:
Cortisol Levels: Chronic stress can lead to hair loss, and elevated cortisol levels are an indicator of stress-related hair fall.
Why Choose Thyrocare Hair Fall Test?
The Thyrocare Hair Fall Test stands out because it offers a holistic view of the factors contributing to hair loss. Instead of addressing hair fall symptoms, this test delves deep into potential underlying causes. Here’s why opting for this test could be beneficial:
Comprehensive Coverage: The test covers multiple aspects of health, including hormonal balance, nutritional deficiencies, and stress levels, providing a well-rounded analysis.
Early Detection: By identifying issues early on, you can take preventive measures to stop hair fall before it becomes more severe.
Personalized Treatment Plans: Once you know the exact cause of your hair loss, you can work with healthcare professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan. This could include dietary changes, supplements, or medication.
How the Thyrocare Hair Fall Test Works
Getting the Thyrocare Hair Fall Test is a simple process:
Book the Test: You can book the test online or through a healthcare provider. Thyrocare offers convenient at-home sample collection, making the process hassle-free.
Sample Collection: A trained technician will visit your home to collect a blood sample. The sample is then sent to Thyrocare's lab for analysis.
Analysis and Reporting: The results are typically available within a few days. You'll receive a detailed report outlining the findings, along with explanations for each marker tested.
Consultation: Based on your results, you can consult with a healthcare provider or a specialist to discuss the next steps. This may include lifestyle changes, dietary adjustments, or medical treatments.
Taking Action Based on Your Results
Once you have your Thyrocare Hair Fall Test results, the next step is to take appropriate action. Here are some strategies based on common findings:
Hormonal Imbalances: If your test indicates hormonal issues, treatment might involve hormone therapy, thyroid medication, or lifestyle changes like stress management and improved sleep.
Nutritional Deficiencies: Addressing deficiencies often involves dietary adjustments, supplements, or a combination of both. For example, increasing your intake of iron-rich foods like spinach, or taking vitamin D supplements if you're deficient.
Stress Management: If stress is a significant factor in your hair loss, incorporating relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, or regular exercise can be beneficial. In some cases, professional counseling may be recommended.
Medical Conditions: If your hair fall is linked to a medical condition like diabetes or an autoimmune disorder, managing that condition will be key to reducing hair loss.
Conclusion: A Step Towards Healthy Hair
Hair fall can be distressing, but understanding the root cause is the first step towards finding an effective solution. The Thyrocare Hair Fall Test offers a detailed insight into the various factors that may be contributing to your hair loss. By identifying these factors, you can take targeted steps to restore your hair’s health and regain your confidence.
If you’re experiencing unexplained hair loss, don’t wait until it becomes more severe. Consider booking a Thyrocare Hair Fall Test today to take control of your hair health. Remember, early detection and personalized care are the keys to preventing further hair loss and promoting regrowth.
By making informed decisions based on your test results, you can pave the way for stronger, healthier hair—and a more confident you.
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hairbeautycoat · 2 months
MCHC calcium supplement United Stated
Unlocking Health Insights with Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis:
What is Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)?
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is a laboratory test that measures the mineral content in your hair. By analyzing a small sample of hair, experts can detect mineral imbalances, deficiencies, and toxic metal exposure. This test is non-invasive, painless, and provides a comprehensive picture of your body's mineral status over time, unlike blood tests that offer a snapshot of the moment.
Why HTMA Hair Test is Gaining Popularity in the United States
In the United States, HTMA hair tests are becoming increasingly popular due to their accuracy and the wealth of information they provide. Health practitioners and individuals alike value HTMA for its ability to:
Detect Mineral Imbalances: Minerals are vital for numerous bodily functions, including energy production, immune system support, and bone health. HTMA helps identify imbalances that can lead to various health issues.
Identify Heavy Metal Toxicity: Exposure to heavy metals like lead, mercury, and arsenic can have severe health consequences. HTMA detects these toxins, allowing for timely intervention.
Monitor Nutritional Status: By assessing mineral levels, HTMA offers insights into dietary effectiveness and the need for supplementation.
Personalized Health Insights: The detailed report from an HTMA hair test can guide personalized health plans, addressing specific deficiencies or toxicities.
The Growing Interest in HTMA Hair Tests in London
While HTMA hair tests are well-regarded in the United States, their benefits are universal. In London, an increasing number of health-conscious individuals are turning to HTMA for its comprehensive health insights. Here's why HTMA is gaining traction in the UK capital:
Holistic Health Approach: Londoners are increasingly embracing holistic health practices. HTMA fits perfectly into this approach by providing a detailed analysis of mineral and toxin levels, helping individuals make informed decisions about their health.
Preventive Health Measures: With rising awareness about preventive health, HTMA offers a proactive way to detect potential health issues before they become severe.
Tailored Nutritional Plans: Nutritionists and health practitioners in London are utilizing HTMA to create customized nutritional plans for their clients, addressing specific mineral deficiencies and toxicities.
How to Get an HTMA Hair Test in London
Getting an HTMA hair test in London is straightforward. Many clinics and health practitioners offer this service. Here’s a simple guide to getting started:
Find a Reputable Provider: Look for clinics or practitioners with experience in HTMA. Online reviews and recommendations can be helpful.
Book an Appointment: Schedule a consultation to discuss your health concerns and the benefits of HTMA.
Submit a Hair Sample: The practitioner will collect a small sample of hair, typically from the nape of your neck.
Receive Your Report: After the analysis, you will receive a detailed report highlighting your mineral levels and any detected toxins.
Consult with a Practitioner: Use the report to develop a personalized health plan with your practitioner, addressing any imbalances or toxicities
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Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Test at home
Importance of Thyroid Testing
Why is thyroid testing so crucial? A well-functioning thyroid is essential for your overall health. It influences various bodily functions, including your heart rate, digestion, and even mood. Identifying thyroid issues early can prevent complications and help you manage symptoms effectively.
Symptoms of Thyroid Problems
Do you feel constantly tired or cold? Have you noticed sudden weight changes or hair loss? These are common symptoms of thyroid disorders. Other symptoms include dry skin, muscle weakness, and changes in menstrual cycles for women. If you're experiencing any of these, it might be time to check your thyroid function.
What is a TSH Test?
A TSH Test measures the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone in your blood. It's a simple blood test at home that can help diagnose thyroid conditions such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).
Why Choose a TSH Test at Home?
Imagine not having to travel to a lab, wait in long queues, or take time off work just for a blood test. With home testing, a professional comes to you, making the process convenient and stress-free. This service is especially beneficial for the elderly, those with mobility issues, or anyone with a busy schedule.
How to Book a TSH Test at Home
Booking a TSH test at home in Hyderabad is straightforward. Many diagnostic centers and online health services offer this option. You can book through a website, app, or by calling the service provider. Choose a time slot that fits your schedule, and a trained technician will visit your home to collect the sample.
What to Expect During the Test
On the day of the test, the technician will arrive at your home with all necessary equipment. The process involves drawing a small blood sample from your arm, which is then sent to a lab for analysis. The entire procedure is quick, typically taking less than 15 minutes.
Understanding Your TSH Test Results
Once the lab processes your sample, you'll receive your results, usually within 24-48 hours. The results will indicate your TSH levels and help determine if your thyroid is underactive, overactive, or functioning normally. Your doctor will then interpret these results and suggest any necessary treatments or further tests.
Benefits of Home Testing
Convenience: No need to leave your home. Comfort: Familiar surroundings can reduce anxiety. Time-Saving: No travel or waiting time. Privacy: Conducted in the comfort of your home.
Comparing Home Testing to Lab Visits
While lab visits are traditional, home testing offers unparalleled convenience. Labs require travel, waiting, and often taking time off work. Home testing, on the other hand, can be done at a time that suits you best, without disrupting your daily routine.
Choosing the Right Service Provider
Not all home testing services are created equal. Look for providers with good reviews, qualified technicians, and transparent pricing. Reputable companies ensure your sample is handled correctly and delivered to accredited labs for accurate results.
Cost and Insurance Considerations
The cost of a TSH test at home can vary. It's generally more expensive than a lab visit due to the added convenience. However, many insurance plans cover home testing services. Check with your provider to see if you’re eligible for reimbursement.
Preparing for Your Test
No special preparation is needed for a TSH test. However, it’s good to inform your technician about any medications you’re taking, as some can affect thyroid hormone levels. Wear comfortable clothing and stay hydrated.
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