muffinlance · 1 year
Scaled Over features all three of Zuko's halves: His dragon half, his human half, and his silky smooth hair/mane desperately trying to keep the peace between the other two.
Thank you for acknowledging the silent MVP of any Zuko fic: his character hair growth.
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xenaisnumber1 · 27 days
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Oh Asami knew exactly what she was doing when she taught Korra to drive. Pulling the same hairbending move on Korra that she did on Mako when she ran him over.
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fanonical · 23 days
all barbers in the atla universe should be called hairbenders
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The process ⛓️
Credit to @jordanpaigela
@hairbend & @thehairygodmotherr jumped in for this one.
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alex-rat-king · 18 days
Me n a classmate in physics making fun of our physics teachers receding hairline, I say he's gonna go bald like avatar the last airbender, classmate says more like the last hairbender, I quite literally collapsed of laughter.
Anyways, do you think ants can see colour?
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stylingbyklio01 · 2 months
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Hairbending 101
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rebels-cairn · 6 months
just letting everyone know
There's a hair salon near my house called Hairbenders.
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antiz0netan · 5 years
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Alice defending her self against a discusting perv. Remember. Is your body, no one have right to touch it without your permission. On otherwise, beat them up and remind them that you could do it again. Marshallart or with a baseballstick. Your choise.
But for you men and boys. If the perve is not a man, please Try to talk with the perve who belong to Another gender. Who knows.
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hairbender-asami · 3 years
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Anon Asked: Fav Asami Outfit? 
all of them!
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viiwid · 3 years
okay but zuko already had like a baby mullet during book 3 going on there. he definitely had a mullet or at the very least a wolf cut and I refuse to accept anything else except zuko is a hairbender lol
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I couldn’t stop thinking about this
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chitsangenthusiast · 3 years
alright, i believe in hairbender zuko, so like when izumi is a toddler it becomes a daily ritual to braid is long hair and put all kinds of accessories in it, such as firelilies and stuff.
hairbender zuko made me laugh so hard but YESSSSSSS
tbh i love imagining that once all of zuko's big hair milestones have passed - like when his hair hits the length it once was and then even longer, or when sokka braids it special for him right after they start dating - zuko actually gets a little....bored with his hair. he'll still put in all the ornaments and customary accessories, but beyond that it usually just gets thrown up into its usual up-do every day
then izumi comes along, and as soon as she figures out how to use a brush she goes after everyone with it
sokka first bc she's already learned that he has an entire Process (braiding and beading takes time!) which she loves to be part of - but baba has longer hair! and more of it! and suddenly zuko finds himself with a head full of chunky braids and as many flowers as the groundskeeper will let her snatch and too-long ribbons that are definitely not meant to be tied at the ends lol
(for a long stretch of time, whenever zuko did wear his hair in a bun he'd put in one thick braid up the back of his head because izumi liked absentmindedly running her fingers over it as he carried her around)
((when her hair gets long enough, sokka frequently gives them matching hairstyles))
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jaymesbuckman · 7 years
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That new Inhumans show is around, and it's made me think about Crystal's hair.
In the comics, its distinctive patterning is never really explained. Her sister Medusa's hair gets all the attention. She can pick things up with it! It's alive! Maybe Maximus likes to sing. But no one would talk about it because brother Black Bolt's voice gets all the attention.
But now I have theories. Not about Maximus. I'm pretty sure that he does a fair amount of singing to himself on the countless occasions wherein he's locked up in solitary confinement for being a mad hazard to Inhuman society.
But about Crystal's hair. With her elemental control, she's immensely potent. In terms of raw power, she's arguably at the top of the royal family. I'm excepting Black Bolt here because the uncontrollable destruction his vocalisations cause prevents him from utilising his mutation in most circumstances.
But Crystal's basically the Avatar
with a slightly greater focus on atomic manipulation of the elements she wields. She's also less disciplined than some of her peers, explaining the martial primacy of less innately gifted Inhumans like Gorgon and Karnak. All of this brings me to my theory. In addition to the classical quartet of earth, fire, water, and air, I wonder if hair is her fifth element. On a subconscious level she's never really explored. She seems less occupied with constant training and honing than those around her, which means that the deeper implications of her Inhuman talents may be unnoticed and inadequately developed. That might include control over the atoms of her hair in a way that could even exceed the skills of the famously coifed Medusa if Crystal gave herself the chance to delve into her potential. But she doesn't. With no knowledge of this follicular aspect to her power set, Crystal's limited to unconsciously manifesting it through the formation of oddly defined patterns of colour on her hair.
Bonus Question!
If Crystal were the Avatar, which culture would she originate from?
The Fire Nation would be the easiest fit. She could still be the lordly daughter with no real interest in the throne. She could even keep Medusa with her. They'd probably be a better team in the eyes of the rest of the world than the sisters who actually ruled the Fire Nation.
And if we want to go further, Karnak's an Air Nomad and Gorgon's of the Earth Kingdom. And if those didn't seem obvious enough, Triton would have an amazing time with the Water Tribe.
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class1akids · 4 years
In the most recent chapter, I saw someone make the connection that the panel of the rooftop trio (the one with smiling babywaza) must have been in 1st year bc the length of Mic's hair. What do you think?
I don’t think it matters much?
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I mean, yeah, it’s possible. I suppose this flashback in Ch 254 is from first year when Aizawa first met Shirakumo (meaning he was not a transfer student). Or it could be the beginning of second year, right after he transferred?
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Canonically, the rooftop scene happened at the end of year two though, so when Aizawa remembers their dream, it makes sense to have flashback to second year. Because of the angle, I can’t really tell if it’s the same hair. 
This is the flashback from Ch. 254
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And this is the one from Vigilantes:
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From some angles, his hair looks still pretty short. So the top one could very well be the same length/cut that he has in the bottom right one. 
Anyway, we all know that Aizawa has magic hair :)
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Hey, I've noticed that Zukos hair colour is lighter in the comics. Do you know why? Is it just consistency fail, or...?
I’ve never really noticed this. It seems to me that even in the show it’s not perfectly even every time. 
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I guess it’s supposed to look somewhere between dark brown and black, depending on the light conditions. 
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I’m personally partial to the darker hue. 
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juniebiris · 4 years
Am I the only one who constantly thinks about how stronk Toph’s neck must be to support all that hair?
And everytime Toph gets older, the animators just make her bun bigger in circumference. Which means this bitch has hair like Rapunzle and a neck like The Rock.
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attackfish · 5 years
Ah yes, the GAang learning the true secret of firebending- it's solely for showing off their magnificent hair!
It's a little known fact that the Fire Nation invented the blow dryer before they invented the wheel.
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