Re-installing genshin and look at the amount of quests is just the same as having your parents coming over and dump a truck full of tasks on ur ass
I'm having both rn.
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vany-kun · 2 years
Auntie Hanayo~
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salstini · 2 years
maybe im just too focused on le bf’s flaws like. i mean its ironical but im the one focusing on the negative stuff here 😭
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beescake · 7 months
HFHGHD GLADLY aaa i’ve been adding notes to it here and there for months but just hesitant to post it bcs im 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂
also this is just my own takeaway of the events, it doesn’t necessarily comply to the Ultimate Truth of Canon-Alignment or represent the actual facts of what hussie intended! v sentimental smh but hopefully its still interesting to read
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i love when characters inform each other by proximity, it's one of my fave things to see in media :') it feels even more significant when two characters deliberately choose to stick together, so that when one operates, you can tell the other is similarly aligned in associative solidarity.
sollux is a keystone of this trope — whoever he aligns with is a wordless statement, a nod of approval. this stood out to me bcs the main four humans were alr friends by default, but once you reach hivebent you realize the trolls can actively choose who they want to hang out with.
and as we all know, after assessing every troll's biases/loyalties, sollux is the only one who maintains his selective preference for innately Good 👍 people.
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aradia is such a beautiful character honestly, she evokes such incredible feelings in me. she might not have been consistently written with care but the best parts of her character are truly stunning. i think it's easy to remember sollux as the self-sacrificing one bc he's so open about it (and his friends frequently react to his Moments) but when you compare him to aradia, it's always struck me
how much more. raw it is
to be so alone as an agent of time, having to orchestrate immeasurably harrowing events nobody understands or gives a fuck about
with your role painted in the story as one who must tend to the needs of the narrative, responsible to match every next note
because when you're given the capabilities, it becomes your duty to carry it out.
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it becomes expected of you to keep experimenting and arranging the machinations to work for everyone, dusting off hundreds of necessary failures to keep going
and having to be so unwavering in your drive knowing miserably that there's no one who can help you but yourself.
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or alternatively: to make things fun! so other people won't think twice about letting you go off on your own.
sure she's had some very good buds, notably thanks to Team Charge v Team Scourge antics.
and yet, at the end of the day, the one friend that kept choosing her time and time again was the friend with the highest standards.
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i can see why people like to define arasol as moirails/matesprits but surprisingly i find the nondescript, unlabeled aspect of their relationship more straightforward to understand.
there's no shortage of people who would accommodate sollux. most of the surviving trolls are his oldest friends bcs he’d chosen them well. his transparency with his feelings had built him strong friendships that won’t falter or break, regardless of how much of a dick he can be. they’ve already seen and accepted him at his worst, and they still like him for who he is.
contrast that with aradia, who'd been so approachable, friendly and reliable in her exchanges it was super fun to talk to her. but the moment she became depressed, all her connections broke down.
her friends became hesitant to interact with her (until she became god tier, “happy” and amicable again) because her gloom and resignation didn’t serve them. she dealt with it alone.
there’s def something of note here abt the disparity between the way male & female characters are written+perceived in homestuck (esp parallel arasol with davejade) but i won’t go into that lmaoo
with this in mind i like to think of sollux as a gift to her, a loyal companion given to complement and commend her resolve. she's capable of doing so much alone but hussie took the time to build her and sollux's relationship as one of a unit; a set.
the ambiguity of their status does complicate things, but i do believe it makes sense with their characters. aradia's relationship with romance is a rocky one, the dubious stringalong equius had with her is a pointed reminder that her feelings of attraction are ultimately controlled by the author writing her.
unlike the other trolls who can openly address and own up to their crushes, aradia had romantic emotions forced upon her (especially when hussie implies 'she kissed equius back on her own volition'). and it seems like her character is so intrinsically neutral abt attraction that even when forced by the almighty powers above, she's unable to retain it wholly.
however, looking back to pre-game when she could actually "choose" her own feelings, she did have a crush on sollux.
their soft spots for each other were so obvious to the point where other people could see it.
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taunting aside, when vriska comments on their unit as bf/gf it actually informs the audience that arasol's relationship is romantic in nature despite not aligning with the quadrant system.
even while dead, aradia could still describe her care for sollux, expressing that she would like to see him happy. if they had more time to explore their relationship on alternia, it's possible they could've settled in a quadrant once they grew older.
but going back to the lack of labels, their dynamic was affected once more when aradia became god tier.
to me, her ascension was both the perfect culmination and possible closure of her character. it's the light at the end of her journey toiling through countless of timelines where she had to actively assess and participate. that's why it's cool to see her being silly and having fun giving guidance, passively exploring and watching other people do their parts.
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and yet the joy of her freedom makes it hard to explore further introspection. if we take her by her word, she'd already come to terms with the hurt she's been through and forgiven those involved.
i can't help feeling attuned to how impersonal and detached it can be, to devote and meld your identity so completely with your designated position as Maid of Time until you've become hard for your old friends (and even some readers!) to personally connect to.
idk post-canon but i assume there’s some degree of similarity to be bridged here with aradia's god tier and how the hs2 humans' Ultimate forms was described as a consolidation of all their possibilities. since aradia's classpect is inherently of service to Time, going god-tier may have elevated her beyond personhood with the "game construct" possessing her entirely. sollux doesn't realize the extent of it bcs he's still mortal, but a part of him may have subconsciously understood this.
i think there is a core aspect to aradia that was lost to the dehumanizing glory of god tier — a core aspect that may have contained an element of why sollux enjoyed talking to her in the first place.
to him, aradia hadn't just been a nice girl, she was a cool girl. despite not having much in common, he's still willing to chill next to her so she's not alone while she does what needs to get done.
back on alternia, they held a mutual and equal-level regard for each other that could've definitely settled into something permanent. but now, he's placed himself in a position where he can be kept around or left behind at will. the parameters of the relationship are largely in aradia's court, so any label she suggests to identify their relationship with he's likely to accept.
but that's why it's so difficult to label it. because god tier aradia may not necessarily Want quadrants or relationship labels. rather than the initial romantic attachment, their commitment to each other had evolved into one fundamentally of companionship.
no label? ok fine. no matter what, he still thinks she's a good soul worth latching on to. the best, actually. aradia > everyone else.
even if it gets stilted at times. there's an unexpected struggle to connect when sollux's go-to default for talking points is his feelings about things, and aradia may not want to talk about emotions all the time.
not to mention god tier aradia became an observer, especially of chaos. but sollux's avoidance of involvement comes partially from his innate pressure to get involved if something goes wrong. and he can't always tell when something goes wrong, because aradia doesn't mind if things go wrong anymore.
it's a non-negotiable preference that causes them to take the occasional time apart, a new boundary that wouldn't have existed before the game and aradia's god tier.
but just like how his friends tolerated his moods, sollux accepts aradia as she is. with no quadrants, their connection doesn't break down because there's no implicit romantic expectations to be disappointed by or resentful over.
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sometimes when i see hs content that deliberately distances sollux from aradia, i assume this is the dissonance people might have felt. people might find it "easier" to be cynical about them bcs of this strange tension.
but idc lmao. grab that shit by the neck
lack of easy resolutions and cleanly tied ribbons is pretty standard of homestuck and imo it doesn't make arasol's dynamic any less incredible. with the right affection and consideration, there's still so much potential to develop the nuance of their relationship outside of the popular quadrant-based depictions.
hs has a lot of really great character compatibilities but the way aradia and sollux are in their own special orbit is why i can write this much about them in the first place. it's that frail innocence between first loves that makes it so sweet to me, two kids who grew up too fast playing guesswork without being clear where they're going.
ultimately i do think you're meant to feel a little tragedy for just how much they care for each other, even if they can't quite establish it in simple terms.
maybe they keep taking breaks to progress their own paths. maybe they remain as anchor partners while seeing other people. but even if you decide to separate them, they're still (awkwardly) texting each other updates all the while. and when they reunite it feels like coming home.
and well. more than anything, i like to believe that they do want to be exclusive.
they're just afraid. after all, they're still learning how to love, beyond the projections of the foursquare quadrant system they had inadvertently distanced themselves from since young.
they might not have everything figured out, but they'll get there eventually if you just hold them together and write them there.
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optional post-canon segment:
one of the limitations of main hs is that (monogamous) relationships are often written as the go-to solution to wrap up character growth; it's an easy "patch" to imagine characters getting their happy ending because they have a partner, and those who don't end up with someone don't get that closure (most notably jade).
hs2 reaffirms this by suggesting that aradia's character cannot progress without letting sollux go, because happily settling in a relationship automatically locks your potential.
that pathetic panel of sollux staring emptily into the sky is still my fave hs2 spoiler ngl i find the impact of their parting so emotionally provoking precisely bcs they were written in original hs to be each other's forever, coming back together again and again
but now, they're subject to the decisions of the post-canon authors who might choose to deviate from that.
it's not new for them to part, but now there's an underlying worry that her dropping him off this time might be the last time. while i think the prospect of shattering their stability to make them grow separately sounds fun on paper, no amount of me desperately hoping for a good execution is gonna guarantee it
idk. i guess prediction-wise im expecting sollux in classic dramatic-hs2 fashion to tell dave to back off aradia LMAO. otherwise it's just gon be sollux and karkat pathetically watching aradia and dave from a distance swimming in their unresolved feelings for narratively-powerful time players smh obvs it sounds corny as hell but who knows its still plausible
srsly tho i hope they take the opportunity to develop arasol's relationship in a fresh direction that doesn't hurt me too badly...... and i hope they force sollux out of his comfort zone. i like watching him struggle :-)
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senshi-tiddy-holder · 8 months
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senshi if he was filipino and kapampangan (translation below <3)
mangan tamu! = kain tayo/let's eat!/食べよう!
manyaman na tlga ne = ang sarap talaga/it's really delicious/ホンマに激ウマ
kanyaman na ning lutu mo = magaling kang magluto/your cooking is delicious/料理が上手だよなぁ
[context: food in the bg was made by my friend ron, who titles it, "mataray na adobo" or "badass adobo"]
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Was chasing wind still friends with suns after what he did to pebbles?
yea, these doodles take place after the main events of the game
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teach's stressed
the thing with Wind is that she's kinda....
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toxic with her positivity and cheering. to a point that she cheers for bad stuff as well cuz she finds herself an angle where a thing just Has to be a positive one
Suns is alone, riddled with guilt as much as almost emotionless being can be, decaying alive? Ah well! At least they aren't lying to themselves about being a charming perfect little guy anymore! That's good!!! :D ☝ das the Wind mindset
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silvercityyir · 3 months
Why am I getting idea of writing a short fic of Donnie meeting Acheron after sainw? either that or last ronin Mikey
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going-fanfics17 · 3 months
Wonwoo - spending quality time with you
Wonwoo is an introvert and we all know that . He prefers staying in , in the comfort of his home rather than go out and party . So on his free days he prefers to spend time with his girlfriend.
He will order takeout and either talk with you about his work , the comeback or the ideas for the latest GOSE episode, or he will listen to you talk about your work and provide comfort or advice or both if necessary.
Otherwise you both will cuddle on the couch while eating and watching movies or the latest kdrama . The silence between you two is never awkward. It's just comfortable.
After eating , Wonwoo prefers playing games on his pc. So being his game partner , you two team up to play games till dinner time. Sometimes the other seventeen members join and sometimes you two play on your own or even compete with each other. The hours of gaming are filled with excited shouts , gasps and exclamations .
At night before sleeping, he usually reads a book together with you and then promptly falls asleep in your arms .
" And then Jeonghan hyung hit the stove cause he got angry that he couldn't find the button to switch it off "
" Hannie and his temper , haiyaaa "
Next up - Woozi
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riririnnnn · 6 months
When the Blue Lock-ers were choosing their stratum and Chigiri was like, "Yeah, I'm going to Team England," Reo was like, "Oh? I'm choosing England too. Looks like we are going in together."
Good, right? I mean, that's how normal conversations proceed.
So, someone please explain me when Nagi also announced that he is picking England and Reo commented:
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Why Nagi's ahh replied:
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Like, he didn't need to do all that???????? HUH?????
Couldn't he just say, "Yeah, looks like that."
Why he had to be so passive aggressive?
Bruh, where does this boy even stores all that audacity in him? Sheesh.
Personally Reo, I wouldn't have let that slide. I would've been like, "YEAH, IT DOES MATTER! HAIYAAA!" *bodyslam*
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fuzart · 3 months
Uh stuff
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etheraether · 1 year
"Do you sleep well, dove?"
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Whenever I get too nervous, I seem to have a habit of stripping Kolya. God forgive me.
When I finished drawing, I realized that BSD has a new chapter today, and I had a mental breakdown lololol, as soon as I saw the Russian mouse holding his head and screaming. And in the end he said he was joking.
Haiyaaa, At least I have Kolya with his top half naked to heal my soul. I'm so glad I drew this today.
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bananasuckerr · 2 years
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
sᴛᴀʏ ғᴏʀᴇᴠᴇʀ ☂︎ও
Hwang Hyunjin x Male Reader
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Before we continue:
If you looked at the post it just posted, I would like to go by soom please. It's a nickname my grandmother gave me. It's part of my family name, and she just thinks it's cute. (My family name is Soomyung, so yes, my name is Soomyung Gueseok), I would greatly appreciate if you did, thank you!! Also, this post might be a bit long, it's a scenario or something fake that I've been thinking about a lot recently.
▄︻デ══━一 🔞 ⭐
This story contains: Boy love, blowjobs, nipple play, non! Idol Reader, gagging.
Non bad warnings:
matching cozy outfits.
Onward to the story!!
▄︻デ══━一 🔞 ⭐
L/N M/N is an average person, no one special, no one important, just an average person in Daegu, Korea. He just vlogs and does loved about his life. The thing is, M/N is a stay, and stray kids have reacted to M/N. Members are obsessed with M/N, They might as well even be a fan base of M/N.
These members have thought of visiting M/N at a time they can, they even watch M/N in their spare time off camera and on camera. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 was the one who actually decided to take a stand though. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 went to visit you, he knows where you love, he asked the company to find out and here he is, at your doorstep.
I'm your lives, your a caring, shy person, and you really are, and that is exactly what 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 wants, his exact type. You where upstairs in your room studying for an exam you where going to have after your break. (Your break is 3 months). Your parents and older sister where down stairs talking about plans or family time.
Until there was a knock at your door, you didn't pay any mind because you knew your mom or dad always answers it. "M/N, can you get your brother please!!" It wasn't a question, it was an order. Your mom is kind, just like the rest of the family, do the order wasn't mean. "Yes ma'am!!" You reply back, getting up.
You head to your brothers room to see him making out with his girlfriend. You couldn't help but sigh, you are happy for him and his relationship, but you just wish he'd do this at different times when your not home. "Lock the door next time, and do this a time when in not here. Anyways, we have a guest, come downstairs" you say looking away. You where a very shy person, you hate looking at romance related anything, it makes you shy as you begin to imagine it's you and idols.
"Sorry, and your always home, I can't do that" He says while he laughs at his finishing words. You smile and just shake your head. "Yeah well let's go." You where wearing a Grey hoodie with black sweat pants that look 2x your size, you just enjoy baggy clothes. Once you waited for him and his girlfriend to come out, you where on your phone. As they got out you bowed to your brothers girlfriend, Kuki Suepeok.
On your way down stairs, you look to the face that's looking at you. You almost fainted. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 was smiling, finally happy to see your arrival. You where wondering everything, why was an idol in my house? Why is 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 here? What's going on? Did mom know about this? How should I react? Being the shy person you are, you kept your head down the whole time. Your heart was pounding really fast, your pretty sure the people around you could hear it.
"Hello, my name is 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣, nice to meet you all. " you look up to see him smiling as he introduces himself. You decided to stay up and be polite, you wanted him to feel welcomed into your home. "Nice to meet you 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣, Im–" he cuts you off. "I know who you are, all of theembers do." You where wondering how. "How?" He explained how the members always watch your lives, practicing dance practices, your vlogs, everything.
You can't help but be embarrassed. "Haiyaaa, you guys have seen it all.? " he giggled at the sound you made before. "Yes everything, your adorable though! " you hide your face in your hands giggling. "I hope you dont see me different, knowing that I do that type of fanboying to songs of you guys" you day scratching the back of your head. In real life, your an angel to 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣, you are wonderful to him. His immediate thought, "pretty boy" he loves the ring to that.
"Dont worry we don't, well, I don't at least" you almost had a melt down. "At least?! So there's a chance they do?!" You whated to scream, but you had to be polite. "Never mind, anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay, 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣. " you day smiling at him. He loved the warm smile you gave him, hearing his name roll off your tongue made him feel some way he shouldn't.
"How long will you be staying? " asked his brother. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 was too whipped at your looks and still hooked on the smile you gave him. Hes deep in his own thoughts he didn't even notice the question. You blinked twice, wondering why he was still looking at you. "𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣?" You ask? He snapped out his thoughts, about to dive right back in. He hummed in response. "My brother asked you a question". You said, smiling at him being oblivious. " oh uh I'll be staying for 2 weeks, if that's okay.. " He says. The whole family smiled at him. His mother and father agreed to let him stay for 2 weeks.
"Well, ill make sure you have the time of your life with just 2 weeks, 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣. " you say smiling at him. "Thank you, and I'll make sure you guys enjoy your time too" you 2 said sharing a smile.
▄︻デ══━一 🔞 ⭐
𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙖𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙚𝙣 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 :
𝙤𝙣𝙚 𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙠, 𝙙𝙖𝙮 𝙨𝙞𝙭
▄︻デ══━一 🔞 ⭐
𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 was just laying in your bed, as you where out fixing something to eat. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 was thinking deep, deep and hard. With 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 staying here being with you now had been questioning if he had feelings for you. If he did, he had no shame about it. You were wonderful, heavenly. He couldn't help but wonder what you'd be like in bed. He shook his head when things started to get too explicit.
He ended up gaining a boner, he looked down and was disappointed in himself. He sighed and tried to forget about it, but the more he tried to ignore, the more explicit it got. Once he decided he wanted to do something about it, you have asked in with your food. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 looked down wrapped in the blanket, disappointed that he felt this way about you. You noticed, being a very observant person. "Whats wrong 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣? " he can never get over when you say his name, that angelic voice of yours.
"It's.. Nothing" 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 blankly lies. Like said before you are very observant, and you know people's emotions than you know yourself. You put your food down and sit next to 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣. "What's going on? I will listen to you, in always here you know" you say smiling at him. Suddenly, he feels way more comfortable. He sighs before opening up. "M/N I... I've been feeling a way I think I shouldn't be feeling, but even if it is what I think it is, I have no shame for it. I know what it is but.. It feels funny and weird, not the exact thing." He says looking down fiddling with the blanket.
You put your hand on 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 and nod for a signal to continue. "It's about someone who, I'm not supposed to be with. I can't be thinking this way about this person, it feels wrong and what if I tell them and they see it wrong?" He says, looking you in your eyes. "Well 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣, would you mind telling me these thoughts or wonders you've been having? I think I could be able for you to verbally say it to them. " you say smiling, making his nervousness go down a bit.
He sighs and tells you about the fantasies. "It's like.. An erotic, wonder. Doing the things that aren't so family friendly..?" He says trying to avoid the one word. "Sex?" You say, making him flush. He nods and looks away. "Oh well, maybe if this person was to feel the same, you wouldn't have to worry about it. You should talk it out and ask them if you guys could try it sometime. Is it someone I know? Maybe I could help you and them! I don't know who wouldn't fall for you, your a beautiful man 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣, I'm sure it'll work out! " you say. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 couldn't help but find you adorable. "You know this person.. Too well.. "
You immediately knew what he meant, it was you. You blink twice and tilt your head. A few seconds after your face goes red and you point at yourself. "Me?" You ask. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 burries himself in the covers, nodding. "You can tell me more about this, maybe I could make it come true..?" You say, making sure it doesn't come off wrong. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 tells you everything he'd been thinking of. "I want to start it off soft and sweet though, and maybe work our way through the process and each time we do it, if we ever do?" He says.
You nod, giggling at 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣. "What do you wanna start off with then?" You just want him to feel good, that's all you ever want. " I want to try blowjobs first.. " you nod and get down between his legs. His face turns red and looks away from you. "𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣, it's okay to be shy but, may you open your legs a bit more, I need to get through..." He apologizes and opens his legs more, still a bit shy. You pull his pants and under wear down. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 let's out a dhaky breath at the air of your room touching his tip.
You were really fixated on how your doing this to an idol, and how he's letting you. You don't want this dream to end. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 shakes as you put your hand in his dick. You begin to lower your head on him, resulting to him letting out a quiet moan. You look up to see him with him covering his mouth. You take his dick out and remove his hand. "I wouldn't recommend covering your noises, it can relax your body, just let it out. Don't be afraid okay?"
He nodded as he put his hands in your hair. You started to worry, his dick was big, it was bigger than how big your mouth can reach. You worried about gagging, but you decided to let it go. You lowered your head back down and going back to what you where doing. And your thought of gag coming back. After that thought reached your head, you gagged. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 gasped and punched your head back gently. You wondered why he did so. "Are you okay? You gagged. Maybe you should-" you cut him off reassuring your okay. "It's okay 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 you don't have to worry about me okay? I'm just going to make sure you feel good." You smile at him going back to what your doing.
𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 was looking down at your angelic figure the whole time. He wondered what your body looked like under that baggy hoodie. (Your wearing different clothes than from the day he arrived dw your not dirty) Just the thought of your soft skin and body made something twirl in 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣's stomach. He twitched and you realized what that signal meant. You wanted to take it slow, but you decided to let him release.
𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 started to paint fast, body moving here and there. You help his hips down so he could chill out. After a few more swirls of your tongue had made him cum. He whined and moaned when he released. He threw his head back, hips twitching. It was a Heavenly feeling he had felt. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 looked down to see you cleaning yourself from his cum, looking like you where finishing up with the session. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 wanted to see your body and feel you, he doesn't want the session to end yet, he wants more.
"Wait M/N, can we go.. Farther please?" You tilt your head at his request. "Farther as in?" There are many things he could've meant. "I want, to feel your body and your... the inside of you. I want to have.. " he seemed shy at the end, setting his head down. "Anal sex.. " you smile at his shyness. "Okay 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣. Do you want to do the guiding?" He nods and you allow him to. You set your self on the bed and let 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 do what he wanted. He immediately ran his fingers up your hoodie to feel your skin. You shiver at his cold touch. The cold touch felt pleasureable, like a stretch, so you moaned.
Hearing the noises you produced made 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 need you more, but he did decide to go soft, you are still an angel to him, he had to be comfortable with you and slow. His fingers trailed up to your face, taking your face in to kiss you. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 continued to roam his hands on your body. He pulled off your hoodie and took a second to admire your body. After he finished, he dived to kiss your nipple. You gently moaned, turning your head to the side.
He looks up for your reaction and sucked your bud, playing with the other. You moaned softly at each movement. You enjoyed this very much, especially since he's very attractive. You felt a knot in your stomach, signing your to your release. You let out a shaky moan, making 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 feel some way. It may make no sence of how your releasing so early, but your a sensitive person, your body is just so sensitive. After you released, your body was shaking. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 rubbed your thigh in order to calm you down from your high.
▄︻デ══━一 🔞 ⭐
After that, you guys sat beside each other, figuring out what to do next. 𝙃𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙟𝙞𝙣 them remembered something. "Hey, remember the day we went out?" You nod in agreement. "I got matching outfits for us, let's wear those" he said smiling at you. You smile and agree.
▄︻デ══━一 🔞 ⭐
You two both then layed there and enjoyed the night, talking about nonsense.
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vany-kun · 1 year
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Present from Shioriko
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hammerbonk · 5 months
So i was watching an indo horror movie w my parents. I was almost scared but wasnt for a few reasons.
The whole family is so stupid. Are the grandparents such cheapskates that they never bothered with the extra cost of removing the door of the room? Kenapa kakak dan adik so stupid?? Ironically the most sensible person is one behind everything and that’s because [spoilers]
Vagueing here to minimise spoilers but the ghost’s logic is really weird and the ending does not make sense at all. Im not even attached to the characters but some of them did not deserve their fate simply bc thats not how it shouldve worked 💀💀💀
Inaccurate dead body🙄🙄 you’re telling me you put in all that gore but cba to depict accurate body decomposition haiyaaa
The ghost lowkey looked like kanade yoisaki when i first started watching which i found rlly funny
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Congratulations! You guessed correctly!! I exist in the pure and total shitshow know as the USA
It's great when you're outside and can't tell the difference between fireworks and gunshots because they are equally as likely
haiyaaa, you poor bastard...
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like five years ago i might've said "hey everybody look an american, point and laugh" but all i'm gon tell ya now is "my sincere condolences"
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noctipherr · 2 years
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Apologies for the inactivity, haiyaaa… I would want to post more PGR art soon but I am shackled and forced to draw Genshin Impact characters because it’s our small business thing for Entrepreneurship class. 😔 Here’s Ayato.
I’ll be drawing more characters like Childe, Thoma, Itto, and Diluc soon. That is all.
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