#hajime kokonoi fanfiction
haihaihaitani · 11 months
Most Girls ~ *Hajime Kokonoi*
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Summary: You're finally dating Hajime, as he's trying to be a "serious" boyfriend. However, his well-crafted plans are falling apart around him. So why aren't you freaking out?
Pairing: Hajime Kokonoi X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluffyish Oneshot
Word Count: 1393
Warning: Arrogant Hajime
Don’t get him wrong, Hajime knows what he’s doing. That’s who he is. He was the smart, rich playboy who knew what to do at all times. He had confidence and charm to spare, though it wouldn’t be amiss to say he was a touch arrogant. 
However, when he met you, he found himself willing to try the whole “serious boyfriend” thing. Even though it was all so new to him, he always knew exactly what he was doing. And he was going to sweep you off your feet while doing it.
But right now, his carefully constructed plan he had set in motion weeks in advance was crumbling around him. First the venue he booked canceled his reservation last minute due to a burst waterline. The flowers that he had bought specifically for you were wilted due to the florist's refrigerator breaking down in the middle of the night. Finally, the candy he had gotten you melted as he forgot to put it in a cooler location.
He couldn’t understand why all of this was happening to him. Never in his life has his plans gone this awry. He didn’t know what he was going to do when he went to pick you up. He has never done anything without a plan before. How was he going to survive tonight?
After ringing your doorbell, you appeared in the doorway, looking absolutely stunning. He couldn’t help but smile when he saw you smiling back at him, looking both cute and shy as you looked at him. His smile grew a touch wider when your gaze flicked to the ground and the blush on your cheeks grew.
“Hi.” You mumbled.
“Hello Y/n.” He murmured. “Are you ready to go?”
You nodded. “Just let me get my coat.”
As you did so, Hajime will admit that he didn’t expect you to not be upset that he didn’t bring you anything. Most girls he went out with demanded presents to satiate their materialistic desires. But you seemed perfectly content with the fact that he showed up at all. He just didn’t understand you sometimes.
He had made last minute reservations at another very fancy and famous restaurant, to make up for the ones that were canceled. As he drove, he let you pick the music and he couldn’t stop the smile that grew on his face as you bobbed your head to the beat and lip synced to the lyrics. You looked so happy just to be with him and you weren’t buried in your phone like other girls he went out with. He secretly admitted to himself that it was a nice change of pace.
By the time they got to the restaurant, he opened the car door for you, making you blush. “Thank you, Hajime.”
“You’re welcome, princess.” He flashes you a smirk so you don’t see him berating himself in his head for already falling for the serious boyfriend thing.
He again held the door for you at the restaurant and you thanked him once more. The blush on your cheeks was starting to make him feel a bit better about the date. Maybe he was all worried about nothing. As long as you were by his side, he didn’t need to panic. Everything was going to be just fine.
“Reservation for two under the name Kokonoi.” He informed the hostess.
She checked through the list before frowning and checking it again. “I’m so sorry sir, I don’t see your name here.”
“Your name isn’t on the reservation list. I’m so sorry.” She apologized with a bow.
Hajime’s jaw tightened as he internally cursed Ran, who told him that it would be easy to get reservations at this restaurant. As he was about to give her a piece of his mind, you gently touched his elbow, causing him to glance at you. Taking a step forward, you asked gently, “Do you know how much longer it will be since we don’t have a reservation.”
“I’m so sorry to tell you this but we’re fully booked until next year. I wish I could be of more help.” She continued to bow apologetically.
Again, Hajime was about to fly off the handle for her incompetence, when he felt your hand slip into his and his words died on the top of his tongue. Looking up at him, you gave a sympathetic smile. “It’s okay, Hajime. We can just walk around and find a different place. I don’t mind.”
Too dumbfounded by your response, he allowed you to gently lead him out of the restaurant and back into the cool air of the night. He had been with girls who would have let his temper get the best of him and would have allowed him to shame the hostess until she got fired from her job. He had been with girls who would have thrown their own temper tantrums and broken up with him right on the spot if this had happened to them.
But you were different. Instead of melting down, you treated the unfortunate situation with civility and grace. He almost wondered to himself what was wrong with you. Surely you were just as annoyed by the situation as he was? But a smaller voice inside of him asked what was wrong with him? Why did he think you needed to act entitled to be worthy of his time? He was tired of all those kinds of girls with their obnoxious behavior. Why does he feel unworthy of your kindness? Why does he think you should change to become the very thing he hates? Honestly, what was wrong with him?
“Hajime?” Your voice gently calls out to him, pulling him out of the endless unanswered questions in his head. “Are you okay?”
He shook his head to clear his thoughts before nodding, plastering a fake smile on his face. “Of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
You bit your lip. “You seemed upset so I thought it was best we went for a small walk. I’m sorry if I upset you.”
There you go again, worrying about him more than yourself. Seriously, what was wrong with you? What was wrong with him?
You looked at him with confusion. “Why? Why what?”
He paused. “Why aren’t you freaking out? Why aren’t you upset that nothing has been going right? Why aren’t you having a meltdown?”
Again, you were confused. “Should I be freaking out? I mean, I didn’t think any of it was that big of a deal. The reason I wanted to go on a date with you is because I like you and I wanted to spend time with you. And I am spending time with you! To me, all that matters is that you’re here right now.”
Hajime was absolutely dumbfounded. All you cared about was him? Really? In all honesty, that was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to him. Of course that meant he had no idea what to say next.
Luckily he didn’t have to. You gently took his hand in yours and continued walking. You must have really meant it when you said you only cared about him. He’s not going to lie, it did make his heart skip a beat. He didn’t think anyone could ever have that effect on him. He was honestly glad it was you who could make him feel this way.
As the two of you were walking in a park, you paused. He was about to ask what was wrong when you pointed up at the sky. There, shooting stars dotted the sky. Hajime’s jaw dropped as he remembered the final phase of his plan for tonight. He was going to surprise you with dessert on a rooftop not far from here, where you could watch the meteor shower together and perhaps have a sleepover under the stars.
“It’s beautiful!” You breathed. “I forgot that the meteor shower was happening tonight! Isn’t it just amazing?”
He wasn’t looking at the sky. He was looking at you. The way your eyes lit up and the brightness of your smile. It was at that moment he was shell shocked just by looking at you. No, the meteors weren’t amazing. You were. You were the most dazzling star to him and right now, you were all his.
He nodded. “Yes, you are amazing.”
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ageingfangirl2 · 6 months
Imagine Being Bonten's Receptionist (Bonten x F Reader) - Tokyo Revengers
Bonten is Tokyo's most notorious crime syndicate but has an office like any respectable business. even if it was a front. Each member had an office, there were a couple of meeting rooms, and they even had other staff who like you were sworn to secrecy or face deadly consequences. The pay was better than any other place you'd interviewed at, and the hours were reasonable, but you were expected to be flexible if needed to come in early or stay later.
The reception area had a few sofas and tables, and your counter was the first thing you saw when you got off the lift. You couldn't actually enter the offices behind you unless you had a key card or you buzzed them in. It would be quite lonely out here on your own or so you thought.
Hajime Kokonoi had hired you, he said it was because you looked trustworthy, and of course, you made a joke that he'd probably had your background checked. He told you to your face he had and you were the most worthy applicant. When you pushed for more he sealed his lips. On your first day, he put a very nice vase of flowers on the reception counter stating it gave the place more life, but it was a bouquet of your favourite flowers. So you thanked him and he said it was nothing, even though a couple of flowers had to be imported. You heard he was stingy with money.
You were typing away when Takeomi Akashi walked out of the offices with an unlit cigarette between his lips not noticing your presence, because he was busy cussing the lighter that wasn't working. 'Excuse me, let me help you,' you call out, grab the lighter from your bag and walk over to him. 'Who are you?' he asks confused, and you explain as you light the cigarette. 'Thank you, you smoke?' he enquires and you shake your head, and explain your friends do and on nights out you'd rather them come to you than a stranger. 'Smart girl, never smoke.' Takeomi now knew who to come to when his lighter wouldn't work.
Kakucho walks out of the lift on his phone, 'good morning,' you say politely. The poor man jumps out of his skin and nearly drops his phone on the marble floor. You apologise profusely for scaring him and his face gets a little redder the more you talk to him. It's not lost on you that he's not so subtly checking you out, in fact, you find it kind of cute when he should be intimidating. 'Nice to meet you, err I have to go,' he stutters and makes a quick escape into the offices. At the end of the day, he introduces himself properly, telling you if you need anything you can call him. It had been a while since a guy had given you his number.
Word spread by lunchtime about the new hire and that's when you met the Haitani brothers Ran and Rindou. Hajime had warned you to be on your guard, you were innocent and the brothers would try to taint you. 'hello beautiful, I have a reason to come into the office more now,' Ran croons, leaning over the counter staring at you with lustful eyes. You sit up straight, 'it's nice to meet you, but nothing's going to happen.' Ran looks hurt while his brother laughs, 'Maybe you're not as much of a charmer as you think brother. Call me Rindou.' and you're shocked when he takes your hand and kisses it. You would almost believe he was a gentleman if he didn't have the same lustful eyes as his brother. You smile and remove your hand from his, 'I don't know what game you two are playing but it won't be easy. I've been warned.' the brothers exchange a look and huff, 'Koko,' they say in unison. You nod and go back to your computer. Little did you know that your rejection ignited a challenge between the brothers to see who could win you over first.
After the Haitani brothers, you thought you'd be left alone but there were a couple of cocky male employees who thought they could flash expensive suits and watches while being drenched in overpowering cologne. Unlike the brothers these two immediately violated your personal space making you feel uncomfortable, 'can you leave me alone please?' you ask, 'get away from me,' you insist. One of the men goes to grab your arm 'Know your place bitch--' when he's grabbed himself and thrown backwards. Kanji Mochizuki stands guard in front of you, 'the lady said no, just wait until the boss here's about this.' Then men scurry off scared by the threat. He turns to face you with a warm smile, 'Sorry about that, they won't cause you any more problems. Give me a shout if anyone else makes you feel uncomfortable.' you weren't quite sure what to make of him, but you just got your second number of the day.
Hajime or Koko as he told you to call him asked you to stay late to accept a parcel for another member. This is where you met Bonten's no.2 Haruchiyo Sanzu and the leader Manjiro Sano. You were taken aback seeing Sanzu covered in blood while Mikey didn't seem to have a single scratch on him, both looked equally intimidating and you didn't want to get on either of their bad sides. You gulp and look down at the parcel you'd not long signed for seeing it was addressed to Sanzu, 'good evening I have a parcel for Haruchiyo Sanzu.' both men stare at you, Sanzu looks manic while Mikey looks bored. 'Thank you, lovely lady, pink looks good on you,' Sanzu chuckles and takes the parcel before skipping into the office. You brush imaginary creases off your light pink blouse, 'well I guess I'll be going then, have a good night sir,' you pick up your bag, turn off the monitor and stand up noticing Mikey hadn't moved his eyes from you, 'are you okay sir?' you ask. He blinks a couple of times, 'Yes, get home safe,' you nod and press the lift button, feeling a little uneasy having Mikey continue to stare at you.
When you returned to your apartment you threw yourself on the bed thinking about your interesting first day of work, and all the Bonten members you'd interacted with. This was going to be an interesting job.
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sleepysnk · 1 year
a/n: hey everyone! i’m so excited to bring this piece to you all. this goes along with my sugar daddy collab! <3 i hope you all enjoy this! 🫶🏻
pairings: kokonoi hajime x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw, smut, sugar daddy!koko, age gap (reader is 21 and koko is 25), oral sex f!receiving, mentions of oral sex m!receiving, unprotected sex, use of pet names (baby, pretty thing, baby girl, good girl, princess), some degradation, light choking, car sex, edging, creampie, possessive behavior, kinda angst (?), very fluffy koko.
synopsis: you’re a college student looking to buy the things you want. koko comes to your aid and is able to grant you every wish you desired. from handbags to makeup that was worth more than anything you owned, he gave you it all. you have a long list of items, but what happens when you ask koko for his debit card and not just one item?
head over heels ft. kokonoi hajime
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Your eyes shifted over the many items in your shopping cart. The time displayed on your laptop screen showed that it was nearly one o’clock in the morning. You were fully aware that you should have been peacefully sleeping in your bed by now, but you were far too deep in your shopping to even think about any shut eye. 
Summer break was fast approaching and your university classes were soon coming to a close since the end of the semester was nearing its end. With that idea in mind, you grew sort of lazy and only did so much homework before feeling completely burned out. It was a common occurrence with many students your age. Your brain knew that the end was coming, so it set you into a certain mode where all you wanted to do was shut down and not do anything else. It was difficult, especially for the professors. However, you were passing all of your classes with high A’s and you had no reason to panic. You always kept up with your schoolwork like any proper student would, and now you were celebrating with a little retail therapy.
With break on the horizon, you had the desire to buy new things. Whether it was new clothes, a fresh new set of shoes, or just some makeup, you wanted to splurge a little. It wouldn’t hurt to have some new additions to your closet, right? 
Unfortunately, like many students you attended college with, you were quite broke. You had a part time job, but none of that money was able to go to things you wanted. You often had to save your checks for proper necessities like groceries and gas for your car. Sure, your roommate assisted with food and other things along those lines, but you didn’t want her to bear the brunt of it all. In the end, you were only left with a good one hundred fifty dollars. Sometimes, if you were lucky, you would have close to two hundred, but those weeks were rare. It was difficult to save, but the circumstances were never in your favor. You honestly couldn’t wait to graduate, but that left you with debt that would take you years to pay off. 
Now while that did stop you a majority of the time, you had an alternative option for buying the things you wanted. 
A little over three months ago, you and your friends were all hanging around inside your dorm. Your conversations were casual until your friend, Emma, had suggested downloading this app that involved meeting sugar daddies. At first, you were completely blown away by your friend's statement. You and your friends tried to protest that the app was probably a scam, because you had seen those types of things happen before. You’d offer them your banking information and then all of your funds would be taken from you in the matter of minutes. Plus, there were tons of weird men on those kinds of apps. Sometimes they would completely lie about their status just to receive whatever they wanted. Emma completely shut you and your friends down, and offered proof to help her case. When she brought it to the table, you were astounded. There had been multiple men that had sent her almost a thousand dollars each. She even claimed some didn’t ask for naked photographs, and they just sent it with zero hesitation behind it.
At first, you were stunned. 
Of course, that kind of offer seemed almost unnatural from how Emma made it look. A majority of the time those people were scammers or they wanted some kind of sexual advance for payment. Nowadays you couldn’t trust such a thing, but Emma had the proof. There were men sending her all kinds of money, and to be honest, you wanted in on that. You would have to do some digging is all. 
Once your friends had gone back to their own dorms, you decided to download the app. You chose some nice photos of yourself for your profile and began swiping on the plethora of men on your screen. It was almost like a sugar daddy tinder. For the first few minutes, you were met with lots of older guys. Some of them could have been your fathers age, so that’s why you decided to change your age range. Though, you had lots of discouragement for a while. A majority of the guys were genuine catfishes and you could tell by their profiles. The obvious cropping and misinformation was a clear sign of that. Some of them seemed like genuine creeps too. The one that looked promising almost always had a flaw along with them, and it was becoming quite annoying. How did Emma manage to discover the right men? This had to be pinned against you because all of the sugar daddies on that app were fucking weird. 
To be frank, you had started to believe that it was unlikely you’d find anything promising. The men you did have conversations with were disgusting or it was obvious they were trying to steal your debit card information. 
That ultimately changed when you came across a certain profile that seemed almost too good to be true.
Koko, 25
You were just about to delete the app when you came across the man’s profile. It was already almost two in the morning, but you were enthralled by the man on your screen. He was quite handsome and he seemed to live a very luxurious lifestyle. Your eyes widened when you saw that he was sitting on a Mercedes with many other cars beside it. He was so dreamy with his black and white hair that was dyed in different sections. There was a single earring that hung from his right ear, and there was even a photo of him sticking his tongue out. He owned more than your college tuition and car payment combined. It was hard for you to believe that a man like him was on such an app, but the most shocking thing was that he was only five miles away. Meaning, he was very close to you. It almost seemed like a fucking trap with how perfect it looked on the outside. There was no way this man was real. Behind the screen, there must have been a fifty year old man sitting in his crusty boxers. 
Despite that, you took a risk and swiped right on the man. 
You went to bed and didn’t ponder the app any longer. You assumed that if he was real, he probably wouldn’t bat an eye at you. He’d just keep swiping and leave it as that, right?
Wrong, so very wrong.
The next morning, you awoke and checked your phone as usual. You had notifications from your friends or random emails from your professors, but what you didn’t expect was a message from that app. 
Koko sent you a new message!
Your heart dropped inside your chest when you saw the message for the first time. You thought you were just having a dream, but Koko had actually messaged you. You immediately went to open it and see what he had said. You were honestly expecting one of those usual scam messages that are insanely filled with random emojis, but it was the exact opposite of that.
Koko: hey pretty thing <3 
For a little while, you contemplated replying to him. He could be a catfish for all you knew. He could also be trying to sweet talk you into taking your money, so you had to play it cool. It took you a while to actually trust the man behind the screen, but he eventually shared his phone number and the two of you began to frequently chat throughout the day. Koko had revealed he was a businessman. He never specified what it was, but he informed you that he made lots of money and he wasn’t married so there was nothing to spend it on except for himself. He was about four years older than you. The only reason he joined the app was to find someone to share that cash with, and that’s exactly what the man wanted to do with you. Koko also proved he wasn’t a scammer by any means and he would be willing to buy you whatever you wanted. 
But, at a price.
Koko had proposed a deal for you both. He had no problem being your sugar daddy by any means. He told you that if there was anything you needed from him, he would buy it with no hesitation. However, he wanted something in return. There was a reason you were his sugar baby. 
Koko offered to give you what you wanted after you had sex with him, or gave him something in exchange for your item. He told you that the higher the price of your gift, the higher you would have to work to receive it. It was quite a shock to you to hear such a thing, but you did want a sugar daddy. Koko had even mentioned he would never force you into a situation that you didn’t want, but he wanted you to keep your end of the deal no matter what. At first, you were unsure of it all. He was a handsome guy, he made lots of money, and all you would have to do was fuck him to have anything you so pleased. It was nerve wracking, though. You were going to be intimate with a man who was older than you, and he was going to give you anything you wanted after? There was a lot to ask, but you weren’t sure how to bring it up.
After a long phone call with the man, you had fully agreed to the terms he set for you. Koko had also explained to you that if at any point you would like to terminate it, he had no issue with that. You were relieved to hear such a thing. At least he wasn’t some deeply obsessed man who wouldn’t let you go if you asked.
The very first time you wanted to buy something, you were nervous. You were on Sephora, browsing the different eyeshadow palette’s or lipsticks you thought would fit nice on your skin. You had placed a few items into your cart. Your eyes drifted to the total and your chest practically started hurting the moment you saw it. It came out to $157.67. Part of you wasn’t so sure if you should ask Koko. It was his money, and you would always feel bad whenever any friend or family member spent money on you. You knew you wouldn’t have to give Koko a single cent back, but what would he say? There was a chance he would laugh at you and say no to the offer. It would piss you off, yes, but that thought was lingering in the back of your mind. You hesitated to send him the message with the total, but you eventually pressed send and left your phone to sit and wait. Your heart was racing so fast that you thought you would have had a heart attack back then. 
Within minutes, you received a reply, and his response made shivers ghost down your spine.
Koko: send me a video of you fingering yourself <3 and send me the link afterwards
After a long while of internal panic, you eventually sent Koko the video. There was silence for a little while on his end. You hoped that he didn’t somehow block you or he just lied to get what he wanted. There was a chance Koko had completely set you up, and he was going to steal the video for his own personal benefit. God, you prayed that wasn’t the case. 
Though, after ten minutes, Koko replied with a screenshot of your order. He also praised you for what you had sent him. He claimed you were one of the most beautiful women he had ever laid his eyes upon, and those comments made your cheeks burn with embarrassment. For a man who was only supposed to be your sugar daddy, he seemingly had a lot to say about your appearance. You weren’t complaining about that factor, though. You would have much rather had him commenting on that than being a weird creep asking for more. He was gladly proving himself as a respectable man, and you had gotten a new present out of it. You were very satisfied with that, and all of those worries that had you anxious disappeared once he shared that he had purchased your makeup. 
You frequently sent nudes to Koko for whatever you wanted. You began receiving many gifts and random packages that filled your room quicker than you had expected. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that Koko was spoiling you rotten with his money. He didn’t seem to have much of a problem with that either. Any time you would protest, he would shut you up by sending you random payments. You could never argue with him either. He was quite stubborn at times. 
Eventually, there came a point where you both desired to meet one another.
He planned a nice date for you two. He offered to pick you up and he even proposed the idea of taking you shopping afterwards. If you didn’t have extra studying to do, you would have taken the opportunity to go and buy some things with him. However, you declined due to your own personal things. You were very nervous to meet him. This would be the first time you saw him in person, but you had this urge to finally see the man who had been giving you money. You were all over the place when the evening arrived. When he messaged you that he was outside, you almost completely chickened out and told him you didn’t want to anymore. However, with the help of your friends and your roommate, you were able to face Kokonoi Hajime in all of his glory. 
You didn’t expect to see such a fine man, but what you weren’t expecting the most was sleeping with him that night.
The dinner had gone quite well between you both. Koko was polite, handsome, and overall a gentleman with you. The place you went to was divine and you would have never expected you would have eaten at such a great restaurant. 
Things quickly changed once the two of you had gotten into Koko’s expensive BMW. The atmosphere had shifted and there was this ache that formed between your legs. It could have been the aroma of his luxurious cologne, or the way he gripped the steering wheel as he drove. It honestly felt like this man had casted a spell on you. You just couldn’t stop yourself from kissing him at the red light. One thing led to another, and you ended up in Koko’s high rise apartment with your legs thrown over his shoulders. The sex you both indulged in was like no other. Koko wasn’t anything like those lame college guys you hooked up with. He showed you what it was like to actually fuck someone, and it only left you craving more of your sugar daddy. He worked wonders on your body, and he knew exactly where to touch you to have you melting within his grasp. You only craved more of him as the days went on, and eventually, you two started seeing one another more often. 
Whether it was giving him a blowjob for a new pair of heels, or letting him eat your pussy until you made a mess on his face, Koko was intoxicating and you only wanted him at the end of the night. 
You chewed on your bottom lip at Koko’s contact. You had no idea if the man was still awake at this dead hour. However, you decided to snap a photo of your total and message your sugar daddy. If he didn’t see it at that hour, he would probably see it the next morning and decide what to do. 
You: koko, i want these
You: [image]
You clicked your phone off and sat there for a few minutes. There was silence from your phone, so it was just a waiting game. You hoped he was awake but you weren’t forcing a response right away. You were very patient with him. Koko had a busy lifestyle, so it was understandable if he was exhausted after a long day. 
Those thoughts you had were interrupted by the vibration of your cell phone. You reached for it and was surprised to see that Koko had texted you back. 
Koko: for sure baby
Koko: you better let me pick you up 🤍 that price is high 
Your eyes grew wide at his request. It was late, very late. Your roommate was asleep in her bed already and you technically weren’t supposed to be wandering campus at that hour. Sneaking out wouldn’t be that difficult, but knowing how Koko was in bed, you knew you wouldn’t be home the next morning. Usually, you would decline and say no, but you hadn’t seen Koko at all much recently. Not gonna lie, you needed your fix of him and you wanted to see his handsome face. It wasn’t like you could message him randomly to fuck. He probably wasn’t into something like that. 
You: okay
You: atp i deserve your debit card 🙄
You were joking when you sent that reply, but you brushed that aside to go and prepare yourself for what was to come. Koko didn’t live very far from your university. He worked in the city which was not a far drive from campus, but you hardly drove there unless you absolutely had to. Koko also would pick you up. He honestly considered you his little passenger princess because of how often he would come and get you. He always picked you up in a different vehicle, though. Sometimes, he would let you pick the car he would drive you around in. It was such a luxury being Koko’s sugar baby. You couldn’t ask for anyone better.
You paused in your motions when your phone vibrated again. You grabbed it off of your bed and stared at the new text messages Koko had sent to you. 
Koko: my debit card? you really want that baby?
Your eyes widened at his reply. As much as you wanted to say no, having his card on you would give you easier access to getting the things you wanted without having to wait. 
You: i was kidding haha
Koko: i’m serious
Koko: do you want it? i don’t mind handing it over
Shock coursed through your veins at his reply. You said that as a joke, yet he sounded incredibly serious about it. You could never take Koko’s debit card like that. He often told you he had many due to having such an incredible amount of funds, but having one sounded dangerous. Though, it sounded like such a great idea. 
You: really??
Koko: yes princess
Koko: but that’s a serious trade.. if you want it you know you’ll have to pay up.
You knew full well that’s how the deal worked. He wouldn’t give away something unless there was a price at hand, which was understandable. You wondered what that might be. Koko could make sex more intense depending on the price of the item you desired. Usually, anything above two hundred was always going to involve a meet up. Whether it was just oral sex, or actual fucking. You fully assumed now that Koko was going to ask to meet up. You had no issue with that, of course, but the thrill of the situation made your thighs clench together. He was a man full of surprises. He showed you things in sex that no other man was capable of, so this could be a situation you would never forget. 
You began typing a response to the man. It was already nearly two o’clock in the morning, so you had to make a decision quickly. 
You: okay, i want your debit card koko
Sending that message was the reason you were in the situation you found yourself in now. You should have expected Koko to be the person he was, but you hadn’t expected him to pull over into a parking lot after he picked you up. You were in the backseat of his Mercedes with your thighs spread apart and his face deep between them. His tongue was buried into your pretty cunt that he had been wanting to taste for the last two weeks. Fuck, he missed you so much. He never could properly admit it out loud, but Koko wanted to see you more often than he should. You were always engraved in his mind at work. He would often fight with himself on sending you a message about your day, or simply asking what you were up to. He shouldn’t be thinking that way, but you were too difficult to resist.
Your head was lying against the cushion of his seats. Your fingernails tugged and pulled at the strands of Koko’s dual colored hair. One thing about Koko was that his head game was one of the best. He slurped and sucked on your clit with such ease, and it drove you up the wall. There was nobody else that could make you feel the way Koko made you feel. “K-Koko..! Ah.. yes! Right there!” you wiggled your hips upwards to gain more traction against his tongue. You were getting lost within him. All you could think about was him and only him.
The man shifted his eyes up at you. His pupils were slightly dilated from lust, and the pure sight of you made him only more turned on. Koko honestly couldn’t believe that such a fine woman like you ever gave him the time of day. You were perfect in every aspect. He couldn’t ever imagine himself involving another woman, but you. He honestly wondered if you felt the same way about him. In some ways, he hoped that deep down you did. Koko liked to believe that he gave you it all. He spoiled you rotten with his money and gave you all the sex you desired. He didn’t care what it might be. He would do anything for his precious sugar baby. “Yeah..? That feel good, baby girl? Heh.. you always taste as good as you look.” he used his thumb to rub circles on your clit that was swollen. You were a dripping mess when he took your panties off. It was amazing what he could do to you in just a matter of minutes. His presence alone winded you up.
He then attacked your cunt once again. His tongue swiped over your sensitive bud, earning several sharp gasps from your lips. He lapped up any slick that appeared on your pussy. He was practically eating you like you were his last meal. Koko was making you feel like you were on fire. His actions were the very thing igniting that spark within you. He could only smirk at the delightful noises that were slipping from your throat. He could listen to you like a song on repeat. 
Koko’s cock was aching inside his sweatpants. It was taking all of his strength to not completely ravage you, but that need was there. He was begging to be freed from his boxers that felt like they were closing in on him. Koko’s hold on your thighs tightened and his tongue began to move quicker, sending bolts of electricity along your abdomen from the pleasure. Your breathing had become quite heavy and your hold on his hair had tightened. He could tell that you were absolutely enjoying yourself right now. It only stroked that ego he had deep within him. He averted his gaze for a brief moment to stare at your stunning features that were twisted with pleasure. The expressions on your face made him smirk while he ate you out. He couldn’t wait to be inside of that pussy he loved so much. He craved you more than he would like to admit. Sometimes, he would find himself jerking off to your videos or photos you had sent him. His fist never compared to the way your pretty cunt would suck him in.
You were close, so fucking close. Koko could make you cum by just eating you out, which was honestly a talent. The knot inside your belly was tightening with every motion of his tongue. All you sought was that burning desire within yourself. Koko could tell by your body language and your voice that you were about to reach your peak. He wasn’t ready for you to cum yet. He wanted you to be wound up just a bit more before he’d allow that to occur. Plus, you were only ever allowed to cum on his cock.
Koko then retracted himself away from your cunt. A mix of his spit and your slick covered his chin, to which he wiped off with his hand. You whined at the loss of contact, and the denial of your orgasm. He could be so unfair sometimes with you. “Koko.. I need you..” you took his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers together. 
He could see the desperation in your eyes, and in your voice. Koko then kissed your palm and smiled at you with those nice teeth of his. He thought you were so cute like that. All whiny and needy for him to be inside of you. He wasn’t going to let you wait any longer, because as much as it sounded selfish, he wanted to fuck you too. It had been far too long since the man had played with his favorite girl. He missed you more than anything else, and all he wanted was your presence near him. “I’m here, baby.. don’t you worry.” he then leaned down towards your lips, pressing a small kiss onto you. It was sweet, and tender.
Koko pulled away after a few seconds. He then began to untie the loops of his sweatpants, pulling them downward so he could free his cock that had been aching to be freed since he took you into the backseat. Some pre-cum leaked from the tip, which he wiped off with his thumb. He tossed them somewhere in the front seat and plopped down in one of the seats. He motioned for you to come towards him. “Come here..” he patted his lap, eyeing you like you were his prized possession. 
You sat up, maneuvering yourself onto his lap so both of your thighs were on either side of him. Koko’s hands settled on your waist, taking in the touch of your soft skin. He could never get enough of how delicate you felt underneath his fingertips. It was like he was touching flower petals, silky and smooth. You were the prettiest one in the garden though. Koko positioned himself at your soaked entrance. He glided his tip against your folds, causing you to softly moan from the friction. You were so fucking wet. He loved seeing what he was able to do to your body. Seeing you up above him made his heart swell with warmth. You were like a goddess in his hands. He couldn’t believe that someone like you wasn’t in a relationship, or at least talking with someone. You deserved love. 
Could he be the one to grant that?
After some small teasing of your slit, he pushed himself inside your pussy. The two of you let out noises at the contact. Your hands squeezed at Koko’s shoulders, holding onto him as he guided your hips onto his cock. You were so tight. You hugged his dick so well that he could almost moan from how great it was. He never got tired of how your cunt felt. “Koko..! So big.. fuck..” you looked down at his shaft that was filling you up and stretching you to almost your limit. He was big, probably the biggest you’ve ever taken.
Once he was fully bottomed out, he began to thrust into your cunt. The angle was just perfect for him. Your tits were practically in his face, and every little movement caused them to bounce. If he could, he would tape every single moment of your sexual encounters. He could watch them like movies and be able to recall every little detail. Koko groaned at how nicely you sucked his cock in. He held your hips firmly and would occasionally squeeze the plush of your ass. You were just too fucking good. He never was exhausted of fucking your brains out. You were completely in utter bliss. This felt much different than before. You weren’t sure why. You assumed that maybe it was because you were both fucking in his car or maybe because you hadn’t seen Koko in weeks, but that didn’t matter. All you could focus on was the gorgeous man who was buried into your guts right now.
Koko’s pace began to increase. He found it much harder to hold back now. He had these urges that needed to be released, and after all, you were going to earn his debit card once this was all set and done. He wanted to fuck you so good that any time you stared at it you would remember what he made you feel that night. “Fuck.. so good, baby.. takin’ my cock so well. You’re such a good girl..” he gritted his teeth. “You’re my good girl, yeah? Tell me baby..” 
You stared into his lustful eyes. The pleasure in your gut was so good that you were beginning to lose focus on the situation. He was grabbing and touching you in all the right spots that made you like putty in his hands. “Mmph! Yes.. ah! Yes, Koko..” you whined, pressing your forehead against his. 
The heat inside of the car began to gradually increase from your actions. Sweat was clinging to your skin, and some of Koko’s hair was sticking to his forehead. Neither of you gave much care to that fact, because you were too lost in the moment to even think about that. Koko couldn’t help but stare at you. Your pretty face was all contorted with euphoria and your gorgeous body was so smooth within his hands. He couldn’t think of a greater image. He knew the night he fucked you for the first time that he wanted to see you again. He didn’t want someone like you to slip through his fingers, so that’s why he continued to pursue you. There was so much to like about you beyond the sex. Your personality, your smile, that beautiful laugh. He could name so much more, but it’d take him years to finish. He knew it wasn’t right. Thinking of his sugar baby as something more, but he couldn’t help himself. You were a drug he couldn’t stop coming back to.
Koko’s hand went to wrap around your throat, keeping your head in place so you made eye contact with him. He squeezed slightly, blocking some of the air from entering your lungs. Your nails scratched into his skin from the lack of oxygen. “Shit.. so fucking good f’me..” he looked into your cloudy eyes. “Fuck.. you like being my slut..? Whoring yourself out for my money.. fuck, I love spoilin’ you, princess..”
All you could do was nod and let out a small whine. He then released your throat and smiled to himself at your reaction. He knew no matter what you would always love spending his money on shit you wanted. He didn’t care how much it was either. He loved what was to come before the purchases. Though, the after made him even happier. Seeing your smiling face when he buys you gifts makes all the darkness in his day disappear. “K-Koko..” you leaned your head downwards so it was now buried into his shoulder. “Fuck.. love being y-your slut!”
Koko couldn’t hide the smirk that had written itself on his features. Of course you loved it. You always slithered back to him and that’s exactly how he knew. He decided to speed things up and begin fucking you at such a rough pace. His tip rapidly pressed against your g-spot, making white stars appear in your vision from how intense it was. 
It was moment’s like this where Koko didn’t want the night to end. He wished he could fuck you like this all of the time, but that only happened whenever you needed something. That was the deal, after all. He didn’t want to overstep your boundaries and possibly cause problems in your agreement. Koko had his urges, though. He wanted to randomly arrive at your place and just have you all to himself with no sort of item being the sole reason why. It sounded selfish, he was well aware of that, but you were the first girl to ever want to see him for a date rather than just a hookup. Sure, sugar daddies often treated their sugar babies to dates at divine restaurants, but to Koko that was something special. He knew that you probably thought of it as something common, but he never did that with just anyone he came across. Dates, sex, money, all of those things could make Koko easily attached to somebody else. Despite his brain telling him not to, he wanted you. 
He wanted you all to himself. 
He knew thinking such a thing was wrong, but the thought of someone else spoiling you with their money angered him. Seeing your body in all its glory and only toying with you made him want to go after whoever that might be. He was the only one who should be giving you the things you wanted. He should be the only one pounding your pussy until you’re almost squirting onto his cock from how great it is. You were his sugar baby. You shouldn’t rely on any other man but him to give you what you need. 
Koko reached forward to hold your face with his one hand, forcing you to look at him. Your eyes were half-lidded and you had this gorgeous fucked out expression on your features. His eyes flickered from your face then towards those glossy lips. “You’re mine.. right, princess?” No one is better than me..” his voice was deep and sort of hoarse from how much he had been groaning and grunting. 
Your walls quivered around his cock, earning a breathy chuckle from Koko. He didn’t think you would have such a reaction, but it turned him on so much. You liked when Koko was possessive over you. He had no idea, but he was for sure going to use that to his advantage. You were making such a mess on his dick too. “Y-Yes, Koko! All yours.. ah!” you nodded your head vigorously at his question. You only desired more from the man. He was making you feel things that nobody else has ever made you feel. 
Your orgasm was creeping up on you. The pool of heat inside your gut was reaching its boiling point, making you all the more needy for Koko. He could feel your walls clenching and closing around his cock, making his own pleasure increase from how tight you felt. His favorite part was watching you reach your high, because your reactions were just so sexy. He loved making you cum like the little slut you were for him. His hands gripped your hips tightly, allowing him to fuck himself upwards into you at that same pace that would send your mind into a frenzy. He was abusing your g-spot only allowing his name to slip from your plump lips. His balls were smacking against your puffy clit, making all kinds of lewd noises inside of the car.
Koko leaned in and captured your lips onto his. A sloppy kiss erupted between the two of you. He swallowed down any moans that came from your throat. He almost chuckled again when he felt you struggling to kiss him back. You were both chasing your releases, becoming so desperate for one another. Koko almost bit down on your lip from how close he was, but he refrained and pulled away. “Gonna cum..? C’mon, baby, cum on my fucking cock..” he leaned towards your ear, nibbling on your skin. “Shiittt, ‘m gonna cum inside this p-pretty cunt, pretty thing.”
You let out a cry of pleasure as soon as that knot snapped. Your orgasm hit you hard. Your whole body trembled and shook, sending shivers down your spine. Koko squeezed your hips hard enough to leave bruises when he reached his own climax. The way your pussy spasmed and clamped down on him made his high come faster than he had expected. His cum filled your walls, creating a mess that consisted of your arousal and his around his cock to make it seem white. 
You let yourself slump onto his body. The two of you panted, trying to recover from your orgasms. A layer of fog had blanketed the window and both of you were quite messy. Koko rested his arm around your waist, placing his chin atop of your head. In all honesty, he didn’t want to let you go home yet. He wanted to sit there for a few minutes just bathing in your embrace, because he knew the moment you went home he would go back into his empty bed and imagine you lying beside him in his sheets. He also feared possibly staining the seats of his car by pulling out, so he decided to just keep himself inside you for a little while. Neither of you had anywhere to be at that moment. 
There was a comfortable silence that surrounded you. It was broken when Koko cleared his throat and reached for his wallet that was in the pocket of his sweatpants he had discarded earlier. He opened it and removed his debit card from the many spots he had in his wallet. He also reached into it and pulled out several one hundred dollar bills. “This is for you, baby.” he then reached under your shirt and shoved the bills into your bra. He also slid his debit card along with the cash. You were surprised to see him put them there, but it was Koko of all people. He always had the ability to catch you off guard.
You looked down at Koko. You seemed quite tired and he could sense it from your lazy body language. You were so cute when you were sleepy. “Thank you, Koko..” you touched his cheeks with your hands, rubbing your thumbs against his skin. A smile made its way onto your features from his gesture.
He pecked your lips, bringing your body closer to his. Your touch made him melt from how warm it was. “Anything for you..” he buried his face into your neck, inhaling your natural scent. His mind only thought of you for the rest of the evening. He hoped that maybe, just maybe, you would see him as someone more than just your sugar daddy.
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atarathegreat · 11 months
Scary Wife Privilages Tokyo Revengers
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Featuring: Kokonoi Hajime, Ken Ryuguji (Draken), Rindou Haitani, Atsushi Sendo (Akkun)
Synopsis: They don't need you to stand up for them, but damn do they love when you get feisty.
It was crazy to you the extent of disrespect that Kokonoi would put up with while you were around. Everyone was aware of how ruthless the man could be, but they were also aware of how he hid it when you were around, and they took advantage of it. You lost count of how many people stopped in with random complaints about whatever Koko had done the previous week.
You lost count, sure, but not your temper.
Another poor soul walked in, anger evident on his face. Kokonoi wasn't any less pissed than you were, but he didn't like to explode when you happened to be with him. Of course, you knew this. You'd seen him strangle a man for information. You rolled your eyes thinking about it: how could he strangle a man in front of you with zero hesitation but he didn't want to get angry?
"Don't." You glared at the fancy suit and tie as he sat in the chair opposite the desk where Koko sat. "Don't say a word if it's negative." your voice was dark, heavy, almost dangerous, "Give your report and leave."
The man stared up at you as you leaned on Kokonoi's chair, "If there are problems then the boss needs to know."
Koko would be lying if he said he wasn't impressed with the way you leaned over his desk, grabbing the man by his tie and jerking him forward. He knew you had a temper but this...this was different. This made him wish he was on the receiving end of your death glare. "Say it then." Your words sent a chill up Koko's spine, "Tell me your complaint."
And for the first time, Koko seen one of his men speechless. You were scaring the hell out of him, even more so than any gun.
"No, ma'am, it's okay..." His underling whimpered. Koko had never heard any of his men whimper. But there it was, the fear in his eyes and a very pathetic whine that came out as he spoke.
Inui and Kenny had been busting their asses all day. They'd fixed bike after bike, crushed their fingers, bruised their legs, and Kenny slammed his head into the shelf holding parts, effectively bringing the whole thing down. Inui had laughed, stating, "You're too damn tall for this little shop!"
You smiled, and your smile could've made the devil himself kneel in terror, "Then give your report and go."
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As they were replacing a whole gas tank for an old rusted up bike, (Kenny knew it would be more use to the customer as scrap, but the man was adamant about getting the poor heap of metal fixed) someone started hitting the bell on the front desk like it was an emergency. Kenny looked up, sharing a look of exhaustion with Inui before they both stood and slowly made their way out.
"Finally!" The woman yelled and slammed her hands on the counter, "You fixed my sons bike and charged him extra! Who do you think you are?"
Inui, who was busy pulling the books for the week, responded before Kenny could, "I'm Inui Seishu, he's Ken Ryuguji."
Inui's sarcasm made the woman angrier, and Kenny, for the very first time, hated that his friends kneejerk reaction to people was dry sarcasm. She started yelling louder, getting on Ken's nerves as he stood and took it. What was he going to do? Him and Inui charged fairly on their work, and this was a woman, Kenny couldn't exactly brawl with her.
"Would you just give me your sons name so I can find what we fixed and how much we charged?" Inui asked dryly, glancing up from the computer.
"No! You're supposed to know this stuff already! Unless you're scamming everyone that comes into this store!" The woman was becoming red in the face, "Scammers! Overpriced mechanics."
A sweet gust of wind carried over Kenny, he didn't have time to groan about someone else coming in before you had analyzed the situation. You'd heard the woman yelling from outside, a plan of action already made and ready to be executed. Inui smiled at you, "Good evening, Y/n."
"Evening, Inui." Both men paused at the calm air in your voice, "What's the problem here?"
You were here, meaning Kenny could relax and let you handle this problem on legs. He smiled and waved at his daughter who was holding your hand tightly, she waved back and giggled when your hand absently rested in her hair. God, how did his day get twenty times better with just a simple little sound?
The woman quickly tried to usher you out of the shop, stopping when you gently shoved her hand away, "You better get your little girl out of here, these scammers-"
"Enough." Your tone was cold, "These men are charging just right for their expertise and parts they replace. Do you understand how much money it costs to order half the parts for a motorcycle?''
Inui piped up quickly, "I don't think she does, Miss Ryuguji. Enlighten her."
Now Kenny was regretting how funny it was that his friend loved instigating you.
"In the last month this shop has spent over 6734610 yen in bike parts, three pieces of which went to your sons bike three days ago. Inui," You looked over at him, "search the name Kyoka. Broken clutch, broken break and an old spark plug."
Everyone waited silently as Inui looked it up. Your daughter pulled her hand free and ran to her dad, whispering to him as he picked her up, "Mommy is real scary right now." Kenny nodded, "Mommy doesn't take this type of shit, does she, baby girl?" The young child giggled, "She said she was gonna have to beat ass when we came in."
Kenny covered his daughters mouth, "Hey, we talked about the swearing, didn't we?"
He didn't have time to get an answer from your daughter because you started yelling back at the older lady, "I don't care if your son used his whole damn paycheck to get his bike fixed. He's in his thirties and doesn't need his mommy to come and bitch about price for him. Go on! Yell some more, because I promise you, I am much louder."
She tucked tail and hurried from the shop, leaving you alone with the two mechanics, "You charged twenty yen over..."
Rindou, while he loved his brother very much, didn't like the man coming over. Ran had a bad habit of flirting with you and Rindou had caught his brother setting his hands on your thighs too many times. He wasn't worried about you falling for the ridiculous antics, you'd always removed Ran's hands promptly but respectfully, he just hated that his brother was encroaching on his wife. Ran could have any woman he wanted, why did he have to go after you?
Inui grinned, "Agree with us in public, huh?"
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"Rin?" You called to him from across your shared bedroom, "I can see the way your eyebrows are moving. What are you thinking?"
He snapped out of his thoughts quickly, looking at the beautiful outfit you were wearing, the way your arms stretched as you struggled with the clasp of your necklace. "Nothing." Rindou muttered, stepping up behind you to grab the ends of the silver chain.
"Have I ever told you that you suck at lying to me?" Your eyes pierced his through the mirror of your vanity. He couldn't hide the small smirk, "You have."
Rindou appreciated the way you called him out so openly, most people were too afraid of him to, but you didn't fear anyone, not even Mikey, and Mikey had held a gun to your throat. "I...Is it bad that I don't want Ran to come over? I love him, but-"
"I think it's a normal reaction when a man keeps trying to seduce your wife." You were nothing if not brutally honest, "I can't say I'm thrilled to have him over, either."
And yet, despite neither of you being excited to see him, you both greeted Ran with smiles and hugs. You, of course, had to peel the older man from your body, chuckling as you stated, "Boundaries, Ran."
Ran knew the extent he could go, and he exploited it. Placing his hands on your lower back, just above your ass where you couldn't protest your boundaries, or grabbing your hand and tugging you away from Rindou at the worst moments. It was getting on Rindou's nerves the more the night went on, to the point that Rin was hanging onto your back and refusing to let you do anything without him. He was acting like a koala, and as much as you loved him, it was getting aggravating having two grown men following you around.
"Enough!" You snapped, scaring the brothers, "Sit down!"
They did, Ran smiling as you finally lost your temper with them. Rindou glared at his brother, kicking him under the table, "This is your fault..."
"Quiet." You sounded like a mother scolding her children, "We're going to set some new rules, okay? Good."
Rindou knew that none of the rules were meant for him, but the tone in your voice was, at the very least, worrying to him. He knew you could strangle Ran, not with pure strength but because Ran would let you, and he didn't want you to get any more pissed.
It might as well have been a brothel. The second you walked in you were slammed with the smell of perfume and expensive fabrics. You'd learned to take headache relief before showing up, and it helped for the most part. The women, Hostess's as your husband called them, were lined up all day. Mostly they stood and watched men walk in and pick another woman to have their fun with before they walked out, half drunk and with their pants undone while the woman spent the next hour getting fixed up.
"And for the love of god, Ran, stop flirting with me! I don't like you!" You huffed, crossing your arms, "I have zero attraction to you, give up. Because if you don't, and I say this heavily, Ran, I will bring out every ounce of Haitani that I have picked up in the last three years and I will sink you to the bottom of the ocean."
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The man who greeted you as you walked in was quick to remove a dark velvet rope, letting you go up the steps to where you knew Atsushi was sitting. But you were greeted with a sight that made you cackle.
Atsushi was sitting in his usual spot on one of the overpriced couches, legs spread wide and his arms resting over the back. He laid his head back to see you, smiling as you walked closer. You stared down at the woman who was crouched between his knees, "I can hear you begging from the doorway. It's pathetic."
Her poorly manicured nails slowly pulled off his knees, her wrongly glossed lips parting as she spoke, "Wh-who are you?"
You moved Atsuhsi's hand to show off his ring, "Take a guess. Tell me-Oh, no, don't get up!" You stopped her from moving from her position, "Tell me, how does it feel to beg for a married man?"
She was silent, staring up at you. You were like the boogey man for the girls who worked, as each one had tried to make themselves Atsushi's favorite.
"Good to see you, babe." Atsushi reached up and held your face, "Come just to see me?"
"Mhm, that was the initial goal." You walked around and sat beside him, grabbing the woman's hands and placing them on Atsushi's thighs, "Now, I want to see something."
The woman looked even more scared as you moved her around, "Did you think you would get away with this, sweetheart? I know these girls share stories of me, so there's no way you didn't hear about me."
"I swear, I didn't know the boss was married...I hadn't heard anything..." She was wide eyed, shaking a little. You laughed, "Come now, Atsu, are your girls hazing each other?"
He shrugged, "You know I don't pay that much attention."
You stood quickly, dragging the woman backwards and bending her painfully over the small table behind her. She gasped, eyes going wider if that was even possible. Atsushi had seen you do this before.
Both your faces were only inches apart, your wide smile would haunt her for days, "Does this hurt you? Can you take more?" She shook her head, muttering out a quiet "no" that made you giggle, "Then know that you can't handle what my husband could do to you. Even if you were just sucking cock, he's too brutal for you to stand. So, please, attempt this again. Do it, sweetheart, on the very, very slim chance he cheats on me, I'll know you won't be walking for a few days while I file divorce."
The doubled threat wasn't lost on Atsushi, who quickly moved to drag you into his lap, "Babe, c'mon, this place needs ladies who work." He sounded calm, but you could see the emotion hidden in his movements. Atsushi didn't want you to even mention divorce ever again, let alone after you threatened his employee.
The woman ran away fast when you waved her off, "Atsu, honey, my love. Don't let me find this again. I might just kill the next bitch."
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
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Will be updated.
Fanfic Recommendations:
Tokyo revengers:
Manjiro x Reader:
The Promised Revenge by AnneeLii_2
Wicked Throne by godjo
Manjiro x Reader:
Dark Red by fubufubufubuki
Achilles' Heel by Meraki-Written
Poker Face by RIC3WIFEYY
The Way I Loved You by RIC3WIFEYY
Sanzu x Reader:
To Kill An Empire by Meraki-Written
Ran x Reader:
Legs That Won't Walk by Meraki-Written
I Hate The Odds by Meraki-Written
Rindou x Reader:
Doll Face by Meraki-Written
Izana x Reader:
Crown Prince by RIC3WIFEYY
69 notes · View notes
sunny-mercya · 1 year
Sickly Summer
Bonten x Male Baby Reader
Inspired by the many Stories @reallyromealone had done! Go and check his Blog out!
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Mochi had you in his arms, carrying you through the living—back and forth, swaying in gentle manner from side to side—in hopes of, finally, calming you down.
Never did Mochi thought, that you, their little precious baby boy, could cry so much during one night and throughout the day. He knows babies do cry, a lot even sometimes, but this? This seemed way too out of place to be called normal behaviour.
Then again, you weren't feeling all that healthy well right now and your only way of telling them this, was through bawling.
«Here. Maybe a lukewarm bottle of Milk will soothe him a bit, till Rinny find his pacifier and plushy.» suggest Ran, emerging out from the Kitchen, holding the bottle to you. You scrunched your face up in disgust, before burying it back in Mochi's neck.
«Huh, I think so too, bud. Papa Ran surely doesn't wanna have a repeat of last time.» emphasised Mochi, going back to rocking you into soothing as soon as he heard your sniffles again.
Ran shrugged his shoulders in defeat. He doesn't know what to do either. Mochi was right though, neither Ran nor the others would like to have a repeat of what happen 2 weeks ago.
Bonten knew you had a very sensitive stomach, couldn't handle most, if not even all, foods and drinks. You got a special Diet plan, but even then it could happen that your stomach would go into a cramping strike.
Like how it happen two weeks ago; You had Semolina porridge for dinner, something you would eat most of the time since it was stomach friendly enough. Either it was Takeomi himself or one of them, who might have accidentally poured a bit too much sugar or any kind of spices in it, but it was a literally shit night after dinner.
Kakucho had changed your diapers about three times, till he decided to just stay with you in the bathroom throughout the whole night, as you shitted into a tiny bucket and if you weren't doing that, you would vomit till dry-heaving. Worst case of Diahrrea.
Takeomi was trying to get some fluids into you again, coaxing with mostly water and diluted milk, knowing well from his own experience with his siblings, that fluids are essentially necessary during such a time. Tough case it was though, you refused every time and had enough strength left to slap Takeomi's cup offering away.
Ever since then, they did good monitoring over your diet plan and what you eat.
Rindou came hopping into the living room, a big smile on his face as he triumphal hold up the pacifier. I mean, you had a whole box of them and your dads keep extra ones in the storage and to lose them is rather easy, but you had certain favourite ones and in times like these you only want them.
«Lookie lookie, [Name]! What Papa Rin has for you,» Rindou gently put the pacifier into your mouth—which seemed to sooth you right away as you sucked on it—taking you from Mochi's arms and prepped your face with kisses.
A slight frown came over Rindous face. Sitting himself on the couch, you on his lap, he take good glance at your chubby face.
Cheeks flushed red, eyes swollen and still brimmed with left over tears. Your tiny chest heaving heavily, you weakly gripping his shirt.
«Did you two shitlings make him cry more?» Rindou give a slight glare at them, almost accusing.
«No we didn't, asshat. If you couldn't tell already, our darling baby isn't feeling goodie.»
«Thanks, Mr. Obvious. For telling me.»
«Be glad Mikey and Kakucho aren't here or you two would have to put 20Yen into the swear-jar.» Kokonoi's amusing chuckling brought the Haitani Brothers out of their word squabbling. They hadn't heard that Kokonoi has come in.
The three watched how Kokonoi put some bags down onto the coffee table. Rummaging through them, Kokonoi pulled out a small stuffed frog and one of those squeeze balls.
As soon as you notice what one of your dads had in his hands, your eyes lit up and made grabby hands towards him. Koko give it to you.
«Is he getting better? Did you gave him something to drink already?»
«To both of your questions, Koko, is the answer no.» Rindou and Ran said it at the same time.
Mochi sighed, having make a cup of coffee for himself. One of the strong types, which a shot of Vodka in it. Mochi loved you, but parenting was exhausting sometimes and they all could agree to this.
It didn't take long till the rest, besides Mikey who was still in the office and probably doing some last minute paperwork's, had come home too.
You sat on the ground, in front of the TV—Ran had put on some child friendly cartoons, but you didn't pay attention to it—playing with toys, your new stuffed friend sitting between your legs.
Kakucho and Rindou sitting besides you, being your play buddies. Glaring every so often at the others, who sat on the couch and giving playful comments about how good parent they are. It was mostly Sanzu and Ran who did.
«I was by the doctor and he said it's probably the summer heat, which makes [Name] so sick right now. We should try to keep him cool and give him light foods only.» told Takeomi, crouching down to you with a Sippy-cup in his hand.
A pocky stick hanging from his mouth, a replacement of a cigarette as Takeomi wasn't one to smoke around you. He offered you the cup, filled with milk. You took it, taking a few sips from it and give it back to your Papa, who pinched the bridge of his nose.
«At least [Name] didn't refused it right away and did drank some of it.» comment Mochi, going back to reading his newspapers.
Takeomi was concerned about you. Last summer you were fine, you hadn't any problem with the heat. So seeing you refusing food and drinks, crying through night and night and not even going potty in your diapers at all, did raise red flags of concern for Takeomi.
They really need to bring you to the doctor, but you're a fussy child and just being at the front door, brought you to tears—which raise another set of questions for Takeomi.
When Mikey had come back home, he ignored the mess of toys and stuffed animals in the living room. Too tried to care about tidiness, non of them were the best when it comes to do household chores, but for you they try to do.
After changing into nightwear, which consisted of only a pair of underwear and a oversized shirt, Mikey was making his towards Kakucho room, knowing well that you're in there. You might have your own room, crib, to sleep in, but you never do, preferring to sleep in the beds of your many dads.
Mikey pried you gently from Kakucho's arms, ignoring his incoherent mumbling and going into his own room.
Laying down onto his bed, god was Mikey exhausted, he hold you close. Giving you a small kiss to the head, shushing you back into sleep, when you begun to stir and lowly whine.
Mikey and the others would do anything to keep you loved and safe. You're Bontens heir, the ray of sunshine in their dark lives and the only family they still had left.
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zerokurokawa · 4 months
i want to request kakucho x foreign!reader. She takes him with her on trips to her homeland (morocco in this case🤭) and her family embraces him as he’s one of theirs. All of this makes him want to put a ring on that finger even faster..
Thank you for your time and effort btw!
Meeting The Family | Kakucho x Foreign Reader <3
Being from Morocco and living in Japan was quite different than what you had expected. You expected to outcasted and to not have many friends - or even a boyfriend at that. But things turned out in your favor when you met Kakucho, who was as sweet as he could possibly be when it came to you. 
You two had been together for about a year before you decided to take a trip back home to see your family who had been begging to meet Kakucho and learn about your new life. Since you had been attending school, Kakucho was the one who mostly took care of everything when it came to cooking, cleaning, and even running all of the errands after he was done with work. Although you had a part time job as well, he insisted that you focus on your studies first. 
"I'm taking a trip back home to see my family." You said one night while you two were resting on the couch of your now shared apartment since you moved in with him.
"That's great! I'm sure they'll be excited to see you!" He nearly jumped up, thinking this would be the perfect opportunity for you to take a break from work and classes and enjoy yourself. You had been missing your family and he took note of that. 
"...And I want you to come with me!" You exclaimed, pulling out two plane tickets and plopping them in front of him. His face lit up with excitement as he was ecstatic and over the moon to be traveling with you. He had never been out of Japan and was ready to see the world. 
"Really? You want me to meet your family?" He asked, an excited but nervous tone in his voice. 
"Absolutely. They'll love you just as much as I do." You said, leaning in and placing a kiss on his cheek. 
Two weeks from then, you were both boarding the plane to your homeland. Kakucho was visibly nervous, but you quickly shut it down with reassurance that he would be completely fine. The plane landed and you both were greeted at the airport by your mother, father, and siblings. They all ran up to you, engulfing you in hugs and giving you flowers as a welcome home present. Kakucho stood there nervously, as he didn't know what to say or how to act. 
Your mother walked up to him, "So you're the man who's been taking care of my beautiful, wonderful daughter!" She said, with her arms wide open to give him a huge hug. Kakucho nodded his head and smiled, hugging your mother back as your father then shook his hand, greeting him as men normally do for their daughters. 
Once you arrived at your family's house, your mother started to prepare what seemed like a feast for you all. Kakucho nervously asked if he could help and stated that he loved to cook and would love to learn how to cook traditional Moroccan food so that he could cook it at home for you. 
Your mother smiled, "Of course, dear, I'd love to teach you." 
You stood by in the kitchen, watching your mother and Kakucho bond as the rest of the family gathered around, asking him all sorts of questions about his heritage. They had welcomed him with open arms and his nervousness slowly faded away as he was having an amazing time with your family. 
Later that night, while the rest of the family was outside celebrating and talking about your return, Kakucho stepped to the side with you. 
"I just wanted to tell you how much of an amazing time I'm having and that I'm glad you brought me along to meet your family. They are wonderful people." He said, taking a sip of his water. 
"I'm glad they love you, and I'm glad that you love them." A warm smile played across your face as you took the water bottle from him and began to drink. You couldn't help but to be thirsty. 
Kakucho just stared at you in the moonlight as you and your siblings began to joke around and play. He couldn't help but to think about how much he loved you and how he wanted to have many more trips to Morocco with you. Then, his mind wandered to the thought of marrying you. Of course, he would have to make things special for you once you both got back home, but he was secretly planning on buying the ring as soon as you both got settled and surprising you with it. 
It was then, that Kakucho sat and thought, "I'm going to marry this girl." 
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satorus-lover · 2 years
ran sees you hanging out with kakucho and he gets really Jealous (i’m not good at writing these stuff)
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pairing: Bonten!Ran x Fem!Reader
genre: Smut !!
content warning: (18+) mature content
notes: this is my first time writing smut so i wanna apologize if this is bad T_T I also wrote this in a document in english/physics class for my friend :3 also i’m so sorry for the end this was sitting in my drafts for a really really long time and i don’t even know what to write 😭
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“c’mon. we’re leaving” Ran says, grabbing your arm harshly while leaving the club
once you and Ran got outside of the club you yank your arm always from him, scoffing, “why? you wanted to come here so badly” you cross your arms and rolled your eyes
Earlier your boyfriend, Ran Haitani begged you to come to the club with him because Kokonoi and Sanzu was hosting it. He told you he wouldn’t wanna go unless you went. You didn’t wanna go but your boyfriend begged and begged until you finally agree to go with him.
“You were all up on Kakucho! why would I wanna see my Girlfriend all up on my co worker” Ran said angrily.
he grabs your arm again, dragging you to the car. Once you and Ran got to the car, Ran puts you in the passe-nger seat and slammed the door. you buckle up slowly, looking at the side mirror to see what Ran was doing. He was talking to his younger brother Rindou. After a couple of minutes of them talking and you just looking through the side mirror, trying to figure out what they are saying, you make eye contact with Rindou. He mumbles something to Ran before walking back inside the club. Ran gets in the car and he starts driving home.
You glance over at Ran, His knuckles were turning white as he grips on the wheel and he was clenching his jaw.
he’s mad.
something about him being mad turned you on. You quickly turned to the window as you feel your face turning red. You slowly rub your thighs together to gain friction. Your breathing becomes wobbly as you gain some sorta friction and you began to grip on your seatbelt. you continue to rub your thighs together until your body jerks as the car abruptly stops.
you look out the window and notice you guys already got home. Ran unbuckles his seatbelt and he gets out the car, slamming the door. You slowly unbuckle your seatbelt, Ran opens your door and he picks you up from the car,
“Ran-“ you yelp
He walks into the house and lightly throws you on the couch. you sit up and look at him as he is pulling a stool up in front of the couch. He sits down and crosses his arms, just staring at you.
“I want you to play with yourself in front of me.”
“w-what” Ran let out a deep chuckle
“you heard what I said” you bite your lip, “why do you want me to do that…” you whispered loud enough for him to hear
You don’t know why you whispered. It was just the two of you guys in the house. The maids left for the night and Rindou is at the club still.
Maybe it was probably cause you were nervous…
or maybe..Just maybe because you were having sinister thoughts about Ran fucking you on this couch.
“don’t act like I didn’t see you rubbing yourself in the car y/n” your face grew red and he laughs, “what a dirty slut..” you close your legs as you felt yourself getting wet at his words.
tears welled in your eyes, due to embarrassment
“don’t go making me feel bad for giving you this punishment” he tells you
you wipe your tears away and look at him, “if you go through this punishment i’ll give you whatever you want” he smile at you, “what do you say hm” you nod your head
“good girl.”
you slowly side off your dress, leaving you just in your bra and panties. You bite your lip as your move your panties to the side. you prop your legs in a way were Ran can see what you’re doing. You slowly slide your right fingers up and down against your wet folds, your breath hitched as your finger slightly touched your clit. you slowly insert two digits inside of of you, you gasp at the feeling. As you are sliding your fingers in and out of you, with your left free hand you start rubbing your clit, You gasp as the feeling of pleasure. your back arch and you began moaning Ran’s name, imagining it’s his fingers inside of you instead of yours.
“f-fuck” you whimpered, this isn’t enough for you. you look over at your boyfriend who is palming his hard cock. his breathing becomes shaky as he is watching you finger yourself.
you continue for a little longer until you began to see white, your body jerked “R-Ran” a high pitch moan came out. “i-i’m close” you moaned out.
Right before the knot in your stomach could release, your fingers were quickly taken out of you. you whine as your clench your walls around nothing. You look at your boyfriend, who was hovering over your while pining your arms above you. “Why would you do that” you started tearing up “i was close”
you were sexually frustrated. You were about to finish until he took that away. Ran let’s put a low chuckle and he looks at you with an innocent smile, “this is a punishment remember” with one hand he moves a strain of hair away from your face “bad girls don’t get to cum”
Ran sits on the couch and he motions you to fix the growing tent in his pants. You kneel down between his legs. You pull down his pants along with his boxers. his cock springs up, hitting his stomach. your eyes widen you had sex with Ran multiple times but you always forget how big he is. His cock was thick and long, you don’t think you can fit it all in your mouth. You look at ran and then back at his red angry tip as Pre cum oozes out from it.
“you can take it, i know you can” Ran pats the back of your head
you lick the pre cum before taking all of him in.
this was gonna be a long night…
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porcalinecunt · 1 year
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𓂅 ✧ tokyo revengers boys kissing their boyfriend for the first time + finding out they like boys
𝐜𝐰 — some suggestive themes. biting (kokonoi!). more tooth rotting fluff.
𝐚/𝐧 ❥ yup, more gay hc’s bc im gay and i do what i want on this acc AHA— but anyways, yall wanted a pt 2 thanks to the poll i posted a long while ago. sorry for the delay, life got busy and i’ll probably have slower updates for now. enjoy! 🤍
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gay panic
poor baby is weak around pretty boys!
always had eyes on you ever since you accidentally bumped into him trying to find the bathroom.
you were a good friend of yuzuha, so it’s no surprise you’d see hakkai a lot.
every time she’d invite you over to study, hakkai would have to lock himself in his room. so you wouldn’t see his beat red face.
despite that, you curiosity got the better of you.
you’d start to pay more attention to the blue haired boy, looking his way and smiling at him innocently.
you cannot lie, you love the way he practically melt when you look at him. hiding his face to avoid embarrassment, but only drawing you closer.
the gap between you two would close however, when one night, yuzuha would run out to grab some snacks. it was only you and hakkai sitting the the living room.
despite the effort, you two couldn’t ignore one another forever. one thing lead to another, and suddenly, you were talking to him.
maybe the topic of crushes comes up? to your surprise, hakkai revealed that he never had a romantic partner. sure, he did have a few crushes, mitsuya being one of them. however, he could never muster up the courage to say anything.
the both of you knew what the other was trying to say, there was no point in hiding it anymore. not with hakkai’s pink cheeks and your flushed face.
“you like me, don’t you?” you’d asked an already flustered hakkai.
there’s was no point in denying it anymore, he could only utter the word “yes.”
moving your face closer to his, you hear his breath hitch and his cheeks grow beat red. awaiting your lips to make contact with his.
it wasn’t anything intense, a quick peck that becomes a smooch when you grabbed his face and presses it closer to yours. his face was hot against your hands.
it only lasted a couple seconds, before you pulled away, meeting a flustered hakkai.
“c-can you do that again?”
absolute heartthrob!
it’s no surprise that a couple guys would end up crushing hard on him, including you.
after passing by his club a couple times, you couldn’t help but peer in. curious to see why mitsuya was so popular with the girls. safe to say, you got your answer.
you also decided to join the club, despite you never touching a sewing machine in your life.
despite constantly pricking your fingers, messing up a couple threads, mitsuya never once lost patience with you.
your heart flutters every time mitsuya speaks with you, whether he helps you with the sewing machine or small talk, hearing his voice only made you fall deeper in love with him.
so it's no surprise when one afternoon, you decided to shoot your shot at the club leader.
it was only you and him alone in the clubroom, since you stayed over to help him clean up.
however, as the time to leave inches closer and closer, you still couldn't spit it out. your mind became a train of thoughts that discouraged you from confessing.
you feared the thousands of possibilities of your confession going wrong, maybe he isn't into guys? does he only see you as a friend?
just when mitsuya was about to leave, you quickly stopped him before he could walk through the door.
impulsively, and messily, you finally told him the truth through stutters and shake hands. your face grew hotter and hotter from embarrassment.
shutting your eyes, you braced yourself for the rejection, when you felt a soft hand touch yours. looking up, you practically jumped when mitsuya's was near yours.
you froze when his lips touched yours, it was gentle and sweet. the taste of berry chapstick kissed your tongue, as you loose yourself to him.
pulling away, you could barely look at him in the eye. this is not how you'd get your answer, then again, you weren't complaining.
"wanna walk home with me, love?"
my favorite bisexual ♥
you didn't pull him, he pulled you!
a couple of flirtatious remarks and even more flirtatious texts was enough to sweep you off your feet and into his arms.
but even then, you have yet to give him your first kiss.
it's a bit laughable, but poor you couldn't even look at koko without getting ridiculously flustered.
however, koko enjoyed having such a shy boyfriend.
as much as you try, he knows you'll never initiate a kiss. no matter how much you claim to or would want to "prove it", Koko can already imagined you melting into a puddle.
your first kiss with him would be a surprise.
the both of you are on one of your typical dated, ending with a simple walk through the park.
while he was talking, you were barely listening on what he was saying as you kept staring at his lips. the urge to just give them a quick peck almost took over, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it.
“hey, are you even listening?”
koko snapped you out of your trance, now his whole body is facing yours.
gazing into those eyes of his made you want to scream, trying to find a way to break it without it getting awkward.
“why the red face? i know you wanna kiss me love.”
your heart was pounding at this point. he was right, you did want to steal a kiss from him. but how could you?
cold fingertips touched your warm cheeks, which only got hotter as he rested his palms on them. your mind was running in circles at that point. the only thing you could do is shut your eyes as your boyfriend finally did the very thing you couldn't do.
what you didn't expect was a a bite to the earlobe, forcing a yelp out of you and clinging onto his shoulders.
beyond flustered to even look at him, he could only laugh at your reaction. something he both expected and enjoyed.
"what's the matter? shy?"
scary boyfriend who loves you!
despite all your doubts, you somehow managed to score a date with inui. boy oh boy, did that man flick a switch in you.
similar to kokonoi, you have yet to steal your first kiss with him despite dating for a good two years now.
only difference is, inui is the shy one!
attempts to kiss him ends with his hand over your lips, all while he tries to hide his flustered face and reddened cheeks.
of course, that never stopped you. it surely didn’t on the night of a certain date.
sitting in the car after spending the evening at a diner, you two were just talking, occasionally staring into one another before one of you got too shy.
suddenly an idea came over your head.
maybe you two are doing a at home date, snuggling and watching a movie. inui loves physical affection, so it’s natural for him to be a cuddle bug!
at one point, you snuggle extra close to him. maybe plant a little kiss on his shoulder.
he notices, a pink hue begins to form on his cheeks. you would keep going, kissing his shoulder up to his cheek. till he turned his head around, and you stole the opportunity.
the kiss was sudden, until inui succumbed to it.
it was slow and passionate, with you resting your hands on his shoulders to calm his tense nerves.
pulling away, inui was more flustered then before. however, he cracked a small smile before looking down at your hands that were now holding his.
“that was…better then i could imagine. 🤍”
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nikki-152006 · 2 months
kokonoi hajime X reader
(from Ameliorate EXTRAS!)
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"How much longer do you want to wait?" your friends are worried about you. They glance over towards Inui seated to the side, hoping he'd try to console you but the boy hardly lifts his head.
"He'll be here any second now." you're smiling at them, sure that he'll make it but deep inside even you know Kokonoi isn't coming.
"Ring him up again, Inui." Sano Emma, a friend of yours has her hands folded at her chest. There's nothing but a frown on her face, "He's two hours late already. If he doesn't reach in ten minutes, we're gonna celebrate on our own."
"We'll wait." you look at her with a firm gaze though your irises are twitching, begging you to allow them to let out their pains.
"We won't." she's more definite than you, "If you're really as important of a friend to him, he wouldn't have missed your birthday at least. I don't want to break your heart today of all days, but please, (Name)-chan. You need to face it."
"What nonsense." you laugh awkwardly, looking over at Inui for support but he still doesn't react, "Koko-kun's gonna come. He always does."
"He always doesn't have a girlfriend." Tachibana silently points out, "Men's priorities change once they're dating. You're the one who told me that last year, remember?"
Your lips twitch. You don't want to accept it. You don't want to cry over him on your birthday. You don't want to cry at all- it's the others who'd be put in a more uncomfortable situation than you.
"(Name)-chan.. " Emma sighs as you look over at Inui again, hoping him to intervene and support you, "do you really think Inui's gonna back you up when Kokonoi-san's probably on a date with his sister at the moment?"
Inui's eyes twitch, he looks away.
Your mouth opens, then closes. There's a deep silence in the room.
"Is he?" there's too much of pain in your voice for even you to handle, your eyes get glassier by the second.
Inui doesn't have it in him to reply to you. He's always known of your feelings for Kokonoi but he's always thought Kokonoi and Akane had a deeper bond having known each other from their childhood days.
But at the moment, when he hears nothing but the chords of a broken instrument in your voice, Inui wishes there was something he could do to bring Kokonoi here. No matter what it took.
Tears flow down your cheeks, slowly and slowly staining your cheeks with the dampness of ache. There isn't anything you feel at the moment other than every strand of your heart's muscles being torn apart one by one.
" ... I'm sorry.. " Inui had only wished to cover the date part with some lie and make you believe Kokonoi couldn't come because of some hurdles, but he doesn't wish to keep you living in a lie.
Kokonoi Hajime, a close friend of yours, chose to be on a date with Inui Akane, another close friend of yours on your birthday night. This is the reality.
Inui knows keeping secrets would only make the load of ache in you heavier by passing days, so he doesn't say anything but "I'm sorry", he's not someone who deserves to say anything after all.
"Fuck it all." Yuzuha slams her glass of juice down, "Oi, Inui, " he looks up at her with a defeated look, "piss off." 
Inui nods and gets up. He knows it's for the best of you. 
Kokonoi can't shut up about how familiar him and Akane look. Of course the sight of him is painful for you. Inui sighs and quietly walks out through the door.
He feels guilty, so very guilty. But then again, there's nothing he can do.
"That's it!" she comes and cups your cheeks, "No one's crying today! It's gonna be a girls' night out. There will be no boys."
"Yeah!" Emma agrees, "Those assholes can go fuck themselves! We're gonna go out and have fun today!"
But you're not in the condition to listen to them trying to cheer you up. You feel torn. Shredded.
You don't understand why you're never good enough for him, you can't figure out what you haven't done for him. Why things turned out like this-  him dating Akane is okay, he's always loved her. But he doesn't even bother to even look at you anymore.
You've become non-existent for him, as if the approximate decade you've spent with him doesn't mean anything at all. 
It hurts.
"Get up." Tachibana grabs your arm, "Stop crying, (Name)-chan, get up."
You don't want the few friends who do care for you to be left with nothing but uneasiness today, so you try. Though it's hard, though it hurts even more, you try to hold your tears.
"We're going out." Yuzuha says, grabbing her bag and keys from the kitchen counter, "We'll have fun together. We're friends too."
You nod, smile forming on your face but nothing but ache inside. Your heart feels as if it has been scratched a hundred times, as if each of these scratches throbs in it's own blood.
All this time, you tried to keep this inside you, and now it had erupted. You'd been trying to console yourself all this time, but nothing could pull you away from the truth now.
Kokonoi doesn't care about you. At all.
Not even as a friend.
Not even as someone he knows.
Not as anything.
You don't even realize walking with the girls into Yuzuha's car- your brain and heart in a dead frenzy. 
"Let's drink." your lips are dry, you feel them while speaking, "I don't want to remember this night."
"If that's what you wish, sweetheart." Yuzuha drives towards her favorite club. She's determined to get you wasted too- not even she wants you to remember your twenty-first birthday as such. 
If only Koko-kun cared to at least show up....
You're mad at Akane too, but there's not much you can say to her. Something turned off all your affection for her the moment she and Kokonoi had started dating.
It is natural, you've been told. It's because you're envious, because you wish it was you instead of her.
I always have... 
Emma suddenly says she's gonna ask her brother to pick you all up and make sure everyone's home safe later. It disrupts your line of thought.
You've lost too many tears to be stable in your self now. You feel thoroughly dehydrated. 
If only this pain would go away... 
You unknowingly clutch your heart.
It's not like you to react this way to things. You've always been calm and logical, always think first and act later. It was Kokonoi who'd make you stutter in words and actions.
It was always him who'd make you act out of character- blush, get embarrassed, get self conscious, and what not.
And look at this.
It's him now because of whom you're sitting and crying when you should be celebrating.
No, it's not his fault I chose to be blind.
Kokonoi had been showing this behavior since over a year now- that's even before he started dating Akane. You were the one to choose to let it all past you, it's your fault you tried to run from reality.
"We're here."
You're more than relieved when Yuzuha says it, and are the first one to open the car door and step out. 
Yuzuha looks worried about you but she's definite a glass of alcohol would dissolve all your pain into nothingness. She knows you'll wake up the next day and the pain will still be there, but at least you save your birthday night.
Everyone is quick to enter, heels clacking against the floor.
The inside of the club carries a crazy mood matching the frenzy in your mind. The beats of the music nullify your heart by their vibrations.
You inhale deeply, then exhale. 
This is what I need.
Tachibana chooses not to drink, but you, Emma and Yuzuha down yourself with a couple of drinks before heading towards the dance floor.
There, you unleash everything boiling inside you as dance moves. They're sad, anyone sober would've been able to tell, but that's the thing you love the most about clubs.
No one is sober. Everyone in clubs is downed with some or the other sort of drinks trying to suppress or ignite some or the other sort of pain or joy. Everyone's the same.
Yuzuha runs a hand through her hair and looks around. She can't spot you anymore and it scares here.
Emma a little distance away from her is looking for you too. 
The dance floor is wide, there's a massive crowd gathered there, they don't know how to find you through it all.
Towards the other side of the dance floor, you've just fallen on some dude. He barely flinches as your weight rests on his- you're too drunk to process your own actions now.
With hazy, irritated dry eyes, you look up at the guy- he has a pretty face as far as you can tell. 
A nice jaw, eyebrows raised and arched, black hair flowing down his face over to your own. He's pretty, but he's not him.
"Do you need me to take you to the side?"
It's not even his voice.
"Are you okay?"
Those hands aren't like his.
"Excuse me, madam, can you hear me?"
But who gives a shit if it isn't Kokonoi.
He wouldn't be here for me anyways, right?
You kiss him. 
Although surprised by the sudden contact, the guy kisses back. It brings you back to how everyone's the same in clubs- looking for some or the other sort of escape or joy.
You wish to run away from your heart, and the guy wishes to run towards his own.
Using him as support, your manage to straighten up, but then lose balance and fall on him again. "Take me away." the words are slurred but they manage to leave your lips.
He does.
He takes your hand, gives you the balance you need and takes you outside the club. 
The night air is chilly but fails to calm the heat risen up your body. You giggle, the guy grins.
"What's your name?" his hand his around your waist to help you walk, yours are gripping one shoulder of his from behind and the other his forearm of the free arm.
"Me?" your vision is just as hazy, brain just as fuzzy, but you don't feel pain anymore.
Or rather, you feel too much to know what is pain anymore.
"Yeah?" the guy turns towards you.
You let go of his hold and skip ahead, then turn around with a giggle and your arms wide open. 
You're drunk- you can let yourself do anything today.
"(Name)." you say, "I'm (Name)."
"That's a pretty name," the guy catches up to you with smile on his face, "it suits you, (Name)-chan."
You giggle again, "Koko-kun never calls me by my first name, you know. I'm not important to him anyways."
The guy halts, realization hitting him. He doesn't want to take a shot at wooing a heartbroken girl- he feels guilty all of a sudden.
"Do you not like me too?" you look so innocent with your eyes wide and lips trembling in a slur "Did I make you sad?"
Baji Keisuke sighs and runs a hand through his hair, "You didn't." he says, "Would you like to join me for a walk?"
You look at him again, trying to figure whether there's any dislike on his expressions but when your brain doesn't work enough to tell, you just shrug and decide to go with him.
"Should I get you some water?" Baji wants you to get sober enough to realize what you're doing, "You're eyes won't hurt after that."
You let out a small hum. "Okay."
Kokonoi doesn't like it when he's making out with Akane and she suddenly finds something to talk about. He doesn't hate it- it's cute, but sometimes he wishes it was something more related to them than other people.
"Isn't that (Name)-chan?"Akane is peeking outside the car window onto the street where a girl is walking alongside a guy while clasping his arm, "Why is she-  oh shit, it's her birthday today!"
"Yeah, yeah it is." Kokonoi sighs, his eyes lazily following hers to see your figure walk with difficulty as a guy takes you along.
"Wait, you remembered?" Akane's eyes furrow, "Why didn't you remind me then? We should've wished her at least."
"She's not a baby, " Kokonoi says, "and besides, " he places his finger under her chin and brings her face towards him, "how dare you think of looking here and there when I'm in front of you."
Kokonoi is much taller than Akane now- he's much stronger and much more dominant.
"What can I say, " she bites her lip, "I have this bad habit."
"Shall I fix it for you?" Kokonoi grins, his hand trailing down Akane's waist.
"Please do."
Before he indulges himself completely with Akane, his eyes go up in instinct. You and the guy have just walked under a streetlight- he can see the guy clearly now.
Kokonoi's mouth hangs. "Isn't that Baji Keisuke?"
Akane frowns but gets up to look. "He's a safe guy, right? He wouldn't hurt her or something?"
"I doubt." Kokonoi frowns, "But I hate that asshole."
"Should we stop them then?" Akane asks, "You wouldn't want him to get a shot on our friend, right?"
Kokonoi's eyes furrow, "Nah, it doesn't matter as much. He wouldn't do anything wrong, don't worry about it, Akane-chan."
She hums in doubt but chooses to go with whatever Kokonoi tells her- she trusts him blindly after all.
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Inui sits silently in his office. Kokonoi's office is right opposite to his and he can see Akane sit on the table in front of him through the glass door.
They're chatting.
Inui sighs and closes his file. Right in the middle of the lines of cubicles between his and Kokonoi's office is your cubicle. 
He can see the back of your chair- you're buried inside, not wanting to have even a glimpse of what's going on in the office across.
Inui feels guilty, but he doesn't understand whether or not he should. His best friend and sister are dating, there's no greater joy he can have. There's no better guy Akane can have after all.
But he doesn't feel the joy he should. Inui feels like he made a mistake.
He walks outside the office and strolls over to your cubicle.
He doesn't want you to turn around- if you do, you'll be reminded of Akane and it would hurt, "I'm sorry for yesterday.... Are you okay?"
There's only a hum in response. 
"Is everything okay?"
Another hum.
" .... I'll be in my office if you need something."
There's no response.
Inui sighs and turns around to walk towards his office but something repels him. 
Without even thinking about it, he takes a turn towards Kokonoi's office and hurries inside.
"Akane-nii chan." he says, "Get off the table please, we're at work and there's a decorum we must follow."
"I'll draw the curtains." Kokonoi waves him off but Inui doesn't listen.
"We're in an office, there's rules around here. I'm not letting you both get away with stuff other employees can't. Please keep your affections for your own time, I don't want any disturbance during work."
"Jeez, Seishu." Akane sighs, "You take work too seriously sometimes," but she does get off, "fine, I'll see you later, Hajime-kun."
Kokonoi stares at Inui after Akane is gone. "What's up with you today?"
"Nothing." Inui isn't in the mood to talk to him at all. It's not like he blames Kokonoi, but there's not an ounce of patience left in him to handle the guilt, your heartbreak and Kokonoi being an ass all at once.
"I'm asking you something, Inupi." Kokonoi frowns, "What's up, why this attitude?"
"Get back to work." Inui leaves the cabin before Kokonoi can reply, but Kokonoi senses something's wrong and he's not letting it go all that easily.
"Everyone!" he enters the hall and announces, "In appreciation of your hard work, you all are allowed to take the rest of the day off!"
Inui knows exactly what's coming up after Kokonoi's announcement. He wishes you leave just in time to not fall between the argument coming up.
There's cheers from the employees as they pack their stuff and leave in groups. It takes a little time for them to leave, Inui's gaze is focused on the one cubicle Kokonoi is unintentionally standing in front of.
You don't step out in attempt to avoid seeing him.
"Are you not going to leave, (L/N)?" Kokonoi notices you a moment later, "I said everyone's dismissed."
Inui sees your shoulders slump as you pack your stuff and get up to leave despite it meaning you'll have to see him. Inui wonders if Kokonoi knows of the emotions you have now. 
He wonders if Kokonoi would notice you trying to avoid seeing him but something tells him he won't. Kokonoi isn't the slightest bothered about you to notice.
"Oh, and say hi to that bastard Baji for me, will you?" the hall is already empty, you three are the only ones there, "Tell him he's not winning the next time we- " 
The sound of a loud slap cuts off Kokonoi's words.
You bag hits the floor, and Inui's heart falls along with it.
This is the worst case scenario.
He rushes towards them to diffuse the situation but Kokonoi signals him to halt. Inui doesn't know what to do- he doesn't want you to be hurt any further. He doesn't want to live in guilt anymore.
"How do you know I know him?" your voice is hoarse from the events of the previous day, "How do you know I know Baji?"
Kokonoi looks like he's holding onto the last thread of his patience, "You were out with him last night."
"You know I didn't know him." your voice gives away the way your heart wails, "You saw me being drunk and going somewhere with a guy I didn't even know...."
"I did, so?" Kokonoi's fist is balled up, he's trying hard not to unleash his anger.
"What?" Inui turns to him, "You- what if something happened to her? What if that guy did something? Koko, what's wrong with you! Why didn't you- "
"It was Baji, Inupi." Kokonoi spits out, his anger getting the best of him, "That guy wouldn't do shit... and you." he turns to you, "Stop fucking expecting someone to be there to take care of you. If you don't want a situation like that, how about not drink and get wasted like a club hoe."
Inui punches him.
And that, not once.
Kokonoi is too pissed to not respond.
Akane has just entered the hall- she's a receptionist and she'd noticed all the employees leaving- she runs over to Inui, gasping and asking them to stop fighting.
You can hear Akane beg you to help her separate the two- you're the stronger one of the two of you, but you don't even bother looking at her.
You just pick up your bag and turn around and leave, not glancing back even once.
There's a knock on your door that evening. 
You walk over to it with a piece of toast in your mouth and open the door to reveal Akane standing behind with an awkward expression.
"Hey, (Name)-chan... I... uhm, so... Seishu told us everything... I'm so sorry- " you close the door at her face, lock it and then walk back to the couches.
Not a single part of you wants to see her anymore, and poor Seishu gets the damage- he looks too much like her and you don't want him to remind you of her.
You're done with green eyes and blond hair and sweet voices but you still cannot come to hate anything about Kokonoi.
It's unfair to Akane, you know it, but there's nothing you can do to control it. She's the one who has always been nice and kind to you and Kokonoi is the one who abandoned you in a hollow friendship, yet still, you cannot come to reduce your hate for her or increase that for him.
It's all just a pain, nothing more. 
Love, friendship, everything.
You sigh and ring up Baji.
"I swear you're not getting over him if you keep on calling me." is the first thing he says over the phone. You'd slipped your whole heartache to him in your drunk state, and he chose to stay as a friend.
"I know." you say, though you know you're just trying to replace Kokonoi's hair with the black in Baji's and his grin with that of Baji's. 
It doesn't fit at all. You don't like Baji at all, but you love Kokonoi, and you wish to distract yourself before the pain drives you crazy.
"Go get a life, (Name)-san." you hear him say, and are suddenly reminded he doesn't even know your surname- you only told him your first name, "Get a life, and when you need friends, you know the bunch you can come too."
This bunch includes Yuzuha, Emma, Tachibana, him and Emma's brother Mikey who somehow turned out to be Baji's childhood friend too.
They're friends to you, undeniably, but still, a decade of close frienship and love has a different charm to it.
A decade of friendship with Akane gets wasted because your envy and dread gets the best of you. A decade of friendship with Kokonoi is wasted because he suddenly stopped giving a fuck about you.
You don't want your friendship with Inui Seishu to be wasted- whether to not he could help you, he's always stood by you no matter what.
The call has ended and you put your phone down with a deep exhale. 
He's right. I can't limit my life to just Kokonoi and his love.
You snort.
His "non-existent" love.
You can hear his voice amidst the knocking on the door. He doesn't sound too willing to call out to you.
"They're wasting their time." you know, because Kokonoi would always love only Akane. 
There's no place in his heart for anyone else. Not even you.
And if they wish to come apologize for hardly caring about you, you don't need it. You don't wish for someone who needs to be reminded to care for you to be around you either.
But then again, the ache is there.
"Long long ago, there was a fire in Inui's house... " you're talking to yourself without realizing where you're headed, "Seishu got a scar on his face because of it, Akane was mistakenly diagnosed to require a lot of money to be treated."
You're in the kitchen, and you're turning the burner on.
"Another doctor checked the reports and found the flaw. Akane wasn't needing a big surgery at all. She was all safe and sound."
You turn the stove's burner on, the fire looks beautiful. 
"I wonder what would've happened if she had died back then.. "
The doorbell's loud noise snaps you back into reality. It takes you a moment to breath in heavily and come back to your senses.
Once you realize what you'd been tying to do, you turn off the burner and hurry towards the drawing room, body trembling from cell to cell in panic and fear.
You'd lost it. You were about to do something utterly stupid.
It freaks you out.
You don't care who's knocking to door, you just open it. You need someone. Anyone.
You need a human interaction. Even just a single one- just to stabilize your mind and not let it override your body this way. You can't afford to let your life go just because a guy you liked didn't like you back or because he became oblivious to your friendship and what not.
Baji is right, you need to live.
It's Inui outside the door.
Kokonoi and Akane are standing a little further behind- Kokonoi is leaning against Inui's car and Akane stands a few steps away from him.
They look up from the ground on hearing the door open. Meanwhile, Seishu assesses the mess of a condition you're in and immediately steps ahead to help you balance.
Your whole body is still trembling, throat parched in fear. "Help me, Seishu. Help me."
Seishu's eyes are glassy- he doesn't know what to do. He never does, and he blames himself for how everything turns out.
If only I did things right... 
But he doubts there's a right or wrong in a scenario like this. None of you all can be blamed for anything.
Inui Seishu hugs you and gently rub his back telling you to calm down. He hears you mumble as you grip onto him, about how you're scared because you feel your body isn't under your control anymore.
You'd always criticized people who leave the world in the name of love but you realize today maybe their bodies aren't in their control anymore. And maybe, they don't or can't put in the effort to gain the control back.
You can't let that happen.
Loving someone is okay, being heartbroken is okay. But letting go of all beauty of the world, all that accepts you for the one person who rejects you is stupid.
You may love him for all your life, may even say his name in the last few breaths of your living, but you would never leave everything and everyone for Kokonoi.
The others don't deserve that.
You don't deserve that.
Seishu helps you inside, Akane tries to help but he tells her to wait outside. 
Kokonoi doesn't bother to even step forward. 
This time, you don't expect him to either.
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"But there's no point feeling guilty about it," Akane and Kokonoi are sitting in the office's cafeteria during lunch, "the whole reason she never told you herself is because she knew you'd feel this way."
Kokonoi just hums in response. He doesn't even know if it's only guilt he's feeling.
Akane stares at him, her lips twitching to word the one question revolving around her mind since the previous day.
"Hajime, " her voice is soft, "in this past decade of knowing her, have you ever even once had any feelings for her?"
Kokonoi's expressions are unchanged, "There's no space for anyone in my heart other than you, Akane-chan. Don't worry yourself with baseless thoughts." he picks up his tray and leaves to put it in the rack of dirty ones.
Akane stares behind him, her lips curled in a frown, "That's not what I'm asking."
Kokonoi watches Inui and you sitting at a table a little away, both busy in gossip. Your expression and pallor give away what you actually feel but you're trying to move on.
He notices you look towards the desert section and walk off towards it. Kokonoi takes the moment to go and sit with Inui Seishu.
"Koko." he greets.
"Inupi." Kokonoi greets back.
There's silence at the table. It is Inui who breaks it with a question- "Are you happy, Koko?"
Kokonoi has never encountered a question harder to answer before. 
He's happy with Akane. She is all he has ever wanted since his childhood, but the fact that you sit alone crying because of him doesn't leave a very good taste in his mouth.
Kokonoi knows he chose Akane. He knows he will always stick by her side, yet still, for some reason, it doesn't feel right.
Him and Akane are perfect, but you being sad disturbs his ease.
Kokonoi has never once seen you cry before the previous day- you'd always been the one to smile through everything, the one who'd care for both the boys when they were hurt during the Black Dragon days, scold them, punish them, but always have that smile on your face.
He had started to cut all ties from you a couple of years ago- Kokonoi did not like his one-way hollow tunnel towards Akane being disrupted by a small, beautiful lane running elsewhere.
_________________  "In this past decade of knowing her, have you ever even once had any feelings for her?" _________________
If they'd been feelings, he wouldn't have thrown her aside so recklessly, right?
He doesn't even know why he mentioned Baji to you back then. It was all on instinct, but there was no need to- he has no business with the guys you spend your nights with.
Kokonoi looks up. Inui is still waiting for an answer, but he has none.
He can't even decide what his own actions or feelings mean.
"You should go then." Inui understands, "(Name)-chan wouldn't return back here if you stay."
But you do.
You place a bowl of ice cream in front of each of the two boys two more to the side, then beckon Akane seated a few tables away. Akane comes, though hesitant but you smile at her and try to talk.
You hold back all emotions and smile, just so that no one else has to bear any guilt because of you. Kokonoi sighs, you're trying to move on and fix things alone.
Like always...
This is just the way you are. 
Nothing but an idiot.
But seeing you try makes his face droop. It latches an unexplained weight onto his heart. 
________ "Are you happy, Koko?" ________
___________ "Help me, Seishu. Help me." ___________
He sighs.
He's not happy.
He doubt he ever will be.
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haihaihaitani · 3 months
Bad Day Protocol ~ *Hajime Kokonoi*
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Summary: Hajime had a bad day and you knew it. You knew it was your job to try and help remedy the situation. Time to break out the Bad Day Protocol.
Pairing: Hajime Kokonoi X Fem!Reader
Genre: Angstyish Drabble
Word Count: 845
Warning: Pissed off Hajime, hurt to comfort
As soon as he slammed the front door, you knew it was a bad day. You listened as Hajime threw things around before stomping into the bathroom and slamming the door once again. You sighed and wiped your hands on a kitchen towel. It was time to activate the Bad Day Protocol.
When you heard Hajime turn the shower on, you put away his things and poured him a glass of his favorite wine. You made sure his chair was ready for him to collapse in when he was done. The TV was set to his show that he's been meaning to watch. And as he got out of the shower, you slipped back into the kitchen to finish dinner. 
You listened as he groaned before he slumped into his chair. As you finished working on the dinner, you asked, "How was your day today?"
"Don't even get me fucking started!" You didn't need to. He launched into a twenty minute tirade about the gang and how everyone kept fucking up. He took sips of wine in between his rants and you got dinner finished right as his story was finishing up. You plated his food, grabbed the bottle of wine, and met him in the living room.
"I swear, if they pull this kind of bullshit on me again tomorrow, I will kill them! I swear I'll do it!" He noticed what was in your hands before he narrowed his eyes at you. "I could've helped, you know. What, do you think I'm helpless too?"
You shook your head with a little smile. "No, I was almost done. Besides, as you said, you had a really long day. I wanted to give you some time to relax. Can I top off your wine for you?"
"I got it." He moved to grab the wine bottle from you but you held it out of his reach. In the same moment, you grabbed his glass and refilled it. "You didn't have to do that."
"Koko, you need to learn to let other people take care of you." You assure him as you hand him his food and his wine.
"I don't need people to take care of me. I just need people to stop treating me like I'm helpless." He snapped and practically threw his plate of food onto the coffee table. You tried not to flinch at the sound.
You set your own plate aside and turned to face him. "I don't think you're helpless."
"Well you treat me like I am!"
With that, he stormed off to his bedroom. You sighed. That didn't go quite as you hoped. Still, you weren't going to let his bad mood get to you. It wasn't the first time he has gotten mad at you like this before. You've always been able to handle it. But his words made your heart sick. You knew about his past and what his reliance on others had gotten him. You had tried so hard to prove to him that you weren't like that, you weren't going to use him and leave him. Some days were easier than others. And despite how hard he was making this right now, you weren't going to leave him. Not now.
So you packed up his dinner and placed it in the refrigerator for when he got hungry later. You ate about half of yours before you packed it away. You kept the wine bottle and full glass of wine on the kitchen table for him. You turned off the TV and went into one of the spare bedrooms to relax before sleep.
It was midnight when you heard a soft knock on the bedroom door. Hajime opened it when you allowed him entrance. He gestured to the bed and you nodded.
When he sat next to you, he started to speak quietly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. And your dinner was delicious, as always. Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"And the wine was a nice touch. I really needed it."
"I know." You sighed and scooted closer to him. "Thank you for the apology. I know that was hard for you."
You felt him bristle next to you. "It wasn't hard for me."
You shook your head. "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm glad you enjoyed your dinner."
There was a brief moment of silence before you felt him drop his head onto your shoulder. "I'm sorry. You know I have a hard time trusting people and allowing them to help me. Thank you for being so understanding."
You ran your fingers through his silky curls which only made him snuggle closer to you. "Koko, you don't have to apologize or thank me. I know you. I know how hard you try for me and I know it gets harder when you have bad days. One day, things will be better and we won't fight like this anymore."
He sighs. "I hope so."
"I'm sure of it." You nod. "But I think we both need sleep right now to cool off, yeah?"
"Sounds perfect!"
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ageingfangirl2 · 4 months
Let Me Help You Idiot! Hajime Kokonoi (Tokyo Revengers)
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You met Koko when you were younger, and he took you under his wing. As an inspiring designer, you loved to make him nice clothes. As you get older, you want to be more independent, but Koko will always look out for you. Kokonoi x Reader (Bonten Timeline)
From the moment you were born, you had to fight tooth and claw to survive. Your dad left when you were three, leaving you and your mum with nothing. Your mum went back to being a hostess, meaning you were left alone in the single-room apartment you had. She was good at her job, earning lots of money and expensive gifts from suitors. But she had addictions and spent the money on drugs. From a young age, you had to fend for yourself and learn to survive, from clothing and making meals to keeping the apartment clean and ensuring mum put enough money aside for bills. Luckily, the neighbours took pity on you and helped pay for your school things, and one lady taught you how to sew, saying it would help you in the future to have a skill to pay the bills. You kept up your sewing throughout school, getting better and managing to sell some of your wares at a local market on the weekend.
This is where you met Hajime Kokonoi, and you took pride when he complimented the intricate details you embellished your clothes with. He decided you were going to be his personal designer in the future, and he was going to help you make a name for yourself.
Koko kept his promise to help you, using his money and connections to get you into a good design school. All he asked in retum was you make all his clothes custom and free of charge, and of course you said yes because it was the least you could do. By now, he was on executive in Bonten, a criminal organisation and he liked to look nice because he had an image to maintain.
After working for a couple of designers, you saved enough to open your own shop in Tokyo, and it felt nice to pay with your our money instead of Koko's. Bonten kept Koko busy, so you didn't like bothering him unless he called you. You had one big problem, you had no real clue about money and expenses of running a business. And now you had to pay taxes on top of that, which went over your head. You chose to focus on commissions to make more money and filled in all the forms to the best of your abilities. Little did you know it would come back to bite you in the ass.
I was busy dealing with the financial mess Sanzu had left for me after his last mission.
'I'm surrounded by idiots,' I groan, rubbing my temples.
'Err boss, I have the reports you asked for,' some lacky who's name I didn't deem important to lean stutters, standing in the doorway of my office. Even though y/n had paid for their shop and was getting quite a few comissions, I liked to keep an eye on them. They were a year younger than me and had become like a younger sibling I felt protective over. When we met up, we didn't talk about money, and I knew if they had a problem, they would come to me for help. However, my eyes widened, seeing the financial report in front of me.
'What the hell?' I gasp.
How could they be so careless when it came to finance? Firstly, they were paying way too much rent for the area, and secondly, the government wasn't happy with their taxes, which they had underpaid. They were close to losing their shop and facing a big penalty from the government who thought they were committing fraud.
I grabbed my jacket and car keys, needing to see them before the problem got out of hand. I run out of my office, ignoring Sanzu, having bigger fish to fry.
The light was still on in the shop when I pulled up outside. They liked to work late if they had a deadline. I enter the shop and the bell pings. I lock the door behind me and turn the open sign to closed.
'Hi, how can I help you - Koko, what are you doing here?' y/n stares at me, tilting their head to the side in confusion.
I walk over to the counter and put the file down in front of them, 'if you didn't understand, why didn't you ask me to explain?'
They open it, and the colour drains from their face, 'am I in big trouble? I thought I'd look dumb if I had to keep asking you to help me!'
I sigh loudly, 'yeah, well, you look pretty dumb right now, so that didn't work out for you.'
They look down at their feet and shuffle nervously, 'the last time we had coffee, you were stressed dealing with your colleagues' finances. I didn't want to give you any more stress, so I did what the internet told me to do filling out the forms. I'm sorry Koko. What do I do now?'
I walk and the counter and pull them into my arms. I didn't like to show emotion in front of the other executives, but y/n was the exception. I needed to protect them.
I kiss the top of their head, 'in the future don't take any extra comissions after you've submitted your taxes for the financial year until the new one starts or the govenment will think you're committing fraud. I'll get this sorted for you, and remember you can come to me whenever you need help.'
They squeeze me tightly, 'I'll never be able to pay you back, Koko. Sorry for being an idiot.'
I snort, you're the only idiot I can stand.'
Not wanting them to stress anymore, I'd also handle the rent problem for them, no one messed with the people close to me.
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sleepysnk · 1 year
now i want nsfw hcs for koko 😈✨
a/n: you asked and now you shall receive! thank you for requesting and i hope you enjoy these!! <3
characters: kokonoi hajime
warnings: nsfw, smut, oral sex f!receiving, fingering, consensual recording, slight breeding kink, some light bdsm, edging, dacryphilia, use of pet names (baby, princess), some degradation, praising, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, mentions of after care.
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kokonoi hajime:
- i’m here to say it right now, this man is a freak and i’m not lying about that.
- koko is very much a mixed platter when it comes to sex. on one hand, he can be soft and very vanilla, while on the other hand he can be quite an experimentalist. he loves to try new things with you to give you the best pleasure you’ll ever receive. it’s always going to be your needs over his at the end of the day, so expect the best treatment in bed. he will show you the fucking world while he’s buried inside you.
- koko is very much into bondage. it’s nothing too intense, but he likes to use his tie or his belt to restrain you during sex. he’ll often do it whenever he wants to test your limits, and he’ll take his time with you. he’ll kiss down your neck, then towards your chest, then all the way down to your navel where he’d reach your pussy that’s been aching for him. he loves giving you those seductive eyes while he goes down on you, because he loves to see how you react to his gestures. he gets so hard whenever you look needy and desperate for his touch. it gets him off so so much.
- “like that, baby? aw, you’re so fucking cute.”
- he eats pussy like it’s his last meal. he sticks out his tongue so much in the show that there’s no way he’s not skilled with that tongue. he would make you see stars from the way his tongue dives deep into your cunt, licking and swiping over your sensitive bead with such burning desire that it almost makes him cum from how turned on it gets him.
- koko always fingers you whenever he eats you out. he knows exactly where to curl and twist to make you twitch underneath him. he also loves to see the mess on his digits whenever he’s done with you. sometimes he’ll lick it off and praise you for how wonderful you taste.
- the first thing i thought of when i got this request was recording.
- koko loves to film whenever you two fuck. he’d obviously ask for permission prior to doing it. however, he just loves watching those videos whenever he’s at work or by himself. koko has definitely jerked off in his office to you crying and moaning his name on camera. he has so many too, and not just videos but photos as well. your pretty body for his eyes only is such a turn on for him. his favorites are whenever he cums inside you and records it flowing out of your pretty cunt. he goes wild.
- speaking of cumming inside you, i think koko has a small breeding kink. it wouldn’t be as big as someone as draken or hanma would, but he definitely has one. he loves to fill you up and the idea of you being pregnant with his child does turn him on.
- koko has a way with words. he is very vocal during sex and loves to dirty talk you, especially when he’s really horny. he also loves sending dirty texts whenever the two of you are out. sometimes your cheeks burn at how filthy the messages are. he doesn’t hold back.
- “fucck, you like that? you like being my little slut? oh, i’m sure you do, princess. ‘gonna fuck you so good..”
- koko can bring you to an orgasm fairly quickly. he loves to wind you up all the time, but his favorite thing is to edge you. he loves watching you whine and thrash underneath him whenever he denies your orgasm. he’s another guy that really likes to bring you to tears whenever he’s being mean. your glossy eyes turn him on so much and he can’t help but fuck you roughly whenever you’re in that state. he only wants to see you crumble.
- he likes putting you in all kinds of positions. he’s a real big fan of that.
- koko is always striving to be the best for you in bed, so he’s definitely into giving you many orgasms. he doesn’t stop until you’re an overstimulated mess, but he also gets even more turned on at your whining and whimpering from his cock bullying your walls.
- he likes the mess, believe it or not. he loves seeing the way your cunt sucks his dick in and all your slick covering the base. the sounds of your cunt squelching from the many orgasms turns him on too. he just loves watching what he does to you and getting you soaking wet makes him go crazy.
- he’s definitely into doing after care with you. he’d leave little kisses on your body and even take a bath with you after you’ve both finished up. it’s super cute <3.
- total freak, idc.
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atarathegreat · 1 year
Zoning Out With Them Tokyo Revengers
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Featuring: Chifuyu Matsuno, Kokonoi Hajime, Taiju Shiba, and Souya Kawata.
Genre: Fluff
Synopsis: You zone out while spending quality time with your boyfriend.
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Chifuyu enjoyed spending time with you, even if it was just him reading and you playing on your phone. Your presence was much appreciated after a rough day of school and doing things with his friends, and Peke J wouldn't complain about you giving him chest scratches.
It wasn't until the black cat jumped in his lap that he noticed the same sound kept coming from your phone, a video on loop. Peke J was pretty upset that you had stopped petting him, but Chifuyu could see your hand stretched out as if the cat was still there.
"Y/n?" He reached out and shook your knee, snapping you out of it.
You looked up at him, your arm falling back to your lap, "What?"
Chifuyu laughed, patting your knee and returning to his previous position, "Ya' zoned out, weirdo."
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It wasn't anything new or surprising for Kokonoi to bring you to work with him. Something about having you next to him as he checked papers and counted cash, occasionally asking you to double check numbers, and having everyone see you when they stopped by for a brief moment, it only cultivated Koko's ego.
His fingers rubbed absently at your back, helping him feel more than hear your massive sigh.
"Are you alright, love?" He asked. When you failed to respond, Koko diverted his attention to you. He could've pissed himself if you were glaring at him like that.
His dark eyes inspected your face. Knit brows, relaxed lips, soft gaze that tracked something slowly up the side of the wall. For a moment, Kokonoi let himself watch you, your mind gone from where you sat and somewhere deep in thought. As much as he loved knowing your mind felt safe enough to wander, he didn't like the way you glared.
"Hey." Koko lightly slapped a band of cash on your nose, chuckling as you jerked backwards, "What has your mind running away from me, sweetheart?"
You giggled, and Koko swore his heart stopped for a second as your eyes closed, "I was thinking about what to make for dinner."
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Asking for something twice wasn't something Taiju was good at, nor was it something he wanted to do. When he asked you to go and grab him something and you didn't even respond to him, he was nearly thrown for a loop. You always responded to him, you were always alert to the things around you.
"Y/n?" Taiju leaned over the back of the couch, brushing your hair aside to look at your face, "Can you hear me?"
"Huh? Yeah..." He could tell you weren't actually listening, your eyes looked almost dead, "What did you need?"
He sighed, swiveling your head and watching as your pupils refocused. "Hm?" You looked into both his eyes, "Sorry, what did you need, Taiju?"
Taiju rubbed your head, his worry vaporizing, "Nothing...I'm already up anyway."
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It was weird for you to stare. You hated when people stared and it bothered you even more when people were staring at you. It was confusing as to why in the world were you sitting at the lunch table, staring at Souya?
The poor boy didn't know how to bring it up or how to gain your attention. He looked over at his twin, who was, of course, busy slamming a bowl of spicy ramen. "Smiley? What do you do when someone has zoned out?" Souya asked quietly.
His brother paused, "Let them be?"
"Uhm...what if they're staring at you?" Souya glanced back across the table. Nahoya laughed, "Ew, how weird. Hey!"
Nahoya kicked you under the table, making Souya glance fretfully between you and his twin. But you just hissed and turned to glare at Smiley, "What the hell?"
"You're staring like a creeper." Nahoya went back to his bowl, "You made Angry uncomfortable."
"Shit, sorry, Sou." You smiled, tapping his foot with yours, "Zoned out for a sec."
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notiddygxthgf · 1 year
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𝙇𝙀𝙊! | 19 | latinx | she/her | requests CLOSED (for now, but feel free to send anyway) | TR/JJK/CSM
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all rights reserved. plz do not copy, repost, or modify any of my works in any way on any platform, i'll take ur kneecaps.
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fuutakaijyama · 1 year
HE LOVES MY HEART SHAPED SUNGLASSES! ft kokonoi hajime ( ♡ )
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synopsis: You and Kokonoi go shopping until you find a pair of red heart shaped sunglasses, you were hellbent on getting them; until you checked the price.
warning: none
alo’s notes: hihiii!!! im in my lana del rey era so we getting a lot of lana references (forgive me please)
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It was supposed to be a normal day of shopping with Kokonoi, you were his loving girlfriend and he liked spoiling you; you’d somehow stumbled into the back of a store walking around with Kokonoi behind you.
“Are you sure you just want to window shop, angel? You know we can buy it if you're really hellbent on buying something.”
You shook your head no as you walked down another aisle. “No no it's okay Haji! We can always buy it some other time.” You smiled sheepishly, walking down the aisle as you moved to the other side.
You’d made it to an aisle filled with accessories, walking around slow as you heard Kokonoi’s footsteps from behind you, stopping before you crouched down, something had caught your eye.
A pair of heart shaped sunglasses, the lens an even deeper red as you held them up to your face, placing them onto your face pushing them down the bridge of your nose.
Kokonoi chuckled, hugging you from behind as her played with your glasses, pulling and pushing them on the bridge of your nose.
“You look pretty with these, you should really buy them, you know.” He chuckled, playing with them still as you took them off, you were deep in thought about it.
“Okay.. c’mon Koko.” You motioned for him to grab your hand, making your way to the self checkout.
You scanned the price tag, watching the total price pop up on the screen $346.87; your jaw dropped as Kokonoi pulled out his credit card.
Kokonoi watched you stand there in awe as you questioned your life decisions. Carefully pushing you to the side as he swiped his card a giggle came out of him as he led you out of the shop.
“Here angel, put these on.” He pushed the glasses onto your forehead, a smile on your face as you positioned them straightly, sighing as you looked back at your extremely proud boyfriend.
“You love my heartshaped sunglasses huh, Kokonoi?” You chuckled, his hands trailed your back as he hugged your frame.
“Damn right I do!”
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