#hale bop comet
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time wave zero mid-90s charts
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lucifinaspissed · 7 months
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dogopower · 1 month
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Omnicron Lyrics
I told them of the Hale Bop comet 7 years ago...
It is running if you will notice on our sensors
We have picked up a ship beneath it... of great dimensions...
All we are trying to do, us humans, so that we shall not die so soon
Over the Earth I hover spinning whirlwinds in Wheatfields
While my force fields repel four winds from broken seals
Numbered seven
Embedding my brethren, breaking bread with Yeshua
In Bethlehem
The last tribal star soul the alien Seth Alam
The devil bears the pentagram, a horrible hologram
My body slams man with the heavy grams
Lay the beat down
Make big connections to the Son of Sam and Uncle Sam
So Sam-I-am keep ya fucking eggs and ham
Performing alien brain scans and spiritual exams
While the mothership lands on holy land
My mental expands with plans to span through the galaxy
I land in farmers crops spelling out the name 'Apathy'
Speaking my name is blasphemy, so call me your majesty
Majestic phonetics begin affecting reality
Religiously, I mystically chant and recite on mic's
At astronomical heights
Guided by the northern lights
Poltergeist, masquerade as Christ, entice like Heidi Fleiss
Trying to put the righteous on ice
You're a holographic device, and simply see through
Robotic like R2D2, I'm original like Hebrews
And 144,000 people
May the Lord bless you and keep you
Formin' gargoyles like Tin Foil they sit upon ya steeple!
Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue?
Biophysical Biosphere;
Witchdoctor unlocked the cobra spitting venom I adhere!
I stand here with the hearts of the Meek
I bring pain, camel clutch, Iron sheik
Order of the Golden Dawn
I have warned of biochemical implants
In heads of the unborn
Lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David
Five Tibetan rites are rejuvenation
A sacred Master Yehi, All die under the staff
Or get burned like Betty Shabazz and I will laugh
Demons at dimensional doorways come through this
But I will have you hanging from a tree like you was Judas
Violent Buddhist
The hierarch decaton
Revelations of the Metatron
I form Voltron;
With elements of Tai Chi
Doing battle with seven heads and ten horns is me!
The hologram!
Travel I through space portals
My soul cannot be imprisoned or trapped by mere mortals
Torture them!
With the pain of scorpion stings
Spitting lightning
'Lord of the Rings', I brings
Diagrams, of hallways and pyramids of the pharaohs
Tribe Green
Mecca's warrior holding arrows
Contorting; polymorphing and aborting
The souls of the MC's who I've made ghosts to do my haunting
Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue?
Scientifical madness
Eliminating masses with mathematical tactics
Strategic, electronical, weaponry fucking up your anatomy
Insanity, inviting thee
Atomically bombing the fraudulent MC
Escorting he, with battle strategy
Confusion weaponry cause fatality
Intergalactic tactics shine like metallics
With mathematics, I leave your whole clique splattered
Pharaoh's a savage (The Verbal War)
Causing comatosis
Transporting dope shit through sleep way (hypnosis)
Try to approach this, I stalk-prey like vultures
And feast on the carcass of any lyrical artists
I'm sick with this, scientifical madness
Pharaoh the seventh sign causing word disaster
Cerebral master, Iron Killa Guerrila
Verbal Flames I spit them through your chest like Tequila
Constructing ya Art of War like Sun Tzu
Death becomes you as I run through
MC's like Battering rams, you overstand
Sun Pharaoh and the motherfucking Hologram!
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onlycringepost · 11 months
aint nobody gonna talk about Hale-Bop Comet? last time it appeared was 1997. you know when is the next one?
year 4385
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trump666traitor · 2 years
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thewhyldeone · 6 years
Which fall of Carthage?
“During the harvest a comet blazed over the vineyards. It had been visible through astronomers’ telescopes for months, but in October it was so bright you could almost read by its light. The workers saw it as a sign that the grapes we blessed.”
“Was this 1986? Was it Halley’s comet?”
Matthew shook his head. “No. It was 1811.” I stared in astonishment at the almost two-hundred-year-old wine in my glass, fearing it might evaporate before my eyes. “Halley’s comet came in 1759 and 1835.” He pronounced the name “Hawley.”
He’d drunk chocolate in Paris in 1615 and received a building permit from Henry VIII in 1536 - of course he was buying wine in 1811. And there was the ancient looking ampulla he was wearing around his neck, the cord visible at his throat.
“Matthew,” I said slowly, watching him for any early warning signs of anger. “How old are you?”
His mouth hardened, but he kept his voice light. “I’m older than I look.’
“I know that,” I said, unable to curb my impatience.
“Why is my age important?”
“I’m a historian. If somebody tells me he remembers when chocolate was introduced into France or a comet passing overhead in 1811, it’s difficult not to be curious about the other events he might have lived through. You were alive in 1536 - I’ve been to the house you had built. Did you know Machiavelle? Live through the Black Plague? Attend the University of Paris when Abelard was teaching there?”
He remained silent. The hair on the back of my neck started to prickle.
“Your pilgrim’s badge tells me you were once in the Holy Land. Did you go on crusade? See Halley’s comet pass over Normandy in 1066?”
Still Nothing.
“Watch Charlemagne’s coronation? Survive the fall of Carthage? Help keep Attila from reaching Rome?”
Matthew held up his right index finger. “Which fall of Carthage?”
“You tell me!”
Matthew Clairmont was more than fifteen hundred years old.
- Chapter 12, A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkenss (All Souls Trilogy)
I love this part of the book so much. The suspense, the flirting, its exactly as playful as the show portrays it.
He knows what he is doing, by giving up these bits of information to a historian.
 He’s drawing her in, in what I think, he thinks is the only way he knows how at this point. Going back to that chapter 3 bit about how she knows his long dead friends so well, which is what makes him angry. Because they are entirely foreign to each other as creature rules force them to be, at this point neither of them know what to do with the other, but as a students of science and history they have a shared knowledge to stand on and know each other through. 
Only another scientist/historian and a witch/vampire could understand Matthew and Diana as I think they want to be understood, as people, historians, scientists, poets, students and last as creatures. 
Other titles and charecteristics people foist upon them cause a cold distance and distraction from the core of who they really are. No one truly truly knows them. This brings the human and supernatural aspects of both their identities together so that they may be open and truthful to one another, they can be normal, not terrifying or all powerful or even illegal as a couple by the Congregation’s standards.
This interaction is simple and quite normal, a conversation. Nothing about it is supernatural, other than the fact that he lived through all those past events.
Thats what I love about this series and what makes it so different I think, they don’t fall in love with each other because one is a witch and the other is a vampire, though those aspects do become important to the foundations of their relationship as they grow together. 
They fall in love because of completely normal personality traits and the shared pool of historical and scientific knowledge. 
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haleigh-sloth · 3 years
The only long lasting nickname I’ve ever had was actually given by my maternal side of the family.
And the reason is because in April 1997, the Hale-Bopp comet was passing over!
I was born in April of that year, so that’s what my family calls me. Although—it’s devolved into just “Bop” lol
Anyway personal tidbit, I was nicknamed after a comet.
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birdsong morning - a kitty - there wuz a moon its still a ghost town morning 
laundry endless like sisyphus whom we imagine happy on his couch - non essential rawk push 
u ever feelz like 
an after thot  - but then again the thinking over and rawk round the clock like a halley comet remember hale bop or watt tf  - and i swear i herd an ancient astro nut claim a comet tail corona virus 
the kitty - a good one yes she - is was r we existential yet this morning or zen e - maybe a zone 
hey t wattu say we finis quick time while morning it is still - did i lose some - coulda sworn we muddy the water awready - could sworn i rite about the fire pathway wuz it a msg - a dream - i wrotes about dreaming i swearz it - i swears a lot lol but really its chronic - i record 3 snippets but thats reflex and marketing and yah love and ritual also 
trynna good foot not b a dick its hard - no imma not gonna 
change the subject 
thieves were happy stealin  i wanna steel charlie backbeat i wanna play w my band i wanna see my friends i wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna 
lol also imma man baby i know it but then again i poet guessing also maybe same thing and then musicians omg the worst no poets hey it could b worse - can u imagine t a poltician 
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slowheart · 4 years
I see you're going through some stuff maybe this little will bring a laugh. In school, I made a presentation in my class about the Hale bop comet and the heaven's Gate cult and had the phrase at the very end "...we can still see the ripples today" I misspoke and said "we can still see the nipples today" which obviously stayed with everyone for much longer than the actual presentation. If you like this one i have more. Katana mishaps at restaurant. False teeth(upper teeth) found in a bush.
PLEASE tell me more
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margravelucian · 7 years
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December the 28th.
We, as a family, used to preferentially go to Wales for Christmas, until one terrible year when we went in the middle of a storm and all the powerlines fell in.  We spent the night cold and in the dark, and went home the next day (Christmas Day itself!).  One time we went to Wales deep in Winter, we saw Hale Bop pass overhead (which means that perhaps I could even look up when this happened).  It was one of my first memories of a truly incredible astrological phenomenon, along with my first solar eclipse.  Mum, brother and I looked up at the dark, cold night sky with delight, and I felt the great power of space, sucking me upwards like a great and terrible vortex.  I felt as though I was being swallowed alive, barely holding onto the world with my fingertips.  I was exhilarated and dizzy. It felt like being drunk.
Dad didn’t join in with looking at Hale Bop. I found out at least a decade later that this is because he is terrified of space and looking at the night sky.  He has nightmares about it.  “I feel as though I am being swallowed alive,” he explained.
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hayleysmuses · 5 years
So when do you plan on boarding the hale-bop comet?
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You know what, that one was clever and hasn’t been referenced to me in an overwhelming and annoying fashion yet. I’ll give you points for it.
Not that they mean anything, of course.
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ponytail-mctallmon · 6 years
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The silence is deafening. The rattling of my breathing feels like an intrusion. The desert lives simply. If species abundance and diversity could be expressed in terms of mental status, the desert would be a mind in meditation. Simplicity. Creosote, or brittle brush? Jack rabbit, or coyote? Bat, or hummingbird? Sun, or stars? I find the forest dizzying. There, life is busy. There are so many flora and fauna busy going about their business- eating, growing, dying, breeding- that it reminds me New York city. It’s noisy. Here, each day reminds one of forever.
At night we are slipped out of our blue envelope, safe and insulated by the glow of the sun, and are freed to float in the heavens. We become one with the galaxy again. The sky is so close. Laying on one’s back (the only proper way to look up), the bottomlessness is exhilarating and incredibly humbling- like the first time swimming in the deep end. Will I sink to the bottom if I exhale? Are there things living, watching as I float through space? I imagine sinking into a pool of stars would be a swirling thermal mix of cold, lukewarm, and hot fluid swirling like the arms of the milkyway- each star radiating a small glow onto my skin as it passes close.
I think the world would be a very different place if everyone had the privilege to look up and see an unmarred night sky. The glow of sodium lamps confuses us in much the same way it does insects. We flop and flit about internally instead of externally. Without the reminder of how small we are, how large the expanse of the universe is, we become insular and petty. The hum of sodium lamps anesthetizes the wandering of the mind. There is no ‘out there’ if all you can see is right here. We blind ourselves to avoid big questions. We blind ourselves to maintain the illusion that we are indeed in charge, thank you very much. In a world that insists on getting smaller, minds should wander.
I remember seeing comet Hale-Bop as a small child in the 1990’s. My father held me in our doorway and we looked out past the street lamps and rooftops of neighborhood houses with several other family members. That is the first time I remember conceiving that there was a vast space enveloping us- one that I had no control over. I was torn between crying out in utter fear at the realization of a body flying past us through a vast void, and being mesmerized by Hale Bops alien beauty. I think I avoided the inner debate by clinging to my father.
I wonder if you could put an economic value on the ideas that are inspired when looking up at night- the motivations, inventions, perspectives that people find there that travel into the daylight with them to affect our culture in myriad. Who knows how many of the great turning points in our culture were whispered in the ear of a nightgoer by starlight.
The same could be said for aloneness. I don’t know what it is that lives there, in the deep innards of my brain, but it is a faint signal easily drowned out by wifi, the hum of highways, ac units, and drywall. It is the siren song of my inner self. It is the part of me that vibrates in synchronicity with everything around me. It seems that English has no words to describe it- spirit, perhaps? It is something I don’t own or control. I am merely its vessel, and we share the space inside this body. I will try and remember to greet this being when the light comes to snuff out the stars in the morning.
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dvlaunchpad-mcquack · 6 years
Good afternoon, Mr. McQuack. Lovely day, isn't it?
“Oh hey, Miss, uh…Hailey, right? I’m not real good with names but I remembered yours because I was thinking it reminded me of the Hale-Bop comet. I remember seeing that a while back. Oh right, you asked me something. I’m doing swell! I got that carburetor installed last night. Works like a peach. Though I apologize if I still smell like gasoline. That stuff’s hard to get out of feathers, hehe. I didn’t hook the fuel line up quite right the first time and got squirted in the face while I was trying to fix it back up.”
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torixus · 4 years
The Himalayas Appear for the First Time in 30 Years, and 14 More Events We Don’t Hear About Everyday
Sometimes nature offers us special effects that are worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster. And when that happens, we can consider ourselves successful, because we need to create a number of conditions for certain rare events. These events, like the rainbow waterfall, can even surprise us, whether we are on another planet or living inside a fairy tale plot.
Here at Bright Side, we love that nature amazes us. So here we are talking about some of the events that once surprised us in the world we live in.
1. The comet Hale Bop was at the top of the oldest ancient site in Stonehenge.
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The comet Hale-Bop spun the blood in 1997 and became one of the brightest comets in history. It was a long-lasting gift from heaven, as it could be seen with the naked eye for more than 18 months (record).
2. Fallstreak hole - a circle that opens into the sky
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Imagine it's a cold day and the horizon is full of thick clouds. Suddenly you see a big hole through which you can see the sky. This is not a UFO arrival announcement, it's called a skypunch or fallstreak hole. It occurs when large amounts of small ice crystals fall into the cloud layer, causing the droplets to evaporate. It's all physics, but completely magical.
3. A fog arc that looks like an albino rainbow
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When you see this rainbow, you may think that you have lost the ability to distinguish colors. Relax and enjoy, the mist bow is like a rainbow albino brother. Instead of being made from drop drops, it is made up of small particles of dust. Because they are small, they reflect only that white color, which gives us a kind of cunning and mysterious image.
4. It's not the sea, this is lava on Havayan beach.
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In May 2018, the Kilauea volcano erupted on the Hawaiian Islands. It started throwing 30,000 feet of ashes into the air and dumping springs that reached the Pacific Ocean. It also traveled great distances, destroying the largest freshwater lake on the Hawaiian Islands. It reached the beaches, filling the Gulf of Cappuccino and extending the new area by one mile across the sea.
5. comet Arumutq Ar near 1976
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The comet West was described as one of the brightest colors to pass through the inner solar system in 1976. Its core is divided into 4 fragments, offering a wonderful image of its long tail. It was one of the few comet scars ever observed.
6. Pyroclastic flow generated by volcanic lightning.
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Seeing a erupting volcano is overwhelming and unusual in itself, but one more extraordinary event can add to this scene. When a volcano erupts, a pyroclastic flow, a rapid flow of hot gas and ash, erupts. Sometimes, the force with which he throws these materials, combined with extremely high temperatures, causes a display of stunning lighting.
7. A rare waterfall rainbow caught in Yosemite National Park.
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Only a few were successful who witnessed a Bridalveil Fall in Yosemite National Park turn into a rainbow. This is a shocking example of a situation where the sunlight reflects water droplets in special conditions. It looks like Photoshop, but nature is full of color and space.
8. Frozen waves have been observed off the coast of Croatia.
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In 2012, frozen monster waves froze these monster waves. 2012 year. The sea fell on the benches and lampshades of the lobby and froze. This left the beach of Senji in Croatia, covered with solid layers of ice, which looked like whipped cream.
9. The desert came back to life and turned into a flower explosion.
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In California, super flowers usually occur every 10 years. It requires a perfect storm of conditions: stable rain, warm temperatures and low winds. The desert turns into a colorful picture when thousands of wildflowers bloom at about the same time. A great gift for our eyes.
10. Male pillars are formed above the ice of the Chukchi Sea
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The reflection of light on small ice crystals suspended in the atmosphere can create a pillar of blood. If the light comes from the sunset, then this event can freeze us for a beautiful moment.
11. In 2018, a blue-blooded moon rises in the Temple of Parthenon.
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Common lunar eclipses on the superman are relatively rare. There are 87 common lunar eclipses in the 21st century, of which only 28 are supermons. Heavenly glances could be seen for the first time in decades in swollen "supermon" and lunar eclipses, indicating that the moon was bathed in bright red light.
12. Iridescent clouds
If we see that the sky is shining as if huge soap bubbles are floating there, it is not that we have sweets, but that we are witnessing gray clouds. This cosmic effect occurs only when many drops of water on the uniform scatter the light of sunset.
13. Himalayas first appear in 30 years.
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The sharp drop in pollution levels in April 2020 brought back the appearance of the magnificent Dhulahadhar mountain range. These summits are part of the Himalayas, and can now be seen as far away as the 143-mile aland.
14. Snowfall in the spring in Tokyo
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It's not uncommon to see snow in Tokyo, but what really surprised me was that it happened in April, when the cherry trees were blooming. Tokyo receives snow about 7.6 times a season, mostly in January-February. And this was the first spring snow in 32 years.
15. The midnight sunset was reflected in a waterfall in Iceland.
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In Iceland during the summer months, the sun is visible at midnight local time, and at 1 in the morning at sunset. Seeing 30 can completely blow your mind. Capturing this moment, just by twilight illuminating the 196 feet of Selcalansfos Falls, is simply breathtaking.
via Blogger https://ift.tt/3b8osaR
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sunwisher-blog · 6 years
Jedi Mind Tricks – Omnicron
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Jedi Mind Tricks – Omnicron
Call 1-855-637-4055 for our Psychic line as low as 66¢/min About Jedi Mind Tricks: Jedi Mind Tricks (JMT) is a hip hop duo with Vinnie Paz from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and Jus Allah from Camden, New Jersey. The group was founded by two high school friends, rapper Vinnie Paz (Vincenzo Luvineri) and former producer/DJ Stoupe the Enemy of Mankind (Kevin Baldwin). Of the many songs they wrote, Omnicron has no information about it anywhere. “Before the Great Collapse” is a single by Hip Hop duo Jedi Mind Tricks, released in 2004 through Babygrande Records. The single was the lead-off for the group’s fourth album, Legacy of Blood. While “Before the Great Collapse” was the single’s official A-Side, the B-Side track “On the Eve of War” was Legacy of Blood’s lead single. Like their previous album’s lead single, “Animal Rap”, the single contains two mixes of the song, subtitled “On the Eve of War (Julio Cesar Chavez Mix)” and “On the Eve of War (Meldrick Taylor Mix)”, referencing the rivalry between the two boxers. “The Age of Sacred Terror” is a single by Hip Hop duo Jedi Mind Tricks, released in 2005 through Babygrande Records. The single was the second released from their fourth album, Legacy of Blood, following 2004’s “Before the Great Collapse”. The song’s title is taken from the book of the same name, written by Daniel Benjamin. No official music video was shot for the track, but a fan-made video circulated after the song’s release, and was featured on Babygrande’s website. The single’s B-Side features the track “Saviorself“, featuring Wu-Tang Clan affiliate Killah Priest. lyrics: I told them of the Hale Bop comet 7 years ago… It is running if you will notice on our sensors we have picked up a ship beneath it …of great dimensions… All we are trying to do, us humans, is that we shall not die so soon Over the earth I hover Spinning whirlwinds in Wheatfield’s While my force fields repel four winds for broken seals Numbered Sedative Bending my brethren, breaking bread with Yeshua In Bethlehem, The last tribal star soul the alien Seth Alam The devil bears the pentagram, a wormhole/ hologram My body slams man with the heavy grams Lay the beat down; Make big connections to the Son of Sam and Uncle Sam So SamIam keep ya fuckin eggs and ham! Performing alien brain scans and spiritual exams While the mother ship lands on holy land My mental expands with plans to span through the galaxy I land in farmers crops spelling out the name ‘Apathy’ Speaking my name is blasphemy, so call me your majesty Majestic phonetics begin to affect your reality Religiously, I mystically chant and recite on mic’s At astronomical Heights Guided by the northern lights Poltergeist, masquerade as Christ, entice like Heidi Fleiss Trying ta put the righteous on ice You’re a holographic device, and simply see through Robotic like R2D2, I’m original like Hebrews And 144,000 people meant Allah’s blessing can keep you Form gargoyles like Tin Foil they sit upon ya steeple! Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Biophysical Biosphere; Witchdoctor unlocked the cobra spitting venom I adhere! I stand here with the hearts of the Meek I bring pain, camel clutch, Iron sheik Order of the Golden Dawn I have warned; Of biochemical implants in heads of the unborn! Lion of the tribe of Judah; The root of David Five Tibetan rites are rejuvenation A Sacred Master Yehi, All die under the staff; Or get burned like Betty Shabaz and I will laugh Demons at dimensional doorways come through this But I will have you hanging from a tree like you was Judas Violent Buddhist The Higher Arc decaton Revelations of the Megatron I form Voltron; With elements of Tai Chi Doing battle with seven heads and ten horns is me! The hologram! Travel I through space portals My soul cannot be imprisoned or trapped by mere mortals Torture them! With the pain of scorpion stings Spitting lightning ‘Lord of the Rings’, I brings Diagrams, of hallways and pyramids of the pharaohs Tribe Green Mecca’s warrior holding arrows Contorting; poly-wharfing and aborting The souls of the MC’s who I’ve made ghosts to do my haunting… Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Scientifical madness, eliminating masses with mathematical tactics Strategic, electronical Weaponry, fucking up your anatomy! Insanity- inviting me Atomically bombing thee, fraudulent MC’s Escorting he; With battle strategy Confusion weaponry, cause fatalities Intergalactic tactics, shine like metallics With mathematics I leave ya whole clique splattered Pharaoh’s the savage (Ikon the verbal Hologram) The Verbal Core (Sun Pharaoh) Causing Comatose It’s Transporting dope shit, through sleep way; (Ikon the Verbal Hologram) …Hypnosis! Try to approach this, I stalk prey like Vultures And feast on the carcass of any ‘lyrical artists’ I’m sick with, this Scientifical madness Pharaoh the seventh sign causing world disaster Cerebral master , Iron Killer Guerrilla Verbal Flames I spit them through your chest , Like Tequila Constructing ya Art of War like Sun Tzu Death becomes you, As I run through MC’s like Battering rams, you overstand; Sun Pharaoh- and the motherfucking Hologram! Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Will space probes in the next century discover extra terrestrial analogue? Click here to return to positive music list Read the full article
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1997 Original Photo of Comet Hale Bop 18 Mar 1997 (Darrel Kelling) 151x101 mm
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