#half my life girlies
dadbodbensisko-moved · 6 months
answer me these: how long have you been into star trek? what was your first series? what's your favorite series? who is your favorite character? and who is your favorite captain?
i'll go first: 11 years, tos, ds9, spock, sisko
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bulblorts · 4 months
a part of my soul dies whenever I see whitewashed alyx art
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freakinglegs · 1 year
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Group Breakdown!! Grab your besties and give into the darkness <3
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dorkfruit · 8 months
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more naby baby for my ternminals out there </3
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ender1821 · 8 months
(The brainrot got to me again so: woe galaxy duo be upon ye)
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The first time, there was winter, and there was you.
Though, I didn’t feel half the bite of winter’s cold when you were around. You and the cottage you built for us. Us and our scattered bases, hidden underground for safety, as those cursed would hunt for us not long after.
Soon enough, I’ll grow used to the cold. I’d crawl my way back to the snow, but the heat overtakes me.
Next time, I cling to winter. I cling to winter because it’s all I knew. I cling to winter because it was you.
Spring came, yet you feel the gnaw of ice in your veins. Do you feel it? When I plunge myself in the powdered snow? When I sleep alone high up in my tower? Will it be enough for you to come back to my arms?
You don’t return the sentiment. You bask in the arrival of spring, and you end me with a blaze, as the string between us becomes the ignition.
Then, there’s summer. We’re well away from snowy woods and winter’s bite, this I know. I know, but my heart yearns for breezy nights.
Before I knew it, I’m in the tower again. The heat haze is far beyond my reach when I’m on top of it all. I’ll catch a glimpse of you every now and then, I’ll retreat to my tower and question if winter is still on your mind.
You answer. You answer with the slash of a sword as air leaves my punctured lungs in a final scream. The cool water rushes in me, but it doesn’t remind me of winter, it reminds me of the spring you left me.
Autumn will arrive with its yellow hues. Cold seeps in, but I think that summer lingers. I walk through the sunflower fields, with summer on my mind.
For the first time, I build a home rooted to the earth. For the first time, I try to catch the escaping heat. For the first time, I don’t think about you, or ruined cottages, or snapped strings, or stolen items.
You pass by one day, offering me warmth. You say the words I’ve begged to hear for so long. You want to show me what it’s like past winter.
But I won’t say it back. I’ve discovered warmth without you. You came back expecting a tower, but it’s not here.
I will think back to you someday. Maybe I should’ve said it back. Maybe I should leave you in the past.
Maybe there can be a winter without you.
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largemandrill · 1 year
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I was thinking about a hypothetical “Hunters of Artemis” story of some sort (no actual plans for it rn just wanted to experiment) thus I decided to draw my favorite ex-hunter and hunter that hasn’t betrayed the entire gimmick. I present to you, Bear-Woman and Cow-Girl (Click for higher quality)
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wildmelon · 4 months
i said forever ago i was gonna romance karlach as a dwarven forge cleric of moradin but i had a new character idea and now idk what to do 😭
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aroacehanzawa · 11 months
packing up my bindle and trudging back to the classic lit fandom 💔
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queenwolf · 5 months
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if i got nothing from that movie, at least i got this promo shot
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mielmoto · 11 months
if you stick with me for long enough as a writing partner you are Never safe from me
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drawthething · 11 months
Timeless item as the fashion revolution goes. Notorious weapons feared by many. And if you're enough of a crackhead to figure it out they can be badminton rackets too.
I'm talking about flip flops.
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freakinglegs · 1 year
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Feral Freeman posting, hot girl summer
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dbphantom · 1 year
Thought process: wow I have so many tabs open on my Firefox what the hell was I do-
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Carry on.
#The other 7 tabs were also H2O related. Namely Max and Gracie's pages as well as Charlotte's#I also had a really funny page open that described mako island completely incorrectly? Describing lost ruins from a bygone civilization#Scattered across the island. Which I guess could technically be from Mako Island of Secrets (with the merman chamber) but like...#The images they attached were of old decaying bridges and temples so I don't think so!#This fic has been a journey and a half#Season 2 is suddenly at least 5 episodes longer#In my defense I really think it'll be worth it for the payoff at the end. I hope.#I'm giving the girlies (me) everything they've (I've) ever wanted#Cruddy rambles#... It is essentially just the show but Lewis is a fish now#I love all the other merman Lewis fics too but they do tend to deviate from canon a lot. Which isn't a bad thing!! Just not what I'm vibing#With atm so I'm writing what I want#I mean it is a whole rewrite so deviating from canon is implied but y'know what I mean? I just want s2 but with a few tiny details changed#A lot of them tend to be removed from the '[generally] slice of life but with mermaids' style of canon#Which is what I'm really vibing with atm as I'm currently in a tumultuous period of my life#So like absolutely no hate to those styles. I fucking adore them (and am heartbroken one author who posted recently never came back after#I posted a comment on their work talking about MA Zewis 😭😭😭) because holy shit their stuff slaps hard as hell and I love all of them#I'm the number 1 merman Lewis fan#I Stan every single person who has posted art or writing for that style of au#Just to make it absolutely fuckin clear that I mean no hate whatsoever. I just wanna throw my own hat into the ring yknow?
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n0heart · 8 months
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stsebastiens · 1 year
watching antman: quatumania was so fucking depressing cause it really solidified the fact that these characters are only ever going to serve the same narrative purpose as jake from state farm. they are faces to a product. every cgi creature is designed to have a plush equivalent. a concept as fascinating and diverse as “the quantum realm” should have looked SO cool, so mindblowing and trippy. instead we got vague spacey vibes and futuristic cities that star wars did better fifty years ago. everything that makes movies interesting as a medium, everything that makes character design and the entire superhero genre fun and exciting has been sacrificed for the sake of corporate expansion. and thanks to disney resisting the public domain expiration, we will never see these characters get their due. 
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hatchetmode · 11 months
i had no idea horses had different personalities in rdr2 !!!!!
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