#so once her dad died she went to the open hand temple and wanted to be a paladin of ilmater
wildmelon · 7 months
i said forever ago i was gonna romance karlach as a dwarven forge cleric of moradin but i had a new character idea and now idk what to do 😭
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 7 months
All Falls Down - Chapter 10 (Part 1)
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4 months ago....
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“There goes my baby” Josh started singing a terrible rendition of Usher’s song as Kiyana waddled her way down the stairs. She rolled her eyes with a smile as she made her way over to the couch, plopping down right beside him. “How you feeling today?” He asked pulling her closer to him. “How was your nap?” 
“It was good and I’m feeling okay.” She shrugged. “Just ready for this funeral to be over with.” He frowned. “But, I'm fine. I promise.” She forced a smile on her face and cupped his chin, bringing his face to hers for a soft kiss. 
Josh sighed before he nodded his head. “I love you Key, I’m just worried about you.” He placed a hand on her round belly, smiling as he felt his son kick. “I just want you and lil’ man to be good. Doc said no stress.”
“Well, my dad just died Joshua, of course I'm stressed.” She scoffed “ I’m stressed for my mom, my little brother, my grandmother. I’m stressed for my whole family, Joshua.” 
“Key,I didn't mean it like that -” He started, but she stood from the couch and walked off into the kitchen. Josh sighed and rubbed his temples. He understood that she was upset and sad, and so was he but he also knew that she needed to remain calm for the sake of the baby. This pregnancy was already high risk and he didn’t know what he would do without Kiyana. 
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2 days later Josh found himself in a secluded hallway in the arena, trying to get in contact with Kiyan who was ignoring him.. still.   He sighed as another one of his phone calls to Kiyana went unanswered. He threw his head back against the wall and closed his eyes.  She was still pissed that he told her she needed to not be stressed for the well-being of her and their baby. He tried to apologize countless times but if he was being completely honest, this pregnancy was making Kiyana way more bitchy than she normally was with her other three pregnancies and it was different. Josh wasn’t used to Kiyana pushing him away. 
“Hey Jey, you okay?”  He cracked one eye open to see who was talking to him and exhaled a deep breath at the sight of Shanté in front of him. “You look like you could use a drink.” She smirked as she sauntered over to where he was leaning against the wall, eyeing him up and down. 
“You don’t know the half of it” He muttered before trying to call Kiyana again. Shanté watched as his jaw clinched before muttering a curse word under his breath. “Yo stop fucking ignoring me and answer the damn phone Key” He gritted into the phone before angrily shoving it into the pocket of his sweatpants. 
“Trouble at home?” She asked, trying to hide her smirk. She knew he was married and she did not care about his wife not one bit. Shanté had seen her once or twice when she would come to the shows with Josh’s kids and Shanté didn’t see what Josh saw in her, she was basic as fuck. A man like Josh needed someone like Shanté. 
Josh eyed her warily, he knew what she was up to and he wasn’t going to fall for it. He didn’t mind helping her in the ring - never without Trinity or Mercedes present but she was starting to push it. Her workout attire getting shorter and tighter, her lingering touches even after being reminded that he was happily married. 
“You wanna talk about it?”   He narrowed his eyes  and frowned, there was no way in hell he was telling some random girl what he and his wife were going through. Sensing his reluctance, Shanté pressed further. “Oh, come on. You need to talk to someone who doesn’t know you or your home problems and listen without any judgment.”  She crossed her fingers behind her back as she awaited his response. Josh contemplated her offer before letting out a sigh and nodding his head even though he had a bad feeling in his stomach. 
“Aight, fine. You got a rental?” Shanté nodded excitedly and told her to follow him as she started walking towards the car garage for the superstars. They went to a bar that was close to the hotel and sat towards the back, away from everyone else.
It took Josh four double Hennessy shots to actually get him to start talking and once he did, he couldn’t stop. It actually felt good to actually voice his frustrations without being told to think about Kiyana’s feelings first. 
Shanté just listened to him rant, offering her opinion when he asked and once she noticed he was drunk, she started to press him further. At first it started with just her placing her hand on his arm, squeezing it every once in a while then she decided to take it a step further by sliding her chair next to his and placing her hand on his thigh, rubbing it sensually, smirking to herself when she seen his dick starting to harden. She then finally went in for the kill, after Josh got finished taking his shot, Shanté reached over and cupped his jaw, and leaned over to kiss him, smirking into the kiss when he started to kiss her back. 
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Josh awoke the next morning with a pounding headache. He sat up in bed, promising himself that he’ll never drink that much again. As his eyes got adjusted to the bright sun rays pouring through the windows, he realized something was off, this was not his hotel room. 
“Oh you’re up.” Shanté smiled as she came out of the bathroom, with a tiny robe wrapped around her body. Josh moved from the bed abruptly as she started to crawl on it. 
“Nah, nope. This ain’t happening.” He grabbed the sheet, covering himself and started to look for his phone.’The fuck happened Shanté?” She cocked her head to the side in confusion. 
“You tryna tell me you don’t remember anything?” 
“Nah, I remember us talking at the bar. How the fuck did I get in your hotel room, in your bed?”  He hurriedly threw his clothes on from last night, still looking for his phone. “Fuck me, this cna’t be fucking happening!” He grunted in frustration. He actually cheated on his wife. What the fuck was wrong with him?!  
 Once he found it his heart dropped so far down into his stomach and he felt like he needed to throw up. He had 10 missed phone calls from his mom, 5 from Kiyana’s mom and 5 from his twin brother. 
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Talisua Fatu cursed her son as another phone call to him went unanswered. She turned to look at Kiyana laying in the hospital bed and her heart broke in two. Kiyana’s mom had found her passed out in the master bathroom and immediately called the ambulance to come to the house, leaving Kaiden and Kamari with Kiyana’s older brother. 
“He still not answering?” Jon asked as he and Trinity walked into the room and over toTalisua who shook her head. 
“No and he better have a good explanation for this.” Talisua muttered, taking one of the coffee’s from Trin and taking it over to Kiyana’a mom, who was sitting in one of the chairs by her daughter’s bed holding her limp hand. Talisua could only imagine what she was going through, first losing her husband and now her daughter was in a hospital with all these tubes and wires connected to her. 
Everyone looked at Jon when his phone started to ring. He excused himself to go step into the hallway. “Yo Uce, what the fuck? We been calling ya’ ass all damn day.” 
“I fucked up Jon..” Josh whispered over the phone, tears spilling down his cheeks. “I fucked up so bad” 
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So... Josh is a ass who can't see a red flag if it was waved right in front of his face..
This chapter will have a part 2... y'all know I love cliffhangers ❤️😭
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
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remushrts · 10 months
Obliviate - emmary
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— pairing(s): emmeline vance x mary macdonald, ex!marlene mckinnon x mary macdonald, ex!lily evans x mary macdonald (it's a lot yes)
— a/n: this is SO angst and i'm so in love with the hc that mary obliviates herself. hope you enjoy because this literally teared my heart open and i might be starting to realize i'm a mary's kinnie
— summary: mary's last night is the night emmeline dies
To Mary, it's the middle of the night. To Mary, it's October fitfh year and the summer before that, to Mary, it's the day she receives the news that Lily is dead. It's Lily being dead all over again. It's Marlene telling her that she thinks she can't love Mary the way she wants to be loved, it's her kissing all the tears that fall from Mary's eyes like she's trying to kiss it better. It's Lily's last hug before they went into hiding, it's the phone call she never got to give them. It's her voice that was never heard a last time, it's baby Harry's hair that she never got to mess with. It's her dad's cloudy eyes before he passed, her mother's trembling hands as she held Mary's, it's Dorcas' promise that they would throw a birthday party to Pandora that year. It's all being taken away from her at once, brutally and without warning. Again. It's all again.
The night Emmeline dies Mary feels the grief awakes in her body so strong it shakes the entire neighborhood awake. She feels the death of every person dear to her over again, like her mind awoke with grief all of her dead, just to kill them a little more. The years that eased into Mary's mind did little to her memory. So, she knows what's coming. She did for a long time now. She knows what she has to do.
Her hand doesn't even tremble as she reaches for her wand. She wonders what it would feel like, she did even when Emmeline was here with her. Mary was a fighter, all of her life. She didn't back down all these years, she didn't run, even if every single nerve on her body was telling her to. Mary lost everything. She was about to lose everything forever. But she made up her mind.
If Emmeline was there, Mary knows what she'd say. Mary asked her not a week before. "Would you do it?" Emme's voice shook, tears on the brink of falling as she nodded. "Yes... I just wish you wouldn't ask me to. I'd... Miss you a lot, you know?"
Mary tells herself that it doesn't matter, because Emmeline was as dead as they come and she was not coming back from the dead just to do it for her. Maybe she should've asked it sooner, maybe she should've never asked it at all. Mary never doubted of Emmeline's love, but love could only go to a certain length, and their were no different.
Mary's hand stops at her temple, her wand just about to touch her head. She imagines it as a gun. Her last breath as Mary MacDonald is a shallow and short one, one that doesn't do her justice. Then, simple as that, Mary says it. Obliviate. Simple as that, there is no more Mary.
The first breath the stranger sat on a bed she doesn't recognise is a deep one. She doesn't recognise anything, and she doesn't recall picking up a stick or a photograph, but there they are, just in her trembling hands. She doesn't remember coming in, or sitting down, or how did she got here in the first place. She let her hands rest on the mattress below her as she toss the stick to the ground. Another deep breath. She gets up, folds the photo of several people she doesn't know and puts it on the nightstand.
Mary MacDonald leaves the house without any idea that it once was hers.
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mindofharry · 3 years
Stepdadrry pleaseeeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️
A small little angsty blurb of harry having to deal with a moody child for the first time! enjoy!
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Being a dad is something harry has always wanted.
It’s something he’s dreamt about. So when he met you, it was like fate. You two had met at a museum, Y/N was doing the tours and harry was new to town. Harry had been looking for a home for quite a long time and finally found a good one. The only downside was it was in a small village — or maybe it was good. When Harry first moved, he realised everyone in the village knew everyone. So when Harry permanently moved in, he was the talk of the town.
It died down after a few weeks, but he felt like a proper celebrity.
After finding a job in a local café, Harry went exploring and came across Y/N’s small museum. It was nothing fancy, but it looked like the town came together and put this museum up with historical facts about the village. It was something super special, and harry was glad he got to be apart of this.
When he first saw Y/N, his heart practically burst out of his chest. Harry bit his lip and his eyes widened as she turned around from behind the desk. Her long hair was in neat braids, and she was wearing this beautiful yellow sun dress. Y/N had paint on her hands and arms and a flower tucked behind her ear. There was one word to describe Y/N and that word was; perfect.
“Are you new to town? I haven’t seen you around before” Y/N asked with a big smile, maybe because she was so excited a new person was here or because he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.
“Yeah, I moved here two weeks ago. You’re the first person to have an actual conversation with me” Harry said leaning against the wall. Y/N shook her head and took the flower out of her hair placing it on his harry coat pocket.
“Well, aren’t you lucky?”
And Harry was.
After asking her on a date he knew she was the one. Y/N is kind, selfless and so funny. He found is other match. On the third date, Y/N seemed nervous. Like she was itching to tell him something. Harry then started to get anxious, thinking this is it, this is the time she breaks up with me. So the night was tense, everyone felt it. When dinner was over, Harry drove you back to his and opened up a bottle of wine trying to ease the tension a little.
“I… I have to tell you something” Y/N said and put the glass of wine on the table. Harry nodded his head and took a deep breath in, preparing himself for the worst.
“I have a kid”
A kid?
Harry started to laugh.
“Baby, that’s what you were so afraid to tell me?” He giggled and Y/N nodded looking down at her feet. Harry sighed and placed his wine on the table, then lifting Y/N into his lap placing both of his hands on her cheeks.
“I do not care if you have children, Y/N. I like you and whatever comes with you. Tell me about them”
Y/N’s child is a boy, River, fours year old and a total sweetheart. He’s so smart and has the best manners. His dad is still in the picture, but he works a lot so he doesn’t get to see River as much as he’d like to. But there’s no bad blood between Y/N and River’s dad, the relationship just didn’t work out. But Y/N’s glad she’s gotten a second chance, because she’s found her soulmate. Some people aren’t ready to take on that role, and she’d never put anyone in that position unless they 110% ready for it. She knows River will absolutely love Harry.
Harry knew about River now, it was like a weight had lifted off of Y/N’s chest and she could fully relax now.
She wanted Harry to meet River as soon as possible, but she needed to wait it out a bit just in case something were to happen. She doesn’t want to introduce them and only for her and Harry to break up in a couple of weeks. It would be too confusing for everyone, so Harry and River didn’t meet until two months after Harry and Y/N made it official. Y/N had been dropping hints for those months, and River seems to like his dad’s girlfriend, so she thought now was the right time to do it.
“Hi buddy! I’m Harry” Harry introduced himself, giving River the teddy bear he picked up on the way here. Y/N smiled to herself as River hugged Harry. That surprised Harry a bit, but he quickly reciprocated the warm hug with a huge grin.
“You and mumma are together like daddy and Sandra?” River asked and Harry looked up to Y/N, she nodded.
“Yeah, we are together. Is that alright with you?”
River smiled and nodded, “Only if you watch Toy story with me.”
As time went on, River got more comfortable with Harry and vice versa. He didn’t call him dad or anything, nobody would force him to. But they do have special nicknames for each other and River once called Harry his best friend — which totally melted Y/N’s heart.
Harry is a such a great step dad. Y/N could ask for anyone better. He constantly supports Y/N and River in everything, and is just the best person to be around.
Harry and Y/N got married two years into their relationship when River turned six.
It’s been a tough year for River, since he just started school and is finding it hard to make friends. Y/N has talked to the school and they’ve said that this is very normal, and they’re going to encourage him and look after him every step of the way. Y/N has been looking for play therapists for days, but she’s still not sure on the idea.
But River has been acting out. Taking it out on Y/N and not being very nice to her. Harry hates it, he’s tried to tell him off in the nicest way possible, but he’s just not cut out for being bad cop. Usually Y/N says she can handle it, and she does.
But today was different.
After dropping River off at school Y/N and Harry decided to go out for brunch. Y/N hasn’t been herself with River in a mood, so Harry wanted to treat his wife to something nice. Something to cheer her up a little.
“Nice to see you smiling,” Harry said kissing her temple.
“Just worried about him. He’s never been like this before.”
“How about I talk to him? Tell him his behaviour is unacceptable. I hate seeing you so upset, baby.” Harry said and Y/N sighed pecking his lips.
“His dad is away on a work thing, so I guess me and you and can talk to him together? I just don’t want him to think this behaviour is ok, but I just wish his dad was here more often” Y/N stressed, Harry pulled her chair closer to his, placing both of his hands on her cheeks calming her slightly.
“We’ll talk to him after dinner. Together.”
And so dinner finally came and Harry was a little nervous, he’s not going to lie. Usually if Rivers being bold Y/N handles it, but he’s not usually like this — but they get it, going to big school is a huge change. River just needs to know his behaviour is not acceptable, but if he ever needs to talk about anything then they’ll be here.
“River, Harry and I need to talk to you.” Y/N said as River tried to disappear up to his room.
River shrugged and continued to walking.
“Buddy, your mums talking to you” Harry said placing a hand on Y/N’s hand. River pouted, but still stood in his spot. “Why don’t you come back over and sit with us?” Harry said and River shook his head. Y/N sighed placing a hand on her forehead, blinking away the tears.
“Fine, we’ll do this here then.”
“There’s something going on with you and we want to help. Your behaviour has been unacceptable the last couple of weeks. We just want to know what’s going on, ok? Mummy and Harry are here to help.”
River groaned and walked towards the table. “I don’t want to talk.” He said and Y/N nodded.
“That’s ok. You don’t have to talk to us right now. But you need to know that you can’t be cheeky with us like that anymore. It’s upsetting, River. If it keeps going on, they’ll be punishments and you don’t like them do you?” Y/N said trying to reason with him.
River was having absolutely none of this. Harry could tell. He didn’t want to get in the middle of Y/N’s parenting, but he didn’t want them to fight or end up saying something they’d regret.
“Riv, we just want to help-“
“Stop talking to me, you’re not even my real dad. You’ll be out of here in no time” River yelled, running out of the room.
It was quiet and Harry let out a little laugh, Y/N placed a hand on his and started to profusely apologise.
“I’m so sorry, Harry. I don’t know what’s gotten into him, you were just trying to help I get that. I’m so sorry”
Harry shook his head and sighed, “He’s right, i’m not his real dad. Was just trying to deescalate the situation. Bad move on my part” Harry said throwing the napkin on his plate.
“No, this is not on you. You did the same exact thing I would’ve.”
Y/N went to move, but harry put his hand in the air. “He’s angry, let’s just leave him for a bit. Let him calm down, then i’ll go talk to him.”
“You’re a good dad, Harry.” Y/N said kissing his forehead before bringing the plates over to the sink.
Harry let River calm down for about 30 minutes and then made Y/N a cup of tea. He didn’t like her being so anxious. After that, he made his way upstairs to Rivers room. The door had a note on it saying “Harry and mummy keep out”. He laughed to himself, before knocking on the door. There was a small grumble, so harry let himself in and leaned against the door frame. River was playing with his toys like nothing happened.
“Wanna play with me Harry?” River asked passing him a toy.
Harry sighed and sat down next to River.
“You know what you said really hurt my feelings?” Harry said and River pouted.
“And you’re behaviour has really upset mummy. Made her cry.” Harry said and River put down his car toy. “Just don’t like the school. Makes me nervous.” River said and Harry nodded placing the boy in his lap.
“And why does it make you nervous?”
“Because no one wants to be my friend, Harry.”
Harry sighed and kissed Rivers head.
“You know, me and mummy are going to go up to the school and yell so loud at the teachers” Harry joked and River giggled into harry’s chest.
“I’m sorry i said you’re not my real dad. You are my dad.” River said and Harrys eyes filled up with tears.
“I love you, River”
“Love you too”
“Now let’s go give mumma a kiss before she gets jealous.”
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babyloposts · 3 years
Summary: How my favorite boys would react to their child having a nightmare. Some single dad head cannons because my baby fever is back
Includes: Bakugou Katsuki, Midoriya Izuku, Kaminari Denki, Takami Keigo
Warnings: none, fluff, aged up characters, references to GN parent titles
He was up and down the hall as quickly as the first wail left his daughter’s mouth. He was desperately hoping that the screams were not from a villain trying to kidnap her.
He was relieved for only a second as he saw her safely tucked into bed as he left her earlier that night, but the worry came back as he saw her broken out in a cold sweat.
Careful not to startle her awake Katsuki rubbed her forehead gingerly removing the sweat and bangs from its place matted on the top of her head.
“Kid. Wake up.” His tone soft. The one he reserved only for her.
“Daddy?” Her brows furrowed and her eyelashes fluttered open to see a stoic yet comforting face.
“You okay? I think you were having a nightmare. Scared the hell out of me.” He chuckled, still soothing her as her breathing slowed.
“M-me too. I was so scared Dad. The monsters were trying to get me.”
“What monsters?” Katsuki feared the worst. What if she had seen a villain and they knew she was his kid. That could mean she was being watched and in danger. He couldn’t let anything happen to her.
“From the movie dad. The one I watched when hanging out with the Midoriya’s.” Bakugou’s face scrunched and his daughter winced in fear of being in trouble for watching a PG-13 movie.
“What’d I tell you about watching scary movies with Deku’s kid. Now look at you all scared with nightmares.” Bakugou scolded, but his expression softened. He was just glad she was safe.
“I’m sorry Dad. I won’t watch scary movies anymore. I don’t want any monsters to get me.”
“It’s okay. I promise I won’t let any monsters get you. They have to go through me first, alright squirt.” She nodded and gave Bakugou a small smile, knowing she was safe and in the most capable hands of the #2 hero.
Bakugou smoothed her hair back and placed a kiss to her forehead. “Love you squirt. Sweet Dreams.”
“I love you too Dad.”
Izuku is no stranger to weird dreams, but he had never expected his One for All induced visions to transfer to his daughter as well.
He wouldn’t even know if she hadn’t been weeping by his bedside at one in the morning.
“D-daddy.” A small voice warbled out next to Midoriya. His eyes shot open not expecting to see a teary eyed five year old only a few inches away from his face.
“What’s wrong Bubby?” Izuku quickly sat up in bed and moved to the edge of the bed, scooping the crying child into his arms.
“I had a bad dream.” She whimpered as he wiped the tears from her eyes.
“Aww I’m sorry.” He hugged her tightly to his chest rocking slightly to soothe her. “Do you want to talk about it?”
She nodded slightly before starting. “I was so scared Daddy. You were there and somebody—a bad man—stole your quirk away from you. He was too strong. And nobody would help you. Not even All Might. And I was too little to help you, Daddy and I’m so sorry.” And just like that the tears were flowing from her tear ducts again.
Izuku shushed her and started back trying to soothe her again. “Don’t worry, I’m right here, okay? I’m not going anywhere.” He brought his daughter back to her bedroom and tucked her into her Princess themed bed. “Are you comfy?” She asked and she nodded.
Izuku gave her a kiss to her temple before getting up to move to a bookshelf on the far side of the room. “Would you like to hear a story?” She nodded and Izuku climbed into the side of the bed and wrapped his arm around her.
Midoriya read the story book to her that were more kiddie versions of some of All Might’s best missions (even in fatherhood he was a total fanboy).
His daughter was knocked before he was even halfway through the book, the tales of heroism and safety lulling her into a peaceful sleep. Although she was peaceful and very cute Izuku had realized his grave mistake far too late.
His daughter was the lightest sleeper he knew. It would be almost impossible to remove himself from the bed without waking her up.
He tried several times to stand from the bed without causing her to stir, but ultimately failed and gave in to the reality that he’d be spending the night on the edge of a twin bed.
It wasn’t the most comfortable thing in the world, but Izuku would give up anything for his little girl, even the comforts of his own bed, to make her feel safe.
It took a lot to get Denki up, which wasn’t always a good thing having such a young child to look after. He was finally awoken by the third kick to his ribs by a little foot in bed.
“Ouch, what the-?” Denki whipped the blanket down to reveal a small body in the fetal position hunched against his side.
“Wha- hey Little Man. What happened? Why aren’t you sleeping in your big kid bed?”
The small boy was unmoving, pretending to be asleep to prevent being bothered or moved from his comfortable position.
“I know you’re not sleep, Buddy. Tell me what’s wrong. Please?” Finally Denki’s son’s head poked up from his arm shields and showed off his pouty face.
“I don’t want to sleep in my big kid. It’s too dark and scary in there. I don’t want to have bad dreams.” The child’s eyes started to water.
Denki sighed. “Bud, I thought we agreed that when you turned four you’d stop sleeping in Papa’s bed and sleep by yourself.”
“I don’t want to anymore. I’m scared. It’s too dark and you are too far away.” He whined. Denki knew that he was the age where he needed to start being able to self-soothe and sleep by himself, but he couldn’t deny his son. He was a good kid, maybe with a bit of separation anxiety, but all around he was pretty easy.
Denki’s nanny would probably scold him for babying his son, but he didn’t care. It’s not like Denki liked sleeping alone anyway.
“Bud, you can’t sleep down in the covers like that. You’ll get way too hot.” A small smile spread over Denki’s lips as his son shuffled his way up onto Denki’s chest with his arms wrapped around his neck in a death grip.
Denki chuckled once the grip loosened and rubbed his son’s back as he slipped into sleep. “Can we try sleeping in your big kid bed tomorrow night?” Denki whispered.
“I’ll try Papa, but no promises.” Denki chuckled and closed his eyes in content.
“That’s okay Buddy. I love you.”
“Love you too, Papa.”
Takami Keigo:
Keigo really hoped that an intruder wasn’t in the house right now. He knew it was irrational to think, but stranger things have happened, plus he was already worked up from the last patrol he went on last night where he fought a surprisingly difficult villain.
Stealthily Kei climbed out of bed and sent a feather flying into the kitchen where the noise was coming from to scope out the intruder.
When he heard a high pitched scream and low thud he was actually more relieved than worried.
He rushed from behind his bedroom door out to see his son sat on the ground in front of the open refrigerator.
“The hell are you doing up? It’s 2 AM!” Keigo whisper yelled to ensure he didn’t bother the neighbors.
“Sorry Dad. I was hungry.”
“What are you still hungry for? You basically ate a whole chicken by yourself for dinner. At this rate keeping up with your eating habits cost more than the rent.” Takami chided, but he couldn’t be too mad, his son was a growing boy and they needed their sustenance.
“I’m sorry Dad. I just woke up and wanted a snack that’s all.” That’s what he said, but the glossiness in his son’s eyes gave him away.
Keigo bent over to pick up the food that had fallen out of the fridge and grab a carton of ice cream out of the freezer along with two spoons. His son watched his father intently as he moved to the kitchen island to sit and patted the stool next to him.
“Come sit down and have your snack.” Keigo sighed. Reluctantly his son sat down beside him and grabbed a spoon scooping into the slightly freezer burnt cookies and cream.
“So tell me what’s really going on. You wouldn’t tear up just from me knocking you on your ass earlier.” His son’s eyes grew wide, surprised that his dad had noticed that small detail.
“There’s nothing wrong.”
“I know when you’re lying to me Kid. So just go ahead and tell me.” Kei said wrapping an arm around his son’s shoulders.
He took a deep breath before finally caving. “I... I had a dream about Baba. When they died.” Keigo’s usual cocky demeanor faded away and his eyes softened as he recalled the painful memory.
“Wow.” Keigo said as he cleared his throat. “That uh... hasn’t happened for a while. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault Dad. I just wished... I don’t know. I just miss them a lot.” He began to tear up again. Keigo sighed. It has been almost seven years since his significant other died tragically from cancer. Their son was just a kid then. What Five year old can really comprehend that and grieve a parent properly. Since then Kei’s been doing his best as a single Dad, but maybe he should have talked about them more.
“I know you miss them Kid. I do too. I miss them everyday, but you remind me of them. You’ve got the same face and spirit they had, so it’s like a little piece of ‘em is always with us. They’re in you.” Keigo’s grip tightened around his son’s shoulder and he left a comforting rub up and down his forearm.
“I know sayin all this isn’t going to bring them back, but just know they’re always in your heart and they loved you very much.”
“Thanks Dad.”
“No problem Kid. Just finish your ice cream and get to bed. I don’t want you late for school in the morning.”
His son nodded. Keigo stood from the island and ruffled the hair of his son before depositing his dirty spoon in the sink. Before he made it all the way to his bedroom a voice rang out behind him.
“I love you Dad.”
Keigo smiled softly. “Love you too Kid.”
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mywritingonlyfans · 3 years
i like the idea of thomas for the dad/christmas fic 🥺
heeey!!! thanks for comment on it again!!! once again, i'm sorry for not writing that one with the person 'we' mentioned first😅 hope u like it!
-> dad!thomas raggi x reader
prompt: in which, dad!thomas is bit late for xmas to see his little girl! bonus. he teaching his little girl how to play the guitar!
warnings: none, just the good stuff today!! oh, we actually talk more about the 'finals' holiday than xmas itself on here so i hope it doesnt be too awkward for people who don't celebrate it.
You closed the fairytale book, putting it in its place on the shelf, and then tidied the blanket to cover Alice better. One of her arms was on her new guitar, which Santa Claus had left for her at Thomas's mother’s house; and by Santa you meant Thomas. She was so happy at the moment that you couldn't wait to show him the video. 
 Despise this, the smile on her face hadn't lasted long, you didn't know if everyone could see that she looked sad or if it was something maternal that warned you about it. She was asleep, and even though you could tell she was heartbroken, her long eyelashes rested under the freckles of her chubby face; appearing to be all agitated - she had not cried, but you knew she had held back her tears while you put her to sleep. You didn't blame her, you missed him, too. 
 You hugged your torso, wanting to stay there with her, you didn't feel like going to sleep knowing that he wasn’t home for Christmas. When you looked at her again, with her sad little face, you suddenly felt bad for not thinking about letting her sleep with you; since she liked it when you let her stay in Thomas’s side of the bed when he wasn’t around.
“I love you, angel,” you whispered, brushing her hair away from her face and placing a kiss on the prominent freckles on her nose. She mumbled something you couldn't understand, and smiling silly at your girl, you took her purrs as your cue to make your way to the kicthen.
You hummed one of Thomas’s band songs to yourself after you checked that there was no messages or new call on it. He promised he would at least contact you, and as long as you are together he never was one to broke his promises; so what you could do was wait. 
 It was the first Christmas after you had Alice that he hadn't been able to come back home on time. And as much as you told him that you understood and that everything would be fine, which was true, you couldn't deny how much you missed him.
You kept the leftovers Alice had begged her grandmother to give her on the frigde, remembering how she had planned on eating it with Thomas when he got home. Glad pleased, you could imagine how happy he’d be that she thought about doing it for him. Just when your mind was ready to get lost in a scenario where Thomas would be home for the Holidays, the vibrations of your phone interrupted you.
“Hey, babe. Merry Christmas!” You said excitedly. It was him, he wouln’t forget of you. It was late at night and you had no idea what time it was for him, but still he called. 
“Merry Christmas, babe,” He said in a slurred, almost inaudible voice. He looked a bit sapped and busy.
“It's not a good time, right? I can call you later if you can’t speak right now or are feeling too tired,”
“Nah, it’s fine,” He assured, a bit breathless, getting clearer over the phone. “How was your day? How’s Alice? God, I missed you,”
“It was good,” you sighed, thinking about being cheeky and adding that it would have been better with him, yet you were afraid that it might make him feel worse. “Alice is fine too. She loved the guitar, you will love to see it. I filmed everything, she didn’t stop jumping with it in her arms, telling your parents how it was just like the one his dad have. She misses you so much, Thommy, and I think she’s learning how to deal with it.”
“She’s learning...” he repeated. “I wish she didn't need to learn to deal with me being away from her,”
“Don’t say that, I made a bad choice of words, you know she loves you and she loves even more the way you love her extra when you’re back. She understands, Thomas,”
“She’s 5 years old, Y/N,”
You let the silence fill the chasm between you. You felt how sad he was, he had been away for a long time because of the turns before, still he always managed to return for the special dates - just as he had promised when Alice was born - but this time, well, this time it wasn’t possible.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured and you visualized in your head his eyebrows furrowing as his hand ran agonizingly through his hair, just as he always do when he‘s feeling in low spirits. “You’re right. I should be focusing on the good things, soon I’ll be home, I’m gonna teach her to play the guitar, show her all my love and be the best dad in the world,”
You laughed at his abrupt change in mood mixed with a hint of himself. “I know you will, babe,”
“I’m gonna be the best boyfriend too,” he would give continuity to his words when a loud noise of something falling stopped him abruptly.
“What was it?” You asked. You made it clear that you were suspicious, and by his nervous laugh he knew that. After all, what would he say about the noise that seemed to have come from the room next to where you were? “Oh my god, Thomas, that can’t be you.”
He didn't even need to answer, the sound of your steps going on his way was enough for him to know that you knew he was there, making him curse himself for being so clumsy. And just like in a flash, you were in his arms. He dropped his bag on the floor, giving you al of his attention as he squeezed your shape to his body.
“You’re here,” you bured your face on his chest, letting the feeling of comfort fill your nostrils, and then soul. “You’re really here.” You added in a breathless sigh.
Relief taking over his body as you snuggled into his frame, he grinned, “I promised that I would try my best to be with you all the special dates, didn't I?” He asked, holding your face so he could look at you properly. “Are you crying?”
You nodded at his soft voice. “I’m sorry,”
He laughed, a nasal sound that you missed so much. “It’s ok, 5 months is a long time,” He said, tracing kisses across your face. “I promise I’m gonna love you extra now.”
It was already possible to see the sun rissing outside, yet you refused to close your eyes and lose any moment with Thomas.
You rested your head on the pillow, waiting for him and thinking of how lucky you were that he managed to catch a last minute flight to spend the New Year at home. He was scheduled to return only after the first day of the year, somehow things would have worked out better than expected and he managed to get back sooner.
“She looks like an angel sleeping so calmly.” He spoke, lying beside you under the covers.
“I thought you were going to wake her up, she'll go crazy when she sees you.”
“I know,” He smiled, proud of himself. He knew she was the definition of daddy’s little girl. “I will wait until she wakes up. I'm dying to fill her with kisses and hugs.”
Still with his charming teeth and cute dimples on display, he pulled you to his chest, trying to wrap you in the blanket next to him. “She loves you. She doesn't care about the time you spend away, as long as you come back to her.” You nuzzled into his neck, squeezing him tighter as you said that. It was likely that this would happen more often, letting Thomas blame himself for that wouldn’t do him any good.
He bobbed, kissing your forehead, enlacing you with the same intensity. “I know, babe,”
“How was turn?” You asked, looking at him, making sure that he was fine. He was thoughtful, but it wasn’t the end of the world.
He told you about his gigs around the globe and you were happy feeling his body soften on your arms. His voice almost lulled you to sleep, but you were sure you would never tire of hearing him talk about what he loves. You showed him the video of Alice receiving the guitar, seeing his eyes fill with water after she said that she‘d be just like her father made your chest almost explode with love. In the best possible way, of course.
“You can sleep if you want, babe.”
“No, I want to spend more time with you.”
“I’m here, I am not intending to go anywhere.” He patted your hair, rubbing his nose through your hairline, and the last thing you remembered was feeling his lips on your temple.
When you opened your eyes again, he was no longer there. You rubbed your eyes tight, trying to adjust to the light, wondering if there was any possibility that it might have been a dream, but then a sweet chuckle brought you back to reality.
Alice was standing in front of you, with the guitar resting awkwardly on her shoulders. Her eyes went from you to Thomas, as if asking him if everything was all right. You smirked lightly at her features that looked the same as Thomas's.
She started playing something, which looked incredibly bad, Thomas wrinkled his nose in an attempt not to laugh so as not to discourage her. He should have spent a lot of time helping her, and she looked like she was trying. Her lips was between her teeth as she concentrated to play her less than a minute of song was so cute that as much as you didn't understand a thing, you couldn’t help but feel proud of her.
“It’s Vent'anni,” Thomas mouthed, waving his hand in a way that would get your attention but not hers. “It’s Vent'anni.”
“Oh my god!” You opened your arms for her as she finished playing, watching you with her excited eyes. “It’s Vent'anni.”
She grinned from ear to ear, handing Thomas the guitar, and then jumping into your arms.
“Did you like this?” She asked happily, making ‘this’ sound like ‘dis’. “It’s not perfect but I’ll get better, right dad?”
“Yes, better than Damiano trying to play It!" Thomas confirmed, stroking her back as he approached you. “Good mornin’, love.” he kissed the top of your head.
“I love you,” you kissed his cheek, wishing he could feel how much you love him. “And I love you too, little one,” you mumbled, pinching Alice’s nose, which eyes was stuck on the two of you.
She laughed, her gaze still on you and Thomas. She looked like a completely different person from the night before.
“Dad said you look cute when you're tired.”
You knew that you looked tired, the day before wasn’t the best and you had barely slept. You bit the inside of your cheek, looking at Thomas who had a silly smile playing on his lips and felt your cheeks get hotter. The reason you still felt that way when he complimented you was a mystery, you liked it anyway.
“You are a gossip little thing,” Thomas joked, poking at her sides.
“No, I’m not.” She laughed, trying to run away from him flawlessly, letting him hug her as she recovered her breath.
“I love you too, both of you,” she pointed a finger at both of you. Thomas's smile was priceless, you could live in there forever. “but can we play more guitar now, please?”
You agreed and Thomas got up to sit upright, putting her between his legs. He looked at you, his face still radiant, you could easily imagine him talking about you with Alice - just like you did talk about him with her as well. He positioned her tiny hands on the guitar, guiding then with his own fingers. His gentle, patient voice teaching her things that both knew she would soon forget and he would have to repeat it all over again - and you knew Thomas would do it without a problem - was lovely to watch. Her head was resting on his chest and whenever she hit a note and heard Thomas praising her, she would turn to you and say "see mom, I did it.” And you swear that you couldn't be happier to have found the meaning of the word home in two of your favorite people in the world.
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liptonsbabe · 3 years
Chains of a family [B.W]
Bill Weasley x Grant! reader
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Summary: Molly thinks that Bill’s and the reader relationship is a mistake so she wants them apart from each other. Bill’s against his mother wishes and he find a way to drag the reader into the Weasley family officialy
Word count: 1.9K
Warnings: none
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A/N: Hi! Part 4 of this thing lol. I’m so happy that you guys like this story. It’ll have like 20 chapters or so, i’m still deciding that so yeah, that’s pretty much the thing. Btw, from now on chapters will be more interestings... i hope so lol. Again, english not my mother language. Please let me know if something’s wrong. Aaaaaand if you want to be tagged in the next chapters tell me and i will add you! Enjoy!
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Chapter 4: Arguments
The rest of the afternoon passed as normal as the days before your arrival. Arthur Weasley made sure of it. Even if Molly attacked you with her dagger gaze when you and Bill hugged each other after you were done with dessert.
You didn’t know what Mr. Weasley had talked about with his wife while you were taking a shower, however, you noticed the tension rising from their bodies after you sat down at the table next to Bill and saw an annoyance sign on Molly’s lips. Her temple was frowned, reminding you of your own mother's gestures. Those flaming eyes, cleft chin, and pinion lips. Both women contract their features too much when they were upset and in your distress, you knew that they must not be disturbed.
The last thing you wanted was to hurt a marriage as solid as the Weasley's. More than once you heard your mother talk about it with your nanny making a powerful emphasis on how Molly and Arthur were able to carry out their marriage even if their economic conditions were precarious and the war was on their heels. They were an envied couple. Few dared to expand the family as much as they did without money in their pockets and spreading their progeny like a plague. No one was surprised, not even your mother, not when her marriage to Evan Grant was merely for financial advantage. Now Arthur and Molly looked upset, too upset for your understanding and you just hoped they could get along soon.
You weren't sure you deserved the sacrifice Bill's father had made for you, yet a flame of hope lit up in your chest. If Mr. Weasley started to trust you that was a good sign for others to do as well, right?
The afternoon continued as normal, seeing how Bill's plans to distract you from the fervent harassment of his mother was marred by the twins intervention. They had just finished a new product for their store and needed a good taster to certify the quality of their merchandise. It was a bad idea, he told himself, because twins were just a disaster and you didn't know them well enough to deny their good-natured pretensions.
"Be kind!" He yelled at them as Fred and George pulled you into their. Bill exhaled, pleading that his brothers wouldn't bother his girlfriend more than his mother already had.
Before taking you home, he thought about the pros and cons of your stay in the burrow. His conclusion was based on the fact that his entire family welcomed Harry Potter with open arms, so you didn't have to be the exception. He knew the difference in conditions in which his theory developed, yet he put his trust in the good judgment of his family even if the Grants' past left much to be desired. Bill didn't talk much about you with his mother, in fact, your presence at home was the last of his worries, the real problem came at the time of joining the Order of the Phoenix, would you be willing to fight against your relatives even if that mean betraying your own blood? Bill hope you will
Coming downstairs, Bill found his mother storing the leftover food in the fridge while the dishes soaked in the sink. Then he watched her clean each plate with her bare hands, no magic. William knew his anger was real.
"Want some help with that?"
"I'd love to, honey, thank you," his mother answered without looking at him. Bill raised the sleeves of his shirt to his elbows, dipping his hands into the tide of water and bubbles that flew across the kitchen. Molly was silent, drying the dishes and flying them to her place in the display case across the kitchen. Bill cleared his throat doubtfully "It never hurts to help, much less when I have so many things to do before the rest of the Order arrive"
"Don't worry, I'll help you with that too."
"Mom, can we talk?"
"About what?
"You know what," Bill clicked his tongue, passing her the last plate from the sink to continue with the spoons. "(Y/N)..."
"Your father has scolded me enough about that girl, I don't need you to do it too"
"I wouldn't if you had a little consideration with her."
"More consideration?" Molly asked in a squeak. Bill shook his head. "I'm letting her stay at my home!"
"Our home, mom, ours," he corrected, drying his hands with a cloth. "This house also belongs to my dad, my brothers, and me. It's the burrow, a family property, not a secret club where some people can get in and others cannot."
"You know what I think of her"
"And you know I don't care." Molly looked scandalized at her son. She didn't understand what he had seen in someone like you or what you had given him to come out and defend you as he did "I don't ask you to love her, but at least you have to try...
"Have you ever wondered what will happen when she betrays us?"
"That's not gonna happen"
"You're very sure of that, William"
"I'm convinced, Mom. You don't know her like I do and, you know what? I see that wanting to talk to you was a mistake"
"Moody thinks like me," Molly stopped him when Bill was ready to go upstairs. The woman clung to the railing watching her son standing in the first step out of the kitchen "(Y/N) Grant is a danger to the Order"
"Really? Like Mundungus Fletcher? I beg your pardon, mom, but if there is anyone who represents a latent danger to the Order of the Phoenix, it's him and yet you have assigned him for the mission tonight"
Molly's lips parted and if it weren't for the fact that Bill knew her mother too well, he might think the woman was about to throw herself on the floor in a tantrum. Still, she clenched the bars tightly, her brow furrowed, and the redness on her cheeks washed over her forehead.
"William!" Don't talk to me like that!"
"I wouldn't if you had a little more respect for my girlfriend."
"Don't you understand? I care about you! For all of us!" She snarled angrily. "Having a Riddle in this house..."
"A Grant, mom, (Y/N) is a Grant and that's not the same." Bill descended his steps, approaching her mother, returning that angry look that she had inherited from him. It was a strange sensation. A dyad of emotions between joy and fear where the composed emotion was guilt. He had never exploded that way with his mother, but Molly hadn't behaved that way with anyone either "His grandfather is Lord Voldemort's half-brother and his brothers are all Death Eaters, what does it matter? (Y/N) is not. And when do we judge others by where they come from? If so, we could start with half of us. Being a Weasley is equivalent to being a blood traitor"
Molly's face went from fury to shock to fury again. Bill's eyes were twinkling and Molly swore she had never seen any of her children this angry, or worse, this determined.
"What would you have done, Mom?" Bill questioned taking his mother by his arms in an attempt to make him feel her despair. Molly opened her eyes, scared. "When your family tell you not to accept dad? When your brothers object to your engagement, just 'cause the Weasleys have long been considered blood traitors?"
For the first time that day Molly's mind went blank, Bill guessed, rewinding the memories of how difficult it was for the Prewetts to accept the marriage. Bill pleaded silently, but pulled away from her when his mother gave no indication to be a little more respectful with you.
"We aren't like that. We don't separate people by where they come from, we hug them" Bill resumed his way towards the stairs, stopping a couple of steps up, turning to take a look at Molly's stunned figure "As you did with Hermione, Remus and Harry when you and Dad became his godparents after Sirius died. (Y/N) is no different"
"She will turn her back on us when the Order fight the Grants. That moment will come and you know it"
"Don't worry, i'll make sure that doesn't happen"
"She is not part of this family"
"That can be solved very easily," he said and the smile he wore gave her a terrible chill down her spine. "Because I'm going to ask her to be my wife."
Molly's gasp was the only thing Bill heard before climbing the stairs and heading to the twins' room. He always respected his mother a lot and even thinking of opposing to her wishes was inconceivable, but your well-being was something that was involved and Bill couldn't just let her mother control his life at her will. Maybe the mistake he made was not telling his parents the truth about you from the start or, in that case, mentioning that the woman he loved was the fucking niece of the strongest fucking dark wizard of all time.
Bill Weasley rubbed his face as he reached the twins' door. He no longer had to torment himself, it was done and the only thing pending at the moment was to get Harry out of his uncles' house, take him safely to the burrow and find the courage to do what he told his mother he would do.
Would you agree to marry him? He hoped so and if not, he wouldn't pressure you. You were young - even a little younger than him - and it would be understandable if you refused to tie your life to someone else's from one moment to the other. The war progressed every day and if you were going to do it, you would do it as soon as possible.
Loud laughings brought him out of his thoughts to observe you and his brothers sitting on the floor, right in the center of both beds, laughing at each other and touching your faces. From the doorway Bill can't see the full painted room, however George's face showed a rather abstract mural full of bright colors when he felt the presence of his older brother. Fred did the same showing his face in the same situation and then you turned to Bill, still laughing and your face smeared with paint. It seemed the twins had created a paint bomb in millimeter pills, that explode when you put a little bit of pressure. You tried to clean yourself with the sleeve of your sweater but you spread the paint even more. Fred and George laughed and so did Bill.
His heart swelled with love as he saw that at least someone in his family - besides him and his father - had hope in you. God, he may have even cried with happiness.
Bill never understood how a sunshine as beautiful as you was never accepted in your entire life.
Thanks for the 100 followers!❤
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The Freeman's and Firsts
My first fic for @nilefreemanweek2021 and the prompt Nile Freeman + First(s)! You can read it below or over on my ao3 account here. Nile-centric | Rated G | ~1.7k Enjoy!
Nile jerked awake, her eyes opening and lungs heaving.  She forced her body to remain still, to not jolt upright.  She instinctively started taking deeper breaths, trying to calm her racing heart.  After six months of immortality and the dreams that came with being connected to Quynh, she had gotten better at moderating her body’s reactions to her nightmares.
It was her mind that would not calm.
With a sigh, she eased herself out of bed.  Joe and Nicky were sleeping in the bed opposite her, Andy unconscious closer to the wall in Nile’s bed.  The safehouse was small, but it had a balcony, and suddenly that was the only place that Nile wanted to be.
She snuck out of the bedroom and across the living room, doing her best to keep quiet on the creaking floorboards.  The door to the balcony squeaked as she opened it and she winced, stopping it for a moment and listening.
There were no noises that indicated she had woken anyone, so she slipped out the small gap she had created and into the cold night air beyond.
The balcony wasn’t much, but it did boast a few chairs and a rickety table whose screws could probably use a tightening.  Nile sank into one of the chairs and pulled her feet onto the seat with her.  The sun was just an idea on the horizon, barely a faint glow of orange to be seen, and the early morning air was cold against her skin.
She needed that.  Needed the cold to ground her where she was, in a safehouse with her fellow immortals.  Not the heat of Afghanistan, the warmth of the floor under her as her blood soaked into the rug.
She continued to breathe, holding her breath for seven counts before she released it.  Slowly, her body calmed.  And all she suddenly felt was exhaustion.
The sky was slowly brightening, reds bleeding into the black and blue of night.  She tried to catalog the colors, so that she could recreate the moment some time later on canvas.  But her mind pulled her back to her dream no matter how many times she tried to redirect it.
The door squeaked but Nile didn’t turn to see who it was.  Any of her family would be a welcome distraction at the moment, but she felt a pang of guilt at waking any of them.
A blanket settled around her shoulders and a cup of hot coffee materialized before her.
“Two sugars and a splash of milk,” Nicky’s soft voice said.
Just how she liked it.
She turned to him as she took the mug from his hand.  He looked barely awake, his eyes slightly puffy with sleep still.  But he had taken the time to make coffee for her, get a blanket.
She swallowed, slightly undone with affection for him.  “Thank you, Nicky.”
“Prego,” he replied, sinking into the closest chair to hers.
“I hope I didn’t wake you,” she said, cuddling the warm cup close to her.  Between that and the blanket, she was feeling warmer, but luckily, no memories tried to upset the moment.
He shook his head.  “Many nights, I try to wake to check on the room.  Usually, I can drift back off quickly.  But when you were not there, I worried.  We have seen our share of bad nights.  They are easier when not alone.”
Nile sniffed, then reasoned that the steam from her coffee had made her nose run.  She nodded, taking a sip.
“Would you like to talk about it?” he asked, staring at the burgeoning sun.
Maybe it was because he wasn’t looking at her, that she was able to speak.
“When my dad died, I missed school for a few days.  Even when I got back, I wasn’t really there.  My grades suffered and I ended up in my guidance counselor’s office.  She said something to me that I will never forget.  Well, hopefully,” she said drily, remembering the vastness of time available to her.
“She said that after something traumatic happens, like losing a family member, you go through a year of firsts.  Big ones, like the first holidays without them.  Small ones, like the first time you want to call them, only remember they aren’t there to pick up.  A whole year of constantly remembering that your life is irrevocably changed.”
She sipped the coffee and let the warm run down her throat, savoring the feeling of its heat in her stomach.
“That first year was so hard, I wasn’t sure we would all get through it.  But we did.  Even after that year came big moments, though, times I thought my dad would be there for.  Prom, graduation.  Birthdays.  And I realized that it wasn’t just firsts.  It was those moments when all you want is your family surrounding you.  And suddenly, there was this gaping hole where he was supposed to be.  To take pictures of me and my prom date.  To cheer as I walked across the graduate stage.”
Nile pulled the blanket closer around her and surreptitiously wiped her eyes with the corner of it.
The first glimpse of the sun broke over them, illuminating Nicky’s face.  His eyes were more open, more awake now as he looked at her.  His brow was lowered, not in anger but in concentration, as if every word that came out of her mouth had weight and importance.
Like he was trying to understand her more than anything else in that moment.
She smiled a bit at him even as he got blurry behind the tears in her eyes.
“This whole experience reminds me of that.  I am suddenly the gaping hole in my mom and my brother’s lives.  I should be there for birthdays and big moments and small ones.  And I’m here, knowing what that feels like, knowing I’m responsible for them feeling that way, and not fixing it.  I don’t even know if there is a way how.  And it overwhelms me sometimes.”
Nicky nodded, looking back at the sun.  
It was halfway visible now, harder to look at in its brightness.
“Were there good firsts in that year?” Nicky asked.
Nile considered.  That time felt hazy and endless in her mind, a place that she only visited in her darkest moments.  
“A bunch of ladies from our church would make us a hotdish every week, so that we would have guaranteed meals.  I didn’t want to see tater tot hotdish again in my lifetime until I was eighteen.  I finally made us spaghetti one night just to be able to have something different.  It was the first night my mom laughed since my dad’s death, once I explained why I had done it,” she finally said.
Nicky snorted a laugh.  She grinned faintly back at him.
“Miss Temple from down the street came with her son, who was about my age, and he and my brother Jordan played basketball on the sidewalk as she, my mom, and I sat in the grass and she did our nails.  She worked at the salon my mom went to.  It was just before the funeral.  We both had beautiful nails for the service.  I kept looking down at them while people were talking.  They made me want to paint.  It was the first time I had thought about art since we found out he was gone.”
Miss Temple had been adamant about not using black nail polish.  She had painted Nile’s nails blue and her mother’s purple, both so dark they looked black until they hit the light.  Nile remembered using the lights in the church to illuminate the color of her nails, to show herself they weren’t just black.  That there was still color, even as her father was being put into the ground.
“A girl at my school had lost her mom the year before.  Cancer.  She ended up sitting next to me at lunch my first day back.  We hadn’t talked much before, but everyone else was avoiding talking to me.  I was sitting by myself and suddenly, she set down her tray next to me and started talking about what I had missed in the class we shared.  I think she knew that I needed to not talk about my dad,” Nile admitted.  “She made me laugh, catching me up on all the shit that had gone on while I was gone.  Some stupid story, but it was funny enough to get a laugh out of me.  Another first.”
“There’s more, but those stand out.  Little kindnesses.  Little moments.”
Nicky nodded.  “A few centuries into my immortality, it surprised me how many of those little moments were still present in my memories.  The first time Yusuf and I broke bread together without bickering.  The first time I slept through the night without memories haunting me.  The first time a child looked at me and smiled, rather than shrinking away.  They add up in such a way that makes the awful moments fade slightly.  Balance.  I am glad of them.  It would be a much more miserable existence without them.”
It was Nile’s turn to nod.
She let her mind wander back on her life since she had gained immortality.  Yes, there were awful moments of death and violence and loss.  But there was the first time she had disarmed Andy and the proud look in her eyes as Nile whooped in victory.  The first time she and Joe had painted together, music playing in the background as they lost themselves in colors.  The first time that Nicky had made her coffee just how she liked it, though he had never asked.  
So many little moments that added up to so much.
The sun began to warm her as she sat there in silence with Nicky, mind finally settled into the moment filled with coffee, companionship, and, finally, contentment.  There were still many firsts to come, but she knew that she wouldn’t have to face them alone.
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kalivodaskiller · 3 years
Tommy Slater x Reader
Camp Nightwing Part 2:
(This part is inspired by @thenightwingkiller (https://thenightwingkiller.tumblr.com/post/657817173720481792/i-like-to-think-that-for-the-entire-time-that-the) and about how they don’t move on but they get stuck in a void)
word count: 1617
I had no clue where I was all I knew was that it was dark, there were other people around. They all had some sort of wound. One boy’s head was smashed it, multiple women had slashes on them that looked like were made from a switchblade and kids with no eyes
It wasn’t long until it clicked in my head that these were victims of The Shadyshider Killers. The boy with the smashed up head is the victim of the young boy Billy Barker, The women with slashes are Harry Rooker’s victims and the kids are victims of Cyrus Miller in 1666. You didn’t need to attend class to know that
I wanted to approach one and ask what was going on but I was scared to look at them, I don’t think anyone wants to stare into some holes where kids eyes were meant to be. I closed my eyes and rubbed my temples as I could feel a headache coming on
“Are you okay?” A voice spoke from behind me. I quickly turned to see the boy with the smashed up head. I let out an audible gasp and looked down, I quickly apologised
“It’s alright, I wouldn’t want to look at someones bashed up head either” He answered “Anyway, I see you’re new here. There’s another new Shadyside Killer?”
I look up at him and nod “The Camp Nightwing Killer”
“That explains all the young children coming in,” He said sadly, I held back my tears I felt as if it was my fault for not protecting them in the first place, I feel like I should have noticed Tommy was acting weird
“Axe?” He asked pointing at my chest
I nod again
“What was their name? Because obviously, they have names like Harry Rooker’s is ‘The Milkman’, what is your killer’s name?” He asked
“Tommy, Tommy Slater,” I say after building up the courage to say it as I knew Tommy didn’t kill me, He wouldn’t hurt me
“You knew Tommy didn’t you?” He asks another question
“You ask a lot of questions don’t you?” I joke with a smile
He smiles back at me the best he can “I’ve got to ask them, I kind of greet everyone and get information about them”
“Yeah, I knew Tommy. I knew him quite well” I tell him
“Okay, I only have one more question so there is no more after this” He laughs “Are you going to move on?”
“Move on?”
“Yeah like become a ghost or whatever, I’m not actually sure what happens I just know they don’t come back here” He explains
“Can I talk to Tommy one more time before moving on?” I ask with my voice breaking a little
“You want to talk to the person who killed you?”
“No, Tommy didn’t kill me. The Camp Nightwing Killer did. I want to talk to Tommy” I tell him
The boy nods his head but before he can answer me a girl enters the void
“Annie?” I say with my voice breaking. It hurt so much to look at her, I couldn’t save her
“Miss (Y/L/N)!” Annie said running towards me with her arms open, I lean down so I can hug her and I do. So tightly, I didn’t realise I was crying until Annie asked me if I was okay
“I’m okay, don’t worry about me,” I say rubbing my tears away
“Miss (Y/L/N) Tommy hurt us, why did he hurt us?” She asked with her little high pitched voice
I take a deep breath before shaking my head and answering “I don’t know, I wish I knew but remember Tommy wouldn’t ever hurt you”
“But he did?”
“I know he did but you remember that story I told you about the scary witch?”
The boy I was talking to turned his head to me and Annie nodded
“I think she was the one controlling him so it wasn’t Tommy, she just took over his body like when we were playing with those puppets. They’re in their own body but we’re the ones controlling them” I try and explain but it’s hard when you don’t know know why Tommy did this. Did Tommy just go crazy?
“Ohh I understand now Miss (Y/L/N)” Annie smiled
Annie looked up to the boy and asked
“Are you okay, do you need some help? (Y/N) could help you, she helped clean up my knee when I fell over” Annie worried
I laughed a little and so did he
“I’m okay Annie, don’t worry about me”
Annie smirked and nodded her head
“Annie do you want to go and see the others or do you want to go somewhere else?” The boy asked softly
“Can I go play somewhere?” Annie asked
The boy smiled and pointed to where you go to move on, my small smile dropped when I realised what he was doing, he was tricking them into moving on
“What are you doing?” I ask quietly as I watch Annie walk over there
“It’s a lot better if they move on because they’ll see really bad things up here if they stay, once you choose not to move on you stay up here forever and see all the gruesome stuff, I know you care for Annie so it’s best if she moves on” He explains. I didn’t want to agree with him but I had to, it’s already bad enough that she had to see Tommy’s bloody face with an axe that held multiple different peoples blood and then the next thing she’s seeing is Tommy striking at her
The Tommy she thought of like a dad
The Tommy that wanted to be a dad
Annie waved at me before she left, I gave her a big smile to show I love her
“Miss Slater sorry Miss (Y/LN)” A voice spoke from behind me but I knew this one. It was Jeremy, the most innocent Shadysider there is
“Miss Slater?” I asked ignoring the axe marks on his face
“Yeah...everyone would call you Miss Slater when you weren’t around” Jeremy explained as if he did something wrong
“It’s okay no need to apologise” I smiled and hugged him
“Are there more of them?” I ask Jeremy
He nodded his head “They should be coming soon but they’re all scared”
I frowned a little, the boy then told Jeremy to ‘move on’ even though he didn’t know he was
I sighed loudly
“I would say ‘What’s wrong’ but I think I know what’s up,” The boy said
I looked at him
“You were a counsellor at Camp Nightwing and you are blaming this all on yourself because you couldn’t save them and you’re also wondering what made Tommy turn,” He said exactly what I was thinking
His eyes drifted away from mine as went behind me
I turned whirled around to see what he was looking at
Tommy had entered
He dragged his bloodstained behind however he dropped it when he saw me, well I guess he saw me. I only knew it was him from the clothing, there was a sack over his head. Tommy began to slowly walk over with his hands out, he finally reached me and places his hands on the side of my face
His hands were cold but I was guessing I was cold as well as I was dead
“What have I done?” Tommy finally asked with his sack moving a little
“You killed people Tommy” I answered honestly, he took a deep breath but he dragged it on for longer because of the sack
“Don’t you want to take the sack off?” I asked reaching for it but Tommy pulled away just like Kurt did when I tried touching the blood on his neck
“You can’t, you’ll take my head with it if you do,” he told
“What why?” I ask confused
“Cindy took my head off with a shovel after I tried killing her”
“That bitch” I said to the side
“It’s fine though babe,” He said pulling my head back towards him “I can still see you”
“But I can’t see you, Tommy”
I just wanted to see him one more time before I go
“You don’t want to see me, I look like a monster under this, I am a monster”
“No no you’re not, the thing that possessed you is the monster,” I tell him holding his face as if the sack wasn’t there
“I killed children (Y/N), that makes you a monster no matter who is in control of your body”
I stayed quiet
“I love you,” Tommy said to me for the last time before he let go of me
Tommy then turned his head towards the boy with the bashed up head and he nodded his head to another section near the part where you ‘move on. Tommy made his way over there, none of the killers was here so I guessed that’s where the killers go and stay there for the rest of their time as a killer, another crazed killer that went mental because of Sarah Fier
Before Tommy entered the killer void, I shouted his name he turned around
“I love you,” I said
I knew he smiled because the sack moved a little around the mouth, he turned back around and left
I kind of stood there not knowing what to do at this point
“Are you ready to move on?” The boy asked
I smiled and walked into where I would ‘move on’
It all went white and that was when my time as (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was over
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bookishofalder · 3 years
Night Changes [Nine]
Summary: Will Poe and the reader be reunited?
Warnings: Angst, character deaths, language, smut. TW-pregnancy, birth, infant, breastfeeding. WC—+10k
A/N-At the end.
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“Rey,” At the sound of her name, Rey paused and glanced around to see Leia standing next to the Falcon, waiting. Meeting her kind eyes, she hoped Leia wasn’t going to try and convince her not to go again; she’d already told the wise General that she had to find the Wayfinder, that she needed to complete Luke’s mission and get to Exegol. Finn, Poe, Chewbacca and C3PO were already on board, waiting for her to join them; it was time to leave.
“Leia?” She stepped toward her mentor, who looked around cautiously before lowering her voice to speak to Rey.
“I need to give you something.”
Rey frowned, confused, glancing down to Leia’s empty, “What do you mean?”
Leia sighed, her eyes tired. Rey understood—she felt exhausted too. “I can’t explain it. And you must keep it to yourself until the moment is right—trust me, you’ll know when that is—if you do end up needing to,” Leia took hold of Rey’s hands, squeezing, “I’ll show you, but you must keep it tucked away no matter what.”
Seeing the seriousness in Leia’’s eyes, Rey swallowed and nodded, “Of course. I promise.” She returned the pressure to the General’s hands and watched as she reached up and pressed her fingers gently to Rey’s temple.
In a brief flash, Rey saw enough to understand.
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As he was pushed roughly through the doors to an open hangar with Finn and Chewie, Poe couldn’t help but reflect on his life over the past year and a half. He’d had a lot of close calls, even been captured, but this was the first time he felt like he was going to die, as General Hux and a couple of Storm Troopers stood behind them, ready to execute Poe and his friends. He hoped Rey was able to escape, at least.
And Leia could get the news of his death to you. She would make sure you were taken care of for the rest of your life. He had no regrets, no, not with you on some planet far away from all of this and free to raise the baby. He’d done everything he could, fought as hard as possible, but that didn’t mean he was guaranteed to live.
Poe tried to picture what the baby might look like, whether they got your smile, his hair. Pain shot through his broken heart that his child would grow with only pictures of him, no memories. He glanced up at Finn, eager to distract himself; he could hear Hux speaking to the Troopers and ignored them.
“What were you going to tell Rey before?”
Finn hesitated, appearing uncomfortable, “You still on that?”
“Oh,” Poe frowned at him incredulously, “Is this a bad time?” He just wanted to hear Finn admit aloud he had feelings for Rey. He could sense it between them, especially recently, and thought that they made a good pair. In another life he could see himself with them, you at his side, enjoying a late-night dinner, laughing around a table while the kids pretended to be asleep in their bedrooms.
Nodding, Finn gave Poe a wary look, “It sort of is?” Poe scoffed, shaking his head.
“So I tell you my deepest secrets but right before we’re about to die you’re locking down on yours?” Poe hadn’t just told Finn about you; after he’d confessed your existence, he hadn’t been able to stop sharing with his friend, who listened attentively as Poe described his life with you, how he’d love you since he was ten years old.
Finn blanched, and after a pause opened his mouth to respond, only shots went off behind them and they flinched. Poe expected to feel pain, or perhaps nothing if the shot was well placed, only they heard thuds behind them and instead glanced around to find Hux holding a blaster, eyes on the dead Troopers momentarily before he looked up at them.
“I’m the spy.” He claimed, a dark smirk on his twisted face, and Poe felt a rush of confused relief—he and Finn exchanged looks as Chewie groaned.
“What?” He exclaimed at the same moment Finn yelled, “You?” In disbelief.
Hux ignored them, “We don’t have much time, we have to go.” He gestured for them to follow and after a brief pause, they hastened to climb to their feet.
Poe hurried forward and grabbed a few of the fallen Troopers blasters, passing them to Finn and Chewie before taking one for himself. His blood was rushing, the feeling of being alive still—of getting lucky, again—made him feel powerful like you were out there somewhere sending him the strength and good fortune that he needed at every turn.
As they ran behind Hux, Finn touched Poe’s arm. “That was too close—made me realize, do you have a way of her knowing if something happens to you?”
Poe nodded, “Leia will tell her.”
But he sincerely hoped that would never happen, that you wouldn’t be standing in the doorway of some home he’d never know and hear the words that he had died, that he was never coming for you. The idea of you being in that kind of pain was something he couldn’t fully fathom, and it only renewed his determination to get to the Wayfinder and finish this fight once and for all.
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11 Months Ago
“Doesn’t matter how many galaxies separate us, I will always be with you, and you with me. I promise.”
Memories of your life with Poe had a way of burrowing into the forefront of your mind when you least expect them; when you let your guard down. The emotional goodbye all those years before, back on Yavin-4 when you were just kids—Poe leaving with Charlie to join the Resistance...it was a lifetime ago. And as much as you believed his words both then and now, it didn’t make the pain any easier to endure as you lay here without him, the Healer and Kes having left you alone with the newborn baby cradled in your arms.
You were surprised when the Healer had passed you the baby—after almost nine hours of labour—to see the tuft of dark curls on their head; Kes had remarked that Poe had come into the world with as much hair, and you’d laughed through your mixed tears of sorrow and joy and love. So they took after their dad—what a beautiful, heartbreaking thought.
Stars, you hoped Poe would meet them before long--before they grew too much. Just seeing the tiny creature, skin-to-skin with you like the Healer recommended, both made your heart feel complete while simultaneously tearing it apart. He should have been here to hold your hand, to cut the cord and press soft kisses to both of your heads and cry tears of joy from it all.
It wasn’t fair. Up until this moment you’d been able to lock back to anger and the bitter feelings over having let Poe send you away because it had been the right choice no matter what way you looked at it. But now, as you lay exhausted and bursting with love for the baby you made with your soulmate, you let some of that anger free through wretched sobs because it wasn’t fair that he had to miss this, that for all you knew he could be...
You stopped yourself from thinking of the worst-case scenario. It wasn’t helpful to imagine what he was doing now, where he was, if he was okay. And you’d promised him you would keep him alive in your mind unless you knew for certain that he wasn’t.
A small whine met your ears and you glanced down at the baby, smiling at their pinched expression as they struggled to adapt to their new surroundings. “It’s okay, little bug. Mama is here, shhh...” You cooed softly, running a lone finger over their hair in a gentle motion. You watched their eyes flutter beneath the lids, enjoying the feel of your touch, and then froze when they opened their eyes for the first time to look up at you blearily.
Stars, they had Poe’s eyes.
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Now - 35 ABY - Battle of Exegol
When Temmin died, Poe truly began to lose all hope.
Before watching another friend’s x-wing get shot down, he’d managed to scrape the bottom of the barrel for that hope, for any remaining belief that they could win this fucking fight. That everything he’d ever sacrificed was worth it because now they had arrived and it was time to put an end to it all—but then he was screaming for Snap to watch his six, heard the anguished cry through the comm when he was hit, the searing memory of losing Charlie so many years before in the same way making his stomach churn, and he just felt so...
So fucking hopeless.
Leia was gone. The Resistance was down to pathetic numbers, and he had finally lost all hope.
Shit, if he was being honest with himself he’d been running through these last few days with urgency and adrenaline that prevented him from overthinking the odds, a blissful denial that anything other than winning could occur. When he’d told the remaining fighters of the Resistance that this was their final stand, that help would come, he had meant it as much as he’d hoped it was true.
“Help will come if they know there is hope,” Poe had stared around at his friends, at their doubting expressions, “They will. We have friends out there. The First Order wins by making us think we’re alone. We’re not alone—good people will fight if we lead them.”
In all of the time that had passed between when he’d said goodbye to you to this moment, he’d never once regretted sending you far away from the fight. Even here, with Rebel, after Rebel dying and a fleet of Destroyer’s that would wipe out entire planets unless they bent to the will of the First Order, he felt a sense of peace knowing that you were safely tucked away well beyond the reaches of their tyranny. His child would grow up with a mother who could share stories of Poe’s life, his love for you, for them.
It still stung, though, knowing he would never see you again. That he would die fighting and his last thoughts would be of you, of his little family, and you would have no idea. He hoped when you did find out the Resistance was done, the fight was lost, that you didn’t take it too hard—didn’t blame yourself in any way. He wanted you to be mad at him, not at yourself, not after everything you’d done for him, everything you had sacrificed.
He almost could have laughed, bleak as the outlook now was it shouldn’t have hurt as much as it did that no aid had arrived, that Lando and Chewie flew to the inner core worlds for nothing—clearly, no one was coming. Just like the Battle of Crait, they were alone; only now Leia was gone and Poe was the General, he was the one everyone was screaming for orders from through the comms, he was the one that had to say it aloud.
“My friends,” His voice was scratchy, choked up, as his mind played flashes of his life—of you, of losing Charlie, marrying you, losing Leia. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry—”
He would die taking down as many enemies as he could. He would tell the rest of them to either do the same or flee—he wouldn’t blame them if they fled. Poe could almost imagine himself doing it, but the idea of finding you somewhere out there and saying he’d left at the final hour made bile heave in his stomach. He would never abandon the fight, not when you had wanted to stay as much as you had, but left for the baby.
As he struggled to pull in a breath to speak, he recalled the last time he saw you.
It was late, the base quiet and most of the Rebels sleeping, all except for Poe and you—it was time to say goodbye, under the cover of darkness. He wasn’t allowed to follow you into the hangar because he couldn’t know even the most minute details of how you got off-planet. Still, he would walk you as far as he could, and savour every final second together.
“I changed my mind, I’m not leaving you.” You whispered, halting in the hallway and turning to face Poe. One hand ran absentmindedly over your swollen stomach, the other reached up to grip his forearm. Your lower lip trembled, and he felt every word you wanted to say to convince him you should stay.
Poe took a shuddering breath, “Sweet girl, you aren’t leaving me—stop thinking about it like that. You’re saving our baby, keeping them safe, remember?” He tried to keep the desperate plea minimal in his voice because it had been like this for the last few days. One moment you were reluctantly prepared to leave, the next you were begging to stay. He didn’t know how much more of this torture he could stand before he broke down and let you stay.
Your pretty eyes were bloodshot and red-rimmed, just like his. You’d each cried more than enough to last a lifetime, and although heat pricked the corners of his eyes now he knew no more tears could come until you were out of sight. He would cry in his bed alone tonight, and probably every night until he saw you again, but right now he needed to show strength.
You stepped into his arms and Poe hugged you close, your body angling your stomach so that it wasn’t pressed between you both. “I don’t...Poe, I don’t think I’m strong enough to do this.”
Poe stared at you in disbelief, “Not strong enough? Are you kidding me?” He brought his hands to cup your cheeks gently, “You are the strongest person I know. What you are about to do for us, for our baby, is the most incredible sacrifice anyone could make. Everything you are doing and have done in your life only proves how amazing and strong you are—no matter what happens, please never forget that, okay?”
You whimpered sadly, nodding your head, and Poe shakily pressed his lips to yours, capturing you for one last kiss. It was soft and for one brief moment, he let himself imagine it was a greeting, though in truth it only made his heart fracture further rather than make him feel any better.
“Whatever happens, Poe, we’ll be okay...so don’t worry about us, focus on yourself,” You reached up and pushed your hands into his curls, savouring them one final time. “Promise me you’ll never stop fighting, flyboy.”
Poe smiled sadly down at you, his eyes drinking in every detail of your beautiful face, “Never, sweetheart, I promise I’ll never stop fighting. And this isn’t goodbye,” He pressed one hand gently against your belly, “It’s just a...see you soon. Once I’m finished blowing shit up in my x-wing.”
You laughed, tears streaming down your face and then pulled Poe against you again, his hand stuck between your bodies as you crushed him in a strong embrace. “I love you, Poe.”
“Oh, sweet girl, I love you too.”
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35 ABY - Sorgan
You missed flying, though the place Leia had sent Kes and you to barely had any air traffic, the planet much too out of the way. Still, it had a sky that night or day you’d find yourself gazing into, wishing you could feel that weightlessness that came with blasting off from base, that you would look to your left and see Poe in his ship, the stars stretching beyond.
Poe. Stars, you missed him more and more every day. You had trouble believing it had been over a year, that the baby was now eleven months old and starting to try and walk and they’d never met their father. Though each time this knowledge became too heavy, you reminded yourself of the peaceful life you were living on Sorgan and how that had been the whole point of you leaving the fight—for the baby, for safety.
Sorgan was so far removed that no news reached the planet from the middle and core rims, something you’re sure Leia knew when she decided to send you here. You sometimes felt suffocated, not knowing a single thing about what was happening out there, but then you knew if you did know, it might make it harder to stay. And you couldn’t leave, you knew that for certain the moment you’d laid eyes on your newborn when the Healer had set the baby in your arms, face pinched as shrieks filled the air until they’d calmed, skin to skin with you.
You had gazed at the beautiful baby and you knew that you could never bear to part from them, no matter what you did or didn’t know about the war. Nonetheless, it was perhaps infinitesimally easier to be ignorant and allow yourself to imagine that it was all going fine.
You were living in a small but cozy yurt on the edge of a fishing village. The simple space comprised of the main room that hosted the barebones kitchen with a big table to eat at and a couple of comfortable sitting chairs, and had two rooms, one on either side, for sleeping quarters. The baby was in a crib at the end of your bed, where you were laying now. Very much awake even as they slept soundly.
Or so you thought until you were jerking from your thoughts at their sudden cries. You waited for a minute, the soft cries more whimpers than anything, and hoped the baby would soothe themselves back to sleep. They hiccuped, however, and started to cry again from the jolt. You sighed before sliding out from under the covers and padding softly to their crib.
“Your eyes aren’t even open,” You accused, grinning at the baby with the scrunched face, all the drama of their dad and only eleven months. Carefully lifting them, you tucked the baby against your chest and began to stroll slow circles around the bedroom, swaying as you went. “You know, when your dad finally comes and meets you he’s taking night duty over. I don’t care how many wars he wins.”
The little coo you got in response was enough to tell you Bug was on your side.
Though every day apart from Poe was painful, you did savour the good moments with the little piece of your heart that remained, beating for the baby you held now. And on this peaceful, sleepy planet most days had plenty of good—even if you were sad. Kes was an incredibly positive man, and like his son knew how to read you well, often stepping in to whisk the baby away whenever he sensed your sorrow was too hard to contain. You tried to spend all of the energy you had smiling for Bug because that was the only thing you could really do.
The guilt was heavy. You knew Poe would be devastated if he knew just how much you carried, living so comfortably—if a little rustic—on Sorgan all while he spent every day fighting to stay alive. But it was easier to focus on that guilt, to hate yourself than it was to be afraid of losing him—never seeing him again. Stars, the guilt was practically a salve in comparison to that.
Some days though, it was harder to keep the frame of mind that staying was the only option. As the baby grew, the guilt began to feed a steady flow of ‘what if’s’ into your mind. It was getting harder to ignore the sense of it. When Bug started to mix food into their diet, weaning partially from your breastmilk, you told yourself you could wean them completely, earlier than you planned but then you could hire a ship to take you back to D’Qar...
Only, you didn’t even know if D’Qar was still safe anymore.
It was a circular battle you couldn’t win no matter the choice you made, though you always chose the baby, chose to stay because you promised Poe you would. He’d told you that you were making the greatest sacrifice, and he had been right—he knew he could distract himself with the fight, and that you would only be able to distract yourself so much with raising the baby. He understood you would spend every day apart wishing you could rejoin him.
A soft snore pulled you from your thoughts and you glanced down at the baby to find them fast asleep again. You smiled fondly, that little chunk of your heart giving a happy beat as you settled them back into their crib and ran your fingers gently over their soft cheek.
“Goodnight, Charlie, my sweet girl.” You whispered heart clenching at the sight of her chubby cheeks relaxed in sleep.
Deciding a cool drink was needed, you slipped from the quiet of your room and into the main extension of the yurt you shared with Kes. A single lamp lit the small space dimly, and you helped yourself to a glass of water and took a seat at the table. You weren’t sure how long you were sitting there before Kes appeared and sat down across from you with a knowing smile on his face.
He sat silently for a few minutes as you sipped at your drink, speaking only once you’d finished. “Can’t sleep again?”
You sighed, running your hands through your hair, exhaustion setting deep in your bones.
“I keep having the same dream, Kes. Poe and Bug, back home on Yavin-4. Only, the beach is in colour but they aren’t.” You choked up, glancing toward your room, where you could see the crib through the doorway.
Kes followed your gaze, “Bug will meet him someday. I know it. You need to believe that too, kiddo, and you really need to get some sleep.” He patted your hand gently before standing and you watched him make his way to his room, pulling the curtain across his doorway as he did.
Taking a deep breath, you pressed your palms into your closed eyes, willing your mind to settle so that you could go to bed and get some rest. You just don’t think you could stand to have the dream again—always waking up and wondering, would you ever really get to see Poe again? Would he ever get to meet his little girl?
When you climbed back beneath the cool sheets of your bed, you fell into light sleep, your dreams the same as ever—Poe playing with Charlie on the beach back home on Yavin-4 while you sat on a blanket on the sand watching, laughing as they splashed each other. Your family, together again.
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35 ABY - Battle of Exegol
As wretched as it was to think of never seeing you again, this wasn’t the first time he thought he was going to die. At least here, in his x-wing, he could take out as many enemies as he could before going out in a blaze—just like...like Charlie.
“I thought we had a shot. There’s too many of them.” He finished speaking to the remaining fighters in resignation, his eyes heavy—he was tired, so tired. Enough so that when a new, familiar voice came clear over the comms, he sat up straighter before his mind even registered what they were saying.
“Oh, but there’s more of us, Poe. There’s more of us.”
Poe spun his ship around, his heart frozen in his chest, flew up over the wreckage of the one First Order ship they’d so far managed to take out—and there it was.
Lando and Chewie were back; he could see the Falcon, and behind them were thousands and thousands of ships. And still, more coming as he looked, pulling out of light speed to fall in with the Falcon. Poe could hardly believe his eyes, but right before him, he couldn’t doubt for a moment that his friends had come back and they...
They had brought hope.
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You sat with your toes in the water, the sun shining on your back warm and comforting. Charlie splashed around happily, her water suit covering her arms and legs, joining her cute straw hat in protecting her from too much sunlight. She kept looking from the water around her chubby legs to the flowing stream behind her-as if dissatisfied with the ankle-deep water you had set her in.
“You can go in the river in a few years,” You cocked a brow at her as she gave you a pouty look. “You’re very cute, but mama says no.”
With a resigned sigh that seemed far too mature for her, she went back to splashing the water and you slid your toes towards her, wriggling them so that she tried to catch hold. When she managed to grab your big toe, you laughed and she giggled brightly, her gleeful peals filling the quiet around you.
It was a beautiful day on Sorgan. They all were, really, even the rainy days, the ones that kept you inside the yurt listening to the rain while Kes tried to teach Charlie how to crawl and you laughed as you watched them. But the sunny days were the best, the ones you could fill with endless activity to distract yourself as much as to tire out the baby. Because when your mind settled, it tended to stray off into dark thoughts.
Maybe Poe was gone.
Maybe he would never come to find you here, your little family would be memories of Poe as you raised his little girl with Kes instead. The weight of that responsibility, of ensuring she had a happy life all while missing a whole section of your heart for the rest of your own was heavy so you tried not to overthink it.
You channelled that energy into Charlie, focused on her and you think you were doing a good job of keeping her safe and content. You showed Charlie pictures of Poe every day, wanting to ensure she knew his face even if she would never get to see it in person. She’d been looking at him since she was just a little bean, and you repeated his name, ‘dada’, every time as well. She wasn’t speaking yet, but it couldn’t hurt to keep the association in her mind when she was ready to start talking.
Charlie stopped splashing and glanced up at you with wide eyes, her expression familiar. “Hungry, Bug?” You reached out for her and lifted her from the water, carefully standing and wading to the grassy spot you’d set your picnic up.
You dried her off first, then let her crawl on the blanket while you dry your feet before following her to sit. She beelined for you as you untied your tunic, lowering one side and easing your breast out, grateful your nanny droid had provided you with a soothing balm for your aching nipples. Breastfeeding was your favourite way to bond with her, but Stars, it came at a cost.
You settled Charlie against you and watched as she closed her eyes, suckling softly. You adjusted the tunic to protect her from the sun and fell into a quiet state as she fed. It was sometime later that the sound of a large ship captured your attention, breaking you from your meditation.
Charlie was asleep against you, her face still pressed to your breast, and didn’t stir as the ship, far in the distance, flew past. You wondered briefly, a jolt of electricity coursing through you wondering if it was Poe come to find you both. But when the ship flew only further away, you pushed the idea from your mind. It was probably a shipment from the core worlds going to the markets. You made a mental note to plan a trip there for the next day—if there were fresh supplies, you might find a treat or two. Get something nice for Kes, perhaps.
Feeling exhaustion hit, you napped with Charlie there on the river's edge. You had nothing to fear on Sorgan, and in fact, many of the neighbours in your village were around, not too close but enough so that if needed they could come and wake you. You kept Charlie protected from the sun but let it shine on you, the brightness no match for the gentle lull of sleep, the soft trickle of the river.
When you woke an hour later, you felt more rested than you had in some time, pausing as you sat up to stretch the kinks from your body. Charlie was wriggling and you knew she probably needed to be changed. “Time to go home?” You asked her with a grin, and she made a sour little face in response that made you laugh. You loved how expressive she was, how even though she wasn’t talking yet she managed to let you know how she felt.
With practiced movements, you packed up the little picnic, hoisted your bag over one shoulder before lifting her to sit against your hip, and made the short walk home. Kes was sitting outside the yurt when you arrived, reading, though he set the book down at the sound of your footsteps and grinned widely when Charlie cooed for him.
“Did you have a nice time, ladies?”
You smiled, “She sure loves the water, I should start taking her in the river, see how she likes floating,” Kes took her from you carefully—Charlie made a face and you both laughed, “Sorry, Kes, I think she needs to be changed.”
“No worries, you relax for a bit and I’ll deal with diaper duty.”
Nodding gratefully, you set your bag down on the chair Kes had vacated and turned to gaze out at the grassy lawn. It was a simple home, certainly not where you would have planned to raise a baby, but it was peaceful. You start to think about the next steps, how long you would stay on Sorgan before leaving. You would go ahead first, find out if it was safe, and then you wanted to return to Yavin-4. Not for a few years, although you’d like to leave before Charlie got too old and she was too attached to this place.
You stepped away from the front of the yurt to stare out over the fields. First towards the villagers as they came in from working for the day in the waters, ready to put their feet up before making dinner, and then you turned toward the river and watched the water for a while, your arms crossed, listening distantly to Charlie and Kes making each other laugh inside.
When a voice broke through your thoughts a short while later, you started in surprise before spinning, recognition of the honey-warm tone slamming into you.
“You dreaming about me, sweet girl?”
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“Rey, I don’t know how I’ll ever be able to thank you—“
Rey cut Poe off, gripping his arm with a soft smile, “It was Leia, Poe. She found me before we left Ajan Kloss, she put the coordinates in my head, just in case she didn’t make it.”
Poe hugged her quickly, “Still, without you, I don’t know how long it would have taken me to find her here.” He hurried to the ramp, hitting the button to lower it with excitement mounting within him by the second.
“What do you want us to do?” Finn was standing next to Poe as he waited for the ramp to lower onto the grass.
Poe glanced up at his friend, “I have to go alone, can you wait for me here? I’ll come for you—or send for you—if I find them.” He adjusted his jacket as he spoke, nerves slicing his stomach to pieces. He hadn’t felt this close to you in almost a year and a half.
Finn nodded, a small smile on his lips, “We’ll wait. She has to be here, Poe, you’ll find her.” He clapped Poe on the shoulder encouragingly and he swallowed, unable to form a response so he just returned a half-smile and then clambered down the ramp.
Sorgan was a quiet, sleepy planet full of green. If you were here, the idea that you spent all this time in such a place was comforting to Poe—you would have been able to enjoy the land, be outside, not cooped up somewhere.
He was in a small village, and the market that lined the street was bustling with after-work crowds that were in the tens, the people all smiling at one another in a way that revealed how kind of a place it was. He wandered for a few minutes until he spotted a stand that carried medical supplies and approached the vendor, a friendly-looking older woman who grinned at him.
“Hello, stranger. How can I help you?”
Poe held up the photo he had of you, one he’d taken not long after finding out you were pregnant, your hand on your small belly and a big smile on your face. “Have you seen this woman, ma’am?”
“That’s Mrs. Carstairs,” She responded with a small nod. Poe felt his insides inflate, his excitement now ready to burst forth in a shout of glee that he had to bite back. He took a steadying breath, realizing that you had used your mother’s maiden name as your cover.
He grinned, “Yes, (y/n)—“
The woman cut him off, her eyes widening, “Oh now, you must be the husband. Now that I look at you, the baby has your eyes.”
Poe’s stomach turned over at this information. The baby had his eyes? “That’s me, do you know where I can find her, please?” He made to pull out some credits to pass over to the woman for her trouble, only she reached over to take his hand gently and shook her head, smiling.
“No need for that, dear,” She jerked her head in the direction of a nearby road that split off from the village, “Just follow that, about twenty minutes you’ll come across a fishing village. She lives right off that road on the outskirts of the village.”
Saying his thanks quickly, Poe ran faster than he had in his life in the direction she had indicated.
When he finally saw the little yurt along the main road, he breathed a sigh of relief. The sun was lowering in the sky and casting a golden glow over the ponds, fields and the nearby river. It was beautiful, and as he passed the fishing village he smiled at the villagers, who gave him curious looks before returning friendly smiles. He slowed to catch his breath, his eyes moving back to the yurt, now much closer. And then his gaze snapped to a figure standing not far from the door, gazing out in the direction of the river.
It was you.
His heart about ripped out of his chest at the sight of you alive and well. The closer he got he could see how you’d barely changed—your skin had seen more sunlight, your hair was longer, and he could see the soft curves of your figure that motherhood had brought on. He watched you for a moment, standing a few feet back, and he could hear his dad inside the yurt making a baby laugh.
Making his baby laugh.
“You dreaming about me, sweet girl?”
You spun around so fast you were a blur, though Poe didn’t miss the way your hand twitched toward the blaster at your hip before your eyes landed on him. Seeing this only made him grin more broadly, but nerves for the reunion kept him rooted to the spot. What if you were angry with him? The thought hadn’t occurred to him before this, but perhaps you-
“POE!” You cried out, and then you were running forward and jumping into his arms and it was everything he’d dreamed of and more. He caught you and held you close as you both fell to your knees in the grass, and Poe let himself get lost in the moment, sobs pulling from deep within.
He hugged you as tight as he could and then started to pepper your face with kisses, “Oh my sweet girl, I missed you. Stars above, I missed you,” He murmured, his eyes closing as your fingers sunk into his curls and tugged him, your lips crashing to his in a desperate kiss that felt exactly like coming home.
“I was so afraid you wouldn’t be able to find us,” You whimpered after pulling back, your body still pressed against his, “I can’t believe you’re finally here...”
Poe shook his head, “Leia had a backup plan all along. Stars, you are so beautiful,” He swept his fingers over your cheeks, getting a good look at you now and seeing how well cared for you looked; Sorgan had been good to you. “I’m here now. It’s over, we’re safe now.”
You released your hold on his head to run your hands over your face, wiping at your tears, “Poe, the baby’s just inside, I—”
Poe and you both turned your heads at the same time at the sound of Kes coming out the door, his excited shout of glee making you both grin wider. He was holding the baby in his arms, and they looked around at the sound of your laugh, eyes just like Poe’s wide and curious—what a beautiful sight.
For a beat, the baby just stared at him, and then as Kes moved closer, a smile—a little smirk just like yours—appeared.
Kes froze and glanced down at the baby in surprise, and Poe heard you gasp, one of your hands landing on his arm and squeezing excitedly. “That’s right Charlie, sweet girl, this is your Dada!”
Poe couldn’t stop staring at the baby, who hadn’t looked away from him either even as you spoke to her. She made grabby hands then, reaching for him and he tentatively raised his hands. His dad closed the gap between them and lowered the baby and he took hold of her cautiously, words caught in his throat and his heart beating fast.
She was a solid thing, sturdy in his arms and cooing happily as she gazed up in wonder at Poe. She was stunning, her eyes honey-brown and lined with thick, long lashes just like yours. Her skin was soft, and she was chunky, her baby rolls making him smile wider. After a minute, she spoke again, “Dada!” She raised her little fists towards his scruffy jaw before glancing at you.
Poe followed her gaze, “How does she know me?” He breathed, his heart in his throat.
Your watery smile only grew, “Showed her your picture every day. Wanted her to know her daddy, even if he...he couldn’t be with us,” You shuffled closer, one arm securing itself around Charlie and grasping Kes’ arm. “That was her first word, Poe. She said it just for you.”
Tears stinging at his eyes, Poe sat huddled with his family, clutching the baby closer with one arm, the other around your shoulders. His dad had thrown his arms around both you and Poe and was lamenting about how good it was to see him while Charlie cooed happily in his arms.
The moment was better than he’d ever dreamed.
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Poe couldn’t put Charlie down. He carried her around for the rest of the evening, following you into the comfortable yurt you had called home all this time, one hand always on you, keeping you close.
Dad was making dinner and Poe enjoyed the banter you had, the routine of living together clearly having established itself long ago. He felt a jolt of gratitude for his dad dropping everything on Yavin-4 to take care of you and Charlie all this time.
He ate with one hand, relinquishing his hold on you but tugging you into his side before eating, his eyes constantly drinking in every expression on the baby’s face. He hadn’t realized how in love he would be so instantly, and certainly had not expected Charlie to adore him just as much—he’d thought the baby would be shy around him, maybe cry when he held them. But you had ensured she knew his face, his name—just another thing you did for him.
Poe was never going to be able to thank you enough for everything you had done.
“Poe?” Your soft voice broke into his thoughts and he looked around at you. You gave him a tentative sort of look, “Where is BB8?”
His shoulders relaxed automatically, “Oh he’s on the ship I came here in...with my friends,” He grinned and you copied him, your eyes curious, “I’ll go get them tomorrow and you can meet...I have so much to tell you, sweetheart.”
Your expression softened, “We have all the time in the world now.” You reached up and stroked his jaw, the motion so familiar his eyes automatically closed and emotion swelled in his chest. Before he could reply, he felt a second, much smaller hand land on his jaw and begin to copy the movement.
He smiled, looking through his lashes to see Charlie watching you intently as she imitated you, “Clever baby,” He murmured, and Charlie lit up at the sound of his voice. He turned his head and kissed her little hand affectionately.
“She gets her brains from me,” Kes piped up, tossing a wink at you before collecting everyone’s plates. He set them in the large stone sink before glancing at his watch. “You want to put her down for the night in my room?”
As you nodded, your eyes falling from Kes to Charlie, Poe felt a flush begin to creep up his neck at the idea of being alone with you again after so much time. He wanted to hold you close with nothing separating your bodies and curl into your healing warmth. Your hand reached for his, pulling him from his thoughts, and you tipped your head toward the baby in his arms, whose eyes were blinking slowly as exhaustion set in.
“Time for bed, little Bug,” You murmured, leading Poe towards your room. The curtain across the doorway sat open, fluttering slightly in the cool evening air, and the room was dark, illuminated only by the moonlight outside and some of the filtering light from the lamps in the main room of the yurt.
Poe carried Charlie to her crib, pressing his lips gently to her forehead, “Goodnight, Charlie, I love you.” He whispered, smiling to himself when she replied with a sleepy little coo. You took her from Poe then and took a moment to show him how to put the baby down for the night.
His heart was beating wildly in his chest as he watched you soothe Charlie, your fingers brushing delicately over her cheeks until her fluttering lashes settled and a small snore confirmed she was asleep. Poe hadn’t felt so much love in such a long time, he was half convinced he wouldn’t survive all of it thrumming through him now. And Stars, he was fucking proud of you, of how good of a mother you were; you’d done an amazing job raising Charlie so far, and he briefly worried about how he would ever be able to compare to you; if he could be as good of a parent as you were.
Once you had Charlie tucked in, you pushed the crib silently into Kes’ room, then wandered over to an armchair and picked up a blanket. When you turned to look up at Poe, his breath caught at the expression on your face. “Come with me, flyboy.”
Gulping, Poe followed you outside and across the grassy lawn in silence. You led him straight to a secluded spot along the riverbank, the flow of the water the only sound he could hear aside from his heartbeat. He wasn’t exactly sure why, but he suddenly felt nervous, alone with you for the first time in over a year—he’d faced down death countless times since, and yet it was this moment that was giving him pause.
He watched as you carefully spread the blanket out on the cool grass, then slipped off your shoes before stepping towards Poe with a soft smile. “Come here,” You whispered, and he closed the gap between you both eagerly. Kicking off his shoes before pulling you against him in a crushing hug, nuzzling his face into your neck, inhaling your familiar scent deeply.
He couldn’t have said who started to cry first, just that the moment he had you tight in his arms, you were both taking shuddering breaths. He let himself sob in a mixture of joy and sadness for everything, one hand cradling your head against his chest as you sniffled. “Sweet girl,” Poe drew back to look down at you after a few minutes, “Maker, I missed you. Every day was...shit, just complete shit without you.” He admitted, eyes closing automatically when you reached up to brush the tears from his face.
“I missed you too, but you’re here now, Poe. You’re here and you’re safe,” You whispered, leaning up on your tiptoes and pressing a gentle kiss to the end of his nose, “You’re safe, baby.”
He kissed you then; harsher than he’d intended, but you met him with equal intensity, your hands sliding into his hair to draw him closer, teeth clashing. The need then, to be with you, became overwhelming—he pushed your pants down frantically, then undid the tie of your wrap tunic and slid it off your shoulders, grunting when he realized you wore no chest band beneath.
You’d started undressing him, but when your hand passed over his length he brushed his fingers against your pebbled nipples in response and you hissed, body jerking away slightly. Poe’s eyes snapped open and he quickly pulled back from kissing you, “Sweetheart, did I hurt you?”
You tugged at his shirt, smiling softly, and he removed it before glancing down your body, his eyes drinking in every glorious curve, the fullness to your breasts. “Breastfeeding is hard on these,” You replied, gesturing toward your somewhat swollen nipples, “You didn’t hurt me, just need to be careful.”
Poe nodded his understanding, surveying your postpartum body with a new wild hunger he’d never before experienced. You were beautiful, always, but something about seeing your shape with its new fullness, your milk-filled breasts and soft stomach—it made him feral. With a groan, he quickly helped you to lay down on the blanket, careful to avoid your chest as he peppered kisses down your warm body, relishing in every square inch of you. “My beautiful love,” He spread your legs apart, his hand trailing down the slit of your wet heat, “Oh sweet girl, so wet for me. You’re a fucking dream.”
As much as he wanted to taste you, lick you until you couldn’t see, the need to be inside of you was too great to allow for any more time apart. Propping himself on one arm, Poe gripped your thigh, lifting it from the ground, and gently rocked his hips forward, groaning as you tightly gripped around his cock, your body needing his just as much.
“Oh fuck, Poe...”
“I know—I’ve got you,” Poe whispered, settling between your thighs, he dropped your leg and lowered his body fully over yours, careful to keep his weight on his arm. He captured your lips against his as he slowly dragged his cock back, then rutted forward, building a slow pace meant to draw out the feeling of bliss for as long as possible. “Missed you—dreamt of you every night, baby, every fucking night.”
You had one hand tangled in Poe’s curls, the other pressed into his lower back and your legs wrapped around his hips. You whimpered, “N-never leaving you again,” The words came out strained, thick with emotion even as you moaned at the feel of him moving within you, “It’s you a-and me, f-forever. Forever.” Your back arched slightly, and Poe groaned at the change in angle, your walls clamping around him harder.
“Fuck,” He felt himself getting close and quickly slid his free hand between his body and yours, slamming into you as he circled your clit tenderly. “Forever, sweet girl, I promise—cum for me, let me feel you—“
“Poe—“ You whined, your eyes fluttering as your pleasure spiked, and he felt your body go rigid beneath him as his hips stuttered—he came with you, spilling himself with a groan as you trembled and moaned, then pressing himself as deep as he could while you both came tumbling back to each other.
When Poe finally collapsed next to you, he slipped out of you carefully before tugging you into his side, pressing his lips to the crown of your head while you both caught your breath. “Still...still got it, flyboy.” You joked, giggling when Poe shifted to look down at you with a smirk.
“I was going to say the same to you.”
“Ah well, it’s busy work running around after a baby, you know. Keeps you fit.” You grinned, snuggling against Poe as the cool night air seemed to seep between you. He reached above his head, grabbing his shirt and tossing it over your upper body to protect you from getting too cold.
Once he was satisfied you were comfortable, he rolled so that he was looking down at you, your head resting on his forearm. “Sweet girl, you—I mean, Charlie is perfect. You kept her safe, raised her, taught her who I was...I can never thank you enough, but I’m going to spend the rest of my life trying.”
“Oh Poe,” You smiled, your eyes glistening as you gazed up at him with a fondness that he felt almost undeserving of, a hand cupping his cheek. “You came back to us, that’s all I could have ever asked for—you’re alive and you’re here.” You choked up, then, and Poe leaned down to press his forehead to yours, cupping your cheek softly with one hand.
You lay together for a short while; until the cold became too much. Curling up together in bed sounded almost too good to be true. “Come on, sweet girl, let’s get some sleep,” He gathered you in his arms, pausing as you grabbed at the clothing he wasn’t going to bother putting on, and carried you into the yurt, the blanket abandoned in the grass outside.
When Poe had his body pressed against yours under the comforter of the bed you’d slept in alone all this time, he kept his arms securely around you and felt peace wash over him, “Going to introduce you to some pretty special friends in the morning, and then we can plan our next steps, my love.”
With a happy little sigh, you tucked your head into his neck and fell asleep promptly, your light snores lulling him until, just at the precipice of sleep, he smiled to himself—he was home.
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The first thing you noticed when you woke early the next morning was the bed next to you was empty. Your hands roamed for Poe and when you didn’t find him you sat up quickly, wondering if perhaps you had dreamt of the day prior, of him coming home...
Only, a little giggle from outside your room sounded and you heard Poe proudly declare, “Clever, just like your mama, Charlie girl.”
You hadn’t ever known happiness like this, truly. Your heart was full and repaired and you couldn’t believe how after so much time, so many years of mistakes and pain, you were married to your best friend and he was currently waiting for you to wake up while caring for your baby, the little girl who shared traits of the both of you. This felt like a dream, but it was so raw it couldn’t be anything other than real.
You sprang from bed, throwing on your robe and hurrying out to see Poe holding Charlie as he sat in the armchair, bouncing her on his knee as she giggled for him. When you paused to watch, a smile stretching over your face, he glanced up at you and his own broadened, eyes shining brightly with affection.
“Morning, mama,” His thick morning voice always sent heat through you, and the fact that he was sitting shirtless, his hard muscles flexing as he moved Charlie only doused further fuel on the fire within. He seemed to read that in your expression, his soft eyes darkening somewhat before he sent you a wink that said there’d be time for that again later.
Charlie had looked around to follow Poe’s gaze and she cooed loudly when she saw you, her hands raised towards you. You frowned, “Oh, now you want mama time? Could it be that you’re hungry?” Charlie made grabby hands as Poe laughed and you pulled her from his arms before settling into the chair next to him, easing your robe open enough for her to have access to your chest.
Settling her in for her meals was second nature to you; you knew the way she preferred to lay, how to hold her just right, that she liked to feed quietly in the mornings but at night you were allowed to rub her back and speak soothing words to her. As she began to suckle, you carefully adjusted your breast to make the angle more comfortable, then glanced up remembering that Poe was watching.
The expression on his face was stunning—he was watching you rapturously, as though the sight before him was the most beautiful he’d ever seen. You saw emotion mixed in with the awe and the adoration, and you knew he was feeling grateful he hadn’t missed something as pure as this entirely, that Charlie hadn’t grown too much.
You leaned your head back to rest and smiled at Poe warmly, “She’s on partial foods now, you can feed her yourself a little later, if you want.” You whispered, and his face brightened even more. You felt a bit like those first days after you’d joined him and your brother on D’Qar, the giddy joy of reuniting making the smiles stretch for days.
“I’d love that,” He shuffled his chair closer, resting one hand behind where you were holding Charlie, the other raising to brush over your cheek. “Does it...hurt?”
You shook your head and his look of concern relaxed, “Not really, she’s good about not biting,” Poe cringed at the thought and you giggled, “She’s a good baby. Now, you said you wanted us to meet your friends?”
He nodded, his expression softening sadly, “They’re the reason I was able to make it home to you...I have so much to tell you, but I want you to meet them first.” Poe’s eyes dropped down to watch Charlie again and you let him have a moment, recognizing he had suffered a great deal over the year and a half apart.
You let your eyes wander over his bare torso and noticed now, in the morning light, that he had some new scars, some angrier than the others. The idea of him having been hurt made your stomach sink, and you couldn’t help but lean toward him, capturing his lips against yours when he glanced up. He moaned softly at the tender kiss, petting your hair, and you let yourself sink into the moment, pulling back only when Charlie stirred.
“Where did you leave them?”
Poe gestured toward the main village, “Just outside the village, on our ship. I could go and get them—“
You shook your head, “I think a walk will do us all good. Let’s get dressed, eh Charlie?” You made a face at the baby, who was sleepily peering up at you, happy with her tummy now full, and she smiled at your expression.
Poe insisted on changing Charlie’s diaper and dressing her, so you merely stood by and watched, handing him her daytime outfit and trying not to laugh too hard as he struggled. You could see the joy in his eyes as he attempted to get her arms through the sleeves, his big hands so incredibly gentle as he worked. It took about twice as long as normal, but eventually, Charlie was ready to go and you took her from Poe, strapping her to your chest with a sarong, watching him as he dressed.
You wanted to ask about the new scars. But you were afraid when you did, it would open up the vault he was currently guarding and all of the terrible stories would come tumbling out. Enjoying this peaceful reunion for a little longer wouldn’t hurt anyone, so you resisted the urge and instead popped your head into Kes’s room to let him know where you were going.
“It was hard, not knowing anything,” You admitted quietly as you walked along with Poe, Charlie gazing around happily. The arm draped over your shoulders tightened somewhat at your words. “Leia sure picked a good place for us, though. It’s been quiet, safe.”
You glanced at him, the tension in his jaw confirming something you’d suspected since he’d arrived-after he’d mentioned it was thanks to one of his new friends that he’d been able to find you. Leia was gone, but he didn’t know how to tell you—just as much as you were avoiding asking him for details, he was reluctant to give them.
“Yeah, she knew what she was doing,” He replied softly before his eyes lit up. You followed his gaze and saw a large ship, its ramp lowered, come into view just as a familiar orange and white blur was speeding in your direction.
“Buddy!” You yelled, hurrying forward and dropping to one knee to greet BB8, one arm securing Charlie closer to ensure she didn’t get too jostled from your movements. The droid beeped and whirred excitedly and the baby began to giggle, craning her head to look at BB8. “Charlie, this is BB8, wave hi—“ You laughed as Charlie roughly flopped her chubby arm in the direction of the droid.
You could feel Poe’s hand resting lightly on the crown of your hand, and you looked up at him to speak but before you could, another voice chimed in. “Poe, man, you found them!” A handsome man with enviably smooth skin and a friendly grin was walking towards you with a pretty woman who had sad eyes next to him.
Poe helped you to stand back up, his arm securing around you as he led you forward to meet his friends. “Finn—Rey, meet my better half, (y/n), and my kid, Charlie.”
You saw the pair shoot wide-eyed looks at Poe when he said Charlie’s name, and you realized he must have told them about you, about your brother. The thought warmed your heart even further. You reached out and grasped each of their hands in turn, grinning, “It is really lovely to meet you, thank you for getting Poe back to me and Charlie safely.”
Finn smiled warmly, “Hey, he saved our asses as much as we saved his,” Poe shoved his arm playfully, laughing. Rey was quiet, you noticed, gazing at the baby thoughtfully. You wondered who she had lost.
“Do you want to hold her?” You asked, and Rey met your eyes in surprise, though after a brief pause she smiled nervously and nodded. Her smile lit up her whole face, and you were glad you thought to offer the baby as a way to pull it from her—babies had a way of making the sad a little less daunting.
You lifted Charlie out of the sarong, “Say hi to Auntie Rey, Charlie!” Charlie began to babble incoherently in that cheerful baby talk as she settled against Rey’s hip. She watched her, smiling to herself, before glancing between you and Poe.
“She’s beautiful,” Rey’s hand caught one of Charlie’s, squeezing gently, “Takes after her mama, clearly.” She tacked on, throwing Poe a look that made you laugh out loud.
Finn, you noticed, was watching Rey hold the baby with a quiet expression of adoration that made you smile inwardly. He caught you staring and grinned cheekily. As he began to chide Poe teasingly, a sudden memory came to mind, of the last time you had spoken to your father.
“Just remember, family always comes first—but we can make our own family, sweetie,” Dad squeezed your hand, “Family is what we make it, big or small, blood-related or not. So you make sure to surround yourself with good people, people you love and trust, and you’ll always have a family.”
And as you stood there, gazing at your new friends, the people who had ensured your Poe had come back to you, you realized that you were only adding to your family today. You felt like the luckiest woman in the entire galaxy, your heart was bursting with joy and hope for everything still to come.
Poe pressed a kiss to your temple, and you shot him a smile, knowing he felt it too.
Here, you thought, was where the next chapter of your life began. And you couldn’t be more excited.
A/N—THANK YOU for reading this story, for enjoying this journey with me and loving my characters so much. I’m hopeful you loved this final chapter and can’t wait to hear your thoughts. And of course, we still have the epilogue coming!🤍
@mermaidxatxheart @foxilayde @eleinemk @paintballkid711 @mylifeisactuallyamess @20th-centu-fairy-girl @deitysnips @cannedsoupsucks @ubri812 @poedameronloverx @hoeforthefictional @astrological-bitch @itsnottilly @itsdameron @alex-sulli @generousrunawaydonut @wildmoonflower @onlyferorder66 @afootnoteinyourhappiness @asaucecoveredsomething @ladydmalfoy
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Wake up sleepy head
Scorbus prompt from @abi-the-gay (sorry if I missed any details). Albus sneaks off to Malfoy Manor after a nightmare, and he and Scorpius get caught by Draco walking in on them asleep together the next morning.
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A flash of green light exploded in front of Albus’s eyes, and her face... her face grinned right back at him.
She was holding something, no... someone. Her arms were wrapped around a blonde boy, long fingers creeping towards his neck, like vines. Scorpius. She had Scorpius. Albus tried to scream, to yell, to call out Scorpius’s name, but no sound came out. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t stop her from pulling out her wand and pressing it to Scorpius’s temple. Albus looked into the boy’s grey eyes, desperate and pleading. And all he could do was watch.
“Avada Kedavra!” Another flash of green light bursting into his bedroom as Albus suddenly lay awake, panting, sweating, terrified.
Scorpius. Where was Scorpius? Everything Albus had seen had felt so real, so vivid. His stomach dropped as he had the sudden, awful thought: what if it was real?
He sat up in bed, his mind running at a mile an hour. He had to see Scorpius. Now. Sending a letter would take too long. He wanted to see his... he wanted to see Scorpius.
It was still late, dark out. Everyone was fast asleep. No one would notice if he snuck downstairs and used the floo network to visit Malfoy Manor.
Albus didn’t risk turning the lights on; he knew his house like the back of his hand, so he managed to reach the living room fireplace with little mishap. Albus took a handful of floo powder from the pot beside the stokers. The fire had long since died out, but the coals were still hot enough for the powder to work.
“Malfoy Manor!” Albus instructed, as loudly as he could without alerting the rest of the house, which still left his voice barely above a whisper. He hoped he wouldn’t get splinched on the way there.
Green flames erupted around him, and he had to close his eyes; too reminiscent of his nightmare. Of Delphi. Of Scorpius.
Before he knew it, he was thrown out the other side of the floo network, regaining his balance on the polished floor of Malfoy Manor. It was dark. Quiet. Was that a good sign? Or a bad sign? Albus wasn’t sure whether he wanted to find out or not.
But he had to. He couldn’t leave without making sure Scorpius was alright.
And that’s when he suddenly realised: he had no idea where Scorpius’s bedroom was. And it was a big house. He could be searching all night.
Albus began on the next floor up, up the large, winding staircase. The first few rooms were rather sparse, uninhabited, and one of them- which made Albus hold his breath upon entering- was Draco’s room. Albus closed the door behind him as silently as he could.
He stood for a moment and pondered his next move, soon spotting a door at the far end of the hallway. As he drew nearer, he noticed some sort of trinket hanging from the doorknob, a kind of lucky charm perhaps. Scorpius was relatively superstitious. This must have been his room.
Albus slowly opened the door, his heart beating faster in trepidation at what he might find. As his eyes adjusted, he saw a figure underneath the covers of a bed, in the middle of the room.
“Scorpius?” Called Albus in a whisper. “Scorp!”
The figure moved, turned around, and switched on the oil lamp beside his bed. The light illuminated the faces of the two boys, and Albus was so relieved to see Scorpius alive and well- if a little perplexed- that he almost started shaking. Scorpius noticed his slightly panicked disposition.
“Albus, what are you doing here? What’s wrong?” Scorpius was clearly concerned, and Albus felt bad for waking him up. Of course it was just a dream, you idiot.
“I’m sorry, I just... I just had to make sure you were okay.”
“Another nightmare?” Albus nodded. Scorpius moved over and opened up the covers.
“Do you want to stay?” He asked, and Albus gladly accepted, thankful that Scorpius didn’t ask anymore questions, such as how he had got there or what the nightmare was about. He simply let Albus snuggle up beside him and settle into his arms, exhaustion washing over both of them.
“I can read if you want?” Scorpius suggested, a murmur in Albus’s ear.
“That would be nice.” Scorpius reached over Albus to pick up a book from his bedside table.
“It’s a muggle book,” Scorpius explained. “Rose sent it to me a few weeks ago. I’m already halfway through, but I’ll start again from the beginning.” Albus tried to listen, really he did, but as soon as Scorpius started speaking, his soft, calm voice meeting Albus’s ear, Albus immediately felt his eyes start to close.
“This Side of Paradise, by F. Scott Fitzgerald,” began Scorpius, and within moments, Albus was fast asleep.
The following morning, Draco was sat at the dining table in his dressing gown, sipping his morning coffee and reading the Daily Prophet. He was about to check on Scorpius, thinking it odd that his son wasn’t up yet. Scorpius was usually awake way before him, a morning person through and through.
Draco finished his coffee, folded up the newspaper, and began his ascent up the flight of stairs towards Scorpius’s room. Reaching Scorpius’s door, he knocked lightly, receiving no reply. Draco was starting to get worried now, so he allowed himself to enter.
His son wasn’t alone.
Scorpius opened his eyes as he entered, and froze. He tried to nudge awake the sleeping figure beside him.
“Al. Albus, wake up,” he whispered frantically. Albus? Thought Draco. Albus Potter? Albus groaned lightly, and mumbled something inaudible. Never had Draco felt so awkward in his life, and he coughed nervously, finally alerting the boy beside Scorpius.
Albus turned around- and Draco could see that it was indeed Albus Potter- and immediately turned back, facing away from Draco and burying his face in Scorpius’s chest, muttering something about not being able to deal with anything today.
“Dad, I can explain...” Scorpius began, but Draco interjected.
“How about I leave you two for a moment and you can explain downstairs.” Scorpius nodded gratefully, and Draco left the two in peace, heading back to the dining room and trying to process what he’d just seen.
Ten minutes later, and two fifteen year old boys were sitting awkwardly in front of Draco, both of them avoiding eye contact with him.
“So...” Draco began. “Are you two...?” He sort of gestured between the two of them, hoping they’d fill in the blanks.
“We’re together,” confirmed Scorpius.
“Right...” Draco didn’t know how to feel. He wanted to be supportive of his son of course, but a Potter and a Malfoy? Who would have thought it? It would certainly take some time to wrap his head around the idea.
“So that means you’re...”
“Gay?” Draco nodded. “Yeah, I am...” Scorpius finally made eye contact with his father, and Draco noted how terrified he looked.
“Alright. That’s fine, Scorp. I love you no matter what.” Scorpius looked at him disbelievingly, which sent a pang of hurt through Draco’s chest.
“Really?” He asked, hopefully.
“Of course! You’re my son, and I’m proud of you.” Scorpius smiled at him, clearly relieved.
“So how did you two... how did you two become a thing?”
“Oh, um...” Albus coughed nervously.
“Well, it was after the whole Delphi thing,” began Scorpius. “You see we... we had a lot of nightmares, and we would calm each other down.” Scorpius fiddled with his sleeves.
“Is that why Albus was here?” Prompted Draco. They both nodded in unison.
“Yeah, and we’d read to each other,” Albus continued. “Stuff that Rose would get from the library and lend to Scorpius.”
“And I suppose it just went from there. Started out as platonic, and... became romantic.”
“So you both knew you liked each other?” Draco knew he was being too personal, but this was the first time Scorpius had ever really opened up to him, and he didn’t want to waste the opportunity.
“I liked Scorpius, because he was nice to me, especially when I’d fallen out with dad.”
“And I saw Albus shirtless once, and I just knew-” Albus snorted, immediately stifling a laugh. Scorpius too was holding in a smile. Draco just raised his eyebrows, letting the two have their own inside joke, before continuing.
“Well, you both have my blessing,” Draco concluded. “Thank you for telling me Scorpius. Even if you didn’t have much of a choice.” Scorpius nodded in acknowledgement. “And, Albus. I take it your parents don’t know where you are?” Albus suddenly remembered what time it was, and his eyes widened.
“No, you’re right. I need to get back.”
“I’ll see you off,” said Scorpius. They all stood up. Albus left the room to return to the fireplace in the living room, leaving Scorpius and Draco alone for a moment.
“Your mother would be proud too, you know,” said Draco, his voice softer than before. Scorpius looked at him, grey eyes meeting grey. Draco hadn’t even noticed that they were almost the same height now. How had that happened?
“You really think so?”
“Of course. All she wanted was for you to be happy. And I take it you are?” Scorpius nodded.
“I am. Really.”
“Then she would be proud.” Scorpius smiled, paused for a second, and then closed the gap between them. For a few moments, they hugged in silence. Unfamiliar, but nice. Draco was glad to have his son back.
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h0tch-r0cket · 3 years
Infatuation (18+) {a.h.} : chapter 5
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summary: you needed a job. aaron hotchner needed a babysitter. the rest was inevitable.
word count: 5.5K
warnings: explicit language, drinking alcohol, smoking, building tension : )
table of contents
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"Y/N?" Jack called out from the kitchen of the Hotchner home. You had picked him up from school, like always, and he was working on his homework as soon as possible.
"What's going on, Jack?" you asked as you placed your finger in between the pages of your copy of The Centaur which you brought with you to keep you occupied.
"I need help with my math," he said softly.
You put your bookmark in the novel and headed into where the little Hotchner was awaiting your help. You sat down across from him and glanced down at the papers that were sprawled out in front of him. "What do you need help with?"
"Well, Ms. Kingston showed us today how to add and subtract with three digit numbers like 100 and all that stuff. I get confused when you have to borrow from one of the other numbers when you subtract," he said as he tapped the pencil on the table, a habit you noticed Aaron did as well when he was working on his own work.
"Alright, let me take a look here," you said as you grabbed the paper from him.
After a few minutes of explaining the way you go about subtracting the numbers to Jack, he got it pretty quickly. "Thanks, Y/N!"
You ruffled his hair as you stood up from the table. "You got it. If you need me, I'm just going to be in the living room, okay?"
"Okay," he said as he moved on to the next parts of his worksheet.
You settled back onto the couch, bringing your knees up to your chest as you read the novel. You were just reaching one of your favorite parts, your attention glued to the pages in front of you. It was the part where George, the father of the story, had spent his very last dollar to bring home a sandwich for his wife even though he and his son were stranded for the night because their car broke down. There was something about the sentiment, the idea that he would give up his very last dollar, that always warmed your heart.
Just as you finished up the chapter you were on, the small pitter patter of feet coming into the living room interrupted you continuing on with your reading. You looked up from the book to see Jack coming towards you, taking hard steps as he walked.
He plopped down on the couch next to you and let out a low sigh. "What's the matter, kiddo?" you asked as you placed the book neatly on your lap.
"I want dad to come home already," he said quietly as he swung his legs against the side of the couch.
"I know you do, Jack. But hey, he should be here soon. Want to watch a movie in the meantime?" You weren't sure what else to do for him. It was the first time that Jack had ever expressed that sentiment to you.
He nodded his head lightly, not saying anything to actually answer your question verbally. "Alright. As long as you finished your homework," you told him. He simply nodded yet again, his face more somber than normal.
You tried to figure out why he had the sudden mood change from when you picked him up from the bus. You thought maybe he was just tired or perhaps he wasn't feeling good. You knew that most kids always wanted their parents around when they were sick.
As the different possibilities ran through your head as you looked for a movie that the two of you had yet to watch, Jack's small voice piped up from next to you. "Y/N?"
You turned your head to look at him to already be met with his gaze. "Yeah Jack?"
"Can I sit with you?" he asked softly.
You nodded your head and straightened yourself up more on the couch so he could sit on your lap. As he quickly scooted into your lap, your copy of The Centaur fell underneath the couch.
"Sorry Y/N. I'll pick it up," Jack said as he went to reach down and grab it. You pulled him back up towards you and let his back rest against your frontside.
"It's alright. I'll get it later. Pick out a movie to watch," you told him. You passed him the TV remote and let him scroll through the different family movies, hoping that he would find something to occupy his thoughts until Aaron got home from his lectures.
As much as he tried, Aaron Hotchner could not focus on the lecture that he was giving in his class. As he sat at his office desk at the university, he flipped through his notes which to anyone else other than him would not have made any sense at all with the way that the thoughts were not cohesive and the exhaustive amounts of abbreviations that littered the pages.
He planned the day's lecture to be about Orpheus and Eurydice, lovers tragically torn apart, but he couldn't gather his thoughts cohesively to provide his students with what he deemed to be the proper lesson.
His thoughts were foggy. Jarbled. He thought he would have shaken the thought of the way your hands touched the day prior. But it was all he found himself thinking about. He wasn't quite sure why. It was a simple accident.
A simple accident that made him want to rethink the way he had been so closed off with you. The way he was always curt. He craved more, despite the fact that he knew he shouldn't pursue anything with you.
He rubbed his temples, sighing in defeat. At that point, the lecture was going to be what it was going to be.
Aaron gathered all of his things in his satchel and headed down to the auditorium before his students filed in. He shed himself of his suit jacket, leaving him in a baby blue dress shirt and tan slacks. He organized his notes yet again and placed them in order on the podium that was in the center of the room.
His students filed in soon after, a chorus of Good afternoon, Professor Hotchner, How are you Professor Hotchner? coming from them.
Aaron gave everyone a few minutes to settle in before glancing at his watch for the time. He clapped his hands together once loudly to get the attention of the class. The side conversations slowly died down, only a few soft murmurs being heard through the crowd.
"Alright folks. Let's settle in. I know today is Friday and you all are eager to get out of here so I'll try to make this as quick and easy as possible," he said, projecting his voice so that everyone could hear him. "I'll run through attendance quickly and then we'll get started."
After taking attendance and marking the absentee students, Aaron grabbed the textbook for the class from out of his satchel. "If you all could open to page 265 that would be absolutely fantastic." Synchronous opening of textbooks and flipping of pages filled the auditorium as the students quickly followed Aaron's instructions.
He began to walk in front of the room, arms crossed over his chest as he glanced out into the sea of students. "Now, does anyone have any ideas as to what the story of Orpheus and Eurydice is about?" He looked into the crowd, being met with blank stares, eyes glazing over, and even a few students nodding their heads back as they fought the calling of sleep during class.
Not one student raised their hand. He caught the students glancing at one another, hoping that someone, anyone, would have the answer. But there was no such luck.
Part of him wondered if you knew the story. You probably would know the tale like the back of your hand, being that you seemed to be meticulous with whatever it was that you set your mind to. He was curious to see just how much you knew about mythology.
He decided that the next time he saw you, he would try to find out just that.
Focus, he thought to himself.
Clearing his head of you as much as possible, he rolled his sleeves up and walked to the whiteboard, uncapping the black Expo marker that laid next to it. "Orpheus," he said as the marker squeaked on the board as he wrote the name down, "is the son of Apollo and Calliope. Well, that is according to some accounts. Some people say that Orpheus had a different father," he clarified. Aaron turned his attention back to his students, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. "Can anyone at least remind me as to who those two figures are in mythology? Apollo and Calliope?"
A hand rose in the middle of the auditorium slowly. "Yes?" he said, letting the student know that they could answer the question.
"Well, Apollo is considered to be the god of poetry and music. Calliope on the other hand, was one of the nine muses. She was the muse of history," the girl answered.
Aaron shook his head, placing his hands on his hips and he continued to pace back and forth in the front of the room. "Close. Calliope is actually the muse of poetry. Clio was the muse of history," he explained. "But I'm sure you knew that, right Ms. Sinclair?" he said with a small smirk on his face.
The girl nodded and scribbled down some more notes in her notebook, frantic to capture each and every word that Aaron uttered throughout the rest of the lecture.
Aaron took a brief pause and scanned through the crowd yet again. When he noticed one of his students clearly scrolling on his phone rather than focusing on the lecture, he debated about whether or not he should say something. But when the student started to show his phone around to those near him, he knew he would have to address the obvious distraction from the lecture.
"Mr. McMillan, if your phone is more important than listening to the rest of this lecture, which does cover a large part of your final, please be my guest and take the rest of the day for yourself," Aaron said as he raised his hand towards the door, suggesting that the boy leave the auditorium. He watched as the boy's face turned a shade of pink as he slipped the phone into his pocket. Aaron mouthed a small thank you to the student and continued with the lecture.
"As I was saying, with the help of Ms. Sinclair, Orpheus is the son of Apollo and Calliope. Eurydice," he said as he wrote the next name down on the board and drew a line connecting the two names together, "on the other hand was a beautiful Spartan princess. She married Orpheus. He played her beautiful songs on his lyre, which is just a smaller version of a harp. Orpheus was an exceptional musician. But that makes sense considering who his parents were."
He leaned back against his desk, partially sitting on top of it. He crossed his feet and rested his hands on each side of him on the desk to hold himself up. "However, tragedy struck the young couple. Eurydice was bit by a snake and died. Orpheus was heartbroken. So much so that he only played the most somber and melancholy songs on his lyre. "
Aaron paused for a moment, letting his students jot down their notes onto their paper. "But that didn't discourage Orpheus from fighting for his true love."
Aaron pushed himself off the desk and started to pace again, rubbing his thumb against his pointer finger as he walked. "He was not willing to give up so easily. So, he came up with a plan."
He walked over to the whiteboard again and wrote the word Underworld on the board. "Now, what are some things you know about the Underworld?"
"It's Hades' domain," a student called out.
Aaron drew an arrow from the word and wrote Hades underneath it. "And Hades is?"
"Zeus' brother," the same student replied.
"Very good. What else do we know about this Underworld, the realm where the souls of the departed end up in Greek mythology?" Aaron probed.
"River Styx!" another student called out enthusiastically.
"Mhm." He added another line to the diagram and turned to face the student that answered. "What about the River Styx?"
"I don't know. I just know it's there," the student laughed.
"Fair enough," Aaron said with a small smile. "We'll be covering that within the next few lessons so I won't worry about drilling it into your heads for the time being. One thing that I do want to mention is Cerberus, the three headed dog that guards the entrance of the Underworld. That will be important for the rest of the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice."
Aaron paused yet again, settling back onto the top of the desk but this time he was fully seated on it, his legs dangling off the side. "Now, Orpheus, being heartbroken at the loss of his wife, came up with a plan. He decided to travel to the Underworld to try to regain his love."
"That's crazy. Who would want to go to that place? I mean, I get it he loved the girl but is that even possible?" a student asked.
"It was a wild plan, I will give you that. But Orpheus succeeded. He traveled to the Underworld and managed to strike a deal with Hades after playing his music for him. The ruler of the Underworld was so moved that he granted Orpheus his wish to bring Eurydice back to the land of the living. Hell, the stories even say that Cerberus, the ferocious guardian of the entrance of the Underworld, was howling in despair of the pain Orpheus' music suggested."
A hand rose amongst the crowd. Aaron took his glasses off, gently biting down on the end of the arm of them. He raised his eyebrows at the student, allowing them to speak.
"There's no way that he got her back that easily. Greek mythology seems to, for the most part, at least stem from some kind of tragedy," the student said, clearly not believing that the tale would end happily ever after.
Aaron took his glasses out of his mouth and shook them in the direction of the student. "Excellent observation, Mr. Roth. That brings us to the next part of our tale. Hades gave Orpheus a stipulation; his wife would be brought back to the land of the living as long as Orpheus did not look back at her while they were still in the Underworld."
He hopped off his desk and hooked his glasses onto the collar of his shirt as he continued with the lecture. "Orpheus made the journey back to the light, but he turned around too soon, full of excitement to be reunited with his wife. She vanished before his eyes and he was heartbroken yet again."
"So the moral of the story is to be patient and have trust in the situations that you find yourself in?" a voice called out.
"Precisely," Aaron said, his voice soft. He glanced down at his watch. "I think that's enough for today. For the next class, think of a time in your life where this story applies. A time where you were impatient and lost something that you worked so desperately hard to get. Class dismissed."
The students filed out of the room quickly, allowing Aaron to follow behind them with his satchel tucked under his arm, the same fervor coursing through his veins to get home. He wanted to see Jack.
He wanted to see you.
"Oh! You sank my battleship!" you hollered dramatically as Jack managed to get another one of your ships clear off the board.
"Yes!" he shouted, throwing his fist up in success.
You were happy to see him going back to his normal, happy self. Whatever was bothering him earlier had managed to subside by the time you were done watching The Lion King.
The familiar car alarm chirped in the driveway, causing loyal Buster to run to the door in anticipation to see his owner.
You felt almost the same degree of excitement flowing through your body. It was the first time you were seeing Aaron since his touch was embedded into your head. You were wondering if things would be different. If he would be different.
As the front door opened, Jack ran over to his father and wrapped his arms tightly around his waist. "Hey buddy," Aaron said with a small chuckle as he patted Jack's back.
"I missed you today," Jack said quietly as he looked up at his father.
"I miss you everyday," Aaron said with a smile. His gaze turned to you and he kept the smile plastered on his face. "How's it going, Y/N?"
"Pretty good. Jack just sunk my battleship...again," you joked, feigning annoyance.
Aaron's smile grew a bit wider, the dimples on his face making another appearance.
You couldn't help but smile at him. His smile was contagious and gorgeous. You felt like it was such a rare occasion that he smiled, even though he was smiling more often around you, that you always studied the way his face looked so you would never forget it.
Aaron headed into the kitchen with his things with Jack following close behind. You followed a few moments after, ready to gather your things and head home.
When you came into the kitchen, you saw Aaron place a hand on his hip as he looked down at Jack who held his hands together tightly in a pleading motion.
"Come on, Dad! It will be fun," Jack begged. He put on a big smile for his father, trying to convince him further to whatever idea he had planned.
"Alright, Jack. I wouldn't mind that. Ask her," Aaron said as he turned his attention towards you. You felt yourself get nervous, not sure as to what it was that Jack was about to ask you.
Jack took a step forward and planted himself in front of you as he looked up at you with big, puppy dog eyes. "Y/N, do you want to stay and have dinner with us?" Jack asked excitedly.
"Oh," you said with shock. Your stomach fluttered at the thought of actually staying and spending time with Aaron, even if Jack was still there. But the rational part of your head was yelling at you to leave. You already were thinking about Aaron too much and you were sure you would be even further doomed if you were subject to his charm and wit for the night. "Maybe another time, Jack. I think Esmé was planning on making a nice fancy dinner tonight."
"Please, Y/N," Jack pleaded. "Stay with us and eat." He held his hands firmly together again in a similar fashion to how he was begging his father to go along with the idea in the first place.
You clicked your tongue and scratched the back of your neck, unsure as to what other excuse you could come up with. "I don't want to intrude on the time you and your dad have together, buddy."
Aaron crossed his arms across his chest and you saw him raise his eyebrows for a quick second behind his glasses. "Stay, Y/N. I'm a pretty good cook," Aaron said with a smirk growing on his face.
You felt your stomach twist further into knots at the thought that one, Aaron wanted you to stay and two, that he was going to be cooking some sort of meal for you.
Aaron, on the other hand, felt desperate. He wanted—no, he needed you to stay. He wanted to learn everything there was about you. He wanted to know your passions, your fears. As his eyes searched yours, he saw the battle that was going on in your head as to whether or not you should stay or go.
He was hoping you couldn't see the way he crossed his fingers together subtly, a silent prayer that you would stay.
He didn't know what was coming over him. All he knew was that at that moment, he didn't want you to leave the house. He had tried to push you out of his head all day, but seeing you here at his house and your gorgeous smile, it was taking everything in his power to keep his composure as he felt himself succumbing to his desire to want to be close to you.
You weren't sure what it was but the way Aaron was staring at you, his eyes soft, it was as if he was subtly begging you to stay.
You knew you shouldn't. You already were feeling things that you never thought you would for the man. But a part of you was curious to try to figure out if he was feeling something similar.
"Alright, fine," you said defeated, throwing your hands up in the air. "I'll stay." Jack let out an excited yell before running back into the living room.
You could have sworn you saw Aaron exhale deeply once you came to your decision, as if he was relieved that you were actually staying. "But I'm telling you now Hotchner, if you're not as good a cook as you say you are, there will be hell to pay," you teased as you pointed your finger in his direction.
And to your surprise, Aaron laughed. He genuinely laughed. It was a sound that was pure music to your ears, something that you wished you could have turned back time to get it on a recording.
"I promise. I am a good cook," he said as he turned around and began to take out some different pots and pans.
You walked next to him and leaned up against the counter. "What exactly are you planning on making?"
He turned his gaze to you, a smug look growing on his face. "Well where's the fun in that? It's a surprise," he said quietly, leaning closer in your direction.
You caught a quick whiff of his cologne, the smell of cedar quickly filling your airspace. You bit down on your bottom lip, the closeness to him becoming almost too much to handle.
His warm honey eyes darted down to your lips and back up to your own eyes. He cleared his throat and stood back up straight, starting to pull some random ingredients out of the cabinet in front of him.
You shut your eyes for a second, disappointed by how quickly he stood away from you. "I'll be in the living room with Jack," you said. He nodded silently, making his rounds in the kitchen to cook.
As you made your way into the living room, you couldn't help but think about how close he was. You could have reached your hand out and stroked his cheek. You could have been putty melting in his hands.
Aaron watched you walk out of the kitchen, knowing that you wouldn't see his eyes raking across your body. Your perfume lingered in the space where you were in the kitchen, reminding Aaron just how close his face was to yours, how he could have pulled you by your cheeks to brush his lips against yours.
He wanted you. And he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold back.
"Oh my god," you sighed in content as you took a bite of the food Aaron prepared. He made fettuccine alfredo with chicken. All from scratch.
His eyes shot towards you as he heard the sound of satisfaction fall on your lips. He raised an eyebrow at you, taking a bite of the chicken that rested on his plate. "So, did I live up to your expectations?"
"Mhm," was all you could muster as you took another bite of the pasta.
You watched as Jack twirled the pasta around his fork. He popped it into his mouth and gave his dad a thumbs up. "It tastes good, Dad. I could eat the whole pot!"
"That's an awful lot of pasta," you joked as you took a small sip of the chardonnay that Aaron had poured for the two of you. He insisted it made the meal but you were wondering if it had different indications than what he led on.
"Yeah it is but I could eat it," Jack said. Aaron rolled his eyes jokingly at his son's active imagination.
A few minutes passed and you all were eating in content. This time, there was a much more comfortable silence that fell between you all, something that you could easily get used to.
"So, Y/N, what made you pick up an interest in Greek mythology?" Aaron asked, clearly ripping off the bandaid he had been gripping to all day. He had to know. He wanted to know more about you.
"I took a class in high school, actually. And from there, I've done most of my learning on my own. I don't know," you laughed softly.
God your laugh. Aaron would never get over hearing it. He took a sip of his wine and glanced at you over the rim of the glass, watching you absentmindedly twirl your fork around in the pasta.
"I just find it interesting that there's so many stories that they came up with and they all have some sort of deeper meaning to them."
Aaron nodded in agreement, finding himself entranced with your words. You were right of course. There were so many things those stories explained, like the natural world or even as something simple to not be selfish.
"That's why I like them so much. The interpretation of them all varies and you can learn so much," he added.
"I like the ones with Jason and the Astronauts," Jack interrupted. Small laughs from you and Aaron filled the space between you at Jack's mispronunciation.
"Argonauts," you and Aaron said at the same time, correcting the young Hotchner.
Jack scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "What's the word?" he asked.
"Argonauts," Aaron repeated.
"Astronauts is cooler," Jack concluded as he took another bite of his chicken. "Can I be excused?"
Aaron glanced at his plate and pointed his fork in the direction of his son's food. "Eat another bite of chicken and you can be."
Jack scarfed down the chicken quickly and left the table.
Realization hit you rather quickly.
It was just you and Aaron. A tinge of pink fell across your face at the fact that you were alone with Aaron.
You cleared your throat and shifted in your seat, sitting up straighter. "So, how did your lecture go today?" you asked.
Aaron shrugged his shoulders and kept his gaze on his plate. "Could have gone better, I suppose."
"What did you talk about?" You took another drink of your wine and this time, it was you glancing at him over the rim of the glass.
"Orpheus and Eurydice."
"That's a good one. Heartbreaking in the end but I like the story of it all," you admitted.
Of course you knew it. Aaron figured you would. He wished you could have been in his class. You clearly knew so much about the subject matter and he was becoming impressed the more you spoke.
"It's definitely one of the sadder ones," he agreed.
You placed your fork down on your napkin, full from the delicious dinner you just ate. "I think it's one of the best representations of agape in Greek mythology that there is," you added, running your finger along the rim of your wine glass.
Aaron felt his nerves go wild.
How the hell did you know about that?
You certainly kept him on his toes.
"And you know about agape, the Greek word for the concept of self-sacrificing love. I have to say, Y/N, I really wasn't expecting you to be so well versed in the subject," he admitted. "But figures, a smart girl like you would go above and beyond to learn about whatever you set your mind to." He took another sip of his wine and his eyes were looking at you more intently.
You definitely felt your face blush at his words. You tried to keep your composure as best as possible, but how could you when he was being so fucking charming and looking at you the way he was?
"I am just full of surprises," you teased, making your voice almost a whisper.
You watched as Aaron licked his lips and raised his eyebrows. "You most certainly are," he agreed, his words coming out with an exhale. "Question for you though."
"What makes you think that the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice is full of agape?" he challenged.
You took a moment to try to cohesively get your thoughts together. Well, as best you could with the way Aaron was looking at you.
"Well for starters, the man literally went to the Underworld to try to get his wife back. It was an unheard of feat. And the fact that Orpheus was willing to do whatever it took to get her back just shows how much he couldn't live without her. How much he loved her."
Aaron nodded slowly, finishing the rest of his wine. "You make a good point there," he said after he swallowed the chardonnay.
You nodded in agreement. You couldn't believe that you were engaging in such a deep conversation with Aaron. But it felt so natural. So right.
You glanced at the clock, seeing that it was almost 9pm. "I think I better get going," you said quietly. You pushed yourself away from the table and placed your dishes in the sink.
When you turned around to go grab your things, you bumped into a solid mass.
He grunted lightly at the contact, a flicker of his smile dancing across his lips.
"Sorry," you said quickly as he looked down at you. You stared at him for a second, as he did to you, before pulling yourself out of your trance and stepping around him to grab your belongings.
"Not a problem," he said as he placed his and Jack's dishes in the sink. "Let me walk you out." You nodded silently and watched as he grabbed the pack of cigarettes off the counter.
He patted the bottom of the carton against his palm before taking one of the cigarettes out, resting it between his lips as he walked with you towards the door.
He opened the door for you and you turned to say your goodbyes.
As much as you truly didn't want to.
"Thank you for dinner," you said with a smile.
"Don't worry about it," he assured as he leaned against the doorframe, the cigarette bouncing between his lips with each word.
"Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Aaron."
"You too, Y/N."
You headed to your car, settling into the driver's seat quickly, your brain still reeling from the events of the night.
You glanced back towards the Hotchner home and saw Aaron still leaning against the door frame, the faint orange glow of the lit cigarette piercing through the darkness of the sky.
You pulled away from the house and headed back home, watching as the Hotchner home disappeared from your rear view mirror.
Once you got home, you opened the door and pressed your back against it, still shocked with the overwhelming feelings that were still in your stomach, your head. Everywhere.
Esmé turned her head around towards you from the couch. When she saw your shocked and speechless expression, a shit-eating grin grew rapidly on her face. "Spill...the...details...now," she demanded as you sat down next to her on the couch.
As you were retelling the way you and Aaron had a few more moments that night, your phone dinged.
"Don't be a fool! Answer it!" Esmé hollered, smacking her hand gently on your leg.
Your heart fluttered when you saw the name of the person texting you.
                                                   Aaron Hotchner
-You left your book here. I found it under the couch when I was straightening up.
                                -Oh, I totally forgot about it! Sorry! I'll grab it on Monday.
-The Centaur, huh? You really are a bit of a nerd when it comes to mythology aren't you?
                                            -Maybe. But it's also just a good book in general.
-I'll have to give it a read then.
                    -I'm going to test you on it if you do read it, just so you're aware.
-I'll be counting on it.
-Goodnight, Y/N.
                                                                                            -Goodnight, Aaron.
You sighed loudly, trying to ignore Esmé who was staring at you with wide eyes. You clutched your phone tighter in your hand and turned to look at her.
"I'm in such deep shit," you admitted as you leaned back on the couch, resting your head on the headrest.
authors note:
i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! i also hope the lecture part wasn't too boring. i figured it was a good change of pace.
thanks for reading! i appreciate the support <3
see you next chapter!
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coeurdastronaute · 4 years
Essays In Existentialism: Nerd 13
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Previously on Nerd
“One more time,” Lexa called out, walking backwards to the other end of the lane, her sneakers kicking up some dust as she moved and watched the playback on her phone. 
“Your girlfriend is a little intense, eh?” Evan asked as he followed Clarke back to the start of their scene. 
Clarke looked up and wiped a little sweat from her brow as she watched Lexa move with Luna, talking about something, watching her phone while Luna juggled a camera and a script that’d seen better days. The messy waves were tamed, tied up and hidden by a baseball hat from her sister’s university, well-tattered and sweat-lined. The sleeves on her shirt were rolled up, exposing a slight bit of bicep, her jeans were caked in dirt and mud. 
“She’s hot though, right?” 
“I’m not answering that.” 
“I’ll allow you to answer it just this once.” 
“In a weird way, yeah, I guess,” he shrugged. “Ow! What the fuck?” 
“She’s super hot in a normal way,” Clarke informed him after socking his arm. 
“I meant like, I never considered it. Like, weird in a way I hadn’t considered. I’d prefer not to think of her like that, but you made me.” 
“Good, and you’ll never think of her like that ever again.” 
“Let’s give it one more go, and this time, Evan, I want you to pause before you answer Clarke. I want her words to ring for a moment. Play it how you think your character would feel it. Just for fun.” 
He nodded and Clarke smiled at how serious Lexa was, how intricately she thought about the scene. They’d been at it for three weeks and were nearly finished, toiling away after school as best they could, and Clarke found that she didn’t think she was the world’s greatest actress, but that she did enjoy seeing her girlfriend doing something she was insanely passionate about. There’s a bit of magic in seeing someone happy about something they enjoy. As silly as it might have seemed, Clarke let her imagination wonder to the idea of Lexa actually achieving her dream, of making things. She jumped twenty years, and Lexa was the exact same person, but different, but better, somehow. It was silly, but it helped. 
“Notes for me, sir?” she ventured. 
“You’re perfect. Keep being perfect.” 
As silly as it was again, Clarke smiled proudly and ignored the eye roll Luna gave before setting up with the camera again. 
In reality, it was about six more takes, two more requested by Luna, three requested by Evan, and once by Clarke. It was infectious to care and try to do better. But they were finally done with all else, and the end somehow felt so final. Though she’d been hesitant to try, now that they’d created something, Clarke felt connected to the entire thing. 
“So when will I get to see the entire thing?” Clarke asked, carefully dropping a bag of equipment on Lexa’s bedroom floor. 
“Oh, uh, maybe at the end of the summer? It’ll go through a ton of work with Luna and myself, and I’m not sure what we’re going to do… I will definitely show you though as soon as it is done.” 
“I’d hope so.”
“Thank you for helping me with this,” Lexa offered as she ran her hand over the back of her neck. “I know you are really busy. SAT, work, school, pep squad.” 
“And you’re not?” 
“Well, yeah, but I chose this, and you were recruited,” she shrugged. 
With a sigh, Lexa plopped onto her bed, tired and spent from the busy weekend. 
“You can recruit me anytime,” Clarke promised. 
In a move that was still somewhat new to Lexa, hips circled her own, and knees gripped her thighs, and that led to a lot of feelings in her body, especially in the below the belt part that she hadn’t particularly figured out in the practical sense. Theoretically she knew exactly what was happening. 
Without saying anything else, Clarke removed her girlfriend’s ball cap and tossed it on the bed. Lexa held her hips, ran her hands up her thighs and squeezed there, careful not to move her eyes anywhere but Clarke’s face. But they closed on their own when hands ran along her temples, scratching the sweat and soreness away, melting her instantly. 
There’d been a truce ever since the dance. There’d been a few make outs that went slightly past polite. There’d been a few time hands wandered lazily where they might not have been allowed, but didn’t care about no trespassing signs. There hadn’t been Clarke in her lap though, and Lexa knew this was different. She made it different when her hands slid around hips and toward Clarke’s ass. She squeezed and she thought she’d died. 
By the time Clarke kissed her, Lexa realized she was on her back in her bed with the head cheerleader on top of her. When hips pushed against her, she realized she was going to stop. Hands went to her chest. Hands slid under her shirt. Hands slid under her bra and she pushed back against being pinned. 
It all disappeared in a second, and confused at the loss of lips and contact, Lexa opened her eyes and searched. Clarke sat there, hands braced on her stomach until she lifted her own shirt and tossed it on the floor. Scrambling, Lexa lifted herself, tangling her arms in an attempt at solidarity in taking clothes off only to be aided by an amused girlfriend. 
“Wow,” she whispered, taking her time to look over new skin before her. She kept her hands locked on Clarke’s hips despite wanting to move them. She let her eyes roam shamelessly. “You’re like… wow.” 
“Is this okay?” 
“Very okay.” 
“Thank God,” Clarke nodded before leaning back down, cupping Lexa’s face, and kissing her again, fiercer this time, if it were possible. 
Hips moved more this time. Breathing picked up more. Hands pulled, tugged, grasped tighter. They clawed at each other and at more, at what their bodies already knew how to do but their brains overthought and tempered. It was a battle of want and need and restraint, and in it, they both knew which was losing. 
In a shaky attempt, Lexa somehow unhooked Clarke’s bra. And in an instant her girlfriend was topless on top of her, and now her lower half was absolutely made of lava. It was painfully molten. 
“Oh… my…. Goodness,” she hummed. 
Clarke pressed her hands harder against Lexa’s ribs and rotated her hips. Lexa slid her hands up Clarke’s chest and squeezed. She watched her hands moved and touch and feel. She was touching someone else’s nipples for the first time ever, which was a weird thing to be cognizant of, but something that she never imagined desiring. But she did. And she wanted to memorize it entirely. She earned a hum and she pushed her hips up, in an off-kilter response to Clarke’s hips. 
“Hey Lex, you home, sweetheart?” a voice called out from down the hall. 
The spell was broken. The frantic, hot buildup was drenched in freezing cold water. The skin on display was covered with shirts as quickly as possible and the contact of bodies was broken with as much space as humanely possible placed between them. 
“Yeah, uh,” Lexa cleared her throat and tucked in her shirt for some reason as she stood, her legs wobbly and her head not much more sturdy. “Just got home.” 
“Your mom is bringing home dinner. She got sandwiches from the deli.” 
“Sounds good!” 
“Want to work on your car?” 
“Yeah, I’ll be down in a few minutes.”
“Sounds good, kiddo. I’m just going to go change.” 
Her father’s voice faded as he moved toward his room. Lexa leaned against her door and looked back at Clarke in her room. The blonde just pushed her hair out of her face and tried to adjust her shirt, tugging her bra slightly from the quick reassembly of her parts. Her lips were puffy. Her cheeks were bright red. She was perfect, Lexa realized. 
Lexa cleared her throat again and redid her pony tail. 
“So that was--”
“Really good,” Clarke finished. “Maybe we should… it’s good your dad-- we should talk about this, right?” 
“Um, yeah, I think.”
“Not right now though.” 
“Of course, yeah,” Lexa nodded, unsure exactly what was going to be discussed and even worse when it would be. She needed more context clues because too much had just occurred, and she was a specifics type of girl. 
“I should head home. I have to finish some physics homework and take a cold shower.” 
“Right, yeah. It was hot out there today and I kept you out in the sun.” 
“Okay, we definitely are going to have to have some conversations.” 
“Am I in trouble?” Lexa asked, cocking her head as Clarke picked up her backpack and shouldered it, making her way to the door. 
“Not at all. I just want to be able to talk about sex with you before we do it because I imagine you might need it, and to be honest I’m not sure how much longer I can survive how sexy you are.” 
Sex. Clarke wanted sex. They had almost, Lexa imagined. And Clarke was talking about sex with her and wanted to talk about sex with her and wanted to have sex with her and talk about the having of sex with her and they were going to have sex. Having sex was an option that they were going to talk because they were going to have sex and they should talk about it. It was going to be a thing that was discussed between the two of them because sex was going to happen and it might have almost happened and they should talk about the sex that almost and might also in the future happen. Sex. 
“I’m kidding,” Clarke assured Lexa, pressing her hand to the center of her chest and bringing her back from the place she just died and went to. “I can wait however long we need to, but I think we should talk about it so something like this doesn’t happen and we don’t have a clear line drawn or not drawn. Think about where your line is, I guess and then we can talk about it.”
Clarke kissed Lexa’s cheek and then her jaw and then her neck and then her lips. 
“Are you okay?” 
“Mhm. Yes. Me okay. I’m okay. Always ok.” 
“Did I melt your brain with the mention of sex?” Clarke smiled. 
“Yeah, kind of.” 
“No rush, I promise. Just like to be prepared.” 
“Like a boy scout.” 
“Don’t stress. I like you.” 
“Mmm,” Lexa nodded and tried to make her eyes not be completely huge, tried to make her heart stop throbbing in her pants and ears, tried to make her brain not explode or melt. 
“I’ll talk to you later. Have fun with your dad.” 
“Mmm,” she hummed and nodded as Clarke moved past her toward the door. “See you tomorrow.” 
In an instant, Clarke was gone, and Lexa looked down at her hands. They’d been on Clarke’s naked boobs. She looked at her hips. They’d been on Clarke’s thighs. She looked at her bed and how surprised she was that her body just did some of the things it did. She wasn’t sure what else it was capable of, but she decided she might need to do research. 
“I need to talk to you about two things.” 
“Hey, I’m good, thanks for asking. Just cramming for some finals, but yeah I definitely have time to help you out.”
“Okay, good,” Lexa nodded to herself as she paced through the garage, twisting a wrench around as she moved, twirling it around her fingers. It all happened quite seriously as she surveyed the car as it was coming to life. 
The house was empty, her parents out on a date. Luna was coming over shortly to work on some of their film, but Lexa had a few things she wanted to get done on her car. More than anything though, she needed to speak with her sister desperately regarding many things in her life. 
“How have you been, Lex?” 
“Pretty good.” 
“Anything planned for the summer yet?” 
“I have an internship with a film crew that’ll be in town for a few weeks. My history teacher’s old college roommate is first camera. Some movie of the week thing for the holidays.” 
“Wow! Lex, that’s huge!” 
“I guess. But I need to know about sex. Sex with another girl. You’re in college. Have you had sex with another girl?”
Anya choked on her sip of coffee as she stopped walking down the sidewalk. She nearly dropped part of her armload of books, but managed to get a grip at the last moment. 
“Sorry to disappoint, but I haven’t.” 
“I tried to ask Gus but he said he couldn’t talk to me about it, and I just need someone to tell me what to do because I’ve run out of online resources short of porn and to be honest I looked a few and I didn’t like it.” 
“Lots of information to unpack in this…” 
“What do I do or who do I talk to?” 
“Just give me a second, okay?”
With a sign, Lexa sat the phone down on the edge of the car and went about the tough work of running some wires through the rear panel. If she was doing something with her hand, then she didn’t have to repeat the word sex nine hundred times per minute in her brain. 
“You and Clarke are talking about having sex?” 
“We’re talking about talking about it.” 
“How long have you been dating?” 
“Um since beginning of November. Almost six months.” 
“Do you love her?” 
“I don’t know. I mean…” Lexa paused her movements and furrowed. She hadn’t thought of it like that. It seemed almost insane to quantify her feelings into one word. She was excited to always see Clarke, and when she had a bad day, Clarke was the only person she really wanted to see, and when she did, the bad day just melted away. How was she supposed to figure out if it was love when she couldn’t compare it to anything else? She got butterflies still, when she saw her girlfriend. And Lexa felt this weird need to do things for Clarke, without being asked. She was helpful and attentive because the payoff of Clarke’s smile was worth even a few minutes of forethought. But she hadn’t considered that love, but maybe it was. 
“I really don’t know. I like her a lot. I like how we are” 
“That’s fair. I guess I should rephrase it. What makes you think you’re ready to have sex?” 
“I really want to.” 
“Okay, yeah, well everyone really wants to have sex, but what makes you think you’re ready? Can you confidently say where your boundaries are? Are you ready to have a much more intimate relationship with someone?”
“I was kind of just looking for more help in the mechanics of it.” 
“That’s the easy part,” Anya smiled to herself as she took another sip of her coffee. The weather was changing, the spring breeze ruffled the trees so they loudly clamoured above as she moved with the crowd along the narrow sidewalk. “There’s a certain level of intimacy in having sex with someone, especially someone you really like. I’m not saying it’s good or bad, but it’s certainly different. Do you think you’re ready to do that?” 
“I think so,” Lexa murmured after a moment of contemplation. She tapped a screwdriver against her thigh and stared at a single screw. “I really want to make her feel good and I know that sounds stupid, but I just… Sometimes it’s easier to want to kiss her than tell her exactly what I feel. I want to show her.” 
“I can see how that would work. Just so long  as you take a good bit of time and really consider it. And remember, even if you agree, you can change your mind at any time.” 
“Ugh, not you too! Dad’s already given me a billion consent talks. I just want to go down on Clarke without making a fool of myself.” 
Anya couldn’t help but laugh out loud at the outburst, but she somehow managed to hold her phone away from her mouth as she did. It took her a moment to recover. 
“Just do what you like and listen to her. Ask her what she enjoys. Be receptive to how she sounds and moves. It’s really not that hard. Just give it your all.” 
“This is all fine advice, but I still don’t know how to actually do it.” 
“You’ll figure it out.” 
“I don’t like leaving it up to chance.”
“You’ll be fine, I promise. You care for Clarke and I think she’ll be able to show you a thing or two.” 
“What does that mean?” Lexa paused her movements and furrowed. 
“You’ll see.” 
“I really don’t like the sound of that.” 
“You will, I promise.” 
“Are you coming home this summer?” 
“I might. So, sex with your girlfriend, huh?” 
“Maybe. Is it weird that I just… I want everything to keep going how it has been? It’s been so easy and nice and I didn’t think dating Clarke would be so … so… easy?”
“That’s not weird at all. It sounds like you are having a good time.” 
“I’m going to ask her to go to prom.” 
“Wow,” Anya smiled to herself, doing her best to sound surprised by the news, as if it wasn’t customary to take once’s girlfriend to prom. “Are you going to do a big ask?” 
“Nah, I don’t think that’s me,” Lexa shrugged, even though no one would see it. “And I don’t think it’s Clarke. She’s not like… she’s not like what I would have thought. She’s better.” 
“You’ve got it bad.” 
It was nice to talk to her sister. It was nice to be put at ease, even if she just heard a bunch of stuff she already knew. Lexa wasn’t sure how it came to be that she was someone who talked to her sister every few days and actually filled her in on her life. She wasn’t sure how she enjoyed spending Saturday morning with her parents going on a hike or breakfast. She wasn’t sure how it came to be that the head cheerleader was soft and quiet and warm and made her feel like she was full of helium, but it was all happening, and Lexa felt herself open up to the world again without ever realizing she had been closed. 
For an entire seventy-two hours, Lexa let it all rattle around in her head, the words and the ideas and the thought of it all. All at once it felt like she didn’t know what came next while also incredibly knowing and that held her stuck. She hadn’t thought to ask for more, and she wasn’t sure how to have it. She knew that it was important, and she knew that was a different step than the ones she’d already taken. 
Nothing seemed to change with Clarke though. 
Lexa still held her girlfriend’s hand between classes, and they still hung out and texted and kissed and no one said anything despite Lexa taking her sister’s advice to really think about what it all meant. 
She didn’t know what it meant. Not truly. 
“That’s it. I quit. My brain is melting out of my ears.”
With an exaggerated flourish, the body on the bed flopped over and tossed a notebook onto the floor. Eyes rolled back before a tongue hung out and Lexa smiled from her spot at her desk. The music played softly from the speaker on the bookshelf. It was already dark outside as they worked on studying, but the lights reflected so that outside didn’t exist at all. 
“Your brain isn’t melting. It’s just growing and growing and will soon explode.” 
“I think I prefer the melting,” Clarke sighed. 
Lexa smiled to herself because there was the head cheerleader laying in her bed. And Clarke was wearing her old soccer sweatshirt and she was tired from after work, but still stopped by before heading home just for a few hours of studying. 
“Would you like to go to prom with me?” 
“Yeah you,” Lexa decided, cocking her head slightly. The corpse in her room rolled over again and lifted her head. “With me.” 
“Was it the melting brain thing that really sold you?” 
“I just like how you look in my bed.” 
“Your bed is very comfortable.” 
“I thought about the sex thing and I don’t know if I’m ready right now, or by prom or whatever, but I want to just keep doing things slowly if that’s okay?” 
Clarke sat up so she was kneeling on the bed. She’d already rolled the sleeves of the sweatshirt that hung a little long on her. There was a hole over the letter on the left part of her chest. Her hair was falling out of a messy bun, and her cheeks had their dimples in them. Lexa took a moment to remember it. 
“That’s fine by me.” 
“It is?” 
“I like how fluid everything is with you. I just wanted you to be aware of what you were feeling and what your limits were.” 
“I don’t know them right now, but I’ll know them as things happen, if that’s okay.” 
“Very okay.” 
“Do you want to go to prom with me?” 
“Didn’t I already say yes?” 
“Well then, yes.” 
“Cool,” Lexa grinned, holding her chin on her palm. 
Clarke relaxed slightly and smiled back. 
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jemej3m · 4 years
Aaron takes the mental health course part of pre med (is that a thing?) and starts recognizing Andrew grounding himself, having an episode, etc
Aaron winced as his son sprinted for the door, yelling the whole way. The twins knew that their uncle was coming to visit and were absolutely ecstatic about it. A well-known fact amongst the old Foxes and their children was that Andrew was very, very good with kids. 
Well, Aaron conceded. Andrew wasn’t good with them. He just didn’t even have to try: they loved him right off the bat. And barring the slight furrow in his brows whenever one of Aaron’s twins or Kevin’s spawn whined ‘please!’, he didn’t seem to mind being around them, either. 
His son was jumping for the doorhandle excitedly, so Aaron put his hand atop of his head and stilled him before swinging the door open. 
Andrew was much the same. They were aging the same way, albeit the slight muscular composition difference. Andrew’s teeth were a little more yellow, though he’d given up smoking a few years ago, and Aaron had reading glasses tucked into the collar of his shirt. Other than that, they were just as similar as they always had been. 
“Hey,” Aaron said, but his son was already yelling and jumping and tugging on Andrew’s hand. Andrew’s lips nearly twitched into a smile. Nearly. 
Once his bags were deposited and shoes tucked into a corner, Katelyn handed him a mug of cocoa and they all sat on the couch as the kids regaled their uncle with stories of preschool and their neighbour’s new dog and how Dad had found them in the bathroom with craft scissors, which was why Aaron’s son had such a short haircut now. 
Katelyn got them settled for bed soon after: Andrew had arrived relatively late in the evening, just in time for ‘adult dinner’. 
“How was the flight?” Aaron asked, taking a dish of potatoes out of the oven. 
Andrew hummed into his glass of wine. “Miserable.” 
Aaron had known for quite a while Andrew’s deliberating fear of heights, ever since the Foxes had taken a reunion trip to Hawaii a few years ago. When his wife hustled back into the kitchen, Andrew nodded at her and she smiled back. Aaron felt something odd in his chest. Andrew had been very tolerant of Katelyn lately. He assumed it was the kids’ doing. 
They ate dinner quietly. Katelyn chattered about the kids, and their medical placements. Andrew asked about their specialties. 
Aaron stared at the plate. Katelyn nudged his shoulder. 
“Right.” He glanced up. “I’m not sure. What I want to choose, that is. It’s between surgery or psychiatry.” 
Andrew hummed. “Psychiatry.” 
Aaron shrugged. He’d done a lot of mental health work throughout his postgraduate degree. It just seemed to make sense that he’d go into that field. It takes one to know one, and all that. “What do you think?”
Andrew just arched an eyebrow. “Does it matter?”
“Well, yes,” Aaron said, tone a little frigid. Drake’s trial had been a public debacle, but it was Dr Richmond Proust that Aaron couldn’t get out of his head. It was during their fourth year when the news had come on about a psychiatrist at Easthaven being exposed for forceful sexual conduct with patients. Andrew hadn’t spoken to anyone but Neil for a week, and then disappeared for another two when Waterhouse asked him to stand witness to Proust’s trial. 
“Psychiatry is glorified drug dealing,” Andrew decided, stabbing a piece of broccoli with his fork. He paused, then shrugged. “Could probably do with a bit of Minyard fuckery, though.”
Aaron was finally able to read Andrew’s subtext though: that was the biggest compliment he’d ever get. Unable to bite down a smile, he said “I thought so, too.” 
His brother simply hummed. 
The rest of dinner passed quietly. Andrew had three of Katelyn’s triple fudge brownies and sent a photo of them to Kevin, just to piss him off. The evening slowed down with a nightcap in front of the news, Katelyn heading to bed early. She’d agreed to take the kids to their daycare in Aaron’s stead so that he could have breakfast with his brother alone.
Aaron was just about to turn in for the night when Andrew’s phone rang. Andrew squinted at the unknown number, mouth turned down: he could remember everyone’s phone numbers, and this was clearly one he didn’t recognise.  
He rose the phone to his ear. The slight frown disappeared and transformed into a blank stare, something far deadlier. Aaron hadn’t seen him wear it since college. 
“When,” Andrew snapped, gripping the phone so hard Aaron thought it would break. The voice continued. “And you only thought to call me now? I’m his next-of-kin.” Aaron froze. 
Eventually, Andrew hung up, holding the phone midair as his eyes glossed over. 
“Neil got in a head-on collision,” he mumbled. 
“I’ll book you a flight.”
Andrew wasn’t moving. When Aaron saw a flush rise in his cheeks, he realised Andrew wasn’t breathing, either. Shit. Shit. His brother was having a fucking meltdown. Goddammit, next time Aaron saw Neil he was going to strangle him. 
He got off the couch and crouched down in front of Andrew, careful not to touch him. “Andrew.”
Andrew didn’t move. 
“Hey, Andrew.” Aaron stood up a little more so that they were eye level. “Andrew, you need to breathe. Okay? If you’re going to go make sure Neil’s okay, I need you to breathe.” 
Andrew finally looked at him. He was angry. Terrified. Aaron couldn’t really tell: his gaze was like looking into a void, pupils blown wide. 
Calming someone down was a lot simpler when Aaron didn’t know them. This was like walking a tightrope of barbed wire over an alligator-infested pit. 
“Can I have your phone? I’m going to book you a flight. Okay? Nod if you can hear me.”
Andrew nodded but didn’t relinquish the phone. Aaron grit his teeth. 
“Andrew. It’s going to be okay. He’s unstable, but he’ll make it. He’s always made it. He’s impossible to kill, right?” 
“I hate him,” Andrew mumbled. 
“I know. Can I use your phone?” 
Andrew dropped the phone into Aaron’s hand and dropped his head into his hands, utterly still. His breathing went all ragged and choppy. 
There was a springy voice on the other end of the line. “Hello, this is the service desk for Terminal 1 domestic, how can I -?”
“I need a flight for Denver as soon as you can,” Aaron snapped. “It’s an emergency. When’s the next available one? I’m willing to pay whatever’s necessary.” 
“Oh,” the woman sputtered. “Um, there’s a red-eye leaving in an hour, but there’s only first-class left - ”
“That’s fine. Please book it for Andrew Minyard. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.” 
“Sir, I really can’t - wait, Andrew Minyard? Seriously?”
“Dead serious.” 
“Alright,” she allowed. “Okay. If you can make it to this desk in 25 minutes, I’ll have a seat for you, Mr Minyard.”
Aaron hung up. “Andrew, we need to go.” 
Andrew’s breathing sped up, fingers digging into his hair and pulling hard enough to rip it out. Aaron’s chest began to ache, watching as the sleeves of his shirt fell down to reveal the black armbands, still everpresent after all these years. 
“Hey,” he said, keeping his voice gentle. “Are you with me, Andrew?”
Andrew glanced up slightly, glaring at Aaron’s collarbone. 
“All you need to do is breathe. Neil is okay. He’s going to be okay. You’ll see him soon, alright?” 
Aaron tapped his hand gently on his knee, palm down for four counts, then holding his fist closed for eight counts, then palm up for four counts. Andrew slowly began to breathe in time with his hand, chest heaving as he inhaled through his teeth. 
It took a while, but Aaron watched him slowly come back to his senses. His hands slipped over his eyes once his breathing was steady, kneading at his temples. 
“I’ll drive you to the airport,” Aaron said. 
“Okay,” Andrew rasped. 
“Babe,” Katelyn whispered. “Your phone is going off.”  
Aaron blinked his eyes open, glaring at the ceiling. Why’d he been up so late? 
Oh. Right. 
He blindly reached out for his phone. 
Most of it was the Foxes going mad, but there in the midst of chaos, was Andrew’s number. 
he’s going to be ok. thank you.
Aaron sighed, oddly relieved. He didn’t like Neil Josten one bit, but it would’ve been a slight hiccup if he’d died. 
good, he said, texting blindly without his glasses. don’t mention it.
trust me, his brother texted back. I won’t.
nawww twinyards!
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thisisarcanereverie · 3 years
Should’ve Known Chapter 16
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A/N: Hey sorry for the shorter chapter this time around. I’ve been so busy working almost everyday from 7 am til 8 pm that I haven’t had time to write. 
DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Wanda or Steve they are owned by Marvel, I don’t own the gif either.
WARNINGS:Angst, Swearing, the stages of grief, loss, dark themes, 18 + from here on out.
WORDS : 1,679
SUMMARY: Family Dinner leads to unexpected conclusions. 
In case you missed last chapter
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You walked side by side with Steve and listened as he talked about his retirement on the moon. The way Earth looked from afar, how he sometimes just sat and watched as the Earth turned. Finally you came out of the woods and saw your beautiful wife on the porch, the gentle breeze made her fiery red hair dance in the last few rays of sunlight. You could see that she was anxious, her fingers fidgeting with the ring around her finger. You always found Wanda’s anxious quirks to be endearing, well you just found your wife to be endearing in general. 
You said your goodbyes to Steve, you didn’t hug him but you did give him a small smile before walking to where your wife stood waiting for you. 
You didn’t look back. 
Immediately Wanda wrapped her arms around you, burying her face in your neck. You did the same, you breathed in her scent. You always loved how she seemed to always smell of roses and incense. Meanwhile she did the same, she reveled in the familiar scent of raspberries and your shampoo and conditioner, it calmed and ignited her nerves. 
After a minute or so of just holding each other, swaying slightly, you both pulled away and walked hand in hand through the front screen door into your home. 
“I put the kids to bed already.” Wanda said as she led you to the couch. 
“Did they eat anything?”
“Yeah we had left over stew from last night.” Wanda assured you as she put an arm around your shoulders. 
“We need to go grocery shopping tomorrow.” You said. For a while you just sat there in silence, Wanda’s arm around you while you curled into her side. 
“We need to talk,” Wanda broke the silence. 
“We do.” You agreed as you pulled away from her side slightly to which she responded by bringing you back to your previous position. 
“When we decided to do this we thought Steve was gone.” Wanda began, “and now that he’s back, I...” Wanda trailed off. Scared to finish the sentence, scared of the chance that you might agree with her. You looked at her and sighed, Wanda’s fears weren’t unreasonable. Anyone would fear what this would mean, but over the past six years you grew sure of two things. 
And one of those things was that Wanda Maximoff was the one; and no one would ever take you away from her. 
Even the great Steve Rogers. 
You pulled her to you and pressed a loving kiss to her temple. 
“You’re it for me Wanda Maximoff,” You said, “No one, not even Steve Rogers, can change that.” 
You feel her shoulders relax as she leans into your touch, her green eyes bearing into yours intensely. 
“You’re it for me too, Солнечный свет,” Wanda held your hands tightly, “No one else.” 
That was a few weeks ago, after some time and a lot of discussion. You and Wanda finally decided to introduce the kids to Steve by inviting Steve to dinner. 
You and Wanda and Steve met previously to discuss what to say, after calling Nick and getting him to babysit for the evening. You, Wanda, and Steve went to a quaint restaurant to discuss how things were to go. 
Steve complied with Wanda and your decision to keep his relation to them quiet until they were old enough to understand. Until that time came he was going to be Uncle Steve. 
He held out hope that one day, after a bit of time and healing, they’ll be able to call him dad. 
Finally the day of the dinner came and the kids were so excited you were partly worried that they would exhaust themselves before dinner even began. 
You had just strained the fettuccine noodles when the knock, signifying Steve’s arrival, came. You went to the screen door and was met with baby blue eyes and a tall build. You opened the door for Steve and motioned him inside. He rubbed his hands as he walked inside your warm home. 
“Steve,” You started as you noticed two small gift wrapped boxes peeking out from his coat pocket. 
“Yes?” Steve said innocently. 
“What are those?” You asked, pointing to the boxes peeking out from his coat pocket. 
“I knew if I asked you and Wanda would’ve said no.” Steve defended. You were about to argue before he cut you off. “I missed six birthday’s (Y/n), six. I just...I just want to give them something.” You sighed as you realized it was no use arguing with him once his mind was set. 
“Fine,” you said, “but I don’t want you giving them gifts every time you’re here. Six birthdays is a lot and there’s a lot to be made up for, but presents isn’t the way to make up for that lost time.” Steve nodded in understanding before shrugging his coat off and hanging it on the hook beside the door. Just as he did, the pitter patter of two footsteps could be heard approaching. You notice Steve whip his head at the sound, eyes wide and excitement and nervousness evident. You grab his broad shoulder and give it a comforting squeeze. 
Not a second later Lettie and Steve came into view along with Wanda. 
It didn’t take long for the twins to notice the tall man beside you. Their eyes widened at the height of the stranger. 
“Mama is that Uncle Steve?” Lettie asked, her sweet bell voice ringing through the tension in the air. Wanda momentarily looked at you before returning her attention to the small children in front of her. 
“Yes,” Wanda said, “why don’t you and Stevie go say hi while I help Mommy set up dinner?” The twins nodded at Wanda before excitedly making their way to the blonde giant in the room. Wanda walked to your side as you both watched Steve and the twins meet. 
When the twins reached Steve, Steve knelt to their height. 
“Hi,” the twins said at the same time. 
“Hi,” Steve said, his voice shaking slightly, his baby blue eyes never blinking as he took in the sight in front of him. The product of both you and him stood right there, breathing, blinking, smiling at him. 
“Are you ok?” Stevie asked as a few tears slipped past the ex-captain's eyes. Steve finally blinked and quickly wiped the few stray tears from his cheeks. 
“Yeah champ,” Steve assured him, “I’m fine, a bit of dust got in my eye is all.” 
“That happens,” Lettie said before letting her small hand wipe the last stray tear on the man's sharp cheeks. 
You feel Wanda’s hand hold yours as you both watch the first interaction they’ve ever had with each other. 
“I’m Scarlet but everyone calls me Lettie and that’s my brother Steven but we call him Stevie.” She said as she pointed to her brother next to her. Much like father, Stevie couldn’t stop looking at the blonde before him. A curious look passed over his features before showing a small smile.
“Well it’s very nice to meet you both,” Steve said mustering up the courage to look away. “I’ve heard so much about you both,” Steve started as he stood upright and dug into his coat pockets and dug out two small gift wrapped boxes, “much like how your birthday was last month.” 
The kids' eyes shone with excitement as they accepted the gifts, thanking him in the process. The twins were just naturally polite, they learned early on that it was only polite to say please and thank you when asking or receiving something. 
The twins silently looked to you for approval to open the presents. You gave them a silent it’s ok before they tore open the colorful thin paper. 
Lettie let out a thank you as she opened the box to find a necklace with a star pendant. Stevie did the same as he opened the box to find a compass, it was plain and looked close to Steve’s but it was a newer model. 
Without any warning the twins enveloped Steve in their tiny arms. You could see it took all of Steve’s strength not to crush them in his arms and you felt for him. This was the first time since he was eighteen that he’s been held by someone of his family, the last being his mother before she died. 
All too soon the kids let him go and ushered him to the living room while you and Wanda went to the kitchen to finish dinner. 
You could hear from the kitchen how the kids laughed and talked excitedly with Steve and in a way it both warmed and uneased your heart. For so long it had just been you and Wanda. However, after today it would no longer be like that again. 
You see Wanda lost in thought as she stirred the sauce in the saucepan. You gently wrap your arms around her middle and pressed a gentle kiss on her shoulder. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” You asked her, Wanda continued to stir the sauce with her magic as she turned around in your arms to envelop you in hers. 
“I hope we’re doing the right thing.” Wanda silently said as she pressed her forehead to yours. 
“We are,” you assure her, “we are.” 
You both stood there like that for a few minutes until the sauce began to bubble and was ready to pour over the noodles. After doing that and preparing the garden salad and grabbing the raspberry pie you had made earlier. You and Wanda set the table and soon enough you had called everyone for dinner. 
Once everyone was sat down and served everyone began eating and light chatting in between bites. Steve recounted his retirement to the moon to the kids, in which they asked so many questions in which he gladly answered. Meanwhile you and Wanda shared a look, a look that said that everything was going as planned. 
That was until...
“Are you our dad?” 
@ladydmalfoy @bluemoon-icecream-blog @gaylor-okay @madz47
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lumosinlove · 4 years
Sweater Weather
part xiii
Please read the warnings for this chapter in the tags if you feel you need them. <3
Come down, the text said.
Christmas had been wonderful. Remus’ mother had made a perfect Christmas morning breakfast of pancakes and sausages and fresh orange juice, something Remus hadn’t even been aware he missed so much. Julian’s face had been priceless when he opened the Lions jersey with his own name across the back, Sirius’ signature sprawled across the number 24 on the back. He had missed having his family around. Cooking with his mom, talking and reading on the couch with his dad, shooting pucks in the snowy park and washing the dishes with Julian sitting on the counter, chattering away and drying them carefully. It was peaceful. It was home.
But he couldn’t get his mind off of Sirius. Remus knew he was safe and happy at the Dumais’. Logan was there, too, they were family. Sirius would have been welcomed at any of the teams’ houses, he was sure. But Remus wanted Sirius at his house. He wanted to see his mother trying to teach Sirius to cook, hopeless but patient. He wanted to watch his father moon over him. He wanted to see Sirius watch and laugh when Julian got sleepy after dinner, insisting that he wanted to watch a movie even as his eyes started to close.
He wanted Sirius there, on the couch, as the ball dropped to bring in the new year, while his dad popped champagne and Julian jumped up and down, throwing the paper confetti they had cut that morning. His parents leaned in for a soft peck, whispering an I love you, and Remus just—he wanted.
The text said, come down.
Remus’ heart drove into double time.
They’re getting ready for bed, he replied.
Take your time. I’ll be here.
Remus bit back a smile and clicked his phone off, holding it to his chest.
“I’m leaving some dishes to soak,” his mom said, coming over to kiss his cheek.
“I’ll do them in the morning,” Remus said. “What time does your flight leave?”
“Not until tomorrow evening,” Hope looked at him for a moment, then reached forward to push his hair away from his face. “Re, I’m so happy that…well, you’ve really grown. You look so much happier than…well.”
“I know,” Remus said. Since the accident, was what she meant. He smiled, squeezing her hand. “I am. I really am.”
“Happy New Year’s, baby,” she said. “I better go make sure your brother’s in bed.”
Remus laughed. “Probably wearing his jersey again.”
Hope laughed. “Probably.”
Remus watched, trying not to be too obvious about it, as she poked her head into Remus’ room where Julian was sleeping, and then disappeared into the guest bedroom. She waved once, before shutting the door. Remus forced himself to go into the living room and make his bed out of the pull-out couch, giving her time to get ready for bed.
He lasted ten minutes before slipping out the door.
Coming, he sent off, and received a few exclamation points and a short, parking lot.
Remus glanced back down the hallway as he quietly put on his jacket, pulling a beanie low over his ears against the winter air. The house was quiet as he slipped outside.
Sirius’ car wasn’t running, but Remus spotted it easily in the parking lot as he ran through the chilly night and knocked on the window. Sirius looked up and reached over with a grin, popping the door open. He was wearing a puffy jacket and beanie of his own, his hands covered in gloves.
“Hey there, All-Star,” Remus said as he hopped in and pulled the door shut behind him.
Sirius half laughed, half groaned. “Don’t remind me. C’mere.”
Remus leaned over for a kiss, pressing his hand against Sirius’ cheek. Sirius made a noise and pulled back a little, taking Remus’ hand into his gloved ones.
“What are you doing? It’s fucking freezing, Loops.”
Remus just leaned forward for another kiss. “Wanted to see you.”
Sirius sent him a mockingly disapproving look before cupping Remus’ hands between his own. Remus watched, heart flipping, as he leaned down and blew hot air over them, then kissed the cold-red knuckles.
“Better?” Sirius said. “Good thing we’re going to Florida soon.”
But Remus half heard him, too focused on the way Sirius was holding Remus’ hands, his entire attention on keeping them warm. Keeping Remus warm.
“Can we…” Remus glanced towards the back seat. “Just, this thing is sort of…” he hit his knee against the gear shift. “In the way.”
Sirius laughed. “Say no more.”
Remus grinned, and there was a brief blast of cool air through the car as both of them moved to the back seat, Sirius behind the driver’s side, Remus the passenger’s. Remus got in first, and watched as Sirius pulled his door closed, breath a puff of air. Remus scooted over, pressing up against Sirius’ side. Sirius said something quick and sweet that Remus didn’t catch, as it was mostly mumbled into a kiss on his temple, and wrapped him up in his arms.
“Bonne année, mon loup,” he said quietly into the small space between them.
“Happy New Year,” Remus repeated as Sirius’ gloved fingers tilted his chin up for a kiss.
“How long do we have?” Sirius whispered, lips trailing across Remus’ cheek to his jaw.
Remus felt his eyes slip closed, the tension of being away from Sirius releasing at having him so close.
“Everyone’s asleep,” he said, fingers reaching to tug gently on the zipper of Sirius’ jacket. “I think we have a few hours.”
Sirius made a pleased noise, pressing a quick burst of kisses to Remus’ cheek. “Good. How was Christmas?”
“Really good,” Remus said. “Jules practically died at the jersey. Lots of baking. What about you, how’s Dumo’s?”
“Why did I ever leave such close proximity to Celeste’s cooking?” Sirius sighed, and Remus laughed. “No, but it’s great. The kids woke me and Logan up at, merde, five? In the morning? Was nice though.”
Remus bit back a smile. “Saw that picture Logan posted of your matching pajamas.”
“I’m going to murder him.”
Remus snorted, leaning in for a kiss. Sirius obliged for a moment, licking sweetly into his mouth, before he made a noise like he remembered something.
“Speaking of,” he said, absentmindedly taking Remus’ hands and pressing them beneath his jacket and sweater, right to the warm skin of his stomach, he winced a little, but held them there. “Warmer, non?”
Remus nodded faintly, unable to find the words.
“Speaking of murder,” Sirius began again, and Remus burst out laughing.
“Re, I found your tapes.”
“Oh?” Remus said.
“Fuck me,” Sirius said, followed by a flurry of French. He pulled Remus towards him and kissed him hard. “I…you’re so fast.”
Remus smiled faintly, looking down. “I was, huh?” He glanced up, raising his eyebrows. “And that relates to murder because…?”
“I’m going to die watching them,” Sirius laughed. “Fuck, Re. You make goalies look like they can’t see out of their fucking masks. How did I never hear your name?”
Remus took a deep breath in through his nose. This was the closest to telling the truth he had ever come but, looking at Sirius in the soft yellow streetlight coming through the window, he felt okay. It wasn’t the whole thing, and maybe he’d never be ready for the whole thing…but it was almost. Sirius deserved that.
“You know Greyback?”
Sirius blinked, obviously surprised. “Yeah. First overall the year before me. He’s on…what, Golden Knights now?”
Remus nodded. “Right. Well, we—we were at Wisconsin together. We played. Everyone thought we would be drafted together.” Remus shrugged a shoulder. “Fenrir didn’t like the sound of that.”
Sirius’ face melted into one of horror. He understood. Of course he understood. “He was worried you’d take first.”
Remus just nodded again, then tapped his left shoulder. “Busted me up pretty good for it. Enough to convince the League I’d never play again. This was, I don’t know, few months before. I’m not surprised you don’t remember. No one likes thinking about career ending injuries when their healthy. Totally normal.”
“Re…fuck me, the next time we play Vegas—”
“No,” Remus hit him in the chest lightly. “No, you will not do anything except beat him and his team.”
Sirius groaned. “Please let me punch him.”
Remus laughed. “No.”
Sirius leaned in, pressing a kiss to one of Remus’ cheeks, then the other. “Mon Loup.” Sirius pulled at Remus’ waist until he gave way and straddled Sirius’ hips, head ducked low in the space of the car.
“Mon Loup,” Sirius said again, softly. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
Remus shook his head, kissing the corner of Sirius’ mouth. “It was a long time ago. It just…I didn’t trust anyone for a little while. Especially on the ice. It was easier like this, having the job I have. I’m in control. I’m there to help. Do I miss the ice? Of course. Every day. But I also really, really love my job.”
Sirius nodded, hands on Remus’ thighs, and Remus reached out for the number twelve necklace.
“Let’s talk about something happier,” Remus said. “This is a new year, you’re an All-Star, we’re probably going to the play-offs—”
“Non, non,” Sirius gasped, laughing lightly as he pressed a hand over Remus’ mouth. “Don’t say it.”
Remus laughed, holding his hands up in surrender, and Sirius soon replaced his palm with a kiss.
“We could have had an entire week off together instead of the fucking All-Star game, but…” Sirius groaned. “Don’t want to talk about that either.”
Remus ducked down and pressed a hard kiss to Sirius’ lips. “Okay, okay. Jeez, grumpy.”
Sirius, in contrast, made a delighted sound, and accepted the kiss. He went to tuck his fingers into Remus’ hair, but was instead met with the beanie.
“Cute,” he said, before taking it off. “Too cold?”
“Not a chance,” Remus breathed, his entire body heating up with Sirius’ touch. He pushed at Sirius’ shoulders a little, settling him into the corner between the seat and the door, so he could stretch his legs out, supporting Remus more. Sirius gripped Remus’ thighs appreciatively.
“I think the team finally gets how fucking hot you are,” Sirius said.
“Oh? Was that something you were hoping to discuss with them?”
Sirius snorted. “Non. Just…you’re—everything.”
Remus’ heart caught.
“I just mean,” Sirius said, his eyes on Remus’. “You save our asses every day, you help us. You are fucking talented as shit, and then, for me, you’re just…gorgeous. Mon dieu, Remus, you in the showers… if I hadn’t just come…”
Remus laughed. “Okay, enough compliments.”
Sirius shook his head. “It’s the year of compliments.”
“You’re too sweet for me.”
“No, I’m perfect for you.”
The words were true. Remus looked down at Sirius, soft in the streetlight filtering into the garage, and pressed his hands to his cheeks.
“I think you are,” Remus said softly, but that wasn’t good enough. He said it more firmly. “You are."
Sirius’ expression changed, laughter fading. They stared at each other.
“Remus,” Sirius said.
Remus’ thumbs stroked over his cheeks. “Yeah?”
“I don’t want to hide forever.”
“I don’t want to either.”
“But I’m scared. I’m scared.”
Remus nodded, kissing Sirius once, twice. “I know. Don’t feel like you have to do anything, okay? Sirius, I…I’m in.” Remus took a breath, kissed him again, short and hard. “I’m in with you, okay? No matter what. As long as you’re here for me, too.”
“I am,” Sirius whispered. “I always want to be.” He smiled then, nervous but real, and tapped Remus’ wrist right over the watch he had gifted him.
Remus smiled, too, and Sirius leaned forward off of the seat to kiss him with a small, almost desperate noise.
“One day?” he said.
“Name the date,” Remus murmured against Sirius’ mouth. “I told you I’d wait.”
Sirius laughed lightly. “No pressure.”
“No,” Remus said, and pulled back to raise his eyebrows at him. “There’s really no pressure at all. Really, Sirius. As long as…as long as I have this, you, these moments…I’m so happy.”
Sirius’ expression was a quiet one, lost in thought for the most part, and adoring. He rubbed a hand up and down Remus’ side, loving. “Come somewhere with me this summer. Anywhere. A trip. I don’t care, Paris, the fucking jungle, Seattle. I don’t care, I just want to be somewhere. With you.”
Remus’ face broke into a grin. “I want that. Yeah, let’s do it.”
Sirius smiled back, and it filled up the entire space, the small car, the world, Remus’ entire chest.
“Happy New Year,” Sirius said, and kissed him.
Later, as Remus stood and watched Sirius drive away, he tried to think of where he had been this time last year. Happy, yes. Happy with his job, and himself, and how far he had come. Just beginning to think about coming out to his family, but never getting around to it. Loved by his family, his friends, his colleagues.
This year was different. No words had been put to it yet, and Remus understood why. But that didn’t change how he felt.
This year, he felt loved in an entirely different way.
This year, he was in love.
After Christmas, after Gryffindor’s Decembers, Remus was more than ready for a little sunshine in Florida. The Tampa Bay Lightnings had swept the Penguins last year in the playoffs, giving them lots of credit, at least in Remus’ mind. He was excited for the game, excited for the sunshine—
“Well, I’m excited to see you in a swimsuit.”
Remus looked down at Sirius, who was mouthing at the cut of his hips, carefully and torturously avoiding his hard cock. His hair was a wild, morning-mess of curls, and his eyes were sleepy, mouth soft and warm. The sunlight was filtering through the large windows in Sirius’ bedroom, and they were alone for the first time in what felt like weeks. Remus missed Sirius so much he felt it in his veins, and he guessed Sirius felt the same. He had been woken up at five in the morning, hours before they had practice, by Sirius’ hand gently cupping his soft cock through his underwear, Sirius’ already hard one against his hip.
“Jesus,” Remus breathed. “You just asked to suck my dick. I don’t think there’s anything left to be revealed.”
“I disagree,” Sirius said and bit down gently on Remus’ hip, looking up with a devastating mixture of bold and bashful. “You’ll tell me what’s good, d’accord?”
“It’s all good,” Remus grumbled, settling a hand in Sirius’ hair. “‘m gonna come just thinking about it.”
“No, no,” Sirius pressed a kiss to the side of Remus’ cock. “Not yet.”
Remus let his head fall back into Sirius’ pillows, spreading his legs further on his massive bed. Sirius pushed his arms under Remus’ hips, letting Remus’ calves rest on top of his shoulders. He kept his hands firmly on Remus’ waist, warm and strong.
“I might suck, okay?”
Remus, cock hard and flushed against his stomach, gave Sirius an incredulous look. “You might?”
Sirius blinked at him for a moment, and then burst out in a laugh, resting his forehead against Remus’ hip bone. “I meant I might be bad at this.”
“Sirius, you laughing next to my dick gets me going.”
Sirius bit his lip, and then moved his gaze to Remus’ cock again. It was thick, even if not quite as large as Sirius’. Remus’ pale skin was flushed all the way down his chest from Sirius’ mouth and the anticipation. He was practically tingling with it. His cock twitched hard when Sirius, finally, leaned down and pressed his mouth to the base in an open, soft sort of kiss.
Remus pet his hand through Sirius’ hair, watching quietly. He liked Sirius like this, sweet and careful. He could tell how turned on he was, though, but the way his hips were gently, almost unnoticeably, rocking against the bed.
He was so focused on Sirius’ hips, that the hot pressure around the tip of his cock nearly took him by surprise. Sirius sucked hard, and Remus felt the blunt pressure of his tongue against his slit, too.
“Oh,” Remus breathed out, fingers tightening in Sirius’ hair.
Sirius pulled off with a soft sound, and Remus’ cock bobbed above his stomach.
“Good?” Sirius asked simply, and Remus laughed, eyes closed.
“Yeah, baby.”
Sirius hummed appreciatively, and then he sucked Remus down, farther this time, hands moving down to Remus’ ass, fingers digging into the hard muscle.
Remus let out a long, unsteady breath. “Fuck…”
Sirius moaned in response and Remus’ hips jerked up.
“Ah—“ Remus gasped. “Sorry, you okay?”
Sirius just looked at him, and Remus could feel the hard press of his tongue. He realized Sirius was looking for instruction. The thought made Remus even hotter. Sirius, so confident on the ice, a menace, really, taking whatever he wanted. And yet waiting for Remus to tell him this.
He eased a hand around the back of his head, pressed down lightly. Sirius’ mouth moved with him, and Remus’ dropped open, his breathing heavy.
“Go easy,” Remus said, realizing immediately that it was a mistake.
Sirius’ eyes darkened, accepting the challenge.
“Jesus Christ,” Remus had time to say before Sirius was pulling off again and getting his knees beneath him, propping himself up to get a better angle. He laughed at Remus’ expression as he retrieved his hands from beneath Remus’ thighs, letting Remus’ legs splay out on either side of his hips. He circled his hand around Remus’ cock. He jacked him a few times, drawing a dribble of precome out.
“Easy?” he questioned, and then bent again, lips brushing the red head. “Remus…”
Remus smirked. Sirius was smug again, brimming with confidence. Remus wanted both sides, and he loved that Sirius gave them to him so willingly. “Alright, do whatever you want, Captain.”
That pulled the arousal back into Sirius’ expression, and Remus could see his cock now, heavy between his legs and dripping onto the sheets. Sirius bent, wordless, and slipped Remus back into his mouth, inch by inch, until his lips met his fist and Remus’ breathing was shaky.
He dragged up, cheeks sucked in, and Remus let his head drop back on the pillows again, hands fisting the sheets.
“Of course you’re good at this. Is there anything you aren’t good at, Christ, Sirius.”
Sirius just hummed, making Remus’ hips jolt again, and reached for Remus’ hand, placing it back on his neck.
“Aw, baby,” Remus said, squeezing Sirius’ shoulder muscle and then cupping the back of his head.
Sirius’ fingers found Remus’ hips again, digging in and he moaned. Remus wanted to touch him so bad, could catch glimpses of his cock, stiff and needy. Remus relaxed into the rhythm Sirius was building up, mouth open at the wet glide around his cock. He ached with it, felt the pressure building in his core.
“I’m gonna come soon,” Remus said, widening his legs as his balls drew up. “Sirius…”
Sirius didn’t pull up, but sucked harder, twisting his fist around Remus’ cock while he tongued at the head.
“Fuck, you’re so—” Remus’ hips strained upward, head digging into the pillows as his back arched. “I’m gonna, Sirius, I’m gonna—”
Sirius moaned in a way that sounded negative, like he was telling Remus not to come yet. It made Remus gasp. Sirius sunk down again, splaying his legs so he could rut against the bed. He sucked in time to his own thrusts, his eyes shut. His cheeks had a dark flush on them and Remus’ cock pulsed as he tried not to come, as Sirius gripped him hard around his base. It prolonged the crest, the feeling of being just there but not quite. Remus felt like he was already coming, his breathing quick with it. The position showed off Sirius’ shoulders, muscles moving with every hard flex of his hips.
Remus’ back arched harder, and then he forced his hips back down on the bed. His balls ached with how good he felt.
Sirius pulled off with a gasp, panting with his cheek on Remus’ hip. Remus’ cock was shining with his spit and jerking as it pulsed out precome.
“Loops,” Sirius panted, and mouthed just above his own fist, sloppy kiss after sloppy kiss. “Fuck, okay, come, come for me.” he said, and trailed his mouth back up to the tip, sucking Remus down again.
Both of Remus’ hands went to Sirius’ head this time. Sirius held Remus’ hips, his own working faster now, grinding down in small circles. He pulled up to suck hard on the head, and Remus was finished. His hips jolted and he moaned as he came hard into Sirius’ mouth. Remus’ hands pulled at Sirius’ hair and Sirius kept him warm and steady for another moment, tongue gentle.
Sirius pressed his forehead to Remus’ hip again as his fist worked him down, grinding against the bed with small sounds that Remus swore were going to get him hard again.
“C’mere,” Remus wrapped his hands around Sirius’ arms, pulling him, and then pushing him, until he was settled on his back. Remus trailed his fingers up Sirius’ wet cock and Sirius closed his eyes. “What do you want baby? Anything.”
Sirius opened his eyes again and, without a word, gathered Remus to his chest. Remus came willingly, kissing Sirius’ neck and jaw, his cheeks and temples, anywhere he could reach.
“You’re so good,” Remus whispered as he ground his hips and sensitive cock against Sirius’ straining one. “That was so fucking good.”
Sirius made a low noise, arms wrapped around Remus’ back. “Re.”
“Come for me, baby,” Remus grinned. “And then you can think about me while you’re in the showers today, eh?”
“Oh fuck me,” Sirius managed to laugh, temples beaded with sweat as he rut up against Remus.
Remus felt that protectiveness flame up in his gut, familiar by now. He went back to kissing Sirius' neck, teeth scraping and heart leaping with the idea of leaving a mark that he knew he couldn’t leave.
“Je le veux,” Sirius said when he felt Remus’ teeth. I want it.
“This summer,” Remus breathed. “I promise.”
Sirius came between them, sudden and long. He held Remus against him, pressing his lips against his temple.
I love you, Remus thought for what felt like the thousandth time since New Year’s.
He kissed Sirius slowly, trying to pour the words out.
“Love waking up with you,” Sirius said, hands stroking down Remus’ sweaty back. His voice was scratchy and soft. “Watching you wake up, blinking and all that.”
Remus pressed his cheek against Sirius’ chest, listening to his heart. It was pounding.
I love you. I love youIloveyou—
Sirius’ alarm went off.
“Fuck,” Sirius laughed, and squeezed Remus tighter. “Shower? You know, the thing I’m going to embarrass myself in today after I get hard thinking about you.”
Remus grinned, cock fattening again with interest at the image. “That sounds nice.”
“Which one?” Sirius looked down at him, eyes on his semi. He reached for it, palming it gently. Remus’ breathing quickened again and he raised his head, doing his best to look innocent.
Sirius snorted, slapping Remus’ ass and rolling them out of bed.
Florida was just as warm as Remus was hoping it would be. Warm enough, and sunny enough, for the team to organize a beach workout.
“They call it a beach workout,” Logan said, throwing his hat down on a lounge chair so he could pull his shirt over his head. Remus eyed the fleur-de-lis tattoo on his left hip, a dark outline against his tan skin. “But it’s a beach day.”
“Sand sprints,” Kasey sighed, watching the waves and the rest of the team settle down in various rows of beach chairs. “Oh joy. Oh joy, oh joy.” He mumbled that to himself before discarding his shirt, too. “Yo, Loops, from one pale guy to another, wanna do my back?” He held up a bottle of sunscreen.
Remus really liked beach days.
“Sure, Kase,” Remus said.
“Sucks to suck,” Logan said, flexing his shoulders. “No burning here, baby. Can’t speak for freckles over here.”
“Hey,” Finn pushed his sunglasses into his hair as he threw his stuff down on the chair beside Logan. “Skincare is important.”
“I’m going swimming,” Leo announced, and shoved Finn in the direction of the water.
“Hey, Nut,” Logan snorted. “Ask Finn about seaweed.”
“That was one time, it’s slimy, and if any of it so much as floats near me, I’m done.”
Leo laughed. “I’ll protect you, Harz, come on.”
Logan stared after them, but didn’t follow. When he turned, he had put his own sunglasses back on, and Remus couldn’t read his expression. Logan sat down heavily on his chair. Maybe Remus would be able to find some time to get him alone this trip.
“Loops,” Sirius said, walking up to them through the sand. He looked gorgeous, baby blue bathing suit setting off his tan skin nicely. “There’s a chair with me, Talker and James, if you want it.”
“Thanks,” Remus smiled, trying to subtly check out the curve of his ass in the thin material. “C’mere, Kase, before I go.”
Kasey handed him the sunscreen and Remus squirted some into his palm. He sent another look to Sirius, who’s eyes were carefully blank, and smirked as he rubbed the lotion into Kasey’s sun-warmed, strong back.
“Aw, you’re just like Nat,” Kasey said. “Warming it up in your hands and shit, man.”
Remus laughed. “Thanks?”
“Always taking care of us, eh, Loops?” Sirius said.
“I do my best.”
The entire beach was crowded, and some girls in the tiniest bikinis Remus had ever seen asked for pictures with a few of the guys—Thomas the most popular—but other than that, everyone was relaxed and enjoying the much needed break from the brisk winds of Gryffindor.
Remus was on a chair between Sirius and Thomas, chin tilted up towards the warmth.
“Looking a little pink there, Loops.”
Remus cracked an eye open and looked at Sirius, who had just come back from a dip in the ocean. His hair was pushed away from his eyes, sopping and sticking up. The salty droplets fell down his body and Remus, behind his sunglasses, allowed himself a glance at the way his trunks wetly clung around the shape of his soft cock.
Remus loved beach days.
“I’m gonna put the umbrella up.”
“I’ll do it for you,” Thomas said, coming up behind Sirius, dark skin glistening and smile bright.
“Thanks, Talker,” Remus grinned at Sirius’ expression, as if offended that another man would get to raise Remus’ umbrella for him.
“No problemo. I’m gonna get a smoothie, anyone want one?”
“Yes,” James gasped, looking up from where he was lying on his stomach, and Remus jumped. He had thought he was asleep. “Please, I would like—strawberry banana? Yeah, that’s what I want.”
“Anything blueberry, I think,” Sirius said. “Thanks, Walkie.”
“Same,” Remus smiled up at him.
Sirius kicked Remus’ foot as Thomas walked away. Remus looked up in time to see Sirius glance at James, and then jerk his head towards the sea.
Remus smiled, and pushed himself out of his chair.
“Beach days are the best,” Remus said as his feet sunk down in the sand.
Sirius snorted. “Why, because you get to rub sunscreen all over Kasey Winter?”
“That was nice. Maybe it’s because Thomas is walking around all handsome.”
Sirius made a noise that was close to a whine and Remus laughed.
“Maybe it’s because your swimsuit’s clinging to your dick like they’re in love.”
Sirius burst out laughing as they waded into the water. “Alright, alright.”
The water was warm and Remus sunk right into rolling wave, diving down below it and letting the current pull him back for a moment before surfacing. The salt was cool and heavenly on his skin. He flicked his hair out of his face and looked up at Sirius, squinting in the sun.
“I’m never going back to winter,” Remus said.
“Yeah?” Sirius was smiling softly at him, eyes darting all over his face. Suddenly, he could see it. A trip with Sirius, just the two of them. No practice. No worries.
Remus shook his head, and dunked beneath the water again. Everything became quiet for a moment. He could hear the sand sifting against itself. The silence made his thoughts suddenly loud.
He loved Sirius.
He loved Sirius.
Remus broke through the surface just in time for Sirius to dive under. He felt Sirius’ hand press against his chest, submerged, and then it was gone as Sirius surfaced again. But Remus was grinning, hand where Sirius’ had been.
From the sea, Remus could see how the team had spread out. Jackson, Evgeni, Sergei, and Pascal were playing volleyball a little ways down, Leo and Finn were still in the water together. Remus didn’t see Logan. He hoped he went to get smoothies with Thomas. He could see Olli near by, sun shirt and sunhat on, in the shade, happily away from the sun and reading a book.
“Did you notice anything funny with Logan at Christmas?” Remus asked Sirius as they floated together, carried up and down with the waves and hands brushing.
“This again?” Sirius smiled a little and shrugged. “I don’t think so? I mean, I think it’s funny that he’s not living with Finn, but who am I to talk? Took me a long time to move out, too. Celeste is heaven in a person.”
Remus smiled, licking salt from his lips. “Yeah, no…” Remus finally spotted Logan on the beach. He was still sitting on his chair, eyes down and on his phone. “I just was wondering.”
“What do you think’s up with him?”
Remus shook his head. “I’m not sure yet. I’ll let you know.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow. “Okay… I am the captain, you know.”
“No, really?”
Sirius grinned, floating on his back. “I just mean I’m here to help.”
“I’ll let you know, Captain.” What Remus didn’t say was, I actually think this one might help you.
“Hey,” Sirius said, and Remus looked. Sirius was sun-kissed. His eyes took on the light color of the water. Sirius swam closer, even though no one was close enough to hear. “I’d kiss you right now if I could. You look gorgeous.”
Remus let their feet brush in the floating sand. “I’d kiss you right back, baby.”
“Florida ice sucks,” Finn yelled, slapping his stick against it. “Bouncy mother fuck.”
They were at morning practice, two hours of ice time at the Lightning’s rink before the game that night. Remus was partly watching Sirius laughing as he and Olli played keep away while the next drill was set up, partly nodding along to Finn, leaning against the boards complaining, and partly looking at Logan across the rink, silent beside where Pascal and Kris were talking. He was shuffling a small bit of shaved ice with his stick, back and forth, back and forth.
“Loops, you should practice with us,” Finn said.
“He’s not insured,” Coach said, flipping through his notes. He was firm, but he sounded sorry. “If he gets hurt, he could sue us.”
Finn scoffed. “What if I pay him off right now?”
“Harzy, get your ass out on that ice and don’t complain about it.”
Finn sighed, but bumped his glove against Remus’ fist. “I fought for you. You took me down, and I fought for you.” He tapped his temple. “Remember that, Lupin.”
Remus laughed. “Whatever you say, Harz.”
Sirius was in full blown captain-mode, laser-focused on making sure they won every game they could. It was January now. They were getting closer and closer to clinching a play-off spot. But they had to keep winning. Remus watched him touring around the ice, checking in on everyone—Leo, in goal. Talking plays with Pascal. Mostly discussing but sort of arguing with the coaches in the endearing and intimidating way that he had.
Remus loved him.
They were five minutes into three-on-three drills when Logan went down hard near the goal, accidentally tripped up by Leo. It was an awkward, sudden fall, a caught skate blade-on-blade. It took him a second to get up, and Remus didn’t know if it was because he was hurt, or becomes of something else. He had been acting dazed all practice, Remus was trained to look for that for concussion reasons. Only, Logan hadn’t hit his head.
Sirius skated up to him, stopping just short of the boards. “I want you to check Tremz out.”
“The kid’s asleep on his feet,” Moody said from beside Remus. “Or something.”
“Tremz,” Remus called, and motioned him over with a beckoning hand.
Finn skated with him, as if afraid Logan was going to fall. By the look on Logan’s face, Remus didn’t think it was an entirely unreasonable fear.
“I’m telling you, Lo, Florida ice,” Finn said as Logan stepped off. His tone was teasing, but his worried eyes met Remus’.
Alright, come with me, Tremz.”
“Okay,” Logan said. He didn’t look at Finn.
“I just got tripped, Loops,” Logan said from the exam table. Remus saw the sleepless purple beneath his eyes. “Everything feels fine.”
“I know, it didn’t look bad,” Remus said as he washed his hands. “It took you a second to get up though. Feeling okay? I noticed a little at the beach, too. Thought it was the heat, but…”
Logan was silent for a few, long beats.
“Yeah,” he finally said, and that was all. It was faint, and Remus sighed and turned around. Logan was staring at his hands, gloves and helmet beside him.
“Logan,” Remus began, and Logan looked up. Remus stayed across the room, leaning against the sink and shelves. “I just want you to know…I want you to know that I’m a resource for you. That the confidentiality that applies to people like doctors, any sort of doctor, applies to me. I only have to report things if I feel like they pose a danger to yourself, or to other people.”
Logan blinked at him, hands twisting in his jersey.
“I’m here, Tremz. If you want to talk. If you need anything. Really. I’m here.”
Remus turned around, then, giving him space, busying himself with random things until—
“I’m so…” Logan’s voice was faint, small in a way that Remus had never heard it.
Remus turned around slowly, and his heart hurt for him. Logan was staring at his hands, still pulling at his jersey, and his eyes were dull with the pain of whatever he was thinking about.
“I’m…” he tried again, and swallowed hard. He looked up at Remus. “I’m horrible.”
Remus shook his head slowly, and walked over to him. “Why do you think that?”
Logan looked down again. He squeezed his eyes shut, and when he opened them again, there were tears on his dark lashes.
“Fuck,” he wiped at them roughly, angrily.
“It’s okay, Tremz, hey…” Remus reached out, rubbing a hand over his back.
“No, it’s—” Logan tried again.
And then suddenly, in the next breath, Logan was sobbing. Great, heaving sobs that wracked his entire body. The scary part was, they were nearly silent besides his ragged breathing, as if he couldn’t bear to let them out but couldn’t catch his breath either. They tore out of him.
“It’s okay,” Remus said softly. “This is okay.”
Logan buried his face in his hands, elbows on his knees, and cried.
Remus felt tears in his own throat just at the sight. This was hurt. This was pure hurt.
“I can’t love him,” Logan said, breathing hitching while he tried to get the words out. “I can’t—they’re—”
Remus took that in stride. He figured this was something to do with sexuality, based on what Leo had said—or, rather, shown. He thought of the multi-colored thread of his bracelet.
Remus shook his head. “Yes, you can.”
Logan looked up at him, green eyes bright and chest still jumping with his tears. He shook his head. “No.”
“Yes,” Remus said gently. “Logan, you can love whoever you want.”
“Not here,” Logan’s lip trembled and he blinked new, hot tears. He wiped at his face with the sleeve of his jersey. “Fuck, Loops you see what they—if they knew…”
“I know,” Remus said quietly. “I understand why you’re scared. I’m…” Remus took a breath. “I’m the same. And when I was playing…I was scared, too.”
That froze Logan in his tracks.
If anyone had told Remus a year ago that the first person he would be coming out to was Sirius Black, the second Leo Knut, and the third Logan Tremblay, he would have laughed.
“You’re…” Logan breathed.
Remus nodded silently. “Yes. And I understand.”
In the next moment, the door was opening.
“Hey, Loops, is Tremz—”
Remus felt Logan recoil at Finn’s voice, eyes widening at Remus as they both turned to look.
For a moment, Remus could only watch as Finn appeared, just his head and shoulders through the door, sweat dripping from his hair. The smile slowly dropped from his face as he took in the sight in front of him. Logan’s red eyes. His shaking hands.
He took another step inside. “Lo, oh my god.”
“Harz, do you want to give us a minute?” Remus said as steadily as he could. This was not what Logan needed. He should have locked the door.
“Lo, what’s wrong?” Finn looked at Remus. “Is he okay? What’s—Lo, what’s wrong?”
“Finn,” Remus said more firmly. “I’m asking you to give us a minute.”
“Logan,” Finn said again, taking another step through the door. He looked tall on his skates, but wrecked by what he was seeing. Remus heard Logan let out a low sob from beside him, and watched Finn’s face break, worried and confused.
“Finn, leave,” Remus said, and walked forward, pushing Finn gently backwards.
“Hey, no—get off me,” Finn said louder, and looked desperately back at Logan. “Lo…”
Logan looked down, lip shaking like it was taking everything in him to hold himself together.
Remus had never seen Finn aggressive off of the ice. For a moment, Remus thought he was going to push back, but then he deflated again.
“Logan,” Finn pleaded.
“Finn, I swear to fucking god, listen to me,” Remus gave him a shove. He opened the door. “I’m sorry, I know. You can talk to him later, that’s up to you, but right now, this is my office.”
Remus shut the door. They could both see Finn’s silhouette, standing there still, through the shade on the window. After a few, long moments, it disappeared.
Remus turned. “Oh god, Logan, I’m so sorry, I should have locked—”
Logan let out another breath, half air half tears, and shook his head. “None of this is your fault.”
“No, I told you that you could talk and then the person you’re talking about fucking—walks right in.”
Logan looked up, startled. “You know?”
Logan’s hands gripped the padded table on either side of his thighs. “Do people know?”
“No, no, no—” Remus held up his hands, walking back over to him. “No, I swear, Tremz, no one knows.”
“How do you?”
Remus took a breath. “Um. Well…”
“Remus,” Logan said. He looked truly panicked. “Remus.”
“I can’t say that without—” Remus sent Logan a pleading look.
“Was it Finn?”
Remus pressed his lips together. He shook his head.
“It was Leo,” Logan said.
Remus knew before he could help it that his surprised expression gave him away. He guessed that he shouldn’t be that surprised. Leo and Logan were roommates on the road. It was logical that Leo would be a friend Logan might have confided in.
“Yes,” Remus stumbled through the word, and only because Logan had said, rather than asked.
Logan put his head in his hands.
“Do you…what’s can I do?”
“I don’t know,” Logan said. “I don’t even know what I can do.”
“I think…I think you should talk to Finn. Then you two can figure out what you want to do. It’ll be hard and awkward but…it’ll work out. I know it will. You guys have a strong friendship.”
When Logan laughed, he sounded unbearably tired. “When has anything like that ever worked out before?”
Remus smiled a little. If he only knew.
“Just trust me, okay? Can you?”
Logan let out a long, exhausted breath. “Yeah,” he said, voice rough. he snuffled, and rubbed his jersey against his face. “Fuck…yeah. I can.” Then, Logan looked at him carefully. “Are you…do you have someone?”
Remus hesitated, but nodded silently. “But I won’t say more than that.”
Logan’s eyes widened. “He’s in the League.”
“Go talk to Finn,” Remus evaded the question, then paused. “Maybe after you’ve both cooled off a little.”
Logan heaved himself off of the table. “Thanks, Loops. Really, I…I don’t really talk about this. My sisters, they want to talk about it, but I just…”
Remus waited patiently. Logan still looked tired, but he was standing a little straighter now.
“I’ve always been scared of it,” Logan said. “I was never allowed. I’m still not allowed.”
“Oh, you’re allowed,” Remus shook his head. “They are just people stupid enough to believe they can control something like that. Logan.”
Logan looked up at him.
“You said you love him.”
Logan’s eyes closed and he looked down again.
“And,” Remus gestured at the door. “I don’t know if you noticed, but he was about to take a swing at me just to get to you, so… it’s pretty clear to me that he has some sort of feelings, too.”
Remus had a brief, panicked thought, suddenly remembering June. He didn’t understand that part of this. From the way Finn had just acted, to whatever Leo, who lived with Finn, seemed to think…he didn’t know how she fit in.
“Feelings and a girlfriend,” Logan said, voice thick again.
“That doesn’t mean it won’t…” God, Remus ached for him, remember seeing Sirius with girls. “It’ll feel good to tell him, I think. He’s your best friend. Let him be there for you in any way that he can. Logan, you need people to support you through this. I didn’t have that, but now I do. And it’s really fucking important.”
Logan sniffed, eyes filling again. “I’ve never said it.”
Remus sucked in a breath. Me neither, he wanted to say, but instead he wrapped his arms around Logan, feeling him return the hug with a little bit of surprise.
“I think you should,” Remus said.
As he said it, he made a vow to himself, too.
The stadium was blue that night with Lighting jerseys, warm-up music blasting as the two teams skated around the ice. There were some vibrant spots of red near the glass, and Remus watched as Sirius skated over to a father and his two small children, one boy, one girl. The girl was wearing Thomas’ jersey, and the boy was wearing Sirius’. Remus smiled as Sirius waved at them with his glove, and then whistled at Thomas. Thomas skated over, too, asking the little girl for a high five through the glass, and then pretending to be knocked over and onto the ice with her force. She giggled madly. Sirius threw a puck over to the boy, then posed for a picture.
His attention was pulled away by the sound of a hard stop in front of the boards near him.
“Fucking ice,” Finn grumbled. He looked at Remus, then away, cheeks flushing. Pascal was with him, and squirted him with a water bottle.
“Not with the cameras and microphones around, mon cub. Florida will kill us all.”
Finn rolled his eyes. He looked tense. He didn’t look at Logan, a few feet away, on his knees and stretching.
Remus caught Logan’s eye and raised an eyebrow. Logan shook his head. So, they hadn’t talked about it yet. That was good, it had only been a few hours. By the looks of it, Remus would guess that they weren’t talking at all right now.
“Don’t let it affect your play, Harzy. It’ll work out,” Remus said quietly, and Finn’s eyes snapped towards him. They went hard, and he all but threw his water bottle back into the bench slots.
“You don’t even know what you’re talking about,” Finn said lowly.
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” came a new voice, and one of Tampa’s blue uniforms came skating up, taking Finn immediately into a headlock. “If it isn’t my baby brother.”
Remus raised his eyebrows. He had completely forgotten that Finn’s brother played for Tampa. That he had a brother in the League at all.
“Alex, come on,” Finn groaned as Alex rattled his helmet before letting go. Finn laughed though, and hugged him, slapping his padded shoulder. “Hey, man. Ready to get your ass whipped?”
“Fat fucking chance,” Alex shook his head, and smiled at Remus. He had his brother’s smile, all blinding perfect teeth, crinkling soft brown eyes. Alex kept a faint, red stubble that Finn shaved clean off. He called for Logan, then, who skated over a little hesitantly, and bumped fists with him.
“Sup, Lo,” Alex said. “Haven’t seen you in the city for a few years, what’s that about?” He glanced back at Finn, who’s smile had faded. He raised an eyebrow and looked at Remus. “These kids lived at each other’s houses during college.”
Remus smiled back, dying a little inside at the pain he wasn’t sure Finn’s older brother knew he was currently causing.
“I can believe it,” Remus said.
Logan coughed and shuffled a little on his skates. “Just busy, I guess.”
“I guess,” Alex parroted with a laugh. “Alright,” he smacked Finn’s ass with his glove. “Good luck little brother, love you bunches.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Finn grumbled, retaliating with a shove from his stick, but he smiled again. Remus was glad, because he could see about fifteen cameras trained on them.
“Boys,” Sirius stopped hard in front of them. “The fuck are we standing around here? Circle shoot, come on.”
Logan shot away as fast as it seemed that he could. Finn, however, looked again at Remus. His brown eyes were worried and Remus did his best to look back calmly.
“It’ll be okay,” he said, and then glanced at Pascal, who was very obviously pretending like he wasn’t listening.
“You can’t know that,” Finn said quietly.
“But we can hope,” Remus replied, and then nodded towards center ice. “Cap’s calling. Play the game first, and come find me later if you want.”
Finn took a long, slow breath, and then wordlessly skated away.
Pascal took his place in front of Remus, and he was smiling. “Sometimes we all simply need a little baby push in the right direction, non?”
Remus stared at him. Pascal just kept smiling.
“Like a dinner invitation,” Pascal shrugged exaggeratedly. “On a stormy night.”
Remus nearly choked. “I—Dumo.”
“I have a game to play, Remus,” Dumo sing-songed as he skated away to shoot on Leo.
“Dumo,” Remus yelled.
“What are you yelling at Dumo for?” Coach said, coming out of the tunnel with his line card.
Remus stared at him. “Um—the water bottles, he was unscrewing the water bottles.”
“Oh,” Arthur laughed. “The usual.”
“Yeah,” Remus said distractedly. “Apparently.”
They won 3-2, two goals from Thomas and one from James. The atmosphere in the locker room as everyone packed up to get back on a plane to Gryffindor was calm and pleased. Remus was packing up his supplies in the visitor’s PT room when there was a knock at his door. Remus looked up.
“Finn,” he said, not completely surprised. “Hi. Good game.”
Finn sent him a small, wavering smile. His hair was tucked beneath a beanie and he had his hands shoved deep in the pockets of his light gray suit.
“Can we talk?” he said.
“Of course,” Remus gestured to a chair and the exam table. “Where ever.”
Finn pulled the hat from his head, red hair a mess beneath, flopping over his forehead. He let out a long breath as he hitched himself up onto the table, vans swinging on his feet.
“Logan’s really hurting,” he said. “And it’s my fault.”
Remus blinked. Based on Logan, he had thought he was going to have to work a little harder to get Finn talking.
“Okay,” Remus said slowly. “Why is it your fault?”
“Because I’m an asshole.”
Remus laughed, just a little. “Harz, you aren’t an asshole. What do you mean?”
Finn took a few moments to respond. He was pulling at his suit lapels and seemed to be biting the inside of his cheek.
“Loops, what I’m about to tell you…”
“Doctor’s confidentiality, Harz,” Remus said. “It’s the same deal as you telling me you think you might have an STD. That information’s going no where, unless I think you’re about to cause someone else some harm.”
Finn actually laughed. “Oh. That’s a real nice image, thanks.” He cleared his throat. “Me, um. Me and Logan, in college…we had, well, I wouldn’t call it a thing but,” Finn looked up at Remus, expression soft. “Logan’s my best friend. That’s all we’ve—that’s all we’ve said, but I,” Finn pressed a hand over his mouth, staring at the wall. He laced his fingers together, then, elbows on his knees. Remus watched him think it through, watched the words formulate in his mind. He watched Finn feel them in his entire being. “Remus, I love him so much. Really, love him, I mean. I’m—I’m in love with him.”
Remus looked at him. He admired him. Finn was nodding slowly to himself, eyes closed. Remus understood Logan’s pain now. Logan, who had never said such a thing, not even when Remus had flat out asked him.
“Finn, that doesn’t make you an asshole.”
Finn just gave him a pained look. “June.”
“Oh. Yeah, okay, maybe explain that to me.” When Finn didn’t answer, but just pressed his fingers into his eyes, Remus took a step further. “Finn, was…was this, like, a jealousy thing?”
“It didn’t start that way,” Finn said. “At first it was…it was me trying to be happy. Me trying to move on.” Finn groaned. “I…I really, really like June. And she really likes me but,” he laughed, a little tearfully. “It took her about three fucking days after I asked her on a date to figure me out. Literally, I thought we were going to lunch and she fucking sat down like, alright, O’Hara, who are you in love with?” Finn rubbed a hand over his face, laughing again, but the laugh was sad. “I thought I was going to fucking cry.”
Remus thought Finn looked like he was going to cry right now.
“After I told June what was up,” Finn sighed. “We became really good friends. Like, is that weird? She’s the first person I got to open up to. Ever. She’s—fuck, she’s incredible.”
It actually made pretty good sense to Remus. He’d never actually seen them kiss, but he could see the affection there.
“And she said she would come to family skate with me, as a friend, because my family was at my brother’s this year, right? Here, in Tampa. But everyone assumed she was my girlfriend, of course, I mean that’s logical.”
“And then she went along with it, maybe to help, and then I saw the look on Logan’s face, and I thought…” Finn stopped abruptly, swallowing hard. “I thought…maybe now he’ll talk to me. Maybe we can sort this out. Maybe I’ll finally tell him…I’ll tell him…”
But he couldn’t finish.
“I think,” Remus began. “I think you guys should talk to each other. Really, just—just a long, sit down talk.”
Finn nodded. “I try. Logan…fucking French.”
Remus smiled a little. “There’s a lot of history here that I don’t know about, and a lot of feelings I wasn’t there for. Only you two know how you feel, and what you want.”
Finn still looked conflicted, though, and he was rubbing at his heart like it hurt. “But Leo—”
Remus tilted his head a little at him. Logan had mentioned Leo, too.
“Does Leo know about all this? What is he, like the middle man between you two? Because he’s the one who told me to talk to Logan.”
Finn’s head snapped up. “Really?”
“Yeah, but he also told me about you and June, so—”
“No, no,” Finn said, suddenly standing. “Leo knows about me and June. Like, the truth. Logan doesn’t know.”
Remus raised his eyebrows. “Well, Logan’s the one you’re in love with, right?”
Finn’s smile was sad. “Only for seven years of my life. But, there's…”
Remus waited for him to go on, but he didn’t, just shook his head. “Well,” Remus said. “Then I think maybe you should tell him that you don’t have a girlfriend. That might make things a little easier for him.”
Finn groaned. “Yeah. Fuck me, see? I’m an asshole.”
Remus put a hand on his shoulder and shook his head. “No, Harz. You’re trying your best to be yourself in a world that’s making it really fucking hard. You’re brave. You just need to talk to the people who will help you. You’ll support each other.”
Finn blinked at him, and then cursed and pulled Remus into a hard hug, face tucked into his neck.
“You helped me, Loops. Fuck me,” Finn pulled back and he was sniffling a little. “Do you get paid for this?”
Remus laughed. “Yes.”
“Good,” Remus patted his shoulder. “We need to get on a bus now, Harz.”
“A long talk to him on the bus,” Finn’s face lit up with anticipation and nerves.
Remus shook his head. “No.”
Finn sighed, but nodded as if resigned to Remus being right. “We’ll talk to him at home.”
Remus tilted his head as Finn turned towards the door. “We?”
“Catch you on the plane, Loops!” Finn called, and let the door close slowly behind him.
It was caught by a hand before it closed. Sirius’ head poked in.
“Jeez,” he said, and then grinned while Remus rolled his eyes. Sirius closed the door, turned the lock, and then pulled Remus in with his hands on his hips. He leaned down to brush their lips together, his hair, wet from his shower, dripping cooly on Remus’ neck. “You’re city hall today, eh?”
Remus grinned, wrapping his arms around Sirius’ neck. He looked handsome in his dark gray suit. “You have no idea.”
“Is this to do with your Logan fixation?”
Remus snorted. “Oh God. That makes it sound like I have some sort of kink for him.”
Sirius raised an eyebrow.
“Shut up,” Remus laughed, and pulled him down for a hard kiss, licking into his mouth before sealing it with a soft scrape of his teeth against Sirius’ lip. “You know that’s only for you.”
Sirius tucked his face against Remus’ neck and held him close. “Mine or yours tonight?”
Remus thought for a moment, heart speeding up. He carded his fingers through Sirius’ hair and pressed a kiss to his neck. “Mine. I’ll cook.”
And I’ll tell you I love you, he didn’t add.
The plane ride felt quick, and Remus had slept the entire time. He was groggy as they stumbled off the plane. He caught Sirius staring at him as they exited into a waiting area. Sirius smiled at him, warm and soft. It filled Remus up to the brim.
I love you.
It had been playing like a record on the plane, even as he slept. He dreamed in I love you’s, now, he lived and walked in them. He needed to say it. He thought of Finn and Logan. He needed to say it. He would say it tonight.
Sirius had one AirPod in, and he looked down, still smiling. Remus expected his phone to buzz with a text any second.
Instead, Remus watched Sirius’ entire posture change. He stiffened. He had a funny look on his face, looking down at his phone. It was staring and vacant. With alarm, Remus realized he could see Sirius’ hand shaking. He took one step forward, and then Sirius looked up. His eyes, even from across the room, were completely blank, cold. They stopped Remus in his tracks. It was identical, perfectly identical, to Sirius’ first years on The Lions. That stare was Sirius looking through layers and layers of walls, of brick and cobwebs and years of being torn down. What Remus didn’t know, was what had sprung them up so fucking quickly. Just hours ago, Sirius had been smiling and kissing his neck. Now, he was looking at Remus like he didn’t know who he was. Before, years ago, Remus hadn’t known Sirius well enough to realize that look for what it was.
Now, he knew Sirius looked afraid.
“Whoa,” he heard from behind him, and turned. Finn was staring at him wide-eyed. Logan was staring at Sirius, eyes even bigger. James was staring at Sirius, expression unreadable. They all had their phones in their hands.
Remus reached for his own phone, nearly dropping it. No emails. No texts. Remus’ hands were shaking, too, now. He had a feeling in his stomach.
Twitter. Trending.
Remus swayed, hand reaching out for something to grab onto and finding one of the flimsy, belt, line dividers. He felt his entire body heat up, then go ice cold.
It was worse when he clicked on it.
Captions. Horrible, horrible, captions. He didn’t even see if there were any supporting messages. All he could see were question marks, and capital letters. Slurs.
Burning this jersey, one said.
And the pictures.
They were dark, but they were clear. Taken through Sirius’ car window, in Remus’ parking garage. On New Year’s eve. Remus was on Sirius’ lap. They were kissing in one, and in another, Remus was kissing Sirius’ neck, Sirius’ face tilted up, eyes closed. They were perfectly recognizable with their hats off, with the streetlight filtering in.
#CaptainBottom the tweet read.
Remus felt sick. He pressed a hand to his throat. He couldn’t breathe.
Remus looked up when someone said Sirius’ name, quietly. It was Pascal. He was the only member of the team to approach their captain, the others still frozen or shuffling with shock. Remus watched as Pascal reached out a hand. He watched as Sirius fell a step backwards.
“Sirius,” Pascal said again, followed by French that was too low for Remus to hear.
Not even Sirius seemed to hear. Remus watched his throat work around a swallow. Remus silently begged Sirius to look at him. But he didn’t.
Instead, Sirius turned on his heel and walked out of the airport, automatic doors opening before him, and then sealing shut. Sirius disappeared as the light’s reflection took over the glass. Remus found himself staring at his own, murky reflection, smaller and behind Pascal’s, who still had his hand out.
Remus couldn’t look away from the whites of his own terrified eyes. His hand closed more tightly around his throat. He couldn’t think.
Vaguely, he registered James walking slowly up to him. He stood there, shown in the door’s reflection for a long moment, and then Remus watched his hand reach out and gently hold Remus’ shoulder.
“Can I drive you home?” James said softly.
Remus stared ahead, eyes unseeing. James gently took his phone out of his hand and clicked it off, slipping it into his own pocket. He wrapped his arm more firmly around Remus’ shoulders.
“Come on, Re. Let me—let me be here for you.”
“He needs you,” Remus choked out. They both knew who he meant.
“I’m going there next,” James started walking them forward. “Lily’s going to you. She’ll meet you at your apartment, okay?”
That made Remus’ eyes fill. He blinked away the wetness, and it dripped down his cheeks.
“Okay,” he whispered.
“Okay, babe,” James said and squeezed his shoulders.
They followed where Sirius had been, out the doors and into the freezing night.
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