#half of the followers of this blog are inactive but still (?)
reaperseal-archive · 11 months
hmmm i wanna remake
i think after almost a decade this blog can go to internet heaven lmao
i’m just starting to hate this blog and knowing it has a silent history that goes back to when i was so young just bothers me? even though like 95% of my old old personal posts and stuff are long deleted i’m pretty sure
i also just want like. a fresh start. if that makes sense?
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ct-hardcase · 2 years
being on both twitter and tumblr is weird bc both will post about the other like they're foreign species when I promise you there is more overlap than you think
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dilfquark · 1 year
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mademoisellevixen · 1 year
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Hello once again mortals. I have been quite inactive here on Tumblr but I am back with another blog. I have recently stumbled upon @gorgeouslypink ‘s most recent post which talks about commanding your mind to wake up in a ‘mind awake, body asleep’ state. Her research and method reminded me of a book that I have read about recently called ‘The Phase’ by Michael Raduga.
It is a proven technique and many came back to report their success with this method. Why this works so well is because you could dip into the half-asleep state, which is the golden ratio to experience all kinds of phenomenon such as manifestating, shifting, experiencing hypnagogia and even entering the void state. If you suck at meditating or simply have ADHD like me, this method is definitely a go-to.
₊‧ ༒ . . ݁٬ ࣪ ، 🕸️ ₊ ˖  ་
Reasons to why you should try this method
As I have said earlier on, this method is ADHD friendly. If you aren’t able to focus on a blank space for a long period of time, this method will be your best friend. I am more of a “step-by-step” kind of lady since I can’t, for the life of me, follow something so blindly.
This is method is also, in my opinion, one of the fastest ways I could get into the ‘mind awake, body asleep’ state with the least amount of effort. No matter what your goal is here, whether to shift, enter the void etc. this would be a go-to. I managed to astral project in a span of two days, just by using this method.
₊‧ ༒ . . ݁٬ ࣪ ، 🕸️ ₊ ˖  ་
How do we get into the golden state?
@gorgeouslypink have already explained it in one of her posts which I linked up on my blog, since it has already been summarised out. There is another post on it on Reddit as well which explains the method perfectly. I am way too lazy to re-explain so you can just refer to the links above.
You can try to affirm this very words as you fall asleep, memorising how it looks like behind the darkness of your eyelids:
“When I see this, I will remain completely still, with my eyes closed.”
Affirm as much as you think is sufficient for you before drifting asleep.
₊‧ ༒ . . ݁٬ ࣪ ، 🕸️ ₊ ˖  ་
Ending notes + tweaks
So in conclusion, try this sucker out and quit complaining about not getting what you desire for. This method is super simple that you could master it within a week of trying and I am not kidding lmao. Try to get the basis right first (waking up without moving your body nor opening you eyes) and you are good to go.
If you are not able to carry out the ‘Wake back to Bed’ technique for this method, I would suggest that you were to try it out with an alarm clock which switches off automatically after a few seconds of ringing. But I would highly recommend the original method since you are relying on your natural awakenings.
That’s it for now, mortals. Shoot me some questions if needed. Until we meet again.
~Vixen ⭑
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mylovelies-docx · 1 year
Sorry, I Love You - Part 5
Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon, everyone.
:) Have fun
Plot: You and Bucky have a good thing going - best of friends that also have more than a little chemistry between the sheets. Everything is fine until you develop feelings for the man who doesn't want a relationship. What will happen when Bucky finds out?
C/W: Awkwardness, flashbacks, feels
Word Count: 1,950
Tag List: NOW CLOSED! If you'd like to keep up with this story, please follow my blog and turn on notifications! ❤️ you :)
[Prologue][Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4]
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This wouldn't be your and Bucky's first undercover mission together, but it would be the first one where the tension between you is decidedly not sexual. You're not even sure how well the two of you can pull off this charade since you have no idea what your chemistry is like anymore. Used to, you could do anything together, be anything together.
Not so much now.
There’s an awkwardness between you. Silences pregnant with all the things left unsaid – or should have been left unsaid. You’ll catch Bucky watching you from the corner of your eyes, always with an unreadable expression like he’s trying to figure you out again without actually asking any questions.
You can't imagine that you've changed so much in the intervening months, but Bucky makes so much progress in therapy that his confidence in himself and his personality grow by leaps and bounds all the time. 
You don’t know this new Bucky, but you wish you did. You wish you had been with him to see his growth, encourage him on. 
You’ve missed out on so much of your life by staying away from the Tower. You’d had so many plans that never came to be – no walks in the park when the flowers started to bloom, no trips to the beach on the hottest days of the year, no ice skating when the first snow fell. You kept a tab on everything that should have been on the calendar in your mind, noting all the days that had significance in the past but went uncelebrated this year.
But what’s done is done, and you have to pay for your actions – half a year away is a small price to have Bucky back in your life, even as a stranger instead of your lover. 
You’re now trying to organize your new life on the outskirts of a small town in Russia, just a few miles away from a HYDRA base. Snow was falling thick and fast as the quinjet touched down hours ago, leaving behind a pristine blanket of white outside your new home. The small, two-bedroom cottage looks rustic, but it is still nicer than most of the surrounding homes due to Tony’s influence. There is hidden technology that will help the house to stay warm in this cold climate and random high-tech appliances, lights, and other things that look normal and are anything but.
With the HYDRA base going radio silent, you may be in this little home for longer than was initially expected earlier this year. Bucky is sure that the base is still active, though.  He spent a lot of time here as the Winter Soldier, but no one has received reports from the embedded spy in recent months. This inactivity is concerning since you're no longer sure what is going on inside the building anymore.  
It would be too obvious for Bucky to go undercover inside the facility, so that leaves it up to you to infiltrate as a researcher. The spy had assured last year that no one from the facility lived in the town you’ve settled in, so it’s safe enough for Bucky to remain close by as you work.
But the small town you’ve settled in is so traditional that the only way to remain inconspicuous as a younger woman is to be connected to a man in some way – be it living with family members or a husband.
And since you don't want to be labeled an outcast or worse, Bucky is here.
Bucky is going to be a mechanic at the small family-owned shop just down the road, and his prosthesis is covered in Stark technology that makes it appear as if he’d never lost it. Bucky used to spend a lot of time fixing up old cars and motorcycles between missions, so he should really enjoy spending his days in the garage helping out the Kowalds.
Unfortunately, your background isn’t as fun. You’re a whiz when it comes to biology, so Nat cooked up a false resume full of lab work that centers around eugenics and biomanipulation – things your spy had reported the facility was actively looking into. In order to get your foot in the door at the HYDRA facility, the Avengers had to create a background so disturbing that you're not even sure if you can interview for it properly.
 You're just zipping up into your thick winter coat when Bucky walks out of the kitchen drying his hands on a dish towel.
“You headin’ out now, doll?” He asks, a small worry line between his eyebrows.
“Yup,” you answer back with a comforting smile on your face. “I need to go meet with our contact to make sure that everything is still okay.”
“Just be careful, yeah?” he tells you, slinging the towel up onto his shoulder. Today is his first day at the mechanic shop, so he's dressed in blue overalls with a small name tag stitched onto his chest. The sun is just barely rising, but he's going to be late if he doesn't hurry.
"You know me, Buck. My middle name is Safe."
"Your middle name is Trouble and you can't convince me otherwise, babygirl."
You stick your tongue out at him and blow a raspberry, holding your middle finger up in the air as you turn around and head out the door. Once out of his sight, you smile and bask in the feeling of having your friend back.
You'd missed the banter and easy wit you used to share together, so this small exchange feels like a return to normal. The awkwardness might return in time, but you hope Bucky has forgiven you enough to power through.
You trek along the deserted streets. The early hour and layer of snow on the ground seems to be keeping the townsfolk within their homes, wrapped snugly under their warm blankets. You sigh heavily and watch your breath fog in the air, the mist condensing and freezing your skin as you walk through the cloud.
You pass house after house, noticing lights turning on and the sound of hairdryers, televisions, and conversations humming in the air. Everything has a vague, indistinct quality to it, lulling you into daydreams of what their lives are like. Is it simple? Do they enjoy this cold, snowy location? Or are they also dreaming of a warm day laying in the grass in nothing but a pair of shorts and a tank top?
A memory worms its way to the surface of your mind of a day spent just like that with Bucky. 
This was only a few weeks before your friends-with-benefits situation started. It was the hottest day of the year so far, the humidity heavy in the air and making the sidewalks and parks of New York City intensely uncomfortable. Even though Stark has the Tower equipped with the latest technology, he's incapable of leaving anything well enough alone. He'd been tinkering with the HVAC and somehow short-circuited the entire system. Everyone in the Tower was miserable and cranky, choosing to avoid one another in an attempt to stave off arguments and confrontations. 
You'd been sitting in the shade of the balcony, fanning yourself as you watched all the teeny tiny people on the ground maneuver the crosswalks and traffic to get to where they were going. It was no warmer outside than it was in your room, so you chose to people-watch instead of lay there and sweat miserably on your clean sheets.
Just as some bratty kid you’d been watching chucked the ice cream he’d been yelling for only moments ago onto the sidewalk, the sliding glass doors behind you whooshed open. The sound of metal knocking against the doorframe had let you know that Bucky was the one to interrupt your spying.
Regretfully turning your neck, you felt your skin sliding wet and hot against itself. A frown marred your features as you stared at Bucky as he stood behind you, his eyes alight with mischievous glee.
“What did you do…?” You question slowly, almost afraid to know what that look was all about.
He shrugged a shoulder and smirked. “Nothing too bad.”
“BARNES!!!” a voice roared from the depths of the Tower.
You quirked an eyebrow at him and a small, disbelieving smile graced your lips. “That doesn’t sound like nothing, Buck.”
Bucky hmm’d and glanced back into the building when a CRASH reverberated from where the voice had yelled moments ago. “I was going to get out of here for a while. You wanna come?” he questioned breezily.
“And why would I want to leave when Tony’s working on fixing the AC?” you replied as you continued to fan yourself. Bucky’s eyebrows had quirked ever so slightly.
Your hand had frozen mid-fan and your eyes widened so much that Bucky couldn’t help but laugh.
“Where’d you say we were going?” you asked as you rose quickly from your seat and bypassed Bucky at the door.
“You little shit!” You had laughed uproariously when Bucky finally admitted to the prank.
“What else was I gonna do?” he responded, turning his face to look at you.
Even with the intense heat that day, you and Bucky had decided to forgo the climate controlled vehicles in the garage and went instead with the fastest getaway vehicle – Bucky’s bike. The wind had whipped against your body when you held onto Bucky and watched the city fall into the distance behind you. 
He apparently hadn’t had a destination in mind, so you had ridden until cities and towns disappeared. He’d pulled off beside a barely visible hiking trail and jumped off his bike. You had followed suit and watched as Bucky pulled a blanket from inside the storage compartment on the bike. You hiked your eyebrows questioningly, but only got a grin in response. 
That’s how you had found yourself lounging on a blanket in the middle of a field with Bucky on the hottest day of the year. You’d chatted and laughed for hours until the sun had slowly faded from the sky. Out that far, the light pollution of the cities couldn’t touch the stars. You had gazed upwards, trying to draw the constellations as you remembered them.
You weren’t any good at astrology or astronomy, but the stories behind the figures in the sky captivated you nonetheless.
You laughed again and turned to face him as well. “And why’d you have to implicate me, huh?” 
“Figured it’d be more fun that way,” he had answered slyly. 
You had wound your arm up and smacked him on the stomach, your hand bouncing off of the toned muscles. He’d caught your wrist on the next swing and held it up and away from his body. You’d tried to tug it away, but his metal fingers held fast and didn’t let you go. You rolled over toward him and began trying to use your body as leverage, but you had only succeeded in pulling yourself closer to him.
You huffed and blew the piece of hair that had fallen over your eyes away and looked up at him. He’d had a look in his eyes that he hadn’t directed at you before, but you’d seen glimpses of it when he’d find someone to bring back for the night.
You can’t help but think that that moment had been the turning point in your friendship with Bucky, the moment he thought about asking you to be friends-with-benefits. Of course you’d found him handsome long before then, but that was a moment that really cemented your attraction to him. 
You didn’t have romantic feelings at the time, but you should have known they were inevitable.
Part 6
@jackiehollanderr @rabbitrabbit12321 @12345sebby @blackwood-bodecker-housewife @lauraashley93 @themorningsunshine @happinessinthebeing @nash-dara @calwitch@stany0url0calwh0res111 @pono-pura-vida @learisa @introverbatim @kentokaze @marvelogic @kaz11283
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scarletmultiverse · 1 year
your girlfriend is... | elizabeth olsen characters x reader
Hey people! New blog over here!
I've wanted to do something like this for a while, just with Lizzie's characters, because I feel like all my blogs always have pictures with them, but it's never enough...
Anyway, I'm starting here too and if you want to follow me on the other half inactive account, I think I'll write there again. @sawyercomfort is the user!
This is a preference that will kind of introduce the characters I'm going to write imagines about, so if you have any story suggestions, send me an ask!
Hope you like it!
your girlfriend is... wanda maximoff.
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ok, we know that wanda is the sweetest of girlfriends.
she would literally move WORLDS (and multiverses) for you.
wanda certainly loves to pamper you in the best way.
occasionally she uses her abilities on you, but it's so rare because she's afraid she might hurt you by accident.
kisses and cuddles when you need them.
the fights between you are intense, but wanda loves you so much that it's impossible for her to really let you go all at once.
you are like best friends with each other, the ones you would trust with your life.
your girlfriend is... taylor sloane.
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taylor is clearly a total dominatrix.
she LOVES the control she has over you.
to the point where she does drama to get what she wants.
but at the same time, she's a caring girlfriend and would probably drop any project just to pay attention to you.
she also likes to post pictures and show off your relationship to the world. She makes sure that the moments between you are always saved somewhere.
the fights between you are usually pretty hot too, and it's always the same reason: exaggerated jealousy and the pressure she puts on you.
but you always end up working out one way or another.
your girlfriend is... zooey kern.
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personally, for me, zooey is the best on the list.
she may seem extremely laid back at first, but when you least expect it, she's capable of anything to surprise you.
and when I say anything, it means anything at all.
you guys love to drive around aimlessly, just enjoying the music on the radio and the ever-changing landscapes.
by the way, music is something that surprisingly involves your relationship almost completely.
zooey knows she can't fight you, but it's her instinct to be extremely overprotective of the things you do, and that can get pretty annoying.
your girlfriend is... jane banner.
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you can expect jane to be controlling.
this is bad, but it's good at the same time.
in fact, she would equally move worlds for you.
including facing people who might treat you badly or criticize your relationship.
she is still a little afraid of losing you, because there were too many personal reasons for her to come to terms with who she was.
jane has her romantic side and makes a point of showing it to you when she feels like she needs it.
the fights between you are fervent and usually end up in a breakup or a night out.
but she always ends up admitting that she overreacted and promises that she won't raise her voice at you anymore, even if it seems impossible.
your girlfriend is... leigh shaw.
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leigh has been through a lot to get here.
and she doesn't want that to happen again with you.
she has issues too strong to deal with alone, and you have become her safe haven since she appeared in your life
that's why she's sure you're the one.
leigh will do anything to make you feel loved, from sightseeing to places where you both have a story.
even cuddling in bed and secluding in your room.
a lot of music.
and you wouldn't dare fight with leigh, ever. she's too good for you, and you couldn't imagine a world where she wasn't by your side for your whole life.
hope you really enjoyed this short preference. just a note here, i don't know if i'm going to write about lizzie because i'm afraid i'm forcing something and that it might misunderstand me. but anyway, if you have requests with her, send them to me too, I can make an effort!
and if you feel comfortable, please specify the reader's gender in your request as well. there will be gender-neutral stories here, luckily!
thanks for reading!
(won’t be writing for candy as well, obv!)
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tenderlyrenjun · 1 year
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summary: jisung and the reader get a third (jeno) before talking about their feelings
includes ... threesome (obviously), oral sex (m + f receiving), excessive use of pet names, double vaginal penetration, spanking, hair pulling, slight possessiveness, squirting (f), referenced over-sensitivity, fwb jisung, fwb jeno, etc.
word count: > 12k (lol)
minors + empty/inactive blogs do not interact. age must be visible.
minors get blocked AND REPORTED.
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Jisung rarely shows up to your apartment unannounced. It happened maybe once or twice in the past, but usually, he schedules his booty calls, as to not throw you off and to keep his calendar organized. He even spent the last hour, in his car at the gym, debating over his messages - whether to actually text you or to just go through your most recent video; working out always makes him a hundred times hornier than normal.
When he finally gets to your apartment, on the third floor, you serendipitously open the door, before he has a chance to knock, wearing an unfamiliar oversized Demon Slayer t-shirt and sweatpants.
Jisung frowns.
He didn’t know you watched anime without him. It’s supposed to be your thing, the thing he shares with you. Just last week, you watched Suzume together, him leaning on your shoulder while you stole popcorn out of his lap.
“Oh.” You put a small trash bag behind the doorframe and draw your hands behind your back, pushing forward the design on your shirt. “Ji, what - what are you doing here?”
Jisung pushes your door open wider and steps one foot inside your apartment. Instantly, he grabs your upper arms, holding you still. You comply, pupils darting across his face, shoulders slumping into his hands. 
“I’m going to kiss you,” he says, huskily, confidently. Then, he does it. He tilts you backward, down the entryway, and kisses you. 
You falter a little bit, tripping on your heels, even though he moves slowly, muscles still controlled by his workout adrenaline. But you don’t stop him. So, he keeps going. Jisung walks you toward the wall, hands trickling down your sides to protect you from the furniture into which he accidentally bumps, and the media chest rocks on its legs. 
“Ji,” you mumble.
He hums back (what?), licking the seam between your lips more broken.
“Jisung,” you repeat a little firmer, although still lax, barely gasping more air.
He doesn’t stop. Jisung moves down your jaw, to let you breathe again, tilting your chin up with his thumb for better access.
“Sung, I have company.”
“Don’t care.”
“Jisung,” you gasp, half-moaning, when he licks at your collarbone and mills a thigh between your legs. You shudder, entire body draping across his torso. And he thinks tonight will be easy or quick to make you cum, if you’re already so sensitive. “Jisung, I -”
A deep voice breaks him off you, and he sighs, head dropping to your shoulder. He lingers in the light citrus scent, both familiar and not. When he turns his head to your bedroom, Jisung’s jaw falls free:
“What are you doing here?”
“Me?” Jisung points at himself, eyebrows furrowing. “What are you doing here?”
“Wait.” You put a hand on Jisung’s chest, patting your fingers between his pecs. Both boys look at you, but it does something to Jisung’s heart, that you only look at him. He waits for you to continue, as does Jeno, probably, and slips his hands more chastely down your sides. You lick your lips tentatively, darting your eyes at Jisung, breath breaking before you say, “You two know each other?”
“He’s my roommate,” Jisung tells you, nodding. He rubs his thumb into your hip bone reassuringly, subconsciously nudging you deeper into his chest. You follow him, moving both your legs between his now. 
“Roommate,” Jeno scoffs.
And Jisung looks up to find him with his arms crossed over his bare chest, pants hanging below the waistband of his Calvin Kleins. Oh, you do have … company.
“We’ve been friends for over nine years,” Jeno reminds him. He tilts his head to the side, frowning. “Are you two …?”
“Are you?” Jisung challenges. He wraps an arm down your waist, partially hiding you behind him, with him, in his jacket. It’s not the first time Jisung has fought with Jeno, a side effect of that nine year - bordering 10 years - friendship, but this feels extremely one-sided, the more Jeno keeps his composure.
You groan, burying your face in Jisung’s arms, hugging him tightly, apologetically. “I told you that I have company over,” you whisper, lips virtually pecking the folds of his jacket. He brushes away a few strands of hair from your face, and his fingers linger on your warming cheeks. “This is so embarrassing.”
“No, it’s not,” Jisung assuages, rubbing your sides.
Except, it is.
He feels embarrassed. You’re sleeping with one of his best friends. And he came over unannounced during said slumber party. And he engages in a one-sided argument with that best friend, over you.
“We’re not exclusive,” he reasons, as if that makes things better.
His fault, too, by the way, his brain reminds him. He told you that he wanted no strings attached, that he didn’t want a serious label. He even slept with other people! Well, not recently, but still, he cannot expect the same level of exclusivity from you when he has said nothing thus far.
Jisung turns to Jeno, who just stares at the both of you, now leaning on the hallway door frame. 
“Neither are we, by the way,” Jeno says casually. He scrunches his nose.
“Cool.” Jisung nods shortly, dissipating the edge in his voice. 
“Yeah, cool …” Jeno nods too, an eyebrow raised, and Jisung slowly turns back to you, stroking the longest parts of your hair. “So, are you here for …?”
“Are you?” Jisung bites, automatically.
Then, he winces.
He needs to let it go.
Like, yeah, obviously, Jeno is here sleeping with you, though neither of them articulate it. Why else would Jeno walk around your apartment shirtless?
Jisung bends his neck down and catches another glimpse of your anime shirt. Oh. It’s not unfamiliar; it’s just unfamiliar on you.
“I’ll go,” he says, starting to pull away, but you slip your arms around his waist, shifting your face into his chest.
“‘M sorry, Ji,” you mumble in his neck, leaning as tall as you can on your toes. Jisung can feel your breath under his jugular.
In the past, when you did this, you always dropped back into your heels and stammered something about trying to whisper a secret before complaining that he is too tall. Now, though, Jisung catches you, keeping you tighter against his chest just a second longer until he has to leave … to give you … and Jeno privacy.
“We can talk about it later?”
Your entire body freezes, breath stopping in your throat, then you nod.
“Yeah, ye - yeah, okay.”
You pull away even quicker, retreating to Jeno, who gives you both curious looks. The way you answer him makes Jisung swallow a thousand times, forcing his mouth slightly open in case he ends up word-vomiting it all back up. And he wants to say goodbye, properly, but you have company, as you told him, tried to warn him. So, Jisung takes an imperceptible step backwards, on his heels, closer to the door.
He watches Jeno open an arm for you to slide underneath, and you comply. 
“I mean,” Jeno starts, and the both of you divert your attentions to his face, though he mostly looks at Jisung. “You don’t have to go.” Jeno clears his throat, massaging his larynx. Jisung shifts his weight to the tips of his toes, and you angle your neck just right at Jeno. “You could … stay.” 
You grab his hand, threading your fingers through his. “Jeno,” you whisper, “I’m here with you.”
Everyone ignores the obvious that this is your apartment. If you wanted to kick either of them out, they would have to comply. 
“No, I mean,” Jeno coughs, “Jisung could stay,” he tells you, eyebrows raising. Jisung cannot discern what that means, and he wants, so desperately, to be let into your bubble. “With us, he could stay.” Jeno turns to Jisung. “If you want.”
“You mean …” like join you?
“If you want.”
Jisung looks at you, and you bury your face in Jeno’s shoulder, covering your eyes with his arm. He knows that he got here too late, that he got here after Jeno, so he would feel even worse, kicking him out, especially if you just slept with him. Jisung bites his lip and shakes his bangs in front of his hair, which makes it look like he said no.
“I … I …” he pants, eyes darting between Jeno and you, lingering a little bit longer on you. “Can I join?” He swallows, taking a small step forward. “Please?”
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Jisung kisses you first, but Jeno kisses you harder.
Jeno grabs you by the neck, his fingers sliding behind your nape, tearing you away from Jisung, physically taking all your breath across the half-tousled bed, another reminder that you slept with his best friend. “Mine,” he whispers.
And Jisung sighs, his hands falling to your hips. His thumbs crawl up your waist, pushing back Jeno’s t-shirt. “This is counterintuitive,” he mumbles, bitter taste leaving his lips. “It wasn’t even my suggestion.”
“N-no,” you stutter, agreeing with him. You pull off Jeno and slip back into Jisung’s lap, above his grey sweatpants. He repositions you into straddling his lap, your hands falling high on his shoulders, but you slide them back down, kneading the muscles. You also lean into his collar, pressing a compliant kiss there, and Jisung almost monopolizes you again. “You hate sharing,” you point out, drawing little zig zags under his jacket. And Jisung smiles. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this then,” you sigh, “if you’re both going to be so …”
“So what?” Jeno scoots closer to you two, nearly sandwiching you and kissing Jisung himself. 
“So possessive.”
Jisung looks at Jeno, and Jeno stares back. Possessive is not a word that he would use to describe himself, to be honest. Jeno, yeah, a little … or a lot. It’s just that he has never done this before. There are so many logistics, and he wants you to be the most relaxed person here, since you will have to overcompensate for two people. Jisung feels you wrap your fingers around his wrist, gently circling your nail into the bone. 
“Are you changing your mind?” he asks, eyes fluttering down. 
You shake your head. “No, I - I want this, I promise.” You glance at Jeno briefly, over Jisung’s bicep, then back at Jisung. Your fingers stop tapping his skin, and he frowns. “I-if you still want this, I still want it, too.”
“I want it,” Jeno mumbles, stealing you into the pillows at the opposite end of the bed with him, your legs now tangled together. “I want you,” he mumbles, a hand cupping your face. His palm brings your lips even further away from Jisung, and Jisung looks away, twiddling his long, idle fingers. 
Sometime between your kisses, your hands crawl into Jisung’s. He fumbles forward, chasing you before Jeno can pull you away again, and kisses your heartline, temporarily opening your palms, cupping his face. Jisung starts moving down your wrist, sucking where your blood thumps the hardest. He slowly flies higher and higher, brushing his lip low up your shoulders. You shudder, sliding into his arms. 
“How are we going to do this?” Jisung whispers in your ear, before clearing his throat (or so he tells himself; it sounds like another groan). You just give him a blank look, pulling off Jeno only slightly, barely enough to blink at his face. Jisung pecks you reassuringly, bottom lip catching between your teeth, before he laughs and looks up at Jeno mouthing along the outer silhouette of your boobs. 
To be honest, Jisung has a small idea of what he wants. He’s had it since he drove to your apartment, beelining past his own place: he wants to fuck you - which seems difficult, right now, as he tries to adjust for another person, for one of his best friends. Jeno finally meets his eye, and Jisung’s question reflects across his pupils, almost begging Jeno to say something, too. He doesn’t want to be the person who rushes the moment too fast.
“I don’t know,” Jeno rasps, also clearing his throat. He massages your waist, and Jisung looks down at you. Somewhere in the tangles, you tensed. And he didn’t notice. Neither of them noticed, really. But he didn’t notice, and he notices this, too. 
A beat passes, temporarily fracturing the tension.
Then, another one, as Jisung and Jeno stare at each other, wordlessly coming up with a plan. Jeno dips his gaze at you, Jisung following, and you squirm again, bedsheets knotting your hair. You swallow thickly, once you see that their stares don’t waver. 
“We can take it step-by-step,” Jisung says, more confidently than any of you feel. And eventually, met by little resistance, he resumes kissing your neck, turning you back into him. 
Things pick back up pretty quickly; quicker than Jisung anticipated. 
You react near immediate, straddling Jisung into the mattress, and Jeno helps you topple him, hands on your ass. Jisung, by contrast with his assurance, easily starts feeling overwhelmed. So many fingers keep brushing his body, despite him still wearing all his clothes - a simple hoodie and sweatpants, really, which makes him heat up effortlessly, too. You stare at Jisung for a second, slowly teetering on your knees, then kiss him, breathlessly, in the same way he entered your apartment.
And you, he thinks, look so pretty like this, kneeling above him, cradling his face, like you want to take care of him. Jisung crawls up the bed, on his elbows, until he leans fully against the headrest. Jeno moves, too, finding more purchase on your ass. And they kinda look like they just switched places, like they’re taking turns. But he is unwilling, right now, to relinquish your focus, so Jisung bypasses your hands, folding your neck backwards. Smoothly, he copies your position. His long fingers dip behind your ears, and he exhales sharply over your cheeks, restarting kisses every couple of seconds.
If one lasts too long, you might decide that his turn is over, so he presses his lips against yours in rapid succession, like he found a cheat code.
“Jisung,” you moan, even though he barely does anything. It makes him a bit curious, as to what Jeno is doing, especially since you start kneeling higher (not that it does much to his position, because his torso is so much taller than you). 
“Hi,” he mumbles back, simply, cheekily, smirking, after you say nothing. He likes how you say his name. “Feel good, baby?” he asks, and your lips hum in return, closing off his tongue, making him smile wider. 
Then, you start pulling away, slowing down your kisses into brief pecks. His tongue trails after you, hooking under your top lip to keep you here, with him.
Don’t go, he implies, tangling the tips of his fingers in the roots of your hair. Jisung slips his tongue even further inside your mouth, practically tying you to him. His hand falls down your curves and grabs the first thing he can, which is, incidentally, Jeno’s wrist. He doesn’t let go, though. Jisung actually holds on, squeezes, a minute longer, until you draw back completely. He stares at you, wide-eyed, through his lashes and licks his lips. Jeno, in front of him, behind you, watches, equally frozen as you wrap your fingers into Jisung’s palm. 
You sit on your heels, retreating even more, sinking your ass into Jeno. “You’re not being fair, Ji,” you whisper, peeling him finger-by-finger. He watches you drop into Jeno’s waiting arms and mumble something to him too - something Jisung can’t hear. And he frowns.
Jeno laughs. “Relax, princess.” He smiles at you innocently. “We’ve got you.”
You whisper something else, again, exclusive just to Jeno, and Jisung frowns deeper. Jisung pulls his sleeve into his left palm, scratching the hem so tightly that he hears the microfibers break (not really; the sounds of you whimpering for Jeno envelope his ears). Jeno laughs again, his shoulders rising, and you bring him back down to your lips. 
Jisung crawls up your lap while you continue making out with Jeno, whose hands support your boobs above his Demon Slayer shirt, keeping you locked on him. You whimper something incoherent, and Jisung follows you with his eyes, his ears, his body. Through his lashes, he bitterly watches Jeno swallow your tongue, flicking it inside his mouth. You turn your head to the side, hand falling onto Jeno’s waist, your leg brushing his dick, obviously, by the way Jeno twitches in his pants.
And Jisung frowns. Again. Jisung flips you on your stomach and smirks, lopsidedly, when you yelp, which makes Jeno yelp because you bite his lip. He created a small domino effect. 
“You’re not being fair, baby,” Jisung mumbles, sliding up the black t-shirt, pressing vibrating kisses down your abdomen. His fingers accidentally graze Jeno’s thumb, and both boys tighten their grasps on you, jostling you closer between them. 
“Ugh,” you groan throatily. And Jisung takes the momentary lapse to climb up your torso, indirectly driving your ass into Jeno’s dick. “It’s h-hard,” you stutter, “balancing you both. I don’t know who to pay attention to.”
“Oh, princess,” Jeno calls softly, running the back of his hand down your cheek. Jisung feels compelled to look away, and he focuses on the waistband of your sweatpants. They are your sweatpants, he concludes. You spilled gochujang on the floor and your knees while making tteokbokki, that one time he visited you before work; you both decided, then, to not cook anymore. Jeno gives you another kiss, presumably, by the way silence seeps back into the bedroom. “Just pay attention to how you feel. You’ll feel so good,” he promises.
At that, Jisung drops down your thighs and folds your waistband lower. Instinctively, you lift your hips, giving him permission to take them off - which he does. Just the sweatpants. He stares at your underwear: a light coverage thong. The wide back string disappears between your ass. He slips one finger through both leg holes, briefly tugging the entire thing up. And you whine. You squirm into Jeno, grabbing his shoulder, gripping him tightly. Jisung pulls again, then slides his fingers down your panties, freeing your pussy completely. His knuckles skim your labia, and he feels you drool into his palm.
“Last chance, baby,” Jisung says loudly, one a few inches from your cunt. “One word, and I stop.”
You give him two: “Don’t stop.”
Jisung pushes your thighs more open, hooking them over Jeno’s legs. And Jeno, attached to your back, helps him, holding one of your knees firmly, his other hand closing under your chin, fisting your neck. Jisung pants on your pussy, his tongue flopping outside his mouth, drooling saliva onto your fluttering hole, too dazed in his admiration to taste you just yet. You should be used to this treatment - the way he makes you wait, makes you want him more, because he does it on purpose; he tells you that he does it on purpose because he likes your full attention. Jisung wetly kisses your inner thigh, where some of your pussy drool sticks. You kept squeezing your legs together and, now, you keep rocking up Jeno’s hard-on, spreading the dampness.
“Jisung,” you choke on Jeno’s lips, syllables chopped as you fight another moan to beg. He slurps your labia, kneading apart your ass cheeks. You paw his hair, fingers petting his scalp as you struggle to grasp him. Jeno drops his hands on your hips, massaging your sides. Eventually, he pulls his shirt up, exposing your tits. Jisung feels you tremble when Jeno pinches your nipples, and he licks your pussy harder. “Jeno,” you moan, rolling your hips. Your clit finds Jisung’s pretty nose, and he tilts his head to the side, spitting more saliva in your hole. 
“Pretty girl,” Jisung mumbles. He kisses your pussy, then laps his tongue inside, rolling it into a little cup that can hold your clit, flicking the tip from behind. “Greedy girl.” Jisung sucks one last time before he stands up. And you whine, instantly grabbing him by the hair, weakly guiding him back to your legs. “Baby, I’m so hot -”
“Yeah,” you agree, moaning. Jisung watches Jeno’s fingers slowly replace him, touching just outside your pussy. You mewl, so high-pitched, and turn into him. 
“Are you going to let me leave a mark, princess?” Jeno asks, your mouths breathing on each other. Jisung can hear the way his breath hitches, and he works faster to take off his clothes. “Hmm?” Jeno nurses your neck, behind your ear. “Gonna look so pretty covered in me?” He slowly straddles you, kissing you impatiently. “Princess, answer me,” Jeno mumbles, “Otherwise, I’ll stop.”
“No,” you sob, in protest, not an answer, Jisung assumes, as you claw Jeno’s bare shoulder. “You - you can leave a mark.”
Jisung pauses, at the foot of your bed, where he stands, hoodie in hand, shirtless. He meets your eye, over Jeno’s shoulder, the latter caging you, as disproportionately naked as him, to the bed. You gulp, blinking away from Jisung. He tilts his head to see you better, scanning your face. You always let him mark you. He’s left tiny hickeys and bruises along your collarbone, thighs, hips, any place, really, that you would let him. Granted, they’re superficial, but still, Jisung frowns, you let him mark you all the time. He tucks his own hair behind his ear, puffing his cheeks before he joins you again. 
Jisung’s knee dips into the bed, as you and Jeno brush each other’s hair away from your faces, smiling at each other. Intimate. Jisung looks at his giant hands. Sex is intimate. Obviously. He knows. You may not be his first (or last; he slept with Yooyeon a couple weeks ago), but Jisung knows how intimate sex is. This moment, though, between you and Jeno keeps his attention on the ground. He doesn’t want to be the first person to strip completely naked. It would accelerate the mood, would insert him in your moment. and he’s not sure whether you want that. Even though he wants things to move along. He wants to touch you, too, again. Things go faster when he has you alone; mostly because he has to leave almost just as quickly. Not always, but most of the time. 
He wonders if this is how you and Jeno set your pace, or if he is just the outlier. 
“S-sung,” you hiccup, cutting him off before he gets too far in his head. You took off your shirt, too, while he wasn’t looking. Your free hand slides down the bedsheets, fumbling through the folds for him, while your other hand holds Jeno steady at bay. And automatically, Jisung threads his fingers into yours, pressing a kiss where your thumbs meet. “You’re so far away,” you whisper, tugging him into the mix. “Come here.”
Jisung falls next to your sides and kisses the skin under your boobs. He slips his hand between  you and Jeno, gently repositioning you in the middle. It breaks you two apart (you and Jeno), and you both stare up at him, again, as if he knows what to do, just because he said to take this step-by-step.
And maybe he does.
“Can you start taking us, baby?” Jisung whispers, softly, voice small. He pulls down your lip with his thumb, and before he can take it back, you swallow it, nodding down to his web. 
“Princess?” Jeno asks between a kiss, his eyes closed. “Do you think you can take two cocks in your mouth?”
Jisung snaps his neck up, but Jeno just stares at you intently. He … His dick twitches. Jisung didn’t think beyond the logistics, to be honest. He knew that you would work overtime, to accommodate him and Jeno, that your holes would be filled at any given time, but both of them? Simultaneously? Jisung had to train your esophagus, for weeks, just to take half his cock, then another couple sleepovers to take the rest. Nevermind actual penetration, which seemed to take longer, your pussy suffocating the both of you. 
“Jen, I don’t think -”
“I can do it,” you interrupt, shaking your head. Both boys widen their eyes, and you sit up, rubbing their arms. You give Jisung a longer squeeze, convincing him that you’ll be okay, then push them both on their backs. Jeno crashes into the mattress first, fast, but Jisung … He falls slower, walking on his elbows to read your body language. You wobble tall, on your knees, and your hands shake a little, so Jisung holds one - the one on his chest. He rubs tiny circles into the back of your hand, just staring at you, making sure you know that he notices you. “I can do it,” you reassure Jisung.
And Jeno briefly looks at him too, when you go to untie their pants. “This’ll make it easier, la-later,” he explains, “when we both - fuck - fuck her - Mmmh.”
You push your fingers into Jeno’s mouth, restraining his tongue. Then, you nod at Jisung, direct with eye contact, and they realize that he mouthed ‘quiet’. Inversely, Jeno hollows his cheeks around your hand, trapping your fingers when you try to pull away. You scrunch your nose at him and push him harder into the mattress. 
It’s impossible, Jisung thinks, not to catch Jeno’s dick, even out the corner of his eye. He might even believe that his body has a built-in echolocation with the way you slobber down Jeno’s dick first. You barely managed to get their pants off, discarding them over the edge of your bed (Jisung didn’t even realize when you finished undressing them) before you grease Jeno’s dick with your saliva and dry rub Jisung. He feels you work him slowly, slower than you move on Jeno, maybe even gentler. Any thoughts he had about yours and Jeno’s pace goes in one ear, out the other, and he almost recants it completely. You might just be slower with him, because he’s fast to get you naked.
You pull off of Jeno, with a hoarse groan, mouth open. Your lips glisten under the ceiling light, too, swollen. And Jeno is first to compliment you. Jisung thinks he sounds so far away, even though their elbows nearly touch. Your index finger ruffles Jisung’s slit, tracing the outline with the pad of your finger. His hole twitches, and the entire length throbs, then you swallow him, only partially, choking a little less than halfway down. You offset the rest of his cock by playing with his balls, fondling them like large Baoding balls. 
“H-how are you going to take us both, baby?” Jisung stutters, half-still apprehensive. “You can’t even take me all the way.”
“‘M cam doom it,” you mumble, indignantly, almost telling him to stop doubting you. “‘M wamt to doom mit so bad.”
Jisung just thinks you look cute like this: small and defiant, mouth wide and throat destroyed, squeezing your legs together and milling your own clit between your thighs.
And he wants to ruin you. 
You take Jeno’s cock first, sucking tightly on just the tip. And Jeno groans, throwing his head into the blankets with an audible thud. He screws his eyes tight, fists accidentally bumping into Jisung’s hip. It takes Jisung less than a second to realize that Jeno is trying not to face fuck you, which is honestly more control than he would have in the same position - which is also saying something because his entire body currently burns.
You stick to three easy moves: head bobbing up and down; tongue keeping the tip inside your mouth; wrists jerking back and forth. And Jisung knows them all so well. Jisung has cum from them all, on multiple occasions. Jisung could cum again, right now, from all of them.
You pull off Jeno, slowly, sizing up his penis with slightly narrowed eyes. Jisung almost asks again, this time more concerned, if you’re sure, before you bump their dicks, together, on your lips, trailing their precum across the vermillion. You feed them into your mouth, just the tips, stretching out the corners. Jisung feels the veins in Jeno’s cock graze his own tip, as you shake your head down both of them. You unintentionally swallow more of Jeno, nearly pushing Jisung out of your mouth, but you slowly push him back in, and they both groan again. 
“Careful, princess,” Jeno grunts, when your teeth graze their dicks. You purr, obediently, and Jisung feels your tongue soothe the lines in their cocks. “Fuck, shit, yeah, like that.”
Jisung bites his lip, turning it white. His fingers itch to touch you, and he almost reaches forward, but Jeno, by his side, keeps fisting the blankets, so he keeps his hands to himself, letting you jerk them off. Your mouth squeezes their dicks together. You try to keep them separate, even licking a gap between their tips, but Jeno thrusts forward, bulging your cheeks with both of them. Jisung wipes a tear from the corner of your eye and cradles your face as you noisily swallow more, choking once they hit your breaking point. You continue gagging on their tips, barely a quarter of their cocks (more of Jeno’s) filling your mouth, before you take them out, holding them in one hand. Your fingers don’t close properly, like an adjustable bracelet, or cock ring if Jisung were luckier. Jeno’s dick rests higher than Jisung’s, looking half an inch longer, and you realign them more equally, their tips stacked Jisung on top of Jeno. You stroke them, tightly, together, and Jisung could cum like this, with both loads pointing to your face, Jeno’s cock throbbing above his. 
But Jeno stops you.
And Jisung whines, like a kicked puppy, his pouty eyes fluttering to him. 
“I want to cum inside you,” Jeno clarifies, staring at you.
It makes Jisung question Jeno’s refractory period, then he considers that this might just be awkward for all of you, more than anyone is revealing, or this might be Jeno’s way of taking it easy on you - Jisung can’t decide. He does remember liking the prospect of Jeno’s initial proposition though: the both of them fucking you. And he decides to prep you. But the moment Jisung splits your legs open, tired of you squeezing your thighs together emptily, without them, you start rutting your cunt over his fingers, piercing whines ascending. 
“Jisung,” you cry, voice cracking in the middle. “Jisung, please, gimme.” He almost laughs. Cute. You roll your hips in wide circles, trying to slip his fingers past your pussy lips - a tactic you have used on him recently. Just the other day, actually, when he had to answer some texts from his friends on their discord server. He should have been paying attention to you, honestly, hence why he went over, not to completely ignore you in your own bed. So, now, he lets your pussy swallow two of his long fingers (his middle and ring fingers), but he pulls his palm down, not letting you cum so fast. A little bit of payback, even though Jeno stopped the double blow job. 
You turn your face into the pillow and fist the meat of it, suppressing even more of your whines. The bed dips in front of you, and you screw your ass into the mattress. 
“Jeno?” You look up at him. And Jisung flings his eyes with you, mouth a hair away from your cunt. “Jeno?” you ask again, as if he would give you the relief. Your tongue pokes above your bottom lip as you pant, entirely breathless, your forehead sweating. 
But Jisung draws your attention, curling his long fingers. They bend awkwardly, knuckles pointed in opposite directions, and you arch your back off the bed. “Can you cum like this, baby?” Jisung asks, mostly curious, half-teasingly.
You stare at him wide-eyed, biting your lip nervously, then shake your head. No. 
Jeno pulls one of your legs to the side, lifting in the air to cut off the friction that Jisung gives you. He sucks a tiny, little circle behind your knee, and you whine again. And Jisung groans. Your thighs felt so good around his ears, goading him further into your pussy. He dives even deeper, adding his lips on your clit. Jisung pushes the pads of his fingers downward, completely twisting his wrist 180-degrees. Then, he takes away his fingers and suckles your clit, his jaw moving obnoxiously wide to devour your pussy whole.
“Can you try, princess?” Jeno mumbles into your flesh, nipping around the skin. “You’re doing so well, right now. I’m so fucking hard.” He puts your leg back down and slips his cock in the crevice behind your knee, now soaked with his saliva and your pre-cum. Jisung, too, is equally hard, if not harder, as he languidly jerks off, pointing his slick cock in your blankets. “Can you cum like this?”
“No,” you object, though Jisung feels otherwise. “I wan - I want to cum on your cocks.”
Jisung sucks harder, accidentally, choking on his own gasp, and you shriek, cumming all over his lips.
“Fu - ah - ck,” you shriek, breaking the single syllable in half.
Jisung keeps going, cleaning your pussy. It clenches around his tongue, and you have to yank his hair, pulling him on your stomach, to stop him. He gives you another kiss, around your belly button, praising your body for cumming so well. 
“She’s a liar, Ji,” Jeno grunts, pushing his cock all the way through your knee.
“Mmhmm,” Jisung agrees, feeding his dick into your loose hand. “Begged for two cocks in her mouth, then came with an empty hole.”
“Is that it? Hm?” Jeno replaces Jisung between your legs, circling the tip of his cock around your entrance. Jisung looks down at your glistening folds, pulsing around nothing. So, this is how your pussy looks, he thinks, when you beg him fuck you. It’s so wet and sticky, and your labia flanks outward, exposing your swollen clit like a diamond setting. “You don’t need to be filled, princess? Is that it?”
You lift your hips up, in the same manner that you took Jisung’s fingers, and slip Jeno’s cock inside your pussy, a little more than halfway. “Ah, Jeno, no, please, please,” you whine. Jisung would cave, almost caves. And he thrusts even faster in your hand. “I want you so bad.” You prop yourself on your elbows, incidentally squeezing the middle of Jisung’s dick, which makes him groan. “I want you both so bad.”
“Fuck.” Jeno puts a hand on your stomach and fills you in one thrust. “You always clench my cock so nicely.”
“God,” Jisung groans, copying Jeno’s hips. “I need to be inside you, soon, baby.” He screws his eyes shut tightly, willing himself not to cum, because he could. He could cum like this. He actually could have cum at any point today, so far, if you and Jeno would let him, but also, “I want you, too, baby. I want you.”
Jisung opens his eyes, instantly, when you squeak, and finds you already staring at him. “You … you can …” You bite your lip, and Jeno stops thrusting, slowing down; he also grabs your boobs to still the moment.
“Go ahead, baby,” Jisung encourages you, breath winded, voice hoarse.
“You can both fuck me,” you whisper, then bat your lashes, innocently toward Jisung. "At the same time, please?"
Jeno squeezes your ass. “Mm, you liked having two cocks in your mouth that much?” He groans, and Jisung looks at where Jeno buries himself inside you. “Fuck, you’re clenching so much.”
 “You need to be filled, huh?” Jisung licks his lips. He watches Jeno lift your ass up, arching your lower back, adjusting his entire cock inside your pussy. You almost look like the videos he takes of you sitting on his cock. “Turn her around, Jen.” He wants to see you, but more importantly, he wants to prep you. 
Jeno obeys (after three more quick thrusts) and slides his dick into your pussy from behind, the shaft skimming the curves of your ass. He lays on his back, taking you with him, and Jisung spreads your legs, again hooking them over Jeno’s before descending on your heavenly pussy again.
“Won’t take too long,” Jisung promises, even though he flicks your clit with his tongue. It tempts him to lie. But then, he catches a small taste of Jeno’s dick and readjusts taller. He would rather not get hit in the chin by Jeno's balls.
“S-sensitive,” you squeal, the moment Jisung’s lips retouch your pussy. He retracts a second, mouth parted, but you dissolve into staccato moans as Jeno steadily fucks you slower. “Mmhmm,” you answer nothing, “Feels so good.”
Jisung goes back to your pussy and sucks your clit on time, hard, cheeks hollowed, as Jeno carries your legs in the air, his entire cock fed to the base inside your hole. You whimper again, thighs shaking, knees twitching toward Jisung’s ears. And Jisung pushes his fingers in your cunt, three at once. His knuckles hit your labia, grazing beside Jeno’s dick, almost slipping out again, but your hole squeezes the both of them, forcing Jisung’s palm up, his three long digits curling into the tight space. And, shit, you’re still throbbing. Jeno is throbbing. Jisung looks at his own cock, flopping between his legs, aching, and he humps the air.
He is so hot, so warm right now, that if anyone touched his dick, he would cum on the spot. 
“Jisung, I -” you choke, letting him know what he found. Incidentally, he pushed his fingers all the way inside your cunt, pressing the pads of his fingers down. He can feel Jeno’s cock skid on his knuckles, and he has to inhale deeper. 
“Hnn, princess,” Jeno heaves, tightening his hands on your legs, lifting you higher. You instinctively grab Jisung with your feet, keeping some attachment to the ground. “It’s my cock. Inside you. Say my name too.”
“Jeno,” you moan.
And Jisung feels your cunt suck him closer, which pulls him toward your clit again. He sucks it, of course. His mouth pushes apart your lips, making your clit stand out, and Jisung closes around it, tongue flicking the hard underside.
“Jeno, Jeno,” you chant as both boys fill you to the brim.
Jisung hunches over your pussy, adding more pressure on your stomach, essentially driving Jeno’s cock even further up your cervix.
“Ah, ah, ah,” you whine, voice breaking higher and higher. You start shaking your head and biting your lip. “Jisung, fu- shit.” You close your eyes, fisting the sheets. “Jisung, I’m ready, you can - shit, shit -“ Your boobs bounce widely. “You can fuck me now, too.”
Jisung kisses your pussy one more time, and Jeno graduates down to a pause. They glance at each other a second, before Jisung grabs his dick, stroking it a few times with your pussy drool. Yeah, they’re really going to do this. No going back. Jisung slides the tip of his dick above Jeno’s, pushing through the initial resistance. All three of you moan, and Jisung has to anchor himself on your waist, panting a few times before continuing. He feeds a full inch inside your pussy, then another, and another. When he gets a third of the way inside, his dick bends under Jeno’s. Neither of them realize it until their cocks curve into each other like pretzels.
“Oh, fuck, there - you - it’s so much,” you babble, biting back high pitched squeaks. “You’re so big,” you say to no one in particular. Jisung knows they’re both above average.
“God,” Jeno is the first to say after your pussy gets filled completely.
Jisung stumbles on the last thrust, accidentally pulling out an inch, dragging Jeno with him, before he shoves them both back inside you. The double helix makes it hard for any of you to move, minus the rapid twitching from your hips.
Every time Jeno pulls out, he has to slam back up, balls slapping, just to bottom out again. He ends up catching your ass, spreading both cheeks for a wider hole. And every time Jisung starts thrusting, he can’t commit to one fluid movement, stuttering between two pairs of legs. He pushes one of your thighs into your chest, biting light kisses around your ankle like little charms.
You clench around them, and Jisung spanks you.
“Don’t clench, baby,” he whimpers. “I want to fuck you for a long time.”
You try to release, wiggling your ass down Jeno’s abs, and Jeno moans. Jeno brushes your hair off your shoulder, biting rough kisses around your carotid. Jisung feels their tips bump each other, your cervix nearly tying them together. He keeps thrusting, tracing the outline of Jeno’s dick into your pussy walls. Jisung grunts and plants his arms around you and Jeno, snapping his hips deeper.
“Fuck, Jisung,” Jeno moans, “When did you get so good at this?” 
Jisung doesn’t really have an answer - that he wants to share. He just knows how to please you. Well, he knows how to please a lot of different people, but he keeps that to himself. Neither you nor Jeno need to hear all the ways he practices his techniques. You, though, are his favorite guinea pig, for the obvious reasons.
“You both just feel so good,” Jisung praises.
And much to his surprise, Jeno whimpers. Jeno bites his lip and digs his fingers into your waist, lifting you easily, like a simple fleshlight. You yelp, with the first thrust, then relax into his neck, moaning hotly.
“‘M gonna cum,” Jeno breathes, open mouthed, driving his head into the pillows for better leverage. He roots his feet in the mattress and lifts his hips, trying to match Jisung. “Just like that,” he moans, “Yeah, eung, hnn, so c-close.” Jeno thrusts faster and faster, getting faster than Jisung, who sticks with long, sharp movements to keep both cocks buried inside your pussy.
“Je-Jen, S-sung,” you gargle, twisting and turning.
Jisung pins you onto Jeno, crunching over you. He smashes his lips onto yours, feeling you and Jeno get closer and closer to your orgasms. Your pussy squeezes and squeezes without relief; Jeno starts shaking, slowing down his thrusts, which has Jisung overcompensating for the lapse (so that he can cum too; there is something so intimate about everyone cumming together, and he doesn’t know if he can handle being left out, especially by you).
Jisung kisses you again. He feels Jeno’s cock swell through the base, but Jisung kisses you again. You reciprocate, as much as you can, given that two boys fill your pussy to the brim, moments after your first orgasm, after edging you for half an hour, and Jisung accepts every bit. He savors it.
Jeno cums first, then you, a millisecond after, as if triggered by it. And the way you pant into his mouth, breathless, choking on your own moan, has Jisung grunting quickly to join you. He kitten licks a small part of your tongue back into your mouth, then slams your lips together, nearly bruising himself on your teeth as his orgasm rushes full force. Jisung didn’t even realize it had been building, too enraptured by the taste of your kiss. But his abdomen tightened and his hips popped, and he feels himself slowly release all the tension in each muscle. His sore cock splatters all over your cunt, the tip bouncing on Jeno’s dick. 
Jisung pecks you once, twice, chastely, incessantly, thrice. You mumble an mmm, smothered by his repetitive embraces, and he lifts your chin, too, for easier access, with his index finger and thumb. 
“You did so good, baby,” Jisung whispers, his lips resonating. “So good.” He blinks at you, brushing away your hair. “So pretty.” Then, he gets up. But you stop him, a hand on his strong bicep, and he laughs. “Someone needs to clean you two,” he nags lightly. And Jisung usually works through his exhaustion anyways. He goes to sleep at 1 or 3 AM, eventually waking up a few hours later for his early schedules. Plus, you and Jeno look like you could collapse. This … activity might not have been his idea, but he still feels inclined to repay you both for letting him into your intimate moment. 
Jisung grabs both his and Jeno’s cocks in one hand, enveloping their dwindling shafts easily. He accidentally jerks them off, and Jeno grunts - to which he apologizes repeatedly. Cum follows them, mixed together in one giant puddle, absolutely drooling down your gaping hole. Cautiously, Jisung bows his head, between yours and Jeno’s legs, pushing all four a little bit wider. He uses Jeno’s dick - just the tip - to catch some cum, wiping it away and licks the excess. Both of you whine. Jisung apologizes, quietly, but still his two fingers push the cum back inside you. He feels your pussy squeeze around him again, and he feels the pool of cum just resting in your throbbing cervix. 
Jisung licks his fingers clean a moment after, not completely ready for another round, then tugs on his pants and goes into the hallway bathroom. He blinks, rapidly, after he flicks on the lights, and examines himself in the mirror. 
You left a few marks, as you usually do, but it reminds him that Jeno asked for permission to mark you. And Jisung frowns. He stopped asking around the fifth consecutive day that you slept together. Maybe he should start asking again, he thinks while running a washcloth under the tap. Jisung catches himself in the mirror again, then, without turning off the water just yet, he touches the bruises and scratches adorning his clavicle. One of them resembles a cloud. He thought of you, the other day, when he saw one, but just like a cloud, the thought passed after Renjun messaged their discord server. 
“Okay, this isn’t too hot, but -” Jisung walks back to your room, but he stops outside the door frame and hides behind it.
“You did so good, baby,” Jeno commends lazily, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. While Jisung was gone, you shifted into Jeno’s arms, burying your face in his chest too. “Baby?” Jisung frowns. He calls you ‘baby’. Jeno calls you ‘princess’. Or, at least, that was the unspoken agreement today, especially since Jisung claimed it first. Jisung strains his ears as Jeno hums; you must have said something, incoherently.
“I asked -” You lift your head, enunciating more clearly, though your voice sounds hoarse. “- if you’re going to leave, too." Your voice get clearer, "Jen?"
Jisung frowns. He also used that nickname with Jeno. It makes him wonder if you interchangeably used nicknames between the two of them, or anyone else with whom you sleep. Not that Jisung can complain.
“What? No, of course not, princess.”
When silence permeates the room again, Jisung walks inside. Jeno catches him first and presses a single finger to his lips. Shh. He pulls back your hair, showing off your closed eyes and steady breathing, and Jisung nods. You fell asleep. Jeno looks two steps away from falling asleep, too. Jisung sucks in a breath, then wipes down your thighs. He innocently kisses the spot around your knee, no intention behind it, and slips a shirt onto you, briefly taking you away from Jeno for a second. You stir, making him cradle you a second. He waits for you to slip back deeper into sleep and traces little circles in your arms, then hands you off to Jeno.
Jisung ignores Jeno’s curious stare and retreats into the kitchen, making sure to grab his hoodie and phone on his way out.
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“Hey, so - Relax. It’s just me.”
Jisung jumps, drawing a ceramic cup toward his chest to avoid dropping it in your kitchen … again. He broke one, the first time he slept over at your apartment, after accidentally bumping his hip on the island. You cleaned it up for him that time, but he made a point to never do it again by getting to know your kitchen - hence why he uses the ceramic cups, not the slippery glass ones. Jisung turns around slowly, also careful not to spill water on the tile.
Jeno stands behind him. “Do you like her?”
Jisung’s tongue rolls down his jaw, head pausing on half a nod. But he stops. He stops to scan Jeno’s expression. 
“Why are you asking?” he counters tentatively, loudly enunciating each syllable. He puts the cup on the counter and crosses his arms over his hoodie, forearms exposed ever since he rolled up his sleeves. The vulnerability from the last few hours wore off when he left the bed, and he desperately needed a cover after seeing Jeno tuck you in the duvet.
Jeno shrugs. “It seemed like you did.” Do. “Back there.”
Jisung licks the seam between his lips, drawing a quick breath. “Do you?”
“Eh, not really.” Jeno moves around the cabinets. He goes to the bottom drawer, the one with the Tupperware, then closes it and opens another. Jisung watches him rifle through a few more cabinets before finding the honey butter chips you keep on a shelf under the island. Jeno stares at Jisung a hard second, fingers peeling the bag open, before he retracts, “Not like that.” Jeno opens the bag and eats a fist full of chips. “We just sleep together occasionally.”
Yeah, but … Jisung puffs his cheeks and brushes his hair through the middle. What does ‘occasionally’ even mean? “I’ve never heard you call anyone ‘princess’ before,” he mumbles, suddenly searching for his water. 
It’s right next to him.
“I’ve never heard you call anyone ‘baby’ before,” Jeno mocks, muffled by a chip - which is a lie by the way. Jisung frequently uses the term of endearment with anyone he wants on his arm. And Jeno has seen it, or been the victim of it. Plus, “baby” is arguably the most common nickname between couples. Not that you and he are a couple; you’re not exclusive. He said that earlier. 
Jisung frowns. “Are you sure?”
“Am I sure about what? That I’ve never heard you call anyone ‘baby’?” Jeno wipes his hand on his pants and folds the bag closed. “No, I think you called that bartender ‘baby’ a couple weeks ago when we went out for Haechan’s birthday.” Right, and Jisung left your apartment early that day, too.
“N …” Are you sure you don’t like her? Jisung stops himself, again. He’s not sure whether or not he can handle the answer. “Then why do you think I like her? Because of a nickname?”
“No, Jisung,” Jeno sighs, brushing his hair away from his forehead. His defined biceps flex along with his pecs, and Jisung tugs on his own sleeves, covering his palms. “That was you. I was just teasing.” Jeno purses his lips, scanning Jisung.
“Then what?”
Jisung leans on the tops of his toes, a quiet fist resting on the counter. He always wears his heart on his sleeve, wiping away every emotion off his face, because he never actually says it out loud. He doesn’t even think he’s mentioned you to his friends, not even to Renjun, the one who helps him organize his thoughts the most. Jisung keeps his sex life relatively private from everyone, much to their annoyance as they swap sex stories on occasion. He sighs. Evidently, he kept it too private, given the intimate way he just unintentionally introduced you to his group.
“The way you lo -” 
“You know,” you grumble, walking pants-less into the kitchen, only Jeno’s stupid Demon Slayer shirt covering your legs, “aftercare if allegedly important.” You rub your eyes and slowly blink them open, staring first at Jisung, who quickly averts his gaze. 
His water is really interesting.
“Only a couple minutes,” Jeno answers, voice initially pointed at Jisung, curious, before he slowly turns to you. “Sorry, did we wake you?”
“No,” you reply, faster, slipping onto the stool closest to Jisung. He passes you his water, and you take a small sip, holding it in both hands an extra second before giving it back. “I was just wondering where you went. I might have been offended if you just hit it and quit it.”
“If you wanted another round, princess, you could’ve just waited,” Jeno laughs. “We’d be back in a second.” His voice tells you not to worry, incidentally soothing Jisung, too, because it ends the previous conversation and Jisung won’t have to concern himself with whether or not Jeno lied to him about having feelings for you. If he does, Jisung will back off and stop sleeping with you. If he doesn’t, then … Jisung has to cope with the consequences of his actions.
Jisung reaches his hand across the table and rubs the back of your palm with his thumb. “When have we ever done that?” Jeno is right. They would have gone back to bed with you, just out of sheer fatigue. Or, Jisung might have laid in the living room. Your couch is incredibly comfortable, and he’s spent a night or two there before today.
“You haven’t,” you answer him, before inhaling sharply and withdrawing your hands into your lap. “Not recently.” Not anymore! (mostly). “You did when we …” You glance at Jeno, then whisper, “when we first started sleeping together.”
Jisung winces. Yeah. He also catches Jeno’s darting eyes. Yeah. It was mostly before he had to work or when he had to meet up with his friends, not willing to take you with him. Although, that turned out so well. Jisung chews his inner lip. He hasn’t left before you woke up in a long time, but maybe friends with benefits is a bad thing without exclusivity. Jisung doesn’t regret the threeway - it was hot; ten out of ten would do it again. It’s just that some unspoken secret now hangs over all of you. 
“Should we do it again?”
You and Jisung look at Jeno, then at each other, then back at Jeno, who raises his arms like white flags.
“We don’t have to,” he says smoothly. “It was just an offer, since it seems like no one is going anywhere anytime soon, and we don’t have much to talk about right now.”
Right now.
Jisung’s breath catches in his throat, and he glances at your side profile, waiting for you to say something first.
“Yeah, sure, I don’t have plans today.”
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Jisung kisses the shell of your ear while rutting just outside your pussy. 
You whined something, just before he pushed you onto the bed, about them needing to take care of you because you still felt sore from earlier. He complies, of course, simply giving you tiny massages: his dick rubs your labia; his hands knead your sides; his lips mouth along your jaw.
“You’re so …” Jisung’s voice dies in his throat. And he glances across the other half of your bed, where Jeno is folding his pants onto a chair. He could praise you, in this isolated moment of privacy. He could call you pretty and baby, like he does when you’re alone, like he praised you the last few hours, but somehow, that, now, feels more intimate than his best friend getting to know him this well. So, he settles elsewhere, falling on his hips. Jisung tucks your hair behind your ear (it slips out easily) then pulls your back against his chest, the hem of Jeno’s shirt riding up your ass. He lifts one of your legs above his waist and slides his dick over your folds again, the tip catching your hole each time up. “Still sensitive?”
You nod, a little too absentmindedly, and lully your head into the crevice of his neck, your jugular now exposed with a soft moan. 
Jisung calls your name. It’s a bit impossible, from this angle, to whisper in your ear, so he doesn’t try. Your shoulders roll forward, and your hips dig deeper into the mattress, all just a second, before you relax in his arms. Jisung catches Jeno during the moment though, and Jeno raises an eyebrow, which Jisung ignores.
He just says your name again, instead, asking, “Do you need a break?”
“No,” you mumble. You shake your head, leaning more on the mattress than him now, burying your face in the blankets. “Just …” You sigh. Jisung feels it through your entire chest. He pulls your hair away from your cheeks and kisses up your shoulder, to your neck, to your ear, nearly folding your legs in half. You stop him, pulling your legs together and dragging his arm across your stomach, under the t-shirt. “Just go slow,” you ask, “For now?”
Jeno kneels onto the bed now too, only wearing his boxers. He lifts your face with his index finger, saying:
“Of course, princess, whatever you want.”
He kisses you, deeply, slotting his mouth around your bottom lips, audibly sucking. Jisung feels you relax, slightly, and he pecks the back of your neck to be part of the ensemble too. 
“You took a lot,” Jeno says softly, “Earlier. Let us take care of you now.” He glances at Jisung, and Jisung nods, singularly.
“We got you,” Jisung agrees. He cranes down to your nipples, sucking and biting. And you gasp into Jeno’s mouth, Jisung’s name, broken, on your lips. He travels up your neck, gently plucking you away from Jeno (which is fine, since you started jerking him off).
“I’m right here, baby,” Jisung mumbles.
He’s not going anywhere. Still though, you thread five fingers in his hair and yank.
“Shit,” Jisung moans.
“I like it when you swear,” you tell him, eyes half-lidded. 
“Mmm, you’re so fucking good for me.” Jisung rarely swears. He prefers to praise you. But sometimes, you catch him off guard, and it’s the only thing he remembers to say. “‘M gonna fuck you now, okay?” 
You nod. Okay.
Jisung inhales and grabs his hard dick. He strokes it once, twice, sliding it over your wet cunt, drenching himself in your natural lubricant. You exhale shakily, anticipatorily. Jisung feels you shake your hips, so he holds you down again then enters your pussy in one fluid motion, and you clench around him instantly, wrapping your legs around his tiny waist.
“Fuck, baby,” Jisung whines, shallowly thrusting half his cock toward your cervix. “Je-Jen, how many times did she cum today? She’s so - shit, shit - sensitive.”
“I don’t know,” Jeno babbles, and Jisung turns his head to him. You swallowed his cock, laying there pliantly while both guys wreck your holes. This is what Jisung had in mind, to be honest, earlier when Jeno first suggested that he stay - one of them pounding your pussy and the other bruising your esophagus.
“Maybe six,” Jeno guesses, raising his brows even though he screwed his eyes shut. 
“Six? Jesus.” Jisung straightens his back and brushes his hair backwards. No wonder you and Jeno were putty in his hands.
“Do I need to catch up, baby?”
Jisung stacks your legs together, and his thighs slam into your ass. You’ve felt prepped all afternoon, a byproduct of having slept with Jeno already, but shit, Jisung still struggles to bottom out completely, as if your pussy resizes to the perfect, most snug fit. Even your hands find his and perfectly clasp your fingers under his.
“You’re so -” Jisung moans your name, then he bites his lip, slowing down again, his hips making sharp punctures. 
“Mmmm,” you blubber, choking on Jeno’s dick.
Your eyes roll back and your tongue pushes Jeno out of your mouth. Everyone moves too fast for Jisung, in contrast with what he wanted earlier, so he angles his dick away from your spongey, little G-spot.
“Jiji,” you whine, slightly muffled. Jeno’s dick hangs on your tongue like a lollipop, the tip as equally glossy from your spit. You hold him by the base, and the shaft involuntarily bobs in and out of your mouth. “Ji, n-no, harder, harder, please.” Your nails claw into his carpal bones, painting his veins more prominently. 
Jisung kisses the junction between your boobs.
“I’m going slow,” he tells you, like you asked. He kisses you again, in the same place, loitering another moment. “Let me take care of you.” Jisung flickers his eyes and tongue up your neck, missing the way you looked at him. 
“Seems like you enjoy slow,” you mumble, taking Jeno’s cock back in your mouth, gargling again. 
Jisung frowns. “Is that a bad thing?”
You shake your head, no. 
Before you can answer him, Jeno moans, loudly - because you still suckle his cock. 
“Ba - Princess,” he coughs. “I’m gonna cum.”
You purl something incomprehensible, so Jisung has to look up one more time: Jeno flimsily pushes half his dick in your mouth, and you squeeze the base. He could thrust more, if he wanted, because you can take it, but given the way you came six times already, nevermind how many he did, Jisung guesses that Jeno might be overly sensitive, too.
And he’s proven right, another moment when Jeno cums again today.
“Fuck,” Jeno groans, flopping down on the bed almost a foot away, “I don’t think I have anymore cum in me, princess.”
You swallow, audibly though not very thickly and crawl your torso toward him to plant a kiss on his shoulder. Jisung looks away. He pokes out his tongue to lick his lips, but you stop him. You climb into his lap, almost toppling him over, had his core strength not been as firm. He steadies you, at your waist, and simply scans your face; he can’t read you. Jisung likes to think that knows you well enough to decipher all your emotions, but all he can do now is stare. And you stare back, slowly sinking into his arms. You slide your arms down his shoulders, clasping your hands behind his neck. Jisung parts his lips again, tongue hanging on his bottom lip. You lap it back into his mouth.
“You’re gonna get dry, sweetheart,” you whisper, lips vibrating, “and I like it when you’re wet.”
“Mmm,” Jisung mumbles, unwilling to fight back.
Your knees dip into the mattress, on both sides of his tiny waist, as you steadily rock into him. Jisung’s hands meet your hips, guiding you down all the way, harder. He claws at your ass, both cheeks, dragging you into a stable pace that doesn’t disturb the other half of your queen-sized bed. You yank his hair back and slot your lips together in tune with the tempo at which your hips move.
“Feels so fucking good,” Jisung groans lowly. His deep voice resonates through his own ears. “Really, really good, baby,” he repeats. You whine, quietly, breathily, hotly. And he feels your hips twitch. Jisung smirks. He knows how much you love his raspy voice. Sometimes, he teases you over the phone, asking if you can cum just from hearing him. It might also feed your dirty praise kink (that you vehemently deny). Jisung cups the side of your face and puckers his lips prematurely, before drawing you closer. “I need you to cum, baby. Can you cum for me, hmm?”
“Y-you can cum first,” you tell him, almost trying to convince him. You even swirl your hips in his tight grip. He keeps you locked in his arms, barely letting your ass leave his lap. And when your pussy clenches, getting tighter and tighter around his tip, Jisung groans in your neck. His biceps flex and squeeze you equally hard, and you run a single hand down his chest, pausing on his pecs, giving his nipple a little brush. And Jisung cums. 
He cums so hard with your permission, slamming up into your cervix, just the once, until he empties his balls. Jisung kisses your shoulder, longly, repeating gentle pecks along your trapezius before slowly rocking his heavy cock between the ridges of your pussy walls. His thighs flutter, spanking your ass. He feels his cock still reach the back of your cunt, shaft thumping, pulsing, on your sensitive, squishy little spot. You pinch his pecs even harder, nails scratching toward his shoulders, and whine in his ears.
“Sung, sweetheart, babe, oh, my God, fuck,” you whimper, syllables chopped into shrill squeaks, eyes rolling to the back of your head. “Jisung, right there, yeah, fuck, fuck, Ji -” You cut yourself off on a moan and hug him around the neck, as tight as your orgasm rushes over you. 
“Mmm, baby, shit,” Jisung moans, too. Your cunt throbs around him, wringing out the last of his cum. You teeter a little bit taller over him, slipping some of his cock out, and he feels your pussy drool down his thighs. “You squirt, baby?” You bite your lip and nod through your lashes. And Jisung kisses you again. He scanned your face first, blazing through the euphoria, then kissed you again, palm cupping your face, thumb drawing hearts in your cheek, lips closing around yours in long successions. “You’re so -” Jisung swallows, then pecks you quick. “You did so good, baby.”
“Mmm.” You kiss Jisung this time, holding him tight. “Jisungie, too. You are so perfect.”
You and Jisung stare at each other for a moment, probably a few seconds, before you break it to fix his hair. His after-sex hair usually looks worse, when you’re alone, because of all the times you pull his hair and all the times he twists his head in the sheets while you ride him. But now, he doesn’t know what it looks like, so he just trusts your judgement. You needlessly wipe your fingers in the blankets (he’ll clean it up later, he swears) and pluck his bangs perfectly into place. 
“Do you think you can make it to the bathroom?” you ask. Jisung nods. “I’ll clean you up. Come on.”
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True to your word, you run a small washcloth on Jisung’s most sensitive parts in your narrow bathroom. It was made to fit two people max, but he’s so tall, having gone (and still going) through so many growth spurts that you both have to bend into more ridiculous poses just to tend to each other. Jisung thinks you could have cleaned up independently, especially since you work in silence, but he didn’t want to share you again today (tonight?), not even with yourself. 
Unfortunately, you left the room first, breaking the silence to talk about Jeno, who passed out in the other room (Jisung doesn’t blame him; if you came seven times today, half from the both of them, he can’t imagine what Jeno and his fragile refractory period went through). Jisung stayed, mostly to examine himself in the mirror and take one breath of fresh air. His eyes traced all the red lines in his skin. Some of them disappeared pretty quickly, but he found a hickey or two after lifting his arms. 
You ultimately meet him in the kitchen, once he slips back into his hoodie and sweatpants, minus the t-shirt and boxers. Unlike Jeno though, you don’t scare him. 
“Jisung?” you call, despite the direct eye contact. He tilts his cup of water at you, offering, but you raise your hand. “No, thanks.” You slide your hands up your hips, tucking them into the waistband of your athletic shirt, incidentally lifting your shirt - his shirt. Well, it looks like one of his missing Adidas shirts, just based on the length bunching behind your waist; he has to buy larger shirts to accommodate for his height. You inhale sharply. 
“What’s … what’s up?” Jisung drinks more of his water. 
“Can we talk?”
He purses his lips and stops himself from saying the obvious: that you’re already talking. Then, he remembers that Jeno could wake up at any second, and he puts his water back down. 
“Ye - yeah.” Jisung approaches you, cautiously, his hands bringing your elbows down. 
You fold, instantly, nuzzling your nose in his chest. Jisung can’t imagine how he smells, not having showered fully since the early morning. You, though, smell nice, smell sweet, as he accepts your hug, sinking into your hair.
“Don’t go,” you whisper, “this time. Please?”
Jisung glances at your bedroom. “You have Jeno,” he says cryptically. He has no intention of leaving just yet. “I don’t … “ Jisung sighs. You wait for him, while he finds the right words, trying to physically pull them into his mouth, and you’re first to pull away from the hug, staring at him. “I don’t leave.” Anymore hangs in the air - which doesn’t make it any less true. He stays, now; has stayed, after sex, for the last few months. But still, he left, in the beginning. “Hi,” Jisung whispers, like it can erase all the times he did leave. He smoothes the lines around your eyes.
“Hi,” you whisper back, albeit a little louder.
“Is … is that all?”
“No, I -” And it’s your turn to physically drag the right words into conversation. 
Jisung wishes you both could be more direct. But it’s hard. He certainly can’t ask you for exclusivity, not after what just happened, not after predicating this … arrangement on a lack of exclusivity. And even worse, Jisung has an idea of what you want to ask him. He wants the same thing, hopefully. Some (a lot) doubt lingers, scratching the right part of his amygdala. 
“You don’t have to say it,” Jisung tells you, his thumbs rubbing into your sides again. “We can always talk another time. I’m - I’m sorry,” he chokes, “that I came here unannounced. I’ll let you know in advance, in the future, so that we don’t … you don’t have overlapping … people at your apartment again.”
“Jisung …”
“Unless you want to do it again,” he rectifies, cutting you off. You always relinquish the floor to him, he noticed, and he takes advantage of it now. “I don’t mind sharing,” he lies, not so smoothly. “What - whatever you want.”
“Jisung.” You grab him by the face, making him look you in the eye. He does. Jisung freezes, hunching his shoulders to make it easier for you to hold him. “Can … can I say something, and you won’t …?” Jisung nods; he won’t leave, no matter what you say. “I … oh, God. I hate this.” You swallow once,  then lick your lips and swallow again. “I want you.”
“You’re not tired?”
“No, Ji, I -” You sigh, and he feels it in your chest, the way your pulse quivers. “God, this is so embarrassing.”
“You don’t have to be embarrassed. Not with me.”
You take a deep breath and wince at the thought. Then you whisper something, incoherent, that he’s not sure anyone could hear or read off your lips, and he has to encourage you again.
“Jisung, I like you. So much.”
He stares at you, blinking so slow that his lashes might fall off. He barely registers when you start pulling away, and he scrambles to return you into his arms. You let him manhandle you, falling pliantly over his forearms. Jisung scans your face again, too. His hand creeps onto your cheeks, and you rest into his palm. Gradually, he leans down, without breaking eye contact. He connects your lips, tasting the light bitter taste from this afternoon, only briefly.
“Me, too,” Jisung breathes. “I like you so, so very much.” He presses a singular, chaste, long kiss to your mouth. “I wasn’t going to confess like this,” he admits, tongue breaking the spit on the seam of his lips. “I - I wanted to tell you, but I wasn’t sure how.” He swallows, nervously, but you alleviate it, smiling at him. “I thought it would be more romantic than this, to be honest.”
“You didn’t think about confessing to me with another guy watching?” you giggle, almost jumping into his arms to kiss him again, evidently not expecting a real answer. You do, by the way. You kiss him, this time, pecking to the tempo of Morse code. “So, you’ll stay?”
“Yeah,” Jisung nods, matching your smile. “We can even kick Jeno out, if you want.”
You slap his chest and scrunch your nose cutely. “Don’t be mean, Sung.”
“You’re right,” he concedes. “There’s always the couch.”
231 notes · View notes
atlabeth · 5 months
now that the dust has cleared from the chaos for me irl, i want to officially thank you all for 3000 followers!! because wow. where do i even start?
this isn't a milestone i thought i would ever reach. i made this blog during my junior year of high school when i was bored as hell in online school, not knowing what would come of it, and honestly not expecting anyone to read anything i’ve written. i exclusively wrote avatar fics (kind of embarrassing that a series i started at the beginning of my blog still isnt finished huh?) because it was what i had been watching most recently. i started to gain some recognition, made some friends, and slowly but surely i carved out my little corner of the internet. and now, 3 years, 3000 followers, and almost 500,000 words later, i’m going into my junior year of college with some of the best online friends a girl could ask for (shoutout to my day 1 @simplysolo for still being around and still being the best ever, and shoutout to all my other tumblr friends that have deactivated over the years</3 i miss you guys) a whole array of fandoms that i’ve dabbled in, and a newly discovered thing for middle aged men. cool 
i truly cannot thank you all enough. i’ve always been a writer, but this blog has given me a sorely needed creative outlet and made me more confident in my writing skills than ever. at the end of the day i’m just writing silly little x reader fics, but i’ve truly had so much fun doing it! every single fictional man im in love with is also in love with me isn’t that crazy!!!
a special, extended shoutout to the loveliest mutuals i’ve picked up over the years. i wouldn’t be half the writer i am and i wouldn’t have half as much fun on here without you all. @simplysolo for being around since the beginning and truly being the greatest person on this app, i love you intensely, @sokkadora for being another one of my ogs (we dont talk anymore but i see you every so often on my dash and you’re doing great!!) @mcallmestiles for being one of the first avatar fics i ever read, traitor encouraged me to be a better writer and i hope you’re doing well with your medical career!! @tangledinlove for being my most famous mutual, the kindest person in the world, and being brought together through the power of lockwood, @giyuji and @milkiane who are both inactive but who i have to tag because i love them and i hope they’re doing well; naomi you got me into the grishaverse and liane we were in the trenches of the stranger things revival together, @boneblushed for dealing with so much but still being phenomenal and lovely in every way, @tommymcartney for being so sweet all the time, my biggest cheerleader and encouraging my insanity in every fandom ive been a part of, @nghtwngs for being the only person who loses it over nikolai lantsov as much as i do, to all my new/more recent mutuals @hotchfiles @ma1dita @moowithmidnight @emiliehornby @supercutszns i can't wait to get to know or keep getting to know you!!! you're all so lovely!!! and all the mutuals i don’t talk to as much as i should, i love you all and cherish you in my heart regardless of if we talk every day or have never said a single word to each other!! i don’t want to tag you all because i don’t want to bother you, but if you’re looking at this and thinking am i talking about you, i am. i love you. it takes a village and im so lucky to have you all as mine 
i can’t believe it’s been 3 years, i can’t believe i’m halfway done with college, and i can’t believe we hit 3,000. truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much for reading my fics and letting me be some small part of your lives. i can’t wait to write more for you all. keep a lookout for my 3k celebration post! 
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xoluvx · 2 months
my vision is peter parker and my favorite song holy ground please and thank you
Oh gosh I know the Peter blogs that follow my blog are most likely inactive but I had this in the drafts for so long .. I couldn’t not share 🥺
I also rewatched the mcu spiderman movies recently & it made me miss Peter so muchhhhh 🥲🥲
holy ground x peter parker
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you marveled at the specks of freckles on his nose. mesmerized by the twinkle in his eye. his fingers perfectly wrapped around yours as his hand gave yours a slight squeeze.
he leaned over, lips ghosting over yours until your lips were tenderly touching.
your eyes snapped open feeling the absence of his lips. instead, it was the warm rim of your mug that touched your lips. the bittersweet smell of coffee infiltrated your nose. the scent of coffee triggered the moments you'd spent up on the roof of your school each morning before school. the half-empty coffee cups at your side.
there wasn't a day that passed when you didn't think of peter. you wondered what he was up to. sure, you could look him up on social media but his feed hadn't changed. he never posted. he felt like a ghost.
when you typed his name and searched for him on Instagram, the photos you'd taken of him stared back at you. his bright smile and crinkled nose still made your heart flutter and you always closed the app quickly as if he could see you.
"you okay?" the concerned voice of your best friend replaced the panic you'd felt after looking at his instagram.
you nodded taking a quick sip of your coffee instantly regretting it when the hot liquid made contact with your tongue.
"fuck," you cursed under your breath.
"what's that?" she glanced at the screen. peter was still all over it and you quickly grabbed your phone, locking it and putting it in the pocket of your robe. "why don't you call him?" she asked as if she didn't know the entire history of what happened between you and peter.
"you know why," you mumbled this time cradling the cup in your hand, blowing on the liquid waiting for it to cool down before drinking. "he's spiderman!" you exclaimed.
the moments of just the two of you were gone. the times of laughing on the roof as teenagers and doing karaoke were done. you'd grown up and he'd gone to be a hero.
you were left with nothing but an old scatter of images on instagram.
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eirikrjs · 1 year
UPDATE 9/2/23
Wow, it's almost fall and I'm still kickin', so here's a proper update about what's been going on with me. I do feel great most days, and with Halloween in season around the US, it makes me very happy. As far as stroke recovery goes, my leg has a newly made brace and my walking in general has greatly improved the past few months. I really don't roll my left foot anymore, in other words, my foot can go flat instead of landing on the ankle and possibly causing injury.
My arm is still mostly nothing but a couple weeks back I was able to move my shoulder again so there's hope. I also got a home electrical stimulation device so I give my arm and hand a jolt for an hour everyday. With time, I feel confident i'll recover.
A great help with my recovery has been the amazing @dagdasgoddess , a fellow young stroke survivor who has been watching out for me and offering encouragement every day for a couple months now, exactly when I needed it. Mentally, stroke recovery is pretty damn tough but most days I feel positive about it, with great thanks to her.
And now on to some business. Shortly before my stroke I was planning on celebrating the 10th anniversary of my blog (which would have been in December of last year, but I was still in the hospital, obviously...) And one of the things I was going to do was photograph and review all the smt demon figures I have, using my special diorama table. I got around to starting the project a couple weeks before the stroke, naturally starting with the Leonard figure. Here's one of the pics:
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I also made something of an anniversary banner, just because, I guess:
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I also want to talk about some milestones reached, starting with some follower counts. By December last year I finally surpassed 2k followers, so thank you so very much. This is after Kanekos Crib Notes quickly dwarfed my own blog followers shortly after its establishment in like 2014. But now my own blog is even ahead of kcn, as undoubtedly its current annual schedule limits its growth and reach. (But hey, it's almost October, aka KCN MONTH)
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The last milestone is above: my Stealing Knowledge blogger has reached half a million views! Unbelievable, thanks for reading and sharing over the years! Identity crisis part 3 remains the most viewed, with over 50k on its own.
Finally, I want to talk about the future. Another 10th anniversary plan was to try and monetize the blog somehow, probably via a Patreon for new articles and such and many other ideas, maybe even doing YouTube videos to answer asks instead of them being all text. I have lots of other ideas too, but they'll have to wait until my arm works again. So instead of monetizing the future, for now I'm just going to ask y'all kindly to chip in for the blog's past. I'm amazed at how much activity the blog still generates from--let's call it "legacy content".
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To that end, I have set myself up a kofi account where you can show your appreciation for that "legacy", kuwabara, kuwabara, if you'd like. All money earned will go towards paying down bills accrued during my recovery, like my hyperbaric treatments. In perfect honesty, it's been around 3000 US dollars so far. Don't feel obligated to contribute and thank you all for still sticking around with me despite my relative inactivity. And if course, continue keeping @sorenblr busy if you wish.
I would also not expect my own recovery before next year, that's just stroke for you. Thank you all!!!!!
p.s. I was featured as a stroke survivor again on another therapy facebook post:
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I’m alive
I’m sorry for abandoning this blog for like 3-4 years. Executive dysfunction just kind of got on top of me and I couldn’t keep up with it anymore, and the further behind I got the more insurmountable it became to get back on top of it. I’m sorry to everyone who never got a reply to their messages/asks. 
I’m trialing migrating back to tumblr after *gestures broadly at twitter* and while I don’t have the bandwidth to revive this blog, I’m proud of the little community we had here and I don’t plan to delete anything. I remember the time I spent on here fondly and I wish I could have kept doing it. Thank you to everyone who supported me over the years the blog was active, especially folks who sent regular asks. 
As a little life update, I am still with the person who I made this blog about - we’ve been together over 6 and a half years now. We moved back to our hometown with our three cats, he’s doing his Master’s degree and I have a proper grown-up job now. I had my two year HRT anniversary this year, I’m pursuing an autism assessment for myself, and I got really into Dungons & Dragons over the pandemic. 
I hope everyone is doing as well as you can be. Feel free to send updates, I’ll keep the inbox of this account open (though I probably won’t be answering advice asks). But you will probably find me for the most part over on my new main blog @queerf0xx (which currently doesn’t have anything on it). Also basically everyone I followed back in the day has been inactive as long as I have, so I welcome any recommendations for blogs to follow. 
Sending my love to you all,
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rae-writes · 7 months
ngl i followed you (like several months ago, maybe even a year and half idk ?? sometime between that) even tho i thought this was alrd a dead account so seeing u posting again just invokes pure hapiness. i nvr got to say how i LOVE ur works bcs i just deadass thought you'd abandoned this and what good will it be sending an ask to an inactive account....
anyway this is like the second coming of christ to me i love you and your fics,, that one where mc turns into a demon altered the trajectory of my life forever
ASJIIUHSYUFGYUDGVHIUASHOIJFDOIHDIGU HI?? HELLO?? TYSM?? The grin that just came across my face while reading this, I- MWAH MWAH <33
I am, in fact, still here, I never wanna give this blog up- I just get knocked down over the head with writer's block for periods at a time occasionally :')
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skeleton-jaack · 8 months
Does anyone use Tumblr anymore?
I know it's not the most popular social media, but I just purged over half the blogs I was following due to a year+ of inactivity.
I guess if you're still an active halloween/fall/spooky blog, interact with this post in some way. I would love to find new people to follow.
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diivineray · 28 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I have a lot-- most are currently inactive but you'll know when you see them. I'm open however to creating new OTPs and spazzing about them with you.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Its fair game. I am willing to write just about everything except for like underaged stuff. Everything else is fair game if we discuss it beforehand. I'm not easily triggered by things, and a lot of my muses tap into that risque and taboo nature so come at me bruh.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
I agree with what Ash said. we just don't like dealing with toddlers.
Are you selective when shipping?
Not really. I go based off chemistry. This isn't just a muse related thing, its also on how well we write together. Sometimes our writing might not mesh and that's okay. point is, I'll always try.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
idk once clothes come off, bow chicka bow bow. I love smut, I'm not shy about it. I do not use read more's but I will tag. This blog contains heavy amounts of it so it shouldn't be surprising.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
Oh boy, literally every one of my muses with @deathfavor. Xie Lian and Mu Qing with @feietouhuo, their love transcends worming. Mu Qing will also eventually come to know their deep infatuation with Pei Ming. (We still have hope.) Also, I don't know if you'd still be down for Peilian, but like 🥺and, of course, anything with Xian le trio. @dcstinyscdgc with Fei Fei and Ruolan <3 some new ships i got going with leona I am loving with @verreprincesse & @duunswitch ! Of course leona's very OG prince @farspirit. If i am forgetting anyone hit me fndsklfs but the gist is I got a lot <3
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Nah, but if that helps you by all means go for it. I think ships work very much like real relationships and I love when things kind of just pop up on their own. When the chemistry is cooking ya know?
How often do you like to ship?
i'd be a lying hoe if I said not all the time so.
Are you multiship?
yep!! There are some muses it might take me some time to open up with, but every muse is different, and I don't wanna do myself the disservice of missing out on cool peeps by not branching out.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
half and half?? Like I love ships, but I also really do like exploring other aspects of my muses than just the romantics.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
twst: leovil tgcf: fenglian /peiwen mdzs: wangxian
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Asks !! IM's !! I know IM's suck, but I don't give my discord very easily these days so IMs are the best way to go.
tagged. @feietouhuo ( sending you smooches thank u worm qing) tagging. @dcstinyscdgc, @verreprincesse, @duunswitch, @ghostlypath & anyone else who wants to do this
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combustionbunny · 4 months
Hello again!
Sorry for the super long absence! My main blog, kasgiwagisae, was wrongly terminated a year and a half ago on December 9th (which is literally on my birthday), so I thought I was locked out of this blog! Turns out I'm not!
Short Version:
I've moved to a new art blog! Follow @diddlesnap if you're wanting to see new art from me!
Long Version:
I've been unable to recover it or my Peach Girl blog, but I was confused as to why this blog remained up. Luckily, this blog was also connected to my very VERY old personal blog, so after logging into that and adding my new blog as a member, I once again have access to it! Yahoo!
However, even before my termination, I'd been wanting to rebrand for a while since I came up with the username CombustionBunny when I was literally thirteen and I'm 25 now. So, I took the opportunity to make a new art blog a few months ago, mostly thinking I would never regain access to this one.
I'll be reblogging my new art here from my new art blog for the next several months so my followers here can still see my stuff and follow my new blog if interested. If not, that way they can just remember unfollow this mostly inactive blog, haha.
Anyway. @diddlesnap the new art blog. And my new main blog is @saesyndrome if you're interested in seeing me there, too!
Thanks for everything, especially for sticking around so long! Hope to see y'all around, but if not.... Still love y'all forever!
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jensettermandu · 5 months
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These half-witted femcel’s represent why i’m no longer active on wattpad. It’s not all wattpad users, but it’s always wattpad users. Getting triggered by me not being in love with a woman i don’t know and that my ult bias has always been Chuu goes to the hall of fame wall for the dimwits that have stumbled upon my blog and gotten triggered by me. 
First of all these “people” have to be one person because there’s no way strangers speak this generically with each other ONLINE on WATTPAD. If it is three different people, congratulations, it’s giving obsessed (it’s giving even more obsessed if it is one person or friends), especially since none of you follow me. so you’re telling me you’ve been lurking on an inactive profile waiting for something to happen??? AND YOU KNOW WHAT, I don’t blame you, my work slaps and I WILL GIVE YOU THE ATTENTION YOU WANTED. 
Second of all, no i do not love any of these idols so let that marinate in your head and everyone else's. i admire them for the things they have accomplished, their talents and their beauty. I do not engage in parasocial activities considering i get love from the people around me which im assuming you don't :/ poor you.
I cannot feel love for someone i don’t know, especially since i know their idol image and don’t know what type of person they are in real life. That being something that triggers you means you’re too weak for the internet buddy so wrap it up and touch some grass, sign up for some yoga classes and start doing breathing exercises. There’s still time to save yourself from a miserable life. 
The question i was asked came with no good context and i answered it the best i could <3
Third, jennie is not all im about or all i write about if you were to check my masterlist. She’s only all i write about on wp because that was how i grew my following to begin with and decided to stick to it on there and create a tumblr so i could try something new. SO there's one thing you weren't wrong about and that's my WATTPAD account being all for jennie, never said my tumblr would be it.
The receipts:
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SO womp womp, cry about it while still eating up every Jennie fic i have posted/updated since 2020. YES, they manage to complain despite being fed since 2020.
You unfollowing me does not bother me, it rather feels like an accomplishment seeing that i managed to trigger someone so much with so few words that it made them unfollow me AND announce it to everyone.
I will also hand out the block for you three so you can feel like you accomplished something fr to considering it will never happen outside of this. rather than chasing something that would make you dimwits useful and appreciated and not like a waste of good chromosomes, you’re on my feed trying to prove a point that never existed, making you look like bigger fools than you already are. 
much love your biggest CHUU STAN, JENsettermandu <3
i would like to get a reply from all three even if you have to log into all three accounts to do it
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