#halim ondore iv
4th-make-quail · 7 months
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Tonight's screaming takes the form of Ondoreposting!! While I LOVE that they gave my old man a proper fmv cutscene, I wish they didn't smooth him out so much lol, HALIM, WHERE ARE UR WRINKLES SIR
Anyway, we stan a cane using hottie, look at him! He's so beautiful... His crinkles... 🥰🥰🥰
Needless to say, I prefer his in game normal cutscene model (same for Basch actually lol, his beard looks weird in the fmvs) - he has so much character in his lovely face, and he doesn't look quite so pale either!!
I love how he's part of his armada, fighting with the Resistance, and I love how worried he is for Ashe auughhh, Uncle Halim...
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ff12-ultimania · 9 months
Bhujerba's neutrality & house Ondore
The floating landmasses of Purvama, which include Bhujerba, fall under the dominion of House Ondore, with the Bhujerban government being a composition of House Ondore and its vassals. Each settlement and magicite mines on these aerial islands are under the jurisdiction of House Ondore.
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For hundreds of years, the Marquises of Ondore utilized its status as one of Ivalice's primary magicite producers to maintain neutrality and avoid reliance on powerful empires. The current head of the House, Halim Ondore IV, adhered to this stance of independence until recently, he has succumbed to the pressures exerted by the Archadian Empire, now adopting a pro-empire position over the last two years. Some citizens express discontent with Halim Ondore's shift, advocating for a more confrontational approach toward the empire. However, there are rumors about a covert anti-Imperialist resistance operating with the Marquis' discreet support.
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nemo-in-wonderland · 22 hours
Talk about Nabyrie Ondore~
What are her significant story beats? Any skills that set her apart?
(I recently inundated my last braincell into Ivalician Hell once again so seeing anyone have FFXII ocs is neat)
omg, I honestly didn't expect an ask about Nabyrie!!! 😭😭😭 She is such an old OC of mine!
I created her when FFXII first came out, back in 2007, but she is still so precious to me <3
So, regarding her story!
Always keeping in consideration that I wrote it when I was just a teen (and in Italian as well), my "Tales of Two Empires" revolves mostly around Nabyrie's story, and it's divided in two parts: "Book 1: For Whom The Nightingale Sings" which revolves mostly around Nabyrie's own romantic relationship with Vossler; how Nabyrie herself would navigate the whole whole political situation in Ivalice between Rozarria and Archadia, trying to ensure Bhujerba's neutrality while also lending her personal support to the remaining Knights of Dalmasca (hence her supporting Vossler's and Ashe's cause).
So we can say that the first part of Nabyrie's story follows the events of the game, while narrating them from Nabyrie's side - so basically Bhujerba and the Knights of Dalmasca's resistance.
The moment my story diverges is around Vossler's death on the Leviathan, and that's when Nabyrie's retreat to Bhujerba and Book 1 ends.
"Book 2: The Blue Yonder" starts AFTER the events of FFXII and it mostly narrates about how Nabyrie has agreed to a marriage of convenience with Larsa, how she has become Empress of the Archadian Empire and how, after Vossler's death, she fell more and more and more into a dark spiral, with that darkness channeled into preparing to fight once again against Rozarria and defending the Empire, while also trying to carry on a personal revenge caused by that pain that was consuming all her soul (yes, my darling OC Aranea owes A LOT to Nabyrie in terms of inspiration).
This is a very VERY general summary of the story.
Her most significant Story beats are connected to Vossler's death, her relationship with Balthier during her years in the Empire, her personal vendetta against her own cousin Ashe (whom she considers responsible for Vossler's death), her ascension as Empress of Arcadia and as Warlord for the Empire, her funneling the Mist's own power into her own body as a way to gain absolute power over some of the Espers (to the cost of some of her own sanity) and eventually her redemption in the end.
As for Nabyrie herself, she is the first daughter of Halim Ondore IV and Zahira Alya Margrace, Su Alteza Real La Infanta Princesa de Sangre of House Margrace of Rozarria, and the designated successor to Halim's role as Steward of Bhujerba.
She is fiercely loyal to her city, fiercely indipendent, and especially in the first part of her story, a tomboy with one heck of a temper and fierce disposition that could be considered complementary to Vossler's own temper.
Feel free to read a tiny snippet of my story here, if you will. It was one of the few parts that I have translated in English, but do keep in mind that I wrote it when I was really young!😅🙏
Thank you so much for your question, I so rarely have the chance to speak about Nabyrie, but when I happens, it's always a joy for me, because she is one of my most favourite brainchildren <3
so truly thank you for giving me this opportunity! :)
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arlenya · 4 years
How do you play nice with a former enemy you're now supposed to work with?
On the eve of peace, Halim Ondore finds himself beyond intrigued by Judge Magister Zargabaath's actions during the final battle. Perhaps there is more to the man underneath the fearsome armour than he thought?
Only one way to find out.
Words: 2682, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Halim Ondore IV & Zargabaath (Ivalice Alliance) Characters: Halim Ondore IV, Zargabaath (Ivalice Alliance), Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca (mentioned), Larsa Ferrinas Solidor (mentioned), Vayne Carudas Solidor (mentioned) Additional Tags: Post-Ending, enemies to...what?, budding mutual respect, Peace Negotiations, Zargabaath's actions have caught Ondore's interest, a curious Marquis is a slightly nosy Marquis, this was meant to be a speed prompt, I have been informed that a 5h writing process does not count as a 'speed' prompt anymore OTL, exploring unexplored character dynamics is fun
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patricianandclerk · 5 years
I'm dying over ondore giving his niece a lecture and everyone just standing there awkwardly
until balthier is like SOOOO we're here too just saying
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kumeko · 7 years
Title: the pursuit of happiness
Prompt: rattling my heart like a bird in a too small cage
Character/Pairing: Ashe/Basch, Penelo, Larsa, Onodore
A/N: Well this was interesting to write. I can’t write old English or formal English so pardon that.
Summary: Underneath his hand, her heart beat fast, a bird trapped in a too small cage
(read more)
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dresspheres · 6 years
Final Fantasy XII | Halim Ondore IV | 190 Icons
190 Icons for Halim Ondore IV from Final Fantasy XII.
Please like/reblog/message me if you plan on using.
Credit me if you edit them! Otherwise, credit’s very much appreciated.
Download link
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krozinworks-blog · 7 years
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Aw.  Shout out to fellow hindi-grandpa aficionado @nochenails for always leavin’ me the nicest comments <3 <3
Also what’s this i hear about people bagging on ff12 just ahead of the rerelease?  Kids, if you don’t like it, don’t buy it/play it.  I don’t like 8 but i don’t crap a big turd on anyone who is super into it.  Sometimes it just comes down to personal taste when it comes to different ff.
I mean just sayin though, you’ll miss out on that guy ^
with the fancy hair
which would be like too bad
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cellarspider · 7 years
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Back to the fancy-as-fuck estate of the Marquis. It reminds me of what little I’ve seen of Final Fantasy IX (which I have not played, though I intend to at some point!), mixed a bit with a number of areas in Dark Souls. I can just imagine rolling off those roofs like a total lemon while trying to dodge unreasonably giant arrows.
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Ashe: When Vossler learned my father had been killed the night of the treaty-signing, he returned to Rabanastre to aid my escape. There was still time before Vayne’s reach extended too far. We thought you could protect me.
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Marquis: However, when I then made the announcement that you had taken your own life, I must have seemed a model citizen of the Empire. The announcement, you see, was Vayne’s suggestion. Of course, at the time I was reluctant, but I could not perceive his reasons. Now it is clear: he meant to drive a wedge between us.
It would be distinctly worrying to have one of your allies declare you’ve committed suicide, like some bizarre anon tumblr message getting ahead of itself.
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Ashe: Halim, we are past all this. Bhujerba must stand with us. We can stop Vayne.
The Marquis, however, is still in a complicated position. As seen last time, his citizens are now divided in their opinion of him, and while the 8th Fleet parking right over Bhujerba is a massive insult to Bhujerba’s sovereignty, it’s also a reminder of how goddamn powerful the Empire is. Ashe is determined to fight more openly, but there’s no real way to do that successfully.
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Marquis: I once knew a girl whose only wish was to be carried in her uncle’s arms. Your Majesty is a woman grown now.
Ashe: Then Bhujerba will aid me?
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Marquis: Suppose for a moment you were to defeat Vayne… What then? You cannot simply rebuild your kingdom with the only proof of your birthright stolen. Without that, the Gran Kiltias on Bur-Omisace cannot and will not recognize Your Majesty as the rightful heir. You may yet be a princess, but without proof of your identity, you are powerless.
Essentially, legitimacy is granted to certain royal bloodlines both by their treasures, and the acknowledgment of the most influential religious leader in Ivalice. Since DNA testing isn’t a thing here, the Fantasy Pope would not be able to legitimize Ashe’s claim to the throne. Hence Ghis’ remark that since the Empire now had the aforementioned macguffin, they could just basically just replace her with someone in a convincing wig.
So, this is a problem. And though not actually blood relatives, Ashe is close enough to family for the Marquis that he’d rather not give his approval to her present fighty tendencies.
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Marquis: You will remain with me. We do nothing till the time is right.
Ashe: I cannot just wait!
Marquis: Then what does Your Majesty propose we do?
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Ashe: Uncle Halim—
Balthier, meanwhile, is starting to get bored and uncomfortable.
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Balthier: Incidentally, what is the going rate for rescuing princesses these days? Food would be a start—the good stuff, mind you.
Marquis: This can be arranged, though it will take some time.
And someone might spit in it, but it’ll be good spit.
Balthier: Time enough for a bath, I hope. Dirty business, you know. Ah, best bring a change of clothes, too.
Does that imply we’ll actually see a party member change clothes??
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No, because Ashe has An Idea.
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Some heads of state out on a stately stroll!
Also please enjoy my Moomin mug. It's actually pink
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eirenare · 7 years
FFXII TZA: a little detail about Basch (and some thoughts on his role)
[SPOILER TIME (from the Bhujerba events)! This time I’m putting the post under a “read more” because I’m attaching some screenshots.]
I didn’t notice it straightaway when I played this part of the game, but when Basch and the others are in Ondore’s mansion, before Basch and Ondore pretend the first is attacking the last, after Balthier says to Basch “wait!”...
... Basch just SMILES while saying “sorry, can’t be helped”. 
Basch. SMILING. Being all “sorry not sorry lol”. I’m LIVING *internal screaming noises* How did I not notice THIS before?
Just look at the screenshots below, look at his face, at his lips curling up like that, he can’t fucking hide his happiness that Ondore’s lending them a hand so that they can go rescue Ashe. 
The best thing is that Basch DOESN’T know that Vossler has been talking with Ondore and infiltrated on the Leviathan, they DON’T know what will be awaiting them there, they KNOW they’re at disadvantage in every sense (and again, only Ondore knows that Vossler is in the ship, but still it’s just one man more to add to their ranks) and they DON’T have an escape plan.
Like, it’s a risky plan, almost a suicidal one, but Basch’s like, smiling and not giving a flying fuck about all that it seems, because it means they have a chance to rescue Ashe. 
And also can we talk about how ironic it is that Basch said that phrase? It’s like he’s mocking the fact of him being falsely accused of assassination. That adds sassy points in my opinion.
Gods, I love this man.
Just look at his smile:
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Also there’s something about Basch that I’ve noticed as well, and it’s that his behavior, while silent, tells quite a bit when you notice (or at least for me, because I tend to act a bit like him sometimes, silent, listening and observing). Still there are some small details, subtle things that I barely thought I saw, or that I noticed only while re-watching a scene.
As a last point, can we talk about the fact that king Raminas entrusted ONLY Basch with the location of the Dusk Shard? Basch was Captain of the Order of Knights of Dalmasca, yes, but damn, not even Ashe knew of the Dusk Shard’s location, it seems. That implies A TON of trust, and that there must have been a close relationship between Basch and the royal family (and this is why I headcanon the king tasking Basch especially with Ashe’s protection when she was little).
11 years ago I probably said at a certain moment that Basch was bland and/or boring. Oh boy, I was so mistaken. I just needed some years for my sight to sharpen and my perspective to widen.
And nobody can convince me that Basch isn’t the best 💛
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4th-make-quail · 7 months
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Actual update! I had a whole whirlwind of an excellent time today, lots of progress and MAXIMUM FEELS.
First up: got to Archades, fought Cid for the first time! Met Reddas! Cid and Balthier's interactions here are so fucking good, and Cid really plays up the role that's expected of him.
Got to Balfonheim! Which means my fave cutscene full of stuff no one ships!! Ondore/Reddas my beloved.... He has a Bhujerban ship, u know 🥰🥰 anyway, I love this conversation between Reddas and Ondore, it's so loaded it gives me all the brain wiggles
Onwards and onwards, to Giruvegan! I was struck by how much the waterline and silhouettes made me think of Camp Bronze Lake in xiv, it's really beautiful. One of the many times I've wished for a freecam or photomode in tza!
I'd totally forgotten about the cutscene with Ashe and the Occuria, it was so fucking good!! She finally begins to realise where her path might take her, and the scene itself is immaculately acted and animated. Ashe's trembling lips in the closeup of her mouth, fantastic.
And my stopping point for the day: one of my fave cutscenes! I love so much about this one. Cid and Vayne talking about Larsa, the discussion on nethicite being baubles or not, the appearance from Venat. They also both look gorgeous as well, ofc. And Vayne does this SUPER CUTE happy cat slow blink smile at Venat and I'm unwell about it!! I'm also unwell about Cid Profile, as ever. Ough...
Anyway, this might be doable! I'm having some struggles on bosses and on normal mobs which is interesting, because I'm normally a huge grinder. Thinking I might need to do a lil clan centurio backtrack, at least to get Decoy, because not having a dedicated tank is tricky. All in all, I've got too used to my main lv89-91 save with ultimate weapons HAHA, oops. Also this bitch is CONSTANTLY SKINT. I KEEP RUNNING OUT OF PHOENIX DOWNS. A travesty!!
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ff12-ultimania · 2 years
Background Data, Bhujerba
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part 1
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ayamasa-eu · 7 years
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did some FFXII drawings innit
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Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Final Fantasy XII Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Gabranth | Noah fon Ronsenburg & Basch fon Ronsenburg, Gabranth | Noah fon Rosenburg & Fran, Vossler York Azelas & Basch fon Ronsenburg, Basch fon Ronsenburg & Fran Characters: Gabranth | Noah fon Ronsenburg, Basch fon Ronsenburg, Fran (Ivalice Alliance), Vossler York Azelas, Balthier (Ivalice Alliance), Basch and Noah fon Ronsenburg's Mother, Vayne Carudas Solidor, Gramis Gana Solidor, Raminas B'nargin Dalmasca, Halim Ondore IV, Ghis (Ivalice Alliance), Zargabaath (Ivalice Alliance), Bergan (Ivalice Alliance), Drace (Ivalice Alliance), Reddas (Ivalice Alliance), Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca, Cidolfus Demen Bunansa, Rasler Heios Nabradia, Al-Cid Margrace Additional Tags: Landis, redemption arc, AU, Second Chances, Brotherly Relationship, Mysterious Circumstances Due to Magic/Mist, Divergent Timelines, fixing mistakes Summary:
Second chances don't occur frequently and especially not after death. However, Noah fon Ronsenburg has been given a special opportunity to right the wrongs that he had committed in his lifetime. Now, he's determined to make sure the least amount of people suffer from his actions.
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Memoirs and documents are a recurring plot device throughout the Ivalice Alliance, as they’re used to provide accessible political exposition while bringing up themes of history versus fact. XII is no exception: its recurring narration, given by Marquis Halim Ondore IV of Bhujerba, eventually inspires the narration that occurs throughout Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward.
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