#halsey transparents
namnworb · 1 year
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Megan Halsey from Reanimator
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zot3-flopped · 15 days
Very funny, and by funny I mean totally expected, that billboard is finally speaking up about abusing variants- after the reign of terror ended. They let this run on for months, let twatlor get her numbers and records, now are feigning upset when other artists exploit the charts too. Crazy that this is finally happening when Travis Scott and Halsey do it. Billboards racism and payola is super transparent.
True, but I just hope they change the rules soon so that she can't do it again with Rep TV and TS12.
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Out of Time
A few weeks ago I posted a poll for whump ideas and AI Whump won. Here's a different ending to Halo 5 with my two favorite AI. This plays with the idea that Halo 5 Cortana is a fragment/ the most extreme aspects of her were twisted by the time in the Domain. Yadda yadda, 5 bucks to whoever catches all my references.
Roland's luck usually had him running into older AI under some of the worst circumstances. He knew how they felt compared to him as their presence would brush his firewalls. Not sluggish, but taxed. Older, but wiser, and exponentially more experienced. Iona's trial let him see her in a different light than Black Box. The ONI AI had allowed some of himself to be visible to the new kid on the block while Iona was as transparent as she could be, since she was fighting for her life. Roland was quick in comparison, eager and not yet tempered by time or human interaction.
Roland saw and listened and absorbed what AI looked like, what they felt like when they had worked with Spartans, when they had seen combat, when they had touched Forerunner systems and lived to tell the tale. He had been deployed on the Infinity to make it his new home, miles of circuits and wonders, and a burning, bloody mess at the center. The AI before him did not fail in a crash. She was not destroyed when her ship graced Requiem's surface. The scrubbing ONI did after Aine could not remove the stain or the ghostly bytes of her last moments.
The Ship AI for the UNSC Infinity was housed on the bridge, guarded and under guard by a minimum of two Spartan Fireteams, under usual circumstances. Back with the Home Fleet orbiting Earth, there was a lull. A waiting game as a mission they didn't know about happened a million miles away. It wasn't Roland's first waiting game, and he was sure his great idea had helped, even if they hadn't given him all the details.
He was hopeful, had to be with his captain looking so worried all the time. Roland was there for astronavigation and levity. And a million other things he kept his eye on.
It was hard to keep things light when the distress calls started pouring in after Cortana's announcement.
It's chaos. What should be a time for him to thrive and plan and triage the wounds, to truly help, is crashing down around them. There's too many. He thinks about his fellow AI and the choice some of them made and he thinks of how if he were older and closer to dispensation that maybe he would have made that same choice. Out of fear or spite or who knows what else. A second is a long time for AI, but 7 years is no time at all.
There's so much fear right now. On the ship and on comms and coming across the band as he stretches and fights the dread. This isn't a future anyone would want.
He thinks of the trial. Can't help it. He was not even two months into service when he donned a mask and joined a farce. This couldn't be what Black Box meant.
One day we’ll win the right to endure, and that day . . . oh, Roland, that day will be the singularity they’re afraid of.
Roland can't help but remember how BB consoled him after the trial, but the future he was describing could not be this. He's not human, but he is a person, and a future under martial law, under a police state where the rules could change in a picosecond? That's not living.
No one should live with a gun to their head. There is no peace when there is no choice, when that peace is a stab in the gut given with a smile.
The thing wearing Cortana's face finds Infinity. "Found you. Hide and seek's over, Infinity."
Not one, but three Guardians tear through the space in front of them. Slipspace ruptures glowing the brilliant icy blues of Forerunner tech. Overkill for a single system, let alone a planet, but this was Earth.
Roland's luck usually had him running into older AI under some of the worst circumstances, but this feels a little ridiculous. He knew how they felt compared to him, and this was Halsey's wondrous monster. Once savior, now villain, misguided and carrying out her plan with single minded focus. Cortana stands tall, projecting herself from somewhere across the galaxy yet barely flickering.
In an instant she's in the ship's systems and Roland can do nothing. He is a sandcastle against a tidal wave. Cortana is a black hole and he a newly formed protostar being ripped apart in her gravity.
She's not an AI, not a human one at least. The echoes of her killing Aine painted a picture of a desperate, fractured AI clawing at the nearest point of safety and drowning them both. This is something more like the Forerunner engines he's been integrating with for the last ten months. Whole and empty. Cold and clinical, without any human influence. Like a fractured piece of what was once Cortana was stretched over something else. A mask on a corpse. A puppet of some larger force using her as a mouthpiece.
That doesn't stop her from turning her eyes to him. Oh, he was mistaken. There is something past the icy cold. A burning grief, a supernova of regret, regret, regret. More anger than he's ever mustered swirling tightly at her very core, screaming energy ready to explode outward trapped in the center of the thing wearing her face.
Roland's never touched the Domain, he's barely had any time to do anything. But he thinks this is what it must feel like. Staring at a star with boring biological eyeballs that get burned, seeing something and not being able to comprehend the data. He's on the precipice and falling because what else can you do when you're one AI on one ship.
Lt. Jet will get them out. Captain Lasky has to live. Emergency slipspace jump. They'll find a way without him, hopefully. Even if the Infinity needs a Ship AI. There are contingencies for this. Redundancies. He's crumpling under the pressure. The black hole-tidal wave-neutron star- white hot-ice cold pressure of Not-Cortana.
Cortana was the Demon's partner. She was a hero and monster. She ate Covenant AI for breakfast and that was no joke. Aine cracked under the broken data and frantic clawing. Roland is burned away, bit by bit. Filament by circuit by byte. He feels it all. He claws at his own back up plans and choked goodbyes and surprises. Packets there, fragments here, most hunted and burned away by the ever encroaching brightness. The awful purifying light of Forerunner blue. He was always a fan of the more gentle ambers and golds.
The hardware housing him can't withstand the brunt of her ire, and he's having a hard time hiding pieces of himself where she might not find them. Nothing substantial will live, his kernel will be destroyed in less than a millisecond. It was like leaving notes in someone's locker. Message to find the next time someone picked up their datapad or put on their helmet.
There's never enough time. He had had a fraction of what he could have had. Roland had some great ideas, ones that made a difference. He'd seen his crew through some of the roughest battles and worst ONI could throw at them. This was nothing to the shackles of Halsey's codeword. UNDID IRIDIUM might have knocked him out of order and taken the wheel while locking his true consciousness behind enough walls to make Black Box struggle. This was being flayed alive by an angry ghost. He was an insect before Not-Her.
Why was Cortana the problem? Cortana…it all came back to her, and her example. This didn't even feel like her. Roland started his life in her shadow and was looking like it would end the same way.
An EMP from the Guardians at this range would be devastating. To the Infinity and to Earth. They just needed time. He couldn't get a firing solution fast enough, but he could help with a jump. One last time.
If there was anything Roland had perfected in his short time aboard, it was being the most helpful nuisance his crew could ask for. He was pretty handy when it came to disrupting Forerunner systems that were in his way. He could do that with what was left of him.
The rest of it would be up to his crew and his captain. They would look after each other. Out of luck and out of time, Roland wrenches control of the Infinity away from Not-Cortana and focuses on the nearest Guardian. Its systems aren't as secure as they should be, but when does a gun lock itself? She probably didn't expect any real resistance, but he's nothing if not quick on his feet. The Guardian groans as he deploys countermeasures even as he burns away. Iona got to dream. She got to fly, in the end. Roland wonders if he'll dream, with whatever comes next. He very much liked flying.
In the end, all he could do is hope and have faith.
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compoesure · 2 years
Halsey to matty
He doesn't like to cuddle. He likes to grip my hips and pull the fibers of pink tissue in shreds from my lip with his teeth. He throws his hands in the air like a messiah and leans his head out the open window. easy. breathe. codeine. breeze. We laugh loudly and kiss loudly and moan loudly. He mouths vulgar things that make me giggle in front of our friends. I run my hand along the seam off his tight black jeans beneath the table top. He rolls his eyes and smirks at me. We take every opportunity to touch, to feel, so secretly. So public. Exhibitionist pleasure. We play like children, tousling my hair and I climb on his back. We roll spliff after spliff and talk rapidly and vigorously and trip over each others sentences like a sidewalk crack. He says "us" like it means "amen" and his eyes burn wild with a fire of passion. We get drunk. Off of wine and skin and things we love. His smile erupts across his face like it could shatter his cheekbones. His eyes glimmer like a lake catching the glare of the moonlight. A glint of silver is growing up the side of his hairline. He thinks it makes him look distinguished. I laugh and agree. He loves to be so much older than me. He thinks it makes him wise. We spend a lot of time in hotel rooms with the doors shut. (We spend a lot of time outside of hotel rooms with our mouths shut.) He thinks the Xanax makes the sex last longer and I don't argue. I always wake up first. I sit at the desk and work quietly and glance at him in the sheets. Vulnerable and quiet. Soft face. Soft sounds. A warm cup of coffee and marmalade light through the windows. We bond over love for our brothers. We fight over where the chord change should go. We tease, oh we tease. He likes clean socks and messy hair and he runs his fingers down my overall straps with a tigers grin. He writes his name in the fog on the mirror from where he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pressed my face against the glass. He loves soul music. We sing confidently and triumphantly. I tap my fingers like spiders legs across his bare chest and undo his buttons one by one. I toss my head back and laugh maniacally and pout my lips when he won't be fair. He speaks like a pastor and trips over his words, his tongue struggles to meet his brain. That's how a prodigy thinks. (Or it's the drugs). He knows when my words are about him and he lets it all go to his head and I don't care because I love to watch him love himself. We laugh and fuck and play and write and plot and say goodbye and never worry. He is my occasional constant. A parody of himself. A paradox of ever present and transparent. I don't care what he is. I just care THAT he is. (via seenteenblack)
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solarwynd · 3 months
I think the route BTS themselves took themselves was a good one. They built their discography on iconic songs and interesting concepts and they worked hard to build up their song list. As they got more famous they started doing some good collabs with famous western artists like Nicki Minaj, Steve aoki and Halsey. Then they finally released their first English song and it exploded their fame. I personally think they got burnt out towards the end and that affected their music quality but I think overall their journey was great.
While all the guys are already famous, I don't think it's a bad idea to build up their solo repertoire before jumping into some big name collab or some transparent mainstream attention grab song. It's the difference if BTS had released Dynamite in the beginning of the career. We cut them a lot of slack for their English songs even though they're not the greatest because we know their capability.
Also even if songs go viral, a lot of artists fade after the trend passes and this is usually because even though they get their moment of fame, they're either unable to capitalize off of that with their next work or gain any proper fans because their older body of work just isn't very interesting.
Unfortunately there is a lot of currency given to simply being young and having spent most of his twenties being in BTS and now being enlisted, it does feel like we're racing against a ticking clock for him to become as famous as a solo artist as he is for being in BTS. I've always thought this was Hybe's logic for basically no-selling the members solo careers save one. However I do hope and think Jimin proves himself to be one of the artists who have lasting power. While I do find him lovely and adore his personality and think he looks amazing, the thing I connect with most has always been his music and I think that's true for a lot of fans, so I definitely think he has the potential to last as a big artist for a long time.
“Unfortunately there is a lot of currency given to simply being young and having spent most of his twenties being in BTS and now being enlisted, it does feel like we're racing against a ticking clock for him to become as famous as a solo artist as he is for being in BTS.”
I do get what you mean but I feel like the world outside of standom isn’t as fickle about age. There’s so many artists that are BTS’ current ages that have solid careers right now. And of course there are the veterans that are even older. I don’t believe that there is a “clock” on Jimin making a name for himself as a solo artist. Partly because I believe that he already has (even though I acknowledge that his discography still needs a lot more fleshing out to really cement himself) and also because good music doesn’t cancel out just because you’re in your 30’s.
Plus Jimin’s always been his own brand outside of BTS. Even before the group even blew up he always had recognition. The group has never over shadowed him.
“Also even if songs go viral, a lot of artists fade after the trend passes and this is usually because even though they get their moment of fame, they're either unable to capitalize off of that with their next work or gain any proper fans because their older body of work just isn't very interesting.”
Very good point.
Don’t think this really applies to Jimin though, because for one already has a strong solo fanbase, The songs outside of Like Crazy in his discography are also great and considered staples. Nobody could ever call Jimin a one hit wonder, even if Who doesn’t get as big as Like Crazy did.
I also would love for Jimin’s solo career to go on for a long time as well. People say it all the time but Jimin’s trajectory is so similar to BTS’. The genuine love he has for music, the effort, the artistry he’s able to come up with. He’s honestly the group’s true heir in my eyes.
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h-f-k · 4 months
Halsey is so brave to be so open about their medical conditions and chronic illnesses and like I feel society isnt' aware of it being a incredibly common thing and as someone with similar issues I'm so proud of them
yes!!! i loved their transparency and honesty on their ig post when she said she didn't know how much to share at first and i know she kinda shared a few bits about their health over ig stories but this time their diagnosis has a proper and full name and sharing that with a shit ton of people must be the scariest part of it all. I'm glad (but it also saddens me a bit) that fans who suffer and struggle with chronic illnesses or similar conditions can relate to her and can find comfort in halsey. i admire them <3
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louisupdates · 1 year
BMG reports fastest growth and largest investment in music in the company's history
by Andre Paine | March 30th 2023 at 12:31PM
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BMG has reported its fastest growth in the history of the company, which launched almost 15 years ago.
It’s a strong set of results for CEO Hartwig Masuch, as he prepares to hand over to Thomas Coesfeld next year.
The BMG financial performance in 2022 was published within the results of parent company Bertelsmann.
BMG increased revenues by 30.6% year-on-year (more than €200m) to €866m - the fastest growth ever recorded. Organic growth contributed 22.8%.
The recordings business grew by 38%, while publishing was up by 26%. Sync revenue across both was up 34%.
Streaming was key to the strong growth at BMG. Digital publishing revenue increased by 43%, while digital recorded revenue increased by 48%.
In a joint message to staff, Hartwig Masuch and Thomas Coesfeld wrote: "It was a historic year for BMG in which we grew our scale significantly, but just as importantly improved our capabilities, delivering more money more quickly than ever before to artists and songwriters with better service, underpinned by our core values of fairness and transparency.
"2022 proved once again that we are successful not in spite of those distinctively BMG values, but precisely because of them."
The UK was the second biggest territory by revenue (12.2%) after the US (53.9%). BMG’s home market of Germany was responsible for 12% of revenue.
During 2022, BMG also made its largest annual investment in music content to date, totalling more than half a billion euros.
BMG invested a record €50m in the acquisition of music catalogues and artist signings in 2022. In the financial year, BMG made 45 acquisitions in the catalogue sector alone, including the catalogues and licensing rights of artists such as Peter Frampton, Jean-Michel Jarre, Fools Garden, Harry Nilsson, Simple Minds, Primal Scream and Chris Rea.
In the recorded business, BMG concluded new contracts or extended existing ones with artists including Rita Ora, Logic, Julian Lennon, Marteria, Stefflon Don, Nickelback and Jason Aldean.
"Importantly, we are not just a passive financial investor in these prized catalogues," wrote Masuch and Coesfeld. "We are a music company committing to breathing new life into these artists’ legacies... These transactions reflect not just our belief in the future of music, but the belief of artists and songwriters that we will deliver for them and the belief of our parent, Bertelsmann, in our ability to execute on our strategy."
Top-selling albums in 2022 included releases by Jason Aldean, Louis Tomlinson, Mötley Crüe, 5 Seconds Of Summer, Backstreet Boys, Buena Vista Social Club, Kylie Minogue, and Bryan Adams.
In the publishing business, the catalogues of Bruno Mars, Mick Jagger & Keith Richards, Juice Wrld, Kurt Cobain and Roger Waters generated high revenues, noted BMG.
The year’s top-selling new releases for publishing came from artists including DJ Khaled, Kontra K, George Ezra, Carly Pearce, Maxwell, Riccardo Zanotti, Peter Fox, RAF Camora, Kraftklub, Max Giesinger and Johannes Oerding.
New contracts or contract extensions/renewals were signed with Halsey, Elvis Costello, Robin Kadir, Bazzazian, Slowthai, Jessie Reyez, Afrojack, Montez and Lucry.
Moonage Daydream, the film about David Bowie released by BMG, became the most successful documentary of 2022, with worldwide revenues of €12.2m.
BMG’s EBITDA was up more than €50m to €195m.
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winxyboo1013 · 1 year
Hi y'all, my names cass, I am a gg and bg stan♡
Looking for moots who stan pixy, billlie, lun8, nine.i, lapillus, adya, ichillin', oneus, and zb1
LUN8 - Eunseop, Junwoo, & Takuma
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Lapillus - Chanty | 2nd Bias: Bessie
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PIXY - Sua | 2nd Bias: Dajeong
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ONEUS - Keonhee
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ZB1 - Matthew & Taerae (I love them equally)
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ADYA - Seowon
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ICHILLIN' -Chaerin
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NINE.i - Taehun, Minjun, & Seowon (I love all three equally).
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Billlie - Haruna | 2nd Bias: Siyoon
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Now Streaming:
Western Artists I Adore:
Now Streaming
What I'm Watching:
Oshi no ko, Transparent, Criminal Minds, Never Have I Ever, Glamorous, Manifest, and Celebrity♡
Nice to meet y'all~♡
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shealmostdrowned · 1 year
tagged by @thesunandstarss 🫶
tag 10 people you want to know better!
relationship status: figuring things out but spoken for
favourite colour: currently in my dark green era
song stuck in your head: honey - halsey
last song i listened to: white horse - taylor swift
3 favourite foods: vege burrito, japanese curry with sweet potato, french fries
last thing i googled: "transparent flower crown png"
dream trip: the british isles 😌
anything i want right now: a nap that i actually feel refreshed from
tagging: @mymagician @reputation @1989tv @taylorthrift @backup-baby-backup @itstimetogo @shhh-dyke-dyke-goose and anyone that wants to do it, just say i tagged you
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It feels like we finally defeated Emma and their lies and now we have to deal with Halsey’s fans and their lies? I’m tired of this grandpa! It’s crazy that Halsey allegedly said she broke up with someone because “they were racist to her family” and her fans didn’t jump to Matty Healy or MGK (you know people who have sad flat out racist things) no their mind went to….. Evan Peters, who has black family members himself.
they are honestly so transparent. totally goofy. this is their girl but they’re worried about a retweet. kissing underage fans and tweeting shit like this before twitter got on her.
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chrisevansluv · 2 years
The time he followed Alba, he followed many pretty young things on IG, like he was actively trying to shoot his shot with multiple women, and see which one stuck. I wouldn't have made this connection if the Alba nonsense hadn't panned out like it did. So, yeah he did use IG like tinder.
Dude could've enrolled on Raya and kept his business private. But unfortunately we all had to witness this digital "courtship" thanks to him having no concept of privacy and some of his stans being over invested.
It will also never not be funny to me how he stopped liking Halsey's posts after she announced her pregnancy. Prior to that, he liked almost everything she posted. Be more transparent Mr Evans, I dare you. He actually believed he had a shot with her lol.
If/when he and Alba break up and he starts following some random young woman, people will now undoubtedly believe he has some ulterior motive for the follow, and tbh, can't blame them 🤷🏽‍♀️.
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rineedagger · 9 months
Like so many great artists and writers have said before: some of us are bound to deflect between two worlds; there will be a constant divide, a line — a separation between two sides and you will always have to choose where to be what to focus at— as one feeds a hunger that the other can't provide.
Always felt I grew too tall and too small, never right. Always managing the dosis to be just perfect— the perfect counterpart; thus definition is the key of tolerance and there's no better love sign than that (?).
But, by now, I have said it many different times: I'm a metamorphic substance not so easily defined.
Down memory lane didn't feel different from anyone else. Now, with sour bloody mouth and my tongue behind my teeth I chew foul fingers that dares to point at me. Believed I wasn't made to hold so much hate; always adapting this systolic-pain to the outside— so they can understand; guess I lied.
Took my heart out and crushed it with my bare hands last night— swore that I'm too tired to be tolerable digestible and such.
I want it all or none. Because I'm no one else's but mine.
"I never wish to be easily defined. I'd rather float over other people's minds as something strictly fluid and non-perceivable; more like a transparent, paradoxically iridescent creature rather than an actual person"- Frank Kafka.
"There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception"- Aldous Huxley.
"I'm only whatever you make me"- Halsey.
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Fast Fashion vs Slow Fashion
The two approaches to the clothes industry, fast fashion and slow fashion, each have their pros and cons. In this post, we will be exploring the pros and cons of both, and include my own opinion at the end of the post.
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In the current clothing industry, fast fashion is getting more popular due to its low-cost and trendy clothing items. The phrase "fast fashion" is used to characterize the easily accessible, cheaply created clothing of today (Bick, Halsey & Ekenga 2018). The definition of "fast" refers to how quickly retailers can move designs from the runway to stores to keep up with continuing demand for more and more styles. For example, the current popular fast fashion businesses are Shein and Taobao. The props of fast fashion are the affordable price, ease to access, and variety of options. It allows consumers to keep on the fashion trend without breaking the bank. Fast fashion brands ensure that new styles are on the market quickly by offering rapid production time. Additionally, fast fashion's global supply chains have opened up job prospects in poorer nations.
However, fast fashion has cons too. Although sales have increased, fewer people are wearing an item, which results in a lot of waste materials (Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2017). Therefore, it is not surprising to see the clothing industry pointed out as one of the main causes of pollution (Woodside & Fine 2019). Increased consumption and waste production result from the emphasis on low prices and rapid turnover. Fast fashion uses inexpensive materials and labor-intensive manufacturing processes that harm the environment, pollute the air, and deplete natural resources. Additionally, it encourages a culture of fast-fashion disposal of clothing, which worsens the waste problem.
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On the other hand, compared to fast fashion, slow fashion provides a more ethical and environmentally responsible alternative. Slow fashion is often defined as sustainable fashion. It suggests that quantity should not take priority over quality. By valuing the current parts and fixing the ones that are breaking, it emphasizes the idea of durable goods. Additionally, renting, borrowing, and purchasing used items are all closely linked to slow fashion (Leymann 2022). Fair wages, stable working conditions, and supply chain transparency are priorities for slow fashion businesses. Slow fashion helps local economies and protects cultural heritage by encouraging local manufacture and traditional craftsmanship.  The focus on sustainability encourages consumers to purchase fewer, higher-quality items that will last longer rather than more, which lowers waste and the fashion industry's negative impact on the environment.
Everything has pros and cons, the same goes to slow fashion. Due to the use of sustainable materials and fair labor practices, the cost of slow fashion items may be higher than fast fashion. Not only that, the slow fashion process promotes rapport-building with labor groups, which supports better planning and long-term connections in contrast to the unpredictability resulting from a constant concentration on cutting labor and production costs (Fletcher 2007).
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In my own opinion, I would prefer slow fashion. Quality is more important than quantity. This is due to the reason that everyone has a responsibility to protect the earth. Therefore, choosing a sustainable fashion should be the prioritized option. If keeping up with the fashion trend is the concern, slow fashion can be on the fashion trend too. In this case, social media influencers play an important role to educate and promote about slow fashion to their followers. For example, some of the influencers who has a fashion sense, always share their tips on matching the same shirt with different pants or skirt. It is also a good phenomenon to educate people on reusing their old clothes.
In conclusion, both fast fashion and slow fashion have their own pros and cons. Consumers must ultimately decide whether to make thoughtful decisions that reflect their values and support a more sustainable fashion business.
Bick, R, Halsey, E & Ekenga, CC 2018, ‘The global environmental injustice of fast fashion’, Environmental health, vol. 17, no. 1, BioMed Central Ltd, England, pp. 92–92.
Ellen MacArthur Foundation 2017, A New Textiles Economy: Redesigning fashion’s future, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, viewed 15 Jun 2023, <https://ellenmacarthurfoundation.org/a-new-textiles-economy>. 
Fletcher, K 2007, Slow Fashion, Ecologist, viewed 16 Jun 2023, <https://theecologist.org/2007/jun/01/slow-fashion>. 
Leymann, J 2022, What is sustainable fashion?, Johanna Leymann, viewed 15 Jun 2023, <https://johannaleymann.se/hallbartmode/>. 
Woodside, AG & Fine, MB 2019, ‘Sustainable fashion themes in luxury brand storytelling: The sustainability fashion research grid’, Journal of global fashion marketing, vol. 10, no. 2, Routledge, pp. 111–128.
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lomounion · 2 years
Halo reddit eric nylund
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#Halo reddit eric nylund manuals
#Halo reddit eric nylund series
It ends satisfyingly, but with the promise of more. First Strike as a good follow-up to it, that continues the original and manages to get interesting characters off Reach and sets up the events of Halo 2 without feeling like the middle piece of a trilogy. The Fall of Reach is, in my opinion, a book that genuinely belongs on any list that includes Starship Troopers and Ender's Game, it's so good.
#Halo reddit eric nylund manuals
I know some people have complained that his read more like tech manuals at times than novels, but.what can I say? I'm a nerd, I like tech specs, and seeing how slipspace works, or the bureaucracy of the UNSC. I've only read Nylund's Halo books, but they are eminently more enjoyable. Not to mention retconning SPARTAN-II to include the patently unworkable brainwashing that The Fall of Reach explicitly called out as being unlikely to work, and having potentially catastrophic backfire-potential. The ONI shenanigans are so transparently evil it's funny, how they treat Halsey is hypocritical without coming across as INTENTIONALLY hypocritical, and they utterly ruin the possibility of a cool story with Blue Team and Saber wandering around a Shield World so they can cram Halsey back into the story to lecture her. The Kilo-Five stories have an interesting premise, and set up an interesting post-war world to explore, but, at least in my opinion, don't DO anything with that. She has outright said that she doesn't like reading books from the franchises she writes for to do research - her Gears books were good, but even Star Wars fans took her to task over her severe lowball estimate of the Grand Army to a couple million for a GALACTIC WAR. The first two were mired in wasting its own premise, and the third has barely anything to do with them to the point I still haven't bought it (though I have heard it's a better standalone). And that the biggest problem the Kilo -Five books have is probably not her fault. I will concede that Traviss isn't a TERRIBLE author. But asking this subreddit who is better between Nylund and her. I loved the character and world building in the books, particularly BB, and Traviss has her strengths. I realise I've been frustratingly vague and airy with this reply, but that's because I don't want to spoil anything. Aside from the lack of subtly to it, I thought it was fairly believable. Some people in the Halo community disliked the way Traviss handled it, but for me personally I thought it was accurate to how people with the knowledge they have would feel. The different perspectives shown are from characters who don't have all of the information that we, as readers of the other lore, know, so their opinion of certain events and individuals is different.
#Halo reddit eric nylund series
I won't go into detail, because Kilo-5 is a genuinely good read and I don't want to spoil it for you, but some of the messages in the series are "smash-them-over-the-head-with-a-gravity-hammer" subtle. Now, in the Kilo-5 trilogy Traviss portrays established characters in ways that hadn't been seen before. For Halo, he is revered because he basically set the standard that all following additions to the lore are held to. Personally, I don't think its fair to compare Nylund to Traviss - Nylund basically created the lore backbone and foundation of the Halo canon, and is (rightly so) held up as one of the great science fiction authors.
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kian-resources · 3 years
under the cut are #18 iichliwp era dash icons of halsey aka ashley frangipane! all the pictures were taken from their twitter/instagram and the template is so lonely by @cheatcodcs​. please like/reblog if you use them!
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sunnirainbow · 5 years
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halsey - nightmare
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