#halstead and lindsay
tvshowscouples · 21 days
If you love Erin&Jay (Chicago PD) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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saragarnier · 6 months
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Pairing: jay halstead x reader
Summary: Jay is y/n husband and he left her for eight months to go to Bolivia. When he came back, he couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw his wife again
Warning: none i guess, maybe a little bit of angst
English is not my first language, sorry if there’s some mistakes!
When your husband came home that day asking you to sit down on the couch, you didn’t think that he was going to say what he actually said. You two worked at Intelligence for four years and you didn’t think possible for him to change the way he did. When you first met him you immediately knew that he was kind, gentle and a good cop: you knew that he would have done everything to help innocents and to stop criminals, you knew that he was a good person.
And then something changed.
You didn’t know if that was because of his partner, Hailey Upton, or because of Voight; you just knew that you didn’t recognize him anymore. You even talked about it with Adam, your partner, but you weren’t able to find a way to help him get through that.
You just wanted him to be happy again, you just wanted him to be himself again.
That’s why you let him go.
When he told you that he accepted the job in Bolivia you couldn’t believe it, you just couldn’t.
Was he running away from the unit or was he running away from you?
You didn’t know what was true, but you couldn’t just deny him to be happy again: if he needed to go, you would have let him go.
And that’s exactly what you did.
“It will be for eight months maybe a little longer, okay? I will be back home soon.” He said that day, kissing your forehead with glossy eyes. “I love you… i really do but i need to do this. Please don’t be angry with me, i’ll come back to you, i promise. You’re the love of my life, y/n.”
When he left some minutes later to take his flight, you fell on the ground, crying; you needed him near you, you needed him there with you but you just couldn’t deny him to be himself again.
That’s why you didn’t tell him the truth.
That’s why you hid it from him.
When Kim knocked at your door that night after having heard about Jay, you let her in and you just walked back to the couch, where you cried all day.
“Y/n…” she whispered, walking towards you and hugging you tightly. “It’s okay. It’s temporary, right? He will come back, okay?”
You didn’t say anything, you didn’t nod or shook your head in response, you just kept crying again and again and then, after some minutes, you spoke.
“We perfectly know that he can die there.” You said, finally telling the truth, finally admitting out loud what you had in your mind all day since he talked to you.
“Oh, y/n…” she kept hugging you and she also placed her hand on your shoulder, trying to reassure you in some way. She wanted to say something, she wanted to help you go through all of that but her eyes fell on it.
It was on the table in front of the couch, exactly where you placed it after Jay left.
“What’s that?” She asked, keeping her eyes on the small object; she reached it and she looked at the result when you didn’t complain about it, then she looked up at you, shocked. “You’re pregnant?”
You wanted to cry, you wanted to scream, you wanted be alone in your thoughts, but Kim was there trying to help you and you really appreciated that, that’s why you just nodded, answering her.
“Does Jay know about it? Did He really leave you here alone knowing that you’re pregnant?”
Kim knew the answer deep down, she knew that Jay wouldn’t have left you there knowing that you were pregnant but she needed to know it for sure; when you shook your head saying “no”, she hugged you tighter.
“Oh, darling.” She whispered, caressing your back slowly and gently. “You should’ve told him, Y/n, i’m sure he wouldn’t have left knowing that.”
You sobbed, then you looked up at her and you shook your head again.
“T-That’s why i-i d-din’t tell him. He needed t-to go Kim, i c-couldn’t stop him.”
“But he had the rights to know the truth before taking such a decision!” She replied, shaking her head in disagreement.
“When he came here telling me about the job in Bolivia he already took it, he accepted it without even talking about it with me. I would have told him if he hadn’t already accepted it. He told me that he had a flight in few hours, how could i have told him? I know, after all, that he’s lost. He’s not himself anymore and, if taking that job is going to help him, then i will accept it. He said, after all, that’s only for eight months.” You said, even if he said that there was the possibility that he needed to stay a little longer. “When he will be back home, i will still be pregnant and he will be able to be here when our baby is born.”
Kim didn’t agree with you but you was still shocked, that’s why she didn’t say anything: she just hugged you, promising you that she would have help you.
And she did, as all your unit.
Kim, Adam, Hailey, Kevin, Hank and also Trudy helped how they could.
In the next months they helped you, they came to your house to keep you company and they accompanied you to the hospital every time you needed to do a visit.
You were never alone after all, but you knew, however, that the most important person for you wasn’t there. You couldn’t blame him since you didn’t tell him the truth, but still you missed him so much.
Your baby was healthy but he, or she, wasn’t ready to be born yet, even if one week passed since the due date.
In some ways you were relieved because you really wanted Jay to be there when you would’ve become a mother. Every single time someone knocked at your door or every single time your phone rang, you panicked, afraid that something happened to your husband while he was still in Bolivia. You didn’t talked to him in the last few months, mostly because you didn��t want to distract him during a mission and because you were always afraid of blowing his cover.
That’s why you hardly talked to him or contacted him on the phone, and he did the same thing for the same reasons.
Until you didn’t hear anything about him from the army, you knew that he was okay, you knew that he was still alive. And every day you kept going on, holding on this thought, holding on the fact that no one called you, so he had to be safe, he had to be alive.
You didn’t know when he would’ve returned home, but you just hoped that it was soon; you couldn’t get through labor without him by your side.
That day you was ready to go to the hospital for another visit with your gynecologist. You asked Adam to come with you and he immediately accepted; that’s why, when you heard someone knocking at your door, you thought it was him.
“C-Coming.” You said, trying to get up from the couch where you were waiting for him. Your belly was so big that it was difficult for you to get up easily. “Just give me one minute, i’m trying to get up from the couch.”
At the other side of the door there was not at all Adam, there was Jay with his bag on the shoulder, happy to be home again, happy to be able to see his wife again. But when he heard you saying that she was having difficulties getting up from the couch, he froze, thinking that you might have been hurt at work.
Before he could say anything, the door opened in front of him and he immediately looked at his wife; he was left speechless, standing in front of the door frame, looking at his wife that was definitely pregnant.
“J-Jay?” You whispered, shocked. You didn’t expect him to be there, you thought that he would have informed you before coming home, but he was there, in front of you in all his beauty. Being so far from him for almost nine months was hard for you: you went through hell alone, especially when you almost lost your baby, and having him in front of you was like a dream. You definitely thought that you were still dreaming.
“You’re pregnant.” He said, unable to look away from your belly. He let go the bag that he had on his shoulder, letting it fall to the ground. He couldn’t believe his eyes, he just couldn’t believe it. “Am i the father?”
That was the first thing that popped into his mind when he saw you and he immediately regretted saying that out loud when he saw your face.
“What do you mean? Are you really thinking that i slept with someone else just right after your departure? You’re my fucking husband, of course you’re the father.”
You were so angry.
You didn’t even realize it till that moment.
You were so angry because he left you alone with a baby in your belly, even if he didn’t know it, even if it wasn’t his fault since you decided not to tell him the truth. But you were definitely angry: he stayed away for so long and the first thing that he asked you is if you got pregnant with someone else?
“Why didn’t you tell me? I would have come back!” He said after few moments, still standing in front of the door, still shocked by the news.
“You took the job before asking me what i thought about it, what did i have to do? You didn’t even took one day to talked with me! You came here, saying that you were going to Bolivia and that you had a flight that same day!“
Jay knew that coming back home wouldn’t have been easy, he knew that you would’ve been upset and you had all the rights to be angry with him, but he definitely didn’t expect to come home and find you pregnant.
“Wait, did you know you were pregnant when i left?!”
You froze, then you stepped back and you invited him to enter the apartment, to talk about it privately.
Jay immediately came in, leaving the bag on the ground, completely focused on his wife. You closed the door behind you two and you leaned against the kitchen counter, sighing.
Jay, even if he was mad at you, immediately walked towards you and helped you; then he took a chair and he invited you to sit down, placing an hand on your shoulder and caressing you gently. You appreciated it but you perfectly knew that you two have still to talk about it.
“Yes.” You answered after that, placing an hand on your own belly, caressing it gently and feeling the baby kicking you hard. “I discovered it the same morning you accepted the job. I wanted to tell you when you came home but you talked first and I couldn’t tell you after that.”
Jay couldn’t believe his ears, he couldn’t believe that his wife hid something important like a baby from him for almost nine months. You should have told him, you should have told him the truth because he wouldn’t have left knowing that you were pregnant with his baby.
“You should have told me, Y/n!” He wasn’t able to control himself, he just yelled at you and, after that, he regretted it. You slightly jumped on the chair, with tears running down your cheeks. You knew that, you knew that he had all the rights to be angry with you but you weren’t prepared for this. You just wanted him to be home because you needed him but you never thought about how he would’ve reacted at the news. You had time to prepare yourself to become a mother and then he came home and discovered that he’s going to become a father in what, few days?
“I’m sorry.” He immediately told you, kneeling in front of you and placing his hands on your arms. “I’m sorry i yelled, it’s just that…. I wanted to know, I wanted to be here with you.”
You sobbed and cried, especially when his hands touched you after all that time. You missed him so much.
“I know.” You sobbed, looking at him. “I’m sorry, i wanted to tell you but I know that you wouldn’t left and… you said you needed it, I couldn’t stop you from that. I just wanted you to be happy again, I couldn’t see you so sad here. And… when you came here saying that you accept the job in Bolivia… i just couldn’t take it away from you. You were right saying that i had to let you go, i saw it in your eyes.”
Jay caressed your arms slowly and gently, then he leaned closer and he kissed your forehead.
“I’m sorry i left you alone.” He said, softly. And it was true. All the time, when he was in Bolivia for his new job, he thought about you and he felt guilty because he knew that you were alone, he knew that you would probably have been hurt. That’s why he asked Kim, Adam, Kevin and Hailey to be near you in case you needed them.
“Well, i wasn’t alone, was i?” You smiled softly through your tears; you took his hands and placed them on your belly the moment you felt your baby kicking. “He, or she, was with me all the time.”
Jay felt the kick against his palms and his eyes immediately filled with tears.
“Say hi to your daddy.” You whispered, apparently talking to your baby while looking at Jay in the eyes.
Jay wanted to say something, wanted to kiss your belly and whispered something to it like he was talking to your baby, but before he could say something, you moaned in pain.
“What’s wrong?” He immediately asked, concerned. “Is everything okay, babe?”
You looked down at yourself when you felt your legs wet.
“Oh no.” You whispered.
Jay looked at you, confused. “What’s happening?”
You looked at him and moaned in pain.
“ i think I’m in labor.”
“Fuck.” He said, placing an hand on his mouth after that. “I’m sorry, i swore in front of the baby!”
You giggled and shook your head but you were interrupted by the first contraction; you moaned in pain and you looked up at him.
“Hospital.” You whispered and he nodded.
“Hospital.” He agreed. “Holy shit, I’m going to be a father.”
“Jay.” You said while he took the car keys and the labor bag you prepared some weeks ago; he came back to you and he helped you get to your feet.
“I’m sorry!” He said, referring to his previous words.
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unknowntoyou2205 · 2 months
Fear turns into confession (2/4)
Info: Y/n joins intelligence on a case, leaving Jay distracted from his job.
Requested by @maybankangel
Series masterlist
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Two weeks had passed since y/n had returned from the army. Jay and her had become close, spending many evenings hanging out, with Mouse joining them sometimes. Erin still felt bitter about y/n and her bitterness had only grown with how much time her boyfriend was spending with the returned soldier. It didn't help that everyone in intelligence had grown to like her, leading to her often hanging out in the district. It wasn't unusual for y/n to turn up with lunch for the team, but Erin refused to like the girl. And y/n didn't seem that bothered by Erin's noticeable attitude towards her, instead opting to be the bigger person, opting to treat the woman her friend loved as a friend. The two didn't seem to be making any progress of becoming friends, but y/n accepted that, choosing to get along with Erin for the sake of Jay, and she hoped Erin felt the same way.
Jay leaned against his desk as he talked to Erin, awaiting for the new case Voight was about to announce to them. There was word about kidnappings of women, where they were never found after they were taken. Six women were currently taken, and Voight was about to announce the plan of action. The team was blind as opposed to what it was, but they knew whatever it was they had to act fast, before things got out of hand.
The room went silent as Voight walked out of his office towards the middle of the room with pictures in his hands. Attaching them onto the board in front of him, he turned to face his team, and began to explain what was happening.
"Alright, here are the six women who have been taken in the past two weeks, each of them were seen in the local night club and that was their last sighting, meaning that the kidnapper is likely to be targeting that area. The victims were last seen getting into a taxi but they aren't traceable. Each plate comes up as legit taxi drivers, and when asked they say they weren't working the night the women were taken nd that they didn't even know there car was taken as it's in the same place as they had left it." Voight explained. "This guy is smart. He either managed to get the keys of these cars, take them and than return them when he's finished so as not to be caught quicker, or the cars are left unlocked and he wires it to turn on before leaving it as it was." Erin commented. "Well it worked, no one would know what happened apart from families becoming worried for their daughters." Kevin stated. "As you can see each girl here is in their 20's, has short h/c hair and e/c eyes meaning he has a type. So we need to catch him out before the next kidnapping." Voight stating, looking around as he finished explaining. "He seems to pick busy hours, when there are crowds around, hoping not to attract attention on him. College is out which means events are rolling in." Burgess stated. "When's the next event?" Jay asked. "Tonight there is karaoke night. He's bound to be there." Mouse spoke up, looking up from his computer. "Than we go there tonight. Hope to catch this son of a bastard." Voight spoke before The buzzer buzzed and the gate was heard opening.
Everyone's attention turned to the stairs as footsteps were heard, and each smiled slightly when they seen the woman walking up them. Y/n smiled softly as she held up a takeaway bag, having decided to bring Chinese for intelligence when Voight had asked her to come. She knew briefly of the case and knew that it would likely be a late one, so decided to bring some dinner for them when Voight had contacted her.
"Hey Y/n, what you doing here?" Adam asked, stretching over his desk so he could see her better. "Voight called, decided to bring dinner for everyone, sounds like a late night." Y/n replied, allowing Kevin to take the bags from her before moving to sit on Jay's chair, the owner of said chair craning around to smile at her in greeting.
Erin watched the two, unimpressed. She narrowed her eyes as Jay moved away from her side and behind his desk to hug y/n, y/n happily standing up to accept the hug. Wanting to drag her boyfriends attention away from the soldier, she started questioning Hank on their plans.
"So how are we going to catch him in the act? Neither me or Kim fit the description of the girls he's targeting." Erin asked, causing y/n to glance at Voight. "But y/n does." Voight pointed at said girl, causing everyone's attention to turn to her. "You can't be serious." Jay spoke out quickly, angered by the thought of his friend becoming a target. "Y/n fits what our guy is going for, she looks like a college student..." "Not sure how I feel about that comment." y/n spoke softly causing Kevin and Mouse to hid a grin. "She's a perfect match." Voight finished, gesturing to y/n. "I don't agree with this." Jay commented. "Jay stop, I've done more dangerous things than this." Y/n spoke firmly, "Besides I've already agreed." "You what?" Jay eyed her in frustration. "Jay, stop, she'll be fine. She's done more dangerous things than this." Erin stated, frowning at Jay for the way he was acting.
Jay only watched as y/n moved to Voight, allowing him to explain more in depth of what she was to do. He watched as she nodded along with his boss before they walked to Mouse where Hank told him to get y/n wired up.
"Jay, what you so worried about, she's fought worse." Adam spoke as he and Kim walked up to Jay and Erin. "She's on leave with an injury, and she's my friend, of course I'm worried." Jay explained as if it was the most obvious thing. "We'll be outside ready to interfere as needed. Once he goes for you let him take you, we'll be ready and waiting outside." Hank finished saying to y/n as Mouse helped wire her up. "How do we know if this is going to work?" Jay asked aloud. "We don't, but we have to try." Y/n stated, her brain going into autopilot.
Like previous missions and tasks, y/n was nervous, but she knew that the reason or doing this was to help save other girls and to prevent it from happening again. Her mind was on neutral, and she eyes a gentleman across the bar from her as she swirled her drink. He had been watching her all night, and y/n was sure that this man was the one Intelligence was looking for. Catching his eye, y/n smiled slyly before turning to talk to the barman in front of her.
“Could I get another please?” She asked, before downing the last of her drink. “I’ll get this.” The guy from across the bar suddenly appeared beside her. “That’s very kind of you.” Y/n smiled, batting her eyelashes a little. “It’s the least I can do for a pretty girl like yourself.” The guy spoke, causing y/n to look down as she blushed.
Outside in a van, Jay could only scowl as he heard the conversation between y/n and the guy. Erin sat beside him, and rolled her eyes at the look on her boyfriends face. He had done nothing but watch y/n before she went in, fussing over her and asking her repeatedly to change her mind. Halstead was worried about the girl, and that didn’t sit right with Erin.
“What do you say we head out of here, maybe someplace quiet.” The guy was heard over the ear piece, and the team sat up straight. “Y/n, go with him, but act surprised.” Voight coached the girl over the speaker, and Jay glared at his boss. “We just met, and you want me to leave with you.” Y/n feigned shock, turning her vision away from the guy in front of her. “Come on, you can trust me.” The guy laughed lightly, trying to encourage her. “I just don’t know if I should.” Y/n said unsure, trying to egg the guy on as he laughed before moving closer to her. “I have a gun and I’m not afraid to use it.” The guy threatened, leaning towards y/n so only she could hear. Y/n gasped, showing fear. “Come with me willingly and I won’t hurt you. Struggle, and it will end badly for you.” The guy spoke. “Ok.” Y/n gulped, voice shaking.
“We got him.” Voight stated, smirking at the guys confession. “Than let’s go.” Jay spoke, not liking the idea of someone’s hands being on his friends. “Jay, wait.” Erin spoke. “We take this easy or it could all go wrong.” She stated. “Kevin & Burgess, take the left, Erin & Adam go right, Halstead, your with me.” Voight commanded to his team as they got ready to move out.
Y/n got off her stool and allowed the guy in front to take her arm as they exited the night club. Shivering under the cold air hitting her skin, y/n looked to the left as cars were heard skidding in the distance. The guys grip hardened more as he seen Intelligence step out of their cars.
“Shit cops.” He cursed. “Chicago PD, let her go.” Voight shouted. “Keep moving, don’t stop.” The guy commanded, pushing the barrel of his gun into y/n’s back.
Y/n tripped over her feet as the guy forced her to move. Her back arched as she felt the barrel. Knowing this could turn nasty, she choose to follow the guys commands. This was part of the plan but that didn’t mean the guy could turn.
Jay took off after y/n, not listening as Hank shouted at him to get in. He choose to keep running, and turned the corner he say y/n go, his mind only on y/n. He heard the cars rushing behind him, but his mouth tightened as she seen y/n being forced into a car.
“Chicago PD, stop a*****e.” Jay shouted, causing y/n to look back at him. “Help, help.” Y/n shouted, playing the act till she was pushed into the car, her head hitting the door, knocking her unconscious.
The guy fired at Jay, causing him to duck down, taking out his own gun to fire back. Another shot was heard from the passengers side of the car, diverting Jays attention as the guy got into the car. Hearing the car engine, Jay cursed and started shooting at the car, before dropping down as a bullet nicked his arm. He turned to look over his shoulder as he heard cars stopping behind him
“Jay, are you okay.” Erin shouted out, running to her boyfriend as the car in front of them drove off. “I’m fine.” Jay brushed Erin away from him, standing up to watch as the car turned a corner. “This was part of the plan.” Burgess nodded her head, trying to convince herself and Jay that all would be okay. “Yeah, yeah, sure.” Jay sighed, allowing Erin to look at his wound. “Let’s head back to intelligence, see what mouse has heard.” Voight spoke up. “Come on, let’s get you to med.” Erin stated, holding Jays arm as he got off the ground.
Jay just nodded, his mind on y/n.
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crimsonizedangel · 2 months
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The Chicago PD cast in uniform. Say what you want but all of them look fine as hell especially in the dress uniform.
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fangirlfrom-hell · 10 months
If CPD were dogs
I posted a while ago, but since I lost my other blog I tought about re-posting this because it’s fun
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chicago-pd-is-weird · 2 months
Hank Voight x Fem!Reader - Pt. 2
Request for @maximeseveridecaseyc - I hope you like it!
Synopsis: Part 2 of THIS request - Reader and Voight are taking the next step in their relationship! :)
Eight months went by, your relationship with Hank growing deeper and more passionate every day. Your bruises had healed, and you’d naturally gained some weight, but it was good weight. You were happier and despite still having nightmares, Hank stayed by your side. You often spent your days in his house, as you felt safe there. He urged you to go out on your own, because he didn’t want to restrict you. When you did leave, you went to Molly’s and worked a weekend shift, especially when Hank was wrapped up in a case.
One day, Hank came home to you, a wide smile on his face. It was rare to see him in such a good mood due to his line of work. You walked to the door and greeted him.
“Hey baby,” you said softly, waiting for him to strip his outer jacket and shoes before wrapping your arms around his neck, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
He looked down at you, his smile only growing. “Hey there,” he replied. “How was your day?”
You laughed. “It was good. Looks like yours was too.”
He kissed you again, rubbing your waist. “Even better now that I’m home with you.”
You smiled, putting a hand up to his face, stroking his cheek with your thumb. “Seems like you’re extra happy today.”
Hank hummed, turning his head to kiss your hand, using one hand to take it and hold it. “Come on, let’s eat dinner. I’m just so happy to see my girlfriend.”
You laughed, using your free hand to rub his chest before he whisked you away to the kitchen. The two of you decided to cook spaghetti. You and Hank worked together on the meal, Hank playfully getting some sauce on his finger and pressing it to your nose. You gasped and laughed, getting him back by saucing him in the cheek. You both laughed, the happiest people in the world in those moments. The rest of the world didn’t exist as the two of you laughed and wiped the sauce from one another’s faces.
You wrapped your arms around his torso, pressing your face into his chest. “You know, when I first met you, I never thought that you’d be such a softie.“
Hank couldn’t help but blush when you called him that. “I hope you don’t go around telling people that. I have to keep my hard-ass reputation.” He laughed, stroking your hair as he held you close.
“No, it’s just for me,” you whispered, pulling back and kissing him deeply.
Hank smiled down at you when you parted. “Yeah, it is.” He reached into his pocket, pulling something out after a moment and keeping it hidden in his hand. “Look, (Y/N), you’re the first person to make me happy since Camille passed on. I want to make sure you stick around. I know it’s really informal but… I want to ask you if you’ll marry me.” Hank opened his hand to reveal a simple engagement ring.
You blushed deeply, gasping softly when he asked, tears welling in your eyes. How could you say no to him? He made you just as happy. You slowly took the ring from his hand, nodding as you looked up at him, slipping it on your ring finger. “Yes… Yes, Hank, I’d love to marry you.” You pushed closer into his embrace as he pulled you as close as possible, kissing you deeply, passion and love pouring from his soul, directly into yours. You felt completely fulfilled by this moment alone.
You wrapped your arms tightly around Hank, practically jumping into his arms. He smiled and pulled you up, setting you up on the counter as he turned off the stove. “You know, I didn’t plan to do this until after dinner, but it was so… perfect.”
You smiled down at him, carting your fingers through his hair and rubbing the nape of his neck. “Yeah, it was perfect,” you affirmed. “I couldn’t think of anything better.”
The next day, you went with Hank into work, as you sometimes did, especially because you liked to visit the intelligence unit, who had come to be your close friends and practically family.
It was Antonio who noticed it first. He was a father, and he had taken on something of a parent role to you as well. He looked at your hand, then met your eyes and smiled. “Congratulations,” he said softly, so the others wouldn’t hear.
“Thanks,” you whispered with a nod as you walked over to see Erin and Jay in the break room. “Hey guys.”
Erin smiled when she saw you. “Hey, (Y/N)!” She walked over and gave you a gentle hug. “You seem different.”
You shrugged a little. “What do you mean?” You smiled at her as Jay handed you a cup of coffee, which you held with both hands as you sipped.
Erin hummed, looking you over. “You look like you’re glowing.”
“Well, I had a good night last night,” you said with a small laugh.
Hank came up behind you in the doorway, a rare smile on his face. Erin didn’t see him smile like that often, meeting his eyes for a moment before Hank looked down.
Erin’s eyes turned to you, gasping when she saw the engagement ring on your finger. “No way,” she said with a laugh. “Hank, you sly dog.”
Hank shrugged. “What can I say?”
Jay laughed. “Congratulations.” He walked over, giving you a small hug, then shaking Hank’s hand.
Erin came over and hugged you tightly. “I’m so happy for the two of you.” She smiled, then hugged Hank as well. “I’m glad you make each other happy.”
You turned to look at Hank as he hugged his foster daughter, a bright smile on your face. “Erin, I’d love it if you could be my maid of honor.”
Erin turned quickly to you, smiling. “I’d love to, (Y/N). Anything you need, let me know.”
Hank chuckled. “We talked about it last night. We decided we’d just have a small wedding and elope. Just close friends.”
Antonio walked in, smiling and shaking Hank’s hand. “Congratulations - both of you.” He hugged you tightly, kissing your cheek. “You both deserve it.”
You smiled and hugged Antonio tightly. “Walk me down the aisle?”
Antonio pulled back, looking at you with a look of surprise. “Me? Are you sure?”
“Who else?” You asked with a smile.
Three months later, you were dress shopping. Your wedding was set for a month out, making you both excited and nervous. It wasn’t a huge ceremony, but you wanted it to be just right. Hank was the love of your life, your first true love and the man who ultimately treated you like you were worth more than a passing glance. You weren’t a body with Hank, you were a person.
“(Y/N),” Erin said, gently putting a hand on your shoulder. “You ready?”
“Yeah,” you said, walking with Erin into the store, Jay right behind you.
When you walked in, you were greeted by a man and a woman, both of which would be assisting you.
After trying on eighteen dresses, you were exhausted. None of them were quite right. You liked a few, hated a few others, and were indifferent on the rest. You were upset that you couldn’t find one you loved and were going to settle on one of the ones you thought were okay instead. That’s when Jay popped out of the aisle. “Hey, (Y/N), try this one.”
“I’m exhausted, Jay,” you groaned. “It’s fine, I’ll just pick one of these.”
“No, I’m serious, this is the last one. Try it.”
“Jay…” you whined. “Come on…”
Erin walked over to Jay, looking at the dress he was holding, then nodding. “Come on, (Y/N), one more.”
You looked at the both of them, then sighed. “Fine. But this is the last one. Then I’m leaving.”
You got into the dress which fit you well in all the right places. You bit your lip as you looked down at it, wondering if it actually looked as good as you thought. When you walked out and stood on the podium, you looked at Erin and Jay on the couch first. “Does it look okay?”
Jay smiled brightly, nodding. Erin gasped and stood up, walking over to you. “(Y/N), you need to see it for yourself.”
You bit your lip as Erin helped you move around to the mirror, your eyes closed tightly. When you finally got the courage to open your eyes and look, you blushed, then tears welled in your eyes. You put your hands to your face, gasping as you started to cry. “It’s… perfect.”
“Told you,” Jay said, standing and joining Erin. “It’s always in the last place you look.”
You laughed, shaking your head and wiping the tears from your face. “That’s only lost things, silly.”
Jay shrugged and chuckled.
You and Hank had decided at the last minute to have your wedding on the steps of the 21st district. Seeing as it was a weekend, the foot traffic could be routed through a different door. Trudy was able to take care of it for you. She was so happy for Hank that he had found someone new since Camille had passed. You, Erin, Stella, and Sylvie were a block away at Sylvie's apartment. The girls had personally taken care of your hair and makeup, styling it so that your face was perfectly framed. As you finished assembling your dress and got your shoes on, you looked in the mirror, biting your lip. Everything was perfect, and you were glowing. The engagement ring on your finger was sparkling brightly, and you couldn't help but smile, thinking about Hank, hoping he thought you were beautiful too.
A knock came to the door. Erin walked over and cracked it open, then allowed Antonio inside. Antonio stepped in, nodding to the three bridesmaids, then to you with a small smile. "Beautiful."
"Thanks," you said softly, nodding back at him. "Is everyone ready at the district?"
"Yep, just waiting on you." He walked over, offering his arm. You took it, the two of you walking downstairs and out to his car. Erin, Stella and Sylvie got into another car, driving ahead of you and Antonio so they could get set up. Toni sat in the driver's seat beside you, waiting a few minutes before he started driving. He looked at you. "Hey, how are you feeling?"
You took a deep breath as your eyes shifted to his face. "Butterflies. Lots and lots of butterflies."
Antonio chuckled, gently taking your hand for comfort. "Hank feels the same way - he just won't say so."
"How do you know?" You squeezed his hand.
Antonio laughed. "I haven't seen Hank so frantic in my life. He knows this is a small event, but he wants to make sure it's right. For you. He understands you haven't been married before and he wants you to have a good day."
You smiled softly, thinking about Hank being frantic. You could barely imagine it. The level-headed man you'd come to love, hard on the outside and soft on the inside, how could he be so frantic? You looked out the window as Antonio drove you to the district, the butterflies in your stomach getting stronger with each passing minute.
When you arrived at the district, Antonio kissed your cheek, then got out and opened your door for you, handing you a bouquet he had grabbed from the back seat. It was made up of your favorite flowers. He helped you out, then the two of you walked across the street. At the top of the stairs stood Hank, Alvin and Jay beside him, a third spot left for Antonio. Chief Boden from Firehouse 51 was officiating your wedding, standing in the middle with a small smile. Erin, Stella and Sylvie had since taken their places on the opposite side of Al and Jay, a spot left for you. Each had a grin on their face, except Hank.
Hank's eyes moved all over you. He examined every part of you, from bottom to top. When his eyes finally met yours, he nodded a little, swallowing hard. You wondered if he wanted to back out, but as Antonio led you up the steps toward Hank, you could see he actually had tears in your eyes. You teared up as well, seeing that he was crying just looking at you. The two of you were overwhelmed with emotion as Antonio let you go and into Hank's arms, taking his spot beside Jay. Hank hugged you, mumbling in your ear. "You're beautiful... Inside and out... I can't wait to make you my wife."
You sniffled, trying not to rub your makeup on him. Al handed you a tissue, as if he knew you would need it beforehand. You took it with a silent thanks, pulling away from Hank to dab your eyes, then holding his hands. You barely listened to Boden until your part came, Erin handing you the wedding band for Hank, and Al giving the one for you to Hank. You repeated the words Boden asked you to, then Hank to you. The two of you were still dabbing your tears every so often, voices barely a whisper, as it was all either of you could muster without breaking into tears.
After you exchanged rings, you exchanged vows, promising to love and support one another - no matter what came your way. Each of you promised that your marriage meant more than just a body to sleep beside. Your marriage was the most important thing in your lives, come what may.
After exchanging the rings, Boden talked a bit more before the two of you were finally allowed to kiss one another. Hank pulled you close, a soft yet desperate pull. He touched his nose to yours, finally letting tears stream from his eyes. "I love you," he whispered softly before closing the gap and pressing his lips to yours, kissing you with the same passion, love and energy you had felt the first time he kissed you. You returned it all, holding onto him lovingly, clutching his jacket for life, as if he might leave if you let go. You finally had something good, and it was yours to keep. Love.
When the two of you finally parted, you whispered back, breathless. "I love you too." Finally, the claps and cheers of your wedding party and audience came to your ears. You smiled and faced the small crowd of friends, waving with your free hand, holding your bouquet in the other. You threw it out into the crowd, Kim catching it. She blushed as Adam laughed and put his arm around her shoulders. Then, Hank walked you down the steps, smiling like a fool. The two of you got into his Dodge Durango and drove away, waving. You went to his house, practically already both of yours. The two of you changed into something a little less fancy, but still nice. Then, you shared a few moments together, gentle and loving, before leaving and heading out to Molly's for your reception.
When the two of you arrived at Molly's, the party was already in full swing. Trudy and Erin made sure everyone was having a good time. You and Hank walked in, everybody clapping and hollering. Hank held your hand, smiling and even blushing. It was a blush he would pass off as it being too hot. Only you and a select few others knew that his blush was real. The two of you walked around, talking with everyone. Mainly though, Hank did the talking while you just enjoyed holding his hand. The two of you had some casual drinks, but you were already exhausted and looked forward to spending the night in his arms, leaning into him. He cast his arm around your waist and pulled you close, allowing you to lean further into his embrace. His embrace was the best place on the planet, and you never wanted to leave it.
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xofeno · 1 year
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Hey, do you have a couch guy?
CHICAGO P.D. 3.05, "Climbing Into Bed" (2015)
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thena0315 · 4 months
Back when One Chicago occasionally showed new romance/hook ups between shows
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Now everyone, especially the newbies, stays on their own shows
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drreidssahotch · 9 days
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- Spencer Reid
- Aaron Hotchner
- Derek Morgan
- Luke Alvez
- Emily Prentiss
- Jennifer Jareau
- Jay Halstead
- Antonio Dawson
- Adam Ruzek
- Hank Voight
- Erin Lindsay
- Matt Casey
- Kelly Severide
- Gabriela Dawson
- Sylvie Brett
- Connor Rhodes
9-1-1 & 9-1-1: LONE STAR
- Eddie Diaz
- Evan Buckley
- Maddie Buckley
- T.K. Strand
- Carlos Reyes
- Mark Sloan
- Alex Karev
- Jackson Avery
- Derek Shepherd
- Andrew DeLuca
- Atticus Lincoln
- Nathan Riggs
- Jo Wilson
- Lexie Grey
- Addison Montgomery
- Amelia Shepherd
- Meredith Grey
- Tim Bradford
- Tony DiNozzo
- Nick Torres
- Colter Shaw
- Russell Shaw
- Seeley Booth
- Lance Sweets
- Steve McGarrett
• note: more will be added!!
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windshield91 · 3 months
1x06 ... Al and Jay interaction at the beginning of this episode being veterans, teasing each other. Jay's playful side and Al's smile. Simply one of season 1 favourites.
Crossover with SVU, I get the episode without watching svu p1, and I don't like Finn.
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accidental-spice · 4 months
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I'm just glad it was you that they sent in
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tvshowscouples · 2 months
If you love Erin&Jay (Chicago PD) and you want reblog or like,this is the link of my reblog couples :)
thank you!
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saragarnier · 6 months
Jay Halstead
Legend: 🌸=fluff, 🩸=angst, ✨ = smut
- A living Nightmare (pt. 1), (pt. 2) 🩸
- Departure 🌸,🩸- Delivery (Departure pt.2)
- Love&Work 🩸
- Secret Revealed 🌸, 🩸
- Healing process 🌸, 🩸
- Insecurities 🌸
- Away from you 🩸, ✨(slightly) , (pt. 2), (pt. 3) (pt. 4)
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unknowntoyou2205 · 2 months
Scared for her life (3/4)
Info: Jay can't help but worry for the girl he used to work with
Requested by @maybankangel-blog
Series Masterlist
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Y/n blinked as she came round from the hit on the head. She blinked a few times as she rubbed her head before sitting up and opening her eyes. She looked out the window to see if she could see anything, but they were long out of the city, and were now on back roads. Instead, she turned her vision in front to see two figures sitting in front of the car, talking.
“They’re getting onto us.” One of the spoke, and the guy driving sighed. “We need to figure something out Dareen, get them off our trace.” The guy driving spoke, and y/n recognized the voice of the guy who took her. “And how do you suppose we do that, we have five missing girls, there not going to just forget about them.” The guy, now known as Dareem, stated harshly at his friend. “I don’t know okay.” The guy snapped back “I just need to think”
“What are you going to do with me?” Y/n decided to make herself known, and Dareen glanced back at her. “Well look who’s awake.” He mocked her, and y/n rolled her eyes at him. “We won’t be doing anything to you, yet.” The driver stated, eyeing her in the mirror. “Can I know your names?” Y/n asked, now putting up an act of fear. “The least you know the better.” Dareen stated, and y/n sighed. “Can you tell me where you’re going? I don’t see any lights, so we must be outside the city.” Y/n stated, and Dareen looked back at her, narrowing his eyes. “It doesn’t matter where we’re going.” The driver snapped at her, and she shrunk back in her seat. “I just want to know where I am so I can tell my parents not to worry about me. They’re expecting me home at 11 tonight.” “Well guess you missed your time.” The guy spoke back at her teasingly, and y/n forced tears to come up. “Please, just tell me something. I want to go home.” Y/n chocked, and the driver looked back at her, eyes softening slightly. “You want to go home?” He asked, pretending to care, “Well too bad, your with us now.” “We’ll take care of you, for now.” Dareen winked at her, and y/n frowned at the thoughts spiralling in her head.
Jay took two steps at a time as he and Erin returned to intelligence from Med. Will had told him to prevent straining his arm till the stitches came out, but Jay just waved him off. He didn’t care about him, all he cared about was y/n.
“Found anything yet?” Jay asked, looking at Mouse desk where Adam and Keving were currently at. “They’ve taken her outside the city and one of them is called Dareen.” Adam stated, and Jay’s face hardened. “Do we know what they want with her?” Erin asked. “They just said they’d look after her.” Mouse spoke, and Kevin hit his arm as he seen Jay’s hand ball into a fist. “Don’t look too much into it, I’m sure y/n can look after herself.” Erin stated, putting a hand on Jay’s shoulder, frowning as he shook it off.
“Quiet, they’re talking again.” Mouse shouted at everyone, causing silence to come throughout the room.
Y/n looked around at the place as the car came to a stop. They clearly didn’t care about her seeing where she was as they made no effort to prevent her vision as Dareen took her out of the car, keeping a grip on her arm. She looked around as they walked towards a house.
“Where are we” She asked, and the unknown guys head whipped around to look at her. “ Enough of the questions, we’ll tell you what we want you to know alright.” He snapped at her, and y/n cowered back from him.
She refused to make any more noise, instead allowing Dareen to push her towards a cottage, that seemed to be well taken care of. The light yellow paint on the walls was a stark contrast to what happened behind its walls. And what happened behind these walls were still unknown to y/n, but clearly it wasn’t going to be long till she found out.
The unknown man opened the door and held it open as Dareen and y/n walked inside. She looked around to see a kitchen and living room before a hall was seen with stairs. Dareen pushed y/n towards the hall before proceeding to take out a kay from his pocket. He banged on the door before unlocking it, swinging the door open.
Y/n looked inside to see 5 young women placing hands up to their faces, trying to block the light that strayed into room with the open door.  Y/n glanced at Dareen before he pushed her into the room. She toppled over the steps only for one of the girls to catch her, preventing herself from falling.
“Make your new friend feel welcome girls.” Dareen called out before slamming the door and locking it.
Y/n looked around as her eyes grew used to the low light present in the room she was now held captured in. The girls around her looked at her before turning away, some lying down on dodgy mattresses while others leaned against the walls.
“Hi.” She spoke softly, acting unsure of herself. “Hey.” A timid girl replied, looking around at her fellow hostages, “Don’t worry, they don’t talk very much. Some of us have been here for a long time and just lost the will to communicate.” She explained, nodding towards the girls who ignored her. “Do you know where we are?” Y/n asked the girl who spoke to her, walking to sit beside the girl. “I think it’s Dareen or Kyles house, we’re not really sure. We get given little information around here.” The girl shrugged, looking down at her lap. “Dareen & Kyle, they’re the ones who are holding us here?” Y/n asked, trying to gather information. “Yeah. They seem pretty open about what we hear so I don’t think they plan to have us getting out of here, at least not alive anyway.” The girl spoke, looking y/n in the eye as she said the facts.” “You say they’re pretty open, do you know much about them?” Y/n asked. “They’re two guys who take girls and sell them on for guys to marry. They travel around to avoid getting caught.” “They’re smart I’ll give them that.” Y/n muttered, giving credit to the guys for their smartness. “Would I of heard of them?” “Probably not. They go by Montez brothers.”
“Montez brothers, last related to a case of 5 missing girls in South Carolina. One of the girls were found beaten up by a domestic situation where she reported them as kidnapping her. They fled and haven’t been found since.” Mouse stated, looking up from his computer to Voight. “Where are they residing now.” Voight asked. “r/a.” Mouse stated. “Let’s roll.”
Jay didn’t need to be told twice as he made a run towards his jeep, Erin following in toll.
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crimsonizedangel · 1 month
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I love Antonio and all of his smart ass remarks.
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kamryn1963 · 17 days
Would the Chicago PD characters have tattoos?
This is all my own thoughts and headcanons, lol and just pure fun.
Alvin Olinsky: He would. He'd definitely get something to honor Lexi after she died. Like her birth flower or name or something. Al probably also had like a back tattoo of some sort that nobody, except Meredith and probably Hank and Trudy know about. Like a snake.
Trudy Platt: She would. But like only one tattoo and it's across her ribs and that similar to Al, nobody knows about it and she never told Randall until their first time having sex together. Trudy smirked while Randall looked at it.
Hank Voight: No. But he thought about it after Camille died and than again after Justin. But he never figured out an idea that he thought would truly honor them. Hank, Trudy and Al almost got a matching tattoo drunk more than once tho.
Antonio Dawson: Yes. He has a lot. Antonio's very much a "every major (and sometimes minor) life event deserves a new tattoo" person. He definitely got Eva and Diego's names and birthdays tattooed like three days after they were born.
Erin Lindsay: YES. Like 18th birthday she got her first tattoo kinda gal. Partially to rebel against Hank and Camille, and partially to finally have control over her own life.
Kevin Atwater: Yes. Several. Mostly on his legs though he has a few on his chest. Kevin has a thigh tattoo as well.
Adam Ruzek: Yep, absolutely. Similar to Erin, he got a few when he was young. Probably drunk and got some dumb tattoos and regrets them sometimes. More recently though he got something for Makayla and Kim. Like their names or flowers or something cheesy. Adam also definitely has a banana tattooed on his arm for Al. 100%.
Kim Burgess: She didn't for a while, but after she adopted Makayla, Kim probably got like the adoption date or Makayla's birthday tattooed. Kim probably also did that one trend, where people have their partners/kids draw them hearts to get that tattooed. She definitely did that with Adam and Makayla.
Hailey Upton: She has like some small flowers on her shoulder or ankle. Hailey and Jay also got matching tattoos of the date they got married. Hailey got hers covered up after the divorce, but she always knows it's there.
Jay Halstead: The matching one with Hailey. Jay never covered it up there and it's a constant reminder of what he lost. He also has a small stupid one he got matching with Mouse one night, that while he'll tell people he regrets getting, he secretly loves.
Mouse: He has the one matching with Jay. Mouse also has a small Mouse tattooed on his arm.
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