#hamas Nazis
deborahdeshoftim5779 · 7 months
My friend did not leave his house after over 12 hours to get his parent a needed medicine, passing the streets seeing countless of bodies on the sidelines of the streets, for people to say the masscare didn't happen.
My other friend did not go to 10 funerals last week for people to say the masscare didn't happen.
My TV isn't full of families begging to have their voice heard to return their familes from being held hostage by Hamas, for people to say that the kidnapped people are "fake news".
I didn't have a part of a rocket hitting the building next to mine (we're a total civilian area), while I squeezed into a bomb shelter with 14 more people, for people to think that "Hamas are freedom fighters".
People should have some shame for tearing down pictures of the hostages. And if someone so little as think "look how Hamas are treating and releasing people!" they forget the "who they kidnapped from their homes brutality!". Even more stupid - Hamas who they defend who tries to look more human (we know it's just PR) claim themselves to return the hostages "for humanitarian need".
Really. Some people are so stupid even with actual evidence from both sides in front of their eyes.
You're absolutely correct, and I can only say how deeply sorry I am for the trauma you and other Israelis are facing.
It's worse than stupidity. It's outright malice motivated solely by a deep hatred and contempt for Jews. That's the only reason they deny the massacre and downplay Hamas Nazism. If this were just a political dispute, nobody would hesitate to stand with Israel after October 7.
When the Russians committed war crimes against the Ukrainians in Bucha and other cities, millions condemned Russian soldiers. There was no debate. The fact that even worse terrorism against Jews has produced celebration, obfuscation, denial, and worse, equivocation, shows how many people worldwide are antisemitic.
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naipan · 5 months
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Hamas leader Khaled Mashal proudly states that “we reject the two-state solution idea. Our goal is clear, a Palestinian state from the river to the sea, from north to south.”
How many times must we tell you: Hamas has one goal and that is the complete and utter destruction of Israel.
When you scream “from the river to the sea,” you are chanting for the genocide, erasure, and ethnic cleansing of an indigenous people, the Jewish people, from their land.
You are siding with an evil that would not hesitate to do the same to you.
For now: no sane person would think it sensible or moral to give greater power to people who want to exterminate you and who have attempted to do so.
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
by Hugh Fitzgerald
We know that Hamas would not properly treat a single wounded Israel, whether soldier or civilian, who fell into its clutches. We already have heard about a half-dozen Israelis who were wounded and then taken hostage back to Gaza, only to be killed while in the terrorists’ custody. That’s not how the Israelis behave. They treat wounded terrorists, saving their lives, bringing them if need be to the most advanced medical facilities in Israel. There are dozens of these Hamas terrorists now recuperating in Israeli hospitals, where they receive the same care as Israelis. This story doesn’t get any attention in the international media because, of course, it doesn’t fit the narrative of colonial-settler-apartheid Israel, committing genocide on the helpless Palestinians. Here is the latest news about one such Hamas patient, alive today because of Israeli surgeons: “Hamas terrorist wounded in Gaza being treated in Israeli hospital — reports,” Times of Israel, December 13, 2023:
A Hamas terrorist wounded in fighting in the Gaza Strip is being treated in Sharon Hospital in Petah Tikva, Hebrew media reported Wednesday. The move is in apparent contravention of a Health Ministry decision, made in the immediate aftermath of Hamas’s October 7 onslaught, that captured terrorists would only be treated in IDF or prison service medical facilities. According to the reports, the man was seriously injured in fighting on Tuesday and due to the severity of his wounds, it was decided to transfer him to the central Israel medical center…. Sources familiar with the decision told Channel 12 and Kan that captured terrorists needing urgent medical treatment were being rotated through different Israeli hospitals. The official said the rotation agreement was done in coordination with the Health Ministry. Soroka hospital in Beersheba confirmed to Kan that it also has a Gaza terrorist being treated there. The comments appeared to indicate that Israel has shifted its stance from the initial decision not to treat captured terrorists in Israeli hospitals. In early October, then health minister Moshe Arbel sent a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu informing him that he had ordered all public hospitals and health services to redirect injured terrorists to IDF or prison service medical facilities. “Since the beginning of the war, the issue of treating the accursed Hamas terrorists in public hospitals has created great strain on the healthcare system,” Arbel wrote. He wrote that the health system needed to be focused on treating victims of the slaughter committed by the terrorists, injured soldiers, and on preparing for what is to come in the war. “The task of treating and providing security for the accursed terrorists in the public health care system just detracts from this,” Arbel wrote….
The original idea was that it made sense, given the security problem of guarding Hamas patients in treatment, to place them not in ordinary Israeli hospitals, but in IDF or prison service medical facilities, where there is already a heavy security presence. But in the end, because some of these patients needed a level of care that those facilities could not provide, it was decided to let the Hamas patients be treated in the same hospitals as Israelis, where they would of course receive the same high level of care as all the other patients. Dozens of wounded Hamas members have already received such care, in several cases life-saving, in Israeli hospitals. It’s a story that has not appeared on the BBC, CNN, NPR, or in the pages of The Guardian, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. After all, it shows Israel in a good light, and for many in the international media, that would never do.
Israeli doctors saving the lives of Hamas terrorists leads us to ask, yet again: Genocide? What genocide?
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determinate-negation · 2 months
"even the nazis didnt..." - guy who doesnt know that much about the nazis
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“You can’t start at October 7th. There has been 76 years of oppression.”
You can’t start at 1948. There’s been over 1000 years of oppression. Muslims have been killing Jews since the times of their religion being recorded still. The Quran and Hadiths encourage the humiliation, slavery, and slaughtering of Jews (and Christians).
Not only have we seen many massacres in more recent times (still pre-1948), but we’ve also seen their alliance with Hitler.
And for whatever reason, you’ve gone from “punch a Nazi!!!” to “actually Hitler was right”. You’re not even bothering to unpack that. You’re not bothering to ask yourself if the people who sided with Hitler and made deals with him to help “eliminate their Jewish problem” are good people.
Maybe you should think that through a little more.
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zionultra · 1 month
Hamas/Hezbollah supporters are the new neo-nazis
1. They call for the ‘final solution’
2. Many “protesters” have been seen doing the nazi salute or other nazi mannerisms
3. They constantly refer to Jews as apes, pigs, and even “subhuman”
4. White supremacist leaders of different groups have applauded hamas and their fans for their violence and hateful speech towards Jews.
5. They are marking Jewish business with the Magen David and are also in some cases destroying those businesses like they did in 1940’s Germany.
How can one think they are on the right side of history when you are doing things that make terrorist groups/nazi groups applaud you ?
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mysharona1987 · 1 month
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brw · 8 months
"but hamas is getting funded by extremist islamic hate groups!" do you think the U.S. government and military giving funding for israeli's war efforts against palestinians is a morally neutral and inherently righteous body that had no influence in the politics of southwest asia as a global colonial superpower. do you really think anything you can say about the people resisting oppression can't be said about the oppressors.
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feuilletoniste · 8 months
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There's this group of people, usually Western leftists, who tend to filter all global politics through the lens of "what if this happened in America?" regardless of the actual political landscape of the situation in question. So this is one of the two primary reasons that you get takes like the above, even while people who know literally anything about Israeli politics know that Israelis are absolutely furious with Bibi right now. There have been protests! He's under immense pressure from Israeli civilians who don't want Gazans massacred! Israel is not the US under Bush!
The other primary reason is, of course, antisemitism.
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whitesunlars · 8 months
targeting civilians. murdering them, raping them, torturing them, and then desecrating their bodies. annihilating entire families. kidnapping babies as young as 6 months and Holocaust survivors as old as 100. shooting down attendees at a rave that was for peace. this is not freedom fighting. this is not liberation. and this will certainly not free palestine.
all this does is cause more suffering for both israelis and palestinians. all this causes is war and death and atrocities.
it is terrorism. if you try to justify it, you are supporting terrorism.
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 8 months
I wonder if you might want to share this, because I see people say the terror attack has never happened. It's footage from the terror attack that took place on Oct 7th in Southern Israel. A vechile running away and if I got it right there are terrorists' vechiles chasing the car. It's not too graphic but you can see the terrorists and some dead bodies on the road. It's among the least graphic I've seen so far, so I thought it's not that bad to share...
In case of something more verbally graphic, a terrorist caught after the masscare talking about 7/10:
Thank you.
Just this morning, I skimmed through an even more horrific article published in the Daily Mail about the extent of Hamas' horrors: people shot in the head, unrecognisable bodies, women raped so violently that their pelvises broke, victims with their hands cut off.
One Israeli woman has volunteered to clean up the victims' bodies and give them some final dignity. She said the atrocities were worse than what was inflicted on the Jews during the Holocaust.
The world must see these crimes, must know these details. Hamas is a genocidal neo-Nazi organisation and the Palestinian "cause" has funded, carried out, and celebrated genocide against the Jews. The Palestinian "cause" is not interested in negotiation, coexistence, and peace. Anyone continuing to support this "cause" after the biggest slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust should be asked to state publicly whether they support Nazi genocide or not. Their platitudes about "justice" should no longer fool anyone.
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naipan · 6 months
🚨 Breaking: Hamas just fired rockets towards Al Aqsa mosque (on Temple Mount). The third holiest site in the world for Muslims.
Israel's Iron Dome intercepted the rockets.
They’ve even claimed responsibility for it on their telegram
Video from Temple Mount, with sirens and interception 👇
Israel 🇮🇱 protects Muslim holy sites while Hamas tries to destroy them.
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wanderrnest · 7 months
I don't get this. People were barbarically slaughtered, families were erased, children saw their parents murdered, and were taken hostage. Women were raped and bodies were desecrated. No life was spared. It was one of the ugliest, scariest exhibitions of the pure evil humans are capable of. This is not resistance.
And all they do in this video is a memorial ceremony, that's all. Just plain human pain and grief. What kind of messed-up belief system makes a person stand next to it, yelling it was justified? Do these people think they are somehow moral? What is this.
Please make sure your support of the Palestinian people does not blind you to the celebration and glorification of murder on your side. Because you are playing perfectly into the hands of a terror organization.
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tomi4i · 2 months
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 4 months
If your “anti-Zionism” includes threatening Jews, synagogues, kosher markets, etc. - it is, in fact antisemitism.
If you are spreading misinformation about Jews and/or about this conflict, I consider you antisemitic.
If you call Jews slurs, or participate in the many dog whistles against us - you are an antisemite.
If you don’t even mention the hostages, but you refer to a Hamas member taken by the IDF for questioning as a “victim of kidnapping” - yep, you guessed it, this is antisemitism.
You don’t “just dislike the Israeli government”, you are a Jew-hater. You hate Jewish people. You are antisemitic.
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marinalor · 6 months
how’s it feel to be siding with the killers of the most children in history ever?
I can't really know right?
Maybe you mean the nation where the most children were murdered in history?
Ask someone from Nazi Germany 80 years ago or Hamas.
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