#Hamas is isis
I fucking hate the UN
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Now, lets just take a second to look at this.
In this debate, Cenk Uyger and Candice Owens, two extremists on opposite sides, are on the same side here.
Both sides of the political spectrum, whether left or right, hate Jews. And this is more proof to support that claim. If this was a debate about anything else, Cenk Uyger and Candice Owens would be having a screaming match. But when it comes to the Jews, they both wish for us to return to our exile.
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bringherhome7 · 4 months
Vogue Greece picked an Israeli model Sun Mizrahi to be on the cover of their “Mediterranean Touch” and their followers got really angry.
“Posting an Israeli model on your cover in the midst of current world events is an extremely tone deaf decision and it really does beg the question whether you are able to read the room” one commentator said. “This is not what Israelis look like” another one added.
This is just a radicalized and panicked whitewashing of Israel to fit an insane narrative that Israelis are all White.
They essentially ask Vogue to not show the world that Israelis are Middle Eastern people. And since it annoys them so much, I decided to post it here too 😘
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glitzy-dynamite · 8 months
Why do we even have to explain to AMERICANS that terrorism is bad. Don’t you have like umm,, an experience?? A memory??
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low-cole-timothy · 4 months
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"In Our Name: ..." an article written by Jewish students at Columbia University.
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wanderrnest · 8 months
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Also from "Me too" to "Rape of jewish women can be excused as an act of palestinian resistance".
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msjava1972 · 5 months
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healingordestroying · 6 months
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zoey-angel · 3 months
Holding dead bodies hostage should count as a war crime.
It isn't common knowledge: Judaism calls for burial within 24 hours, otherwise as soon as possible. To allow a soul to pass, the dead must be buried specifically (From dust to dust). Until then, the dead is disgraced- which is why one of the worst, cruelest punishments given in the Tanakh was an improper burial.
Jews treat proper burial not only as a cultural custom, but also as a religious obligation! Even criminals, sinners and those who were executed, must be buried respectfully (And yes, that does mean Israel buries terrorist bodies too, making sure to carefully document and keep track of them in case they're recalled).
It is both forbidden to house the dead ("Thou shalt in any wise bury him that day" (Deuteronomy 21:23), and demanded that they be buried as soon as possible, as determined by Maimonides in his interpretation of Sanhedrin law (The council of judges appointed by god to advise Moses, for those who are unfamiliar).
For many years now terrorist organizations have been abducting dead bodies to trade for prisoners or whatever else they want. Note, they've been abducting the ALREADY DEAD corpses to stash out of Israel's reach, paying them much disrespect as a way to both taunt and pressure Jews. Even now... Many civilian corpses are still in Hamas hands.
It's been MONTHS. Months of families wondering if their loved ones could be alive, wishing they could at least bury them otherwise. Months of Hamas rejoicing in their ability to deny Jews what we consider basic respect. It's especially cruel knowing the context, knowing Hamas is doing it specifically because they hate Jews, spitting in our faces.
It's a hate crime, one often overlooked and excused by Goyim. It shouldn't be smoothed over, or minimized in face of the "bigger picture".
Taking hostages in itself is a Grave breach of the Geneva Conventions and a war crime, as is rape. Lesser known is the fact that the Geneva Conventions also demand a honorable burial: "Parties to the conflict shall ensure that the dead are honorably interred, if possible according to the rites of the religion to which they belonged, that their graves are respected" (article 17, article 130)
It is already a violation, and should be considered a war crime.
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mylight-png · 2 months
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I said what I said.
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Tel Aviv last night
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Following the devastating news of the murder of 6 hostages, us Israelis are striking and protesting for a deal.
Saying we don’t want a ceasefire deal is just wrong. There are protests nationwide, school and most businesses are closed in protest.
We want a ceasefire / hostages deal . Bring them home now❤️🎗️
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 4 months
Apparently, according to goyim, we as Jews need to "learn from the holocaust".
I too was baffled when I heard this blatantly bullshit antisemitic statement. What do we have to learn from the Holocaust? Nothing.
If anyone does need to learn about the Holocaust, its the goyim who keep attempting to repeat it, October 7th being the most recent attempt. If we have to teach goyim not to kill us, so be it.
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bringherhome7 · 3 months
Former hostage Noa Argamani attends the funeral of her mother after she passed away from stage 4 terminal brain cancer.
Liora Argamani passed away just 2 weeks after her daughter’s rescue- with her last wish being to see her daughter one last time after she was held hostage for 8 months.
Speaking at the funeral, Noa said:
“Against all odds, I was fortunate to be with you in your final moments, to talk with you, laugh with you, and hear your last words.
Thank you for being strong and holding on all this time, just so I could see you at least one more time. Just so Dad wouldn't be left alone.”
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low-cole-timothy · 5 months
I hope the irony of going to a university named after Christopher Columbus and protesting against the indigenous people of Israel isn’t lost in the literature department of Columbia University.
Or even the fact that they are on Manhattan island which was stolen from Native Americans.
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secular-jew · 6 months
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I truly adore Gad Saad.
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