#hana nomi zo shiru
yaoi-life2021 · 2 years
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Title: Only the Flower Knows Hana no Migoro Ni (Spin-Off) Japanese: Hana nomi zo Shiru (花のみぞ知る) 花のみやこで Creator: Rihito Takarai (宝井理人) Category: #Manga Status: #Completed Description: Only the Flower Knows Chapters: 3 volumes Genre: #Drama; #Romance; #SliceofLife; #Smut Tags: Affectionate Top; Clumsy Bottom; Insecure; University Students Description: Youichi's life at university is going just fine. He isn't having any trouble with his classes, he has plenty of friends, and even a cute girlfriend named Minami. Then the day comes where he meets Misaki. Misaki is a reserved, stand offish fellow but for some reason, Youichi can't seem to get him out of his mind. In fact, he can't seem to stay away. When he lands a job working in the lab with Misaki, it seems more than just the flowers are about to bloom. But will they recognize their emotions for what they are, and have the courage to accept it? Hana no Migoro Ni (花のみやこで) Chapters: 1 volume Genre: #Drama; #Historical; #Romance; #SchoolLife; #SliceofLife; #Tragedy; #Smut Tags: #ArrangedMarriage; #ChildhoodFriends; Friends to Lovers; Geisha; #FellinLoveAfterRejection Motoharu Tsujimura, who was born as the second son of Tsujimura Clinic, has always been in love with Akira Hasumi, a friend he met when he was young. Although he confessed once, he was not accepted and was kept at a distance. Still, he goes to the same university as Akira and enters the same laboratory. While Motoharu is conflicted, he spends his days playing geisha trying to forget everything. One day, Akira invites him to go home with him, and he feels like he's gone back in time. Motoharu thought that if he could stay by his side as a friend, but... *This work includes the spin-off and sequel of "Hana no Mizoru". Where to Read: Only the Flower Knows English (only Vol 1 is published currently) June - https://junemanga.com/products/only-the-flower-knows-vol-1-digital eManga - https://emanga.com/products/only-the-flower-knows-v-1 Japanese CMOA - https://www.cmoa.jp/title/59183/ Renta! - https://renta.papy.co.jp/renta/sc/frm/item/33153/ Hana no Migoro Ni English – Upcoming on June Manga in 2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChYeUehuVPl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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myyaoi1 · 6 months
Hana Nomi Zo Shiru
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Manga/ Manhwa/ Webtoons i’ve Read
Completed titles starting with the letters C, D, G, or H!
I remember most manga even less than the oldest anime i’ve watched unless it was properly amazing so i’m not even going to bother attempting a review of any sort for these guys. In this posts i’ll simply be sharing with you any titles i’ve given a 9 or 10 rating to... as you can imagine some were read quite a few years ago so who’s to say i’d give all of them the same rating today! Let’s go!
Can’t See Can’t Hear But Love - 10/10 - 83 Chapters
Genres: comedy, drama, romance, slice of life, seinen
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Synopsis:  Min Geun Soo, a manhwa artist, lives with his special-needs mother who seems to suffer from an intellectual disability and cannot perform the most basic of activities, such as using the toilet or even brushing her teeth. He draws day and night to support them, working himself ragged and straining his eyes in the process. However, one unfortunate day, he completely loses his eyesight. The future seems bleak for a manhwa artist who can no longer draw. All seems to be going downhill, when one day, he meets Jeon So Ri. So Ri is a deaf girl, and happens to be in love with Geun Soo's work. Thus begins a love story between a deaf woman and a blind man about finding the strength and will to live despite numerous trials. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Dame na Watashi ni Koishite Kudasai - 10/10 - 43 Chapters
Genres: comedy, romance, josei
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Synopsis:  Recently unemployed, 29-year-old Michiko Shibata has barely any money left and so must survive solely on cabbages. With no qualifications and little experience for her age, all of her job interviews have been unfruitful. Despite this, she continues to splurge on expensive gifts for her young "boyfriend" in the hopes that her romantic interest will someday marry and support her. Eventually, Shibata finds out that her feelings are one-sided, for her boyfriend has been lying and using her for money.
At the lowest point of her life, she unexpectedly reunites with Ayumu Kurosawa, her strict former boss whom she resents. Feeling responsible for her unemployment, Kurosawa agrees to help Shibata and once again becomes her employer.
[Written by MAL Rewrite]
Gozen 3-ji no Muhouchitai - 9/10 - 15 Chapters
Genres: comedy, romance, josei
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Synopsis:  Momoko Nanase wants to be an illustrator, so it is unclear why she remains at a company that designs materials for pachinko parlors. The work is difficult and unrelated to her aspirations, assignments accumulate quickly, her coworkers range from the eccentric to the perverted, and all-nighters are common if not mandatory. The only times Momoko sees her boyfriend are when she sleeps over at his apartment, leading them to gradually grow apart. He and Momoko's female friends urge her to quit while she is still new and not yet burnt out. But despite having written a resignation letter, she keeps it in her desk drawer and is hesitant to turn it in. One night, Momoko has a rooftop encounter with Masashi Tagaya, who works on the same floor in their building. She confides in him about her intention to quit, only to be told that the people who say that usually end up staying until the end. As time passes, Momoko questions if and when she should leave, as well as whether she wants to know Tagaya better. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Hana no Miyako de - 9/10 - 5 Chapters
Genres: drama, historical, romance, yaoi
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Synopsis: Hana no Miyako de
 Motoharu Tsujimura and Akira Hazumi belong to different social classes, but despite that, they have been friends since childhood. A rift grows between them when Motoharu confesses his love to Akira and is rejected, yet even this is not enough to completely drive them apart. When Akira, who is greatly interested in botany, chooses a certain university at which to study agriculture, Motoharu follows him to the same school and department. One afternoon, Akira asks to walk home together with Motoharu, like they used to do—only this time, Akira intends to discuss something important that will impact both their futures. Hana no Migoro ni Youichi Arikawa and Shouta Misaki came to know each other when they both served as assistants to Professor Tsujimura in his agricultural laboratory. The two of them fell in love, and now they live together in the old house that Misaki inherited from his late grandfather Akira. Having grown older and graduated from university, Arikawa and Misaki experience new strains on their relationship, different from the ones they are used to. Outside the walls of their home, they are regarded as friends and roommates. Arikawa's mother wants the two to visit during a holiday weekend, but though Arikawa proposes to tell her that he and Misaki are going out, the latter prefers to keep the truth silent. Unexpectedly, Arikawa's older sister returns home on the same weekend. [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Hana nomi zo Shiru - 9/10 - 13 Chapters
Genres: drama, romance, yaoi
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Synopsis:  In a series of chance encounters, university students Youichi Arikawa and Shouta Misaki are brought together. When they meet very briefly for the first and second time, Arikawa is not wearing the proper lenses needed to correct his terrible eyesight. All he has to remember Misaki by is a fuzzy impression of his figure and a necklace with a glass flower pendant that he dropped before hurrying away. Even though they never introduced themselves, Arikawa dreams of Misaki repeatedly, somehow knowing what name to call out in his sleep. When he meets Misaki for a third time, now with clear vision, Arikawa finally sees his face and confirms his name. Although Arikawa is unsure why he is so strongly infatuated by this person, he knows for certain that he cherishes the man in his dreams, so he candidly confesses to Misaki! Can love at first sight strike as strangely as this? [Written by MAL Rewrite]
Hana to Rakurai - 9/10 - 8 Chapters
Genres: romance, school, shoujo
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Synopsis:  The story centers on Umiho, a high school girl who has a crush on schoolmate Namose, a boy from a different class whom Umiho manages to meet through an integrated math class. Because Namose is often busy with club work, he always uses Umiho's notes to study, and she falls in love with him after spending time together. But after Namose drops out of the class due to bad grades and they are separated, Umiho is saddened. At that point, she meets and befriends Yachiyo, a girl who supports Umiho in pursuing a relationship with Namose. (Source: ANN)
Hirunaka no Ryuusei -9/10 - 86 Chapters
Genres: comedy, romance, school, shoujo, slice of life
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Synopsis:  Suzume Yosano has spent the entire 15 years of her life in the countryside, so when her parents decide to move overseas for work and leave her with her uncle in Tokyo, she finds herself in a whole new environment. On the way to her uncle's house, however, she gets lost and faints. Waking up safely at her uncle's house, she learns that a strange man had carried her there and that he happens to be an acquaintance of her uncle. Moreover, when Suzume goes to her new school for the first time, she discovers that the weird man in question, named Satsuki Shishio, is actually her homeroom teacher! Now, Suzume must adapt to her new school and make friends, since her blossoming high school life in the city has just begun! [Written by MAL Rewrite]
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liliumsmangacaps · 5 years
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innocore · 6 years
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lovelybooksproject · 6 years
Recensione: Solo i fiori sanno di  Rihito Takarai
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Ancora una volta mi è molto difficile rimanere calma e manifestare un pensiero coerente per iscritto, questo perché il mio istinto da fujoshi dal cuore di panna mi spinge a battere sulla tastiera in modo ossessivo compulsivo scrivendo frasi come "OMG, Awww, Love love, 😍👏🏻🎉❤️" e chi più e ha... più ne metta. Il fatto è che... questo è uno dei manga più belli che abbia letto negli ultimi mesi! Mi è capitato di leggere parecchi manga in questi giorni, di leggere storie molto diverse tra loro e posso dire che quasi tutti i volumi letti mi hanno colpito in un modo o nell'altro, nel bene e nel male, con pregi e difetti ma questo... è tutto un altro livello! Dopo la delusione con Seven Days ero restia a dare una nuova possibilità alla Takarai, temendo una nuova delusione che difficilmente avrei mandato giù visto il mio amore malato per Ten Count, complice però una santa amica ho ceduto e... non potrò mai ringraziare abbastanza la santa donna che mi ha permesso di leggerlo in italiano (Luisa grazie 😍!!) Questo manga è PERFETTO! Non riesco a trovarci un singolo difetto! La storia è semplice e... geniale! Yoichi Arikawa uno studente di giurisprudenza incontra per caso Shota Misaki, un giovane studente esperto di botanica, fin da subito scatta qualcosa nella mente di Yoichi, quel ragazzo così timido e sfuggente lo colpisce nel profondo tanto da iniziare a vederlo nei suoi sogni, a desiderare di avere un contatto con lui per conoscerlo meglio, l'occasione si presenta quando Arikawa viene scelto come aiutante presso il laboratorio di agraria dell'università, è proprio in questo luogo infatti che ha la possibilità di rincontrare Misaki. Da questa semplice premessa ha inizio una storia dolce, coinvolgente ed emozionante. I personaggi fin da subito sono caratterizzati con la massima cura e rispetto, Arikawa è un ragazzo buffo e divertente, non è abituato a preoccuparsi troppo delle cose, per lui tutto ha sempre una soluzione semplice, un si o un no, giusto o sbagliato, l'incontro con Misaki quindi lo sconvolge perchè per la prima volta si ritrova a fare i conti con se stesso, a capire che la vita non è così semplice, che non sempre le risposte sono così scontate, a desiderare qualcosa di più nella vita, Yoichi inizia a desiderare di avvicinarsi sempre di più all'altro studente ma per la prima volta in tutta la sua vita si ritrova vittima di dubbi ed incertezze che lo spingono a comportarsi in modo... stupido ad interrogarsi su se stesso, sulla sua vita. Ho adorato il modo di fare del giovane, un modo di fare così fresco e innocente da renderlo simile a un bambino, basti pensare alla sua dichiarazione spontanea in classe quel "Credo di amarti" detto così, senza pensare, per esprimere quello che sente per un ragazzo che in quel momento neanche conosce, Yoichi con la sua spontaneità è la metà perfetta di Misaki. Misaki è infatti tutto quello che non è Arikawa, mentre il compagno è allegro e solare lui è schivo e timido, Yoichi è sicuro di se e accetta se stesso, arriva ad accettare subito di amare Misaki e lotta per questo mentre il botanico ha difficoltà, non riesce a fidarsi delle persone e di quella mano tesa verso di lui, fin da ragazzo ha sofferto molto, dapprima per la morte dei genitori e poi per quella del nonno, il ragazzo ha poche certezze nella vita, non è a suo agio con se stesso e con la sua sessualità, ed è proprio questa che lo sconvolge, il suo incontro con il futuro avvocato lo porta a provare sentimenti che non sente giusti, lo porta a disperarsi e desiderare di essere una ragazza, così da poter vivere una vita con quel ragazzo ai suoi occhi così puro, per poter così uscire con lui alla luce del sole, per vivere il suo amore senza colpe. Misaki è... un personaggio stupendo con cui ho empatizzato fin da subito, nei suoi modi di fare c'è un desiderio infinito di amore, una voglia di amare ed essere amato, ho provato pena per lui in alcune parti, vederlo così triste e sofferente, così insicuro mi ha stretto il cuore. Il rapporto d'amore tra i due giovani è.... incantevole,nasce nel momento giusto e al punto giusto, uno slow burn che ti incanta e tiene incollato alle pagine, la delicatezza di Arikawa e la sua pazienza, la goffaggine di Misaki nell'accettare e ricambiare quel sacro amore è... WOW... vorrei trovare una parola più forte ma WOW è l'unica cosa che mi viene in questo momento. Tutto il mondo di Solo i fiori sanno è curato con cura e tutti i personaggi hanno una storia da raccontare, tutti i personaggi anche quelli secondari ti entrano nel cuore tanto da desiderare di poter leggere capitoli interi su di loro... impossibile infatti non voler abbracciare il professore Tsujimura, un uomo buffissimo e tenero che fin dal primo incontro ha preso Misaki sotto la sua ala protettiva, cercando di aiutarlo e capirlo, il professore è come un padre per il giovane e nel corso della storia capisce i sentimenti dei due ragazzi e anche stando in disparte da il suo contributo, supportando quel tenero sentimento, impossibile non provare simpatia per Kanami, la ex ragazza di Yoichi, la giovane appare pochissimo eppure si capisce fin da subito l'amore che prova per il giovane e il suo sacrificio nella scelta di lasciarlo libero, di lasciarlo andare per la sua strada alla ricerca del vero amore, tenerissima la scena in cui i due ex si abbracciano per l'ultima volta,dimostrando l'affetto uno nei confronti dell'altro e poi... beh... c'è lui... Satoshi Kawabata, il personaggio che in questa storia più mi ha fatto dannare, ho provato così tante emozioni nei suoi confronti che devo dirlo...  forse è il mio personaggio preferito... ancora più di Misaki. Kawabata è un personaggio che dovrebbe generare "odio" nel lettore, il "cattivone" della storia e anche uno dei motivi per cui Shota è così insicuro, egli è il primo amore del ragazzo e non ha esitato a ferirlo crudelmente e dopo averlo fatto ha comunque deciso di tenerlo legato a se, si comporta in modo crudele e meschino e sembra considerare Shota come un cagnolino tanto da dire crudelmente ad Arikawa "Quando ti stanchi di lui, di tenerlo al collare, restituiscimelo" trattando Misaki come un oggetto di nessun valore, proviamo odio per lui, voglia di prenderlo a pugni eppure... non sono riuscita ad odiarlo, Satoshi infatti è una vittima, una vittima del nemico più grande di ogni essere umano... è vittima di se stesso. Kawabata vive una vita falsa che si è costruito per non soffrire, l'incontro con Misaki lo ha distrutto portandolo alla consapevolezza della propria omosessualità, un'omosessualità per lui inconcepibile e che lo ha portato ad indossare una maschera, a prendere una fidanzata, a fare la parte dello stronzo senz'anima, è proprio quando definisce Misaki al pari di un cagnolino che dimostra come il ragazzo per lui è un'ancora di salvezza, un barlume di luce nella sua esistenza, l'unico frammento di vita sincero, quando è con Misaki ironicamente Kawabata riesce ad essere se stesso ed è la paura che lo spinge a comportarsi in modo crudele e meschino, lui non riesce ad allontanarsi dall'unica persona a cui ha mostrato la sua vera natura e debolezza. Mi sono ritrovata quindi a piangere come una bimba nel confronto finale tra i due, quando Kawabata crudele fa presente a Misaki che non verrà mai realmente amato dal suo innamorato, quest'ultimo infatti lo lascerà per una donna prima o poi e Misaki... reagisce, rifiuta l'approccio del senpai e ha il coraggio di lottare con fierezza ammettendo che si, lui è omosessuale e forse è vero, forse quel giovane per cui prova quei sentimenti si stancherà di lui, lo lascerà ma per lui andrà bene comunque... perchè lo ama e amare significa anche rischiare di perdere tutto, di cadere a pezzi pur di lasciare la libertà alla persona che sia ama, Misaki è pronto a perdere tutto per amore ed è questo che fa crollare Kawabata, quel giovane che lui ha sempre visto come un bambino, un fratellino è cresciuto, è diventato un uomo, l'uomo che lui non è riuscito a diventare, accettando l'amore e le sofferenze che ne conseguono. Satoshi per la prima volta crolla, piange come un bambino e Misaki lo abbraccia, con lo stesso abbraccio con cui Satoshi anni prima lo aveva consolato per la morte del nonno, quelle lacrime e quell'abbraccio racchiudono tutte le scuse del mondo, entrambi si perdonano a vicenda, entrambi accettano se stessi e vedere Kawabata una volta rimasto a casa da solo, chiamare la madre e dire per la prima volta "Ora vivo la mia vita con la mia testa" è stata una gioia per me, me lo ha fatto amare e... ammetto di provare un po' di rancore per l'autrice per non averci regalato alcun extra sull'uomo perchè... anche Satoshi meritava amore e coccole. Scleri a parte... ho amato i personaggi, la storia, la sua poesia e dolcezza, il fatto che ogni piccolo dettaglio ha un significato a partire dai fiori... co-protagonisti della storia, sono proprio i fiori a connettere i due giovani e fa quasi ridere come la vicenda si poteva concludere in un volume, come con la foto dell'Agapanto Yoichi abbia dichiarato il suo amore per lo studioso e lui con la foto di una margherita abbia risposto "Provo i tuoi stessi sentimenti" questa cosa dolce e tenera mi ha fatto sorridere perchè i sentimenti erano lì fin dal primo volume. Questa storia insomma è... FAVOLOSA, un toccasana per l'anima, sa essere dolce e coinvolgente, buffa e divertente allo stesso tempo, non ci risparmia qualche lacrima, molti sospiri e sorrisi e poi... ci regala nel terzo volumetto anche qualche momento "hot" per calmare gli animi di noi pazze fujoshi. Mi sento quindi di consigliarlo? ASSOLUTAMENTE SI! Se cercate una storia realistica, magica ed emozionante fa al caso vostro. Leggetelo senza timori che non ve ne pentirete!
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starsandsakuras · 7 years
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x0401x · 4 years
I don't know if this has been asked before, but which manga would you like to see animated? Thanks.
Wow, that’s a long list! Here are a few of the ones I want to see animated the most (but only counting mangas that have never been adapted, not the ones that haven’t been adapted past a certain point or that should get a reboot):
Hidamari ga Kikoeru
Shimanami Tasogare
Ubume no Natsu
Kyoukotsu no Yume
Tenkuu Shinpan
Seven Days
Hana nomi zo Shiru
Rengoku ni Warau
Koukou no Hito
Hyakki Tsurezure-bukuro
Dungeon Meshi
Takane no Hana nara Ochitekoi!
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Happy Birthday Kana Hanazawa (Feb. 25)
Happy 30th birthday to Kana Hanazawa! 
PART ONE: Role Compilation PART TWO: Song Recommendations PART THREE: YouTube Excursion (on @natsspammityspamspamham )
She turns the big 30! I think she’s one of those female voice actors that can defy the boundaries of age in the seiyuu industry (which happens to be very sexist). She has a massive amount of range in terms of her acting, she sings well (she originally intended to be an idol), and she actively supports and is actually a fan of many of her fellow female seiyuu. I think she might still be dating Kensho Ono. I haven’t heard a word of a breakup.
There will be NO “TOP FIVE ROLES” because I already made one! I might update it eventually though. Here are some posts where she appears:
Top Five Kana Hanazawa Roles 
Seiyuu Challenge (3+4): Favourite and Least Favourite Female Seiyuu
Seiyuu Challenge #21: The seiyuu with the most acting range?
Charapedia: The Top 20 Female Seiyuu (as of Apr 2018)
Seiyuu in Traditional Clothing
Seiyuu Drawing!
Since I will not be able to include gifs for all the roles, please feel free to check out any of the video compilations I use too! I tried to not hold back too many roles for this.
Role Compilation
*there’s a mistake in the video at 2:45: Kosaki Onodera from Nisekoi is the correct role
Shirase Kobuchizawa - Sora yori mo Tooi Basho
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Natsume Tsuchimikado - Tokyo Ravens
This anime was disappointing. I enjoyed it at the time, but I knew it was absolute trash.
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Ayase Shinomiya - Guilty Crown
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Kurokami no Otome - Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome
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Aika Fuwa - Zetsuen no Tempest
I didn’t like this anime, but everyone else seems to like it!
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Rumi Yokoi - Tonari no Seki-kun
This anime was great.
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Yuki Minagawa - Tsurezure Children
This anime was pretty good too. This character just loves to mess with her friend.
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Hadaly Lilith - Shisha no Teikoku
I’m pretty sure she’s the only named female character in this anime.
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Nene Kinokuni - Food Wars
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Mikoto Asuka - Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
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Kusano - Sekirei
This character is your token loli in an ecchi anime which brings concern.
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Nana Sakurai - Prince of Stride
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Akane Tsunemori - Psycho-Pass
This is probably one of her best roles. I just haven’t watched it yet.
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Sharon Rainsworth - Pandora Hearts
The refined one on the right. I identify with the character on the left though.
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Susukihotaru - Otome Youkai Zakuro
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Ruri Gokou - Oreimo
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Raphiel - Gabriel Dropout
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Shiro - Deadman Wonderland
She’s a little crazy. Just a little.
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Red Blood Cell - Hataraku Saibou
This character is cute, but I... how do you ship cells? They’re cells?
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Shiemi Moriyama - Blue Exorcist
I don’t get why this character gets so much hate. I like her.
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Hana Midorikawa - Prison School
This is as PG as we’re getting for this one too.
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Satomi Murano - Parasyte
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Kobato Hasegawa - Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
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Hinata Kawamoto - 3-Gatsu no Lion
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Naho Takamiya - Orange
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Mayuri Shiina - Steins;Gate
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Charlotte Dunois - Infinite Stratos
This is as PG as we’re getting.
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Satou Matsuzaka - Happy Sugar Life
Everything is all cute until she shows up ready to decapitate and dismember you to an unrecognizable state. 
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Roka Shibasaki - D-Frag!
My favourite character of the series. She’s the epitome of intimidation. She is an icon. She is the underground boss.
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Baileu Ton - Phantom in the Twilight
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Anri Sonohara - Durarara
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Kanade Tachibana - Angel Beats!
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Ren Kougyoku - Magi
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Kosaki Onodera - Nisekoi
Onodera is the best. I can’t believe that ending.
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Manaka Mukaido - Nagi no Asukara
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Maria Akizuki - Shinsekai Yori
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Yukino Yukari - Kotonoha no Niwa
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Shiori Shiomiya - Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai
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Karuta Roromiya - Inu x Boku
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Sengoku Nadeko - Monogatari Series
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Misaki Takasaki - Koi to Uso
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Misora Haruki - Sakurada Reset
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Risa Hanakago - Nagareboshi Lens
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Chiaki Kurihara - Mouretsu Pirates
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Mari Kozakura - Mekakucity Actors
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Miyu - Kanojo to Kanojo no Neko
This anime was good even if it was just four seven-minute episodes.
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Tsukimi Kurashita - Kuragehime
I am watching this anime eventually. 110%
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Riza Kamishiro - Tokyo Ghoul
And this is why I have never gone on a date.
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Zessica Wong - Aquarion Evol
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Ichika Nanako - Gotoubun no Hanayome
Couldn’t find a non-boob gif. This anime isn’t as bad as it looks.
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Chizuru Ooshima - Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
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Mayumi Saegusa - Mahouka
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Ichiko Sakura - Binbougami ga!
Oh no, her face. Das nut gud.
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Tooko Amano - Bungaku Shoujo
Yeah, she eats books. I kid you not. I was too weirded out to watch this anime.
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Seryuu Ubiquitous - Akame Ga Kill!
Ah right, that crazy bitch.
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Zera - Fairy Tail
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Mayuka Nasu - Buddy Complex
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Kobato Hanato - Kobato.
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Nanami Chiaki - Danganronpa
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wickedweeklywonders · 6 years
Anime to watch (series, shorts, film)
Princess Utena
-junjou romantica -uni monogatori -steins gate - Mizugumo Monmon - Mr. Dough and the Egg Princess - The Night of Taneyamagahara -looking for home - Hoshi o Katta Hi - Koro no Daisanpo -ghost in the shell -Berserk -barakamon -animal crossing movie -princess utena -5 cm per second -garden of words -show by rock -pocco rosso -whisper of the heart -only yesterday -pom pokko -tales of earth sea -my neighbors the yamadas -ocean waves -on your mark -the red turtle -mei and kittenbus -boy and the beast -kyoukai no kanata -melancholy of haruhi -kaiba -pingpong - Crayon Shinchan -Mind Game -garden of sinners -eden of the east -aku no hana - American Pop - The Case of Hana & Alice -cool world -haikyuu -ano hana -mob psycho 100 -vivid red operation -galaxy express - Heroic Legend of Arslan -Psychic Wars -Ghost in the Shell -Dallos -Highlander Search for Vengeance -Kaiba -Samurai Horror Tales -Hakaba Kitaro -Azazel You’re Being Summoned -Sky Crawlers -Shadow Skill -rwby -yuki yuna is a hero -tokyo godfathers -ultra maniac -panda and the magic serpent -mahou no princess minky momo -nausica valley of the wind -lupin -mobile suit gundam -tekkonkinkreet -patlabor -neo tokyo -5 cm per second -megazone 23 -memories (shorts) -blood the last vampire -macross plus -roujin Z -jin roh - CASTLE OF CAGLIOSTRO -metropolis -professor layton and the eternal diva -urusei yatsura beautiful dreamer -highlander -princess kaguya -whisper of the heart -millenium acctress -hunter x hunter -b project -days -pretear -sugar sugar rune -princess tutu -creamy mami -fate/kalied -nurse witch komugi chan -shugo charaflip flappers -magical girl raising project -petite princess yucie -tokyo mew mew -tweeny witches -ojamajo deremi -precure -rozen maiden -magical knight rayearth -pretty cure -magical girl lyrical nanoha -day break illusion -kamekaze kaito jeanne - Fushigiboshi no Futagohime - Himitsu no Akko-chan -last naruto movie -.hack -0091 -accel world -angel beats -anohana -arria the secret ammo -bakuman -black lagoon -blood c -blue drop -b toom -canaan -a certain magical index -clannad -colorful -the count montichristo -cromartie high school -darkside blue -haruhi suzumiya -dusk maiden of amnesia -eden east -elfen lied -flowers of evil -from the new world -future diary -garzeys wing -ga rei zero -glasslip -golden time -good luck girl -guilty crown -gun buster -gun x sword -monster -mushishi -patema inverted -pet shop of horrors -Kamisama Minarai Himitsu no Coco-tama -yuri on ice -samurai champloo -yu yu hakusho -gundam seed -12 kingdomgs -ergo proxy -hanayamata -selecotr infected -wixoss -show by rock -subete ga f ni naru -occult nine -space patrol luluco -little witch academia -nagi no asukara -shirobako -danshi koukousei no nichijou -to aru majutsu no index -hyouka -yuru yuri -denki gai no honya san -boku no hero academia -netoge no yome wa onnanoko ja nai to omotta -mawaru penguin drum -mob psycho 100 -ojamajo doremi -anohana -beyond the boundary -kaiba -kara no kyoukai -ppy -urusei yatsura -szs -natsume yuujinchou -shinsekai yori -shoujo kakumei utena -tonari no kaibutsu no lion -danganronpa -osomatsu san -akatsuki no yona -shaman king -yuri kuma arashi -perfect blue -hyoka -kinos journey -fantastic children -arakawa under the bridge -erased -another -bouibu -hunter x hunter -prince of stride -kuromukuro -pmmm! -yowamushi pedal -peach girl -library wars -blood + -earl and fairy -saiunkoku monogatari -escaflowne -gundam wing -tweeny witches -ping pong -kemonozume -michiko to hatchin -paranoia agent -kaiba -wandering son -sweet blue flowers -soul eater -tiger and bunny -rwby -millenium acctress -tokyo godfathers -nasu summer in andalusia -redline -when marnie was there -the wind rises -only yesterday -pom poko -my nieghbors the yamadas -tales from earth sea -i can hear the sea -whisper of the heart -roujin Z -memories -rintaro -jin roh -blood the last vampire -dead leaves -the place promised in our early days -appleseed ex machina -vexhille -summer days with coo -colorful -welcome to the space show -wonderful days sky blue -tekkon kinkreet -hotarubi no mori e -royal space force wings -cencoroll -final fantasy -big wind up - Gangsta -Claymore -Tiger & Bunny -Ergo Proxy -Black Lagoon -Ghost in Shell -cromartie -au haru ride -guilty crown -higashi no eden -blood + -kimi no todoke -usagi drop -kemono no souja erin -clamp school detectives -only yesterday -patlabor -kekkaishi -seihou buyou outlaw star -seikai no monshou -escaflowne -city hunter -tiger and bunny -planetes -
-Trigun -Baccano! -Hellsing -Yu Yu Hakusho - Arakawa Under the Bridge -mushishi -kinos journey - Detroit Metal City -gundam wing -battery -sora wa miageru shoujo no hitomini utsuru sekai -kikoushi enma -inukami -AMAGI brilliant park -beyond the boundary -coffee samurai - -kowarekake no orgel - Ojamajo Doremi -rolling girls -sekai sefuku -inou battle wa nichijou kei -witch craft works -hagure yuusha no aesthetica -hamatora -coppelion -code breaker -kurokami -mekakucity actors -c the money of possibility and control -date a live -black cat -chrome shelled regious -sengoku basara -mushibugyou -koutetsujou no kabeneri -tokyo ravens -charlotte -persona 4 -yasokura quartet -the book of bantorra -speed grapher -kekkaishi -mandaiji tachi ga isekai -get backers -concret revulutio -bungo stray dogs -zetai karen children -senjou no valkyria -ga rei zero -god eater -soul eater -claymore -k project -towards the terra -toaru kagaku no rail gun -mob psycho -darker than black -kekkai sensen -the exorcist -tales from the crypt -aldnoah zero -aoki hagane no apreggio -ginga kikoutai -btoom -kyoukaisenjou no horizon -no. 6 -sidonia no kishi -soukyuu no fafner -guilty crown -certain magical index -gungrave -kidou senkan nadesico -rahxephon -last exile -birdy decode -higashi no eden -bukyou outlaw star -sekai no monshou -texnolyze -towards the terra -trigun -ghost in the shell -code geass -senkan yamato 2199 -diebuster - Katekyo Hitman Reborn -rwby -beelzebub -gundam 00 -kinos journey -oh my goddess -angelic layer -princess tut -samurai champloo -maid sama -samurai 7 -fushigi yugi -sound of the sky -kaleido star -charlotte -kami nomi zo shiru sekai -.Clannad -Monogatari Series -ef: A Tale of Memories -Little Busters -Kamisama Hajimemashita -Kokoro Connect -Inu x Boku SS -Tasogare Otome x Amnesia -city hunter - Super Dimension Century Orguss -golden boy - Memories (1995 film) - Blood: The Last Vampire - Escaflowne - Angelic Layer - Witch Hunter Robin - Scrapped Princess - Kurau Phantom Memory - Mars Daybreak - Jyu-Oh-Sei - Ghost Slayers Ayashi - Nijū Mensō no Musume - Michiko & Hatchin - Gosick - Towa no Quon - Blood Blockade Battlefront - Noragami -flame of recca -belzabub -strike the blood -earl fairy -detroit metal city -yona of the dawn -dfrag -otaku no video -bubblegum crisis -expelled from paradise -lord vanadis -demon prince enma -when they cry -lupin -ino boku -brothers conflict -maid sama -world god only knows -lovely complex -btoom -devil survivor -dan machi -overlord -no game no life -kono suburashii -grimgar -log horizon -b gata h kei -dragon crisis -dakara boku waourin -nourin -serei tsukai no blade dance -kyoukai no rinne -nobonaga the fool -kimi no iru machi -sakura trick -trinity seven -mayo chiki -freezing -mahouka kou kou no retousei -date a live -strike the blood -hitsugi no chaika -robotics notes -inari, konkon, koi iroha -nijiro days -equarion evol -oda nobuna no yabou -nou come -love stage -mikakunin de shinkou -accel world -boku wa tomadachi -baka to test -shakugan no shana -grisaia no kijitsu -charlotte -kyoukai no kanata -tonari no koubutstu kun -otoome youkai zakuro -sakite no ii ya -sankarea -bokura wa minna kawaisou -hanasaku iroha -macross delta -relife -toaru hikuushi e no koiuta -soredemo sekai wa utsukushii -tasogare otome amnesia -akatsuki no yona -gosick -working -baby steps -ao haru ride -kuragehimi -chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai -yahari ore no seishun love comedy -kami nomi shiru sekai -hyouka -anohana -angel beats -golden time -rakoudai kishi no cavalry -plastic memories -orange -chihayafuru -kimi to boku -ore monogatari -ano natsu de matteru -sakarasou no pet na kanojo -kamisama kiss -kokoro connect -white album 2 -akagami no shirayuki hime -chouyaku hyakuninisshu -bakuman -little busters -nodame catabile finale -sakamichi no apollon -monogatori -nagi no asukara -katanagatori -uchuu senkan yamato 2199 -shigatsu wa kimi no uso -kimi ni todoke -steins gate -yojouhan shinwa taikei -kamisama no inai nichiyoubi -overlord -nanatsu no taizai -jirui wa suitai shimashita -noragami -no game no life -shingeki no bahamut -mushishi -sidonia no kishi -hai to gensou no grimgar -tokyo magnitude 8.0 -rainbow -gyakkou burai kaui -gundam 0083 -a certain scientific railguns -gundam ???? -magic kyun renaissance -drifters -kuuchuu buranko -jinrui wa suitai shimashita -sidonia no kishi -hanasaku iroha -hyouga mono -gungrave -eikoku koi monogatari emma -saraiya goyou -giant killing -aoi bungaku -phantom -black lagoon -jormungand -lupin iii -mononoke -one outs -planetes -kingdom -kiseijuu -uchuu kyoudai -ping pong -baccano -hellsing ultimate -gyakkyou burai kaiji -rainbow -monster -mushishi -mahou romantic -kampfer -digi charat -magical play -patlabor -gourmet girl -royal space force -ellcia -ef a tale of melodies -corpse party live action movie -love stage -love chyunbyou and other delusions -natsuyuki rondevou -gachaman crowds -kokoro connect -demon of the fleeting blossom -psychic squad -quazy in a foreign labrynth -world god only knows -glass mask -hanamonogatori -shirobaka -d frag -date a live -mekaku city actors -strike the blood -ao haru ride -tokyo ravens -trinity seven -aldnoah zero -mahouka koukou no rettousei -nagi no asukara -black bullet -pyscho pass -amagi brilliant park -golden time -shingeki no bahamut -akatshuki no yona -kuroko no basket -magi -sinbad -shigatsu wa kimi no uso -nanatsu no taizai -black jack -is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon -blue spring ride -kamigami asobi -shuffle -kiss him not me -amanchu -battery -handa kun -fukigen na mononokean -cheer danshi -sweetness and lightning -relife -this art club has a problem -honobono log -sakamoto desu ga -gochuumon wa usagi desu ka -tears to tiara -utawerererumono itsuwari no kamen -jormangand -hatraku maou sama -katanagatari -oshiri tantei -infinite ryvius -mezz dsa -blazeblue -comic party - tenchi muyo gxp - UCHOUTEN Kazoku - Seikaisuru Kado - ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu - Honobono Log -baccano - Amaama to Inazuma - Akagame no Shirayuki-hime - Koutetsujou No Kabaner - Oshiete! Galko-chan - Koe no Katachi - Kobayashi-san Chi No Maid Dragon - Kamigami No Asobi - Demi-chan Wa Kataritai - Arslan Senki - Fukumenkei Noise - Ballroom E Youkoso - Kakegurui - Tsurezure Children - Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu - Kotoura-san - Tsubaki Chou Lonely Plane - Horimiya - Hirunaka no Ryuusei -dragon maids -danmachi -kiznaiver -toaru kagaku no railgun -absolute duo -drifters -hai to gensou no grimgar -youjo senki -monster -kyoukai no kanata -full metal panic -euphonium -hyouka -gosick -akagami no shirayuki hime -hero academia -concrete revolutio -zetsuen no tempest -kekkai sensen -tonari no kaibutsu kun -dfrag -bokura wa minna kawaisou -oregairu -kuragehime -mawaru penguindrum -ookami to koushinryou -natsume yuujinchou -3 gatsu no lion -mekaku city actors -denpa onna to seishun op -arakawa under the bridge -sayonara zetsubou sensei -a tale of memories -monogatari -
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Hello team, Thanks again for bringing us KM ch 15! Can’t wait to read and discuss it with you all! Oh yes, while waiting for the chapter to be released, do you have recommendations to read? Something similar to KM? So far, I am liking Hidaka Shoko and Yoneda Kou’s work... liking something more serious with good strong storylines 😊 Thanks!
Hi there! Here are some stories you may be interested in. I tried my best to go through my library and find “serious with good storylines” and also did my best to recommend completed stories, only 4 are ongoing (not completely scanlated) [but so worth it]. I also attempted to give you a mix of different authors so you can see other styles out there. A few of my favorite authors aren’t listed in the stories, but I will list them just in case you want to look too!
These are great stories in my opinion, some are chalk with extra feels. 
(closest to Koimonogatari) Hidamari ga Kikoeru- Fumino, Yuki 
Given-  Kizu, Natsuki
Blue Lust- Hinako
Kimi to Parade: Kojima, Lalako (Pre-quel)
Paradise View: Kojima, Lalako (Sequel)
Escape Journey- Ogeretsu, Tanaka
Sotsugyousei- Nakamura, Asumiko 
Hana wa Saku ka-  Hidaka, Shoko
Neon Sign Amber- Ogeretsu, Tanaka 
Life Senjou no Bokura -Tokokura Miya
Mother's Spirit-  Enzou 
Kashikomarimashita, Destiny- Sachimo
Sayonara Game- Minazuki, Yuu 
Hana nomi zo Shiru - Takarai, Rihito
Goodbye Lilac- Yuki, Ringo 
Some favorite authors off the top of my head: (besides the ones you mentioned)
Zaria/Zariya (spelled both ways sometimes)
Scarlet Beriko
Abe Akane
Nekota, Yonezou 
Yamamoto, Kotetsuko 
Ukyou, Ayane
Natsume, Kazuki 
Takagi, Shigeyoshi 
Katsura, Komachi 
Come back and tell me your thoughts!!
For the People; by the People
Robin Hood Scans
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anime-is-my-lifee · 7 years
recommend me animes or mangas BL/yaoi pleaseee
Here are a few I have enjoyed :DManga Kimi ga koi ni ochiru Hana nomi zo shiru Katekyo 17 sai no hisoka na yokujou 2 dome no koi no hajimari wa Doushiyoumo nai keredo Animejunjou romantica (manga is amazing as well)Sekaiichi hatsukoi (manga is so good I've read it at least 10 times lol)Doukyuusei (movie)Hitorijime my hero Hybrid child (ova)Love stage No.6Seitokaichou ni chuukoku (ova)Tight rope (ova)Yami no matsuei
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auralice · 7 years
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Liste de chansons
Ost :
• 11 Eyes (anime)
• A Bird Story (rpg d’horreur)
• A Channel (anime)
• A Witch’s Tale (game) ♥
• Air Tv (anime)
• Akuma No Riddle (anime)
• Angel Beats (anime)
• Angelic Layer (anime)
• Aoi Hana (anime) ♥
• Aria (anime) ♥
• Arrietty et le petit monde des chapardeurs (film)
• Asatte No Houkou (anime)
• Beyond Two Souls (jeu)
• Black Buttler (anime)
• Black Rock Shooter (anime)
• Braid (jeu)
• Bravely Default (jeu)
• Byousoku 5 cm (film) ♥
• Card Captor Sakura (anime) ♥
• Child Of Light (jeu)
• Chobits (anime) ♥
• Clannad (anime)
• Colorful (film)
• Folklore (jeu) ♥
• Gakkou Gurashi (anime)
• Gosick (anime)
• Haibane Renmei (anime)
• Hal (film)
• Hanayamata (anime) ♥
• I Am Setsuna (game) ♥
• Imaginary Friends (rpg d’horreur) ♥
• Itsuka Tenma No Kuro Usagi (anime)
• Je peux entendre l’océan (film)
• Junjou Romantica (anime) ♥
• Kaidan Restaurant (anime) ♥
• Kami Nomi Zo Shiru Sekai (anime) ♥
• Kamichama Karin (anime)
• Kanamemo (anime)
• Kannazuki No Miko (anime)
• Kanon (anime)
• Kiki la petite sorcière (film)
• Kiniro Mosaic (anime)
• Koi Kaze (anime)
• Kokoro Connect (anime)
• Kokoro Ga Sakebitagatterunda (film) ♥
• K-On (anime)
• Kotonoha No Niwa (film)
• La colline aux coquelicots (film)
• La forêt du piano (film)
• La tour au-delà des nuages (film)
• La traversée du temps (film)
• Le château ambulant (film)
• Le château dans le ciel (film)
• Le conte de la princesse Kaguya (film)
• Le royaume des chats (film)
• Le vent se lève (film)
• Le voyage de Chihiro (film)
• Les contes de Terremer (film) ♥
• Les enfants loups Ame et Yuki (film)
• Lettre à Momo (film)
• Life Is Strange (jeu) ♥
• Love Lab (anime)
• Love Live School Idol Project (anime) ♥
• Love Live Sunshine (anime)
• Love Stage (anime)
• Mad Father (rpg d’horreur)
• Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha (anime)
• Mashiro Iro No Symphony (anime) ♥
• Mnemosyne (anime) ♥
• Mokke (anime)
• Mon voisin Totoro (film)
• Monster (anime)
• Natsuyuki Rendezvous (anime)
• Nausicaa de la vallée du vent (film)
• No.6 (anime)
• Ouran High School Host Club (anime)
• Pandora Hearts (anime)
• Pompoko (film)
• Ponyo sur la falaise (film)
• Porco Rosso (film)
• Princess Resurrection (anime)
• Princesse Mononoke (film)
• Professeur Layton (jeu)
• Romeo X Juliet (anime)
• Sakasema No Patema (film)
• Sakura Trick (anime) ♥
• Sasameki Koto (anime) ♥
• Sekaiichi Hatsukoi (anime) ♥
• Shigofumi (anime)
• Shinsekai Yori (anime)
• Si tu tends l’oreille (film)
• Souvenirs de Marnie (film) ♥
• Souvenirs goutte à goutte (film)
• Sphinx et la malédiction de la momie (jeu) ♥
• Spice And Wolf (anime)
• Strawberry Panic (anime) ♥
• Sukitte Ii Na Yo (anime) ♥
• Summers Wars (film)
• Super Lovers (anime) ♥
• The Vanishing Of Ethan Carter (jeu) ♥
• To The Moon (rpg d’horreur) ♥
• Touka Gettan (anime)
• Tsubasa Chronicle (anime)
• Umineko No Naku Kori Ni (anime)
• Uta Kata (anime)
• Vampire Knight (anime) ♥
• Voyage vers Agartha (film)
• Wolf’s Rain (anime) ♥
• Yama No Susume (anime)
• Yami To Boushi To Hon No Tabibito (anime) ♥
• Yosuaga No Sora (anime) ♥
• Yumi Nikki (rpg d’horreur) ♥
• Yumekui Merry (anime) ♥
• Yuri On Ice (anime) ♥
• Yuri Kuma Arashi (anime) ♥
• Zelda (jeu) ♥
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liliumsmangacaps · 5 years
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animesihavewatched · 7 years
Outbreak Company >Winter 2017< ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka Hand Shakers Little Witch Academia Gabriel DropOut ChäoS;Child Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon Kuzu no Honkai Ao no Exorcist Masamune-kun no Revenge Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Kono Suba >Fall 2016 < Touken Ranbu: Hanamaru Bloodivores WWW.Working!! < all of working Okusama ga Seitokaichou! Trickster: Edogawa Ranpo "Shounen Tanteidan" yori Nanbaka Occultic;Nine Watashi ga Motete Dousunda Bungou Stray Dogs Keijo!!!!!!!! Drifters Yuri!!! on ICE >Summer 2016< Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari 2nd Hatsukoi Monster  Arslan Senki Qualidea Code Rewrite Masou Gakuen HxH D.Gray-man Hallow Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru! Servamp Nejimaki Seirei Senki: Tenkyou no Alderamin Mob Psycho 100 Orange  91 Days  >Spring 2016< Sakamoto desu ga? Sousei no Onmyouji Netoge no Yome wa Onnanoko ja Nai to Omotta? Tanaka-kun wa Itsumo Kedaruge Gakusen Toshi Asterisk 2nd Season Hundred Kiznaiver Koutetsujou no Kabaneri Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu Boku no Hero Academia Big Order Seisen Cerberus: Ryuukoku no Fatalités Endride Sansha Sanyou Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou - Ansatsu Kyoushitsu >Winter 2016< Boku dake ga Inai Machi Hai to Gensou no Grimgar Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! Musaigen no Phantom World Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2nd Season Dagashi Kashi Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri 2nd Season Dimension W Saijaku Muhai no Bahamut Durarara!!x2 Ketsu Divine Gate Akagami no Shirayuki-hime 2nd Season Prince of Stride: Alternative Ao no Kanata no Four Rhythm Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu Luck & Logic HaruChika: Haruta to Chika wa Seishun suru Active Raid: Kidou Kyoushuushitsu Dai Hachi Gakari Reikenzan: Hoshikuzu-tachi no Utage >Fall 2015< One Punch Man Noragami Aragoto Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry Gakusen Toshi Asterisk K: Return of Kings Taimadou Gakuen 35 Shiken Shoutai Shinmai Maou no Testament Burst Sakurako-san no Ashimoto ni wa Shitai ga Umatteiru Ore ga Ojousama Gakkou ni "Shomin Sample" Toshite Gets♥Sareta Ken Comet Lucifer Utawarerumono: Itsuwari no Kamen Concrete Revolutio: Choujin Gensou Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?? Lance N' Masques >Summer 2015< Charlotte Overlord Gate: Jieitai Kanochi nite, Kaku Tatakaeri Prison School Rokka no Yuusha Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou Akagami no Shirayuki-hime Himouto! Umaru-chan Gakkougurashi! Durarara!!x2 Ten Aoharu x Kikanjuu Okusama ga Seitokaichou! Jitsu wa Watashi wa  Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no Kyoukan Working!!! Chaos Dragon: Sekiryuu Seneki Gatchaman Crowds Insight >Spring 2015< Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Owari no Seraph Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Zoku Kekkai Sensen Plastic Memories Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo Nisekoi: High School DxD BorN Arslan Senki  Grisaia no Rakuen Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2 Sure-me Triage X Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu Etotama Re-Kan! >Winter 2015< Tokyo Ghoul √A Death Parade Ansatsu Kyoushitsu Durarara!!x2 Shou Shinmai Maou no Testament Absolute Duo Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata Aldnoah.Zero 2nd Season Kamisama Hajimemashita◎ Isuca Dog Days'' >Fall 2014< Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso Nanatsu no Taizai Akatsuki no Yona Trinity Seven Amagi Brilliant Park Log Horizon 2nd Season Grisaia no Kajitsu Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken World Trigger Hitsugi no Chaika: Avenging Battle Donten ni Warau >Summer 2014< Tokyo Ghoul Sword Art Online II Akame ga Kill! Aldnoah.Zero Ao Haru Ride Seireitsukai no Blade Dance Rail Wars! Tokyo ESP DRAMAtical Murder Hanayamata >Spring 2014< No Game No Life Black Bullet Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei Mekakucity Actors Date A Live II Hitsugi no Chaika Gokukoku no Brynhildr Akuma no Riddle Blade & Soul >Winter 2014< Noragami Nisekoi Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren D-Frag! Witch Craft Works Mahou Sensou Seitokai Yakuindomo* Tonari no Seki-kun Nourin Saikin, Imouto no Yousu ga Chotto Okashiinda ga. Maken-Ki! Two SoniAni: Super Sonico The Animation >Fall 2013< Log Horizon Kyoukai no Kanata Golden Time Strike the Blood Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru  Tokyo Ravens IS: Infinite Stratos 2 Outbreak Company Yuusha ni Narenakatta Ore wa Shibushibu Shuushoku wo Ketsui Shimashita. White Album 2 Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio: Ars Nova Walkure Romanze >Summer 2013< High School DxD New Blood Lad Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi Gatchaman Crowds Choujigen Game Neptune The Animation Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist Senki Zesshou Symphogear G: In the Distance, That Day, When the Star Became Music... >Spring 2013< Shingeki no Kyojin Hataraku Maou-sama! Yahari Ore no Seishun Love Comedy wa Machigatteiru. Date A Live Hentai Ouji to Warawanai Neko. Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai. Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W >Winter 2013< Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo? Maoyuu Maou Yuusha Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Next Ore no Kanojo to Osananajimi ga Shuraba Sugiru Chihayafuru 2 GJ-bu Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke Senran Kagura >Fall 2012< Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun Btooom! K Zetsuen no Tempest Sukitte Ii na yo. Kamisama Hajimemashita To LOVE-Ru Darkness Code:Breaker Onii-chan Dakedo Ai Sae Areba Kankeinai yo ne! >Summer 2012< Sword Art Online Kokoro Connect Dakara Boku wa, H ga Dekinai. Hagure Yuusha no Aesthetica Arcana Famiglia Kono Naka ni Hitori, Imouto ga Iru! Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate Dog Days' Hakuouki Reimeiroku >Spring 2012< Hyouka Accel World Sankarea Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? of the Dead Haiyore! Nyaruko-san Acchi Kocchi Medaka Box >Winter 2012< Another Inu x Boku SS High School DxD Black★Rock Shooter Ano Natsu de Matteru Zero no Tsukaima F >Fall 2011< Mirai Nikki Guilty Crown Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai Chihayafuru Maji de Watashi ni Koi Shinasai! Shakugan no Shana III  Kyoukaisenjou no Horizon Maken-Ki! >Summer 2011< Mayo Chiki! Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Ni! Blood-C Kamisama no Memochou Dantalian no Shoka >Spring 2011< Steins;Gate Ao no Exorcist Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai. Deadman Wonderland Nichijou Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai II Dog Days Tiger & Bunny Hoshizora e Kakaru Hashi Seikon no Qwaser II Sengoku Otome: Momoiro Paradox 30-sai no Hoken Taiiku >Winter 2011< Mahou Shoujo Madoka★Magica Kore wa Zombie Desu ka? IS: Infinite Stratos Beelzebub Kimi ni Todoke 2nd Season Haiyoru! Nyaruani: Remember My Love(craft-sensei) Yumekui Merry >Fall 2010< Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai Kami nomi zo Shiru Sekai Yosuga no Sora: In Solitude, Where We Are Least Alone. Toaru Majutsu no Index II Motto To LOVE-Ru Sora no Otoshimono: Forte Hyakka Ryouran: Samurai Girls Arakawa Under the Bridge x Bridge Hakuouki Hekketsuroku >Summer 2010< Highschool of the Dead Shiki Seitokai Yakuindomo Sekirei: Pure Engagement Strike Witches 2 >Spring 2010< Angel Beats! Kaichou wa Maid-sama! Kiss x Sis Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou Arakawa Under the Bridge Working!! Hakuouki Mayoi Neko Overrun! >Winter 2010< Durarara!! Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu Katanagatari Omamori Himari Seikon no Qwaser Ladies versus Butlers! >Fall 2009< Kimi ni Todoke Sora no Otoshimono Kämpfer 11eyes >Summer 2009< Ookami to Koushinryou II Princess Lover! >Spring 2009< Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Pandora Hearts Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu Tayutama: Kiss on My Deity  Shangri-La Natsu no Arashi! Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica Crimson S >Winter 2009< Asu no Yoichi! >Fall 2008< Toradora! Clannad: After Story Toaru Majutsu no Index Rosario to Vampire Capu2 Vampire Knight Guilty ChäoS;HEAd Tales of the Abyss Jigoku Shoujo Mitsuganae Kurozuka >Summer 2008< Zero no Tsukaima: Princesses no Rondo Sekirei Strike Witches >Spring 2008< To LOVE-Ru Kanokon Blassreiter >Winter 2008< Ookami to Koushinryou Rosario to Vampire >Fall 2007< Clannad Shakugan no Shana II Rental Magica >Summer 2007< School Days Zero no Tsukaima: Futatsuki no Kishi Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei Zombie-Loan >Spring 2007< Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Darker than Black: Kuro no Keiyakusha Claymore Kaze no Stigma Lucky☆Star Lovely★Complex Shinkyoku Soukai Polyphonica >Winter 2007< None >Fall 2006< D.Gray-man Jigoku Shoujo Futakomori >Summer 2006< Zero no Tsukaima >Spring 2006< Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu Black Lagoon Witchblade >Winter 2006< None >Fall 2005< Shakugan no Shana Blood+ Jigoku Shoujo Karin  >Summer 2005< None >Spring 2005< The Law of Ueki >Winter 2005< Air >Fall 2004< None >Summer 2004< Elfen Lied >Spring 2004< None >Winter 2004< None >Fall 2003< None >Summer 2003< None >Fall 2001< Hellsing >Summer 2001< Shaman King >Spring 2001< Run=Dim
>Unorganized and Old< ♚ Zettai Karen Children: The Unlimited - Hyoubu Kyousuke❧ ♚ Absolute Duo❧ To Love Ru Darkness ♚ ♚ Dogs Days ❧Akame ga Kill ♚ ♚ Hitman Reborn❧ Date a Live ♚ Black Rock Shooter / BRS❧ Black Butler ♚ Kamisama Hajimemashita / Kamisama Hajimemashita Season 2 ♚ Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu❧ Sankarea ♚ Unlimited Fafnir❧  Disgaea❧Hagure Yuusha no Estetica ♚ Heart no Kuni no Alice: Wonderful Wonder World ♚ Ichiban Ushiro no Daimaou❧ Kamisama no Inai Nichiyoubi ♚ Kaze no Stigma❧ Koihime†Musou❧  Kuusen Madoushi Kouhosei no ♚Kyoukan ♚❧ The Bridge to the Starry Skies ♚Senki Zesshou Symphogear G
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skygemspeaks · 7 years
Here's a short list of cute, short manga I've read: Hana to Akuma, Hanatsukihime, Beauty Pop, Hana nomi zo Shiru, Love so Life (111 chapters), Ageha 100%.
Wowow anon, it seems like we have some really similar tastes in manga!!! I’ve actually read all of those except Hanatsukihime and Hana nomizo Shiru, both of which look really really interesting! I’ll definitely be adding them both to my to-read list, so thanks so much for the recs!!!
Beauty Pop and Love So Life had already been rec’d by some of my previous followers, but I’ve put links and summaries for the rest of the mangas you rec’d just in case anyone else is interested! The ones I’ve read among them are really good so check them out followers!
And also, quick note that I am not taking anymore manga recs! I really appreciate all the ones that I’ve received until now but my to-read list is full to bursting now. And also, unfortunately, it’s nearing 3 in the morning here and I’ve answered like...20 asks tonight so I think its time for me to turn in XD Sweet dreams and good day to everyone and I’ll see y’all later!
Hana to Akuma
Summary: 15-years-ago Vivi, the demon, decided to leave the demon realm and come to the human world. There he found an abandoned baby and on a whim decided to keep it. Since then he lives together with Hana... but having a 14 year-old girl around you, is it really that simple?
Summary: "There once was a girl with a splendid flower blooming upon her chest."When Lys was born, her heart did not beat at all. To save her, her mother made a contract with a devil: Lys can borrow his heart until the day she turns sixteen, but after that, he will eat her body. Together with her companion, Siva, someone whom she met by chance in the desert at night, she travels around as a dancer girl to find the devil who sealed her fate. One day, while they were traveling, they suddenly meet an egoistic prince and a ring spirit...
Hana nomizo Shiru
Summary: Arikawa Youichi's life at university is going just fine. He isn't having any trouble with his classes, he has plenty of friends, and even a cute girlfriend named Kanami. Then the day comes where he meets Misaki. Misaki Shouta is a reserved, stand offish fellow but for some reason, Youichi can't seem to get him out of his mind. In fact, he can't seem to stay away. When he lands a job working in the lab with Misaki, it seems more than just the flowers are about to bloom. But will they recognise their emotions for what they are, and have the courage to accept it?
Ageha 100%
Summary: Hanabuki High School prohibits its pupils from wearing makeup. Among the school girls there is a rumour going around about a legendary make-up artist, Ageha, who secretly gives makeovers to girls after school. Any girl wanting Ageha to give them a makeover needs only to write their name and class on Ageha's card (showing Ageha's trademark, a swallowtail butterfly—agehach? in Japanese) and put it up on the school's notice board, and Ageha will later show up in their classroom. However, no one knows that Ageha's true identity is the quiet, bespectacled girl, Rin Fujiwara, except for the play boy, Riku Kisaragi. Amused by the idea, Kisaragi cross-dresses as Ageha's assistant to tag along with her as she works. A running gag in the story is that Ageha's clients think that Kisaragi is Ageha upon first meeting.
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