#hana x tarou
apparently-artless · 2 years
Hi........if you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
Thanks for the ask! Actually, I do plan to make some posts about my anime OTPs. As you can see how much I loved anime, most of the OTPs I loved are from anime series so here are some:
HAK x YONA (Akatsuki no Yona)
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I really love the relationship between these two. They're childhood friends, Yona is a princess and Hak is one of the generals of their kingdom. Hak was already in love with Yona since they were young but decided not to confess to her because of their statuses. What I love the most about them is their antics. Hak is quite a bully and since he's already close to Yona since they were kids despite being the princess, he can pretty much tell her whatever he wanted to say, except for the fact that he loves her. Their relationship is already developing in the latest chapters of the manga but let's not talk about spoilers. ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ
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This is definitely not canon. But I really love their interactions and how Boa is head over heels for Luffy. Imagine these two having their own kids. Maybe they'll be able to use the emperor's haki at a very young age. LOL
If you're gonna ask me, I wanted an episode where Sanji will realize that Boa loves Luffy and will get jealous again just like how he reacted with Zoro and Hiyori. (Oh, and I do ship Zoro and Hiyori too)
HORI MASAYUKI x KASHIMA YUU (Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun)
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GSNK is one of my favorite anime romcoms of all time. And my favorite couple is Hori and Kashima. They have this very funny senpai-kouhai relationship and they are both members of the same club. Hori really loves Kashima's face and finds her very handsome while Kashima thinks that Hori wants to be a princess and wanted to treat him as one. Unfortunately, there are very few moments in the anime so I had to read the manga.
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Otaku couples! Who wouldn't love them? If ever I get into a relationship, I'd like for my partner to at least like anime so we can watch anime together. Hahaha. Okay, enough about me. Going back to these couples, they really are fun to watch. They would bicker and fight just like any normal couple would do but their relationship also showcases their love for anime and games. I won't even get tired of watching these couples all day.
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I don't usually ship any couples in sports anime because duh, the highlight should be the sports. Hahaha. Who am I kidding?? At least, that's it for me. But the story of these two high school students really gets to me. Hana became the very first fan of Ashito because he reminds her of her first love and favorite player. Hana is very supportive of Ashito and they were already on a first-name basis at the beginning of the story. Whenever Ashito is feeling lost, even if Hana doesn't understand anything about soccer, she always manages to find the right words to say to him. For me, the author did a great job of developing the relationship between these two in the story. This couple is not yet canon but I do believe they will be as I am also updated in the manga. Oops. Spoilers. XD
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I do ship these two but I guess not too much in a romantic sense but in a platonic sense? I watched the anime and read until the 2nd volume of the light novel. And with that, I can really tell how much these two care for each other. They're partners and even promised to be together until their last breaths. The way they are both willing to sacrifice themselves for one another, their banters, their interactions. everything. Everything is just so precious! This is not canon but, oh well. I can really see that they love each other even if not in a romantic sense.
And that's about it! I still have other OTPs but these are some I remembered almost instantly. Sorry, you had to read a very long post, Elaine. As you may have noticed, my favorite couples are not really some of the most shipped by fandoms. Maybe, I just do have a weird taste. ( ◡‿◡ *)
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melodiaemfrp · 7 months
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Hello, Attuned! Thank you for participating in Melodiae’s twelfth Activity Check! Listed here are characters that did not pass the check (Five (5) days of activity in-server) for the period of Monday, January 8th to Thursday, March 7th.
If you did not pass the check, you also have until Friday, March 15th to reapp your muse(s) by sending an ask to the Masterlist indicating your intent to reapp the character. You DO NOT have to resubmit the whole application; simply provide your name, the character’s name & series, your OOC contact, and the date in an ask.
If you believe your muse(s) are listed here by mistake, you may reach out to the Masterlist on or before Friday, March 15th. All characters that do not have activity accounted for by 11:59 PM EST on this date will be removed from the server by or before the next inbox run (Tuesday, March 19th)
Thank you for your continued interest in Melodiae!
Hana Fujisaki (OC) 
Kelechi Okafor
Ishar-mla (Skadi)
Nikolai Gogol
Osamu Dazai
Noelle Holiday
Archer (Robin Hood)
Caster (Merlin) 
Lancer (Sakamoto Ryouma)
Saber (Yamanami Keisuke) 
Amour Darling (WOL BRD) 
Osial viator Lacus (OC)
Valentyne Monnawesfv (WOL RPR)
Happy Chaos 
Sasara Nurude
Luca Balsa
Abigail Walker (Fetch)
Inumaki Toge
Suguru Getou 
Leone Abbacchio
Shieda Kayn
Shidou Kirisaki 
Erika Ishikawa
Eurydice "Eury" Lebedev
Natsumi "Nat" Kitagawa
Tristana “Titiana” Ulgoras
Witch Princess
Corvina Umbrae (OC)
Rosalind Wolf (The Chief) 
Yosuke Hanamura
Chesed (Daniel)
Rui Kamishiro
Akito Shinonome
Bradley Bain 
Nero Turner 
Ai Minato
Cheryl Heather Mason 
Momoi Tarou
Yano Kairi
Gira Hastie
Jeramie Idmonarak ne Brasieri
Ryuunosuke Ikenami
Shiba Kaoru
Shiba Takeru
Yoshiya "Joshua" Kiryu 
Vash the Stampede
Morrigan Desrosiers (OC)
The Operator
Goro Majima 
Yozakura Mutsumi
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maquitrz · 3 years
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dianiki64 · 6 years
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I wanted to make something after reading the chapter when kabakura graduates and koyanagi cries, I thought was cute. Kabakura’s faces came a little off
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sashiena · 6 years
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WOTAKOI! <3 This anime deserves more love. I seriously live for Kabakura X Hana. 
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The Dragoness Unleashed
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Pairing: Masamune x MC (Mai)
Prompt: I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.
Warning: A little smut at the end
Word Count: 2154
Written for: Anonymous @ikemen-discord-writers
Written by @kiarigirl
Summary: When the men go off to war, what is a dragoness supposed to do?  Mai gathers a few ladies to assist her in a counter offense that no one will see coming.
A/N: Thanks to the overwhelming support on my last Masamune fic, I have decided that I would make this part 2 of The Dragon series 
Part 1  Thank you to @whalebubblez @muggzc @louveau @prettybird8 @pandapeachez  for requesting this couple get their own series.
Mai watched through the early morning haze as Lord Nobunaga and his retainers headed off to war.  That included the man she was promised to marry, the One-Eyed Dragon of Oshu, Masamune.  It hadn’t been long since she first arrived in Azuchi offering herself as a bride to him as a way of earning protection for her village.    She wore a valiant smile that masked her true concern,  The war would begin soon and no matter how prepared men on either side trained, there would be death.  There was no way to know if or when she might see Masamune and the other warlords again.  For all she knew, they could lose the war which put her village right back in the path of danger.  With that knowledge hanging over her like a Damocles sword, Mai made a hasty retreat back to Masamune’s manor.
Shogetsu met her at the door, as if welcoming her into his owner’s domain.  With little more than a resigned sigh, Mai petted the tiger kit.  “He’s gone off to war, so I guess you’re my responsibility until he returns.  We’ll keep each other company until Masamune comes back.”  The kit circled around Mai’s feet before finally padding off to one of the bedrooms.  Mai moved to the writing desk that Masamune had given her shortly after he had accepted her as his wife to be.  With unhurried strokes, she began writing a letter to her father. When finished, she sent it with a Date clan messenger with instructions to wait for his reply.
Elsewhere, Nobunaga and his men stopped to set up camp.  “We will stop here to set up a camp.  Make certain that the medical tent is protected.”  He recalled an earlier skirmish in which enemy forces had poisoned the water supply and desperately wanted to avoid that from happening again.  He needed all of his men healthy.
Once camp was set up, the warlords gathered around for a war council meeting.  “Hideyoshi, I want you and Mitsunari with me.  We will meet the God of War head on.”  A silent pause was taken as he looked between his remaining three vassals.  “I realize you have fought the Tiger of Kai before Ieyasu but I need your specialty here so I am sending Masamune to face Shingen.”  If he felt any remorse or regret about his choice, Nobunaga hid it well.  “Mitsuhide, you are to aide  whichever of us that needs it.”
With their orders, every man gathered his troops and prepared for the coming battle.  Before heading off to face Shingen, Masamune approached Nobunaga privately.  “Lord Nobunaga!  Might I have a word with you before we head out?”  His normal wild ‘ ready to murder some people’ face, suddenly clouded over as he stood before his lord.  “If anything happens to me.  If I die in battle, promise me that you will honor my promise to defend Mai’s village.  I think she’d do well as a wife to Mitsu--,” but before he could finish the name of the man he trusted Mai with, Nobunaga silenced him.
“You do not have permission to die today, Masamune.”  That was all Nobunaga had to say on the matter.  He refused to promise something that would never need a promise.  He mounted his horse and ordered the march into the midday battle.  Masamune stared wide eyed at Nobunaga before wiping away the concern he felt.  He climbed atop a magnificent black steed and with only a sword thrust led his men towards Shingen. 
Meanwhile, in the village where Mai was raised, a messenger stood before the village elder.  “I see.  This is very problematic.”  He read the words on the letter once again before finally turning to the messenger.  “The battle begins today for you, but for us it never ended.  I will send six girls with.  Tell her I can not offer more and for that I am sorry.”  The elder walked to an adjacent room.  To the dismay of the messenger, Mai’s father returned with six women.
“I am certain Lady Mai will be grateful for the women you are sending her.”  The messenger looked to the women a bit woefully unsure of how they would all get back to Azuchi before nightfall.
Once outside three horses were readied for the journey back to the castle.  “I shall pray for Lord Oda’s success in a swift war.”  The elder looked at the women he chose to help aid his daughter.  To the unsuspecting eye, there was nothing remarkable about them but the elder grinned.  “Be safe,” he advised before the women mounted horses two to a horse.
By the time night fell over Japan, the Date messenger and his six charges were safely approaching the gates of Azuchi.  Mai stood stoic as she watched half the number of people return as expected.  Six, better than none, she mused to herself.  “Welcome to Azuchi.  Come, you all must be hungry.”  It wasn’t a question of if, but rather a command to join her.  “Even you, Tarou,” she hinted, which earned her a shocked look from the messenger. 
Tarou’s eyes were like starless skies as he learned that years earlier each and every woman at the meeting had been trained in espionage.  Chou was one of two war widows who had the good fortune to meet with Mai when she was barely an adult.  Chou, Tarou discovered, was a very skilled geisha.  Emi and Hana were twins who were orphaned at birth.  Their parents believed, wrongly that the sign of twins meant impending disaster.  Naturally they had been wrong about the girls who now worked as maids as part of their spying.  Kasumi, it turned out was the youngest of the bunch.  At the age of fifteen, her village was burnt to the ground.  Shingen had taken her in and seen that she was trained to spy on his enemies; little did he know he was actually training a woman whose life his men had destroyed.  Then there was Yua, the second war widow.  She was the niece of Yoshimoto Imagawa, but had no love for the man.  During dinner, Mai discussed her plan for herself and the six women she had been granted.  
At a camp hours from Azuchi, the cries and groans of injured men filled the night sky.  Those who could eat did while others took turns helping tend to the injured.  “There weren’t as many injured as anticipated,” Ieyasu said trying to sound optimistic despite his usual gruff nature.  
“Still, too many if you ask me.  Lucky none have died yet.”  
The trampling of horse hooves grew louder as they neared the camp.  The dark moonless sky made it nearly impossible to tell who it was until the rider was upon them.  A messenger bearing not the attire of the Oda or even the Date clan but that of the Akechi approached the camp.  The horse slowed but had not come to a halt when the man leapt from it.  “Lord Mitsuhide.  I bring you a message from Azuchi.”  He realized too late that the others were close at hand and covered his mouth with a tessen.  
Masamune recognized the fan immediately, his one good eye stared at Mitsuhide’s messenger.  “Where did you get that?”  His hand reached out for the fan.  
The messenger jerked the tessen back in time to prevent Masamune from grabbing it.  “I was returning from my duties when I spotted a group of women and one of your men approaching Azuchi.  I followed them at a safe distance.  One of the women dropped this when Lady Mai met them at the gate.”  The look of shock fell upon nearly every warlord’s face; all but Mitsuhide and Masamune.  
“I see,” Mitsuhide grinned, trying to provoke Masamune, “and how many women exactly arrived tonight?”  
Masamune’s hand reached for his sword waiting for the man’s reply.  “I was too far away but if it was between three and six.  If they doubled up on horses that is.”  He tossed the weapon to Mitsuhide.  “Perhaps women from her village?”
Masamune stormed off into the darkness muttering something that no one quite made out.  Once alone he looked in the direction of Azuchi and gave a loud scream of frustration.  The sound was loud enough that it frightened small creatures that had been hiding in the tall field of grass.  
Sometime later, all of Kasugayama and Azuchi men had fallen asleep save for a couple of look outs on either side.  The small band of women worked their way to their directed targets.  Two women settled in the village nearest the encampment of Kenshin while another two found lodging closer to Shingen’s location.  The last two, Kasumi and Yua went to Kasugayama Castle.  There was no way to get messages to Mai, but she trusted that all would go according to plan.  In the dark of night, Mai tripped over a body that was lying hidden in the wide grass.  
She attempted to get up, but a strong hand grabbed her arm and pulled her back to the ground.  She opened her mouth to scream when her eyes finally adjusted to the smokiness of her surroundings.  “Masamune?”, she questioned.  
“Lass, what are you doing out here?  It’s dangerous.  You should go back but I have some questions before you do.”  He pulled her into his embrace.  Oh yes, he had questions for her, like why did she leave Azuchi after night fall and who were those women that the messenger had seen.  Just as he opened his mouth to question her, Mai kissed him, disorienting him and his mind in the process.
She peeled open his kimono, eyes looking for wounds or sign he had been in battle.  When no new injuries were found, Mai smiled down at the man she had started to fall in love with.  Her fingers slid her kimono open revealing her naked body to Masamune.  He stared at this bold as brass woman who wanted to make love to him on the eve of another battle.  He was like a deer caught in the headlights, trapped between what he was doing and should be doing.  “Why don’t we just say I missed you too much to stay home?”
He grabbed tight onto her arms and eased her down over his ever hardening cock.  It was a bad idea, but god he couldn’t help himself.  When the universe sends you a woman to keep you calm, warm and sated, you don’t turn your back on the universe.  He thrust up until his body was almost one with Mai’s much smaller and softer body.  He grunted softly into her ear.  “You know you won’t be permitted to stay.  Come morning, I have to send you home.”
Mai moaned as she pressed kiss after kiss along his neck.  “Are you not enjoying this, Masa?  I know for a fact that you can be a hell of a lot louder than that.”  She teased him for being so quiet when no one else seemed to be awake.  Her fingers danced over his chest until they found his nipples.  
Did she just challenge his manhood?  He rolled her over onto her back; with the right angle and more control of the situation, Masa drove harder into his wild dragoness.  Even with only one eye he was able to see how his actions affected her.  “Sing for me, princess and together we will hit those high notes you are so very fond of.”  Smoldering heat rippled through the both of them as her tight walls clamped down on his thick shaft.  
Her body twisted and contorted beneath her dragon.  Each thrust of his hips only impaled her that much deeper until at last her moans rang like the sweetest melody.  Her orgasm hit quick and hard leaving her in a flinching puddle of splayed arms and legs.  Once certain that he had given her what she needed, Masamune pulled free on her and rolled her onto her hands and knees.  He eased into her ass as he leaned in biting her ear.  “Now, let me show you how a dragon roars.”  
He plunged deep into her, hands latched onto her soft supple hips as he made use of her in ways neither envisioned; at least not on a battlefield.  Masamune’s rhythm and tempo ensured that both him and Mai would be well pleased, if not a little sore.  With nothing but earth to dig her hands into, Mai leaned down making her body into a wedge shape.  This angle was perfect for Masa who let out a loud roar as his orgasm hit and he felt the tell tale spurting of his seed into her body.  Once satisfied, both Mai and Masamune collapsed back to the ground.  He closed her kimono with his arm so that when morning came, no one would see the vision that would one day be his wife.  
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grellsuke · 6 years
do you have any good lgbt manga recs? i just finished shimanami tasogare and loved it
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yuhki kamatani - the author of shimanami tasogare! kamatani is x-gender (and ace!) and thoroughly incorporates lgbt characters into their works. the others aren’t like focused on the lgbt experience like how shimanami is, but they’re all wonderful and beautiful and have lgbt characters and i highly, highly rec them.
akiko morishima - a lesbian mangaka who i really like! she’s really good abt tackling the traditional stereotypes in yuri manga as well as writing stuff about older characters and frankly discussing sexuality and shit. she also has works that are not yuri manga-centric but iirc a good chunk if not all of them still have lgbt characters, so they’re worth checking out as well! (she does have a few works with some fuckshit in them tho, fair warning)
takako shimura - i don’t personally know what her sexuality is (tho shes a woman, i know this), but shimura is pretty well-known for her lgbt works. wandering son and aoi hana are probably her most famous, at least over here in the west! she also tends to incorporate lgbt themes into her works that don’t center on lgbt characters as well.
ebine yamaji - another lesbian mangaka! yamaji’s works are very... realistic, usually about lesbian working through things. there’s a lot of trauma and a lot of sadness in her works, as well as sexual content, and i really love her art. i haven’t read ALL of her works, but what i have, i’m enamored with. they’re sad but rarely TRAGIC.
hiyori otsu - i don’t actually know otsu’s sexuality, but she’s a shoujo ai/yuri mangaka who writes a lot of genuinely sweet stuff. her works tend to very much be on the softer side of things, even if they can be bittersweet, and i’ve really enjoyed all i’ve read by her. it’s nice to just, be able to read a simple and nice lesbian manga without any major angst or tragedy or even sexual content sometimes, you know?
honey x honey by sachiko takeuchi - a slice of life little manga about the author and her girlfriend! it is abt a decade old, which you can see some of, but it’s a really cute peek into their lives and japanese lgbt culture. there ARE sequel(s?), but i unfortunately haven’t managed to find any english translations for them. if you do, let me know!
my lesbian experience with loneliness by kabi nagata - i own this manga! i keep it squirreled away in the bottom of my desk and pull it out every few weeks or so because it’s deeply, deeply relatable to me. the first time i read this manga i sat down and cried because i felt it deep in my soul. absolutely rec!!! there’s also a sequel, my solo exchange diary.
the bride was a boy by chii - a cute little manga about a trans woman named chii, recounting her early years up to her current life, her transition and how she met her husband (+ abt their relationship). it’s super cute and sweet, and very informative!! an absolute rec!!
i was born the wrong sex! by mayufu konishi - i haven’t quite finished this one yet, but this is a highly informative manga about a trans woman heading to thailand for her surgery! it’s extremely extremely informative about every single step of the process, and the author is an absolute delight, so it’s one i’d absolutely rec.
our journey to lesbian motherhood by emiko sugiyama/koyuki higashi/hiroko masuhara - have you heard of the lesbians that got married in disneyland tokyo? this is them!!! this is their autobiographical story of, well, their journey to lesbian motherhood! it’s very good, i definitely enjoyed it - it IS a sequel to another manga by them, but i sadly couldn’t find an english translation anywhere… it’s completely understandable without having read it, though!!
fictional manga:
my brother’s husband by gengoroh tagame - this is one i haven’t read myself, but is pretty damn high up on my ‘next to read’ list. the author is a prominent gay bara author - this is his first dabbling into more family-friendly series. he’s also recently started another family-friendly one called our colors that may be worth looking into as well!
whispered words by takashi ikeda - it’s been a good long while since i’ve read this, but i really enjoyed this when i was younger! (has it already been almost 8 years since it ended?? i feel old) it’s about two lesbians who are best friends - one of which is secretly in love with the other. unfortunately, she’s very much not her friend’s type. :( i vaguely remember some kind of weird crossdressing shenanigans with one character, tho, so tread lightly with that.
koimonogatari by tohru tagura - if you liked shimanami, this is also probably right up your alley! it’s a very realistic manga about a boy finding out that one of his classmates is closeted and gay - and he promptly decides to tell no one because he’s not an asshole, which leads to him being one of this boy’s main confidants. it realistically deals with the homophobia that gay people face, as well as the main character’s slow realization that he’s not necessarily straight, either (or at least, that’s my hypothesis - it’s still ongoing!!). i really enjoyed it.
lonely wolf, lonely sheep by fuka mizutani - two women with the same name, same birth month, and same injury end up meeting by complete coincidence at the hospital. i genuinely adore this manga and all it is. despite it only being one volume long, it deals with heavier topics such as depression, self harm, homophobia, and iirc even suicide. it’s really, really good though and i wish all the best for them.
kono koi ni mirai wa nai by morihashi bingo - i recommend this one tentatively, as the last two chapters are not yet translated (as of 1/11/19), but i enjoyed what was there. despite the label as BL on many sites, this story is actually about a trans woman (tho there is also a gay man in the manga!). the note left off on the most recent chapter, chapter 10, was a very uplifting note that she is not alone and that how she feels is completely, utterly normal, and i have hope for the last two chapters! the art’s really pretty, too, and the metaphors. but again - who knows what could go down in the last two chaps. fingers crossed!
i hear the sunspot by yuki fumino - PLEASE read this one. this manga is about two college-aged young men who end up meeting when one LITERALLY stumbles across the other. kouhei, one of the boys, is hard of hearing - and the other boy, taichi, starts taking notes for him in class in exchange for lunch, and thus begins a friendship that will blossom into romance! it absolutely gets in depth on the hoh/Deaf community in Japan, and is definitely informative - and the guys are just genuinely so sweet (as well as the other characters!!!) and I wish them all the happiness. it’s STILL ONGOING so like, warning on that, but i’m really enjoying it so far. i think there’s also a movie based off it!
cirque arachne by nika saida - this one has some sexual elements to it, so fair warning on that, but i really enjoyed it! it’s a single volume manga about two acrobats that fall in love. the art was cute and i genuinely liked the characters, quite a lot. would definitely rec.
yuureitou by tarou nogizaka - i have not actually read this manga, but it’s another that’s amazingly high up on my to read list. it’s a supernatural horror manga, and the main couple is a trans man and a cis man! i’ve heard good things about it - from people i know personally, as well as just in general - and it’s one i can’t wait to check out.
ohana holoholo by shino tarino - i FEEL like this one is completed, but if it is, the translation isn’t done. either way, i did love what i read from this! ohana holoholo is about a bi woman raising her son along with her ex-girlfriend and their neighbor, nico. it’s really good, one that i HIGHLY recommend, and one of the woman is implied to be trans, too! (fingers crossed they explicitly state it please please please-) overall, i absolutely rec it, please check this out!
no. 6 by atsuko asano/hinoki kino - who HASN’T heard of no. 6? no. 6 is set in a post-apocalyptic world where the government is, well, the government. it involves two young men working to take it down alongside others and they fall in love. and one of the other characters is non-binary! ...honestly that’s probably the best i can describe no. 6 because WOW is it a wild trip. it’s a wild trip that i highly, highly recommend though! you want gays taking down the government alongside killer bees and a magical bug goddess? this is the manga for you. please read it.
asagao to kase san by hiromi takashima & bloom into you by nio nakatani - two shoujo ai manga centering around high schoolers that i haven’t actually read yet, both of which recently got animated adaptations!!! i have heard genuinely fantastic things about both of them (ESPECIALLY) the latter, and bloom into you is actually next on my reading list. they absolutely sound fantastic and i can’t wait to read them!!
seven days by rihito takarai/venio tachibana - a two-volume manga about two high school boys. every week, a boy named seryou goes out with a different girl - he treats them very well, showers them in attention, and then promptly breaks up with them at the end of the week because he didn’t fall in love with them. out of curiosity, his upperclassman, shino, asks him out one week - and thus begins their seven day romance. i really loved this, i really really did.
tamen de gushi by tan jiu - it’s an on-going webcomic about how two girls, qui tong and sun jing, meet and fall in love. the characters are all absurdly fantastic, from the two girls to all of the supporting characters around them, and it’s an absolute TREAT to read. i would highly rec it, there’s some lovely shenanigans in there.
last but not least, i highly rec manga written by the year 24 group. this group was a non-formal group of female mangaka in the 1970s that really revolutionized and influenced the shoujo manga genre. many of their works are considered classics today, with works such as kaze to ki no uta, claudine...!, the heart of thomas, and shiroi heya no futari among them. a lot of their works really dug in and examined sexuality and gender, and you can find some of the original shounen ai, shoujo ai, and trans manga among them. i’m a sucker for the classics, and i highly recommend them. i honestly could have listed every single of one these mangaka in my recommend authors list, but decided it was just easier to promote the group as a whole. the best for last, you know?
hope this helps, anon!
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shiroyasha-01 · 7 years
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ESTRENOS TEMPORADA VERANO 2017 Animes: Kakegurui: 01 de Julio Fate/Apocrypha: 02 de Julio Katsugeki/Touken Ranbu: 02 de Julio Knight's & Magic: 02 de Julio Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ: 02 de Julio Keppeki Danshi! Aoyama-kun: 03 de Julio Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita.: 03 de Julio Battle Girl High School: Battle Girl Project: 03 de Julio Youkai Apartment no Yuuga na Nichijou: 03 de Julio Koi to Uso: 04 de Julio Tsurezure Children: 04 de Julio Isekai Shokudou: 04 de Julio Aho Girl:: 04 de Julio Netsuzou TRap: 05 de Julio Saiyuuki Reload Blast: 05 de Julio Nana Maru San Batsu: 05 de Julio Made in Abyss: 07 de Julio Dive!!: 07 de Julio Vatican Kiseki Chousakan: 07 de Julio Konbini Kareshi: 07 de Julio 18if: 07 de Julio Action Heroine Cheer Fruits: 07 de Julio Jikan no Shihaisha: 08 de Julio Shoukoku no Altair: 08 de Julio Hitorijime My Hero: 08 de Julio Ballroom e Youkoso: 09 de Julio Centaur no Nayami: 09 de Julio Princess Principal: 09 de Julio Tenshi no 3P!: 10 de Julio New Game!!: 11 de Julio Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni.: 11 de Julio Musekinin Galaxy☆Tylor: 11 de Julio Hajimete no Gal: 12 Julio Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e (TV): 12 de Julio Clione no Akari: 12 de Julio Teekyuu 9: 12 de Julio Kaito x Ansa: 12 de Julio Mahoujin Guru Guru (2017): 12 de Julio Ikemen Sengoku: Toki wo Kakeru ga Koi wa Hajimaranai: 12 de Julio Gamers!: 13 de Julio Jigoku Shoujo: Yoi no Togi: 15 de Julio THE REFLECTION: 22 de Julio Hina Logi: From Luck & Logic: 24 de Julio Owarimonogatari 2nd Season: Sin fecha de estreno Nora to Oujo to Noraneko Heart: Sin fecha de estreno Yami Shibai 5th Season: Sin fecha de estreno Musashino!: Sin fecha de estreno Mori no Yousei: Kinoko no Musume: Sin fecha de estreno Piko Tarou no Lullaby Lullaby: Sin fecha de estreno ONA: Karadasagashi: 13 de Julio Seizei Ganbare Mahou Shoujo Kurumi: Sin fecha de estreno OVA: Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2 OVA: 24 de Julio Bungou Stray Dogs: Hitori Ayumu: 04 de Agosto UQ Holder! OVA: 08 de Septiembre Mahoutsukai no Yome: Hoshi Matsu Hito: 10 de Septiembre Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card-hen - Prologue Sakura to Futatsu no Kuma: 13 de Septiembre Películas: Free!: Timeless Medley - Yakusoku: 01 de Julio Mary to Majo no Hana: 08 de Julio Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru: Washio Sumi no Shou Movie 3 - Yakusoku_: 08 de Julio No Game No Life: Zero: 15 de Julio Seitokai Yakuindomo Movie: 21 de Julio Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection: 22 de Julio 3-Nen D-Gumi Glass no Kamen: Tobidase! Watashitachi no VR: 22 de Julio Uchiage Hanabi, Shita kara Miru ka? Yoko kara Miru ka?: 18 de Agosto Kimi no Koe wo Todoketai: 25 de Agosto Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya Movie: Sekka no Chikai: 26 de Agosto Koukyoushihen: Eureka Seven - Hi-Evolution 1: 16 de Septiembre Digimon Adventure tri. 5: Kyousei: 30 de Septiembre Hibike! Euphonium Movie: Todoketai Melody: 30 de Septiembre Especiales: A-Channel: Nabe wo Tabeyou: 27 de septiembre Kabuki-bu!: Oogiri - Chiyokoreito Kassen: 27 de Septiembre
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toraonice · 7 years
Hello! I'm thinking of buying either the yoi fanbook or guidebook (because i don't have enough money to buy both of them lol) but I can't decide which on to buy. Can you tell me the difference between the two? thank you XDD
Hello! Just recently both publishers posted pictures of the index… which is currently the only thing we have to judge, lol. The guidebook has definitely more content regarding figure skating, while the fanbook might have more illustrations (though most are probably reprints from previous magazines) so it really depends on what you want to see.. Since these books are not magazines I think they will be available for purchase for a while, so you might also wait until next week to see people’s reviews.
In the meantime, these are the indexes:
[Guidebook YURI!!! on Life]
-Skaters File (complete analysis of the 14 skaters): Yuuri, Victor, Yuri, JJ, Otabek, Chris, Phichit, Georgi, Guang-Hong, Leo, Michele, Emil, Seung-gil, Minami, Yuuri’s acquaintances, Yurio’s acquaintances, coaches of the world
-Memory of the Special Season (memories of the season seen through reports of the tournaments): last season in general / Onsen on ICE / start of the season (spring-summer) / Chu-shikoku-kyushu tournament / GP Cup of China / GP Rostelecom Cup / GP in general / GPF
-Yuri on Ice seen by real skaters:Takeshi Honda, Takahiko Kozuka, Evgenia Medvedeva, Stéphane Lambiel & Deniss Vasiljevs, Ryuju Hino, Akiko Suzuki, Satsuki Muramoto, Kazuki Tomono, Koshiro Shimada-Column: basic skating terms / visit to the Ice Castle Hasetsu rink
-Making of “Yuri on Ice”:Interview: Sayo Yamamoto, Mitsurou Kubo, cast piroshiki roundtable (Toyonaga x Suwabe x Uchiyama), skaters’ cast commentFeature: Making of the skating scenesStaff Interview: Eiji Abiko + Junpei Tatenaka (skating animation), Kenji Miyamoto (choreography), Honoka Kawanishi (motion skater), Hanae Yokoya (supervision), Keisuke Tominaga + Taku Matsushiba + Tarou Umebayashi (music), Dean Fujioka (opening theme), Yuuko Sagiri (costume), Youji Shimizu (audiography), Toshiharu Mizutani (art), Tadashi Hiramatsu (character design)
-Special dialogue:Sayo Yamamoto x Mitsurou Kubo 15000 characters crosstalk
[GO YURI GO!! Fanbook]
-Illustration gallery
-Characters:Yuuri, Victor, Yuri, Phichit, Chris, JJ, Otabek, Seung-gil, Michele, Emil, Georgi, Guang-Hong, Leo, Minami, others
-Interviews:Yuuri & Yuri (Toyonaga & Uchiyama), Victor (Suwabe), Phichit (Kenshou Ono), Chris (Yasumoto), JJ (Miyano), cast comment, recording report, director Sayo Yamamoto, original plan Sayo Yamamoto & Mitsurou Kubo, character designer Tadashi Hiramatsu, sound director Youji Shimizu, color designer Izumi Hirose, music producer Keisuke Tominaga, figure skating choreography Kenji Miyamoto
-Art settings world tour
-Prop settings
-Location trip
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maquitrz · 3 years
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maquitrz · 3 years
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Wotakoi: chapter 45.5
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